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Fundamentals of hunting in conditions of autonomous survival. Basics of safe life

Fundamentals of Safe Life Activities (OBZhD)

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A person who survives in the wild must obey the laws of this very nature. And its main law - the struggle for existence! A wolf or a bear will never think about whether it is ethical or not ethical to kill a deer that has strayed from its parents. And that's why it will survive! And a person should not think, but should kill, unless, of course, he does it for the sake of salvation, and not for the sake of pampering or bad hunting excitement. Kill - eat. Therefore, kill no more than you can eat and carry away. Here is another law that ensures the preservation of the natural balance between the victim and the hunter.

And people who will dislike the hunting recipes presented here, let them think about whether they will agree to sacrifice their children lost in the forest in order to save the life of newborn chicks. And after that, let them turn their righteous anger on people who kill people. We eat commercially slaughtered cows, rabbits and chickens. And we are not particularly angry. Probably because we do not kill ourselves - we only eat.

animal habits

The word "habit" refers to the behavior of the animal - the reaction and response to various environmental factors.

In areas with rough terrain

The distribution of animals in the lands is determined by the fodder and protective conditions of their habitat. The larger and more diverse the food reserves, the better the protective properties and the more convenient the conditions for nesting, the more animals live in such places and the sooner they can be found and obtained here. In forest areas on the edges, well lit by the sun, trees bear fruit more often and give a better harvest of seeds and fruits than trees in a dense dense forest. Thanks to lateral lighting on the edge of the edge, shrubs grow under the forest canopy, which improve the protective conditions and increase the supply of tree and branch fodder. Along the edge, there is a thicker herbage with cereal and berry plants, the forest litter decomposes faster here, which contributes to the formation of humus soil with an abundance of earthworms and insects. All this attracts various birds. In light forests, forest edges, birches have more catkins, which in winter are the main food for black grouse and hazel grouse, so these birds are more common here.

In such places, the abundance of vegetable food and good shelters creates favorable conditions for the reproduction of mouse-like rodents, which are hunted by stoats and foxes. At the edge of the coniferous forest, the squirrel also likes to feed, and the white hare also fattens and sinks into the hare. Roe deer, wild boars and other ungulates also come out to graze here.

In the northern regions, during clear-cutting on vast areas, there are many uncut areas of small-scale forest with good protective conditions due to undergrowth and undergrowth, as well as deadwood and logging residues. Forest inhabitants are drawn to these islands from the surrounding cutting areas. Abundantly fruiting young coniferous trees attract squirrels and mouse-like rodents. On the edges of the forest island, wild boars and elks feed, and then lie in the thicket. The abundance of game also attracts predators. Thus, in the desert area of ​​fresh cutting areas, areas of under-cutting with a large length of edges become convenient places for the production of many game animals.

Favorable habitat conditions are also created in other places of long-term rupture of the forest canopy during rocker felling, along wide clearings, along riverbed floodplains of rivers and streams, around windbreak areas and in other places. Even under small "windows" in the forest canopy, one can find dense clumps of shrubs and forest undergrowth with a lush development of grass cover. All these places of interest in the rugged landscape attract forest dwellers.

In areas with rugged terrain, animals lay permanent trails that have been used from year to year for many decades. Animals choose the easiest routes, convenient for long-distance crossings and searching for food. Therefore, in mountainous places, ungulates trample paths along horizontal lines, and when moving from one ravine to another, they use the floodplains of streams and rivers, saddles and passes.

Predators, when moving from one tract to another, use the same paths, but when they track down prey, they move along the manes and ridges between the ravines. This makes it easier for them to track down the victim, makes it possible to suddenly attack her from above.

Martens, sables, Siberian weasels, squirrels and other small forest dwellers tend to run across deadwood and obliquely standing trees, which also makes it easier for them to follow and broaden their horizons.

In the snowy season, to save energy during the transitions, forest dwellers repeatedly use the same track. Hares in places of feeding tread numerous paths. Large forest predators (wolf, fox, lynx, etc.) during transitions from one hunting area to another use hare paths and their old tracks, stepping along them paw to paw. This feature in the behavior of forest animals is used with great success by hunters when setting traps on animal crossings and paths.

On the plain, especially cautious forest animals run from one forest weaning to another, using copses, ravines, or along a stream bed overgrown with shrubs, and other shelters. Animals disturbed and persecuted tend to hide in impenetrable thickets. Badger, raccoon dog, sable, Siberian weasel and other burrows hide in their burrows. Even a suddenly jumping out hare or a black grouse taking off try to hide behind a bush, snag and other object so that the disturber loses sight of them.

In the mountains, goats and rams are saved on hard-to-reach ridges and peaks with a wide outlook. Their females with kids and lambs hide in crevices and niches of rocks and among rocky rubble. In the mountain taiga, red deer, deer and kabarok, fleeing persecution, run out to the sediment - impregnable cliffs. Moose from wolves and dogs rush into the lowlands and run up to their belly into the water and, not without reason, feel completely safe, since the first predator that swims up will be killed by the hoof of the front leg.

Some forest animals have peculiar similar habits. For example, a badger and a raccoon dog make "latrines" near their burrows. Foxes, wolves and jackals urinate in certain places: near a post, a tussock, a stone, a lonely bush, and similar objects.

Animals living in water bodies (muskrat, nutria, beaver and otter) leave secretions of strongly smelling musk glands on bumps and other elevations.

Muskrat, water rat and other inhabitants of water bodies swim up to floating logs, pieces of labza, bumps and climb them.

It is necessary to pay attention to some physiological features common to many animals, for example, caught or frightened animals excrete a particularly smelling glandular secretion with urine and feces. It is known that the traps that were used to catch a wolf, a fox, a jackal and even a barn rat, without appropriate additional processing (boiling or roasting), no longer manage to catch another animal. In fish, the alarm signal is also chemical in nature and is determined by the release of the amino acid serine.

Periodic phenomena in the life of animals should be taken into account. During the mating period, wolves, foxes, hamsters, ground squirrels and other animals become less cautious and more mobile, as they are busy looking for a pair. This greatly facilitates the extraction of their traps.

The habits of animals of the same species can vary greatly depending on the frequency of encounters with people, the intensity and methods of hunting. Animals in most cases are afraid of everything they encounter for the first time. Therefore, a fox living in a dense forest will experience distrust and fear of seeing for the first time a ski track laid by a person. Such a fox would never run along this path. If you go around it on the bed and drag a rag soaked in kerosene behind you on the ski track, then its effect will be tantamount to salary flags.

The foxes living near Moscow have a completely different attitude to the ski track. The forest dachas and parks of the green zone near Moscow are explored in all directions by skiers. In such places, foxes quickly get used to ski tracks and not only are not afraid to approach them, but also willingly use them for long-distance crossings on loose snow.

Jackals and foxes very often visit dumps and garbage pits, in which piles of rusty metal are piled along with food waste. In landfills, animals get used to them, but these same animals have a completely different attitude towards metal objects laid on their paths, somewhere in the forest, far from the settlement. It is known how carefully hunters have to handle and mask traps when they are set in order to catch a fox.

In areas of open landscape

In the flat regions of the arctic desert and tundra, in the steppe zone and deserts, all predatory animals have developed an instinct to visit and examine objects that stand out against the background of a monotonous flat landscape.

The white polecat and ermine, while roaming the fields and meadows, are sure to turn around and examine the curtain of bushes and reeds that have fallen into the field of view or the seed of straw, a pile of hay and a heap of stones. This is explained by the fact that rodents and birds find food and shelter in such places, and therefore, predators have the opportunity to profit from something and find a comfortable shelter for themselves. For a better view of the area, these animals are not averse to climbing a mound or a bump that has come across and, standing on it in a column, look around.

The wolf, fox and corsac go out to reconnaissance on elevated parts of the plain, and in places with a rugged surface they follow along the edge of ravines and along the manes separating the beams. They also will not disregard the seed and the haystack and will definitely examine them, otherwise they will climb up to get a better look around. A wolf and a fox sometimes walk several kilometers to a forest edge looming on the horizon or a reed loan in the hope of profiting and finding shelter there.

Polar bears and arctic foxes also follow this example and travel tens of kilometers across the icy Arctic desert to hummocks, where polynyas form, and to the rocky shores of the islands, where hundreds of thousands of colonial birds live, which means there is also food.

For the same reason, arctic foxes are also attracted by their watchful mouths. The lack of a food base in the Arctic desert makes many arctic foxes go tens of kilometers into ice fields with hummocks after polar bears and pick up the remains of a bear meal after them. Poor forage in the tundra also forces polar foxes to migrate to the forest-tundra and other more forage areas.

In winter, wolves and arctic foxes follow the nomadic deer for hundreds of kilometers. Reindeer, digging into the reindeer moss, leave deep ruts behind them, which are used by white and tundra partridges, pecking berries and shoots of dwarf willows and birches there. The same ruts are willingly visited by arctic foxes and foxes, who manage to catch partridge and profit from lemmings in such places.

The arctic fox, roaming the tundra in search of prey, will not disregard the lonely bush, stump or tussock that it encounters. He will definitely examine them and, having carefully sniffed them, will perform the usual canine ritual, marking his visit with urine. This is repeated by dozens of other polar foxes, having once visited this area.

Many believe that by these actions each animal marks the boundary of the area it occupies. In fact, it is far from being as simple as it seems. Predators of the canine family have a particularly sharply developed instinct, and when they sniff the ureter for a long time, they get an idea of ​​the number of their own kind of animals. If such ureters are very common, and they are marked by dozens of arctic foxes, besides hungry, then the animals have a desire to leave the overpopulated low-fed territory. This is what encourages Arctic foxes to migrate hundreds of kilometers away.

The hunters of the North are well aware that when this instinct of migration has awakened and the "Arctic foxes have flowed", it is no longer possible to stop them with any additional feeding. Therefore, fox baits need to be laid out in advance - in summer or early autumn - and constantly replenished, thereby dulling the awakening of the resettlement instinct.

Rodents in the steppe regions primarily settle in the most fertile areas, where the vegetation is more abundant. For burrowing, they choose elevated places that are not flooded with melt water and showers.

Gophers arrange a vertical mink hidden behind a turf. They do not mow the grass around it, they do not dig the earth and do not throw it out, and they also do not leave feces near the hole. Butane is used to monitor the surrounding area - land thrown out and rammed aside from a residential hole with an oblique mink, which serves as a temporary shelter for them.

Groundhogs don't camouflage their burrows like that. They also arrange them on elevated places that are not flooded with water. Bhutan - a trampled area - happens next to the entrance to the hole. When a person or any animal appears in the field of view of marmots and gophers, the animals become a column and give alarm signals - the gophers whistle, and the marmots yelp like a small dog.

Brown hares never stay for a day in places of fattening with abundant herbage, where they are searched for and pursued by predators, but go into open fields and often lie down in furrows among arable land or behind a hummock on the boundary, in another secluded place, but open on all sides. with a good overview.

In the tundra and in the steppe, raptors also try to take a higher perch - on a mound, a lone tree, an electric pole and other elevations, from which it is convenient to observe the surrounding area and attack a noticed victim. Birds of prey in their hunting areas also have favorite bumps and stones, on which they usually pluck and gut the birds and animals they have caught.

Lowlands, overgrown with bushes, weeds and lush grass, attract partridges, quails and other field game, as in such places they find shelter and abundant food.

The above examples show that the availability of a food base and the possibility of its use are of decisive importance in the life of animals. On this basis, the rest of the biological cycle of animals is formed: the choice of a habitat, a place for a nest or den, the beginning and well-being of the mating season, fertility, successful rearing of young animals and, ultimately, the prosperity of the species. In this regard, in spoofing, the use of the food reflex to attract animals to certain places by regular feeding is of paramount importance.

In winter, when the plants are under a thick layer of snow and the fish are protected by the armor of ice, hunting remains the only possible way to provide food. But hunting, unlike collecting wild plants and fishing, requires special skills.

Once in a crisis situation, a person or group of people must use all available means to obtain animal food, starting with weapons and ending with handicraft or industrial crossbows, slingshots and various traps.

Active hunting (hunting with weapons and crossbows) is most successful in the evening and early morning hours, when the animals leave their shelters, go to the watering place and feeding places. Most often, game is found near water sources, sheltered forest clearings, on salt licks.

It is most convenient to hunt large animals from an ambush arranged on a tree near the animal trail, at a watering place, places of constant feeding, on salt licks.

When searching for game, it is very important not to lose orientation in order to be able to quickly return to the camp, especially if you have to carry the prey.

It is necessary to creep up to a grazing animal slowly, as silently as possible and only from the leeward side, so that the smell of the hunter and the sounds are carried by the wind. In the immediate vicinity of the animal, you need to move only at the moment when it feeds.

At night, when hunting or hunting from ambush, it is recommended to use night vision devices or the light of an electric (halogen) flashlight. Blinded by a bright light, the animal freezes for a few seconds, allowing the hunter to aim.

The best aiming points for various positions of the animal (Fig. 2.1)

The most typical and frequent position of the beast. The animal stands with its chest slightly turned. The main aiming point will not be the center of the chest, but a point slightly shifted to the right. The bullet in this case will pass through the diaphragm, hit the main blood arteries and touch the lungs, the heart. With a moving animal, the aiming point must be moved a little higher. The second effective point of aiming can be considered the neck. Such a shot achieves results in the defeat of the cervical vertebrae.

Basics of hunting in conditions of autonomous survival
Rice. 2.1. Best aiming points

One of the typical situations: the beast goes over the hill. Shooting in this position is difficult. A shot in the region of the cervical vertebrae at the point of convergence of them and the skull can be considered effective. However, only a very experienced and well-aimed shooter can make such a shot. It should be remembered that in this position safety requirements increase, since the view of the opposite side of the hill is limited. For this reason, it is better not to shoot at all in this position.

If the beast moves rather slowly, the best shot will be the classic one - defeat of the chest and heart. If the beast is moving at a fast pace, you need to aim a little higher. On impact, the bullet will pierce the heart and pierce the lungs. The animal lies down on the spot or moves away not far. Other aiming points are quite effective, but only with exceptionally accurate hits (fig. 2.2 and 2.3).

Basics of hunting in conditions of autonomous survival
Rice. 2.2. Hitting various parts of the animal's body

On fig. 2.3 hit efficiency is indicated by numbers in descending order.

When hit by a bullet a distinct slapping sound is often heard, which may indicate a hit.

So, the abundance of blood, wool, bone fragments indicates a serious injury. Fatal hits in the head, neck, heart area. However, the beast immediately falls on the spot only if the brain, cervical vertebrae, spinal cord and sacrum are affected. When hit in the processes of the horns or if the bullet catches the top of the vertebra, the animal may fall in shock, as if mortally wounded, but quickly recovers and leaves. Therefore, do not rush to rush to the fallen beast.

Light blood on the trail - the beast is wounded in the muscles and can go far. Bubbling blood - an indicator of lung injury, watery with an admixture of greenery and pieces of tissue - the insides are affected, and with dark and thick blood - the limbs; if the blood is, as it were, mixed with semolina, then you have hit the liver. An increase in blood along the trail also indicates a serious injury. We advise you to explore bushes and trees along the path of the wounded animal, since the height of the location of traces of blood on them can tell a lot about the place where the bullet hit.

Basics of hunting in conditions of autonomous survival
Rice. 2.3. Boar slaughter places

When a bullet hits the chest, the animal can rear up or jump, and the higher the lower the hit. When it enters the abdominal cavity, most often the animal jerks its hind legs and hunches over. When the head and jaws are affected, the beast often turns its head and shakes it. A hit in the kidneys is very heavy, the animal lies down, and when leaving, it stretches the back of the body, stumbles and quickly lies down.

Author: Mikhailov L.A.

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