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Standard instructions for the provision of first aid in case of accidents. Full document

Occupational Safety and Health

Occupational Safety and Health / Standard instructions for labor protection

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Providing first aid

1.1. Electric shock. After releasing the victim from the action of electric current, lay him on a bed and cover it warmly, quickly determine the nature of the required first aid within 15 - 20 seconds, arrange for a doctor to be called and take the following measures:

1.1.1. If the victim is breathing and conscious, put him in a comfortable position, unfasten his clothes. Before the doctor arrives, provide the victim with complete rest and access to fresh air, while monitoring his pulse and breathing. Do not allow the victim to get up and move before the arrival of the doctor, and even more so continue to work;

1.1.2. If the victim is unconscious, but his breathing and pulse are stable, keep an eye on them, let him smell ammonia and spray his face with water, ensuring complete rest until the doctor arrives;

1.1.3. In the absence of breathing, as well as infrequent and convulsive breathing, or cardiac arrest (lack of pulse), immediately perform artificial respiration or chest compressions.

Begin artificial respiration and heart massage no later than 4-6 minutes from the moment of cessation of cardiac activity and breathing, because. after this period, clinical death occurs.

Never bury the victim in the ground.

1.2. Perform artificial respiration "from mouth to mouth" or "from mouth to nose" as follows. Lay the victim on his back, unfasten clothing that restricts breathing, place a roller of clothing under the shoulder blades. Ensure that the airway is clear, which may be obstructed by a sunken tongue or foreign material. To do this, tilt the head of the victim as much as possible, placing one hand under the neck and pressing the other on the forehead. In this position, the mouth usually opens, and the root of the tongue moves to the back of the larynx, providing airway patency. If there is foreign matter in the mouth, turn the victim's shoulders and head to the side and clean the mouth and throat with a bandage, handkerchief or shirt edge wrapped around the index finger. If the mouth does not open, then carefully insert a metal plate, tablet, etc. between the back teeth, open your mouth and, if necessary, clean your mouth and throat.

After that, kneel down on either side of the victim’s head and, keeping the head thrown back, take a deep breath and, pressing your mouth tightly (through a handkerchief or gauze) to the victim’s open mouth, blow air into him strongly. At the same time, cover the nose of the victim with the cheek or fingers of the hand on the forehead. Make sure that the air enters the lungs and not the stomach, this is revealed by the distention of the abdomen and the lack of expansion of the chest. If air has entered the stomach, remove it from there quickly by briefly pressing the area of ​​\uXNUMXb\uXNUMXbthe stomach between the sternum and navel.

Take measures to free the airways and repeat the blowing of air into the lungs of the victim. After blowing in, release the mouth and nose of the victim for free exit of air from the lungs. For a deeper exhalation, lightly press on the chest. Perform each air injection after 5 seconds, which corresponds to the rhythm of your own breathing.

If the jaws of the victim are compressed so tightly that it is not possible to open the mouth, then perform artificial respiration according to the mouth-to-nose method, i.e. blow air into the victim's nose.

When the first spontaneous breaths appear, time the artificial breath to coincide with the beginning of the spontaneous breath.

Perform artificial respiration until the victim's deep and rhythmic (own) breathing is restored.

1.3. Perform external heart massage in case of cardiac arrest, which is determined by the absence of a pulse, dilated pupils and cyanosis of the skin and mucous membranes.

When performing an external massage of the victim’s heart, lay the victim on his back on a hard surface or place a board under him, free the chest from clothes and raise his legs by about 0,5 m. 3 - 4 cm above this place along it is determined by the point of pressure. Place the part of the palm adjacent to the wrist joint on the place of pressure, while the fingers should not touch the chest, place the palm of the second hand at a right angle on the back of the palm of the first hand. Make a quick (push) and strong pressure on the sternum and fix it in this position for about 0,5 s, then quickly release it, relaxing your hands, but do not take them away from the sternum. Apply pressure approximately 60 - 80 times per minute. Massage the heart until your own (not supported by massage) regular pulse appears.

1.4. If it is necessary to simultaneously perform artificial respiration and heart massage, the procedure for conducting them and the ratio of the number of injections to the number of pressures on the sternum is determined by the number of persons providing assistance:

1.4.1. If one person is helping, then perform artificial respiration and heart massage in the following order: after two deep breaths, do 15 chest compressions, then again two deep breaths and 15 chest compressions, etc.;

1.4.2. If you provide assistance together, then one makes one blow, and the second after 2 s produces 5-6 pressures on the sternum, etc.

1.5. Perform artificial respiration and heart massage until the body's vital functions are fully restored or until a doctor arrives.

1.6. Injuries. Lubricate abrasions, injections, minor wounds with iodine or brilliant green and apply a sterile bandage or seal with a strip of adhesive plaster. For a large wound, apply a tourniquet, lubricate the skin around the wound with iodine and bandage it with a clean gauze bandage or a sterile bandage from an individual package.

If there is no bandage or bag, take a clean handkerchief or cloth and drop iodine on the place that will lie on the wound to make a stain larger than the wound, and apply the stain on the wound.

Apply the bandage so that the blood vessels are not squeezed, and the bandage is kept on the wound. In case of injury, give a tetanus toxoid injection in a medical institution.

1.7. Stop bleeding. When bleeding stops, lift the injured limb up or position the injured part of the body (head, torso, etc.) so that they are elevated and apply a tight pressure bandage. If during arterial bleeding (scarlet blood flows in a pulsating stream) the blood does not stop, apply a tourniquet or twist. Tighten the tourniquet (twist) only until the bleeding stops. Mark the time of applying the tourniquet on a tag, piece of paper, etc. and fasten it to the harness. The tourniquet is allowed to be kept tightened for no more than 1,5 - 2 hours. In case of arterial bleeding, take the victim to a doctor as soon as possible. Transport it in a comfortable and, if possible, fast vehicle, always with an accompanying person.

1.8. bruises. For bruises, apply a tight bandage and apply cold soaks. In case of significant bruises of the torso and lower extremities, take the victim to a medical facility.

Bruises in the abdomen lead to ruptures of internal organs. Immediately take the victim to a medical facility at the slightest suspicion of this. Do not let such patients drink and eat.

1.9. Bone fractures. For a closed fracture, place the limb in a comfortable position, while handling it carefully, avoid sudden movements, and apply splints. Put splints on both sides, while putting cotton under the splints so that the splints do not touch the skin of the limbs, and be sure to capture the joints above and below the fracture sites. Tires can be worn over clothing. In case of an open fracture, stop the bleeding, lubricate the edges of the wound with iodine, bandage the wound and apply splints, bandage the broken leg to the healthy leg, and the arm to the chest.

In case of a fracture of the collarbone and scapula, put a tight cotton roll into the axillary region of the injured side, and hang your hand on a scarf. If your ribs are broken, wrap your chest tightly or with a towel as you exhale.

If the spine is fractured, carefully place the victim on an ambulance stretcher, boards or plywood, make sure that the torso does not bend (to avoid damage to the spinal cord). In case of broken bones, take urgent measures to deliver the victim to the nearest medical facility.

1.10. Dislocations.

In case of dislocation, ensure the immobility of the injured limb, apply splints without changing the angle that formed in the joint during dislocation. Dislocations should be set only by doctors. When transporting the victim to a medical facility, place the victim on a stretcher or in the back of a car, and cover the limb with rollers from clothes or pillows.

1.11. Burns. In case of a thermal burn, remove clothing from the burned area, cover it with sterile material, put a layer of cotton wool on top and bandage it. Do not touch burns, puncture blisters, or tear off pieces of clothing stuck to burns while treating. Do not lubricate the burnt surface with ointments and do not cover with powders. In case of severe burns, take the victim to the hospital immediately.

1.11.1. In case of an acid burn, remove clothing and thoroughly for 15 minutes. rinse the burned area with a stream of water, then rinse with a 5% solution of potassium permanganate or a 10% solution of baking soda (a teaspoon in a glass of water). After that, cover the affected areas of the body with gauze soaked in a mixture of vegetable oil and lime water, and bandage.

1.11.2. In case of alkali burns, the affected areas within 10-15 minutes. rinse with a stream of water, and then with a 3 - 6% solution of acetic acid or a solution of boric acid (a teaspoon of acid in a glass of water). After that, cover the affected areas with gauze soaked in 5% acetic acid solution and bandage.

1.12. Frostbite. In case of frostbite of the XNUMXst degree (skin is edematous, pale, cyanotic, loses sensitivity), bring the victim into a cool room and rub the skin with a dry, clean cloth until redness or a feeling of warmth, lubricate with fat (oil, lard, boric ointment) and apply an insulated bandage. Then drink hot tea to the victim and transfer to a warm room.

With frostbite II - IV degree (bubbles with bloody fluid appear on the skin, and it becomes purple-cyanotic color - II degree; layers of the skin and underlying tissues become dead, the skin becomes black - III degree; complete necrosis of the skin and tissues - IV degree) apply a dry bandage on the affected skin, let the victim drink hot tea or coffee and immediately send to the nearest medical facility.

1.13. Heat and sunstroke. At the first signs of malaise (headache, tinnitus, nausea, rapid breathing, intense thirst, sometimes vomiting), lay the victim in the shade or bring into a cool room, free the neck and chest from tight clothing; if the victim is conscious, give cold water to drink; moisten the head, chest and neck periodically with cold water, let's sniff ammonia. If the victim is not breathing, perform artificial respiration according to paragraph 1.10 of this instruction.

1.14. Poisoning by pesticides, mineral fertilizers, preservatives and their decay products.

First of all, remove the victim from the contaminated area and free from clothing that restricts breathing and respiratory protection.

Take first aid measures aimed at stopping the entry of poison into the body:

  • through the respiratory tract - remove the victim from the danger zone to fresh air;
  • through the skin - thoroughly rinse the drug with a stream of water, preferably with soap or, without smearing it on the skin and without rubbing it, remove it with a piece of cloth, then wash it with cold water or a slightly alkaline solution; if poison gets into the eyes, rinse them with plenty of water, a 2% solution of baking soda or boric acid;
  • through the gastrointestinal tract - let you drink a few glasses of water (preferably warm) or a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate and induce vomiting by irritation of the back of the throat. Repeat this procedure 1 - 3 times. Vomiting can also be induced with mustard (1/2 - 1 teaspoon of dry powder in a glass of warm water), salt (2 tablespoons in a glass of warm water), or a glass of soapy water. Do not induce vomiting in an unconscious or convulsive patient. After vomiting, give half a glass of water with two to three tablespoons of activated charcoal to drink, followed by a saline laxative (20 g of bitter salt in half a glass of water); in case of acid poisoning, give a solution of baking soda (1 teaspoon per glass of water), milk or water to drink; in case of alkali poisoning, give milk, lemon juice or vinegar water to drink.

Do not give castor oil as a laxative. If possible, bring the victim to a warm room. When unconscious, use heating pads, but with great care, in case of poisoning with DNOC, nitrafen, sodium pentachlorophenol and sodium pentachlorophenolate, heat is contraindicated, perform cold procedures: cool baths, wet rubdowns, cold compresses, ice packs.

If breathing is weakened, let's smell ammonia, in case of cessation of breathing or cardiac activity, perform artificial respiration or closed heart massage.

In the presence of convulsions, exclude any irritation, give the patient complete rest.

If irritating substances, such as formalin, enter the body, give the victim an enveloping agent (starch solution) to drink. Do not give milk, fats, alcoholic drinks.

For skin bleeding - apply tampons moistened with hydrogen peroxide, for nosebleeds - lay the victim down, lift and tilt his head slightly, apply cold compresses to the bridge of the nose and the back of the head, insert tampons moistened with hydrogen peroxide into the nose.

In case of poisoning with organophosphorus compounds, accompanied by salivation, lacrimation, constriction of the pupils, slowing of breathing, slowing of the pulse, muscle twitches, drink belladonna preparations: 3-4 tablets of besalol (becarbon) or 1-3 tablets of bellalgin.

In all cases of poisoning (even mild), immediately refer the patient to a doctor or paramedic.

1.15. Poisoning with poisonous gases. If signs of poisoning appear (headache, tinnitus, dizziness, dilated pupils, nausea and vomiting, loss of consciousness), remove the victim immediately to fresh air and organize the supply of oxygen for breathing using a rubber cushion or an oxygen cylinder. In the absence of oxygen, lay down the victim, raise his legs, let him drink cold water and let's sniff cotton wool moistened with ammonia. If breathing is weak or stops, perform artificial respiration until a doctor arrives or breathing is restored. If possible and the victim is conscious, give him plenty of milk to drink.

1.16. Eye damage. In case of clogging of the eyes, rinse them with a 1% solution of boric acid, a stream of clean water or a damp cotton (gauze) swab. To do this, lay the head of the victim so that you can direct the jet from the outer corner of the eye (from the temple) to the inner. Don't rub your clogged eye.

If splashes of acid and alkali get into the eye, rinse it for 5 minutes. clean water. After washing the eye, apply a bandage and send the victim to a doctor.

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