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Instruction on labor protection for an insulator. Full document

Occupational Safety and Health

Occupational Safety and Health / Standard instructions for labor protection

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1. General provisions

1.1. Persons at least 18 years of age who have the profession of an insulator, have undergone a medical examination and are recognized as fit to work in this profession, have passed an introductory briefing on labor protection, industrial sanitation and fire safety, primary briefing, training, testing knowledge on security issues, are allowed to perform isolation work. work, internship at the workplace and received a certificate for the right to work independently.

1.2. The admission of the insulator to independent work is issued by order of the enterprise.

1.3. Re-instruction is carried out after three months. Periodic testing of knowledge on labor protection is carried out at least once a year.

1.4. When new or revised safety rules for the performance of work are put into effect, after an accident or accident that occurred at an enterprise or in a workshop (section) due to a violation by workers of labor protection rules, and when facts of unsatisfactory knowledge of workers of labor protection instructions are established, an insulator may to be assigned an extraordinary examination of knowledge.

1.5. The isolator is not allowed to work in the following cases:

  • when appearing at work in a state of alcoholic or drug intoxication;
  • in the absence of overalls, footwear and other personal protective equipment in accordance with the current norms and rules for labor protection;
  • in a painful condition;
  • in case of violation of the rules, norms and instructions for labor protection.

1.6. The insulator reports directly to the foreman, and in the process of work - to the foreman and performs only the work that is assigned to him.

1.7. The insulator must:

  • comply with the internal regulations and instructions of the master (foreman), observe labor, production discipline;
  • correctly use the issued overalls, special footwear and safety devices;
  • while on the construction site, use a protective helmet;
  • do not comply with orders if they contradict the rules of labor protection;
  • the insulator is obliged to use only a serviceable tool and use it for its intended purpose;
  • keep equipment and workplace clean and tidy;
  • know this manual, as well as the rules of gas safety and the use of gas protection equipment, fire safety rules and labor protection requirements when working with power tools.

1.8. The insulator must be familiar with the harmful and dangerous production factors affecting the worker. These are increased dustiness of the air in the working area due to insulating materials, the possibility of injury when fixing the insulation, the danger of electric shock, gas poisoning.

1.9. The insulator is issued overalls, special footwear and other personal protective equipment in accordance with the Model Industry Standards:

  • when performing work on the insulation of boilers, steam pipelines in hot areas: cotton overalls, leather boots, canvas gloves, goggles, a respirator;
  • in cold areas of work: tarpaulin apron with a bib, combined gloves.

1.10. For violation of the requirements of this instruction and other rules and regulations on labor protection, the perpetrators are liable in the manner prescribed by law and internal labor regulations.

2. Safety requirements before starting work

2.1. Getting started, the insulator must:

  • tidy up overalls, fasten or tie up cuffs, put on a hat. When warming up and carrying, wear a canvas suit (trousers loose), leather shoes or rubber boots. When working with heat-insulating and mineral wool, wear a tight-fitting helmet, goggles, respirator, cloth or rubber gloves;
  • inspect the workplace, remove objects that interfere with work from the aisles;
  • to concentrate in the work area and along the front a sufficient amount of heat-insulating and auxiliary materials, inventory, tools, fixtures;
  • check the serviceability of scaffolding, scaffolding, ladders, inventory ladders, safety belts and safety ropes;
  • make sure that there are fences, safety devices, as well as sufficient illumination of the workplace;
  • check, together with the work manager, whether there are any malfunctions at the facility prepared for isolation.

2.2. The insulator is obliged to receive instruction from the foreman about the method of performing the task and about the safety measures at this workplace, as well as check the serviceability of the necessary tool.

2.3. The working tool must meet the following requirements:

  • all tools with pointed ends for handles must be equipped with handles with bandages to prevent splitting;
  • crosscuts, punches and other tools should not have cracks and burrs on the impact surface. For safety, the chisel must be at least 150 mm long and its drawn part must have a length of 60-70 cm;
  • hammers and sledgehammers should have a flat, slightly convex surface without cracks and burrs.

The handle should be mounted at right angles to the axis of the hammer, have an oval shape, and be made of durable wood. The length of the handle should be: for a hammer 250-600 mm, for a sledgehammer - 750-900 mm. Hammer handles should have bulges towards the free end. Sledgehammers should be mounted on the handle from the thinned end towards the thickening. Fixing sledgehammers by driving wedges is not allowed.

2.4. When working with hand-held impact tools, the workplace must be organized so that there are no people in the direction of impact and possible flying of fragments.

2.5. Before working with a power tool (electric drill, electric brush, electric vibration scissors, etc.), it is necessary to check the electrical part of the tool (operability of the switch, grounding and reliability of contact between the tool body and the protective wire, correct direction of spindle rotation, serviceability of the power cord and plug connection, etc.). etc.), as well as the reliability of fixing the drill, chuck, cutting knives, etc.

When working with a power tool with a voltage of 127 V and 220 V, be sure to wear rubber gloves and dielectric galoshes or stand on a rubber mat.

2.6. When working on mechanical scissors, securely fasten the rear extension line (in designs where it is available) with a clamping bolt.

The counterweight (weight) of the upper movable knife is securely fixed in place.

2.7. Closed premises where work is carried out on the preparation of insulating materials and products using bitumen and substances harmful to human health must have supply and exhaust ventilation and fire fighting equipment. The air flow must be carried out evenly in the upper zone.

2.8. It is allowed to carry out heat-insulating work on operating equipment and apparatus under pressure only with a work permit or special written permission.

2.9. The trench in which the insulator works must be fenced in dangerous places with reliable railings 1 m high. At night, light signals should be placed near the trenches.

2.10. The area of ​​insulation work should be fenced and warning posters should be posted.

3. Safety requirements during work

3.1. The insulator must know the properties of the materials used and handle them correctly, as careless handling can cause injury or illness.

3.2. When working with mineral wool and products based on it, spraying should be avoided; mineral wool and products from it must be carefully laid, not thrown.

If mineral wool fibers get on the skin surface, they must be removed without sudden efforts, avoiding rubbing.

When working with mineral wool and products made from it, it is imperative to use goggles, respirators and gloves.

3.3. When insulating surfaces with mineral wool, mats are made on a grid or on a perforated braid. In this case, the wire mesh must be cut exactly to the specified size.

3.4. Tables on which fiberglass is cut must be equipped with local exhaust devices. Containers with lids should be installed at workplaces to collect fiberglass scraps.

3.5. During work on gluing with fiberglass, one should be on the leeward side of apparatus and pipelines.

3.6. For cutting thermal insulation boards, it is necessary to use special machines, which can only be operated in respirators and goggles.

3.7. Protective goggles must be worn when applying insulating mastics to a hot surface (splashing).

3.8. The metal mesh and the frame of the main insulating layer should not have protruding ends of the wiring that can injure hands.

3.9. Carefully install the fixing rings on the main insulating layer on pipelines and large diameter devices. When constricting the rings, breaks are possible, causing injuries to the hands and face of the insulator with the ends of the ring.

3.10. When piercing heat-insulating products on studs welded to the body of the apparatus, one should be careful not to prick with the ends of the studs.

3.11. Frames for reinforcing the heat-insulating layer and fixing rings must be made of well-annealed wire. An unannealed or poorly annealed wire springs and, if accidentally released, can hit the end hard.

3.12. In order to prevent corrosion of hands with lime-cement or asbestos-cement mortars, protective rubber gloves must be used when plastering insulated surfaces.

3.13. To avoid burns, do not touch hot pipes or other hot parts of the equipment with bare hands.

It is forbidden to open any valves, valves, gate valves, cocks on pipelines and devices.

3.14. When disassembling and removing old thermal insulation, it must be moistened to prevent dust emission. Hitting the walls of pipelines when removing thermal insulation is prohibited.

When disassembling the insulation, unsuitable material should be manually carried to a waste bin, tractor trolley and taken out. Material suitable for further use should be stored at the place of work.

3.15. In the manufacture and installation of metal coatings, it is necessary:

  • transfer sheet metal and products from it in gloves;
  • so that sharp edges and corners of sheets of metal or workpieces placed on a table or workbench do not protrude beyond the dimensions of the table or workbench;
  • sweep away pieces of metal and other production waste from a table or workbench with a brush or broom;
  • clean all burrs and dull sharp edges of products.

3.16. During the production of work with bitumen and mastics, it is forbidden to make fire within a radius of 25 m from the place of work.

3.17. Work on gluing with rolled materials using hot bitumen must be carried out in goggles.

3.18. Boilers for cooking and heating bitumen should be installed on specially leveled free areas, previously cleaned and removed from wooden buildings and warehouses by 50 m, from trenches - by 15 m, from main pipelines - by 30 m.

Places for cooking and storing mastics at night and during fog should be well lit, provided with posters and brief safety instructions.

In order to avoid ignition of the mastic, the boilers are installed with a slope from the furnace. Directly at the boiler there should be a box with dry sand, a shovel and at least 2 foam fire extinguishers to extinguish ignited bitumen.

It is forbidden to use kerosene, gasoline and other flammable substances to make a fire.

3.19. Boilers for cooking and heating bituminous mastics must be in good condition, have tight-fitting metal lids, hinged with a counterweight, so that in the event of a mastic fire, the boiler can be closed. The workplace at the boilers and the passages for carrying bitumen should be regularly cleaned of debris, building materials, and in winter - sprinkled with sand.

3.20. Loading of materials into the boiler should be carried out on 3/4 capacity in order to avoid the release of hot mass. Load materials in a certain order: first lay bitumen of grade No. 3, after it melts, add bitumen of grade No. 5, carefully lowering it in small pieces so that there is no splashing.

The addition of cold and wet bitumen No. 3 to the heated mastic is not allowed in order to avoid large foaming with overflow of the boiler contents.

3.21. Bituminous mastics are brought to a temperature of 100-200°C (the temperature corresponds to the beginning of boiling).

Do not allow bitumen to boil, as high temperatures not only increase the risk of ignition, but also evaporate its light constituents.

Add lumpy bitumen to the digester along the edge of the kettle to avoid splashing. It is necessary to stir the molten mass with metal oars 1,5 m long. Do not allow water to enter the hot mass, since the steam formed in this case can throw the hot mass outward and cause burns. When mixing mastics in the boiler, filling tanks with hot bitumen, the insulator must be on the leeward side. It is forbidden to bend over the boiler while cooking mastic and while stirring. It is forbidden to approach the boiler furnace (during bitumen cooking) by workers in overalls flooded with gasoline or bituminous varnish.

3.22. It is necessary to deliver heated mastic to workplaces in tanks (truncated cone shape) with tightly closed lids. Fill tanks no more than 3/4 of their capacity. Pour hot mastic from the boiler into the tanks using a ladle made of sheet steel with a long handle or using a crane. Carrying mastic on stairs and ladders is prohibited.

The site for installing tanks with hot mastic should be flat and of sufficient size. The passages through which the mastic is transferred must be free, cleared of debris.

3.23. In the manufacture of cold bituminous mastics (primer), which include gasoline, it is necessary to follow the rule: heated bitumen is poured into gasoline (and not gasoline into bitumen) with stirring with a wooden stirrer. The temperature of the bitumen at the time of preparation of the primer should not exceed 70°C. Bitumen should be mixed with gasoline at a distance of 50 m from the place where the bitumen is heated.

3.24. It is forbidden to prepare the primer on leaded gasoline or benzene due to their high toxicity.

You can store gasoline on the site in an amount not exceeding the daily consumption.

Tanks and tanks in which primer or gasoline is prepared, transported and stored must be tightly closed.

It is not allowed to unscrew and screw the plugs from barrels and cans with a primer using steel chisels and a hammer - this should only be done with a special tool that does not form sparks.

3.25. To check the presence of gasoline in a container, it is forbidden to use open fire for lighting.

It is forbidden to store empty containers indoors. Metal containers from gasoline and bituminous varnish must be sent to the warehouse in a closed form.

In a warehouse, in order to remove gasoline vapors from a container, it must be steamed with live steam, and then laid on its side with open lids.

3.26. It is forbidden to put rags soaked with varnish and other flammable objects on the radiator and heaters. Used ends and rags should be collected in a metal box and taken out of the room after work.

3.27. When applying a bituminous varnish primer, do not use a steel tool that can cause sparks. Before starting, you need to make sure that there is no open flame nearby and no welding work is being done.

Apply a bituminous primer, which includes gasoline, with a hair brush without metal rims. If there are metal rims on the brush, it should be wrapped with rubberized tape. Mixing of bituminous varnish is carried out with wooden oars.

3.28. When performing work in blocks and trenches, workers accepting containers with bituminous mastic. should be warned and step aside. It is allowed to take the tank only after it has been lowered to the bottom of the well or trench.

A container with hot mastic should be lowered only vertically with a carabiner on a strong, tested rope. The worker lowering the tank with mastic must stand on a reliable support.

3.29. To avoid burns with hot bituminous mastic and bitumen, smooth the glued roll material with a spatula carefully and evenly (without jerks).

Pasting with roll materials on hot bitumen should be done by two people.

When sticking rolled materials on a vertical surface, it is necessary to roll the roll from the bottom up.

Hot bitumen should be poured evenly, in small portions with a scoop on a long handle.

3.30. To avoid burns, the roll of insulating material must be wound on a wooden axle, the length of which is 50 cm longer than the width of the roll material.

The roll should be rolled out by rotating the axis by the ends emerging from the roll.

3.31. People should not be allowed into enclosed spaces in which work was carried out with bituminous varnish and bituminous mastic. The premises must be closed and warning signs posted on them.

3.32. When performing work on grouting bituminous putty with hot sand, goggles should be used to prevent hot sand from getting into the eyes.

When carrying sand from the dryer to the place of work, it is necessary to use a respirator.

3.33. When performing work in trenches, wells, etc. it is possible to go down into trenches or pits only on attached inventory ladders. Going down and up stairs with a load is prohibited.

At the places of transition through the trenches, bridges with a width of at least 0,8 m with railings should be arranged. In order to avoid soil collapse, insulating materials should not be placed directly at the edge of the trench.

It is forbidden to carry out insulation work on pipelines located in a trench, lying under them.

3.34. In places that are especially dangerous in terms of electric shock, as well as where gas leakage is possible, it is necessary to use an explosion-proof lamp with a voltage of not more than 12 V.

3.35. It is forbidden to carry out insulating work near live parts of equipment, wires, moving parts of mechanisms until they are turned off and the moving parts come to a complete stop.

When the electric motor is turned on, it is forbidden to take on rotating parts, to eliminate malfunctions.

It is forbidden to work at an operating voltage of more than 36 V without grounding, and in networks with a grounded neutral - without grounding the metal case of the power tool.

3.36. When working on mechanical shears, it is forbidden to remove the counterweight during operation and allow the sheet to move during the movement of the movable knife.

3.37. It is prohibited to carry out insulation work during the testing of pipelines and equipment.

All insulators must be removed from the test area.

4. Safety requirements when working from scaffolds and platforms

4.1. Scaffolds and scaffolds up to 4 m high are allowed for operation only after they are accepted by the manufacturer of work and registered in the work log, and above 4 m - after acceptance by the commission.

4.2. The means of scaffolding must have even working platforms with a gap between the boards of not more than 5 mm, and when the flooring is located at a height of 1 m or more, fences and side elements.

Scaffolding must be attached to the wall of the building under construction. Places and methods of fastening are indicated in the project for the production of works

4.3. Metal scaffolding must be securely grounded and equipped with lightning protection.

It is forbidden to work from metal scaffolding near existing power lines.

4.4. The floorings of scaffolds and platforms should be cleaned daily of debris and dirt, and in winter - of snow and ice, then sprinkled with sand.

To avoid damage to the legs on scaffolding and platforms, the ends of nails and staples must be bent, and unnecessary nails removed.

4.5. It is forbidden to sit or stand on the railings of scaffolds or platforms, as well as jump on the flooring.

It is forbidden to be on the scaffolding and platforms to unauthorized persons.

4.6. When removing or moving the decking to another tier, it is necessary to completely free them from materials, containers, and debris. Access of people to the forests at this time should be closed.

4.7. It is forbidden to climb the scaffolding, descend from them along the supporting ladders and racks of the scaffolding.

4.8. A safety helmet must be worn to prevent head injury from falling objects.

When working at a height of 1,5 m or more, if there is no fence (it is impossible to construct one), workers must be equipped with tested safety belts.

4.9. For carrying and storing tools, accessories, various small parts, persons working at height must be provided with individual boxes or bags. It is forbidden to throw tools and other objects to each other.

4.10. When crossing at height, it is necessary to use assembly ladders, walkways and ladders.

It is forbidden to rise and fall during thermal insulation work directly on the apparatus, tanks and rack structures.

4.11. The accumulation of people on the scaffolding floors in one place is not allowed.

5. Safety requirements after finishing work

5.1. Workplaces should be cleared of garbage and industrial waste, and the remaining materials should be handed over to the pantry.

5.2. Disconnect all machines and mechanisms from the mains using circuit breakers.

After stopping all machines and mechanisms, as well as tools, clean from mortar, dirt and dust. To do this, wear safety goggles.

5.3. Empty all containers and store them.

5.4. Put personal protective equipment in order and put it in the pantry. Clean overalls and shoes and hang in individual closets or deposit in the pantry.

5.5. After use, put the cleaning material in a metal box with a lid and take it to the places indicated by the fire brigade.

It is prohibited to leave the used cleaning material in the working premises during non-working hours.

5.6. Upon completion of isolation work on scaffolding or platforms, it is necessary:

  • unload scaffolding or scaffolding from the remaining material, mechanisms, tools and construction debris;
  • block the entrances and entrances to the forests with special fences with prohibitory inscriptions for unauthorized persons;
  • report to the foreman or superintendent on the condition of scaffolding and platforms and their fences.

5.7. All malfunctions of the tool and equipment noticed during work must be reported to the foreman.

5.8. Wash face and hands thoroughly with warm soapy water and take a warm shower. Do not wash your hands with gasoline, kerosene or other solvents.

6. Safety requirements in emergency situations

6.1. In wells, tunnels, where the air temperature reaches 40 ° C, it is prohibited to carry out insulation work without supply and exhaust ventilation. At air temperatures above 50°C, work inside wells and tunnels is prohibited.

6.2. In the event of a fire during cooking or heating of bituminous mastics, the boiler should be tightly closed with a metal lid, the fire should be poured with foam from a fire extinguisher, and individual hot parts should be covered with sand.

6.3. When the boiler walls burn out, cracks appear in the boiler, you should stop heating the boiler, unload the mass, clean and repair the boiler.

6.4. If smoke is detected or a fire occurs, a fire must be immediately reported to the foreman, a fire alarm should be announced and the fire brigade should be notified using the nearest telephone.

At the same time, stop work and take measures to eliminate the fire using the available primary fire extinguishing means (fire extinguishers, water, sand, etc.) according to the source of the fire.

6.5. Report each accident, accident, fire and other dangers threatening an accident or accident to the foreman of the site, organize first aid to the victim and send him to a medical facility, maintain the workplace situation and the condition of the equipment as they were until the investigation at the time of the incident, and do not start work until they are eliminated.

6.6. First aid.

6.6.1. First aid for electric shock.

In case of electric shock, it is necessary to immediately release the victim from the action of electric current by disconnecting the electrical installation from the power source, and if it is impossible to disconnect it, pull it away from the conductive parts by clothing or using insulating material at hand.

If the victim has no breathing and pulse, it is necessary to give him artificial respiration and indirect (external) heart massage, paying attention to the pupils. Dilated pupils indicate a sharp deterioration in the blood circulation of the brain. In this condition, revival must begin immediately, and then call an ambulance.

6.6.2. First aid for fractures, dislocations, shocks.

In case of fractures and dislocations of the limbs, it is necessary to strengthen the damaged limb with a splint, plywood plate, stick, cardboard or other similar object. The injured arm can also be hung with a bandage or handkerchief from the neck and bandaged to the torso.

In case of a skull fracture (unconsciousness after a blow to the head, bleeding from the ears or mouth), it is necessary to apply a cold object to the head (a heating pad with ice, snow or cold water) or make a cold lotion.

If a fracture of the spine is suspected, it is necessary to put the victim on the board, without lifting him, turn the victim on his stomach face down, while observing that the body does not bend, in order to avoid damage to the spinal cord.

In case of a fracture of the ribs, a sign of which is pain during breathing, coughing, sneezing, movements, it is necessary to tightly bandage the chest or pull it off with a towel during exhalation.

6.6.3. First aid for burns with acids and alkalis.

If acid or alkali gets on the skin, the damaged areas must be thoroughly washed with water for 15-20 minutes, after which the acid-damaged surface should be washed with a 5% solution of baking soda, and the burnt with alkali - with a 3% solution of boric acid or an acetic solution. acids.

In case of contact with the mucous membrane of the eyes of acid or meadows, it is necessary to rinse the eyes thoroughly with a fork of water for 15-20 minutes, wash with a 2% solution of baking soda, and a burnt meadow with a 3% solution of boric acid or a 3% solution of acetic acids.

In case of burns of the oral cavity with alkali, it is necessary to rinse with a 3% solution of acetic acid or a 3% solution of boric acid, for acid burns - with a 5% solution of baking soda.

If acid enters the respiratory tract, it is necessary to breathe with a 10% solution of baking soda sprayed with a spray bottle, if alkali enters, a sprayed 3% solution of acetic acid.

6.6.4. First aid for thermal burns.

In case of burns with fire, steam, hot objects, in no case should you open the formed blisters and bandage the burns with a bandage.

For first-degree burns (redness), the burned area is treated with cotton wool soaked in ethyl alcohol.

For second-degree burns (blisters), the burned area is treated with alcohol or a 3% manganese solution.

For third-degree burns (destruction of skin tissue), the wound is covered with a sterile dressing and a doctor is called.

6.7. In all cases, follow the instructions of the head of work to eliminate the consequences of an emergency.

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