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Riddles about insects and spiders

Riddles for adults and children

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Riddles about insects and spiders in Russian

A sieve is hanging, not twisted by hand.

Near the stump there is a hillock, and there is a town.

Eight legs like eight arms
Embroider a circle with silk.
The Master knows this.
Buy, flies, silk!

Blue airplane
Sat on a white dandelion.

Flew over the lawn
Pat over a flower -
He will share the honey.

zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu,
I'm sitting on a branch
I'm sitting on a branch
I keep repeating the letter "Zh".
Knowing this letter firmly,
I buzz in spring and summer.

Flying - buzzing
Rides - is silent,
The whole day - in the works,
Now in the meadows, now in the gardens.
And who is her friend
Therefore, a bowl of honey,
And who does not love
He escapes by running.

A violinist lives in the meadow,
He wears a tailcoat and walks at a gallop.

In the meadow near the trees
The house is built from needles.
He is not visible behind the grass,
And it has a million residents.

Not the sun, not fire, but it shines.

Didn't learn square and vector
Yet the architect is accurate.
Divided the circle.
Grey, small...

One took seven.

He prepares nets like a fisherman,
And he never catches fish.

Under the bark of pine and spruce
Sharpens complex tunnels.
Only to the woodpecker for lunch

Men came without axes,
They cut down the hut without corners.

He is a jumping champion
Jumping, jumping through the meadows.

Cheren - but not a raven,
Horned - but not a bull,
Six legs - yes, no hooves.

Moved by the flower
All four petals.
I wanted to rip it off -
He fluttered and flew away.

Riddles about insects and spiders in Ukrainian

And what a cunning
fusion of chimerical yatirets,
yatirets is light, like fluff,
not for fish, but for flies?


Anu, who guesses children,
What kind of a world can you see?
Snuє z thread thin sіtі,
Want to catch flies in them?


Without a strand, a strand of thread
І without glitz in the mesh;
The goal is to choke the flies,
M'yaso їst, but it's smart to dry.


Without hands, without versat
Weave good.
And if Natche -
Zdobich is out.


I built my house,
Day after day I fly:
Waiting for me to work on it -
I look at the leather card,
Easily lin over the meadow,
And often all honey.


Pale blue
Likhtarik is small,


In kos in shafі є komakhi -
Dyat fur coats are not ants.
Crowded people, beat in the heart
Head of the house...


Martini lives in a dark hut,
Knit lace without a loop and a knot.


Live in wool and fir'ї -
The whole hour they run, jump.
Bite painfully -
Drinking blood.
Bagato їх, not a trifle.
The sound of parasites...


The pillow is great, in this world it is indistinguishable.


The helicopter is so small
Siv on a golden ticket.
Kulbabka smiled: -
Went to visit...


She's flying merrily
Kvіtam vіchka roztulyaє
Kazhe: - Year, kvity, sleep,
I came to collect the honey.


Hanging the sieve with your hands is not vito.


Vіn practice leather day.
Live there, de, rotten stump.
Thousands of them in one house.
All workers, do not push.
It's not a fish, it's not a bird,
And the little one...


Vin erysipelas and small,
We are expanding the land,
Khoch armless and legless,
In the woods climb onto the road
More similar to a knot
Tsey is small...


All the chotiri pelyustki rushed at the flower.
I zіrvati yogo htіv, vіn spurkhnuv and flew.


Gadav little Slava,
That is a quote from Yaskrav.
Want to redeem a ticket,
Vaughn - eel, children.


I'm flying to the quote,
I'm flying - jizhchu.
- Dum-dzum-zhu-zhu -
I won't say the sound.


Dovgovusі ta krilatі
They run around at night in the hut,
Svіtlo vіmknesh - vtіkayut -
Rudi Tulubi hovayut.
Carry the infection in the stench,
Bridka coma...


Dovkol us in'єtsya, but in the hands of not given.


Dzhe high stribaє,
Above the tickets mov litaє
Green fellow -


Є at the new dovgі horns -
Get off the road!
- Zhu-zhu-zhu, - buzz, jizhchit,
If you fly in the sky
May wings and six hands
Burkotlivy black...


E shkіdnik, then such a beetle -
With a long nose, that maly.
Komori are gaining -
Beggar, Grains - eat.
Skrіz, de grain, - sune nose,
That's why it's ringing - ...


Live stench in khatintsі
At the wooden screen,
Uzimka to sleep, but vlіtka
Shukayut skin ticket.


Zhovti, or little red
The backs are black in color.
Before me forever
Siv beetle scho call ...


Zhupanets, Nemov from plastic,
Vіkno flew to us,
Krylts b'єtsya - how do you sound like wine?


Light up on the grass
Vognik, nibi beacon.
Ce with lighter on the back


Quiet my hut -
Nepomitna gossamer
Look, skilki threads!
And sir...


Pick up from the police
Helicopter in the meadow.
Shvidko waving wings -
circling over the leaves,
Arriving, she siv on her paws.


Ziyshov on the girka,
Having fixed the commissar,
Letting the dogs out
Don't freak out!
Furious and angry -
Rushed to bite!
Don't beat one of them
Don't defend yourself
Any bread to throw,
Pay off.
Good, sho take
Dima realized
Having smoked
Nadimiv -
Tim and vryatuvavsya.


Yogo mi zrіdka zustrіchaєmo on the road, walk without eyes, without hands and nіg, fear not foxes and not wolfs, but chickens and pivnіv.


Because of you I beat myself
Because of myself, I beat you;
Killing you, and my blood is flowing.


Їx in the grass is rich,
To love pratsyuvati,
Small alarm clocks
Robbing a hut from the ground.


It seems "wh-wh" Nemov machine,
In the zhovtі smuzhki belly and back.
Similar to bjolu vin -
Honey plant is not good.
How to sting - will bіl.
Call that coma - ...


Not on fire.
At Kazan.
Do not wiki.
Torquenesh with your hand -


Kolo vuha zaviryuha, and in the vusі fairs.


Kolo stump is a pagorbok, and near the new town there is a town.


Kolorovі i barvisti,
On the way to usisto,
There are flowers in the meadow
We flew at the tank -
From yaki merry!


Korisna komakh є,
Give honey to children.
striped and small
It's called...


Creela Mayu, not a bird,
I fly on tickets
I sing "Zhu-zhu-zhu"
Call me...


Krilltsya paws out there.
You sit on the mustache of the dress.
Scratch bacteria to spread,
I don't ask for probachennya.
If that zaviryuha is snowing -
Black is fading...


Fly - viє, sit down - riє.


Fly - viє,
Strength - the land of riє,
Black body, black vus.
Nіbi sravzhnіy sazhotrus.


Fly - squeak, sit down - mow.
Whoever yogo vb'є, that proroll his own shelter.


Fly did - siv on the color, the hairs grow up, the malt whispers.


The black grouse did not fly at once, now, fell into the loboda, joking - I don’t know.


Only one in the whole world,
"Eight-legged" weave siti.
Catching coma with nets,
And not a fish and not a bird.
Head of komakham flour -


A little bird flies across the field,
All day turbulent, not їest ...
Shanuyuchi working share
Sobі people at the melancholy;
On the tickets pick up the lasosh,
Giblet in the zhmenechku treasure,
Have a dark khatonka hovaє,
Cheerful little gude:
"Green field, greener,
Climb, guests, before me,
I'll fool the Vedmedic
I will cook lasoshchiv for the guests.
Oh, who guesses my song,
Let the filthy mouth open,
And who is not inside -
I'm sorry: I won't give it to my mouth,
I smear only with a spoon in the teeth.


It flew in the summer, it settled in the winter, summer came - and it flew again.


little self,
A long time ago
Anij golka,
Letiv -
And siv -
I flashed my hand over them!
I killed, and my blood flows.


May my legs, may I krill,
I soaked my honey in my honey ...
Who to pat - that tour.
Why marry me?


I care about everything, I can speak no language on a white field, but I don’t feel anyone.


I bridged in a puddle for fun
Fun riddle catch,
I will fill the bag for children with laughter
I was destined to be recruited.
I planted a small hut;
Vіtrets dmukhnuv - i hut boh!
I spit the wind at the peak
I choked on the burdocks.
Marveling - galloping through the meadow
That beat me right away boo...
"Healthy, - cooing, - not enough!
Why did you go into the burdock?"
I hap lozina, then I dared
Under the burdock zagomoniv:
"What did you care about me?
I... choked by mosquitoes..."
"Ta nu-bo, - it seems, - do not deceive!
Vilaz mershchiy i do not weld;
Bad hope - do not lure
What you want; get down!"
Chervoniv I already, I feel
Otherwise, okropі has cancer;
I marvel at the manifestation of thuja -
Vaughn - xi-hi! i say like this:
"Lotiv ty solve the riddle,
To cheer up any children,
So, if you want to know,
I am a riddle, now to catch!
Male, I'm a chimera,
And I want someone to nіs plign
I want yaku tobі deck,
If I want, I will.
And knowing you, how to call me,
Before me, the ear was nailed,
I'll tell you the truth, bo lies
We weren’t around the world,
Shu-shoo, shoo-shoo, shoo-shoo... goodbye!"
I was so laughing and leaning...
Now you, children, guess:
What kind of a marvel am I there?


The musician lives on the moon,
Learn yoga, my friend,
Back, legs, head
Everything is green like grass
Shvidky, like wind,


On the new - be kind! -
No kusnik m'yaska.
More black, like a raven,
Rogaty, yak bik.
Maruda - povze
On the land of the quiet -
Roar like a witch.


Hanging barista card
On galyavin rosekvitla.
Just wanted to look
She immediately took off and flew.


Navkolo us in'єtsya, but not given in the hands.


Helicopters above the water
everything is flying back and forth,
and vіd їх lung dotik
do not shirk the outline.
What wonderful helicopters -
don't rumble, don't rumble
and to themselves, without litters,
to lead over the lake?!


Until the fox is wild,
Return to the hut.
Yogo th is not visible
View of the earth, small,
And pull - more
See yourself see yourself.


Helicopters above the water
Everything is flying back and forth,
І lung їх dotik
Don't be shy.
What wonderful helicopters -
Don't murmur, don't roar
I to myself without litchiks
Need to lead over the lake?


Nache light blue
There are small holes in the puddle.
Do not lie on the barrel
In the dark niche...


Nacha bird, kryla maє,
All litaє i spіvaє:
- I'm bringing you a honey,
Don't chew, I'll taste it.
So lakaє we are small,
And the name is її ...


What a big fly
Shed a whistle.
I'm tired of getting into it.
Even more sore bite.
Sting - master and special
Syria and stupid ...


Not a beast, not a bird, but a nis, like a knitting needle.


Not a motor, but to make noise,
Not a pilot, but to fly,
Not a viper, but sting.


Not with hands
Not by hands and woven,
It was born far away
At the kutochka it was nestled.
Sit villain quietly, quietly,
Who will be famously famously.


The thread is rich, but do not wind it into a ball.


No cancer, no fish, no animal, no bird,
The voice is thin, but nіs dovgenky;
Whoever kills Yogo, that shelter will proroll.


Nig rich won maє
I don’t fly at all,
Shkira - "Riznokolorovka" -
Vizerunki, "rozmalovka".
Winter begins -
In the lyalechku burns.
Licorice knitted all winter.
Wrap up...


Nіs is long, but the voice is resonant.


Well, naughty bird
What is flying in the hut -
Learn to be afraid
You on nis sit!


Ouch! Small helicopter
Virushiv at their policy!
Vіn prozori kril maє,
Circling over the river
Long body, long paws,
In the eyepieces...


Oh, yak garno, bach,
Weaving yarn weaver.


According to travičci vin strebaє
I surcoche, and sleep,
It fills up like a bell,
Call it yoga...


New stump cherry.


The komashka is confused
Pratsyuvati sounded heavily,
I take nectar from the flowers,
Sweet honey viroblya
It's called...


Workers came without sokers, they called up houses without kutivs.


Arriving mosquito
I brought likhtarik,
Shchob vіdshukati stazhina,
But the fox does not bluff.


The clatter has arrived,
You can hang around over the wind.
Vsіm got a tale
Without the cob and the tip.


Different colors krilltsya,
Nache in the ship ventilated.
Vin is not a fly, Vin is not a jmelik.
Color wine...


Unwinding the skein itself
She poured into the meadow.
On a meadow of siv on a willow
I wound myself up again.
Who took yoga into the bear,
For those fingers smoktav.


Razumny sivach on the white field bigaє.


Bloomed in our garden
Marvelous little yakass quote I wanted to sniff -
The flower is fluffy! - I flew.


Himself clean, already shine, and walk - nasmіt.


He is black, he is not a raven, he is a horn, he is not a beak, he has no savings.


Your lower web
We split flawlessly,
Vіsіm paws at the coma
Day and night are important,
Bo for flies hammock


The middle of the year was sticky
Sopіlki, violins play.
Tse not violins, not nozzles,
Then they take honey ...


To sit a girl by the dungeon, wearing glasses without threads.


Sit at the hutch and tche shirt.


Simhund seventy
I sim teslyariv
Wake up sobі dіm
Without dahu
Without kutiv.


The lilac is lethal, the lilac is buzzing, and the yellow is to wear.


Do you like licorice?
Well, then you know about me!
I'm flying over the tickets,
I treat my friends with honey.
Not big and not small
And call me...


Thousand thousand coopers
Robbing huts without yards.


The body is like a worm,
Vusa nache at the bug,
Crila garni, kolorovі,
Nache quotes Kazkovi.


What a marvel
Sitting in a puddle on tickets?
Do not rest in the distance
And vantage take stench.
In the garden of the old village
They have their own airfield.
І litaki - over the summer of years -
Bring licorice honey there.


Grass brunki dissolves,
Pour greens into the leaves -
Beetles pour in,
She sits on the sheets.
Sleep during the day, buzz at night -
They are called...


At the dark dungeon
Sit practical,
Don't know, don't sleep
No beds.
In'yazanochka in'knit,
Nemov enchantress, -
No university,
No loops.


Take it easy to sleep, but when nothing comes, fly to the fire.


Let the night fly, let's blink with fire, but Dima can't.


Learn to squeak in your ear,
Not bjola wine and not a fly.
Biting more painfully
Upinaetsya in the body -
Drinking blood -
That th fly far to the dark.
Call that squeaker ...


Cold. More bjoli sleep
And the stench is already flying
To the highest quotes
Collect honey for children.


Hotch bdzholi va sister,
that honey should be shed.


Hotch won bjoli homeland -
Leading the whole day
Only bite more painfully!
Guessed? To heaven
Evil has flown...


Want a little tse komashka,
Do not vpіznat її important!
Tse vidomo and children -
In it, a light beacon entered in the middle of Nibi,
Spilling ...


Khoch is not a deer - horns may,
I am not a bird, but a flyer.
Black-black, not kruk,
Cemal, motor...


Who does not have a head,
Who has lep on shii,
Brudni are not good,
They bite...


Who is already jigging in the wound,
Lize in a bowl of sour cream,
Sleep for children
Popid stele lita?
Get out, nabriduho nabriduho!
Tse great black ...


Who flies over the meadow
Nache helicopter,
Behind the palm pop'є nectar
I'm going to polit again?


Whomever vb'є, his shelter prolє.


Who piercingly squeak
Do not shut up on the spot,
Nіs thin, like a head, toss,
Do they bite more painfully?
Carefully! Outside
Vletku fierce...


Who is tse sіru i sticky
Is it better to catch the net in the coddle?
Like a fly sit on it -
Immediately sticky. Would be glad to live
The same little one is like this:
Don't get out of the net...


Tsey little robotnik
Zmalku pratsyuvati sound,
Pull flies, straws
To the big hut,
Bo pratsyuє hard-important
At the ant...


Qia komashka-rozumashka
And it's really important.
Into your earthen hut
Draw a long straw.


Tsya red namystinka
May krilltsya at the speckles,
Small, garna duzhe,
Upiznay її, my friend -
On your little one


red back,
Black dots.


Black Ivanchik, a wooden shirt, lead with your nose, a treasure note.


Black yak raven,
Horned yak bik,
Maruda - povze
On the land of the quiet,
And straighten the wings - roar, like a witch.


Black, and not crook, horned, but not vil, six nig without savings.


Chudernatsky helicopter
Arriving and siv on the plate.
In the new krilltsya mica,
In the new paws of the dart,
In the new eyes-lights -
I bet everything.
Zvidkilya is this helicopter?
Skidded as much as it hurts -
The ice didn't hurt the frog...


Miracles! Take a look, kids -
A ticket has flown from a ticket!
There are colorful wings in it,
Purhaє in gaya and in the field
How do you call this merry fellow?
Guessed? ...


Shvets - not Shvets, kravets - not kravets,
Keep a bristle in your mouth and a knife in your hand.


What is it for a guest:
Low May Six
Already chotiri krilltsya maє
According to the tickets you fly
No bjola, no jmelik
Call vin...


What is that bird, what is on eight legs?


Like I'm jigging on a summer day,
Chulo skin vuho.
I fill it in leather smoke,
Everyone knows me, I...


What yarn is not on sale?


All thematic puzzles for adults and children:

See other articles Section Riddles for adults and children.

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