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Accounting. Cheat sheet: briefly, the most important

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Table of contents

  1. The history of the emergence and development of accounting
  2. Types of business accounting. Characteristic and relationship
  3. Features of business accounting in the Russian Federation
  4. Financial accounting: objects, principles, tasks
  5. Management accounting: essence and objects
  6. Methods and principles of management accounting
  7. Standards of professional behavior of an accountant-analyst. Rights and obligations of the chief accountant
  8. Essence and functions of accounting
  9. Goals and objectives of accounting
  10. Basic Accounting Principles
  11. International Accounting Principles
  12. Accounting objects. Their classification
  13. Documentation of business transactions
  14. Variety of documents. Classification of primary documents
  15. Importance of financial statements
  16. Composition of financial statements
  17. Publicity of financial statements
  18. The procedure and terms for the submission of financial statements
  19. The concept of accounting accounts and their purpose
  20. Account structure
  21. Double Entry: Essence and Meaning
  22. Accounting entries: compilation rules. Off-balance sheet accounts
  23. Accounting registers and methods of recording in them
  24. Synthetic and analytical accounting
  25. Chronological and systematic records
  26. Turnover, balance, chess statements
  27. Forms of Accounting
  28. Organization of the accounting apparatus
  29. Balance sheet: concept, content, structure
  30. Basic balance rules
  31. Tax accounting in the accounting system
  32. Features of tax accounting
  33. Economic definition of money. Cash flow statement
  34. Cash transactions
  35. Cash in current accounts
  36. Cash in foreign currency accounts
  37. Cash in special accounts
  38. Calculations with accountable persons
  39. Payments to personnel for other operations
  40. Settlements with debtors and creditors
  41. On-farm settlements
  42. Payments for taxes and fees
  43. Settlements with suppliers and contractors
  44. Settlements with buyers and customers
  45. Payroll
  46. Accounting for financial investments
  47. Documentation of fixed assets
  48. Receipt of fixed assets
  49. Depreciation of fixed assets
  50. Disposal of property, plant and equipment
  51. Repair of fixed assets
  52. Accounting for intangible assets
  53. Documentation of inventories
  54. Accounting for inventories
  55. Finished product evaluation
  56. Accounting for the shipment of finished products
  57. Sales Cost Accounting
  58. Operating income and expenses
  59. Non-operating income and expenses
  60. Deferred income and expenses
  61. Classification of expenses by ordinary activities
  62. Financial results
  63. Accounting for authorized (share) capital
  64. Accounting for reserve and additional capital
  65. Accounting for target financing
  66. Accounting for long-term and short-term loans
  67. Responsibility center: concept and types
  68. Costs: concept and classification
  69. Calculation: concept and types
  70. Calculation methods
  71. Closing an organization's cost accounting accounts
  72. Remuneration of labor: types, forms, accrual procedure
  73. Organization Personnel Records Documentation
  74. Documentation on accounting of working hours and settlements with personnel for remuneration
  75. The concept of accounting policy
  76. Disclosure and change in accounting policy
  77. Features of accounting in a small enterprise
  78. Simplified form of accounting and financial statements for small enterprises
  79. Accounting for income and expenses from business activities
  80. The procedure for creating a reserve for doubtful debts
  81. Accounting for reserves for future expenses
  82. Inventory: concept, types, reasons, frequency of carrying out
  83. Requirements and grounds for conducting an inventory
  84. The main documents used in the inventory check
  85. Analysis of inventory results
  86. Documentary revision: essence, types, tasks, features
  87. Forensic accounting expertise: concept, tasks, difference from documentary audit
  88. The essence and content of the audit
  89. Audit activity and its regulation
  90. Audit Methodology and Auditing Standards

1. The history of the emergence and development of accounting

Accounting originated in primitive society.

The history of the development and emergence of accounting can be divided into several periods.

1. Ancient world

The first inventory records appeared in Egypt, where an inventory of all movable and immovable property was carried out every two years, then it was replaced by a current inventory (permanent).

A chronological record of all the facts of economic life was kept, and then made recapitulation - systematic posting of all records, transactions in chronological order. Set-off payments, transfers of payments to other cash desks, and periodic public reporting were introduced.

One of the stages in the development of accounting is associated with ancient rome. In ancient Rome, strict accounting of income and expenses was kept, since in wartime citizens were taxed in accordance with their income.

On the Of Russia the streamlining of accounting began at the end of the ninth century.

Prince Oleg engaged in the establishment of tribute from subject tribes.

2. Middle Ages

At this time, two main accounting paradigms are being formed - office and simple bookkeeping. The essence of the first - the main object of accounting is the cash desk and the expected receipts, as well as payments from it. The essence of simple bookkeeping is the accounting of property, including cash, and income and expenses became required for the accountant.

From the XNUMXth to the middle of the XNUMXth century. double bookkeeping conquers all branches of the national economy. The decisive success was the publication in 1494 of the book of the great Italian mathematician Luca Pacioli (1445-1517) "A Treatise on Accounts and Records", it contains a detailed description of the application of double-entry bookkeeping to the practice of a commercial enterprise.

In the middle of the XVIII century. in England trying to apply double-entry bookkeeping in industrial accounting, a system of accounting for production costs is being formed.

3. Pre-revolutionary Russia

One of the first industrial accounting theorists F. W. Kronheilm (1818) divided accounting into two parts: production and accounting. The first provided for three accounts, which were kept only in physical terms, the second - the traditional accounting system of accounts.

The abolition of serfdom and the development of capitalism went through several stages. They begin with the works of two prominent scientists of the second half of the XNUMXth century.

P.I. Rainbot and A.V. Prokofiev.

Genuine contribution In the development of the accounting of this time was the spread of synchronistic recording, cards and calculating machines, and most importantly, the formation of the scientific foundations of double accounting.

4. Post-revolutionary Russia

This evolution has gone through several stages:

1) 1917-1918 - attempts to stabilize the economy, ways to adapt traditional accounting methods in the new management system;

2) 1918-1921 - approaches to the formation of a communist, the collapse of old systems and forms of accounting, the creation of fundamentally new accounting meters;

3) 1921-1929 - NEP, restoration of the traditional accounting system;

4) 1929-1953 - building socialism, deformation of accounting principles;

5) 1953-1984 - improvement of production accounting, analysis of its organizational structures and dissemination of mechanized processing of economic information;

6) 1984-1992 - restructuring of all socio-economic relations in the country, an attempt to revive the classical principles of accounting.

2. Types of business accounting. Characteristic and relationship

economic accounting is a system of observation, measurement, registration of economic processes and phenomena.

The economic accounting system consists of three types of accounting: operational, accounting and statistical.

Operational accounting - this is a set of accounting procedures that provide information to the phase of current control, addressed to individual areas of the economic activity of the object. It fixes the quantitative measure of the observed facts, using units of measurement organically characteristic of them (pieces, rubles, tons, hours, etc.). A distinctive feature of operational accounting is the rapid, timely receipt of information necessary for operational management. Operational accounting at enterprises is maintained by employees of workshops, sections, departments. Operational accounting data is obtained from primary documents, transmitted orally, by telephone. They are used not only locally, but also in higher authorities.

Бухгалтерский учет - this is a system for collecting, registering and summarizing information in monetary terms about the property, obligations of the organization. Accounting is solid and continuous in time, strictly documented: each operation is reflected in accounting on the basis of documents, which gives it legal force. He uses specific techniques and methods accounting data processing (system of accounts, double entry, balance, etc.).

The third component of economic accounting - statistical accounting. This is a set of accounting procedures that provide information about the quantitative measure of the same economic facts that are of a mass nature. The economic accounting system includes only that area of ​​statistical accounting that is associated with the observation of economic objects. Statistical accounting uses operational and accounting data, and also organizes observation in the form of censuses, complete and sample surveys. Statistical data contain reports on the development of the economy, population, material standard of living and are regularly published in the press.

There is a close relationship and dependence between operational, accounting and statistical accounting. The information supplied by operational accounting is used for inclusion in an accounting information model or for statistical generalizations. Techniques for monitoring the correctness of operational accounting by accounting data have been developed: many information arrays that arise in the process of operational and accounting are not subjected to statistical processing. Factors for the correct construction of economic accounting: the unity of the subject (production process), the unity of purpose (information about economic processes), the unity of management (management of economic accounting is carried out by the State Statistics Committee, accounting - by the Ministry of Finance).

The results of observations of the functioning of economic objects, obtained through operational, accounting and statistical accounting, complement each other and are embodied in a single system of reporting indicators, statistically generalized, up to the highest level - to the characteristics of the development of the country's economy.

3. Features of business accounting in the Russian Federation

Business accounting in the Russian Federation is regulated system of legal documents, consisting of three main levels: regulations, non-normative acts, internal documents of the organization.

Normative acts include: Codes of the Russian Federation, Federal Laws (Federal Law of November 21.11.1996, 129 No. 23-FZ "On Accounting" (as amended and supplemented on July 1998, 28, March 31, December 2002, 10, January 28 , May 30, June 2003, XNUMX), decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation.

non-normative acts - these are accounting regulations approved by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation (for example, basic rules on the accounting procedure) and methodological recommendations (for example, accounting standards specified in accordance with industry specifics) approved by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and other executive authorities.

Internal documents enterprises determine the features of accounting for the organization. Internal documents are instructions, instructions, regulations, orders and all other administrative documents on the organization and maintenance of accounting in it.

The legislation of the Russian Federation establishes the following accounting requirements:

▪ accounting is maintained by double-entry on related accounts and simple entry on off-balance sheet accountsincluded in the working chart of accounts of accounting, which is developed on the basis of the Chart of accounts approved by the Ministry of Finance;

▪ accounting in the currency of the Russian Federation - rubles;

▪ maintaining accounting registers and financial statements Russian; primary documents drawn up in another language must have a line-by-line translation;

▪ current costs for various types of activities of the organization must be taken into account apart;

▪ information in accounting must be relevant, reliable, comparable - useful to users.

Entrepreneurs are required to submit a declaration of income and expenses to the tax authorities, which is impossible without accounting.

For bookkeeping it is necessary:

▪ ensure control over the availability and movement of property and rational use of all types of resources;

▪ timely prevent negative facts in economic activity, identify and mobilize reserves, develop measures for their use;

▪ receive complete and reliable information about business processes and financial results of activities;

▪ make correct payments to financial authorities.

The object of accounting the property of the organization, as well as its financial resources and sources of their formation. Only under the influence of man is the transformation of money into raw materials and with the help of the means of labor become finished products.

In the course of these processes, settlements arise with legal entities and third-party individuals, namely: with the team, the Pension Fund, social and medical insurance bodies, the budget, etc.

In modern conditions, the regulation of accounting is carried out by regulatory requirements. The rules for accounting are established centrally, and their specification and implementation mechanism are developed at each enterprise and reflected in the accounting policy.

4. Financial accounting: objects, principles, tasks

The accounting system is divided into two subsystems: financial accounting and management accounting.

Financial accounting is a system for collecting and processing accounting information necessary for the preparation of financial statements. Financial accounting includes information on the accounting of balance accounts: fixed assets - intangible assets, financial investments, inventories, cash, and is used not only within the enterprise, but also by external users. Financial accounting is regulated by regulatory documents.

Purpose of financial accounting - formation of information about the activities of the organization as a whole: income and expenses, the state of funds, receivables and payables, payments to the budget and extra-budgetary funds, financial investments, financial results, etc.

The subject of financial accounting - economic activity of the enterprise.

Objects are property (economic assets, assets of the enterprise), capital and liabilities of the enterprise (sources of formation of property), as well as business transactions that cause a change in property and sources of its formation.

Financial Accounting Principles.

1. The principle of monetary expression - accounting operates with data that have a monetary value.

2. The principle of autonomy of the enterprise - the accounting accounts of the enterprise are autonomous from the accounting accounts of its owners and employees.

3. The principle of continuity - the company works indefinitely.

4. The principle of materiality - do not waste time on accounting for insignificant facts.

5. The principle of conservatism - when choosing, the accountant chooses the amount that is less optimistic.

6. The principle of constancy - during one reporting period, you need to use one form and method of accounting.

7. The principle of the national currency - in accounting, the method of valuation of funds in a constant currency is used throughout the reporting period.

8. The principle of cost - funds are valued at cost at the time of acquisition, and not at market value.

9. The principle of implementation - enterprises take into account their income at the time of shipment of goods, and not at the time of payment.

10. The principle of compliance - profit - revenue of the reporting period - costs of this period.

11. The principle of duality - the principle of balance, when accounting information is considered according to the composition of the funds and the sources of their formation: the totality of all funds (assets) is equal to the totality of sources (passive); the principle of double entry: a business transaction that changes the composition of the means and sources of formation does not violate the principle of balance.

Objectives of financial accounting.

1. Formation of complete, reliable information about the activities of the enterprise, necessary for users.

2. Providing users with information to monitor compliance with the law, the feasibility of business transactions, the availability and movement of property and obligations, the use of material, labor, financial resources in accordance with approved standards.

3. Prevention of negative results of economic activity.

4. Identification of on-farm reserves to ensure the financial stability of the enterprise.

5. Management accounting: essence and objects

Management Accounting - a type of activity within the framework of one enterprise, which provides the administrative apparatus with the information necessary for planning, managing and controlling the activities of the enterprise.

Management Accounting - a new branch of knowledge that combines several applied economic sciences: planning, organization and management of production, regulation, accounting and operational accounting, economic analysis, etc.

Subject of management accounting - production activities of the enterprise as a whole and its structural divisions. Management accounting includes part of the operations associated with the processes of procurement and procurement of material assets and the sale of finished products.

Objects of management accounting.

1. The costs of the enterprise and its structural divisions.

2. Results of economic activity.

3. Internal pricing.

4. Forecasting future financial transactions.

5. Internal reporting.

The management accounting system deals with business transactions; based on the production cost calculated in management accounting, a balance sheet valuation of the assets of the enterprise is carried out, the administration of the enterprise cannot be guided in its activities by unverified subjective estimates; management accounting information is used to make decisions.

Objectives of management accounting.

1. Cost calculation planning, accounting and forecasting of periodic expenses of the reporting period, as well as planning and accounting for fixed (long-term) expenses for capital investments and investment activities.

2. Control and analysis of expenses by segments, products, divisions, deviations from the norms and cost estimates.

3. Planning, accounting and analysis of income and results of activities in areas, divisions, responsibility centers, etc.

4. The management accounting system is created for the management of a specific enterprise and cannot be regulated by mandatory norms and standards. Well-organized management accounting ensures control of current work and improves its results in the future.

If the management of the enterprise considers management accounting useful for on-farm management, it must organize it and ensure the effective management of its organization, but its introduction is not necessary.

It is necessary to allocate in the Chart of Accounts a list of accounts for management accounting of production and distribution costs, as well as stocks.

Accounts for accounting for production costs are considered as off-balance sheet, but not off-balance sheet, and are included in the group of "management accounts for accounting for production success": accounts for sales, production costs, other costs.

The problem of implementing management accounting at Russian enterprises - keeping two independent types of accounting in parallel - accounting and management - is an inefficient occupation. If the system of filling in accounting registers is rebuilt, then accounting and tax accounting can be combined with management accounting. In this case, the manager will receive all the information he needs every day, and the accountant will receive all the data for compiling accounting and tax reporting.

6. Methods and principles of management accounting

Management accounting method is a set of different ways through which management accounting objects are reflected in the enterprise information system.

Components of the management accounting method.

1. Documentation - primary documents reflecting the production activities of the enterprise. Primary accounting is the main source of information for management accounting.

2. Inventory - a way to determine the actual state of the object.

3. Grouping and summarizing information effectively used to make strategic decisions.

4. Control accounts - entries on the total amounts of transactions of this period help to establish the reliability of the accounts.

5. Planning - a continuous process that compares the capabilities of the enterprise and market conditions.

6. Rationing - the process of calculating norms, aimed at turning costs into products.

7. Limitation - control over material costs. The limit is the rate of resource consumption per unit of output.

8. Analysis - this element is exposed to the activities of the entire enterprise and departments separately. As a result, deviations and the reasons that caused them are identified, and assistance is provided in making management decisions.

9. Control - the final planning process that allows you to eliminate the deviations that have arisen.

Principles of management accounting.

1. Continuity of the enterprise - the enterprise will work, will not reduce the scale of production, will not self-destruct.

2. Unified planning and accounting units of measurement for direct and feedback between planning and accounting, for the connection between managerial and financial accounting in terms of production costs and output.

3. Multiple use - from the minimum amount of data to obtain the necessary amount of information for management decisions.

4. Completeness and analyticity - the indicators in the reports should not require additional processing.

5. Periodicity - information is provided in a short time for timely decision making.

Methods for generating internal reporting indicators:

1) at the zero level contains information about the reports of auxiliary production;

2) at the first level, the information is contained in the consolidated documents of accounting, warehousing;

3) at subsequent levels, all information is summarized and converted into reporting documentation.

In management accounting, there are such concepts as standard hour, labor hour, machine operating hour, natural meters of production volume. When choosing a meter, they are guided by the principle of its usefulness in a given situation. Management accounting reflects the quantity of materials, their cost for each delivery and from each supplier, the number of products sold, their cost, etc.

In management accounting, reports are produced on a regular basis and upon request. Reports can be prepared quarterly, monthly, weekly, daily, as they contain information that requires immediate action.

Management accounting in the form of a process limited by the scope of the enterprise prepares information for managers for planning, proper management and control over the activities of structural divisions and the enterprise as a whole.

7. Norms of professional behavior of an accountant-analyst. Rights and obligations of the chief accountant

To maintain management accounting, an enterprise needs an accountant-analyst who must be proficient in the basics of accounting and financial accounting.

Accountant Analyst - an accountant with a managerial function. An accountant-analyst takes part in the development of the enterprise's budget, in the discussion of the enterprise's production program, sales markets, and product profitability. The accountant-analyst develops a plan together with the manager and draws up a report on the implementation of the plan. They analyze the planned and achieved results. If there is a discrepancy between these data, the reasons for this discrepancy are identified.

The professional activity of an accountant-analyst helps management personnel to identify planned discrepancies and prevent them in the next period. Plans and reports on their implementation not only stimulate the staff of the enterprise, but also help managers set goals for themselves.

The duties and role of an accountant-analyst involve certain standards of professional conduct.

1. Competence. Accountants-analysts are responsible for improving their knowledge and skills in their professional field, for fulfilling their duties in accordance with regulatory documents, for the reality of reports and for assisting in summarizing the results of the organization's managers.

2. Objectivity. Accountants-analysts are responsible for disclosing all information necessary for making forecasts.

3. Honesty. Accountants-analysts are responsible for providing management with favorable and unfavorable information, as well as professional judgment; they cannot take part in events that are contrary to the ethical standards of professional conduct and compromise the profession; under no circumstances commit illegal acts.

4. Confidentiality. Accounting analysts should not disclose confidential information related to professional activities, and should require this from subordinates.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the chief accountant is appointed and dismissed by the head of the organization. The chief accountant reports to the head of the enterprise and is responsible for accounting, for the accuracy of financial statements.

The chief accountant exercises control over the movement of property and the fulfillment of obligations, over the compliance of business processes with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The chief accountant does not have the right to accept for execution documents that contradict the current legislation.

Documents relating to monetary and settlement obligations without the signature of the chief accountant are not accepted for execution.

The chief accountant has the right:

1) take part in the discussion of the dismissal and hiring of employees;

2) perform the duties of a cashier, if the organization does not have one, but only with the written permission of the head;

3) require employees to be uniform in the preparation of documents submitted to the accounting department.

For non-compliance with their professional duties, the chief accountant is liable in accordance with applicable law.

8. Essence and functions of accounting

Бухгалтерский учет is a system of observation, measurement, registration and control over the presence and movement of economic assets of the organization and the results of economic processes. For this use accounting meters: natural, labor, monetary.

natural meters reflect the weight, length, quantity, volume and other quantitative characteristics of the property of the enterprise.

Labor meters reflect quantitative indicators of accounting for time and labor for production, labor intensity, labor productivity, payroll.

money meter reflects the monetary value of property, liabilities, business transactions for accounting purposes. With its help, the financial results of the enterprise are determined.

Accounting is the link between economic activity and people, which helps to make quality decisions based on the information that the accounting system creates and transmits.

Control mechanism - the process of influencing the people and financial resources of the organization in order to maximize profits.

Components of the control mechanism.

1) planning;

2) regulation aimed at achieving planned targets;

3) organization of economic activity;

4) business accounting;

5) analysis, control;

6) stimulation of the personnel of the organization.

Accounting Functions.

1. Control function evaluates the achievement of goals by the enterprise, identifying deviations, the reasons associated with this, and taking measures to eliminate them.

2. Feedback function provides the personnel of the enterprise with data on the activities of the organization and is the basis for the development of plans.

3. Information function is determined by the supply of all the necessary information: about the assets of the organization, their movement, sources of formation, business processes, results of the enterprise. Information must be reliable, objective, timely, operational, must meet the requirements of the maximum number of users and serve as the basis for decision-making.

4. Analytic function provides for a qualitative analysis of the organization's activities on the basis of reliable, timely and reasonable information. The analytical function allows you to specify the indicators that characterize the results of the enterprise, resource provision, pricing policy. This helps to make informed decisions regarding the financial position of the organization, its competitiveness in the market and development prospects.

5. Ensuring the safety of property - a function that plays a special role in a market economy in the presence of various forms of ownership. This assumes the following factors:

▪ availability of specialized warehouses equipped with office equipment;

▪ improving the accounting system, using scientific methods to identify shortages, waste, and theft;

▪ computerization of the enterprise for collecting, processing and transmitting information.

Accounting functions are interrelated. Information should be detailed, which will lead to the lowest costs for its creation and differentiation by control objects and submission deadlines.

9. Goals and objectives of accounting

Purpose of accounting - formation of information for external and internal users.

For external users, the purpose of accounting is the formation of information about the financial position of the enterprise: financial results and their changes for a wide range of interested users.

Interested Users:

▪ individuals and legal entities need information about the organization and are able to evaluate it;

▪ investors have a need for information about the risk and profitability of planned operations and the ability of the enterprise to pay dividends;

▪ the organization's personnel have the right to know about the organization's ability to pay for labor and maintain jobs;

▪ suppliers and contractors have the right to know about the solvency of the enterprise;

▪ customers and buyers have the right to know about the terms of the enterprise’s activities;

▪ authorities need information to regulate areas of the national economy and monitor statistical data;

▪ The public can use information to judge the role and contribution of an enterprise at the local, regional and federal levels.

For internal users, information is necessary for decision-making, planning, analysis and control of production and financial activities.

Accounting provides:

▪ identifying the economic essence, measuring business transactions, recording them in accounting registers in order to prepare them for further use;

▪ processing credentials, storing them until a certain point, then summarizing them into the necessary useful information (internal and external);

▪ transfer of this information in the form of reports to those who need it to make decisions.

Continuous, continuous documentation of business transactions, their registration and generalization make it possible to form complete and reliable information about the organization necessary for the preparation and adoption of informed decisions at all levels of management, to assess the behavior of the enterprise in the market, to identify the financial condition.

The main accounting tasks are:

▪ generation of complete and reliable information about the activities of the organization, the results arising from it, about its property status, necessary for internal users of accounting statements - managers, founders, participants and owners of the organization’s property for operational management, as well as external ones - investors, creditors, suppliers, customers , tax and financial authorities, banks and other interested users of financial statements;

▪ providing information necessary for internal and external users of financial statements to monitor compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation when the organization carries out business operations and their feasibility, the availability and movement of property and liabilities, the use of material, labor and financial resources in accordance with approved norms, standards and estimates;

▪ timely warning and prevention of negative results of the organization’s economic and financial activities, identification and mobilization of internal reserves to ensure the financial stability of the enterprise.

10. Basic principles of accounting

1. Economic independence - the enterprise is legally independent and economically autonomous; funds and sources are accounted for separately from borrowings, and activities are built on the basis of funds received from their activities.

2. Compulsory double entry of business transactions in the accounts of the working chart of accounts compiled on the basis of the Chart of accounts approved by the Ministry of Finance.

3. Accounting is kept in rubles and in Russian. If the document is in a foreign language, then there must be a line-by-line translation.

4. Current costs for the production of products, the provision of services are carried out separately from the costs associated with capital and financial investments.

5. Compulsory documentation of business processes. They must be drawn up at the time of the transactions and have the required details in accordance with the standard forms.

6. Use of accounting registers for systematization and accumulation of information contained in accounting documents. The content of accounting registers is a trade secret.

7. Accounting items are valued in monetary terms at market value or at manufacturing cost.

8. Mandatory inventory of property and liabilities. The procedure for conducting an inventory is determined by the head, with the exception of the mandatory inventory provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

9. Formation of accounting policies for accounting.

Installed accounting assumptions:

▪ separation of property - property of the organization separately from the property of the owner. In accordance with this assumption, the property of the organization, owned by the right of ownership, is reflected in the balance sheet synthetic accounts;

▪ continuity assumption - the organization is not going to self-liquidate and will continue its activities in the future. This assumption should be used in audit practice, i.e. the auditor is obliged to inform users of financial statements about such intentions;

▪ assumption of a sequence in the application of accounting policies - the selected accounting policy will be carried out from year to year and will change in case of changes in legislation or regulations relating to accounting;

▪ temporal assumption - Facts are reflected in the accounting of the period in which they were committed.

Accounting requirements :

▪ requirement of completeness - all business processes must be reflected in accounting;

▪ requirement of timeliness - facts of economic activity are reflected in accounting in a timely manner;

▪ requirement of caution - not to allow hidden reserves, willingness to recognize expenses in the financial statements;

▪ requirement of priority of content over form - facts of economic activity are reflected in their legal form and economic content;

▪ consistency requirement - analytical accounting data must be identical to the turnover and balances of synthetic accounting accounts on the last calendar day of each month;

▪ requirement of rationality - optimality of accounting according to the size of the organization and existing information.

11. International accounting principles

International Accounting Principles.

1. Continuity means that the enterprise is functioning and in the future there will be no reason to close it.

2. Permanence of accounting rules - the principles of accounting and evaluation of business transactions are unchanged. The reason for the change may be a change in activity or a change in the legal mechanism. Changes in accounting rules, as well as the result of their impact on profit, should be explained in the explanatory note to the financial statements.

3. Precautionary principle - do not transfer the existing risks that threaten the financial position of the enterprise to the next periods. To realistically evaluate the assets and liabilities of the enterprise in this reporting period. Caution does not justify the creation of hidden reserves.

4. The principle of accumulation - income is taken into account as it is received, and not as money is received, expenses - as it arises, and not as payment is made.

5. Separation principle - items of assets and liabilities should be estimated separately and reflected in expanded form.

6. The principle of inviolability of the incoming balance - indicators at the beginning of the reporting period must correspond to those at the end of the previous period.

7. Priority principle - the economic essence of transactions should take precedence over the legal form. Accounting reflects economic profit, which should not be affected by tax rules.

8. Materiality principle - the information contained in all reports must be material, undistorted, so as not to influence decision-making.

9. The principle of clarity - the information contained in enterprise reports should be clear, detailed and believable to users in order to avoid ambiguity.

10. Consolidation principle - the enterprise must compile general reporting, taking into account its subsidiaries and joint ventures.

External reporting requirementsdeveloped by the Council for the Development of Financial Accounting:

▪ financial position at the end of the reporting period;

▪ cash flows for the period;

▪ expenses for the period;

▪ full income for the period;

▪ contributions from owners and payments to them for the reporting period.

Basic GAAP requirements ("Generally Accepted Accounting Principles") to external financial statements:

▪ reporting should be prepared at regular intervals (annually);

▪ it must fully include all expenses necessary to generate income, which are also indicated in the reporting;

▪ it must contain reliable data and reasonable indicators;

▪ reporting indicators must be complete and reliable;

▪ the data in the reports must be comparable with the data in the reports for different periods of time to make it possible to make comparable financial calculations. These principles are subject to improvement over time.

Accounting indicators are an international language for entrepreneurs, so there is a need to study foreign experience, the accounting system of foreign partners.

International accounting principles must be observed in order to compare the economic performance of enterprises in different countries, to assess the prospects for investing capital by investors.

12. Objects of accounting. Their classification

Accounting objects - these are the types of property intended for its activities, the obligations of the organization, business transactions that cause a change in the composition of property and obligations.

By composition and nature of use The property of the organization is divided into three groups:

1. Fixed assets according to the composition are divided as follows:

1) fixed assets, which include that part of the property, which includes buildings, machines, structures, equipment, vehicles, inventory.

Fixed assets in economic circulation are subdivided into:

a) production fixed assets - industrial buildings, machines, structures, transport, i.e. such funds that participate in the production process;

b) non-productive fixed assets - fixed assets that actively influence the production process, but do not directly participate in the production of products.

Fixed assets using are divided into several levels:

a) active;

b) spare and reserve;

c) inactive;

d) under reconstruction, additional equipment, partial liquidation.

Fixed assets depending on material rights per object are divided into:

a) owned by the organization as an owner (including leased);

b) under the economic control of the organization;

c) leased;

2) intangible assets - these are long-term investments that are not material values, but have a valuation and generate income;

3) capital investment are attachments that are related:

a). with the construction of fixed assets;

b). with the acquisition of individual fixed assets;

in). with the acquisition of nature management objects;

G). with the acquisition of intangible assets;

4) long-term financial investments - this is the cost of creating or increasing the size, the acquisition of non-current non-current assets that are not intended for sale.

2. Current assets These are short-term investments.

Short-term financial investments - These are investments that are made for a period of up to 1 year. Short-term financial investments are made in securities and debt obligations in order to obtain additional income for the enterprise both in the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad.

Current assets include:

1) material working capital, which include:

a). raw materials;

b). basic and auxiliary materials;

in). fuel;

G). semi-finished products;

e). unfinished production;

e). animals for growing and fattening;

and). deferred expenses, finished products;

2) funds in settlements - debts of other enterprises or persons to this enterprise.

Enterprises or persons indebted to this enterprise are called debtors, and the funds to be returned, accounts receivable.

To funds in settlements include settlements with employees of the enterprise for amounts of money issued to them under the report for economic needs.

3. Abstract funds - these are funds withdrawn from circulation and not participating in it. These are accrued taxes and other payments from profits to the budget or profits used to form accumulation, consumption, and social sphere funds.

13. Documentation of business transactions

Document management - the movement of a document from the moment of compilation or receipt from other enterprises to transfer to the archive.

Documentation of operations is the collection, current observation, measurement and recording of transactions in documents.

For rational accounting at each enterprise, a scheme for documenting business transactions should be established based on the study of accounting objects, economic and production processes and management systems.

All business transactions must be documented in primary documents.

Primary document - this is a written proof that a business transaction has been completed or permission has been obtained to carry it out.

A large number of documents are used to reflect business transactions.

1. Administrative documents - these are orders to perform business transactions, but they are not the basis for accounts, since they do not confirm the fact of their implementation.

2. supporting documents - documents confirming the fact of a business transaction and serving as the basis for reflecting business transactions in accounting.

3. Accounting documents are compiled by an accountant to prepare information for the purpose of reflecting it in accounting registers.

4. Combined Documents contain signs of administrative and justifying documents; expediency of their application in reducing the total number of documents.

5. Source documents generated at the time of the business transaction.

6. Summary Documents summarizing data from primary documents.

7. One-time documents execute one business transaction, and accumulative - for a certain period of time.

8. Internal documents are compiled and used in this enterprise, and external come to the enterprise from organizations and individuals.

Bank details (document name, number, signature, seal, date of compilation and validity of the document) - mandatory indicators that each document must contain.

The order of the elements is called document structure.

Types of structures:

a) questionnaire - the details are located, as in the questionnaire, the document is easy to read and fill out;

b) tabular - the details are located in a specific table, they are easy to process on machines;

at) typical - such documents are used everywhere, they contain certain details and the procedure for reflecting business transactions in them.

Documents reflecting the fact of the transaction are received by the accounting department and subjected to several checks.

Types of checks:

a) formal - checking the correctness of paperwork in the form;

b) essentially - the accountant determines the legality of this business transaction;

at) arithmetic - verification of the correctness of the calculations of the data of the document.

Checked documents are sorted according to certain characteristics and value.

Putting down prices in documents - taxiing.

After determining the cost indicators, correspondence of accounts is affixed to each document - account assignment.

The data of the grouped documents are entered into accounting registers - Special cost accounting records. Then they enter the current accounting archive, where they are stored for 1 year, after this period they are transferred to the permanent archive.

14. Varieties of documents. Classification of primary documents

According to their purpose, documents are divided into: administrative, justifying, accounting and combined.

1. Administrative document issue an order to perform a business transaction. These are powers of attorney, outfits, orders.

Administrative documents do not serve as the basis for entry into accounting registers. They are of great importance for preliminary control over the correctness, i.e., the legal and economic validity of transactions.

2. supporting documents contain information about completed business transactions. For example, incoming and outgoing invoices, various acts, cashier's checks, etc.

3. Accounting documents - these are calculations and certificates compiled by the accounting department and serving as the basis for further accounts. These include: payroll, calculation of depreciation, certificates of errors found in accounting registers and subject to elimination through additional entries, etc.

4. Combined name documents that have several purposes from among those indicated above. Regulatory and exculpatory purposes have consignment notes, requirements for obtaining materials from the warehouse.

The payroll sheet for wages, which replaces the payroll and payroll compiled separately, is first an accounting document, then, when transferred to the cashier, plays the role of an administrative document, and finally, after the payment of money, it becomes a supporting document. This combination of assignments reduces the total number of documents and is therefore widespread.

According to the way business transactions are reflected, documents are divided into:

1) source documents which are compiled in the process of performing a particular operation, they become the very first written evidence of its implementation. For example, cash orders, payment orders, invoices, acceptance certificates, accompanying statements to the amount with cash receipts, acts on the established discrepancy in quantity and quality when accepting inventory items.

Depending on the number of registered transactions, primary documents are divided into:

a) one-time documents - documents (cash order, check, demand, invoice), which record a single, one-time transaction;

b) accumulative documents, they reflect several homogeneous business transactions as they are performed over a certain period of time. For example, daily wage cards and monthly limit cards, which issue multiple releases of inventory items from one financially responsible person to another, vehicle waybills;

2) consolidated documents - this is the first stage of summarizing the information contained in several primary documents, which precedes their accounting processing. Consolidated documents are commodity reports of financially responsible persons, cashier's reports of the cashier, reports of accountable persons on the expenditure of cash advances by them.

The value of documentation is that the documents are the starting point of accounting.

15. Significance of financial statements

Financial statements - this is a system of indicators reflecting the property and financial position of the organization at the reporting date, as well as the financial results of economic activity for the reporting period. Financial statements are a source of information for making management decisions for external and internal users.

Preparation of financial statements - this is the process of collecting, summarizing and systematizing current accounting data in order to create final information about the state of assets, capital, liabilities, financial results of the enterprise.

Legal entities engaged in entrepreneurial activities, regardless of the form of ownership, are required to submit annual and quarterly financial statements.

Financial statements are tables filled in according to synthetic and analytical accounting data based on account balances and sub-accounts allocated in the General Ledger as of the reporting date. In accounting, reporting is the final stage.

The content, frequency, and timing of reporting are established by the relevant regulations based on the needs of taxation, management and operational management of the economy. Standard forms of reporting, as well as instructions for their application, are approved by the Ministry of Finance of Russia, specialized departmental forms for agriculture - by the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia. Organizations have the right to use forms approved by the legislation of the Russian Federation or independently developed forms as forms of financial statements, subject to the general requirements for financial statements.

Financial statements allow you to determine the total value of the property of the enterprise, fixed and working capital, the amount of own and borrowed funds. According to the financial statements, an excess or shortage of sources of funds for the formation of reserves and costs is established, the security of the enterprise with its own, credit and other borrowed sources is determined.

With the help of financial statements, the creditworthiness of an enterprise is assessed - its ability to fully and timely pay off its obligations.

Accounting reports determine which assets are the most liquid: fast-selling, slow-selling and difficult-to-sell. According to the financial statements, the most urgent obligations of the enterprise, short-term loans and borrowings, as well as long-term loans are established, which is important for an enterprise operating in a market environment surrounded by competing enterprises.

Reporting is used for the current management of the organization's activities, its data is necessary for the analysis of production and financial activities. With its help, the causes of deviations from the specified parameters are revealed, unused production reserves are revealed.

Reporting should be simple, clear and understandable to users so they can participate in overseeing the operation of the organization. It does not have to be cumbersome and complex, so significant work has been done in recent years to reduce and simplify reporting.

16. Composition of financial statements

All organizations are required to prepare financial statements based on synthetic and analytical accounting data.

Accounting statements of organizations, with the exception of the reporting of budgetary organizations, as well as public organizations and their structural subdivisions that do not carry out entrepreneurial activities and do not have, except for retired property, turnovers for the sale of goods (works, services), has the following components.

1. Balance sheet, which is a unified form of the report, which is an "informant" on the property status of the organization.

In the balance sheet, assets and liabilities are divided into short-term and long-term. In the asset balance, they are highlighted in the subsections "Non-current assets" and "Current assets". In liabilities - "Capital and reserves", "Long-term liabilities", "Short-term liabilities". Each of the sections is divided into separate subsections and separate articles.

Assets and liabilities in terms of settlements and liabilities, they should be shown separately, depending on the terms of their circulation, with a division into debts with a payment period planned within 12 months and with a payment period of more than 12 months.

2. Gains and losses report characterizes the financial results of the organization for the reporting period. Income and expenses are divided into ordinary and other (operating, non-operating, extraordinary). The profit and loss statement allows you to establish what the organization's profit has been for the reporting period, to give a comparative assessment of their changes with the same period last year.

3. Appendix to the profit and loss account provided for by regulatory enactments.

4. Auditor's report, if required.

5. Explanatory note.

Information that is inappropriate to include in the balance sheet and income statement, but which is necessary for a real assessment of the financial position, is contained in the explanatory note and in a number of reporting forms, such as:

1) statement of changes in equity, which contains information on the availability and changes in the authorized capital, reserve, additional and other components of the organization's capital;

2) cash flow statement in turn characterizes changes in the financial position of the organization in the current, investment and financial activities.

In the explanatory note the organization provides additional information, which includes data on the availability at the beginning and end of the reporting period and the movement during the reporting period of certain types of assets; data on changes in the capital of the organization, on the number of issued paid-in and unpaid shares, their nominal value; data on forthcoming expenses and payments, estimated reserves, on their movement during the reporting period; data on accounts payable, sales volumes, sales markets, cost composition, emergency situations; data on discontinued operations, affiliates, government assistance, earnings per share.

Audit report confirms the reliability of financial statements, if they are subject to mandatory audit, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

17. Publicity of financial statements

Publicity of financial statements consists in its publication in newspapers and magazines available to users of financial statements, or distribution among them of brochures, booklets and other publications containing financial statements, as well as its transfer to the territorial bodies of state statistics at the place of registration of the organization for provision to interested users.

The following must publish annual and financial statements:

▪ open joint stock companies;

▪ banks and other credit organizations;

▪ insurance organizations;

▪ exchanges, investment and other funds created at the expense of private, public and government funds, contributions;

▪ Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;

▪ Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation;

▪ Federal fund and territorial funds of compulsory health insurance.

In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the publication of financial statements is made after their verification by an auditor.

Publication is mandatory for the balance sheet and income statement. The balance sheet can be published in an abbreviated form, which includes only totals for sections of the balance sheet if the following financial indicators of the organization's activities are available: balance sheet currency at the end of the reporting year, not exceeding 400 times the minimum wage; proceeds from the sale of goods, works, services for the reporting year, not exceeding 000 times the minimum wage. If these indicators are exceeded, the balance sheet and the income statement are published in full.

Profit and loss form, submitted for publication, must include all indicators: proceeds from the sale of goods, works, services; gross profit; cost of sales; business expenses, administrative expenses.

Information on the distribution of profits or covering losses of the company for the reporting year shall be subject to publication.

The indicators of published reporting forms are formed by direct transfer of data from the annual financial statements. Discrepancies between the indicators of the published forms and the indicators of the annual financial statements are not allowed.

Reporting is published in thousands of rubles. With significant turnover, reporting can be published in millions of rubles with one decimal place.

Publication of financial statements should include: full name of the organization; reporting date or period; currency and format of numerical indicators; positions, surnames and initials of the persons who signed the reporting; date of approval of the reporting; location of the executive body (full postal address, telephone, fax), where the interested user can read the statements and receive a copy.

If the statements are published in abbreviated forms, then the publication should contain the auditor's opinion on the reliability of the financial statements.

If the publication is complete, it includes the full text of the final part of the auditor's report.

The reporting should contain data on the full name of the audit firm, the type and number of the license to carry out audit activities, the date of the audit report.

The costs of publishing financial statements are included in the cost of production as costs associated with production management.

18. The procedure and terms for the submission of financial statements

All organizations, with the exception of budgetary, submit financial statements in accordance with the constituent documents to the founders, participants in the organization or owners of property, territorial bodies of state statistics at the place of their registration. State and municipal unitary enterprises submit accounting reports to the bodies managing state property. Accounting statements are submitted to other executive authorities, banks and other users in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Reporting year - for Russian organizations, this is a calendar year from January 1 to December 31 inclusive. For a newly created or reorganized organization - the reporting period from the date of its state registration to December 31 of the next year inclusive.

Interim reporting - this is reporting for a certain period within the reporting year. Monthly reporting is not submitted to the established addresses, but is necessary for prompt response to changes in the financial position of the organization.

Reporting date - the last calendar day of the reporting period:

1) 31 December - for the annual accounting report;

2) last days of the months - for interim financial statements.

The definition of the "reporting date" is important for the preparation of financial statements, since the value of the exchange difference on assets and liabilities, the value of which is expressed in foreign currency, depends on it.

The deadlines for the submission of financial statements are established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Date of submission of financial statements for the organization, the day of its actual transfer to the affiliation or the date of its departure, indicated on the stamp of the postal organization, is considered. If the reporting date falls on a non-working day, the reporting deadline is the first following business day.

Deadline for submitting quarterly reports - within 30 days after the end of the quarter, annual - within 90 days after the end of the year.

If the organization has subsidiaries and affiliates, in addition to their own financial statements, they draw up consolidated financial statements that include indicators of such companies located on the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad.

Consolidated financial statements - this is a system of indicators reflecting the financial position at the reporting date and financial results for the reporting period of a group of related organizations.

Ministries, departments and other federal executive bodies submit consolidated annual financial statements for unitary enterprises, separately for joint-stock companies, part of whose shares are fixed in federal ownership. This summary reporting is submitted to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Economy of the Russian Federation and the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation in the following terms:

▪ for unitary enterprises - no later than April 25 of the following reporting year;

▪ for joint stock companies - no later than August 1 of the following reporting year.

Consolidated annual financial statements an association of legal entities created on a voluntary basis by organizations is submitted in the manner and within the time limits stipulated in their constituent documents.

19. The concept of accounting accounts and their purpose

Continuous current monitoring and control over business transactions and changes in the composition of property, sources of its formation are carried out with the help of accounting systems.

Accounts is a means of generating and storing accounting information necessary for reporting and making management decisions.

Accounts are opened for an economically homogeneous type of property in accordance with the classification of accounting objects. On the accounts, based on primary documents, current data is accumulated and systematized only for homogeneous business transactions.

The account is in the form of a two-sided table indicating "Debit" and "Credit", hence:

▪ debtor - debtor or borrower;

▪ creditor - a lender, a person who gave money or other valuables to another person.

The debit of the account reflects the receipt of funds, the credit - their expenditure.

In accordance with the division of the balance sheet into assets and liabilities Distinguish between active and passive accounts.

Active Accounts designed to account for the property of the organization.

Passive Accounts - to account for the obligations of the organization.

Balance - balance of funds or sources of their formation at the beginning or end of the period.

The entry on the accounts begins with an indication of the initial balance (initial balance) of the property or the sources of its formation. In active accounts, the initial balance is reflected in the debit of the account, and in passive accounts, in the credit.

Exist active-passive accounts, which combine the features of active and passive accounts. In these accounts, the balance can be debit and credit.

There is a relationship between accounts and balance:

▪ each balance sheet item corresponds to an account, except in cases where individual items reflect data from several accounts;

▪ accounts are divided into active and passive, similar to balance sheet items;

▪ balances of economic assets and sources of their formation are shown in accounts on the same side as in the balance sheet;

▪ the amount of balances for all active accounts is equal to the total of the balance sheet assets, for all passive accounts - the total of the balance sheet liabilities;

▪ the balance sheet is compiled on the basis of data from accounting accounts, and accounts are opened on the basis of balance sheet data.

Within a month, business operations are performed in the organization: their change in the direction of decrease or increase. The result of the movement is reflected in the balance sheet once a month as a result of changes that have occurred in economic assets and their sources. The actual movement of funds is not reflected in the balance sheet.

But we need daily information about the movement of economic funds and their sources. Indicators of the movement of materials - indicators of the movement of funds, giving an economic description of each operation taking place in the organization. It is necessary to reflect the movement of business transactions as they occur, to take them into account.

On the accounts during the month (quarter, year), transactions are grouped according to the nature of the objects recorded and the dates of the transactions performed, which makes it possible to obtain summary indicators about them and transfer them to the balance sheet at the end of the month (quarter, year).

Accounts are intended for current accounting and control over the movement of economic assets, their sources, production processes and their results.

20. Account structure

accounting account is a way of grouping current control and reflecting in a generalized form homogeneous accounting objects and their movement.

Accounts are opened for each type of economic assets, their sources, business processes and their results.

The movement of each accounting object occurs either in the direction of increase or decrease. The movement of materials is characterized by their entry or exit; the change in the debt to the supplier consists of its increase or decrease.

For separate accounting of increases and decreases, the account is divided into two parts.

The left side is called debit, right - credit.

In appearance, the account is a table in the form of a card, a free sheet. The debit and credit sides in these tables can be located opposite each other and in a checkerboard pattern (debit - horizontally, credit - vertically).

Chart of accounts - a system of accounting accounts used for current accounting and control. With their application, the problem of dual reflection of information, its generalization and accumulation is realized.

The basic principle of the formation of a separate account is the homogeneity of the objects taken into account.

"Balance" (balance) is a term used to refer to account balances.

turnovers are the amounts of debit and credit entries of the respective accounts. The turnover amount does not include the opening balance, which is transferred to the account from the opening balance. Knowing the initial balance and turnover of the account, by comparing them, you can determine the final balance of the account.

Recording on accounts begins with an indication of the opening balance, on active accounts the balance is only debit. On the active account, balances are reflected on the debit side of the account at the beginning and at the end of the period of operation, causing an increase in the balance, on the credit side of the account - only business transactions that cause a decrease in the balance.

For an active account, an increase and all balances are recorded on a debit, and a decrease on a credit.

When recording in active accounts, only two situations can arise:

▪ the amount of the opening balance and the amount on the debit side of the account must be greater than the amount shown on the credit, in this case the ending balance remains;

▪ the sum of the opening balance and the sum of the debit turnover must equal the sum of the account's credit, in this case there will be no final balance.

On passive accounts, the balance is only credit. The passive account reflects the opening and closing balances and transactions that increase the balance on the credit side, and transactions that reduce the balance on the debit side. In a passive account, increases and balances are recorded as credits, and decreases are recorded as debits.

When making entries in passive accounts, there can be only two situations:

▪ the amount of the opening balance and the amount of credit turnover must be greater than the amount shown in debit, in this case we have a final balance;

▪ the amount of the opening balance and the amount of credit turnover are equal to the amount of debit turnover, there will be no balance.

There are also accounts that combine the characteristics of both passive and active accounts. Such accounts are called active-passive. They are of two types:

▪ with a one-sided balance (debit or credit);

▪ with a two-way balance (expanded debit and credit at the same time).

21. Double Entry: Essence and Meaning

Each business transaction is a movement (change) of the enterprise's funds and causes a change in two interrelated accounting objects, therefore, in two balance sheet items. To obtain information about the movement of each accounting object, accounting accounts are opened that record each movement of the accounting object. There is a need to record one operation twice, on two interconnected accounts. Operations on accounts are reflected in the double entry way.

double entry - this is a simultaneous and interconnected reflection of a business transaction on the debit of one account and the credit of another account in the same amounts.

All transactions must be documented. Transaction records are compiled from documents.

Accounting entry - posting - call the transaction record, i.e., an indication of the debit and credit accounts into which the transaction amount is recorded.

Correspondence of invoices - the relationship that has arisen between accounts as a result of double entry on them.

Corresponding accounts call the accounts used to reflect the operation by double entry.

The procedure for recording operations by double entry:

▪ transaction of the first type is reflected in the debit and credit of the active account;

▪ the second type transaction is reflected in the debit and credit of the passive account;

▪ a third type transaction is reflected in the debit of the active account and the credit of the passive account;

▪ the fourth type transaction is reflected in the debit of the passive account and the credit of the active account.

Its use provides the possibility of self-control, as it allows you to balance the totals of entries in the accounts. Using double entry, one account is debited, the other account is credited with the same amount. If the breakdown of operations on accounts is correctly done, then the sum of the debit turnovers of all accounts and the sum of the credit turnovers of all accounts will be equal. If the amount on the offsetting account is erroneously changed or the entry is made on the same side of the offsetting accounts (incorrectly transferred balance), then the revealed inequality of debit and credit turnovers on the accounts means an error in the amount or in the nature of the recorded operation.

At the same time, the double entry is of educational value, as it shows where the funds came from and where they are going. Accounts are recorded on the basis of documents, so all accounting documents are subject to accounting processing, one of the stages of which is the recording of offsetting accounts for each operation reflected in the document. Determination and entry on the documents of the corresponding accounts - account assignment. Account assignment is accompanied by the signature of the accountant who made it.

The use of double entry ensures constant self-control over the correctness of the amount posted to the accounts and over the legitimacy (economic content) of the operation performed.

The reflection of a business transaction on an account is called posting. To make an accounting entry means to indicate on which side of which accounts the amount of the transaction should be recorded.

Distinguish wiring: simple - in which only two accounts correspond; complex - in which one account corresponds with several accounts.

22. Accounting entries: compilation rules. Off-balance sheet accounts

One of the stages of accounting processing of documents is the recording of offsetting accounts on documents - preparation of accounting entries.

accounting entry the text indicating the name of the debited and credited accounts is called.

Distinguish simple и complex accounting entries.

Simple wiring - a record that has only two corresponding accounts.

Complex postings are compiled when a transaction affects more than two accounting objects, which means more than two offsetting accounts: in this case, one account is debited, the rest are credited, and vice versa.

Accounting entries are made in the document itself, which draws up the business transaction, in the statement or journal where the operation is recorded, or on separate special forms (memorial orders).

Memorial Order - this is an accounting document containing an instruction to record a business transaction in the relevant accounting accounts.

To facilitate records, each account is assigned a specific number so that when compiling accounting entries, indicate not the name of the accounts, but their numbers.

When recording business transactions on accounts, they are grouped according to economically homogeneous features. The reflection of business transactions in the accounts of accounting is called a systematic entry.

Along with the systematic organization, a chronological record is used - the registration of business transactions in the sequence in which they are performed. Differences in the economic content of the transaction are not taken into account.

Off-balance sheet accounts are intended to summarize information about the presence and movement of values ​​that do not belong to the enterprise, but are temporarily in its use or disposal. This group includes leased fixed assets, inventory items accepted for safekeeping, and materials accepted for processing, etc.

Off-balance accounts do not correspond with other accounts. One-sided entries are kept on them: either only for debit - an increase, or only for credit - a decrease.

Off-balance sheet accounts are not indicated in the balance sheet, since they are already reflected in the balance sheet of the enterprise that owns the funds and sources of their formation reflected in these accounts.

What is reflected in off-balance sheet accounts? Many enterprises often use property that does not belong to them by right of ownership: leased, accepted for safekeeping, etc. In addition, enterprises can lease fixed assets or receive guarantees from the bank. It is these operations that are reflected in off-balance sheet accounts.

As the practice of conducting audits shows, the accountants of most enterprises do not pay due attention to the registration of transactions on these accounts. And, as a result, the unreliability of accounting in general. After all, business transactions reflected in off-balance accounts, to one degree or another, have an impact on balance sheet accounting.

Since January 1, 2001 enterprises can keep records according to the new Chart of Accounts. The list of off-balance accounts has changed in the new Chart of Accounts.

23. Accounting registers and methods of recording in them

Record account transactions - means to reflect its content in accounting books, cards or summary sheets, which are accounting registers.

Registers are paper sheets specially printed in a typographical way, which are intended for the purpose of registering business transactions. Registers (in appearance) are divided into books, cards and summary sheets.

Books - these are sheets intertwined with each other, which are bound in one piece.

book advantage - ensuring the safety of information for a sufficiently long time.

Lack of - the possibility of working with it only one person, i.e., there is a great possibility of various difficulties in the distribution of labor between accounting workers.

In accounting, such books: cash book, book of registration of incoming and outgoing orders, book of powers of attorney, book of deposit amounts, general ledger, etc.

Cards - These are free sheets that are made from thicker paper. They are printed in a typographical way. The cards are intended for conducting analytical accounting on accounts; they are stored in a special file cabinet by groups and names of funds.

In accounting, it is customary to keep inventory cards for materials, inventory cards for fixed assets, etc. Free sheets are made of thinner paper and a larger format. These are, as a rule: order journals, statements, development tables.

Free sheets have their own benefit - they enable the optimal distribution of labor between accounting workers, which allows them to be processed faster, especially during the reporting period. Most order journals include inserts, making it easier and more convenient to count and record. For ease of storage, loose sheets are usually bound into books. If the data is processed on a computer, then a typescript is printed in the form of a free sheet.

In accounting, there are the following entries in accounting registers:

▪ chronological - this is a record of an operation that is performed as it is performed in a certain sequence;

▪ linear notation - this is an entry in the register, which is made on the basis of a document in one line.

▪ chess notation - the amount on the main document is written to the register, after which the check is displayed in one working record. In the event that the registers are not calculated and the amount is not transferred for further accounting, then all kinds of correction of errors in the records are applied.

With the corrective method - the wrong amount is crossed out, and the correct amount is written on top. If necessary, the correction is confirmed by a signature. In the direction of decreasing the amount for the difference, an entry is made in red ink in certain registers. If the amount needs to be increased, then it is necessary to apply an additional entry in ordinary ink. If all the totals in the registers have already been calculated and the amounts have been submitted for reporting, but an error is found, then the error is corrected next month as a corrective check ("red reversal", additional entry).

24. Synthetic and analytical accounting

Synthetic accounts are called accounts that reflect generalized indicators about accounting objects, and accounting in the system of these accounts is called synthetic accounting. The data of synthetic accounts have a monetary dimension.

Analytical accounts are called accounts opened in the development of synthetic accounts to obtain specific data, and accounting in the system of these accounts is called analytical accounting. In analytical accounts, accounting is kept not only in value terms, but also in natural and labor meters.

Synthetic and analytical accounts are interconnected. The sums of the initial and final balances, as well as debit and credit turnovers of all analytical accounts are equal to the sums of the initial and final balances, debit and credit turnovers of the synthetic account.

In analytical accounts reflecting the movement of economic assets, accounting is kept in natural value terms, and in analytical accounts reflecting the movement of sources of economic assets, accounting is kept only in monetary terms.

Analytical accounts are not kept in cash. Some complex synthetic accounts are directly related to analytical accounts without any intermediate groups.

However, such a construction does not always provide the necessary indicators. Some synthetic accounts consist of several groups of analytical accounts.

Entries in synthetic accounts are equal in amount to entries in analytical accounts.

To manage an enterprise, its manager, as well as the heads of individual structural divisions, needs to obtain data on each area of ​​economic activity, on the types of property and sources of their formation of varying degrees of generalization and detail.

Information about each debtor is required in order to timely receive money or property, services. Information about creditors is necessary for the timely repayment of debts, avoiding penalties and maintaining business reputation, which is an important factor in establishing contractual relations.

To get an idea about the means and processes, accounts are needed that summarize the data characterizing the accounting object as a whole. For example, invoices that reflect the total amount owed to suppliers or the total amount of materials received.

To obtain information about the amounts due for each specific supplier, you need accounts that give such specific information, and to obtain information about each type of received materials, you need accounts that reflect the movement of each type of materials.

Records of business transactions on analytical accounts are made on the basis of primary documents.

Analytical accounting forms the basis for the formation of synthetic accounting data. Analytical accounting is carried out in cards (material accounting cards, fixed asset accounting cards, debtor and creditor accounting cards, etc.), in statements (payroll, payroll), turnover sheets (materials), balance sheets, in books (grand book) . The data in them on the movement of individual accounting objects is accumulated, grouped, and the results obtained are simultaneously reflected in the corresponding synthetic accounts (in order journals, the General Ledger, machine diagrams).

25. Chronological and systematic records

Record a business transaction - means to reflect in the accounting the fact of its commission. The performance of a business transaction is confirmed by the presence of documents that draw up it.

The sequence of the current accounting of business transactions:

▪ registration of business transactions based on documents according to the calendar order of their execution or receipt;

▪ posting business transactions - recording the same business transactions in accounting registers on the debit of one account and the credit of another account in a certain order.

When recording business transactions on accounts, they are grouped according to economically homogeneous features, that is, they are recorded according to a certain system.

Records of all transactions in current accounting are carried out in the following ways:

▪ chronological;

▪ systematic.

Differences in the economic content of the transaction are not taken into account.

Chronological record - reflection of business transactions, regardless of the content in the sequence of their completion in time and documentation. The entry is made in special books or journals, which are registration.

The chronological record does not provide data on individual accounting objects, since it does not produce the necessary grouping.

The chronological record does not show us the total amount of receipt of materials in general and by their individual types, the total amount of payments to suppliers in general and by individual creditors, etc.

Purpose of a historical record - control of the completeness and correctness of posting operations on accounts, i.e. control of systematic recording.

Systematic record called a systematized grouping according to the economic content on the accounts of accounting, necessary to obtain the required indicators on individual accounting objects. It is necessary to systematize all business transactions registered in chronological order.

An example of a chronological record of all transactions is Income and expense ledger, used by organizations and entrepreneurs using a simplified system of taxation, accounting and reporting, but the Book of Income and Expenses is intended for tax accounting and is not an accounting register.

Accounting registers, reflecting all business transactions only in chronological order, modern forms of accounting are not used. An example of a chronological register for individual accounting objects can be Cash bookwhere records of cash transactions are kept in chronological order.

Purchase Book and Sales Book take into account the cost of value added tax on acquired and sold material assets from payers of value added tax. Chronological registration of business transactions at enterprises is combined with systematic registration in accounting registers designed to reflect transactions on one account (journal-order No. 1 on the credit of account 50 "Cash"), on a group of accounts (journal-order No. 10 on the debit of production cost accounts) , for all accounts reflecting transactions (the journal is the main form of accounting). Operations are posted to the accounts in the order in which they were made and documented, which significantly reduces and simplifies the accounts. All operations are numbered.

26. Turnover, balance, chess statements

Turnover statements called special tables in which the generalization and verification of the data of all accounting objects are carried out.

Turnover statements are compiled separately for synthetic and analytical accounts for each reporting period.

Turnover sheet for synthetic accounts - this is a table reflecting the turnover and balances of synthetic accounts, it is filled on the basis of the data of all synthetic accounts maintained by the enterprise. It contains the name of the synthetic account, its number (cipher), then three pairs of columns are given.

1. opening balance. The first pair of totals: the equality of the initial balance of debit and credit follows from the equality of the total assets and liabilities of the balance sheet at the beginning of the reporting period.

2. Turnovers (per month, quarter, half year, nine months, year). The second pair of results: the equality of debit and credit turnovers is due to the method of double entry of operations on accounts in the same amount.

3. ending balance. The third pair of totals: the equality of the final balances of debit and credit follows from the equalities of the first (equality of funds and sources) and the second pair (double entry method) of totals.

dual reflection - this is a record of a business transaction in the debit of one and in the credit of another account in the same amount. When automating accounting errors are excluded. Equality of the results of the turnover sheet are based on the dual reflection of business transactions in the accounts.

Errors that the turnover sheet does not reveal when recording a business transaction on accounts: - correct correspondence of accounts with the same incorrect amount;

▪ incorrect correspondence of invoices with the same correct amount;

▪ correspondence of accounts for a business transaction is not indicated.

The equality of the results of the turnover sheet with such errors is not violated.

The purpose of the turnover sheet for synthetic accounts is control: checking the completeness and correctness of the entries on the accounts.

To check the correctness of the entries on analytical accounts, the data of the turnover sheet for analytical accounts are compared with the data of their synthetic account - they must be equal.

The turnover sheet for analytical accounts includes natural and cost indicators or only cost indicators, depending on the structure of analytical accounts.

Feature of compiling a chess turnover sheet - it does not record the total totals of debit and credit turnovers of each account maintained at the enterprise, but each amount of correspondence of accounts for each business transaction. The amount of the business transaction is recorded once in the cell in which the corresponding accounts intersect: the debit of one and the credit of the other accounts - the double entry method is observed.

With manual accounting, the compilation of a chess turnover sheet is preferable, since it most fully provides its control function.

balance sheets - means of summarizing current accounting data. They contain data on the balances of accounting objects. They are used to control the security of the enterprise with inventories, as well as to verify the compliance of accounting data and the actual availability of the enterprise's inventories.

27. Forms of accounting

Currently, there are three types of accounting.

1. Memorial order form - used in certain sectors of the national economy.

Memorial order form accounting is based on the control-chess form of accounting. With this form, homogeneous documents are grouped in accumulative statements, memorial orders are compiled on their basis, orders are registered, this ensures control over their safety and allows you to obtain a checksum of the turnover for all accounts.

Disadvantages of the memorial-order form:

▪ multiple entries;

▪ separation of analytical accounting from synthetic accounting;

▪ complexity of methods for identifying erroneous entries.

2. Journal-order form - manual labor of accounting workers and small computer equipment is used.

Entries with a journal-order form, they are conducted according to the scheme: document - register - reporting form.

In a number of order journals, synthetic accounting is combined with analytical accounting, which creates a single coherent system of records. Order journals are credited to one or more accounts. The credit attribute is the leading one, since all business transactions begin to be recorded on a credit basis.

Advantages of the journal-order form of accounting:

1) combining synthetic and analytical accounting - for most accounts, analytical accounting is combined with synthetic accounting, the need to use intermediate registers is eliminated;

2) reduction in the number of entries - the rational construction of accounting registers and the General Ledger, the combination of synthetic accounting and analytical accounting in one register, document circulation is accelerated;

3) subordination of registers to the requirements of reporting, control and analysis - the registers provide for the accumulation of data in the sections necessary for reporting, data sampling at the end of the reporting period is excluded;

4) opportunities for the widespread use of small computers, a better distribution of duties between accountants, adherence to work schedules, and improvement in the organization and technique of keeping records.

The journal-order form of accounting has no prospects, since it is mainly designed for the manual labor of accounting workers.

3. Spreadsheet Automated Form - the enterprise is serviced by machine counting installations.

Spreadsheet Automated Form accounting includes the use of a complex of computers that provide an interconnected system of accounting information.

When using this form, document data is transferred to magnetic tapes, disks, which are used for processing on computers. In the process of machine processing, on their basis, unified accounting registers are obtained - machinograms, their content meets the requirements of accounting and is determined by standard projects for the comprehensive mechanization of accounting.

With this form of accounting, efficiency increases, operational planning and reporting data are used more closely.

Benefits of using machine-based accounting forms:

▪ the use of computer technology to process information, to collect and register it;

▪ possibility of an interactive mode of working with a computer;

▪ the ability to provide information upon request;

▪ freeing up accounting staff time for control and analytical functions.

28. Organization of the accounting apparatus

Accounting - an independent structural unit of the organization, which is not part of another organizational unit. The chief accountant heads the accounting department, ensures the correctness of the accounting, its reliability, monitors the safety, rational and economical use of all enterprise funds.

The structure of the accounting apparatus depends on the content and volume of accounting work.

The accounting department of large enterprises is divided into a number of departments. This structure of the accounting apparatus is used in most medium-sized, and sometimes large, enterprises and is called vertical.

1. Settlement department the accounting department conducts settlements with workers and employees for wages and social insurance, settlements with financial authorities, banks and depositors, and draws up reports on labor and wages.

2. Material department takes into account settlements with suppliers, takes into account the movement of fixed assets, materials, containers, low-value and wearing items. Checks the correctness of inventory accounting of material assets, draws up a report on the presence and movement of material and other property assets.

3. Production and calculation department carries out accounting of production costs, calculates the cost of production, draws up reports on the implementation of the plan for the release of products and its cost.

Function is the general management and control over the availability, movement and safety of semi-finished products of our own and work in progress.

4. Department for Accounting Sales Operations takes into account the availability and movement of finished products in warehouses. This department keeps records of finished products and their sale. The department keeps records of settlements with buyers, monitors the correctness and timeliness of receipt of payments from them.

5. Department of Settlement and Currency Operations handles banking and foreign exchange transactions. In the absence of a financial service, this department is entrusted with the function of organizing financial work.

6. Common department the accounting department of the enterprise draws up summary and generalizing documents, organizes an accounting archive.

Linear structure - a structure in which all employees of the accounting department report directly to the chief accountant.

Combined system organization of the accounting apparatus is possible at large enterprises. Under this system, accounting services are allocated services engaged in the implementation of a closed cycle of work (by type of production). In these cases, the rights of the chief accountant will be transferred to his deputies within their powers.

Under the conditions of complex mechanization and automation of accounting, computer-based computer centers are being created. They serve separate large enterprises, groups of enterprises, organizations. Information and Computing Centers (ICC) are widely used. They process all the economic information of enterprises in a given area (region). The centers are equipped with modern computers and carry out the processing of accounting information and planning and regulatory technical calculations.

Workplace automation - an important reserve, which increases the possibility of using information in enterprise management.

29. Balance sheet: concept, content, structure

Balance sheet - a method of economic grouping of property according to its composition, location and sources of its formation at a specific point in time.

Balance sheet - two-sided table. The left side of the balance sheet shows the property by composition and location - this is the balance sheet asset, the right side reflects the sources of formation of this property - this is the balance sheet liability.

The basis for building a balance sheet is the grouping of accounting objects according to their functional role in the process of economic activity and sources of formation.

The balance sheet consists of 5 sections:

▪ non-current assets;

▪ current assets;

▪ capital and reserves;

▪ long-term liabilities;

▪ short-term liabilities.

In the conclusion of the balance sheet there is a special line for assets and liabilities - "balance currency".

Typical balance sheet structure contains the following numbers.

Assets. Section 1. Non-current assets.

1. Intangible assets: rights to objects of intellectual property; patents, trademarks, service marks, organizational expenses; business reputation of the organization.

2. Fixed assets: land plots and objects of nature management; buildings, machinery, equipment, construction in progress.

3. Profitable investments in material values: property for leasing, provided under a rental agreement.

4. Financial investments: investments in subsidiaries, dependent companies; loans granted to the organization for a period of more than 12 months; other financial investments.

Section 2. Current assets.

1. Stock: raw materials, materials and similar values; costs in work in progress; finished products, goods for resale and shipped; Future expenses.

2. Receivables: buyers and customers; bills receivable; debt of subsidiaries and affiliates; indebtedness of participants on contributions to the authorized capital.

3. Financial investments: loans provided by the organization for a period of less than 12 months; own shares purchased from shareholders; financial investments.

4. Cash: settlement accounts; currency accounts; cash.

Passive. Section 1. Capital and reserves.

Charter capital. Extra capital. Reserve capital: reserves formed in accordance with the legislation and constituent documents. Undestributed profits.

Section 2. Long-term liabilities.

1. Borrowed funds: loans maturing more than 12 months after the reporting date; loans maturing more than 12 months after the reporting date.

2. Other liabilities.

Section 3. Current liabilities.

1. Borrowed funds: loans repayable within 12 months after the reporting date; loans maturing within 12 months after the reporting date.

2. Accounts payable: suppliers and contractors; bills payable; debt to subsidiaries and dependent companies; before the staff of the organization; before the budget and state off-budget funds; to the participants on the payment of income; advances received.

3. revenue of the future periods: reserves for future expenses and payments.

30. Basic rules of balance

Balance sheet is a method of generalized reflection of the composition of the enterprise's funds for their placement and sources of their formation on a certain date in monetary terms.

The main rule of the balance sheet of an enterprise is that it is necessary to reflect the economic assets of the enterprise, on the one hand, according to their placement, and on the other hand, according to the sources of their formation.

Economic means of the enterprise and sources of their formation the balance sheet reflects as of a certain date, i.e. the balance sheet does not characterize the movement of economic assets and their sources of formation. The receipt and expenditure of these funds can be studied according to current accounting data. The indicators of the state of economic assets and the sources of their formation, contained in the balance sheet, are very important material for analyzing the economic activity of an enterprise. When compiling the balance sheet and reporting, consolidated and generalized in monetary terms information about the availability and placement of economic assets, the sources of their formation, as well as their use is revealed.

Balance means equality. It should always contain equality of the results of the asset and liability (the property of the economy is equal to the sources of its formation). Since the balance reflects the state of the funds, each operation causes its changes.

Depending on the impact on the balance sheet, all business transactions are usually divided into four types.

1. First type of business transactions.

This type includes operations for the receipt of funds to the current account from the cash desk or from debtors, the issuance of money from the cash desk to accountable persons, the return of unspent amounts by the accountable person to the cash desk, the release of materials from the warehouse to production, the receipt of finished products from production to the warehouse, shipment finished products from the warehouse to customers, etc.

Business transactions of the first type cause changes in the assets of the balance sheet, the total (currency) of the balance sheet does not change.

2. The second type of business transactions.

The second type includes operations to withhold taxes from the wages of workers and employees, use profits to create special-purpose funds, etc.

Business operations of the second type lead to a change only in the liabilities side of the balance sheet. The total balance sheet does not change.

3. The third type of business transactions.

They cause an increase in the item in the asset and in the liabilities side of the balance sheet, the totals of the asset and liability increase, but the equality between them remains. There is an increase in economic resources.

This type includes business transactions related to the receipt of fixed assets, the calculation of wages for workers and employees for the manufacture of products, the receipt of materials from suppliers, etc.

Operations of the third type lead to a simultaneous increase by the same amount of one article in the asset, and the other - in the liabilities side of the balance sheet. The balance sheet increases. Equality is maintained.

4. The fourth type of business transactions.

Operations of the fourth type cause a decrease in the assets and liabilities of the balance sheet, the total assets and liabilities of the balance sheet decrease by an equal amount. Equality between them is maintained.

31. Tax accounting in the accounting system

Tax accounting - a system for summarizing information to determine the tax base for income tax based on the data of primary documents grouped in accordance with the procedure provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Tax accounting is necessary for the formation of complete and reliable information on the accounting procedure for income tax purposes of business transactions carried out by the taxpayer during the reporting (tax) period.

Objects of tax accounting - property, liabilities and business operations of the organization, the value of which is based on the size of the tax base of the current and subsequent tax periods.

Tax accounting units - objects of tax accounting, information about which is used for more than one reporting (tax) period.

tax accounting system the taxpayer organizes independently, guided by the principle of the sequence of application of the norms and rules of tax accounting.

When legislation changes, the taxpayer changes the accounting procedure for certain business transactions and (or) objects for tax purposes.

When a taxpayer begins to carry out new types of activities, he determines in the accounting policy of the organization the procedure and principles for reflecting these types of activities for tax purposes.

Data sources for tax accounting:

▪ primary accounting documents;

▪ tax accounting registers formed on the basis of accounting registers;

▪ independent analytical tax accounting registers;

▪ calculation of the tax base for the organization's profit tax for the current and previous tax periods.

Source documents are the information base of the organization's tax accounting.

Requirements for the forms of primary documents:

▪ a reliable description of a single fact of the economic life of the organization;

▪ the structure should remain constant if the organization's operating conditions are relatively stable;

▪ ambiguity in the interpretation of information is excluded;

▪ the message must be encrypted;

▪ reliability and accuracy of information should be ensured by monetary and (or) natural measures of information:

▪ other documents should not be duplicated;

▪ information should be as useful as possible;

▪ the document must be convenient for processing and providing information in an electronic environment;

▪ the document must be uniform for all homogeneous facts of economic activity in various divisions of the organization;

▪ the document must be drawn up in a timely manner.

The list of persons entitled to sign primary accounting documents must be approved by the head of the organization in agreement with the chief accountant.

Forms of analytical tax accounting registers must contain the following requisites:

▪ name of the analytical accounting register;

▪ period (date) of compilation;

▪ meters of transactions in physical and monetary terms;

▪ name of the business transactions recorded;

▪ signature (deciphering the signature) of the person responsible for compiling the specified registers.

Correction of errors in the tax accounting register must be substantiated and confirmed by the signature of the person who made the correction, indicating the date and justification for the correction.

32. Features of tax accounting

Features of maintaining tax accounting of depreciable property.

For fixed assets put into operation, the useful life of their use is established by the taxpayer independently as of 01.01.2002, taking into account their classification by depreciable groups. The amount of depreciation accrued for one month on the specified property is determined as:

▪ the product of the residual value and the depreciation rate - when using a non-linear depreciation method;

▪ the product of the residual value determined as of 01.01.2002/XNUMX/XNUMX and the depreciation rate - when applying the linear depreciation method.

Depreciable fixed assets, the actual life of which is longer than the useful life of depreciable fixed assets, are allocated by the taxpayer to a separate depreciation group.

For fixed assets transferred by a taxpayer for gratuitous use, starting from the 1st day of the month following the month in which the said transfer took place, depreciation is not charged.

At the end of the contract for gratuitous use and the return of fixed assets to the taxpayer, depreciation is charged in the manner starting from the 1st day of the month following the month in which the return of fixed assets to the taxpayer took place.

Features of maintaining tax accounting for transactions with depreciable property.

In this case, the taxpayer determines the profit (loss) from the sale or disposal of depreciable property on the basis of analytical accounting for each object as of the date of recognition of income (expense).

Analytical accounting should contain information:

▪ about the initial cost of depreciable property sold in the reporting (tax) period;

▪ about changes in the initial cost during completion, additional equipment, reconstruction, partial liquidation; on the useful life of fixed assets adopted by the organization;

▪ on the methods of calculation and the amount of accrued depreciation on depreciable fixed assets for the period from the start date of depreciation until the end of the month in which such property was sold;

▪ on the sales price of depreciable property based on the terms of the purchase and sale agreement;

▪ about the date of acquisition and date of sale of property;

▪ on the date of transfer of property into operation, on the date of exclusion from depreciable property, on the date of re-conservation of property, on the expiration date of the contract for gratuitous use, on the date of completion of reconstruction work, on the date of modernization;

▪ about the expenses incurred by the taxpayer related to the sale of depreciable property, in particular for the storage, maintenance and transportation of the sold property.

The profit received by the taxpayer is subject to inclusion in the tax base in the reporting period in which the property was sold.

The loss received by the taxpayer is reflected in the analytical accounting as other expenses of the taxpayer.

The period is determined in months and is calculated as the difference between the number of months of the useful life of this property and the number of months of operation of the property until the moment of its sale.

33. Economic definition of money. Cash flow statement

Cash - is: cash in the cash desk of organizations; money in bank accounts; funds embodied in monetary documents, transfers in transit.

Money documents - lottery tickets, travel tickets, vouchers to sanatoriums, postage stamps, etc.

Money is involved in all stages of reproduction: production, distribution, circulation and consumption.

Cash is needed to purchase production resources. With their help, various payments are made in the sphere of production. After the sale of manufactured products, the company receives revenue in cash. Monetary relations also arise with personnel, with other organizations and enterprises, with the state.

By economic essence cash can be attributed to highly liquid working capital, as they can be used to pay off debt at any time.

Absolute liquidity ratio is the ratio of cash to current liabilities. This coefficient is the definition of solvency of the enterprise. It can be used to determine what part of the loan obligations can be repaid. By economic definition, cash is an absolutely liquid asset.

As a result of the rational investment of funds in stocks, bonds and other securities and financial investments, you can receive additional income. Based on this principle, the management of the enterprise in the conditions of market relations needs to think about the skillful investment and disposal of funds.

In the financial statements, data on the availability of funds are reflected in form No. 1 "Balance", section "Current assets", form No. 4 "Cash flow statement".

Photos consists of four sections.

1. In the first section indicates the cash balance at the beginning of the year.

2. In the second section - how much in total, including by types of receipts, received funds (proceeds from the sale of goods, works, services, from the sale of fixed assets and other property).

3. Third section. It indicates how much money was directed in total, including by areas of expenditure (for payment for purchased goods, works, services, wages, social contributions, advance payments, financial investments, dividend and interest payments, settlements with the budget, etc. d.).

4. In the fourth section shows the cash balance at the end of the reporting period.

Information on the availability and movement of funds is presented in the currency of the Russian Federation - rubles - according to the data of the relevant accounts.

Cash flow is shown for the following activities.

1. Current activity - activities of the organization for the production of products, trade, catering, etc.

2. Investment activity - capital and long-term financial investments, financial activity - implementation of short-term financial investments.

3. Financial activities of the organizationwhich is monitored on the basis of the cash flow statement. The report data allows you to control the cash flow.

34. Cash transactions

Cash transactions - the process of receiving, storing, spending cash and monetary documents.

The accounting for cash transactions is subject to the following requirements:

▪ correct and timely execution of documents on the movement of cash and monetary documents;

▪ control over the safety of funds and their intended use;

▪ control over compliance with cash and settlement and payment discipline.

Cash desks of organizations can be insured in accordance with applicable law.

cash order the primary document is recognized, which formalizes the posting of funds to the cashier. The cash warrant indicates when, how much, from whom and for what purposes the funds were received. The order is issued by an accountant and transferred to the cashier, who checks the correctness of the execution, accepts the money, signs the order and fills out a receipt, which is issued to the person who deposited the money.

Cash withdrawal is processed expense cash order. It indicates to whom, in what amount and for what purposes the money was issued. This document is signed by the head and chief accountant. The cashier must check the correctness of filling and the availability of all details.

All incoming and outgoing cash orders before being transferred to the cash desk are registered in the accounting department and in the register of incoming and outgoing cash orders.

To the cash book the cashier daily writes down the balance of cash in the cash register at the beginning of the day, the receipt and expenditure of money during the day and the balance of money at the beginning of the next day. All entries are made in duplicate: the first remains in the cash book, the second is transferred to the accounting department and serves as the cashier's report.

The cash book should be one in the organization. It must be laced, numbered, printed and signed by the chief accountant and head of the organization.

Ledger money accepted and issued by the cashier is kept to account for the money issued from the cash desk of the organization for the payment of wages.

Cash register equipmentused in the implementation of cash settlements and (or) settlements using payment cards - cash registers equipped with fiscal memory, electronic computers, including personal, software and hardware complexes. Cashiers reflect the data of these calculations in cash books.

Corrections are not allowed in cash documents.

For synthetic accounting of cash transactions, the main active account 50 "Cashier". The opening and closing balance reflects the availability of funds at the beginning and end of the reporting period. The debit of this account shows the receipt of funds, and the credit shows the expenditure of funds.

If at the enterprise, in addition to cash on hand, there are monetary documents, it is necessary to open an appropriate subaccount.

In modern conditions it is possible automated cash book management. In the conditions of automated cash book keeping, the correct operation of software tools for processing cash documents should be checked.

Responsibility for compliance with the procedure for conducting cash transactions lies with the head of the enterprise. Persons guilty of violating cash discipline are held liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

35. Cash in current accounts

Checking account the bank opens to organizations in order to store free cash balances and carry out various settlement operations. The current account number appears in all payment documents of the organization.

To open an account In the bank, the organization must provide the following documents:

▪ application for opening an account;

▪ two copies of bank cards with sample signatures of the head of the organization and the chief accountant and their deputies, an imprint of the organization’s seal;

▪ copies of the organization’s charter, constituent agreement and registration certificate, certified by a notary;

▪ certificates from the tax office, the Pension Fund, the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund regarding registration with them.

In case of opening multiple accounts organization, it must provide information to the tax office on all settlement accounts.

Organizations that have separate non-self-supporting subdivisions outside their location, at the request of the owner of the main account, can open settlement sub-accounts for crediting revenue and making settlements at the location of non-self-supporting subdivisions.

Foreign legal entities ruble accounts are opened only at the location of their representative offices.

From the current account, the bank pays the obligations, expenses and instructions of the organization in the manner of non-cash payments, issues funds for wages and household needs. Amounts are written off and credited on the basis of the following documents: a written order of the owners of the current account or with their consent.

The exceptions are payments collected by decision of courts or financial authorities, as well as payments to the state budget, off-budget funds, social funds, and customs authorities. Similarly, bills of energy supply, heat supply and water supply and sewerage organizations can be paid.

In case of insufficient funds in the account write-off is carried out in the sequence determined by the Civil Code:

▪ according to executive documents providing for the transfer or issuance of funds from the account in order to satisfy claims for compensation for harm to life and health and claims for the collection of alimony;

▪ according to executive documents providing for the transfer or issuance of funds for settlements of wages for workers under an employment contract, as well as for the payment of remuneration under an author's agreement;

▪ according to payment documents providing for the transfer or issuance of funds for settlements of wages, as well as for contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation and compulsory medical insurance funds;

▪ according to payment documents providing for contributions to the budget;

▪ according to writs of execution to satisfy other monetary claims;

▪ for other payment documents in calendar order.

Cash held on settlement accounts is accounted for on an active synthetic basis. account 51 "Settlement accounts". The debit of this account reflects the receipt of funds, and the credit - their reduction. The basis for entries on the current account are bank statements with supporting documents attached to them.

36. Cash in foreign currency accounts

Value of assets and liabilities expressed in foreign currency, for reflection in accounting and financial statements is subject to conversion into rubles.

Recalculation of the value of assets and liabilitiesdenominated in a foreign currency into rubles is produced at the exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

When recalculating the value of assets and liabilities in foreign currency, negative and positive exchange differences are formed.

Exchange difference is reflected in the accounting and financial statements in the reporting period to which the date of fulfillment of payment obligations refers or for which the financial statements are drawn up.

The exchange rate difference is subject to crediting to the financial results of the organization as non-operating income or non-operating expenses.

The exchange rate difference is credited to the financial results of the organization as it is accepted for accounting.

Account 52 "Currency accounts" is designed to summarize information on the availability and movement of funds in foreign currencies on the organization's foreign currency accounts opened with credit institutions in the Russian Federation and abroad.

According to the debit of account 52 "Currency accounts" reflects the receipt of funds in the foreign currency accounts of the organization.

According to the credit of account 52 "Currency accounts" the write-off of funds from the foreign currency accounts of the organization is reflected.

Amounts erroneously credited or debited to the organization's foreign currency accounts and found when checking the statements of the credit organization are reflected on account 76 "Settlements with various debtors and creditors", subaccount "Settlements on claims".

Operations on foreign currency accounts are reflected in the accounting records on the basis of the statements of the credit institution and the monetary settlement documents attached to them.

To account 52 "Currency accounts" sub-accounts can be opened:

1) 52-1 "Currency accounts within the country";

2) 52-2 "Currency accounts abroad".

Accounting entries for accounting transactions on a foreign currency account.

1. An invoice has been presented to a foreign buyer for the shipped inventory items:

Debit of account 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers" Credit of account 90 "Sales".

2. The amount of payment for inventory items was credited to the currency account:

Debit of account 52 "Currency accounts" Credit of account 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers".

3. Half of the proceeds in foreign currency is directed to the sale of:

Debit of account 57 "Transfers in transit" Credit of account 52 "Currency accounts".

4. The amount of proceeds from the sale of foreign currency is credited to the current account:

Debit account 51 "Settlement accounts"

Credit of account 91 "Other income and expenses".

5. Reflected the write-off of funds for mandatory implementation:

Debit of account 91 "Other income and expenses" Credit of account 57 "Transfers on the way".

6. Half of the proceeds received from a foreign buyer for inventory items were credited to the foreign currency account:

Debit of account 52 "Currency accounts" Credit of account 52 "Currency accounts".

Analytical accounting on account 52 "Currency accounts" maintained for each account opened for holding funds in foreign currency.

37. Cash in Special Accounts

Account 55 "Special bank accounts" is intended to summarize information on the availability and movement of funds in the currency of the Russian Federation and foreign currencies located on the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad, in letters of credit, check books, other payment documents (except bills of exchange), on current, special and other special accounts, and also on the movement of funds of targeted financing in that part of them that is subject to separate storage.

To account 55 "Special accounts in banks" sub-accounts can be opened:

55-1 "Letters of credit";

55-2 "Checkbooks";

55-3 “Deposit accounts”, etc..

On sub-account 55-1 "Letters of credit" the movement of funds held in letters of credit is taken into account.

The transfer of funds to letters of credit is reflected in the entry:

Debit account 55 "Special accounts in banks"

Credit of account 51 "Settlement accounts", 52 "Currency accounts", 66 "Settlements on short-term loans and borrowings", etc.

The write-off of funds in letters of credit is reflected in the entry:

Debit account 60 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors"

Credit of account 55 "Special bank accounts".

Unused funds in letters of credit after being restored by a credit institution to the account from which they were transferred are reflected in the credit of account 55 "Special accounts in banks" in correspondence with account 51 "Settlement accounts" or 52 "Currency accounts".

On sub-account 55-2 "Checkbooks" the movement of funds in checkbooks is taken into account.

1. Reflected the deposit of funds when issuing check books:

Debit of account 55 "Special accounts in banks" Credit of account 51 "Settlement accounts", 52 "Currency accounts", 66 "Settlements on short-term credits and loans".

2. The amounts on the checkbook received at the bank are written off as payment is made for the checks issued by the organization:

Debit account 76 "Settlements with different debtors and creditors"

Credit of account 55 "Special bank accounts".

Amounts on checks issued but not paid by a credit institution (not presented for payment) remain on account 55 "Special bank accounts". The balance on subaccount 55-2 "Checkbooks" must correspond to the balance on the statement of the credit institution.

On subaccount 55-3 "Deposit accounts" the movement of funds invested by the organization in bank and other deposits is taken into account.

The transfer of funds to deposits is reflected by the organization in the debit of account 55 "Special accounts in banks" in correspondence with account 51 "Settlement accounts" or 52 "Currency accounts".

Separate sub-accounts opened for account 55 "Special accounts in banks" take into account the movement of special-purpose financing funds stored separately in a credit institution.

Branches, representative offices and other structural subdivisions of the organization allocated to a separate balance sheet, which have current accounts in credit institutions for current expenses, reflect on a separate sub-account to account 55 "Special accounts in banks" the movement of these funds.

The presence and movement of funds in foreign currencies are accounted for on account 55 "Special accounts in banks" separately. Building analytical accounting on this account should provide the possibility of obtaining data on the availability and movement of funds in letters of credit, check books, deposits, etc. on the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad.

38. Settlements with accountable persons

Accountable persons - these are employees of the enterprise who received cash amounts or a checkbook against the report for future expenses, and employees who must account for the proceeds received in cash. The company must approve list of accountable persons.

The issuance of money under the report is made out by an account cash warrant or a payment order for the transfer of money.

Areas in which the accountable amounts can be spent:

▪ travel expenses;

▪ expenses for business needs;

▪ expenses for receiving and shipping products.

Regardless of the directions for which the amounts were received, the accountable person is obliged to report within three days after completion of work with the attachment of supporting documents.

When reporting travel expenses it is necessary to present a travel certificate, travel tickets, receipts for payment for hotel services, as well as a written report on the business trip.

For business expenses attached invoices for the purchase of inventory items, receipts, invoices, etc.

Advance report checked by an accountant, approved by the head of the enterprise and serves as the basis for writing off the amounts spent.

In accounting, expenses with accountable persons are reflected in the main active account 71 "Settlements with accountable persons". The balance can also be credit - reflects the organization's accounts payable to the accountable person in case of overspending of the amounts received. Synthetic and analytical accounting of settlements with accountable persons is kept in the warrant journal based on the cashier's reports and advance reports.

Accounting scheme for settlements with accountable persons happens as follows. Primary documents are drawn up for the issuance of money under the report and write-off of expenses for accountable amounts. Then the data of these documents are used in the cashier's report, the advance report and in the payroll in case of withholding accountable amounts. The next step is to summarize these data in the order journal. Then these indicators are entered into the General Ledger, then reflected in the balance sheet.

Travel expenses reimbursement rates are determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Here are a number of accounting entries for accounting for settlements with accountable persons.

1. The accountant received money for a business trip:

Debit 71 "Settlements with accountable persons" Credit 50 "Cashier".

2. Upon completion of the trip, an advance report with supporting documents was submitted:

Debit 26 "General business expenses" Debit 19 "Value added tax on acquired values" Credit 71 "Settlements with accountable persons".

3. Refunded unused advance amount:

Debit 50 "Cashier" Credit 71 "Settlements with accountable persons".

4. If the accountable person has not returned the unused amount:

▪ the shortage is reflected:

Debit 66 "Calculations on short-term loans and borrowings"

Loan 70 "Settlements with personnel for wages", 71;

▪ deduction from the salary of an accountable person: Debit 70 “Settlements with personnel for wages” Credit 66 “Settlements for short-term loans and borrowings”;

▪ if it is not possible to deduct from wages:

Debit 73 "Settlements with personnel for other operations"

Credit 70 "Settlements with personnel for wages", 66.

39. Settlements with personnel for other transactions

On the account 73 "Settlements with personnel for other operations" accounting for other transactions.

Other operations - these are settlements for loans granted, for compensation for material damage, etc.

The following sub-accounts can be opened for account 73 "Settlements with personnel for other operations":

73-1 "Settlements on granted loans";

73-2 "Calculations for compensation for material damage".

On subaccount 73-1 "Settlements on loans" settlements with employees of the organization on loans granted to them are reflected (for individual and cooperative housing construction, the purchase or construction of garden houses and the improvement of garden plots, etc.).

On to the debit of account 73 "Settlements with personnel for other operations" the amount of the loan granted to the employee of the organization is reflected in correspondence with account 50 "Cashier" or 51 "Settlement accounts". The following entry is reflected in the account:

Debit of account 73 "Settlements with personnel on other operations", sub-account "Settlements on loans granted"

Credit of account 50 "Cashier" or 51 "Settlement accounts" - reflects the amount of the loan granted to the employee of the organization in cash through the cash desk of the organization or through the settlement account of the enterprise.

For the amount of payments received from the employee-borrower, account 73 "Settlements with personnel on other transactions" is credited in correspondence with accounts 50 "Cashier", 51 "Settlement accounts", 70 "Settlements with personnel for remuneration" (depending on the accepted payment procedure). The account records:

Debit of account 50 "Cashier", 51 "Settlement accounts", 70 "Settlements with personnel for remuneration"

Credit of account 73 "Settlements with personnel on other operations", sub-account "Settlements on granted loans".

On subaccount 73-2 "Calculations for compensation of material damage" calculations are taken into account for compensation for material damage caused by an employee of the organization as a result of shortages and theft of monetary and inventory items, marriage, as well as for compensation for other types of damage.

В debit of account 73 "Settlements with personnel for other operations" the amounts to be recovered from the perpetrators are credited to accounts 94 "Shortages and losses from damage to valuables" and 98 "Deferred income" (for missing inventories), 28 "Rejection in production" (for losses from defective products) etc. The accounting reflects:

Debit account 73 "Settlements with personnel on other transactions"

Credit of account 94 "Shortages and losses from damage to valuables" (98 "Deferred income", 28 "Marriage in production").

On credit of account 73 "Settlements with personnel on other transactions" entries are made in correspondence with cash accounts for the amounts of payments made, etc. The following entries are reflected in the accounting:

Debit of account 70 "Settlements with personnel for wages"

Credit of account 73 "Settlements with personnel on other operations" - reflects the amount of deductions from the amounts of wages.

Debit account 94 "Shortages and losses from damage to valuables"

Credit of account 73 "Settlements with personnel on other operations" - reflects the amounts of shortages written off in case of refusal to collect due to the groundlessness of the claim.

Analytical accounting on account 73 "Settlements with personnel for other operations" is conducted for each employee of the organization.

40. Settlements with debtors and creditors

Account 76 "Settlements with different debtors and creditors" is intended to summarize information on settlements on transactions with debtors and creditors for property and personal insurance; on claims; on amounts withheld from the remuneration of employees of the organization in favor of other organizations and individuals on the basis of executive documents or court decisions, etc.

To account 76 "Settlements with different debtors and creditors" the following sub-accounts can be opened:

76-1 "Settlements for property and personal insurance";

76-2 "Calculations on claims";

76-3 “Calculations for due dividends and other income”, etc..

On subaccount 76-1 "Settlements for property and personal insurance" reflects the calculations for the insurance of property and personnel of the organization in which the organization acts as an insured.

1. Losses incurred as a result of the destruction and damage of production stocks, fixed assets, etc. are written off:

Debit account 76 "Settlements with different debtors and creditors"

Credit of account 10 "Materials", 01 "Fixed assets", etc.

2. The amount of insurance compensation due under the insurance contract of an employee of the organization is reflected:

Debit account 76 "Settlements with different debtors and creditors"

Credit of account 73 "Settlements with personnel for other operations".

3. The amounts of insurance indemnities received by the organization from insurance companies in accordance with insurance contracts are reflected:

Debit of account 51 "Settlement accounts", 52 "Currency accounts"

Credit of account 76 "Settlements with different debtors and creditors".

4. Losses not compensated by insurance indemnities from insured events were written off:

Debit account 99 "Profit and loss"

Credit of account 76 "Settlements with different debtors and creditors".

Analytical accounting for sub-account 76-1 "Settlements for property and personal insurance" is carried out for insurers and individual insurance contracts.

On subaccount 76-2 "Calculations on claims" calculations are reflected on claims made against suppliers, contractors, transport and other organizations, as well as on presented and recognized (or awarded) fines, penalties and forfeits.

On debit account 76-2 "Calculations on claims" accounts for claims, credit - amount of payments received:

Debit account 76-2 "Calculations on claims"

Credit of account 60 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors" - reflects the amounts of claims against suppliers, contractors and transport organizations for discrepancies in prices and tariffs identified during the check of their accounts, specified in the contracts;

Debit account 50 "Cashier", 51 "Settlement accounts"

Credit of account 76-2 "Calculations on claims" - the amounts of payments received from different debtors and creditors are reflected.

On sub-account 76-3 "Calculations on due dividends and other income" calculations are taken into account on dividends and other income due to the organization, including on profit, losses and other results under a simple partnership agreement:

Debit account 76-3 "Calculations on due dividends and other income"

Credit of account 91 "Other income and expenses" - reflects the income to be received (distributed).

Debit account 51 "Settlement accounts"

Credit of account 76-3 "Settlements on due dividends and other income" - reflects the assets received by the organization on account of income.

41. On-farm settlements

Account 79 "Intra-economic settlements" is intended to summarize information about all types of settlements with branches, representative offices, departments and other separate divisions of the organization allocated to separate balance sheets (intra-balance sheet settlements), in particular settlements for allocated property, for the mutual release of material assets, for the sale of products, works, services, on the transfer of expenses for general management activities, on remuneration of employees of departments, etc.

To account 79 "Intra-economic settlements" sub-accounts can be opened:

79-1 "Settlements for allocated property";

79-2 "Settlements on current operations";

79-3 "Settlements under the contract of trust management of property" and more

On subaccount 79-1 "Settlements for allocated property" the state of settlements with branches, representative offices, departments and other separate divisions of the organization, allocated to separate balance sheets, is taken into account for the non-current and current assets transferred to them.

The property allocated to the specified subdivisions is written off by the organization from account 01 "Fixed assets" and others to the debit of account 79 "Intra-economic settlements".

The property allocated by the organization to the specified divisions is taken into account by these divisions from the credit of account 79 "Intra-economic settlements" to the debit of account 01 "Fixed assets", etc.

On sub-account 79-2 "Settlements on current operations" the state of all other settlements of the organization with branches, representative offices, departments and other separate divisions allocated to separate balance sheets is taken into account.

On sub-account 79-3 "Settlements under the contract of trust management of property" the state of settlements related to the execution of agreements on trust management of property is taken into account. This sub-account is used to record settlements with the founder of the management, the trustee, as well as settlements on property transferred to trust management.

1. The founder’s accounting reflects the write-off of property transferred to trust management:

Debit account 79-3 "Settlements under the contract of trust management of property"

Credit of account 01 "Fixed assets", 04 "Intangible assets", 58 "Financial investments".

2. The amount of accrued depreciation was written off:

Debit account 02 "Depreciation of fixed assets", 05 "Depreciation of intangible assets"

Credit of account 79-3 "Settlements under the contract of trust management of property".

The property accepted by the trustee on a separate balance sheet is reflected:

Debit of account 01 "Fixed assets", 04 "Intangible assets", 58 "Financial investments"

Credit of account 79-3 "Settlements under the contract of trust management of property".

In this case, the amount of accrued depreciation on the accepted property is reflected. The account records:

Debit account 79-3 "Settlements under the contract of trust management of property"

Credit of account 02 "Depreciation of fixed assets", 05 "Depreciation of intangible assets".

Analytical accounting on account 79 "Intra-economic settlements" is conducted for each branch, representative office, branch or other separate division of the organization allocated to a separate balance sheet, and settlements under property trust management agreements - for each agreement.

42. Calculations for taxes and fees

Account 68 "Calculations on taxes and fees" is intended to summarize information on settlements with budgets for taxes and fees paid by an organization, and taxes from employees of this organization.

Account 68 "Calculations on taxes and fees" is credited on the amounts due on tax declarations (calculations) to the contribution to the budgets:

Debit account 99 "Profit and loss"

Credit of account 70 "Settlements with personnel for wages" - the amount of income tax has been accrued.

According to the debit of account 68 "Calculations on taxes and fees" the amounts actually transferred to the budget, as well as the amounts of value added tax written off from account 19 "Value added tax on acquired values" are reflected.

The amount of income tax is a conditional expense (conditional income) for income tax.

Conditional expense (conditional income) for income tax equals the value determined as the product of the accounting profit formed in the reporting period by the income tax rate.

Conditional expense (conditional income) for income tax is accounted for in accounting on a separate sub-account for accounting for conditional expenses (conditional income) for income tax to account 99 "Profits and losses".

The amount of the accrued conditional income tax expense for the reporting period is reflected in the accounting records on the debit of account 99 "Profits and losses" in correspondence with the credit of account 68 "Calculations on taxes and fees".

Debit account 99 "Profit and loss"

Credit of account 68 "Calculations on taxes and fees" - income tax is accrued.

The amount of accrued conditional income for income tax for the reporting period is reflected in the accounting records in the debit of account 68 "Calculations on taxes and fees" and the credit of account 99 "Profit and losses".

Current income tax - income tax for tax purposes, determined on the basis of the amount of contingent expense (conditional income), adjusted for the amount of permanent tax liability, deferred tax asset and deferred tax liability of the reporting period.

The current income tax (current tax loss) for each reporting period should be recognized in the financial statements as a liability equal to the amount of the unpaid tax.

For the amount of value added tax, entries are made on the debit of account 68 "Calculations on taxes and fees" in correspondence with the credit of account 68 "Calculations on taxes and fees" and, accordingly, on the debit of account 68 "Calculations on taxes and fees" with the credit of the account 51 "Settlement accounts" when transferring it to the budget.

The amounts of value added tax to be returned to the organization are reflected in the debit of account 51 "Settlement accounts" (68 "Calculations on taxes and fees") with the credit of account 68 "Calculations on taxes and fees".

If the taxpayer does not confirm the validity of applying a tax rate of 0% of the amount of value added tax, reflected in the debit of account 68 "Calculations on taxes and fees", are written off to the debit of account 91 "Other income and expenses". The account records:

Debit account 91 "Other income and expenses"

Credit of account 68 "Calculations on taxes and fees".

Analytical accounting on account 68 "Calculations on taxes and fees" conducted by type of taxes.

43. Settlements with suppliers and contractors

Accounting for settlements with suppliers and contractors is carried out on account 60 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors".

This account summarizes information on payments for:

▪ received inventory items, accepted work performed and services consumed, including the provision of electricity, gas, steam, water, etc., as well as for the delivery or processing of material assets, payment documents for which are accepted and subject to payment through the bank;

▪ inventory items, works and services for which payment documents were not received from suppliers or contractors (uninvoiced deliveries);

▪ surplus inventory items identified during their acceptance;

▪ transportation services received, including calculations for shortfalls and overages of the tariff (freight), as well as for all types of communication services, etc.

Account 60 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors" is credited on the cost of inventory items, works, services accepted for accounting in correspondence with the accounts of these values ​​or the accounts of the corresponding costs. For services for the delivery of material assets (goods), as well as for the processing of materials on the side of the entry on the credit of account 60 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors" are made in correspondence with the accounts of inventories, goods, production costs, etc.

According to the debit of account 60 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors" the amounts of fulfillment of obligations (payment of invoices), including advances and prepayments, are taken into account in correspondence with cash accounts, etc. At the same time, the amounts of advances issued and prepayments are accounted separately. Amounts owed to suppliers and contractors, secured by promissory notes issued by the organization, are not debited from account 60 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors", but are accounted for separately in analytical accounting.

Organizations performing the functions of a general contractor in the performance of a construction contract, an R&D contract and another contract also record settlements with their subcontractors on account 60 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors".

All transactions related to settlements for acquired material assets, accepted work or consumed services are reflected on account 60 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors" regardless of the time of payment.

Regardless of the assessment of inventory items in analytical accounting, account 60 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors" in synthetic accounting is credited according to the supplier's settlement documents.

Debit account 76 "Settlements with various debtors and creditors", sub-account "Settlements on claims"

Credit of account 60 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors" - a claim was made to the supplier for the shortage of inventory items.

For uninvoiced deliveries, account 60 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors" is credited for the value of the received valuables, determined on the basis of the price and conditions stipulated in the contracts.

Analytical accounting on account 60 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors" is conducted for each presented invoice, and settlements in the order of planned payments - for each supplier and contractor.

44. Settlements with buyers and customers

Account 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers" is designed to summarize information about settlements with buyers and customers.

Account 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers" is debited in correspondence with accounts 90 "Sales", 91 "Other income and expenses" for the amounts for which settlement documents are presented.

Debit account 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers"

Credit of account 90 "Sales", account 91 "Other income and expenses" - an invoice was presented to the buyer.

Account 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers" is credited in correspondence with cash accounts, settlements on the amount of payments received (including the amount of received advances). In this case, the amounts of received advances and prepayments are accounted for separately. The following entry is reflected in the account:

Debit of account 50 "Cashier", account 51 "Settlement accounts", etc.

Credit of account 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers" - the amounts of payments received from buyers (customers) are reflected.

When selling finished products to the buyer, the following accounting entries are reflected.

1. Finished products shipped to the buyer at the actual cost:

Debit of account 90 "Sales", subaccount "Cost" Credit of account 43 "Finished products".

2. An invoice has been presented to the buyer:

Debit of account 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers" Credit of account 90 "Sales".

3. Value added tax was charged on the sold finished products:

Debit account 90 "Sales"

Credit of account 68 "Calculations on taxes and fees".

4. Payment received from the buyer for the finished product:

Debit of account 50 "Cashier", account 51 "Settlement accounts" Credit of account 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers".

If an interest is provided on the received bill that secures the debt of the buyer (customer), then as this debt is repaid, an entry is made on the debit of account 51 "Settlement accounts" or 52 "Currency accounts" and the credit of account 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers" (on the amount of debt repayment) and 91 "Other income and expenses" (by the amount of interest). The account reflects:

Received funds from the buyer:

Debit of account 51 "Settlement accounts" Credit of account 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers".

The percentage value is included in the income of the organization:

Debit of account 51 "Settlement accounts" Credit of account 91 "Other income and expenses".

Analytical accounting on account 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers" is conducted for each invoice presented to buyers (customers), and in case of scheduled payments - for each buyer and customer. At the same time, the construction of analytical accounting should provide the possibility of obtaining the necessary data on:

▪ buyers and customers on payment documents for which the payment deadline has not yet arrived;

▪ buyers and customers for settlement documents not paid on time;

▪ advances received; bills for which the due date for receipt of funds has not yet arrived;

▪ bills discounted (discounted) in banks;

▪ bills for which funds were not received on time.

Accounting for settlements with buyers and customers within a group of interrelated organizations, on the activities of which consolidated financial statements are compiled, is kept on account 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers" separately.

45. Payroll calculations

Wages - remuneration established to the employee for the performance of labor duties.

Accounting for labor and wages occupies a central place in the accounting system. Labor is the most important element of production and circulation costs.

Wages It is the main source of income for workers and employees, through it the control over the measure of labor and consumption is carried out, it is used as the most important lever for managing the economy.

Salary each employee is determined by the employer depending on the quantity and quality of work performed and the maximum limit is not limited.

The main tasks of payroll accounting:

▪ make settlements with personnel regarding wages within the established time frame (calculation of wages and other payments, amounts to be withheld and issued);

▪ timely and correctly include in the cost of products (works, services) the amount of accrued wages and mandatory contributions to extra-budgetary funds (Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, compulsory medical insurance funds, Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation);

▪ implementation of grouping of indicators for accounting of the organization’s labor resources and wages for the purposes of operational management and preparation of the necessary reporting, as well as settlements with state social extra-budgetary funds.

In accounting, to summarize information on settlements with employees of the organization for remuneration (for all types of remuneration, bonuses, benefits, pensions for working pensioners, etc.), as well as for the payment of income on shares and other securities of the organization, account 70 "Settlements with payroll personnel.

The credit of account 70 "Settlements with personnel for wages" reflects the amounts of accrued wages due to employees of the organization.

The debit of this account reflects the paid amounts of wages, bonuses, benefits, pensions, income from participation in the capital of the organization, the amount of accrued taxes, payments under executive documents and other deductions.

1. The amounts of wages accrued to employees of the organization are reflected:

Debit of account 20 "Main production" (account 23 "Auxiliary production", 29 "Serving production and farms", 44 "Sales expenses", etc.)

Credit of account 70 "Calculations with personnel for wages".

2. The amounts of remuneration accrued at the expense of the formed reserve for the payment of holidays to employees and the reserve of remuneration for length of service paid once a year are reflected:

Debit of account 96 "Reserves for future expenses" Credit of account 70 "Settlements with personnel for wages".

3. Benefits for social insurance of pensions and other similar amounts have been accrued:

Debit account 69 "Calculations for social insurance and security"

Credit of account 70 "Calculations with personnel for wages".

4. The amounts of wages not paid on time due to the absence of the recipient are reflected:

Debit of account 70 "Settlements with personnel for wages"

Credit of account 76 "Settlements with various debtors and creditors", sub-account "Settlements on deposited amounts".

5. Wages, bonuses, allowances, etc. issued from the cash desk:

Debit of account 70 "Settlements with personnel for wages" Credit of account 50 "Cashier".

46. ​​Accounting for financial investments

К financial investment include the organization's expenses for the purchase of securities in order to generate additional income, contributions to the authorized capital of other organizations, receivables in the form of loans granted to other enterprises.

Accounting for financial investments is carried out on an active basis account 58 "Financial investments" on sub-accounts.

On subaccount 58-1 "Shares and shares" the presence and movement of investments in shares of joint-stock companies, authorized (share) capitals of other organizations in the form of cash, material assets, finished products, etc. are taken into account.

Debit account 58 "Financial investments"

Credit of account 51 "Settlement accounts" (52 "Currency accounts", 10 "Materials", 43 "Finished products", 20 "Main production", etc.) - contributions to the authorized capital in the form of cash (currency, material assets) are reflected , finished products, etc.).

On subaccount 58-2 "Debt securities" the presence and movement of investments in public and private debt securities (bonds, etc.) are taken into account. Securities are accepted for accounting at their purchase price (market price), which may be equal to, greater than or less than the nominal value. If the market value exceeds the nominal value, then the resulting difference is subject to write-off or additional accrual.

Debit of account 76 "Settlements with various debtors and creditors" (for the amount of income due on securities)

Credit of account 58 "Financial investments" (for the part of the difference between the market and nominal value), 91 "Other income and expenses" (for the difference between the amounts attributed to accounts 76 "Settlements with various debtors and creditors" and account 58 "Financial investments" ).

Additional accrual of the excess of the nominal value of bonds and other debt securities acquired by the organization over their purchase value is reflected in the following entry:

Debit of account 76 "Settlements with various debtors and creditors" (for the amount of income due on securities)

Credit of account 58 "Financial investments" (for a part of the difference between the market and nominal value), 91 "Other income and expenses" (for the total amount allocated to accounts 76 "Settlements with various debtors and creditors" and 58 "Financial investments").

Sale or redemption of securities reflected:

Debit account 91 "Other income and expenses"

Credit of account 58 "Financial investments".

In the balance sheet, financial investments are reflected at the lowest cost - accounting or market. Since the situation in the stock market is unstable, many create allowance for depreciation of investments in securities.

Account 59 "Reserves for the depreciation of investments in securities" is intended to summarize information on the reserves for the depreciation of the organization's investments in securities. On the credit of this account, the formation of a reserve is carried out, on the debit - the use of the reserve.

1. Formation of a reserve:

Debit of account 91 "Other income and expenses" Credit of account 59 "Provisions for depreciation of investments in securities".

2. Decrease in the reserve due to the disposal of shares for which a reserve was previously created: Debit account 59 "Provisions for depreciation of investments in securities"

Credit of account 91 "Other income and expenses".

Analytical accounting for this account is kept for each reserve.

47. Documentation of fixed assets

Capitalization of fixed assets is carried out on the basis of Act on the acceptance and transfer of fixed assets (except for buildings, structures) (form No. OS-1).

The act of acceptance and transfer of the building (structure) (form No. OS-1a) the transfer of buildings and structures is formalized.

For the transfer of a group of homogeneous objects, a The act of acceptance and transfer of groups of fixed assets (except for buildings, structures) (form No. OS-1b). These documents are approved by the heads of the receiving organization and the delivering organization and drawn up in at least two copies. The act is accompanied by technical documentation related to this object.

Invoice for the internal movement of fixed assets (form No. OS-2) is compiled for the internal movement of fixed assets. Issued by the sender (transferring party) in three copies, is signed by responsible persons of the structural divisions of the recipient and the deliverer.

First copy transferred to accounting second - remains with the person responsible for the safety of the deliverer's fixed assets, third - sent to the recipient.

Acceptance and delivery of fixed assets for repair, reconstruction and modernization is carried out on the basis of The act of acceptance and delivery of repaired, reconstructed, modernized fixed assets (form No. OS-3).

If the repair, reconstruction and modernization is carried out by a third party, the act made in duplicate.

First copy stays in the organization second - transferred to the organization that carried out the repair, reconstruction, modernization.

The disposal of fixed assets is formalized An act on the write-off of an item of fixed assets (except for motor vehicles (form No. OS-4).

For the write-off of vehicles is compiled Act on the write-off of vehicles (form No. OS-4a).

If a group of fixed assets is written off, then a Act on the write-off of groups of fixed assets (except for motor vehicles (form No. OS-4b).

It is made in duplicate.signed by the members of the commission appointed by the head of the organization, approved by the head or a person authorized by him.

First copy transferred to accounting second - remains with the person responsible for the safety of fixed assets, and is the basis for the delivery to the warehouse and the sale of material assets and scrap metal remaining as a result of write-off.

The data of primary accounting documents serve as a source of information for filling inventory card of fixed assets (form No. OS-6).

Also apply Inventory card for group accounting of fixed assets (form No. OS-6a) и Inventory book of accounting for fixed assets (form No. OS-6b).

Conducted in accounting in one copy for each object, for a group of objects, as well as for fixed assets of small enterprises.

Upon receipt of equipment at the enterprise, the accountant draws up The act of acceptance (receipt) of equipment (form No. OS-14).

When transferring equipment for installation - The act of acceptance and transfer of equipment for installation (form No. OS-15).

When defects are found - Act on the identified defects in equipment (form No. OS-16).

48. Receipt of fixed assets

Fixed assets - these are the means of labor that are used in the production of products (performance of work, provision of services), for the management needs of the organization for a long time (over 12 months), do not change their appearance during operation, but wear out, transferring their value in parts to the new created product through depreciation.

Distinguish the following the main ways of receipt of fixed assets to the enterprise:

▪ purchasing for a fee from suppliers;

▪ creation by economic means;

▪ receipt under a gift agreement (free of charge);

▪ receipt as a contribution to the authorized capital;

▪ receipts under contracts providing for the fulfillment of obligations (payment) not in cash.

The initial cost of fixed assets purchased for a fee, the amount of the organization's actual costs for the acquisition, construction and manufacture is recognized, with the exception of value added tax and other reimbursable taxes.

1. The costs of acquiring an item of fixed assets are reflected:

Debit account 08 "Investments in non-current assets", sub-account "Acquisition of fixed assets"

Credit of account 60 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors".

2. Value added tax was charged on the acquired object:

Debit account 19 "Value added tax on acquired values"

Credit of account 60 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors".

3. An item of fixed assets is accepted for accounting at historical cost, except for value added tax:

Debit of account 01 "Fixed assets" Credit of account 08 "Investments in non-current assets".

The initial cost of fixed assets received by the organization under a donation agreement (free of charge), their current market value is recognized as of the date of acceptance for accounting.

3. The market value of the fixed asset received under the donation agreement (free of charge) is reflected:

Debit of account 08 "Investments in non-current assets" Credit of account 98 "Deferred income", sub-account "Grants".

The initial cost of fixed assets contributed as a contribution to the authorized capital of the organization, their monetary value agreed by the founders is recognized. The amount of receivables on contribution to the authorized capital is reflected in the debit of account 75 "Settlements with the founders" and the credit of account 80 "Authorized capital".

4. The amount of the participant's contribution is reflected in the form of the value of the fixed asset:

Debit of account 08 "Investments in non-current assets" Credit of account 75 "Settlements with founders", sub-account "Settlements on contributions to the authorized (share) capital".

The initial cost of fixed assets received under agreements providing for the fulfillment of obligations (payment) in non-monetary funds, the value of the values ​​transferred or to be transferred by the organization is recognized. This value is based on the price at which, in comparable circumstances, an entity would normally value similar assets.

Fixed assets are accepted for accounting under account 01 "Fixed assets" at their original cost.

Debit account 01 "Fixed assets"

Credit of account 08 "Investments in non-current assets" - an object of fixed assets was accepted for accounting at its original cost.

49. Depreciation of fixed assets

Depreciation - the process of gradual transfer of the cost of fixed assets to the cost of manufactured products.

Depreciation deductions for fixed assets are accrued monthly, regardless of the accrual method used, in the amount of 1/12 of the annual amount.

Wear is divided into moral и physical.

Obsolescence - partial loss by fixed assets of their value due to the development of technology and technology and the improvement of the production process.

Physical deterioration - loss of fixed assets of their original qualities.

Objects of fixed assets worth no more than 10 thousand rubles. per unit or other limit established in the accounting policy based on technological features, it is allowed to write off to production costs as they are put into production or operation.

Depreciation is not charged for fixed assets, consumer properties of which do not change over time (land plots and nature management objects).

Depreciation starts from the 1st day of the month following the month of acceptance of the object for accounting, and is carried out until the full repayment of the value of the object or the write-off of the object from accounting.

The depreciation charge is terminated. from the 1st day of the month following the month of full repayment of the value of the object or write-off of the object from accounting.

Depreciation amounts for fixed assets are reflected in accounting by accumulating the corresponding amounts on the passive account 02 "Depreciation of fixed assets". On the credit of this account, the amounts of accrued depreciation are taken into account, on the debit - the write-off of the amount of depreciation upon disposal of fixed assets due to sale, gratuitous transfer, contribution to the authorized capital of another organization, etc.

Debit of account 20 "Main production" (23 "Auxiliary production", 25 "General production expenses", 26 "General expenses", 08 "Investments in non-current assets", 44 "Expenses for sale")

Credit of account 02 "Depreciation of fixed assets" - depreciation of fixed assets has been accrued.

Distinguish the following depreciation methods.

1. Linear way.

Annual depreciation amount = initial cost (replacement) H depreciation rate calculated based on the useful life of this object.

2. Method of decreasing balance.

Annual depreciation amount = residual value at the beginning of the reporting year × depreciation rate calculated based on the useful life of this object and the acceleration factor established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. The method of writing off the cost by the sum of the numbers of years of the useful life.

Annual depreciation amount = historical cost (replacement) * number of years remaining until the end of the useful life of the item / sum of the number of years of the useful life of the item.

4. The method of writing off the cost in proportion to the volume of production (during the performance of work).

Annual depreciation amount = volume of production (work) × initial cost / estimated volume of production (work) for the entire useful life of the item of fixed assets.

50. Disposal of property, plant and equipment

Items of fixed assets are disposed of due to:

▪ sales;

▪ gratuitous transfer;

▪ write-offs in case of moral and physical wear and tear;

▪ liquidation in case of accidents, natural disasters and other emergency situations;

▪ transfers in the form of a contribution to the authorized (share) capital of other organizations;

▪ transfers under contracts of exchange, gift;

▪ transfer to a subsidiary (dependent) company from the parent organization;

▪ shortages and damage identified during the inventory of assets and liabilities;

▪ partial liquidation during reconstruction work;

▪ in other cases.

The cost of an item of fixed assets that is disposed of or not permanently used for the production of products, performance of work and provision of services, or for the management needs of the organization, is subject to write-off from accounting.

If a fixed asset is written off as a result of its sale, then the proceeds from the sale are accepted for accounting in the amount agreed by the parties in the contract.

Income and expenses from write-off of fixed assets from the accounting records are reflected in the accounting records in the reporting period to which they relate. Income and expenses from writing off fixed assets from accounting are subject to crediting to the profit and loss account as operating income and expenses. Operating income and expenses are recorded on account 91 "Other income and expenses" on sub-accounts.

When objects of fixed assets are disposed of, the amount of depreciation accrued on them is written off from account 02 "Depreciation of fixed assets" to the credit of account 01 "Fixed assets", sub-account "Disposal of fixed assets".

1. The initial cost of fixed assets was written off due to the sale by a third party:

Debit of account 01 "Fixed assets", sub-account "Retirement of fixed assets" Credit of account 01 "Fixed assets".

2. The amount of depreciation for retired fixed assets was written off:

Debit of account 02 "Depreciation of fixed assets" Credit of account 01 "Fixed assets".

3. Written off residual value of fixed assets:

Debit account 91 "Other income and expenses", subaccount "Other expenses"

Credit of account 01 "Fixed assets", sub-account "Retirement of fixed assets".

4. Reflected profit (loss) from the sale of fixed assets:

Debit account 91 "Other income and expenses", sub-account "Balance of other income and expenses" (99 "Profit and loss")

Credit of account 99 "Profits and losses" (91 "Other income and expenses", sub-account "Balance of other income and expenses").

The write-off of fixed assets is carried out on the basis of deed to write off an object of fixed assets. The act indicates the date of acceptance of the object for accounting, the year of manufacture or construction, the time of commissioning, the useful life, the initial cost and the amount of accrued depreciation, revaluations, repairs, reasons for disposal with their justification, the condition of the main parts, parts, assemblies, structural elements.

On the basis of the executed act in the accounting department, a note is made on the disposal of the fixed asset object in the inventory card. Corresponding entries on the disposal of an item of fixed assets are also made in a document opened at its location.

51. Repair of fixed assets

Restoration of an item of fixed assets can be carried out through repair, modernization и reconstruction.

Repairs can be carried out economic or contractor way.

Distinguish the following methods of repairing fixed assets.

1. The costs incurred during the repair of a fixed asset object are reflected on the basis of the relevant primary accounting documents for accounting for the operations of release (expenditure) of material assets, the calculation of wages, debts to suppliers for the repair work performed and other expenses.

Debit of account 20 "Main production" (23 "Auxiliary production", 25 "General production expenses", 26 "General expenses")

Account credit 10 "Materials", (70 "Settlements with personnel for wages", 69 "Settlements for social insurance and security", 23 "Auxiliary production", 76 "Settlements with various debtors and creditors") - the actual costs of conducting repair of fixed assets.

2. In order to evenly include forthcoming expenses for the repair of fixed assets in production costs (sales expenses) of the reporting period, an organization may create a reserve for expenses for the repair of fixed assets (including leased ones).

To make a decision on the formation of a reserve of expenses for the repair of fixed assets, documents are used confirming the correctness of the determination of monthly deductions (defective statements, estimates for repairs, standards and data on the timing of repairs, the final calculation of deductions to the reserve of expenses for the repair of fixed assets).

The reserved amounts in order to evenly include expenses in the costs of production (sales) are recorded on passive account 96 "Reserves for future expenses". The credit of the account reflects the formation of a reserve, the debit - the use of the reserve.

1. Formation of a reserve:

Debit of account 20 "Main production" (23 "Auxiliary production", 25 "General production expenses", 26 "General expenses")

Credit of account 96 "Reserves for future expenses".

2. Reserve use:

Debit of account 96 "Reserves for future expenses" Credit of account 23 "Auxiliary production" 10 "Materials", 70 "Labor costs", 69 "Calculations for social insurance and security", 76 "Settlements with different debtors and creditors").

3. The amount of the unused reserve is reflected:

Debit of account 96 "Reserves for future expenses" Credit of account 91 "Other income and expenses", sub-account "Other income".

If the organization carries out the repair of fixed assets unevenly, then it is allowed to write off the actual costs to account 97 "Deferred expenses".

1. The actual costs of repairs in the reporting period are reflected:

Debit of account 97 "Deferred expenses" Credit of account 23 "Auxiliary production" (10 "Materials", 70 "Settlements with personnel for wages", 69 "Calculations for social insurance and security", 76 "Settlements with various debtors and creditors" ).

2. Write-off of expenses during subsequent periods:

Debit of account 20 "Main production" (23 "Auxiliary production", 25 "General production expenses", 26 "General expenses") Credit 97 "Deferred expenses".

52. Accounting for intangible assets

Intangible assets objects of long-term use are recognized that do not have a material structure, but have a valuation, are used for a long time (over 12 months) and are capable of bringing economic benefits (income) to the organization in the future.

Intangible assets include:

▪ the exclusive right of the patent holder to an invention, industrial design, utility model;

▪ exclusive copyright for computer programs, databases;

▪ property right of the author or other copyright holder to the topology of integrated circuits;

▪ the exclusive right of the owner to a trademark and service mark, the name of the place of origin of goods;

▪ exclusive right of the patent holder to selection achievements;

▪ business reputation of the organization;

▪ organizational expenses.

Into intangible assets not included intellectual and business qualities of the organization's personnel, their qualifications and ability to work, since they are inseparable from their carriers and cannot be used without them.

The movement of intangible assets is documented by documents that indicate data on the initial cost, degree of depreciation, useful life, etc.

Upon disposal of intangible assets, an act for write-off, an act of transfer and other documents is drawn up.

Intangible assets are accepted for accounting on account 04 "Intangible assets" at original cost.

Debit account 04 "Intangible assets"

Credit of account 08 "Investments in non-current assets" - an intangible asset is accepted for accounting at its original cost.

The residual value of retired objects is written off from account 04 "Intangible assets" to account 91 "Other income and expenses".

Debit account 91 "Other income and expenses"

Credit of account 04 "Intangible assets" - the residual value of intangible assets is written off.

When objects of intangible assets are disposed of, their value is reduced by the amount of depreciation accrued over the time of use.

Depreciation on intangible assets is charged over the entire useful life.

For intangible assets for which it is impossible to determine the useful life, depreciation rates are set for 20 years (but not more than the life of the organization).

The amount of depreciation on intangible assets is reflected in account 05 "Amortization of intangible assets". On the credit of this account, depreciation is charged, on the debit - depreciation is written off.

1. Depreciation on intangible assets has been accrued:

Debit of account 20 "Main production" (23 "Auxiliary production", 25 "General production expenses", 26 "General expenses", 08 "Investments in non-current assets")

Credit of account 05 "Amortization of intangible assets".

2. The depreciation amount for retired intangible assets was written off:

Debit account 05 "Amortization of intangible assets"

Credit of account 04 "Intangible assets".

Distinguish the following depreciation methods for intangible assets:

▪ linear method;

▪ reducing balance method;

▪ method of writing off the cost in proportion to the volume of products (works).

53. Documentation of inventories

Movement Operations inventories are drawn up by primary accounting documents.

For materials received under contracts of sale, supply and other similar contracts, the organization receives from the supplier (consignor) settlement documents and accompanying documents.

Power of Attorney (form M-2 or M-2a) to receive materials and the relevant documents are issued to an authorized person to receive materials from the supplier's warehouse or from the transport organization (organization). power of attorney in one copy draws up the accounting department of the organization and issues it to the recipient against receipt.

Entrants to the organization invoices, waybills, bills of lading and other accompanying documents for incoming goods are transferred to the appropriate division of the organization (logistics department, warehouse, etc.) as a basis for acceptance and posting of materials.

Acceptance and posting of incoming materials and containers (for materials) are formalized by the respective warehouses by drawing up Credit order (form No. M-4) if there are no discrepancies between the data of the supplier and the actual data (in terms of quantity and quality). Receipt order in one copy is made by the financially responsible person on the day the valuables arrive at the warehouse.

When it is established that the received materials do not correspond to the assortment, quantity and quality specified in the supplier's documents, as well as in cases where the quality of the materials does not meet the requirements (dents, scratches, breakage, breakage, leakage of liquid materials, etc.), the acceptance is carried out by the commission , which shapes it The act of acceptance of materials (form No. M-7). Act in two copies is compiled by members of the selection committee with the obligatory participation of a financially responsible person and a representative of the sender (supplier) or a representative of a disinterested organization.

For the release of stocks into production are Limit-fence card (form No. M-8) и Requirement-consignment note (form No. M-11).

Limit fence cards are intended for the issue of materials systematically consumed for the manufacture of products (performance of works and services), as well as for monitoring compliance with limits.

Limit-fence cards are issued by departments of the organization that perform supply or planning functions, in two or three copies for a period of one month.

With small volumes of materials issue, they can be issued for the quarter. A separate limit-fence card is issued for each warehouse.

When issuing material assets, it is compiled Invoice for the release of materials to the side (form No. M-15).

В Material accounting card (form No. M-17) reflects data on income, consumption and balances of inventories.

The posting of stocks received during the dismantling and dismantling of buildings and structures is carried out on the basis of Act on the recording of material assets received during the dismantling and dismantling of buildings and structures (form No. M-35).

The act is drawn up in three copies by a commission consisting of representatives of the customer and contractor, signed by representatives of the customer and contractor.

54. Accounting for inventories

inventories - assets used as raw materials, materials, etc. in the production of products intended for sale, as well as for the management needs of the organization.

Inventories are accepted for accounting at actual cost, which is formed from the acquisition costs.

For inventory accounting accounts 10 "Materials", 15 "Procurement and acquisition of material assets", 16 "Deviation in the cost of material assets".

On account 10 "Materials" stocks are accounted for at the planned cost. After the preparation of the annual reporting cost estimate, the planned cost of materials is adjusted to the actual cost.

When accounting for materials at accounting prices the difference between the cost of valuables at these prices and the actual cost of acquiring (procuring) valuables is reflected on account 16 "Deviation in the cost of materials".

The excess of the actual cost over the planned cost is reflected in the following posting:

Debit account 20 "Main production"

Account credit 16 "Deviation in the cost of materials."

Negative variances (actual cost is lower than planned) are reversed.

Organizations that procure stocksrelating to funds in circulation, account 15 "Procurement and acquisition of material assets" is used.

1. Reflected the purchase price of inventory:

Debit account 15 "Procurement and acquisition of material assets"

Credit of account 60 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors".

2. The cost of actually received and credited stocks is reflected:

Debit of account 10 "Materials" Credit of account 15 "Procurement and acquisition of material values".

3. A positive amount of the difference between the actual cost and the book price is reflected:

Debit account 16 "Deviations in the value of material assets"

Credit of account 15 "Procurement and acquisition of material values".

4. The negative amount of the difference between the actual cost and the book price is reflected:

Debit account 15 "Procurement and acquisition of material assets"

Credit account 16 "Deviations in the value of material assets."

Write-off of inventories to production is carried out by one of the following methods:

▪ at the cost of each unit;

▪ at average cost. The assessment of inventories is carried out for each group (type) of inventories by dividing the total cost of the group (type) of inventories by their quantity, which consists of the cost and the amount of balance at the beginning of the month and the inventory received during the given month;

▪ at the cost of the first acquisition of inventories (FIFO method). Inventories that are the first to enter production (sale) must be valued at the cost of the first acquisitions, taking into account the cost of inventories listed at the beginning of the month.

▪ at the cost of the most recent acquisition of inventories (LIFO method).

The write-off of the cost of inventories is reflected in the entry:

Debit of account 20 "Main production" (25 "General production expenses", 26 "General expenses", 44 "Sales expenses")

Credit account 10 "Materials".

55. Evaluation of finished products

Finished products is a part of inventories intended for sale (the end result of the production cycle, assets completed by processing (picking), the technical and qualitative characteristics of which comply with the terms of the contract or the requirements of other documents, in cases established by law).

Organization of accounting for finished products should ensure the formation of information on the availability and movement of finished products in places of storage and financially responsible persons.

Accounting for finished products is carried out in quantitative и in terms of value.

Finished products of the organization are accounted for by name, with separate accounting for distinctive features (brands, articles, sizes, models, styles, etc.).

Finished products are accounted for at actual costs associated with their manufacture (at actual production cost).

Organizations engaged in industrial, agricultural and other production activities apply account 43 "Finished products". The debit of this account reflects the acceptance for accounting of finished products manufactured for sale, including products partially intended for the organization's own needs. This is reflected in the accounting entry:

Debit account 43 "Finished products"

Credit of account 40 "Output of products (works, services)".

Revenue from the sale of finished products is reflected:

Debit account 90 "Sales"

Credit of the account "Finished products".

If the proceeds from the sale of shipped products for a certain time cannot be recognized in accounting (for example, when exporting products), then until the moment the revenue is recognized, these products are taken into account on account 45 "Goods shipped". Upon actual shipment, it is recorded: Debit of account 45 "Goods shipped" Credit of account 43 "Finished products".

If finished products are accounted for at the standard cost or at contractual prices, then the difference between the actual cost and the cost of finished products at accounting prices is recorded on account 43 "Finished products" under a separate sub-account "Deviations of the actual cost of finished products from the book value". The excess of the actual cost over the accounting cost is reflected in the debit of the specified sub-account and the credit of the cost accounting accounts. If the actual cost is lower than the book value, then the difference is reflected in a reversal entry.

Write-off of finished products (during shipment, vacation, etc.) can be made at book value. At the same time, deviations related to the sold finished products are written off to the sales accounts (determined in proportion to its book value). Deviations related to the balance of finished products remain on account 43 "Finished products" (sub-account "Deviations of the actual cost of finished products from the book value").

Release of finished products to customers (customers) is carried out in organizations on the basis of the relevant primary accounting documents - invoices. An invoice (or other similar primary accounting document) must be issued in a number of copies sufficient to control the shipment (export) of finished products.

56. Accounting for the shipment of finished products

Accounting for the shipment (release of finished products to buyers (customers) in organizations is carried out on the basis of invoices.

As a standard form of invoice can be used "Invoice for the release of materials to the side" (form No. M-15).

The basis for issuing an invoice for the release of finished products in the warehouse, in the divisions of the organization is the order of the head of the organization or a person authorized by him, as well as an agreement with the buyer (customer).

On the basis of invoices for the release of finished products, the sales department issues invoices in two copies, the first of which is sent (transferred) to the buyer no later than 10 days from the date of shipment of the products (goods), and the second remains with the supplier organization for reflection in the sales book and charge of value added tax.

Upon shipment (release) of finished products, the amounts payable by the buyer are determined, a settlement document is drawn up and presented to him for payment.

The amounts payable by the buyer are recorded by the supplier in the debit of the settlement accounting account.

The amount paid by the buyer is reflected in the debit of cash accounts, and in the event of fulfillment of obligations by non-cash funds - in accounts of settlements with suppliers and contractors, in correspondence with the credit of the settlement account.

When organizing the accounting of production costs, the costs associated with the operation of the organization's own transport (costs of the transport department) are recorded on account 23 "Auxiliary production".

Part of these costs associated with the performance of work on the transportation of finished products, payable by buyers in excess of the price of finished products, is debited from the credit of account 23 "Auxiliary production" to the debit of account 44 "Sales expenses". The amounts presented for payment, including the amount of taxes due for the rendered transport services, are posted on the debit of the account of settlements in correspondence with the credit of the sales account.

The costs of the organization associated with the transportation of finished products, which are not payable by the buyer separately, are accounted for in the debit of account 44 "Sales costs" from the credit of account 23 "Auxiliary production".

The costs of transportation of finished products, performed by third-party organizations and persons, are recorded in the debit of the account for accounting for settlements from the credit of the corresponding accounts for accounting for cash or accountable amounts, including the amounts of value added tax paid on them.

Expenses subject to reimbursement by buyers of finished products are debited from the above account of settlements with debiting the account of settlements with buyers, including the amount of value added tax due (paid) to a third-party transport organization. This amount of value added tax is presented for payment to the buyer of the product.

The costs of transportation of finished products, performed by third-party organizations, not payable by buyers of products, are debited from the credit of the settlement accounting account to the debit of account 44 "Sales expenses", and the corresponding amount is debited to the debit of account 19 "Value added tax on acquired values".

57. Accounting for sales expenses

Sale of products (works, services) comes with certain costs. In accounting, to summarize information on the costs associated with the sale of products, goods, works and services, it is intended account 44 "Sales expenses".

In organizations engaged in industrial and other production activities, on account 44 "Expenses for sale" the following expenses are reflected:

▪ for packaging and packaging of products in finished product warehouses;

▪ for delivery of products to the departure station (pier), loading into wagons, ships, cars and other vehicles;

▪ commission fees (deductions) paid to sales and other intermediary organizations;

▪ on the maintenance of premises for storing products at places of sale and remuneration of salespeople in organizations engaged in agricultural production;

▪ for advertising;

▪ for entertainment expenses;

▪ other expenses similar in purpose.

in trade organizations This account reflects the following expenses: for the transportation of goods, for wages, for rent, for the maintenance of buildings, structures, premises and inventory, for the storage and processing of goods, for advertising, for entertainment expenses, and other similar expenses.

In organizations that harvest and process agricultural products (beets, milk, wool, cotton, raw hides, flax, livestock, poultry, etc.), account 44 "Sales costs" reflects:

▪ operating expenses;

▪ general procurement expenses;

▪ for the maintenance of procurement and receiving points;

▪ for the maintenance of livestock and poultry at bases and reception points.

According to the debit of account 44 "Sale costs" the amounts of expenses incurred by the organization related to the sale of products, goods, works and services are accumulated. These amounts are written off in whole or in part to debit account 90 "Sales".

In case of partial write-off, the following are subject to distribution:

▪ in organizations engaged in industrial and other production activities - packaging and transportation costs (between individual types of shipped products on a monthly basis based on their weight, volume, production cost or other relevant indicators);

▪ in organizations engaged in trading and other intermediary activities - transportation costs (between the goods sold and the balance of goods at the end of each month);

▪ in organizations that procure and process agricultural products - to the debit of accounts 15 “Procurement and acquisition of material assets” (expenses for the procurement of agricultural raw materials) and (or) 11 “Animals for growing and fattening” (expenses for the procurement of livestock and poultry).

All other expenses associated with the sale of products, goods, works, services, are charged monthly to the cost of products sold (goods, works, services).

1. The expenses for the sale of finished products are reflected:

Debit of account 44 "Expenses for sale" Credit of account 70 "Calculations with personnel for wages", 69 "Calculations for social insurance and security", 23 "Auxiliary production", 10 "Materials", 51 "Settlement accounts".

2. A part of the expenses was written off for the cost of sales of products:

Debit account 90 "Sales"

Credit of account 44 "Costs of sale".

58. Operating income and expenses

Operating income is:

▪ receipts related to the provision of the organization's assets for temporary use for a fee;

▪ revenues associated with the provision for a fee of rights arising from patents for inventions, industrial designs and other types of intellectual property;

▪ income related to participation in the authorized capitals of other organizations;

▪ profit received by the organization as a result of joint activities (under a simple partnership agreement);

▪ proceeds from the sale of fixed assets and other assets other than cash (except foreign currency), products, goods;

▪ interest received for providing the organization's funds for use, as well as interest for the bank's use of funds held in the organization's account with this bank.

Operating expenses are:

▪ expenses associated with the provision of the organization's assets for temporary use for a fee;

▪ costs associated with the provision for a fee of rights arising from patents for inventions, industrial designs and other types of intellectual property;

▪ expenses associated with participation in the authorized capitals of other organizations;

▪ expenses associated with the sale, disposal and other write-off of fixed assets and other assets other than cash (except foreign currency), goods, products;

▪ interest paid by an organization for providing it with funds (credits, loans) for use;

▪ expenses related to payment for services provided by credit institutions;

▪ contributions to valuation reserves created in accordance with accounting rules (reserves for doubtful debts, for depreciation of investments in securities, etc.), as well as reserves created in connection with the recognition of contingent facts of economic activity;

▪ other operating expenses.

Operating income and expenses are recognized on account 91 "Other income and expenses". The credit of this account reflects other operating income, the debit - operating expenses.

Entries on sub-accounts 91-1 "Other income" and 91-2 "Other expenses" are made accumulatively during the reporting year. On a monthly basis, by comparing the debit turnover on subaccount 91-2 "Other expenses" and the credit turnover on subaccount 91-1 "Other income", the balance of other income and expenses for the reporting month is determined. This balance is monthly (final turnovers) debited from sub-account 91-9 "Balance of other income and expenses" to account 99 "Profit and loss". In this way, synthetic account 91 “Other income and expenses” has no balance at the reporting date.

At the end of the reporting year, all sub-accounts opened to account 91 "Other income and expenses" (except for sub-account 91-9 "Balance of other income and expenses") are closed by internal entries to sub-account 91-9 "Balance of other income and expenses".

1. Written off income:

Debit account 91 "Other income and expenses", subaccount "Other income"

Credit of account 91 "Other income and expenses", sub-account "Balance of other income and expenses".

2. Expenses written off:

Debit account 91 "Other income and expenses", subaccount "Balance of other income and expenses"

Credit of account 91 "Other income and expenses", sub-account "Other expenses".

59. Non-operating income and expenses

Non-operating income are:

fines, penalties, forfeits for violation of the terms of contracts, assets; received free of charge, including under a donation agreement, receipts in compensation for losses caused to the organization; profit of previous years, revealed in the reporting year; amounts of accounts payable and depositor's debts for which the limitation period has expired; positive exchange differences; the amount of revaluation of assets; other non-operating income.

Non-operating expenses are:

fines, penalties, forfeits for violation of the terms of contracts; compensation for losses caused by the organization; losses of previous years recognized in the reporting year; the amount of receivables for which the limitation period has expired, other debts that are unrealistic to collect; negative exchange rate differences; the amount of depreciation of assets; transfer of funds (contributions, payments, etc.) related to charitable activities, expenses for sports events, recreation, entertainment, cultural and educational events and other similar events; other non-operating expenses.

Non-operating income and expenses are accounted for on account 91 "Other income and expenses". Sub-account 91-1 "Other income" reflects the amount of non-operating income. On sub-account 91-2 "Other expenses" - non-operating expenses.

Accounting for non-operating income.

1. The amount of the fine for failure to fulfill contractual obligations is reflected:

Debit of account 51 "Settlement accounts" Credit of account 91 "Other income and expenses", sub-account "Other income".

2. Write-off of accounts payable: Debit of account 76 "Settlements with various debtors and creditors", account 60 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors"

Credit of account 91 "Other income and expenses", sub-account "Other income".

3. The amount of positive exchange rate difference is reflected:

Debit account 52 "Currency accounts"

Credit of account 91 "Other income and expenses", sub-account "Other income".

Accounting for non-operating expenses.

1. From the settlement account of the organization, funds were transferred to pay penalties for violation of the terms of the contract for the supply of finished products:

Debit of account 91 "Other income and expenses", sub-account "Other expenses" Credit of account 51 "Settlement accounts".

2. Write-off of accounts receivable:

Debit account 91 "Other income and expenses", subaccount "Other expenses"

Credit of account 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers", account 76 "Settlements with various debtors and creditors".

3. The amount of markdown of finished products is shown:

Debit account 91 "Other income and expenses", subaccount "Other expenses"

Credit of account 43 "Finished products".

The reflection of the final financial result is reflected in the following entry:

Debit of account 99 "Profits and losses" (91 "Other income and expenses", sub-account "Balance of other income and expenses")

Credit of account 91 "Other income and expenses", sub-account "Balance of other income and expenses" (99 "Profit and loss").

Write-off of non-operating income is reflected:

Debit account 91 "Other income and expenses", subaccount "Other income"

Credit of account 90 "Sales", sub-account "Profit (loss) from sales".

Write-off of non-operating expenses:

Debit account 90 "Sales", subaccount "Profit (loss) from sales"

Credit of account 91 "Other income and expenses", sub-account "Other expenses".

60. Deferred income and expenses

revenue of the future periods - income received (accrued) in the reporting period, but relating to future reporting periods, as well as upcoming receipts of debts for shortages identified in the reporting period for previous years, etc. In accounting, such income is taken into account on account 98 "Deferred income".

On the credit of account 98 "Deferred income" reflects the amounts of income relating to future reporting periods, by debit - the amounts of income transferred to the respective accounts at the beginning of the reporting period to which these incomes relate.

To account 98 "Deferred income" can be opened subaccounts.

On sub-account 98-1 "Income received on account of future periods" the movement of income received in the reporting period, but related to the future (rent or apartment payment, utility bills, revenue from freight transportation, etc.) is taken into account.

The receipt of payment for utilities is reflected in the entry:

Debit account 50 "Cashier"

Credit of account 98-1 "Income received on account of future periods".

On sub-account 98-2 "Grant-free receipts" the value of assets received by the organization free of charge is taken into account. Upon receipt of such assets, a transaction is recorded:

Debit of account 08 "Investments in non-current assets" Credit of account 98-2 "Grant-free receipts".

On sub-account 98-3 "Upcoming receipts of debts for shortages identified in previous years" the movement of forthcoming inflows of debts for shortages identified in the reporting period for previous years is taken into account.

1. Reflected are the amounts of shortages of valuables identified in previous reporting periods, recognized as guilty persons:

Debit account 94 "Shortages and losses from damage to valuables"

Credit of account 98-3 "Upcoming receipts of debts for shortages identified in previous years".

2. Debt accrued on the guilty person:

Debit account 73 "Settlements with personnel for other operations", sub-account "Calculations for compensation of material damage"

Credit of account 94 "Shortages and losses from damage to valuables".

3. The debt for shortages has been repaid:

Debit account 50 "Cashier"

Credit of account 73 "Settlements with personnel for other operations", sub-account "Calculations for compensation of material damage".

4. Write-off of deferred income as the debt is repaid:

Debit account 98-3 "Upcoming receipts of debts for shortages identified in previous years"

Credit of account 91 "Other income and expenses", sub-account "Other income".

Future spending - expenses incurred in the reporting period, but related to future reporting periods (expenses associated with mining and preparatory work, preparatory seasonal work for production, etc.).

Deferred expenses are recognized on account 97 "Deferred expenses".

On debit this account reflects the expenses incurred in this period, but related to future reporting periods, on credit - write-off of expenses for the reporting period. The write-off of deferred expenses is reflected in the entry:

Debit of account 20 "Main production", 23 "Auxiliary production", 25 "General production expenses", 26 "General expenses", 44 "Sales expenses"

Credit of account 97 "Deferred expenses".

61. Classification of expenses by ordinary activities

Expenses for ordinary activities - expenses associated with the manufacture and sale of products, the purchase and sale of goods, as well as the reimbursement of the cost of fixed assets, intangible assets and other depreciable assets, carried out in the form of depreciation deductions.

Expenses for ordinary activities form:

▪ expenses associated with the acquisition of raw materials, materials, goods and other inventories;

▪ expenses arising directly in the process of processing (reworking) inventories for the purposes of production, performance of work and provision of services and their sale, as well as sale (resale) of goods. Such expenses include costs for the maintenance and operation of fixed assets and other non-current assets, commercial expenses, administrative expenses, etc.

Expenses for ordinary activities are accepted for accounting in an amount calculated in monetary terms, equal to the amount of payment in cash and in other form or the amount of accounts payable. If the payment covers only part of the recognized expenses, then the expenses accepted for accounting are determined as the sum of payment and accounts payable.

The rules for accounting for costs for the production of products (works, services) in the context of elements and articles, for calculating the cost of products (works, services) are established by separate regulations and Methodological Guidelines for Accounting.

Costs are grouped according to a number of characteristics.

1. By frequency of occurrence - current and one-time.

Running costs - permanently incurred costs (purchase of raw materials and materials, goods, etc.).

One-off - one-time or periodically incurred (expenses associated with mining preparation work, the development of new industries, installations and units, etc.).

2. By the method of including costs in the cost of products (works, services) - direct and overhead (indirect).

Direct costs - expenses associated with the production of products, performance of work, provision of services, which are included directly and directly in the cost of manufactured products, work performed or services rendered on the basis of primary documents (material costs, labor costs of the main workers).

Overhead - expenses associated with the organization and management of the organization as a whole (general business, general production expenses, etc.).

3. Depending on changes in the volume of work - constant and variable.

Fixed costs - expenses that do not depend on the scope of work (rent, depreciation of buildings, etc.).

Variables - change in direct proportion to the amount of work (piecework wages, material resources).

4. By efficiency - productive and unproductive.

5. By place of origin.

6. By type of work.

7. By type of expense - by cost element and expense item.

К cost elements relate:

one). material costs;

2). labor costs;

3). deductions for social needs;

four). depreciation;

5). other costs.

For the purposes of management in accounting, accounting of expenses is organized by cost items.

The list of cost items is established by the organization independently.

62. Financial results

To summarize information on the income and expenses of the organization, as well as to identify the final financial result of the organization's activities for the reporting year, accounts 90 "Sales", 91 "Other income and expenses", etc.

Account 90 "Sales" is designed to summarize information on income and expenses associated with the ordinary activities of the organization, as well as to determine the financial result for them. A feature of this account is the presence of sub-accounts, for which entries are made accumulatively during the reporting year.

To account 90 "Sales" the following sub-accounts are opened:

▪ 90-1 "Revenue";

▪ 90-2 “Cost of sales”;

▪ 90-3 “Value added tax”;

▪ 90-4 "Excise taxes";

▪ 90-9 "Profit (loss) from sales."

On a monthly basis, by comparing the total debit turnover on subaccounts 90-3 "Value added tax", 90-4 "Excises" and the credit turnover on subaccount 90-1 "Revenue", the financial result from sales for the reporting month is determined. The result (profit or loss) is monthly (final turnovers) written off from sub-account 90-9 "Profit (loss) from sales" to account 99 "Profit and loss".

Account 90 "Sales" balance at the reporting date has.

At the end of the reporting year, all sub-accounts are closed by internal entries to sub-account 90-9 "Profit (loss) from sales".

The following business transactions are reflected in accounting.

1. Reflected profit (loss) from ordinary activities:

Debit of account 90-1 "Revenue" (accounts 90-9 "Profit (loss) from sales")

Credit of account 90-9 "Profit (loss) from sales" (account 90-1 "Revenue").

2. The financial result is written off to the profit and loss account:

Debit of account 90-9 "Profit (loss) from sales" (account 99 "Profit and loss")

Credit of account 99 "Profits and losses" (accounts 90-9 "Profit (loss) from sales").

Account 91 "Other income and expenses" is intended to summarize information on other income and expenses of the reporting period, except for extraordinary income and expenses. By credit This account reflects other income, according to debit - other expenses.

Account 91 "Other income and expenses" also has sub-accounts:

▪ 91-1 “Other income”;

▪ 91-2 "Other expenses";

▪ 91-9 "Balance of other income and expenses."

Accounting for transactions on this account is similar to the procedure for maintaining records on account 90 "Sales".

Account 99 "Profit and loss" is intended to summarize information on the formation of the final financial result of the organization's activities in the reporting year.

The final financial result is made up of profit from ordinary activities, as well as other income and expenses, including extraordinary ones.

On debit account 99 "Profit and loss" losses are reflected credit - profits (income) of the organization.

Comparison of debit and credit turnover for the reporting period shows the final financial result.

At the end of the reporting year, when compiling the annual financial statements, account 99 "Profit and Loss" is closed. In this case, the final entry in December, the amount of net profit (loss) of the reporting year is debited from account 99 "Profits and losses" to the credit (debit) of account 84 "Retained earnings (uncovered loss)".

The data of account 99 "Profit and loss" are used in the preparation of the income statement.

63. Accounting for authorized (share) capital

Authorized (share) capital - a set of contributions, shares, shares at par value made by the founders.

Minimum authorized capital of an open company must be at least a thousand times the amount of the minimum wage established by federal law on the date of registration of the company, and closed society - not less than one hundred times the minimum wageestablished by federal law on the date of state registration of the company.

To form the authorized capital, it is necessary to deposit 50% of the registered amount of the authorized capital to the current account, the remaining 50% are paid during the year.

In accounting, to summarize information on the state and movement of the authorized capital, it is intended account 80 "Authorized capital". The balance of this account must correspond to the amount of the authorized capital recorded in the constituent documents of the organization.

On loan account 80 "Authorized capital" reflects the formation of capital, by debit - reduction of capital for various reasons (withdrawal of a shareholder from the company).

After the state registration of the organization, its authorized capital in the amount of contributions of the founders (participants) provided for by the constituent documents is reflected in the credit of account 80 "Authorized capital" in correspondence with account 75 "Settlements with founders". The account records:

Debit account 75 "Settlements with the founders"

Credit of account 80 "Authorized capital".

The actual receipt of the founders' deposits is carried out on the credit of account 75 "Settlements with the founders", sub-account "Settlements on contributions to the authorized (reserve) capital" in correspondence with accounts for accounting for cash and other valuables.

The account records:

Debit of account 01 "Fixed assets", 10 "Materials", 50 "Cashier", 51 "Settlement accounts", 08 "Investments in non-current assets"

Credit of account 75 "Settlements with founders", sub-account "Settlements on contributions to the authorized (share) capital".

The authorized capital may increase or decrease by decision of the meeting of shareholders in the legislative order.

1. Increase in the authorized capital at the expense of reserve, additional capital, retained earnings:

Debit of account 82 "Reserve capital", 83 "Additional capital", 84 "Retained earnings (uncovered loss)"

Credit of account 80 "Authorized capital".

2. Reduction of the authorized capital due to the retirement of the founder, write-off of losses of previous years:

Debit of account 80 "Authorized capital" Credit of account 75 "Settlements with founders", 84 "Retained earnings (uncovered loss)".

An increase or decrease in the par value of shares is also the reason for a change in the authorized capital.

When a joint-stock company or another company buys back its shares from a shareholder, a debit entry is made in the accounting records for the amount of actual costs account 81 "Own shares (shares)" and credit cash accounts.

Cancellation of own shares is carried out on the credit of account 81 "Own shares (shares)" and the debit of account 80 "Authorized capital".

Arising at the same time on account 81 "Own shares (shares)" the difference between the actual costs of repurchasing shares and their nominal value is charged to account 91 “Other income and expenses”.

64. Accounting for reserve and additional capital

Organizations have the right to create spare и additional capital.

Reserve capital is intended to cover the losses of the organization, the redemption of bonds of a joint-stock company, etc. The funds of the reserve capital are used only for strictly defined purposes.

Account 82 "Reserve capital" is designed to summarize information about the state and movement of reserve capital.

Deductions to reserve capital from profit are reflected in the entry:

Debit account 84 "Retained earnings (uncovered) loss"

Credit of account 82 "Reserve capital".

1. The use of reserve capital to cover the losses of the organization for the reporting year is reflected in the entry:

Debit of account 82 "Reserve capital" Credit of account 84 "Retained earnings (uncovered) loss".

2. Use of reserve capital for the redemption of bonds of a joint-stock company:

Debit of account 82 "Reserve capital" Credit of account 66 "Calculations on short-term credits and loans", 67 "Calculations on long-term credits and loans".

3. Debt on bonds of the joint-stock company was repaid from the current account:

Debit account 66 "Calculations on short-term loans and borrowings", 67 "Calculations on long-term loans and borrowings"

Credit of account 51 "Settlement accounts".

If the organization does not have a profit, then the funds of the reserve capital can be used to pay income on bonds and dividends on shares. In accounting, this business transaction is reflected in the entry:

Debit account 82 "Reserve capital"

Credit of account 70 "Settlements with personnel for wages", 75 "Settlements with founders".

Accounting for additional capital is carried out on a passive basis account 83 "Additional capital".

The credit of this account reflects the following correspondence.

1. The increase in the value of non-current assets, revealed by the results of their revaluation:

Debit of account 01 "Fixed assets", 04 "Intangible assets", 10 "Materials", 41 "Goods" Credit of account 83 "Additional capital".

2. The amount of the difference between the sale and par value of shares received in the process of forming the authorized capital of a joint-stock company (during the establishment of the company, with a subsequent increase in the authorized capital) is reflected due to the sale of shares at a price exceeding the nominal value:

Debit of account 75 "Settlements with founders" Credit of account 83 "Additional capital".

3. Increase in additional capital at the expense of profit from property received free of charge:

Debit of account 01 "Fixed assets", 04 "Intangible assets", 10 "Materials", 41 "Goods"

Credit of account 83 "Additional capital".

The amounts credited to account 83 "Additional capital" are not written off.

The debit of account 83 "Additional capital" reflects the following correspondence.

1. Repayment of depreciation amounts of non-current assets revealed as a result of its revaluation:

Debit of account 83 "Additional capital" Credit of account 01 "Fixed assets", 04 "Intangible assets", 10 "Materials", 41 "Goods".

2. Funds aimed at increasing the authorized capital:

Debit of account 83 "Additional capital" Credit of account 75 "Settlements with founders", 80 "Authorized capital".

3. Distribution of amounts between the founders of the organization:

Debit of account 83 "Additional capital" Credit of account 75 "Settlements with founders".

65. Accounting for earmarked funding

Target funds include funds in the form of subventions; funds received from other enterprises; funds received from parents for the maintenance of children in children's institutions, etc. The expenditure of these funds is carried out for strictly defined purposes and in accordance with approved documents (budgets). The use of earmarked funds for other purposes is prohibited.

State assistance provided by the state to commercial organizations also refers to targeted financing.

State aid - increase in the economic benefits of a commercial organization as a result of the receipt of assets (cash, other property).

State aid provided in the form of subventions, subsidies, budget loans, including the provision in the form of resources other than cash, and in other forms.

Budgetary funds are divided into the following types:

▪ funds to finance capital expenses associated with the purchase, construction or other acquisition of non-current assets;

▪ funds to finance current expenses.

The organization accepts budgetary funds for accounting under the following conditions:

▪ the presence of confidence that the conditions for the provision of these funds by the organization will be met.

Confirmation there may be contracts concluded by the organization, adopted and publicly announced decisions, feasibility studies, approved design estimates, etc.

Budget resources, accepted in accordance with this condition, are reflected in accounting as the occurrence of targeted financing and debt on these funds;

▪ there is confidence that budget funds will be received.

Confirmation there may be an approved budget list, notification of budget allocations, limits of budget obligations, acts of acceptance and transfer of resources and other relevant documents. As funds are actually received, the corresponding amounts reduce the debt and increase the accounts for cash, capital investments, etc.

Budget resources deducted from the account of target financing as an increase in the financial results of the organization.

Accounting for funds intended for the implementation of targeted activities, funds received from other organizations and individuals, budgetary funds is carried out on account 86 "Target financing".

On loan This account reflects the receipt of funds, by debit - the use of funds for strictly defined purposes.

Receipt of funds intended purpose is reflected in the entry:

Debit account 76 "Settlements with different debtors and creditors"

Credit of account 86 "Target financing".

Use of earmarked funding reflected in the debit of account 86 "Target financing" in correspondence with the accounts:

▪ 20 “Main production”, 26 “General business expenses” - when directing funds for targeted financing for the maintenance of a non-profit organization;

▪ 83 “Additional capital” - when using targeted financing received in the form of investment funds;

▪ 98 “Future income” - when a commercial organization sends budget funds to finance expenses, etc.

66. Accounting for long-term and short-term loans

Credits are issued by banks for strictly defined purposes, for a specified period and with the condition of repayment.

Credit is divided into bank и commercial.

Bank loan - a cash loan provided by credit institutions (banks) for the production needs of the organization.

Distinguish the following types of bank loans:

one). short-term loan;

2). long-term loan;

3). bank loan under the discount of bills.

Short term loan is the main source of additional funds of the enterprise for temporary needs up to 1 year. These include loans against inventories, for temporary replenishment of working capital, for major repairs of fixed assets and other justified needs.

Long-term loan - source of additional funds received by the enterprise for more than 1 year; they are intended for capital investments associated with the development, modernization, rationalization of production, as well as with improving its organization and increasing its intensity.

Bank loan against bill discount.

Discount - the difference between the amount indicated in the promissory note and the amount of cash or their equivalents actually received when placing this promissory note.

commercial loan - civil law obligations providing for the deferral or installment payment for goods, works or services, as well as the provision of funds in the form of an advance payment or prepayment.

Interest charged for the use of a commercial loan (including amounts of advance payment, preliminary payment) is a payment for the use of funds.

Accounting for short-term and long-term credits and loans is carried out on passive accounts 66 "Settlements on short-term credits and loans", 67 "Settlements on long-term credits and loans".

Account 66 "Settlements on short-term loans and borrowings" is intended to summarize information on the status of short-term (for a period not exceeding 12 months) credits and loans received by the organization.

Account 67 "Settlements on long-term loans and borrowings" is intended to summarize information on the status of long-term (for a period of more than 12 months) loans and borrowings received by the organization.

The amounts received by the organization of short-term and long-term loans and borrowings are reflected in the entry:

Debit account 51 "Settlement accounts", etc.

Credit of account 66 "Calculations on short-term credits and loans", 67 "Calculations on long-term credits and loans".

Account 66 "Calculations on short-term credits and loans" or account 67 "Calculations on long-term credits and loans" are debited to the amounts of repaid credits and loans in correspondence with cash accounts. This is reflected in the accounting entry:

Debit account 66 "Calculations on short-term loans and borrowings" or account 67 "Calculations on long-term loans and borrowings"

Credit of account 51 "Settlement account", etc.

Analytical accounting short-term and long-term credits and loans are conducted by types of credits and loans, credit institutions and other lenders that provided them.

A separate sub-account to accounts 66 and 67 records settlements with credit institutions for accounting (discount) of promissory notes and other debt obligations with a maturity of not more than 12 months (more than 12 months).

67. Responsibility center: concept and types

Responsibility Center - separate structural subdivisions of the organization, intended for rationing, planning, accounting for the costs of the enterprise for the purpose of primary observation, control and operational management of costs at each stage of the production process.

Responsibility centers are created to ensure operational control over the economic activities of the enterprise. The head of the organization is responsible for the results of the activities of the main and auxiliary centers.

Depending on the functions performed, the responsibility centers are divided into main и auxiliary.

1. Main responsibility centers engaged in the creation of products, the performance of works, the provision of services.

The main center corresponds to the following areas of responsibility:

1) inventory control center;

2) structural subdivisions of the main production;

3) management centers;

4) sales centers.

Inventory Control Center ensures the timely procurement and acquisition of inventories and material resources and keeps records of warehouse management.

Structural divisions of the main production control the technological process of production of products (works, services).

The main tasks production process are:

▪ control over the rational use of resources;

▪ correctness of calculation of the actual production cost of products;

▪ identifying the results of cost reduction, preventing excess use of raw materials and materials;

▪ timely reflection of data on actual costs in reporting, etc.

Management Responsibility Centers manage the organization and account for the costs of management. Management centers are administration, planning departments, etc.

Sales Responsibility Centers carry out accounting for the sale and sale of products in accordance with the concluded agreements (sales department, etc.).

The main tasks of the implementation process are:

▪ control over the release of products (works, services), their safety in warehouses and storage areas within the organization;

▪ timely and correct registration of shipped products, as well as products in transit, etc.;

▪ control over the implementation of planned indicators of supply contracts for sold products;

▪ timely and complete reflection of the actual costs of producing products, performing work, providing services and marketing (sales) of these products (works, services), etc.

2. Auxiliary responsibility centers take an indirect part in the production process of products (works, services).

Auxiliary center corresponds to the following areas of responsibility:

1) general economic centers;

2) centers serving the main production process.

General business centers are engaged in the organization of general business accounting at the enterprise, as well as cost control for management needs not directly related to the production process.

General economic centers include objects of the social sphere, the economic department, etc.

Centers serving the main production process, are intended to perform auxiliary work.

68. Costs: concept and classification

Organization expenses - decrease in economic benefits as a result of the disposal of assets (cash, other property) and (or) the emergence of liabilities, leading to a decrease in the capital of this organization, with the exception of a decrease in contributions by decision of the participants (property owners).

The expenses of the organization are divided depending on their nature, conditions of implementation and activities of the organization.

1. Expenses for ordinary activities.

2. Operating expenses.

3. Non-operating expenses.

Other expenses costs are considered other than the costs of ordinary activities. Other expenses also include emergency expenses.

Expenses for ordinary activities are the costs associated with the manufacture of products and the sale of products, the acquisition and sale of goods. Such expenses are also considered expenses, the implementation of which is associated with the performance of work, the provision of services.

Expenses for ordinary activities form expenses associated with the acquisition of raw materials, materials, goods and other inventories, etc.

When forming expenses for ordinary activities, they should be grouped according to the following elements:

▪ material costs;

▪ labor costs;

▪ contributions for social needs;

▪ depreciation;

▪ other costs.

Operating expenses are:

▪ expenses associated with the provision of temporary use (temporary possession and use) of the organization's assets for a fee;

▪ costs associated with the provision for a fee of rights arising from patents for inventions, industrial designs and other types of intellectual property;

▪ expenses associated with participation in the authorized capitals of other organizations;

▪ expenses associated with the sale, disposal and other write-off of fixed assets and other assets other than cash (except foreign currency), goods, products;

▪ interest paid by an organization for providing it with funds (credits, loans) for use;

▪ expenses related to payment for services provided by credit institutions;

▪ contributions to valuation reserves created in accordance with accounting rules (reserves for doubtful debts, for depreciation of investments in securities, etc.), as well as reserves created in connection with the recognition of contingent facts of economic activity;

▪ other operating expenses.

Non-operating expenses are:

▪ fines, penalties, penalties for violation of contract terms;

▪ compensation for losses caused by the organization;

▪ losses of previous years recognized in the reporting year;

▪ the amount of receivables for which the statute of limitations has expired, and other debts that are unrealistic for collection;

▪ exchange rate differences;

▪ amount of asset depreciation;

▪ transfer of funds (contributions, payments, etc.) related to charitable activities, expenses for sporting events, recreation, entertainment, cultural and educational events and other similar events;

▪ other non-operating expenses.

As part of emergency expenses reflect expenses that arise as a consequence of extraordinary circumstances of economic activity.

69. Calculation: concept and types

Calculation - Calculation of the unit cost of certain types of products, work performed and services rendered. Calculation is the final step in accounting for production costs and output, during which costs are grouped and the cost of production is calculated using certain methods.

Costing allows you to make more optimal management decisions, compare actual costs with planned ones, identify reserves and ways to further reduce material, labor and financial resources.

The calculation starts with the use of data on production costs and the number of products received and ends with the calculation of the actual cost of production.

Distinguish planned, project, normative, expected и actual costing.

Planned (estimated) cost estimates determine the average cost of products or work performed for the reporting period (year, quarter or other period). They are compiled on the basis of progressive norms for the consumption of raw materials, materials, labor costs, the use of equipment and norms for the organization of maintenance of production. These norms are average for the planned period.

Normative costing is used in the normative method of planning and cost accounting and is based on the current (current) standards.

Provisional (expected) costing is compiled as of October 1 of the current reporting year based on actual accounting data for the past 9 months and estimated data on costs and output for the remaining period until the end of the reporting year. The data of the expected costing are used to preliminarily determine the results of the organization's work, as well as to develop measures to reduce the cost of production and increase the profitability of production for the time remaining until the end of the year.

Actual (reporting) costing is compiled on the basis of accounting data on actual production costs and reflects the actual cost of manufactured products (work performed, services rendered) for the reporting period. The actual cost serves as the basis for economic analysis, forecasting, planning and decision-making for the short and long term for the manufacture, improvement or replacement of this type of product (work, service).

Also, cost estimates are divided depending on the place of expenditure and the amount of costs included in the cost of production. Allocate self-supporting, industrial и full costings.

Self-supporting cost consists of the cost of inventory at planned accounting prices, actual labor costs, the cost of services of auxiliary production at planned accounting prices and the amount of general business expenses according to the estimate, actual general team (general workshop, general farm) expenses.

Production cost consists of self-supporting cost and the sum of deviations of the actual cost of materials from planned accounting prices, deviations of actual general business expenses from the estimate.

Commercial cost (full) - is the cost of production and the costs associated with the sale of products.

70. Methods of calculation

Under calculation method the cost of production is understood as a way of reflecting production costs, ensuring the determination of the actual cost of production, as well as the allocation of costs per unit of output.

There are the following calculation methods:

one). normative;

2). across;

3). ordered.

Normative method cost accounting is characterized by the fact that at the enterprise for each product, on the basis of current standards, a preliminary calculation of the standard cost of products is compiled. Accounting is organized in the context of current production costs according to the norms, their changes and deviations from the norms. If within a month all production costs at the enterprise corresponded to the estimates, then the actual cost of the product would be equal to the standard one.

Process method cost accounting is used at enterprises that produce products of a limited range, where there is no work in progress. The objects of production cost accounting are individual processes in the manufacture of products as components of the production process.

The incremental method of cost accounting is typical for mass production, in which raw materials or materials are sequentially converted into finished products. Production processes form redistributions. Each of these processing ends with the release of intermediate semi-finished products, which can be sold in this form to the side.

Based on the characteristics of the technology in the processing of raw materials and materials, semi-finished и non-semi-finished variants of the forward calculation method.

Semi-finished version of the peredelnogo method of costing the cost of production is applied when each stage, with the exception of the last, is a finished stage of processing raw materials, which results in semi-finished products of own production, ready for further use in production or for sale. Calculate the cost of semi-finished products after each redistribution, which allows you to identify the cost of semi-finished products at various stages of their processing and thereby ensure control over the cost of production.

Non-semi-finished version of the cross-sectional method - accounting for costs by processing stages, the cost of semi-finished products after each processing stage is not determined, but the cost of the finished product is calculated.

Combined calculation method the cost of production involves the use of several methods.

The correct application of one or another method of accounting for production costs and calculating the cost of production will allow management personnel to receive objective information on the cost of production (works, services) in a timely manner.

Custom method accounting for production costs is used in enterprises where products are manufactured according to the orders of individual consumers. The order-by-order method allows you to keep track of costs for orders, regardless of the duration of its execution, and within each order - according to costing items. This method is used in carpentry, repair, sewing workshops. The cost of each order is determined by the sum of all production costs from the day the order was opened to the day it was completed.

71. Closing the organization's cost accounting accounts

Closing of accounts for cost accounting of the organization is carried out in the following order:

1. Summarizing data on the organization's direct costs on accounts 20 "Main production", 23 "Auxiliary production", 25 "General production expenses", 26 "General expenses", 28 "Marriage in production", etc.

The accounting record shows:

Debit of account 20 "Main production", 23 "Auxiliary production", 25 "General production expenses", 26 "General expenses", 28 "Marriage in production"

Credit of account 10 "Materials", 70 "Calculations with personnel for wages", 69 "Calculations for social insurance and security".

2. If the auxiliary production at the enterprise provides services not only to the main workshop, but also to production as a whole, then account 23 "Auxiliary production" is distributed among the types of production in proportion to the services rendered.

The credit of account 23 "Auxiliary production" reflects the amount of the actual cost of completed production, work performed and services rendered. These amounts are written off to the debit of account 20 "Main production", 25 "General production expenses", 26 "General expenses", etc.

3. Distribution of general production and general business expenses.

General production costs are distributed in proportion to the types of products (works, services) produced.

Account 25 "General production costs" is intended to summarize information on the costs of servicing the main and auxiliary production of the organization. Such costs include the costs of maintaining and operating machinery and equipment, etc.

General production expenses are reflected on account 25 "General production expenses" from the credit of accounts for accounting for inventories, settlements with employees for wages, etc. The expenses recorded on account 25 "General production expenses" are written off to the debit of accounts 20 "Main production", 23 "Auxiliary production", 29 "Serving industries and farms".

General running costs distributed in proportion to the salary of administrative and managerial personnel.

Account 26 "General business expenses" is intended to summarize information on expenses for management needs that are not directly related to the production process (administrative and management expenses; maintenance of general business personnel not related to the production process, etc.).

4. Write-off of rejected products.

According to the debit of account 28 "Marriage in production", the costs of the identified internal and external marriage are collected, on the credit - the rejection of the marriage is written off for production costs.

1. Write-off of internal marriage:

Debit of account 20 "Main production" Credit of account 28 "Marriage in production".

2. Write-off of internal marriage:

Debit of account 26 "General expenses" Credit of account 28 "Marriage in production".

5. Consolidated cost accounting, i.e., the collected costs are written off to the cost of finished products (works, services).

Debit account 43 "Finished products" (90 "Sales")

Credit of account 20 "Main production" - the cost of manufactured finished products (work performed, services rendered) is written off.

72. Remuneration of labor: types, forms, accrual procedure

Distinguish the following types of remuneration.

1. Basic salary. In composition basic salary includes:

1) pay for hours worked, for the quantity and quality of work performed with time, piecework and progressive payment;

2) surchargesrelated to deviations from normal working conditions, for overtime work, for work at night and on holidays, etc.

3) payment for downtime through no fault of the employee;

4) prize, bonuses, etc.

2. Additional salary. Additional wages include payments for unworked time provided for by labor legislation and collective agreements:

1) payment for vacation time;

2) payment for the time of fulfillment of state and general economic duties;

3) payment for breaks in the work of nursing mothers;

4) payment of preferential hours for teenagers;

5) payment of severance pay upon dismissal, etc.

Forms of remuneration:

1) time-based - Remuneration for hours actually worked.

Salary workers with a time-based form can be made:

▪ at hourly tariff rates;

▪ at daily tariff rates;

▪ based on the established salary.

The time-based form of remuneration contains the following systems:

▪ simple time-based - a system of remuneration in which payment is made for a certain amount of time worked, regardless of the number of jobs;

▪ time bonus - a system of remuneration, in which payment is made not only for hours worked, but also for bonuses for the quality of work;

2) piecework - remuneration depends on the amount of work performed and the price per unit of output.

Piecework wages include the following: systems:

▪ direct piecework - a system of remuneration, in which wages increase in direct proportion to the number of products (works) produced, based on piecework rates, taking into account the necessary qualifications;

▪ piecework premium - a system of remuneration that provides for bonuses for overfulfillment of production standards and specific indicators of their production activities;

▪ piece-progressive - a wage system that provides for an increase in payment for finished products for products in excess of the norm according to the established scale, but not higher than double the piece rate;

▪ chordal - a system of remuneration, in which a complex of various works is evaluated with an indication of the deadline for their implementation;

▪ indirect piecework - the system of remuneration, which is used when remunerating workers servicing equipment, and is carried out as a percentage of the earnings of the main workers of the serviced area.

With the time-based form of remuneration, the employee's earnings is determined by multiplying the hourly or daily tariff rate of his category by the number of hours or days worked by him.

If the employee worked an incomplete number of working days, then his earnings are determined by dividing the established rate by the calendar number of working days and multiplying the amount received by the number of days actually worked.

With piecework wages, the employee's earnings directly proportional to the volume of products produced in accordance with the production documents (for example, work order).

73. Documentation on the accounting of personnel of the organization

Order (instruction) on hiring an employee (f. No. T-1) и Order (instruction) on hiring employees (f. No. T-1a) are used to register and record employees hired under an employment contract and are filled out for one employee or for a group of employees.

Employee's personal card (f. No. T-2) и Personal card of a state (municipal) employee (f. No. T-2GS (MS)) filled in by an employee of the personnel service for persons hired on the basis of: an order (instruction) on employment or other identification document; work book or a document confirming the length of service; insurance certificate of state pension insurance; military records.

Staffing table (f. No. T-3) used to formalize the structure, staffing and staffing of the organization in accordance with its Charter. The staff list contains a list of structural units, the names of positions, specialties, professions, indicating qualifications, information on the number of staff units.

Registration card of a scientific, scientific and pedagogical worker (f. No. T-4) used in scientific, research, research and production, educational and other institutions and organizations operating in the field of education, science and technology, to account for scientists.

Order (instruction) on the transfer of an employee to another job (f. No. T-5) и Order (instruction) on the transfer of employees to another job (f. T-5a) are used to register and record the transfer of an employee to another job in the same organization or to another location together with the organization.

Order (instruction) on granting leave to an employee (f. No. T-6) и Order (instruction) on granting leave to employees (f. No. T-6a) are used to register and record holidays granted to an employee in accordance with the law, the collective agreement, local regulations of the organization, and the employment contract.

Vacation schedule (f. No. T-7) is used to reflect information about the time of distribution of annual paid holidays for employees of all structural divisions of the organization for the calendar year by months.

Order (instruction) on the termination (termination) of an employment contract with an employee (dismissal) (f. No. T-8) и Order (instruction) on the termination (termination) of an employment contract with employees (dismissal) (f. No. T-8a) are used to register and record the dismissal of an employee.

Order (instruction) on sending an employee on a business trip (f. No. T-9) и Order (instruction) on sending employees on a business trip (f. No. T-9a) are used to register and record the direction of an employee on a business trip.

Travel certificate (f. No. T-10) is a document certifying the time spent on a business trip (time of arrival at the destination and time of departure from it).

Job assignment for sending on a business trip and a report on its implementation (f. No. T-10a) used to report progress.

Order (instruction) on the promotion of an employee (f. No. T-11) и Order (instruction) on the promotion of employees (f. No. T-11a) are used to design and record rewards for success in work.

74. Documentation on accounting of working hours and settlements with personnel for remuneration

1. "Time sheet and payroll calculation" (f. No. T-12).

2. "Time sheet" (f. No. T-13).

3. "Settlement and payroll" (f. No. T-49).

4. "Payroll" (f. No. T-51).

5. "Payroll" (f. No. T-53).

6. "Journal of registration of payrolls" (f. No. T-53a).

7. "Personal account" (f. No. T-54).

8. "Personal account (svt)" (f. No. T-54a).

9. "Note-calculation on granting leave to an employee" (f. No. T-60).

10. "Note-calculation upon termination (cancellation) of an employment contract with an employee (dismissal)" (f. No. T-61).

11. "Act on the acceptance of work performed under a fixed-term employment contract concluded for the duration of a certain work" (f. No. T-73).

Time sheet and payroll calculation (f. No. T-12) и Time sheet (f. No. T-13) are used to record the time actually worked and (or) not worked by each employee of the organization, to monitor compliance with the established working hours by employees, to obtain data on hours worked, to calculate wages, and also to compile statistical reporting on labor.

Compiled in one copy by an authorized person, signed by the head of the structural unit, an employee of the personnel service, transferred to the accounting department.

Payroll (form No. T-49), Payroll (form No. T-51) и Payroll (f. No. T-53) used to calculate and pay wages to employees of the organization.

For employees who receive wages using payment cards, only a payroll is drawn up, and a payroll and payroll are not compiled.

Statements are compiled in one copy in the accounting department.

Journal of registration of payrolls (f. No. T-53a) used to record and register payrolls for payments made to employees of the organization.

Maintained by an accounting employee.

Personal account (f. No. T-54) и Personal account (svt) (f. No. T-54a) are used to monthly reflect information about the wages paid to the employee during the calendar year.

Filled out by an accounting employee.

Note-calculation on granting leave to an employee (f. No. T-60) is used to calculate the wages and other payments due to the employee when he is granted annual paid or other leave.

Note-calculation upon termination (cancellation) of an employment contract with an employee (dismissal) (f. No. T-61) is used to record and calculate due wages and other payments to an employee upon termination of an employment contract. Compiled by an employee of the personnel service or a person authorized by him. The calculation of due wages and other payments is made by an employee of the accounting department.

Act on the acceptance of work performed under a fixed-term employment contract concluded for the duration of a certain work (form No. T-73) is used to register and record the acceptance and delivery of work performed by an employee under a fixed-term employment contract.

It is compiled by the employee responsible for receiving the work performed, approved by the head of the organization and transferred to the accounting department.

75. The concept of accounting policy

Accounting policy - a set of accounting methods, namely: primary observation, cost measurement, current grouping and final generalization of the facts of economic activity.

The accounting policy of the organization is formed by the chief accountant (accountant) of the organization and approved by the head of the organization.

Mandatory elements accounting policies are:

1) developed by the organization working chart of accountscontaining synthetic and analytical accounts necessary for keeping records in accordance with the requirements of timeliness and completeness of accounting and reporting;

2) forms of primary accounting documentsused to formalize the facts of economic activity, for which standard forms of primary accounting documents, as well as forms of documents for internal financial statements are not provided;

3) the procedure for conducting an inventory of the assets and liabilities of the organization;

4) asset and liability valuation methods;

5) document flow rules and accounting information processing technology;

6) other solutionsnecessary for the organization of accounting.

Those responsible for preparing accounting policies must comply with the following requirements:

1) provided that the organization is just starting independent activities, then the accounting policy must be approved before the end of the first tax period;

2) for the purposes of taxation, the accounting policy records the procedure for determining revenue from ordinary activities when determining income tax, etc.

The accounting policy of the organization should provide:

1) completeness of reflection in accounting of all factors of economic activity;

2) timely reflection of the facts of economic activity in accounting and reporting;

3) greater willingness to recognize expenses and liabilities in accounting than possible income and assets, preventing the creation of hidden reserves;

4) reflection in accounting of factors of economic activity based not so much on their legal form, but on their economic content, facts and business conditions;

5) the identity of analytical accounting data to turnovers and balances of synthetic accounting accounts on the last calendar day of each month;

6) rational accounting, based on the conditions of economic activity and the size of the organization.

The accounting policy adopted by the organization is subject to registration by the relevant organizational and administrative documentation (orders, instructions, etc.) of the organization.

The accounting methods chosen by the organization when forming the accounting policy are applied from January 1 of the year following the year of approval of the relevant organizational and administrative document. At the same time, they are applied by all branches, representative offices and other divisions of the organization, regardless of their location.

The newly created organization draws up the chosen accounting policy before the 1st publication of financial statements, but no later than 90 days from the date of acquisition of the rights of a legal entity (state registration). The accounting policy adopted by the newly created organization is considered applicable from the date of state registration.

76. Disclosure and change in accounting policies

Organizations should disclose the accounting policies adopted in the formation accounting methodsthat significantly affect the assessment and decision-making by interested users of financial statements.

Accounting methods are recognized as essential., without knowledge of the application of which by interested users of financial statements, it is impossible to reliably assess the financial position, cash flow or financial results of the organization.

To the methods of accounting include methods for depreciation of fixed assets, intangible assets and other assets, valuation of inventories, goods, work in progress and finished products, recognition of profit from the sale of products, goods, works, services and other methods.

In the case of publication of financial statements not in full, information on accounting policies is subject to disclosure, at least in the part directly related to the published materials.

If, in preparing the financial statements, there is a significant uncertainty about events and conditions that may cast significant doubt on the applicability of the going concern assumption, then the entity should identify such uncertainty and unambiguously describe what it is associated with.

Significant methods of accounting are subject to disclosure in the explanatory note included in the financial statements of the organization for the reporting year.

Interim financial statements may not contain information about the accounting policy of the organization, if the latter has not changed since the preparation of the annual financial statements for the previous year, which disclosed the accounting policy.

The accounting policy of an organization may change in the following cases:

1) changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation or regulations;

2) development by the organization of new methods of accounting;

3) a significant change in the conditions of activity (reorganization, change of owners, change in types of activity, etc.).

Not recognized as a change in accounting policy approval of the method of accounting for the facts of economic activity, which are essentially different from the facts that occurred earlier, or arose for the first time in the activities of the organization.

The change in accounting policy must be justified and completed in the prescribed manner.

Consequences of a change in accounting policy valued in monetary terms. Estimation in monetary terms of the consequences of changes in accounting policies is made on the basis of data verified by the organization as of the date from which the changed method of accounting is applied.

The reflection of the consequences of a change in accounting policy consists in adjusting the relevant data included in the financial statements for the reporting period for the periods preceding the reporting period.

When an estimate in monetary terms of the consequences of a change in accounting policy in relation to periods preceding the reporting period cannot be made with sufficient reliability, the changed method of accounting is applied to the relevant facts of economic activity that occurred only after the introduction of such a method.

77. Features of accounting in a small business

Small business entities - commercial organizations, in the authorized capital of which the share of participation of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, public and religious organizations (associations), charitable and other funds does not exceed 25%, the share owned by one or more legal entities that are not small business entities does not exceed 25 % and in which the average number of employees for the reporting period does not exceed the following limit levels (small enterprises):

1) in industry - 100 people;

2) in construction - 100 people;

3) in transport - 100 people;

4) in agriculture - 60 people;

5) in the scientific and technical field - 60 people;

6) in wholesale trade - 50 people;

7) in retail trade and public services - 30 people;

8) in other industries and in the implementation of other types of activities - 50 people.

Also small businesses are individuals engaged in entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity.

Small enterprises with a simple technological process for the production of products (works, services) and having a small number of business transactions (no more than 100 per month) are recommended to use simplified form of accounting.

To organize accounting in a simplified form of accounting, a small business, on the basis of a standard Chart of Accounts, draws up working Chart of accounts for business accounting.

Fixed assets are accounted for account 01 "Fixed assets". Depreciation of fixed assets is taken into account on account 02 "Depreciation of fixed assets".

With the straight-line method of depreciation, a small business can additionally write off in the form of depreciation up to 50% of the initial cost of a fixed asset with a service life of more than 3 years.

Upon disposal of fixed assets, their value is debited from account 01 "Fixed assets" to the debit of account 02 "Depreciation of fixed assets", while the under-depreciated part of fixed assets from account 01, as well as the costs associated with their disposal, are written off to the debit of account 90 "Sales ". In the event of the sale of an item of fixed assets, the proceeds from the sale are credited to account 90 "Sales".

Accounting for materials for a small business is recommended to be taken into account on account 10 "Materials".

When accounting for income and expenses on a cash basis costs associated with the production and sale of products, works, services are reflected in account 20 "Main production" only in terms of paid material assets, services, paid wages, accrued depreciation and other paid costs.

The actual cost of shipped (sold) valuables (works, services) is indicated by debit account 41 "Goods".

Upon receipt of funds, accounts for accounting for cash in correspondence with a loan are debited account 90 "Sales", and in case of fulfillment of obligations in another way (barter agreement, offset of mutual debt, etc.), it is debited account 76 "Settlements with different debtors and creditors" in correspondence with account 90 "Sales".

The financial results of a small business are taken into account on account 99 "Profits and losses".

78. Simplified form of accounting and financial statements for small enterprises

A simplified form of accounting for a small business can be carried out according to:

▪ simple form of accounting;

▪ accounting form using accounting registers for the property of a small enterprise.

Small enterprises that perform a small number of business transactions (no more than 30 per month), do not carry out the production of products and works associated with large expenditures of material resources, can keep records of all transactions by registering them only in Book (journal) of accounting of facts of economic activity (form No. K-1).

A small business can keep a Book in the form of a statement, opening it for a month, or in the form of a Book, in which transactions are kept for the entire reporting year. The book should be laced and numbered. The last page records the number of pages contained in it, which is certified by the signatures of the head of the small enterprise and the person responsible for maintaining accounting records in the small enterprise, as well as an imprint of the seal of the small enterprise.

The book opens with records of the amounts of balances at the beginning of the reporting period for each type of property, liabilities and other funds for which they are available.

A small enterprise engaged in the production of products (works, services) can apply the following to accounting for financial and economic operations accounting registers.

1. Statement of accounting for fixed assets, accrued depreciation charges (f. No. B-1).

2. Inventory and Goods Record Sheet, as well as VAT paid on valuables (f. No. B-2).

3. Production cost accounting sheet (form No. B-3).

4. Statement of cash and funds accounting (form No. B-4).

5. Statement of accounting of settlements and other transactions (form No. B-5).

6. Sales accounting sheet (form No. B-6).

7. Statement of accounting of settlements and other transactions (form No. B-6).

8. Statement of settlements with suppliers (form No. B-7).

9. Payroll record sheet (form No. B-8).

10. Sheet (chess) (form No. B-9).

The amount for any operation is recorded simultaneously in two statements (on the debit of the account and on the credit).

The balances of funds in separate statements must be verified with the corresponding data of the primary documents on the basis of which the entries were made.

Each statement is used to record transactions on one of the used accounting accounts.

The composition small business annual financial statements include:

1). balance sheet (f. No. 1);

2). income statement (f. No. 2);

3). capital flow statement (f. No. 3);

4). cash flow statement (f. No. 4);

5). appendix to the balance sheet (f. No. 5);

6). explanatory note;

7). report on the use of budget allocations by the organization (form No. 2-2);

8). certificate of balances of funds received from the federal budget.

These forms represent small businesses receiving budget allocations.

The date of submission of financial statements by a small business is determined by the date of its mailing or the date of actual transfer by ownership.

Annual financial statements are also required to provide small businesses that are required to conduct an independent audit of the reliability of financial statements.

79. Accounting for income and expenses from business activities

Individual entrepreneurs - individuals registered in the prescribed manner and carrying out entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity, as well as private notaries, lawyers who have established law offices.

Accounting for income and expenses and business transactions is carried out by individual entrepreneurs by fixing in Book of income and expenses and business operations of an individual entrepreneur operations on income received and expenses incurred at the time of their commission on the basis of primary documents in a positional way.

The Book of Accounts reflects the property status of an individual entrepreneur, as well as the results of entrepreneurial activity for the tax period.

Individual entrepreneurs keep records of income and expenses and business transactions in the relevant sections of the Book of Accounts. Accounting for income received, expenses incurred and business transactions is carried out by an individual entrepreneur in one Book of Accounts separately for each type of entrepreneurial activity.

Income and expenses are reflected in the Book of Accounts on a cash basis, i.e. after the actual receipt of income and expenditure.

The Book of Accounts reflects all income received by individual entrepreneurs from entrepreneurial activities, without reducing them for tax deductions.

В income includes all receipts from the sale of goods, performance of work and provision of services, as well as the value of property received free of charge.

The cost of goods sold, work performed and services rendered is reflected taking into account the actual costs of their acquisition, performance, provision and sale.

The amounts received as a result of the sale of property used in the course of entrepreneurial activity are included in the income of the tax period in which this income is actually received.

Income from the sale of fixed assets and intangible assets is defined as the difference between the sale price and their residual value.

Cost accounting for individual entrepreneurs carried out taking into account the following features:

▪ the cost of acquired material resources is included in the expenses of the tax period in which income from the sale of goods, performance of work, and provision of services was actually received;

▪ expenses for material resources purchased for future use or used for the production of goods (work, services) not sold in the tax period, as well as not fully used in the reporting tax period, are taken into account when receiving income from the sale of goods (work, services) in subsequent tax periods periods;

▪ in cases where the activity is seasonal, the costs should be reflected in accounting as deferred expenses and included in the expenses of the tax period in which the income will be received;

▪ depreciation is taken into account as expenses in amounts accrued for the tax period.

Expenses directly related to the extraction of income from entrepreneurial activity are divided into:

▪ material costs;

▪ labor costs;

▪ depreciation deductions;

▪ other expenses.

80. The procedure for creating a reserve for doubtful debts

The accounting policy provides for the reflection of the procedure for creating a provision for doubtful debts.

In conditions of economic instability, many enterprises are insolvent. In order for organizations to insure themselves against financial losses, they form allowance for doubtful debts.

Before creating a reserve, it is necessary to find out information about the solvency of the debtor and the probable maturity of obligations. This information is necessary in order to determine the amount of cash deductions to the reserve.

Based on the results of the inventory of settlements with various debtors and creditors, the management of the enterprise decides to create a reserve for doubtful debts. In this case, the identified debt is classified as follows:

▪ doubtful debts with a period of occurrence over 90 days;

▪ doubtful debts with a period of occurrence From 45 to 90 days;

▪ doubtful debts with a period of occurrence to 45 days.

The creation of a reserve must be confirmed by an order or order of the director of the organization or a person replacing him. For accounting purposes, deductions to reserves are included in non-operating expenses on the last day of the reporting (tax) period.

The amount of the created reserve cannot exceed 10% of the revenue of the reporting (tax) period. Funds from the reserve are used solely to cover losses from bad debts.

Allowances for doubtful debts are accounted for account 63 "Provisions for doubtful debts".

For the amount of reserves created, entries are made on the debit of account 91 "Other income and expenses" and the credit of account 63 "Reserves for doubtful debts":

Debit account 91 "Other income and expenses"

Credit of account 63 "Reserves for doubtful debts".

When writing off unclaimed debts previously recognized by the organization as doubtful, entries are made in the debit of account 63 "Reserves for doubtful debts" in correspondence with the corresponding accounts for accounting for settlements with debtors. The record reflects:

Debit account 63 "Reserves for doubtful debts"

Credit of account 76 "Settlements with different debtors and creditors".

The addition of unused amounts of reserves for doubtful debts to the profit of the reporting period following the period of their creation is reflected in the debit of account 63 "Reserves for doubtful debts" and the credit of account 91 "Other income and expenses".

Analytical accounting on account 63 "Reserves for doubtful debts" is carried out for each created reserve.

If the amount of the allowance for doubtful debts is not fully used, then it is transferred to the next reporting (tax) period.

The amount of the newly created reserve should be adjusted for the amount of the balance of the reserve of the previous reporting period.

If the amount of the created reserve is less than the amount of the balance of the reserve of the previous reporting period, then the difference is subject to inclusion in the non-operating income of the taxpayer in the current reporting year.

If the amount of the newly created reserve based on the results of the inventory of the previous reporting (tax) period is greater, then the difference is attributed to non-operating expenses.

Debts not claimed by other organizations are recognized as income of the debtor enterprise.

81. Accounting for reserves for future expenses

In order to evenly include future expenses in production or circulation costs of the reporting period, an organization can create reserves for:

▪ upcoming payment of vacations to employees;

▪ payment of annual remuneration for length of service;

▪ payment of remunerations based on the results of work for the year;

▪ repair of fixed assets;

▪ production costs for preparatory work due to the seasonal nature of production;

▪ upcoming costs for land reclamation and implementation of other environmental measures;

▪ upcoming costs of repairing items intended for rental under a rental agreement;

▪ warranty repairs and warranty service; covering other anticipated costs and other purposes provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

The balance sheet at the end of the reporting year reflects in a separate item the balances of reserves that are carried over to the next year, determined on the basis of the rules established by the regulatory acts of the system of regulatory accounting regulation.

The fact of creating a reserve for future expenses is reflected in the order on accounting policy.

The reservation of certain amounts is reflected in the credit of account 96 "Reserves for future expenses" in correspondence with the accounts of accounting for production costs and sales costs. The following entries are reflected in the accounting.

1. Formation of a reserve for future expenses at the expense of the costs of the main and auxiliary production:

Debit of account 20 "Main production" (23 "Auxiliary production"

Credit of account 96 "Reserves for future expenses".

2. Deductions to the reserve for future expenses due to overhead costs:

Debit of account 25 "General production expenses" Credit of account 96 "Reserves of forthcoming expenses".

3. Deductions to the reserve at the expense of general business expenses:

Debit of account 26 "General expenses" Credit of account 96 "Reserves of forthcoming expenses".

4. Formation of a reserve at the expense of the cost of selling products:

Debit of account 44 "Expenses for sale"

Credit of account 96 "Reserves for future expenses".

The use of reserve funds is reflected in the debit of account 96 “Reserves for future expenses”.

1. Write-off of actual expenses for the amount of remuneration to employees during vacation and annual remuneration for length of service:

Debit of account 96 "Reserves for future expenses" Credit of account 70 "Settlements with personnel for wages".

2. Write-off of actual expenses for the cost of repair of fixed assets carried out by a subdivision of the organization:

Debit account 96 "Reserves for future expenses" Credit account 23 "Auxiliary production".

3. Use of the reserve to cover the costs of depreciation of funds:

Debit of account 96 "Reserves for future expenses" Credit of account 02 "Depreciation of fixed assets".

4. Use of the reserve to cover general business expenses:

Debit account 96 "Reserves for future expenses"

Credit of account 26 "General expenses".

The correctness of the formation and use of amounts for a particular reserve is periodically (and at the end of the year mandatory) checked according to estimates, calculations, etc. and adjusted if necessary.

Analytical accounting on account 96 "Reserves for future expenses" is carried out on separate reserves.

82. Inventory: concept, types, reasons, frequency of carrying out

Inventory - checking the availability and condition of material assets (fixed and circulating assets) in kind, as well as cash, balances in bank accounts and other settlements with debtors and creditors. All property of the organization and all types of financial obligations are subject to inventory. Inventory is obligatory for all state, cooperative and public organizations and institutions.

With the help of the inventory, they check the correctness of the current accounting data and identify the mistakes made: they reflect non-accounting business transactions, control the safety of economic assets that are registered with financially responsible persons.

inventory can be full и Partial.

Complete inventory covers all types of property and financial liabilities of the organization.

Partial inventory held for one or more types of property and liabilities, for example, only for cash.

Distinguish planned и unscheduled inventory.

Planned carried out within predetermined time frames.

Unscheduled carried out to establish the presence of values, unexpectedly for a financially responsible person. They are carried out by order of the heads of organizations, at the request of auditors, investigative and control bodies.

The number of inventories in the reporting year, the dates of their conduct, the list of property and liabilities are established by the organization, except for the following cases, when inventory is required:

▪ when transferring property for rent, redemption, sale, as well as transformation of a state or municipal unitary enterprise;

▪ before drawing up annual financial statements, except for property, the inventory of which was carried out not earlier than October 1 of the reporting year. An inventory of fixed assets can be carried out once every five years. In areas located in the Far North and areas equated to it, an inventory of goods, raw materials and materials can be carried out during the period of their least remaining;

▪ when changing materially responsible persons (on the day of acceptance and transfer of cases);

▪ when establishing facts of theft or abuse, as well as damage to valuables;

▪ upon liquidation (reorganization) of an organization;

▪ in cases of fire, natural disasters or other emergency situations.

Purpose of inventory - detection of a discrepancy between the actual availability of property and accounting data is regulated in the following order:

▪ fixed assets, material assets, cash and other property found to be in surplus are subject to capitalization and credited to financial results with subsequent identification of the reasons for the surplus and the perpetrators;

▪ loss of valuables within the limits of norms approved in the manner prescribed by law is written off by order of the head of the organization, respectively, to production or distribution costs. In the absence of norms, the loss is considered as a shortage in excess of the norms;

▪ shortage of material assets, cash and other property, as well as damage beyond the norms of natural loss are attributed to the perpetrators. In cases where the culprits are not identified, losses from shortages and damage are written off as production or distribution costs.

83. Requirements and grounds for conducting an inventory

1. Grounds for conducting an inventory:

1) transfer of property for rent, redemption, sale, transformation of a unitary enterprise;

2) preparation of annual financial statements;

3) change of materially responsible persons;

4) detection of facts of theft, abuse or damage to property;

5) natural disaster, fire, other emergencies;

6) reorganization or liquidation of the enterprise.

2. Inventory requirements.:

1) a permanent inventory commission must be created to conduct an inventory;

2) the personal composition of the inventory commissions is approved by the head of the organization. The composition of the inventory commission includes representatives of the administration of the organization, employees of the accounting service, employees of independent audit organizations;

3) the absence of at least one member of the commission serves as a basis for recognizing the results of the inventory as invalid;

4) before the start of the inventory, the commission must receive the latest receipts and expenditure documents or reports on the movement of material assets and funds;

5) the commission ensures the completeness and accuracy of entering data on the actual balances of fixed assets, stocks, goods, cash and financial obligations in the inventories, the correctness and timeliness of registration of inventory materials;

6) the actual presence of property during the inventory is determined by mandatory calculation, weighing, measurement;

7) verification of the actual availability of property is carried out with the obligatory participation of financially responsible persons;

8) inventory records can be filled in using computer technology and manually;

9) the inventory is signed by all members of the inventory commission and materially responsible persons. At the end of the inventory, the financially responsible persons give a receipt confirming that the commission has checked the property in their presence, that there are no claims against the members of the commission and that the property listed in the inventory has been accepted for safekeeping;

10) separate inventories are drawn up for property held in safe custody, rented or received for processing;

11) if the inventory of property is carried out within a few days, then the premises where material assets are stored must be sealed when the inventory commission leaves;

12) when financially responsible persons discover errors in the inventories after the inventory, they must immediately report this to the chairman of the inventory commission, after which the inventory commission checks the indicated facts and corrects the identified errors in the prescribed manner;

13) for registration of the inventory, it is necessary to apply the forms of primary accounting documentation for the inventory of property and financial obligations;

14) at the end of the inventory, control checks of the correctness of the inventory may be carried out. They should be carried out with the participation of members of the inventory commissions and materially responsible persons;

15) in the inter-inventory period in organizations with a large range of values, selective inventories of material assets can be carried out at the places of their storage and processing.

84. Main documents used in the inventory check

Inventory list of fixed assets (f. No. INV-1) used for registration of inventory data of fixed assets (buildings, structures, transmission devices of machines and equipment, vehicles, tools, computer equipment, etc.).

Inventory list of intangible assets (f. No. INV-1a) is used to formalize the inventory data of intangible assets received for use by the organization.

Inventory label (f. No. INV-2) is used to take into account the actual availability of raw materials, finished products, goods and other material assets in warehouses during the inventory in those cases when, according to the conditions of organization of activity (production), the inventory commission is unable to calculate material assets within one day and record them in inventory list.

Inventory list of inventory items (f. No. INV-3) is used to reflect the data of the actual availability of inventory items in places of storage and at all stages of their movement in the organization.

Inventory list of inventory items accepted for safekeeping (form No. INV-5), is used in the inventory of inventory items accepted for safekeeping.

Act of inventory of inventory items in transit (f. No. INV-6), is used to identify the quantity and cost of inventory items that are in transit at the time of the inventory.

Acts of inventory of precious metals, precious stones, natural diamonds and products from them (form No. INV-8, INV-9) are used in the inventory of precious metals, precious stones, natural diamonds and products made from them in all places of storage and directly in production.

Act of inventory of cash (f. No. INV-15) is used to reflect the results of an inventory of the actual availability of funds, various valuables and documents (cash, stamps, checks (checkbooks) and others) located at the cash desk of the organization.

Act of inventory of settlements with buyers, suppliers and other debtors and creditors (form No. INV-17) used to process the results of the inventory of settlements with buyers, suppliers and other debtors and creditors.

Comparison statements (f. No. INV-18, INV-19) are used to reflect the results of the inventory of fixed assets, intangible assets, inventory items, finished products and other tangible assets for which deviations from accounting data have been identified.

Order (resolution, instruction) on conducting an inventory (form No. INV-22), Logbook for monitoring the implementation of orders (decrees, orders) on conducting an inventory (form No. INV-23), Act on the control check of the correctness of the inventory of valuables ( Form No. INV-24), Logbook for control checks of the correctness of the inventory (form No. INV-25) и Record of the results identified by the inventory (form No. INV-26) are used to formalize the conduct of inventories and control checks of the correctness of the inventory.

85. Analysis of inventory results

The discrepancies between the actual availability of material assets and accounting data revealed during the inventory are regulated in the following order.

Discovered surplus tangible assets at market value are accrued and credited to the financial results of the enterprise with the subsequent establishment of the causes of the surplus and the perpetrators.

Revealed lack material values ​​within the norms of natural loss are written off to the costs of production and circulation. In this case, the norms of attrition are applied only when actual shortages are identified. If these norms approved by the legislation of the Russian Federation are absent, then the loss is considered as a shortage in excess of the norms.

Shortage and damage to material assetsexceeding the norms of natural loss are attributed to the perpetrators.

To summarize information on all types of settlements with an employee of an organization, except for payroll settlements and settlements with accountable persons, account 73 "Settlements with personnel for other operations". In the debit of this account, the amounts to be recovered from the perpetrators are credited to accounts 94 "Shortages and losses from damage to valuables" and 98 "Deferred income", 28 "Rejection in production" (for losses from defective products). In accounting, this business transaction is reflected in postings.

1. The amount of shortage of material assets presented for recovery from the perpetrators is reflected:

Debit account 73 "Settlements with personnel on other transactions"

Credit of account 94 "Shortages and losses from damage to valuables".

2. The difference between the amount to be recovered and the residual value of material assets is reflected:

Debit account 73 "Settlements with personnel on other transactions"

Credit of account 98 "Deferred income".

If the perpetrators are not identified or the court refuses to recover from the perpetrators, then losses from shortages and damage are written off to the financial results of the enterprise. In accounting, the lack of material assets discovered as a result of the inventory, if the perpetrators are not identified, is reflected in the entry:

Debit account 94 "Shortages and losses from damage to valuables"

Credit of account 01 "Fixed assets", 43 "Finished products", 10 "Materials", 41 "Goods", etc. - reflects the cost of the missing values.

For the purposes of taxation, the amount of write-off losses from shortages and damage is added to the amount of profit (loss) of the reporting period when calculating the tax base for income tax.

The documents submitted for registration of write-off of shortages of material assets and damage in excess of the norms of natural loss must contain decisions of the investigating or judicial authorities that confirm the absence of the perpetrators or the refusal to recover damages from the perpetrators, or a conclusion on the fact of damage to the values, which is issued by the technical control department or relevant specialized organizations (quality inspections, etc.).

Mutual offset of surpluses and shortages as a result of regrading can be allowed only as an exception for the same period in which the inventory took place, with the same verified financially responsible person, in relation to inventory items of the same name and in the same quantities.

86. Documentary revision: essence, types, tasks, features

Audit - a deep and comprehensive method of financial control.

This is a complete survey of the economic activity of an economic entity in order to verify its legality, correctness, expediency, and effectiveness.

revisions can be full and private, complex and thematic, scheduled and unscheduled, documentary and factual. Audits are carried out by management bodies in relation to subordinate enterprises and institutions, as well as by various state and non-state control bodies.

The results of the audit are documented in an act, on the basis of which measures are taken to eliminate violations, compensate for material damage and bring the perpetrators to justice.

The quality of the audit largely depends on the correct quantitative and qualitative composition of the audit committee.

Quantitative composition audit commission should be determined depending on the size of the enterprise, usually elected 3-5 people. Persons who are well acquainted with the production and economic activities of the enterprise should be elected to the commission. Officials and financially responsible persons of the enterprise, their close relatives, other officials, whose activities are subject to verification, cannot be elected to the commission.

The Audit Commission is not entitled interfere in the operational, administrative and production activities of officials of enterprises.

The Audit Commission has the right:

1) make constant monitoring and exercise operational control over the state of storage, accounting and safety of funds and inventory items;

2) check all documents that are compiled and circulated at the enterprise;

3) conduct an actual inspection of all property belonging to the enterprise;

4) appoint, organize and conduct control inventories of funds and inventory items;

5) conduct reconciliations of mutual settlements;

6) receive from financial and credit institutions and other organizations the necessary copies of documents, certificates and other information relating to their inter-economic relations;

7) involve the necessary specialists of the enterprise in audits and inspections, and, if necessary, invite them, in accordance with the relevant agreement, from other economic or control bodies;

8) demand from officials the necessary explanations, including in writing, on the merits of the inspection;

9) take part in the meetings of the council of the enterprise, demand that it take measures to eliminate shortcomings and violations, if necessary, convene representatives of the participating farms.

The audit commission and the enterprise council are responsible for the timeliness (no more than a month) and completeness of the implementation of audit and inspection materials.

In all cases of detection of deficiencies in the organization of accounting, controllers submit proposals on measures to eliminate them for consideration by the management of the economy.

In documentary audits, documentary control methods are mainly used: a written request and economic analysis. At the same time, methods of actual control are applied, among which the control inventory is the most common.

87. Forensic accounting expertise: concept, tasks, difference from documentary audit

Экспертиза - this is the study and solution by experienced specialists, scientists of issues that require special knowledge in the field of science, technology, economics, art or craft. The examination is appointed by the investigator, court and arbitration.

Forensic accounting expertise explores the production and financial and economic activities of enterprises with various forms of ownership that have made losses, losses, theft of valuables, mismanagement and other negative phenomena reflected in accounting and reporting, as a result, have become objects of investigation by law enforcement agencies.

The forensic accounting expertise was tasked with clarifying the following questions:

▪ how justified is the shortage of inventory items from the financially responsible person on a specific date;

▪ is the lack of control over the use of powers of attorney to receive inventory items on the part of the accounting department the root cause that allowed the forwarder to receive materials and not deliver them to the enterprise warehouse. In addition to forensic accounting, there is also audit of financial and economic activities. Both forensic accounting expertise and financial and economic audit contribute to strengthening the rule of law, examine the economic activities of enterprises, identify all the negative aspects in it with the aim of eliminating and inadmissibility in the future, i.e. actively contribute to identifying the causes of mismanagement and working out measures to compensate for the damage caused damage to specific individuals.

Characteristics forensic accounting expertise and financial and economic audit:

▪ use the same sources of information when studying objects;

▪ use the same methodological techniques;

▪ use the same control and audit procedures;

▪ substantiate their conclusions on documented evidence;

▪ identified shortcomings and violations of legislative acts regulating economic activities are targeted in terms of material and legal liability;

▪ specificity in determining the amount of losses, losses, shortages of valuables and justification by a system of evidence are inherent.

Differences between forensic accounting expertise and the audit of financial and economic activities are due to their legal nature, goals, and tasks that they solve.

If the audit comprehensively examines the financial and economic activities of the enterprise, then the forensic accounting examination examines individual shortcomings identified by the audit in order to document the claims. Unlike an audit, forensic accounting examinations are carried out not according to a pre-planned plan, but as the need arises for them, only after a special decision is made by the body that appoints the examination (investigator, court, arbitration), or by a freelance employee of the state expert institution. A significant difference between a forensic accounting expertise and an audit of financial and economic activities is that the parameters of its study are limited by the range of issues posed for decision by law enforcement agencies.

88. Essence and content of the audit

Audit - entrepreneurial activity on independent verification of accounting and financial (accounting) statements of organizations and individual entrepreneurs.

Purpose of the audit - expression of the auditor's opinion on the reliability of the financial statements of the audited entities.

In the Russian Federation, the purpose of the audit - expression of the auditor's opinion on the compliance of the accounting procedure with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

In his work, the auditor should adhere to basic principles audit activities: independence, honesty, objectivity; professional competence; due diligence (good faith); privacy; professional conduct; following technical standards.

Types of audit: operational audit, audit for compliance, audit of financial statements, non-economic audit, varieties of which are personnel and environmental audits.

Operational audit is carried out in order to check any part of the company's management procedures in order to assess its preliminaryity and effectiveness with the development of appropriate recommendations.

Purpose of a compliance audit - verification of compliance in the organization with those specific procedures or rules that are given to it.

Audit can be external (independent) and internal.

Independent audit is carried out by an audit organization or individual auditors who have a license to carry out audit activities and are independent of the client.

Internal audit carried out by the employees of the organization. Internal audit can solve various problems and is organized as independent in relation to the audited structures of the organization, but is not independent for third parties.

The audit is based on the indispensable conditions for the implementation of audit activities, the so-called audit postulates.

1. The financial statements are auditable: If the financial statements are not auditable, then the auditor must disclaim an opinion.

2. The conflict of interests of the auditor and the management of the audited organization is not inevitable. The auditor and the management of the audited organization pursue the same goal: the presentation of reliable reporting.

3. The financial (accounting) statements do not contain intentional or other unusual misstatements. Following this postulate allows you to make the audit process economically justified.

4. Satisfactory internal control system reduces the likelihood of errors.

5. Consistent adherence to accounting standards, reporting in accordance with the standards allows auditors to adhere to a single criterion in expressing an opinion.

6. The auditor, when giving confirmation of the correctness of the audited financial statements, proceeds from the assumption of going concern, believing that the entity being audited will continue to operate in the foreseeable future.

7. The auditor's opinion depends only on his competence.

8. The professional status of the auditor is adequate to his professional duties.

9. Audited information is more useful than unaudited information.

10. The reliability of accounting information can be considered satisfactory after it has been verified by the external auditor. The usefulness of reporting data is directly proportional to the system of their verification.

89. Audit activity and its regulation

In Russia, audit activity is regulated by the state.

Licensing of audit activity is carried out in accordance with the Federal Law "On Licensing Certain Types of Activities".

The main functions of the authorized body for state regulation of audit activities are:

1) publication, within its competence, of regulatory legal acts regulating audit activities;

2) organization, in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, of a system for attestation, training and advanced training of auditors in the Russian Federation, licensing of auditing activities;

3) organization of a system of supervision over compliance by audit organizations and individual auditors with licensed requirements and conditions;

4) control over compliance by audit organizations and individual auditors with federal auditing standards;

5) maintenance of state registers of certified auditors, audit organizations, individual auditors;

6) accreditation of professional audit associations.

Audit activities is an entrepreneurial activity. Auditing services are provided by audit organizations and individual auditors. They are prohibited from engaging in other business activities, except for auditing.

Individual auditor - an auditor who has a license to carry out auditing activities and practices as an individual entrepreneur, but is an employee of an audit firm.

Auditors - individuals who have a qualification certificate of an auditor. At least 50% of the staff should be citizens of the Russian Federation permanently residing in the territory of the Russian Federation, if the head of the audit organization is a foreign citizen - at least 75%. The staff of the audit organization must consist of at least five auditors.

Attestation for the right to carry out auditing activities - checking the qualifications of individuals wishing to engage in auditing activities. It is carried out in the form of a qualification exam with the issuance of an auditor's qualification certificate, which is issued without limitation of validity.

Requirements for obtaining an auditor's qualification certificate:

1) the presence of a document on higher economic and (or) legal education received in Russian institutions of higher professional education with state accreditation, or a foreign document on education equivalent to a Russian document on higher education;

2) work experience in the economic (legal) specialty for at least three years.

The decision to annul the auditor's qualification certificate is made by the authorized federal body.

Failure by an audit firm or individual auditors to provide the required documentation or failure to conduct an external audit quality review is grounds for license revocation.

All participants in the audit activity bear criminal, administrative and civil liability for violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation on audit. The auditor is liable to third parties - users of financial statements - regardless of the existence of an agreement with them.

90. Audit methodology and auditing standards

In accordance with the principle of auditing "following technical standards", the auditor is obliged to provide audit services in accordance with auditing standards.

Audit report, compiled on the basis of the results of the audit of the financial (accounting) statements, necessarily includes an indication of the standards in accordance with which the audit was conducted, a description of the audit approach and the auditor's assertion that the standards and approach applied by him allow drawing up and expressing an opinion on the reliability of the statements.

Audit approach - a set of techniques and methodologies used by the auditor in the implementation of financial (accounting) statements, is determined at the stage of audit planning by the auditor independently based on the requirements of auditing standards, experience and knowledge of the auditor.

Purpose of auditing standards - unification of the audit approach on an international and (or) national scale. It is used in any cases of independent audit and related works and services.

Auditing Standards - a system of documents that establish uniform requirements for the conduct of an audit and the provision of audit-related services, the procedure for compiling and submitting audit opinions and auditor reports, audit quality control, training auditors and evaluating their qualifications. There are auditing standards - international and national. Their goal is to develop the accounting profession and bring global accounting standards around the world in their own interests.

In the Russian Federation, audit activity is regulated by the federal rules of audit activity approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. The federal rules on audit activity are mandatory for the audit organization, individual auditors, as well as for audited entities, with the exception of provisions in respect of which it is indicated that they are advisory in nature.

There are internal auditing standards that are in force in professional audit associations, as well as internal rules for the auditing activities of an audit organization and individual auditors. The requirements of internal rules (standards) of audit activity adopted by professional audit associations, organizations and individual auditors cannot be lower than the requirements of federal rules (standards) of audit activity and contradict federal rules (standards) of audit activity.

Audit report - an official document intended for users of the financial (accounting) statements of the audited entities, drawn up in accordance with the federal rules (standards) of auditing and containing the opinion of the audit organization or individual auditor expressed in the established form on the reliability of the financial (accounting) statements of the audited entity and compliance with the procedure keeping its accounting records in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The form, content and procedure for submitting an audit report are determined by the federal rules (standards) of audit activity.

Author: Kabkova E.N.

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