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Riddles about birds

Riddles for adults and children

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Riddles about birds in Russian

A house was built without hands, without an ax.

Winter has come to visit us -
Little light and heat
But, like lanterns,
On the trees...

In the forest, under twitter, ringing and whistling,
The forest telegraph operator knocks:
"Hey, thrush, buddy!"
And signs...

Spinning, chirping,
Busy all day.

All day the fisherman stood in the water,
The bag was stuffed with fish.
Having finished fishing, taking the catch,
He got up and was.

Knocking all the time
Trees are hollowed out.
But they are not crippled
But only heals.

Blacker than all migratory birds,
Cleans arable land from worms.

Flying all night
Gets mice.
And it will become light
Sleep flies into the hollow.

Proudly walks in boots
Wears spurs on his legs.
Scallop on the head.
And it's called...

Sleeps during the day, flies at night and scares passers-by.

Sleeps during the day, flies at night.

The house was built for the singer
No windows, no porch.

The forest has a "telephone"
He calls about the guests -
Looks after strangers strictly

Follow the frogs to the swamp
Coming to hunt
Long beak shines like a saber
Walking through the swamp...

Apples on the branches in winter!
Collect them quickly!
And suddenly the apples fluttered
After all, this...

And in the forest, mind you, children,
There are night watchmen.
Watchmen are afraid of these
Mice, hiding, trembling!
Very very harsh
Owls and...

Kvohchet, quohchet, calls the children,
He gathers everyone under the wing.

When it's light, I hide in a hollow.
I fly at night, I scare mice.

Who's on the tree, on the bitch
Counting: ku-ku, ku-ku?

Who sings so loudly
About the rising sun?

Leaves fall from aspens.
A sharp wedge rushes in the sky.

On claws on a pine pole
The red-headed fitter climbed in.
He worked on weight
Let the light not flash in the forest.

On a pole - a palace, in a palace - a singer.

Fidgeting variegated, a long-tailed bird,
The bird is talkative, the most talkative.
The white-sided messenger, and her name is ...

Stays awake at night and during the day
He sleeps and sleeps in his hollow.
But the bird king
That bird does not eat bread in vain.
All ministers head
And her name is...

He is in a bright uniform, spurs for beauty
During the day he is a bully, in the morning he is a watch.

Carpenter with a sharp chisel
Build a house with one window.

On the meadow it is important to wander,
From the water comes out dry,
Wears red shoes,
Gives soft perinaks.

Birds all raise chicks
And keep from enemies.
Only your egg to girlfriends
Hurry to put in...

The birds rise with the sun
They get food.
Only one did not sleep at night -

Blue house at the gate.
Guess who lives in it.
The door is narrow under the roof -
Not for a squirrel, not for a mouse,
Not for the spring tenant,

Blue scarf, dark back.
Small bird. Call her...

The snow is falling and the wind is whistling.
The little one is looking for food.
You always feel sorry for him -
It's grey...

Front - awl, back - wilze,
Top - black cloth,
Below is a white towel.

Tractor plows the ground
They follow each other,
To get yourself grub,

He has a house on the rocks
He flies above all
Two wings flap.
I told about...

She has a pretty look
Screams the loudest in the forest.
Chernobrova, white-sided.
Everyone calls her...

Tail with patterns, boots with spurs,
White feathers, red comb.
Who is this on the peg?

The tail, like a fan painted,
Proudly wears
Very important sir
Bright, colorful...

Wants to fly straight
Wants - hangs in the air,
Stone falls from heights
And in the fields sings, sings.

And in the winter he will find shelter:
He is not afraid of colds
- With first snow
Right here!

Chick-chirp! Jump to the grains!
Peck, don't be shy! Who is it?

What kind of blacksmiths forge in the forest?

What is a nurse bird
Does not fly to the market.
Food for children under the bark
Produces day-to-day.
And everything is working, knocking,
We are not allowed to be lazy.

What is the table among the birches
Open air?
He treats in the cold
Birds of grain and bread.

I have great respect for water in any bad weather.
I stay away from dirt.

I'm knocking on a tree, I want to get a worm,
Though hidden under the bark -
All the same it will be mine!

I'm knocking on a tree, I want to get a worm,
Though hidden under the bark -
All the same it will be mine!

I've been sitting since morning
With quiet envy I look -
Catches quickly, like in a trap,
A dexterous fish...

Riddles about birds in Ukrainian

And for someone to give their testicles
in someone else's nest?
Who is the ice bird?


Beat the hammer
fixing the garden for us.


Balakucha tsya turn!
Lis її shchenno hearing -
Dovgohvost, white-flanked...
Well, bastard! Tse -...


Without hands, without sokiri, a hut was awakened.


Without sokiri and without hands, but we will be.


Fight, knocking a hammer, correcting the cage for us.


Bidovy cotton
In a warm shirt
Flying through the courtyards,
Kryhti podbiraє.


There was a patch,
Chorna latka
Jump up the tree.


White like a snig, black like a beetle, spin like a bіs and turn into a forest.


White, like snow, inflated, like mіh, walk with shovels, but eat with a horn.


White-black creaking
Wowed us,
For the news is not easy
She's on her tail...
Who is the white-backed bird?


Bіlya sea skele little bird,
Їx richly like goosebumps.
They fly over the water,
Grab a reebok with a jib.
She had a clean T-shirt in it.
Call the bird in May...


There is a wondrous sound in the fox line:
Knock-Knock! Knock-Knock!
Gostry dziob, like a hammer:
Knock-Knock! Tsok-tsok-tsok!
Will help the fox
Praciovita birdie ... .


In the forest on the green mountain
Nibi grave htos on the nozzle.
Pidishov closer I
I've sipped...


There is a great hist in me,
I sleep like an artist.
Spіv my radіsny usyudi
Even love to hear people.


In a new job, nibi bear
For all kinds of toys.
Vin youmu Nemov pocket.
Miracle bird...


In the blue, the kublo is zapped -
Tirsa, blue that stalk.
Black and white bird
Has arrived to us.
Harna bird otaka,
Call її...


In other people's nests come -
Lay your own eggs.
Wuxia chue zemna cool
Yak "Ku-ku!" kue...


A day to wash
Scream at night
Mіzh derev litaє,
Zdobich looks.
I live in the hollow myself,
And im'ya її -...


Sleepy in the day, sighted at night, to catch mice, not a whale.


I rest during the day
I fly at night.
May my eyes be round
I drink in the middle of the night.
Who knew me
I ask you to say.


Majestic in sight,
Wishing with a whistle.
Up to the knee beard.
What a proud move!
Through the yard
Roztanya to the children.
Having dispersed the sign.
Boo, kids...


Spring is coming. Breaking snow.
The jet of merrily flew ...
Nalyutuvavsya fierce, god!
Already in our city
Two poles climbed uphill
I with them at once two khatins.
And in those khatini zalyubki
Two blacks moved in.


A hammer comes in, straightens the cage for us.


Vzimka as a guest arrive -
I rest on a whit.
Your breasts are red -
Children are delighted with beauty.
On the frozen snow bark
Take the bastards...


Guess, children, who
May the nose be a chisel?
Nim komakh z kori viimaє,
About a healthy fox dbaє.


I truly serve people
I guard the tree
Dziob mіtsny and hospitable May,
I'll get shkіdnikov in him.


I truly serve people
I guard the tree.
Dziob mіtsny and hospitable May,
I get shkidnikov.


She lives in the village and in the city,
Obich dorіg, de є gaї
Rocks do not change the month.
Osіvshi. In a warm land
Do not cry for children,
Abi de camp to winter.


There's a zhovty tummy maє,
Another black crib is dressed.
The bird is chewing and small,
Sing dzvinko, merrily, -
That spіv uzimku skin chuє.
Shmatochok saltsya їy sakuє.
What kind of bird is small,
Chi guessed you?


The stench is gray, white,
Cooing, living in the park.
Respect them as birds to the world,
Let them go into the sky for good luck.
I shed in blue blue
Miraculous birds -...


All in a black jacket,
In a rozhevy shirt,
In us in the winter in the garden
Walk like guests.


I wake up all the time, even if I don’t wind up a year.


I won't
Sweet children
Not good
In fox
Voice gook...
Who is it?


Nest I love to be
under the auspices of a rural hut.


Proudly like a bird,
Birds of life learn.
Even the black bird is wise,
I bida, how to get angry.


Breasts in the new, mov viburnum,
To love the true gorobina.


Born twice, die once.


double beard,
Runaway mover,
Ide - like a king to the throne,
On the head is a crown.
- Ku-ku-ri-ku!


Born two, did not study at school, but know the age.


Dzob mіtsny i garnі krill,
Black tail, sira vest,
Chi sit down, Chi fly, -
"Kar, kar, kar!" - all scream.


Dziob is a great mіtsny,
The voice is strong and deep,
Maє pіr'yachko barviste,
Dark blue, golden.
It seems that the woodpecker is vin day,
love berries and banana
Tsey strokaty bird...


A wondrous key in the sky,
Not zalizny, but a bird.
Cim key in the autumn ml
See ...


Dovga shiya, legs-lasti.
Maybe bigati don’t fall.
Shia is wickedly drawn,
Dziob rozzyavlya chervoniy.
Mov viper vin hiss,
"Ha-ha-ha!" - to live.
Do not pass by a simpleton.
The battle bird is ...


Long legs - long n_s.
Arriving - about the arrival.
Sweet little frogs
For your little ones.


Long legs, long nis, walk through the swamp creakingly.


Long-legged, long-legged,
To rush, like a wind, the edge of the road,
Tіlki kuryavi zdіymaє.
The bird, however, does not fly.
Shave your head a little
Vkritu fluff, all black.
Similar fluff to a diadem...
Get to know: what a bird ...


Є in Antarctica is a miracle -
Take a look, it's beautiful.
Ledve to walk, do not fly,
Krizhan is drunk into the water.
Dziob to catch fish.
Black and white bird...


Zhovte belly, sira back,
Bird, dumb picture.
Crihti and fat is that bird.
Zhovtopuzu sound ...


Zhovtobrud chicks
Ask for bread at the door to give them.
In the cold, cheeks freeze,
They arrived ... .


Zhovtobrudі chirping
Toss black drops,
Sir paws, white cheeks,
They are called....


From a white stone,
XNUMX yellow wax
Viyshov spivak
I let out a voice.


XNUMX pins per nail
Ride small
In Zhovtenky spіdnichtsі


From the fox to the fox overflowing,
Don't sit down - sleep there,
I clade testis
Someone else's nest.


From the hands of the grain that krichti is.
Sizocrylia is a guest in me.
Sit down
Bird of the world...


Behind the window there will be a nest,
only we do not winter

For a window to fly snow,
The wind rose.
Ale bachu I'm a bird
Why sit under fear!
Chi-chi-chi-chi, chi-chi-chi-chi-chi!
Who can sleep with them?
Siri chicks
Sound out, kids...


For a window to fly snow,
The wind rose.
Ale bachu I'm a bird
Why sit under fear!
Chi-chi-chi-chi, chi-chi-chi-chi-chi!
Who can sleep with them?
Siri chicks
Sound out, kids...


The little bird is sleeping
The garden and the nut are merry.
At the hollow, the bird is alive.
I'll tell you... Tse -...


Zranku, on the day and in the evening
Oblіtaє all podvir'ya.
Vaughn lives in the village.
I love little commas.


Yogo jiobik - hammer,
In the fox chuti: "tok-tok-tok".
Vіn z measles komakh viymaє,
About the tree shiro dbaє.


If the tail of your rozpuskaє -
The light of the sun closes.
Magnificent, mov panich,
Color bird...


Winter crisis noticed
The birds have arrived.
They have red chest garni -
Nibi apple usudi
Something rose at the yard.
The birds are calling...


Flying birds through daha,
Siv at the gate,
In red boots.


Pava flew,
Fell on the stone
Kamintsi broke,
I woke up the dead
Dead tired -
They played pipes.


A bird flew in the cold
over the huts in the winter afternoon;
ruined the letter in the dorozi
i became ... a number with zero.
What it is?


A fox in darkness flying,
"Hoo-hoo, hoo-hoo" - promo.
Veletan's head.
Guessed? Ce...


Spread the evening sleep
Pomіzh parkіv i polіv,
Cheer up the garden and the forest
Vociferous bird...


May kryla, may eyes,
How to write a day - I don’t know.


My legs are short,
Two feathers in the tail of a dovgenka,
In the mirror everything is flying,
The faceless midge eats.


Little, black, sleeping, chirping,
Under the streak from the clay, she made a nest,
A split tail, like knives, maybe.
What is a bird? Who knows the bird qiu?


A little lad at the gray svitints in the yards stribaє, picking up the bastards.
Small, lilac for a dormouse siv, needing good and long flights.


Little lad at the gray sweater
In the yards stribay, krihti take.


Small, lilac for a dormouse siv, needing good and long flights.


We, surmache-musicians, are not afraid of swindlers, but the swindler is for the mine, and the music is for the sheaves.


May you screech out of it,
For there is no own hati.
Eggs are thrown to others,
Skilki to whom to live - you know!


Our sailor is black and white
Catching fish is fun.
Similar trishechki to a dizhka,
Maє krilltsya, maє nizhki.
Mіzh kryzhin vіdvazhno swimming.
Obganya steamboats.
So you know what wine
It's called...


On the top of the ward there is a hutchin, and there is a tall sir.


Looks small
Scroll lilac.
I at the fox in the cold
All kuє: "Ku-ku! Ku-ku!".


On color - siruvata,
On the vdacha - cunning.
"Kar-r-r" - cooing,
Kurchat lyakaє.


On the skele vin will be dim,
And do not be afraid to live in it.
Two mighty wings
At the lord...


On tin vranci vilitaє -
Sleeping piggy.
At the red shoes
Zustriv sun on the gates.
Comb in the new boridka
Chervoniyut, why not a ticket.
Middle birds in May Rivne


Verbicka above the river,
On the neck - a mitten.
In your hat-mittens
Live nicely birds.


Back a fork, in front an awl, in front a black cloth, under a towel.


The black bird praised:
"I am cheerful, I am motor,
Long dzyob and long tail,
I and sleep May hist.
I'm beautiful, I'm ugly
Friendly, smart, sweet.
From the yakbi, then the crown ... "


Do not be afraid of winter bird
Salo love won, so yak mi.
Zhovta breast and white krill.
Guess who? ...


Not a sound and not a nozzle,
Y katalalka is not like that;
In the field of Chuєsh її only,
Yak Viklik's girlfriend.


Not princely breed,
And walk in the crown,
Not a ride, but with spurs,
Not a watchman, but wake up early.


Not a doctor, but a tree rejoices.
From the tree moon sound:
Who knocks there: knock-knock?


Not a human, but live in a hut.


Do not chair and on my eyes -
At night, polyuє on mice,
Then have a day of rest,
Nі, tse not gut, tse ...


Small, snow-white,
Cho yogo in the heavenly shire
People let loose
Tell everyone about the world
You know which bird's skin
I’ll call Yogo guess.


Restless and chewing,
Chosen fashionably and brightly:
She has a yellow jacket,
Mov lіkhtar mizh gіlochok.


Feet dovgi, mov poles,
Chvankuwata tsia bird,
New Chobots removed,
Soiled in the swamp.


Feet, yak shovel, a hut on top of a khati maє, rahunok toads know.


The birds dressed themselves
Little red aprons.
Mean, snow and cold
Approaching here.
Marvel at the yard
In black hats....


The axis of the hut, in niy - Spivak
Yak qiu bird call ...


Mrs. Pishna on the shovels wiyshla, drank water from the rivers, spoke not in our way.


Patlaty the owner is on the verge of arrival.


First I brought spring
Waking up everything from sleep,
I fall asleep at night.
Call me u...


Pir'ya - vbrannyachko rozkishne:
Gold, barviste, food.
Walk proudly, nache pan,
Marvelous red, bird - ...


She swam, bathed, dried up.


Proud to walk through the swamp
Take the kids with you.
Get your kids out,
How to catch frogs.


A bird walks through the swamp
Dovgoshia, mov queen.
Toad and fry joking,
Take dzhobom that and kovtaє.
Long legs, dziob mov shablya,
Name the bird...


By the water of the fire, my king,
Reservoir, sir.
Dovga shiya, white wings -
Pliwe Poruch Yogo Mila.
Don't fall snow yet -
Until viriyu vіdlіtayut.
Which one of you to look in the spring,
How to fly home...


Strike through the yards,
Krikhti is taking
The growth of wine is small,
Syria, chepurnenky.
Good fellow!
Who is wine?


Birds walk along the podvir
І spіvaє in warehouses.


Late nights fly.
The day is drowsy.
round head,
Be called...


Popid gloomily flying,
You look at the victim.
Zaєts polovy tremtit -
Bo fly on a new bird.
Water p'є z gіrskih dzherel
King of birds, hut...


Forge in the middle of the trees.


She greeted us with songs from spring
Live with us under fear alone.


Arrived at the market
said loudly: "Kar."
Hi, I'm not a student at school,
I'm smart...


Guests arrived, sat on the platform,
No sokiri, no shovel
They broke their own hats.


Ptah Otsey red-breasted
Do not get cold.
How to fall asleep to kill
To fly from Siberia.


Birds are importantly like,
The tail has a kvіtnik hovaє.
How to dissolve the wines of the tail -
First the ruzha blossomed.


The bird straightened its wings,
Bіli krill - mov vіtryla.
- Look, but, - shout the sailor, -
There, in the sky...


The birds of that big, do not fly -
Head in the sand hovaє.
Get married to "Ikarus" -
African swedish...


Birds of the day sleep in the hollow,
And at night - how to hate.
Oh wowhaha head!
Quiet, bears! Well -...


The bird was beating the line:
- It seems that I am a filthy mother,
Poki s ґavami cooked -
Ruined the little birds!


little bird,
Chewing, light-winged,
At the gardener vzimku
Arrived early.
Tenkaє inveterately
The bird is small.
Call me a guest,
Do you know?


little bird,
There were cheeks in it,
Sir paws, black hat,
Zhovtenky apron,
The voice is thin.
That bird is small
It's called...


Sirenka bird,
the grain is whispering.
From now on,
I do love it.


Bird dzhobom "Klats-clats-clats!",
On the feet of yoga palats.
Walk around the city
Toad and bear to catch.
Vіn na zrіst is not a peanut.
Call Yogo...


Rіznokolorovy ptah
In hot living lands -
Palm trees, dates, bananas.
Sand, sun, oceans.
It is not yoga that has merit -
Colored bird...


Rozkolesh lead - take silver, rozkolesh silver - take gold.


Evening itself
Buried in the kushch Kalini, -
That one on a pipe
Graє song charіvnu.


Evening itself
Buried in a raspberry bush.
I'll vote on the tune
Graє song charіvnu.


Siva latka, black latka on birch gallop.


Siju I bіla pіdvіkonnya,
When I marvel - at the garden
On a pear... a red apple
Hang on top!
Anniversary tsokav in the middle of silence,
And I'm all head lama:
The same way, why earlier
Qih apples I did not mark?
That axis podkravsya kit-gulvisa,
Glipnuv on a pear, like an owl, -
The red apples have started
I... flew, well, diva!
I took the olive from the pencil case
І writing in calendars:
Today came earlier
Before us, the guests ...


The strength of the bird on the oak,
Started her own: ku-ku!
Startled zhachok
І hares, th goats:
Waking up that voice -


Sira coat from pir'yn,
In the cold, zhvavy wine.
Not an eagle tsey stribunets.
Who is it, children?... .


Lilac, motor,
On the dormouse siv,
Nadzyobavsya good
And farther flights.


Tsvin-tsvirin, tsvin-tsvirin,
It is not too late to dance youma.
Sonyashnik would have pecked,
Taste the bun.


Jumping jumped on the pole,
Vypnuv chest, vignuv back -
She just fell asleep,
Like splashing myself.


Stitch on the front.
behind the wheel,
Shvidko creak
Whose bird is flying,
The faceless midge eats,
Behind the window there will be a nest,
Tilki do not winter in us.


Sleep during the day, fly at night,
Maybe drink a bear.
Crila, claws, head.
Call the bird...


White-tailed chirp
Sound usi її ...


Knock, knock -
nothing is revealed.
And the tenants are eating.


Knock-knock-knock a little knock,
That sound is not visible to the hands.
Ptah dziobom stovbur b'є,
A healer for the fox.


Knock-Knock! Koru dovbaє -
Shkіdnikov trees shukaє.
wormhead bird
Shkidnikam instill fear.
I don't need a spatula
Gostrodzobiy bird...


Well, well, well!
І goat,
I worm'yak,
I larva -
There was a back,
I beetle-koroid -
My dream,
My insult.


Here and there she is flying,
and pick up tiles on the tail.
What is proved - everything
vmit on the fox roznese.


Tivu-tiv... -
Line is radisno z haiv.
That is whose sleep?


Weep at the swamp, but do not go from the swamp.


The barrel is white
Not a single bitch,
Any betrothed,
No bottom -
I want a bi klepochka alone!


I swam by the water, but stayed dry.


The crow has a sister,
Vranci get tired early.
Whispering around the yards,
Steal that and duck.
That little belobok,
Everyone is calling її ...


At the yard of my striba,
Krikhti and grains are picked up.
"Tsvir-tsvirin", it seems simple,
Sira bird...


Who has white cherevtse
I black-black back?
All children know the clue:
Obviously, u...


Swimming by the sea
Staying dry.
Pіd dzhobom - torbinka,
In torbintsі - ribinka.


At the village, and chi in the town
Bila lived nearby
Blossom and jump boy,
Is called ... .


At the farm I am the sovereign,
I lead a series of birds,
Vranci early wake you up -
Give the millet a kushilok.


We have a red apron
and drink a titmouse
about the next year.


Day to sleep, nights fly and passers-by lakaє.


Walk at night, and rest in the day,
May be round eyes, saturate in the middle of the night.


Mustache in a black jacket,
red shirt.
In us in the winter in the garden
walk like guests.


Hati will not
I don’t smear, I don’t smear,
I spend the night on the hills
I’m lying to people.
early in the spring
I love to come.
What kind of bird, what kind of warta -
Easy to guess.


Walk proudly along the subway,
Having let go the whip that pir'ya,
Puffed up, mov pan...
Tse is not a piven, not a pheasant.
Galaslivy in a new cry.
Guessed? Ce...


Walk around the countryside, on my shirt, two winds, the wind is blowing - you can see the body.


walk around the city
Great family.
Legs - like a shovel,
I do not know the trace.


hoch bagata
Hut qia
Not small
Yak showing up
Resident -
Shake it! -
Hatin already


I don’t want an anniversary,
Lies of the wines lift us up.
Leather is thrown -
With a little sun soar.


Although he himself is small in stature, he sleeps well.


Who can't build his own nest,
Do you give eggs to others?
That fox in the cold
All Kuє: Ku-ku! Ku-ku!


Who comes out of the water dry?


Who is on the tree above us
- Tuki-tuki-tuki?
Nailed with cloves
- knock-knock-knock!
Work hard
- knock-knock-knock!
Want to do nothing,
- knock-knock-knock!
Rob vin corisnu on the right
- knock-knock-knock!
More clothes brightly,
- knock-knock-knock!


Who gets up first?


Who is angry early in the morning
On the underside of a gank?
- Oh, buldy, buldy, buldik, -
Let's cook with pivnem ...


Who cares about a bitch
everyone sings to us: "Ku-ku!"?


Who does it say: "Kar-kar-kar"?
Who litaє pomіzh hmar?
Tse jobata is proud of the lady
Walk in the gray county.
What is the name of the matron?
Know everything what...


Who is creaking near the garden,
Do you want to know all the news?
Tse cunning, bіlobok,
With a black ponytail...


Tsvin-tsvirin, tsvin-tsvirin,
It is not too late to dance youma.
Sonyashnik would have pecked,
Taste the bun.


Cicava bird lives with us.
Zhovtenky tummy tsia birdie maє.
Over the sea at the warm edge do not fly,
And it winters with us and sleeps for us.


I spend the whole day in Gat,
Dilovito dzhobom b'yu,
I don't score flowers
I'm removing the coma.


Chi winter, Chi summer -
Bila, why snow,
Chi winter, Chi summer -
How inflated mіh,
Walk on shoulder blades
I don't want to run
Horn їst i p'є,
And yak louder -
Razumіy, as you wish!
Who knows?


black vest,
red beret,
nis - like a sokir.
What is the strength?


Black, motorny, shout: "Krak" to the worms of the vicious enemy.


Black-white, fidgety,
chirping loudly,
Mabut, villainous bird
You want to steal it again,
Chi lyusterko, chi namisto -
On tse in it there is plenty of histu,
Oh, and go through the night,
Cunning villain...


Chornokril like "Kar!
I'm a volodar in heaven!"
That one does not deprive her of the crown,
And the name is її ...


Chornomazy, bіlodzobiy,
It is important to walk behind the plow,
Worm'yachkiv, bugs to know -
Virniy watchman, friend of watering,
First spring of warm days.
White like snow, black like a beetle,
Spin around like a bіs and turn into a forest.


Shvidko skrіz tsey litає,
The faceless midge eats,
Behind the window there will be a nest,
Tilki do not winter in us.


What is this wondrous bird?
Be afraid of the light of the day,
Dziob gachkom, big eyes,
I can't sleep їy shonochі.
- Hu-hoo-hoo!
- scream-spiva.
Guessed? Hi?


What kind of birds are they, what are their eggs in other people's nests?


What is a little lilac bird?
Catch a goose and a cat,
Tsvirinchit out, stribaє,
In a warm land do not see.
Tsey little chewy boy

I hung a year old
To piss off a bird.
Zhovtі chest, bіle lichko.
Call the bird...


Yak veselka kolorova,
May zdіbnosti to the movie.
The word birds tsіy say
Vaughn yogo repeat vmit.


Yak shchos garno blischit,
So get out there and fly ...
At the nest, bring it to rest,
All beautiful to the like!


Yaka with our foxes
I saw a student!
She's got her life
Sleep in the pivnya to get into it.
Read yoga pіsenku out,
To cram everything early and pizno,
Ale chomus i dosi zna
Only half of the song.


What kind of bird in a stranger's nest lays its eggs?


Like legs with curls, such a nіs zavdovka.
Hut on hut maє, all toads know rahunok.


All thematic puzzles for adults and children:

See other articles Section Riddles for adults and children.

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NZXT C Series Bronze Power Supplies 26.09.2021

NZXT introduced the C Series Bronze power supply. This is a budget series that includes 550W, 650W and 750W models with 80 Plus Bronze certifications.

In the description of the blocks, the presence of combined cable systems is noted. The main cables, made non-removable, are braided. The speed of the fan that provides cooling to the components depends on the temperature, which allows the power supply to operate almost silently under light loads.

Model C550 Bronze is estimated by the manufacturer at $80. The C650 Bronze is $90, while the most powerful C750 Bronze is $100.

New PSUs come with a five-year warranty. Sales should start in the fourth quarter.

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