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Starvation and its tolerance. Basics of safe life

Fundamentals of Safe Life Activities (OBZhD)

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Lack of food causes starvation. During fasting, the internal nutrition of the body is carried out due to self-digestion of its own tissues (autolysis).

Medicine conditionally distinguishes four types of fasting:

  • absolute - in the absence of any food and water;
  • complete - in the absence of any food, but in the presence of water;
  • incomplete - when eating food in a limited amount, insufficient to replenish energy losses;
  • partial - when, with a sufficient amount of nutrition, a person does not receive one or more substances necessary for the body (vitamins, proteins, etc.) with food.

As a result of starvation, a person develops deep and sometimes irreversible disorders in the body, which eventually lead to severe disorders in the functions of many organs and systems.

If the body does not receive the necessary nutrients for a long time, then in order to meet its energy needs, it first switches to endogenous (due to internal reserves) nutrition.

In this case, the restructuring of enzyme systems occurs, aimed at the most economical redistribution and expenditure of tissue resources. Since the main source of energy are fats, the reserves of which are located in adipose tissue, the subcutaneous fatty tissue is first utilized.

The mobilization of a large amount of fat from the depot and its transition into the blood leads to lipemia - the appearance of the smallest particles of fat in the blood plasma. As a result, the liver undergoes fatty infiltration, and this has a very adverse effect on its function.

When the reserves of fat and carbohydrates are depleted, the body begins to use the proteins of cells and tissues as an energy material. And if a person does not stop fasting, the loss of proteins can lead to a tragic end.

Starvation inevitably causes vitamin deficiency, which exacerbates metabolic disorders in the body. Naturally, the most dangerous is absolute and complete starvation.

Tolerability of the so-called "safe fasting" varies widely and depends on the person's age, gender, build, individual characteristics of the body and psyche at the time of fasting.

Maximum fasting times - this is the line beyond which there may no longer be a way out of an extreme situation.

The most dangerous is absolute starvation. Therefore, it is necessary to use every opportunity to prevent it.

With complete starvation in favorable climatic conditions, you can live 40-50 days. In some, the most favorable conditions, a person with good health, as experience shows, can extend this period up to 60-65 days.

At the beginning of our century, a group of 11 people went on a hunger strike in a prison in the Irish city of Corks. On the 20th day, the newspapers began to claim that the prisoners were dying. Such messages were transmitted on the 30th, 40th, 50th, 60th and 70th day. In fact, the first prisoner died on the 74th day, the second - on the 88th, and the rest refused to fast on the 94th day, gradually recovered and remained alive. A man named Succi in the period from 1886 to 1904 conducted ten fasting experiments for money - from 20 to 45 days. And someone Marletti spent several times a 50-day fast.

Due to the fact that body tissues are consumed during fasting, the greater the weight of a person, the longer he can starve.

Eileen Jones, who was obese (119 kilograms), starved for 143 days in Los Angeles. She drank three liters of water every day during her fast and received vitamin injections twice a week. During this time, her weight decreased to 81 kilograms, and her health was excellent. In 1973, in the city of Glasgow, two obese women went hungry for 236 and 249 days to normalize their weight!

However, in all cases, one should not cross the line for more than 30-40 days. Some experts believe that the deadline for complete fasting for an adult can be up to 60-70 days. Young people have less time. Older people may fast longer than younger people due to their lower metabolic rate. Women tolerate fasting more easily than men.

With excessively long periods of fasting (loss of 45-50% of body weight), the adaptive mechanisms of internal nutrition are violated. Stable proteins of vital organs are degraded. The tragic denouement, ending in death from starvation, is completed within 2-3 days. The harbingers of this final stage are: an increase in hunger, interruptions in the heart, an increase in the urine of protein decay products.

It is generally believed that the greater the fat stores, the longer the body can endure starvation. However, with equal fatness and the same conditions, different people can die at very different times, which is apparently connected with the state of the central nervous system, the nature of metabolism, etc.

You should know: if you eat relatively normally during the transition, then you should try to maintain this regimen further, making efforts to replenish food supplies along the way.

If there is no food, and you decide to reach the goal, doing without food and drinking only water, then it is better to starve until the end of the journey.

The danger is incomplete fasting, or, more precisely, eating from time to time. For example, 2-3 days of hunger, then, when something can be obtained, the stomach is given a load, then hunger again. With this mode of fractional nutrition, a person becomes exhausted faster, up to dystrophy, strength is lost. This is due to the fact that the body does not timely switch to internal nutrition and profound changes in cells, their disorientation can begin much earlier than its own internal reserves are used up.

With complete starvation, when the body receives only water, it adapts for a certain period to its internal nutrition, that is, nutrition with its own reserves of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and mineral salts. This food satisfies all the needs of the body and is complete.

In all cases, one must strive to prevent starvation, or at least not to bring it to the limit. It is necessary to be able to rationally switch to starvation due to necessity and timely, competently get out of it.

Most people have a psychological barrier to the "zero diet", which consists in the fear of being completely without food in a sparsely populated or deserted area. Know when a stereotype is established in your head that food saves you from cold and fatigue, then you become forever hungry. And you get tired and cold from hunger, and not at all from limited nutrition.

An experiment was conducted during which it was explained what fasting is, how to cope with it, etc. According to the results of psychological and physiological studies conducted before the trip, during the trip and after it, not only the preservation of a normal psychological and physical state participants, but even its improvement.

The experiment showed that a positive "psychological attitude" (people's understanding of the harmlessness of 15-20-day fasting, the difference between complete starvation and chronic malnutrition, familiarization with the psycho-physiological mechanisms of this process) had a stable positive effect on all body functions.

General results of experiments under the "Extremum" program, conducted in 1981-1984. in different types of tourism by different people, convincingly testify to the suitability of this unique method, which makes it possible to confidently eliminate emergencies in the absence of food (in the presence of only water) without compromising health.

Transition in starvation mode

Once in a crisis situation, one must strive to overcome it and, above all, be able to get rid of depression, since in an extreme mode, more than ever, only reasonable and active activity is needed. People's lives depend on it.

Obtaining food requires time and effort, the food obtained may be small, it may turn out to be inedible and cause stomach diseases and, as a result, loss of strength. There are cases of complete dystrophy, despite the presence of edible plants.

With therapeutic dosed fasting, patients, without taking any food for up to 20-30 days or more, drinking only up to 2,5 liters of water per day, gained health, vigor and optimism.

Of course, a person, enduring feasible loads, gradually weakens physically, but much more slowly than with very little and insufficient nutrition. In addition, after recovery, the body does not remain weakened, but, on the contrary, becomes stronger.

Knowing this, a group left without food should not worry too much: having water, they will be able to safely reach a safe place and shelter in 15 and 20 days, continuing the transition under conditions of forced starvation.

Don't force movement, follow your breath. Don't be embarrassed that it is more difficult to go than on a full stomach (especially 3-5 days after the start of fasting). The strength will last for a long time. With a moderate pace of movement (about 4 km / h) and an average load, the body consumes less than 3-4 thousand kcal per day, and loses weight on average in the absence of food no more than 500-800 g. For a person with normal weight, the loss is 25 % of the total weight is harmless.

It should be noted that hunger will torment you for no more than 34 days, since after that the body switches to eating its own fat reserves. This so-called endogenous nutrition is sufficiently complete to ensure human life. But temporarily, more often in the morning, a feeling of weakness may appear. A week later, within one day or even several hours, the state of health improves significantly, the feeling of physical weakness disappears, cheerfulness appears.

Physical performance during fasting, provided that the active motor mode is maintained for a long time, can remain at the initial level. However, fatigue during muscular work occurs faster, and a longer period of rest is required.

Set yourself up for the fact that food will not appear soon. And you won't feel like eating. Try not to think about food, treat conversations about food indifferently, abstractly, do not fix your attention on it.

If you come across a lot of berries or other edible plants along the way, for example at a halt, collect them: they can be useful for restoration. But don't be tempted to eat at least some berries until you reach the end point of the route and begin recovery. The body, being on internal nutrition, will be disoriented, the secretion of gastric juice will begin, which can lead to exhaustion and a rapid decline in strength. The collected berries and fruits for restoration must be inviolable.


Leaving the danger zone and arriving at the planned settlement, in no case attack any food. This can be self-destructive. Recovery is a much more responsible and complex stage than fasting. If you are impatient, you risk provoking the most dire consequences.

So, if you didn’t eat for 10-15 days, but drank only water, then start recovery with the following products that were in stock and some of which you managed to get in the village.

First-second day. Drink small portions up to 1,5 liters of various juices, approximately 200 ml every 2 hours (berry, fruit, carrot, tomato, etc.). If there are no juices, then in the summer you can suck out the berries by spitting out the peel. In the absence of juices, recovery can be started with compotes (liquid only) or 0,5 liters of milk diluted with warm water to 1 liter (on the second day, milk is drunk already undiluted - up to 1 liter).

If neither is available, you can dissolve five teaspoons of honey or condensed milk in warm water.

These mixtures should be taken at least 5-6 times a day, evenly distributing the daily allowance.

Second day. Up to 1 liter of lactic acid products (kefir, fermented baked milk, curdled milk), in addition, 500 g of apples, 250 g of carrots are added, which are pre-grated. You can drink natural juice. The total amount of liquid consumed during the day is not more than 1 liter. The entire norm should be evenly divided into five doses.

The third day. Up to 1 liter of lactic acid products, 500 g of apples, 500 g of carrots, in addition, 200 g of vinaigrette without salt and 50 g of crackers are added to the menu. The norm is divided into five receptions. Instead of vegetables, you can eat liquid cereals on the water (oatmeal, buckwheat). But the total amount of fluid consumed should not exceed 1,5 liters.

Fourth day. From the fourth day, switch to four meals a day. Add one teaspoon of honey to the food you eat each time (4 tablespoons in total).

Fifth day. Add semi-liquid cereals with milk (buckwheat, semolina, oatmeal) to the existing menu in the amount of 200 g and 200 g of bread.

Gradually increase such a diet, constantly controlling yourself so that there is no heaviness in the stomach or cramps in the stomach and the desire to eat remains all the time. Although it is not easy, but one must undereat.

On the sixth day add a little porridge from buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, millet or mashed potatoes, a piece of stale bread, a little onion, garlic. If those who do not have a completely healthy stomach have discomfort or heaviness in the stomach, they should immediately transfer it to mucous food, and it is even better to start with it right away, at first - only decoctions, and then liquid cereals and no fruits and vegetables .

On the seventh day you can increase the diet to 1,5 liters of lactic acid products, up to 0,5 kg of cereals or mashed potatoes, up to 200 g of crackers or stale bread and 20-30 g of honey.

From the first day of recovery, there is no need to cleanse the intestines, but if there is no stool on the 4-5th day, then a cleansing enema is needed.

From the eighth day you can taste 200 g of vegetarian soup.

On the ninth day you can also eat 100 g of cottage cheese with sour cream.

On the tenth day mashed potatoes in milk with 15-20 g of butter, various nuts - up to 10 pieces are added to the menu.

The recovery period should be approximately equal to the fasting period.

Food should not contain salt, which retains water, sometimes causing puffiness and other undesirable effects.

A week and a half later, fresh fish cooked without salt, unsalted fish broth, one hard-boiled egg are introduced into the diet.

To replenish the diet with vitamins, it is useful to diversify the menu by adding well-known edible herbs and cereals to dishes, which are consumed raw and boiled.

The layout shown is indicative and may be subject to change based on product availability. It should be remembered that fatty protein products (meat, stew, mushrooms) are contraindicated. Their consumption, especially in large quantities, can cause serious complications.

With the recommended regimen, following a dairy-vegetarian diet, you will completely preserve your health and performance.

The main obstacle, due to which not every person decides on voluntary multi-day fasting, is an unpleasant feeling of hunger. There are many ways to overcome it. For example, the Indians of one of the South American tribes living in the Amazon River Valley, to eliminate the hungry contractions of the stomach, with which the feeling of hunger is also associated, tightly pull the upper abdomen with a rope. You can go the other way: drink at least 0,5 liters of water at the same time. The walls of the stomach will stretch, the feeling of hunger will stop or become noticeably weaker. Finally, there is a universal way available to everyone not to feel hunger - the ability to distract from it, focus on some important work, useful activity, and not leave time for idleness.

Author: Mikhailov L.A.

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"However, in all cases, one should not cross the line of more than 3040 days.?

2Vladimir Thank you, corrected. :)

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