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16.1. The concept of the goals of education in the history of pedagogy

The goal of education is what education strives for; the future to which he strives. The purpose of education ultimately reflects the achieved level of development of society, it is determined by it and changes with a change in the mode of production. In the primitive communal system, education was designed to ensure the existence of people, and its goal was to equip a person with the experience of survival. Under the slave system, the goals of education were differentiated. Free-born citizens were provided for the all-round development of the personality, knowledge of the "seven free arts"; the path to all-round development lay through "paydeya" - the knowledge of all things. For slaves, the education of humility, humility, diligence, knowledge of the "seven mechanical arts" (crafts) was required. Under feudalism, the class division of goals is preserved: for the feudal lords it is a knightly education, for artisans and peasants it is labor education. Under capitalism, upbringing and education have as their goal the formation of highly skilled workers and competent and educated bourgeois capable of managing production. In a democratic society, the goal of education is the harmonious development of the individual, which implies the humane nature of relations between the participants in the pedagogical process. In the modern interpretation, this goal is formulated as the creation of conditions for self-development and self-realization of the individual in harmony with himself and society.

В то же время в истории педагогики наблюдалось поразительное многообразие подходов к определению цели воспитания. В Античности был сформулирован идеал гармоничного развития личности, однако он по-разному трактовался различными мыслителями. Платон отдавал предпочтение воспитанию ума, воли, чувств. Аристотель говорил о воспитании мужества и закаленности, умеренности и справедливости, высокой интеллектуальности и моральной чистоты. По мнению Я.А. Коменского, воспитание должно быть направлено на достижение трех целей: познание себя и окружающего мира (умственное воспитание), управление собой (нравственное воспитание), стремление к Богу (религиозное воспитание). Д. Локк полагал, что цель воспитания - сформировать джентльмена - человека деятельного и инициативного, обладающего глубоким умом и практическими знаниями. В теории Ж.-Ж. Руссо цель воспитания подчинена формированию общечеловеческих ценностей. И.Г. Песталоцци утверждал, что целью воспитания должно стать развитие способностей и дарований человека, заложенных природой. Их необходимо постоянно совершенствовать и таким образом обеспечить "гармоническое развитие сил и способностей личности". И.Ф. Гербарт считал целью воспитания всестороннее развитие интересов ученика, направленное на его гармоническое развитие, идеалом личности ему представлялся добродетельный человек, умеющий приспосабливаться к существующим отношениям, уважающий установленный порядок. К.Д. Ушинский целью воспитания называл духовное и нравственное развитие. М.И. Демков считал, что целью воспитания должно стать укрепление нравственности и религиозности человека.

16.2. Principles of education and training in the history of pedagogy

The principles of education are the fundamental ideas or value bases of human education. They reflect the level of development of society, its needs and requirements for the formation of a particular type of personality. Thus, the principles of education represent a historical category: at different stages of the development of society, various points of view on the process of education became relevant or, on the contrary, lost their relevance. Among the most important principles of education, the following should be noted.

1. The principle of natural education. The idea of ​​conformity to nature originated in ancient philosophy (Democritus, Plato, Aristotle), but it was deeply developed in the works of Ya.A. Comenius (see 6.1). The principle of conformity to nature occupied a significant place in the pedagogical concepts of J.-J. Russo, I.G. Pestalozzi, F.A. Distervega. With all the differences in the interpretation of the very concept of nature, they are united by an approach to man as a part of it and the assertion of the need to educate a person in accordance with the objective laws of his development in the world around him. The principle of conformity to nature in European pedagogy of the XNUMXth-XNUMXth centuries. served as the basis for many pedagogical concepts: the theory of free education, pedology, theories of age and individual approach.

2. Принцип культуросообразности воспитания. Идея культуросообразности впервые появилась в трудах Д. Локка, который объяснял происхождение знания из человеческого опыта, различия в опыте определяются воспитанием и условиями жизни. К.А. Гельвеций утверждал, что человек формируется только под влиянием среды и воспитания. И.Г. Песталоцци сформулировал принципы народной школы, готовящей детей к жизни в конкретной социокультурной среде (см. 8.2). Собственно принцип культуросообразности в педагогике сформулировал Ф.А. Дистервег. Он утверждал, что в воспитании необходимо учитывать условия места и времени, в которых человек родился и живет. К.Д. Ушинский и Л.Н. Толстой в русле этих идей писали о народности в воспитании. П.Ф. Каптерев рассматривал соотношение воспитания, социальных условий и культуры. С.И. Гессен настаивал на единстве школы с обществом и нацией в целом, предполагая существование специальной "областной педагогики". Этот принцип разрабатывали С.Т. Шацкий и В.А. Сухомлинский.

3. The principle of education centering on personality development. This idea originated in ancient teachings, they formulated the idea that the task of education is the development of the individual. The interpretation of education as a comprehensive and harmonious process is most characteristic of the teachings of J.-J. Rousseau (6.2). In line with the philosophy of pragmatism (D. Dewey), this principle was understood as ensuring the growth of a person, satisfying his interests and needs. In humanistic psychology (K. Rogers, A. Maslow), human development is interpreted as a process of free disclosure of their abilities, and education - as the creation of opportunities for self-realization and self-control. This principle comes from the priority of the individual in relation to society.

The principles of natural conformity, cultural conformity and the centering of education on the development of the individual have not lost their relevance at the present time.

The principles of teaching guide the activities of teachers, performing the normative function of didactics. The principles of teaching grew out of the needs of pedagogical practice as a result of its generalization (for example, the principles of visibility, strength and sequence of teaching). Having arisen from experience, they provided an opportunity to reproduce the existing pedagogical practice.

The history of didactics is characterized by a persistent desire to identify the general principles of teaching and, on their basis, to formulate the most important requirements, observing which teachers could achieve high and lasting learning outcomes. The solution of the problem begins with the identification of the logical basis for constructing a system of principles. Such a basis for Ya.A. Comenius considered the principle of the natural conformity of education, all other principles should go in sequence consistent with this idea. F. Diesterweg sought to reveal the principles of education more specifically and considered them in the form of mandatory requirements, firstly, to the content of education, secondly, to students and, thirdly, to teachers. K.D. Ushinsky formulated the necessary conditions for good learning: timeliness, gradualness, organicity, constancy, firmness of assimilation, clarity, self-activity of students, correctness, etc.

Some teaching principles, such as the principles of visibility, systematicity and consistency, nurturing and developing learning, and others, while remaining relevant in the modern school, have been seriously developed in the works of many teachers. In particular, the term "educational education" was first introduced by I.F. Herbart, however, the ideas of nurturing education were also found in earlier pedagogical concepts. Education is called education, in which an organic connection is achieved between the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities by students and the formation of their emotional and valuable attitude to the world, to each other, to educational material. The ratio of training and education is a fundamental pedagogical problem. So, Ya.A. Comenius, recognizing the enormous educational role of education, did not separate the processes of education and upbringing. J.-J. Rousseau assigned the predominant role in the pedagogical process to education. I.G. Pestalozzi linked mental education with moral education, justifying this by the fact that the process of cognition begins with sensory perceptions, which are then processed by consciousness with the help of a priori ideas. I.F. Herbart considered education the main means of education. K.D. Ushinsky saw in teaching the most important means of moral education.

Developing education is a direction in the theory and practice of education, focusing on the development of the physical, moral and cognitive abilities of students through the development of their potential. As a coherent theory, developmental education has developed in the works of L.S. Vygotsky. At the same time, from different theoretical positions, the problems of developmental education were considered in the pedagogical concepts of I.G. Pestalozzi, F. Fröbel, F.A. Distervega, I.F. Herbart, K.D. Ushinsky and others. In particular, Diesterweg is considered a scientist who first substantiated the idea of ​​developmental education in pedagogy.


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2. Anthology of pedagogical thought in Russia in the 1985th century. / Comp. A.I. Solovnikov. M., XNUMX.

3. Anthology of pedagogical thought in Russia in the second half of the 1990th century. / Comp. P.A. Lebedev. M., XNUMX.

4. Anthology of pedagogical thought in Russia in the first half of the 1987th century. / Comp. P.A. Lebedev. M., XNUMX.

5. Anthology of pedagogical thought of the Christian Middle Ages: In 2 volumes / Ed. - comp. V.G. Bezrogova, O.I. Varyash. M., 1994.

6. Aristotle. Collected Works: In 4 vols. M., 1984.

7. Belozertsev E.P. K.D. Ushinsky and the Russian school. Conversations about the great teacher. M., 1994.

8. Belyaev V.I. Pedagogy A.S. Makarenko: traditions and innovation. M., 2000.

9. Belyaev V.I. Formation and development of the innovative concept of S.T. Shatsky. M., 1999.

10. Gessen S.I. Fundamentals of Pedagogy. Introduction to Applied Philosophy M., 1995.

11. Dzhurinsky A.N. History of Pedagogy. M., 2000.

12. Dneprov E.D. Modern school reform in Russia. M., 1998.

13. Egorov S.V. Uchebno-methodical materials on the history of pedagogy. M., 2000.

14. Zhurakovsky G.E. Essays on the history of ancient pedagogy. M., 1963.

15. Zhurakovsky G.E. From the history of education in pre-revolutionary Russia. M., 1978.

16. Zenkovsky V.V. Pedagogy. M., 1996.

17. Andreeva I.N., Butorina T.S., Vasil'eva Z.I. History of education and pedagogical thought abroad and in Russia. M., 2001.

18. History of Pedagogy / Ed. A.I. Piskunov. M., 2001.

19. History of Pedagogy and Education: from the Origin of Education in Primitive Society to the End of the 2001th Century: Textbook for Pedagogical Educational Institutions / Ed. A.I. Piskunov. M., XNUMX.

20. Comenius Ya.A. Selected pedagogical works: In 2 vols. M., 1982.

21. Kornetov G.B. Education in a primitive society: emergence, essence, evolution. M., 1993.

22. Likhachev B.T. Philosophy of education. M., 1995.

23. Locke D. Works: In 3 vols. M., 1988.

24. Lomonosov M.V. On upbringing and education. M., 1991.

25. Lunacharsky A.V. On upbringing and education. M., 1980.

26. Makarenko A.S. Selected pedagogical works: In 2 vols. M., 1978.

27. Mozdalevsky L.N. Essay on the history of education and training from ancient times to our times: In 2 books. SPb., 2000.

28. Essays on pedagogical science in the USSR (1917-1980) / Ed. N.P. Kuzina, M.N. Kolmakova. M., 1986.

29. Essays on the history of the school and the pedagogical thought of the peoples of the USSR from ancient times to the end of the 1989th century. / Ed. E.D. Dneprov. M., XNUMX.

30. Essays on the history of the school and the pedagogical thought of the peoples of the USSR: the end of the 1991th - the beginning of the XNUMXth century. / Ed. E.D. Dneprov. M., XNUMX.

31. Pedagogy of the peoples of the world: history and modernity / Ed. K.I. Solovieva. M., 2001.

32. Pedagogy: pedagogical theories, systems, technologies / Ed. S.A. Smirnova. M., 2000.

33. Pestalozzi I.G. Selected pedagogical works: In 2 vols. M., 1981.

34. Pryanikova V.G. History of Education and Pedagogical Thought: Textbook-Reference Book / V.G. Pryanikova, Z.I. Ravkin. M., 1995.

35. Stepashko L.A. Philosophy and history of education. M., 1999.

36. Ushinsky K.D. Selected pedagogical works. M., 1979.

37. Frenet S. Selected pedagogical works. M., 1990.

38. Reader on the history of the Ancient East. M., 1980.

39. Reader on the history of foreign pedagogy / Ed. A.I. Piskunov. M., 1981.

40. Reader on the history of schools and pedagogy in Russia / Comp. S.F. Egorov. M., 1983.

Authors: Mazalova M.A., Urakova T.V.

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