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Instruction on labor protection for administrative and managerial personnel, engineers, junior service personnel. Full Document

Occupational Safety and Health

Occupational Safety and Health / Standard instructions for labor protection

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Safe Operation

1. General requirements for labor protection

1.1. This instruction has been developed for administrative and managerial personnel, specialists, engineering and technical personnel, engineering and technical workers and junior service personnel (hereinafter referred to as the employee of the Firm).

1.2. An employee of the Firm is allowed to work independently after passing:

  • medical examination;
  • introductory briefing conducted by the deputy director, and in some cases by the personnel service according to the approved instructions for introductory briefing;
  • primary briefing at the workplace, conducted by the head of the enterprise, deputy head;
  • training in safe working methods within 1-2 days;
  • teaching elementary rules of electrical safety, testing knowledge of elementary rules of electrical safety with the assignment of I qualification group.

1.3. Knowledge of this instruction for the employees of the Firm is tested once a year.

1.4. An employee of the Firm is obliged to fulfill official duties, work on the instructions of his manager, observe labor discipline, timely and accurately comply with the orders of the administration, labor protection requirements, take care of the property of the Firm.

1.5. An employee of the Firm must perform his duties during working hours in accordance with the staff regulation: during a five-day working week - an 8-hour working day from 8.00 to 17.00 with a lunch break (1 hour).

1.6. When using a personal computer, the following hazardous production factors may affect the employee of the Firm:

  • increased levels of electromagnetic radiation;
  • low or high humidity in the working area;
  • reduced or increased air mobility of the working area;
  • increased noise level;
  • increased or decreased illumination level;
  • increased brightness of the light image;
  • increased voltage in the electrical circuit, the closure of which can occur through the human body;
  • eye strain, attention, prolonged static loads.

1.7. An employee of the Firm who operates electrical equipment in the performance of work duties must have:

  • elementary acquaintance with the operating electrical installation (operating manual, place of connection of the electrical installation in the switchgear, input switch, blocking switch, circuit diagram of the connection route, control buttons, housing, control knobs; main elements of the electrical installation-transformer, rectifier and DC generator, electric motor , control panel, grounding, grounding, etc.);
  • know the basic precautions for labor protection, observe organizational and technical measures when performing work (knowledge of this manual, serviceability of the supply line of the connection - kinks, bare areas, places of crushing; use of basic and additional protective equipment; use of tools with insulated handles, checking the ground connection and zeroing);
  • have a clear idea of ​​the danger of electric shock and the danger of approaching live parts (dangerous voltage, dangerous current, electrical safety classification of the room, ground resistance value);
  • have practical skills in providing first aid to victims of electric current.

1.8. During the operation of electrical equipment, a dangerous production factor is electric current. The maximum permissible value of alternating current is 0,3 mA. With an increase in current to 0,6 - 1,6 mA, a person begins to feel its effect.

The factors that determine the degree of electric shock are the strength of the current, the duration of the impact of the electric current on a person, the place of contact and the path of penetration of the current, the condition of the skin, the electrical resistance of the body, the physiological state of the body.

Types of electric shock:

  • electric shock (paralysis of the heart and breathing);
  • thermal burn (electrical burn);
  • skin electroplating;
  • technical damage;
  • electrophthalmia (inflammation of the eyes due to the action of an electric current).

1.9. The means of individual protection for the user of a personal computer is an individual screen or a built-in protective screen of the monitor.

1.10. To protect against the impact of dangerous and harmful production factors while at the site of construction and installation works (at the facility, base and garage), the employee of the Firm must be in a helmet, overalls, safety shoes and other personal protective equipment (in conditions of car traffic - a signal vest).

1.11. The employee is obliged to comply with the requirements for ensuring fire safety, know the location of fire extinguishing equipment, be able to use primary fire extinguishing equipment, including carbon dioxide fire extinguishers of the OU-5, OU-10 grades or powder grades of the OP-5, OP-10 grades.

Carbon dioxide (OU-5, OU-10) and powder (OP-5, OP-10) fire extinguishers allow you to extinguish a fire on electrical equipment up to 380 V without removing the voltage.

1.12. For violation of the requirements of this instruction relating to the work performed by him, the employee is liable in accordance with the current labor, criminal and administrative legislation.

2. Labor protection requirements before starting work

2.1. When working with a personal computer, an employee of the Firm must:

2.1.1. Review and tidy up the work area.

2.1.2. Adjust the lighting in the workplace, make sure that the lighting is sufficient, there are no reflections on the screen.

2.1.3. Check the correct connection of the equipment to the mains.

2.1.4. Check the condition of the conductive wires and the absence of bare sections of the wires.

2.1.5. Make sure there is a protective earth.

2.1.6. Wipe the surface of the screen and protective filter with a cloth.

2.1.7. Make sure that there are no floppy disks in the disk drives of the personal computer processor.

2.1.8. Check the correct installation of the table, chair, footrest, music stand, equipment position, screen tilt angle, keyboard position, mouse position on a special mat, if necessary, adjust the desktop and chair, as well as the location of computer elements in accordance with ergonomic requirements and in order to avoid uncomfortable postures and prolonged body tension.

2.2. When working with a personal computer, an employee of the Firm is prohibited from starting work if:

2.2.1. The absence of a special plug with a ground connection.

2.2.2. Detection of equipment failure.

2.3. An employee is prohibited from wiping electrical equipment that is energized with a damp or wet cloth (the plug is inserted into the socket). Wet or any other cleaning should be carried out with the equipment turned off.

2.4. The employee is obliged to inform the head of the unit, service or section about the detected equipment malfunction.

Do not use faulty equipment

Start work after correcting malfunctions or equipment malfunctions.

2.5. Installation of 36, 220 and 380 V networks for connecting electrical equipment is carried out by electrical personnel (electrician, electrical engineer).

2.6. The employee connects the electrical equipment to the network by inserting a working plug into a working special socket for a PC.

2.7. The worker must ensure that switching on the equipment does not endanger anyone.

2.8. An employee must not allow anyone who is not authorized to work with hazardous equipment or a personal computer to work.

3. Labor protection requirements during work

3.1. The employee of the Firm during the work is obliged to:

3.1.1. Perform the work that he was assigned and for which he was instructed.

3.1.2. Keep the workplace clean and tidy during all working hours.

3.1.3. Keep open the ventilation openings that are equipped with devices and personal computers.

3.1.4. Do not clutter up the equipment with foreign objects that reduce heat transfer.

3.1.5. If you need to stop working for a while, correctly close all active tasks.

3.1.6. Comply with sanitary standards and observe work and rest regimes.

3.1.7. Observe the rules for operating electrical equipment or other equipment in accordance with the operating instructions.

3.1.8. When working with textual information, choose the most physiological mode for representing black characters on a white background.

3.1.9. Observe the established working hours, regulated work breaks and perform the recommended exercises for the eyes, neck, arms, torso, and legs during physical education breaks.

3.1.10. Observe the distance from the eyes to the screen within 60 - 70 cm, but not closer than 50 cm, taking into account the size of alphanumeric characters and symbols.

4. Labor protection requirements while working with a PC

4.1. When working on a PC, an employee is prohibited from:

4.1.1. Touch the monitor screen and keyboard at the same time.

4.1.2. Touch the rear panel of the system unit (processor) when the power is on.

4.1.3. Switch the connectors of the interface cables of the peripheral devices while the power is on.

4.1.4. Allow moisture to get on the surface of the system unit (processor), monitor, working surface of the keyboard, drives, printers and other devices.

4.1.5. Perform self-opening and repair of equipment.

4.2. The employee is obliged to follow the sequence of turning on the PC:

  • turn on the power supply;
  • turn on peripheral devices (printer, monitor, scanner, etc.);
  • turn on the system unit (processor).

4.3. The employee must disconnect the PC from the mains:

  • upon detection of a fault,
  • in the event of a sudden power outage,
  • while cleaning and cleaning equipment.

4.4. The employee is obliged to equip the workplace:

4.4.1. Adjust the height of the working surface of the table within 680 - 800 mm, in the absence of adjustment, the height of the working surface of the table should be 725 mm.

4.4.2. The work table must have legroom at least 600 mm high, at least 500 mm wide, at least 450 mm deep at the knees and at least 650 mm for extended legs.

4.4.3. Eye level with a vertical screen should be at the center or 2/3 of the height of the screen, the line of sight should be perpendicular to the center of the screen and its optimal deviation from the perpendicular passing through the center of the screen in the vertical plane should not exceed ± 5 °, permissible - ± 10 °.

4.5. The employee is obliged to observe the regime of work and rest when working with a PC, depending on the duration, type and category of labor activity:

  • group A - work on reading information from the PC screen with a preliminary request;
  • group B - work on entering information;
  • group B - creative work in the dialogue mode with a PC.

4.6. The duration of the lunch break is determined by the current labor legislation and internal labor regulations.

4.7. The duration of continuous work with VDT without a regulated break should not exceed 2 hours.

4.8. With an 8-hour work shift and work on a VDT and a PC, regulated breaks should be established:

  • for category I work, 2 hours after the start of the work shift and 2 hours after a lunch break of 15 minutes each;
  • for category II work after 2 hours from the start of the work shift and 1,5 - 2 hours after a lunch break of 15 minutes each or 10 minutes after each hour of work;
  • for category III work after 1,5 - 2 hours from the start of the work shift and 1,5 - 2 hours after the lunch break of 20 minutes each or 15 minutes after each hour of work.

4.11. During regulated breaks, in order to reduce neuro-emotional stress, fatigue of the visual analyzer, eliminate the influence of hypodynamia and hypokinesia, and prevent the development of poenotonic fatigue, perform sets of exercises.

4.12. In order to reduce the negative impact of monotony, apply the alternation of meaningful text and numerical data operations (changing the content of the work), alternating text editing and data entry (changing the content of the work).

4.13. Women from the time of the establishment of pregnancy and during the period of breastfeeding to perform all types of work related to the use of a PC are not allowed.

5. Labor protection requirements in emergency situations when working with a PC

5.1. The employee is obliged:

5.1.1. In all cases of detecting a break in the power wires, grounding faults and other damage to electrical equipment, the appearance of a fire, immediately turn off the power and report the emergency to the manager and the electrician on duty.

5.1.2. In case of any failure in the operation of technical equipment or software, immediately call a representative of the information technology department.

5.1.3. In the event of pain in the eyes, a sharp deterioration in visibility - the inability to focus or focus on sharpness, pain in the fingers and hands, increased heart rate, immediately leave the workplace, inform the manager.

5.1.4. Do not start working on the PC until the problem is fixed.

5.1.5. In case of injury or sudden illness, immediately notify your supervisor, organize first aid or call an ambulance by calling "03".

5.1.6. If a person is found under voltage, immediately turn off the power supply and release him from the current, provide first aid and call an ambulance by calling "03".

6. Labor protection requirements upon completion of work with a PC

6.1. The employee is obliged to observe the following sequence of turning off the PC:

6.1.1. Close all active tasks.

6.1.2. Park the read head of the hard disk (unless automatic head parking is provided).

6.1.3. Make sure there are no floppy disks in the drives.

6.1.4. Turn off the power of the system unit (processor).

6.1.5. Turn off the power of all peripheral devices.

6.1.6. Turn off the power supply.

6.2. The employee is obliged to inspect and tidy up the workplace and perform several exercises for the eyes and fingers to relax.

6.3. The employee is obliged at the end of work (with long breaks of more than one hour) or, leaving work, to remove the serviceable plug from the serviceable socket.

7. Labor protection requirements when working with electrical equipment

7.1. Before starting work with electrical equipment, an employee must:

7.1.1. Inspection of electrical equipment.

7.1.2. Checking the completeness and reliability of fastening parts.

7.1.3. Checking by external inspection the serviceability of the cable (cord).

7.1.4. Checking the correct operation of the switch.

7.1.5. Use only standard fixtures.

7.2. The employee is obliged to report to the manager upon detection of defects in electrical equipment and not to operate the faulty electrical equipment.

7.3. Turn on electrical equipment by inserting a serviceable plug into a serviceable special socket for household appliances.

7.4. The employee is obliged to maintain order at the workplace while working with electrical equipment.

7.5. When operating electrical equipment, it is prohibited:

7.5.1. Leave switched on electrical equipment without supervision.

7.5.2. Transfer electrical equipment to persons who do not have the right to work with it.

7.5.3. Hit electrical equipment.

7.5.4. Remove protective equipment.

7.5.5. Pull the lead wire to turn it off.

7.5.6. Keep your finger on the switch when carrying electrical equipment.

7.5.7. Pull, twist and bend the supply cable.

7.5.8. Put foreign objects on the cable (cord).

7.5.9. Allow the cable (cord) to touch hot or warm objects.

7.5.10. Disassemble or repair electrical equipment.

7.6. The employee is obliged to perform with electrical equipment only the work for which the equipment is intended.

7.7. If during operation a malfunction of electrical equipment is detected or the person working with it feels at least a slight effect of the current, work must be immediately stopped and the faulty equipment must be handed over for inspection or repair.

7.8. Switching off electrical equipment must be done:

  • during a break in work;
  • at the end of the workflow.

7.9. The employee is obliged to turn off the electrical equipment by removing the serviceable plug from the serviceable outlet.

8. Labor protection requirements in emergency situations when working with electrical equipment

8.1. The employee is obliged:

8.1.1. In all cases of detection of a break in the power wires, damage to electrical equipment, the appearance of a burning smell, immediately turn off the power and report the emergency to the chief power engineer or electrician.

8.1.2. Do not start work on faulty electrical equipment until the fault has been rectified.

8.1.3. If a person is found under voltage, immediately turn off the power supply and release him from the current, provide first aid and call an ambulance by calling "03".

9. Occupational safety requirements during a local business trip

9.1. An employee performing his duties on a local business trip must:

9.1.1. When driving on foot, you must follow the rules of the road for a pedestrian:

  • when crossing motorways it is necessary to use pedestrian bridges and tunnels;
  • in the absence of pedestrian bridges and tunnels, cross roadways at a green traffic light signal at a designated zebra crossing;
  • in the absence of engineering structures or traffic lights, standing on the side of the road or on the sidewalk, assess the distance to approaching vehicles, the conditions for crossing the road and cross the road in a perpendicular direction in the absence of transport and the safety of the crossing.

9.1.2. Railroad tracks cross over pedestrian tunnels and bridges.

9.1.3. When using a company car equipped with a seat belt, the employee must wear it.

9.1.4. The employee is obliged to get into and out of the company car from the sidewalk or curb, landing from the side of the carriageway is possible provided that it is safe and does not interfere with other traffic participants.

9.1.5. An employee, when driving in a company car or in another vehicle, is prohibited from distracting the driver from driving while the vehicle is moving and from opening the vehicle doors while it is moving.

10. Labor protection requirements on the territory of the base or garage

10.1. The employee is obliged:

  • be outside the danger zone of the crane and other equipment - do not stand under the load and boom;
  • when meeting with a moving vehicle, stand in a safe place and let the vehicle pass.

11. Fire safety requirements

11.1. The employee is obliged:

  • know the evacuation scheme and the location of fire extinguishers;
  • know how to handle a fire extinguisher;
  • do not block the aisles with foreign objects;
  • during long breaks of more than 1 hour or when leaving work, turn off the PC and other electrical appliances (except for the fax machine and refrigerator) by removing the working plug from the working socket;
  • prevent blocking of flammable materials (cloths, paper, etc.) of a table lamp and heaters with an open coil;
  • do not allow clothes to be hung on switches or sockets;
  • do not store flammable substances in rooms;
  • if a fire is detected, stop work, notify the surrounding employees, leave the building without panic, if possible, call the fire brigade by phone "01", inform the administration, disconnect electrical equipment from the network, start extinguishing the fire with available fire extinguishing equipment;
  • do not allow smoking in the rooms;
  • with a general danger signal, leave the building without panic;
  • smoke only in designated areas.

11.2. The employee is prohibited from:

  • use open fire;
  • leave unattended electrical equipment (PC, heater, table lamp, etc.);
  • dry clothes and shoes on heating devices;
  • use self-made electric drives;
  • use faulty electrical appliances.

12. Provision of first aid

12.1. The employee is obliged to check the contents of the first aid kit

1. Painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs and drugs for trauma (bruises, fractures, dislocations), wounds

1.1. Analgin 0,5 No. 10 - 1 pack.

1.2. Package-container portable hypothermic (cooling) - 1 pc.

1.3. Sodium sulfacyl solution - 1 vial.

1.4. Aspirin - 1 pack.

2. Means for stopping bleeding, treating and dressing wounds

2.1. Tourniquet to stop arterial bleeding with adjustable compression (compression) for self- and mutual assistance - 1 pc.

2.2 Sterile bandage 10x5 - 1 pc.

2.3. Bandage not sterile 10x5 - 1 pc.

2.4. Bandage not sterile 5x5 - 1 pc.

2.5. Atraumatic dressing MAG with dioxidine or silver nitrate 8x10 for dressing dirty wounds - 1 pc.

2.6. Bactericidal adhesive plaster 2,5x7,0 or 2x5 cm - 8 pcs.

2.7. Sterile wipes to stop capillary and venous bleeding with furagin 6x10 cm; 10x18 cm - 3 pcs.

2.8. A solution of iodine alcohol 5% or brilliant green 1% - 1 vial.

2.9. Adhesive plaster 1x500 or 2x500 or 1x250 cm - 1 pc.

2.10. Bandage elastic tubular medical non-sterile №№ 1,3,6 - 1 pc.

2.11. Cotton wool 50 g - 1 pack.

3. Remedies for pain in the heart

3.1. Nitroglycerin tab. No. 40 or caps. No. 20 (trinitralong) - 1 pack.

3.2. Validol tab. or caps. - 1 pack.

4. Funds for cardiopulmonary resuscitation in clinical death

4.1. Device for carrying out artificial respiration "Mouth - device - mouth" - 1 pc.

5. Remedies for fainting (collapse)

5.1. Ammonia solution (ammonia) - 1 vial.

6. Means for detoxification in case of food poisoning, etc.

6.1. Enterodes - 2 pcs.

6.2. Activated carbon in the table. - 1 pack.

7. Remedies for stress reactions

7.1. Corvalol or Valerian Tincture - 1 vial

8. Scissors - 1 pc.

9. Rules for the provision of self- and mutual assistance - 1 pc.

10. Case - 1 pc.

Arbitrary replacement of medicines and medical devices specified in the list is not allowed.

Do not use products with damaged packaging or expired shelf life.

When using any means, the first-aid kit urgently needs to be supplemented.

11.2. The employee is obliged to provide first aid in case of malaise, using a first-aid kit (the name of the medicine from the first-aid kit is indicated in brackets).

1. Trauma

Bruises, fractures, dislocations - pain, swelling, pathological mobility, bone crepitus, pain during axial load, shortening of the limb, protrusion of fragments into the wound with an open fracture. Anesthesia (1.1), fixation (with splints, improvised means, or fixation of the arm to the body, leg to leg; cold at the site of injury (1.2.).

2. Wounds and bleeding

a) Arterial (scarlet blood, flows out in a pulsating stream). Apply a tourniquet (2.1.) above the wound, leave a note indicating the time the tourniquet was applied, apply a bandage to the wound (2.2, 2.3, 2.4.). Fix the limb, give the patient an anesthetic (1.1).

b) Venous, capillary (blood is dark, does not pulsate). Apply a napkin (2.8. or 2.9.) and a pressure bandage with a bandage (2.2, 2.3, 2.4) on the wound, cold on the injury site (1.2).

c) Apply a sterile dressing (2.2, 2.5) to the wound, give an anesthetic (1.1). Treat minor wounds and abrasions with iodine or brilliant green (2.10) and seal with a bactericidal plaster (2.6, 2.7).

3. Burns

For extensive burns, apply a sterile dressing (2.2), give an anesthetic (1.1).

4. Pain in the heart

Validol (3.2.) one tablet or nitroglycerin or trinitralong (3.1) one tablet, 15 drops of corvalol (7.1) in 50 ml of water.

5. Fainting

Put the patient on the floor, raise his legs, give a sniff of ammonia (5.1.) on a cotton swab.

6. Stress reactions

Dilute 50 drops of corvalol (30) in 7.1 ml of water and give to the patient to drink.

7. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation

It is carried out in the absence of consciousness, breathing and pulse on the carotid artery (indirect heart massage and artificial respiration using the device (4.1) until the arrival of a health worker or restoration of breathing and pulse.

8. Poisoning

Rinse the stomach. Dilute in 100 ml of water 1 tbsp. spoonful of enterodesis (6.1) and give the patient a drink.

9. Eye damage

(Ingress of foreign bodies and substances). Rinse eyes with water, drip sodium sulfacyl 3-5 drops (1.4).

12.3. The employee must know and provide first aid, call an ambulance. Prior to the arrival of an ambulance, it is necessary to provide first aid.

12.3.1. First aid to the victim from electric current: release from the action of current (power-off), perform artificial respiration (mouth to mouth), support basic vital functions (restore breathing by artificial respiration, conduct an external heart massage).

12.3.2. With gas poisoning. There are three degrees of gas poisoning: mild degree - pallor of the face, nausea, vomiting, headache; medium degree - loss of consciousness; severe degree - lack of breathing, cardiac arrest is possible. Lack of breathing is determined by the absence of fogging of a mirror (glass) brought to the victim's mouth. Cardiac arrest is defined as the absence of a pulse.

In case of gas poisoning, it is necessary to take the victim to fresh air in summer, and in winter to a well-ventilated area. Call an ambulance.

With mild poisoning, help the victim move if he can, then give a warm drink, if necessary, heart drops.

With a moderate degree (with loss of consciousness), plant or lay the victim down, unbutton the victim’s clothes, periodically wave a cotton swab dipped in ammonia near the nose (do not leave a cotton wool with ammonia near the nose, because there will be suffocation), rub the temples and bring into consciousness. Feet should be warm.

If not breathing, perform mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Put the victim on his back, open his mouth, put one of his hands under the back of the head, and press the other on his forehead. If necessary, unclench your teeth and make sure that the tongue is not sunk. Turn your head to one side, clear your mouth of mucus and foreign objects (dentures). Place a rolled up roller of clothes under the shoulders (and not under the back or neck), so that the head is turned over and the chin is at the same level with the chest.

Take air into the chest and exhale through a napkin into the victim's mouth with the victim's nose closed with his hand or cheek. The exit will occur spontaneously due to the weight of the chest. Inhale-exit to perform in 5-6 seconds, i.e. 10-12 breaths per minute.

Perform artificial respiration until the victim is breathing or until the emergency doctor changes.

Indirect cardiac massage to produce in the absence of a pulse. When carrying out the inhalation-exhalation cycle, quickly place your hands with your palms down on the lower third of the chest (two centimeters above the solar plexus), press on the chest and lower it with a frequency of 3-4 times during exhalation. Perform indirect massage until the victim has a pulse or until the ambulance doctor changes.

12.3.3. When suffocating. Asphyxiation can occur from oxygen deficiency due to gas leakage. Signs of suffocation: with a mild degree - tickle in the throat, cramps in the throat, pounding in the temples, headache; with an average degree - headache; in severe cases, there is no breathing and cardiac arrest is possible.

Provide first aid in the same way as in case of gas poisoning (without walking in the air).

12.3.4. For burns. There are four degrees of burns: the first degree is redness of the body area, the second degree is the appearance of blisters, the third degree is the appearance of burn wounds, the fourth degree is the appearance of charring.

Help for burns:

Irrigate (cool) the first and second degrees with plenty of water at room temperature or with an ice pack, after cooling, apply a bandage with anti-burn ointment or aerosols (furacillin, synthomycin);

for burns of the third and fourth degrees without removing clothes, cut it off at the site of the wound, apply (cover) with a sterile napkin, give painkillers and call an ambulance.

You can not open the bubbles, remove the mastic adhering to the burnt place.

When assisting the victim, in order to avoid infection, one should not touch the burned areas of the skin or lubricate them with fats, oils, petroleum jelly, sprinkle with baking soda, starch, etc.

12.3.5. In case of eye burns, make cold lotions from a solution of boric acid (half a teaspoon of acid in a glass of water) and immediately refer the victim to a doctor.

12.3.7. Help with frostbite:

a) warm the frostbitten part of the body with a warm bath at a temperature of 20 ° C. For 20 min. Gradually increase (warm) the temperature to 40 ° C, wash with soap from infection;

b) dry (wipe), cover with a sterile bandage and cover with warm (warm), do not lubricate with fat or ointments;

c) make a light massage, give hot tea.

The worker immediately notifies the immediate supervisor of all cases of injury.

Brief rules on labor protection for the personnel of the Firm

1. Do not use faulty equipment.

2. Work on a PC in compliance with hygiene standards and time of work and rest.

3. In case of an accident, provide first aid and call an ambulance.

4. The transition of the carriageway to the red light of a traffic light in the absence of a moving vehicle is not allowed.

5. Know the rules of fire safety.

6. When visiting the garage and production area, do not stand under the load and boom of the crane or in the danger zone of the crane and machinery.

 We recommend interesting articles Section Standard instructions for labor protection:

▪ Electrician of station equipment for telephone communication during maintenance of transmission systems of public telephone networks. Standard instruction on labor protection

▪ Movement around production facilities. Standard instruction on labor protection

▪ Gas welder. Standard instruction on labor protection

See other articles Section Standard instructions for labor protection.

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The Japanese automaker Toyota has announced an ultra-compact electric car Tiny C + pod, the characteristics of which are significantly different from the usual electric models. However, the novelty will be sold in the Japanese market, where users have long been accustomed to miniature cars.

The dimensions of the Toyota Tiny C + pod model are 2490x1290x1550 mm (weight - 670-690 kg) - this is less than that of Smart ForTwo (2500x1520x1530 mm). Given the minimum width (1290 mm) and turning radius (3,9 m), it is most logical to use it on the narrow streets of Japanese cities, and not on the highway.

The rear-wheel drive model is driven by an electric motor with a maximum peak power of just 9 kW (2,6 kW continuous power) and a torque of 56 Nm. As a result, the electric car can only accelerate to 60 km/h. From a full charge of the 9,06 kWh battery, the Toyota Tiny C+pod travels up to 150 km on the WLTC measuring cycle with an average consumption of 54 Wh/km. A full battery charge from a 200V / 16A network lasts 5 hours, from a 100V / 6A network - about 16 hours.

The Toyota Tiny C+pod electric car will cost $15,940 for the Grade X version and $16,580 for the Grade G version in Japan, sales to business customers will start in 2021, and to everyone in 2022.

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Very practical article! Well done who made it! There is no water and misunderstanding! Thank you!

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