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Fundamentals of life safety. Cheat sheet: briefly, the most important

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Table of contents

  1. Crowd, the concept of the psychology of the crowd. Rules for safe behavior in the crowd in the event of a panic
  2. Characteristics of different types of bleeding. Ways to stop bleeding
  3. Dangers that may arise when using various modes of transport. Rules for safe behavior in transport
  4. Providing first aid for bruises
  5. Flood, aftermath of a flood. Actions of the population in the event of a threat and during a flood
  6. Rendering first aid to a drowning person. Rules for conducting cardiopulmonary resuscitation
  7. Hurricanes, storms, tornadoes, their origin and consequences. Measures to ensure the safety of the population
  8. First aid for sprains and fractures
  9. Earthquakes, main parameters of earthquakes, their consequences. Rules for safe behavior during an earthquake
  10. Transporting the casualty to a safe place
  11. Landslides, landslides and mudflows, their origin, consequences. Actions of the population in the event of a threat of landslides, mudflows and landslides
  12. Smoking and its impact on the health of the smoker and others (passive smoking)
  13. Safe behavior of pedestrians on the streets and roads
  14. Alcohol and its impact on physical and mental health. Alcohol addiction prevention
  15. Forest and peat fires, their consequences. Safety measures in the area of ​​forest and peat fires
  16. Personal hygiene rules for adolescents during puberty
  17. Causes of fire in residential and public buildings. Fire safety measures at home
  18. Providing first aid for burns
  19. Hazardous substances and household chemicals used in everyday life. Measures to prevent poisoning with household chemicals
  20. First aid for gas poisoning and household chemicals
  21. Rules for safe swimming in open water
  22. The impact of nutrition on human health. Balanced diet. Food hygiene
  23. Man-made emergencies. The main causes of industrial accidents and disasters
  24. Potent toxic substances (SDYAV), first aid to victims of SDYAV
  25. Fires and explosions, their causes and possible consequences. Rules for safe behavior in case of fire and explosion threat
  26. Mode of work and rest. Mental and physical performance
  27. Chemically hazardous production facilities, possible consequences in case of accidents at chemically hazardous facilities, rules of conduct
  28. The value of physical culture and hardening of the body for human health
  29. Accidents at radiation hazardous facilities, possible consequences. Rules of conduct in case of radiation accidents
  30. Rendering first aid to the victim in case of mass lesions
  31. Fire safety measures during the operation of electrical and gas appliances
  32. Healthy lifestyle, general concepts and definitions
  33. Rules for safe behavior at home. Possible emergency and dangerous situations in the home, their causes and prevention
  34. Hardening of the body and prevention of colds
  35. Rules for the safe use of various tools when performing chores in everyday life
  36. Legal aspects of the interaction of the sexes. Marriage and family
  37. Rules of safe behavior in criminogenic situations. Psychological methods of self-defense
  38. The family and its functions, the concept of responsible parenthood
  39. The unified state system for the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations, its purpose and tasks
  40. Fundamentals of family law in the Russian Federation
  41. Civil defense and its tasks to protect the population from the dangers arising from the conduct of hostilities
  42. Question No. evacuation of the population, its purpose, the procedure for carrying out activities during evacuation
  43. Basic health criteria. Physical and spiritual health. The main factors shaping health
  44. Alert the population in the event of an enemy attack. Use of collective protective equipment in wartime
  45. A healthy lifestyle is a necessary condition for maintaining and strengthening health
  46. Basic rules of safe behavior in natural conditions. Orientation by the sun and local objects
  47. Early intercourse in adolescence and its health implications. Sexually transmitted diseases prevention measures
  48. The impact of human activities on the environment. The concept of maximum permissible concentrations of harmful substances. Rules for safe behavior in ecologically unfavorable areas
  49. The concept of HIV infection and AIDS. Methods of transmission of HIV infection, prevention measures

Ticket number 1

Question number 1. The crowd, the concept of the psychology of the crowd. Rules for safe behavior in the crowd in the event of a panic.

A crowd is an unorganized group of people united at the moment by some goal or idea. The crowd is a great danger. The psychology of the crowd is very different from the psychology of ordinary people who are in the same crowd. People who are in the crowd are characterized by the so-called herd instinct, under the influence of which the individual components of the crowd - people - perform inadequate actions. Under the influence of the crowd, a person is capable of doing things that he would never do under normal conditions. Being in a crowd and under the influence of sharp emotional feelings and mental excitement, a person is able to commit a crime or take part in it without thinking about the consequences. In the crowd, fainting and loss of consciousness are possible. These conclusions were made on the basis of research by sociologists and psychologists. In a crowd, a person performs actions without identifying them with himself. He mentally shifts the responsibility for them to all those present. "We did it," he may say later, despite the fact that he did it. To avoid unpleasant or even tragic consequences, you should avoid being in the crowd. Crowds usually gather at rallies, performances by famous performers, football matches in stadiums. In the crowd, there may be provocateurs or criminal elements who have the desire and opportunity to carry out their criminal plans.

If you do find yourself in a crowd, you should try to get out of it as much as possible. If this fails, you need to wait until the crowd dissipates. You should not stand out from the crowd and attract the attention of others, especially if the crowd is aggressive. For example, being at a football match among Spartak fans, you can’t cheer for Dynamo or another team. It is impossible to be near partitions, walls and other structures, since there are frequent cases when the crowd crushes people near the wall. In no case should you resist the movement of the crowd, you need to go along with it. With resistance, a fall is possible, which usually ends tragically - a person is trampled to death. If you are in a rushing crowd and a lamppost or something like it comes across your way, you should quickly grab it, press your whole body against it and hold on tightly until the crowd runs through.

Question number 2. Characteristics of different types of bleeding. Ways to stop bleeding.

About 5 liters of blood circulate through human blood vessels. With a decrease in the amount of blood, blood pressure drops, the supply of oxygen to the brain, heart and other organs is disrupted. The loss of about 2-2,5 liters of blood during bleeding is fatal to humans.

Capillary bleeding occurs even with a minor injury. Blood moves slowly through the capillaries, so this bleeding is easy to stop. When providing assistance, you need to treat the wound with iodine tincture and apply a clean gauze bandage, which protects the body from the penetration of microbes and promotes rapid blood clotting.

Venous bleeding occurs when the veins are damaged, in which the speed of blood flow is greater than in the capillaries. Therefore, clots formed during blood coagulation at the site of injury to the vessel are washed away. A person can lose a lot of blood in a short time.

To stop a small venous bleeding, it is enough to apply a pressure bandage to the wound, which compresses the walls of the injured vessel and prevents blood from flowing out of it. Immediately after providing first aid, the victim must be sent to a hospital or clinic. If large veins are damaged, a pressure bandage may not stop bleeding. In such cases, proceed in the same way as with arterial bleeding.

Arterial bleeding is especially life-threatening. Severe arterial bleeding is recognized by a stream of bright scarlet blood escaping from the wound in a fountain. In this case, the pressure bandage cannot stop the bleeding. Therefore, in case of arterial bleeding, it is necessary to quickly press the damaged vessel above the wound with a finger and apply a tourniquet made of rubber or any other material. The place on which the tourniquet is applied is covered with a clean piece of cloth or a bandage so as not to damage the skin. Then loosely tie this place with a piece of cloth. An unbreakable stick is passed between the tissue and the limb and twisted until the blood stops flowing from the wound. Then the stick is bandaged to the tourniquet, and the wound is bandaged. After providing first aid, the victim must be immediately sent to the hospital. A note is attached to the tourniquet with the exact time of its application. If the transportation of the victim to the hospital continues for a long time, the tourniquet, so that there is no tissue necrosis, is weakened for a short time. When blood circulation in the limb is restored, the tourniquet is tightened again. In the absence of a tourniquet, bleeding can be stopped by maximum flexion of the limb. To do this, under the place of the fold, you need to put a roller of gauze, bandage or cotton wool, then bend the limb with an effort and fix it in this position.

Internal bleeding (bleeding into the abdominal cavity, chest cavity, skull) is especially dangerous. You can determine internal bleeding by the appearance of a person. He turns pale, he has a sticky cold sweat, his breathing becomes shallow, his pulse quickens and weakens. You need to urgently call an ambulance. Before the arrival of the doctor, the patient should be placed or given a semi-sitting position and ensure complete rest. Apply a plastic bag of ice or snow, a heating pad, or a bottle of cold water to the suspected bleeding area.

Ticket number 2

Question number 1. dangers that may arise when using various modes of transport. Rules for safe behavior in transport.

Modern transport is a zone of increased danger to humans. There are the following types of transport - public transport (bus, tram, trolley bus, metro), as well as rail, water and air transport. When boarding and disembarking from the transport of a passenger, dangers may lie in wait. He can be pressed by a prematurely closing door, in winter he can slip and get injured, he can be pushed out of public transport in the presence of a crush. In addition, the driver may unintentionally open the door of the bus or trolleybus to a complete stop. Emergency braking poses a great danger, in which there is a high possibility of serious injury due to a fall or due to the fact that a large number of people pile up during braking due to inertia forces. There are also catastrophic breakdowns of buses and trolleybuses due to a broken or detached wheel. Road traffic accidents are a particular danger. When riding in a passenger vehicle, you should wear a seat belt, as this reduces the number and severity of injuries in an accident. When moving a public vehicle, hold on to the handrails. Do not distract the driver while driving. It is not recommended to try to get into the vehicle during the stampede. You should get off the bus and trolleybus only after they have completely stopped. In the event of a fire, smoke in the passenger compartment or in the event of a traffic accident, it is necessary to maintain composure and leave the vehicle through the doors or emergency exits, if necessary, provide first aid to those in need.

When traveling by rail, such incidents as a train crash, a fire in a carriage, a power supply failure, emergency braking, etc., are possible. In case of emergency braking on a train, you should break the stop valve and immediately inform the conductor or the head of the train about the reason for the stop.

water vehicles can endure accidents, get holes, run aground. In the event of an accident on the water, it is necessary to maintain composure and try to calm others, since in the event of panic, crush and confusion, the chances of salvation and a favorable outcome are sharply reduced. When evacuating from a vessel, it is necessary to use collective (rafts, boats) and individual (life jackets, circles) life-saving equipment.

Air transport is also a source of danger for the passenger. During takeoff and landing, you should sit in your seats, buckle up, and strictly follow all the requirements of the crew members. It is not recommended to smoke on the plane. In a forced landing, you need to sit fastened and firmly rest your hands on the seat in front or cling to the armrests. When an aircraft is hijacked by terrorists, you must strictly comply with their requirements. When assaulting a vehicle, a capture group should lie on the floor away from the aisle, duck or hide in a place that is safe during a shootout.

Question number 2. first aid for bruises.

Bruises are mechanical damage to tissues, in which the integrity of the skin and bones is not violated. Depending on the force of the blow and the localization of the injury, bruises of varying severity occur: from small, non-disrupting functions, to extensive damage to internal organs that are life-threatening (for example, bruising of the brain, heart, abdomen with damage to internal organs). Characteristic signs of bruises are pain, swelling, bruising. Complications are also possible in the form of damage to internal organs, nerves, blood vessels.

To provide first aid, it is necessary first of all to ensure complete rest of the limb, apply a tight pressure bandage, and apply cold to the site of injury. The bandage should consist of two parts: internal and external. The bandage should be held in the right hand, and with the left hand, hold the bandage and smooth out the moves. The injured area needs to be rested. With extensive bruises and suspicion of injury to the internal organs, the victim should be urgently hospitalized.

A head injury is very dangerous due to the development of complications, which are expressed in concussion, brain contusion and compression. Signs are loss of consciousness, nausea and vomiting, severe headaches, dizziness. First aid for head bruises consists in creating complete rest, applying cold to the head area, and mandatory transportation to the emergency room.

The most dangerous type of bruises is brain contusion. Signs: headaches, nausea, consciousness is preserved. First aid is the same as for head injuries.

Ticket number 3

Question number 1. flood, the consequences of the flood. Actions of the population in the event of a threat and during a flood.

Floods are serious natural disasters. The main causes of most flooding are heavy rainfall, intense melting of snow, river floods as a result of tidal waves or changes in wind at the river mouth.

With a significant flood prevention time, measures are taken to erect appropriate hydraulic structures on rivers and in other places of the expected flood, to prepare and carry out the early evacuation of the population and farm animals, and to remove material assets from areas of possible flooding. The population is notified about the beginning and procedure of evacuation via local radio broadcasting networks and local television; workers, in addition, are notified through the administration of enterprises, institutions and educational institutions, and the population not employed in production and the service sector - through housing maintenance offices and house management. The population is informed of the places of deployment of prefabricated evacuation centers, the timing of the appearance at these points, the routes for evacuation on foot, as well as other information consistent with the local situation, the expected scale of the disaster, and the time of its advance. Evacuation is carried out to the nearest settlements located outside the flood zones. The resettlement of the population is carried out in public buildings or on the living area of ​​local residents.

In the event of flash floods, the population is warned by all available technical means of warning, including with the help of loud-speaking mobile installations.

The suddenness of the occurrence of a flood necessitates special behavior and actions of the population. If people live on the ground floor or other lower floors and there is a rise in water on the street, it is necessary to leave the apartments, go up to the upper floors, if the house is one-story, take the attic. When at work, by order of the administration, one should, following the established procedure, take elevated places. While in the field, in case of sudden flooding, you should take elevated places or trees, use various kinds of floating objects (for example, agricultural machinery tire tubes).

The search for people in the flooded area is organized and carried out immediately, for this, the crews of floating assets of civil defense formations and all other available forces and means are involved. During rescue work, it is necessary to show restraint and self-control, strictly comply with the requirements of the rescuers. Life-saving equipment (boats, boats, rafts, etc.) must not be overfilled, as this endangers the safety of both the rescued and the rescuers. Once in the water, you should throw off heavy clothes and shoes, find nearby objects floating or rising above the water, use them until help is received.

Question number 2. first aid to a drowning person. Rules for conducting cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

Artificial respiration is used in the provision of first aid to drowned people, in case of electric shock, lightning, carbon monoxide poisoning and other accidents.

When assisting a drowned person, first of all, it is necessary to remove water from his airways and lungs as soon as possible. To do this, the rescuer, standing on one knee, lays the victim on his thigh so that his head and upper body hang down. Next, they open the mouth of the drowning person and, patting him on the back, remove water from the respiratory tract. Then the victim is placed on his back, freeing his neck, chest and stomach from the pressing parts of the clothes (unfasten the collar, remove the tie, belt). Under the shoulder blades, he should put some kind of soft bundle, throw back his head, and push his lower jaw forward. After that, you should begin to blow air into the mouth or nose of the victim covered with a handkerchief. Such injections are made approximately 16 times in 1 min. It is necessary to ensure that after each artificial "breath" the victim's chest descends. The duration of such an "exhalation" should be approximately twice as long as the "inhalation". If the heart does not beat, it is necessary to combine this technique with an indirect heart massage: after one blowing of air into the lungs, produce 4-5 quick jerky pressures on the lower third of the sternum in a direction perpendicular to the spine. The sternum is displaced in adults by 4-5 cm, and in young children by 1,5-2 cm in the rhythm of 70-90 pressures in 1 minute. After 4-5 pressures, air should again be blown into the mouth or nose of the victim.

Resuscitation measures can be considered to have achieved the goal if the victim's pupils narrowed, the skin turned pink, and a pulse appeared. First aid should not be stopped until the drowning person begins to breathe on his own and regains consciousness. After that, he should be given hot tea to drink, wrapped in a blanket and taken to the hospital.

Ticket number 4

Question number 1. Hurricanes, storms, tornadoes, their origin and consequences. Measures to ensure the safety of the population.

Storms, hurricanes and tornadoes are a manifestation of the spontaneous actions of the forces of nature. These natural disasters cause extreme situations, they occur suddenly and are of an emergency nature. Storms, hurricanes and tornadoes occur during the passage of deep cyclones and represent the movement of air masses (wind) at great speed. During a hurricane, the air speed exceeds 32,7 m/s (more than 118 km/h). Sweeping over the earth's surface, the hurricane breaks and uproots trees, rips off roofs and destroys houses, power lines and communications, buildings and structures, disables equipment. As a result of a short circuit in the power grid, fires occur, the supply of electricity is interrupted, the operation of objects stops, and other harmful consequences may occur. People may find themselves under the rubble of destroyed buildings and structures. Fragments of destroyed buildings and structures flying at high speed can cause serious injuries to people.

In areas where storms, hurricanes and tornadoes often occur, buildings and structures are built from the most durable materials, with the least windage, the most durable supports for power lines and communications are installed, and buried structures are erected to shelter people. The Civil Defense Headquarters announces the time of the hurricane's appearance. Prior to the approach of a hurricane wind, equipment, individual buildings should be fixed, doors and windows should be closed in industrial premises and residential buildings, and electricity, gas, and water should be turned off. The population should take shelter in protective or buried structures. When outside protective structures, special care and precaution are required. It must be borne in mind that gusts of wind can suddenly cut off power lines, which can cause electric shock, can suddenly uproot a tree, etc., i.e. you should beware of possible sources of injury. After a hurricane, it is required to carry out rescue or recovery work, rescue people from collapsed protective and other structures and provide assistance to them.

Question number 2. first aid for sprains and fractures.

As a result of awkward movements or bruises, the ligaments that connect the bones in the joint can be damaged. Swelling appears around the joint, sometimes hemorrhage, severe pain occurs. This joint injury is called a sprain.

When providing assistance to the damaged area, you need to attach an ice pack or a towel moistened with cold water. Cooling relieves pain, prevents the development of edema, and reduces the volume of internal hemorrhage. When the ligaments are sprained, a tight fixing bandage is also needed. It is impossible to stretch, pull or heat the injured limb. After giving first aid, you need to see a doctor).

Despite the strength, with injuries, severe bruises, falls, bones sometimes break. Most often, fractures of the bones of the extremities occur. If a fracture is suspected, only complete immobility of the damaged part of the body will relieve pain and prevent the displacement of bone fragments that can damage surrounding tissues with sharp edges.

The broken limb is immobilized with a splint bandage. Special tires are available in medical institutions and pharmacies. At the scene, they can be made from boards, branches, cardboard. To prevent the tire from pressing on the fracture, a soft bedding is placed under it. The tire should be located not only on the damaged area, but also on neighboring ones. So, in case of a fracture of the bones of the forearm, the splint should go both on the shoulder and on the hand. In this case, parts of the broken bone do not move. The tire is tightly bandaged to the limb with wide bandages, a towel, etc. If there is no splint, the broken arm is bandaged to the body, and the injured leg to the healthy one.

In open fractures, the sharp ends of a broken bone rupture muscles, blood vessels, nerves, and skin. Then you need to treat the wound, apply a clean bandage, and then a splint.

Not every fracture can be splinted. If a rib fracture is suspected, the victim is offered to exhale as much air as possible from the lungs and then breathe shallowly. With such breathing, the chest is tightly bandaged. The ribs tightened in the exhalation position make very limited movements.

In case of spinal fractures, it is necessary to lay the victim on a flat hard surface face down and call an ambulance. In no case should the victim be transported in a sitting position, since under the weight of the body the spine can move and damage the spinal cord.

In case of injuries of the skull, the victim should be laid on his back, his head should be slightly raised to avoid intracranial hemorrhages and immediately call a doctor.

Ticket number 5

Question number 1. earthquakes, the main parameters of earthquakes, their consequences. Rules for safe behavior during an earthquake.

Earthquakes are specific phenomena of displacement and vibration that occur in certain parts of the earth's crust and are characterized by vibrations of the earth, tremors and destruction.

Earthquakes have always caused people of varying degrees of mental disorder, manifested in wrong behavior. An acute motor reaction is often followed by a depressive state with general motor retardation. As a result of this, as statistics show, most of the injuries among the population are explained by the unconscious actions of the victims themselves, caused by panic and fear.

To determine the destructive parameters of earthquakes, a ten-point Richter scale is used. Earthquakes, determined on the Richter scale with a power of one to three points, do not have serious consequences. There is a trembling of dishes, household items (when in the apartment) and tremors. Earthquakes with a power of more than five on the Richter scale lead to significant destruction and loss of life. In the event of a warning about the threat of an earthquake or the appearance of signs of it, it is necessary to act quickly, but calmly, confidently and without panic. With advance warning of the threat of an earthquake, before leaving the apartment (house), it is necessary to turn off the heaters and gas, if the stove was heated, put it out; then you need to dress the children, the elderly and dress yourself, take the necessary things, a small supply of food, medicines, documents and go outside. On the street, you should move away from buildings and structures as soon as possible in the direction of squares, squares, wide streets, sports grounds, undeveloped areas, strictly observing the established public order. If the earthquake started unexpectedly, when it is not possible to get ready and leave the apartment (house), it is necessary to take a place (stand up) in the door or window opening; as soon as the first shocks of the earthquake subside, you should quickly go outside.

At enterprises and institutions during an earthquake, all work stops, production and process equipment stops, measures are taken to turn off the current, reduce the pressure of air, oxygen, steam, water, gas, etc.; workers and employees who are members of civil defense formations are immediately sent to their assembly areas, the rest of the workers and employees occupy safe places. If, according to the conditions of production, it is impossible or impossible to stop the unit, furnace, production line, turbine, etc. in a short time, then they are transferred to a sparing mode of operation.

If you are outside your apartment (house) or place of work during an earthquake, you should not rush home, you should calmly listen to the instructions of the relevant officials on actions in the situation and act in accordance with such instructions.

An earthquake can last from a few moments to several days (periodically repeating tremors). The power of an earthquake is measured on the Richter scale.

Great assistance from the population can be provided to medical institutions and the medical service of civil defense in maintaining normal sanitary conditions in places of temporary resettlement (in tent camps, anti-seismic buildings) of the population affected by the earthquake. It is necessary to contribute to the prevention of outbreaks in such places of infectious diseases, which, as a rule, are satellites of natural disasters. In order to prevent the emergence and spread of epidemics, all anti-epidemic measures should be strictly implemented, vaccinations and medications that prevent diseases should not be avoided.

Question number 2. transporting the victim to a safe place.

After providing emergency care to a sick or seriously injured person, he must be taken to the nearest medical facility.

The most traumatic means of transporting the sick and injured are stretchers. Standard sanitary stretchers consist of two metal or wooden bars with handles, two articulated struts with legs, a removable panel and paired (right and left) straps for tying the stretcher at the ends. The deployment of the stretcher is carried out simultaneously by two people. To do this, they, having untied the belts, push the bars apart, while pulling the panel up to a characteristic click. Handy material (cotton wool, straw, hay, etc.) is placed in the headboard pocket. In addition to sanitary stretchers for transporting victims, especially those with fractures of the pelvis and spine, it is advisable to use a vacuum stretcher. They are a cover that does not allow air to pass through, filled with small plastic balls. The victim is placed in the required position on the cover, which is then laced up. After that, air is removed from the cover with a special foot suction, which creates a vacuum, and as a result, the stretcher acquires the required density. The victim is carried out by two people, holding the stretcher by special handles.

The shifting of the patient by two porters is carried out in several ways. The first way is to lift the patient in his arms. To do this, two kneel down and at the same time, on command, raise the patient in their arms, and then, also on command, put the patient on a stretcher. The second method is lifting by the clothes, when it is necessary to quickly put the patient on a stretcher, but this method cannot be used for fractures of the limbs. The third way is to put the victim on a stretcher by two porters: one puts his hands under the body, the second - under the buttocks and legs, after which the patient is transferred to the stretcher.

It must be remembered that the stretcher can be made from improvised materials - two poles connected by wooden struts, intertwined with straps (ropes, belt, etc.), etc.

Ticket number 6

Question number 1. collapses, landslides and mudflows, their origin, consequences. Actions of the population under the threat of landslides, mudflows and landslides.

Mudflow is a temporary stream that suddenly forms in the channels of mountain rivers, characterized by a sharp rise in the water level and a high content of solid material in it. It occurs as a result of intense and prolonged showers, rapid melting of glaciers or snow cover, and the collapse of a large amount of loose clastic material into the channel. Having a large mass and speed of movement, mudflows destroy buildings, structures, roads and everything else in the path of movement.

Mudflows within the basin can be local, general and structural. The first ones arise in the channels of tributaries of rivers and large beams, the second ones pass along the main channel of the river.

Structural mudflows, due to the suddenness of their occurrence and the straightness of movement, represent the greatest danger. Sel can move at speeds up to 15 km/h and in several waves. Obstacles encountered on the way, mudflow passes and builds up its energy. The fight against mudflows is given constant attention.

Landslides - sliding displacement of rock masses down the slope under the influence of gravity. They occur on any part of the slope or slope due to imbalance of rocks. Landslides often lead to catastrophic consequences and take on the character of a natural disaster.

Most potential landslides can be prevented if a timely implementation and organization of an anti-landslide regime is carried out: the installation of permanent drains, drainages, temporary snow ditches and shafts for surface runoff of melt and storm water; layout of the runoff surface with leveling of hillocks, filling holes and ditches, sealing cracks, giving slopes to drainless areas; slope landscaping. Anti-landslide measures in which the population should take part are the diversion of surface water, tree planting, the installation of various supporting engineering structures, the excavation of trenches in order to drain the soil of the landslide massif, the unloading and leveling of the landslide slope. In addition, the population living in landslide-prone areas should not allow abundant leakage of water from taps, damaged water pipes or standpipes; it is necessary to timely arrange drainage drains in case of accumulation of surface water (with the formation of puddles). The population in mudflow-prone areas is obliged to strictly follow the recommendations on logging, farming, and livestock grazing. In the event of a mudflow threat, dams are strengthened on the way to settlements, embankments and temporary retaining walls are erected, mudflow traps, diversion ditches, etc. are arranged. It is the duty of everyone to participate in these works as far as possible.

Snow avalanches, drifts and icing are one of the manifestations of the elemental forces of nature in winter. They occur as a result of heavy snowfalls, which can last from several hours to several days. Skids, icing, avalanches affect the operation of transport, public utilities, communications, agricultural facilities. Especially dangerous are snowfalls in the mountains, which have great destructive power and cause material damage to industrial and hydraulic complexes, roads, power and communication lines, buildings, structures and cause human casualties.

Sudden changes in temperature during snowfalls lead to covering various surfaces with ice or sleet. Icing is dangerous for overhead lines, antenna mast and other similar structures.

With the threat of collapses, landslides or mudflows, the population must be evacuated to a safe area as soon as possible. It is forbidden to climb mountains, approach places of potential danger, etc.

Question number 2. smoking and its impact on the health of the smoker and others (passive smoking).

Smokers experience vasoconstriction after each cigarette smoked, lasting 30 minutes. Therefore, in a systematically smoking person, the vessels are almost continuously in a constricted state, which increases the work of the heart to push blood. Working with more stress, the heart wears out and ages faster. Vasoconstriction is the cause of smokers' disease of "intermittent claudication", which is accompanied by severe pain while walking. The patient is forced to stop every 10-15 minutes and wait until the pain subsides. This suffering dooms the patient to a long disability and leads to disability.

Tobacco smoke, in addition to nicotine, contains about 200 substances that are extremely harmful to the body, including carbon monoxide, hydrocyanic acid, benzpyrene, soot, etc. When smoking, these substances penetrate the oral cavity, upper respiratory tract, settle on their mucous membranes and film of pulmonary vesicles, swallowed with saliva and enter the stomach. Nicotine is harmful not only for smokers. A significant part of it is released into the air, poisoning the surrounding people.

Tobacco smoke causes irritation of the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, respiratory tract and eyes. Almost all smokers develop inflammation of the respiratory tract, which is associated with a painful cough. Constant inflammation reduces the protective properties of the mucous membranes, since phagocytes cannot clear the lungs of pathogenic microbes and harmful substances that come with tobacco smoke. Therefore, smokers often suffer from colds and infectious diseases. Particles of smoke and tar settle on the walls of the bronchi and pulmonary vesicles. The protective properties of the film lining the pulmonary vesicles are reduced. The lungs of a smoker lose their elasticity, become inflexible, which reduces their vital capacity and ventilation. As a result, the supply of oxygen to the body decreases. Efficiency and general well-being deteriorate sharply.

It is known that smokers get lung cancer 6-10 times more often than non-smokers. It has been established that certain substances in tobacco smoke (benzpyrene, tar, etc.) cause cancer. Smoking annually claims thousands of lives in all countries of the world. The fight against him has grown into a serious social problem. Doctors and public figures in many countries are joining forces in the fight against smoking. It included the World Health Organization at the United Nations. In a number of countries, smoking, especially among young people, has been on the decline. It is hoped that sanity will prevail and that most people will give up the bad habit once and for all.

Ticket number 7

Question number 1. safe behavior of pedestrians on the streets and roads.

For safe movement on streets and roads, pedestrians must observe the following rules. Pedestrians must move on sidewalks or footpaths, keeping to the right side, and where there are none, on the side of the road or cycle path, if this does not impede the movement of cyclists. Persons moving in wheelchairs without an engine, driving a motorcycle, moped, bicycle or carrying bulky objects, and other persons in the absence of sidewalks, pedestrian and bicycle paths, roadsides or if it is impossible to move along them, can walk in one line along the edge of the carriageway.

Outside built-up areas, pedestrians, when moving along the side of the road or the edge of the carriageway, must go towards the movement of vehicles, and persons moving in wheelchairs without an engine, driving a motorcycle, moped or bicycle, when moving along the carriageway, must follow the direction of the movement of vehicles.

The movement of organized groups of people along the road is allowed only on the right side of the carriageway in a column of no more than four people in a row. In front and behind the columns on the left side there should be escorts with red flags, and in the dark and in conditions of insufficient visibility - with lights on: in front - white, behind - red.

Groups of children are allowed to drive on sidewalks and footpaths, and in their absence, on the side of the road, but only during daylight hours and only when accompanied by adults.

When driving on roads at night and in conditions of insufficient visibility, pedestrians, if possible, should attach retroreflective elements to their clothing, allowing drivers to recognize people in the headlights in a timely manner.

Pedestrians must cross the carriageway at pedestrian crossings, including underground and surface ones, and in their absence - at intersections along the line of sidewalks or roadsides. If there is no crossing or intersection in the visibility zone, it is allowed to cross the road at a right angle to the edge of the carriageway in sections where it is clearly visible in both directions. In places where traffic is regulated, pedestrians must be guided by the signals of the traffic controller or traffic lights. In other cases, pedestrians are allowed to enter the carriageway after they are satisfied that the crossing is safe and they will not interfere with vehicles. Pedestrians should not linger or stop unnecessarily on the carriageway. Pedestrians who did not have time to complete the transition should be on the island of safety or the lines separating the traffic flows of opposite directions. You can continue the transition, making sure that the further movement is safe.

Pedestrians are prohibited from crossing the carriageway outside the pedestrian crossing if there is a dividing strip, as well as in places where pedestrian or road barriers are installed; get out from behind a standing vehicle or other obstacle that limits visibility without making sure that there are no approaching vehicles. When approaching vehicles with a flashing beacon or a special sound signal on, pedestrians must refrain from crossing the carriageway.

Question number 2. alcohol and its impact on the physical and mental health of a person. Prevention of addiction to alcohol.

Drinking alcoholic beverages is one of the oldest traditions in many societies. Moderate alcohol consumption is not harmful to health. Statistics show that drinking moderate amounts of alcohol can have a beneficial effect on the heart and possibly lengthen life.

Excessive alcohol consumption causes social discontent, hangovers and decreased performance in the short term; in the long term, it causes irreversible liver damage, memory loss, and impaired mental functioning. After excessive drinking, a hangover occurs - a feeling of physical discomfort. Symptoms may include headache, indigestion, thirst, dizziness, and irritability. Long-term alcohol use leads to alcoholism, a disease affecting 1 to 5% of the population in most countries. An alcoholic drinks heavily, without interruption, in response to a psychological or physical addiction to alcohol.

Alcohol slows down blood circulation in the vessels of the brain, leading to constant oxygen starvation of its cells, resulting in memory loss and slow mental degradation. Early sclerotic changes develop in the vessels, and the risk of cerebral hemorrhage increases. Alcoholism leads to stomach ulcers, liver cirrhosis, premature aging and degradation of the body as a whole, irreversible mental changes and personality degradation. The alcoholic becomes a miserable imitation of a human, addicted to alcohol and having only one goal necessary to continue his miserable existence - alcohol-containing products. In pursuit of them, alcoholics often use dubious drugs and surrogates, leading to poisoning and even death.

Much attention should be paid to the prevention of addiction to alcohol. Anyone can become an alcoholic. As a rule, in most cases people who do not have stable moral values ​​and goals in life are addicted to alcohol. In addition, studies have shown that children of alcoholics are 4 to 6 times more likely to become addicted to alcohol than children of non-alcoholics. Each person must make a choice for himself and realize what he wants to achieve in life.

Ticket number 8

Question number 1. Forest and peat fires, their consequences. Safety measures in the area of ​​forest and peat fires.

Natural disasters usually include: earthquakes, floods, mudflows, landslides, snowdrifts, etc. They can include fires, especially massive forest and peat bogs. Forest fires cause mass death of animals, birds, insects, and also cause irreparable damage to forestry and cause air pollution.

The reason for them is very often the careless actions of people, non-compliance with elementary fire safety measures in places of work and rest - making fires and careless attitude towards them, agricultural burnings, the use of faulty equipment, etc.

Any fire starts with a fire. Having discovered a fire, you must immediately inform the fire department and start extinguishing with available improvised means.

Forest fires are especially dangerous. If a fire is caught with a rapidly advancing shaft of fire, the edge of the fire must be overcome against the wind, covering the head and face with outer clothing. To leave the zone of any forest fire, the propagation speed of which is low, should also be to the windward side, using clearings, clearings, roads and streams.

With the development of massive forest fires over large areas, in addition to special forest fire units, non-military civil defense units, military units, and sometimes the local population are involved in their localization and extinguishing. Under these conditions, the simplest methods of extinguishing a forest fire can be used - flooding the edge of the fire and throwing earth at the edge of the fire.

Overwhelming the edge of the fire consists in knocking down the fire from the burning surface with the help of bundles of branches or shrubs 1,5 - 2 m long. Knocking down is carried out towards the already burnt area. A group of three to five people, moving along the fire front, can extinguish a fire edge up to 1 km long in this way in an hour. On light soils, throwing the edge of the fire with soil using shovels is used. After knocking down the fire, a strip of soil 6–8 cm thick and 60–80 cm wide is poured along the edge.

Peat fires are dangerous because cavities can form underground in which the peat smoldering process continues. Despite the fact that a peat fire can be considered extinguished, it can manifest itself at some distance from its epicenter, accessible to people for extinguishing. A layer of earth, which is a set of burned-out cavities, can suddenly fall under the feet of people involved in extinguishing a peat fire. Once in a smoky and smoldering cavity, a person dies from suffocation and high temperature. Cases of failures in such cavities of people together with fire equipment are registered. In case of peat fires, special care and attention should be exercised.

Question number 2. rules for personal hygiene of adolescents during puberty.

During puberty, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the rules of hygiene.

Skin care involves, first of all, regular washing of the body with soap and refreshing it with cool or cold water. The face and hands should be washed after each contamination, while thoroughly cleaning the nails and cutting them short in a timely manner. Washing the entire body with hot water and soap and a washcloth is recommended once or twice a week. It should be borne in mind that hot water, relaxing the body, to some extent reduces the effectiveness of its defenses, so after using it, you need to rinse with cool or cold water, which acts as a tonic.

You need to wash your hair by rubbing soap foam into the skin, which helps to increase blood circulation and nourish the hair.

Much attention should be paid to foot care. They need to be washed daily with soap, and immediately before going to bed - with cold water.

In case of skin injury, damaged areas should be treated in a timely manner with tincture of iodine or a solution of brilliant green.

To maintain health, oral care, especially teeth and gums, is of great importance. Food residues that have been in the oral cavity for a long time are quickly decomposed and create fertile ground for the development of pathogenic microbes, and this contributes to dental disease and the formation of tartar. Often, bad teeth can become a source of tonsillitis, gastritis and a number of other diseases, including cardiovascular diseases. “In the morning they brush their teeth for beauty, and in the evening for health,” says a well-known saying.

It is very useful to combine teeth brushing with gum massage. Such a massage strengthens the gums, makes them elastic, resilient and is especially useful for those who have loose teeth, loose and bleeding gums, and the presence of tartar deposits. When massaging, care must be taken to avoid damage to the mucous membrane of the gums.

Ticket number 9

Question number 1. Causes of fire in residential and public buildings. Fire safety measures at home.

The cause of a fire is very often the careless actions of people, failure to comply with elementary fire safety measures in places of work, careless attitude to fire, cigarette butts not extinguished, malfunctions in the electrical wiring, violation of the rules for operating the electrical network, ignition of the TV, gas leakage, violation of the rules for firing furnaces, left unattended household electrical appliances turned on, the use of so-called "bugs", etc. The cause of the fire can be children playing with matches, handling fire and electrical appliances while intoxicated, especially smoking in bed.

Any fire starts with a fire. Having discovered a fire, you must immediately inform the fire department by calling "01" and start extinguishing with available improvised means. The danger to people in case of fire is high air temperature, smoke, concentration of carbon monoxide and other harmful products of combustion, as well as the possible collapse of building structures and structures. During continuous and massive fires, high temperature and smoke can be dangerous in the gaps of buildings, in courtyards, on the street, in the forest and other places. If visibility in the smoke zone becomes less than 10 m, you should not enter this zone if possible, because it is dangerous. Smoke and high temperatures are especially dangerous in basements and on the upper floors of buildings.

When rescuing victims from a burning building, observe the following rules:

n if you need to go through a burning room to save people, cover your head with a wet blanket, a piece of thick cloth or a raincoat);

n when a strong one occurs, children tend to hide behind cabinets, hide under beds, sofas, and other large pieces of furniture.

n When evacuating a multi-storey building during a fire, it is strictly forbidden to use the elevator, as it may get stuck.

To avoid fire hazards, the following rules should be observed:

- keep matches out of the reach of children;

- do not leave unattended heating stoves, switched on household electrical appliances;

- do not allow children to play with fire and use pyrotechnic toys;

- do not put "bugs" instead of fuses;

- do not smoke in the living room;

- when leaving the premises, check whether the water, gas stove, electrical appliances are turned off.

Question number 2. first aid for burns.

Burns occur when tissues are exposed to high temperatures. With prolonged exposure, a burn may develop even at a temperature of 55-60 degrees Celsius. Burns from flame, boiling water and hot steam are called thermal burns. Under the action of strong acids and alkalis on the skin and mucous membranes, chemical burns occur. When radioactive substances come into contact with the skin, radiation burns occur. Prolonged exposure to the sun causes sunburn. With severe burns, the life of the victim depends on how quickly first aid is provided to him before the doctor arrives. There are 4 degrees of burns:

- the first - the cells of the stratum corneum of the skin are damaged, redness, swelling, burning pain occur;

- the second - the stratum corneum is completely damaged, the skin turns red sharply, pain and blisters appear;

- the third - the deep layers of the skin are damaged:

degree a: the skin is not completely dead, the lower layers of the skin are preserved;

degree b: all layers of the skin die;

- fourth - the skin, subcutaneous tissue and underlying tissues die.

With extensive burns, a severe lesion occurs - a burn disease, which is often complicated by burn shock. Burn disease is characterized by acute intoxication, complicated by inflammation of the lungs, damage to the liver, kidneys. Burn shock occurs with first-degree burns of more than 30% of the body surface, with second-fourth degree burns - more than 10% of the body. Burn shock develops 1-2 hours after the burn and lasts up to two days.

First aid is as follows: the victim must be quickly removed from the fire zone. First of all, you need to put out the burning clothes. You need to tear it off or substitute it under a stream of water. But it is better to extinguish the flame by rolling on the floor or on the ground. The burnt part of the body is freed from clothing by cutting it around the wound. After that, the burnt surface of the body should be substituted under a stream of cold water and kept in this way for several minutes. You can not open the blisters, touch the burn with your hands, lubricate it with any substances (potassium permanganate, alcohol, iodine), as they increase the burn and pain and slow down the healing of wounds. A sterile bandage is applied to the burn surface. The victim is transported to a medical facility.

Ticket number 10

Question number 1. Hazardous substances and household chemicals used in everyday life. Measures to prevent poisoning with household chemicals.

Hazardous substances used in everyday life and household chemicals include acids (for example, vinegar essence), alkalis, cleaning mixtures, medicinal substances and medicines, cosmetics, kerosene, pesticides, mineral fertilizers, etc. There are many cases of unintentional poisoning with household chemicals . Especially often this kind of poisoning happens to children. For this reason, the following rules must be observed.

Household chemicals, medicines should be kept out of the reach of the child. Vessels or containers with chemicals should have bright labels and labels warning of hazardous contents. All hazardous pesticides and medicines should be stored in lockable cabinets or high cabinets, not in the kitchen or bathroom. To keep medicines out of the reach of the child, they should be kept in their original packaging, but never in a cup or open bottle, and out of sight of the child. It should be taught to the child that medicines are very dangerous and only sick people take them. Unused medicines should be destroyed.

Methanol poisoning (methyl alcohol, wood alcohol) occurs quite often, which can lead to loss of vision, kidney damage and death. In case of poisoning with methyl alcohol, general weakness, heaviness in the head, shortness of breath, anxiety, reddening of the face, flickering of "flies" before the eyes, weakening of vision, and a state of unexpressed intoxication appear. In a serious condition, after some "well-being" (a latent period from several hours to 1-2 days), a sharp deterioration occurs: headache, nausea, vomiting, pain in the right hypochondrium. The pupils dilate, the consciousness is confused, convulsions, coma. The victim should be given the following first aid: rinse the stomach with a 2% solution of baking soda, take activated charcoal, make a saline laxative, and then carry out specific antidote therapy: inside 100 ml of a 30% solution of ethyl alcohol, then every 2 hours, 50 ml ( 4-5 times a day), in the next two days, 100 ml per day. You should also give the victim sweet tea or coffee, as they stimulate breathing and the nervous system.

Question number 2. first aid for gas poisoning and household chemicals.

If poisoning occurs with household chemicals, you should immediately seek medical help and provide first aid to the victim. It should be possible to find out what substance and in what quantity was the cause of poisoning. Then you should try to remove the unabsorbed poison. It is necessary to rinse the oral cavity, washing the probe stomach with 10-15 liters of water at room temperature and an enema are mandatory. In case of poisoning with oil products, 150-200 ml of vaseline oil should be injected into the stomach. Never attempt to induce vomiting in an unconscious person or who has swallowed detergent, kerosene, or gasoline. You should also not try to induce vomiting by making the victim drink salt water or by putting your fingers in his mouth. It is advisable to use an antidote (antidote). If there are violations of the vital functions of the body, symptomatic first aid should be provided to the victim.

The most common gas poisoning is carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning. Carbon monoxide is colorless and odorless and therefore is a very insidious poisonous substance. Most cases of poisoning occur when using stoves with a faulty exhaust and when you are in a car with the engine running and not moving in a closed room, such as a garage. In case of carbon monoxide poisoning, the victim develops pain in the head, a feeling of heaviness, nausea, dizziness, and tinnitus. Later, muscle weakness, vomiting, drowsiness, shortness of breath, blackout of consciousness, convulsions, death from paralysis of the respiratory center appear. The first aid that should be provided to the victim before the arrival of the doctor is as follows. It should be immediately removed to fresh air, freed from clothing that restricts breathing (unbutton the collar, belt). In case of respiratory arrest and the absence of heart contractions, resuscitation measures (artificial respiration and chest compressions) should be carried out. With clouding of consciousness, short-term inhalation of ammonia vapor helps. The victim should be given sweet hot tea or coffee.

Ticket number 11

Question number 1. Rules for safe swimming in open water.

When swimming in rivers, lakes and other bodies of water, certain rules must be observed. Ignoring them can lead to tragic consequences. Swimming should be in specially designated areas. You can not swim in reservoirs closed due to harmful microflora found by the sanitary and epidemiological station in the waters of this reservoir. When bathing, you can not indulge, drown others, grab their legs or arms. You can not swim in places with a strong current, heavy traffic of water transport, under adverse weather conditions. Bathing in cold water can cause cramps. When swimming, you can not swim behind the buoys, swim close to boats and catamarans. It is forbidden to swim in places with whirlpools. It is strictly forbidden to swim while intoxicated or very tired, in a painful state. You can not dive in unverified places. For swimming and diving, you need to choose places with a flat bottom without or abundant aquatic vegetation. Before swimming, the bottom should be inspected, as it may be contaminated with snags, broken glass, and other debris, which can cause injury. It is impossible to swim alone far from the coast and, moreover, to swim across water obstacles on a dare.

Special care and attention must be observed if a child bathes. Any reservoirs, ponds, rivers, pools, bathtubs filled with water pose a great danger to him. Children under three years of age should not be taught to swim, because children can swallow water, which can cause them to become water intoxicated with loss of consciousness. A child over three years of age should learn to swim only in the presence of adults and not be left unsupervised. Adults should be familiar with mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration. Children should not be allowed to run near water bodies and push each other into the water. It is not recommended to use inflatable toys and mattresses: they can burst, and the child can slip off them in a deep place. You should make sure that the depth of the reservoir is shallow and do not allow children to dive where the depth becomes dangerous. When riding a boat, the child must wear a life belt. This requirement must also be observed when swimming in water bodies of children over five years old who cannot swim.

Question number 2. The impact of nutrition on human health. Balanced diet. Food hygiene.

Rational nutrition contributes to maintaining health, increasing efficiency and resistance to various adverse factors. Therefore, the diet occupies a special place in human life. Food ensures the maintenance of a certain thermal regime in the tissues of a living organism, constant growth and cell renewal. The required amount and composition of food are determined mainly by energy consumption for the vital activity of the organism.

The main suppliers of energy are the nutrients contained in food - proteins, fats and carbohydrates. In addition, the body requires vitamins, mineral salts, trace elements and water.

Protein goes to build tissues and organs: muscles, nerves, brain, heart, etc. It is the main material for building cells. The daily requirement for proteins in an adult is from 110 to 160 grams. Meat, fish and legumes contain 16 to 25 percent protein; in dairy, bread and cereal products - 6-15 percent, and in vegetables and fruits - only 1-2 percent. Proteins of animal origin are the most digestible.

Fats are one of the main food sources of energy, their calorie content is more than 2 times higher than the calorie content of proteins and carbohydrates. Fats contain vitamins A, D, E, K, F and other essential substances for the body. The most valuable for nutrition is corn, sunflower and butter. Fats rich in vitamins A and D are found in milk, dairy products and fish oils. The daily requirement of a person is satisfied by approximately 100 grams of fat, and with heavy physical work 150 grams. Fat intake should be limited as much as possible to avoid unhealthy fat deposits in body tissues.

Carbohydrates enter the body mainly with plant foods: starch - along with bread, cereals and vegetables, sugar - with fruits and berries. Of the products of animal origin, milk and dairy products are rich in carbohydrates. The daily requirement of an adult in carbohydrates ranges from 430 to 650 grams. Sugar and starch, breaking down in the body, give a lot of energy spent on the work of muscles and other organs. During a period of prolonged physical activity, the need for them increases, with minor loads it decreases.

Vitamins, obtained with food, have a powerful effect on metabolism; the lack or absence of any vitamin in the body leads to a metabolic disorder - beriberi. Vitamins increase the body's resistance to infectious diseases and other harmful effects of external factors. More than two dozen vitamins are known. The body's need for vitamins A is especially high.1, B1, B2, C, D, PP. However, it should be borne in mind that excessive intake of vitamins can have a negative effect on the body (especially in children).

Minerals- salts of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, copper, potassium, sodium chloride (table salt), entering the body with food, are continuously consumed according to the type of human activity, working conditions and the state of the body. If the food is varied, then it usually contains all these substances in sufficient quantities, only table salt has to be added to taste. It should be remembered that excessive consumption of table salt can adversely affect the state of the cardiovascular system, the functioning of the kidneys and other organs, can lead to the formation of stones in them and salt deposits in the joints.

play an important biological role in the body microelements- iodine, fluorine, manganese, participating in the most complex biochemical processes occurring in the body.

Water necessary for the normal course of all physiological processes in the human body, especially digestion and hematopoiesis. Loss of water must be replenished, otherwise serious disorders of vital functions may occur. An adult under normal conditions should receive two to three liters of water per day, in a hot climate - up to five liters. However, the use of excessive amounts of water, especially at a time, causes overload of the heart and kidneys.

It should be borne in mind that the digestive organs need a full daily rest for 8-10 hours (most naturally at night). The diet should be varied, the use of high-calorie foods should be limited and evenly distributed throughout the day. Dinner should be no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime. While eating, one should not be distracted (for example, reading, watching TV), talking, chewing food should be carefully and slowly, which contributes to its good absorption and normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Ticket number 12

Question number 1. man-made emergencies. The main causes of industrial accidents and disasters.

Technogenic emergencies include accidents and catastrophes at industrial enterprises, hydraulic structures, transport, fires and explosions. Their possible consequences can be chemical contamination, radioactive contamination, bacteriological contamination, flooding, massive fires. Accidents and catastrophes of enterprises and other objects of the national economy pose a great potential threat to people, animals and the environment. The main causes of industrial accidents and disasters are wear and tear of equipment, natural disasters, human negligence, outdated equipment or unsettled technological processes, etc.

The most likely consequence of an accident at a chemical plant is the release of SDYAV. Potent toxic substances (SDN) are chemicals that are intended for use in national economic purposes and have toxicity that can cause massive damage to people, animals and plants. Among them, chlorine, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, hydrogen fluoride, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, phosphorus trichloride, etc. are most common. as a result of inhalation of their vapors.

In case of accidents at enterprises for the extraction, enrichment and processing of uranium-containing ores, there is a threat of mass destruction. Radioactive contamination of the area occurs as a result of the fallout of radioactive substances from a nuclear cloud. This is a defeat factor that has the longest effect (tens of years), acting on a huge area. The radiation of falling radioactive substances consists of alpha, beta and gamma rays. The scale and degree of contamination depend on the characteristics of the radioactive cloud, surface, and meteorological conditions.

Accidents associated with bacteriological contamination of the area can cause infection of people, domestic animals, agricultural land, etc. Pathogenic bacteria remain active and vital for a period of several days to decades. In contaminated areas, epidemics are possible several years after the accident.

Accidents at hydraulic structures, such as dams, can cause flooding of vast areas. In this case, human casualties, loss of crops or washout of the fertile soil layer, and enormous damage to the national economy are possible.

An oil leak or an accident on an oil pipeline can cause a major fire or environmental disaster.

In the event of industrial accidents and disasters, it is necessary, depending on the situation, to take measures to eliminate the consequences of the disaster, to protect yourself from dangerous factors with the help of individual and collective means of protection or evacuation.

Question number 2. potent toxic substances (SDYAV), first aid to victims of SDYAV.

Potent toxic substances (SDN) are chemicals that are intended for use in national economic purposes and have toxicity that can cause massive damage to people, animals and plants. Among them, the most common are chlorine, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, hydrogen fluoride, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, phosphorus trichloride, etc.

Chlorine is a yellow-green gas with a pungent, suffocating odor. When chlorine evaporates and combines with water vapor, a white mist spreads above the ground. When chlorine vapor is inhaled, the respiratory tract, eyes are affected, a dry cough occurs, and with prolonged inhalation, pulmonary edema occurs.

Ammonia is a colorless gas with a suffocating pungent odor.

Signs of poisoning:

- irritation of the mucous membranes of the eyes and nasopharynx, sneezing and salivation;

- nausea and impaired coordination of movement;

- crazy state.

Hydrogen sulfide is a gas that affects the respiratory organs in the eyes. The first signs of poisoning: a feeling of pain in the eyes, photophobia, lacrimation.

Hydrogen fluoride is a gas, its vapors affect the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract and eyes; may cause skin lesions (up to the formation of blisters).

The damaging effect of SDYAV is possible both as a result of the ingress of such substances in a drop-liquid form on human skin, and as a result of inhalation of their vapors. According to the toxic properties of SDYAV, they are mainly substances of general poisonous and asphyxiating action; symptoms of poisoning can be headache, dizziness, darkening of the eyes, tinnitus, increasing weakness, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, and in case of severe poisoning - fainting, convulsions, loss of consciousness and even death.

In case of poisoning with most SDYAV, especially chlorine and its derivatives, any physical activity, including independent exit from the infection zone, is associated with a dangerous increase in the load on the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, which can aggravate the poisoning. Those affected by SDYAV, therefore, should most often be considered as in need of evacuation using vehicles. An individual anti-chemical package should be used to decontaminate SDYAV that has come into contact with the skin. In the absence of a package, wash the affected areas of the skin with plenty of warm water and soap. If necessary, the affected should do artificial respiration and chest compressions. Urgent hospitalization of the victims is necessary.

Ticket number 13

Question number 1. fires and explosions, their causes and possible consequences. Rules for safe behavior in case of fire and explosion threat.

Combustion is a complex, fast-flowing chemical transformation associated with the release of a significant amount of heat and a bright glow. In most cases, combustion occurs as a result of the oxidation of an exothermic substance capable of combustion. Other processes associated with rapid transformation and their thermal or chain acceleration are also referred to combustion: the decomposition of explosives, the decomposition of acetylene, etc. An uncontrolled combustion process is called a fire.

An explosion is the process of rapidly releasing a large amount of energy. As a result of an explosion, an explosive or explosive mixture that fills the volume in which energy was released turns into a highly heated gas with high pressure. This gas with great force acts on the environment, causing the formation of a blast wave. The destruction caused by the explosion is due to the action of the blast wave. As you move away from the explosion site, the mechanical effect of the blast wave weakens.

According to the flammability of substances and materials are divided into three groups:

non-combustible - substances and materials that are not capable of burning in air;

slow-burning - substances and materials capable of burning in air, but not capable of burning on their own after the ignition source is removed;

combustible - substances and materials that can ignite spontaneously, as well as ignite from an ignition source and burn independently after its removal. Flammable substances and materials are distinguished from the group of combustible substances and materials.

Flammable substances can be ignited by short-term exposure to a low-energy ignition source (spark, match flame, smoldering cigarette, etc.).

Fire and explosive objects are usually enterprises associated with the production, processing or storage of flammable and explosive substances. At enterprises of this profile, increased precautions should be observed: do not use open sources of fire, do not smoke, carefully observe safety regulations and precautions. If there is a threat of fire or explosion, you should report it to the competent authorities, move away from the dangerous place for a considerable distance, if possible helping others to do it. If it is not possible to leave the dangerous space, you should take cover in such a way as to reduce the potential threat as much as possible. If there is a threat of an explosion, you can hide behind a solid structure or in a recessed place, while the possibility of a burning mixture flowing into this recess should be excluded. you should beware of debris and other objects flying at high speed. You should cover yourself with a wet cloth to avoid thermal damage in the first seconds after the explosion.

Question number 2. regime of work and rest. Mental and physical performance.

Joint work requires unity in the distribution of labor in time - by hours of the day, days of the week and longer periods of time.

In the process of labor, working capacity, i.e., the ability of a person to work of a certain kind, and, accordingly, the functional state of the body, undergo changes. Maintaining working capacity at an optimal level is the main goal of a rational regime of work and rest.

The regime of work and rest is the order of alternation of periods of work and rest and their duration established for each type of work. A rational regime is such a ratio and content of periods of work and rest, in which high labor productivity is combined with high and stable human performance without signs of excessive fatigue for a long time. Such an alternation of periods of work and rest is observed at various periods of time: during a work shift, day, week, year in accordance with the operating mode of the enterprise. The establishment of the socially necessary duration of working time and its distribution over calendar periods at the enterprise are achieved by developing rules that provide for the alternation order and the duration of the period of work and rest. This order is called the regime of work and rest.

it is impossible to build modes of work and rest without taking into account the working capacity of a person and the objective need of the body for rest in certain periods of his labor activity. The dynamics of human performance is the scientific basis for the development of a rational regime of work and rest. Physiologists have established that performance is a variable value and this is due to changes in the nature of the flow of physiological and mental functions in the body. High performance in any type of activity is ensured only when the labor rhythm coincides with the natural periodicity of the daily rhythm of the physiological functions of the body. The working capacity of a person during a work shift is characterized by phase development. The main phases are the phase of development, or increasing efficiency; phase of stable high performance; the phase of development of fatigue and the associated drop in performance.

Ticket number 14

Question number 1. chemically hazardous production facilities, possible consequences in case of accidents at chemically hazardous facilities, rules of conduct.

Chemically hazardous production facilities are chemical plants and combines, production associations that use highly toxic substances (SDN) as raw materials or components, as well as other production facilities containing chemicals hazardous to humans on their territory. In the event of an accident at such enterprises, there is a danger of chemical contamination of the territory. The most common are all kinds of leaks and exhausts of SDYAV. The territory exposed to poisonous substances, as a result of which damage to people, animals or plants has occurred or may occur, is a focus of chemical damage.

OM droplets are clearly visible on asphalt, building walls, plant leaves, and other objects. The presence of toxic substances can also be judged by the way greens and flowers wither under their influence, birds die. If signs of toxic substances are detected (at the signal "Chemical alarm"), it is urgent to put on a gas mask, and, if necessary, skin protection means; if there is a shelter nearby, take cover in it. Before entering the shelter, you should remove the used skin protection equipment and outer clothing and leave them in the shelter vestibule; this precaution prevents the introduction of OM into the shelter. The gas mask is removed after entering the shelter. When using a shelter (basement, covered gap, etc.), one should not forget that it can serve as protection against droplet-liquid agents getting on the skin and clothing, but does not protect against vapors or aerosols of toxic substances in the air. When staying in such shelters in conditions of external infection, it is imperative to use a gas mask.

You should stay in the shelter (shelter) until you receive an order to leave it. When such an order is received, it is necessary to put on the required personal protective equipment (persons in shelters - gas masks and skin protection, people in shelters and already using gas masks - skin protection) and leave the facility to go outside the lesion . You need to leave the focus of chemical damage in the directions indicated by special signs or indicated by civil defense (police) posts. If there are no signs or posts, then you should move in the direction perpendicular to the direction of the wind. This will ensure the fastest exit from the lesion, since the depth of the spread of the cloud of contaminated air (it coincides with the direction of the wind) is several times greater than the width of its front.

On the territory contaminated with toxic substances, you must move quickly, but do not run and do not raise dust. You can not lean against buildings and touch surrounding objects (they can be infected). Do not step on visible drops and smears of agents. It is forbidden to remove gas masks and other protective equipment in the contaminated area. In cases where it is not known whether the area is infected or not, it is better to act as if it were infected. Particular care should be taken when moving through the infected area through parks, gardens, vegetable gardens and fields. On the leaves and branches of plants there may be settled drops of OM, when touched they can infect clothes and shoes, which can lead to injury. If possible, you should avoid driving through ravines and hollows, through meadows and swamps, in these places a long stagnation of vapors of toxic substances is possible. In cities, OM vapors can stagnate in closed quarters, parks, as well as in the entrances and attics of houses. The infected cloud in the city spreads over the greatest distances through the streets, tunnels, pipelines.

If drops of toxic substances are found on the skin, clothing, footwear or personal protective equipment, they must be immediately removed with gauze or cotton swabs; if there are no such swabs, drops (smears) of OM can be removed with swabs made of paper or rags. Affected areas should be treated with a solution from a chemical bag or by washing thoroughly with warm water and soap.

Having met on the way out of the focus of the lesion the elderly and the disabled, you need to help them go to uncontaminated territory. The injured should be helped. After leaving the focus of chemical damage, complete sanitization is carried out as soon as possible. If this cannot be done quickly, partial degassing and sanitization is carried out.

Question number 2. the importance of physical culture and hardening of the body for human health.

Preserve and strengthen the health of physical activity and hardening of the body. They increase efficiency, stimulate protective and adaptive reactions of the body. Physical exercise is important not only in the prevention, but also in the successful treatment of various diseases.

Physical exercises in the fresh air, communication with nature - all these are indispensable components of the training system in order to maintain and improve health.

When starting physical education, you need to learn how to properly dose physical and hardening loads in accordance with gender, age, health status, physical development, and also taking into account the individual characteristics of the body. And for this it is necessary, first of all, to know the capabilities of your body, its ability to perceive loads in various conditions.

Hardening of the body - the development of measures for the rapid adaptation of the body to a change in temperature. Water, air and sun are the main means of hardening the body. Water procedures (dousing, wiping, showering, bathing, followed by rubbing the body) usually begin at a water and air temperature of at least 20оC and continue, as a rule, no more than 10 minutes.

Air baths are taken 1-2 hours after eating at an air temperature of at least 18-20оC for 15-20 minutes, gradually increasing their duration to 2-3 hours a day.

Solar treatments are most beneficial between 8-11 pm. In the first days of summer holidays, you can not stay in the sun for a long time. Start with 4-5 minutes, gradually increasing this time to 40-50 minutes. The head must be protected by a Panama hat or a scarf.

Being engaged in physical culture and hardening, a person prolongs his life.

Ticket number 15

Question No. 1. Accidents at radiation hazardous facilities, possible consequences. Rules of conduct in radiation accidents.

Radiation hazardous facilities include nuclear power plants (NPP), enterprises for the extraction, enrichment and processing of uranium-containing ores. In the event of accidents at these enterprises, there is a threat of mass destruction of people. Radioactive contamination of the area occurs as a result of the fallout of radioactive substances from a nuclear cloud. This is a defeat factor that has the longest effect (tens of years), acting on a huge area. The radiation of falling radioactive substances consists of alpha, beta and gamma rays. The most dangerous are beta and gamma rays.

The scale and degree of contamination depend on the characteristics of the radioactive cloud, surface, and meteorological conditions. As a rule, the radioactive trace area has the shape of an ellipse, and the extent of contamination decreases with distance from the end of the ellipse where the accident occurred. Depending on the degree of infection and the possible consequences of external exposure, zones of moderate, severe, dangerous and extremely dangerous infection are distinguished. Especially dangerous is the ingress of radioactive substances into the body. Upon receipt of information about an accident at a radiation hazardous facility, actions should be taken to exit the accident zone. If it is not possible to urgently leave the area subjected to radiation contamination, every effort should be made to minimize the radiation dose. At the same time, if a person is in the building and is waiting for official messages and help, he must turn on the radio and TV, since all messages from the civil defense headquarters are transmitted through these two media sources.

The main way to protect the population is isolation from external exposure to radiation and the exclusion of radioactive substances from entering the body. It is advisable to shelter people in shelters and anti-radiation shelters, as well as in buildings whose design weakens the effect of gamma radiation. Personal protective equipment is also used.

Protective structures are structures specially designed to protect people. They are divided into shelters and anti-radiation shelters (PRU), as well as the simplest shelters - cracks. Reliability of protection is achieved due to the strength of structures, the creation of normal sanitary and hygienic conditions. Shelters can be built-in and free-standing (built-in are the most common). If a person is in an apartment, then he should tightly close and, if possible, putty windows and doors, exhaust devices in order to prevent radioactive dust from entering the dwelling. You should prepare a supply of food and drinking water for several days and hide it in a dust-proof container. Respiratory protection equipment includes gas masks, respirators, cotton-gauze bandages and anti-dust fabric masks. These funds provide respiratory protection from harmful impurities and radioactive substances contained in the air. Medical protective equipment is used to reduce the impact of injury factors on the human body and to prevent the undesirable consequences of this impact (radioprotective agents from an individual first-aid kit).

Question No. 2. Providing first aid to the victim in case of mass lesions.

Mass injuries to people can occur with radiation damage in combination with traumatic injuries, with poisoning by potent toxic substances, in situations leading to mass injuries (fires, industrial disasters, floods, earthquakes), etc.

if a person is injured in the process of mass destruction, he should be helped. In the presence of fractures, bruises, dislocations, the affected person should be provided with rest, apply cold to the site of the bruise, dislocation or fracture. It can be a bottle of cold water or an ice pack. In the presence of a fracture of the limb, a splint from improvised materials should be applied. If the victim is bleeding, it should be stopped immediately. Capillary bleeding is stopped with a tight bandage. Arterial or venous bleeding is stopped by pinching the limb with a tourniquet. With arterial bleeding - above the wound, with venous - below. The tourniquet is adjusted for no more than two hours, otherwise tissue necrosis may occur. If necessary, the victims are given artificial ventilation of the lungs and indirect heart massage. If the victim received thermal, chemical or radiation burns, they need to be poured with cold water for several minutes to create a thermal balance of the body. In the future, a sterile bandage should be applied to the affected areas of the skin, and the patient should be reassured. In no case should you apply oil and other compounds to the surface of the burns, pierce the blisters. Transportation of victims of SDYAV should be carried out on a stretcher. In no case should they move quickly on their own, as the load on the heart will increase, which can cause a sharp deterioration in the condition. Affected by SDYAV, drowning and frostbite should be warmly wrapped up and soldered with hot tea or coffee, because these drinks stimulate cardiac and nervous activity. If the victim has traces of SDYAV on the skin or clothing, they should be washed off with liquid from an individual anti-chemical package, in its absence - with warm water and soap. In the presence of drugs, the victims should be given symptomatic assistance. Mandatory hospitalization of all victims and medical supervision of their condition are also required.

Ticket number 16

Question number 1. fire safety measures during the operation of electrical and gas appliances.

A fire is an uncontrolled burning process, accompanied by the destruction of material values ​​and also creating a danger to people's lives. The cause of the fire is the careless actions of people, failure to comply with elementary fire safety measures at work places, careless attitude to fire, cigarette butts not extinguished, malfunctions in the electrical wiring, violation of the rules for operating the electrical network, ignition of the TV, gas leakage, violation of the rules for firing furnaces, left unattended turning on household appliances, the use of so-called "bugs", etc. The cause of the fire can be children playing with matches, handling fire and electrical appliances while intoxicated, especially smoking in bed.

Any fire starts with a fire. Having discovered a fire, you must immediately inform the fire department by calling "01" and start extinguishing with available improvised means. The danger to people in case of fire is high air temperature, smoke, concentration of carbon monoxide and other harmful products of combustion, as well as the possible collapse of building structures and structures. During continuous and massive fires, high temperature and smoke can be dangerous in the gaps of buildings, in courtyards, on the street, in the forest and other places. If visibility in the smoke zone becomes less than 10 m, you should not enter this zone if possible, because it is dangerous. Smoke and high temperatures are especially dangerous in basements and on the upper floors of buildings.

To avoid fire hazards caused by the operation of electrical and gas appliances, the following rules should be observed:

- Do not leave unattended household electrical appliances turned on;

- do not put "bugs" instead of fuses;

- when leaving the premises, check whether the gas stove, electrical appliances are turned off;

- do not use obviously faulty electrical appliances that, during operation or being connected to the network, spark strongly, overheat, emit a burning smell or unusual sounds, clicks;

- in case of gas leaks (undercutting the gas stove or gas pipes), you need to turn off the stove and call the master or the emergency team;

- use electrical appliances in accordance with the rules specified in the instructions for use, it is not recommended to use appliances turned on at maximum power for a long time;

- when buying electrical appliances and gas stoves, make sure that the seller has a hygiene certificate or a certificate of conformity for the goods you buy;

- do not use home-made or handicraft household electrical appliances;

- repair of electrical appliances and gas equipment should be carried out by authorized specialists, and not by random people.

Question number 2. healthy lifestyle, general concepts and definitions.

Health is a state of complete physical, spiritual and social well-being, and not only the absence of diseases or physical defects, but also a certain level of physical and mental development, which determines the degree of resistance to adverse factors.

A healthy lifestyle is a hygienic behavior based on scientifically based sanitary and hygienic standards aimed at strengthening and maintaining health, ensuring a high level of working capacity, and achieving active longevity. The main parameters of human health and methods of their preservation are determined by hygiene, that is, the science of the health of healthy people, ways of preserving it, strengthening, multiplying, increasing life expectancy and working capacity. A healthy person does not have diseases or ailments. A disease is a general or partial restriction of the body's activity, due to the breakdown of complex-adaptive mechanisms under the influence of external and internal factors. The disease is characterized by a decrease in adaptation to the effects of the external environment. Adaptation is a universal reaction of the body to the influence of environmental factors, the process of adapting the body to changing environmental conditions. A healthy lifestyle is carried out in order to maintain health. It includes the correct mode and routine of the working day, a varied rational diet, dosed physical exercises, a set of hardening procedures that may include air baths, a contrast shower, dousing with cold water, thermal procedures in a bath or sauna, massage, relaxation on nature, sports games and competitions, a complex of relaxation and auto-training procedures, and other procedures performed to consolidate the normal functioning of the functional systems and organs of the human body. a healthy person experiences satisfaction and joy from life, has a good muscle tone, appetite, sound and healthy sleep, good performance. A healthy lifestyle excludes the use of narcotic substances, smoking and limits the use of alcohol, especially its strong and poor-quality varieties and varieties.

Ticket number 17

Question number 1. rules of safe behavior at home. Possible emergency and dangerous situations in the home, their causes and prevention.

The modern dwelling is structurally arranged in such a way as to best meet the human needs of life support. Its design provides for the presence of water supply, heating, sewerage, lighting, etc. in case of malfunctions in the operation of these systems, accidents may occur that pose a serious danger to humans.

Malfunctions or violation of the rules for the operation of the electrical network, ignition of the TV, gas leakage, violation of the rules for firing furnaces, violation of the rules for operating heating appliances can cause a fire in the home. In the event of a fire, it is necessary to notify the fire department by calling "01" and proceed to put out the fire using someone else's help and improvised means. It should be remembered that it is impossible to extinguish electrical appliances connected to the electrical network with water. Before doing this, unplug the power plug from the socket. When extinguishing the TV, you can use a thick blanket, throwing it over the TV, eliminates the access of oxygen necessary to maintain the combustion process. To avoid fire hazards, the following rules should be observed:

- keep matches out of the reach of children;

- do not leave unattended heating stoves, switched on household electrical appliances;

- do not allow children to play with fire and use pyrotechnic toys;

- do not put "bugs" instead of fuses;

- do not smoke in the living room;

- when leaving the premises, check whether the water, gas stove, electrical appliances are turned off.

If a gas leak is detected by a characteristic smell, it is urgent to notify the emergency gas service about this, and then open the windows in the room, warn neighbors and residents and urgently leave the room. It is strictly forbidden to smoke or use electricity, as an explosion may occur if a spark jumps.

Possible causes of flooding of the dwelling can be a bursting central heating battery, the flow of water from the sewerage system when it is clogged, turned on and forgotten tap water, etc. In case of flooding, turn off electrical appliances, a short circuit in which can cause electric shock or fire. Then you should eliminate the source of flooding, call the emergency service. In case of flooding, you need to scoop up water and pour it out. If the faucet is broken and the water shoots up, you need to throw it on and, if possible, tie a rag or towel. This will direct most of the water jet into the sink or tub. If water flows from the ceiling, i.e. the neighbors are the culprits of the flood, it is urgent to go up to them to find out the cause of the accident and get emergency help or contact them, because they may not be at home and they may not be aware of what happened.

Faulty electrical appliances and bare wires can also pose a danger in everyday life. Small children should be supervised as they can be electrocuted by inserting metal objects into the socket.

Question number 2. hardening of the body and prevention of colds.

Hardening is a system of training aimed at increasing the body's defenses against various harmful effects, i.e., maintaining and strengthening health, developing resistance to colds and infections, and physical and nervous overload. You can harden with gymnastic exercises and sports games, walking and running, dry and wet steam, cold water and swimming, air and sun ... But the greatest effect is achieved by a combination of various hardening agents.

Experience shows that with the help of regular, simple water workouts, in one and a half to two months it is possible to eliminate 80 to 90 percent of susceptibility to colds, and in five to six months of a complex combination of physical training and hardening natural factors, you can significantly increase working capacity.

In those who exercise regularly for six months, the incidence decreases by an average of 6 times, while the overall well-being improves significantly. A seasoned person has a high vitality, in any conditions he is able to maintain calmness, good spirits and optimism. It is characteristic that among the lovers of hardening there are practically no addicts to alcohol, an active mode of movement and hardening has helped many people to quit smoking.

Without exaggeration, we can say that complex hardening bestows physical and spiritual health and creative activity. However, ineptly organized, illiterate and irregular training can even damage health. People who are weakened and after an illness should begin to use cold water for the purpose of hardening very carefully. The duration of stay in the water should be regulated depending on its temperature and weather conditions, on the degree of fitness and health. Before starting hardening, you need to consult a doctor in order to choose the right mode of hardening procedures and their intensity.

Ticket number 18

Question number 1. Rules for the safe use of various tools when performing chores in everyday life.

Tools used in various household chores, if handled carelessly, are a source of increased danger and can cause harm to a person. Careless and inattentive behavior of a person when working with these tools can cause injury to a person. Tools can cause the following misfortunes:

- electric shock;

- thermal burns;

- chemical burns;

- mechanical damage to the tissues of the human body.

The danger of electric shock exists from all devices that use a 220-volt electrical network as a power supply. Thermal burns can occur due to careless handling of devices whose surface is heated to temperatures above 60 degrees Celsius. Chemical burns are the cause of neglect of devices that contain strong chemicals. Mechanical damage occurs when careless work with objects that have sharp cutting parts. These can be needles, knives, electric juicers and other devices. A prick from a rusty needle can cause blood poisoning and death. Some types of tools and appliances carry a double danger. For example, an electric wood planer can cause electric shock and severe mechanical damage. When performing household chores in everyday life, in order to avoid injury, the following rules should be observed.

When working with electrical appliances and tools, special care should be taken. Before switching on, check the integrity of the wiring, after completing work, pay attention to whether the plug or the engine is heated. If sparks, suspicious smells and unusual sounds appear during operation of the device, immediately stop the operation of the device, since there is a possibility of its ignition or electrical breakdown of the insulating layer. It should be checked for melting or discoloration of the conductive parts of the electrical appliance, as this may be the first sign of its malfunction. The appliance must be repaired by an authorized person. When working with all devices that pose a potential danger to humans, you should follow safety precautions and be especially careful. You can not be distracted and switch your attention to extraneous things. When working with sharp, cutting-piercing objects, the force should be directed away from oneself, but not towards the surrounding people. The best assistant for safe work with household appliances are their operating instructions, specified in the passports and technical documentation for these devices or tools.

Question number 2. legal aspects of the interaction of the sexes. Marriage and family.

The legal aspects of the interaction of the sexes are based on the laws governing the family life of members of society. relations regulated by law are called legal relations. Personal legal relations are legal relations arising from the choice of a surname by the spouses, at the conclusion and dissolution of marriage, joint resolution of all issues of family life, free choice of occupations, profession and place of residence, giving consent to adoption, resolving the issue of divorce, etc.

Family law is a set of legal norms governing family, i.e., personal and industrial property relations arising from them, arising between people from marriage, consanguinity, and the adoption of children in a family for upbringing. Marriage is a legally formalized free and voluntary union of a woman and a man, aimed at creating a family and giving rise to mutual rights and obligations. It is based on a feeling of love, true friendship and respect - the moral principles of building a family.

The legal registration of marriage consists in its registration. In accordance with the law, only a marriage registered in the prescribed manner gives rise to the rights and obligations of the spouses. Marriage registration takes place in the departments of registration of acts of civil status of the executive committees, district, city (in cities) Councils of People's Deputies and the executive committees of township and rural Soviets (in rural areas). Marriage cannot be registered by any other body. In this case, it does not give rise to the rights and obligations associated by law with the emergence of marriage. The registration of marriage ensures the indispensable observance of the conditions of its conclusion; It is also carried out in order to protect the personal and property rights and interests of spouses and children born from marriage. A marriage certificate confirms the registration of a marriage. The conclusion of marriage takes place after a month after the submission by persons wishing to marry, an application to the state body of the registry office. But it should be noted that the law establishes the conditions for marriage and the obstacles to its conclusion. Compliance with the conditions for concluding a marriage is necessary for the marriage to acquire legal force. The condition for registering a marriage is the mutual consent of the persons entering into marriage and their attainment of marriageable age. The mutual consent of persons entering into marriage is predetermined by the very essence of marriage, which is a voluntary and free union of a man and a woman.

The marriageable age is confined to the onset of adulthood - 18 years. By this time, people reach physical, intellectual and mental maturity. The law defines a minimum marriageable age, but does not establish a maximum marriageable age. The age of marriage may be reduced, but not more than two years, and only in exceptional cases: pregnancy of a minor, the birth of a child, conscription for military service, and others. It is not allowed to register a marriage between relatives in a direct ascending and descending line, between full-blooded (having a common father and mother) and half-blooded (having only one common parent) brothers and sisters, as well as between adoptive parents and adopted children. It is not allowed to conclude a marriage between persons, of which at least one is recognized as incapacitated due to mental illness or dementia, a marriage concluded without the intention to start a family (fictitious), with the aim of acquiring any property or other benefits (the right to a residence permit, property, etc.) d.).

Ticket number 19

Question number 1. rules of safe behavior in criminogenic situations. Psychological methods of self-defense.

The modern city is a source of increased social danger. violation of interpersonal relationships, the problem of detaining an attacker, the accumulation of a large number of people and material values ​​push potential criminals to commit a crime. Zones of increased criminal danger are stations, parks, discos and other crowded places, as well as secluded places - wastelands, forest parks, abandoned objects, alleys, underground passages, etc. The activity of criminals increases at night, since it is easier to hide at night, fewer people potentially can come to the aid of the victim, and in conditions of poor visibility, the victim remembers the signs of the attacker worse.

To minimize the risk of attack, the following precautions should be observed. It is advisable not to go outside after dark. Places where the perpetrator can attack the victim should be avoided. These are lanes, wastelands, forest parks and other secluded and deserted places. You can’t get into a car with strangers, even if they ask you to drive with them and show them where the museum or conservatory is located. It is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol with strangers, because they can quietly add potent substances such as clonidine to your glass. You should be careful not to engage in a verbal skirmish with drunken or aggressive people and groups of people. Caution should be exercised if you have a large amount of money in your wallet. A criminal who accidentally noticed this, say, in the market at the time of your purchase, may take illegal actions against you. You can not enter the elevator with strangers, open the doors of the apartment to strangers in the absence of parents, even if the strangers appear to be acquaintances of your parents. In this case, you should contact the parents by phone and clarify the information, or ask to come in after such a period of time when your parents will definitely be at home.

When attacking, you can use the following techniques. Since the laws of the Russian Federation provide for the removal of liability in the event of protection from attackers, all kinds of self-defense techniques can be used, even if they entail serious bodily harm to the offender. It is advisable to shout loudly and call for help, as this can scare off the attacker. If you were attacked very close to your home, but no one responded to your cries for help, you can break the nearest shop window or window with a stone. This will force the residents to get involved in a conflict or call the police. Later, you can testify that the window was broken by a criminal out of hooligan motives. It is necessary to study the vulnerabilities of the human body, even a relatively weak impact on which will cause severe pain or trauma to the offender. Such places include the eyes, the throat area, the testicles in men, etc. You should also model in your mind the situations that may happen to you, and your further actions. This will help you psychologically prepare for an emergency situation and develop an action plan in advance that will force the criminal to back down. If you try to rape, you can tell the perpetrator that you are HIV-positive or have syphilis. This will quickly cool the maniac. An effective way to protect against attacks are gas cartridges and pistols, stun guns, blinding devices, etc., as well as improvised means - umbrellas, hairspray (for spraying into the eye area), a nail file (hit in the face), etc. when moving in a sparsely populated or dangerous place, a gas cartridge should be kept ready in a hand placed in a pocket in order to quickly use it if necessary.

Question number 2. family and its functions, the concept of responsible parenthood.

Having married, the spouses form a family. The happiness and joy of family life largely depend on them themselves - on their tact in relationships, upbringing received in the families of their parents, etc. In addition, legal regulation also affects the relationship between spouses.

In any family, personal and property relations arise between spouses. They are regulated by moral norms, determined on the basis of those ideas about family life that have developed in the families of the husband and wife even before marriage. The right of spouses to jointly resolve issues of family life is extensive in content and covers, in essence, the entire way of family life: coordinated housekeeping; raising children and caring for their health; acquisition of property, etc. The law establishes the equality of rights and obligations of spouses, without providing for the advantages of any of them in resolving issues in the life of the family.

The origin of legal relations between parents and children is based on the origin of children from parents, certified in the prescribed manner. Among the responsibilities of parents, the first place is occupied by their obligation to educate children. This duty is also the right of parents. Therefore, parents cannot transfer their right to raise a child to another person (grandfather, grandmother, relatives). In order to raise children, one must live with them, communicate with children, and exert a personal influence on them. The child has the right to a given name, patronymic and surname, respectively, the right and obligation of parents to give the child a given name, patronymic and surname; the right and duty of parents to raise their minor children and the right of children to receive education from their parents, the right and duty of parents to represent themselves on behalf of children and the right of children to protect their rights and interests. Parents are equal in their rights and obligations towards their children.

Parents are representatives of their minor children. parents are held liable for harm caused by their minor children under 15 years of age, in accordance with the norms of civil law. As a general rule, parents are responsible for the upbringing of their children.

Ticket number 20

Question No. 1. A unified state system for the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations, its purpose and tasks.

An emergency situation is a situation in a certain territory that has developed as a result of an accident, a natural hazard, a catastrophe, a natural or other disaster that may or have caused human casualties, damage to human health or the environment, significant material losses and violation of living conditions. of people.

Emergency prevention is a set of measures taken in advance and aimed at minimizing the risk of emergencies, as well as preserving people's health, reducing damage to the environment and material losses in case of their occurrence.

Elimination of emergencies is emergency rescue and other urgent work carried out in the event of an emergency and aimed at saving lives and preserving people's health, reducing damage to the environment and material losses, as well as localizing emergency zones, stopping the action of their characteristic hazardous factors .

The main tasks of the unified state system for the prevention and elimination of emergency situations of the RSChS:

- development and implementation of legal and economic norms related to ensuring the protection of the population and territories from emergencies;

- implementation of targeted scientific and technical programs aimed at preventing emergencies and ensuring the sustainable functioning of enterprises, organizations and institutions, as well as facilities under their jurisdiction in emergencies;

- ensuring the readiness for action of the authorities, forces and means intended for the prevention and elimination of emergencies;

- collection, processing and issuance of information in the field of protection of the population and territories from emergencies;

- preparation of the population for actions in case of emergencies;

- forecasting and assessment of the socio-economic consequences of emergencies;

- creation of reserves of financial and material resources for the liquidation of emergencies;

- implementation of state expertise, supervision and control in the field of protection of the population and territories from emergencies;

- elimination of emergencies;

- implementation of measures for the social protection of the population affected by emergencies, holding humanitarian actions;

- implementation of the rights and obligations of the population in the field of protection against emergencies, including persons directly involved in their liquidation;

- international cooperation in the field of protection of the population and territories from emergencies.

Question number 2. Fundamentals of family law in the Russian Federation.

Family law is a set of legal norms governing family, i.e., personal and industrial property relations arising from them, arising between people from marriage, consanguinity, and the adoption of children in a family for upbringing. Marriage is a legally formalized free and voluntary union of a woman and a man, aimed at creating a family and giving rise to mutual rights and obligations. It is based on a feeling of love, true friendship and respect - the moral principles of building a family.

The legal registration of marriage consists in its registration. In accordance with the law, only a marriage registered in the prescribed manner gives rise to the rights and obligations of the spouses. Marriage registration takes place in the departments of registration of acts of civil status of the executive committees, district, city (in cities) Councils of People's Deputies and the executive committees of township and rural Soviets (in rural areas). Marriage cannot be registered by any other body. In this case, it does not give rise to the rights and obligations associated by law with the emergence of marriage. The registration of marriage ensures the indispensable observance of the conditions of its conclusion; It is also carried out in order to protect the personal and property rights and interests of spouses and children born from marriage. The marriage certificate confirms the registration of the marriage. The conclusion of marriage takes place after a month after the submission by persons wishing to marry, an application to the state body of the registry office. But it should be noted that the law establishes the conditions for marriage and the obstacles to its conclusion. Compliance with the conditions for concluding a marriage is necessary for the marriage to acquire legal force. The condition for registering a marriage is the mutual consent of the persons entering into marriage and their attainment of marriageable age. The mutual consent of persons entering into marriage is predetermined by the very essence of marriage, which is a voluntary and free union of a man and a woman.

The marriageable age is confined to the onset of adulthood - 18 years. By this time, people reach physical, intellectual and mental maturity. The law defines a minimum marriageable age, but does not establish a maximum marriageable age. The age of marriage may be reduced, but not more than two years, and only in exceptional cases: pregnancy of a minor, the birth of a child, conscription for military service, and others. It is not allowed to register a marriage between relatives in a direct ascending and descending line, between full-blooded (having a common father and mother) and half-blooded (having only one common parent) brothers and sisters, as well as between adoptive parents and adopted children. It is not allowed to conclude a marriage between persons, of which at least one is recognized as incapacitated due to mental illness or dementia, a marriage concluded without the intention to start a family (fictitious), with the aim of acquiring any property or other benefits (the right to a residence permit, property, etc.) d.).

Ticket number 21

Question number 1. civil defense and its tasks to protect the population from the dangers arising from the conduct of hostilities.

Civil defense is an integral part of the system of nationwide defense measures carried out in peacetime and wartime in order to protect the population and the national economy from weapons of mass destruction and other modern means of attack by the enemy, as well as for rescue and urgent emergency and restoration work in the centers of destruction and areas of catastrophic flooding. The main tasks of civil defense:

- The protection of the population from weapons of mass destruction and other means of attack of the enemy is carried out by carrying out a complex of protective measures, which allows to maximally weaken the effects of the effects of weapons of mass destruction, create favorable conditions for the living and activities of the population, the work of objects and forces of civil defense in the performance of their tasks.

- Increasing the stability of the operation of objects and branches of the national economy in wartime conditions can be achieved by early organizational, engineering and other measures aimed at minimizing the effects of weapons of mass destruction, creating favorable conditions for the rapid elimination of the consequences of an enemy attack.

- Carrying out rescue and urgent emergency recovery work in the lesions. Without the successful implementation of such work, it is impossible to organize the activities of facilities that have been subjected to enemy strikes, to create normal conditions for the life of the population of the affected cities.

It is civil defense that is directly responsible for protecting the population and the economy of the country from weapons of mass destruction and other means of attack by the enemy, as well as for carrying out rescue and urgent emergency and restoration work in the aftermath of an enemy attack.

Question number 2. federal legislation criminalizing sexual harassment, seduction, violence.

The federal legislation of the Russian Federation provides for criminal liability for sexual harassment, violence, as well as acts of a depraved nature.

Article 133 - compulsion to act of a sexual nature.

Sexual harassment, or compulsion of a person to have sexual intercourse, sodomy, lesbianism, or other acts of a sexual nature by means of blackmail, threat of destruction, damage, or seizure of property, or by using the material or other dependence of the victim (victim) shall be punishable by a fine in the amount of two hundred to three hundred times the minimum wage. wages or in the amount of wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of two to three months, or by corrective labor for a term of up to two years, or by deprivation of liberty for a term of up to one year.

Article 135 - Lewd acts.

Committing depraved acts without the use of violence against a person who is known to be under the age of fourteen, shall be punishable by a fine in the amount of from three hundred to five hundred times the minimum wage, or in the amount of the wage or salary, or any other income of the convicted person for a period of three to five months, or by restraint of liberty for a term of up to two years, or imprisonment for up to three years.

Article 132 - violent acts of a sexual nature.

1. Sodomy, lesbianism or other acts of a sexual nature with the use of violence or with the threat of its use against the victim (victim) or other persons, or using the helpless state of the victim (victim) shall be punishable by imprisonment for a term of three to six years.

2. The same actions:

a) committed repeatedly or by a person who has previously committed rape;

b) committed by a group of persons, by a group of persons by prior agreement or by an organized group;

c) connected with the threat of murder or causing serious harm to health, as well as committed with particular cruelty towards the victim (victim) or to other persons;

d) entailing the infection of the victim (injured) with a venereal disease;

e) committed against a known minor (minor),-

shall be punishable by deprivation of liberty for a term of four to ten years.

3. Acts stipulated in parts one or two of this article, if they:

a) negligently caused the death of the victim (victim);

b) negligently entailed the infliction of grievous harm to the health of the victim (victim), infection of him (her) with HIV infection or other grave consequences;

c) committed against a person who is obviously under the age of fourteen, -

shall be punishable by deprivation of liberty for a term of eight to fifteen years.

Ticket number 22

Question number 1. evacuation of the population, its purpose, the procedure for carrying out activities during evacuation.

The evacuation and dispersal of the urban population is one of the ways to protect the population. It reduces the population density of cities many times over, and, consequently, the loss of population can be significantly reduced.

Evacuation - an organized withdrawal (export) of the population not employed in production, including students, from cities to a suburban area.

All types of transport (railway, road, water, air) are used for evacuation. In order to carry out the evacuation in a short time, the main part of the population is taken out of the cities on foot, the rest is taken out by transport to places of accommodation in the suburban area or to intermediate evacuation points, from where it is possible to leave by various means of transport to the final destinations. This method of evacuation is called combined and is the main one.

The dispersal of workers and employees and the evacuation of the rest of the population are supervised by civil defense headquarters of all levels. Civil defense headquarters notify the population about the evacuation with the help of the mass media: on radio, television, through the press, as well as through house management.

For a clear and timely conduct of the evacuation and dispersal of the population in cities, prefabricated evacuation points (SEPs) are being created. As a rule, SEPs are located in clubs, cinemas, Palaces of Culture, schools and other public buildings, near railway stations, platforms, ports and marinas. Each SEP is assigned a serial number. Workers, employees of nearby enterprises, organizations, educational institutions and members of their families, as well as the population living in the houses of the housing office located in this area, are assigned to the SEP.

With the announcement of the evacuation, citizens are required to quickly prepare personal protective equipment, personal belongings and documents (passport, military ID, diploma of education, birth certificate of children). All things are placed in a suitcase, duffel bag or bag, a label is attached to them indicating the last name, first name, patronymic, permanent address and place where they are being evacuated. Children of preschool age need to sew white fabric labels on their clothes indicating the last name, first name and patronymic, year of birth, parents' address and the final destination of the evacuation.

Arrive at the specified time at the assembly evacuation point, register. With you, in addition to things and documents, you must have personal protective equipment, clothes, shoes, bedding, a set of medicines and a two-three-day supply of food.

The dispersed and evacuated population in the places of accommodation is provided with food and essential industrial goods by local authorities through the existing trade network.

Question number 2. the main criteria for the state of health. Physical and spiritual health. The main factors that shape health.

Health is an invaluable asset not only for each person, but for the whole society. Health helps us fulfill our plans, successfully solve the main life tasks, overcome difficulties, and, if necessary, significant overloads. Good health, wisely preserved and strengthened by man himself, ensures him a long and active life. Scientific evidence shows that most people, if they follow the rules of hygiene, have the opportunity to live up to 100 years or more.

Unfortunately, many people do not follow the simplest, science-based norms of a healthy lifestyle. Some become victims of inactivity (physical inactivity), which causes premature aging, others overeat with the almost inevitable development of obesity, vascular sclerosis in these cases, others do not know how to relax, be distracted from everyday worries, are always restless, nervous, suffer from insomnia, which ultimately leads to numerous diseases of the internal organs. Some people, succumbing to the addiction to smoking and alcohol, actively shorten their lives. Labor is the true core and basis of a person's healthy life regime. A well-organized labor process has an extremely beneficial effect on the nervous system, heart and blood vessels, the musculoskeletal system - on the entire human body. Constant training in the process of labor strengthens our body. A necessary condition for maintaining health in the process of work is the alternation of work and rest. A person who spends a lot of time indoors should spend at least part of their time outdoors. It is advisable for city dwellers to relax outdoors - on walks around the city and outside the city, in parks, stadiums, hiking on excursions, working in garden plots, etc. To maintain the normal activity of the nervous system and the whole body, good sleep is of great importance . Sleep should be sufficiently long and deep. The need for sleep varies from person to person. On average, this rate is about 8 hours. Systematic lack of sleep leads to disruption of nervous activity, decreased performance, increased fatigue, irritability. A special place in the regime of a healthy life belongs to the daily routine, a certain rhythm of life and human activity. The mode of each person should provide for a certain time for work, rest, eating, sleeping. Disorder in the daily routine destroys the formed conditioned reflexes. An important preventive measure against colds is the systematic hardening of the body. food should be varied and complete, that is, contain in the right amount and in certain ratios all the main nutrients.

each person has great opportunities to strengthen and maintain their health, to maintain their ability to work, physical activity and vigor until old age.

Ticket number 23

Question number 1. alerting the population in case of a threat of an enemy attack. The use of means of collective protection in wartime.

Successful defense against weapons of mass destruction largely depends on the skillful, correct actions of the population in the event of a threat of an enemy attack based on civil defense warning signals.

Alert signals mean that the territory of the country can be attacked at any time. To receive messages and signals transmitted by civil defense headquarters, at national economy facilities, in residential buildings and apartments, the speakers must be kept on the radio network.

All citizens must purchase (obtain at the place of work, study) respiratory protective equipment, make the simplest protective equipment for themselves and family members, and prepare everyday clothes for protection from radioactive substances. Each family needs to prepare a first-aid kit with a set of medicines. Adult family members should clarify the location of the shelter, shelter; if there are no shelters nearby, then take an active part in their construction. It is very important during this period to take measures to protect food and water supplies from possible contamination, to carry out fire-fighting and blackout work in the apartment, and to increase the protective properties of houses from radioactive substances.

In order to timely warn the population about the threat or use of weapons of mass destruction by the enemy, unified civil defense warning signals have been installed for the whole country: "Air Raid", "Air Raid End", "Radiation Hazard", "Chemical Alert". The "Air Raid" signal warns of an imminent threat of an enemy attack. It is broadcast on radio and television: "Attention! Attention! Citizens! Air Raid! Air Raid!" - and is duplicated by the lingering howling sound of sirens, intermittent beeps in production and transport for 2-3 minutes. If the signal caught at home, you need to quickly get dressed, dress the children, take personal protective equipment, prepared things and a supply of food and water, close the windows, turn off the gas and immediately go to the nearest protective structure. If the signal is caught on the street (in a public place, public transport), you need to go to the nearest shelter (shelter). After the "Air Raid" signal, the "Air Raid Clear" signal may be given if the threat of attack has passed.

The signal "Radiation danger" is given using all local technical means of communication and notification and is duplicated by sound and light means in case of an immediate threat - the likelihood of radioactive contamination of a given territory - within the next hour or upon detection of radioactive contamination. At this signal, you need to put on a respirator (anti-dust fabric mask, cotton-gauze bandage), and in its absence, a gas mask, take documents, prepared things and go to the shelter (shelter). In the apartment, you should turn off the water, gas, turn off the lights, close the vents, windows and doors. If for some reason you had to stay in the apartment (in production, in an educational institution), you must, without wasting time, start sealing the room: close the windows and doors, close up the cracks, curtain the doors with a cloth. It is better to be in the inner rooms, corridors.

The signal "Chemical alarm" is given at the threat or detection of chemical and bacteriological (biological) contamination. It is transmitted over the radio broadcast network: "Attention! Attention! Citizens! Chemical alarm!" - and is duplicated everywhere by frequent blows to sounding objects. At this signal, it is necessary to immediately put on a gas mask, skin protection equipment (in the absence of standard equipment, use improvised skin protection equipment) and go to a shelter (shelter). If there are no protective structures nearby, you need to stay indoors, close windows and doors tightly and close up the cracks. Persons who are in shelters at the time the chemical alarm is given must remain in them until permission to leave is obtained. It is necessary to be in the shelter with protective equipment and be ready to put it on at the command (order) of the shelter duty officer. Persons in anti-radiation shelters immediately put on gas masks.

During an enemy attack, it is advisable to use the means of collective protection - shelters and anti-radiation shelters (PRS).

Question number 2. A healthy lifestyle is a necessary condition for maintaining and strengthening health.

a healthy lifestyle involves maintaining a lifestyle that does not harm the health of a person and the people around him. How should a person live in order not to have health problems and enjoy life?

Good nutrition is one of the main conditions for maintaining health. Undernutrition or overeating contributes to metabolic disorders and the emergence of many diseases. A person should eat in such a way as to provide his body with a sufficient amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, as well as vitamins and minerals. Nutrition should be rational and varied. Foods containing various chemical concentrates and additives should be used with caution, since their effects on the human body are not well understood. The healthiest food is natural food. Tap water contains a large amount of heavy metals and other compounds harmful to the body, so before drinking it must be cleaned in household filters.

Alcohol and tobacco are harmful to the body. Alcohol consumption leads to alcoholism and related diseases, causes a gradual degradation of a person. Smoking is the cause of many diseases, the most formidable of which is cancer, which annually leads to the death of hundreds of thousands of smokers. A person living in gassed cities does not have the right to deliberately poison himself and others with caustic and poisonous tobacco smoke. On the contrary, you should try to ventilate the living quarters, located as far as possible from sources of harmful and carcinogenic substances. You can not eat foods that grow at a distance of up to twenty meters from busy highways, since lead contained in the exhaust gas of cars accumulates in foods and can lead to poisoning, and subsequently to diseases of the liver, central nervous system, etc. Summer vacation or vacation is recommended to spend away from the city.

Preserve and strengthen the health of physical activity and hardening of the body. They increase efficiency, stimulate protective and adaptive reactions of the body. Physical exercise is important not only in the prevention, but also in the treatment of many diseases.

For a long time, drugs have been considered the best means of restoring health. In skillful hands, they save a person from suffering and illness, in inept hands they can cause tragedy. Therefore, the use of drugs can only be prescribed by a doctor.

Physical health largely depends on the mental state of a person, on the balance of feelings, on the timely resolution of contradictions, overcoming emotional conflicts, on the formation of harmonious relations in a team between people with different interests and characters.

Ticket number 24

Question number 1. basic rules of safe behavior in natural conditions. Orientation by the sun and local objects.

When you are in the wild, you must follow the rules that will avoid many troubles. Most often, a person finds himself in the forest while picking berries or mushrooms. In order not to get lost, he must be able to navigate the terrain. It is advisable to go into the forest with a person who knows the area well. You should not go deep into an unfamiliar forest, move through wetlands, go into the forest at nightfall. When moving through the forest, one should avoid randomness, and move strictly in certain directions, remembering the route of movement. At the same time, it is useful to determine your route by conspicuous objects, such as a tall tree, a ravine, clearings, streams, a forester's tower or engineering structures, a railway track, etc. If a group of people moves, then they should be at a small distance from each other and yell at each other from time to time. If children are taken into the forest with adults, they should always be directly in the field of view of adults. Danger can be represented by wild animals, which, however, are currently rare. Troubles can be when meeting with a pack of wolves, so it is not recommended to be alone in the forest, especially in winter. In the warm season, you can stumble upon poisonous snakes. When meeting with a snake, you should immediately leave to a safe distance and be sure to warn others. In no case should you tease snakes. The danger in the forest is represented by ticks, which, when bitten, can infect a person with serious diseases of the nervous system, such as encephalitis. Going into the forest, you need to wear rubber boots (snake repellent), clothing that protects the body from ticks, and a hat. After a hike in the forest, you should undress, shake out clothes and inspect the body, on which ticks can be fixed.

The following information may help in navigating the area. The sun rises at sunrise and sets in the west. Trees and plants with their growth stretch mainly to the south. Ants build anthills on the south side of the tree. Lichens on tree trunks grow on the north side.

Question #2: Early intercourse in adolescence and its health implications. Sexually transmitted diseases, preventive measures.

Sexual intercourse during adolescence is detrimental to a teenager's health for several reasons. Firstly, sex requires high energy and emotional costs, which can adversely affect the future physical and psycho-emotional state of a teenager. Due to the "burning" of energy reserves, the body of a teenager may be in a state of physiological depression and exhaustion. Secondly, due to a number of factors, among which not the last place is occupied by the unwillingness to protect oneself with a condom, an accidental sexual partner, a careless attitude towards one's own health, etc., there is a high probability of an unwanted pregnancy. Thirdly, there is a great danger of contracting sexually transmitted diseases. To date, there are about two dozen such diseases. This group includes the classic venereal diseases: syphilis, gonorrhea, chancre, lymphogranuloma venereum, and granuloma inguinal. There are also so-called non-gonorrheal lesions of the genitourinary tract, which are caused by Trichomonas, staphylococci and other microbes of the coccal group, gardnerella, chlamydia, ureaplasmas, viruses, fungi (most often candida). During sexual intercourse, pathogens of such diseases as scabies, pediculosis (lice), genital warts, molluscum contagiosum, and viral hepatitis B are often transmitted. The last and most terrible disease that added to this list was AIDS (human acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). The main route of transmission of venereal infections is casual premarital sex, with unfamiliar or unfamiliar sexual partners. Often, infection occurs when one of the partners or both are intoxicated. The high incidence of sexually transmitted diseases is also associated with social crises, widespread drug addiction among young people, a decrease in sexual morality, the corrupting influence of pornography, and an early onset of sexual activity. The incidence of gonorrhea and non-gonorrheal diseases of the genitourinary tract in adolescents and young people aged 15-25 years is 3-5 times higher than in the general population.

Ticket number 25

Question number 1. the impact of human activities on the environment. The concept of maximum permissible concentrations of harmful substances. Rules for safe behavior in ecologically unfavorable areas.

At all stages of its development, man was closely connected with the outside world. But since the emergence of a highly industrialized society, the dangerous human intervention in nature has increased dramatically, the scope of this interference has expanded, it has become more diverse and now threatens to become a global danger to humanity. The consumption of non-renewable raw materials is increasing, more and more arable land is leaving the economy, so cities and factories are being built on them. Man has to intervene more and more in the economy of the biosphere - that part of our planet in which life exists. The Earth's biosphere is currently undergoing increasing anthropogenic impact. At the same time, several of the most significant processes can be distinguished, none of which improves the ecological situation on the planet. The most large-scale and significant is the chemical pollution of the environment by substances of a chemical nature unusual for it. Among them are gaseous and aerosol pollutants of industrial and household origin. The accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is also progressing. Further development of this process will strengthen the undesirable trend towards an increase in the average annual temperature on the planet. Causes concern among environmentalists and the ongoing pollution of the oceans with oil and oil products. Oil pollution can cause significant disruption of gas and water exchange between the hydrosphere and the atmosphere. There is no doubt about the importance of chemical contamination of the soil with pesticides and its increased acidity, leading to the collapse of the ecosystem. In general, all the considered factors, which can be attributed to the polluting effect, have a significant impact on the processes occurring in the biosphere.

Maximum Permissible Concentrations of Harmful Substances (MACs) are those concentrations that do not directly or indirectly affect a person and his offspring, do not worsen their working capacity, well-being, as well as sanitary and living conditions for people. The degree of air pollution by the main pollutants is directly dependent on the industrial development of the city. The highest maximum concentrations are typical for cities with a population of more than 500 thousand inhabitants. Air pollution with specific substances depends on the type of industry developed in the city. If enterprises of several industries are located in a large city, then a very high level of air pollution is created, but the problem of reducing emissions of many specific substances still remains unresolved. Recently, trends in air pollution in large industrial cities with concentrations of harmful substances approaching the MPC or even exceeding them have become more frequent.

When staying in ecologically unfavorable areas, the following rules should be followed, which help to minimize the harmful effects on the human body. Water should be consumed only after it has been filtered in domestic filters and boiled. It is necessary to wash the products thoroughly before use and do not eat products that have grown in the zone of maximum exposure to adverse industrial factors. You should use vitamins that increase the overall resistance of the body to adverse factors. Nutrition should be rational.

Question number 2. the concept of HIV infection and AIDS. Methods of transmission of HIV infection, preventive measures.

Recently, the number of people with AIDS or HIV-infected has been growing on the planet. HIV infection was discovered in the late 70s in the United States in several people. Currently, tens of millions of AIDS patients and HIV-infected people are registered in the world. In some African countries, such as Kenya and Nigeria, HIV infection has become an epidemic and a national disaster, as up to 20% of the population is HIV-infected there. AIDS is incurable and is rapidly sweeping the planet. Therefore, it is important to know how HIV infection is transmitted and what preventive measures are.

HIV infection is a virus that lives and multiplies in the blood and other body fluids of the human body. The HIV virus after entering the human body begins to multiply rapidly and spread, attaching to the blood cells. Usually the first few years the disease is asymptomatic and the person does not suspect that he is HIV-infected. Because of his ignorance, he can become a source of infection for other people. There are the following ways of transmission of HIV infection:

1. Sexual contact with a carrier of HIV infection.

2. parenteral method - the pathogen is introduced directly into the human blood during a transfusion of blood or its preparations from a sick donor or injections (subcutaneous, intravenous, intramuscular) of other drugs with needles or syringes contaminated with infected blood. It is especially common among drug addicts who practice group administration of drugs with one syringe.

3. intrauterine (transplacental) method - from an infected mother to a child.

A few years later, the virus begins to manifest itself in action - HIV infection turns into AIDS, i.e. acquired human immunodeficiency syndrome. A person loses immunity and becomes defenseless against germs and other diseases. Any catarrhal disease, which even the body of a child is able to cope with, can be fatal for an AIDS patient and lead to his death. An AIDS patient dies slowly and painfully. Many outstanding musicians, athletes, and artists have died from AIDS. AIDS is merciless and incurable. He knows no boundaries. Every person should be aware that AIDS is death. The main methods of protection against AIDS are a high moral culture and safe behavior. You can reduce the chance of infection by using condoms, avoiding casual sex, and using disposable syringes.

Author: Ilya Melnikov

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The ability to "look" into enclosed spaces has long been a science fiction and "superhero" skill. However, researchers from the Computational Imaging Lab at Stanford University, using NLOS (non-line-of-sight imaging) technology as a basis, have ensured that a single beam of laser light penetrating into a closed room, let's say, through a keyhole, will allow you to see all physical objects in this room.

NLOS imaging technology has been a well-known technology for a long time. Based on this method, "smart" cameras have already been created that can look around corners and shoot objects hidden by any obstacles. However, most of the previous implementations of the NLOS-survey technology made it possible to see fairly large objects and flat surfaces, for example, walls in a room. NLOS technology is a very promising technology for a number of areas. Self-driving robotic cars, for example, can use this technology to "look" around corners and recognize potential dangers before a normal camera or human driver can see them.

The technology works as follows - the laser emits a series of short pulses of a certain duration, going through a certain time interval. The laser light is repeatedly reflected from the surfaces of objects, including those hidden by obstacles, some of it comes back and is captured by the camera sensors. Information about how much time has passed between the initial pulse and the registration of the reflected light signal is processed using complex mathematical algorithms that recreate images of objects that do not fall into the direct field of view of the camera. The final images cannot boast of high quality and resolution, but a person can easily recognize objects in these images.

However, the existing implementations of NLOS technology have a number of serious limitations, the quality of its work depends very much on the area and reflectivity of the surface of hidden objects. This, and several other limitations, have made attempting to film from the outside of an enclosed space nearly impossible until recently.

The keyhole method developed at Stanford is so named because it requires only a tiny hole through which a laser beam can illuminate a small spot on the opposite surface. A huge number of photons are repeatedly reflected from the surfaces of walls and objects in the room, but only a small number of photons manage to return back and get to the surface of the avalanche photodetector, which is capable of registering and measuring the arrival time of even single photons.

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