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Instructions for labor protection when working with a manual winch and manual hoist

Occupational Safety and Health

Occupational Safety and Health / Standard instructions for labor protection

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Safe Operation

1. General requirements for labor protection

1.1. This Instruction applies to a hoisting mechanism with a manual rope or chain drive (manual hoist) and a winch for lifting (lowering) a load with a manual drive (manual winch).

1.2. To work with a manual hoist or a manual winch and to hook a load on a hook by such a machine, workers of the main professions who have passed a preliminary (upon employment) or periodic medical examination (examination), trained according to a special program, certified by the qualification commission of the organization, having a certificate for the right to use hoisting machines and hooking loads, as well as having passed introductory and on-the-job briefings on labor protection and testing knowledge and skills in operating the machine and slinging loads.

1.3. Safety briefing on manual hoist and hand winch control (hereinafter referred to as hoisting machines) and the hooking of the load on the hook of these machines should be carried out within the time limits provided for the briefing in the main profession of the employee, as well as in case of violation of the requirements of the labor protection instructions.

1.4. Instruction on how to operate hoisting machines and hooking the load onto the hook of these machines is carried out by an employee responsible for the safe performance of work with hoisting machines (from among the foremen, superintendents, site supervisors, as well as foremen) at a specific work site, appointed by order (instruction) of the employer.

Appointment is carried out with the written consent of the employees who are responsible.

1.5. Re-testing the knowledge of workers admitted to work with hoisting machines should be carried out by the employer's commission:

  • periodically (at least once every 12 months);
  • when moving to work in another organization;
  • at the request of an employee supervising the safe operation of hoisting machines, lifting devices and containers or responsible for ensuring labor protection during the operation of machines and equipment.

The results of the repeated examination of the knowledge of employees using hoisting machines are recorded in the journal of the periodic examination of the knowledge of employees.

1.6. Workers using lifting machines need to know:

  • this manual, as well as the manufacturer's instructions for the installation and operation of lifting machines;
  • device and purpose of the lifting mechanism, its parameters and technical characteristics;
  • the system for issuing work permits in the organization;
  • terms and results of carried out maintenance, repairs and periodic inspections;
  • safe ways of slinging and cargo hooking;
  • the order of movement and storage of goods;
  • requirements for ropes, chains, removable devices and containers, and their rejection rates;
  • engineering and technical workers responsible for maintaining hoisting machines in good condition, workers responsible for the safe performance of work with cranes, mechanics for the repair and maintenance of hoisting machines;
  • location and arrangement of fire extinguishing equipment and the procedure for their use.

1.7. In the process of working with a lifting mechanism, the employee is exposed to the following hazardous and harmful production factors: moving machines and mechanisms, transported and stored goods, unfavorable microclimate parameters, increased dust content in the air of the working area, unprotected moving or rotating equipment elements.

1.8. Overalls, footwear and other personal protective equipment are issued to employees in accordance with applicable standards in accordance with the work performed.

1.9. Overalls, footwear and personal protective equipment should be stored in specially designated places in compliance with the storage rules and used in good condition.

1.10. If any questions arise during the work related to its safe performance, you should contact the employee responsible for the safe performance of work at this production site.

1.11. When using a pulling device, an employee using a lifting machine should make sure that it is in good condition, as well as that there is a stamp or a metal tag on the cables and chains indicating the number, load capacity and date of testing the device.

It is not allowed to use faulty slings.

1.12. In the places of work, it is necessary to post graphic images of the methods of slinging and hitching the lifted loads, a list of the main goods to be moved with an indication of their weight, and schemes for storing goods. These materials can be handed over to the worker using the lifting machine.

1.13. To keep the hoisting machine in good condition, the employee using it should follow the instructions of the engineering and technical worker responsible for maintaining the hoisting machines in good condition, and in terms of the performance of work - responsible for the safe performance of work by hoisting machines.

1.14. It is not allowed to operate faulty lifting machines. Responsibility for working on faulty lifting machines, along with the employees responsible for maintaining them in good condition, is borne by the employee using the faulty lifting machine.

1.15. At the place of production of work on the movement of goods, it is not allowed to find persons who are not directly related to the work performed.

1.16. In the event of an accident, an employee using a lifting machine should seek medical attention and report the incident to the head of the site or the management of the organization.

1.17. Employees using a lifting machine must comply with the internal regulations of the organization.

1.18. During work, you should observe the regime of work and rest. Rest and smoke is allowed in specially designated areas.

1.19. For violation of the requirements of these instructions, the employee is liable in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. Labor protection requirements before starting work

2.1. Prior to the start of work, an employee using a lifting machine must:

  • to put on correctly the overalls, special footwear and other personal protective equipment that are in accordance with the norms and are in good condition;
  • receive instructions on the rules, procedure, place of storage and dimensions of goods;
  • make an external inspection of the mechanisms of the hoisting machine, lifting devices, make sure that they are in good condition and that they have a stamp or tags indicating the number, date of testing and load capacity;
  • check the serviceability of the container, the presence of a number and inscriptions on it about its purpose, own and maximum weight of the cargo for which it is intended to be transported;
  • select load-handling devices corresponding to the mass and nature of the received cargo;
  • check the lubrication of gears, bearings and ropes, as well as the condition of lubricators and glands;
  • inspect in accessible places the metal structures of the mechanism, welded, riveted and bolted joints;
  • check the condition of ropes, chains, their fastening on drums and in other places. At the same time, attention should be paid to the correct laying of ropes in the streams of blocks and drums;
  • inspect the hook, its fastening in the holder and the locking device on it or another replaceable lifting device installed instead of the hook;
  • check the presence and serviceability of lighting devices in the area of ​​operation of the hoisting machine. In case of insufficient lighting, inform the worker responsible for the safe production of work.

2.2. When inspecting the lifting machine, use a portable electric lamp.

2.3. After inspecting the crane to test it, the worker should make sure that no one is near the lifting machine.

2.4. After inspecting the hoisting machine, before putting it into operation, all mechanisms should be tested and the correct operation of the mechanisms and safety devices should be checked.

2.5. If, during the inspection and testing of the hoisting machine, faults are found that impede its safe operation, and it is impossible to eliminate them on their own, the employee, without starting work, must inform the person responsible for the safe operation of cranes and the engineering and technical worker responsible for the maintenance of hoisting equipment without starting work. cars are in good condition.

2.6. An employee using a lifting machine is not allowed to start work if:

  • there are cracks or deformations in the metal structure of the machine, bolted or riveted connections are loosened;
  • rope clamps are damaged or missing or their bolts are loose;
  • the cargo rope has a number of wire breaks or wear that exceeds the norm established by the machine operation manual, as well as a broken strand or local damage;
  • the lifting or movement mechanism is defective;
  • machine parts are defective;
  • the wear of the hook in the throat exceeds 10% of the initial height of the section, the device that closes the hook mouth is faulty, the fastening of the hook in the cage is broken;
  • rope blocks or pulley blocks are damaged;
  • the load hook or block does not rotate;
  • the deadlines for technical examination, maintenance, routine inspection and testing of the hoisting machine have expired.

2.7. The worker using the hoisting machine should make sure that there is sufficient illumination of the work area in the area of ​​the hoisting machine. In case of insufficient lighting, heavy snowfall or fog, the employee, without starting work, should inform the person responsible for the safe operation of cranes.

2.8. After receiving the task and work permit from the employee responsible for the safe performance of work with cranes, it is necessary to inspect and test the lifting machine, and then start working.

3. Labor protection requirements during work

3.1. During work, an employee using a hoisting machine should be guided by the requirements and instructions set out in the hoisting machine operation manual, production instructions, work design or flow sheet.

3.2. During work, an employee using a lifting machine is not allowed to be distracted from his direct duties, as well as to clean, lubricate and repair the machine.

3.3. The worker using the hoisting machine is not allowed to allow unauthorized persons to the work site, and also to transfer control of the hoisting machine to other workers without the permission of the engineering and technical worker responsible for the work on the cranes.

3.4. Before starting to work on the lifting machine, make sure that there are no bystanders in the working area.

3.5. Lifting the load should be done smoothly without jerks.

3.6. It is not allowed to leave the load suspended.

3.7. An employee using a hoisting machine should be notified in writing about the admission of personnel (workers) to the work site for repair or other work under a work permit that determines the conditions for safe work.

3.8. When performing work, an employee using a lifting machine must be guided by the following rules:

  • carry out the Stop signal, regardless of who gives it;
  • before lifting or lowering the load, all those at the work site should be warned about the need to leave the area of ​​\uXNUMXb\uXNUMXbtransport of the load and the possible fall of the load. The movement of cargo is allowed only in the absence of workers in the area of ​​work of the hoisting machine;
  • when loading vehicles, it is allowed to lift and lower the load only if there are no employees on the vehicles, which the employee must first verify;
  • the hook of the lifting mechanism should be installed directly above the load so that when lifting the load, the inclined position of the load rope is excluded;
  • when lifting the load, you must first raise it to a height of no more than 200 - 300 mm to make sure that the slinging is correct, the load is securely fastened, after which it is allowed to lift it to the desired height;
  • horizontally moving loads or load-handling devices must first be raised 500 mm above the objects encountered on the way;
  • when moving cargo located near a wall, column, stack, railway car, car, machine tool or other equipment, you should first make sure that there are no workers between the transported cargo and cars, walls, columns and other structures;
  • small-piece cargoes should be moved in containers specially designed for this purpose. In this case, the possibility of falling out of individual cargoes should be excluded;
  • before lifting a load from a well, ditch, trench, pit, etc. and before lowering the load, by lowering the free (unloaded) hook, first make sure that at its lowest position on the drum at least one and a half turns of the rope remain wound, not counting the turns under the clamping device;
  • stowage and disassembly of cargo should be carried out evenly, without violating the dimensions established for warehousing cargo and without blocking the aisles;
  • you should carefully monitor the ropes and if they fall off the drums or blocks, loops form or damage is detected, the work of the lifting machine should be suspended;
  • with the simultaneous operation of several hoists on the same crane track, in order to avoid their collision, it is necessary to observe the safety measures set forth in the project for the production of works or the technological map;
  • the hook of a non-working load mechanism must always be raised to the upper position;
  • the movement of cargo, the mass of which is unknown, should be carried out only after determining its actual mass;
  • when moving long and bulky goods, they should be guided using hooks or braces;
  • slinging of loads should be carried out in accordance with approved slinging schemes. The movement of cargo for which a slinging scheme has not been developed must be carried out in the presence and under the guidance of an employee responsible for the safe performance of work with cranes. For slinging, slings should be used that correspond to the mass and nature of the load being lifted, taking into account the number of branches and their angle of inclination;
  • when tying and hooking the load, ropes and chains should be applied to the main array (frame, frame, frame) without knots, twists and loops. Under sharp ribs (corners), special linings should be placed to protect the slings from damage;
  • it is allowed to lower the load to be moved only to the places provided for by the project for the production of works or the technological map, where the possibility of falling, overturning or sliding of the load to be installed is excluded, it is necessary to first lay a lining of appropriate strength at the place of installation of the load. Stowage and disassembly of goods should be carried out evenly, without violating the dimensions established for the storage of goods and without blocking the aisles;
  • tilting of loads by lifting mechanisms can be carried out on tilting platforms or in specially designated places. The performance of such work is allowed according to the developed technology, in which the sequence of operations, the method of slinging the load and instructions for the safe performance of work should be indicated;
  • work should only be done with gloves.

3.9. When performing work on the lifting mechanism, it is not allowed:

  • move cargo slinged by workers who do not have a slinger's certificate, as well as use removable load gripping devices without tags or stamps. If the above violations are detected, work should be stopped and the employee responsible for the safe performance of work with cranes should be notified;
  • to carry out loading and unloading of goods by a hoisting machine in the absence of approved schemes for their proper tying and hooking;
  • lift and turn over the load, the mass of which exceeds the carrying capacity of the lifting machine. If the employee using the lifting machine does not know the mass of the load, he needs to obtain information (in writing) about them from the employee responsible for the safe performance of work with cranes;
  • drag the load along the ground, rails and logs with a hook with the ropes inclined;
  • to tear off with a hook a load that is covered or frozen to the ground, laid by other loads, fixed with bolts or filled with concrete, as well as swinging the load in order to tear it off;
  • release by the lifting machine the removable load-handling devices (slings, pincers, etc.) pinched by the load;
  • lift reinforced concrete products that do not have a mass marking, with damaged hinges, cargo in a container filled above the sides;
  • move vehicles;
  • lift people or a load with people on it, as well as a load leveled by the weight of people or supported by hands;
  • transfer control of the crane to employees who do not have permission for this, as well as allow students and trainees to work independently without monitoring their actions;
  • load cargo into vehicles while the driver or other people are in the cab;
  • lift cylinders with compressed and liquefied gases that are not packed in special containers.

3.10. An employee using a hoisting machine is obliged to lower the load, stop work and inform the person responsible for the safe operation of cranes in the event of malfunctions specified in clause 2.6., As well as in the following cases:

  • in case of breakdown of mechanisms and metal structures of the lifting machine;
  • in case of insufficient lighting of the place of work of the lifting machine, heavy snowfall or fog;
  • when the air temperature drops below the load-lifting machine specified in the passport;
  • in case of incorrect laying or falling of the rope from the drum or blocks and detection of damage to the ropes;
  • in case of unreliable fastening of the lifting machine at the workplace;
  • in the absence of a drive guard;
  • in case of unreliable fastening of the rope on the drum or its incorrect winding (loops, slack).

3.11. When working with winches with a manual lever drive, it is not allowed:

  • be in the swing plane of the lever and under the lifted load;
  • use a lever that is longer than the winch provided for by the technical data;
  • move the lever from one extreme position to another in jerks.

3.12. The movement of the reverse handle should be carried out smoothly, without jerking or jamming, and the traction mechanism and the rope should be in a straight line at all times.

3.13. After the repair of the hoisting machine, it is allowed to start working on it only with the written permission of the engineering and technical worker responsible for maintaining the hoisting machine in good condition.

3.14. When carrying out loading and unloading operations, it is necessary to ensure that the lifting capacity of the sling corresponds to the force of the mass of the load being lifted, taking into account the safety factor, the number of branches and the angle of inclination, while the angle between the branches of the sling should not exceed 90 °.

4. Labor protection requirements in emergency situations

4.1. An employee using a lifting machine must:

  • monitor the good condition of all mechanisms, rope and chains;
  • during a shift inspection, check the condition of all on-board connections, locking devices, lubricating devices, the rope and its fastening;
  • store the tool in the places intended for this purpose.

4.2. In the maintenance of the lifting machine, the requirements set out in the operating manual for the lifting machine must be followed, including:

  • timely lubricate the mechanisms of the hoisting machine and ropes;
  • store lubricant and cleaning material in a closed metal container, remove cleaning material from the lifting machine;
  • keep the truck clean and in good working order.

4.3. If malfunctions are detected in the process of technical maintenance of the crane, the employee using the lifting machine must report them to the engineering and technical worker responsible for maintaining the cranes in good condition.

5. Labor protection requirements in emergency situations

5.1. If there are factors on the hoisting machine that can cause an accident or an accident (cracks in metal structures, damage to the rope, breakage of axles, etc.), as well as when knocking, rumbling occurs, the employee using the hoisting machine must:

  • stop the movement of goods;
  • lower the load, and if it is not possible, take measures to fencing the location of the load;
  • find out the cause of the emergency and report the situation to the employee responsible for the safe production of work.

5.2. In the event of an accident, you should:

  • take measures to release the victim from the action of the traumatic factor;
  • provide the victim with first aid, depending on the type of injury;
  • notify the management of the organization about the incident and take measures to evacuate the victim to a medical institution.

5.3. In the event of a fire, you should:

  • stop working;
  • lower the load;
  • call the fire brigade and inform the management of the organization;
  • start extinguishing the fire using the fire extinguishing equipment available at the work site.

5.4. In the event of natural disasters (hurricane, earthquake, etc.), you should:

  • stop working;
  • lower the load to the ground (platform);
  • leave the work area and go to a safe place.

5.5. If an accident or an accident occurs during work, the employee using the hoisting machine should inform the person responsible for the safe operation of cranes and ensure the safety of the situation at the time of the accident or accident, if this does not pose a danger to the life and health of others.

5.6. About all emergencies, the employee using the hoisting machine must inform the engineering and technical worker responsible for maintaining the hoisting machines in good condition.

6. Labor protection requirements at the end of work

6.1. Upon completion of work, the employee using the lifting machine must:

  • release the hook or removable load-handling device from the load;
  • put the hoisting machine in the parking place and raise the hook to the upper position;
  • remove the load-handling devices to the storage place;
  • inform the engineering and technical worker responsible for maintaining the crane in good condition, information about the defects and malfunctions of the units and elements of the lifting machine identified during operation.

6.2. Remove overalls, personal protective equipment, deposit them in the prescribed manner.

6.3. Wash face and hands with warm water and soap, take a shower.

6.4. When handing over a shift, the person responsible for the safe production of work and the shift worker should be informed about all malfunctions in the operation of the lifting machine.

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The instruction is good. Lack of references to regulations

Completely agree. The instruction is good, but without references to the normative literature.

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