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Common sesame (Indian sesame, oriental sesame, sesame). Legends, myths, symbolism, description, cultivation, methods of application

cultivated and wild plants. Legends, myths, symbolism, description, cultivation, methods of application

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  1. Photos, basic scientific information, legends, myths, symbolism
  2. Basic scientific information, legends, myths, symbolism
  3. Botanical description, reference data, useful information, illustrations
  4. Recipes for use in traditional medicine and cosmetology
  5. Tips for growing, harvesting and storing

Common sesame (Indian sesame, oriental sesame, sesame), Sesamum indicum. Photos of the plant, basic scientific information, legends, myths, symbolism

Common sesame (Indian sesame, oriental sesame, sesame) Common sesame (Indian sesame, oriental sesame, sesame)

Basic scientific information, legends, myths, symbolism

Sort by: Sesame (Sesamum)

Family: Subfamily Pepper (Pedaliaceae)

Origin: The plant originates from Africa and India, where it was grown over 5000 years ago.

Area: Sesame is grown in many countries around the world, including India, China, Thailand, Sudan, Tanzania, Myanmar and Mexico.

Chemical composition: Sesame contains many useful substances such as proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins (especially vitamin E), minerals (calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, etc.) and antioxidants.

Economic value: Sesame is used to produce sesame oil, which is a valuable food product. It also produces sesame flour, sesame paste and sesame bars. Sesame seeds are used as a seasoning in various dishes, as well as in the production of confectionery. Sesame is also used in traditional medicine to treat various diseases.

Legends, myths, symbolism: In ancient Indian epics, sesame is mentioned as a symbol of immortality and longevity. It is mentioned in the Mahabharata as one of the ingredients in an ancient drink that helps maintain youth and vitality. It is also said that sesame was one of the gifts of nature that the Buddha accepted when he sat under the bodhi tree and attained enlightenment. Sesame is also associated with the symbolism of good luck and prosperity in various cultures. In some traditions, sesame seeds are considered a symbol of wealth and prosperity, they are added to Chinese New Year dishes and cookies that are given as a gift on New Year's Eve.



Common sesame (Indian sesame, oriental sesame, sesame), Sesamum indicum. Description, illustrations of the plant

Common sesame (Indian sesame, oriental sesame, sesame), Sesamum indicum. Methods of application, origin of the plant, range, botanical description, cultivation

Common sesame (Indian sesame, oriental sesame, sesame)

Sesame oil is one of the best food grades, its highest grades replace olive oil. It is odorless, has a straw color and good taste. It is used in the production of canned fish, margarine, and is widely used in the confectionery industry.

Sesame seeds themselves serve as a complete and delicious food. In general, they are used for sprinkling bread and preparing oriental sweets, halva. The seeds contain 50-65% semi-drying oil (iodine number 102-106), 16,5-19% protein, 16-17% soluble carbohydrates.

The center of development of the genus is tropical and subtropical Africa, the greatest diversity of species is found in Guinea and India. The cultivation of sesame in India is mentioned in the most ancient Indian manuscripts. Sesame, or sesame, is the oldest cultivated oilseed plant. The species is unknown in the wild. Sesame seeds were discovered by archaeologists during excavations of ancient eastern settlements and Egyptian pyramids.

The most common hypothesis is that sesame came to India from South Africa along the ancient sea route thanks to seafarers who used it for food. Sesame is now the third largest oilseed in India after peanuts and rapeseed. From India, it spread to China and Japan, America and Europe.

Sesame (in Persian - "sesame") came to Russia at the end of the 1777th century. In XNUMX, the first sowings were carried out in the Astrakhan province, seeds from Bukhara were used. In the republics of Central Asia, the sesame culture is very ancient and is associated with Pakistan and India.

Sesame planting area in the world is about 6 million hectares. The largest areas are in India (more than 2 million hectares), Myanmar, Sudan, China, Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela, Nigeria, Ethiopia.

Sesame is cultivated in tropical, subtropical and southern parts of the temperate zone of all continents of the globe. In India, they are grown in areas not higher than 1200 m above sea level. seas and where at least 500 mm of precipitation falls. Often sesame is sown in a mixture with other crops. In West Africa, cultivated in areas with moderate moisture. In Cuba, small crops of sesame are found in the tobacco plantations of the Western Province.

Common sesame (Indian sesame, oriental sesame, sesame)

Indian sesame (Sesamum indicum L) is one of 19 species of the genus Sesamum L, Sesame family (Pedaliaceae).

Plant 1-1,7 m tall, annual, herbaceous, pubescent with glandular hairs, sometimes glabrous. The root system is taproot, it penetrates the soil up to 1 m. The stem is straight, 4- or 8-sided, green or anthocyanin, branched in most forms. Leaves alternate or opposite, petiolate, entire or dissected, upper, lanceolate, pointed at the top.

Flowers solitary or in bunches, 3-5 flowers are located in the axils of the leaves, the color is white, pink, purple. Self-pollinator, but there is also cross-pollination. The corolla falls off in the evening on the day of flowering.

The fruit is a flat, elongated pubescent capsule of 2-4 carpels, the edges of which are bent into the ovary cavity and form false partitions. There are 100-150 bolls per plant (up to 1000), each with 70-80 small and flat seeds of various colors. The mass of 1000 seeds is 3-5 g. The seeds are similar in shape to flaxseeds.

The vegetation period of sesame is from 3,5 to 4,5 months. The plant is light and heat-loving, the optimum average daily temperature is 20 ° C and above.

Sesame varieties are distinguished by the length of the growing season, yield and seed color. White-seeded varieties are especially valued: they are less productive, but give the highest quality oil. Such varieties are cultivated on the rich soils of the plains. As we move to the upper zones (up to 1700-1800 m above sea level), black-seed varieties of sesame begin to predominate.

The yield of seeds in rainfed conditions is 1,0-1,2 t/ha, with irrigation 1,8-2,0 t/ha. All cake after oil extraction by cold pressing is used in the confectionery industry, after hot pressing - for livestock feed, 100 kg of cake contains 132 feed. units

The lack of special harvesting equipment and large losses of seeds due to their shedding during ripening hamper the expansion of sesame crops.

Authors: Baranov V.D., Ustimenko G.V.



Sesame, don't open!. Interesting plant facts

Common sesame (Indian sesame, oriental sesame, sesame)

Academician N. Vavilov, studying the plants of Central Asia at the beginning of the century, visited several cities. They were all different, but in every city one could see the same picture. On the outskirts of the city or in the bazaar, a blindfolded camel walked in a circle. He was dragging a huge lever that set in motion an equally imposing pestle. The pestle rotated in a giant mortar and ground the seeds of sesame seeds, an oil-bearing herb.

Here they pressed the oil and sold it. It tasted just as good as olive oil. The heat-loving olive could not grow in Central Asia due to severe winters, and it was replaced by sesame.

Sesame leaves are a bit like Ivan tea, and only its pink flowers are not collected by the sultan at the top, but stick around the stem almost to the ground. In autumn, the flowers are replaced by seed pods.

The seeds are small, like match heads. White and black. Whites are valued more. They sprinkle loaves of Borodino bread or grind them and make the best tahini halva in the world.

In the old days, merchants came to Bukhara. They bought sesame oil and then mixed it with olive oil. Sesame was cheaper, and falsification gave big profits. The scam was eventually exposed. However, it turned out that sesame oil is no worse than olive oil, and sometimes even better. Now they have already begun to add olive oil to fake sesame.

In 1893, the Free Economic Society became interested in sesame. It decided to promote oilseed grass to the Caucasus. A reward was announced: a gold medal and 25 chervonets to the one who grows sesame seeds and knocks out a pood of butter.

The task seemed simple, but of all those who took part in the competition, almost no one managed to get a pood of butter. With great difficulty, only one of the competitors reached the desired goal.

To understand the difficulty of the task, you need to know the structure of sesame well. And especially the boxes in which the seeds ripen.

Common sesame (Indian sesame, oriental sesame, sesame)

Seeds can only be obtained from mature boxes when they have opened. In India, where sesame also grows, the peasants wait for the desired hour and hurry: "Sesame, open!" (sesame is the second name of sesame). However, sesame boxes do not ripen at once. First, the upper ones open, a day later those that are lower, another day later the next batch, and so on.

Imagine what will happen if the wind blows, if it starts to rain, or if a bird sits on a sesame stalk.

The stem will tremble. Mature seeds will fall to the ground. We have to take precautions: harvest unripe grass and dry it in sheaves. But this is where the ants come into play. They line up, squeeze one into the box, grab a seed and rush to their base. Then they find half a kilo of selected seeds in anthills.

Scientists wondered: is it possible to find a variety of sesame seeds with non-opening boxes? Searched for several years. Finally found!

Connoisseurs gasped with admiration: a revolution in the oilseed business! Now you can use combine harvesters. The seeds won't spill out.

However, mechanization brought its own difficulties. The bottom boxes are too close to the ground. The machine cannot capture them.

It is necessary to breed varieties with a different stem design. Another problem: the harvest is small. Ten times less than wheat. Once the seeds were washed in a solution of copper sulfate. Sowed and got a higher yield. Sesame was not indifferent to copper.

But the main task is to make sesame resistant to cold. Once upon a time, the Free Economic Society sent seeds for experiments far to the north. Even in Ryazan. The experiments failed. What if we try again?

Author: Smirnov A.



Common sesame (Indian sesame, oriental sesame, sesame), Sesamum indicum. Recipes for use in traditional medicine and cosmetology

cultivated and wild plants. Legends, myths, symbolism, description, cultivation, methods of application


  • To strengthen bones: Sesame contains calcium and other nutrients that help strengthen bones. To improve bone health, consume 1-2 tablespoons of sesame seeds daily by adding them to salads, cereals, or yogurt.
  • For skin cleansing: sesame oil can be used to cleanse the skin. Apply a little oil to a cotton ball and gently wipe your face to remove impurities and make-up.
  • To lower cholesterol levels: Sesame contains phytosterols, which can help lower blood cholesterol levels. To do this, you can add sesame oil to food or consume 1-2 tablespoons of sesame seeds per day.
  • To promote hair health: Sesame oil contains vitamin E and other nutrients that promote healthy hair growth. Massage your scalp with sesame oil before washing your hair.
  • To improve digestion: Sesame can help improve digestion and relieve constipation. To do this, you can add sesame to food or eat it separately, pouring boiling water and leaving it for several hours.


  • Body massage oil: mix 1/2 cup sesame oil and 10 drops of lavender essential oil. Mix and apply to body skin for a massage. Sesame oil nourishes and moisturizes the skin, while lavender soothes and relaxes.
  • Mask for the face: mix 1 tablespoon sesame oil, 1 tablespoon honey and 1 teaspoon cinnamon. Apply the mixture on your face and leave it on for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. This mask moisturizes the skin and gives it a healthy glow.
  • Body Scrub: mix 1 cup sesame seeds and 1/2 cup sea salt. Add enough sesame oil to make a thick paste. Apply the scrub to the skin of the body and massage for a few minutes, then rinse with warm water. This scrub removes dead skin cells and leaves the skin soft and smooth.
  • Hand cream: mix 1/2 cup sesame oil and 1/4 cup jojoba oil. Add 10-15 drops of lemon or orange essential oil. Mix and apply to hands to hydrate and nourish skin.
  • Hair Mask: mix 2 tablespoons of sesame oil and 1 tablespoon of honey. Heat the mixture in a water bath and apply to your hair. Leave on for 30 minutes, then wash off with shampoo. This mask nourishes and moisturizes the hair, leaving it soft and shiny.

Attention! Before use, consult with a specialist!



Common sesame (Indian sesame, oriental sesame, sesame), Sesamum indicum. Tips for growing, harvesting and storing

cultivated and wild plants. Legends, myths, symbolism, description, cultivation, methods of application

Common sesame, also known as Indian sesame or sesame, is one of the oldest and most important olive plants used for food purposes.

Tips for growing, harvesting and storing common sesame:


  • Site and Soil Selection: Sesame loves warmth and full sun, so choose an open area with good access to sunlight. Sesame can grow in most soil types, but prefers light and fertile soil with good drainage capacity.
  • Sowing and planting: Sowing sesame seeds can be carried out immediately in a permanent place in the open field in the spring, when all frosts have passed. The sowing depth should be about 1,5-2 cm, and the distance between plants should be at least 20 cm.
  • Plant care: Sesame seeds need regular watering, especially during seed ripening. When the plant grows to 10-15 cm, it can be thinned out, leaving the strongest plants. Sesame also needs a regular supply of nutrients in the form of organic and mineral fertilizers.

Preparation and storage:

  • Common sesame seeds are harvested after the flowers have disappeared and the grains have fully matured.
  • Harvested seeds should be cleaned of remnants of plant parts and dried in the sun or in a warm, dry place.
  • Dry sesame seeds can be stored in containers with a tight-fitting lid in a cool, dry place.

Common sesame is widely used in cooking, in particular for the preparation of sauces, pastries, salads and other dishes. It is also used to make tahini, a traditional sesame paste-based sauce.

Sesame contains many beneficial substances, including proteins, fatty acids, and vitamins and minerals that can help boost the immune system and protect the body from free radicals.

Common sesame is also used in traditional medicine to treat indigestion, headaches, and the common cold.

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