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Instructions on labor protection for the driver of a hoisting machine controlled from the floor. Full document

Occupational Safety and Health

Occupational Safety and Health / Standard instructions for labor protection

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1. General safety requirements

1.1. This manual is intended for persons using floor-operated lifting machines.

1.2. Compliance with the requirements of this Instruction is a necessary condition for ensuring the safety of persons using floor-operated hoisting machines that are not subject to registration with the Gosgortekhnadzor bodies. (Further - persons using lifting machines.)

1.3. Persons not younger than 18 years old from among the workers of the main professions who have passed a preliminary medical examination, trained according to a special program, certified by the qualification commission of the enterprise (organization) and having a certificate for the right to use lifting machines and cargo hold.

1.4. Instruction on how to operate a hoisting machine controlled from the floor, on how to tie loads and hang them on a hook, must be carried out within the time limits provided for instructing in the main profession of a worker, as well as in case of violation of the requirements of the labor protection instructions.

1.5. Instruction on the management of lifting machines and safe methods of slinging and hanging loads on a hook is carried out by the person responsible for the safe performance of work on moving goods by cranes (hereinafter referred to as the person responsible for the safe performance of work).

1.6. In accordance with the requirements of the current "Rules for the Design and Safe Operation of Load-Lifting Cranes", a repeated examination of the knowledge of the service personnel should be carried out by the commission of the enterprise (organization):

  • periodically - at least once a year;
  • upon transfer of said persons from one enterprise to another;
  • at the request of a person responsible for the safe performance of work, or an engineering and technical worker in charge of supervising hoisting machines.

The results of the repeated examination of the knowledge of persons using hoisting machines are recorded in the journal of the periodic examination of personnel knowledge.

1.7. Persons using lifting machines must:

  • know this Instruction, as well as the manufacturer's instructions for the installation and operation of serviced hoisting machines;
  • have an idea about the structure of serviced lifting machines and know their carrying capacity;
  • know safe ways of slinging and hooking cargo;
  • be able to determine the suitability for work of ropes, a hook, load-handling devices and containers;
  • know the rules for the safe movement of goods by hoisting machines;
  • know the methods of release from the action of electric current of persons who are under voltage, and how to provide first aid to victims;
  • be able to select the slings necessary for work (according to the carrying capacity, the number of branches, the length and angle of inclination of the sling branches to the vertical) and other lifting devices, depending on the mass and nature of the cargo being moved;
  • be able to properly tie and hang the load on the hook;
  • know the rules of warehousing.

1.8. In the course of work, the worker may be exposed to the following hazardous and harmful production factors: moving machines and mechanisms, transported and stored goods, increased dust content in the air of the working area, microclimate, dangerous voltage in the electrical circuit, unprotected moving or rotating equipment elements.

1.9. Working on lifting machines must be provided with personal protective equipment:

  • cotton overalls;
  • dielectric galoshes;
  • dielectric gloves.

For outdoor work in winter additionally:

  • jacket with insulating lining;
  • trousers with insulating lining;
  • felt boots.

1.10. When performing loading and unloading operations, it is necessary to strictly observe the accepted technology of cargo handling. It is not allowed to use methods that speed up the execution of technological operations, but lead to a violation of safety requirements.

1.11. Before using the pulling device, the person using the lifting machine must make sure that it is in good condition, as well as that there are tags and brands on the cables and chains indicating the load capacity. It is forbidden to use defective pulling devices.

1.12. In places of production of loading and unloading operations, there must be schemes for the correct strapping and slinging of standard loads that do not have special devices (loops, trunnions, etc.). In the absence of these schemes, the workers are obliged to demand them from the person responsible for the safe performance of work, or from the engineering and technical worker in charge of supervising hoisting machines.

1.13. It is not allowed to operate faulty lifting machines. Responsibility for work on faulty hoisting machines, along with the persons responsible for maintaining them in good condition, lies with the worker using the hoisting machine.

1.14. It is necessary to strictly observe the frequency of technical maintenance of the lifting machine. At least once every three years, static and dynamic tests of hoisting machines are carried out.

In accordance with the Rules for the Construction and Safe Operation of Hoisting Cranes, a static test of a hoisting machine is carried out with a load whose mass is 25% higher than its carrying capacity, and is aimed at checking the strength of the equipment as a whole and its individual elements.

A dynamic test is carried out with a load whose mass is 10% higher than the carrying capacity of the machine, and is intended to check the serviceability of the mechanisms of the hoisting machine and their brakes.

1.15. Persons using lifting machines are prohibited from independently maintaining and repairing electrical equipment. Admission to the maintenance and repair of electrical equipment of a hoisting machine can be carried out only with the permission of the chief power engineer of the enterprise in the manner prescribed by the "Rules for the technical operation of consumer electrical installations".

1.16. In the event of an accident, the person using the hoisting machine must seek medical attention and report the incident to the head of the given section or the administration of the enterprise.

1.17. To move goods, you should use devices designed to move a certain type of cargo.

1.18. It is not allowed to involve consignees and other unauthorized persons in the use of the hoisting machine, as well as to be by unauthorized persons in the area of ​​work of hoisting machines.

1.19. If the load-handling devices (ropes, slings) have surface wear of wires or broken strands, the person using the load-lifting machine must warn the person responsible for the safe production of work or the engineering and technical worker responsible for maintaining the load-lifting machines in good condition and obtain permission to use the data load-handling device or its culling.

1.20. It is not allowed to splice pull ropes and broken chains with bolts.

1.21. The person using the lifting machine must know the location of the switch that supplies voltage to the flexible cable of the lifting machine, and, if necessary, be able to disconnect the machine from the mains.

2. Safety requirements before starting work

2.1. Before starting work, the person using the lifting machine must:

  • to put on correctly the overalls, special footwear, and, if necessary, personal protective equipment that are in accordance with the norms and in good condition, receive instructions on the rules, procedure, place of storage and dimensions of goods to be handled;
  • make an external inspection of the mechanisms of the hoisting machine, lifting devices, make sure that they are in good condition and that they have stamps or tags indicating the number, date of testing and load capacity;
  • check the serviceability of the container and the presence of a number on it, inscriptions about its purpose, own and maximum weight of the cargo for which it is intended to be transported;
  • select lifting devices that correspond to the mass and nature of the load being lifted;
  • check the presence and serviceability of lighting devices in the area of ​​operation of the hoisting machine. In case of insufficient lighting, inform the person responsible for safe work.

2.2. Before starting work, it is necessary to inspect the lifting machine, check:

  • serviceability of its main parts and assembly units;
  • the presence and reliability of the protective grounding (cable) to the push-button control housing;
  • no jamming of the control buttons in the sockets;
  • the condition of the steel rope and the correctness of its winding on the drum;
  • hook state; its fastening in the holder and the presence of a locking device on it (wear in the mouth of the load-handling device should not be more than 10%), the absence of cracks, the presence of a cotter nut and the ease of turning the hook in the hook suspension.

2.3. Inspection of the lifting machine is allowed only when the switch is off. During the inspection, a poster must be hung on the switch: "Do not turn it on! People are working!".

2.4. When inspecting a lifting machine, if necessary, you can use a portable lamp with a voltage of not more than 42 V.

2.5. After inspecting the hoisting machine, before putting it into operation, it is necessary to test all the mechanisms idle and check the serviceability:

  • brakes, mechanisms and electrical equipment;
  • instruments and safety devices available on the lifting machine.

2.6. The serviceability of the operation of the load-carrying capacity limiter of the machines is checked with the help of a control load within the time limits established by the administration of the enterprise, in the presence of an engineering and technical worker in charge of the supervision of the load-lifting machines. The results of the check should be recorded in the logbook.

2.7. The person using the lifting machine must not start working on the machine if the following malfunctions are present:

  • cracks or deformations in the metal structure of the crane;
  • the number of wire breaks or the surface wear of the cargo rope exceeds the established norm, a broken strand or local damage;
  • defects in the lifting mechanism;
  • damage to the brake parts of the load lifting mechanism;
  • wear of the hook in the throat exceeds 10% of the initial section height;
  • the device that closes the mouth of the hook is faulty;
  • the fastening of the hook in the holder is broken;
  • the nut securing the hook does not have a device preventing its self-unscrewing;
  • the crane block does not rotate around its axis, the axis is not fixed with locking plates or other locking devices;
  • faulty or missing hook height limiter, load limiter, etc.;
  • there is no fencing of mechanisms or non-insulated current-carrying parts of electrical equipment;
  • grounding is missing or damaged;
  • couplings do not have studs or nuts on studs, elastic rings are missing or worn;
  • brake gearboxes, brake pulleys, electric motor or other equipment of the machine are not fixed and are displaced during the operation of the mechanisms;
  • the insulation of the electrical wiring is damaged, the ground wiring is broken;
  • flexible trolleys sag a lot.

2.8. If any malfunction of the hoisting machine (electrical equipment) or lifting device is detected, as well as after the expiration of the next test period, it must be immediately reported to the person responsible for the safe production of work, and work should not be started without his instructions.

3. Safety requirements during work

3.1. Strapping and hitching of goods is allowed only in accordance with graphic images of the methods of slinging goods, which are posted in prominent places. Cargo handling of goods (products) for which slinging schemes have not been developed is allowed under the guidance of a person responsible for the safe performance of work; it is not allowed to use devices (pins, crowbars) for tying and hooking the load that are not provided for by the slinging schemes.

3.2. The strapping of the lifted load is carried out with slings corresponding to the weight of the lifted load.

It is not allowed to tie and hitch a load whose mass is unknown or exceeds the carrying capacity of the machine.

3.3. When tying and hooking the load, the ropes and chains must be superimposed on the main array (frame, frame, bed without knots, twists and loops). Under the sharp ribs (corners), special linings should be placed to protect the slings from damage.

It is not allowed to connect broken chains with wire or bolts, tie ropes into a knot.

3.4. The load must be tied in such a way that during its lifting and moving by the lifting machine, the possibility of falling of its parts (assemblies, parts, spare parts) is excluded and its stable position is ensured.

3.5. When working on a lifting machine, you should be careful not to be distracted by extraneous matters and not to distract others.

3.6. In the event of a sudden power failure or a severe voltage drop, the person using the lifting machine must turn off the switch, prevent the presence of people in the area of ​​​​suspension of the load or protect the place under the load.

3.7. In the event of an accident or an accident, it is necessary to stop the lifting machine and stop work until the arrival of the person responsible for the safe execution of work.

3.8. Lifting and lowering the load, as well as the movement of the lifting machine must be smooth, without jerks and shocks.

3.9. The movement of goods in the area where people work can only be carried out after receiving a written order from the administration of the enterprise and under the guidance of a person responsible for the safe performance of work.

3.10. A load moving in a horizontal direction must first be raised at least 0,5 m above the obstacles encountered on the way.

3.11. To make sure that the brakes of the lifting machine are reliable and the slinging is correct when lifting a load with a mass close to the maximum load capacity of the machine, you must first raise it to a height of no more than 200-300 mm.

3.12. The hook of the lifting mechanism must be installed so that when lifting the load, the oblique position of the load rope is excluded.

3.13. The cargo must be stowed evenly, without violating the dimensions established for warehousing cargo.

3.14. The person using the lifting machine must carefully monitor the ropes and is obliged to stop the operation of the lifting machine in the event of a rope slipping from the drum, looping or damage is detected.

3.15. When lifting and lowering a load installed near a wall, column, stack, the person using the lifting machine must first make sure that there are no people between the load being lifted and the specified parts of the building, equipment and other items.

3.16. It is necessary to stack the load in vehicles, as well as remove it without disturbing the balance of the vehicles.

3.17. When performing loading and unloading operations, the person using the lifting machine is obliged:

  • not allow unauthorized persons to strap and hook cargo;
  • do not use lifting devices without marking;
  • do not carry out loading and unloading operations with goods in the absence of schemes for their correct slinging;
  • do not lift littered or frozen cargo;
  • do not drag the load;
  • do not release by the lifting machine the removable load-handling devices (slings, traverses, etc.) pinched by the load;
  • do not lift reinforced concrete and concrete products that do not have mass markings and damaged hinges, as well as cargo that is in an unstable position and in containers filled above the sides;
  • do not pull up or lower the load onto the site with an oblique direction of the cargo ropes of the lifting machine;
  • do not lift a load that is incorrectly strapped or strapped with unreliable gripping devices;
  • do not place the load on electrical cables, pipelines, etc.;
  • do not load and unload cargo from vehicles if there are people in the cab or body;
  • do not level the load being lifted or moved with the weight of your body;
  • do not move the hoisting machine if the width between the stacks of cargo and the protruding parts of the hoisting machine is less than 700 mm;
  • do not allow complete reeling of the ropes from the drums (at least one and a half turns must remain on the drum, the rope fastening turn is not taken into account);
  • do not clean or lubricate the mechanisms during their operation;
  • do not work without protective covers on mechanisms and electrical equipment;
  • do not leave the load suspended, if it is impossible to lower the load, take measures to fencing the location of the load.

3.18. In the event of malfunctions specified in clause 2.7, the person using the lifting machine is obliged to lower the load, stop working and inform the person responsible for safe work.

3.19. It is necessary to stop the work of the lifting machine in the following cases: breakdown of mechanisms or metal structures; insufficient illumination of the work area: energized hook or metal structures, protective covers of mechanisms and electrical equipment.

3.20. After the repair of the lifting machine, it is allowed to start working on it only if there is a written permission from the engineering and technical worker responsible for maintaining the lifting machine in good condition, and if it is registered in the logbook.

3.21. Stowage and disassembly of goods should be carried out without violating the established dimensions of the stacks.

3.22. When carrying out loading and unloading operations, it is necessary to ensure that the lifting capacity of the sling corresponds to the force of the mass of the load being lifted, taking into account the safety factor, the number of branches and the angle of inclination, while the angle between the branches of the sling should not exceed 90 degrees.

3.23. When processing long loads, the person using the lifting machine must comply with the following requirements:

  • in order to ensure balance when lifting long loads, their slinging must be carried out with at least two slings;
  • slinging of long loads with a smooth surface (pipes, poles) should be carried out using wooden spacers designed to prevent slipping of single loads;
  • if at the moment of lifting the load there is an uncoupling or shift of the slings, then it is necessary to immediately stop lifting and lower the load for re-slinging.

3.24. When processing packaged goods, the following requirements must be met:

  • use grippers that correspond both to the type of transported cargo and to the features of the process itself;
  • lifting and moving of packaged goods must be carried out in a special inventory container, the stowed cargo must be at least 5 cm below the level of the sides of the container;
  • when lifting loads in the form of packages, devices should be used to prevent the loss of individual elements from the package.

3.25. When handling agricultural machines, tractors, vehicles and equipment, the following requirements must be met:

  • know the mass of machines and equipment to be moved;
  • use serviceable pulling devices that are marked with the designation of the permissible load capacity;
  • carry out loading and unloading operations at night only with sufficient lighting;
  • immediately stop lifting or moving the load in the event of the appearance of unauthorized persons in the work area;
  • lift agricultural machinery, equipment, tractors only if they are hooked to all places intended for slinging, painted with a paint different from the general color of the machine and marked with a slinging sign;
  • when handling agricultural machinery, equipment that does not have designated places for slinging, you must first raise the load to a height of 200-300 mm in order to correctly determine the choice of places for attaching slings.

3.26. When lowering the load, it is necessary to first inspect the place where the load is to be laid, and make sure that it cannot fall, tip over or slip.

3.27. Strong spacers must be pre-laid at the unloading point in order to easily and without damage remove the slings from under the load.

4. Maintenance and care of lifting machines

4.1. The person using the lifting machine must:

  • monitor the good condition of all mechanisms, the good condition of the rope, the mechanism for lifting the load, the heating temperature of the electric motors of the trolley and hoist, which should not exceed 45 ° C, for the precise operation of the brakes of the lifting mechanism and the trolley;
  • during a shift inspection, check the condition of all bolted connections, locking devices of support bogies, lubricators, rope and its fastening;
  • store the tool in the places intended for this purpose;
  • know the timing and results of the maintenance of the hoisting machine.

4.2. Lubrication of all friction surfaces of the mechanisms of the hoisting machine and the rope is carried out in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, while the following requirements must be met:

  • the amount of lubricants and cleaning materials should not exceed the shift requirement;
  • store the lubricant in a closed container (cans, syringes, oilers), and cleaning material - in a metal container;
  • It is not allowed to lubricate the parts while the lifting machine is in operation.

4.3. In the event of a malfunction of the mechanisms during operation, it is necessary to immediately stop work and apply for repair. Other types of repair of the hoisting machine are carried out within the time limits established by the administration of the enterprise.

4.4. When inspecting electrical equipment, the hoisting machine must be de-energized, the switch is turned off.

4.5. After any repair or maintenance work on the hoisting machine may only be started in the presence of a person responsible for maintaining the hoisting machine in good condition.

5. Safety requirements in emergency situations

5.1. In the event of accidents or situations that can lead to accidents and accidents, an employee using a lifting machine controlled from the floor must:

  • suspend lifting and moving cargo;
  • lower the load, and if this is not possible, take measures to fencing the location of the load;
  • turn off the switch;
  • notify the person responsible for the safe execution of work.

5.2. In the event of an accident, you must:

  • take measures to release the victim from the action of the traumatic object;
  • provide the victim with first aid, depending on the type of injury;
  • notify management of the incident and take measures to evacuate the victim to a medical facility.

5.3. In the event of a fire:

  • suspend further work;
  • lower the load;
  • turn off the lifting machine and the general switch;
  • call the fire brigade and inform the management of the enterprise;
  • take measures to extinguish the fire with extinguishing agents available at the site.

6. Safety requirements at the end of work

6.1. At the end of work, the person using the lifting machine must:

  • release the hook or other load-handling device from the load;
  • put the hoisting machine in the parking place and raise the hook to the upper position;
  • turn off the switch;
  • remove load-handling devices to storage places;
  • make an entry in the watch log about the state of the machine and the malfunctions that occurred during operation.

6.2. When handing over a shift, it is necessary to inform the person responsible for the safe production of work or the shift worker about all malfunctions in the operation of the lifting machine that occurred during the last shift, in accordance with the entries in the logbook.

6.3. Persons guilty of violating this Instruction are liable in accordance with the procedure established by the current legislation.

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