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Instruction on labor protection for an electrician, electrician of signaling, centralization, blocking and communication. Full Document

Occupational Safety and Health

Occupational Safety and Health / Standard instructions for labor protection

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Safe Operation

1. General requirements for labor protection

1.1. This Standard Labor Protection Instruction for an electrician and an electrician of signaling, centralization, blocking and communication (hereinafter referred to as the Instruction) establishes the basic safety requirements for the maintenance and repair of signaling, centralization and blocking devices, automatic monitoring of the technical condition of rolling stock on the move trains, mechanized and automated hump yards, wired communications, radio, electronic computers and automated passenger service devices (hereinafter referred to as signaling and communication devices).

An electrician and an electrician for signaling, interlocking, blocking and communication (hereinafter referred to as an electrician and an electrician) when performing certain types of work not specified in this Instruction must comply with the safety requirements set forth in the labor protection instructions for these types of work.

1.2. Persons at least 18 years of age who have passed a preliminary medical examination, introductory and primary briefings at the workplace on labor protection, training, knowledge testing and internships are allowed to work as an electrician and electrician.

The electrician and electrician must be assigned the appropriate electrical safety group.

1.3. In the process of work, an electrician and an electrician must undergo periodic medical examinations, repeated briefings at least once every three months, as well as unscheduled and targeted briefings in the prescribed manner.

1.4. The maintenance of signaling and communication devices is allowed to persons who have passed the test of knowledge of the relevant sections of the following regulations:

  • Rules for the technical operation of the railways of the Russian Federation;
  • Rules for the installation of electrical installations;
  • Rules for the operation of consumer electrical installations;
  • Safety regulations for the operation of consumer electrical installations;
  • Fire safety rules for railway transport;
  • Instructions for signaling on the railways of the Russian Federation;
  • Instructions for the maintenance of signaling, centralization and blocking devices (SCB);
  • Instructions for ensuring the safety of train traffic during the performance of maintenance and repair of signaling devices;
  • Technologies for servicing signaling devices;
  • Instructions for the maintenance of devices for mechanized and automated sorting humps;
  • Instructions for organizing a maintenance system for wired communication devices in railway transport, radio communications, automatic monitoring of the technical condition of rolling stock on the train;
  • other regulations, the knowledge of which is necessary in the performance of official duties.

1.5. The electrician and electrician must know:

  • the impact on a person of dangerous and harmful production factors;
  • requirements for electrical safety, fire safety and industrial sanitation;
  • rules for being on the railway tracks;
  • visible and audible signals ensuring traffic safety, safety signs and the procedure for fencing rolling stock;
  • rules for providing first aid and the location of first aid kits.

1.6. The electrician and electrician must:

  • apply safe methods of performing work and technological operations that are provided for by the technological process and job duties. The list of the main works performed by an electrician and an electrician during the maintenance of signaling devices is given in the Instructions for the maintenance of signaling, centralization and blocking devices (SCB), approved by the Ministry of Railways of the USSR 07.09.88 N TsSh / 4616;
  • be able to use primary fire extinguishing equipment;
  • keep tools, devices, as well as overalls, safety shoes and other personal protective equipment (hereinafter referred to as PPE) in good condition and clean;
  • comply with the internal labor regulations;
  • comply with work and rest regimes.

1.7. An electrician and an electrician are prohibited from:

  • be under a lifted and moved load;
  • touch moving parts of running machines and work near them in the absence of protective covers;
  • touch uninsulated wires, lighting fittings, clamps and electrical wires, contact network supports and other electrical devices, the maintenance or repair of which is not part of his responsibility;
  • perform work for which he does not have the permission of the head of work or work permit;
  • be while driving in the body of a car, on a platform, trailer and other vehicles when transporting poles, cable reels, traffic light masts, relay cabinets and other heavy loads in them.

1.8. During work, the following main dangerous and harmful production factors can affect the electrician and electrician:

  • moving rolling stock and other vehicles;
  • increased noise level;
  • increased level of vibration;
  • increased voltage in the electrical circuit, the closure of which can occur through the human body;
  • sharp edges, burrs and roughness on the surface of the equipment;
  • the location of the workplace at a considerable height relative to the surface of the earth (floor);
  • increased dust content and gas contamination of the working area;
  • increased humidity and air mobility;
  • insufficient illumination of the working area;
  • increased or decreased temperature of equipment surfaces;
  • reduced air temperature of the working area;
  • increased level of electromagnetic radiation of very high (VHF) and ultra-high (UHF) frequencies;
  • increased electric field strength;
  • increased magnetic field strength;
  • lack or lack of natural light when working in tunnels, wells;
  • chemical dangerous and harmful factors;
  • neuropsychic overload when performing work at height, on railway tracks, bridges and tunnels, during the movement of trains.

1.9. An electrician and an electrician must be provided with personal protective equipment:

  • when performing maintenance and repair of devices and equipment of automation, telemechanics and communication in the premises of signaling and communication distances, road laboratories of automation, telemechanics and communication:
  • cotton robe;
  • slippers;
  • dielectric gloves (on duty);
  • dielectric galoshes (on duty);
  • when servicing signaling devices on mechanized and automated sorting humps:
  • lavsan-viscose suit or cotton suit;
  • half raincoat made of rubberized fabric;
  • yuft boots with oil and petrol resistant soles;
  • tarpaulin knee pads (on wadding) (on duty);
  • combined gloves;
  • signal vest with reflective pads;
  • summer headdress;
  • protective helmet;
  • goggles;
  • safety belt (on duty);
  • dielectric gloves (on duty);
  • in winter additionally:
  • short fur coat in II, III, IV and special belts;
  • jacket with insulating lining in II, III, IV and special belts;
  • trousers with insulating lining in II, III, IV and special belts;
  • heat-protective suit "Beep" in the first belt;
  • hat with earflaps with sound-conducting inserts;
  • felt boots;
  • galoshes on felt boots;
  • when performing maintenance and repair of signaling devices, means of automatic control of the technical condition of the rolling stock on the move of the train, located in the open air at stations, hauls and rolling stock:
  • cotton suit;
  • a half-cloak made of rubberized fabric or a half-cloak made of a raincoat;
  • yuft boots with oil and petrol resistant soles;
  • combined gloves;
  • summer headdress;
  • protective helmet;
  • signal vest with reflective pads;
  • safety belt (on duty);
  • dielectric galoshes (on duty);
  • dielectric gloves (on duty);
  • in winter additionally:
  • short fur coat in II, III, IV and special belts;
  • heat-protective suit "Beep" in the first belt;
  • jacket with insulating lining in II, III, IV and special belts;
  • trousers with insulating lining in II, III, IV and special belts;
  • hat with earflaps with sound-conducting inserts;
  • cotton mittens;
  • felt boots;
  • galoshes on felt boots;
  • on poles impregnated with antiseptics, in addition:
  • protective suit against antiseptics or tarpaulin suit (on duty);
  • tarpaulin mittens;
  • in swampy areas additionally:
  • rubber boots;
  • electrician and communication electrician when working on automated passenger service devices:
  • cotton men's suit;
  • suit for cargo and baggage acceptance officers for women;
  • a raincoat made of a raincoat or a raincoat made of rubberized fabric;
  • yuft boots with oil and petrol resistant soles;
  • combined gloves;
  • safety belt (on duty);
  • dielectric gloves (on duty);
  • dielectric galoshes (on duty);
  • for outdoor work in winter additionally:
  • heat-protective suit "Beep";
  • felt boots;
  • galoshes on felt boots;
  • an electrician serving road laboratories of automation, telemechanics and communications;
  • repair and technological sections of signaling and communication distances (CIP) during commissioning, complex replacement of devices:
  • cotton men's suit;
  • cotton dressing gown for women;
  • raincoat made of rubberized fabric;
  • yuft boots with oil and petrol resistant soles;
  • combined gloves;
  • protective helmet;
  • in winter additionally:
  • heat-protective suit "Beep";
  • felt boots;
  • galoshes on felt boots.

If necessary, according to the conditions for performing certain types of work, the electrician and electrician should be given: an anti-encephalitis suit, a protective helmet, a balaclava for protection against low temperatures, a winter helmet with sound-conducting inserts, goggles, a respirator, a gas mask, a safety belt and other personal protective equipment.

1.10. An electrician and electrician must comply with the following basic fire safety requirements:

  • smoking indoors only in designated and adapted places;
  • do not use damaged sockets, circuit breakers and other wiring accessories;
  • do not work with wires and cables that have damaged or lost their protective properties of the insulation;
  • do not wrap electric lamps and lamps with paper, cloth and other combustible materials, and also operate them with caps (diffusers) removed;
  • do not use non-standard (home-made) electric heaters, do not use uncalibrated fuse-links or other home-made overload and short circuit protection devices;
  • do not lay transit electrical wiring and cable lines through storage facilities, as well as through fire and explosion hazardous areas;
  • do not use electric stoves, electric kettles and other electric heaters without stands made of non-combustible materials;
  • do not leave unattended electric heaters, televisions, radios connected to the network;
  • do not use open fire for lighting (torches, candles, kerosene lamps);
  • do not store flammable liquids in the office premises in a volume greater than the daily supply. Containers for storing flammable liquids must be tightly closed.

1.11. When on the railway tracks, an electrician and an electrician must comply with the following safety requirements:

  • pass to the place of work and back within the railway station along the established routes of the service passage, taking into account local conditions;
  • on hauls, pass along the railway tracks behind the ditch, and only if absolutely necessary, you can pass on the side of the tracks along the side of the road at a distance of at least 2 m from the outermost rail. If it is impossible to pass away from the path or along the side of the road (in tunnels, on bridges, when rivers overflow, there are no roadsides, during drifts, and in other cases), the passage along the path can be allowed with the following precautions: on double-track lines, you should go to the established direction (correct movement) towards the movement of trains, mindful of the possibility of following trains in the wrong direction. On multi-track sections and hauls equipped with two-way automatic blocking to determine the direction of train movement, one should be guided by the indications of traffic lights;
  • when a train and other moving units are approaching, when at least 400 m is left before the train, the electrician and electrician must get off the track in advance to the side of the road at a distance of at least 2 m from the outermost rail;
  • when passing along the tracks at the stations, go along a wide inter-track or along the side of the subgrade, while it is necessary to carefully monitor the movements of the rolling stock on adjacent tracks, look under your feet, since there may be limit posts, ditches and other obstacles on the inter-track;
  • to cross railway tracks in specified places (pedestrian bridges, tunnels, floorings), and in their absence - at a right angle, after making sure that there is no approaching rolling stock on the crossed tracks in this place;
  • cross a railway track occupied by rolling stock, using the transition platforms of wagons, making sure that the handrails and steps are in good condition and that there are no locomotives or wagons moving along the adjacent track;
  • when exiting the transition platform of the car, hold on to the handrails and position yourself facing the car, having previously examined the place of exit;
  • bypass groups of wagons or locomotives standing on the railway track at a distance of at least 5 m from the automatic coupler of the outermost wagon or locomotive;
  • pass between uncoupled wagons at a distance between automatic couplers of at least 10 m;
  • pay attention to indications of enclosing traffic lights, sound signals and warning signs.

1.12. When on the railway tracks, an electrician and an electrician are prohibited from:

  • cross or run across railway tracks in front of moving rolling stock and other vehicles;
  • sit on the steps of wagons or locomotives and get off them while moving;
  • crawl under standing cars, as well as drag tools, devices and materials under them;
  • to be in between the tracks between trains during their non-stop movement along adjacent tracks;
  • cross arrows equipped with electrical centralization at the locations of wits;
  • cross the tracks within turnouts and crosses, as well as wagon retarders of mechanized or automated marshalling humps;
  • stand or sit on rails, electric drives, way boxes, wagon retarders and other floor devices;
  • to stand between the wit and the frame rail, the movable core and the guard rail, or into the gutters on the turnout and at the ends of reinforced concrete sleepers.

1.13. When entering the railway track from premises, as well as from behind buildings that obstruct the visibility of the railway track, you must first make sure that there is no rolling stock moving along it, and in the dark, in addition, wait until your eyes get used to the darkness.

1.14. Walking on the sleepers between the rails is allowed only when absolutely necessary, when it is impossible to pass along the side of the road. In such cases, one should not be distracted and not forget about the movement of trains and shunting trains.

1.15. You need to be careful when you are on the railway tracks in poor visibility (fog, snowfall) and ice, as well as in winter, when hats impair the audibility of sound signals.

1.16. In cramped places where high platforms, buildings, fences, steep slopes are located on both sides of the track, as well as on bridges and in tunnels, it is necessary to outline safe places to which you should retreat if a train appears.

1.17. When the rolling stock approaches the place of work on the tracks, workers must stop all work in advance; remove from the place of work all tools, materials and spare parts outside the clearance of the approach of buildings and move to a safe place.

1.18. On electrified sections of railways, an electrician and an electrician are prohibited from approaching energized and unprotected wires or parts of the contact network and overhead lines at a distance of less than 2 m, as well as touching broken wires of the contact network and overhead lines, regardless of whether they touch the ground and grounded structures or not.

If a break in wires or other elements of the contact network and overhead lines, as well as foreign objects hanging from them, is detected, the electrician and electrician are obliged to immediately inform the work manager, the nearest area of ​​​​the contact network, the duty officer at the railway station or the signaling and communication distance dispatcher.

Before the arrival of the repair team, the dangerous place should be protected by any improvised means and ensure that no one approaches the broken wires at a distance of less than 8 m.

Similar safety measures should be observed on non-electrified sections of railways, where the power supply of signaling and communication devices is carried out from power lines.

1.19. An electrician and an electrician, when performing work on hauls, as well as on the tracks of railway stations where high-speed trains circulate, must carry an extract from the high-speed train schedule within the serviced sections.

1.20. An electrician and an electrician must stop work no later than 10 minutes before the passage of a high-speed train, remove materials and tools to the side of the road and no later than 5 minutes before the passage of the train, leave at least 4 m from the outermost rail in the sections of train circulation at a speed of 141 - 160 km / h, and not less than 5 m - with a speed of circulation of 161 - 200 km / h.

When performing work on a railway track adjacent to the one on which a high-speed train is to pass, work on it must also be stopped in advance so that no one is on the track 5 minutes before the train arrives and all workers are in a safe place.

Work on bridges and tunnels, regardless of their length, should be stopped in advance in order to have time to get off the bridge or exit the tunnel and, in addition, get off the track to a safe distance 5 minutes before the passage of the high-speed train.

1.21. Cargoes and materials near the railway tracks should be placed from the outer edge of the head of the nearest rail at a distance of at least 2,0 m at a laying height (from the rail head) up to 1,2 m, with a higher laying height - at least 2,5 m.

1.22. The permissible weight of the load to be lifted and moved manually constantly during the work shift should not exceed 15 kg for men and 7 kg for women. The mass of the load lifted and moved manually when alternating with other work (up to 2 times per hour) should not exceed 30 kg for men and 10 kg for women.

1.23. An electrician and an electrician must monitor the serviceability of overalls, timely hand them over for washing, dry cleaning and repair, and also keep lockers clean and tidy.

Personal clothing and overalls must be stored separately in the dressing room lockers. It is prohibited to take out personal protective equipment outside the enterprise.

1.24. Eating should be in specially designated rooms with appropriate equipment, or in canteens and buffets. It is not allowed to store and eat food at the workplace.

Before eating, wash your hands thoroughly with warm water and soap. Water should be drunk only boiled. When on the line, it is recommended to use individual water bottles. It is allowed to drink unboiled water in places indicated by the administration of the enterprise.

1.25. In case of injury or illness, the electrician and electrician must stop work, notify the work manager and seek help from a first-aid post or the nearest medical facility.

In case of injury to other workers, as well as in the event of violations of this Instruction or malfunctions of equipment, mechanisms, inventory, tools, protective devices, personal protective equipment and fire extinguishing equipment, the electrician and electrician must immediately inform the work manager, and in his absence, the higher manager or dispatcher on duty, provide first aid to an injured worker.

Knowledge and fulfillment of the requirements of this Instruction by an electrician and an electrician are an official duty, and their violation is a violation of labor discipline, which entails liability in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. Labor protection requirements before starting work

2.1. An electrician and an electrician must receive, in the prescribed manner, targeted instruction and, if necessary, a work permit or an order to carry out the relevant work, make an entry in the Journal of inspection of tracks, turnouts, signaling devices, communications and contact networks on the performance of work on railways and on notification of employees by loudspeaker about the approach of trains by station attendants (form DU-46).

2.2. An electrician and an electrician must check the availability and serviceability of tools and fixtures (a faulty tool should be replaced with a serviceable one), familiarize themselves with the procedure for performing work and the features of performing technological operations.

2.3. Before starting work, the electrician and electrician must put on serviceable overalls and safety shoes, put them in order:

  • button up the cuffs of the sleeves;
  • tuck loose edges of clothing so that they do not hang down.

It is not allowed to wear unbuttoned overalls and rolled up sleeves.

Workers should not take off overalls and safety shoes during the entire working time.

The personal protective equipment assigned to the employee must be selected according to size and height.

2.4. Before performing work on the railway tracks, it is necessary to put on signal vests, and at night and in case of poor visibility - signal vests with retroreflective overlays.

2.5. Before starting work, the electrician and electrician must make sure that the protective equipment is in good condition, check the presence of a stamp or tag on the latest tests on dielectric gloves, galoshes and safety belts and other devices, which are carried out in accordance with the rules for the use and testing of protective equipment, check the protective equipment for mechanical strength, absence of microcracks.

2.6. Before starting work on turnouts during the maintenance and repair of signaling devices, it is necessary to obtain permission from the station duty officer and make an entry in the Journal of the form DU-46 about the announcement over the loudspeaker of the movement of rolling stock along the turnouts where work is performed.

2.7. Before starting work related to lifting overhead communication lines to supports, if they have remote power circuits or power wires for signaling devices, with the repair of high-voltage overhead communication lines (VVLS) or trunk signaling and communication cable lines (CLSS) in areas with electric traction alternating current, you must obtain a work permit. The work must be carried out by a team consisting of at least two employees, one of whom must have an electrical safety group of at least IV, and the second - at least III.

2.8. Employees must report all detected malfunctions of equipment, fixtures, tools and other shortcomings to the senior electrician or work supervisor and not start work until they are eliminated.

3. Labor protection requirements during work

3.1. General safety requirements in the production of work

Safety requirements for the maintenance of electrical installations

3.1.1. When working in electrical installations with voltage up to 1000 V without removing the voltage on current-carrying parts and near them, it is necessary:

  • to protect other current-carrying parts located near the workplace, under voltage, to which accidental contact is possible;
  • work in dielectric galoshes or standing on an insulating stand or on a dielectric mat;
  • use a tool with insulating handles (for screwdrivers, in addition, the shaft must be insulated), in the absence of such a tool, use dielectric gloves.

3.1.2. When performing work without removing voltage on live parts using insulating protective equipment, it is necessary:

  • hold the insulating parts of protective equipment by the handles up to the restrictive ring;
  • arrange the insulating parts of the protective equipment so that there is no danger of overlapping on the insulation surface between the current-carrying parts of two phases or a ground fault;
  • use only dry and clean insulating parts of protective equipment with undamaged lacquer coating.

If a violation of the varnish coating or other malfunctions of the insulating parts of the protective equipment is detected, their use must be immediately terminated.

3.1.3. When working with the use of electrical protective equipment (electrical clamps, voltage indicators), a person is allowed to approach the current-carrying parts at a distance determined by the length of the insulating part of these equipment.

3.1.4. Without the use of electrical protective equipment, it is forbidden to touch the insulators of an electrical installation that is energized.

3.1.5. In electrical installations, it is forbidden to work in a bent position. When working near unshielded current-carrying parts, it is forbidden to position yourself so that these parts are at the back or on both sides.

3.1.6. Installing and removing fuses should, as a rule, be de-energized. Under voltage, but without load, it is allowed to remove and install fuses on connections in the circuit of which there are no switching devices.

Under voltage and under load, it is allowed to remove and install voltage transformer fuses and plug-type fuses in electrical installations with voltage up to 1000 V.

3.1.7. When removing and installing live fuses in electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V, it is necessary to use dielectric gloves, and if there are open fuses, goggles (mask).

3.1.8. The electrician and electrician must remember that after removing the voltage from the electrical installation, it can be re-applied without warning.

3.1.9. Change of fuse links in the presence of a knife switch should be carried out with the voltage removed. If it is impossible to remove the voltage (on group shields, assemblies), it is allowed to change the fuse links under voltage, but with the load disconnected.

3.1.10. Connecting and disconnecting portable devices that require breaking electrical circuits under voltage must be carried out when the voltage is completely removed.

3.1.11. When performing work in rooms with increased danger, an electrician is not allowed to:

  • repair electrical equipment and networks under voltage;
  • operate electrical equipment with faulty protective grounding;
  • turn on an automatically disconnected electrical installation without finding out and eliminating the reasons for its disconnection;
  • leave open the doors of rooms and vestibules separating explosive rooms from others;
  • replace burnt out electric bulbs in explosion-proof lamps with lamps of other types or higher power.

3.1.12. When working in electrical installations, it is necessary to use serviceable electrical protective equipment: both basic (tools with insulating handles, voltage indicators, dielectric gloves), and additional (dielectric overshoes, rugs, portable grounding devices, insulating stands, protective stands, fencing devices, posters and signs security).

3.1.13. Work in conditions of increased danger should be carried out by two people.

3.1.14. Measurement of insulation resistance with a megger should only be carried out on a completely de-energized electrical installation. Before measurement, make sure that there is no voltage on the equipment under test.

After completion of work, it is necessary to remove the residual charge from the equipment under test by means of its short-term grounding.

Measurements with a megohmmeter are prohibited during a thunderstorm or when it approaches.

3.1.15. During work on the electrical installation, it is prohibited:

  • rearrange temporary fences, remove posters, groundings and enter the territory of fenced areas;
  • use for grounding conductors not intended for this purpose, as well as connect grounding by twisting the conductors;
  • use metal stairs for maintenance and repair of electrical installations;
  • use hacksaws, files, metal tapes when working under voltage.

Safety requirements when using metalwork, electric and pneumatic tools

3.1.16. The electrician and electrician must use serviceable tools.

3.1.17. The hammer must be securely mounted on a serviceable (without cracks and chips) wooden handle made of hardwood and wedged with pointed metal wedges. The impact part of the hammer should not have riveting. Chisels, barbs, cores must be at least 150 mm long and not have knocked down or worn impact parts and burrs on the side faces. The size of the opening of the wrenches must correspond to the sizes of the bolts and nuts; if you need to have a long lever, you should use a wrench with an extended handle. It is forbidden to increase the key with another key or pipe. Files, scrapers and screwdrivers must be firmly fixed in wooden handles that do not have chips or cracks and are equipped with metal rings. When processing parts with a file, with a scraper, remove the accumulated chips with a brush. Before cutting metal with a hand saw, adjust the tension of the hacksaw blade.

3.1.18. The power tool should be inspected and checked for idling operation before receipt.

The case of a power tool that operates on a mains voltage above 42 V or does not have double or reinforced insulation must be grounded.

3.1.19. During operation, the cable of the power tool must be protected from accidental damage (for example, suspended).

It is forbidden to directly contact the cable with hot, wet and oil-contaminated surfaces, as well as twisting and pulling it.

3.1.20. In the event of a sudden stop (for example, when the drill is jammed at the exit of the hole, power is removed from the network), as well as at each break in work and when moving from one workplace to another, the power tool must be disconnected from the mains.

3.1.21. When working with pneumatic and power tools, do not expose them to shocks and overloads during operation, dirt, moisture and oil products.

Do not:

  • work with power tools in open areas during rain and snowfall;
  • adjust and replace the working part of the pneumatic and power tools in the on state, as well as repair the power tool at the workplace.

3.1.22. Before working with a pneumatic tool, make sure that:

  • air hoses without damage, fixed on the fitting (the fittings have serviceable edges and threads, ensuring a strong and tight connection of the hose to the pneumatic tool and to the air line);
  • the connection of air hoses to the pneumatic tool and the connection of the hoses to each other is carried out using fittings or nipples with serviceable threads (circular grooves) and clamping collars;
  • replacement tools (drills, screwdrivers, countersinks) are properly sharpened and free of potholes, burrs and other defects, and the shanks of this tool are even, without bevels, cracks and other damage, tightly fitted and correctly centered;
  • the shank of a replaceable percussion tool (chisel, crimp) has clear edges and enters the hammer barrel;
  • a set of interchangeable tools is stored in a portable box;
  • the pneumatic tool is lubricated, the body of the tool is free of cracks and other damage;
  • the instrument activation valve opens easily and quickly and does not let air in in the closed position;
  • the spindle housing on the drilling machine has no nicks;
  • the abrasive wheel on the pneumatic machine has a test mark and is protected by a protective cover.

3.1.23. Before connecting the air hose to the pneumatic tool, the condensate must be drained from the air line. By briefly opening the valve, blow the hose with compressed air at a pressure not exceeding 0,05 MPa (0,5 kgf / sq. cm), after connecting it to the network and holding the hose tip in your hands. Direct the air jet only upwards; Directing the air jet at people, the floor or equipment is prohibited.

3.1.24. It is allowed to let air into the pneumatic tool and put it into action after the replaceable tool is firmly installed in the barrel and pressed against the workpiece.

3.1.25. When working with a pneumatic tool, do not allow kinks, entanglements, intersections of air hoses with cables, electric cables, acetylene or oxygen hoses. Hoses should be placed in such a way that it is impossible for vehicles to run into it and workers to pass through it.

3.1.26. When carrying a pneumatic tool, it is necessary to hold it by the body handle, and the air hose - rolled into a ring.

When the air hose breaks, when washing or replacing the replaceable tool, during a break in work, it is necessary to close the valve on the line. Do not cut off the compressed air supply by breaking the hose.

3.1.27. It is forbidden to drill, grind, sharpen parts that are in a freely suspended state, or hold them with your hands.

3.1.28. Remove chips from the holes and from the rotating cutting tool with hooks or a brush.

It is forbidden to work in gloves with drilling and other rotating tools.

3.1.29. Work at a height of more than 2,5 m with power tools, pneumatic tools, a blowtorch and a gas burner, as well as with an assembly pyrotechnic gun, regardless of height, should be performed from scaffolds or stepladders with upper platforms fenced with railings.

Safety requirements when working with flammable liquids (flammable liquids)

3.1.30. When working with flammable liquids (gasoline, acetone, alcohols and other solvents), an electrician and electrician must comply with the following safety requirements:

  • do not use open flame, open heating devices;
  • collect rags, cotton wool or paper soaked in flammable liquids in a separate metal box with a lid and take them out to a specially designated place;
  • store flammable liquids only in a special cabinet, in a metal container with a tight-fitting lid and a clear inscription characterizing the name of the flammable liquid;
  • the number of flammable liquids in the room where preventive maintenance and repair of devices is carried out should not exceed the daily requirement.

Safety requirements for working at height

3.1.31. Work at heights includes those works in which the employee is above 1,3 m from the ground surface, ceilings or working flooring, and in electrical installations - above 1 m. Depending on the conditions and nature of the work performed, serviceable ladders, portable ladders or scaffold.

Before starting work on a ladder or stepladder, it is necessary to check the timing of the next test.

3.1.32. When servicing and repairing electrical installations, the use of metal ladders and ladders is prohibited.

3.1.33. All parts of ladders and step-ladders must have a smooth planed surface, not have cracks.

It is forbidden to use wooden ladders and step-ladders upholstered with nails, without cutting the steps into the bowstrings and without fastening the bowstrings with bolts.

3.1.34. The length of the ladder should ensure the possibility of performing work while standing on a step located at a distance of at least 1 m from the upper end of the ladder, and should not exceed 5 m. ladders with an angle of inclination to the horizon of 75° without additional fastening of the upper part.

3.1.35. Before starting work on a ladder, it is necessary to ensure its stability, and then, by inspection and testing, make sure that it cannot slip or be accidentally moved.

When installing ladders on the ground, their lower ends must have stops in the form of sharp steel tips, and when installed on smooth and rough floors (parquet, tiled, concrete, etc.) - shoes made of rubber or other non-slip material. If necessary, the upper ends of the ladders must have special hooks.

3.1.36. Sliding step-ladders must have a locking device that excludes the possibility of spontaneous extension during operation.

3.1.37. When working with a ladder or stepladder in crowded places, the installation site of the ladder should be fenced off or guarded to prevent falls and accidental shocks. If it is impossible to secure the ladder when installing it on a smooth tiled floor, a worker in a helmet should stand at its base and hold the ladder in a stable position.

It is forbidden to stand or pass under the stairs on which the worker is located. If it is necessary to install a ladder against the entrance doors, then an employee should be assigned to protect the ladder from shocks.

Soldering iron safety requirements

3.1.38. Work with an electric soldering iron must be carried out at a voltage not exceeding 42 V. Step-down transformers should be used to connect the electric soldering iron to the network.

3.1.39. During short breaks in operation, the electric soldering iron should be placed on a special heat-insulating stand made of non-combustible material.

When repairing electronic equipment, soldering should be done using tweezers.

Soldering in inconvenient places for work should be done with protective glasses.

During long breaks in work and at the end of work, the electric soldering iron must be disconnected from the mains.

3.1.40. The soldering iron should be checked for heating by melting rosin or solder. It is forbidden to touch the body of the switched on soldering iron with your hand, hit it even when removing oxide films.

After soldering with solder containing lead, the worker must clean the work surface of the table and the inside of the drawers for tools used in soldering.

The flux used in soldering must be stored in a special container.

3.1.41. In the premises where soldering is carried out, it is forbidden to eat.

3.2. Safety requirements for the production of work on cable lines


3.2.1. Digging trenches and pits, laying the cable into the trench should be carried out according to approved drawings, which should indicate all underground utilities located along the route of the cable being laid or crossing it within the working area, power cables, cables of signaling devices and communications, gas, water -, oil pipelines and others.

3.2.2. Before digging pits, trenches or pits, the place of work should be fenced and warning signs and signs should be installed, and signal lighting should be hung on the fence at night.

In places of convergence of pits to be developed with underground utilities, warning signs should be installed with the name of the utilities and the designation of their edges.

Earthworks in the area of ​​underground utilities should be carried out in the presence of the work manager.

3.2.3. When excavating above the cable, the use of jackhammers for loosening the soil and earth-moving machines for excavating it is allowed only to a depth at which a soil layer of at least 0,4 m remains before the cable, while the cable route must be drilled. Further excavation should be done with shovels. The use of crowbars and similar tools is prohibited.

It is forbidden to excavate with earth-moving machines at a distance of less than 1 m and to use a wedge-hammer and similar impact mechanisms at a distance of less than 5 m from the cables.

In winter, excavation with shovels should be started only after it has warmed up. At the same time, it is allowed to bring the heat source closer to the cables no closer than 15 cm.

3.2.4. If during excavation work cables, pipelines, previously unknown communications that are not marked on the plans and diagrams are found, the work should be stopped and the responsible work manager should be informed about this.

Existing cables found when digging pits must be protected with wooden boxes, and existing cable boxes should be strengthened on a solid board suspended with a wire or cable to the beams thrown over the trench.

Relaying, bending, shifting of the existing cable and carrying the couplings should be carried out after turning off the voltage and discharging the cable.

3.2.5. If harmful gases appear, work should be stopped immediately and reported to the senior electrician or work supervisor. Further excavation is possible only after the source of gas pollution has been eliminated, if there are indicators for determining gas and providing workers with gas masks; Workers must be instructed before starting work on how to deal with harmful gases.

3.2.6. When digging trenches in weak or wet ground, when there is a threat of collapse, their walls should be securely reinforced.

In loose soils, work can be carried out without fastening, but with slopes corresponding to the angle of repose of the soil.

3.2.7. Plank fastenings of pits and trenches should be dismantled in the direction from the bottom up as the soil is backfilled.

The number of fastening boards removed at the same time in height should be no more than three, and in loose and unstable soils - no more than one. As the boards are removed, the spacers are rearranged, with existing spacers removed only after new ones have been installed.

3.2.8. When digging pits, trenches and pits, building materials and earth thrown out of trenches and pits, if possible, should be placed within the fenced area or away from it, but so as not to interfere with the movement of vehicles and pedestrians.

It is forbidden to cover the track rails, operating signaling and communication devices and drainage trays with ballast and soil.

Ballast and soil should be placed in compliance with the proximity clearance of buildings.

3.2.9. It is forbidden to go down into the pit dug by earthmoving machines before its walls are reinforced with shields, as well as to go down into the pit and get out of it along the fastening struts.

3.2.10. In soils of natural moisture in the absence of groundwater and nearby underground structures, digging pits and trenches with vertical walls without fastening is allowed to a depth of no more than:

  • 1 m - in bulk and gravelly soils;
  • 1,25 m - in sandy loam;
  • 1,5 m - in loamy and clay soils;
  • 2 m - in especially dense non-rocky soils.

In the winter season, the development of soil (except for dry) to the freezing depth is allowed without fastenings.

3.2.11. Asbestos-cement pipes must be laid along the cable trenches on a land-free edge at an angle to the axis of the trenches so that they cannot roll down and fall into the trench.

3.2.12. The tool used for work should be laid no closer than 0,5 m from the edge of the trench. The cutting and piercing edges of the tool should not be directed towards the trench or pit. It is prohibited to stack materials and tools on the slope of the dump from the side of the trench or excavation.

3.2.13. To impose a metal cuff on the joint of asbestos-cement pipes should be in mittens. The cuff is brought to the joint and adjustment at the joint of concrete pipes must be carried out using special hooks.

3.2.14. It is forbidden to leave uncovered pits, pits and trenches for the night and during work breaks.

Loading, unloading and moving cable drums

3.2.15. Loading and unloading of cable drums in a mechanized way must be carried out under the guidance of a senior electrician, on a flat area. If there is a slope under the cheeks of the drum, it is necessary to place stops in such a way as to exclude the possibility of spontaneous movement of the drum down the slope.

3.2.16. The drum loaded into the vehicle should be secured with braces and special wedge-shaped shoes or hewn logs placed under the cheeks of the drum.

Climbing into the car body or wagon to secure the drum with the cable should be after it is installed on the vehicle platform.

3.2.17. Before starting work on loading and unloading cable drums, you must make sure that the car is braked with a parking brake, special stops (shoes) are placed under the rear wheels of the car on both sides, and the floor of the car body is additionally reinforced with a second row of boards with a thickness of at least 50 mm, laid across the body.

3.2.18. It is forbidden:

  • be behind the drum being rolled onto the car (into the wagon) or in front of the drum being lowered from the car (wagon), and also be in close proximity to the cheeks of the drum during the entire time of rolling or lowering;
  • unloading of cable drums by free rolling or dropping to the ground;
  • be in the body of the vehicle during its movement with a loaded drum.

3.2.19. The drum should be rolled in the presence of an attendant, who, if necessary, could stop the spontaneous movement of the drum by placing a special lining under its cheeks. Do not walk ahead of the rolling drum.

3.2.20. Drums with cable may be loaded manually by rolling, provided that the floor of the warehouse is on the same level as the floor of the wagon or vehicle body.

3.2.21. If the floor of the warehouse is located below the level of the floor of the wagon or the car body, manual loading and unloading of cable drums during tilting is allowed by sleds or rolls by two workers with a weight of one piece of not more than 80 kg, and with a weight of more than 80 kg, it is necessary to use strong ropes or means mechanization.

3.2.22. It is prohibited to move coils of wire and cable drums (including empty ones) by rolling along the inter-track and between the rails of the railway track, as well as moving heavy loads by dragging or rolling along the rail heads.

Laying, re-laying cables and carrying couplings

3.2.23. The electrician and electrician, before rolling the drum with the cable, must fix the ends of the cable and remove the nails protruding from the drum in order to prevent them from catching clothes. The cable drum should only be rolled on a horizontal surface on firm ground or solid flooring.

3.2.24. It is forbidden to place cables, empty drums, mechanisms, fixtures and tools closer than 0,5 m from the edge of the trench.

3.2.25. The removed drum sheathing boards should be laid away from the place of work with the tips of the nails remaining in the boards down. Nails remaining in the cheeks of the drum must be bent inward, hammered or removed.

3.2.26. The goats-jacks on which the drum with the cable is installed must stand firmly, not swaying during the rotation of the drum. The axis of the drum must be in a horizontal position.

3.2.27. Wear gloves when laying cables manually. When bringing the cable to the trench on the shoulders or on the hands, all workers should be on one side of the cable.

3.2.28. It is allowed to unwind the cable from the drums if there is a brake device.

3.2.29. When laying the cable, workers are not allowed to stand inside the corners of the turn, and also to support the cable manually on the turns of the route. For this purpose, corner rollers should be installed.

3.2.30. Switch cables and transfer couplings only when there is no voltage in them.

In exceptional cases, it is allowed to switch live cables under the following conditions:

  • the cable to be moved must have a temperature of at least 5°C;
  • the couplings on the shifted section of the cable must be rigidly fixed with clamps on the boards;
  • work should be in dielectric gloves, over which mittens should be worn to protect against mechanical damage;
  • work must be performed by workers with experience in laying cables, under the guidance of a person with an electrical safety group of at least V when laying cables with voltages above 1000 V, when switching cables with voltages up to 1000 V - with an electrical safety group of at least IV.

3.2.31. When laying the cable along the walls of buildings, the safety requirements for working at height, set out in paragraphs 3.1.31 - 3.1.37 of this Instruction, should be observed.

3.2.32. When chasing and punching walls, care must be taken not to damage the electrical wiring hidden in the wall with the tool and not to be subjected to electric shock.

3.2.33. It is necessary to work on a cable located near other cables through which the remote power supply is not interrupted, so as not to damage these cables. When working on highways organized by a two-cable system, the power supply from the cable on which the work will be carried out must be removed. It is forbidden to start work until the notification of the power supply disconnection is received. The cable remaining energized in the pits must be covered with earth.

Laying underground cables with a cable layer

3.2.34. Before starting work, it is necessary to carefully inspect the main elements of the cable laying unit and make sure that they are in good condition. If malfunctions are detected, it is forbidden to work on the tractor or cable layer.

3.2.35. It is allowed to stand or sit on the cable laying machine only on platforms or seats specially designed for this purpose. To check the serviceability and connection of the ends of the cable, the electrician may enter the rear working platform of the cable layer during a stop and only with the permission of the worker in charge of laying the cable.

3.2.36. It is not allowed to switch from the cable layer to the tractor and vice versa while driving.

3.2.37. Elimination of incorrect cable winding from the drum and incorrect cable entry into the cable guide device should be carried out by an electrician only after the cable layer has stopped.

3.2.38. During the operation of the cable layer on the railway, the voltage from the contact network must be removed and the contact network must be grounded at the ends of the work front. To do this, the work manager is obliged to give a written application to the head of the power supply distance.

3.2.39. If necessary, cable laying workers, under the supervision of a representative of the power supply distance, must disconnect the grounding of the contact network supports from the rails.

3.2.40. It is forbidden for the cable-laying personnel to approach the contact network and other live wires closer than 2 m by themselves or by means of the devices and tools used.

If it is necessary to get closer to the wires closer than 2 m, the voltage from them must be removed by an employee of the contact network and these wires are grounded.

Cable pulling in the cable duct

3.2.41. Before pulling the cable in the cable duct, it is necessary to install a manual winch at the mouth of the well and securely fasten it, check the serviceability of the cables and, if necessary, lubricate them.

3.2.42. On both sides of the wells in which work is carried out, fences - barriers should be installed. If the well is located on the carriageway of the road, the fences are installed towards the traffic at a distance of at least 2 m from the well. In addition, at a distance of 5 - 10 m from the fence towards traffic, warning signs should be installed. In case of poor visibility, light signals should be additionally installed.

3.2.43. The cable should be tightened, as a rule, in a mechanized way. Laying cables with a capacity of up to 100 pairs of cores with small spans can be done manually.

3.2.44. When tightening the cable, it is forbidden to be near the bends of the cable and touch the moving cable or cable with bare hands.

3.2.45. When tightening the cable directly from the cable conveyor, it is necessary to place stops (bars) under its wheels.

3.2.46. All work on pulling the cable into the cable duct should be carried out in gloves.

3.2.47. During breaks, before eating, smoking and after working with lead-sheathed cables or lead-containing solder, wash your hands thoroughly with warm water and soap, after rinsing them with a XNUMX% solution of acetic acid.

Works in underground structures

3.2.48. Inspection of wells and work in them must be carried out by at least two workers. At the same time, a warning sign should be installed at the open hatch of the well and a fence should be made. One employee with an electrical safety group of at least III can work in the well, in which case the second employee must be on duty near the open hatch.

Inspection of tunnels is allowed to be carried out by one person with an electrical safety group of at least IV.

3.2.49. In wells, collectors and tunnels that do not have supply and exhaust ventilation, before starting inspection or work, it is necessary to check the absence of flammable and harmful gases. The inspection must be carried out by persons trained in the use of the relevant instruments (gas analyzers).

Before starting work, the well in which the work will be carried out, and the wells adjacent to it, one on each side, must be ventilated, regardless of whether there is gas in the well or not.

It is forbidden to check the absence of gases with an open flame.

3.2.50. Before descending into the well, the electrician must put on a safety harness with a safety rope and a safety helmet.

3.2.51. From the moment the electrician descends into the well and until the exit from it, the second electrician must be constantly at the hatch and hold the safety rope in his hands. The electrician, located at the hatch of the well, must monitor the condition of the workers descending into the well, as well as ensure that the safety ropes and ropes do not get tangled, do not catch on and their ends do not fall into the well.

3.2.52. At the first sign of poor health of a worker descending into the well, the electrician at the top should immediately help him get out or remove him from the well with a safety rope and give him first aid.

3.2.53. When opening the wells (the second cover), it is necessary to use a tool that does not give sparking, and also to avoid hitting the cover on the hatch neck.

In winter, if you need to remove a frozen manhole cover, you can use boiling water, hot sand or quicklime.

3.2.54. In the event of the appearance of gas, work in wells, collectors and tunnels should be stopped, workers should be removed from the danger zone, inform the work manager about this, and continue to work until the source of gas contamination is identified and eliminated.

3.2.55. During the ventilation of the well in which work is to be carried out, at least one channel on each side must be temporarily open. In neighboring wells, the same channels should be opened in the direction of the well in which work is to be carried out. It is desirable to open channels free and, if possible, upper ones.

3.2.56. If, when opening the wells, no dangerous gases were found in them, then ventilation during operation should be carried out at least 3-4 times per shift. If gas is detected when opening wells, then the wells should be vented until it is determined that no dangerous gases are present.

3.2.57. To go down into wells and pits with a depth of more than 1 m should only be on securely installed ladders. Materials must be fed into the pits: brick - along the gutters made of two boards; cement mortar and water - in buckets. Buckets should be lowered into pits and trenches on a rope. It is allowed to take a bucket only when it is at the bottom of a pit, trench or on a scaffold.

3.2.58. It is forbidden:

  • be in the well during the installation of a reinforced concrete floor (whole or prefabricated) on the walls of the well;
  • open underground wells and go down into them without the permission of the work manager.

3.2.59. It is possible to kindle blowtorches, install propane-butane cylinders, heat up mastic and solder only outside the well. The molten solder and the heated mastic should be lowered into the well in special ladles and closed vessels suspended with a carabiner from a metal cable.

When working, shields made of refractory material should be used to limit the spread of flame, and asbestos cloth should be ready to extinguish the fire.

After completion of work, gas cylinders must be removed and the room ventilated.

3.2.60. When working in pits or wells, reclining, sitting or kneeling, it is necessary to use a bedding made of felt or other similar material.

3.2.61. Smoking in wells, sewers and tunnels, as well as near open manholes is prohibited.

3.2.62. To illuminate workplaces in wells and tunnels, lamps with a voltage of not more than 12 V or rechargeable explosion-proof lamps should be used.

Works with the use of cable masses during cable installation

3.2.63. When heating the cable mass, use a bucket with a spout and a lid or a metal welded kettle with a lid. The cable mass should be heated on a brazier.

Do not heat unopened cans of cable mass.

During heating, the cable mass must be stirred with a metal spatula or a spoon with a wooden handle. The ingress of moisture into the hot mass is unacceptable.

3.2.64. The cable mass should be warmed up at a distance of at least 2 m from the well hatch or from the pit.

3.2.65. Preparation, heating and removal from the brazier of a bucket or kettle with cable mass should be carried out in overalls, canvas gloves and goggles.

3.2.66. In case of ignition of the heated cable mass, immediately stop heating it and close the vessel with a lid. Spilled ignited cable mass should be extinguished with a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher or dry sand. It is forbidden to extinguish a flammable cable mass with water.

3.2.67. Carrying vessels with heated cable mass should be done in canvas gloves and goggles. Sleeves of clothing should be tied at the wrist over mittens or elbow-length mittens should be used. The kettle with heated cable mass should be lowered into the pit (or fed up) in a bucket. Take the kettle only after the bucket is lowered to the bottom of the pit, well. It is forbidden to transfer the kettle with heated cable mass from hand to hand.

3.2.68. The sleeve should be filled with cable mass from the kettle at the place of its installation; while the electrician must be in canvas gloves and goggles. It is forbidden to move the sleeve filled with molten cable mass.

3.2.69. In order to avoid splashing of hot cable mass, the bodies of the boxes to be poured, cable boxes, boxes, cast-iron sleeves, as well as the trays where the flowing mass is collected, must be dried beforehand.

Works on the main cable lines of signaling and communication (CLSS) in areas with AC electric traction

3.2.70. Work on the main KLSS in areas with AC electric traction should be carried out along with a team of at least two workers, one of whom with an electrical safety group of at least IV is appointed responsible for the performance of work and compliance with safety regulations by workers.

3.2.71. Before starting work on the KLSS in the prepared excavation, it is necessary to make sure that there is a wooden shield painted with oil paint at the bottom of the excavation at least 1000 x 1500 mm in size with a dielectric mat laid on it.

The wall of the pit from the side of the back of the worker must be fixed with a wooden shield with a dielectric mat fixed on it.

If there is water in the pit, the shield with a dielectric mat should be laid on a flooring of dry boards.

3.2.72. For the entire period of work to eliminate the damage that has occurred in the KLSS cable, on the boxes that limit the damaged section of the cable, the shackles of the sockets connected to the damaged cable cores, as well as the sockets connected to adjacent cores located in a common four, must be removed. At the same time, posters should be hung on the boxes with the inscription: "On the cores of (such and such) fours of work on the line, do not turn on the bows."

3.2.73. On the cable line, before cutting the cable or opening the coupling, it is necessary to check the absence of voltage using a special device consisting of an insulating rod and a steel needle or cutting tip. The device must provide a puncture or cutting of the armor and sheath to the cores with their closure to each other and to the ground. The cable at the puncture site should first be covered with a screen. In tunnels, sewers and wells, such a device may only be used with a remote control.

If, as a result of cable damage, all current-carrying conductors are open, the absence of voltage should be checked with a voltage indicator without puncture.

3.2.74. Cable puncture by an electrician and an electrician must be carried out under the supervision of the work manager. The cable should be pierced with dielectric gloves and protective goggles. When puncturing, one should stand on an insulating base on top of the trench as far as possible from the pierced cable.

The piercing tool must be grounded. To ground the piercing device, use a special ground electrode immersed in the soil to a depth of at least 0,5 m, or cable armor. The grounding conductor is attached to the armor by means of clamps; the armor tape under the yoke must be cleaned.

If the armored tape has been corroded, it is allowed to connect the grounding conductor to the metal sheath.

When working on a four-core cable line with voltage up to 1000 V, the neutral core must be disconnected from both ends.

3.2.75. All work on the KLSS related to the need or possibility of touching the cables, the electrician and electrician must be carried out in dielectric gloves and dielectric galoshes.

When removing jute, armor and shielding covers from the cable, as well as when unwinding the cable from the drum and laying it over dielectric gloves, cotton gloves should be worn, which should be shorter than dielectric ones.

3.2.76. Temporary grounding must be provided in the excavation for the duration of the work. To do this, three steel rods (angular profile) or three gas pipes with a diameter of at least 20 mm are hammered into the ground. The depth of driving rods and pipes should be at least 1 m, and the distance between them should be at least 1,5 m.

Grounding switches must be electrically interconnected with an insulated stranded copper wire with a cross section of at least 10 sq. mm. The grounding scheme must be approved by the work manager.

3.2.77. Before opening the cable, an electrician and an electrician must strip the cable armor and securely connect it to ground with a copper insulated stranded wire with a cross section of at least 10 sq. mm. The armor and sheath of the cable in the area where they will be removed must be shunted with a copper insulated flexible wire with a cross section of at least 25 sq. mm. After that, with an indicator or a portable voltmeter, the electrician and electrician must check the absence of voltage on the cable sheath.

3.2.78. Unsoldering and removing the lead sleeve (after grounding the shell) and shielding covers is allowed without dielectric gloves.

3.2.79. An electrician and an electrician must first ground each cable core with which he is currently working at the edge of the core insulation using a crocodile clip, and it is necessary to check the absence of voltage with an indicator.

3.2.80. When repairing damage to the KLSS that requires opening the coupling, work in the pit should be performed in the following order:

  • wooden goats are installed on the insulating mat and a cast-iron clutch is laid on them, which is to be opened; with blowtorches, they heat the cast-iron sleeve and the cable mass in it (these works are performed without dielectric gloves). Having removed the cast-iron sleeve, the bitumen is washed off the bandages on the cable armor, grounding clamps are applied to the bandages and ground wires and a shunt bus are connected to them. After that, the absence of voltage on the cable sheath is checked, the sleeve and wires of the armor cover (if any) are soldered, the lead sleeve is removed, and then belt insulation is removed from the splices of the cores (this work is also performed without dielectric gloves);
  • carefully, shifting one end of the cable to the right of the splice axis and returning it back, bring the ends of the cable together, which allows you to open the fours and make free access to them. The short circuit of the conductors is eliminated without the imposition of grounding clamps only in cases where this does not require alteration of the twists;
  • if it is required to redo the twist, then a sleeve is sequentially shifted from each of the cores and grounding clamps are connected on both sides of the twist.

When the core breaks, the ground clamps are installed on both sides of the damaged section at such a distance that it would be possible to insert the cable into the core without re-moving the ground clamps.

After altering the twist, the ground clamps are removed and all other operations necessary for the installation and installation of the coupling are performed.

3.2.82. The workplace, located in the pit on the main KLSS, should be cleaned of trimmings of the ends of the cores, armor and other metal waste.

3.2.83. The inclusion of the repaired conductors of the KLSS cable in the equipment of the communication station (node) is allowed only after the completion of work and the closing of the work permit.

Work on cables through which remote power supply voltage is supplied to the equipment of unattended amplifying points (NUP)

3.2.84. All work on the remote power cable that requires removing voltage from it should be carried out according to the order with registration in the journal SHU-2. The actual time of turning off and turning on the voltage must be recorded in the SHU-2 log in the linear equipment room (LAZ).

3.2.85. All repair work, where remote power is transmitted through the cables, as well as work related to the elimination of damage on the cable, must be carried out according to the work permit. These works must be carried out by at least two employees, one of whom must have an electrical safety group of at least IV, the other - at least III.

3.2.86. On the keys and buttons, with the help of which the voltage of the remote power supply is removed, posters with the inscription "Do not turn on - work on the line" should be hung. Only the person who hung the poster (or replacing him on shift) can turn on the voltage and remove the posters after receiving a message about the completion of work in an unattended amplifying point (NUP) or an auxiliary amplifying point (AUP), or on a communication line.

The absence of voltage should be checked with a voltmeter or voltage indicator. It is forbidden to check the presence of voltage by touching current-carrying parts with your hands, or to use a telephone (headphones) as a voltage indicator.

3.2.87. It is allowed to turn on the voltage in the line only after a message is received from all NUP, where the technical staff is located, about the readiness to accept the remote supply voltage.

3.2.88. After removing the remote supply voltage, the cable should be discharged to ground. This work must be done in dielectric gloves, dielectric galoshes and goggles. The cable must be discharged from both sides of the amplifying section. The cable should be grounded at the terminal station and at the work site.

3.2.89. Connect and disconnect measuring instruments to current-carrying parts after turning off the remote supply voltage.

All measurement operations must be carried out by an electrician and an electrician on a command received via official communication.

3.2.90. When working on a two-cable system, it is allowed to remove power from one cable on which work will be carried out. The cable under voltage must be covered with earth in the pits, and in the wells on this cable it is necessary to hang a sign warning of the danger of electric shock "Caution! Electric voltage".

3.2.91. It is possible to cut and open the cable, as well as open cast-iron and lead couplings in areas where remote power is transmitted through cables, only in the presence of the work manager.

When cutting and opening the cable and when opening cast-iron and lead couplings, the worker must wear dielectric gloves, dielectric galoshes and goggles. After opening the cable, make sure (using an indicator or a voltmeter) that the voltage is removed from the cable; only after that it is possible to work without dielectric gloves and glasses, remaining in dielectric galoshes.

When cutting the cable, the hacksaw must be grounded to the cable sheath and a metal pin driven into the ground to a depth of 0,5 m. Grounding must be carried out with a flexible insulated wire with a cross section of 6 - 10 square meters. mm.

Blowtorch work

3.2.92. When working with a blowtorch, the following requirements must be met:

  • pour kerosene or gasoline into the tank of the blowtorch no more than 3/4 of its capacity;
  • the filler plug should be screwed up to failure;
  • it is forbidden to pour or pour fuel near an open fire and disassemble the blowtorch, unscrew the head;
  • do not light a blowtorch by supplying kerosene or gasoline to the burner;
  • do not over-pump the blowtorch to avoid its explosion;
  • do not remove the burner until the pressure is released;
  • release air pressure from the lamp reservoir through the filler plug only after the lamp is extinguished and its burner has completely cooled down;
  • if malfunctions are detected (tank leakage, gas leakage through the burner thread), work with the lamp should be stopped and handed over for repair;
  • it is forbidden to heat the blowtorch tank;
  • fill the lamp only with the combustible liquid for which it is intended;
  • Do not pour leaded gasoline into the blowtorch.

3.2.93. Before lighting a blowtorch, it is necessary to check its serviceability. It is forbidden to light a defective blowtorch.

3.2.94. Kindle blowtorches should be on the surface of the earth at a distance of at least 2 m from the well. It is forbidden to douse kindled lamps with gasoline and heat them on burning coals. Use a bucket to protect the lamp from the wind.

3.2.95. A burning blowtorch should be fed into the well only in a bucket and only after thorough ventilation of the well.

Gas burner work

3.2.96. When connecting or disconnecting the hose from the gas cylinder, the valves on the hose and burner must be closed.

3.2.97. Gas cylinders should be fixed in a vertical position and prevent them from falling and hitting.

3.2.98. The tightness of the hose connections with the cylinder and gas burner should be checked with soapy water.

3.2.99. It is forbidden:

  • work on a gas cylinder if the pressure gauge has an overdue calibration period;
  • work in the presence of at least minor gas leaks;
  • leave unattended a lit burner;
  • check the tightness of the connections with an open flame.

3.2.100. At the end of the work, you must first close the valve located on the hose. The valve on the burner should only be closed when the burner has stopped burning. After disconnecting from the hose, the cap must be put on the cylinder.

3.3. Safety requirements for work on overhead lines

3.3.1. When loading poles onto a car and unloading them, it is necessary to place stops under the wheels of the car and trailer.

The supports should be unloaded from vehicles onto wooden beams and stacked in even rows through spacers, which should be wedged at the extreme supports. The stack should have no more than six rows.

3.3.2. Wooden supports should be transferred with the help of special devices (pliers). In the absence of devices, the support should be carried on the shoulders of the same name. It is allowed to lift and drop the supports simultaneously at the command of the work manager.

It is forbidden to unload the supports from the railway platforms while the train is moving, as well as to drop them into the inter-tracks and onto the edges of the track.

When loading and unloading supports and attachments produced on open rolling stock, care should be taken to ensure that the objects being loaded do not come closer to the current-carrying parts of the contact network at a distance of less than 2 m.

3.3.3. Reinforced concrete supports should only be moved mechanically. It is necessary to install reinforced concrete supports only with a crane using a cable fixed on the support near the mounting bracket or at a distance of not more than 1/5 of its length, counting from the top.

It is forbidden to carry and install reinforced concrete supports manually.

3.3.4. The installation of wooden supports should be carried out, as a rule, mechanized.

The lifting of light single-column wooden supports without the use of mechanization should be carried out using hooks and tongs. The tongs are used to support the top of the raised support, and the hooks are used to protect the support from falling to the side. In this case, at least three gaffs should be used; electricians should be on different sides of the support.

It is forbidden to use shovels, stakes and similar devices instead of hooks and grips, as well as to rest the ends of the grips or hooks against the chest or stomach.

Complex A-shaped supports and supports longer than 10 m must be supported during the ascent by ropes attached to their tops.

It is possible to stop supporting the raised support with tongs and hooks, climb the support and remove guy wires from the raised support only with the permission of the work manager after the support is securely fixed in the ground (in the foundation); at the same time, the pit must be backfilled and the soil compacted.

3.3.5. When felling the support, traction cables and braces should be fixed in the upper part of the support before starting work to free its base.

Rotting supports should be fastened with braces and cables from a telescopic tower.

It is allowed to proceed with the release of the base of the dismantled support only after the support is reliably protected from falling by braces.

The weakening of the cable during felling of the support must be carried out evenly in order to avoid its breakage.

3.3.6. When changing rotten supports, the decoupling of wires should be carried out from top to bottom. Work on decoupling wires must be carried out from a telescopic tower or from a support previously reinforced with pads or an auxiliary stand.

When repairing, installing and felling supports, it is prohibited:

  • when changing attachments of U- and AP-shaped supports, both single and double, dig out two legs of the support at once;
  • when pulling out a replaceable prefix from the pit or lowering a new one, someone should be in the pit.

3.3.7. Before starting work on the support, the electrician and the electrician must check the test period for the fitter's claws, safety belt, the fastening of the sickle to the stirrup, the serviceability of the teeth, belts and claw fasteners, the serviceability of the belt carabiner and its spring, the integrity of the tie-down straps and chain links; there must be a cover on the chain. It is forbidden to adjust the claws by bending or unbending them along the diameter of the support.

Before climbing on the support, you must make sure that it is strong. If the support is reinforced with a prefix, you should also make sure that it is securely fastened to the prefix; if necessary, the supports should be strengthened with hooks or grips.

It is forbidden for two workers to work on the same support at the same time.

3.3.8. Intermediate wooden supports can be replaced by two using a manual winch.

The hand winch must be securely fastened to the support. The rope or cable holding the block should be firmly fixed at a distance of 0,5 - 1,5 m from the top of the support. Hanging the block on the hook of the traverse and struts is prohibited.

After installing the new support, its top and the top of the old support should be temporarily fastened with a clamp. When sawing off an old support, it should first be strengthened with temporary side braces.

3.3.9. When replacing the corner support, loosen the wire bindings on the supports adjacent to the corner. The replaced support can be dug out and removed only after the wires have been transferred to the new support.

3.3.10. On lines passing in mountainous (hilly) terrain, pits for installing supports should be dug in steps to the top of the slope.

3.3.11. If pavements and sidewalks are opened when digging holes, then the top coating should be dismantled with an area larger than the area of ​​​​the pit: with a stone (cobblestone) pavement, 0,2 m in all directions from the edges of the pit, with asphalt and concrete pavements - by 0,1 m.

The top cover of the pavement or sidewalk (stones, pieces of asphalt, concrete) must be folded on one side of the pit - to the pedestrian part of the street, and the earth should be thrown away on the other side of the pit - to the carriageway of the street.

The dismantled pavement or sidewalk pavement should be laid so that it does not crumble, and the distance from the edge of the pit to the folded pavement is at least 0,5 m.

When digging holes in cities and towns, in places of traffic and pedestrians, the place of work must be protected with warning signs, and at night, signal lighting should be installed.

3.3.12. When digging holes with a shovel in soft soil, the walls of the hole must be reinforced with boards with a thickness of at least 10 mm and logs (spacers), starting from a depth of 1 m - in sandy and gravelly soils; 1,25 m - in sandy loamy soils; 1,5 m - in loamy, clayey and dry loess soils.

3.3.13. After installing the support, the fastening spacers should be removed gradually, starting from the bottom, and every 20 - 30 cm, the earth poured into the pit should be tamped.

In case of quicksand and wet soils, when it is dangerous to remove the fasteners due to the possibility of soil collapse, the pits should be filled up without dismantling the fasteners.

3.3.14. If during the digging of holes an unknown pipeline or cable is found, the electrician must stop work and inform the work manager, senior electrician about this.

3.3.15. All work on the supports, regardless of the lifting height, should be carried out by an electrician and an electrician only after fixing the safety belt on the support with a chain and strengthening the claws in a stable position. It is forbidden to work on the support while standing on one claw, without claws and a belt with a carabiner, to climb the support and work on claws that are not firmly attached to the legs with tie-down straps and heels.

3.3.16. Lift fittings or wires onto the support with a rope after the electrician is firmly and securely fixed on the support. It is forbidden to put the tool on the traverses and hang it on the wires.

3.3.17. Work on wooden supports impregnated with oil antiseptics should be carried out in a tarpaulin or special protective suit against antiseptics and tarpaulin gloves.

3.3.18. On a corner support with hook profile or brackets, work from the outside of the angle formed by the wires.

When working on a corner support with a traverse profile, it should be located on the outside with respect to the wires on which the work is being done. Before starting work, it is necessary to check the strength of the insulator nozzle on the wires, in relation to which the worker will be on the inside of the corner.

Replace broken and cracked insulators, remove them from hooks and pins only in gloves.

3.3.19. It is possible to transfer wires to a newly installed support only after this support is finally strengthened.

In cases where it is difficult for an electrician working on a corner support to shift the wires on his own, these wires should be pulled in blocks from the ground by other workers of the team, after loosening the wire bindings on adjacent supports.

3.3.20. Roll out the wire and cable only in overalls and gloves, and if necessary, use canvas shoulder pads. When manually rolling out, it is forbidden to gird around the end of the wire or cable; it is forbidden to put on the looped end on the arm or shoulder.

3.3.21. When applying a coil of wire to the tambour, the inner end of the wire must be sealed so that it does not jump out during the rotation of the tambour during rolling.

It is necessary to slow down the rotating vestibule with braking devices. Braking by pressing on a rotating coil of wire or parts of the vestibule with your hands is prohibited.

3.3.22. Before starting work on bridge brackets fixed on the trusses of a railway or highway bridge and equipped with special platforms, it is necessary to put on a safety belt before entering the platform, fasten with a safety chain to the bridge bracket or traverse (when working on the upper traverses).

In the absence of a platform, it is necessary to securely tie yourself to the bridge truss with a safety rope and only after that go to the bracket and climb on it. The length of the safety rope must allow the installer to move freely along the bracket from the bottom up. In addition to the safety rope, the worker must fasten the safety belt to the bridge bracket.

3.3.23. The cable box should be lifted onto the support using blocks. It is allowed to loosen the rope leading to the blocks only after the electrician who installs the box securely fastens it to the support.

3.3.24. A blowtorch or a kettle with heated cable mass must be fed to the cable support in a bucket. It is allowed to remove a lamp or a kettle from the bucket only when the bucket is firmly installed on the cable platform.

3.3.25. The electrician must carry out welding of wires in overalls and goggles and be at least 0,5 m from the wire to be welded.

During welding, it is forbidden to be or pass under the wires at the welding point.

3.3.26. The used thermite match should be placed in a special metal trough, suspended from one of the wires that are not being worked on. The burnt thermite cartridge must be knocked off the wire in the trough in the direction away from you and only after it has cooled (darkened). In flammable places, scoops should be attached to ticks. It is forbidden to touch a hot cartridge with your hand.

Spare thermite cartridges should be stored in a metal box in a work bag separately from thermite matches. Each cartridge must be wrapped in paper to avoid spilling and rubbing cartridges against each other.

Thermite matches should be stored in separate boxes. Each match must be wrapped in paper and all matches must be neatly packed into the box.

During transportation, thermite cartridges must be tightly packed in a box, as in factory packing. Boxes with thermite cartridges should not be subjected to shocks during transfer and carrying.

3.3.27. When soldering wires from a ladder, a pot with molten solder should be fed up in a bucket on a rope; it is possible to lift the bucket only after the worker on the ground has moved to a safe distance. Solder should be melted in pots on a brazier.

3.3.28. Work at the intersection of communication lines with the wires of the contact network of electrified railways, trams and trolleybuses or the wires of power lines is allowed to be carried out only when the contact network and power lines are disconnected and, in addition, grounded at the work site, in the presence of an employee of the power supply distance.

3.3.29. When pulling and adjusting communication wires passing under a power line, the pulled wire must be grounded on both sides of the point of intersection with the power line. It is possible to touch the tensioned wire only in the area of ​​​​its grounding, counting from the point of intersection with the power line. Work must be done with dielectric gloves.

3.3.30. Before starting work with the wires of the radio broadcasting network or with the wires of other communication lines in places of convergence or intersection with power lines, you must make sure that there is no dangerous voltage on the wires with which you have to work (between the wires and ground) by checking with a voltage indicator or a portable voltmeter.

3.3.31. An electrician and an electrician must, when hanging (pulling, removing) the wires of a communication line, ground them with portable grounds. After checking the absence of voltage, portable grounding should first be connected to the ground, and then to the grounded wires.

The application, fixing and removal of portable grounding must be done with dielectric gloves.

Portable grounding should be removed in the reverse order of overlay: first remove them from the wires, and then disconnect them from the ground. Grounding is removed after completion of work and in the absence of people on the line. It is forbidden to use any random wires not specifically designed for this purpose for grounding and short-circuiting line wires. It is also forbidden to connect and attach them by twisting.

3.3.32. When performing work on communication wires or radio equipment at the intersection with power lines, the head of the worker should not be higher than the level of the upper wires of the communication line or radio equipment.

3.3.33. It is necessary to pull and regulate communication or radio wires passing under energized power lines in dielectric gloves and galoshes, and workers who directly pull the wires using blocks should wear canvas gloves over dielectric gloves, which should be shorter than dielectric gloves.

3.3.34. If extraneous voltages are detected in the wires with which to work, the electrician must inform the work manager about this. It is forbidden to start work until the extraneous voltages are eliminated.

It is forbidden to repair damages in any lines, the maintenance of which is not the responsibility of the electrician, on your own.

3.3.35. An electrician and electrician servicing overhead communication lines with circuits through which remote power supply of UE and NUP or power of signaling devices is transmitted must know which circuits permanently or temporarily power the equipment of UE, NUP and signaling devices, and must also know the location on the profile and numbers of circuits, on which operation is allowed when the voltage of the remote supply or supply of signaling devices is removed.

3.3.36. Without removing the remote supply voltage from the circuits through which it is transmitted, and the voltage from the signaling wires suspended on overhead communication lines, it is allowed:

  • performance of grassroots linear works;
  • cleaning communication wires from frost and ice precipitation with poles made of insulating material, including dry wooden poles;
  • elimination of damages on circuits located below the remote supply circuits or supply circuits of signaling devices, as well as on circuits located on the side of the traverses opposite to the remote supply circuits. In this case, it is necessary to use dielectric gloves.

All types of scheduled repair of overhead communication lines with remote power supply circuits, as well as overhead communication lines with power wires for signaling devices without de-energizing are prohibited.

It is allowed to start linear work requiring removal of voltage from the remote supply or supply of signaling devices after receiving notification of the removal of voltage.

3.3.37. When testing and switching communication wires on input boards and racks, in cable boxes and other similar devices on interconnected lines, it should be considered that these wires may be energized. The workplace should have: an insulating mat, a voltage indicator or a suitable measuring device and tools with insulating handles.

When checking and replacing fuses and arresters of the linear protection of communication circuits, special insulating tongs should be used.

3.3.38. Work on the supports of overhead communication lines in sections with AC electric traction, called high-voltage overhead communication lines (VVLS), should be carried out after grounding all wires located on the side of the support on which the circuit under repair is located; all wires must be grounded on the VVLS of the hook profile. With a traverse profile, the wires located on the other side of the support may not be grounded.

Touching ungrounded wires and all current-carrying objects connected to them is prohibited. Work on grounded wires must be carried out with a tool with insulating handles.

When repairing damage to the VVLS, it is allowed to carry out work on an oral or telephone order with a mandatory entry in the duty log (form SHU-2) for the LAZ. All work on VVLS must be carried out by at least two employees. The foreman must have an electrical safety group not lower than IV, the second employee - not lower than III.

3.3.39. An electrician and an electrician must make all measurements on the VVLS in dielectric gloves and galoshes, and connect the measuring instruments to the VVLS wires using a rod.

3.3.40. All wires of inactive overhead communication lines in sections of AC electric traction must be grounded in compliance with the following conditions:

  • within each span, the wires must be grounded at both points limiting the span and, in addition, in one place in the middle of the span;
  • in receiving, terminal and amplifying points, protective grounding of linear equipment rooms can be used as grounding, if these groundings are located no closer than 25 m from trunk and other cables;
  • connection of station grounding with overhead wires must be done with soldering of all contacts;
  • grounding on the hauls can be carried out both with the help of specially arranged grounding switches (grounding resistance norm is not higher than 10 Ohm), and using grounding of self-locking power supports;
  • grounding of inactive overhead lines must be performed before applying voltage to the contact network or when the voltage is removed from the contact network.

3.3.41. It is forbidden for an electrician and an electrician, when performing work on hauls, to include portable and train telephones in the wires of the VVLS, as well as to touch these wires.

3.3.42. It is forbidden to touch with bare hands two wires at the same time or one wire and a lightning rod or guy line.

Work on overhead lines with the approach of a thunderstorm and during a thunderstorm is prohibited.

3.3.43. The wires of cable and air inputs of the communication circuits of inactive lines should be disconnected from the line wires and reliably grounded on the input supports.

3.4. Safety requirements for the maintenance of centralized switches, track circuits, traffic lights and relay cabinets

Centralized Arrows

3.4.1. Before starting work on the switch, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of transferring switch wits from the centralization post. To do this, you should turn off the kurbelny contact of the electric drive with the permission of the station duty officer (DSP), and in areas with dispatcher centralization - the dispatcher on duty of the central post (DNC).

3.4.2. Work on centralized switches must be carried out by two workers, one of whom must monitor the movement of moving units.

3.4.3. When checking the arrows for the tightness of pressing the blades to the frame rails, you should use a special probe.

3.4.4. When working on turnouts, it is necessary to insert a wooden insert between the frame rail and the pressed wit, and on crosspieces with a movable core - between the core and the guardrail. At the end of the work, the insert must be removed.

3.4.5. When removing and installing foundation angles for electric drives, as well as covers of electric drives, it is necessary to ensure that their parts and structures remain outside the dimensions of the adjacent track.

3.4.6. When performing work inside the electric drive, it is necessary to be located in the interpath from the end of the electric drive. Before the passage of a train or shunting train along the arrow, close the electric drive and move to a safe distance, guided by the requirements of paragraphs 1.11 and 1.12 of this Instruction.

3.4.7. When working on the electric drive, it is necessary to use a serviceable tool with insulating handles.

Rail chains

3.4.8. When working on travel choke-transformers or in travel boxes that are energized, it is necessary to use a tool with insulating handles. It is forbidden to touch the devices in the travel box with bare hands.

3.4.9. Replacing the choke-transformer or choke jumpers, when the continuity of both rail threads of the same track on electrified sections is simultaneously broken, is allowed after preliminary installation of temporary bypass jumpers of the required section.

The replacement of the choke-transformer should be carried out under the supervision of a senior electrician.

3.4.10. Before changing the choke jumper, it is necessary to install a temporary jumper made of copper wire and fasten it tightly with one end on the rail foot with a clamp, and with the other end - at the output of the choke-transformer - with a special clamp.

3.4.11. Work on the travel chokes-transformers, to which the suction line of electric traction is connected, is allowed to be carried out in the presence and under the supervision of an employee of the power supply distance. All disconnections and connections of the suction line are carried out by employees of the power supply distance, and the disconnection and connection of the throttle jumpers to the choke-transformer and to the rail are performed by the CCS electromechanic.

3.4.12. When performing track work on electrified sections of railways, the electrician of the signaling and security service must ensure that the employees of the track service comply with the following requirements:

  • in case of a single change of rails without removing the voltage from the contact network, the simultaneous change of rails on both rail threads is prohibited. Before changing the rail, on the links adjacent to the one being replaced, two temporary transverse jumpers made of copper wire with a cross section of at least 120 sq. mm at direct current and 50 kv. mm at alternating current. The change of the rails to which the signaling devices are connected (choke-transformers, travel boxes, rail pedals) must be carried out with the participation of the signaling electrician;
  • before changing the rail in the insulating joint, a temporary transverse jumper must be laid and fixed on the rails remaining in the way on the side of the insulating joint with which the replaced rail is located, and on the same side, the middle terminal of the travel choke-transformer must be connected with a temporary jumper to the rail, not to be replaced. Before changing the rail in the insulating joint where the oblique traction jumper is installed, a temporary transverse jumper must be laid and fixed on the rails remaining in the way from the side of the rail being replaced and a temporary jumper closing the insulating joint. Removal of jumpers is allowed only at the end of the change of the rail after it is bolted at the joints, electric traction connectors are installed and the grounding of the contact network and signaling devices is restored;
  • on electrified sections of alternating and direct current, disconnection from the rails, as well as the restoration of previously removed and accidentally disturbed grounding of the contact network supports or other structures grounded to the rail, in the presence of contact network voltage, is prohibited.

If, during a single change of rail, it is necessary to remove the grounding of the support or other structures grounded on the rail fixed on it, then it is necessary to first securely connect it with a backup jumper (from copper wire with a cross section of at least 50 sq. mm, steel-aluminum or steel-copper wire with a cross section of at least 70 sq. mm ) grounding of the support with the rail of the same thread remaining in the way.

Before changing the rail on the rail links adjacent to the replaced one, it is necessary to install two temporary transverse jumpers made of copper wire between the rail strands, after which the grounding of the support or other structures can be removed.

Removal of the backup jumper is allowed only after changing the rail, fixing it with bolts in the joints, installing electric traction connectors and fixing the grounding on the replaced rail; when changing sleepers in insulating joints, the connection of the inductor-transformer with the rails, as well as other wires connected to the rails, should not be disturbed.

It is allowed to detach jumpers of choke-transformers from replaceable sleepers with their subsequent attachment to newly laid sleepers. During a single change of sleepers and other track work, grounding and connecting wires, jumpers of choke-transformers, travel boxes and other signaling devices must be laid aside without disconnecting them from the rails and without damage. After completing the work, the withdrawn grounding and connecting wires and jumpers must be attached to the sleepers in such a way that it is impossible to touch them with adjacent rails.

It is forbidden for employees of the track service to disconnect throttle jumpers from the rail, the middle point of the inductor-transformer without coordination with the CCS electrician.

Traffic lights and relay cabinets

3.4.13. Traffic light masts should be installed using mechanisms and devices that prevent accidental fall of the mast. All work related to the installation of traffic lights must be carried out under the supervision of a senior electrician.

3.4.14. When unloading the assembled traffic lights (with foundations) and simultaneously installing them in ready-made pits, it is prohibited to stand in the pit and leave the traffic light in the unfilled pit, climb the mast before filling and compacting the soil in the pit.

After installing a traffic light, it is forbidden to go down into an unfilled pit to remove soil from under the foundation.

3.4.15. When installing the traffic light and the foundation separately, the masts should be installed only after backfilling and compacting the soil in the pit around the foundation.

3.4.16. It is forbidden to be under the mast while it is being raised, to raise the mast when trains are passing along adjacent tracks, as well as in strong winds, during rain and at night.

3.4.17. Lifting masts in electrified areas is allowed only when the voltage is removed from the contact network and in the presence of an employee of the power supply distance.

3.4.18. The traffic light parts should be climbed and lifted onto the installed mast only after the glass of the traffic light mast is fixed on the anchor bolts of the foundation with nuts and lock nuts, and in electrified sections, in addition, after the glass is grounded. The worker standing below must wear a protective helmet.

3.4.19. Maintenance work on traffic lights located in a hazardous area (at a distance of less than 2 m from the contact network, under voltage) must be carried out by at least two employees.

It is forbidden to perform work at traffic lights located at a distance of less than 2 m from parts of the contact network under voltage, as well as during thunderstorms, rain and poor visibility (fog, snowfall).

3.4.20. When working on a traffic light mast, it is necessary to use a fitter's safety belt. It is forbidden to work on the same traffic light mast for two workers located at different levels.

3.4.21. Before starting work on the traffic light mast, an electrician and an electrician must check the serviceability of fixing the traffic light ladder and mast, check the grounding serviceability, and if there is a spark gap, temporarily close it with a removable copper jumper with a cross section of at least 50 square meters. mm (wire brand MGG-50 sq. mm with connecting clamps). At the end of the work, the jumper must be removed.

Climbing on supports and special structures of the contact network that do not carry signaling and communication devices is prohibited.

3.4.22. Before working in the inspection cradle, the electrician and electrician must check the reliability of its fastening to the traffic light bridge.

3.4.23. All work on traffic light masts during the movement of trains on adjacent tracks should be stopped, while being on the traffic light mast is prohibited.

3.4.24. On electrified sections of railways, floor-standing signaling devices (mast traffic lights, light indicators, relay cabinets, traffic light bridges, consoles and other metal structures) located at a distance of less than 5 m from parts of the contact network are subject to grounding to the traction network. Dwarf traffic lights, way boxes, group couplings, turnout drives are not subject to grounding.

3.4.25. Grounding of traffic lights and relay cabinets should be carried out, as a rule, to the middle terminals of the choke-transformers, and in their absence or remote location - directly to the traction rail.

In the process of work, the electrician and electrician must use tools with insulating handles.

3.4.26. Before starting work in the relay cabinet, the spark gap should be shunted with a removable copper jumper with a cross-sectional area of ​​at least 50 sq. mm (wire brand MGG-50 sq. mm with clamps). If there is an equalizing loop, a shunt jumper is not required.

3.5. Safety requirements for the maintenance and repair of devices for mechanized and automated sorting humps

3.5.1. Maintenance and repair of the SCB hump devices should be carried out after the head of the work agrees with the on-duty for the marshalling hump, and where there is none, with the operator of the control post, the start of work with an entry in the Inspection Log of the DU-46 form about notification by loudspeaker of the upcoming dissolution of the cars, passing a locomotive or supplying a train from a foothill park through the work area. It is prohibited to start work without approval.

3.5.2. It is forbidden to perform work on car retarders, centralized switches, traffic lights and other signaling devices (way boxes, cable racks, jumpers, speedometers, weighers, pedals) located on the tracks or in their immediate vicinity, during the dissolution of the composition from the marshalling yard, passing locomotives or the supply of trains from the foothill park through the work zone.

3.5.3. When alerting by loudspeaker by the hump duty officer or the operator of the control post, as well as when giving a special sound signal about the upcoming dissolution of the wagons, the passage of the locomotive or the movement of the train from the hump park through the work area, electricians and electricians working on floor hump devices must:

  • immediately stop work;
  • remove tools, materials and spare parts from the place of work;
  • move to a safe place.

3.5.4. Work on the wagon retarder must be carried out by at least two workers.

3.5.5. It is forbidden to carry out work on the retarder if these works can cause the wagon retarder parts to go beyond the dimensions of the approach of buildings and rolling stock.

In this case, the retarder must be disabled, the relevant railway tracks closed, and the work site fenced off.

3.5.6. When performing work on the active retarder, it is forbidden to put your foot on the rail head, between the brake tires and under the piston rod of the brake cylinder.

3.5.7. When laying the wagon retarder with a crane, it is forbidden to be on the retarder during its lifting, under the load, boom and in the zone of retarder movement.

3.5.8. When installing brake beams, springs and other parts of the car retarder, remove debris, snow and other objects from under the retarder with a shovel or scraper, and clean the surfaces of the parts with a metal brush.

3.5.9. To check the alignment of the bolt holes when connecting parts, electricians should use special crowbars and barbs of the appropriate diameter.

3.5.10. It is necessary to carry out work on pincer-shaped weight wagon retarders of the KV type in the position prepared for braking only after installing special stops that fix the raised position of the retarder frame.

3.5.11. When cleaning or purging a car retarder contaminated with cement, chemicals, acids and other harmful substances, electricians and electricians must use respirators or other protective equipment.

3.5.12. Work on disassembly, elimination of defects and installation of electro-pneumatic and pneumatic valves (EPC and PC), adjustment of solenoids and checking their insulation, cleaning of the EPC with turning out the bottom plug and lubrication of the seals must be carried out only after the devices associated with the operation of the EPC or PC are switched off from operation, as well as blocking the air duct and releasing compressed air from a small air collector.

3.5.13. Compressed air cleaning of the signaling devices of the humps must be carried out by two workers, one of whom performs the necessary work, and the other worker must be at the hose connection at the shut-off valve of the air supply network. He must closely monitor the movement of the rolling stock in the work area and the announcements of the duty officer on the hill or the operator of the control post, the giving of a special signal about the upcoming dissolution of the train, the passage of the locomotive or the supply of the train from the hill park.

In case of poor hearing, he must, by closing the valve, stop the supply of compressed air and listen to announcements. If even under these conditions the announcement is not understood, then cleaning with compressed air should be stopped until the operational situation is clarified and the announcements are transmitted by the hump duty officer or the operator of the control post.

3.5.14. When cleaning devices with compressed air, workers must comply with the following requirements:

  • work in protective glasses;
  • the shut-off valve on the handpiece must be closed when connecting the hose to the air supply network;
  • after connecting the hose to the air supply network, first check the reliability of the coupling of the connecting head, and only after this check is completed, you can open the tap on the tip, and then gradually open the shut-off valve;
  • the air stream should be directed at such an angle to the devices that would prevent the possibility of metal filings, shavings, gravel falling into the face of the working person;
  • after cleaning is completed, the shut-off valve must be closed, the compressed air must be completely released from the hose, and only then the connection head must be disconnected.

When cleaning devices with compressed air, it is forbidden to use hoses that do not have standard connecting heads and stopcocks on a metal tip, as well as hoses that allow air to pass through or have unreliable fastenings of connecting heads.

3.5.15. Pneumatic mail equipment should only be repaired after it has been switched off.

Installation and repair work on the shields of pneumatic mail blowers must be carried out with the voltage removed, standing on a dielectric mat.

3.5.16. It is forbidden to inspect, repair, lubricate and clean compressor parts and electrical equipment while the machines are running.

3.5.17. After cleaning and repairing parts and assemblies of the compressor unit, make sure that no foreign objects remain.

All rotating parts of the fan, compressor motor, pump excitation unit must be covered with covers or guards.

3.5.18. Metal cases of electric motors, control stations and other devices and equipment must be grounded.

3.5.19. Pressure vessels must be taken out of service if:

  • failure of the safety valve;
  • upon detection of cracks, air passage in welds, bolted joints, rupture of gaskets;
  • in case of malfunction and incomplete number of fasteners of hatches and covers.

3.5.20. It is forbidden to repair vessels and their elements under pressure.

3.5.21. Paranit should be used to seal flange connectors. It is forbidden to use gaskets made of cardboard, rubber.

3.5.22. Before operating the vessels, it is necessary to check the serviceability of valves, gate valves, valves, a device for removing oil or water accumulating in the air duct.

If the device freezes, it is allowed to warm it with hot water, steam or hot air. The use of open fire for these purposes is prohibited.

3.5.23. During the maintenance of radar indicators operating in the microwave frequency range (SHF), the following safety requirements must be observed:

  • it is forbidden to direct the turned on radar indicator towards workers who are at a distance of less than 1 m from the antenna lens. The electrician must avoid getting into the directional radiation zone of the antenna;
  • grounding of the radar indicator must be carried out with the voltage removed;
  • connect the radar indicator with the recording device and the power supply of 220 V with the power off using the cable included in the tool kit to the device RIS-B2.

3.6. Safety requirements for servicing automatic locomotive signaling devices (ALSN) on locomotives

3.6.1. An electrician must repair ALSN devices on locomotives only at locomotive parking lots; it is forbidden to perform this work while the locomotive is moving.

3.6.2. When performing work in the common boxes of ALSN installed in the prechambers of locomotives, the pantograph must be lowered, and the key to its control must be handed over by the driver to the electrician working in the prechamber.

3.6.3. Before inspecting and repairing ALSN devices, as well as when testing the electro-pneumatic valve (EPK), the electrician must inform the locomotive crew about this.

3.6.4. To inspect the speedometer chips in the control panel and other ALSN devices, the electrician must turn off the high voltage each time, and when inspecting the ALSN receiving coils on the locomotive, warn the driver about the ongoing inspection so that he does not set the locomotive in motion.

3.6.5. When checking ALSN devices on a locomotive, it is prohibited:

  • get on and off the locomotive while moving;
  • touch any monitoring and control devices on the locomotive that are not related to the serviced devices;
  • inspect ALSN devices while the locomotive is moving;
  • leave unclosed after completion of work individual operating devices (common boxes, amplifiers, decoders).

3.6.6. Before replacing the ALSN equipment on the locomotive, it is necessary to remove the supply voltage from the common box (remove the fuses in the power circuit).

3.7. Safety requirements for the maintenance and repair of automatic crossing signaling and automatic barriers

3.7.1. In case of a short-term violation of the operation of automatic crossing signaling and automatic barriers at the crossing, work to eliminate them should be carried out during free time from the movement of trains (between trains) or a technological "window" with the permission of the duty officer for the crossing, and at crossings located within the railway station , - with the permission of the duty officer at the railway station.

3.7.2. Work related to a short-term violation of the operation of automatic crossing signaling at crossings not serviced by an employee on duty should be carried out during free time from train traffic (in the interval between trains) or a technological "window", having clarified the train situation from those on duty at a given railway station and stations, limiting the run.

3.7.3. Maintenance of automation devices at the crossing should be carried out by a team consisting of two workers.

3.7.4. When checking the visibility of crossing traffic lights, an electrician must monitor the movement of vehicles. It is prohibited to stand on the carriageway of the motor road while the vehicle is in motion.

3.7.5. The internal check of the electric drive of the barrier should be carried out with the barrier closed. To prevent the beam from lifting during the test, it is necessary to put a thin insulating plate between the working contacts through which the electric motor is switched on.

Cleaning, adjustment, lubrication, adjustment of electromechanical and mechanical components and parts of the electric drive should be carried out with the voltage removed.

3.7.6. Before performing work in the relay cabinet, it is necessary to check the serviceability and reliability of the grounding connection to the relay cabinet.

3.7.7. During the maintenance of track circuits, an electrician and an electrician must face the expected train, do not sit on the rails, the ends of the sleepers.

3.7.8. Before checking the batteries at the crossing, the battery cabinet or well must be ventilated.

When checking the condition of the battery, you should be guided by the safety requirements set forth in Section 3.16 of this Manual.

3.8. Safety requirements for the maintenance of means of automatic monitoring of the technical condition of the rolling stock on the move of the train (PONAB, DISK, UKSPS)

3.8.1. Maintenance of the means of automatic control of the technical condition of the rolling stock on the move of the train (hereinafter referred to as the means of control) must be carried out by at least two employees.

During the maintenance of the floor equipment of the means of control, one of the workers must monitor the movement of the moving units.

3.8.2. Work related to short-term shutdown of control means should be carried out during a break between trains or during technological "windows" on the section.

When centralizing information from control facilities, all types of work related to checking, adjusting and repairing equipment must be carried out with the obligatory notification of the personnel of the central post about the start and end of work.

3.8.3. When performing work on the tracks for the maintenance of the floor equipment of the control devices, the electrician and the electrician must comply with the safety requirements for being on the railway tracks.

3.8.4. Before starting work on the maintenance of the floor equipment of the control means, it is necessary to check the serviceability of the train approach warning device located in the post building.

3.8.5. Work on the orientation of the main floor chambers should be carried out during breaks in the movement of trains. Before the train approaches at a distance of at least 400 m, you should turn off and remove the orientation device from the tracks and move to a safe area.

3.8.6. During the passage of the train, it is forbidden to be between the extreme rail and the post building.

3.8.8. During an internal inspection of floor chambers, it is necessary to turn off the power supply to the heating elements of the chamber.

3.8.9. It is allowed to open equipment blocks, solder circuits, as well as clean circuit boards and parts of control equipment equipment blocks with a vacuum cleaner when the voltage is off. Wet cleaning of electrical circuits is prohibited.

3.8.10. The metal parts of the shield and the cabinet of the power plant are subject to grounding when the neutral is isolated and grounding when the dead-earthed neutral of the AC supply network. Control equipment racks and floor cameras must be reliably grounded. Dielectric mats should lie on the floor near the racks.

3.8.11. Maintenance of printing devices must be carried out with the voltage removed.

3.9. Safety requirements for the maintenance of the automatic train braking control system (SAUT)

3.9.1. The electrician must perform tuning of the external and internal loops of the generator, as well as tuning to resonance, as a rule, in his free time from the movement of trains with the consent of the duty officer at the railway station, making an appropriate entry in the Inspection Log (form DU-46) about turning off the SAUT track devices from actions. When turning off the SAUT track devices in the event of train movement, the record should indicate the need for mandatory notification by radio communication to the driver of the approaching train on duty at the railway station about the possible inoperability of the SAUT waypoint.

3.9.2. The electrician, having finished work at the SAUT waypoint, must inform the duty officer of the railway station about this, who allows him to turn it on in his free time from train traffic to check the operation.

3.10. Safety requirements for the repair of signaling and communication equipment in repair and technological areas (RTU)

3.10.1. When performing work on checking and repairing equipment, both in the conditions of RTU and with a visit to the installation site of the equipment, an electrician and an electrician must be guided by the flow charts for checking and repairing the type of equipment being checked.

Checking and adjustment of the mechanical characteristics of the relay and repair must be carried out with the voltage removed.

3.10.2. Before repairing the equipment, it must be cleaned of dirt. Before starting work on purging the equipment, it is necessary to turn on the exhaust ventilation, install the device in the purge chamber, then take a hose with a tip in your hand, and then slowly open the air line cock.

3.10.3. Before purging the equipment using a pneumatic hand gun or nozzle, it is necessary to check the absence of damage on the air hoses, the reliability of fastening and connecting the hose to them and to the air line.

3.10.4. At the end of the purge, it is necessary to shut off the air of the air line, then remove the hose in place.

3.10.5. It is forbidden to smoke and use open flames in rooms specially designated for washing instruments and parts with gasoline.

The daily supply of gasoline, alcohol and other solvents for cleaning instruments should be stored in tightly closed containers placed in a metal box.

Do not use leaded petrol to clean appliances.

3.10.6. Replacement of parts, elimination of various faults, assembly of measuring circuits should be carried out in the absence of voltage.

3.10.7. When measuring electrical characteristics in the presence of voltage on the devices, it is necessary to fix one probe of the electrical measuring device on the body of the equipment under test, and use the other to connect to control points.

3.10.8. When repairing, adjusting, checking and configuring relays, boards, blocks and other parts of the equipment, special devices, stands, devices, templates, probes and tools with insulating handles should be used.

Equipment, spare parts and parts must be placed on special racks.

3.10.9. When performing work on adjusting and repairing the relay on the stands, the electrician and electrician must set the voltage supply regulators to the zero position before installing the relay in the plug block; when removing the relay from the test block, first turn off the voltage from the relay.

Work on the stands for the repair of ALSN equipment should be carried out with the supply voltage removed. It is forbidden to leave switched on stands unattended.

3.10.10. When carrying out repair work on stands of waypoints with tone selective calling, two-wire end-of-line amplifying communication of meetings and a low-frequency wired line, it is necessary to use a tool with insulating handles.

3.10.11. When identifying malfunctions in the equipment or on the main line, it is prohibited to interrupt the communication system without the permission of the electrician on duty of the linear equipment room (LAZ) or the communication dispatcher.

3.10.12. When checking and repairing station radio communication equipment and loud-speaking warning devices, it is allowed to remove the blocks, attach them with extension hoses and connect portable measuring instruments to the blocks when the power supply is turned off and the residual charge is removed.

3.10.13. When working in boxes, tools with insulating handles should be used and portable lights should be used for lighting.

3.10.14. Before starting work on repairing a subscriber device, you must make sure that there are no mechanical damages, the integrity of the electrical cord and plug. Repair of the device should be carried out with the power off.

It is forbidden to install fuses that do not correspond to the rating in subscriber devices.

3.11. Safety requirements for the maintenance of telephone and telegraph stations, linear equipment rooms and amplification points

3.11.1. Preventive maintenance, cleaning and maintenance of equipment of switchboards, linear switches should be carried out only when the voltage is off.

During a thunderstorm, electrical measurements of overhead and cable lines are prohibited.

3.11.2. Electrical measurements and determination of the location of damage to the circuits of overhead communication lines subject to the dangerous influence of power lines or electrified AC railways must be carried out by two employees, one of whom must have an electrical safety group of at least IV. Connect the measuring device to wires or cable cores that are under dangerous induced voltage, and disconnect it with dielectric gloves.

The electrician on duty and the electrician who have discovered extraneous voltage on the communication wires must inform the employee directed to repair the damage, the work manager or the communication dispatcher about this.

3.11.3. It is forbidden to touch the current-carrying parts of the hardware shields installed at the workplace with your hands.

3.11.4. Cleaning (washing) of the armatures of electric motors and parts of telegraph devices with gasoline must be carried out in a special cabinet with an exhaust device or at a specially equipped workplace with local suction. Do not use leaded petrol to clean appliances.

3.11.5. It is forbidden to leave cord pairs connected by one plug to live sockets on telegraph switches and concentrators.

3.11.6. When replacing the brushes of the electric motor or the regulator of the telegraph apparatus, the electrician and the electrician must turn off the motor circuit. It is forbidden to remove the casing from working telegraph devices.

3.11.7. Replacement of devices or parts that have a galvanic connection with linear wires (cable cores), as well as cleaning contacts and adjusting relays, the contacts of which are galvanically connected to linear wires (cable cores), should be carried out only after disconnecting the corresponding equipment from the line.

3.11.8. As a rule, special trolleys should be used to transport telegraph sets to the hardware workshops and to the adjustment workshop. It is necessary to use two people to install heavy devices on the trolley and remove them.

3.11.9. When performing crossings on switchboards, it is necessary to use a tool with insulating handles.

It is forbidden to touch the positive tire running along the cross room.

3.11.10. If, when working in two-tier crosses, movable ladders with upper roller sliding are used, then before starting work, it is necessary to check the serviceability of the locking device.

3.11.11. When switching on switching and test equipment using cords, take the plug by its insulated part.

It is necessary to remove the lamps from the equipment with a special tool with insulating handles.

3.11.12. When replacing signal lamps (on switches, racks), as well as thermal coils, it is forbidden to touch the metal parts of the equipment with your free hand.

3.11.13. Emergency work on non-disconnected equipment must be carried out by at least two employees, one of whom must have a qualification of at least group IV. At the same time, one should work in dielectric galoshes or standing on a dielectric mat with a tool with insulating handles.

Neighboring, energized, current-carrying parts should be protected with electric cardboard, micanite sheets or other insulating materials. The sleeves of the clothes must be buttoned at the hands.

3.11.14. When checking the station installation and repairing damage to the wiring under the floor, open hatches should be protected.

3.11.15. All work in the NUP, located in a heat chamber, must be carried out by at least two employees, one of whom is appointed as a senior employee with an electrical safety group of at least IV.

3.11.16. The room of the NUP chamber, which does not have constant ventilation, should be ventilated before and during operation using a manual fan. The end of the fan hose should be approximately 20 - 30 cm from the floor of the chamber.

An electrician and an electrician working in the premises of the NUP chamber must fasten the sleeves of their clothes at the hands and put on a headdress.

3.11.17. Before starting work in a well-type NUP, it is necessary to make sure that the stairs and the intercom are in good condition.

3.11.18. Repair work in the NUP must be carried out with the remote power off, with the obligatory display of the poster "Do not turn on - work on the line." It is forbidden to remove the poster and turn on the remote supply voltage until the command of the senior electrician of the cable team about the completion of work with the cable.

3.12. Safety requirements for the maintenance of radio communication devices

Train and station radio communication and public address devices

3.12.1. Before starting work on the inspection, testing, tuning of antenna-matching devices and replacing radio stations installed on locomotives and multiple unit rolling stock, the performers of the work must obtain permission from the driver or depot attendant.

When the locomotive is in the depot repair, it is required to coordinate the work with the foreman of the complex team.

Repair of equipment must be carried out with the power off.

In this case, it is prohibited:

  • get on and off the locomotive while moving;
  • inspect antenna devices and repair the radio station while the locomotive is moving;
  • climb onto the roof of the locomotive and carry out work there without removing the voltage in the contact network;
  • touch any monitoring and control devices on the locomotive that are not related to the serviced devices;
  • determine the presence of radiated power by the perceived thermal effect, for example, by hand;
  • touch live parts of the equipment.

3.12.2. When in the engine room of an electric locomotive or diesel locomotive, it is forbidden to touch the rotating and moving parts of machines and mechanisms and work in close proximity to them unless they are protected by safety nets or shields.

3.12.3. It is allowed to carry out work related to the maintenance of waveguide wire devices, as well as wires and loud-speaking warning devices located on contact network supports, with a work permit with the permission of the energy dispatcher and in the presence of an employee of the power supply distance.

Work on the waveguide wires should be carried out after the employees of the power supply distance have grounded them with grounding rods on both sides of the work site.

3.12.4. Before starting work on the guide lines, it is necessary to remove voltage from them and ground them to the rail. Work should be carried out by a team of at least two people. The head of the work (he is also the supervisor) must have an electrical safety group IV or V, depending on the category, and the performers of the work must have an electrical safety group III or IV, respectively.

3.12.5. Before performing maintenance and repair of antenna-mast structures, it is necessary to turn off the radio stations and disconnect the coaxial cable from the transceiver.

3.12.6. It is forbidden to climb antenna masts or supports and carry out work on them during a thunderstorm or when it approaches, with a wind strength of more than 10 m / s, ice, heavy fog, rain and snowfall. During a thunderstorm, it is forbidden to be near down conductors connecting antennas to grounding.

3.12.7. Workers installing antennas must wear non-slip shoes and, if necessary, safety belts. Do not operate power tools from ladders.

3.12.8. Ladders should be of such length that the worker can stand no higher than the third step, counting from above.

3.12.9. When carrying out installation work and installing radio equipment related to lifting to a height of one meter or more, you must comply with the safety requirements set forth in section 3.1 of this Instruction.

3.12.10. When performing work related to setting up the antenna path of a stationary radio station, with the inductive method of excitation of waveguide systems, the exciting wire should be grounded if it is disconnected from the grounding devices.

3.12.11. Before climbing the support, you must make sure that the grounding slopes are intact, as well as that the locking and matching circuits are connected to the ground wires. When working on a support, position yourself in such a way that you do not lose sight of the nearest live wires.

It is forbidden to approach the wires of overhead lines, DPR lines (system "two wires - rail") with a voltage of 27 kV and to the contact network at a distance of less than 2 m.

3.12.12. Before starting work on checking high-voltage coupling capacitors, it is necessary:

  • make sure the integrity of the grounding descents of the capacitor and the disconnector drive;
  • disconnect the capacitor from the high-voltage line using a disconnector and install a poster "Do not turn it on! People are working" on the disconnector drive, lock the drive;
  • make a control discharge of the capacitor using a special rod by shorting its leads (work must be done with dielectric gloves).

It is forbidden to touch the current-carrying parts of the disconnected capacitor before the control discharge.

3.12.13. It is allowed to work on feeder radio transmission lines with voltage up to 120 V without removing the voltage in dielectric gloves and a tool with insulating handles.

Work on feeder radio transmission lines with a voltage of 240 V must be carried out by a team of at least 2 people by order of a person authorized to do this, and only after removing the voltage.

It is allowed to work on these lines only with dielectric gloves, and in wet weather on all lines and in dielectric galoshes.

3.12.14. Suspension of radio wires on the poles of the electric lighting network should be carried out only in the presence of a representative of the power supply distance when the voltage is removed from the electric lighting line and the suspended wires are grounded.

Main and road radio communication devices, radio nodes and radio relay lines

3.12.15. Before turning on the equipment, make sure that there are no people and foreign objects behind the fence, close all doors and fences, and make sure that there are no backup mechanical lock keys in the transmitter doors.

Operational activation of the equipment by interlocking contacts is prohibited.

3.12.16. In installations with double (electrical and mechanical) interlocking, operational maintenance of equipment related to entering behind fences or opening cabinets is carried out without a work permit. You must first make sure that the lock check has not expired.

3.12.17. Work related to entering fences or opening cabinets must be carried out by a team of at least two people, one of whom must have an electrical safety group of at least IV, and the other - at least group III. If the scheme and design of the devices exclude the possibility of a person working under voltage during the performance of the work specified in this paragraph, then these works can be performed by one employee with an electrical safety group of at least IV.

3.12.18. Duty personnel performing work related to entering the fence or opening cabinets, before starting work, must:

  • turn off all voltages according to the maintenance instructions for this equipment;
  • make sure (by inspection) that all mechanical interlock disconnectors are turned off, the device for discharging the filter capacitors has worked and that there are really no voltages (using a voltage indicator);
  • discharge all parts of the equipment on which a residual charge can be stored (capacitors, lamp electrodes), then hang the arrester hook on the section of the circuit on which work will be carried out.

3.12.19. When restructuring equipment associated with entering the fence or opening cabinets, the heating voltage and power supply of control systems, interlocks and alarms may not be turned off if the terminal blocks, relays and other devices available for accidental contact are protected by casings. During technical inspections and cleaning of the equipment, the heating voltage and the power supply of the control, interlocking and alarm systems must be turned off.

3.12.20. When replacing lamps (with the exception of low-power ones having a base with pins), the filament voltage of these lamps must be turned off. The ceramic-metal lamp can only be replaced with a puller.

Protective gloves must be used when replacing hot lamps.

3.12.21. It is allowed to switch antennas when the anode voltage is removed from the transmitter. Before switching antennas on the feeder pole or in a separate room, the duty officer must turn off the anode voltage from the transmitter, ground the feeder, hang a poster "DO NOT SWITCH ON - people are working" on the mechanical interlock disconnector and hand over the key to the blocking lock to the person switching the antennas.

3.12.22. Anode voltages may be applied to the transmitter only after the blocking key has been returned to the duty officer. Only the person on duty can remove the grounding and the poster.

3.12.23. If a malfunction is detected in the interlock system, the shift supervisor must immediately take measures to eliminate it. If the fault cannot be rectified in a short time, then in order to avoid interruption in work, it is allowed to temporarily work with the blocking partially or completely disabled. If one of the locking systems fails, the shift supervisor is obliged to hang posters with the inscription "Caution! The lock is faulty!" on doors or cabinets with a damaged lock, report the incident to the head of the enterprise and make an appropriate entry in the operational log.

In the event of a simultaneous failure of the electrical and mechanical interlocks (or electrical interlocks in transmitters in which there is no mechanical interlock), the shift supervisor is also obliged to instruct one person from the duty personnel to continuously be at the equipment with a damaged interlock and warn of a malfunction of the interlock approaching workers' equipment.

3.12.24. During the operation of radio relay equipment and microwave generators, changes in the circuits, disassembly and assembly of the high-frequency path and antenna-feeder devices, as well as troubleshooting should only be done when the voltage is removed from the equipment.

3.12.25. It is possible to open cabinets and enter the fence of non-working equipment only with the permission of the shift supervisor, and during his absence - the employee who replaces him.

3.12.26. During work with the equipment, all supply voltages must be removed, mechanical interlock disconnectors, disconnectors and circuit breakers in switchgears must be turned off, grounding must be applied to the antenna input. Posters "DO NOT SWITCH ON - people are working!" must be hung on disconnectors and knife switches.

3.12.27. Reserve keys for mechanical blocking can be issued to an employee performing work according to a plan approved by the management of the enterprise, but only for a transmitter that is under technical inspection or adjustment work. The issuance of reserve keys should be recorded in the operational log.

3.12.28. Upon completion of the technical inspection and adjustment work, the shift supervisor must accept the backup keys, register their receipt in the operational log, check whether the fences have been put in place, make sure that there are no people and foreign objects behind the fence. After that, the shift supervisor can remove the grounding and posters from the circuit breakers and disconnectors and allow the duty officer to turn on the transmitter.

3.12.29. The employee accepting the equipment after repair must check the correct operation of the mechanical and electrical interlocks, alarms and devices for discharging filter capacitors.

When adjusting, adjusting or repairing damage in the receiver or transmitter units of radio relay equipment, when it is necessary to turn them on with repair hoses, workers who are not involved in the repair of equipment should not be in the control room.

3.12.30. When the equipment is built in blocks, it is allowed to take out units, connect them with extension hoses and connect portable measuring instruments to the units when the power supply is off, with the exception of units powered by voltage not higher than 42 V. Extension hoses must have a pin and socket connectors, made so that after their connection, there was no possibility of touching open current-carrying parts.

3.12.31. The operation of radio relay equipment and microwave generators is only permitted with all units inserted and doors closed or protective screens installed.

3.12.32. It is forbidden:

  • determine the presence of radiated power by the felt thermal effect (for example, by hand);
  • be in the radiation zone with a power flux density higher than the permissible one;
  • disrupt the shielding of microwave radiation sources;
  • be in front of an open waveguide when high-frequency equipment is turned on;
  • disassemble and assemble waveguides with high-frequency equipment not switched off.

3.12.33. When performing work on setting up microwave equipment, special protective goggles must be used.

3.12.34. When setting up and testing microwave installations, it is necessary to use means of protection against electric shock and exposure to microwave fields. Changes in the circuits, disassembly and assembly of the high-frequency path and antenna-feeder devices and troubleshooting should be carried out with the voltage removed from the equipment.

Looking into the open end of the waveguide or at the antenna in the direction of its axis when operating in the radiation mode is allowed only if absolutely necessary and the mandatory use of protective glasses.

3.12.35. Working with equipment during the repair of individual devices is possible both when placing the entire unit, and individual devices on repair hoses.

It is allowed to install one block and no more than two devices of this block at the same time on repair hoses. When turning on the device or unit through the repair hoses, the hose block is first connected to the unit of the corresponding device and only after that the hose is connected to the equipment rack. When making a connection, the unit must be turned off.

3.12.36. When switching on the power supplies of the transmitter or the local oscillator on the repair hoses, it is allowed to take only one device on the repair hoses.

3.12.37. When measuring sections of high-frequency cables, antenna switches, band-pass filters and other devices, it is forbidden to turn on the generator without loads at the ends of the equipment being measured.

3.12.38. If it is necessary to disconnect the waveguides of the reflectometer measuring line, it is necessary to turn off its generator.

Work on rack lines

3.12.39. When servicing rack lines on steep roofs of buildings on which there are no platforms and exit hatches near the racks, and if it is necessary to access the roof through a dormer window, part of the roof should be protected with a safety cable 0,5 - 1 m high and equipped with a ladder (bridge). Instead of a cable, it is allowed to use galvanized steel wire with a diameter of at least 5 mm.

3.12.40. On the roofs of buildings with a height of less than 10 m, in the absence of a dormer window, one should climb up serviceable fire or ladders. A safety cable must be routed from the climbing point on the roof to the post and secured to the ladder with a metal clip.

On buildings with a height of more than 10 m, not equipped with dormer windows and exit hatches, it is prohibited to install racks.

3.12.41. When working on the rack lines, it is necessary to wear a safety belt, which should be fastened with a carabiner to the safety cable when moving along the roof and to the rack when working on it. Shoes must have rubber soles.

3.12.42. Before entering the iron roof, you must use the indicator to make sure that there is no dangerous voltage on it and on the cable. If there is voltage on the roof, it is necessary to inform the work manager about it. Access to the roof is prohibited.

All metal structures encountered on the way (doors, if they are covered with iron, stairs, hatches, ventilation and heating beams, metal roofing) should be checked with a low voltage indicator.

In the presence of voltage or malfunction of the means and ways of exit to the counter, further advancement to it is prohibited.

3.12.43. Install racks on roofs with a slope should be two people using safety ropes stretched between the belt of each fitter and the attic beam or reinforced with a bolt to pull the rack.

3.12.44. Communication wires and cables must be hung between racks of different buildings using ropes lowered from them to the ground. Throwing wires, cables or ropes from one roof to another is prohibited.

3.12.45. When tensioning and adjusting the wires, the blocks should be fastened only to the rack pipe. Do not use roof guards, chimneys or ventilation pipes to adjust the wire tension.

3.12.46. Materials and tools should be brought to the roof via an internal ladder through an exit hatch or skylight. If this is not possible, then the loads should be lifted using a block mounted on a serviceable fire escape. The climbing area must be secured.

3.12.47. After finishing work on the roof, it is necessary to remove the remaining materials.

3.12.48. When working on the roofs of buildings, it is prohibited:

  • stand under the load being lifted;
  • sit on the barrier, fences and the edge of the roof;
  • throw things off the roof.

3.13. Safety requirements for the maintenance of electronic computers

3.13.1. Repair, adjustment and maintenance work, as well as all types of maintenance of electronic computers (computers) must be carried out by at least two employees.

3.13.2. When carrying out repair work on a computer, it is necessary:

  • turn off the computer power;
  • put up warning signs;
  • provide adequate lighting for the workplace.

3.13.3. In cases where it is impossible to carry out adjustment and maintenance work on a computer with the power turned off, they can only be performed with the permission of the shift (machine) supervisor, subject to the following requirements:

  • adjustable devices, auxiliary equipment and devices must be grounded;
  • workers must perform work while standing on a dielectric mat or in dielectric galoshes, using a tool with insulating handles;
  • adjacent live parts under voltage must be protected with electric cardboard.

3.13.4. Adjustment of relays, blocks, all types of mechanical work on the computer, replacement of power supplies and their adjustment, change of fuses, adjustment work on the power panels should be done after the computer is completely disconnected from the mains and checking the absence of voltage on the devices.

When the voltage is on, it is forbidden to adjust and clean the electromechanical and mechanical components of the devices, connect and disconnect the power connectors.

3.13.5. If an emergency mode occurs, you must immediately turn off the computer or turn off the power to a separate device in which a malfunction has occurred.

3.13.6. When performing preventive maintenance, adjustment, adjustment and repair of personal electronic computers (PC) and peripheral devices, the following safety requirements must be observed:

  • before carrying out work, study in detail the electrical diagrams, operating instructions, adjustment and adjustment in order to minimize work under voltage;
  • do not turn on the device with faulty power cables;
  • do not remove the covers from the devices when the mains voltage is on;
  • soldering should be carried out from a network with a voltage of not more than 42 V with the power sources turned off;
  • for soldering, use solders and fluxes specially designed for this;
  • do not solder and tin wet parts;
  • do not leave the PC and peripheral devices with their casings removed and connected to the network without supervision;
  • cleaning and lubrication of electromechanical devices should be carried out with lubricants specified in the operating instructions;
  • make sure that foreign objects do not get into the devices;
  • conduct electrical measurements without touching live parts with your hand;
  • prevent accidental closure of nearby parts, contacts, bare wires by the measuring probe.

3.14. Safety requirements for the performance of work on the technical maintenance of automated passenger service devices

3.14.1. Carrying out repair work on automated passenger service devices (train departure indicators, ticket office dispatching equipment, station information equipment, automatic information installations, ticket printing machines, self-service lockers) is allowed when the voltage is off.

It is forbidden to connect power sources to the devices until the device casings are reliably grounded; grounding resistance should not exceed 10 ohms.

3.14.2. If it is necessary to carry out work with connected voltage, you should obtain permission from the head of the signaling and communication distance or his deputy. In this case, the following conditions must be observed:

  • adjustable devices, auxiliary equipment and devices must be grounded;
  • workers must perform work while standing on a dielectric mat or in dielectric galoshes, using a tool with insulating handles;
  • adjacent live parts under voltage must be protected with electric cardboard.

3.14.3. When replacing signal lamps, do not touch metal parts of the equipment with your free hand.

Emergency work on non-disconnected equipment is allowed to be carried out by at least two employees, one of whom must have an electrical safety group of at least IV.

3.14.4. Relays and other parts should be cleaned with gasoline or other flammable liquids in a special cabinet with an exhaust device or a specially equipped work table with local suction.

It is forbidden to smoke and use open flames in control rooms, as well as in rooms specially designated for washing instruments and parts with gasoline.

3.14.5. Products should be painted in rooms equipped with fume hoods. It is allowed to paint the devices at the place of their installation during the absence of passengers in the room and with subsequent ventilation of the room.

3.14.6. During maintenance of ticket printing machines, vending machines and other passenger service devices, it is prohibited to remove covers and make repairs while the power supply is on. Before starting work, you must visually verify the integrity of the device case, check the grounding of electrical outlets at the workplace, check the integrity of the cord and plug, check the fuses for compliance with the rating.

After disconnecting the power supply, if necessary, discharge the capacitors.

3.14.7. When repairing, adjusting and configuring electronic boards, you should use a wrist strap to remove static electricity.

Carry or move devices only when the power is off.

3.14.8. Special trolleys should be used to transport ticket machines. Install devices on carts and remove them should be two people or using small-scale mechanization.

3.14.9. When the voltage is on, it is forbidden to adjust and clean the electromechanical and mechanical components of the devices, connect and disconnect the power connectors.

Replace fuses with the power off or with dielectric pliers.

3.14.10. When checking the station installation and repairing damage to the wiring under the floor, open hatches should be protected.

3.15. Safety requirements for the maintenance of an autonomous power plant

3.15.1. Turning on and off the diesel generator must be carried out by the electrician on duty.

Before starting the diesel generator, it is necessary to make sure that it is in good condition, carefully inspect the engine, remove all foreign objects from the site, close the crankcase hatches and put all the guards in place.

When starting the engines with the starting handle, grasp the handle with only four fingers, without clamping the handle with your thumb. The movement of the handle should be made from the bottom up.

3.15.2. It is forbidden:

  • start the engine by rotating the flywheel with your hands;
  • heat the oil and fuel supply systems with blowtorches, torches and other sources of open fire (hot water should be used for this purpose);
  • clean, wipe, lubricate and repair any parts of the engine during its operation;
  • replace drive belts with the engine running;
  • go in and put your hands behind the fence;
  • perform any work in the circuits of rotating electrical machines and their equipment.

3.15.3. Diesel generators should be inspected and repaired after switching the key (knife switch) from the "work" mode to the "repair" mode or turning off the power supply to the automation devices.

3.15.4. Refueling the fuel tank should be done through a funnel after the engine has stopped and cooled down and with sufficient illumination of the workplace.

3.15.5. Floors and stairs in the autonomous power plant must be kept clean, spilled fuels and lubricants must be removed immediately.

3.15.6. Cleaning materials should be stored in closed metal boxes, located away from engines, generators, panels and heaters. It is forbidden to smoke in rooms where diesel generators are installed.

3.16. Battery safety requirements

3.16.1. Before starting to charge the batteries, turn on the ventilation. It is necessary to turn off the ventilation no earlier than 1,5 hours after the end of the charge.

When batteries are operated by the method of continuous charging, ventilation of the room should be carried out at each "boiling" of the electrolyte in the batteries.

It is forbidden to smoke, light a fire, and allow sparks from electrical equipment in the room for charging batteries.

3.16.2. When working with acid, alkali or electrolyte, it is necessary to wear a cotton suit with acid-resistant impregnation (for acid batteries), galoshes or rubber boots under trousers, rubber apron and gloves, goggles.

Pieces of caustic alkali should be crushed in a specially designated place, wrapping them in burlap. Solid alkali (caustic soda or caustic potash) is only allowed to be taken with tongs or tweezers. It is forbidden to take lye with your hands.

3.16.3. Bottles with acids and alkalis should be carried by two people on a special stretcher. The bottle, together with the basket, is placed in a wooden box with handles or carried on a special stretcher with a hole in the middle and a crate, into which the bottle must enter 2/3 of the height together with the basket. Do not carry acid bottles on your arms or on your back. When carrying acid bottles, cap tightly.

3.16.4. The acid should be poured out of the bottle with the help of special devices (siphons, rocking chairs). Do not pour acid manually.

3.16.5. When preparing the electrolyte, the acid should be slowly (to avoid intense heating of the solution) poured into water in a thin stream from a mug in small portions into an ebonite vessel (tank) or other heat-resistant vessel with distilled water, stirring the solution with a glass rod or acid-resistant plastic stirrer.

It is forbidden to prepare electrolyte by pouring water into acid. It is allowed to add water to the finished electrolyte.

Iron or cast iron vessels can also be used to prepare an alkaline electrolyte. Tanks must have tight-fitting lids. For the preparation of alkaline electrolyte, it is forbidden to use galvanized, tin-plated, aluminum, ceramic utensils, as well as utensils in which electrolyte for acid batteries was prepared.

When preparing an alkaline electrolyte, open a vessel with alkali carefully and without much effort. To facilitate the opening of a vial, the cork of which is filled with paraffin, it is necessary to warm the neck of the vial with a cloth soaked in hot water.

Large pieces of caustic potassium should be split, covering them with a clean cloth. Crushed pieces of caustic potassium must be carefully lowered into distilled water using steel tongs, tweezers or a metal spoon and mixed with a glass or ebonite rod until completely dissolved.

3.16.6. The electrolyte or distilled water should be added to the batteries using a siphon with a rubber ball or a rubber bulb.

3.16.7. Batteries should be serviced by specially trained workers with an electrical safety group of at least III.

3.16.8. The following precautions must be observed when installing and servicing batteries:

  • all work on moving and leveling the racks and the battery cans installed on them must be completed before filling the batteries with electrolyte;
  • before turning on the mounted battery for charging, the work supervisor is obliged to carefully check the correctness and reliability of the connections between individual batteries and with battery buses;
  • do not lean close to the batteries when charging the batteries to avoid burns from acid splashes flying out of the battery opening;
  • do not touch live parts (terminals, contacts, electrical wires) with hands without rubber gloves.

3.16.9. Soldering of plates in the battery room is allowed no earlier than 2 hours after the end of the charge. Batteries operating according to the method of constant discharge must be transferred to the discharge mode 2 hours before the start of work, ventilation must be turned on before the start of work to ensure the complete removal of all gases from the room.

During soldering, continuous ventilation must be carried out. The place of soldering must be protected from the rest of the battery with fire-resistant shields (asbestos or metal).

3.16.10. When using alkaline nickel-cadmium batteries, do not:

  • smoking and lighting a fire in the premises;
  • use utensils (funnels, mugs, hydrometers), previously used for pouring electrolyte into acid batteries and batteries;
  • allow short circuits (simultaneous contact with opposite poles of batteries and batteries) when working with a socket wrench and other tools.

When working with nickel-cadmium batteries, use a tool with insulated handles.

3.16.11. To inspect batteries, you should use a portable explosion-proof lamp with a safety net and a lamp with a voltage of not more than 12 V.

3.16.12. It is forbidden to put any objects and materials in the aisles between the racks with batteries.

3.16.13. Do not store or eat food in the battery room.

When working in the battery room, when charging or forming batteries, it is necessary to use respirators.

3.16.14. Electrolyte spilled on the racks must be wiped off with a cloth soaked in a neutralizing solution. On the electrolyte spilled on the floor, you need to pour sawdust and then collect them with a scoop, moisten this place on the floor with a neutralizing solution (soda, if acid is spilled, or boric acid, if alkali is spilled), then wipe the wetted area of ​​​​the floor or rack with dry rags.

4. Labor protection requirements in emergency situations

4.1. Actions of an electrician and electrician in the event of situations that may lead to undesirable consequences

4.1.1. During operation, the following main emergencies may occur:

  • the occurrence of a fire;
  • breakage of the contact wire;
  • breakage of power and signal wires of overhead lines;
  • rolling stock derailment;
  • the appearance of harmful gases in underground structures.

4.1.2. In the event of an emergency, the electrician and the electrician are obliged to stop work, turn off the power from the faulty equipment (equipment, stand), if necessary, fence the dangerous place and immediately report the incident to the senior electrician or work manager and then follow his instructions to prevent accidents or elimination of an emergency situation.

4.1.3. Employees who are nearby, upon an alarm signal, are obliged to immediately come to the scene and take part in providing first aid to the injured or eliminating the emergency situation that has arisen.

4.1.4. When eliminating an emergency, it is necessary to act in accordance with the approved plan for eliminating accidents.

4.1.5. In the event of a fire, you must:

  • immediately inform the fire brigade, indicating the exact location of the fire;
  • notify the work manager;
  • notify others and, if necessary, remove people from the danger zone;
  • start extinguishing the fire using primary fire extinguishing means;
  • organize a fire brigade meeting.

4.1.6. When using foam (carbon dioxide, powder) fire extinguishers, do not direct the jet of foam (powder, carbon dioxide) at people. If foam gets on unprotected areas of the body, wipe it off with a handkerchief or other material and rinse with an aqueous solution of soda.

In case of electrical fires, use only carbon dioxide or powder fire extinguishers. When using a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher, do not grasp the fire extinguisher socket with your hand.

4.1.7. In rooms with internal fire hydrants, it is necessary to use a calculation of two people: one rolls out the sleeve from the faucet to the fire site, the second, at the command of the one rolling the sleeve, opens the faucet.

4.1.8. When extinguishing a fire with a felt mat, the flame should be covered so that the fire from under it does not fall on the person extinguishing the fire.

4.1.9. When extinguishing a flame with a sand scoop, do not raise the shovel to eye level to avoid getting sand into them.

4.1.10. Extinguishing burning objects located at a distance of more than 7 m from a live contact wire can be allowed without removing the voltage. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the jet of water or foam does not approach the contact network and other live parts at a distance of less than 2 m.

4.1.11. If a person’s clothes caught fire, then the fire should be extinguished as soon as possible, but the flame should not be knocked down with unprotected hands. Inflamed clothing must be quickly thrown off, torn off, or extinguished by flooding with water, and in winter by sprinkling with snow. A thick cloth, blanket, tarpaulin can be thrown over a person in burning clothes, which must be removed after the flame is extinguished.

4.1.12. In case of fire at the electrical centralization post, it is necessary:

  • turn off all power sources with switches on the shield or fuses on the cabinet;
  • report a fire to the chipboard, DSC and the distance dispatcher on duty, call the fire brigade;
  • start extinguishing the fire in the service and technical premises, using the primary fire extinguishing equipment located in the room.

4.1.13. If a break in the wires of the contact network or high-voltage overhead lines is detected, you should immediately inform the station attendant, energy dispatcher or train dispatcher, protect the place of the break and make sure that no one approaches it closer than 8 m. If broken wires or other elements of the contact network and high-voltage overhead lines violate the clearance of the approach of buildings and can be affected when the train passes, it is necessary to protect this place with stop signals.

It is forbidden to come closer than 8 m to the broken wires of the contact network and high-voltage overhead lines, as well as to touch anything to them and foreign objects located on them, regardless of whether they touch or do not touch the ground or grounded structures.

4.1.14. In the event that the signaling and communication wires fall to the ground while simultaneously coming into contact with the wires of the power line, the electrician and electrician must immediately stop all work with the wires; take measures to stop all traffic in the area where the wires fell; report the incident to the head of work or the distance dispatcher of the CCS.

4.1.15. Upon detection of a broken wire on the combined overhead line, the electrician and electrician must immediately take measures to turn off the voltage in this area. Eliminate the danger to unauthorized persons passing near the broken wire, and report the incident to the work manager or the dispatcher of the CCS distance.

4.2. Actions of an electrician and electrician to provide first aid to victims

4.2.1. electrical injury

In case of electric shock, immediately release the victim from the action of the current by turning off that part of the electrical installation that the victim touches. Switching off the electrical installation should be done using switches, knife switches or other disconnecting device by removing the fuses, plug connector.

If the victim is at a height, then measures must be taken to prevent him from falling and further injury.

If it is not possible to quickly turn off the electrical installation, then the electrician and electrician must take measures to free the victim from live parts. In all cases, the caregiver should not touch the victim without appropriate precautions. He must ensure that he himself does not come into contact with the current-carrying part and under the voltage of the step.

After releasing the victim from the action of electric current, the electrician and electrician must assess his condition according to the following signs:

  • consciousness: clear, absent, impaired (the victim is inhibited), excited;
  • color of the skin and visible mucous membranes (lips, eyes): pink, cyanotic, pale;
  • breathing: normal, absent, disturbed (irregular, superficial, wheezing);
  • pulse on the carotid arteries: well defined (rhythm correct or incorrect), poorly defined, absent;
  • pupils: narrow, wide.

The color of the skin, the width of the pupils and the presence of breathing (by the rise and fall of the chest) should be assessed visually.

The pulse on the carotid artery should be felt with the pads of the second, third and fourth fingers of the hand, placing them along the neck between the Adam's apple (Adam's apple) and the sternocleidomastoid muscle and slightly pressing against the spine.

If the victim is unconscious, breathing, pulse, the skin is cyanotic, and the pupils are wide (0,5 cm in diameter), then it should be considered that he is in a state of clinical death. It is necessary to immediately begin to revive the body with the help of artificial respiration according to the "mouth-to-mouth" or "mouth-to-nose" method and external heart massage.

Artificial respiration and heart massage are done until natural breathing is restored or until the doctor arrives.

After the victim regains consciousness, it is necessary to apply a sterile bandage to the place of the electric burn and take measures to eliminate (if any, as a result of a fall) mechanical damage (bruises, fractures). The victim of an electrical injury, regardless of his state of health and the absence of complaints, should be sent to a medical institution.

4.2.2. Mechanical injury

When receiving a mechanical injury, it is necessary to stop the bleeding, treat the wound with hydrogen peroxide, and apply a bandage. If a tourniquet is applied, it is necessary to record the time of its application. The tourniquet can be left on for two hours in the warm season, and in the cold - one hour.

In case of fractures, it is necessary to apply a splint that fixes the immobility of the damaged parts of the body. To do this, you can use boards and a bandage. With open fractures, it is necessary to bandage the wound before applying the splint.

When sprained, apply a pressure bandage and a cold compress to the sprain. In case of dislocations, the limb is immobilized in the position it took after the injury, a cold compress is applied to the joint area.

With all types of mechanical injuries, the victim must be taken to a medical facility.

4.2.3. Eye injury

In case of eye injuries with sharp or piercing objects, as well as eye injuries with severe bruises, the victim should be urgently sent to a medical institution. Objects that get into the eyes should not be removed from the eye, so as not to further damage it. Apply a sterile bandage to the eye.

If dust or powder gets into eyes, rinse them with a gentle stream of running water.

In case of burns with chemicals (acids, alkalis), it is necessary to open the eyelids and rinse the eyes abundantly for 10-15 minutes with a weak stream of running water, after which the victim should be sent to a medical facility.

In case of eye burns with hot water, steam, eye rinsing is not recommended. The eyes are covered with a sterile bandage and the victim is sent to a medical facility.

4.2.4. Thermal burns

With first-degree burns, there is only redness and slight swelling of the skin.

For second-degree burns (fluid-filled blisters form), a sterile dressing should be applied to the burnt area. Do not lubricate the burned area with fat and ointments, open or pierce blisters.

In case of severe burns, a sterile bandage should be applied to the burned area and the victim should be immediately sent to a medical facility. Do not lubricate the burnt place with fat or ointments, tear off parts of clothing that are burnt to the skin. The burnt person must be given plenty of hot tea.

4.2.5. Acid and alkali burns

In case of acid burns, the burned area of ​​the body should be washed with a weak solution of baking soda. In the absence of drinking soda, it is necessary to pour plenty of clean water on the burnt body.

In case of burns with caustic alkalis, the burnt area of ​​the body should be washed with water acidified with acetic or citric acid, or washed with clean water, abundantly watering the burned area.

Apply an antiseptic dressing to the burned area of ​​the body and send it to a medical facility.

4.2.6. Poisoning

In case of poisoning with poor-quality food products, it is necessary to induce artificial vomiting in the victim and rinse the stomach, allowing him to drink a large amount (up to 6-10 glasses) of warm water, tinted with potassium permanganate, or a weak solution of baking soda. After that, give to drink 1 - 2 tablets of activated charcoal.

In case of acid poisoning, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the stomach with water and give the victim enveloping agents: milk, vegetable oil, raw eggs.

In case of gas poisoning (carbon monoxide, methane, hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide), the victim must be taken out of the room to fresh air or a draft should be arranged in the room by opening windows and doors.

When breathing and cardiac activity stop, start artificial respiration and external heart massage.

In all cases of poisoning, the victim must be sent to a medical facility.

4.2.7. Frostbite

In case of mild frostbite, it is necessary to rub the frostbitten area with a clean cloth or mitten. The frostbitten place should not be rubbed with snow, as the skin may be damaged and an infection may be introduced.

If blisters appear during frostbite or necrosis of the skin and deep-lying tissues occurs, it is necessary to bandage the frostbitten area with dry sterile material and refer the victim to a doctor. You can not open and pierce the bubbles.

In case of general freezing, it is necessary to bring the victim into a warm room, undress and rub with clean, dry cloths or mittens until the skin turns red and the muscles become soft. After that, continuing rubbing, it is necessary to start artificial respiration. When the frozen person regains consciousness, he should be warmly covered and given warm tea or coffee.

5. Labor protection requirements at the end of work

5.1. Upon completion of work, the electrician and electrician must:

  • put the tools, inventory, fixtures and materials in places or storerooms specially designed for them;
  • inform the station duty officer about the completion of work on switches, track circuits, traffic lights or other devices;
  • upon arrival at the EC post, make records in the relevant journals on the completion of work and the volumes performed;
  • issue in the prescribed manner the closure of the work permit (if it was issued).

5.2. Take off overalls and other personal protective equipment and put them in the dressing room closet.

Contaminated and defective overalls should be washed, dry-cleaned or repaired if necessary.

5.3. After work, the electrician and electrician should wash the contaminated areas of the body with warm water and soap or take a shower.

5.4. To maintain the skin in good condition after work, you can use various protective ointments and creams (boric vaseline, lanolin cream, and others).

It is not allowed to use kerosene or other toxic petroleum products to clean the skin and personal protective equipment.

5.5. All malfunctions and shortcomings noticed during operation, and the measures taken to eliminate them, must be reported to the senior electrician or work manager.

See other articles Section Occupational Safety and Health

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