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Riddles about space and stars

Riddles for adults and children

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Riddles about space and stars in Russian

A brother goes to visit his sister, and his sister runs away from him.

Bloom in the evening, wither in the morning. Sleep during the day, wake up at night.

Two in the sky walk around, but do not see each other.

The golden column entered the gap.

Golden Apple
Rides across the sky.
Smiling in the morning
A smile is rays
Very hot too.

He walks, he walks - there is no trace, he sits on the road - there is no dust.

Above grandma's hut
Hanging loaf of bread.
The dog barks
And can't get it.

One fire warms the whole world.

Walks across the sky
Painter without brushes.
brown paint
Colors people.

The field is not measured, the sheep are not counted,
Horned shepherd.

He reigned for fifteen years, fell ill in the sixteenth year, died in the thirtieth and was born again.

Riddles about space and stars in Ukrainian

Until the early hours of the night
Dіd-shepherd of sheep lіchiv.
There was a little sleepyness because of Guy...
De stink now - do not know.


No planks, no beams
Stele over us
Vzdovzh i across
With white flowers.


Without firewood, without fire, but light and warm day.


Fly without krill, grow without roots.


Without hands, without legs, only with horns, but walking under the sky.


Bichok steephorn
Ide without a road.
In gaya not shelesne,
There is no mold on the splash,
Jump across the lake
Do not wet the copy dots.


Big bunny popid lіsok, sipav z gori pіsok.


Big fox
Ponad lіs
Pomіzh gloomily navskis,
Bulo can be seen in the dark sky
Golden zaderty nіs.


Brother to sister as a guest, and sister as a guest.


Buvae round,
With rіzhkami bovaє,
At night yoga is visible
And on the day you know the wine.


In the sky I work, -
Know me skin.
I marvel at everyone -
On me, it's not possible.


Fireflies in the blue sky -
Do not touch them with your hand.
And the biggest firefly
Zignuvsya, like a worm.


There is a lot of golden gudzikiv in the blue bear.


In the speck of a dog and kitty
Grits brought water from the river.
You came: well, bida!
All the water came out of the bowl!
Who drank the water? Who is it?
You guessed it, kids: ...


Walking all day
And in the evening go to sleep.


Spin, spin, no way. People live on it, and burn, and yami.


Bloom in the evening, wilt early. Sleep during the day, wake up at night.


Lies were spinning
Golden circle.
Don't spin anywhere
Nache htos yogo vede.
It penetrated into the scallops,
And the evening dawned.
Children, who will call for you:
How did the light shine?


Whispering because of the fire,
Looking at all the yards,
Sіє, сіє gilding,
All calls to work,
Osyaє all around
Charming red circle.
Donya marvel at the end:
"Tattoo, tattoo, go!".


The willow grew in the middle of the village, let loose the fire for everything.


Stand high, have one eye, look everywhere.


high walk,
lead the earth,
One eye may
Look everywhere
Marvel at the end.
What is it? ... .


All day and night they graze, but do not give milk.


Shout out very young,
Dosit sleep, dosit sleep -
Early-early at the end
Look at the summer...


Wine and grіє, i oven,
I, like a bunny, play.
Do you want to take yoga - in the flow
I mershchiy skhovaєtsya.


Water go - do not squish,
Outline - not shelesne.


Water in the rivers is heated,
About mother-Earth dbaє.
We laugh at the end
enchanting, hot...


Lies on a sazhen,
Offended by p'yaden,
And in the evening sneak through the field.


Everything around
Gaining gear.
Tilki early rise -
Look at the end!
Give life to everyone,


Love everything, check everything,
And whoever marvels - skin grimaces.


The whole road is full of peas.


Harne, good, marvel at everyone, but do not allow people to marvel at themselves.


Goluba Khustina, yellow tangle;
By Hustin sway, people smile.


Griє, grіє, prykaє,
All at the water zaganya.


The doors of wines do not fit,
And in the room you drink.


marvel from afar
Fire up the eye
Usudi, de boova,
With a look of zigriva.


Behind the mountains, behind the forests, a golden circle rises.


Behind the rocky mountain stand a brother from Troy.


Behind the fox, behind the pralis of gold, a palyanichka is baked.


Behind the forest, behind the pralis, the golden fire will burn.


I’ll guess riddles for three grammars: let’s try three, what before the window.


Come in dim - do not see dry, an hour is mine - you will see yourself.


The animal is dying
Vranci is alive.


The golden column penetrated the hole.


Golden Barilechko
Vranci reclined,
No knock,
No gryukota,
Didn't fall
Didn't break
When it was beautiful -
Behind the dark bir was hidden.


Gold circled
From the sky leaned.
Dibrov fell down
I lost here.
Hidden in the wilderness,
Up to the wound bleated,
And I'll call again early
It shone in the sky.


The gold was hidden, but the silver appeared.


The golden bubo floats on the water.


Golden pishov, and silver pishov.


Golden thread to thread,
Tilki in the hands are not given.


Ide, Ide - I will not follow, I will sit on the road - I will not see the saw.


Yogo do not sit, but go out of the skin day.


The girl went to bargain,
She carried a sack of peas.
Usudi, de stepped,
The peas blew.
Do not rake with a shovel,
Don't replace it with melancholy.
And the beginning of light - there is nothing to pick up.


Ide the fox - without noise treading, Ide the water - weeping.


Ide lіsom - not kovtne,
Ide water - not more.


Ide fox - do not tremble,
Ide with water - do not squish,
Ide to hati - do not bark at the new psi.


Іz vikna vіkno
golden spindle.


Chav Volokh, having picked peas, the beginning of light - there is not much to pick.


Їhav up the mountain voloh, rozsip peas;
It became light - there is nothing to choose.


Їhav chumak ta th becoming, more volіv lost.


If I'm young, I'm bright, and when I'm old, I'm dying.


The boiler was littered
That is more and more
That is lower and lower.
Threw at the end
Golden fiber.


Round, clear light shines.


Horned cow
black lantuh pricked:
i z dir millet flowed -
mustache filled the field!


Where is it? To home!
Vidkilya? from home;
What? You don’t know, from so!


Foxy wil wonder through the mud.


The fox kin looks at the gate.


Small, round, the whole world was cut off.


Metu, metu - I don’t, I carry, I carry - I don’t blame, it’s time to come - just go.


An apple rides on a black plate of gold.


On a wooden fence in a glassy field a clear plate grazes.


To the valley, to the podil
Lіg the great sivy vіl.
Hope for the body of the red -
Get out of that ox run.


There is whiteness in the sky, shine, not grit.


In the sky I work
i know me skin.
I marvel at everything -
On me, you can't!


On the field of oxamite
Є charіvne letter:
Clear and bright letters
І is written by itself.
Get out of the way,
Sob night light,
And who will try for you
You can get it.


There are peas on the matting, and in the middle there is a pivbublik.


On the blue kilim zhovt sown grain.


On the Tatar field, horses are entangled,
Vuzliki know that you can't untie it.


Not a single child has taken our stele at the red mother's.


Not electricity, not gas -
Shine everywhere at night.


No path-way,
Nі steppe-oblogu
Ishov parubchak -
Already radiant with beauty,
And vmivsya vin yak -
No water-dew,
And rubbed myself wine yak -
Nі weave,
We don't.


One ram herds thousands of sheep.


One lives, the other lies, the third bows.


One kind of one is ticking,
One by one they squabble
One laughs at one
Ale, they don’t get mad.


One shepherd is rich in sheep.


One bagattya veil the world.


Oh for the fox for the praly
Golden bowl to walk.


Oh, there was a cat,
Colo - Pocotiolo,
All affectionately grilled,
Whole day shone
A pіd vechir kolo
Duzhe tired -
Sleepy reclined
Gene for visibility.


Oh, behind the forest, behind the golden window, you will burn.


Pіshla sir to lyohu, sips peas, ide s lyokha - mute peas.


On the sea, on the sea of ​​gold, the plate floats.


Across the blue sea, a silver clerk plyve.


Walk on the straw, not rustle.


Povna pich palyanits, in the middle of knish.


The field is not the laity, the vіvtsі are not lichen, the shepherd is horned.


A cup of milk stands over the whole yard.


Popid fox-fox cated with tidbit.


An old man came, rozsipov pepper, and as it began to light, he began to pick wine.


Arriving at the guest and standing on the pomist, disbanding the horses throughout the obolon.


Fifteen years of kings, on the sixteenth year he fell ill, on the thirtieth he died and was born again.


Once at night I went to the forest ...
I'll tell you the truth, sin of lies:
I want to be poor,
Sob fern enough.
Not once, not twice, I feel about those -
Who knows yoga, it seems people
In that very night, like a flower,
To that you will be happy.
I stumbled into the woods - and fought giving,
Bo z perelyaku forelock lifted ...
Pass - i middle of the field becoming
I wondered for a long time.
Bіlіє schos ... I wonder -
Kavun ... don’t be afraid of this:
So healthy, scho clap
Do not jump over the new one.
Around the whole field, like that poppy,
They stole golden tickets,
Thick and garno so
In any case, my children beat me.
What is true, what is kavun, what is it?
Guess, dіvonki th clap'yata;
Chi, maybe it happened to me?
Rejoice in the crowd, swans!
You guessed it - look!
Hotels will be extended,
And I already know how to share:
Meni - kavun, and children - kvity.
Once in a quiet evening, by chance
My hut made me happy;
Before me, yak in the green guy,
The little birds came.


Early-vranci roll over, get up.
Rozsipaє skrіz promіnnyachko svoє.
Looking around the nature, zіgrіva,
And over the evening, sleepy again.


Rivnenka path, pissed with peas.


Horned, not bik,
Plive, not pitching.


Distribution of kilim, scatter of peas, no kilim to lift, no peas | pick.


Spreading peas on a chotirist road, nothing is chosen - no king, no queen, no red maiden.


The grain swelled for nothing, the vranci looked - there was nothing.


Rostelene in a row, and on the new one - peas and a piece of bread.


Rose cover, on it there are peas.


I will spread the horn, I will pile the gorіshkіv, I will lay the edge of the bread.


Shine, shine, it does not go out
The sky is clearer in the sky.
Just what a miracle:
To shine the vzimka, it doesn’t grieve,
Look at the end.
What's up, kids?


In the middle of the yard, the yard is a red frying pan.


In the middle of the sea cost a red coin.


The middle of the sea-sea is worth the gold of the Comoros.


Middle of the night in the sky white,
Darkly shine,
But I do not grieve.


The sister came to the guest before the brother, and the wine is one of her.


The blue sea hits, the white hare swims.


Dormouse rose in the sky,
Watering yoga is not required,
Vletka, vzimka in color,
І nasіnnya gold
Sleepyheads grow up everywhere,
Harvest tsey - joy to people.


Sribne kolo - pocotiolo
Tsіliy day vіdpochivaє.
Viide vechora near the field -
Grit not grіє, only syaє.


Sribnoy path,
Having put up the ridges,
Through the river of crossings,
Do not wet pidoyshov.


I'll send you a kavun's gift
It can be seen from the night of the week.
What it is?


There is a willow in the middle of the village,
She let go of the shoots to the skin yard.


Stand higher than the star, look at the water.


Stand a tree in the middle of gray,
And in a leather hut by a spit.


Stand oak-starodub,
On the oak tree, a bird-vertine -
No one is far away: no king, no queen.


To stand in the middle of the sea of ​​red komor.


I go clearly, I call all the people to me.


Warmly marvel at us
Especially during the summer hour.
Tse without a new nothing black,
And with the new day, the day was white.


A thousand sheep, and among them one ram.


A thousand sheep, and among them one ram.


A comrade of a comrade catches up, and one is fighting for one.


Toloka is not orana, vіvtsі not lіchenі, the shepherd is horned.


Torokh, torokh, bursting peas,
The beginning of light - there is nothing to choose.


Skibina bread hangs at the grandmother's hut,
Dogs bark - they can't get away.


The fox, the pralis have a lot of gold.


The blue bear has a lot of golden gudzikiv.


In a clean field, horses are entangled, the wolves are taken, they are not untied.


Take a walk in the sky,
And in the evening, lie down on the ground to sleep.


Day is here, at night you know.


Mustache yoga to love, mustache check.
And whoever marvels - skin grimaces.


I don't want to wander around,
Paving the way until the day.


Walking sivach,
On the blue doe,
According to the sivim order,
Siyav-sadiv -
Without delay:
golden oats
Hang on top.


Who, without firewood, without fire, will illumine, warm us today?


Who is bright in the day and clear at night?


Whoever loves everyone,
Dove all the same?
Just look at the skin bevel,
And don't give a hug.


A red ball of blue Khustina sways, people smile.


Through the window, sune the gold cloth.


Through the mud the fox could marvel.


Black cow, golden calf.


Black cow, golden calf.


What to burn without a half-light?


What do you live forever in the wild, but circle forever in the field?


Why go without sleep?


What is it: from the fox’s fire you look, and from the valley you’re barefoot.


Yak nadide evening -
One can see the wonder of the wonders:
New khlіv lambs,
And the goat is one.


How the day will come,
A ball is rolling in the sky.
Oh, there are no threads,
Syat, why gold!
Weishli used garni mittens
I me, my sister.
It's a pity yoga can't be reached
Do not weave a mitten.


What field cannot be planted, on what field cannot stone be cultivated?


All thematic puzzles for adults and children:

See other articles Section Riddles for adults and children.

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