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Occupational safety instructions for the driver of a car when working in a quarry. Full document

Occupational Safety and Health

Occupational Safety and Health / Standard instructions for labor protection

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This instruction regulates the basic safety requirements for vehicle operation when working in a quarry.

The driver must comply with the requirements of the instructions developed on the basis of the standard, as well as instructions:

  • when hanging the car and working under it;
  • when removing and installing wheels under it;
  • when towing, hitching, uncoupling cars, trailers;
  • when moving around the quarry;
  • for fire prevention.

Having noticed a violation of safety requirements by any employee, the driver must warn him of the need to comply with them.

The driver must follow the instructions of the representative of the labor protection committee or the authorized trade union committee.

The driver should not start performing one-time work that is not related to direct duties in the specialty, without receiving targeted instruction on labor protection

1. General safety requirements

1.1. Persons who have passed:

  • induction training;
  • fire safety briefing;
  • initial briefing at the workplace;
  • electrical safety training in the workplace.

To perform the duties of a truck driver, persons who have a certificate for the right to drive this category of transport, who do not have medical contraindications for this profession, who have reached the age of 18, are allowed.

1.2. The driver must pass:

  • repeated briefing on labor safety at the workplace at least every three months;
  • unscheduled briefing: when changing the technological process or labor protection rules, replacing or upgrading a truck, fixtures and tools, changing working conditions and organization, in case of violations of labor protection instructions, breaks in work for more than 60 calendar days (for work, to which are subject to increased security requirements - 30 calendar days);
  • dispensary medical examination.

1.3. The driver is obliged:

  • comply with the internal labor regulations established at the enterprise;
  • comply with the requirements of this manual, fire safety instructions, electrical safety instructions;
  • comply with the requirements when working in a career;
  • use for its intended purpose and take care of the issued personal protective equipment.

1.4. When registering a driver for work, a certain truck must be assigned to him by order of the enterprise.

1.5. After being hired, the driver is obliged to accept the vehicle according to the act and perform only the work that is assigned by the administration of the transport department.

1.6. The driver must:

  • be able to provide first (pre-medical) assistance to the victim in an accident;
  • have on the car a first-aid kit for first aid, primary fire extinguishing equipment;
  • perform only assigned work and not transfer it to others without the permission of the head of the AHO;
  • during work, be attentive, not be distracted and not distract others, do not allow persons who are not related to work to the workplace;
  • keep the workplace clean and tidy.

1.7. The driver must know and follow the rules of personal hygiene. Eat, smoke, rest only in specially designated areas and places. Drink water only from specially designed installations.

1.8. Stop the vehicle immediately if you detect malfunctions of the vehicle, fixtures, tools and other shortcomings or hazards in the workplace. Only after eliminating the noticed shortcomings, continue working on the car.

1.9. If a fire is detected or in the event of a fire:

  • stop the car, turn off the ignition, turn off the valves of the gas pipeline and fuel and lubricants;
  • start extinguishing the fire with the available primary fire extinguishing equipment in accordance with the fire safety instructions. In case of a threat to life - leave the premises.

1.10. In case of an accident, provide the victim with first (pre-medical) aid, immediately report the incident to the foreman or head of the shop, take measures to preserve the situation of the incident (accident), if this does not create a danger to others.

1.11. For failure to comply with the safety requirements set forth in this manual, the driver is liable in accordance with applicable law.

1.12. In accordance with the Standard Industry Standards for the Free Issue of Special Clothing, Special Footwear and Other Personal Protective Equipment to Workers and Employees, a car driver must be provided with cotton overalls (wearing period 12 months), combined two-fingered mittens (wearing period 6 months).

1.13. The main dangerous and harmful production factors are:

  • moving and rotating parts and components of the car;
  • posted car;
  • hot surfaces of the engine, cooling system, muffler, etc.
  • exhaust gases resulting from the combustion of fuels and lubricants;
  • leaded gasoline
  • collision with another vehicle or collision with people;
  • equipment, tools, fixtures.

1.14. When working together on the line of 2 people or more, the driver must follow the orders and instructions of the senior appointed by the head responsible for compliance with safety requirements

1.15. Gas-balloon cars can enter the maintenance and repair posts only after the engine has been switched to work on gasoline. Before entering, it is necessary to check the gas supply system for leaks at a special post. It is forbidden to enter premises with a leaky gas supply system.

1.16. When switching the engine to liquid fuel, it is necessary to close the supply valves and completely exhaust gas from the power system, then close the main valve, turn on the liquid fuel supply and start the engine.

2. Safety requirements before starting work

2.1. Pass a pre-trip medical examination.

2.2. Receive a waybill and targeted instructions about working conditions in the quarry from the dispatcher.

2.3. Together with the gearbox mechanic, check the technical serviceability and completeness of the car and get the appropriate mark on the waybill. When examining, pay special attention to:

The serviceability of the battery, starter, brakes, steering, lighting, alarm, cab doors, interior, heating system, side locks, muffler, tightness of its connections.

2.4. Visual inspection to make sure the car is in full working order and check:

  • the technical condition of the car and trailer, paying special attention to the serviceability of the tires, brake system, steering, coupling devices of the road train, lighting and signaling devices, windshield wipers, the correct installation of the rear-view mirror, the cleanliness and visibility of license plates and their duplicate inscriptions;
  • no leakage of fuel, oil and water, and for gas-balloon vehicles for tightness of gas equipment and lines;
  • air pressure in tires in accordance with the norms;
  • the availability of serviceable tools and fixtures;
  • filling the car with fuel, oil, water, brake fluid and electrolyte level in the battery.

2.5. Vehicles running on gas fuel must be inspected daily to check the tightness and serviceability of gas equipment. The tightness of all connections is checked using special instruments, by ear or with soap emulsion.

Malfunctions of gas equipment are eliminated only at the posts for the repair and adjustment of gas equipment or in specialized workshops.

2.6. Before starting the engine, the driver must:

  • turn off and disconnect the heating elements;
  • brake the car with a parking brake;
  • put the gear lever in neutral;
  • check the tightness of the power supply system;
  • ventilate the engine compartment when working on gas.

2.5. To start a cold engine, use the starting handle with the gear lever in neutral position. It is not allowed to grasp the handle or use any levers acting on it.

2.6. After starting or warming up the engine, it is necessary to check on the go the operation of the steering and brakes, the operation of the "STOP" signal, turns, lighting, as well as the sound signal.

2.7. In case of detection of malfunctions, do not go to the line until they are completely eliminated and inform the administration of the motor transport department about this.

2.8. Refuel the car with fuel after stopping the engine.

2.9. When running a car on leaded gasoline, observe the following rules:

  • operations for the acceptance, refueling of the car and pumping of leaded gasoline to be carried out mechanized, being on the windward side of the car;
  • purge the fuel system with a pump;
  • if leaded gasoline gets on your hands, wash them with kerosene, and then with warm water and soap;
  • If leaded petrol comes into contact with eyes, seek immediate medical attention.

2.10. Open the radiator cap after the engine has cooled down, protect your hands and face from burns.

2.11. In order to increase safety, the connection of the vehicle with the trailer should be by means of a rigid drawbar fixed to the frame of the vehicle with a king pin with a nut. Connect the king pin to the drawbar so that it can turn freely; the axis of the drawbar of the trailer in its horizontal position must be at the same level with the pivot.

3. Safety requirement during operation

3.1. When working on the line, the driver must:

  • Before starting to move from a stopping place (parking lot), make sure that it is safe for workers and other unauthorized persons and give a warning signal.
  • on a dump truck with a lowered body only.
  • Before leaving the cab, turn off the ignition or turn off the fuel supply, apply the parking brake to the vehicle, and make sure that there is no danger associated with the movement of vehicles either in the same direction or in the opposite direction. Do not jump from the cab or car body while moving.

3.2. After leaving the cab, if the car is left on a section of the road that has a slope, place wheel chocks under the wheels.

3.3. When working in a career:

  • work in a quarry is considered dangerous, so the driver must always remember this;
  • follow all orders of the quarry foreman, who is personally responsible for the labor safety of drivers and all personnel who work in the quarry;
  • lowering and lifting the car during icy conditions is not allowed;
  • inspect the place for loading;
  • loading of soil into dump trucks should be done from the rear or side side. It is prohibited to carry the bucket over the driver's cab;
  • It is prohibited to load soil into a dump truck that does not have a safety armored shield above the cab, as well as when the driver is in the cab;
  • The speed of movement of vehicles in the quarry should not exceed 20 km per hour.

3.3. Clean mud and ice off the footboards in a timely manner.

3.4. Before reversing the vehicle, make sure that this maneuver will not create a hazard and that there are no people nearby.

3.5. When opening the radiator cap on a hot engine, wear a mitten or cover it with a rag. Open the cork carefully, not allowing intense steam to escape towards the opening one.

3.6. Refuel the car with fuel in accordance with the safety rules established for gas stations.

3.7. To overflow gasoline, use a special device. It is forbidden to suck gasoline by mouth through the hose.

3.8. When repairing a car on the line, take precautions: pull over to the side of the road, turn on the rear light in case of poor visibility, stop the car using the parking brake system, engage first gear, put stops under the wheels. When working on the side of the road, stay under the vehicle on the opposite side of the roadway. Do not allow persons who do not have the right to repair the car (loaders, accompanying passengers, etc.).

3.9. The driver is not allowed:

  • driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs;
  • leave for a flight in a sick condition or with such a degree of fatigue that may affect traffic safety;
  • perform work on maintenance and repair of the car at a distance closer than 5 m from the area of ​​operation of loading and unloading mechanisms;
  • use open flames at the gas station;
  • allow the engine to run on a mixture of 2 fuels;
  • when the car is parked, sleep and rest in the cab with the engine running or start the engine to heat the cab; transfer control of the car to unauthorized persons;
  • carry out maintenance and repair of the vehicle during loading and unloading;
  • to transport passengers in a car not equipped for the transportation of people, as well as travel in the cabin of people in excess of the established norm for this type of car;
  • carry out towing of the car in order to start the engine;
  • heat the engine with an open flame, as well as when identifying and eliminating malfunctions of mechanisms;
  • smoking in the cab of a gas-balloon car;
  • block the doors with cargo;
  • transport children in the back of a car;
  • transport people on footboards;
  • jointly transport dangerous goods and products;
  • to put a dump truck under power lines without the permission of the owner of the power line
  • when refueling with gas fuel, stand near the gas filling hose and cylinders;
  • tighten the nuts of the connections of the gas system under pressure;
  • work without gloves when refueling with gas fuel;
  • refuel cylinders whose certification period has expired
  • wipe the engine with a rag soaked in gasoline and smoke in the immediate vicinity of the engine power system and fuel tanks.

4. Safety requirements in emergency situations

4.1. The driver involved in a traffic accident that caused an accident (hitting people or a collision with another vehicle) must immediately inform the traffic police, the head of the ACS or the dispatcher; provide the victim with first (pre-medical) aid, take measures to preserve the situation of the incident (accident) until the arrival of the traffic police, if this does not create a danger to others.

4.2. You can take a faulty car in tow with the help of special devices after the permission of the traffic police inspector.

4.3. In the event of a malfunction of the gas supply system, immediately close the supply and main valves, and then ventilate the engine compartment where the gas pipeline passes.

4.4. If a gas leak is detected from the cylinder fittings, release the gas or drain the gas in compliance with safety measures. Gas discharge at the enterprise should be carried out at specially equipped posts.

4.5. Open main and supply gas valves slowly to avoid water hammer.

4.6. When draining gas, it is forbidden to smoke and use open fire.

4.7. If a gas leak is detected in the engine power system, stop the latter, close the supply valve, and take measures to eliminate the defect.

4.8. In the event of a gas leak from the cylinder fittings, drive the car to a safe place and release or drain the gas from the cylinder, with the engine turned off, in the absence of open flames.

4.9. In case of heavy snowfall, heavy rain, fog, when the place of work in the quarry is poorly visible, do not work

5. Safety requirements at the end of work

5.1. After returning from the quarry, together with the mechanic of the transport department, check the car. If necessary, draw up an application for current repairs with a list of faults to be eliminated.

5.2. After putting the car into overnight or long-term parking, close the supply valves, exhaust gas from the power system, turn off the ignition and ground.

5.3. When placing the car in a place with heating, make sure that there is no fuel leakage.

5.4. Clean the car and trailer from dirt and dust, put them in the designated place, make sure that there is no possibility of fire and tighten the parking brake lever.

5.5. Hand over the waybill to the dispatcher or responsible person.

5.6. Remove and put special clothes in the closet, wash hands and face with soap and water, take a shower. Do not use chemicals for washing.

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