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The flag of Japan is a white panel with a red circle located almost in the center; has its own name Hi-no maru (solar circle)

At the Basque festival of the feria in the town of Irissapi, the dancer must jump on it, and if he cannot resist and falls, he will burn with shame. The dancer must jump onto a glass of wine.

In Chicago, a divorce petition was granted by Mr. Lauriston on account of his wife's abuse. The cruel treatment consisted in the fact that the wife allowed her husband to smoke a pipe only if he put his head in the fireplace chimney.

The first mention of ants in a Chinese cookbook is 3000 years ago. The Chinese are sure that they have a huge amount of zinc, and there are as many proteins in them as in soy. Now in China a tonic is produced with them.

Due to the invasion of the French, the Duke of Moreau decided to escape from his Milanese castle. Before leaving, he installed military signs for the negotiations of the fortress detachment with the inhabitants of the city: a chair lowered on a rope meant a lack of gunpowder;

A woman's skirt meant a lack of wine; men's pants - bread; chamber pot - the need for a doctor's help.

In Florence in the 15th century, there was a law obliging harlots to wear a special sign - a saffron-colored headband.

In Belgium, the book Memoirs of the Unremembered was published. The book has completely blank pages.

When the traveler Jonas Hanway appeared on the streets of London with this in the 18th century, he was ridiculed. When, in 1772, a man with this was seen in America, the ladies squealed and fainted, the men threw stones at the villain, the horses reared up at the sight of this monstrous device. All this was at the sight of a man with an umbrella.

Entomologists refer to ladybugs not only insects with 5 and 7 dots on their backs, but also those on whose backs there are commas, a dash and even the letter M. In addition, there are ladybugs with as many as 28 spots on their backs, however, here they are unlike other species, they are vegetarians and pests: they eat potatoes, clover and beets.

Some types of ladybugs can gather in a crowd and go to Africa for the winter.

The bright two-pointed ladybugs that live in cities where the air is full of industrial burning are gradually darkening. They thought it was that they got dirty or began to repaint themselves in the color of soot in order to become inconspicuous. But everything turned out to be more complicated and interesting. It turned out that darkened ladybugs heat up better under scant sunlight penetrating through air polluted with industrial waste, so they find food faster than bright insects and multiply better.

If you press on a ladybug, she will release an orange drop through the tubules in her paws. This drop consists almost entirely of the poison cantharidin, which burns the throats of birds that have grabbed a pretty insect.

Ladybugs are not touched even by tarantulas. If they immediately eat other insects that have fallen into their mink, then the taranatul immediately puts the ladybug out the door, urging it on with blows of its front paws.

Ladybug is actually almost heartless. Holes for inhalation run along the sides of the cow from the head to the end. A tube extends from either nostril. Inside the body, it branches and delivers air directly to the place of consumption - to one or another organ. Due to this arrangement of the respiratory system, the burden of delivering oxygen to the tissues is removed from the circulatory system. Therefore, a cow does not have a heart in our understanding, but only a tube, which, lazily contracting, pumps blood - hemolymph.

According to the assumptions of scientists, ladybugs do not know the feeling of pain.

Our ancestors actively used ladybugs for pharmacological purposes. They were used to make blister plasters, toothache medicines, and homeopathic remedies.

Ladybugs are widely used in gardening as well as, for example, earthworms. These insects have a solid appetite - each day you need fifty aphids. Therefore, they are indispensable and environmentally friendly exterminators of harmful insects on agricultural land.

Ladybugs very often gather in huge clusters. For example, on Lake Baikal, cases of collecting cows in many kilometers of narrow live ribbons were documented. In addition, a few years ago, the author of the issue saw a bunch of cows in Novosibirsk, literally stuck around the entire end of a five-story residential building.

Aunt - so in the Parisian street jargon of the 19th century they called usurers. O. Balzac. Collected Op. T.4. Moscow, 1952.

In summer, 12150 hairs fit on a square centimeter of a mole's sacrum, and 17380 hairs in winter. On the long-suffering mole chest, the hair is almost twice as thick. Chemistry and Life, 1978.

The famous artist Karl Bryullov was a little hard of hearing, due to a strong slap in the face received in childhood from his father, Academician Bryullo, who was a teacher of the old rules, and often reinforced his instructions with slaps in the face. L. Volynsky. The face of time. A book about Russian artists. Moscow, 1962.

Aristotle named 3 colors of the rainbow: red, green and purple. Chemistry and Life, No10, 1981.

Auguste Renoir liked to say that the landscape is a very tedious art form. It's a sport, he said. The artist Sisley, seeing one of Renoir's landscapes, exclaimed: You're crazy! What is the idea of ​​painting the trees blue and the earth purple? A. Perryusho. Renoir's life. Kyiv, 1991.

Boyar Morozova declared that she loved her son, but she loved Christ more. She was ready to defend her faith, even if her son were punished, which is confirmed by the following words: if you want, take my son Ivan to the Fire and betray him to be torn to pieces by a dog. Fire is the old name for Red Square. The Tale of the Boyar Morozova. Moscow, 1991.

In the Sicilian city of Acragas in the VI century. BC e. there was such an execution: the criminal was thrown into the belly of a huge copper bull, under which a strong fire was lit;

Thanks to a special device, the screams of the victims were converted into lowing. This execution was called: the bull Philaris (Filaris was the tyrant of Acragas). Lucian. Selected prose. Moscow, 1991.

The writer O Henry, before sitting down at his desk, carefully locked the door with a key. And he began his literary career in the prison of Columbus (Ohio), being prisoner No. 34 627. It is interesting to know. Donetsk, 1963.

A young Yemeni bride, waiting in the harem for her groom, felt, despite her excitement, something prickling her neck. The elder wives surrounding her assured the girl that the whole thing was in the hairpins with which they fastened her hair. In fact, jealous old women put a scorpion in the wig of a rival. And as soon as the groom appeared on the threshold, the girl expired. Apparently, she was too eager to see her betrothed. The doctors, who counted 24 bites on the bride's neck, claim that she should have died after 4.

Goethe believed that the following rules should be observed at the rehearsals of performances: never rehearse in boots, a raincoat; women should not hold handbags;

An actor who has to play lovers must have shoes in the theater. But Goethe advises rehearsing a tragic role: Anyone who, while rehearsing a tragic role, will keep his hand in his bosom, endangers himself and during the performance look for holes in the shell. Goethe. Rules for actors

During the reign of King Louis Philippe of France, a cartoon appeared that depicted him as a magician juggling three nutmegs: one was called the Revolution, the second was Liberty, and the third was July. Flaubert. Sense education.

In ancient times in Rus' there was brick oil, which relieved toothache, treated eyes. And this oil was called so because it was extracted from bricks. Domostroy. Moscow, 1991.

The libretto for Andersen's Galosha of Happiness was written by Mikhail Bulgakov. Rise, 1991, No5.

Russian architects of the past were able to build grandiose structures from wood. In the northern regions of Russia, church buildings up to 70 meters high were erected.

In the village of Anhimovo, Vologda region, there is an interesting monument of Russian architecture - a wooden twenty-domed Church of the Intercession. It was built in 1708 by local rural carpenters.

Copper and bronze roofs on buildings began to be used more than 6000 years ago. In the 1897th century, lead roofs were installed on the domes of St. Sophia Cathedrals in Kyiv and Novgorod. Zinc roofs were first used at the beginning of the last century. They covered two churches in the city of Liege (Belgium). Aluminum roofing was first built in XNUMX in Rome on the dome of the Church of San Gioachino.

The tallest building is the 102-story Empire State Building in New York. Its height is about 380 meters, and together with the television tower - 449 meters.

In 1805, the outstanding Russian architect A.N. Voronikhin created the iron structure of the dome of the Kazan Cathedral with a span of 15 meters. It is made of malleable iron and has horn-welded joints.

Two towers in Saint-Mancy-le-Tour (France), each 18 meters high, were built in 1125 in two weeks.

In the city of Rangoon (the capital of Burma - Myanmar) is the world's largest Buddhist temple, reaching a height of 170 meters. It was built two and a half millennia ago.

According to an ancient Chinese legend, Emperor Yao wanted to cede the Celestial Empire to Xu-yu, but he did not want to hear about it and began washing his ears on the banks of the Yingshui River. At this time, his friend Chao-fu led a calf to a watering place. Upon learning why Xu-yu washes his ears, Chao-fu reproached him for his desire to achieve popularity, for giving up the life of a hermit and not allowing the calf to drink water, which, in his opinion, Xu-yu had stained. Classical poetry of India, China, Korea, Vietnam, Japan. Moscow, 1977.

In French, the word potato is feminine.

Potatoes in the nineteenth century in France were called women of easy virtue.

The personal names of samurai servants and peasants were often given according to the principle of numbering. The first son is Ichiro, the second is Jiro, the third is Saburo, the fourth is Shiro, the fifth is Goro, and so on. Articles/names.htm

Acetone in Latin means vinegar.

The Navajo Indians, when they first saw the elephant, they called it like this: the Beast-that-grabs-its-nose-like-lasso.

The highest dry air temperature experienced by naked men during the tests was plus 204 degrees, and in protective clothing - 260. To fry a steak, a temperature of only 163 degrees is required. The temperature of 140 degrees in saunas is relatively easily tolerated. Guinness Book of Records.

Sinusitis is an acute or chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane in the maxillary sinus of the nose, called the maxillary cavity. The medical term comes from the name of the English physician and anatomist Nathaniel Highmore (1613-1685), who studied and described this disease. TSB

Whoever sins against Him who made him, let him fall into the hands of a physician (Sir 38.15:1985). Who heals, he will mutilate. The pharmacy both heals and cripples. Not being treated is bad, but being treated is even worse. Russian proverbs of biblical origin Life with God, Brussels, XNUMX.

Quasimodo - the name of one of the heroes of the French writer Victor Marie Hugo (1802-1885) Notre Dame Cathedral (1831). The deaf and ugly bell-ringer Quasimodo became synonymous with physical deformity.

The Perseids are one of the main, most abundant and particularly bright meteor showers (formerly known as star showers), observed annually from July 25 to August 20 (with a maximum around August 10-12). The constant and stable radiant (the place of appearance in the sky among the fixed stars) of the stream is in the constellation Perseus, on behalf of which the scientific name is taken.

The meteor shower has been known since 830 from Chinese chronicles and was the first meteor shower for which its connection with a comet was clarified. In Western Europe, since the Middle Ages, it has been called the Tears of Lawrence, because. The greatest activity of the meteor shower fell on August 10 - the day of St. Lawrence. Later the name was fixed - the St. Lawrence Stream.

Virilization is the appearance of masculine features in women, caused by the action of androgens.

The small state under the name of Israel in the 50s of our century was a completely unprecedented phenomenon in history. It was conceived (by America and the USSR), established, managed, and largely populated by non-Semitic Jews of Khazar origin from Russia. Dispute about Zion, Douglas Reed, Kuban, 1991.

The translation of Jewish writings into Greek is called the Old Testament. According to the tradition of 72 Jewish scholars in Alexandria, between 275 and 150 BC. BC, began to process the sacred books. What exactly was translated? First of all, the five books of the Law, i.e. Torah. The specific purpose was to make the books of the Law intelligible to the Greeks. This led to a distortion of words, a change in meaning, and a simple replacement by general concepts and ideas of what was purely local and national. Dispute about Zion, Douglas Reed, Kuban, 1991.

If you read Herbert Casson's book The Art of Making and Saving Money, then making, and even more so saving money, will not be difficult for you. You can read Herbert Casson's book The Art of Making and Saving Money on the pages of the international REFT virtual magazine (

In order to avoid the use of counterfeit or obsolete money, it is necessary to be aware of the foreign currency in circulation and the changes taking place in this area. You should know in which countries this or that currency is circulating, what types of banknotes are put into circulation or withdrawn from it. Currencies of the world. Directory. M., 1993.

The beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord, (Ps 110.10; Proverbs 9.10) And the fear of the Lord leads away from Evil, (Proverbs 16.6) In whom there is fear, there is also God. Where there is fear, there is piety. Whoever fears God is ashamed of people. He who is not afraid of God is not ashamed of people either. Russian proverbs of biblical origin. Life with God. Brussels, 1985.

A differentiated, disintegrated sex becomes a source of discord in the world and a painfully hopeless thirst for union. The secret of all discord and the secret of every union is a sexual secret. The distortion of the image and likeness of God in man was the disintegration of the androgyne, the male-female being. Berdyaev N.A. Eros and personality.

The paper of counterfeit banknotes differs in quality and texture; during visual examination, it is necessary to pay attention to how thin and neat the lines of the drawing are, how voluminous the image is.

All the strength of the struggle that took place in the souls of Christians during the transition from paganism to a new religion, was reflected in the personality of Augustine (354-430 AD). His saying What is now called the Christian religion already existed among the ancients and was not absent even at the beginning of the human race. When Christ appeared in the flesh, then the true religion, which existed until then, was called Christian and became one of the most important for knowing the origins of the new faith. Mysteries of antiquity and Christianity. Stern R. M.-S-Pb., 1990.

Naming a person by the names of his ancestors in the male line is called patronymic, and these special names themselves are called patronyms (from the Greek. Pater, Patros - father + onym name). For example, the Greeks from ancient times adopted patronymic names, and many genera derived their origin from gods and heroes and were called Heraclides, Dionysids, i.e. descendants of Hercules, Dionysus, etc. Name through centuries and countries. Superanskaya A.V. M., 1990.

Literally mountains of literature have been written about the Knights Templar. All descriptions agreed on one thing: these fanatical warrior monks in white cloaks with an eight-pointed red cross played a big role in the crusades, fearlessly dying for Jesus and the tomb of the Lord. And to this day, many authors see in this order not only the knights of the church, but also a kind of mystical institution associated with dark intrigues and world secrets. Knights of the Church. Pechnikov B.A. Politizdat. M., 1991.

When Lord Byron was asked what a gentleman's wardrobe consisted of, the poet replied: At least 10 suits, 20 pairs of shoes, 50 shirts, 100 ties and 150 handkerchiefs.

Bristol postmen have gone to extraordinary lengths to ensure that the homeless can receive medical care. They assigned postal addresses to the benches in the city park so that doctors can fill in the corresponding field in medical records. Now there will be no obstacles for the treatment of the homeless. [23.10 10:47]

An experiment was conducted in the USA: a group of experimental volunteers did not wash for a whole year. As a result, not one of the 50 heroes caught a cold or suffered from a flu epidemic this year. 12 core volunteers forgot which side they hurt. Three healed their ulcers, and another inexplicably got rid of cataracts.

At the end of January 1857, Dostoevsky traveled to Kuznetsk for the third time to arrange his wedding. The news that some visiting officer-writer was marrying Isaeva and that Katanaeva was arranging this wedding quickly spread throughout the city. On February 6, 1857, on the day appointed for the wedding, the Odigitrievskaya church was full of people. Thanks to the participation of Katanaeva, the wedding turned out to be very magnificent. Here is what the daughter of the official T.M. Temezov, who was present in the church, told about the wedding: It was hardly possible to push forward behind the people. Of course, all the best Kuznetsk society was present in the church. Dostoevsky was in a cheerful mood, joking, laughing. This is a rather interesting fact. As you know, Dostoevsky was notable for his unsociable, even gloomy character. Obviously, here, in Kuznetsk, under the influence of the closeness of a beloved being, away from official duties, Fyodor Mikhailovich felt himself, if not completely happy, then more or less satisfied.

An epigram (Greek) is a short, usually rhyming poem ridiculing a famous person or public opinion. In Russian, the epigram, as the name of a special satirical genre of poetry, has been known since the 1st half of the XNUMXth century.

B. Primary source - Greek. inscription - from epi (on, above, above) and gram (line, drawing, written sign, letter). Among the Greeks - initially a couplet on the monuments of art, then a short poem, which received sarcastic content in Rome. Ozhegov S.I. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. M., AZ, 1995

Talking on the phone or participating in meetings (meetings), we often, almost without realizing it, begin to draw patterns, faces or geometric shapes on a piece of paper. Do not rush to throw away your eccentricities! According to foreign psychologists, doodles can tell a lot about your character or mood: spirals, circles, wavy lines mean that other people's problems don't bother you too much or don't interest you at all. Perhaps you are experiencing a mild crisis.

Ahasuerus, or the Eternal Jew, is a character in a Christian legend that arose in the late Middle Ages. It says that when Jesus Christ carried his heavy cross to the place of execution, on the hill of Golgotha, he was exhausted. Passing by the house of a Jewish shoemaker named Ahasuerus, he asked the owner to allow him to rest with him. However, Ahasuerus rudely refused Christ, telling him with a sneer: Go, go! Then Jesus Christ answered him: You will live forever and go. The curse of Jesus came true Ryazantsev V.D. Student's dictionaries. M., 1998.

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Equipped with dual DIGIC DV200 processors, the Canon EOS C6 can record 4K video at up to 50 fps or Full HD movies without cropping at a maximum image refresh rate of 120 fps. The camera is based on an 8,85-megapixel Super-35 CMOS sensor, complemented by Dual Pixel CMOS AF autofocus system with focus selection function on the touch screen. It also supports 15 stops of dynamic range in Cinema RAW Light and 13 stops of MP4.

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