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Popular Latin words and phrases

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  • A caelo usque ad centrum. - From heaven to the center of the Earth.
  • A capillo usque ad ungues. - From the hair on your head to your toenails (from head to toe).
  • A capite ad calcem. - From head to toes.
  • A casu ad casum. - From time to time.
  • A contrario. - From the opposite.
  • A date. - From the date of signature.
  • A die. - From this day.
  • A fortiori. - Especially.
  • A limit. - From the doorstep.
  • A majore ad minus. - More about less.
  • A mari usque ad mare. - From sea to sea.
  • A maximis ad minima. - From most to least.
  • A mensa et toro. - From the table and bed.
  • A nativitate. - From birth.
  • A nescire ad non esse. - From ignorance to non-existence.
  • A novo. - Again.
  • A parte. - (Replica) aside.
  • A pedibus usque ad caput. - From head to toe.
  • A posse ad esse non valet consequential. - According to the possible, one should not yet conclude about the real.
  • A posse ad esse. - From what is possible to what (really) exists.
  • A posteriori. - Based on (based on) experience.
  • A potentia ad actum. - From the possible to the actual.
  • A potiori fit denominatio. - The name is given according to the predominant characteristic.
  • A potiori. - Based on the prevailing one.
  • A prima facie. - At first sight.
  • A priori. - Regardless of experience.
  • A probis probari, ab improbis improbari aequa laus est. - The praise of worthy people and the condemnation of unworthy people are equally honorable.
  • A realibus ad realiora. - From the real to the most real.
  • A sacris. - (Rejected) from the shrine.
  • A tuo lare incipe. - Start (the conversation) from your hearth.
  • Absurdly. - From the absurd (to prove, reason, etc.).
  • Ab aeterno. - Since the beginning of time, a long time ago.
  • Ab antiquo. - Since ancient times, since ancient times.
  • Ab equis ad asinos. - From horses to donkeys.
  • Ab esse ad posse valet consequentia. - Based on a real conclusion about the possible.
  • Ab exterioribus ad interiora. - From external to internal.
  • Ab extra. - Outside.
  • Ab hinc. - From now on.
  • Ab hoc et ab hac. - By the way and inappropriately (from one to another).
  • Ab hodierno. - From this date.
  • Ab hoedis scindere oves. - Separate the sheep from the goats.
  • Ab igne ignem. - Fire comes from fire.
  • Ab imis unguibus ad verticem summum. - From the tips of the nails to the very top of the head.
  • Ab imo pectore. - With complete frankness.
  • Ab inconvenienti. - Out of disagreement (out of need).
  • Ab incunabulis. - From the cradle.
  • Ab initio nullum, semper nullum. - Nothing will come of nothing.
  • Ab initio. - At first.
  • Ab intestato. - Without a will.
  • Ab irato. - In anger (out of anger).
  • Ab Jove principium. - From Jupiter - the creator.
  • Ab origine. - From the beginning (when it occurs).
  • Ab ovo usque ad mala. - From eggs to apples.
  • Ab posse ad esse consequentia (illatio) non valet. - According to the possible, one should not yet conclude about the real.
  • Ab uno disce omnes. - Find out (judge) about others one by one.
  • Ab Urbe condita. - From the foundation of the City.
  • Abeunt studio in more. - Activities leave an imprint on character.
  • Abiens, abi! - Leaving go!
  • Absente aegroto. - In the absence of the patient (not in the presence of the patient).
  • Absit omen! - Let nothing serve (appear) as a bad sign!
  • Absit verbo invidia. - Don't take it at your word.
  • Absolutio ab instantia. - Leaving (the defendant) in suspicion.
  • Absolvo te! - I justify you (I forgive you your sins).
  • Absque nota. - A category of books that do not have a year or place of publication.
  • Absque omni exceptionae. - Without any exception.
  • Abstractum pro concreto. - General instead of specific.
  • Absurdum in adjecto. - A pointless assumption.
  • Abusus non tollit usum. - Abuse does not cancel use (abuse does not exclude correct use).
  • Abyssus abyssum invocat. - The abyss calls to the abyss.
  • Accessio cedit principali. - Belonging (appendage) follows the fate of the main thing.
  • Acta diurna. - Daily incidents (chronicle).
  • Acta est fabula! - The play is played!
  • Actio immanens. - Action directed at oneself.
  • Actio in distances. - Action at a distance.
  • Actio in factum. - Actual action.
  • Actio popularis. - An action in Roman law brought by a member of the public in the interest of public order.
  • Actio transiens. - Action directed outward.
  • Actor sequitur forum rei. - The plaintiff goes to court at the defendant’s place of residence.
  • Actore non probante reus absolvitur. - If the claim is not proven, the defendant is released.
  • Actum atque tractatum. - Done and discussed.
  • Actum est ilicet! - It's over!
  • Actum ut supra. - Do as above (previously) indicated, (act as indicated above).
  • Actus purus. - Pure action.
  • Ad absurdum. - To the point of absurdity.
  • Ad acta. - To the point.
  • Ad aeternum. - Forever.
  • Ad aras. - At the altars.
  • Ad arbitrium. - At your discretion, arbitrarily.
  • Ad augusta per angusta. - To the high through the difficult.
  • Ad bestias! - To the animals!
  • Ad captandum benevolentiam. - To gain favor.
  • Ad captandum vulgus. - To please the crowd, the rabble.
  • Ad cogitandum et agendum homo natus est. - Man is born for thought and action.
  • Ad delectandum. - For fun.
  • Ad discendum, non ad docendum. - For study, but not for teaching.
  • Ad disputandum. - For discussion.
  • Ad ea debeat adaptari jus, quae frequenter eveniunt. - The law should be adapted to those cases that occur frequently.
  • Ad example. - Based on a model (for example).
  • Ad extra. - To the extreme.
  • Ad extremitates. - To the extreme.
  • Ad fine. - Until the end (page, sheet, etc.).
  • Ad fontes. - To the primary sources.
  • Ad futuram memoriam. - For the long memory.
  • Ad futuram rei memoriam. - As a reminder of the event.
  • Ad gloriam. - For glory.
  • Ad gustum. - Taste.
  • Ad hastam. - For sale at public auction.
  • Ad Herculis columnas. - To the Pillars of Hercules.
  • Ad hoc. - To this (especially for this case).
  • Ad hominem. - To a person (in relation to a person.
  • Ad honors. - Out of honor (free of charge).
  • Ad hoste maligno libera nos, Domine. - Deliver us from evil, God.
  • Ad impossibilia nemo tenetur. - You can’t force someone to do the impossible.
  • Ad infinitum. - To infinity, without end.
  • Ad informandum. - For your information.
  • Ad instar. - Like.
  • Ad instruendum. - To prepare.
  • Ad interim. - For some time (at this time).
  • Ad latus. - Close by (from the immediate environment).
  • Ad libita librarii. - At the discretion of the scribe.
  • Ad libitum. - At will (at your own discretion).
  • Ad limina (apostolorum). - To the (apostolic) thresholds.
  • Ad litem. - For analysis.
  • Ad litteram. - Verbatim (literally).
  • Ad loca! - In places! (in place!).
  • Ad majorem Dei gloriam. - To the greater glory of God.
  • Ad manum. - At hand.
  • Ad maximum. - To the highest degree.
  • Ad meliora tempora. - Until better times.
  • Ad meliorem. - For the better.
  • Ad memorandum. - So as not to forget.
  • Ad minimum. - To the lowest degree.
  • Ad modum. - According to the model.
  • Ad multos annos! - For many years.
  • Ad narrandum, non ad probandum. - For telling, not for proving.
  • Ad nauseam. - To the point of nausea.
  • Ad normam. - According to the rule.
  • Ad notice. - For your information.
  • Ad notanda. - It should be noted.
  • Ad notata. - Note.
  • Ad oculos. - Visually (before your eyes).
  • Ad opus! - Get to work! (to work!).
  • Ad patres conscriptos. - To the gentlemen senators.
  • Ad patrons. - To the forefathers (to die).
  • Ad perpetuam rei memoriam. - In the eternal memory of the event.
  • Ad personam. - Personally.
  • Ad pias causas. - For a good cause.
  • Ad pluralitatem votorum. - By majority vote.
  • Ad populum. - For the people (for the general reader).
  • Ad profundum. - To the dregs.
  • Ad publicandum. - Publicly, by publication.
  • Ad ratificandum. - Towards approval.
  • Ad referendum. - To the report, for the report (a clause on the document showing the need for its approval by the highest authority).
  • Ad rem. - To the point (to the point).
  • Ad se ipsum. - To myself.
  • Ad tertium. - Third.
  • Ad totalem evaporationem. - Until complete evaporation.
  • Ad unguested. - Up to the nail (with the greatest care and precision).
  • Ad unum omnes. - Every single one.
  • Ad usum delphini. - For use by the Dauphin.
  • Ad usum externum. - For external use.
  • Ad usum internum. - For internal use.
  • Ad usum populi. - For public use.
  • Ad usum proprium. - For your own use.
  • Ad usum vitae. - For everyday needs.
  • Ad valorem. - According to the price.
  • Ad verbum audience. - For an interview (call, invite).
  • Ad verbum. - Verbatim (literally).
  • Ad victoriam. - Until the bitter end, to victory.
  • Ad vitam aeternam. - To eternal life, forever and ever.
  • Ad vitam aut culpam. - For life or until you commit a crime (for life or until your first guilt).
  • Ad vitam. - To life.
  • Ad vocem. - As for, by the way, note.
  • Adhuc sub judice lis est. - The judge still has the matter.
  • Advitalitum. - Testamentary lifetime record.
  • Advocatus Dei. - God's Advocate.
  • Advocatus Diaboli. - Devil's Advocate.
  • Aequam memento rebus in arduis servare mentem. - Remember, try to maintain presence of mind in difficult circumstances.
  • Aequat causa effectum. - The effect is equal to the cause.
  • Aequilibrium indifferentiae. - The state of two equal opposite impulses.
  • Aequo animo. - Indifferent, calm, patient.
  • Aequo pulsat pede. - Death strikes everyone indifferently.
  • Aequum est neminem cum alterius detrimento et injuria fieri locupletiorem. - Justice requires that no one enrich himself illegally and to the detriment of another person.
  • Aere perennius. - Stronger than copper (long lasting).
  • Aes triplex. - Triple copper (used as a metaphor).
  • Aeterna historia. - Eternal history.
  • Aeterna urbs. - The Eternal City (about ancient Rome).
  • Aeternae veritates. - Eternal truths.
  • Aeternum vale. - Forgive me forever.
  • Age, libertate decembri utere. - Come on, take advantage of the freedom of December (take advantage of the respite).
  • Age, quod agis, et respice finem. - If you do, do it and watch the end.
  • Ager publicus. - Public land trust in ancient Rome.
  • Agere sequitur essay. - Action follows from being.
  • Agnosco veteris vestigia flammae. - I recognize traces of the former fire.
  • Agnus Dei. - Lamb of God.
  • Ajo! - I approve! (I confirm!)
  • Albo lapillo notare diem. - Celebrate the day with a white stone.
  • Alea iacta (jacta) est. - The die is cast.
  • Alia editio. - Another edition.
  • Alia tempora. - Other times (not those times).
  • Alibi. - In the other place.
  • Aliena vitia in oculis habemus, a tergo nostra sunt. - Other people's vices are before our eyes, and our own behind our backs.
  • Alienatio mentis. - Confusion of mind.
  • Alieni juris. - (Persons) of someone else's rights.
  • Aliis inserviendo consumor. - By shining on others, I burn myself (by serving others, I waste myself).
  • Aliquando bonus dormitat Homerus. - Sometimes Homer dozes too.
  • Aliud stans, aliud sedens. - One (says) standing, the other - sitting.
  • Alius alio plura invenire potest, nemo omnia. - One can reveal more than another, but no one can reveal everything.
  • Alma Mater. - Mother-nurse (higher school that gave spiritual food to the student).
  • Alter ego. - Another me.
  • Alter idem. - The second one is the same.
  • Altera pars. - Other side.
  • Altum silentium. - Deep silence.
  • Amabile opus. - Sweet creature.
  • Amabilis insania. - Pleasant madness.
  • Amabilis scientia. - Pleasant (kind) science (about botany).
  • Amant alterna Camenae. - The muses enjoy intermittent songs.
  • Amantes non vident. Videntes non amant. - Those who love do not notice. Those who notice don't like it.
  • Amantes sunt amentes. - Lovers are crazy.
  • Amantium irae amoris integratio. - The quarrels of lovers are the renewal of love.
  • Amantium irae. - Quarrels of lovers (quarrels between friends over trifles).
  • Amat victoria curam. - Victory loves diligence (self-care).
  • Amata nobis quantum amabitur nulla. - Our beloved will not be loved like any other.
  • Amen! - True (end).
  • Amicalia desideria. - Friendly wishes.
  • Amici, diem perdidi. - Friends, I lost a day.
  • Amicus (Animal) humani generis. - Friend of the human race (universal friend).
  • Amicus certus in re incerta cernitur. - A reliable friend learns from an unreliable business.
  • Amicus cognoscitur amore, more, ore, re. - A friend is known by love, character, face, deed.
  • Amicus incommodus ab inimico non differt. - An awkward friend is not much different from an enemy.
  • Amicus meus. - My friend.
  • Amicus Plato, sed magis amica est veritas. - Plato is a friend, but the truth is a greater friend (Plato is a friend to me, but the truth is dearer).
  • Amicus verus - rara avis. - A faithful friend is a rare bird.
  • Amor caecus. - Love is blind.
  • Amor fati. - Love for fate (fate).
  • Amor non est medicabilis herbis. - Love cannot be cured with herbs.
  • Amor patriae. - Love to motherland.
  • Amor vincit omnia. - Love conquers everything.
  • An nescis longas regibus esse manus? - Don’t you know that kings have long arms?
  • An nescis, mi fili, quantilla prudentia mundus regatur? - My son, don’t you know how little intelligence it takes to rule the world?
  • Analogia entis. - A semblance of being.
  • Anathema maranata. - Let him be damned (excommunicated).
  • Ancilla philosophiae. - Handmaiden of philosophy.
  • Ancilla theologiae. - Handmaiden of Theology.
  • Anguis in herba. - Snake in the grass (about a hidden but deadly danger).
  • Angulus ridet. - The place smiles at me, dear. in relation to the place you like.
  • Anima vilis. - Experimental animal.
  • Soul. - Soul.
  • Animalia vivunt, crescunt et sentiunt. - Animals live, grow and feel.
  • Animam in promptu habere. - Have full presence of mind.
  • Animi magnitudo. - Greatness of spirit.
  • Animus denuntiandi. - Intent to threaten.
  • Animus injuriandi. - Intent to offend.
  • Animus meminisse horret. - The soul trembles with horror (as soon as you remember this).
  • Animus possidendi. - Intention to seize (take possession, possess).
  • Animus quod perdidit optat, Atque in praeterita se totus imagine versat. - The soul longs for what it has lost and is carried away by the imagination into the past.
  • Animus rem sibi habendi. - The intention to own a thing yourself.
  • Animus suspicax. - Feeling of mistrust.
  • Animus. - Spirit.
  • Anni currentis. - This year.
  • Anno ab urbe condita. - One year from the founding of the city (Rome).
  • Anno aetatis suae. - At one time (at that time there were so many years) (ancient gravestone formula).
  • Anno ante Christum Natum. - In the year before Christ (BC).
  • Anno Christi. - In the year after the birth of Christ (AD).
  • Anno Domini. - In the year of the Lord (in such and such a year AD).
  • Anno mundi. - One year from the creation of the world.
  • Anno post Romam conditam. - A year after the founding of Rome.
  • Anno. - Year (per year, per summer).
  • Annus horribilis. - Unlucky year.
  • Ante bellum. - Before the war (before the war).
  • Ante Christum Natum. - Until the birth of Christ.
  • Ante diem. - Until this day (until this date, ahead of time).
  • Ante factum. - Before (anything) happened.
  • Ante mare undae. - Waves come before the sea (cause precedes effect).
  • Ante meridiem. - Before noon.
  • Ante nuptias donatio. - Pre-wedding gift from husband.
  • Ante quem. - Until what?
  • Ante scriptum. - Before what is written.
  • Anterioritas. - Precedence.
  • Apparatus criticus. - Preparations for research work.
  • Appellatio. - Summons to court.
  • Appendix. - Addition (to article etc.).
  • Appetitus societatis. - The desire for a hostel.
  • Aqua (cavat) lapidem non vi, sed saepe cadendo. - Water (sharpens) a stone not by force, but by repeated blows.
  • Aqua bulliens. - Boiling water.
  • Aqua destillata. - Distilled water.
  • Aqua et igni alicui interdicere. - Deprive water and fire (all civil rights).
  • Aqua et ignis. - Water and fire.
  • Aqua et panis, vita canis. - Water and bread are a dog's life.
  • Aqua fontana. - Fresh water (drinking, spring water).
  • Aqua pluvialis. - Rainwater.
  • Aqua pura. - Pure water.
  • Aqua tophana. - Tofana water.
  • Aqua vitae. - Water of life (alcohol).
  • Aquae et ignis interdictio, hoc est exillum. - Prohibition to use water and fire (exile).
  • Aquae potoribus. - Drinking water.
  • Aquila non captat muscas. - An eagle does not catch flies (a worthy person does not bother with trifles).
  • Arbiter elegantiae. - Arbiter of grace (legislator in the field of grace).
  • Arboretum. - Arboretum.
  • Arcades ambo. - Both are from Arcadia.
  • Argenteis hastis pugnare. - Fight with silver spears (get your way through bribery).
  • Argentum nitricum. - Lapis (silver nitrate).
  • Argumenta ambigua. - Double-edged arguments.
  • Argumenta ponderantur, non numerantur. - (The strength of) evidence (is determined) by its weight, not by quantity.
  • Argumentum a contrario. - An argument drawn from the analysis of a contrary assumption.
  • Argumentum a posteriori. - Proof based on experience.
  • Argumentum a priori. - Proof on a logical basis.
  • Argumentum a silentio. - Argument from silence.
  • Argumentum a tuto. - Proof of safety or fidelity.
  • Argumentum ab impossibili. - Argument from impossibility (to do something).
  • Argumentum achilleum. - False argument.
  • Argumentum ad crumenam. - Argument to the wallet (persuasion with the help of money).
  • Argumentum ad hominem. - Argument to a person (get personal).
  • Argumentum ad ignorantiam. - An argument designed to exploit the interlocutor’s ignorance, his ignorance.
  • Argumentum ad invidia. - Argument from ill will (from envy, malice), an imaginary argument.
  • Argumentum ad judicum. - Argument to the judgment.
  • Argumentum ad misericordiam. - An argument designed to arouse pity.
  • Argumentum ad populum. - Argument to the people.
  • Argumentum ad rem. - An argument based on the circumstances of the case, a material argument.
  • Argumentum ad verecundiam. - Argument for modesty (appeal to authority).
  • Argumentum ad veritatem. - An argument based on generally accepted and scientifically proven truths.
  • Argumentum ambiguum (communis). - A double-edged argument.
  • Argumentum baculinum. - Argument with a stick (persuasion by force).
  • Argumentum ex consensu gentum. - Justification of the evidence by the fact that what is asserted is accepted by everyone as the truth.
  • Argumentum ex silentio. - Evidence inferred from silence.
  • Argumentum externum. - An argument borrowed from a subject that lies outside the disputed issue.
  • Argumentum internum. - The argument lies in the very controversial nature of the issue.
  • Argumentum legis. - Basis of the law.
  • Argumentum primarium (palmarium). - The highest (decisive) proof.
  • Arma virumque cano. - I sing about the military exploits of the hero.
  • Arrectis auribus. - Ears perked up (about attention).
  • Ars adeo latet arte sua. - Art is such that it is not noticeable.
  • Ars amandi. - The art (science) of love.
  • Ars est celare artem. - Art is to hide art.
  • Ars et norma interpretandi naturam. - Science and rules for explaining nature.
  • Ars gubernandi. - The art of management.
  • Ars logica. - The art of logic.
  • Ars longa, vita brevis. - Art is durable, but life is short.
  • Ars moriendi. - The art of dying.
  • Ars oratory. - Oratory.
  • Ars poetica. - Poetic art.
  • Ars sacra. - Sacred art.
  • Ars una, species mille. - Art is one, there are many types of it.
  • Ars vitae. - The art of living.
  • Artes ingenuae (liberales). - Liberal arts, that is, mental work.
  • Artes molliunt mores. - The arts soften morals.
  • Articulo mortis. - One foot in the coffin.
  • Articulus secretissimus. - The most secret part, article (of the agreement).
  • Articulus. - Part, section.
  • Artificial nature. - Creative nature.
  • Artium magister. - An academic degree in some Western European universities, equal to a doctorate.
  • Asa foetida. - A foul drug.
  • Asini exiguo pabulo vivunt. - Donkeys are satisfied with meager food.
  • Asinos non curo. - I don’t pay attention to donkeys.
  • Asinus asinorum in saecula saeculorum. - Donkey from donkeys forever and ever.
  • Asinus asinum fricate. - Donkey rubs against donkey (praises his own).
  • Asinus Buridani inter duo prata. - Buridanov settled down between two lawns.
  • Associatio idearum. - Association of Ideas.
  • Astra inclinant, non necessitant. - The stars incline, but do not force.
  • Asylum ignorantiae. - Shelter of ignorance, ignorance (a concept recognized as insufficient, but with which one is content in order to avoid further reflection).
  • Atrium mortis. - An omen of death.
  • Atrophia nervorum. - Nervous exhaustion.
  • Auctoritas foris. - Wide influence (authority).
  • Auctoritas rei judicatae. - Precedent of a court decision.
  • Audacter calumniare, semper aliquid haeret. - Feel free to slander (you can), because something will always remain.
  • Audentes fortuna juvat. - Luck (fate) favors the brave.
  • Audiatur et altera pars. - The other (opposite) side should be listened to (let the other side also be heard).
  • Auguror nec me fallit augurium, historias tuas immortales futuras. - I predict that my prediction is not false, your story will be immortal.
  • Aura popularis. - Transitory (fragile) popularity.
  • Aurea mediocritas. - Golden mean (about the merits of average quality, about mediocrity.
  • Aures habent, et non audient. - They have ears, but they won’t hear.
  • Auri sacra fames. - Thirst for gold.
  • Auribus teneo lupum. - Hold the wolf by the ears (being in a hopeless situation, between two fires).
  • Aurora borealis. - Northern lights.
  • Aurora musis amica est. - Aurora is a friend of the muses (morning hours are most favorable for studying the sciences and arts).
  • Aurum nostrum non est aurum vulgi. - Our gold is not the gold of the crowd.
  • Aurum potestas est. - Gold is power.
  • Auspicia sunt fausta. - The omens are favorable (formula of the Roman priests who told fortunes by the flight of birds).
  • Auspicium melioris aevi. - A sign of better times (a sign of better times).
  • Aut bene, aut nihil. - (Speak) either only good things, or nothing at all.
  • Out bibat, out a beat. - Let him either drink or leave (you should obey the rules of this community or leave).
  • Out Caesar, out nihil. - Either Caesar or nothing (or everything, or nothing).
  • Aut cum scuto, aut in scuto. - Either with a shield, or on a shield.
  • Aut deus, aut natura. - Either God or nature.
  • Aut disce, aut discede. - Either study or leave.
  • Aut non tentaris, aut perfice. - Either don’t take it on, or see it through to the end.
  • Aut prodesse volunt aut delactare poetae. - Poets want to be either useful or pleasant.
  • Aut vincere, aut mori. - Either win or die.
  • Ave ac vale. - Hello and goodbye.
  • Holy Mary. - Hail Mary.
  • Ave verum corpus. - Greetings, most honorable body.
  • Ave, Caesar, morituri te salutant. - Hello, Caesar, those going to death greet you.
  • ave. - Hello.
  • Avibus bonis. - In good time, with good omens.


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In a modern technology world where distance is becoming increasingly commonplace, maintaining connection and a sense of closeness is important. Recent developments in artificial skin by German scientists from Saarland University represent a new era in virtual interactions. German researchers from Saarland University have developed ultra-thin films that can transmit the sensation of touch over a distance. This cutting-edge technology provides new opportunities for virtual communication, especially for those who find themselves far from their loved ones. The ultra-thin films developed by the researchers, just 50 micrometers thick, can be integrated into textiles and worn like a second skin. These films act as sensors that recognize tactile signals from mom or dad, and as actuators that transmit these movements to the baby. Parents' touch to the fabric activates sensors that react to pressure and deform the ultra-thin film. This ... >>

Petgugu Global cat litter 15.04.2024

Taking care of pets can often be a challenge, especially when it comes to keeping your home clean. A new interesting solution from the Petgugu Global startup has been presented, which will make life easier for cat owners and help them keep their home perfectly clean and tidy. Startup Petgugu Global has unveiled a unique cat toilet that can automatically flush feces, keeping your home clean and fresh. This innovative device is equipped with various smart sensors that monitor your pet's toilet activity and activate to automatically clean after use. The device connects to the sewer system and ensures efficient waste removal without the need for intervention from the owner. Additionally, the toilet has a large flushable storage capacity, making it ideal for multi-cat households. The Petgugu cat litter bowl is designed for use with water-soluble litters and offers a range of additional ... >>

The attractiveness of caring men 14.04.2024

The stereotype that women prefer "bad boys" has long been widespread. However, recent research conducted by British scientists from Monash University offers a new perspective on this issue. They looked at how women responded to men's emotional responsibility and willingness to help others. The study's findings could change our understanding of what makes men attractive to women. A study conducted by scientists from Monash University leads to new findings about men's attractiveness to women. In the experiment, women were shown photographs of men with brief stories about their behavior in various situations, including their reaction to an encounter with a homeless person. Some of the men ignored the homeless man, while others helped him, such as buying him food. A study found that men who showed empathy and kindness were more attractive to women compared to men who showed empathy and kindness. ... >>

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Polyethylene liquid fuel 04.02.2022

Polyethylene is the most common plastic in the world. More than 100 tons are produced every year. The problem is that it is an incredibly inert material that does not react with almost anything, and therefore does not decompose under natural conditions.

Zheng Huan, a chemist at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, was able to decompose polyethylene at 150 degrees Celsius by adding an organometallic catalyst, a small, commercially available organic molecule containing iridium. The catalyst weakens the bonds responsible for the strong structure of polyethylene, accelerating its decomposition and turning it into a liquid product.

"The resulting products are much cleaner than conventional incineration products," Huang says, adding that the reaction is easier to control and the liquid can be used as a fuel.

So far, the process has been demonstrated on small samples of plastic bags, bottles, and food packaging.

Now scientists are facing two problems: firstly, to increase production and try to bring a new method to an industrial level, and, secondly, to replace iridium - a rare and precious platinum metal - with something cheaper, although there may be a problem, since metal Catalysts, due to their specificity, cannot simply be replaced. But Chinese chemists remain optimistic and assure that they will soon be able to produce new material in liters and even tons.

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