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Theory and methodology of education. Lecture notes: briefly, the most important

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Table of contents

  1. The essence of education and its place in the integral structure of the educational process (Basic theories of education. The history of the emergence of education. The essence of education in the structure of the educational process. Driving forces and logic of the educational process. National identity of education. Patterns and principles of education. Pedagogical interaction in education)
  2. Patterns and principles of education (Personality of the educator. Principles of the educator. Personal approach as the principle of education. Combination of personal and social areas of education. Reliance on positive education. Unity of educational influences)
  3. The concept of educational systems (The system of methods of education. Methods of personality formation. Methods of stimulation. Methods of formation of behavior. The concept of educational systems. Socially oriented education. Ethics of the educational process)
  4. The system of forms and methods of education (Moral education. Aesthetic education. Environmental programs in the education system. Labor education)
  5. Pedagogical interaction in education (Understanding the child and his essence. Why the child should be himself. Acceptance of the child. Basic rules for a humanist teacher. The idea of ​​school education)
  6. The team as an object and subject of education (The team as an object and subject of education. The teaching of A. S. Makarenko about the team. Personality in the team. The team and informal groups. The role of the educator in the team. Style of pedagogical leadership. Out-of-school forms of education)
  7. Organization of work in a small school (A small school, its characteristic features. Conditions that determine the effectiveness of work in a small school. Parameters for forming classes. A lesson in a small school)
  8. The role of the teacher in a small school (The structure of a lesson in a small school. The role of the teacher at all stages of the lesson. Requirements for teaching methods in a small school. Organization of the student's independent work. The effectiveness of independent work)
  9. Preparing the teacher for the lesson (Visibility in the lessons of independent work in a small school. Qualities developed in the process of independent work of children. Their significance. Preparing the teacher for the lesson. Approximate lesson plan)
  10. Organization of personality-oriented education (Educational process in a small school. Three streams of the educational process in a small school. Organization of personality-oriented education. How educational work is planned)
  11. Basic requirements for a teacher (Function of a teacher. Basic requirements for a teacher. Discipline at school. Active life position)
  12. National originality of education (Sex education according to Makarenko. The value of sex education. Sex education in the family. The value of physical education for the education of the individual. Public education. Patterns of education)
  13. Features of family education (Family education. Methods of pedagogical and psychological influence on the personality. Education according to Sukhomlinsky. Causes of unsatisfactory education in the family. Causes of conflicts in the family)
  14. Rules of family education (Types of families. Models of family education. Content of education in the family. Main problems of family education. Methods of family education. Choice and application of methods of parenting. Common mistakes in family education. Rules of family education. Relationship between family and school education)
  15. Functions and main activities of the class teacher (Forms of activity of the class teacher with the family. Class teacher. Main activities of the class teacher. Basic requirements for the class teacher. Duties of the class teacher. Model of the ideal teacher)
  16. Diagnostics of education (Advice to parents. Pedagogical diagnostics of the family. Diagnostics of education. Functions, content, forms of extracurricular educational work. Theory and methods of education in foreign countries. Creation of a developing environment in preschool institutions)

LECTURE No. 1. The essence of education and its place in the integral structure of the educational process

1. Basic theories of education

Pedagogy has now accumulated a vast amount of theoretical material, descriptions of pedagogical phenomena and knowledge. Therefore, a large number of branches have formed in pedagogy, which are developing as independent sciences. These include: the history of pedagogy, the pedagogy of the school, the pedagogy of vocational education, military pedagogy, subject methods (sciences about the laws of teaching and studying subjects), preschool pedagogy, pedagogy of higher education, defectology, which is divided into typhlopedagogy - the theory of education of the blind, oligophrenopedagogy - mentally retarded, deaf pedagogy - the deaf, speech therapy - the theory of teaching children with speech disorders, etc. The basic concepts of pedagogy, called categories, are: development, education, training, upbringing.

Human development - this is the process of becoming his personality under the influence of external and internal, controlled and uncontrolled, social and natural factors. Distinguish mental, physical and general development of the individual.

Mental - this is the development of mental, physical, moral and other qualities of a person.

Education - this is the process and result of mastering the system of scientific knowledge and cognitive skills by students, the formation of a worldview, moral qualities of a person on their basis, the development of her creative abilities.

Training - this is a purposeful process of interaction between a teacher and a student, during which a person is educated. Education in a special pedagogical sense is the process and result of a purposeful influence on the development of the personality, its relationships, traits, qualities, attitudes, beliefs, ways of behaving in society. Education in a broad sense is the process and result of personality development under the influence of purposeful training and education. The formation of personality is the process and result of its development under the influence of the environment, heredity and upbringing. A comparative analysis of the development of pedagogy is carried out by its branch, conventionally called comparative pedagogy. Pedagogy does not stand still, it is constantly evolving, strengthening and improving its ties with other sciences.

Pedagogy borrows many ideas and research methods from other sciences, which help to better penetrate the essence of education, and develops its theoretical material. Philosophy, for example, is used to study a number of problems and build the methodological foundations of pedagogy.

Biology is used as the natural science base of pedagogy. Sociology provides information about the influence of the social environment on a person. Psychology helps pedagogy in studying the patterns of mental principles. The totality of branches of pedagogy and connection with other sciences forms a single system of pedagogical theories.

All concepts in pedagogy are closely interconnected and complement each other.

2. The history of the emergence of education

The meaning of the existence of human ancestors was predetermined by their worldview. At first glance, the upbringing of primitive people looked unsystematic, spontaneous, it was not a function and manifested itself in traditions and folklore. The family has always been the basis of social education.

Actions related to upbringing were given a sacred meaning. Small members of the family were given considerable freedom in behavior. The punishments were not severe. Children played a lot, imitating the life of adults.

Initially, pedagogical thought took shape in the form of separate judgments and statements - a kind of pedagogical commandments. In addition, he brought up the lifestyle of his parents. Before writing was born, judgments had an oral existence, and have come down to our time in the form of proverbs, sayings, aphorisms, winged expressions.

The origins of folk pedagogy, which can be called the first stage in the development of pedagogy in general, we find in fairy tales, epics, songs, lullabies, sayings, carols, folk signs and historical information. There are many Russian proverbs and sayings that have pedagogical purposes: "Nature does not need to be maimed, but must be protected", "Take care of honor from an early age", "The root of learning is bitter, but the fruit is sweet", "Science is not beer, you won't pour it into your mouth", etc. .

In ancient times, the high mission of motherhood was realized. This was of great importance. Maternal love from the first days of a child's birth was expressed in a lullaby, later - in fun, jokes, which were of great developmental importance.

Maternal poetry unobtrusively carried the child information about the world in which he was to live, enriched his soul, developed artistic taste, ear for music.

Polite manners of behavior in society were an integral part of the moral culture of the people, their pedagogical views. In the Old Slavonic language, we will not find a single abusive word. Poetic moral rules can be found in the "Instruction" to the children of Vladimir Monomakh. Later, there were other institutions of education and training.

Another institution of education is "uncles". The uncles were mentors to their nephews, and those were their first assistants. With the adoption of Christianity, "nepotism" spread - "godfather" and "godfather" became godfather and mother.

The origins of theoretical pedagogical thought are revealed in the works of the great ancient philosophers - Plato and Aristotle. The very word "pedagogy" is of Greek origin, translated as "childbearing", "child-bearing". Pedagogy acquired the status of a science thanks to the works of the outstanding Czech teacher Jan Amos Comenius {1592-1670), who outlined his main ideas in the work "Great Didactics".

Intensive development of pedagogical theory and practice (within various educational institutions) in the VIII century. led to the founding of special educational institutions for the training of teachers. The first such establishments appeared in Germany.

In modern conditions, pedagogy is considered as a science and practice of teaching and educating a person at all age stages of his personal and professional development.

3. The essence of education in the structure of the educational process

Education is the process of transferring knowledge and cultural values ​​accumulated by generations. In the education system of all levels and types, the intellectual and moral potential of the country is being accumulated.

The socio-cultural tradition has a significant impact on the formation of a person’s character, style of behavior, his values, aspirations and interests, i.e., the lifestyle accepted in society, as well as on the development of various forms of life (labor, professional, socio-political, family -domestic) and the development of a person's spiritual potential for creativity.

In different socio-political conditions, education acts as a stabilizing factor between new social ideas and the ideas of previous generations, makes it possible to determine the merits and demerits of the actions of both generations and contributes to a person's adaptation to new conditions.

In the process of training and education, a person masters socio-cultural norms that have cultural and historical significance. The meaning of education lies in the reproduction of established forms of social life in the space of culture.

educational systems - these are social institutions that carry out purposeful preparation of a person for an independent life in modern society. Goals and objectives for specific educational systems depend on the social order within the entire education system of the country. So, for a long time, education in our country developed outside the context of world and national culture.

Its main parameters were buried by ideology. At present, it is necessary to return education to the context of culture, that is, to orient it towards universal human values. World and national spiritual culture, the development of humanistic learning technologies, the creation of an environment in educational institutions that forms a personality capable of creative implementation in modern conditions.

Educational institutions - these are social institutions that acquire the state status of the education system in the country as preschool, school, secondary specialized, higher and additional education.

The social function of these institutions is to provide educational services to the population of the country. The state norm of this or that type of education is determined by the state educational standard, which also chooses the compulsory curriculum of each school or university.

State standard consists of two parts: the first part is a set of disciplines that are mandatory for all schools or universities, the second is the disciplines chosen by students.

The spiritual principle in a person is manifested due to his infusion into the "cultural" heritage of the family and the cultural tradition, which he masters through the processes of education, upbringing and professional activity throughout his life.

Education accelerates the process of development and formation of a person as a person. Teachers in the educational process create conditions that provide individual, personal growth of students, and each academic discipline is focused on the development of this quality.

4. Driving forces and logic of the educational process

The personality of a child of any level is brought up not in parts, but as a whole, therefore the educational process consists of a moving system of relational situations.

The educational process is integral, it is not divided into separate types of education, and each type of activity and communication to one degree or another forms an integral personality.

In the process of life interaction, under the influence of social relations of children, their own idea of ​​the world is formed, habits of behavior are formed, skills of activity are acquired.

Of great importance for the formation of personality are the natural inclinations, abilities and needs of the child. By accumulating social consciousness, comprehending ideas and shaping their own behavior, the child develops a character, a life position, and it becomes possible to set goals for conscious self-improvement.

All adults are potential or real participants in the educational process. Regardless of his moral behavior, interests and education, an adult influences a child by the fact that he lives and acts. Moreover, adults influence the child when they realize the meaning and goals of their lives, feel responsible for their actions, and carry out their spiritual, moral and physical improvement.

The next participant in the educational process is the team. Children not only constantly participate in an adult team, but also create, unite themselves in teams. These are school, labor and amateur associations, public organizations, sports teams, household and game groups.

At the same time, adults contribute to the awareness of children of socially valuable goals and prospects for the development of collective life, the introduction of elements of moral, aesthetic and social requirements. The main link in the educational process is life situations that arise at three main levels.

First, at the level of the necessary, mandatory. Secondly, at the level of a free, selective kind of activity of the relation. And, thirdly, situations arise at the level of casual communication and relationships, temporary interests and responsibilities. The logic of the educational process lies in the obligatory appropriation by the younger generation of the social experience of the elders, which has been repeatedly confirmed by socio-historical practice.

The active nature of the child does not tolerate monotony and stagnation. The process of cognition of the surrounding reality for him is not limited to mental activity. Children learn the world with their whole being: intellect, feeling, intuition, in active creativity and communication.

Therefore, in order to include the child in the educational process and ensure the full functioning of all his cognitive forces, it is necessary to constantly alternate the organizational elements of activity within each educational form.

Then the educational process will appear as a harmony of interacting forms and types of activity: mental, physical, creative, entertaining, research.

5. National identity of education

It is necessary to instill in children a respectful attitude to the national feeling of people, to their history, language, values ​​of culture, art, to instill from birth love for their homeland, for the people around them.

Every nation has the right to its own political, spiritual, moral individuality, to some extent developed national autonomy and culture. All people experience the same feelings, rejoice and grieve in the same way, experience sad and happy moments in life in the same way, but they play different games, listen to different folk music, speak different languages, honor different customs.

Folk traditions, accumulating such moral categories as responsibility, duty, honor, conscience, tolerance, love, respect, empathy, the need for creative creative activity, are the most important means of educating children.

Scientific truths, according to K. D. Ushinsky, can be general, psychological techniques and methods obtained in different countries can be used by any people, but the education system as a whole for each people has its own, with its own national characteristics, it takes into account the specifics of the national character and creative forces of the various strata of the country.

Ushinsky wrote: "... education, created by the people themselves and based on popular principles, has that educational power that is not in the best systems based on abstract ideas ... Every historical nation is the most beautiful creation of God on earth, and education only needs to draw from this rich and pure spring."

Deeply believing in the originality of the Russian people, he warned against blind imitation of other nations. We must learn from the German nation a deep knowledge of the foundations of the sciences, an inclination towards abstract thinking.

The French nation forms such professions as engineer, technician. The Russian nation has created its own culture, its own language, its own folk song, from which a poet, musician, artist, philosopher, scientist draws his inspiration.

Ushinsky noted that in Western schools there are many correct conclusions, but also a lot of false and harmful advice. So, in the French nation, he does not accept brilliance and vanity, the desire to splurge. In German education, I do not agree with the statement that it is possible to be a great scientist and at the same time an immoral person. As a true teacher, he understood that none of the Western systems could be transferred to Russian soil. The criterion for the use of scientific knowledge in the creation of a national education system is nationality.

It is necessary to leave the matter of public education to the people themselves, to build education systems in accordance with the characteristics of the various nations in the country and the historical conditions of their life. It is necessary to appreciate the desire for national identity. Only through the knowledge of the uniqueness and spiritual wealth of others can one form an adequate self-esteem and determine one's own place in life.

6. Patterns and principles of education

For the practice of upbringing, it is most important to connect the effectiveness of the upbringing process with those of its components that influence the quality of upbringing by natural relationships. Efficiency depends on:

1) established educational relations. The impact on the personality is carried out through its attitude to everything around, and in the course of the educational process, the views and positions of the pupils are formed;

2) compliance with the goal and organization of actions that help to achieve this goal. If the organization, that is, the totality of relations, conditions, influences and methods of work, does not correspond to the goal, then the educational process does not succeed;

3) compliance with the rules and practices of social behavior;

4) the conditions in which a person is brought up;

5) the intensity of self-education;

6) the effectiveness of development and training;

7) the intensity and quality of relationships between the pupils themselves;

8) the intensity of the impact on the spiritual sphere of the pupil;

9) on the quality of educational influence.

Historical and world practice shows that the main goal of education is defined as the formation of a comprehensively developed person who is able to realize himself in modern society and increase cultural values ​​in the future. For the purpose of the harmonious development of a person, moral, mental, labor, physical, civil, and environmental education is carried out.

The teacher solves educational tasks, the effectiveness of which depends on many factors and conditions, on the sequence and logic of applying a set of methods. The principles of education can express the norms of human behavior necessary to enrich social experience; act as a specific task; help students evaluate and understand their own actions.

Forms of education can be in the form of orders, instructions, requests, hints in order to identify the student's interest, experience. Among the most important principles of education should be called the principle of humanization, which requires the creation of the most favorable conditions for the disclosure and development of the abilities of the individual, placing the upbringing of the child at the center of the pedagogical process, and the development of the personality itself.

The most important role in modern conditions is played by the principle of joint activity of the teacher, student and parents. In this case, a unified educational environment is created. Also important in pedagogy are the principles of the connection between the school and life, taking into account individual and age characteristics. It is especially necessary to note the role of the principle of reliance on the positive in a person, since the positive is not as well seen as the negative. It is especially important to notice this when working with "difficult" children.

The process of education is based on a number of interrelated principles and requires the educator to constantly display creativity; is based on the social orientation of education; based on the connection of education with life, work. The principles of education must be strictly put into practice. Among the principles there are no main ones, since they are all equivalent.

7. Pedagogical interaction in education

Interaction is interpreted in the "Concept of Secondary Education of the Russian Federation" as the idea of ​​a joint developmental activity of adults and children, sealed by mutual understanding, penetration into each other's spiritual world, and a joint analysis of this activity. An important place is occupied by the teacher-student relationship. In this case, the student cannot act as an object of the pedagogical process, and the teacher cannot act as a subject.

In interaction, cooperation, the student is the subject of his scientific activity. In this process, two subjects must act together, be partners, partners, none should stand above the other. Often teachers resort to authoritarian methods, believing that orders lead to the speedy achievement of desired goals.

In this style of communication, a high culture of relations, mutual assistance, genuine responsibility, and initiative are excluded. The "mastery" of dictate, the imposition of will has a negative effect on the relationship between the educator and the educated. In such an environment, the cult of strength, opportunism and hypocrisy will inevitably develop.

Mutual respect in everyday relationships should be manifested in caring, courtesy, in the mutual interest of the teacher and student. It is based on respect for the feelings of others. Arrogance, humiliation, insult, pride are unacceptable. The development of respect in communication reveals for the teacher the state of schoolchildren's respect for people, the skills of cultural and meaningful behavior. The pedagogical requirement should grow into mutual exactingness of children and teachers.

Demanding interaction encourages the child to perform duties, necessary norms and rules, strengthens socially valuable attitudes in his mind. Requirements bring discipline, responsibility, willpower.

Beliefs must be transformed in children into consciousness and conviction. The teacher should unobtrusively teach the child to convince, to express his point of view, and not to suppress, to give the opportunity to express his own views on things. To work, you need to create an atmosphere of goodwill that encourages frankness. The teacher should openly express sincere sympathy, listen carefully, strive to assist in solving the problems of the student. The child will definitely respond to such an understanding, and a particularly favorable climate of mutual disposition and sympathy will arise. As a result of the affirmation of mutual assistance, the educator learns about the deep state of mind of the children, their true way of thinking, moods and motives for behavior. Mutual understanding cannot be built without trust.

Pedagogical trust awakens the inner spiritual, moral strength of children, forms faith in the ideals and high morality of a person. It strengthens the relationship between teachers and children, children's trust in teachers. The trust of the educator makes the child highly value his opinion of himself. Methods and techniques of everyday communication, interaction and relationships of teachers with children, children among themselves are flexible and effective ways of multilateral interaction.

LECTURE No. 2. Patterns and principles of education

1. The personality of the educator

The personality of the educator plays an important role in education. The effectiveness of education is achieved when the educator is attentive to the educational process, constantly analyzing it and drawing the right conclusions. Authoritarian pedagogy has become the main reason for the alienation of pupils from educators.

Only on the revival of simple human feelings - love and mercy - should the process of education be built. Renowned Swiss educator Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi, according to his biographer, "he was kind to self-forgetfulness." The task of education, according to Pestalozzi, should be the development of a person's abilities in accordance with the laws of nature, that is, when "the heart wants to believe and love, and the mind wants to think."

The manner of work of a real teacher is distinguished by external simplicity with great internal depth; a wise, very selective attitude to the means of education, a skillful combination of old methods with new ones. A true master always thinks about the fact that the system of relations contributes to the development of the inclinations and abilities of children, creative, creative forces in the children's team.

The educational position should be delicate, inconspicuous, perhaps even hidden from the pupil. The educational process can be called art, which expresses the originality of the personality of the educator, his personality, character, his attitude towards the pupils. There is an opinion that only a talented person, a teacher from birth, can become a true master teacher.

There are other assertions: a mass profession cannot become the privilege of the especially gifted. Almost all people are endowed by nature itself with the qualities of educators. The task is to teach the pedagogical craft.

In this case, it is necessary to speak only about educational skills, about knowledge of the educational process. A. S. Makarenko believed that "the educator should behave in such a way that every movement educates him, and he must always know what he wants at the moment and what he does not want. If the educator does not know this, whom can he educate?"

The personality of the teacher also forms the aesthetic taste of the student. The appearance of the teacher, calm, confident speech, smooth, unhurried movements form the correct taste and norm of behavior in society in children.

Goethe wrote: "Taste cannot develop on mediocre things, but only on the best." Therefore, the teacher must have good taste and business qualities, so that the children form the image of a perfect teacher in everything. Competent speech is also a kind of contribution to aesthetic education.

A true teacher will always find a non-standard answer to any question, will be able to ignite, excite the student, increase his motivation. A real teacher achieves such an effect when education develops into self-education.

2. Principles of the educator

In pedagogical activity, the dependence of effectiveness on the nature of the value orientations of its subject is significant. The activity of the teacher is the level of realization of values ​​in education.

Value Orientations - these are the ideological, political, moral, aesthetic grounds for evaluating the surrounding reality, realized by the student. The structure of the teacher's value orientations is reflected in the stable phrases of a number of moral categories: pedagogical duty, pedagogical tact.

When they talk about duty, they mean the hyperactivity of a person, his ability to go beyond the limits of his usual behavior. A teacher in this or that situation is a person who is able to demonstrate in a form accessible to the pupil a way to overcome the circumstances of this situation in harmony between the personal and the public.

The teacher must create conditions for the pupil, allowing him to discover, realize the potentials of his development at this stage and under these circumstances. The teacher is obliged to direct efforts to maintain and develop the human in the student.

The concept of pedagogical tact lies in the fact that pedagogical activity is constantly in contact with the requirements for the pupil, with the evaluation of his activities.

The main requirement for a teacher is the presence of his pedagogical professional qualities. stand out main skill groups:

1) organizational - are manifested in the ability to plan and carry out work, to unite students;

2) didactic - the ability to select visual material, present it convincingly, increase cognitive activity, etc.;

3) perceptive - manifested in the ability to penetrate into the spiritual world of students, to objectively assess their emotional state;

4) communicative - in the teacher's ability to establish appropriate relationships with the student, their parents, colleagues;

5) suggestive abilities lie in the emotional-volitional influence on trainees;

6) research abilities, manifested in the ability to know and objectively evaluate pedagogical situations and processes;

7) scientific and educational, reduced to the ability to assimilate scientific knowledge and the chosen field.

The leading abilities include pedagogical vigilance (observation), didactic, organizational, expressive; the rest are related.

The professionally necessary qualities of a teacher are endurance and self-control. A. S. Makarenko pointed out that a teacher without brakes is a spoiled, uncontrollable machine.

Emotional sensitivity - the necessary requirement of the educator.

The essential quality of a teacher - justice. The authority of the teacher strengthens his ability to be objective. The teacher must be demanding and have a sense of humor. Anything that allows you to create a positive emotional umbrella in the classroom makes the student look at himself and the situation from the comic side.

3. Personal approach as a principle of education

The problem of cognition of the personality of the student by the educator is very relevant at the present stage. Even K. D. Ushinsky emphasized that pedagogy should educate a person, relying on his knowledge in all respects.

The problem of cognition is closely connected with humanistic tendencies, which today form the core of the educational process.

Cognition is more manifested in communication, the effectiveness of which largely depends on how fully and adequately the educator reflects the personality of the pupil. The effectiveness of pedagogical activity depends on the depth of the study of a person's personality. A number of studies have shown that educators with a low level of performance perceive only the highest figure, but do not delve into the true goals and motives.

At the same time, teachers of a high level of productivity are able to identify the leading goals and motives of behavior, objectivity of judgments, etc. In the process of learning the student's personality by the teacher, a stereotyping mechanism is formed. The following stereotype is often widespread among educators: those children who cannot passively respond to comments and sit in class are considered "unfavorable" children.

And children who willingly obey the educator are usually not classified as "difficult".

Any stereotypes affect perception when we know little about a person. In the process of observing the behavior of children in various situations, communicating with them at school and after school hours, personality assessment becomes more objective and individualized.

Empathy plays a special role in the process of cognition of the personality of students by the teacher - the ability to experience, which leads to an increase in the objectivity of the perception of the "other" and the establishment of positive relationships with students. The manifestation of empathy is especially important in working with "difficult" adolescents, most of whom experience sympathy with positive emotional contacts.

In some cases, the inability to show empathy, combined with low pedagogical professionalism, exacerbates the process of negative development of the adolescent's personality.

The adequacy, completeness and depth of knowledge of the student's personality largely depends on the teacher's ability to overcome egocentrism, take the student's place and look at the situation through his eyes.

The development of a person as a person must necessarily include the development of intelligence, emotional sphere, self-confidence, a positive attitude towards the world and acceptance of others, independence, self-improvement. The essence of the individual approach is to go not from the subject to the child, but from the possibilities that the child has.

This requires the rejection of orientation to the average student, the search for the best personality traits, knowledge of interests, character traits, features of the thought process, taking into account personality characteristics in the educational process, and the creation of individual personality development programs.

4. The combination of personal and social areas of education

The upbringing of a child should be aimed at comprehending the unity of the human race and oneself as its unique part. The individual consciousness of children is formed within the existing forms of social consciousness.

The most important form of social consciousness, which is a system of ideas, views that explain the picture and phenomena of the world, in a specific historical period. Morality and morality regulate the relations of people in society on the basis of public opinion, which from the moment a child is born becomes the content of education. Moral education is carried out in the course of everyday and moral relations and leads to the formation of a child's habitual moral consciousness, actions to develop the ability of moral thinking and responsible choice.

The external criterion of moral behavior is the fulfillment of the requirements of public opinion. The internal criterion is conscience - a heightened feeling that causes in a person either a state of moral satisfaction, or feelings of repentance and anxiety - depending on the nature of his act.

The legal education of the younger generation involves the introduction into the minds of children of the idea of ​​the inadmissibility of neglecting the norms of morality. Moral behavior coincides with the requirements of the law, immoral conduct leads to its violation. Legal education in everyday relations consists in a deep sense of citizenship, pride in one's state, respect for the laws.

Scientific knowledge is one of the most important components of the content of education as a social phenomenon. The child gradually masters a system of objectively reliable, practice-tested knowledge and skills that are necessary when choosing a profession and receiving special education.

Scientific education is carried out in the process of real cognition and consists in the development of the personality, the formation of a child's creative, analytical attitude to society and phenomena, the ability to set and achieve desired goals, build a system of evidence, model and predict. Art is also an important part of the content of the social orientation of education.

Art history education consists in the systematic accumulation of knowledge, both about the works of art themselves and about research on these works.

Art education forms aesthetic perception, develops artistic taste, creativity, and also contributes to the civil and spiritual and moral development of the individual. Religion - another form of social consciousness, which reflects and explains the phenomena of nature and society on the basis of religious belief.

Religious education is carried out in the organization of emotional and irrational relations and objects of worship and believers among themselves. It leads to the formation of belief in certain dogmas and is often the core of conflict between different faiths. Education according to its purpose ensures a constant change of generations, continuity between them by transferring the experience of social life through the organization of activities and communication of children.

5. Reliance on positive parenting

A personal approach involves the formation of a positive concept in the child. To do this, it is necessary to see in each student a unique personality, respect it, understand it; create a situation of success, support, goodwill for the individual; provide opportunities to realize themselves in positive activities. No effective pedagogical interaction with a child is possible without taking into account the peculiarities of his motivation.

Under motivation it is necessary to understand the internal motives of the individual to a particular type of activity. Needs, ideals, interests, beliefs, values ​​can act as motives.

Highlight motives internal и external. If for a person the activity is significant in itself, then they talk about intrinsic motivation. If the needs are significant, they talk about external motives. External motives can be positive and negative. External positive motives are more effective than negative ones. The stimulating role of success lies in the fact that it can act as a kind of impetus in the restructuring of attitudes towards activity.

A sense of satisfaction, joy causes the desire to overcome difficulties. The desire to repeat the positive result of the work.

It is important to awaken and support the desire for success in students, to create in them internal attitudes towards a successful result of work, and to consolidate positive achievements. Using success to stimulate a positive attitude of students to activities requires, first of all, a positive psychological attitude of the teacher. For this, the organizational and communicative abilities of the teacher are creatively refracted. Such an attitude changes the student's attitude to the subject in a positive direction, causes a desire for active educational work. The success of the activity is fixed by showing the achievements and results of the activity, efforts, independence, diligent reflection, diligence, accuracy, etc.

Praise for success encourages readiness to move forward with new efforts. Success in educational and extracurricular activities is an effective means of self-affirmation of students. High positive motivation can play the role of a compensatory factor in case of insufficiently high special abilities or insufficient stock of the required knowledge, skills and abilities in students.

The correct identification of professional interests and inclinations is an important predictor of job satisfaction in the future. It is also necessary to create a positive educational background. A calm, business environment, where everyone is busy with their own business, no one interferes with each other, where the walls are educating, because everything in the interior is thought out to the smallest detail, cannot but have a beneficial effect.

Pedagogically, it is always beneficial to rely on the positive interests of pupils (cognitive, love for animals, etc.), with the help of which many problems of labor, moral, and aesthetic education can be solved.

6. Unity of educational influences

The upbringing of the younger generations is carried out through their mastering the basic elements of social experience, in the process and as a result of their involvement by the older generation in social relations in social activities and in the system of communication. Social relations and influences and interactions that all people, both adults and children, enter into among themselves, are both educational and educative. The basis of the content of education as a social phenomenon is the development of production experience and skills for work. Scientific pedagogy establishes a connection between education and productive labor.

In the history of society, education was assigned the role of a vital means of shaping the personality, and then it was completely discounted. In fact, the role of education in social life depends on the state of society, and, above all, on production relations. Upbringing alone is not capable of significantly changing a person and society.

Only in the conditions of a humane, democratic society will all social relations, including production ones, contribute to the spiritual and value filling and harmonious development of the social functions of education. Education, forming a harmonious, comprehensively developed person, will influence and improve the nature of industrial relations. Language plays a great role in the life of society.

Education and language, by their means, carry out communication and prepare the future generation for life. This reveals the unity of language and education: the language provides the pedagogical process, and education - the continuity of the language for the improvement of a person in its application. Language occupies a leading place in relation to education. He acts both as the custodian of social experience, various kinds of information, and as the main instrument for transmitting this information from one generation to another.

The family plays a huge role in the educational process, since it is the fundamental social unit of society, and the effectiveness of education, the nature of life and the productivity of various teams depend on its moral and physical health.

A healthy family is inextricably linked with many groups: labor, school, kindergarten, out-of-school institutions, organizations at the place of residence, various public organizations, and other families. The wider and deeper the family's connection with other groups, the more meaningful and interesting its life becomes and the stronger its position in the system of social relations.

The effectiveness of upbringing in a family largely depends on how it perceives itself as a part of society, a civic cell participating in the active renewal of life. The family must rise to the highest social ideals, interests and demands in civil and moral relations. A child will grow up as a man and a citizen if the moral climate of the family is in harmony with the moral atmosphere in society. Every citizen in the conditions of the renewal of society is obliged to be with children at the level of highly moral requirements for a person, then the result of education is as a consequence of this life.

LECTURE No. 3. The concept of educational systems

1. The system of methods of education

In the structure of the pedagogical process, the most important place is occupied by the system of methods of education.

Method - a certain way to achieve the goal. On the other hand, a method is understood as a system of actions and operations of theoretical and practical understanding of reality.

Considering education in a general education school, it can be noted that for a teacher, mastering reality is the ability to manage the course of the educational process and build it expediently in accordance with the logic and patterns of development.

If education in our ideas is a specific activity of a teacher, then the method is a specific "tool of labor" that transforms the educational process in some direction.

Then the method of education will be presented as a set of actions of the teacher, which are aimed at solving a specific problem, as well as a system of actions, without which a direct participant in the educational process (student) will not be able to realize himself as a person.

In any method of education, the teacher must understand what results can be achieved using this method, what are the reasons for building this particular set of actions.

Note that the method also cannot be implemented without preliminary and careful consideration of the necessary means and ways to achieve the desired result.

With the help of auxiliary questions, the teacher gradually and step by step ensures the deployment of the process of education in time. The system of actions of the teacher, which is a structural unit of the method of education, has two sides:

1) material and organizational - means and forms of influence on the student;

2) socio-psychological - the position and methods of the teacher.

Each teacher has certain means of education. Under means of education one should understand any subject, phenomenon, process that concentrates the main achievements of human culture, available for use for pedagogical purposes. In a particular case, a book, a word, a game, knowledge, work can act as a means of education. Universal means are called activity and communication. When constructing his own system of actions, the educator must provide for a certain choice of means that will provide the material basis for the method of education. And with the help of these material resources Participants in the educational process can interact with each other in various forms:

1) individual;

2) group;

3) collective;

4) frontal.

The socio-pedagogical side of a certain system of actions includes the position of the teacher, which may be different. The teacher can act as an organizer, consultant, direct performer, spectator, etc. Any interaction between people is accompanied by deep psychological processes. The teacher must take them into account.

2. Methods of personality formation

This category of upbringing methods is closely related to child psychology, since the correct formation of the personality of an individual child is impossible without a clear understanding of the specific features of the child's psyche.

By using a positive example, you can implement a variety of educational tasks. In the process of education, one should not be limited to such techniques as imitation and copying.

The goal of any educator should be the individual, unique development of each personality. This can be realized only if the example stimulates the development of conscious behavior, creative activity and independence in students. A certain requirement of the educator can act as a positive incentive for the student. Moreover, the form of this requirement again depends on the individual characteristics of the individual student.

For a student with a poor memory, the requirement may be presented in the form of a reminder of some responsibilities. Or another student who suffers from a lack of intelligence needs to hint at the sequence of actions in time, etc. It is possible for the teacher to express his demand in a categorical form.

A prerequisite for this method is taking into account age characteristics, character and observance of pedagogical tact. For the correct formation and development of the individual qualities of a student, a game is sometimes used as a method of education. But only in the case when the game encourages creative activity.

In order to educate positive qualities in the process of personality formation, a teacher can artificially create a pedagogical situation (assumptions, uncertainties, conflicts, refutations, etc.). This technique can be used to overcome fear, shyness, optionality, inattention, lack of performance, etc.

Even the most perfect and thought out to the smallest detail method of education cannot give positive results if the following features are not taken into account:

1) individual characteristics of schoolchildren;

2) age;

3) educational level;

4) a certain situation;

5) the totality of the method with the entire system of influence that is exerted on the child by adults.

The success of the upbringing process directly depends on how correctly and expediently the teacher uses this or that means, method or method of influencing schoolchildren in his own activities.

Also the most important is the condition for the inclusion of funds in the general system of education of the school team. In addition, the means, methods and techniques used in each individual case must exactly correspond to the tasks and goals of education.

One should not think that the choice of upbringing methods is an arbitrary pedagogical act. There is a subordination of this choice to various laws and dependencies, among which the goal, content and principles of education are of paramount importance.

3. Incentive methods

To methods of stimulation include the following: competition; encouragement; punishment; OK; censure; pedagogical requirement; perspective setting.

Such a method of education competition can help the educator to see and correctly, at its true worth, evaluate the capabilities of each child.

Knowing the potential abilities of each individual student makes it possible to outline a reasonable perspective in the further development of abilities, which should be within the power of this child.

So the competition in the school team brings up the will and character of the student. Under encouraging in education, they understand the pedagogical impact on an individual child or on a team, during which the teacher gives a positive assessment of the actions or behavior of the student or the team as a whole. Note that the basis for such an encouragement should be the fulfillment of the requirements of the team. Encouragement should be proof of the fact that the team in which a person lives, works and studies is completely satisfied with his activities.

The school team can consolidate the skills of the correct behavior of the student or eradicate the negative properties of his behavior. Therefore, encouragement will help to stimulate the student (or the whole team) to strive for excellence in behavior and actions.

Punishment in the pedagogical sense of the word - suggestion to the student that the teacher (or in the general case the team) is dissatisfied with the student's behavior, attitude to school affairs, his specific actions. With the help of punishment, the teacher gets a unique opportunity to correct the child's behavior and make the cause and content of his mistake accessible to him. This pedagogical technique generally causes students to experience (quite unpleasant for the child's psyche) and a sense of shame.

Approval Methods and condemnation should be used only by an experienced teacher, since they require the manifestation of great tact and skill. Note that it is precisely as a result of a violation of tact or insufficiency of pedagogical skills that most often conflict situations arise in the classroom. Setting the perspective (tomorrow, near, middle or far) is the definition of the student's life goal.

This pedagogical technique makes it possible to concentrate all the efforts of the teacher on the positive development of the personality of an individual student. Any pedagogical requirement must result from a sufficient mastery of pedagogical tact. Pedagogical tact in our ideas is knowledge of the individual and age characteristics of a person, benevolence and attention to the child. Approval, praise, condemnation, censure are ethical means of correcting the behavior of schoolchildren. They should not be combined with methods of encouragement and punishment.

The expediency and effectiveness of the pedagogical process will directly depend on how correctly the main positive incentives are combined with the coercive nature of the methods.

4. Methods of behavior formation

Education methods in pedagogy they call methods of pedagogical influence on an individual in order to form their consciousness and behavior. Considerable difficulties in the typology and classification of upbringing methods create their diversity and variable nature. Therefore, scientists-teachers practically conventionally divide upbringing methods into the following groups:

1) methods of formation of consciousness of the personality;

2) methods of organizing activities and forming the experience of social behavior;

3) methods of stimulating behavior and activities;

4) control methods;

5) methods of self-assessment in education.

Methods of formation of behavior. To This group of methods includes methods of various influences on the consciousness of each individual child, the manifestation of feelings, the will of students in order to form certain views and beliefs on specific things. The forms that the teacher uses in this group of methods can be the following: clarification; suggestion; story; conversation; extracurricular reading; belief.

Any upbringing inherently changes the personality in accordance with the goals. Education leads to the emergence of thoughts, feelings, emotions, needs, which in turn induce certain actions. This means that in the process of educating schoolchildren, it is necessary to be careful not to touch the initiatives and original characteristics of schoolchildren with pedagogical pressure, to shape their behavior.

We will consider the basis of the process of formation of personal behavior, first of all, the experience that is acquired in everyday life and activities, in relationships with adults and peers. It should be understood that education should not begin and end only with the personal experience of the student himself.

The most important factor is also how a person perceives, comprehends and evaluates this life experience. The main thing is the totality of the hidden work of human consciousness. However, only the personal experience of an individual student cannot form a complete picture of education.

It is important to connect the moral and social experience of all mankind to the personal experience of an individual character. All of the above shows the structure of the behavior formation method, which can be implemented only with the help of verbal influence, which in turn is organized by the teacher. The very concept of education can be interpreted in different ways. Education is something else than the training of students in correct actions and actions.

Under the exercise in the broadest sense of the word understand the organization of life, reasonable, with a specific purpose, versatile activities of students. In addition, this also includes accustoming schoolchildren to the implementation of standard norms and rules of behavior of human society.

The main task of education and this particular method is the formation of character. Character - a set of innate inclinations and acquired life habits and beliefs. Of particular importance are educational exercises in activities.

5. The concept of educational systems

Under forms of education We will understand the various ways of organizing the educational process. During the centuries-old practice of education, a great many such forms have developed.

Classification of forms of education:

1) individual (for example, an individual conversation on an ethical topic);

2) group (collections, meetings, class hours, etc.);

3) mass (evenings of rest, reader's conferences, military sports games, competitions, etc.).

At the present stage of the development of pedagogical thought in educational institutions, various group and mass forms of educational work are becoming increasingly important. If we consider this aspect in relation to the conditions of work in a secondary school, then the data are various forms of extracurricular work in the subject area (for example, the work of a circle), forms of a general educational nature (according to a specific work plan of the class teacher).

From the experience of previous generations of teachers at school, one can see that the greatest educational effect comes from the observance of the following mandatory requirements for the organization of extracurricular educational work:

1) the content of the lesson must be made scientific (if we are talking about a lesson related to the development of cognitive interests and abilities of children), politically expressed, taking into account the interests and age characteristics of students, correspond to a certain level of preparation and development of children;

2) as a rule, the volume of extracurricular activities does not exceed 45 minutes; however, there may be sessions lasting 15-20 minutes. These include conversations, hours of entertaining physics, chemistry, mathematics, etc. Evenings, debates, reader conferences in high school can take place at a time that completely eliminates overload of students, their duration is 1,5-2 hours;

3) any extracurricular activity is prepared with the participation of the students themselves and the class asset. At the same time, it is necessary to teach schoolchildren the methods of organizing extracurricular activities;

4) the methodology for conducting extracurricular activities should be different from the lesson: more independence is provided to the students themselves - they make presentations, demonstrate experiments, etc. It is necessary to structure the lesson in such a way as to arouse the interest of schoolchildren, using elements of the game, competition;

5) it is important to be able to correctly assess the work of students, correctly sum up the results of the lesson, so that students have a sense of satisfaction with their work, a desire to do other work. When evaluating the activities of the team, it is important to remember about the individual assessment of the activities of each;

6) any extracurricular activity must be prepared on the basis of a plan that has been thought out and approved by the teacher in advance. The action plan must be coordinated with the school administration, because this is associated with the allocation of premises and the invasion of the student's regime;

7) the educational effect of the event will be quite high if the student himself shows personal interest and attention to it, if he approaches him with creativity and invention.

6. Socially oriented education

At the present stage of development of pedagogical science, the concept of "social education" has come into scientific use, which is carried out depending on the needs of society. In the expanded sense of the word, social education includes all types of education: moral, labor, physical, etc. The main task of social education is to form a person who is ready to perform the social functions of a working person and citizen.

By socialization we mean a continuous and versatile process that continues throughout a person's life. It should be noted that the process under consideration proceeds most intensively in childhood and adolescence, when almost all basic value orientations are laid down, the main social norms and deviations accepted in human society are assimilated, and the motivation for social behavior is formed.

The environment directly interacts with the process of the child's socialization, its formation and development, and the formation of the student's personality.

This environment has a decisive influence on this process through a variety of social factors. Social pedagogy considers society, the social environment, primarily from the point of view of the process of including the student in it through the nearest social environment, in society as a whole. This social environment is closest to a single individual, and its development occurs consistently and gradually.

After birth, an infant ideally develops in a family environment, but the older a person becomes, the more diverse new societies enter his life. Here are some examples of such communities:

1) preschool institutions;

2) school institutions, lyceums, gymnasiums;

3) companies of friends;

4) discos;

5) student environment;

6) the environment of the working team.

With age, the social "territory" mastered by a small person expands more and more. The child is in constant search of the environment that is extremely comfortable for him, where people understand him better, treat him with great respect, etc.

In the process of socio-pedagogical development, it is of great importance what attitudes form different types of society in which a person is located, what kind of social baggage a child can accumulate in that environment (positive or negative).

The environment is not just a street, houses and things that are located in such a way that, entering this environment, you feel comfortable and safe there.

On the other hand, the environment is also a diverse community of people, which are characterized by a peculiar system of relations and rules that applies to all members of this community. The most important component of the process of socialization of the individual is the assimilation of various social roles.

The main difficulty lies in the existence of opposite statuses in society: from those approved by it to those that are contrary to social norms and values. Thus, in the process of formation and development, the child can master both positive and negative social roles.

7. Ethics of the educational process

One of the main tasks of both preschool and school age is the formation of the moral foundations of the individual. Today, scientists and teachers are trying to recognize and establish the priority of universal human values, moral education over intellectual development. In today's modern life, full of cruelty, commercialization in the spiritual sphere, there is a gradual erosion of moral standards in the upbringing of a schoolchild. And the only support in this situation is the moral criteria of life. It is possible to implement them by including in the educational process the system of education of ethical culture, which is based on the principles of humanism and universal values.

The purpose of ethical educational affairs is to help the child discover the world around him, to form in him concrete ideas about the norms of relations between people, about himself as one of the representatives of the human race, about people, about their feelings, rights and obligations. The child's attention to himself, understanding of his essence, understanding that he is a person, awareness of his capabilities will help the student learn to see other people, understand their actions, feelings, thoughts, he will form certain moral motives of behavior with which he , in turn, will be guided in their actions.

Each teacher independently selects cognitive tasks based on modern requirements for teaching students:

1) giving training a developmental character;

2) ensuring maximum activity of children in the process of learning;

3) an integration approach to the content and methods of organizing the pedagogical process;

4) the role of the teacher;

5) designing by the teacher of the pedagogical process in accordance with the individual capabilities of the developing personality.

For young schoolchildren, the ethical education program is as follows:

1) the formation of children's ideas about the existing norms of relations between people;

2) mastering the forms of greeting, address, expression of request;

3) instilling basic behavioral skills in the theater, public transport, at a party;

4) fostering a careful attitude to things, toys, books;

5) cultivating the ability to speak calmly, attentively, and listen intently to the interlocutor;

6) enrichment of children's vocabulary;

7) development of children's attention, thinking, creative imagination;

8) creating conditions for the child to realize his feelings, sensations, experiences.

For older students, this program looks a little different:

1) the formation of a culture of communication, behavior, ethical ideas among schoolchildren;

2) development of the ability to adapt to people, interact with them;

3) education of the most important communicative qualities and skills;

4) development of the ability to sympathize with people, empathize with people, animals, surrounding objects, plants;

5) consolidation of behavior skills in public places;

6) activation of the vocabulary of children, development of imagination, thinking - the qualities of a creative person;

7) search for ways to cooperate with the parents of students to achieve the results of the work on this program.

LECTURE No. 4. The system of forms and methods of education

1. Moral education

Today, Russian society is in moral turmoil, and we can constantly observe the disharmony of social relations and value priorities. In such a situation, the most important task is to find an incentive basis for restoring the moral forces of society and applying efforts to ethically verified guidelines for educating the growing generation. What can the school and the teacher do in this case?

First of all, one should think about the organic inclusion in the system of the educational process of objects of educational significance, which are aimed at shaping the value orientations of students, the humanistic basis of their life, moral relations to the world around them, loved ones and to themselves.

Here we consider the essential importance of the lessons of ethics, the necessity of which is dictated by life itself with its social upheavals and violated morality. Modern children are morally disoriented and need ethical lessons-dialogues about the most important issues of human existence and the meaning of life. For these dialogues with a growing and undecided person, it is important to mobilize the possible efforts of teachers and professional search so that they become in demand and significant for students. We will be able to observe how rich the educational potential of such lessons is if they are introduced into the practice of an educational institution.

Этика - the field of human activity, aimed at the internal improvement of the individual, this is the science of the moral life of a person. In ethics, a living attitude to living life is manifested. Considering a person and life as the highest value, we are moving towards the fact that this will become the content of the ethics course at school, which in turn will create the basis of ethical culture in the younger generation.

The structural components of the system of ethical education developed and widely used in pedagogical practice have an expanded range of moral effects on students, cover all aspects of school life: the lesson, the space between classes, and extracurricular activities. They, interacting, create pedagogical prerequisites for the formation and development of the ethical culture of students.

The journal "Ethical education" is the most important methodological guide, focused on the integrated use of the system of education of ethical culture. An example of the development of moral habits in the younger generation can be ethics lesson in school. There are three points of view on the question of whether such a lesson should become a compulsory subject at school:

1) the first point of view boils down to the opinion that such a subject in schools is vital;

2) supporters of the second point of view believe that the family should be engaged in education. Indeed, such a lesson is important, but it is used only as an elective. Or holding a class hour on the topic "Ethics" by the class teacher;

3) teaching ethics is useless. Lessons at school should be completely different content.

2. Aesthetic education

Aesthetic education - this is the upbringing of feelings, ideals, striving for beauty. The main objectives of aesthetic education are the following:

1) development of the ability to see and evaluate beauty;

2) to understand the beautiful, harmonious;

3) to consider their behavior and their own actions from the point of view of aesthetic ideas.

Aesthetic education can be divided into categories called aesthetic:

1) beautiful and ugly;

2) tragic and comic;

3) high and low.

Each of the categories is subject to historical changes. Absolutely certain universal human values ​​are invariable. Ignorance or not attaching importance to this leads to tragic consequences, such as the absence or weak development of aesthetic taste, the absorption and use of low-quality and obscene (from the point of view of aesthetics) products, inability, unwillingness and lack of interest in understanding full-fledged art, music, works of great masters . Types or means in aesthetic education are called nature, art, the surrounding reality, human labor, etc.

There is an opinion that a lesson held on a forest lawn, by a cold stream, will undoubtedly give a much more positive effect in terms of ethical education. Communication with art multiplies and develops the emotional world of education.

Art is one of the universal and optimal means of comprehending history. In aesthetic education, the following chain can be traced: having achieved success in one of the genres of art (painting, music, literature, etc.), there is an interest in comprehending other genres.

Many famous people (M. V. Lomonosov, M. Yu. Lermontov, A. S. Pushkin) had talents in various fields of scientific knowledge. From this we can conclude that the environment of the child from childhood enters his subconscious and determines his further internal abilities. This is the interior, the architectural appearance of cities, the actions of people, relationships, the music that parents listen to, etc.

Aesthetic education is implemented in general educational and out-of-school institutions. Let's consider some interesting experiments of similar implementations:

1) the school of joy - a variant of the ideal combination of extracurricular and educational work (M. Shchetinin);

2) art, music and general education schools have unified governing bodies, with the help of this, ideal consistency is achieved in the schedule of classes, as well as in the content of the work as a whole (Belgorod rural schools-complexes).

In standard educational schools, such subjects as literature, fine arts, and music are called upon to develop the spiritual world of the student. However, for the full comprehensive development of the spiritual essence, a more harmonious coordinated system is needed, which, unfortunately, has not yet been implemented in typical schools.

3. Physical education

By physical education we will understand a multilateral pedagogical process, which is aimed at organizing active cognitive, educational, physical culture and health-improving activities of schoolchildren. This activity is aimed at:

1) strengthening the need for certain sports in general and physical culture in particular;

2) development of physical strength and health;

3) development of sanitary and hygienic skills;

4) solving problems of comprehensive harmonious development of personality.

In a standard general education school, certain means and methods of teaching are used in the process of physical education. The main teaching methods include:

1) methods of the word - explanation, story, indication, command, analysis, etc.;

2) demonstration methods - live demonstration by the teacher or student and display of visual aids. Visual aids include films, various schemes, drawings, filmograms, etc.;

3) exercise methods - this is, as a rule, practical implementation, i.e. performing the exercise as a whole or in individual parts;

4) methods of persuasion - explanations and a positive example of the leader of the group;

5) methods of approval - selection "from the general crowd" of the most distinguished students, various incentives: from verbal positive characteristics to the presentation of commemorative letters.

In the centuries-old history of pedagogical thought, a great variety of different forms of out-of-class and out-of-school work in physical education has arisen and is successfully developing. However, among them are the most effective and interesting.

The most effective, of course, can be considered those that, in addition to the interest of students, also cause a significant healing effect. These forms of physical education include:

1) various sections;

2) interclass, interschool and city sports competitions;

3) hiking trips;

4) various paramilitary games;

5) sports evenings dedicated to various topics.

According to Pierre de Coubertin, the latter include evenings with the Olympic theme "Olympics are not only for Olympians" or the holding of any competition under the following motto "Winning is not important, but participation is important."

In a single comprehensive school, one should approach the issue of organizing various sports sections and circles very seriously. Here there is a clear dependence of sectional diversity on the interest of schoolchildren in physical culture and sports.

The student finds a separate sport for himself the most acceptable, he develops an interest in sports in general and thus stimulates a positive attitude towards other sports. The teacher of physical culture should pay special attention to the students during the delivery of the standards required for each quarter.

It is at this time that students can be identified who are interested in expressing themselves in certain forms of exercises. In the future, the development of the physical abilities of these children will allow them to take part in various competitions.

4. Environmental programs in the education system

Tasks of environmental education from the standpoint of environmental pedagogy. The general task of ecological education is the formation of the ecological consciousness of the individual. In accordance with the three substructures of environmental consciousness, this general task is concretized at the level of the three main tasks of environmental education.

1. Formation of adequate ecological ideas. This system of ideas allows the individual to know what and how is happening in the natural world and between man and nature, and how to act from the point of view of environmental expediency.

From the standpoint of ecological pedagogy, it is through the substructure of ideas that the psychological involvement in the world of nature, which is characteristic of an ecological personality, is formed to the greatest extent.

Thus, the main guideline in solving this problem of environmental education is the formation of an individual's understanding of the unity of man and nature, which contributes to the emergence of her psychological involvement in the natural world.

2. Formation of attitude towards nature. In itself, the presence of environmental knowledge does not guarantee the environmentally appropriate behavior of the individual, this also requires an appropriate attitude towards nature. It determines the nature of the goals of interaction with nature, its motives, the willingness to choose certain strategies of behavior, in other words, it stimulates to act from the point of view of environmental expediency.

From the standpoint of environmental pedagogy, it is through the substructure of relations that the subjective nature of the perception of natural objects, which is characteristic of an environmentally friendly person, is formed to the greatest extent.

Therefore, the main guideline in solving this problem of environmental education is the formation of a subjective modality of a subjective attitude towards nature in an individual.

3. Formation of a system of skills (technologies) of interaction with nature. In order to act in an ecologically expedient way, a person must be able to do this: both understanding and striving will not be enough if he cannot implement them in the system of his actions.

The development of appropriate technologies and the choice of the right strategies make it possible to act from the point of view of environmental expediency.

From the standpoint of ecological pedagogy, it is through the substructure of strategies and technologies of interaction with nature that the desire for non-pragmatic interaction with it, which is characteristic of the individual, is most formed.

Therefore, the main guideline in solving this problem of environmental education is the organization of such an activity of the individual, in the process of which the development of non-pragmatic strategies and appropriate technologies for interacting with nature takes place.

Defining the essence of environmental education, one can single out an essential feature of this process - a stepwise nature, which in turn is divided into duration, complexity, spasmodicity, and activity.

5. Labor education

Under labor education the school understands the formation of industriousness in children, a conscious and conscientious attitude to work, deep respect for working people, the formation of labor and professional skills, the development of work skills, both physical and mental. Labor is the first vital necessity. Therefore, in general education schools, great importance should be attached to the thorough preparation of schoolchildren for the performance of available types of professional activity. At the present stage of development of school education, the system of labor education of students has been quite fully developed. This system contains the following major components:

1) educational work;

2) mastering the basics of polytechnic knowledge and skills in the study of academic disciplines;

3) labor education directly at labor lessons;

4) additional classes in the school workshops of especially distinguished and interested schoolchildren;

5) labor education of children in the family.

Educational labor education consists of the following types of work for schoolchildren:

1) work with educational and reference literature;

2) carrying out laboratory work;

3) observations;

4) measurements and calculations of laboratory work;

5) mastering the skills of independent work at school;

6) independent homework.

As for polytechnical knowledge and skills, they are formed directly in the process of completing assignments and studying basic sciences and specialized technical subjects.

The general foundations of industry and production are studied in such lessons as physics, chemistry, biology, etc. Here, the fundamental provisions underlying the operation of machines, apparatus, and instruments are introduced into consideration. In addition, the mastery of schoolchildren the main phenomena that are embedded in the technological processes.

Labor education in a secondary general education school in labor classes continues from the first to the eleventh grade.

At labor lessons, students are consistently and gradually instilled with elementary handicraft techniques, which are sometimes vital for any person. In addition, the mastery of schoolchildren from grades 5-6 is the most important skills in processing wood, metal, and plastic.

In modern society, the younger generation must have knowledge of the necessary skills of electrical work and various types and forms of household appliances. In the highest grades, the labor education of schoolchildren is becoming an increasingly complex and differentiated structure. After all, it is at this age that students acquire a fairly thorough pre-professional training. In labor classes in grades 10-11, labor education and training has the following structure:

1) technical labor;

2) service labor;

3) agricultural labor.

The family environment should help to ensure that domestic work for the child is the basis of labor education. According to the content, work in the family is divided into:

1) self-service work;

2) care for younger family members;

3) caring for sick relatives;

4) housekeeping.

LECTURE No. 5. Pedagogical interaction in education

1. Understanding the child and his essence

Understanding the essence of the development of the child's psyche and the nature of dependence on learning has come a difficult way. The recognition of the main role of the school in the improvement of natural data was recognized by Comenius, and then this recognition in various variations is repeated over several centuries. On the other hand, age periodization is an elementary form of ascertaining the changes that are characteristic of the psyche of any growing person. Note that these two positions have been separated from each other for a long time. The following concepts were underdeveloped:

1) development of age periodization;

2) specification of the role of education in the development of the child;

3) study of the development process.

Consideration of the dependence of the correlation and nature of the connection between learning and development later became the subject of special consideration, and representatives of various psychological trends gave their own versions of the formulation and attempts to solve this problem. The complete opposite of the idealistic and naturalistic concepts of the human psyche L. S. Vygotsky put forward a position about its socio-historical conditionality. It was he who owned the idea that the basis of the study of human psychology is a historical approach.

Proceeding from this, it can be noted that one should look for a direct "source of the historical evolution of behavior" in the social environment to which the child belongs. Vygotsky defended his own position, relying on the general concept and results of his research. He believed that the development of the child's psyche has a social nature, and the source of this development is cooperation and learning. Here are some provisions of this concept:

1) the development of the child's psyche has a social nature;

2) training and development are a complex and contradictory unity.

Most of Vygotsky's ideas were directly influenced by the Marxist-Leninist doctrine of child development. If we proceed from this assumption, then the construction of the educational process on those mental functions that have not yet matured (according to Vygotsky), turns out to be in contradiction with the existing, sufficiently unfolded stage of development of each child. The approach of the human mind to a single thing taken is an indication of the unity of opposites and their bifurcation, of the zigzag development of thinking and fantasy.

Thus, the attempt to understand the child opens up a real way for researchers to study thinking. L. S. Vygotsky wrote that the most important factor is self-development. Without self-development, there can be no development, since one concept gradually replaces the other, but at the same time they do not depend on each other. The ideas of L. S. Vygotsky, in an attempt to "absolutely understand" the child, opened a wide path to an in-depth study of the development of the child's psyche, the connection between learning and development. However, at the present stage of development of pedagogical science, it becomes obvious that these ideas need to be revealed through experimental research.

2. Why a child should be himself

Let's analyze the modern problems of school education from the point of view of individual self-realization of schoolchildren, based on the principles that are written in the "Concept of Education". Modern society poses the following obligatory danger to the teacher - the development of the child's personality, capable of independence and self-determination. Including the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" in this analysis, we can conclude that today it is important not only to give knowledge to the child, but to help him correctly orient himself in the life around him, in cognition, in relationships with adults and classmates, and to fulfill himself. The basis for analyzing the problems of schools is the widespread increase in the number of students who are simply not ready for learning. Particular attention in psychological and pedagogical work is paid to the problems of students who experienced persistent learning difficulties.

For the successful education and development of the child, it is considered the most important necessity to make the work of the student a source of mental satisfaction and spiritual joy. The success of the education of each student or each individual school directly depends on the attitude of students to learning activities. Therefore, in developing education, the principle of motivation for learning is the most important. Based on the results of observations of the development of students in the class, the following main conclusions can be drawn: poorly developed cognitive interest leads to low cognitive activity in the classroom. According to some scientists and teachers, the reason for this lies in the insufficient formation of mental operations, such as analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization. For the development of the cognitive interest of schoolchildren in the material being studied, the method of teaching this material is of great importance.

The general techniques used by Russian teachers are not aimed at developing the cognitive abilities of students. Consequently, we can identify here another problem - the insufficient development of didactic tools aimed at shaping the cognitive activity of students with disabilities. Analyzing our observations and some studies, we formulate a number of fundamentally important conclusions for us:

1) cognitive activity is an intellectual activity associated with the process of processing, organizing and acquiring knowledge;

2) developmental education - this is education aimed at correcting the shortcomings of the child's personality with the simultaneous unwinding of his potential, which are carried out on educational material;

3) developmental tasks - these are tasks that arouse a keen interest in the process of cognition, activate the child's activity and help to assimilate educational material more easily.

Developing tasks contribute to the expansion of children's horizons, knowledge and ideas about objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality, increasing general awareness of those issues that they constantly had to deal with in everyday life.

3. Adoption of a child

Non-acceptance or rather difficult from a psychological point of view acceptance of the personality of a single child mainly comes from the teacher's idealization of a real person. Let's analyze this concept. Under the ideal person we will understand a specific person capable of creative realization. Let us note that the psycho-physiological organization of the individual child is a more important factor in the formation of character than the influence of the environment in which he finds himself. Based on this point of view, we can say that education should determine and formulate its own goals, relying not so much on the cultural needs of society as on the capabilities of an individual developing organism.

It should be understood that a general education school should not have other tasks, except for one - the expedient, complete and harmonious development of absolutely all the abilities that are hidden "in the bud" in the soul of the child. Accepting such an interpretation of the goal of education actually means recognizing that there is no single ideal of a person for all. The ideal is characterized by an individual character, which in turn is due to the peculiarities of human nature:

1) the nature of man as a biological species;

2) the individual characteristics of a particular individual.

In view of the fact that the biological development of an organism is determined not at all by ideals, but by its inherent laws, pedagogy should consider them together with physiology, developmental psychology and pedology. The goal of upbringing is such a structure of upbringing, in which such conditions are created so as not to deviate from the revealed laws of human development. The main task of the teacher in our assumptions is the specific selection in accordance with these laws of the necessary teaching aids. Thus, the problem of the educational ideal fades into the background.

The concepts of "ideal" and "normal type" indicate the close meaning of these words in the understanding of the average teacher. For the "natural-scientific" conception, the ideal is nothing more than a biological or psychological norm, "the standard norm of development for middle age." According to the psychologist and teacher A. A. Krasnovsky {1885-1953), pedagogy is a science not only about what is, but also about what should be. The "pedagogical" experiment is directly dependent on the individual characteristics of the psyche of each child, and the knowledge obtained as a result of it presupposes pedagogical psychology, but not pedagogy. A. A. Krasnovsky considered it important that even in "experimental" or, in other words, "natural-science" pedagogy, there are two relatively dependent parts:

1) the study of the very essence of the mental process;

2) the derivation of the corresponding rule "for all occasions".

The experiment serves only to establish the first part, but pedagogical norms, requirements, recommendations are derived in a logical, theoretical, and not experimental way.

4. Basic rules for a humanist teacher

With the development of pedagogical science, a variety of schools were opened and developed with different goals and bias. Some of them still exist today: the Waldorf School; Frenet school; school of tomorrow Sukhomlinsky school.

Schools with a special bias have the corresponding name: musical, economic, humanitarian. Let us formulate the basic rules for a humanist teacher using a specific example. The well-known teacher Shalva Alexandrovich Amonashvili, who devoted many years to small children and work in elementary school, "patented" his new, unique direction - the "School of Life". The basic concept of humane-personal pedagogy boils down to the fact that the child not only prepares for life, but already lives and learns a lot. The teacher must build the educational process in such a way that the child can change, improve the conditions of life, and not try to adapt to the prevailing circumstances. From this follows the principle that is a postulate in the "School of Life": to develop and educate life in a child with the help of life itself. Amonashvili argues that it is necessary not only to take into account the psychological characteristics of the child, but also to be able to look closely at the movement of his integral nature ("Treatise on the Primary Stage of Education"). The humanist teacher must proceed from a certain understanding of the child's nature: the internal mental energy is realized in the three main passions of a single child.

Passion for development. The development of the innate abilities of the student occurs in the process of contradictions and overcoming any difficulties. Children independently look for difficulties in the environment in order to overcome them. This "push" to development covers the child unconsciously, which often explains his pranks. The pedagogical task - the activity of the teacher should be aimed at ensuring that, while learning, the child is constantly faced with the need to overcome various kinds of difficulties, and that these difficulties are consistent with his individual capabilities.

Passion for growing up. Children tend to be more mature than they are. Confirmation of this is the various role-playing games in which the child takes on the "duties" of an adult. Satisfaction of this passion occurs in communication, primarily with adults. The phrase "You are still small" and the relations corresponding to it contradict the foundations of humane pedagogy. Adults must communicate with the child on an equal footing and, thus, affirm his personality, entrust various adult affairs, trust him and cooperate with him.

Passion for freedom. The child manifests it from early childhood and versatile. Often the rejection of this passion by adults leads to conflicts. The educational process implies certain restrictions on the freedom of the child. But humanistic educators try to alleviate this compulsion by trying to preserve in the child a sense of free choice. Equal communication with children, faith in their abilities, co-creation and mutual respect support the children's passion for freedom.

5. The idea of ​​school education

By education we will understand one of the aspects of the socialization of the individual, the acquisition of human life experience by him. This activity is aimed at the transfer of historical experience, preparation for life and work. Personality in our ideas is the result of education. The meaning of education is the education of a personality that would be in harmony with the basic structure of society. Education is closely related to learning. Education - work with the feelings, motives, emotions of the child. Personality is constantly formed during life, this concept characterizes an individually unique set of psychophysiological systems of personality traits, which determine the thinking and behavior that is original for a given person. In Russian pedagogy at different times, the content of education has constantly changed, acquiring with time an increasing social, state, personal orientation.

At the present stage of development of pedagogical thought, the problem of educating a personality in school, developing socially significant qualities, becomes the foreground. By school we will understand not a state institution, but a social institution. Thus, the school is a public state system designed to meet the educational state needs in the same way as the needs of society and the individual. To educate a person, it is necessary to overcome:

1) alienation of society from school and school from society;

2) the isolation of the school from the processes taking place in public life;

3) the narrowness and corporatism of teachers.

Teachers should be aware of themselves not as monopolists, but only as representatives of the people in the matter of educating the individual. Implementing the principle of social orientation of education, it is important to achieve practical-motivated mutual understanding with pupils. However, in order for the activity (labor, social, play, sports) that students are engaged in to have educational value, it is necessary to form socially important motives for their activity. If they are socially highly moral and significant, then the activity in the course of which actions are performed will have a significant educational effect. In the process of developing social qualities, it is necessary to combine the organization of a variety of socially useful activities with the purposeful formation of the consciousness of pupils through the word, moral education.

The teacher must necessarily reinforce his own verbal influence with socially useful practical deeds, positive social experience in communication and joint activities both with the classroom and with the teaching staff. At the same time, one should try to prevent the standardization of pedagogy, verbosity, since education is realized mainly in the process of useful activity, where relations between pupils are formed, invaluable experience of behavior and communication is accumulated. Groups of classmates have a direct impact on the formation of the personality of students, on their academic performance.

LECTURE No. 6. The team as an object and subject of education

1. The team as an object and subject of education

The word "collective" is translated from Latin as "crowd", "gathering", "group", "association". Team means:

1) any organizational group;

2) a high level of development of the group.

The main features of the team:

1) common goal. Such a goal should coincide with the public interest and not contradict the laws of the state;

2) general joint activity. To achieve the goal, each member of the team must actively participate in joint activities;

3) the relationship of responsible dependence. In the process of activity, special relations are formed between members of the team in order to achieve the goal;

4) general governing body. The collective elects the most authoritative member to the governing bodies. Consistency is an important feature. In good teams, there are such qualities as mutual assistance, mutual understanding, security.

In any team, there are types of relationships:

1) personal, based on attachments, likes or dislikes;

2) business - joint solutions to any social problems.

The team brings together different individuals who have a common goal and a common activity to achieve this goal. Each team has its own rules and norms of behavior that govern the activities of the team.

In the practice of education, the team is divided into primary and general. At school, the primary team is the class team, groups of extra-curricular circles, amateur art activities, and sports sections.

The educational team is of particular importance. It is created at school among students on the basis of good social relations, common aspirations to achieve success. In such a team there is a high organization of self-government and interpersonal relations.

Such a team activates all members of the group in increasing purposefulness in life, forms positive attitudes and a culture of student behavior. The educational team is the subject of education and organization of their own activities. All students of the school are included in the so-called single school-wide team.

It includes: primary collectives (i.e. classes); temporary teams (sports sections, circles); formal groups (student committee, student self-government bodies); informal collectives (informal communities). The most important means of educating a children's team:

1) academic work;

2) extracurricular activities;

3) labor activity;

4) social and social activities, cultural and educational activities of students.

To educate a healthy, developed student team, it is necessary to rely on the following principles:

to educate a student asset that will positively affect the entire team and help the teacher in everything;

for further successful development and education of the team, it is necessary to clearly formulate pedagogical requirements;

the development of the team and the integral formation of each member of the team is influenced by the organization of educational, labor, educational, sports and recreational activities, support for the positive traditions of the team, which strengthens its cohesion.

2. The teaching of A. S. Makarenko about the team

A. S. Makarenko formulated the law of the life of the collective: movement is the form of life of the collective, stop is its death. He defined the principles of the collective: publicity, responsible dependence, promising lines, parallel actions; identified the stages of team development.

Stage 1 - the formation of the team. The teacher forms a group, class, circle into a team, that is, a socio-psychological community in which the attitude of students is determined by the nature of their joint activity, its goals and objectives. The organizer of the team is a teacher, from whom all requirements come.

Stage 2 - strengthening the influence of the asset. The asset not only fulfills the requirements of the teacher, but also presents them to the members of the team, based on what benefits the team and what harms. The team at the 2nd stage of development acts as an integral system in which the mechanisms of self-organization and self-regulation begin to operate. The team here acts as a tool for the purposeful education of certain qualities of the individual.

The third and subsequent stages - the flourishing of the team. The level and nature of the requirements - they are higher for themselves than for their comrades - testifies to the already achieved level of upbringing, stability of views, judgments. If the team has reached this stage of development, then it forms a holistic, moral personality. The main features of the team - a common experience, the same evaluation of events.

Stage 4 of development - the stage of movement. At this stage, each student, thanks to the acquired collective experience, makes certain demands on himself, his need becomes the fulfillment of moral standards. Here the process of education passes into the process of self-education.

There are no clear boundaries between the stages of development. The next stage does not replace the previous one, but is added to it.

All communities have their own traditions. Traditions - these are stable forms of collective life that help to develop common norms of behavior, develop, decorate collective life.

The goal that can captivate and rally the team, A. S. Makarenko called the prospect. He distinguished three types of perspectives: close, medium and far. A close goal is based on self-interest.

The middle perspective lies in the project of the event. It should be determined by time and complexity. Distant - moved away in time, but the most socially significant goal. The system of perspective lines must permeate the collective. The development of the team in these conditions proceeds naturally. Makarenko put forward the principle of parallel action.

Each member of the team is under the "parallel" influence of the educator, the asset and the entire team. The team can punish the guilty too severely, so A. S. Makarenko advised to use this principle carefully. Features of the formed team:

1) major - constant cheerfulness;

2) self-esteem;

3) friendly unity of members;

4) feeling of security;

5) activity towards ordered action;

6) restraint in emotions.

3. Personality in a team

A person lives and develops in a system of relations with the outside world. The system includes: the attitude of people to nature, to the objective world (spiritual and material values), the relationship of people to each other.

The active activity of people, uniting them into a community, becomes the spiritual basis of the team, its driving force. Children enter the system of collective relations in different ways and have the opposite effect on the collective.

The position of the individual in the team depends on her individual social experience, which determines the nature of her judgments, norms of behavior, etc. Experience may or may not correspond to the judgments, forms of behavior of the individual. How the relationship between the individual and the team develops depends not only on the qualities of the individual, but also on the team.

Relationships develop most favorably where the team has reached a high level of development, where a form of self-government is developed. Common models for the development of relations between the individual and the team:

1) the individual is subordinate to the team (conformism);

2) the individual and the team are in optimal relations (harmony);

3) the individual subjugates the collective (nonconformism).

In the 1st model, the individual submits to the requirements of the collective voluntarily, yields to the collective as a superior force, and submits to the collective only externally, formally. The collective subordinates the personality to the norms and traditions of its life. In the 2nd line of behavior, two ways of development of events are possible:

1) the personality outwardly submits to the requirements of the team;

2) the person openly resists.

A common motive for adapting an individual to a team is the desire to avoid conflict. A more rare phenomenon is the open resistance of the individual to collective demands, more often the collective "breaks" the individual.

The harmony of the individual and the team is the ideal of relationships. More often these are a few guys who get along in any team and who ended up in good, highly moral teams.

A typical model of relations is existence. The collective and the individual exist, observing only formal relations. Some individuals cannot express their individuality.

Relationships become more favorable if individuals manage to reveal, show their individuality, satisfying their position in the team.

3rd model of relationships - the individual subjugates the team. Under the influence of a bright personality, a team can change both for the better and for the worse. The widespread position of school groups manifests itself in a veiled form.

The American psychologist D. Moreno believes that the position of a person in the system of personal relationships is subject to a sociodynamic law. He introduced such a concept as "tele" (translated from Greek - far, far). It denotes the simplest unit of feelings ("feeling") that arise between people. A person, due to the special innate property "tele", is very weak and therefore repels others. Children raised in supportive families radiate a very powerful "tele" and therefore attract others to them.

4. Collective and informal groups

The children's team is the most important participant in the formation of personality, educational relations. The team influences the education of moral qualities, motives of behavior, needs and interests. In the diagnostics of the state of the team, the following criteria are established:

1) organizational, requiring a common goal - the prospects for the development of the team, common labor, social labor, the relationship of the school-wide with the labor collectives of the country, a developed system of self-government, a single ideological and political position;

2) the quality criterion implies: the quality of academic performance, labor productivity, the effectiveness of the competition; aesthetics of behavior and interior, social activity.

Along with the children's educational team, informal associations are actively functioning in society. These include pair and group friendships, a variety of joint work, and activities of interest. These associations can be in the nature of an unhealthy epidemic, have asocial goals. Informal associations by amateur nature and self-governing organization are called amateur self-governing associations (SSO).

One of the reasons for their occurrence is the level of development of the general culture of the youth of the senior classes. Another reason is the tense psychological atmosphere at school and at home, pushing children towards self-expression isolated from adults.

The aspirations of the adolescent for prestige among his comrades, as well as the stagnation in public life, are pushing to unite in such groups. A major role is played by the lack of truth, public hypocrisy, formalism, which are acutely felt by adolescents.

Incentives for association: self-realization, getting satisfaction from uncontrolled forms of activity, self-affirmation, the desire to take part in social problems based on their own understanding, the desire for self-manifestation based on ideas about the ideal of human beauty, security in one's environment, the realization of individualistic needs, the commission of asocial actions ( hooliganism, alcohol and drug use).

Groups develop an organizational structure in which there are leaders, leaders and followers. In groups that do not have socially significant goals, an authoritarian regime is established.

The guys get into the system of addictions, get a lesson in physical and spiritual bondage. The task of education is not to isolate and oppose the educational team and informal associations to each other, but to find common ground, bring together, unite the best in them, gradually eliminating the negative, replacing it with spiritually valuable.

In the conditions of collective interaction based on the principles of mutual respect, the correct public opinion is developed, the foundations of morality are laid.

5. The role of the educator in the team

The effectiveness of the development of the team largely depends on how correctly the educator diagnoses the situation and chooses a means of pedagogical influence. The teacher must take into account the characteristics of the team (age and psychological) and the possibility of its self-government.

Team management includes two interrelated processes:

1) collecting information about each pupil and about the team as a whole;

2) the organization of the process of influence, which has the goal of improving the team itself and each individual student.

Team management is associated with the development of a criterion that characterizes the level of development of the team and the position of the student in the system of collective relations; with the development of forms and methods of using information. In the team, the educator must observe the following principles:

1) the leader must combine pedagogical guidance with the desire of students for independence. He should not suppress the personality, but develop it by cooperating with the students. The teacher must react quickly and change tactics in case of negative perception. Children need to be prepared for independence, for them to set and resolve goals and objectives themselves;

2) since the team is always changing, developing, the educator cannot stand in one place. He must change his approach with the development of the team;

3) the leader must organize educational influences, i.e., the team of teachers, parents, direct the activities of the team to cooperate with other teams;

4) the leader must review the goals and content of collectivist education;

5) it is important to bring up the correct collective opinion, which will develop the necessary line of social behavior;

6) the leader should not allow connivance and abolish control over the fulfillment of the duties of students;

7) the educator organizes collective relations. It is necessary to achieve friendly cohesion in the team. A wise educator teaches to be patient with the shortcomings of another;

8) the educator must proceed from the capabilities and interests of each student, and not just the team as a whole. Otherwise, tasks will be performed formally, or not performed at all;

9) the leader must control the factors influencing the position of the student in the system of collective relations. The factors include the characteristics of the student himself - his emotional side, appearance; character traits and physical data;

10) the leader must create temporary teams to which to transfer disadvantaged students. The level of the belt team must be high, then the effect of such an educational method will be high;

11) the nature of the activities of the team must constantly change. The teacher should take care of this. The team exists for the individual, and the task of the teacher is to create situations in the team that would contribute to a positive impact on individual members.

6. Style of pedagogical leadership

In 1938 a German psychologist K. Levin conducted an experimental study of the psychological climate and leadership style for the first time. Ten-year-old schoolchildren were united in four circles - "clubs", which were engaged in the manufacture of toys. All circles were engaged in the same program, they had the same conditions.

The difference was in the style of leadership. The instructors demonstrated three types of leadership: authoritarian, democratic, and permissive. The teachers changed places every six weeks. The instructor of the authoritarian style treated the children harshly, gave orders, suppressing any creative initiative, punished and pardoned, gave instructions. The instructor of the democratic style focused not on the individual, but on the facts, the classes and all the work done were discussed by the whole class.

The instructor of the conniving style let the whole course of training take its course, the children did what they wanted. When summing up the results of the study, it turned out that with an authoritarian style, the greatest hostility in relationships was shown, as well as disobedience or fawning.

A lot of work was done, but the psychological climate was unhealthy.

The climate with the conniving style turned out to be much more favorable, that is, there was no tension in communication, although there was no improvement in relations. Very little work was done and the quality was very low.

The most effective was the democratic style of leadership. Relations became much warmer, the children became friends, mutual understanding and respect developed with the teacher. The group came into self-government. The children were active in their work, showed creative initiative in their assignments; the majority gained confidence in their own strengths and abilities, a desire to create something new, as well as a sense of pride in common successes. Not only the quality of work has increased, but also new original ideas of the guys have appeared. The quantitative results were somewhat lower than with the authoritarian style. Later studies only confirmed the results of Levin's experiment.

Pedagogical research - this is such communication, in the process of which the socio-role and functional duties of the teacher are carried out to manage the process of education and upbringing. The effectiveness of the processes of education and upbringing, the features of personality development and the formation of interpersonal relations in the study group depend on the style features of this communication and leadership.

In a later study by A. A. Bodalev, it was found that authoritarian teachers underestimate the development in students of such qualities as independence, exactingness towards others. The style of interaction between a teacher and students determines the characteristics of how students perceive it, and children's interest in learning depends on the characteristics of the teacher's treatment of students. The teacher requires a lot of practical training, pedagogical flexibility and the ability to creatively approach the solution of emerging problems, which determine the level of his pedagogical skills.

7. Out-of-school forms of education

One of the oldest out-of-school forms of education is Boy Scouting, which has been revived after a long ban. The founder of the scouting movement is an English colonel Robert Baden-Powell, who created an organization of scouts among English teenagers, i.e. scouts. This organization was supposed to educate the English youth in serious activities and games, prepare them for the service of the fatherland, that is, instill a chivalrous spirit.

In 1909, in England and in other countries, the colonel's book "The Young Scout" gained popularity, in which the basic principles of the organization were set forth. The captain of the Russian army, Oleg Ivanovich Pantyukhov, inspired by the ideas of this book, founded the first detachment of Russian scouts. It included seven boys.

At that time, an out-of-school children's organization already existed in Russia, which had the name "amusing troops" or simply "amusing". In it, the boys learned to march in formation, sing marching songs, and perform tricks with wooden guns. These were paramilitary detachments for youth, created in 1908 by the Ministry of Education. Pantyukhov rejected the militarization of children. He called his unit "Beaver".

The rules of the Russian scouts were the same as the English ones. Here are some of them: to fulfill your duty to God, the Motherland and the Sovereign; be an honest and useful citizen of Russia; never lose heart, help all people and animals. Many attributes of the scouts were later adopted by the pioneers.

In the Soviet Union, extracurricular work was carried out very widely. There were such organizations as Palaces and Houses of Pioneers, pioneer camps, stations for young technicians, naturalists, tourists, sports, music, art schools, children's theaters, clubs for young sailors, firefighters, builders, etc.

Today, after the collapse of the USSR, some organizations remain, some are being revived. Requirements for extracurricular organizations follow from the general principles of organizing extracurricular activities.

This is a free choice by children of the nature of creative activity, a combination of mass, group and individual forms of educational work, a combination of educational methods, organizing children's activities, stimulating creative activity and monitoring the effectiveness of raising children.

Mass forms of work include lectures on the achievements of science and technology, environmental and moral problems, meetings with artists, scientists, veterans of the Great Patriotic War, group viewing of films, holding exhibitions of children's creativity, organizing olympiads, reviews, competitions, attractions, etc.

Group forms of work cover circles, sections, clubs, brigades, studios, etc. Individual forms of extracurricular work are carried out in extracurricular institutions, including the performance of creative individual tasks by students, classes in learning to play musical instruments, visual activities in art schools, individual lessons on the computer and etc.

LECTURE 7. Organization of work in an ungraded school

1. Small school, its characteristic features

small school - it is an educational and often cultural center of a village or other sparsely populated area. In such a school, an atmosphere of a large family is often created, various forms of cooperation between children and adults are organized in it, groups of different ages are created according to interests. In a small village, all events at the school become the property of the population. An ungraded school lives the life of a family and a village, introduces children to moral and material culture, the general way of rural life. Children come to school much more often than in the city: in the evening at school they work out in the gym, in circles, prepare for various events of the school, the village.

In the conditions of a small school, it seems possible for a teacher to learn more deeply about each student, to calculate the training for each student. In this school, such a common shortcoming of all schools as the lack of attention to the personality of each student is being eliminated. For the leader, the task of including each student in a variety of activities according to interests, hobbies for their favorite business is feasible. Here it is not difficult to identify and develop the abilities of each student. In the process of education, such a lack of schools as the separation of the school from life is overcome. By organizing excursions to agricultural facilities, schoolchildren acquire productive labor skills and apply knowledge in practice.

One of the problems of an ungraded school is the unpreparedness of teachers to teach non-core subjects. Unsatisfactory social, living and cultural conditions in which rural teachers live, a huge amount of work lead to a large turnover of staff in rural schools.

The specificity of an ungraded school lies in the absence of not only parallel classes, but also separate ones. It is precisely because of the low occupancy that some teachers have to teach several subjects at the same time. Such a school does not allow to have a deputy director of the school for teaching and educational work, an assistant director for the economic part, a librarian in the management staff. All this has an impact on the nature, content, forms and methods of managerial activity in small schools.

Subject teachers usually do not have the proper teaching load in the disciplines for which they were preparing at the university. In schools with low occupancy, there are fewer opportunities for equipping the educational process, which makes it difficult to achieve the necessary efficiency in working with students. From an economic point of view, the cost of maintaining a student in such a school is 2 times higher than in a full-fledged one.

An important task of a small rural general education school is to raise culture in sparsely populated areas: the implementation of universal education, raising the level of literacy of the population, instilling in the youth of the villages a sense of love for beauty, overcoming the differences between city and countryside. The specificity of the management of this school is manifested in the ability of leaders to purposefully combine the efforts of pedagogical, student, production and parent teams, to coordinate educational work with students at the school with the activities of the club, agricultural production.

2. Conditions that determine the effectiveness of work in a small school

Interdisciplinary lessons - this is an important form of the learning process, which makes it possible to largely overcome the negative phenomena that are created in working with small classes. In close communication, students get the opportunity to evaluate themselves critically, deepen their knowledge on the topic being studied, find out what an unusual atmosphere in the lesson can contribute to (attracting different teaching aids, the presence of other teachers in the lesson) and a higher emotional and intellectual background;

Inter-age lessons. The joint work of junior and senior students unites them in such lessons in general cognitive activity, broadens their horizons, and enables the teacher to carry out continuity in the study of topics;

An important condition for effective work in such a school is the development of students' monologue speech through the use of reference signals and notes, diagrams and models.

It is necessary to jointly use various forms of several rural schools in terms of methodological upbringing and teaching-educational part. Such joint activity contributes to overcoming the isolation and isolation of pedagogical and children's collectives of small schools. It is possible to organize recreation for teachers and students. The ongoing work makes it possible to expand the social circle of children, to fill extracurricular educational work with new, rich and varied content, and to raise the general emotional tone of school life.

A healthy school climate is based on democratic principles in school management. Pedagogical councils should correctly select the form and content of intra-school control, which would be based on mutual assistance and comradely support. Involving methodologist teachers, senior teachers, members of the production commission with extensive pedagogical experience, parents, various competent representatives of the village in pedagogical control puts children's problems on a high position, helps to increase responsibility to each other in educating the future generation, makes it possible to evaluate one's own work and the work of comrades, increases the level of interest of students in their studies.

All kinds of open competitions, reviews, olympiads, tests, evenings and other events attended by the majority of teachers and parents, fellow students, public figures of the village, depict a real picture of the school's activities, where it is impossible to hide both the advantages and disadvantages of her life. The correct daily routine contributes to ensuring the high working capacity of schoolchildren during the day, the formation of their volitional qualities, as well as normal physical development. Mental work should alternate with physical education, choreography, work in circles. The routine of the second half of the day, which is introduced in an ungraded school, is a continuation of the entire educational process. All out-of-school institutions should work in the afternoon in a single mode.

3. Parameters of class formation

In the classes of an ungraded school, from 1 to 7-10 students study. This complicates the formation of collectivist qualities, the development of students' organizational qualities, and a more complete manifestation of individual abilities and interests. A. S. Makarenko argued that children should be organized into classes only in educational work, and it is more expedient to conduct labor, economic and other activities in consolidated detachments. Many pedagogical teams have taken the path of creating groups of students of different ages. In an ungraded school there are no parallel classes.

The types of schools established in 1934 (primary, incomplete secondary, and secondary) and their structure underwent significant changes: the number of primary schools was significantly reduced and the number of secondary schools increased. The main indicator for planning a network of schools is the demographic base, calculated on the basis of an analysis of the ten-year population movement and the determination of methods for moving the contingent of schoolchildren over an eleven-year period.

Based on these data, the number of classes, their occupancy, the mix of classes, the need for teaching staff, school buildings, and financial resources are determined. With the development of a network of rural schools, a change in their territorial density (i.e., the number of schools per 1000 km2territory and per 100 thousand inhabitants) take into account changes in the population. The high rate of decline in the number of school-age children in rural areas is a reflection of the process of migration of the rural population, especially young people, to cities.

In many areas, there is an increase in the number of older residents. This means that long-term forecasting of the construction of schools in the countryside is impossible, since due to such changes in the population, in 10 years there will be a need for a serious adjustment of the school network. An increase in the level of mechanization of agricultural production, an increase in labor productivity in the countryside will have an impact on migration processes, as well as on changes in the composition of the rural population.

The location of industrial enterprises in rural areas, the development of a network of roads, and the radical reorganization of rural settlements will increase the maintenance of the non-agricultural rural population and will lead to an increase in the number of people employed in the service sector in agricultural areas. The development of a school in such areas is unthinkable without strong pedagogical, organizational, economic and economic ties with a manufacturing enterprise. A certain part of the schoolchildren, after finishing the 9th grade, continues their education in vocational schools, as well as in grades 10-11 of city secondary schools.

One of the most important directions in the development of the school, strengthening it with the family and the production environment is the extended day. The direct connection of extended-day groups with the creation of conditions for work and recreation of rural residents and the increase in the effectiveness of the pedagogical impact of the school on the younger generation determine the trend towards the transformation of all rural schools into extended-day schools. This work will require qualified teachers.

4. Lesson in an ungraded school

A special problem for small schools is the preparation of children for work. At the same time, a well-prepared and well-conducted lesson, which remains with the students for a long time, always remains at the center of the work. At the lesson, schoolchildren acquire knowledge, skills are formed, skills acquired in extracurricular activities are manifested; the interests of students are identified, which subsequently develop in extracurricular activities of children.

In small schools, the role of the teacher in the classroom is especially multifaceted. A good lesson brings knowledge to the student, forms skills, teaches and educates at the same time, inspires future work. The measure of influence on the student, the enrichment of his culture, and the expansion of his horizons depend on the teacher.

The lesson should not be trifles. A carefully thought out and skillfully implemented lesson or circle activity is made up of many things. One of the sides is the implementation of interdisciplinary relationships. The use of interdisciplinary connections resulting from improving the quality of the lesson makes the lesson full-blooded and joyful for the student and teacher.

In some schools, there are "verticals" of the day that help to implement an integrated approach to education, for example: lessons - independent work - subject circles, competitions - reader's conferences - quiz competitions, etc.

Great opportunities for the manifestation of connections between work in the classroom and extracurricular work are represented by "days" or "weeks" devoted to a particular subject. The collective nature of lessons stimulates the cognitive activity of students, contributes to the development of creative abilities, the formation of camaraderie.

Each student has his own characteristics of thinking, memory, ingenuity. In an ungraded school, it is possible to take into account all these features when organizing individual work in the classroom. By giving strong students more material for self-study, the teacher can effectively help students with insufficient development and gaps in knowledge. Weaker students are more likely to be tested for mastering the material being studied. Stronger or older students also have the opportunity to help the weak more often.

When checking homework, the teacher interviews all students more often, which makes students prepare more thoroughly for each lesson. In many schools, when presenting new educational material, teachers use reference signals, i.e. various icons, drawings, etc.

When testing knowledge, students use these reference signs and each of them is scored. An oral survey as a method of verification allows you to identify the meaningfulness and depth of assimilation of the material. When the repetition of the material covered is carried out, the student actively reproduces the task, which is the best means of memorization. Knowledge testing is associated with the speech reproduction of the material covered, which contributes to the development of speech.

It is very important to start each lesson with the organization of students for active participation in training sessions, to psychologically set them up for a working mood, since an amorphous, dispersed rural life does not contribute much to mental activity.

LECTURE No. 8. The role of the teacher in an ungraded school

1. The structure of the lesson in a small school

Lesson - this is a form of organization of the educational process, in which the teacher organizes cognitive and other activities of a group of students within a set time, taking into account the characteristics of each of them, using the types, methods and means of work necessary to ensure that all students master the basics of the subject in the learning process , as well as for the education and development of cognitive and creative abilities and spiritual forces of students.

At the preparatory stage, the activity of the teacher is reduced to the analysis of the content of the educational material, the planning of the educational process, and the preparation of teaching aids. At the second stage of the lesson, it is necessary to create a problem situation, set the goal and objectives of the lesson, and discuss the plan for the upcoming work.

The third, main, stage of the lesson is based on providing the necessary information to students, in assessing the quality of the preliminary results of the work.

At the last stage of the lesson, it is necessary to control the results of all educational and cognitive activities, adjust the activities of students and evaluate. A mixed type of lesson is widely used in an ungraded school.

Its structure is as follows: organizing students for classes; repetitive training work on the material covered; work on understanding and assimilation of new material; work on the formation of skills and abilities to apply knowledge in practice; home assignment. In a small school, the teacher has to think through the target settings of classes and all stages of work in more detail.

In the primary grades, it is required to switch the attention of students relatively quickly, and in the classroom the teacher uses a variety of types of educational work, including playful and entertaining.

At the first stage of education, explanatory reading lessons and subject lessons are held, in which children study natural subjects or special handouts. In small rural schools with a small number of classes, the teacher has to simultaneously supervise the educational work of two or even three classes in the classroom.

Under these conditions, an important role is played by the combination of independent work of students in one or two classes with the teacher's frontal work with another class and the alternation of these types of work with students from different classes.

Independent work of students in these schools is ensured by the preparation of the necessary didactic material (assignments in the form of exercises and tasks from textbooks, collections of tasks and texts of dictations, or using special cards prepared by the teacher).

In the senior classes, lectures are practiced at separate lessons with a large content of new educational information on the subject, along with the lessons, seminars, interviews, workshops and other forms of organizing the educational process are held. Workshops are held in the production teams of students and in the educational and experimental areas of schools.

The teacher draws up a plan for the workshop, prepares instructions and material support for students. The workshops contribute to polytechnic education, labor training and vocational guidance for students.

2. The role of the teacher at all stages of the lesson

Working with a small class makes great demands on the teacher and has a significant impact on him. In such a school, the teacher is required to give even more energy, emotional and intellectual stress than in an ordinary school.

It is difficult for young teachers to overcome the barrier between theory and practice. The professional and pedagogical training of a teacher requires an orientation towards the specific conditions of their activity inherent in small-class schools. A young teacher needs to clearly understand the features of this work, be able to find ways and methods of work in such conditions.

A rural school teacher has many points of contact with the social environment. Many issues related to educational work must be resolved in close cooperation with the parents of students. Work in a rural school makes high demands on the moral character of the teacher.

Teaching several subjects in the middle and senior levels, simultaneous work with several primary classes, close communication with schoolchildren in small classes requires the teacher to constantly improve his professional skills and in-depth study of the psychological characteristics of students of all age groups. Functions of a teacher in the village:

1) educational activities;

2) cultural and educational work;

3) educational, environmental, agricultural, educational work.

Factors influencing the formation of the teacher's personality:

1) social. The level of education of rural residents is somewhat lower than that of urban ones;

2) economic. Poor, in comparison with the urban school, the material base of rural schools;

3) environmental. The surrounding nature has a positive effect on physical health, provides an opportunity for direct study of various biological, physical, geographical phenomena;

4) socio-pedagogical. The disunity of the microdistrict makes it necessary to bring children to classes; the small number of schools compels one teacher to teach several disciplines.

Requirements for the personality of a rural school teacher:

1) motivational-value relations of the individual to activities at school. The rural teacher should be interested in the problems of the village;

2) preparedness in the field of fundamentals of agriculture;

3) general educational training of the teacher. Must possess modern methods of cognition, developed forms of thinking, rich life experience.

Comprehensive education:

1) the teacher's ability to analyze information and choose the main thing for its adequate assimilation at the stage of preparation for the lesson;

2) the ability to present the student's thought process when mastering specific content at the stage of preparation for the lesson;

3) the ability of the teacher to isolate the weak link in the assimilation by students of specific content in the lesson;

4) the ability to determine the psychological cause of difficulties;

5) the ability to choose an adequate type of correction to eliminate existing difficulties in solving a learning problem.

3. Requirements for teaching methods in an ungraded school

An important incentive to improve one's own pedagogical skills are non-traditional forms of joint methodological work of teachers, such as joint pedagogical councils of schools, creative reports of each teacher to the entire teaching staff, competitions of methodological findings, original approaches in choosing teaching aids, forms of conducting lessons, conducting joint generalizing lessons.

It is necessary to put students in the conditions of communication and work, so that they independently look for solutions to issues, focusing not only on the teacher, but also on fellow students. Under these conditions, pair-group exercises and mutual control are of great importance.

In the process of teaching middle and senior classes, it is necessary to include such forms as lectures, seminars, interviews. To increase the "audience" it is possible to invite other teachers, parents or students of other classes.

The lecture should be lively, interesting, in order to encourage listeners to knowledge and reflection. At the seminars, it is necessary to use visual forms of work: illustrations, musical arrangement, staging, film projects, local history work on the topic.

Inter-age lessons have educational value. It is necessary to introduce students to the life of the village, to the material, intellectual and moral culture of their native land. It is reasonable to use the socially useful work of students.

Teachers should be guided by the development of complexes for influencing the consciousness and emotional sphere of students to stimulate the acquisition of the capabilities of each student in the process of activity. This is helped by various mass events - holidays, competitions, olympiads, traditions.

This is also facilitated by the creation of a school museum, the activities of which would be aimed at: holding separate lessons in academic disciplines; accumulation of folklore material of the village - ditties, songs, sayings, proverbs, riddles, old-fashioned garments.

The museum can be created by the joint efforts of students, parents, villagers. The study of the history and life of one's region contributes to the education of love for the Motherland, big and small, for the land and people.

The problem of the formation of a harmoniously developed personality in the conditions of small rural schools poses difficult tasks for school workers: to develop the most rational mode for the student, to find appropriate forms of interaction between classroom and extracurricular activities, to correctly implement interdisciplinary connections, to identify the features of the lesson and extracurricular activities in such schools, to comprehend the tasks facing the class teachers.

The same questions remain: the quality of the lessons and extra-curricular activities, the skill of the teacher and educator, the expediently organized active pedagogical propaganda for parents and students.

Improving the moral and aesthetic education of rural children depends on how much the traditions, means, methods and techniques of folk pedagogy are introduced into the process of education.

4. Organization of independent work of a student

In didactics independent work The student is understood to be such an activity that he performs without the direct participation of the teacher, but on his instructions, under his guidance and supervision. Independent work is one of the most important areas in the work of a teacher.

Therefore, it is necessary to pay great attention to the formation of skills for such work. The organization of independent work of a student should be aimed at solving two interrelated tasks:

1) develop students' independence in cognitive activity during training, i.e., teach them to independently acquire knowledge;

2) to teach students to independently apply knowledge in teaching and practical activities.

A student who has the skills of independent work, learns the educational material more actively and deeply, turns out to be better prepared for creative work, for self-education and the continuation of learning. In the conditions of scientific and technological progress, the rapid "aging" of information necessitates continuous replenishment of knowledge.

However, the independent formation of rational methods of teaching, working with a book and a computer - the main source of information - as experience shows, proceeds slowly and ineffectively. Therefore, students need to be taught how to work independently.

The following types of independent work of students can be distinguished:

1) work with a book, educational, methodological and reference literature, compiling notes;

2) solving problems and performing exercises;

3) laboratory and practical work, frontal experiment, work with handouts;

4) reviewing the answers and speeches of comrades, supplementing them; preparation of reports and abstracts;

5) observing experiments and drawing conclusions based on their results, thinking through and designing schemes and installations;

6) production of some instruments and teaching aids (posters, diagrams, albums, drawings, newspapers, maps, drawings and other aids);

7) performance of practical tasks during excursions; setting up experiments and observations at home, making models. According to the main didactic goal, the methods of independent work of students can be divided into three groups of works aimed at:

1) acquiring knowledge expansion;

2) mastery of skills and abilities;

3) application of knowledge, skills and abilities.

However, like many classifications used in pedagogical science, this division is very conditional. After all, the acquisition of knowledge gives practice in mastering skills and abilities, and the application of such knowledge, skills and abilities, in turn, gives some new knowledge.

Depending on the content of the educational material, the features of its presentation in the textbook, the available equipment and other factors, the teacher plans to use in the educational process certain types of independent work of students or their combination, guided by the principles of didactics (gradual in the increase in difficulties, creative activity of students, differentiated approach to them, etc.).

5. ​​Efficiency of independent work

There are many effective types of student work used by the teacher in the learning process.

Independent work of students is one of the activities in the lesson, which should be paid special attention to students. This can be explained by the fact that doing independent work has a huge potential, which is caused by the high efficiency of this type of work.

If a student learns to independently acquire new knowledge, using various types of sources, update them, apply them in practice in solving various practical, laboratory work, independently analyze their own knowledge and the knowledge of comrades, classmates, then the further learning process for him will be quite simplified.

For some students, self-acquisition of knowledge is more interesting than obtaining pre-planned information. Even the performance of a simple report can turn into a real research work for such a student.

On the other hand, the limited nature of the school curriculum, as well as the currently existing class-lesson system, does not make it possible to present the material being studied in sufficient detail and extensively. The hours allotted by the program for the study of the material are limited. Yes, and when working with the class, the teacher focuses on the average student, which limits the possibilities of both weak students and strong ones, does not give them the opportunity for self-education.

Therefore, when working independently with the material, each student will choose for himself exactly the amount of information that he is able to master, and which he needs for further study. In addition, each student prefers to work in class and at home at their own pace. And the effectiveness of the work to a large extent depends on whether the student has time to master the material or not.

When working independently, each of the students works exactly in the rhythm that meets his individual characteristics. In addition, through the use of independent test work in the classroom, it is possible to effectively assess the quality of students' knowledge.

This method helps to avoid cheating, as well as to identify the quality of assimilation of educational material at each stage of its implementation. And in general, if the student has sufficiently mastered the methods and methods of independent work, then he can independently study the educational material.

However, to achieve this level of mastering the skills of independent work, the teacher must fulfill a number of conditions.

For example, tasks offered to students for self-fulfillment should have a clear goal that students should strive for when doing independent work, and arouse their interest.

The latter should be achieved by the novelty of the content of the studied material or the form of the task, the disclosure of the practical significance of the issue under consideration, the research nature of the tasks, and the creation of motivation.

LECTURE No. 9. Preparing the teacher for the lesson

1. Visibility in the lessons of independent work in an ungraded school

Independent work - this is one of the types of work of students, and not only in the classroom. In addition, this is a type of work that no teacher can do without, regardless of their goals, forms of teaching and methods. Therefore, the problem of the effectiveness of independent work is relevant for all practicing teachers. Including for teachers of small schools.

One of the keys to increasing efficiency is to increase motivation for independent activity, increase the interest of students. Such a way is, for example, the use of visibility in independent work.

At the same time, the increase in efficiency is caused not only by an increase in motivation for learning, but also by the peculiarities of the psychology of children and adolescents. After all, as you know, the maximum amount of information is remembered by students if the information is perceived by the organs of vision.

Let us give examples of visual aids that a teacher can use in the independent activity of students. These include didactic material.

This type of visual material is especially widely used in small schools. In the didactic material, tasks are indicated, and this is done with the help of a drawing, graph, diagram. That is, the task is not formulated verbally (or not only verbally), but schematically.

This type of work is much more interesting for students than the standard formulation of tasks in the textbook. This type of work develops the observation of schoolchildren, allows you to see the practical application of the knowledge they have received. And if in this lesson the goal of the teacher is to test the knowledge, skills and abilities of students, the advantage of the didactic material is a large number of their options. And in the conditions of an ungraded school, assignments can become individual.

Also, visual non-distributing material is used as visual aids in small schools. These are various posters, diagrams, paintings, layouts, models, herbariums, collections and other visual aids. They are used mainly in lessons, the purpose of which is to explain new material or consolidate it.

These visual aids acquire particular relevance in the conditions of an ungraded school, because in such conditions almost every student can see the proposed visual aid in sufficient detail.

This type of work allows students to better perceive the information offered, and also allows you to remember the material when it is consolidated and checked. It can also be very interesting to use such visual aids as educational slides, educational films, and TV shows in the lessons.

With the development of modern technology, such visual aids as a computer and educational software have become widespread. Moreover, such programs have been developed in various forms: in the form of electronic textbooks, where educational material is presented and it is proposed to solve problems; programs with laboratory experiments, educational games where it is possible to win only having a stock of knowledge and being able to apply this knowledge.

2. Qualities developed in the process of independent work of children. Their meaning

For the effectiveness of independent work, it is necessary that every action of the student is controlled and evaluated by the teacher.

The fulfillment of this condition will ensure the effectiveness of not only the learning process in the classroom, but also the process of education. This can be explained by the fact that in the process of performing independent work, the student develops a number of qualities that can be classified as positive. Let us consider some of these qualities and their influence on the level of upbringing of students.

The main quality that is brought up in students when doing independent work is will. At the same time, it is very important to correctly set the task, so that, having immediately understood its meaning, the student himself wants to start its implementation as soon as possible, and also complete the task faster than anyone else (if this is the goal of this work).

Also, the teacher is faced with the task of selecting such tasks for independent thinking, so that they interest students and motivate their active work. As mentioned earlier, on the instructions of the teacher, independent work can also be done at speed. At the same time, the spirit is brought up in schoolchildren competitions, The will to win. This can help students not only in further studies, but in life in general. But, on the other hand, with this type of work, students often help each other in cases where the completion of a task or some part of it causes difficulty. And this is also one of the educational elements of the education process.

However, in some cases (taking into account the specifics of the task), such manifestations can damage the fulfillment of the goal originally set by the teacher. This happens if the purpose of independent work is an intermediate or final control of knowledge.

One of the types of independent work is the preparation of reports, abstracts, messages. At the same time, the student is looking for various sources of information, chooses from its huge flow the part he needs, which he brings as a result in his work.

The implementation of these actions requires the student, first of all, knowledge culture of communication, clarity и accuracy of thinking and preparation of final records. However, the education of all the above and other qualities in students requires constant and hard work on the part of the teacher. He must carefully control all stages of the students' independent work.

Although there is an opinion that by forcing students to do independent work, the teacher makes his work easier, it is much easier for an experienced teacher to resort to other types of work. But independent work instills in students such skills and qualities that are not available with other types.

3. Preparing the teacher for the lesson

The quality of any lesson is largely determined by the thoroughness of the teacher's preparation for it. The preparation of the teacher for the lesson can be divided into the following stages.

The first stage. Studying the curriculum. This part of the work is carried out in preparation for the academic year. At the same time, special attention is paid to the main goals and objectives of the subject as a whole and to the goals and objectives facing each educational topic.

Preparing to study the next topic with students, the teacher will again turn to the program in order to clearly set goals and objectives that need to be achieved and solved in the process of studying the topic as a whole and in each specific lesson.

Studying the content of a particular educational topic, the teacher will understand the logical relationship of the educational material with the previously studied, as well as with the material to be studied later. This will allow you to more deeply and clearly formulate the near and far goals of studying the educational material.

The second stage. The study of methodological literature. Having studied the content of the next educational topic in the program, the teacher reviews the relevant sections of the stable textbook, methodological guides and articles in methodological journals, collects material for a general plan for studying the topic (thematic planning).

The thematic plan should not be cumbersome. It provides for the most important and essential, namely: the breakdown of the educational material into lessons, the logical relationship of the material, the calendar dates for the lessons (by weeks).

The third stage. Learning the material of a particular lesson in a stable textbook.

Studying the textbook, the teacher mentally correlates the nature and logic of the presentation of the educational material in it with the achieved level of training and the level of development of his students. He pays special attention to the accessibility of the presentation of educational material, notes that the textbook is presented simply and easily, in order to entrust part of the educational material to students for independent study.

At the same time, it should be noted that it may be difficult for students to access. The method of presenting these questions in the lesson is especially carefully thought out.

The fourth stage. The study and preparation of teaching aids available in the school on the topic of the lesson. The teacher gets acquainted not only with the available manuals, looks through educational filmstrips and films, listens to audio aids, but also with annotations of educational television programs.

Particular attention should be paid to educational demonstration and laboratory work. The teacher carefully works out the technique and methodology of their setting so that there is no failure in the lesson. Nothing undermines the authority of a teacher more than failure to set up a teaching experiment. When defining goals, it is imperative to take into account four possible goals of the lesson - the assimilation of knowledge, the instillation of skills and abilities, the development of creative experience and education.

Goals should be designated specifically in accordance with the topic, depending on the topic of the lesson, but educational should always be kept in mind.

Fifth stage - developing a lesson plan.

4. Rough Lesson Plan

Any quality of the lesson conducted by the teacher depends on how he prepared for it. One of the most important steps in preparing a teacher for a lesson is drawing up a rough lesson plan.

However, it is worth noting that it is also important to correctly distribute the educational material from lesson to lesson, so as not to overload and relax students in individual lessons. This, moreover, will help the teacher himself in drawing up a lesson plan and in bringing this plan to life in a particular lesson.

Lesson plan is the end result of the preparatory work of the teacher for the lesson. Therefore, the quality and correctness of the plan is determined by the quality and correctness of the implementation of all the main stages of preparation for the lesson. The lesson plan is drawn up for each specific lesson, taking into account all the existing features.

The lesson plan is drawn up on the basis of the thematic plan, taking into account the real progress in the study of the topic.

The lesson plan indicates: the topic of the lesson; goals and objectives of the lesson; the structure of the lesson - the sequence of learning situations in the presentation of educational material and the independent work of students; list and location of training demonstrations; the time allotted for each stage of the lesson; necessary equipment and teaching aids for the lesson.

Teachers of mathematics, physics, chemistry, radio and electrical engineering write down the solution of problems that will be proposed in the lesson in the plan. When developing a plan, the teacher takes into account the degree of preparedness of students for the conscious assimilation of the intended content, for the implementation of the planned educational activities.

It is also very important to anticipate in advance possible difficulties that may arise for students, especially for low achievers, and to outline ways to overcome them (for example, a leading question, an additional explanation by a teacher or a called student, a drawing on the blackboard and other special measures). The lesson plan doesn't have to be cumbersome.

However, it is advisable for a novice teacher to write a detailed plan, and for complex and difficult topics - short lesson notes. If the teacher has sufficient experience, it will be enough for the teacher to revise the lesson notes used in previous years of work and make changes to them, which may be caused by a partial change in the program or concept of education, adjustment of the teaching hours allotted for studying this topic, the level of preparedness of this class team. .

This lesson plan is called exemplary, since in the process of working with the class, circumstances may arise that affect the distribution of time for each specific stage, changes in the educational material presented during the lesson, and a decrease in the number of tasks performed during the lesson.

It is also possible that the class manages to complete all the tasks prepared by the teacher, and at the same time there is extra time.

Young, inexperienced teachers usually find themselves in this situation. To avoid this, it is necessary to always have a reserve material with which to fill the remaining time.

LECTURE No. 10. Organization of personality-oriented education

1. Educational process in an ungraded school

The process of education in its ideal version - this is a socio-pedagogical system that has the properties of an integral object, that is, an integral system, an integral process. Using this system, it is possible to achieve qualitative changes in the personality of the student, the children's team.

The educational process is also a complex process, representing a system of educational relations that unfolds over time, including a child, a children's team, a small social group, etc.

In this case, the role of educators is played by the whole set of people who in one way or another have a pedagogical influence on the development and formation of the personality in the course of its life.

Its special purpose is to include the child in modern life and ensure the continuity of generations. Education as a system includes people (pupils and educators); elements of a spiritual nature (knowledge, abilities, skills, ideas, goals); means of education (elements of culture, which should be in a pedagogically processed form). The interaction of all these elements constitutes the process of education as an integral system.

The form of existence of this system is a stable association of people with a certain organization, for example, a class with its organizational structure, associations of different ages with their traditions, a detachment in a health camp, circles, etc.

In the conditions of an ungraded school, the total number of educators and pupils decreases significantly, and the number of groups, associations and classes also decreases. This makes it easier for educators to provide pedagogical influence. But, on the other hand, in schools of this kind, the number of people exercising this pedagogical influence is also significantly reduced. Therefore, a huge responsibility is imposed on each such person.

The upbringing process includes such components as the overall goal, specific goals and objectives put forward by educators, the principles that guide them in their activities, the content, means, methods and forms of achieving the goal, the result and its evaluation.

All of them constitute the "line of action" of the subjects of education in an ungraded school, that is, those who are its organizers.

However, this is only one side of the process, but there is another, related to the position of the student. Indeed, often a person puts forward his own tasks aimed at improving the personality, the formation of some of its features that are significant to him. In accordance with this, he chooses his own means, methods, often putting a different content into the educational process.

It is precisely this that is decisive in the case of organizing the process of education in an ungraded school.

This is explained by the fact that in such schools education is differentiated, but the impact on the individual in order to change his own goals and objectives of education is also problematic, and sometimes impossible.

2. Three streams of the educational process in an ungraded school

In a sparsely populated area, the school is often the only center of culture. In addition, a single educational complex is often formed in the village: a kindergarten - a school - musical and artistic associations - labor associations.

The task of teachers is to concentrate all cultural and pedagogical forces in the general educational process. In the educational process in an ungraded school, three streams can be distinguished: physical education, aesthetic and moral education, and labor education.

In the organization of physical education of children and adolescents, a rural school with a small number of students in it has its positive and negative features.

A small number of students makes it possible to implement an individual approach to the dosage of their workload. It is easier to conduct and teach basic motor skills.

The most negative factor in such a school is the low professional level of the physical education teacher. The material base is often weak here: there is no sports hall, necessary equipment and inventory.

Until recently, verbal means prevailed in the education of schoolchildren - moralizing, verbal encouragement and censure, calls, suggestions, explanations.

Today, an educational program is needed, where the connection between words and deeds is inseparable. Such a connection is not difficult to establish in an ungraded school, where it is possible to have one's own real production.

From an early age, the children of the village are taught to work in the peasant farmstead. Student production teams of many schools are successfully implementing cost accounting in practice, learning the secrets of self-sufficiency.

One of the important tasks facing ungraded schools in labor education is the conscious retention of young people in the places where they were born and raised. This is what the labor education of schoolchildren is trying to achieve, instilling in children a love for work.

A significant drawback of the general educational work of the school is the lack of attention to the personality of each student, the inability, and perhaps even the unwillingness to organize work with children in such a way that the child from the first days finds himself among people helping him to do good. This shortcoming is successfully overcome in an educational institution with a small number of students.

The problem of aesthetic education is relevant in schools of various types, including schools with a small number of pupils. The primary role in instilling the aesthetic principle belongs to the family where the child was born. The aesthetics of everyday life, the range of spiritual values, needs, tastes of parents - this is the environment where aesthetic ideals are formed, the foundations of his upbringing.

Ample opportunities for aesthetic education and education of rural schoolchildren, instilling in them a sense of love for nature are provided both during training and outside school hours. There are class hours specially designated for this purpose.

3. Organization of personality-oriented education

Under the conditions of a personal approach, or personality-oriented education, some ultimate goal is taken as a general principle - an ideal model of personality, and all other components of the educational system, the conditions for its functioning and self-development are designed and implemented taking into account the predetermined end result.

In the framework of other theories and educational systems, the personality, its ideal model is not taken into account, the thing is that in the conditions of personality-oriented education, the personality of the pupil plays a priority, system-forming role. Carrying out practically personality-oriented education, attention should be paid not only to age, individual characteristics, but also to his emotional state.

The problem of taking into account emotional states in the process of education, unfortunately, still remains a far from developed problem of pedagogy.

At the same time, the range of emotional states (excited, joyful, tired, irritated, depressed, oppressed, and others) is important, and sometimes decisive, in the upbringing of the personality, in the development and its positive or, conversely, negative behavior. In this regard, the teacher-educator must, firstly, by implementing a personality-oriented approach in education, take into account the mental states that are characteristic of a particular student, pupil.

Thus, the psychological state in education creates reliable prerequisites for success in various situations of pedagogical interaction between the educator and the pupil, provides conditions for harmonious cooperation and co-creation.

For personality-oriented cooperation, it is especially important to take into account such complex conditions as conflict and stress.

In recent years, within the framework of personality-oriented education, as one of its effective and promising strategies, a role-playing approach has been developed. The role approach in education is especially characteristic of the concept of N. M. Talanchuk, who develops a system-role model of personality formation.

“Personality,” as N. M. Talanchuk emphasizes, “is the social essence of a particular person, which is expressed as the development of a system of social roles. Thus, in a family, a person masters the culture of family life.

In a team, a person masters a communicative culture, the role of a leader or performer, a member of the work team. In the process of socialization, at the level of interaction between society and the individual, a person masters the role functions of a citizen, while the active formation of a person takes place, enriching him with new values, meanings; the worldview of the individual is formed, the diverse role functions of a person develop.

Recently, there has been an increase in the personal approach to education. However, education outside the team cannot be complete.

4. How is educational work planned

The upbringing of a growing person as the formation of a developed personality is one of the main tasks of modern society.

Overcoming the alienation of a person from his true essence, the formation of a spiritually developed personality in the process of the historical development of society does not happen automatically. It requires efforts on the part of people, and these efforts are aimed both at creating material opportunities, objective social conditions, and at realizing new opportunities for the spiritual and moral improvement of a person that open up at each historical stage.

In this two-pronged process, a real opportunity for the development of a person as a person is provided by the totality of the material and spiritual resources of society. The historically formed system of education ensures that children acquire a certain range of abilities, moral norms and spiritual guidelines that meet the requirements of a particular society, but gradually the means and methods of organization become unproductive.

And if this society requires the formation of a new range of abilities and needs in children, then this requires the transformation of the education system, capable of organizing the effective functioning of new forms of reproductive activity.

At the same time, the developing role of the upbringing system appears openly, becoming the object of special discussion, analysis and purposeful organization. Therefore, it is important to build the pedagogical process in such a way that the educator directs the child's activities, organizing his active self-education by performing independent and responsible actions.

The teacher-educator can and is obliged to help a growing person go through this - always unique and independent - path of moral and social development.

A special role in education is played by art, which in an emotionally figurative form reflects various types of human activity and develops the ability to creatively transform the world and oneself.

Therefore, when organizing the educational process, aesthetic education is necessary. Management of the upbringing process, carried out as a purposeful construction and development of a system of given multifaceted activities of the child, is implemented by teachers who introduce children into the "zone of proximal development".

This means that at a certain stage of development, the child can move forward not independently, but under the guidance of adults and in cooperation with smarter "comrades", and only then completely independently.

One of the central tasks of education is to form a humanistic orientation of the personality in a growing person. This means that in the motivational-required sphere of the personality, social motives, motives for socially useful activities must steadily prevail over egoistic motives.

No matter what a teenager does, no matter what a teenager thinks, the motive of his activity should include an idea of ​​society, of another person.

LECTURE No. 11. Basic requirements for a teacher


1. Function of a teacher

The essence of a truly humanistic attitude to the upbringing of a child is expressed in the thesis of his activity as a full-fledged subject, and not an object of the upbringing process.

The child's own activity is a necessary condition for the educational process, but this activity itself, the forms of its manifestation and, most importantly, the level of implementation that determines its effectiveness, must be formed, created in the child on the basis of historically established patterns, but not their blind reproduction, but creative use. .

Therefore, the role of the teacher is the correct construction of the educational process. Therefore, it is important to build the pedagogical process in such a way that the educator directs the child's activities, organizing his active self-education by performing independent and responsible actions.

Education is not an adaptation of children, adolescents, youth to the existing forms of social life, not an adjustment to a certain standard. As a result of the appropriation of socially developed forms and methods of activity, further development occurs - the formation of children's orientation towards certain values, independence in solving complex moral problems.

The condition for the effectiveness of education is an independent choice or conscious acceptance by children of the content and goals of the activity.

To educate means to direct the development of the subjective world of a person, on the one hand, acting in accordance with the moral model, ideal that embodies the requirements of society for a growing person, and on the other hand, pursuing the goal of maximizing the development of the individual characteristics of each child. As L. S. Vygotsky pointed out, from a scientific point of view, the teacher is only the organizer of the social educational environment, the regulator and controller of its interaction with each student.

Management of the upbringing process, carried out as a purposeful construction and development of a system of given multifaceted activities of the child, is implemented by teachers who introduce children into the "zone of proximal development". At a certain stage of development, the child can move forward not independently, but under the guidance of adults and in cooperation with more intelligent "comrades", and only then completely independently.

The purposeful formation of a person's personality involves its design, but not on the basis of a template common to all people, but in accordance with an individual project for each person, taking into account his specific physiological and psychological characteristics.

The main psychological qualities underlying a developed personality are activity, the desire for self-realization, self-affirmation and conscious acceptance of the ideals of society, turning them into deeply personal values, beliefs, and needs for a given person.

2. Basic requirements for a teacher

The main role in the upbringing of the younger generation is assigned to the school, where the most important educational function is performed by teachers. For the effective implementation of the educational process, the teacher must have certain skills, knowledge and skills.

It is on the basis of the teacher's skills that the authority of the teacher is formed. The teacher must be able to establish contact with the classroom team. The complexity and variability of the teacher's pedagogical activity requires him to master a wide range of skills, which, moreover, are restructured and creatively used every time depending on the goals and emerging pedagogical tasks.

This is especially clearly seen in the preparation and conduct of specially organized educational events. The educational activity of the teacher requires him to be constantly professionally prepared for self-improvement.

For these purposes, in modern conditions, when the requirements for the activity of a teacher as an educator have increased significantly, systematic diagnostics, self-diagnosis, self-analysis of both the educational activities of the teacher and real changes in the upbringing of students are necessary.

For self-diagnosis and identification of reserve opportunities for the quality of educational work, there is a special technique. In accordance with this methodology, the teacher can increase the effectiveness of educational work, find effective management functions, and find new forms of work with students.

Also, the necessary skills that a teacher must possess for effective educational work include: work with "difficult", pedagogically neglected children; the ability to organize a class team, form it as a single organism; the ability to stimulate amateur performance, self-management of students; understand and deeply know the psychology of children and adolescents; be able to establish proper contact and interaction with parents and other teachers; the ability to resolve conflicts in the children's team and others.

It is especially important for a teacher to constantly improve the culture of pedagogical communication, based on the principle "Do no harm!" and comply with the following rules: do not publicly ridicule the mistakes and mistakes of students, as this leads to their isolation; not destroy students' faith in friendship, in good deeds and deeds; do not reproach the student without special need, as this creates a feeling of guilt in him; prevent students from showing feelings of aggression and hostility; not to kill students' faith in their own strengths and abilities; not allow even the slightest inaccuracy and injustice in relationships with students; to prevent intolerant attitude of students to someone else's faith and dissent.

Also, one of the main requirements for a teacher is his ability to carry out a holistic pedagogical process in cooperation with other teachers and parents. In addition, the teacher must, by his effective example, point out to the students the norms of behavior.

3. Discipline at school

The educational process at school sets as its main task the creation of a harmoniously developed personality. One of the positive results of a successful pedagogical process is discipline in the classroom and school. This result, in turn, allows you to effectively carry out the process of further education and upbringing.

That is why the problem of organizing discipline in the school, as well as conducting special measures to ensure discipline, is the main task of the teacher and the school staff as a whole.

discipline the observance by all students of the school of certain norms of behavior, a list of which is given in the charter of the school, is considered. Most often, young inexperienced teachers face the problem of indiscipline in the classroom. This may be due to the fact that the teacher has not yet had time to earn credibility.

At the same time, teachers can spoil their lessons with inappropriate intonations, tactlessness, their oddities, in general, with everything that puts the class out of business balance. However, the teacher sometimes does not take into account that even the best order can deteriorate for objective reasons - if the children are tired. In this case, you just need to give the children a break, change the nature of the work. Or, for example, children are distracted by some events, such as school-wide events.

This makes students overly emotional. There is also a violation of discipline by individual students. This phenomenon is not as massive as those described above, but it can destroy the working environment in the classroom, i.e., the entire class will suffer as a result.

There can be many reasons for the violation of order in the lesson by individual students. If you try to classify them, you get two large groups.

Reasons related to the general mood of the class. Individual students perceive this mood more sharply than all others and, accordingly, react more actively, sometimes more painfully.

The reason for the violation is already connected with the direct initiative of individual students, the class is in a normal state.

In turn, in this group, one can single out the following types of violations of discipline: violations caused by external influences (the fight against these phenomena will require serious educational work with the relatives of students):

1) violations related to the quality of the lesson (it is boring, uninteresting, you want to have fun);

2) violations related to the inner life of the class (it is not difficult to deal with them if you know exactly what events excited the students);

3) violations resulting from abnormal personal relationships between teacher and student (the only way to fight is to change the relationship). The reason for the violation of order may be the student's morbid condition (this causes irritability, rudeness, lethargy, apathy, loss of attention).

All rules for maintaining discipline in the lesson should be beaten for specific reasons that cause a violation of order. Therefore, in order to successfully maintain discipline in the school, it is necessary to know all the reasons that can cause its violation.

4. Active life position

The main goal of all education as a whole is the creation of a holistic, organically developed personality. From the point of view of education, this is possible if an active life position, a creatively self-developing personality is brought up in the student.

A person with an active life position will become a full-fledged component of the future society. Therefore, the upbringing of such a person is one of the aspects of the state standard of education.

This is the reason for the great interest shown by educators of all levels in the development of an active, self-developing personality.

Education, focused on pedagogical stimulation of all types of "self" (self-knowledge, self-determination, self-government, self-improvement, self-realization), and hence creative self-development, has deep roots and traditions.

Considering self-development as a process of self-creation, it should be noted that as a specific type of creativity of subject-subject orientation, it has a number of characteristic features:

1) the presence of internal contradictions (most often a mismatch between the needs, knowledge, skills or abilities of the individual) in self-development;

2) awareness of the need, personal and social significance, self-assessment of self-development;

3) the presence of subjective and objective prerequisites, conditions for self-development, individual uniqueness, originality of the process and result of self-development;

4) the acquisition of new knowledge, new skills and creative abilities, creating the readiness of the individual to solve new, more complex tasks and problems.

From a pedagogical point of view, it is important to focus on the fact that the "mechanism" of self-development is launched not for the sake of self-development, but in order to bring a person to a new, higher level of readiness in solving vital tasks and problems for her. In education, especially in teaching self-development and an active life position, it should be borne in mind that self-development and self-realization are processes that require fairly strong motivational support.

For pedagogical stimulation of the development of an active personality, the initial motivation of the student (their desires, interests, values, attitudes), that is, the degree of their orientation towards self-development, is of great and sometimes decisive importance.

Among the motives for this type of activity are:

desire to be recognized and respected in the group;

the desire to be strong and healthy, intellectually more developed, the desire to achieve success and take a worthy place in society;

desire to make a career, have a prestigious job and others. These motives should be based on in the process of pedagogical stimulation of students' self-development.

However, self-development is to a sufficient extent connected with the way in which the teacher creates for the student real freedom for the manifestation of his individuality and activity. The problem of the relationship between freedom and necessity in education and upbringing is not new. It was raised at all stages of the development of pedagogical science.

LECTURE No. 12. National identity of education


1. Sex education according to Makarenko

The issue of sexual education is considered one of the most difficult in pedagogy. Indeed, in no other issue has so much confusion been expressed and so many wrong opinions expressed. In practice, this question is not so difficult, and in many families it is resolved very simply and without painful hesitation. It becomes difficult only when it is considered separately and when too much importance is attached to it, singling it out from the general mass of other educational issues.

The question of sex education in the family can be correctly resolved only when parents are well aware of the goal that they should pursue in the sexual education of their children. If this goal is clear to parents, the paths to achieve it will also become clear.

Every person, after reaching a certain age, lives a sexual life, but not only a person lives a sexual life, it constitutes a necessary part of the life of most living beings.

The sexual life of a person should differ significantly from the sexual life of an animal, and this difference lies in the goals of sexual education. But it happens that the sexual life of a person differs from the sexual life of an animal, not for the better, but for the worse. Man has gone through a long history of development. And it developed not only as a zoological species, but also as a social being. In the history of this development, human ideals have long been worked out for many aspects of morality, including the ideals of human sexual relations. In a class society, these ideals are often violated in favor of the interests of the ruling classes. Such violations occur both in the form of the family, and in the position of a woman, and in the despotic power of a man.

As in all his life, so in the life of a sexual man he cannot forget that he is a member of society, that he is a citizen of his country. And in the sexual sphere, public morality imposes certain requirements on each person. Parents should educate their children in such a way that they grow into people who do not go against public morality in their behavior.

What does public morality require in matters of sexual life? It requires that the sexual life of a person, every man and every woman, be in a constant harmonious relationship with two areas of life: family and love. It recognizes normal and morally justified only such sexual life, which is based on mutual love and which is manifested in the family, that is, in the open civil union of a man and a woman, a union that pursues 2 goals: human happiness and the birth and upbringing of children.

Hence the goals of sex education are clear. We must educate our children in such a way that they can enjoy sexual life only out of love and that they realize their pleasure, their love and their happiness in the family.

Speaking about the upbringing of the future sexual feeling of our child, we should, in fact, talk about the upbringing of his future love and the upbringing of him as a future family man. Any other sexual education will necessarily be harmful and anti-social.

2. Importance of sex education

The importance of sex education is enormous. The happiness of a person largely depends on the proper sexual education laid down in childhood. Having set before themselves the goal of proper sexual education, parents should think about the means to achieve it. With regard to these means, they can find in the specialized and fiction literature the most diverse opinions and recipes, the most contradictory points of view and advice. Parents should learn well to understand these opinions and consider correct only those that will help them in the responsible work of education and in achieving their goals.

Proper sex education. Like any education of human character, it is achieved, of course, at every step, if at all the life of the family is properly organized, if a worthy person grows under the guidance of parents.

In matters of love and family life, the general abilities of a person, his development, and working capacity will always be decisive. Honesty. Loyalty to the country, love to society. Therefore, it is absolutely correct to say that a person's sexual life is always brought up, at every step, when parents or educators do not even think about sexual education. The old saying, "Laziness is the mother of all vices," very correctly reflects this general law, but vices have more than one mother. Not only laziness, but any deviation of a person from correct social behavior necessarily leads to his vicious behavior in society, including leads to promiscuity.

In matters of sex education, the decisive factors are not some separate methods specially designed for sex education, but the whole general form of educational work, the whole picture as a whole.

Therefore, by educating a child in honesty, efficiency, sincerity, directness, the habit of cleanliness, respect for another person, etc., we thereby educate him in sexual relations as well. Among these general methods of upbringing, there are those that have a lot to do with sex education, there are those that are less relevant, but all of them taken together determine to a large extent our success in raising a future family man, future husband or future wife.

But there are also separate educational methods and techniques that seem to be specially designed to be useful specifically in matters of sexual education. And there are people who place special hopes on these individual techniques and methods and consider them the most wise expression of pedagogical creativity.

It is precisely in these special special councils that the most harmful paths of sexual education are laid down, and they must be treated with exceptional caution.

The importance of sex education cannot be underestimated. It is huge. It is necessary in a teenager to develop personal qualities and help to develop properly in sexual relations. The more competently you explain to a teenager what sex education is, the better the result will be, which is necessary first of all for the teenager himself.

3. Sex education in the family

Sex education is necessary for a teenager, and such education in the family is of great importance. If you do not pay attention to the fact that the growing son or daughter has some questions, difficulties, then this can lead to bad consequences. You need to pay attention to your children. Especially during puberty.

The success of sex education mainly depends on parents, who should be the initiators of conversations with a teenager. There is no need to be ashamed of children here. If the child feels embarrassed, he will instinctively "withdraw into himself", close and will not talk about this topic and ask questions.

Questions of sex education should be treated with much more calmness. The child often asks about where children come from, but the fact that the child is interested in this question does not mean that at an early age everything needs to be fully explained to him. After all, the child does not know something not only in the sexual question. He does not know much in other matters of life either, but we are in no hurry to load him with overwhelming knowledge ahead of time.

After all, we do not explain to a child at 3 years old why it is warm or cold, why the day increases or decreases. There is a time for all knowledge, and there is no danger if you answer the child that he is still small, and when he grows up, he will know everything. At the same time, it should be noted that the child does not and cannot have any particular persistent interest in sexual issues. Such a period occurs only during puberty, but by this time there is usually nothing mysterious in the sexual life for the child. Therefore, there is no urgent need to hurry with the discovery of the "mystery of childbearing", taking advantage of the child's random question for this. These questions do not yet contain any particular sexual curiosity, hiding the secret does not bring any feelings and suffering to the child. It is necessary to more or less tactfully answer the child's question, get off with a joke or a smile, the child will forget about his question and do something else. But if you start talking with him about the most secret details in the relationship between a man and a woman, you will definitely support and excite the imagination too early. The knowledge that you give him is completely unnecessary and useless for him, but the game of imagination that you arouse in him can give rise to sexual experiences for which the time has not yet come.

There is absolutely no need to be afraid that the child will learn about the secret of procreation from his friends and will keep his knowledge a secret. The secret in this case is not terrible.

The child must learn that many aspects of a person's life constitute an intimate, secret area, which does not need to be shared with everyone, which does not need to be flaunted.

And only when the child has already brought up this attitude to the intimate life of people, when he has the habit of chaste default about some things, only then can you talk with the child about sex education.

4. The value of physical education for the education of the individual

The value of physical education in the education of the individual is enormous. It takes many pages and time to describe it. Physical education educates a person to some extent. The more attention the child pays to his physical development, the less thoughts will remain in his head to go out into the street, to contact a group of teenagers doing nothing. The child will have his own business, there will be something to do after school if he goes to the sports section. Physical education strengthens the health of a person, and even more so a child.

Every year the child grows, his muscular system gets stronger, and if it is also properly developed, then this will only be a plus for the growing person. Sports activities have a beneficial effect on the entire body, including the human brain. When playing sports, a person (child) produces a hormone of joy, which helps to be in good shape, it is easier to endure difficulties.

It is no secret that at school a child is under strong pressure, and the loads are very high. Going in for sports, the student is easier to endure psychological stress, adapts to them.

Physical education helps the child to become more active, purposeful in life. Sport brings up a personality in a person, strengthens the nervous system. Many children who started playing sports became more well-mannered, treated other people more respectfully, helped the elderly and the younger.

What can arouse interest in a child to go to the sports section? The child focuses primarily on his parents (at an early age), and when he grows up, he wants to be like his peers. It is good when the issue of physical education is resolved positively at school. In principle, it does not matter much what sports section the child goes to: be it swimming or football. There he has another opportunity to communicate, find friends with whom the child has common interests.

A child who plays sports becomes more active in the classroom. If before that he had some complexes, then gradually they are eliminated. The child becomes physically resilient. This also affects his psychological development. The positive emotions that a child receives while playing sports are very important.

Historically, physical education is one of the most ancient forms of purposeful influence on the younger generation. Physical education should be combined with other types of education.

Studies have shown that the main reason for the failure of approximately 85% of students is ill health or physical disabilities. Memory, attentiveness, perseverance largely depend on the general state of health and physical strength. Therefore, the strengthening of health and the prevention of diseases is the most important condition for the general intellectual development and the increase in the intensity of mental labor.

Physical education is inextricably linked with aesthetic. The beauty of a healthy body, graceful movements has always served as a source of inspiration for artists and performers.

5. Public education

Social education is very important in the life of a teenager. How he grows up, what habits he will have, largely depends on the environment in which he finds himself. We can talk about the influence of the natural environment, or geographical, domestic and social. Each environment has a special effect on a person.

The most important, determining factor is the influence of the social environment. The concept of social environment includes social relations in a given society. Naturally, the social environment is not the same, but it has a huge impact.

When it comes to finding a person (child) in society, this is usually associated with a certain impact, influence on the emerging personality. In itself, social education does not always lead to a positive result: it can cause both positive and negative qualities to appear.

It is quite clear that if the educational influence evokes an internal positive reaction (attitude) in a person and excites his own activity, it has an effective developing and formative influence on him.

Education is understood as a purposeful and consciously carried out pedagogical process of organizing and stimulating a variety of activities of a formed personality to master social experience: knowledge, practical skills, ways of creative activity, social and spiritual relations. Public education can develop both positive and negative qualities in a child. Everyone knows about the bad influence of the street.

When a child has nothing to do, there is no goal and a favorite thing, as a rule, he is looking for the same friends who do nothing. The desire to have fun can lead to disastrous results. Out of curiosity, and more often because of the desire to show that a child (teenager) is "no worse than others", he begins to smoke, drink, try drugs. In this case, it is no longer possible to talk about some kind of spiritual education, we are already talking about the physical health of a teenager who needs to be saved.

Social foundations greatly influence our behavior, our perception of the world around us. In most cases, what is not recognized by society is of little value to anyone. The influence of society is enormous. We must try to observe your child: what company he communicates with, what interests him and what gives him joy.

There is a concept called activity-relational. The essence of this concept lies in the fact that only by including a growing person in various activities to master social experience and skillfully stimulating his activity (attitude) in this activity, it is possible to carry out his effective education.

Without the organization of this activity and the formation of a positive attitude towards it, education is impossible. This is the deep essence of the most complex process.

So public education is one of the most important processes of education and personality formation.

6. Patterns of education

When it comes to specially organized educational activities, then usually this activity is associated with a certain impact, influence on the personality being formed. That is why sometimes education is traditionally defined as a specially organized pedagogical influence on a developing personality with the aim of forming social properties and qualities determined by society.

In itself, external educational influence does not always lead to the desired result: it can cause both positive and negative reactions in the student, or be neutral.

It is quite understandable that only if the educational influence evokes an internal positive reaction (attitude) in the individual and excites her own activity in working on herself, it has an effective developing and formative influence on her.

What should be understood by the law of education? This concept means stable, repetitive and significant connections in the educational process, the implementation of which will allow achieving effective results in the development and formation of the personality.

1. The nature of education at all historical stages is determined by the objective needs of production and the interests of the ruling classes of society. Which, of course, is its essential regularity.

2. The unity of goals, content and methods of education is another important pattern.

3. The inseparable unity of education and upbringing (in the narrow sense) in a holistic pedagogical process, which should also be considered one of the laws of upbringing.

4. The upbringing of the personality occurs only in the process of its inclusion in the activity. In order for a person to acquire knowledge, he needs to carry out cognitive activity. It is impossible to educate diligence, collectivism, without involving the pupil in labor activity, in interpersonal relationships and solving collective problems.

That is why education in its deepest meaning does not at all consist in educational conversations, edifying conversations and instructions, as it sometimes seems, but in the inclusion of a growing person in activities, in social relations corresponding to his age. Proceeding from this, S. T. Shatsky and A. S. Makarenko rightfully defined education as a meaningful organization of the life and activities of pupils.

5. Education is the stimulation of the activity of the formed personality in organized activities.

6. In the process of education, it is necessary to show humanity and respect for the individual, combined with high demands.

7. In the process of education, it is necessary to open up prospects for students to grow, to help them achieve the joy of success.

8. In the process of education, it is necessary to identify the positive qualities of students and rely on them.

9. In education, it is necessary to take into account the age and individual characteristics of students.

10. In the process of education, it is necessary to achieve unity and coordination of the pedagogical efforts of teachers, families, and public organizations.

LECTURE No. 13. Features of family education

1. Family education

Family - the main aspect in human life. Of particular importance is the family in the life of the child, in his formation and behavior. The family unites children, parents, relatives by blood ties. The family "covers" the person completely. Helps him cope with difficulties, in the end, protects him.

family education - This is a system of upbringing and education, developing in the conditions of a particular family by the forces of parents and relatives.

Family education is a complex system. It is influenced by heredity and biological (natural) health of children and parents, material and economic security, social status, lifestyle, number of family members, place of residence of the family (place at home), attitude towards the child. All this is organically intertwined and in each case manifests itself in different ways. Tasks of the family and family education:

1) create maximum conditions for the growth and development of the child;

2) ensure the socio-economic and psychological protection of the child;

3) to convey the experience of creating and maintaining a family, raising children in it and relating to elders;

4) to teach children useful applied skills and abilities aimed at self-service and helping relatives;

5) to cultivate self-esteem, the value of one's own "I".

Family education also has its own principles. The most common ones are:

1) humanity and mercy to the growing person;

2) involvement of children in the life of the family as its equal members;

3) openness and trust in relations with children;

4) optimistic relationships in the family;

5) consistency in their requirements (not demanding the impossible);

6) providing all possible assistance to your child, willingness to answer questions.

In addition to these principles, there are a number of private, but no less significant rules for family education: the prohibition of physical punishment, the prohibition to read other people's letters and diaries, not to moralize, not to talk too much, not to demand immediate obedience, not to indulge and others. All principles, however, boil down to one thought: children are joy in every family, happiness, children are welcome in the family not because they are good, it’s easy with them, but children are good and it’s easy with them because they are welcome.

Family education begins, first of all, with love for the child. The love of parents for their child is love for the sake of the unborn child. Family education has its own methods. Different families use them differently. These are, for example, personal example, discussion, trust, display, empathy, praise, manifestation of love, elevation of the personality, humor, control, assignment, traditions, etc.

Family education is very important. Especially in the first years of a child's life. Until the child goes to school. The more parents give attention to their child (without spoiling him too much), the greater the benefit will be for the child. Parents should not only educate the child well, but also set a personal example. This is very important for the child, because he constantly focuses on his parents (close people).

Family education is a very important step in the development of the formation of a child's personality.

2. Methods of pedagogical and psychological influence on the personality

Methods of influencing a personality for pedagogical and educational purposes are varied. For the proper functioning of the pedagogical process, at least 6 groups of methods of influencing a person are needed:

1) persuasion;

2) suggestion, infection by "personal example" and imitation;

3) exercises and habituation;

4) training;

5) stimulation (methods of encouragement and punishment, competition);

6) control and evaluation.

Reception of influence - a set of means and an algorithm for their use. Methods of influence - a set of techniques that implement the impact:

1) needs, interests, inclinations, i.e., sources of motivation for activity, human behavior;

2) on attitudes, group norms, self-assessments of people, i.e. on factors that regulate activity;

3) on the states in which a person is (anxiety, agitation or depression, etc.) and which change his behavior.

For example, a heart-to-heart talk, a dispute, an explanation, a lecture are examples of persuasion techniques.

Approval, praise, gratitude - methods of encouragement.

Persuasion is an impact on the mind, the logic of a person. It involves a system of evidence based on life techniques, logical conclusions and generalizations. But most often the teacher addresses the mind and feelings of the pupil at the same time, combining persuasion and suggestion, infecting the pupil with his conviction and faith in success.

You can convince the most powerfully when the word, feeling, deed and personal example of the teacher influence. The effectiveness of persuasion methods depends on compliance with the following pedagogical requirements:

1) the high authority of the teacher among the pupils. Logically literate persuasive speeches of a disrespectful person only irritate listeners and desire to do the opposite, but, on the other hand, authority will not help if there are logical inaccuracies in the speech, contradictions in reasoning, rigged examples;

2) reliance on the life experience of pupils;

3) sincerity, logical clarity, concreteness and accessibility of persuasion;

4) a combination of persuasion and practical training;

5) taking into account the age and individual characteristics of pupils.

An exercise - this is a systematically organized implementation by pupils of various actions, practical cases in order to form and develop their personality. Domestication - this is the organization of systematic and regular performance by pupils of certain actions in order to form good habits.

Habits, as noted by K. D. Ushinsky, take root by repeating an action until "an inclination to this action is established." You cannot educate a courageous person if you do not put him in such conditions when he could show courage - no matter what - in restraint, in a direct open word, in some deprivation, in patience, in courage. "(A.S. Makarenko) In the practice of educational work, mainly 3 types of exercises are used:

1) exercises in useful activity;

2) routine exercises;

3) special exercises.

3. Education according to Sukhomlinsky

Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky {1918-1970) is the largest teacher of our century, his pedagogical works have been translated into 40 languages, he considered almost all aspects of the theory and practice of education, didactics and school studies.

A talented practitioner and theorist, he worked all his life in a rural school. An important place in his work is occupied by the problem of the teacher's creative attitude to his professional activity, which is of great social importance. In "A Conversation with a Young School Principal"

Sukhomlinsky wrote: "If you want pedagogical work to give the teacher joy, and not turn into a boring monotonous everyday life, lead each teacher on the path of the researcher." The success of the work of an educator is possible only when organizing a combination of skill and creativity, with a deep knowledge of the spiritual life of children, the characteristics of each child.

Sukhomlinsky paid the main attention to the education of the younger generation of citizenship. He continued the development of the doctrine of the educational process in a team, developed a methodology for working with an individual student in a team. Children's team - a community of children in which there is an ideological, intellectual, emotional and organizational community.

The path to the richness of the spiritual life of the collective is complicated: from the individual contribution of each pupil to the general "wealth" of the collective, and from it to the influence on the individual and again to an increase in the private "contribution" to the common fund, and so on ad infinitum, i.e. bilateral deep ties are established. Sukhomlinsky introduces new concepts - "collective spiritual life", "intellectual background of the class".

The interaction of various interests and hobbies, the exchange of spiritual acquisitions, knowledge increases the "intellectual background", the general level of development of children, causes a desire to learn more and thereby helps in the main thing - in learning. But teaching is the main joint work in the school team. Questions of the educational impact of traditions, folklore, and nature have been deeply and originally developed by Sukhomlinsky.

In the book "I give my heart to children," Sukhomlinsky vividly showed that the success of the work of an educator aimed at the harmonious development of children is possible only with a deep knowledge of the spiritual life and developmental characteristics of each child.

Sukhomlinsky urged to study the inner world of the child, to find out what he (the child) wants, what he thinks about, how he lives. The deeper the knowledge, the easier it will be to find contact between the child and the teacher. A child is a person (albeit a small one) with his own interests, experiences, emotions. Children are all different, each has its own character. It is necessary to be not only a mentor for each child, but also a friend, then the child will believe in you and will be interested in your help.

Spiritual life is very important in the life of every child and the team, it unites, unites. If the class unites not one thing, but several, then this will only be useful.

4. Causes of unsatisfactory upbringing in the family

Love for the child in the name of the child is what should be present in the family. In contrast to love for the sake of satisfying one's own momentary parental feelings, the desire of parents to "buy" children's love with "lisping", giving expensive gifts.

Blind, unreasonable parental love gives rise to consumerism in children, disregard for work, dulls the feeling of gratitude and love for parents, makes the child arrogant. Often such children become simply boors.

Neglect. Lack of control occurs when parents are too busy with their own affairs and do not pay due attention to children. As a result, children are left to themselves and spend time looking for hobbies, fall under the influence of "street" companies.

Giperopeka. The life of the child is under vigilant and tireless supervision, he hears all the time strict orders, numerous prohibitions. As a result, he becomes indecisive, he does not show initiative, he is timid, not confident in his abilities, he cannot stand up for himself. Such a child gradually grows resentful that other children can do a lot (everything). In adolescents, all this can result in a rebellion against parental oppression: they fundamentally begin to disobey their parents, run away from home, act in their own way.

Another kind of hyper-custody is upbringing like the "idol" of the family. The child is constantly in the center of attention, gets used to it. All his desires and requests are fulfilled, he is admired, and when such a child grows up, he is not able to correctly assess the situation, his capabilities, and overcome his egocentrism. In the team of such people do not understand and do not accept them.

Cinderella parenting i.e. in an atmosphere of emotional rejection, indifference, coldness. The child feels that the parents (or one of them) do not love him. From the outside, it may seem that his parents treat him well enough.

"Cruel Education" - for the slightest offense the child is severely punished, and he grows up in constant fear.

Education in conditions of increased moral responsibility: From an early age, the child is instilled with the idea that he must necessarily justify the numerous hopes of his parents. Often in such families, unchildish unbearable worries are assigned to the child. As a result - obsessive fears, anxiety.

One of the most unacceptable methods of education used in the family is method of physical punishment when children are affected by fear. Physical punishment causes physical, mental, moral injuries, which ultimately lead to a change in the behavior of children. So, every second punished teenager has difficulties in adapting, adapting him to the team, almost all of these children lose interest in learning.

Boys are more often exposed to physical education. Subsequently, they themselves often become cruel. They begin to like to humiliate others, beat, mock.

The most favorable variant of the relationship between parents and children is when they experience a steady need for mutual communication.

5. Causes of conflicts in the family

There are many reasons for family conflict. This is the behavior of the child, and quarrels between parents, problems at work, brought into the house.

Many children, entering adolescence, change a lot. From calm, obedient children suddenly turn into stubborn and rude.

Perhaps it is rudeness that offends parents most of all. But before you fight this evil, you need to understand the causes of its occurrence.

By the age of 15, the child has many problems of transitional age. Gradually, self-doubt builds up. Anxiety, doubts about their own importance for parents and friends appear. Adolescents are ready to "get stuck" in the position of "offended", "misunderstood", to look for a way out of difficult situations in ways that are often extremely dangerous for health, they strive to free themselves from adult addiction. This leads to conflicts in families.

The teenager begins to be rude, rude to his parents. If parents begin to openly enter into conflict, then this leads to a complete misunderstanding and an increase in mutual claims. What should adults do to avoid conflicts in communication with a teenager? It is very difficult to tolerate the rudeness of your own child. He wants to give a worthy rebuff. But will it make sense? Adults know perfectly well: any aggravation of relations adds fuel to the fire. The following may be advised:

1) give the teenager freedom. Get used to the idea that he has already grown up, and disobedience is only a desire to get out of your care;

2) do not read notations. Most of all, the child is irritated by moralizing. Parents need to change the style of communication, move to a calm, polite tone, and need to abandon categorical assessments and judgments. The child has the right to his own opinion;

3) parents need to compromise. When both parents and teenagers are overwhelmed by violent negative emotions, the ability to understand each other disappears;

4) the one who is smarter is inferior. The laurels of the winner in relations with their own child do not decorate;

5) no need to offend. When ending a fight, don't try to hurt your child with snarky remarks or clapping. The child learns the ability to adequately get out of situations from adults;

6) parents need to be firm and consistent.

Children are subtle psychologists. They perfectly feel the weakness of the elders.

Therefore, despite the willingness to compromise, the son or daughter must know that the authority of the parents is unshakable.

A person needs to be loved, understood, recognized, respected, so that he is needed and close to someone. When a person does not have this support, then conflicts often begin in families.

Sometimes the parents themselves are the cause of conflicts. It can be both mother and father at the same time.

Parents get tired, they have their own problems at work, and in order to relax, they splash everything on the child. Of course, this should not be.

A child can simply "withdraw into himself", stop respecting his parents. And start misbehaving. Sometimes even children leave home, not wanting to listen to scandals.

LECTURE No. 14. Rules of family education

1. Types of families

One of the key problems in solving many problems is the problem of the family. F. Engels wrote that "modern society is a mass consisting entirely of individual families. Like its molecules." The family, as in miniature, reflects the picture of those "... opposites and contradictions in which society moves ..." Raising children in the family puts forward several aspects in the problem of the family: strengthening and preserving the family (reducing divorces, raising children in an incomplete family), caring for children about parents (educating schoolchildren of a correct, cordial and humane attitude towards parents, relatives and friends).

Each family has its own rules. Each individual family is a cell of society, and it lives according to its own established rules. In most cases, the father is the head of the family. He allows (or not) the child to go somewhere or not, to do something or not to do. This happens in complete families. But, unfortunately, there are also such types of families in which there is only a mother (sometimes only a father) and a child. Most often this happens due to divorce of parents. Of course, it is difficult for a child to live in such a family. He does not feel completely protected, he is envious if his friends have both mom and dad. He only has one of his parents. He cries more often, gets sick, takes offense. Sometimes children are raised only by grandparents. Although such a child has parents, only grandparents are engaged in upbringing. Parents either travel frequently for work or are simply very busy and do not have time to take care of their own child.

The family, considered as the primary unit of society, is very diverse. The school needs to take into account the peculiarities of the family structure in order to organize joint activities with it in raising children. Usually a family living independently consists of 2 generations - parents and children. Often grandparents also live with this family. Incomplete families have a number of variants of their structure - mother, grandmother, grandfather; only one mother and child(ren); only father, children and grandmother, etc.

Families can be complete, but with a non-native mother or stepfather for the child, with new children. There may be complete families of the basic structure, but the family may not be well. All this creates a special atmosphere in which the student of the school is located, which determines the strength and direction of the educational impact of the family on the student.

Much in solving educational problems depends on who in the family is mainly engaged in raising children, who is their main educator. Most often, this role is played by the mother, often the grandmother living in the family. Much depends on whether the mother works or not, what her workload is at work, how much time she can devote to her child, and most importantly, whether she wants to educate him, whether she is truly interested in the life of the child. The role of the father is also great, although often the fathers withdraw from the upbringing of children, entrusting him to the mother.

Family - this is the primary source of everything that is invested in the upbringing and formation of the child's personality at home, it is a microenvironment that combines its impact on the child with the impact from the school.

2. Models of family education

Parenting in a family can be very different - from absolute total control to inattention to your child in general. Best of all, when parents look after (unobtrusively) their child, they constantly advise him what to do (again, unobtrusively, but playfully), when the child and parents do something together, for example, homework, do something together. This is bearing fruit. These children have a very developed understanding with their parents. They listen to them. And, listening to their opinion, children are ready to constantly help such parents, and, as a rule, the academic performance of such children is at the proper level. There are several models of family education.

1. Situations of advance by trust (A. S. Makarenko), when trust is given in advance by a person who has not yet grown strong, but is already ready to justify it. Conditions are created in the family for the expression of trust on the part of parents.

2. The situation of unconstrained coercion (T. E. Konnikova) is a mechanism of influence of a particular situation not in the form of an uncompromising demand from parents, but in the form of actualization of already existing motives for behavior in new conditions that ensure active participation in family life, due to which the position of the subject is formed, creative partner.

3. The model of family education (O. S. Bogdanova, V. A. Krakovsky), when the child is confronted with a necessity and gets the opportunity to make an independent choice of an act (of course, under the control of adults). Sometimes the situation of choice takes on the character of a conflict situation in which there is a clash of incompatible interests and attitudes (M. M. Yashchenko, V. M. Basova).

4. Model of family education, where there is a situation of creativity (V. A. Krakovsky). Its essence lies in the creation of such conditions in which the fiction, imagination, fantasy of the child, his ability to improvise, the ability to get out of a non-standard situation are actualized. Every child is talented, it is only necessary to develop these talents in him, to create conditions for the child that will be most acceptable for him.

The choice of family education model depends, first of all, on the parents. It is necessary to take into account the age of the child, his psychological characteristics, the level of development and upbringing. L. N. Tolstoy emphasized that the upbringing of children is only self-improvement, to which no one helps as much as children. Self-education is not something auxiliary in education, but its foundation. "No one can educate a person if he does not educate himself," wrote V. A. Sukhomlinsky.

Forms of education - these are ways of organizing the educational process, ways of expedient organization of the collective and individual activities of children. When an atmosphere of creativity is created in the family, the children begin to "open up", to throw out all their emotions and experiences in this creativity.

It depends on the parents which parenting model to choose. The main thing is that it is more suitable than other models for a child being raised.

3. The content of education in the family

The family is of great importance for a person and for a child in particular. This is a socio-pedagogical group of people designed to optimally meet the needs for self-preservation and self-affirmation of each of its members.

family education - This is a system of upbringing and education, developing in the conditions of a particular family by the forces of parents and relatives.

Family education should prohibit corporal punishment, reading other people's documents. You should not moralize, talk a lot, demand momentary obedience, do not indulge, etc. All principles say the same thing: children are welcome not because they do their homework, help around the house or behave well. They are happy because they are.

The content of family education covers all areas. In the family, physical, aesthetic, labor, mental and moral education of children is carried out, and it changes from age to age. Gradually, parents, grandparents, relatives give children knowledge about the world around them, nature, society, production, professions, technology, form the experience of creative activity, develop some intellectual skills, and finally, they bring up an attitude towards the world, people, profession, life in general.

A special place in family education is occupied by moral education, primarily the education of such qualities as: benevolence, kindness, attention and mercy to the elders and the weak, honesty, openness, diligence. Obedience is sometimes included here, but not everyone considers it a virtue.

In the coming years, religious education will come to many families with its cult of human life and death, with respect for universal values, with many sacraments and traditional rites.

The purpose of family education is the formation of such personality traits that will help to adequately overcome the difficulties and obstacles encountered on the path of life. The development of intelligence and creative abilities, primary work experience, moral and aesthetic education, emotional culture and physical health of children, their happiness and well-being - all this depends on the family, on the parents, and all this is the task of family education. It is the parents - the first educators - who have the greatest influence on the child in the first years of his life. Family education has its own methods, or rather the priority use of some of them. This is a personal example, discussion, trust, showing, showing love, etc.

Parents often raise their children the way they were raised. It must be understood that a child is also a person, albeit a small one. It needs its own approach. It is necessary to look at your child, study his habits, analyze his actions, draw appropriate conclusions and, based on this, develop his own method of education and training.

4. The main problems of family education

The problems of family education are formed mainly due to misunderstanding between children and parents. Children (teenagers) begin to want more, parents do not allow, children begin to get angry, conflicts occur. Family education begins with love for the child. If this fact is not strongly expressed or not expressed at all, then problems begin in the family - sooner or later.

Often in families there is neglect, lack of control. This happens when parents are too busy with their own affairs and do not pay due attention to children. As a result, children wander around the street, left to their own devices, begin to search and fall into bad company.

It also happens the other way around when a child is overprotected. This is hyperprotection. The life of such a child is controlled all the time, he cannot do what he wants, he waits all the time and at the same time is afraid of orders. As a result, he becomes nervous, unsure of himself. This ultimately leads to mental disorders. The child accumulates resentment and anger for such an attitude, in the end, the child can simply leave home. Such children begin to fundamentally violate prohibitions.

It happens that a child is brought up in the type of permissiveness. Everything is allowed for such children, they are admired, the child gets used to being the center of attention, all his desires are fulfilled. When such children grow up, they are not able to correctly assess their capabilities. Such people, as a rule, do not like, try not to communicate with them and do not understand.

Some parents raise their children in an environment of emotional rejection, coldness. The child feels that the parents (or one of them) do not love him. This state of affairs makes him very sad. And when one of the other family members is loved more (the child feels it), the child reacts much more painfully. In such families, children can grow up with neuroses or embittered.

Rigid upbringing happens in families when a child is punished for the slightest offense. These children grow up in constant fear.

There are families where a child is brought up in conditions of increased moral responsibility. Parents instill in the child that he is simply obliged to justify the numerous hopes of his parents, and he is also assigned unbearable children's worries. These children may have fears, constant concern for their health and the health of loved ones. Improper upbringing disfigures the character of the child, dooms him to neurotic breakdowns, to difficult relationships with others.

Often the parents themselves are the cause of problematic family upbringing. For example, personal problems of parents, solved at the expense of a teenager. In this case, some kind of, most often unconscious, need lies at the heart of the violations of upbringing. Her parent is trying to satisfy by raising a teenager. In this case, the explanation to the parent of the incorrectness of his behavior and persuasion to change the style of education are ineffective. This again leads to problems between children and parents.

5. Methods of family education

Family education has its own methods, or rather, the priority use of some of them. This is a personal example, discussion, trust, display, manifestation of love, empathy, elevation of the personality, control, humor, instructions, traditions, praise, sympathy, etc. The selection is purely individual, taking into account specific situational conditions.

The initial structural unit of society, which lays the foundations of the individual, is the family. It binds by blood ties, unites children, parents, relatives. The family appears only with the birth of a child. Family education is very important. It can help the child throughout his future life. But if parents, for one reason or another, do not pay due attention to education, the child may have problems with himself and society in the future.

Family upbringing methods, like all upbringing, should be based, first of all, on love for the child. Family education is a complex system. It is influenced by heredity and biological (natural) health of children and parents, etc.

It is necessary to show humanity and mercy to the child, to involve him in the life of the family, as an equal member of it. In the family, relations should be optimistic, which will help the child to overcome difficulties in the future, to feel the “rear”, which is the family. Among the methods of education, one should also highlight openness and trust in relations with children. The child feels the attitude towards him very sharply, on a subconscious level, and therefore it is necessary to be open with your child. He will be grateful to you all his life.

There is no need to demand the impossible from a child. Parents need to clearly plan their requirements, see what the child's abilities are, talk with teachers and specialists. If a child cannot learn and memorize everything perfectly, there is no need to ask him more. In a child, this will cause complexes and neuroses.

Helping your child will only bring positive results. If you are ready to answer your child's questions, he will answer you with openness as well.

The purpose of family education is the formation of such personality traits that will help to adequately overcome the difficulties and obstacles encountered on the path of life. The development of intelligence and creative abilities, primary work experience, moral and aesthetic formation, emotional culture and physical health of children, their happiness - all this depends on the family, on parents, and all this is the task of family education. And the choice of methods of education is entirely the priority of parents. The more correct the methods, the better the child, the greater the results he will achieve. Parents are the first educators. They have a huge impact on children. Even Jean-Jacques Rousseau argued that each subsequent teacher has less influence on the child than the previous one.

From everything, we conclude that the more correctly the methods parents choose, the greater the benefit it will bring to the child.

6. Choice and application of parenting methods

Methods of education - this is a concrete influence on the consciousness, feelings, behavior of pupils for solving pedagogical problems in joint activities, communication of pupils with a teacher-educator.

Selection and implementation are carried out in accordance with the objectives. It is entirely up to the parents how to raise their child. You need to draw on the experience of others. Now there is a lot of diverse literature on this subject.

Methods of education should be distinguished from the means of education, with which they are closely connected. The method of education is realized through the activities of the teacher-educator, parents. Methods of humanistic education - the prohibition of corporal punishment, do not talk too much, do not demand obedience, do not indulge, etc. However, it all boils down to one thing: children in the family should always be happy, under any circumstances, no matter if he behaves obediently or is naughty.

Parents should teach their children from an early age that work is the main source of life. In childhood, this should take place in the form of a game, then the tasks become more complicated. It is necessary to explain to the child that his good mark at school is his job well done. In this case, the danger that the child will grow up unaccustomed to work is very small.

The responsibility for education rests with the parents. The school, of course, first of all has an impact. But a lot is laid in a child under 7 years old, when he does not go to school yet, but constantly plays, is under the supervision of his parents. At preschool age, you can teach a child to work in such a way as to show him that he must clean up the toys that he has scattered. This will also contribute greatly to the development of the child's personality.

In the family, physical, aesthetic, labor, mental and moral education of children is carried out, changing from age to age. To the best of their ability, parents and close people give the child knowledge about the world around them, society, production, professions, technology, etc. Some intellectual skills are developed in the family, they develop an attitude towards the world, people, and life.

Parents should set a good example for their children. This also applies to parenting practices. The role of the father in the family is enormous. This is especially true for boys. Boys always want to find an idol for themselves, a strong, courageous person who can be emulated.

A special place among the methods of family education is occupied by the method of moral education of the child. First of all, this is the upbringing of such qualities as benevolence, kindness, attention and mercy to the elders, the younger and the weak. Honesty, openness, kindness, diligence, humanity. By their own example, parents should teach their child how to behave and how to act in this or that case.

Conclusion: by what methods parents raise a child, this is how he will grow up in the future, this is how he will treat his own parents and people around him.

7. Common Mistakes in Parenting

The key to family education is love for children. Pedagogically expedient parental love is concern for the future of the child, in contrast to love for the sake of one's own whim, the desire of parents to "buy" children's love in various ways: the fulfillment of all the child's desires, hypocrisy. Blind, unreasonable parental love makes children consumers. Neglect of work, of the desire to help one's parents dulls the feeling of gratitude and love.

When parents are only busy with their own affairs and do not have time to pay proper attention to children, the following problem arises, which has serious consequences: children become left to their own devices, they begin to spend time looking for entertainment, fall under the influence of bad companies that adversely affect the worldview of children and their attitude to life, to work, to parents.

But there is another problem - hyperopeka. In this case, the life of the child is under vigilant and tireless supervision, he hears all the time strict orders, numerous prohibitions. As a result, he becomes indecisive, lack of initiative, fearful, not confident in his abilities, does not know how to stand up for himself, for his interests. Gradually, resentment grows for the fact that others "everything is allowed." For adolescents, all this can result in a rebellion against parental "violence": they fundamentally violate prohibitions, run away from home. Another kind of hyper-custody is upbringing like the "idol" of the family. The child gets used to being the center of attention, his desires, requests are implicitly fulfilled, he is admired. And as a result, having matured, he is not able to correctly assess his capabilities, to overcome his egocentrism. The team does not understand him. Deeply experiencing this, he blames everyone. Only not yourself, a hysterical accentuation of character arises, bringing a lot of experiences to a person throughout his later life.

Education like "Cinderella", that is, in an atmosphere of emotional rejection, indifference, coldness. The child feels that his father or mother does not love him, is burdened by this, although it may seem to outsiders that the parents are quite attentive and kind to him. "There is nothing worse than pretense of kindness," wrote L. Tolstoy, "the pretense of kindness repels more than outright malice." The child experiences especially strongly if someone else from the family members is loved more. This situation contributes to the development of neurosis, excessive sensitivity to adversity or anger in children.

"Hard upbringing" - for the slightest offense the child is severely punished, and he grows up in constant fear.

Upbringing in conditions of increased moral responsibility: from an early age, the child is instilled with the idea that he must necessarily justify the numerous ambitious hopes of his parents, or that unchildish overwhelming worries are assigned to him. As a result, such children develop obsessive fears, constant anxiety for the well-being of their own and loved ones.

Improper upbringing disfigures the character of the child, dooms him to neurotic breakdowns, to difficult relationships with others.

8. Rules of family education

A family is a socio-pedagogical group of people designed to optimally meet the needs for self-preservation (procreation) and self-affirmation (self-respect) of each of its members. The family evokes in a person the concept of a house not as a room where he lives, but as feelings, a sense of a place where he is expected, loved, understood and protected. The family is such an education that embraces a person as a whole in all manifestations. All personal qualities can be formed in the family. The fateful significance of the family in the development of the personality of a growing person is well known.

Each family lives by its own rules. Each family has their own. But there are a few general rules for everyone.

First, the child must obey his parents. They already have life experience, they guide the child in the right direction, help him become a worthy person. After all, they know a lot more than he does. Parents advise their child what to do, what to do. Good behavior is a kind of gratitude of the child to the parents.

Secondly, it is necessary to create maximum conditions for the growth and development of the child.

Thirdly, to ensure the socio-economic and psychological protection of the child.

Fourthly, to convey the experience of creating and maintaining a family, raising children in it and relating to elders.

Fifthly, to teach children useful applied skills and abilities aimed at self-service and helping loved ones.

Sixth, to cultivate self-esteem, the value of one's own "I".

The child must respect his parents. Appreciate their concern for him. These qualities also need to try to instill in the child. But, first of all, the child must be loved. You also need to listen to his opinion, find out what interests him, what he wants. A child is a little man who reacts very seriously to the attitude of his parents towards him. You can't be too harsh on your child. This will cause constant fears, and in the future will cause complexes.

It is impossible to allow the child to "sit down on the parents' neck." Then a capricious, spoiled, useless (except mom and dad) member of society will grow up.

Parents should help their child, should be ready to answer questions. Then the child will have the feeling that they want to communicate with him, he is given due attention. Good-natured relationships in the family multiply love, affection for each other. The child will always have a good mood, there will be no feeling of guilt if he was suddenly shouted at for no reason and punished. Trusting relationships in the family are the main sign of a good, strong family.

Involving children in the life of the family is one of the conditions for understanding children and parents. Children feel that they are not "strangers" in the family, that their opinion is listened to. Love works wonders. Therefore, we must not forget about it.

9. Relationship between family and school education

The connection between family and school education is inseparable. After 7 years, that is, after entering school, the child spends a large amount of time there. The influence of the family weakens a little, as the child falls under the guidance of the teacher. The child begins to grow in a team, to live according to its laws. The influence of the collective (society) becomes enormous.

However, there is a strong bond between family and school.

If a child lives in a good, strong family, then in it, in addition to the requirements, the child also receives love, care, affection.

At school, they only require from a child. A personal approach to education is a consistent attitude of the teacher to the pupil as a person. As a responsible subject of their own development. It represents the basic value orientation of teachers to the personality, its individuality, the creative potential of the child, which determines the strategy of interaction. The basis of the personal approach is a deep knowledge of the child, his innate properties and capabilities, the ability to self-development, knowledge of how others perceive him and how he perceives himself. The teacher and parents should work together to shape the personality of the child. The more often parents communicate with the teacher, the more often they try to find the best ways to improve the knowledge and skills of the child, the better for the child himself. The child is under their general care, which contributes to its better development. The educational process includes situations specially designed for the personality of the child, helping him to realize himself within the framework of the school.

The activity approach in education assigns a primary role to those activities that contribute to the development of the individual. Both the teacher and the parents need to work together to develop the personality in the child.

The personal-active approach to education means that the school must ensure the activity of a person, the formation of a personality.

The creative approach prioritizes the creativity of the teacher and the child in the process of education, and parents should help in this.

Parents should be aware that they also went to school, that it is necessary to prove to the child that the school is a place where there are friends, where the child will be given important and necessary knowledge. The teacher must instill love for his subject, teach the child to respect himself, other teachers, and, of course, elders. Without the joint activity of parents and teachers, this is almost impossible.

Education should take place constantly: both in the family and at school. The child in this case will be under "supervision" or supervision, there will be no negative influence of the street, and this will help to educate a good person, personality in the child.

The teacher needs to help the family in developing an individual program for raising a child, taking into account the interests of children, independently determine the forms, methods and content of education.

Thus, there is an inseparable connection between school education and home education.

LECTURE No. 15. Functions and main activities of the class teacher

1. Forms of activity of the class teacher with the family

The class teacher has the right to conduct experimental work on the problems of didactic (to develop an author's program in his subject, if he is also a subject teacher) and educational (to develop a program of educational work) activities.

The activity of a teacher, for example, in an elementary school is very specific. The teacher works both as a teacher and as a class teacher. From his work largely depends on how successfully the child's life at school will proceed. Here, knowledge of the age characteristics of children is especially important: due to neglect of them, the intellectual, moral, and creative powers of the child are not fully realized; quite “prosperous” children can become “difficult”. Therefore, it is very important to take into account the specifics of this age.

In children of this age it is very important to educate cognitive interests and needs. If the teacher forms in children the ability and ability to work purposefully, their voluntary attention intensively develops. This is closely related to the formation of responsibility for the assimilation of knowledge; younger students can quite force themselves to carefully complete any task.

Adolescence (puberty) is traditionally considered difficult. It is called a transitional, difficult, dangerous age. In these names, its main feature is fixed - the transition from childhood to adulthood. The teacher must try to find a common contact with the child, not to cause irritation.

Youth is closely connected with the system of interaction between age strata. In adolescence, there is an increase in the tendency to communicate with adults. This circumstance must be taken into account by the class teacher in educational work with children of this age.

The main requirement of the class teacher is the education of a team of students. This is important because, leaving the school, the child will enter into various groups. Both his psychological comfort and success in any activity depend on how successful his adaptation in these teams will be. In the classroom, the child builds models and tests relationships in the adult world.

Business relations develop automatically in the classroom from the moment the team is organized. Organizationally, the class is formed to achieve certain educational goals. The class teacher must properly organize any relations in the class.

Joint activities outside of school hours (extracurricular work) can be very diverse. The class teacher must also fulfill it. The most effective activity is performed by the whole class. It can be a theater, a circle, etc. The class teacher should be able to interest children, involve them in the creative process.

In the choice of activities, the class teacher is practically unlimited. It is only necessary that it be focused on the emotional sphere of students. Positive emotional experiences have the most beneficial effect on the development of the personality of children, form and reinforce a positive stereotype of behavior.

2. Class teacher

Classroom teacher - a teacher who organizes educational work in the class assigned to him. One of the teachers is appointed as the class teacher, who is entrusted with special responsibility for the educational work in this class.

At present, the types of such educational institutions as gymnasiums, lyceums, etc. have been revived, and the activities of the general education school have changed. Accordingly, the institution of class leadership has changed.

Now there are several types of class guide:

1) a subject teacher who simultaneously performs the functions of a class teacher;

2) a class teacher teaching a separate school discipline, i.e., having a minimum teaching load. They are also called cool ladies, curators;

3) a class teacher who performs only educational functions (a released class teacher).

In some educational institutions, the position of a class teacher (a variant of the position of a released class teacher), as well as a tutor (from Latin "protector, patron, guardian") has been introduced. The tutor may have a minimum teaching load.

Recently, the class teacher is increasingly called the class teacher.

The functions, rights and duties of the class teacher in all versions of the titles of this position are approximately the same.

Since the activities of the school are regulated by its Charter, the activities of the class teacher are also based on this document.

The class teacher performs several functions: analytical, organizational and coordinating, communicative.

The analytical function includes:

1) study and analysis of the individual characteristics of students with the help of a psychologist (as a rule, the type of personality, temperament, character accentuation is determined);

2) study and analysis of the group of students in its development.

The basis for this is the conversation of the class leaders of the elementary school with teachers, and the leaders of grades 10-11 - with the class teachers of the secondary school. As a result, teachers receive initial information about the team and students. It is better to entrust the study and analysis of relationships in the class team to a psychologist who will draw up a psychological map of the team. The class teacher himself can organize this work through observation, conversations with students, conducting special questionnaires, analyzing students' creative work (an essay like "our class"), analyzing and evaluating students' family education. If the family is dysfunctional, then the class teacher and the school administration have information.

For successful work, the class teacher must be able to identify the educational result, evaluate it and, taking into account the evaluation of the result, adjust professional activities.

The class teacher is a mentor who most of all monitors progress, discipline in the class and is responsible for this.

3. The main activities of the class teacher

For successful work, the class teacher must be able to identify the educational result, evaluate it and, taking into account the evaluation of the result, adjust professional activities. It is necessary to identify and evaluate the result at certain intervals: in primary and secondary schools - at the end of each quarter (trimester), in the senior school - after six months (or at the end of the trimester). Summing up and correcting activities - personal and class teachers - should be done with the help of a psychologist and teachers. The class teacher should combine these activities.

Organizational and coordinating function suggests:

1) establishing and maintaining a connection between the school and the family (personally, together with a social pedagogue);

2) organization of extracurricular activities of children (holding various events);

3) work with teachers of this class, a psychologist, a social pedagogue, leaders of circles, sports sections, for teachers of elementary school and grades 5-7 - with educators of an extended day group;

4) individual pedagogical work with each student and the team as a whole, taking into account the data of a psychologist, social worker and personal observations. Communicative function:

1) the formation of positive relationships between children, managing relationships in the classroom;

2) the formation of optimal relations in the "teacher - student" system.

Here the class teacher acts as an intermediary in the event of a conflict. Conflicts between teachers and students are protracted, when both sides cannot reach an agreement for a long time. Then the class teacher needs to be offered the so-called "Iggin compromise" - the third solution, at least to the minimum degree, which suits both parties (conflicts most often occur due to "unfair" assessment and violation of discipline in the classroom.

In teaching students to establish positive relationships with people.

The class teacher is an administrative person. He has the right:

1) receive information about the mental and physical health of children;

2) monitor the progress of each student;

3) control the attendance of classes by children, coordinate and direct the work of teachers of this class (as well as a psychologist and a social pedagogue) in a single direction;

4) to organize educational work with students of the class through the holding of "small teachers' councils", pedagogical councils, thematic and other events;

5) submit proposals agreed with the class team for consideration by the administration, the School Council;

6) invite parents to the school, in agreement with the administration, contact the commission for minors, the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission and councils for family and school assistance at enterprises, resolving issues related to the upbringing and education of students;

7) receive assistance from the teaching staff of the school;

8) determine the individual mode of work with children, based on the specific situation;

9) refuse assignments that lie outside the scope of his work.

4. Basic requirements for a class teacher

The class teacher must be a professional in his field. It must be constantly improved, based on the experience of other class teachers.

The class teacher should know:

1) psychological and pedagogical foundations of education, features of age;

2) content, forms and methods of education;

3) individual approach in educational work;

4) pedagogical guidance and cooperation with students, based on student self-government;

5) how to plan extracurricular educational work;

6) how to form interest in learning, develop the cognitive needs of students;

7) how to combine the work of a class teacher with teachers working in the classroom;

8) how interaction with parents;

9) to interact with the social environment.

If assessed from the most positive point of view, then the activity of the class teacher is assessed as follows: he owns the principles of the modern psychological and pedagogical concept of education, uses them as the basis for his work. He also shows deep, versatile knowledge, freely navigates in the methodological literature on the problems of education, in regulatory documents, systematically studies the characteristics of students, maintains a table of the level of education, and carries out individual work with each pupil.

The style of a senior comrade in relations with students, a rational structure of self-government. Collective creative activity as a basis in the organization of life. Taking into account the level of education, the goals and objectives of education are determined. Systematic work is planned taking into account interests. There is a system of work on the development of cognitive interests, the formation of a culture of mental work, self-education skills.

Close contact with teachers in studying the capabilities of students, their level of development in organizing the cognitive activity of pupils.

The class teacher knows families well, their educational opportunities, actively involves them in educational work, systematically conducts joint activities. He is well oriented and knows the educational opportunities of the immediate environment, uses them in educational work, communicates with the leaders of associations visited by students outside of school, and works with enthusiasm.

The class teacher must be able to organize the work in the class, that is, so that the students are involved in the life of the school, take an active part in it. The class teacher must attend the lessons of his class, learn about the behavior and progress of each of his wards. The responsibility of the class teacher in the school is very great. This is a very important thing - to be a class teacher. He must be able to resolve conflicts, controversial situations. Must objectively assess situations and draw the right conclusions. The work of a class teacher is difficult, but interesting. If you establish contact with children, there will only be benefits for everyone.

5. Duties of the class teacher

The class teacher has the right to conduct experimental work on the problems of didactic and educational activities. The responsibilities of the class teacher are as follows:

1) organization in the classroom of an educational process that is optimal for the development of the positive potential of the personality of students within the framework of the activities of the general school team;

2) assisting the student in solving acute problems (preferably personally, a psychologist can be involved);

3) establishing contacts with parents and assisting them in raising children (personally, without a psychologist, social pedagogue).

For a pedagogically competent, successful and effective performance of their duties, the class teacher needs to know the psychological and pedagogical foundations of working with children well, to be informed about the latest trends, methods and forms of educational activities. In particular, master the methods of education.

The class teacher must correctly and competently organize educational work in the class assigned to him. It also performs several important functions: analytical, organizational and coordinating, communicative.

Classroom teacher - this is a special mentor who must help other teachers in the class assigned to him, find contact with children, and eliminate emerging conflict situations. The class teacher should pay great attention to his class. He must attend the rest of the lessons in this class (at least once a week), hold events, holidays. Schools often have competitions between classes. As a rule, class teachers conduct such competitions. This helps to find closer contact with children, to understand their inner world and feelings.

For the most part, parent-teacher meetings are also held by class teachers. The meeting is held approximately once every 1 months. The class teacher should know all the parents (or persons replacing them) personally, talk to each separately, help solve problems or try to find a common solution with the parents.

In schools, in addition to studying, there are a lot of organizational issues. For example, raising money to renovate a school. The duties of the class teacher include a detailed explanation to the parents of what this money will be used for, he must find an approach not only to the students, but also to their parents, to find a common language with everyone.

Extracurricular activities held outside the school should also be organized by the class teacher. For example, a trip of children to the circus or theater. For children, it will be a memory and an opportunity to socialize outside of school.

The class teacher is a kind of "guardian" over the class.

The activity of the class teacher is regulated by the Charter of the school. One of the teachers is appointed as the class teacher, who is entrusted with special responsibility for the educational work in this class. The class teacher must take full responsibility for his work.

6. Model of the ideal leader

The main thing in the work of the class teacher is the education of a team of students. This is important because, leaving the school, the child will enter into various groups. His psychological comfort and success in any activity depend on how successful his adaptation in these teams will be. In the classroom, the child builds models and tests relationships in the adult world.

Education of the team is impossible without the formation of interpersonal relationships in it. The relationship system consists of business and personal relationships that are closely related and mutually influencing.

The task of the "ideal" class teacher is to be able to organize the work of the team (class) so that each child feels comfortable in it. Then the child will begin to reach out to the team. Take an active part in the life of the team. The role of the class teacher here is huge. Business relations develop in the team automatically from the moment the class is organized. The class teacher immediately takes control into his own hands. First, he gets acquainted with the class, introduces the guys to each other. The leader looks at each student, draws certain conclusions for himself.

Ideal leaders do not exist. Since the team is large, each child has his own perception of the teacher and the situation. Some people may not like even a very good teacher. But you need to strive to become as good as possible, more literate, more educated. A good leader is one who has a good relationship with the class. When the teacher does not repeat the request several times, but when the students willingly do everything that the teacher asks. Establishing good relationships with students is not easy. Here one cannot only play on the fact that the teacher can underestimate grades (if the child has not done something at the request of the teacher), but here one must act by establishing good relationships with children.

Personal relationships of sympathy, indifference, hostility arise between people in conditions of spatial and temporal proximity as a result of interaction that has empathy, information exchange or the achievement of any goals in the course of joint actions. Positive interpersonal relationships - it is they who should be formed by the "ideal" leader. These are stable and meaningful contacts of students in the class, developing in the course of joint activities, in which each member of this team has as many friends as possible, and with the rest of his classmates he is connected by relations of mutual sympathy, trust, respect, as well as a sense of empathy. If these relations are established, then this is a huge merit of the "ideal" leader.

A good leader always approaches any problem in detail, weighs everything in detail. The "ideal" leader or teacher close to him is always ready to help students, no matter what kind of problems they have. He responds to all requests, empathizes, sympathizes.

LECTURE No. 16. Diagnostics of education

1. Tips for parents

Parents are the most important people in a child's life, especially in the first years of life. Parents can both help their child get on the right path, and not pay attention to the upbringing of the child, which will lead to bad consequences. Parents often raise their children the way they were raised themselves. Parents should understand that a child is a person, although still small, who has his own feelings and experiences.

Most children are very talented. Parents should pay attention to their children, send them to the right circles and sections in order to develop their talent.

Children very keenly feel the attitude of their parents towards them. You need to treat your child with care and tenderness, first of all, love him.

Of course, parents should set a personal example for their children. When a child sees that his mom or dad is doing something and it turns out very well, he himself begins to get involved in the process.

Parents should explain to their child that physical education is very important. Then the child will be healthy (if he starts to engage in physical education), and the parents will be satisfied. It is known that the success of educational, professional activities, the happiness of a person's whole life depends on the physical condition of a person. Improving the body involves the development of the motor-muscular and nervous systems, muscles to maintain and strengthen health. It is very important to explain this to the child, and it is even better to set a personal example and study with the child.

Parents should teach their child about hygiene. Every morning you need to teach him to brush his teeth after washing, and also to do this at night. Hygiene is very important in the lives of all people, especially children. Many children do not go to kindergarten, but go straight to school. Parents should send their child to school prepared, teach him to read and write. Parents should advise reading books (by age), asking the child to retell - thus, memory will develop.

Each parent should be, first of all, a friend to his child, always ready to help and give the necessary advice. The child wants to be protected, parents must show the child that they will do everything required of them to stand up for the baby. Each of the parents tells the child many times a day what he needs to do. You should carefully consider your advice, as the child understands everything literally, and you can harm him.

Parents should read books on raising a child and draw conclusions from this. Every mom (and dad) wants to see their child among the best, but sometimes because of the wrong advice or harsh requirements, this comes at too high a price or does not get at all.

When a child performs some task, he needs to be praised, encouraged that he is doing everything right. Then the child will have further motivation to do something.

Parents have much to advise their child. But when he grows up, the final choice is better left to him.

2. Pedagogical diagnostics of the family

Extracurricular educational work is the organization by the teacher of various types of activities for schoolchildren during extracurricular time, providing the necessary conditions for the socialization of the child's personality.

Extra-curricular educational work is a combination of various activities and has a wide range of educational impact on the child.

Firstly, a variety of extracurricular activities contributes to a more versatile disclosure of the child's individual abilities, which are not always possible to consider in the classroom. A variety of activities help the child's self-realization, increase his self-esteem, self-confidence, that is, a positive perception of himself.

Secondly. Inclusion in various types of extracurricular activities enriches the child's personal experience, his knowledge of the diversity of human activity, the child acquires the necessary practical skills.

Thirdly, a variety of extracurricular educational work contributes to the development of children's interest in various types of activities, the desire to actively participate in productive, socially approved activities. If a child has a stable interest in work, combined with certain practical skills that ensure his success in completing tasks, then he will be able to independently organize his own activities. This is especially true now, when children do not know how to occupy themselves in their free time. As a result, juvenile delinquency, prostitution, drug addiction, and alcoholism are growing.

In schools where extra-curricular educational work is well organized, there are fewer "difficult" children and the level of adaptation, "growing" into society is higher.

Fourthly, in various forms of extracurricular work, children not only show their individual characteristics, but also learn to live in a team, that is, to cooperate with each other, take care of their comrades, learn to put themselves in the place of another person, etc. Moreover, each type of extracurricular activity - creative, cognitive, sports, labor, play - enriches the experience of collective interaction of schoolchildren in a certain aspect, which together gives a great educational effect.

Extracurricular work is an independent area of ​​the teacher's educational work, carried out in conjunction with educational work in the classroom.

Educational work is aimed at achieving the general goal of education - the child's assimilation of the social experience necessary for life in society and the formation of a system of values ​​accepted by society. The specificity of extracurricular work is manifested at the level of such tasks:

1) the formation of a positive "I-concept" in the child;

2) formation in children of skills of cooperation, collective interaction;

3) the formation of needs for productive, socially approved activities through direct acquaintance with various types of activities;

4) development of cognitive interest.

3. Diagnosis of education

Personal (individual approach) in education - the consistent attitude of the teacher to the pupil as a person, as a responsible subject of his own development. It represents the basic value orientation of teachers to the personality, its individuality, the creative potential of the child, which determines the strategy of interaction. The basis of the personal approach is a deep knowledge of the child, his innate properties and capabilities, the ability to self-development. The educational process includes situations specially designed for the personality of the child, helping him to realize himself within the framework of the school.

Activity approach in education assigns a primary role to those activities that contribute to the development of the individual. He led to the development of a new system of education based on the idea of ​​consciousness and activity.

Personal-activity approach to education means that the school must ensure human activity, the formation of personality.

Creativity. The main thing here is the creativity of the teacher and the child in the process of education.

relational approach considered both within the framework of the activity approach and as a separate category. It is associated with the ideas of correction, with the relationships that arise in the joint activities and communication of children, their humanization with the help of specially created situations.

Event approach should also be considered as one of the aspects of the activity approach. Its meaning is to turn this or that planned event into an exciting business for the whole team, to leave a bright mark in the memory of its participants.

Differentiated Approach in the field of upbringing, it is taking into account the individual interests of the children, their "leadership" capabilities, and the ability to implement organizational functions in a team.

Value (axeological) approach puts the main task of education is the development of the values ​​of universal culture - spiritual and material.

class approach, characteristic of a socialist society, sets the goals and principles of education depending on the social classes - haves or have-nots (hence the terminology "bourgeois education", "secular education").

Environmental approach penetrated into pedagogy in recent years. Its meaning is the inclusion of the school in the environment from a pedagogically expedient position and the inclusion of the environment in the school, the development of its connection with the implementation of the goals. Although the idea of ​​the environmental approach is not new. Even K. D. Ushinsky, N. I. Pirogov considered it necessary to take into account and, to the extent possible, use the environment in the pedagogical process. The environmental approach in education is the integration of the influences of all the educational instruments of society within the framework of the environment. As a result, a regional educational system may appear.

Dichotomous approach has its roots in the Greek word "dichotomy", which means the sequential division of the whole into parts. The idea of ​​the need to use it in managing the educational process began to be realized by teachers only recently, although certain ideas of dichotomy have been encountered in pedagogy for a long time: eventfulness and everyday life, emotionality and rationality, encouragement and punishment, etc.

4. Functions, content, forms of extracurricular educational work

The goals and objectives of extracurricular educational work give a specific character to the functions of a holistic pedagogical process - teaching, educating and developing.

The learning function does not have, for example, such a priority in learning activities. In extracurricular work, it plays an auxiliary role for more effective implementation of educational and developmental functions. The teaching function is not in the formation of a system of scientific knowledge, educational skills and abilities, but in teaching children certain behavioral skills, collective life, and communication skills.

The developmental function is of great importance in extracurricular work. It consists in the development of the mental processes of the student.

The developing function of educational work is to develop the individual abilities of schoolchildren through inclusion in appropriate activities. For example, a child with artistic abilities can be attracted to participate in a performance, holiday, KVN, a child with mathematical abilities - to participate in a mathematical Olympiad, etc.

The content of extracurricular work is an adapted social experience, various aspects of human life emotionally experienced and realized in the personal experience of the child: science, literature, technology.

The specifics of the content of extracurricular work is implemented:

1) the predominance of the emotional aspect over the informative;

2) the decisive value, which has the practical side of knowledge, i.e. the content is aimed at improving a variety of skills and abilities.

The cognitive activity of children in extracurricular activities is designed to form their cognitive interest, positive motivation in learning.

Leisure activities are necessary for organizing a good rest for children, creating positive emotions, a warm, friendly atmosphere in the team.

Health-improving and sports activities are necessary for full development, since at primary school age, on the one hand, there is a high need for movement, and on the other hand, the nature of changes in the functioning of the body during adolescence depends on the state of health of a younger student.

Labor activity reflects the difference in the types of labor: domestic, manual, socially useful.

Creative activity involves the development of inclinations, interests of children, the disclosure of their creative potential. It is reflected in concerts, theatrical performances, etc.

The forms of extracurricular work are the conditions in which its content is realized. There are many forms of extracurricular activities. There is no single classification here.

Classifications are proposed according to the object of influence (individual, group, mass) and according to the directions, tasks of education (aesthetic, physical, moral, mental, labor, environmental).

An ill-conceived transfer of television games and competitions into forms of extracurricular work can reduce the quality of educational work.

5. Theory and methods of education in foreign countries

In Europe, America, Japan, there is a significant variety of theories and approaches to education. The first group consists of concepts in which upbringing is seen as more or less strict guidance of students, the formation of personality traits set by society. This can be called authoritarian, technocratic pedagogy.

The educational concepts of the second group can be given a generalized name - the humanistic school. In general, the educational systems of the West base their theories on the philosophy of pragmatism, positivism, and existentialism. Psychoanalysis and behaviorism are the psychological basis of most educational concepts in the West.

The developers of technocratic authoritarian pedagogy proceed from the fact that the task of the educational system of the school and society is the formation of a "functional" person - a performer adapted to life in a given social system, prepared to perform appropriate roles.

So, in the USA these roles were: citizen, worker, family man, consumer. Education should be built on a rational scientific basis, programming people's behavior and managing its formation. Representatives of the technocratic approach in the West are on the position that the process of formation and education of the personality should be directed and lead to projected results. However, this approach hides the threat of manipulation of the personality, the danger of ending up as a human functionary, a thoughtless performer. Education is understood as a modification of behavior, as the development of "correct" behavioral skills. Technocratic pedagogy is based on the principle of modifying students' behavior in the right direction.

The formation of skills is necessary, but one cannot neglect the individual's own will, his consciousness, freedom of choice, goals and values, which determines the actual human behavior.

Behaviorism is a psychological and pedagogical concept of technocratic education, which is understood as education based on the latest achievements of human science, the use of modern methods for studying his interests, needs, abilities, factors that determine behavior. Classical behaviorism, at the origins of which was the prominent American philosopher and psychologist J. Watson, enriched science with the position on the dependence of behavior (reaction) on the stimulus (stimulus), presenting this relationship in the form of the formula "C-R" (stimulus - reaction). Neobehaviorists (B. F. Skinner, K. Hull, E. Tolman, S. Pressy) supplemented it with the provision on reinforcement, as a result of which the chain of formation of a given behavior took on the form "C - R - P" (stimulus - reaction - reinforcement).

Thus, the main idea of ​​neobehaviorism in relation to education is that human behavior is a controlled process. It is conditioned by the applied stimuli and requires positive reinforcement. In order to evoke a certain behavior, i.e., to achieve a given effect of education, it is necessary to select effective incentives and apply them correctly.

6. Creation of a developing environment in preschool institutions

Child development environment - this is a complex of material and technical, sanitary and hygienic, aesthetic, psychological and pedagogical conditions that ensure the organization of the life of children and adults in a preschool educational institution.

These conditions are designed to satisfy the vital - vital needs of a person, to ensure his safety, protection of life and health. In addition, they must meet his spiritual and social needs - cognitive, aesthetic, general cultural, the need to communicate with other children.

Compliance of these conditions with the necessary requirements is established in the process of licensing an educational institution.

In an educational institution, fire safety measures must be observed, including fire fighting equipment.

The sanitary condition of the premises, the absence of dust, the purity of water and air, etc., are also of paramount importance for the health of children.

Ergonomic, aesthetic and, mainly, psychological and pedagogical conditions form the basis for organizing the actual educational process. Compliance of these conditions with certain requirements is established in the process of attestation of a preschool educational institution. These requirements are an integral part of the state educational standard of a preschool institution.

Why are the requirements for the developing environment a component of the state educational standard? The answer to this question is connected, first of all, with the specifics of preschool age, with those features that distinguish a preschooler from older subjects of education. A child of preschool age, as a rule, does not yet know how to read. Even those elementary reading skills that some children develop by the end of preschool age do not allow them to use the book on their own. A small child receives social experience and new information about the environment from other people, primarily from adults (teachers and parents) in direct communication with them. Another source of knowledge, social experience and child development is the child's environment. Therefore, it is very important that the environment is developing.

The developing environment creates favorable conditions for teaching the child in the process of his independent activity: the child masters the properties and characteristics of objects (color, shape, texture), masters spatial relationships; comprehends social relations between people, learns about man, the animal and plant world, the seasons, etc .; masters the world of sounds, joins the musical literature; develops physically, learns the features of the structure of his own body; experiments with color, shape, creates products of his own creativity, acquires useful social skills.

In other words, the child's developmental environment, which provides different types of his activity, becomes the basis for independent activity, a condition for a peculiar form of self-education of a small child.

Authors: Belikova E.V., Bitaeva O.I., Eliseeva L.V.

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