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Personnel Management. Cheat sheet: briefly, the most important

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Table of contents

  1. The importance of personnel management as a practical activity, science and academic discipline
  2. Personnel as an object of management
  3. Characteristics of the modern stage of personnel management
  4. Classical theories, human relations theories, humanistic theories
  5. Further development of the theoretical foundations of the science of personnel management
  6. The main factors for increasing the role of personnel in the organization and the functions of personnel management
  7. Methods and principles of personnel management
  8. State system of labor resources management
  9. Social partnership system
  10. Method based on labor process time. Calculation method based on service standards. Calculation method for jobs and headcount standards. Stochastic methods Expert methods Benchmarking
  11. The concept and meaning of organizational design in the personnel management system
  12. Organizational structure of the personnel management system
  13. Goals of the personnel management system, stages of organizational design of the personnel management system
  14. Modern types of organizational structures
  15. Staffing of the personnel management system
  16. Methods for determining the number of employees of personnel services
  17. Record-keeping support of the personnel management system
  18. Information support of the personnel management system
  19. Technical support of the personnel management system
  20. Normative and methodological support of the personnel management system
  21. Personnel policy of the organization
  22. Automated information systems for personnel management
  23. The system of strategic personnel management of the organization
  24. Personnel planning
  25. Legal support of the personnel management system
  26. Methods for determining the need for personnel
  27. Recruitment
  28. Evaluation of candidates for employment
  29. Marketing approach to determining personnel needs, ways and sources of covering them
  30. Personnel selection
  31. Business staff appraisal
  32. Composition of labor costs
  33. Personnel certification
  34. Selection and placement of personnel
  35. Personnel career guidance
  36. Staff adaptation
  37. Organization of personnel training system
  38. Methods and types of personnel training
  39. The essence of work motivation
  40. Meaningful Theories of Motivation
  41. Procedural Theories of Motivation
  42. Salary as a method of staff motivation
  43. Models and systems of wages
  44. The most effective methods of motivating the work of personnel
  45. The concept and stages of a career
  46. Business career planning
  47. The essence and procedure for the formation of a personnel reserve
  48. Types of staff release
  49. Programs of measures to prepare employees for retirement
  50. The concept of "organizational culture"
  51. Content of organizational culture
  52. The essence of organizational conflict
  53. Management of service and professional promotion of personnel
  54. Organizational conflict management
  55. Personnel audit
  56. Planning and organization of work with personnel reserve
  57. Programs of measures for the release of workers in connection with the reduction of staff

1. The value of personnel management as a practical activity, science and academic discipline

The current stage of development of the domestic and world economy is characterized by changes in the requirements for the personnel of the enterprise, an increase in the role of this component in the organization as a single system. In the context of the democratization of society and limited other resources, the well-known motto "Cadres decide everything!" regains relevance. And even if all the necessary resources are available in sufficient volumes, without an effective team, the most successful market strategy cannot be implemented, the continuity and rhythm of business processes are ensured. This motto becomes especially significant for the Russian economy and production, the backlog of the technical and technological component of which is fully compensated by high professionalism, the ability for non-standard, creative thinking, rich production and management experience, entrepreneurial activity of the personnel of enterprises and firms. Today it can be argued that the underestimation of the management, both at the macro- and at the micro level, of effective modern methods of managing the production process is becoming one of the main obstacles in managing the development of the economy. The acceleration of scientific, technical and socio-economic progress, the complication of industrial and interpersonal relations, associated with a sharp increase in the role of the human factor, had an impact on the change in the role of the personnel subsystem in the organization and advanced personnel management to the highest level of management activity.

The main goal of the discipline "Personnel Management" is the formation of theoretical knowledge and skills to build, change, improve the personnel management system of the enterprise, human resource management technology. The specified goal determined the range of tasks of the academic discipline "Personnel Management": determining the place and role of this subsystem in the enterprise management system; analysis of the process of organizational design of the personnel management system, systematization of the goals and functions of the organization's personnel management system; study of the process of providing the personnel management system of the enterprise with various types of resources; study of the content and technologies of procedures for recruitment, selection, business evaluation, career guidance, training, motivation, release of personnel, etc. The object of the discipline "Personnel Management" is labor resources in the domestic national economic system and the personnel of business entities of various organizational and legal forms and forms property. The subject of this academic discipline is the process of managing national resources, including the management of human capital of enterprises and organizations, including the formation of personnel policy and personnel strategies, the design of a personnel management system, and the development of personnel management technology.

2. Personnel as an object of management

The acceleration of scientific, technical and socio-economic progress, the complication of industrial and interpersonal relations had an impact on the formation of the science of personnel management based on the processes of practical activity in personnel management.

Human Resource Management - a science that originated at the end of the 1960th century. in the USA, and previously developed within the framework of other sciences (psychology and sociology, economics, enterprise economics, organizational behavior, conflictology, labor economics). In the USA, the development of this science took place in line with the behaviorist approach, and its separation into an independent field of knowledge was completed by the XNUMXs. In pre-reform Russia, the special science of personnel management did not exist, the most important basis of its subject - the market environment - was missing, however, the management of labor relations was also studied within the framework of economic, sociological and psychological sciences. The science closest to personnel management is "Enterprise Economics".

Staff (from Lat. personalis - "personal") is the personnel of organizations, including all employees, as well as working owners and co-owners.

It is necessary to provide the following signs of personnel - this is the presence of labor relations with the employer, which must be legislatively (legally) formalized; possession of certain qualitative characteristics (profession, specialty, competence, qualifications, etc.); target orientation of the activities of the personnel, i.e. ensuring the achievement of the goals of the organization.

Also, the personnel field of organizations, not being personnel, may include shareholders who do not work in this organization, and the board of directors, consulting, auditing and controlling organizations that have entered into an agreement for a certain time or for the performance of agreed work.

The personnel of the organization can be classified according to some qualitative characteristics:

1) according to the place in the management structure, personnel can be divided into managers (top managers, deputies, middle managers, line managers), specialists (lawyers, economists, psychologists, marketers, etc.), technical personnel, workers (main, auxiliary), service personnel (cleaners, loaders, etc.);

2) by professional structure - engineering and technical workers, marketers, economists, etc.;

3) by skill level - for example, workers of 1 - 6 categories;

4) by sex and age structure - men, women; workers of different age groups;

5) by work experience - general and special, employees with general or special work experience (1 year, 5, 10, 25 years, etc.);

6) by level of education - employees with an academic degree, higher, incomplete higher, specialized secondary, secondary, incomplete secondary education - and other classification characteristics.

3. Characteristics of the modern stage of personnel management

Company personnel are less mobile than technology, knowledge, capital and raw materials, which can become available almost instantly. But unlike fixed and circulating assets that wear out in the process of use, human capital acquires experience, skills and becomes better with age within its life cycle.

We offer the most successful definition of personnel management in an enterprise as a process of influencing potential and actual employees using a set of special methods to quickly and effectively achieve the organization’s goals. In the new economic conditions, the process of personnel management in an organization should be preceded by the development of a personnel management concept, containing generalized ideas about the essence, goals, objectives, principles, methodology, structure of the personnel management system and personnel management technology. An enterprise's human resource management system is a set of interconnected elements that implement the process of managing the organization's personnel. The central link of the personnel management system is the personnel management service - a division of the organization specializing in the implementation of personnel management functions in the organization. Modern personnel management services differ significantly from traditional personnel departments in their functionality, methodology, principles, operating technology, etc. The human resources department characteristic of the Soviet era carried out mainly accounting or personnel work. Thus, in modern personnel management services, accounting activities are predominantly dominated by management activities: management of motivation, conflicts, stress, employee development, innovation, etc. The current stage of development of the science of personnel management is characterized by the inclusion of employee management in the overall strategy of the organization. The essence of the modern stage of personnel management is: the assignment of the human resource management function to the highest level of management of the organization; involvement of human resource management in determining the strategy and organizational structure of the company; participation of all managers at various levels in the implementation of a unified personnel policy; integration of the activities of personnel officers and managers, the constant participation of the former as advisers to managers in resolving issues related to personnel in all divisions and at all levels of the corporation; a systematic, comprehensive solution to human capital management issues based on a unified personnel concept of the enterprise.

4. Classical theories, theories of human relations, humanistic theories

Researchers of the problem identify the following stages in the development of the science of personnel management:

1) classical theories (F. Taylor, A. Fayol, G. Emerson, L. Urwick, M. Weber, G. Ford, A. Gastev, P. Kerzhentsev) - from 1880 to 1930;

2) theories of human relations (E. Mayo, K. Argeris, R. Lickart, R. Blake) - since the early 1930s;

3) humanistic theories (A. Maslow, F. Herzberg, D. McGregor) - since the 1970s.

Classical theories imply a techno-economic (technocratic) approach to managing the personnel of enterprises, which is based on the scientific organization of labor, introduced into management at the beginning of the XNUMXth century. The main tasks of the management of companies were reduced to: strict control and supervision of employees; decomposing tasks into simple and understandable elements; rigid separation of managerial and executive functions, the use of an authoritarian leadership style; providing material incentives for employees; taking into account certain interests of employees and observing their rights.

In the first third of the XX century. the concepts of human resource management are developing that meet the requirements of the production and economic processes of companies, in particular, human relations school theories. In these studies of the school of human relations, it was assumed that people strive to be useful and necessary to the organization, employees want to be recognized, appreciated, involved in the processes of its development. The main tasks of management were: creating such conditions under which each employee would be aware of his usefulness, providing a certain freedom and independence in work, the interaction of the manager with subordinates and the participation of the latter in solving simple problems of the company, the formation of a sense of significance of the staff.

In the second half of the XNUMXth century, modern theories appeared, each of which in its own way tried to explain this complex type of management activity. The entire set of new concepts of personnel management can be combined into another approach to theoretical research in this area - humanistic. This approach contains such theories as human resource management, the theory of human capital, etc. The concept of human resources implies that personnel is the same important production resource as financial, material, technological and other resources involved in the production process, and therefore , an enterprise (organization) in the process of its development can either accumulate or reduce this type of resource. According to the theory human capital - this is the stock of knowledge, skills, motivations available to each employee. Investments of human potential can be: education, professional experience, health protection, geographical mobility, information.

5. Further development of the theoretical foundations of the science of personnel management

Subsequently, the most significant advances in labor management were achieved in Japanese and American firms. Researchers of personnel management problems have established the main reason for the success of the Japanese management system - the ability to work with people. In its most simplified form, the cornerstone of the Japanese personnel management system is the principles of a single family, lifelong employment, focus on meeting non-material needs, management of rapid adaptation and career and professional advancement. Currently, the Japanese personnel management system is being significantly reformed; the greatest changes have been made to the lifetime employment system, which is maintained only in a very small number of Japanese corporations (for example, Toyota, Canon), because despite the obvious advantages (stability of employment and low level of unemployment, full disclosure of the labor potential of employees and high manageability of personnel), its preservation was hampered by such obvious shortcomings as high costs of wages to employees, a narrow internal labor market, the impossibility of getting rid of unpromising personnel, etc. The basis of the personnel management system in the United States is the principles individualism, economic incentives, high staff turnover, narrow specialization, vertical career, early retirement, application of value categories and assessments to the use of labor resources. The most important achievements of the American and Japanese labor management systems in our country should be implemented selectively, with mandatory consideration of national specifics.

The culture of work in Russia is associated with the Soviet model, built on the principles of the scientific organization of labor and created by Soviet scientists A.K. foreign management. Despite the presence of significant shortcomings, the Soviet economic model almost completely satisfied the need for security and protection, guaranteed the right to work, pensions, social benefits: vacation, temporary disability pay, education. The advantage of the Soviet model was the creation of an extensive system of non-material incentives for workers, which included social competitions and moral incentives. A sharp change in the economic situation in our country, the emergence of market relations have led to changes in the system of human values. Therefore, in order to achieve effective personnel management of a company, a modern Russian manager needs to preserve, apply and improve the tools created by the socialist personnel management system and introduce foreign management methods that correspond to the parameters of a market economy.

6. The main factors for increasing the role of personnel in the organization and the functions of personnel management

The essence of labor activity was radically changed by the beginning of the mid-XNUMXth century. the process of automation and computerization of production. Automation and computerization have given rise to a number of new features of management, such as the individualization of labor and an increase in the distance between the controlling and controlled subsystems, the introduction of computer tools for interpersonal communications of workers, and the expansion of collective responsibility. Increasing requirements for the employee at the same time meant a change in the role of the employee in production, the complication of personnel management functions.

Changing the ways of personnel management (expansion of self-control and self-discipline).

It is extremely difficult to exercise control over representatives of non-standardized labor associated with creativity. This requires self-control, the necessary condition for which is a high level of consciousness, responsibility, self-discipline, development of control over the final results.

The impact of macroeconomic factors: globalization, informatization, diversification of production and small-scale production, increased global competition, improved product quality.

Changing forms of labor organization and interaction of workers. The use of broader forms of labor organization, work teams, project groups, "quality circles", production collegial bodies (committees, councils).

Increasing the level of education and culture of employees. Democratization of society, economy, production and management. The presence and influence of all the above factors increased the role of personnel in the organization and ensured the development of the science of managing them at the end of the XNUMXth century. and up to the present.

Personnel management is defined through the main functions as a purposeful activity of the heads of the organization and the personnel management system in the most important areas of the organization's human resource management mechanism.

The functions of personnel management of an organization as the main activities of a personnel management company include: recruitment, selection and admission of personnel; business assessment of personnel upon admission, certification, selection; vocational guidance and labor adaptation; motivation of labor activity of personnel; organization of work and compliance with the ethics of business relations; conflict and stress management; ensuring the safety of personnel; management of innovations in personnel work; training, advanced training and retraining of personnel; management of business career and service-professional advancement; management of personnel behavior in the organization; management of social development of personnel; release of staff.

7. Methods and principles of personnel management

Personnel management methods - these are ways and methods of influencing personnel to achieve the goals of the organization.

1. By stages of the management process can be distinguished: planning, organization, accounting, analysis, motivation, control.

2. By the nature of managerial impact on personnel stand out: methods of informing, methods of persuasion methods of coercion (based on threat)

3. How it affects people can be distinguished: administrative, economic, socio-psychological.

Principles (from the Latin principium - "the beginning of the foundation") - these are the rules, basic provisions and norms that managers and specialists must follow in the process of personnel management.

In the special literature on personnel management, two groups of principles are distinguished: principles that characterize the requirements for the formation of a personnel management system, and principles that determine the directions for the development of a personnel management system.

The principles that determine the requirements for the formation of a personnel management system:

1) economy - assumes the most economical organization of the personnel management system;

2) perspective - it is necessary to take into account the prospects for the development of the organization;

3) complexity - it is necessary to take into account the impact on the management system of all factors;

4) simplicity - the simpler the control system is, the better it works;

5) scientific - orientation to modern achievements of science in the field of management;

6) transparency - the system should be based on a single concept;

7) autonomy - ensuring optimal independence of structures;

8) consistency - interaction between vertical hierarchical links must be coordinated;

9) stability - the presence of "local regulators", which, in case of deviation from the set goal of the organization, put this or that employee or unit at a disadvantage;

10) comfort - maximum convenience for the creative processes of development, adoption and implementation of decisions by a person;

11) multidimensionality - personnel management can be carried out through various channels;

12) progressiveness - compliance with advanced foreign and domestic analogues.

Principles that determine the requirements for the development of a personnel management system:

1) concentration - accumulation of employees of a separate personnel management structure for the implementation of one or more tasks;

2) specialization - formation of separate structures specializing in the performance of homogeneous functions;

3) flexibility - adaptability of the personnel management system to a change in the state of the object;

4) continuity - no interruptions in the operation of the system;

5) rhythm - performance of the same amount of work in equal time periods;

6) parallelism - simultaneous implementation of individual management decisions.

8. State system of labor resources management

The state system of labor resources management includes a set of state legislative, executive and judicial authorities that influence the formation and development of the main socio-economic relations in the country and the mechanism for the use and reproduction of the country's labor resources.

The main tasks of the state system of labor resources management are: adoption of laws regulating labor relations, control over their implementation, development and implementation of policies in the field of social and labor relations in the country, covering the issues of motivation and remuneration, regulation of employment and migration of the population, labor legislation, level life and working conditions, work organization and conflict resolution methodology. Today, in a market environment, the state intervenes very limitedly and regulates the socio-economic and labor relations of Russians.

Legislature. As established in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the legislature ensures the adoption of laws and other regulations that establish rules in the field of labor relations, the formation and reproduction of labor resources, and controls their implementation.

Executive agencies. Executive authorities are responsible for executive and administrative activities. The system of executive authorities is formed by the Government of the Russian Federation, which in practice ensures compliance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation in the field of social and labor relations. The government develops programs for the socio-economic development of the country, forms federal sectoral ministries, departments both specializing in labor and labor resource management, and having other equally important powers. The Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation is the central body of the federal executive power that manages the implementation of a unified state policy in the field of labor, employment and social issues and at the same time coordinates work in these areas in the country.

Judicial bodies. Judicial bodies administer justice: punishment of violators, resolution of problems, conflicts related to the application of labor legislation. Judicial power is represented by the courts: the Constitutional, Supreme, Supreme, Arbitration, federal courts, the Ministry of Justice.

Thus, the state system of labor resources management in Russia in the period of the country's transition to a market economy involves only indirect regulation of most social and labor processes using predominantly economic methods.

9. System of social partnership

The system of social partnership in Russia is being built in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation of March 11, 1992 No. 2491-1 "On collective agreements and agreements", Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 21, 1997 No. 29 "On the Russian tripartite commission for the regulation of social -labor relations" and Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Russian Federation dated July 12, 1993 No. 647 "On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for preparing and concluding a general agreement and sectoral (tariff) agreements".

Social partnership is a relationship between employees (representatives of employees), employers (representatives of employers), public authorities, local governments, aimed at ensuring the coordination of the interests of the above parties on the regulation of labor relations and other directly related relations.

The main form of implementation of social partnership are contracts and agreements. In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation of March 11, 1992 No. 2491-1 "On collective agreements and agreements", agreements can be concluded: general, regional, sectoral (intersectoral) tariff, professional tariff, territorial, collective agreement, etc. By agreement of the parties involved in the negotiations, agreements can be trilateral and bilateral. For example, in 2006 the tripartite agreement was signed for the 8th time at the level of the Saratov region. The tripartite commissions for the regulation of social and labor relations are the conductors of the provisions of the agreements.

The object of social partnership are social and labor relations and the implementation of a coordinated socio-economic policy based on the norms of legislation, assessment of the standard of living and wages in the whole of the Russian Federation, in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as in regions, cities and organizations.

Subjects of contracts and agreements may be issues of remuneration, employment, social security and social guarantees, working hours, working conditions and living conditions of workers, labor discipline, labor protection, etc.

Social partnership relations do not always contribute to increasing labor productivity, since harmony between social tasks and a change for the better in some economic indicators is difficult to achieve. But from a social point of view and from the point of view of increasing the motivational effect of employees, the development of social partnership relations is very promising. In general, the tripartite agreement contributes to maintaining stability in society, creating conditions for the sustainable development of economic sectors, and social and legal protection of workers.

10. The concept and meaning of organizational design in the personnel management system

In today's organizations, human resource management has become a separate system, which is part of the overall system of the organization. The personnel management service is part of the personnel management system and, as mentioned earlier, is a subdivision in the organizational hierarchy that manages employees in the personnel management system. Also at present, in various organizations, instead of traditional human resources departments, data from the personnel management service is increasingly being created. Now, in the personnel management services of organizations actually functioning in Russia, entire functional groups are allocated, which are becoming more and more. The structure of the functional in domestic and foreign personnel management services depends on many factors, the most important of which are the size of the organization, the level of organizational, financial, technical and economic development of the company, the complexity and degree of automation of production processes, the main and auxiliary activities, the degree of implementation of advanced technologies for personal management, staffing of personnel management services, etc.

As a study of the experience of managing organizations and an analysis of the literature on the issue shows, with a small number of personnel and, accordingly, an insignificant total labor intensity of the functions of the personnel management system, the implementation of individual tasks can be entrusted to a specific specialist, and not to a unit. In small enterprises, a number of personnel functions can be transferred to other departments that are not part of the personnel management service. For example, separate functions can be performed by technical development units, management organization units. In large organizations, with functional areas of the organization that are sufficiently isolated in spatial and administrative respects, it is possible to have independent personnel management services in each major department. This subsystem should consist of smaller functional groups and divisions: line management, personnel planning and marketing, personnel recruitment and accounting management, labor relations management, ensuring comfortable working conditions, personnel development management, personnel behavior motivation management, personnel social development management, management development of the organizational structure, legal support, information support, etc.

In the practical activities of Russian organizations, the introduction of such a vast number of functions is not common, which largely determines the significant difficulties in managing labor resources in the conditions of a market economy that have already taken shape in our country.

11. Organizational structure of the personnel management system

The organizational structure of the personnel management system is a set of interrelated divisions of the personnel management system and officials. The structure determines the internal structure of the organization, the degree of rigidity / flexibility of the organizational configuration, the types of interaction between its internal elements. The formation of the organizational structure of the personnel management system does not occur immediately, but goes through the following stages:

1) structuring the goals of the personnel management system;

2) determination of the composition of management functions that ensure the implementation of the goals of the entire personnel management system of the organization

3) formation of the composition of subsystems of the organizational structure

4) establishing links between subsystems of the organizational structure

5) definition of rights and responsibilities of subsystems;

6) calculation of the complexity of functions and the number of subsystems;

7) building a configuration of the organizational structure.

First of all, we should distinguish between flat (single-level) and multi-level structures. Sometimes flat structures are called horizontal and multi-level structures are called vertical. Also, all types of organizational structures can be divided into bureaucratic and adaptive

The simplest type of bureaucratic organizational structure is called linear organizational structureorganized strictly hierarchically. It is characterized by: the division of zones equal in scope and content of responsibility, unity of command, vertical division of labor and the formation of vertical management levels. An example of such an organizational structure can be the management structure in the army, the Christian church, the university.

The second type of organizational structure is functional organizational structure, built on the principle of distribution of functions within the organization. When the management of an organization decides to build a personnel management service according to the principles of a functional organizational structure, then all work in this direction comes down to grouping personnel according to the broad tasks that they perform. In the real life of modern firms, this type of organizational structure may only be viable for a separate division of the company.

Another type of bureaucratic organizational structures are divisional organizational structures that have arisen in connection with the diversification of production and the expansion of the functions of companies. In accordance with the definition that accurately reveals the essence of this economic category, divisional structures are structures based on the allocation of large autonomous production and economic units and their corresponding levels of management with the provision of operational and production independence to these units and transferring to this level responsibility for making a profit.

12. Goals of the personnel management system, stages of organizational design of the personnel management system

The subjects of personnel management are persons and divisions of the organization's management apparatus that perform the functions of managing employees. They are managers of all levels who perform management functions in relation to their subordinates, as well as specialists in the personnel management service (HR managers) who perform their official duties. The object of management is the employees of the organization (workers, specialists, managers), in relation to which managerial functions are implemented in the formation of labor potential, its development, in the implementation of motivational policy, regulation of labor disputes and interpersonal relationships. Domestic and foreign economists argue that with the help of personnel management systems, organizations can get closer to achieving their most important goals. Let us dwell on the goals of the organization in more detail.

The first goal pursued by the organization is economic, i.e., increasing profits from the sale of products and services. The second is scientific and technical. This means ensuring the necessary scientific and technical level of products and developments, increasing labor productivity by improving technology and increasing the level of education and qualifications of personnel. The third goal is production and commercial: production and sale of products and services in a given volume and with a given rhythm. The fourth is social, i.e. achieving a given degree of satisfaction of the social needs of workers. Achieving goals by the management of the organization is carried out through the use of personnel in accordance with the structure and goals of the organization.

The next step after the management of the organization realizes the importance of all emerging functions in the field of human capital management is the development of a system project and its implementation. The design of an organization is carried out in the following stages: determining the goals and results of activities, determining relations with the external environment, separating processes, grouping functions, determining a hierarchy in an organization, separating rights and responsibilities, determining levels of centralization and decentralization, choosing a strategic principle of functioning, making changes.

This process consists of three stages: pre-project preparation, design and implementation. The project of the organization management system contains: a feasibility study of the feasibility and need to improve the personnel management system, designed for the production and economic needs and feasibility of improving the organization management system, organizational design task, organizational general project, organizational working draft.

13. Modern types of organizational structures

The youngest type of organizational structures - adaptive organizational structure, a flexible structure that can change (adapt) in accordance with the requirements of the external environment. Also, these flexible structures are also called in the educational and scientific literature organic structures. Adaptive structures, in turn, are divided into a project organizational (temporary) structure created to solve a specific problem, and a matrix - functional-time-target structure.

Meaning design structure is to bring together the most qualified employees of the organization into one team to implement a complex project on time with a given level of quality, without going beyond the approved estimate. When the project is completed, the team disbands. AT matrix organization members of the project team report to both the project manager and the heads of the functional departments in which they work permanently. The main disadvantage of the matrix structure is its complexity. A lot of questions arise due to the imposition of vertical and horizontal powers, which undermines the principle of unity of command. Organic and mechanistic structures represent only two extreme points in a continuum of such forms. The real structures of organizations operating in the market space lie between them, having signs of both mechanistic and organic structures, and in different proportions.

In large organizations, some departments may have a mechanistic structure, while others may have an organic structure.

Modern types of organizational structures include: horizontal, multidimensional, network, shell, virtual, fractal structures. According to the construction features, one can also distinguish a ring structure, a "wheel", a stellar, multi-connected, cellular, mixed structures.

Depending on the degree of development and characteristics of the organization, the structural location of the personnel service may be different. In domestic practice, the following options are used:

1) the personnel service is structurally subordinate to the head of administration;

2) the personnel management service as a headquarters department is structurally subordinate to the general management of the organization;

3) the personnel service as a headquarters body is structurally subordinate to the top management;

4) the personnel management service is organizationally included in the management of the organization;

5) the service falls within the scope of "Controlling".

Thus, the role and organizational status of the personnel management service in Western and Russian firms is largely determined by the level of organizational and financial condition, the development opportunities of the organization, the stage of the organization's life cycle, its size, areas of activity, as well as the position of its management in relation to the personnel service.

14. Staffing of the personnel management system

The staffing of the organization's personnel management system is the necessary quantitative and qualitative composition of personnel service employees. Quantitative composition personnel service - this is the list of employees of this unit of the organization. Qualitative characteristics personnel are a set of professional, moral and personal properties, which are a concrete expression of the compliance of personnel with the requirements that apply to a position or workplace. The whole set of qualitative characteristics of personnel can be conditionally divided into three main groups: abilities (level of education, amount of knowledge gained, work experience in a certain area of ​​professional activity, professional skills), motivations (the sphere of professional and personal interests, the desire to make a career, the desire for power, readiness for additional responsibility and additional loads), properties (the ability to perceive a certain level of physical, mental or intellectual stress, the ability to concentrate, memory and other personal properties necessary to perform any work).

The quantitative composition of the personnel management service is determined by the organizational structures and the charter of the organization. When calculating the quantitative composition of the personnel management service, the following factors should be taken into account: the total number of employees of the organization; specific conditions and specifics of the organization related to the scope of its activities (industry, agriculture, trade, insurance activities), scale, presence of various types of production, branches; social characteristics of the organization; the structural composition of the organization’s employees (the presence of various categories - workers, specialists, employees, scientists), their qualifications; the degree of complexity of the tasks in personnel management (strategic planning, development of personnel strategy and policy, organization of training, promotion, etc.); technical support for managerial work (computers, office equipment, etc.). In the 1990s. In the personnel services of domestic organizations, only 0,3 to 0,8% of the total number of workers in all sectors of industry and construction were employed. The qualitative characteristics of personnel officers of those years also presented a very sad picture. An extremely low level of professional training, education, unfavorable age characteristics, and low wages for personnel officers were established. Currently, in most companies, the situation with the quantitative and qualitative composition of HR employees is changing for the better; specialists in personnel selection and assessment, psychologists and sociologists, and personnel development managers have appeared.

15. Methods for determining the number of employees of personnel services

1. Multivariate correlation analysis

(used mainly for large industrial enterprises).

2. Economic-mathematical method provides for the development of economic and mathematical models that allow to determine the potential needs for personnel, which provide an adequate reflection of the content of the company's production process.

3. comparison method. When using this method, an analysis of the composition of personnel in a sufficiently developed production and economic system is carried out; on the basis of this, projections of personnel requirements for less developed systems are drawn up; homogeneous groups of organizations are formed.

4. expert method. The idea of ​​the need for specialists is formed on the basis of the opinion of a group of experts with the necessary scientific and practical competence

5. Direct Calculation Method includes the following actions: determination of labor costs for the performance of repetitive standard, typical functions; determination of labor costs for the performance of random non-repeating functions aimed at eliminating any errors.

6. Through the laboriousness of work the number of personnel is determined by the following methods: 1) normative - time standards for

simple repetitive types of work (typing, registration of standard documents, accounting):

where T is the total labor intensity of all work performed per year in the personnel department, people. - h;

K - coefficient taking into account the time spent on the performance of work not provided for in T (K = 1,15);

Фп - useful working time fund of one employee per year, h (on average, it is taken equal to 1840 h, but is updated annually);

2) on the basis of a photograph of working time (timekeeping);

3) settlement and analytical;

4) expert;

5) the method of analogies.

7. According to the rules of control. A standard for the number of employees of an organization served by one HR employee is established. In the USA, according to the standard, there are 1 employees per 100 HR manager; in Germany - 130-150 employees; in France - 130 employees; in Russia - 100 employees.

The calculation of the quantitative need for specialists, including personnel management, is carried out simultaneously with the determination of the qualitative need for them, that is, the need for workers of certain professions, specialties, and qualifications. The qualitative composition of the personnel management service is determined by the requirements of the "Qualification Directory for the Positions of Managers, Specialists and Other Employees" (1998). It contains the qualification characteristics of positions, which in turn contain job responsibilities, the level of required knowledge, and qualification requirements.

16. Document management support of the personnel management system

Record-keeping support of the organization's personnel management system is the provision of personnel services with all documents drawn up in accordance with the requirements of approved standards and instructions, the creation and sending of documents to structural divisions of companies and other entities outside the organization.

The main office functions of the personnel management system are: timely processing of incoming and transmitted documentation; bringing documentation to the relevant executors in the personnel management system; printing documents on personnel matters; registration, accounting and storage of personnel documents; formation of cases in accordance with the nomenclature approved for this organization; copying and reproduction of documents on personnel matters; control over the execution of documents; transfer of documentation for horizontal and vertical communications.

In the personnel management subsystem, as well as in the management system of the entire organization, the following unified documentation systems have been introduced and maintained: planned (planned tasks for personnel issues, etc.); primary accounting (accounting for labor and wages, etc.); reporting and statistical (by number, balance sheet, wages, labor productivity, etc.); on social security (on pensions, allowances, benefits, social insurance); organizational and administrative (acts, letters, etc.). In accordance with the functions performed, the personnel service can maintain the following personnel documents: personal files, personal cards, work books; draft orders on personnel matters, a plan (report) for the training and advanced training of personnel, certificates on the state of labor discipline, data on staff turnover, etc.

Documentation support implies the organization of work with documents circulating in the personnel management system. The basis of documentation support for the personnel management system is office work - the full cycle of processing and movement of documents from the moment they are created by personnel service employees (or received by them) until completion of execution and transfer to other departments.

Office work according to the form of organization of work can be: centralized - if it is carried out in one unit (office, general department, secretariat), decentralized - if it is dispersed among various units, and mixed - if part of the most important work common to the entire organization is carried out in one division, and the rest in other divisions.

Requirements for paperwork are based on state standards for unified documentation systems: GOST 16 487-83 "DP and archiving. Terms and definitions" and GOST R 6.30-97 "Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation requirements" .

17. Information support of the personnel management system

The main functions of the personnel management process, performed at various hierarchical levels of the organization's management system, are reduced to the development and justification of management decisions, and control over their implementation. Therefore, personnel management is an information process, including the receipt, analysis and processing, storage, use, and enhancement of information.

Information support of the personnel management service - this is a set of implemented decisions regarding the volume, placement and forms of organization of information circulating in the personnel management service during its operation. It includes: operational, regulatory and reference information, classifiers of technical and economic information, unified and special documentation systems.

The information must be:

an integrated - reflect all aspects of the service's activities (technical, technological, organizational, economic and social);

operational - obtaining information should proceed simultaneously with the process taking place in the system, meet the emerging needs for accurate information;

systematic - the required information must be constantly available;

reliable - information should correspond to the actual processes and be based on measurements or calculations, analysis.

Information support of the personnel management service is structurally divided into the following groups.

1. Off-machine information support is a collection of messages, signals, documents perceived directly by a person. It includes: a system for classifying and coding information; management documentation system; a system for organizing, storing and amending documentation. In this area, the exchange of information is implemented in the form of the movement of documents from the subject to the object of management (orders, orders, charter, etc.), from the object to the subject (reports, references on personnel issues, notes, information about the current or past state of the object) . Off-machine information support allows you to identify the control object (using standards, regulations, regulations, orders), formalize information, present it in the form of documents of the established form.

2. Intramachine information support includes: data arrays forming intels; a system of programs for organizing, accumulating, maintaining and accessing information from these arrays.

Information support of the company must comply with the following organizational and methodological requirements: minimal duplication of information in the information base; reduction in the number of forms of documents; the possibility of processing on computers the information contained in documents (extra-machine sphere) and in the intra-machine sphere; a certain redundancy of information support, which makes it possible for different users to receive information with varying degrees of specification.

18. Technical support of the personnel management system

The basis of the technical support of the personnel management system - this is a complex of technical means, i.e. presented centrally and (or) autonomous technical means of collecting, storing, processing, analyzing, transmitting and outputting information, as well as office equipment. The effectiveness of the use of technical means should be determined by improving the economic performance of the personnel management service, and not by reducing fixed costs.

Management summarizes the basic requirements for the complex of technical means of the personnel management system.

1. Software, information, technical compatibility of the means included in the complex.

2. Adaptability to the conditions of functioning of the personnel management service.

3. Possibility of expansion in order to connect new technical means and users. When choosing a technique, you should pay attention to: purpose; equipment performance; reliability and non-failure operation; compatibility of equipment of various types, including personal computers; cost of equipment; composition and number of service personnel; the area required to house the equipment.

The choice of the type, model of technical means used in the enterprise personnel management system is made according to the classifier of industrial products (subject to changes), as well as using various catalogs. The effective formation of a complex of technical means of the personnel management system is facilitated by unification and standardization in the field of technical support. In addition to national standards, when creating the technical base of the personnel management system, de facto standards established by leading manufacturers of the relevant equipment, which determine the standards for the operation of technical means, can be used.

Technical support for a personnel management system may require significant investment. It should be remembered that technical support is the least adaptable part of the personnel subsystem; changing the technical capabilities of an organization's personnel management system requires significant material costs. Therefore, errors in the formation of a set of technical means can lead to serious consequences.

The complex of technical means of the personnel management service also includes office equipment. Also, when determining the need for technical means, the management of the organization should remember that the use of various office equipment brings with it a reduction in the labor intensity of certain types of work with documents by 3-4 times.

19. Normative and methodological support of the personnel management system

Normative and methodological support of the personnel management system - these are documents of an organizational and methodological, organizational and administrative, organizational, technical and economic, technical, regulatory and technical and economic nature and reference information containing norms, rules, requirements, methods and other provisions used in the process of managing the personnel of an organization and duly approved by the management of the company. Normative and methodological support of the personnel management system consists in organizing the development and application of regulatory and methodological documents, as well as introducing a set of norms and rules into the personnel management system. The fundamental organizational documents for companies are the articles of association and memorandum of association. Further, the internal labor regulations are an important organizational and administrative document in the field of human resource management. The next significant document is the collective agreement. Other organizational, methodological and methodological documents listed below regulate the performance of personnel management functions: regulation on the formation of a personnel reserve in an organization, regulation on organizing the adaptation of employees, regulation on maintaining a favorable psychological climate and conflict prevention, regulation on material compensation to employees, instructions for compliance safety regulations. The most important internal organizational and regulatory documents are the regulation on the department and the job description.

The job description is the most important organizational and administrative document in the organization's management system and the personnel management system, on the basis of which the distribution of duties in structural divisions is built, their effective use to achieve the organization's goals. The main meaning of job descriptions is to make the work process more transparent, to facilitate the adaptation of a new employee, to ensure control over the work of an employee and their own self-control, in educational functions, setting standards and technology for performing tasks.

A detailed job description should consist of the following parts: general provisions, qualification requirements (level of education, knowledge, abilities, skills corresponding to the named position), job responsibilities, criteria for the success of the performance of labor duties, employee rights, specialist responsibility. The result is a fairly large document, but this detailed presentation in the future makes it possible to make the process of managing subordinates more clear, understandable and transparent.

20. Personnel policy of the organization

HR policy - this is a set of goals, objectives, principles, methods, means of influencing the activities of personnel to achieve the goals of the organization.

There is an active, passive, preventive and reactive personnel policy.

The management of the organization, pursuing an active personnel policy, not only predicts the development of crisis situations, but has the means to influence them, and the personnel management service is able to develop anti-crisis personnel programs, analyze the situation and make adjustments in accordance with changes in external conditions and internal production factors. Active politics can be subdivided into rational and adventurous. When conducting rational politics the management of the organization has a high-quality diagnostic system and a reasonable forecast of the development of the situation in the long term and can influence the situation. In case of adventurist policy the administration does not have the means to predict the situation with personnel and diagnose personnel, although targeted development programs include plans for working with personnel aimed at achieving the goals facing the organization, but not taking into account possible external threats to the organization.

Passive personnel policy. With this type of policy, a situation arises in which the management of the organization does not have a program of action for employees, and personnel work is reduced to eliminating the negative consequences of external influences. For such a company, it is typical that there is no forecast of personnel needs, means of business assessment of employees, and a system for diagnosing personnel motivation.

Preventive personnel policy. Such a policy is carried out when the management has reasonable forecasts of the emergence of crisis situations, but the personnel department of the organization does not have the means to influence the negative situation.

Reactive personnel policy. The management of the organization, which has chosen this type of personnel policy, seeks to control the factors that indicate the occurrence of negative situations in relations with personnel. Human resources departments in such firms usually have the means to identify such situations and take emergency action.

Open personnel policy It is characterized by the fact that the enterprise, in order to meet the need for workers, turns to external sources that exist in the labor market. Closed personnel policy characterized by the fact that the organization uses its own human resources to fill vacancies.

21. Automated information systems for personnel management

Automated information processing system is a human-machine system that provides the collection and processing of information using computer technology, the use of economic and mathematical methods in the process of solving the main tasks of personnel management. Ideally, an automated personnel management program should provide: personnel certification, including testing methods with full psychodiagnostics; storing the professional history of each employee; multivariate selection of candidates for vacancies; ranked formation of a personnel reserve; assessment of the managerial potential of employees; systematic personnel planning with the possibility of redistributing resources. This avoids additional recruitment; identify negative trends in the company using information systems; assessment of the costs of training, staff development; diagnostics of motivation; development of motivational mechanisms to increase the interest of employees; creation of modern systems of recruitment and selection of personnel; optimization of personnel placement; designing a new staff structure of the company; make an analysis of the quantitative and qualitative parameters of the company's personnel.

The Russian market for HR automation systems has been on the rise lately. The analysis showed that currently in the Russian market of personnel management systems there is a competitive struggle between Russian and foreign solutions. However, in most cases, foreign systems do not take into account the specifics of Russian conditions, and therefore very often these modules are modified to meet the specific needs of each enterprise. On the other hand, recently systems from Russian developers, for example “Boss-Kadrovik”, “1C”, “Parus”, have been quite serious competition for Western products. The main competitive advantage of such solutions is the most complete adaptation to Russian reality. Thus, at present, most software products presented on the national market can be divided into the following groups: the Infin company package, the InfoSoft company package, the personnel system of the Galaktika corporation, the Personnel Management module of the Intertrust company, module "Salaries and Personnel" of the company "1C", the personnel accounting system, labor and wages of the company "Parus", the company's system "SAP R/3", the Oracle HR system, the "Human Resources Management" system of the company "A&T SOFT", ACS " Personnel" of the company "Borlas IBC", the personnel management system "Boss-Kadrovik".

The technical means of companies can be used to create corporate websites in order to increase the efficiency of intra-organizational communications, while these means of disseminating information are already present in almost all foreign companies.

22. The system of strategic personnel management of the organization

Personnel policy provides, first of all, the formation of an organization's personnel management strategy.

The term "strategic management" was introduced in the 1960s and 1970s.

Strategic management is a management system that focuses on human capital as the basis of the company, flexibly responding to the dynamics of changes in the external environment, making timely changes in the organization that allow achieving competitive advantages by bringing its activities closer to the needs of customers, which ensures long-term sustainable development and achievement of set goals. Strategic personnel management is the management of the formation of competitive human capital of an enterprise, taking into account the dynamics of external and internal factors, allowing the organization to survive, develop and realize long-term goals. The goal of strategic personnel management is to ensure that the formation of the enterprise’s human capital is adequate to the state of the external and internal environment for the long term.

Strategic personnel management is aimed at solving the following tasks:

1) providing the organization with the necessary labor potential in accordance with the strategy;

2) the formation of the internal environment of the organization in such a way that the intra-organizational culture, value orientations, priority motives stimulate the reproduction and full use of labor potential and the improvement of strategic management;

3) based on the strategic management settings, it is possible to solve problems related to the functional units of the management structure, including personnel management;

4) the possibility of resolving contradictions in matters of centralization and decentralization of personnel management. The most important principle of strategic management is the delimitation of powers and tasks according to their strategies and hierarchical level of execution.

Subjects strategic personnel management are the organization's personnel management system and top line and functional managers.

Objects strategic personnel management are the total labor potential of the organization, the dynamics of its development, structures and target relationships, personnel policy, as well as technologies and management methods based on the methods of strategic personnel management.

The development of a personnel management strategy is based on a deep systematic analysis of the dynamics of external and internal factors, as a result of which a holistic concept of personnel and organization development can be presented in accordance with a long-term development strategy.

23. Personnel planning

Personnel planning is the process of providing the needs of the organization with personnel of appropriate qualifications in the required quantity in a certain time period. Distinguish between the planning of the general need for personnel, additional needs and the need for specialists and employees.

Directions of personnel planning: development of the organization's personnel strategy, including the creation of conditions for career growth and professional development of personnel and planning the necessary working conditions, direct work on the quantitative and qualitative staffing of the organization with employees for each vacancy and in the appropriate period of time, personnel development with the establishment of needs each employee, planning his individual business career.

Stages of the personnel planning process: determining the impact of the company's organizational goals on its divisions; forecasting changes in the number of personnel and the general need for hired workers; taking into account the existing staffing of the organization and determining the additional need for staff; development of a specific plan for increasing the number of employees of the organization.

Accounting for existing personnel in the organization consists of three stages:

1) an assessment and analysis of the state of employees present or employed in the organization is carried out;

2) an assessment is made of the potential of external sources to fill existing personnel vacancies, if the organization has adopted an open personnel policy;

3) a specific action plan is being developed related to changes in the number of personnel of the organization. Personnel planning is divided into short-term (up to 2 years), medium-term (2 - 5 years) and long-term (over 5 years).

There are also the following types of personnel planning: staffing needs, recruiting and attracting staff, reducing the number of employees, training staff, staff costs, increasing the profitability of staff.

Personnel planning related to the recruitment and hiring of personnel in a newly created company, and in the case of expansion of the organization - with the emergence of new types of activities, should begin with an assessment of the quantitative and qualitative needs for personnel.

Qualitative need is determined by the level of qualification requirements for personnel, i.e., profession, specialty.

The quantitative need for personnel is planned by determining its estimated number and comparing it with the actual provision of employees in the planned time period.

The total requirement is determined by summing up the required number of workers across all criteria.

24. Legal support of the personnel management system

Legal support for the personnel management service consists in the use of forms and means of legal influence on the objects of personnel management to ensure the productive activities of the organization. The main tasks of legal support for the personnel management service: legal regulation of labor relations between employers and employees, protection of the rights and legitimate interests of employees arising from labor relations. The main unit for conducting legal work in the field of labor legislation is the legal department of the enterprise.

The main legislative acts regulating labor relations: the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation "On Collective Contracts and Agreements", the Law of the Russian Federation "On Employment in the Russian Federation", the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Procedure for Permitting Collective Labor disputes (conflicts)”, Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On social partnership and resolution of labor disputes (conflicts)”, resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation, acts of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation. A number of specific issues are resolved with the help of local norms issued directly in the organization.

Also part of the legal support for the personnel management system of any organization are acts of local regulation, such as: orders of the head of the organization on personnel issues; regulations on structural units, job descriptions; organization standards. The system of labor regulations includes: general agreements, sectoral (tariff) agreements, special (regional) agreements, collective agreements adopted in organizations. Another part of the system of legal support for personnel management is non-regulatory acts, orders, instructions that can be issued by the heads of the personnel management service on the issues of encouraging employees or imposing penalties, granting leaves. An instruction is an administrative document issued by an organization primarily on issues of an informational and methodological nature, organizational and operational management of the organization’s activities (meetings, conferences, etc.). A new amendment to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes a special regime for the receipt, storage, processing, use, and transfer of information containing personal data of employees, for failure to comply with which the perpetrators bear administrative, disciplinary, criminal or civil liability in accordance with federal laws.

25. Methods for determining the need for personnel

1. Method based on the time of the labor process.


Kv - coefficient of compliance with the temporary norm 1 unit. products / actual production time 1 unit products;

n is the number of nomenclature items in the production program;

Ni - the number of products of the i-th nomenclature position,

Ti is the execution time of the process for manufacturing the product of the i-th product item; - the time required to complete the manufacture of products in work in progress in accordance with the production cycle for the manufacture of the product of the i-th item; Kv - coefficient of compliance with the temporary norm; Tn is the time required to complete the production program.

Number of workers \uXNUMXd (Tn / planned norm of time for one worker per day (shift)) x coefficient for converting the attendance to the payroll.

2. Service rate calculation method.

N = (number of units x load factor / service rate) x (conversion factor of the attendance to the payroll).

Service rate

where n is the number of maintenance works on the facility; tedi - production time of 1 unit. volume of i-th type of work;

npi - number of units. volume of i-th type of work; Tpol - the employee’s useful time per day; Td is the time the employee performs additional types of activities not included in ted.

3. Calculation method for jobs and headcount standards.

The number of employees by jobs is determined by the formula:

H = the required number of employees ґ loading ґ ґ coefficient of conversion of the attendance to the payroll. Nh = amount of work / service rate. The coefficient of conversion of the attendance to the payroll makes it possible to take into account the absence of employees in their units in any time period.

To determine the number of employees, it is advisable to apply some statistical methods.

4. Stochastic Methods are based on determining the degree of influence on the need for workers of other variables.

5. Expert Methods subdivided into simple and extended evaluation.

6. Benchmarking is a tool for implementing best business practices and ensuring efficiency growth.

26. Recruitment

Hiring is an activity to attract specialists with professional qualifications in accordance with the requirements of vacant jobs and positions. The process of personnel management begins with the recruitment of personnel.

The hiring of candidates for vacant positions should be preceded by determining the parameters of the need for personnel, analyzing jobs, developing a job description for each vacant position, and developing a personal specification for each vacant position containing requirements for an employee applying for this position.

Most often, sources of personnel recruitment are grouped as external and internal, active and passive, low- and high-cost, short-term and long-term. Internal sources include internal competition, combination of professions, personnel rotation, overtime; to external - state and private recruitment agencies, employers' independent search for workers, can be conducted through the media. The following sources of recruitment can be considered: case, high schools, technical schools, vocational schools, universities in the form of internships, internships, referrals, clients and suppliers of the organization, external personnel reserve of organizations, the organization can also participate in a job fair, hold company open days, post information about vacancies “on the doors” of the organization, information boards and other surfaces, lighting poles, in transport, use personnel leasing of personnel, “sandwich people”. One of the most cost-effective ways to find candidates is to use employees already working in the organization. An alternative way to fill vacant positions is to hire staff temporarily, for example in connection with seasonal work. Headhunting is becoming increasingly widespread in Russia. An extremely relevant and effective way to select candidates for a vacant position is to use Internet information resources. Gradually, the standard recruitment of middle managers is decreasing in comparison with the search and recruitment of promising young specialists, called Graduate Recruitment.

The use of internal sources of recruitment of specialists increases the motivation of personnel, provides opportunities for career growth, improves the moral and psychological climate in the team, but does not fully satisfy the need for personnel. In turn, external sources fully satisfy the need for personnel, give new impetus to the development of the organization, but do not contribute to the social cohesion of the team members.

27. Evaluation of candidates when applying for a job

Evaluation of business qualities of employees - this is a purposeful activity of establishing the compliance of the parameters of employees (abilities, motivations, properties) with the requirements of a position or workplace.

There are two main levels of assessment.

1. Evaluation of the business qualities of candidates for vacant positions.

2 Current assessment of the business qualities of the staff.

Hiring requires an assessment of the personal qualities of the employee, as was shown above, business assessment and personnel certification - assessment of labor results, and this requires other methodological assessment techniques.

In the evaluation process, it is necessary to use a list of criteria and indicators to assess the degree of compliance of the applicant's characteristics with the requirements for the position established by the employer.

According to the content, the following criteria for assessing the personality of a candidate for a vacant position can be distinguished: social and civic maturity, attitude to work, ability to work with documents and information, organizational skills, level of knowledge and work experience, ability to work with people, ability to make and implement decisions in a timely manner, ability to see and support new, advanced, modern, moral and ethical character traits

A commission is formed to carry out the evaluation. Consider the main methods for assessing the business qualities of candidates for vacant positions.

1. Questioning.

2. The Interview is a conversation aimed at collecting information about the level of knowledge (experience) and assessing the professionally important qualities of the applicant.

3. Socionics - assignment of candidates for vacant positions to one of four socionic types: sensory logicians, intuitive logicians, sensory ethics, intuitive ethics. Based on the established sociotype, interaction with the applicant for the position is planned.

4. Tests is the most popular evaluation procedure. The test is a standardized, time-limited test. It allows you to establish the current level of knowledge of the person being tested, relatively stable personal properties (including skills) and patterns, stable behavioral traits.

5. Assessment Center is an assessment of the competencies of participants by observing behavior in business games. Outwardly, this method is very similar to training - participants are offered tasks and roles in a game, the purpose of which is not training, but assessing the strengths and weaknesses of the participants.

6. Economic and mathematical methods.

28. Marketing approach to determining the need for personnel, ways and sources of its coverage

The choice of methods for covering personnel needs is associated with two areas of marketing activity - developing professional requirements for personnel and determining the amount of costs for the acquisition and further use of personnel.

The essence of marketing work on choosing ways to cover the need for personnel is reduced to the following main stages:

1) establishment of sources for covering the need;

2) determining ways to attract personnel;

3) analysis of sources and ways with their compliance with the requirements of quantitative and qualitative parameters of potential employees, costs associated with the use of a particular source, and ways to attract personnel;

4) selection of alternative or combined sources or paths. Therefore, the personnel department is the main service in the marketing of an organization; it plays the role of a filter that provides the company with qualified personnel. The HR department works with many people every day - applicants for open vacancies. It is necessary to understand that the personnel department is the most important area of ​​communication with a potential client. In the vast majority of cases, “conflict” dismissals occur due to the inability of the conflicting parties to behave flexibly in confrontation. In this case, the personnel department plays the role of a mediator, facilitating the search for a compromise.

Expected costs for the acquisition and use of personnel are made up of such components as external and internal costs, which can be one-time and current.

External non-recurring costs include: payment for contractual relations with educational institutions, commercial structures for the selection and training of personnel, training centers with employment regulation bodies.

External current costs include: the costs of operational and research work in the field of personnel marketing (collection and analysis of information, advertising costs, entertainment expenses, business trips of marketing services, etc.).

Internal one-time costs include: capital investments in equipping new jobs and re-equipping existing ones, investing in additional construction and equipping of social infrastructure facilities, educational units, etc.

Internal current costs are made up of the cost of remuneration of new employees or employees with higher qualifications, including various social benefits, etc.

29. Personnel selection

Prior to the organization making a decision to accept a candidate for a job, a selection procedure is applied to him

1. Preliminary interview. The purpose of the selection interview is to evaluate appearance and defining personal qualities. Preliminary screening is intended to select 30 - 40% of candidates from the number of respondents for the next stage.

2. Filling out the application form. This step is in every selection procedure, regardless of the type of organization. The number of questionnaire items should be optimal and they should ask for the most relevant information (past work, major achievements, mindset).

3. Hiring conversation (interview). Conversations can be conducted according to a plan (i.e., questions are prepared in advance), be poorly formalized, or not conducted according to a plan (only the main directions of the conversation are prepared in advance). It is useful to ask the applicant for a vacant position questions during the conversation: what he wants to achieve in his career; what is more important to him - work or earnings; what are the candidate's strengths and weaknesses; whether he plans to continue to improve his education; what is most important for a candidate at work; Is it possible to combine personal and family life with the performance of job responsibilities?

4. The test is - this is a source of data on the professional abilities, skills of the candidate, to describe the possible orientations, goals, attitudes of a person, as well as specific methods of work that he already owns. In the practice of recruitment, tests are used to assess such characteristics of candidates for a vacant position as: professional training, inclinations, intellectual level, physical characteristics, personal qualities.

5. Check references and track record.

6. Medical Osmotr (if there are special requirements for the health of the applicant). As a rule, a medical certificate is required from candidates for positions that involve increased responsibility for other people. These include: train drivers, pilots, sailors, employees of internal affairs bodies, catering, civil servants, etc.

7. Admission decision making. The final decision on admission is made by the head of the organization based on a comparison of the submitted reports on the results of the selection of candidates.

To test the professional qualities of an employee, a probationary period is established. In accordance with the Labor Code (Article 70 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), this period should not exceed 3 months. If his professional qualities turn out to be unsatisfactory, the organization may, having warned the dismissed person 3 days before the end of the probationary period, terminate the employment contract. Termination of the employment contract in this case is carried out without agreement with the trade union, severance pay is not paid (part 2 of article 71 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

30. Business assessment of personnel

The process of preparation and implementation of the current business assessment should be technically and organizationally developed. This process involves the mandatory implementation of the following activities: the development of a methodology for assessing personnel directly for a given organization, the creation of an assessment commission with the participation of the head of the assessed employee, specialists from different hierarchical levels, specialists from the personnel management service or assessment centers, setting the timing and location of the assessment center, establishing the procedure , forms for summing up the results of the assessment, documentation, information and technical support for the business assessment process (creation of a complete set of documentation in accordance with the assessment methodology, software, etc.), consulting appraisers from the developer of the methodology, a specialist in the application of the methodology.

There are several stages of business evaluation personnel: collecting preliminary information on a non-generalized assessment of an employee by an appraiser, summarizing the information received, preparing a manager (line) for an assessment conversation with a subordinate (assessed employee), conducting an assessment conversation and summing up its results, forming an expert opinion based on the results of a business assessment and presenting it to the expert commission, the adoption of a decision by the expert commission on the merits of the proposals contained in the expert opinions.

Criteria for evaluation can be attributed to several groups of the results of labor, labor activity, personal qualities. As for personal qualities, the most important for an employee are traditionally called intelligence, activity, leadership qualities (for managers), accommodating. Manageability, learning, adequacy are also important.

If an employee is difficult to influence, his future in this company is very doubtful. The higher the learning ability, the better the person adapts. A highly trained candidate can easily change the field of activity, master new industries, quickly learn new technologies and an unfamiliar assortment. The more we train a specialist, the sooner he will join the new team. The adequacy of an employee is manifested in the fact that he does what he is instructed, and not what he understood by it, reacts to objective reality, and not to what he represents, is more stable in a team, more emotionally stable.

The following can be used for the current assessment. methods: questioning, testing, assessment center, game-technical method (with strictly structured gaming simulation procedures and based on organizational and activity games), situational modeling method (technology focused on solving selection problems in conditions of socio-economic, political and socio-psychological instability ), non-traditional methods (lie detector, alcohol and drug tests, psychoanalysis).

31. Composition of labor costs

Labor costs include all relevant costs of the organization, regardless of the source of their financing, including the following: main types of payments:

1) payment for hours worked, including:

a) wages at tariff rates, salaries at piece rates; percentage of the cost of services rendered, revenue;

b) compensation payments in connection with the mode of work and working conditions;

c) payment to managers and specialists involved in the training, retraining and advanced training of personnel and distracted from their main work;

d) commission (for insurance agents, brokers)

e) fees for full-time journalists;

f) payment for special breaks in work;

g) payment of the difference in salaries in case of temporary substitution, work of part-time workers and other non-listed personnel;

2) payment for unworked time, including:

a) payment of annual additional and study holidays;

b) payment for downtime due to the fault of employees and forced absenteeism;

c) one-time bonuses based on the results of work for the year;

d) compensation for unused vacations;

e) payments for the maintenance of housing, fuel, food

f) material assistance

К social payments relate:

1) allowances for pensions working at the enterprise;

2) one-time benefits for retiring labor veterans, paid at the expense of the enterprise;

3) contributions at the expense of the enterprise for voluntary medical insurance and payment for medical services;

4) payment for tourist and sanatorium vouchers, sports activities;

5) reimbursement of expenses for the stay of children in kindergartens and nurseries;

6) compensation for women on partially paid parental leave;

7) the amount of compensation for harm caused to the health of employees, professional injuries and diseases, payments to the dependents of the dead, as well as compensation for moral damage in accordance with the court's verdict;

8) severance benefits in connection with the termination of an employment contract;

9) amounts paid during the period of employment upon dismissal due to redundancy;

10) payment for travel to the place of work and transport services;

11) financial assistance provided in connection with family circumstances; scholarships for persons sent to study by the enterprise;

12) assistance for the construction of housing, for the repayment of various loans.

32. Personnel certification

Personnel certification - this is a procedure for a formalized systematic assessment of the compliance of the level of work, qualities and potential of the personality of a particular employee with the requirements of the work performed at a given workplace for a certain period of time.

As a rule, certification allows you to solve the following tasks: to audit personnel; check the accuracy of the requirements for employees and the criteria for their evaluation; identify "pain points" in the "human subsystem" of the organization; evaluate the value of employees for the company; make reasonable personnel decisions; draw up staff training plans; motivate staff; make decisions on remuneration, dismissal of staff, etc.

Most often in practice, such certification methods are used.

1. Rating Methods assume that employees are evaluated according to specified criteria with a certain scale.

2. Comparative Methods involve comparing employees within a group. When ranking, a list is compiled where all employees within a group are arranged in accordance with the rating assessment of their performance, first, employees whose performance is recognized as the best and worst are entered into the list. In paired comparisons, the activities of each employee are compared in turn with the activities of the rest, one is assigned a score of "1", the other, respectively, "0", then the total score of each employee is considered.

3. Written methods. An essay is the preparation of an essay with a proposal for ways to improve the efficiency of an organization. The critical situations method assumes that during the period for which the employee is assessed, his manager makes records of his behavior in difficult or critical situations.

4. Behavioral rating scales BARS (Behaviorally anchored rating scales) contain ratings and methods for assessing behavior in various situations.

5. Goal Management MBO (Management By Objectives) - in accordance with this method, the achievement of the organization's goals is carried out through setting goals for each employee and their coordination, which allows you to move from simple performance of job duties to conscious work aimed at a result that is significant for the organization.

6. Method "360", or a circular assessment, it assumes that not only his immediate supervisor, but also subordinates, colleagues, clients speak about the employee, and the employee himself grades himself according to the same criteria as his colleagues.

7. Grade System - this is a personnel assessment method that involves the selection of groups of criteria that meet the requirements for the main categories of employees and the assessment of the personnel of the company's divisions by the certification commission according to the criteria corresponding to their positions.

33. Selection and placement of personnel

Selection and placement of personnel - one of the most significant functions of the personnel management process. The main difference between personnel selection and selection suggests that in the first case, the business and personal qualities of an employee are compared and contrasted with the qualities required by a given workplace (position), and in the latter, a candidate is selected from the total number of applicants for a given position. Selection and placement of personnel is the rational distribution of the organization’s employees among structural divisions and workplaces in accordance with the system of division and cooperation of labor adopted in the organization; according to the abilities, psychophysiological and business qualities of workers that meet the requirements of the content of the work performed in order to provide conditions for the most effective realization of the creative and physical labor potential of workers.

Objectives of recruitment and placement of personnel - formation of active labor collectives within structural divisions, creation of conditions for the professional growth of each employee. Principles of selection and placement of personnel - the principle of compliance, the principle of prospects, the principle of turnover.

Intra-organizational movements should contribute to increasing the efficiency of personnel use - changes in the places of workers in the system of division of labor, changes in the place of application of labor within the organization. Intra-organizational rotation of workers should be combined with job stability, which is a necessary condition for increasing labor productivity while modernizing fixed assets and increasing requirements for product quality.

Among the main ways to improve the process of personnel management related to the organization of labor, the most significant are the following:

1) effective use of the intellectual, creative, organizational abilities of workers through improving the socio-economic content of labor by reducing its monotony, lack of content, etc.;

2) the need to comply with the safety of production processes;

3) ensuring normal living conditions - healthy working conditions, a longer rest regime, rational diets, a radical improvement in medical, transport and other types of services.

Professionally important qualities of a person are studied using questionnaire and test methods, as well as special equipment. Requirements for the profession are reflected in professiograms developed by specialists based on observation of an employee in the labor process, including ergonomic measurements, timing, construction of sociometric matrices, information analysis, etc. Thanks to the selection and placement of personnel, a production team is created in the organization.

34. Personnel career guidance

career guidance is a set of economic, medical, social, psychological and pedagogical measures aimed at developing a professional vocation, identifying interests, abilities, suitability and other elements that affect the choice of a profession or a change in occupation.

The main forms of career guidance:

1) professional education - education of a conscious need for work: initial vocational training of students and schoolchildren through labor lessons;

2) professional information - a set of measures to familiarize young people and other persons with the situation on the labor market

3) professional advice - this is assistance to those who have decided on the choice of professions offered by the employer, through the study of the personal qualities of the consulted individuals in order to identify the state of health, orientation and interests, the structure of abilities and other factors that influence the choice of profession or the direction of retraining

4) professional propaganda - a kind of professional education, which is an information activity to draw attention to a particular profession or specialty by showing its attractive sides with criticism of professions or specialties competing in the market

5) professional advertising - an integral element of the labor market, which is information about the nature and state of a particular type of professional activity, positions requiring replacement by specialists in order to popularize them, create personnel demand and harmonize it with personnel proposals;

6) professional propaedeutics - various forms of a person's participation in various aspects of future professional activity, preceding the adoption of a final decision on the choice of a profession;

7) professional pre-selection - determining the degree of professional suitability of a person at the stage of choosing a profession by introducing him to the requirements of the profession, studying personal characteristics, providing an opportunity to engage in certain activities.

General coordination of career guidance work is carried out by the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation. At the regional and local levels, vocational guidance work is carried out by educational institutions, social protection centers, and vocational guidance centers. Currently, the main channels of influence on the process of choosing a profession are: the media, the arts, professional clubs and associations, professional advertising, personal contacts with representatives of the chosen profession, the immediate social environment, personnel of educational institutions, employees of employment services, officials who promote professional orientation.

35. Staff adaptation

Each person throughout his life has to adapt to a new environment for him in connection with a change of place of residence, work.

One can classify the main types of adaptation individual in the new organization as follows:

1) by the availability of employment experience: primary adaptation, adaptation of young employees who do not have professional experience, and secondary adaptation, adaptation of employees with professional experience;

2) according to the content of adaptation: psychophysiological adaptation, adaptation to new loads, working conditions, socio-psychological adaptation, workability in a new society, norms of behavior and relationships in a different team, professional adaptation, gradual refinement of labor abilities (professional skills, additional knowledge, skills cooperation, etc.), organizational adaptation, mastering the role and organizational status of the workplace and unit in the overall organizational structure;

3) by the nature of adaptation: active adaptation - the individual himself strives to influence the external environment in order to change it, and passive adaptation - the individual does not strive for such influence and change;

4) according to the results of adaptation: progressive results of adaptation - after completing the period of familiarization with the organization, an increase in labor productivity, level of discipline and effective social communications occurs, and regressive results of adaptation - in the case of passive adaptation to an environment with negative content.

Labor adaptation management involves the formation of three elements: the structural consolidation of the adaptation management function, the development of technology for the consolidation of the adaptation management process, and the information consolidation of this process.

In practice, companies rarely pay attention to adaptation processes, "acclimatization" of new employees. Measures that help reduce the period of adaptation are well-established career guidance and professional selection of personnel, which make it possible to identify those employees who are most likely to successfully adapt to the factors of a given production environment.

The main activities on the technology of the adaptation management process can be the following: organization of seminars, courses; conducting individual conversations between the manager and the new employee; intensive short-term courses for first-time managers; carrying out organizational and preparatory work when introducing innovations.

The adaptation of employees requires significant organizational efforts, so it is reasonable to create personnel adaptation services or introduce special adaptation managers. Such services can be independent units (department, laboratory) or be part of the personnel management service, sociological service, etc.

36. Organization of the personnel training system

Successful development of a company is only possible if people have the knowledge, skills, and desire to work highly productively. Since training is not something external to the main function of the organization, it must play a unifying role in achieving the organization's main goals. And if the company has decided that staff need to be trained, this is a sign of a successfully developing organization that is ready to invest money in its future.

The development or training of personnel in an organization, in our opinion, can have three priority areas of application: when a new employee enters a job, when an already working employee is appointed to a new position, according to the results of personnel appraisal, which revealed insufficient qualifications of the employee. Due to the fact that almost every organization operates in a rapidly changing environment, education and training must be continuous. Working in an organization, an employee must constantly improve his education, mastering the theoretical part of the profession and acquiring practical skills.

The objectives of staff training from the position of the employee and the employer are different.

The employer, contributing to the training of personnel, solves the problems of the organization and ensures the formation of managerial personnel, its adaptation in the organization, the introduction of innovations and the acquisition of knowledge necessary to understand and solve various problems that arise in the production process. As for the employee, he maintains at the proper level and improves his qualifications, acquires professional knowledge that is not related to the scope of his direct professional activity, develops abilities in the field of planning and organizing production.

It is advisable to use several indicators of the effectiveness of employee training: student satisfaction, the degree of assimilation of educational material, the solution of the organization's tasks that caused the organization of the employee training process. To determine the learning outcomes, you can use methods such as surveys, exams and tests, employee certification, analysis of the dynamics of the overall performance of the organization.

According to the theory of human capital, the knowledge and skills of employees are considered as capital belonging to them, and the total costs of developing this knowledge, qualifications, and motivation are investments in it. There is a term “human capital” in the science of personnel management, according to which training is assessed in the same way as any other investment project. Research shows that $1 spent on staff development generates $5 to $8 in revenue. Personnel training costs are the cost of resources used in the process of organizing and conducting training sessions. The costs of personnel training can be direct and indirect, variable and fixed, total, average and marginal.

37. Methods and types of staff training

We will try to classify the most common methods of staff training according to various criteria.

1. By type of training the following methods can be distinguished: training, advanced training, retraining of personnel

2. By place of study should indicate: training within the organization itself, training outside the organization, self-training (self-training).

3. According to the degree of dynamism of information perception personnel training methods are divided into: active and passive

3. 1. Active learning methods include:

1) copying - attaching an employee to a qualified specialist for a detailed study of all the features of this work, repeating the actions of the master after him;

2) mentoring - the manager's activities with his staff in the course of daily work;

3) delegation - the transfer to employees of a defined area of ​​tasks of authority to make decisions on a certain range of issues;

4) the method of increasingly difficult classes;

5) business games;

6) trainings; the concept of "training" (from the English training - "education", "training", "training") usually does not mean any exercises (training), but only a set of exercises carried out according to a special methodology developed on a scientific basis under the guidance of a qualified specialist;

7) rotation;

8) brainstorming method.

3. 2. Passive teaching methods include: 1) frontal training - the traditional, most common teaching method in Russia; typical forms of frontal classes are lectures and reports;

2) practical exercises - consideration of theoretical material on the example of real life situations, conducting experiments;

3) individual conversations (consultations) - explanation to students of various issues within a certain academic discipline, clarification of the features of the educational process as a whole;

4) the "poll of experts" method - the invitation to a training event of qualified specialists to answer questions. This makes it possible to solve, first of all, tasks specific to the audience and close to real life;

5) distance learning - learning through the Internet, telecommunications and other distance educational technologies, ending with the receipt of an official document on the assignment of a certain qualification. The main advantages of the distance learning system are flexibility, the ability to study at a convenient time and place and pace, modularity, i.e. a company or specialist has the opportunity to build a training system from a set of independent training programs - modules, cost-effectiveness (world practice shows that Distance learning costs enterprises 40-60% less than traditional learning due to the absence of travel and transportation costs, costs for renting classrooms, teachers’ salaries, etc.).

38. Essence of work motivation

The essence of motivation lies in the fact that, focusing on the system of needs of employees, to ensure the full and effective use of their labor potential in order to achieve the goals of the organization as soon as possible.

On the one hand, motivation is the process of stimulating oneself and other people to action, suggesting the possibility of satisfying personal needs while achieving the goals of the organization. On the other hand, motivation - This is the process of a person's conscious choice of one or another type of behavior as a result of external and internal influences. In the course of work, motivation allows staff to satisfy their significant needs by performing work duties.

The generally accepted point of view is that need is a psychological or physiological feeling of lack of something. Motivation - this is a feeling of a lack of something and an individual's awareness of what actions need to be taken to make up for this lack. The degree of satisfaction received when achieving the goal affects the behavior of a person in similar circumstances in the future. Motive - this is a conscious motivation to achieve a specific goal, understood by the individual as a personal necessity. Labor motive - this is the need (reason) to satisfy which the employee carries out highly productive work activities. The motive for work is formed if work activity is the main way to obtain benefits. Assessing the likelihood of achieving goals is of great importance for the formation of work motives. If obtaining a benefit does not require special efforts, or if the benefit is very difficult to obtain, then the motive for work most often does not form. The structure of the labor motive includes: a need that is relevant for the employee; labor action necessary to obtain a benefit; a good that satisfies this need; price - material and moral costs associated with labor action. The formation of a labor motive occurs when the subject of management disposes of the necessary set of goods corresponding to the socially determined needs of a person. In general, labor potential consists of psychophysiological potential (a person’s abilities, his health, endurance, performance, type of nervous system) and personal potential. Internal rewards come from the work itself. This may be a feeling of achieving a goal, meaningfulness of the work performed, self-esteem. Internal reward is motivation. External reward is provided not by the work itself, but by the subject of management, who has the opportunity to reward for work. From a motivational point of view, external reward can be defined as stimulation of work.

39. Content theories of motivation

Traditionally, in the works of researchers of employee motivation, various motivational theories are divided into two categories: procedural and content.

Meaningful Theories of Motivation are based on the identification of those internal motives (needs) that make us act one way and not another. This group includes the concepts of Abraham Maslow, David McClelland, Frederick Herzberg, and others.

Maslow's theory of motivation. Creating his theory of motivation in the 40s of the twentieth century, Maslow divided needs into 5 categories: physiological, needs for security and confidence in the future, social needs or needs for belonging, needs for esteem and self-esteem, the need for self-expression and arranged them in the form a strict pyramid, at the base of which there are primary needs, physiological, safety and security needs, and closer to the top - secondary needs, and at the very top of this pyramid - the needs for self-expression and respect. According to Maslow, for a higher-level need to determine human behavior, a lower-level need must be satisfied. Subsequently, a number of provisions of Maslow's theory were criticized by motivation researchers. In particular, it was established, firstly, that in general there is no clear five-stage structure of needs; secondly, the concept of the most important needs has not received clear confirmation; thirdly, the satisfaction of certain needs does not automatically lead to the involvement of higher-level needs; fourthly, the concept does not take into account the individual differences of people.

McClelland's theory of needs. McClelland believed that people have three needs: power, success and belonging.

Herzberg's two-factor theory. As a result of a study among employees of a large paint and varnish company, Herzberg divided the entire set of factors influencing staff job satisfaction and motivation to work into two groups: hygiene factors and motivation. Hygienic factors are formed by the external environment in which work is performed, and motivation is the essence of work. According to Herzberg, when there is a lack or insufficiency of hygiene factors, a person becomes dissatisfied with his job. In contrast, the absence or inadequacy of motivation does not lead to job dissatisfaction. Their presence is completely satisfying. At the same time, Herzberg did not take into account the subjectivity of different people’s perception of the same factors in his study. In general, critics of his theory subsequently concluded that all workers have different needs, and different factors will motivate different people.

40. Process theories of motivation

More modern procedural theories of motivation explore, first of all, the behavior of people, taking into account their perception and cognition.

Vroom's expectancy theory. Expectations can be considered as a given person's assessment of a certain event. Based on the relationships: labor costs, results-reward, valence (satisfaction with reward). Expectations for effort are the relationship between the effort expended and the result obtained. Performance-reward expectations are expectations of a specific reward or reward in response to the level of performance achieved. If there is no perceived relationship between the achieved result and the expected reward, motivation will weaken. If a person knows that when he achieves a goal he will receive the expected reward, but with reasonable effort he cannot achieve it, motivation will be weak. Since individual people have different needs and desires for rewards, rewards for achieved results may not be of any value to them. If one of these factors is weak, there will be weak motivation and low work results. Valence - this is the perceived degree of relative dissatisfaction or satisfaction due to the receipt of any reward.

The theory of justice. This theory says that people correlate the rewards received to the effort expended and then correlate it with the rewards of other people for similar work. If a colleague received a larger reward for similar work, then psychological stress arises. As a result, it is necessary to motivate this employee, relieve tension in order to restore justice, and correct the imbalance. People can restore justice either by reducing their efforts or by trying to change the level of remuneration they receive. The main conclusion of the theory of justice is that until people begin to believe that the remuneration received is fair, they will reduce the intensity of work.

Porter-Lawler model. One of Porter-Lawler's most important findings is that productive work leads to satisfaction. According to the theory of human relations, satisfaction contributes to the achievement of labor productivity, in other words, happier workers work better.

Later, in the late 70's - early 80's. XNUMXth century Much attention was paid to the analysis of the human relations system based on the experience of the American company IBM and Japanese quality circles. As an example of modern European research on this issue, we can cite a study of labor motivation in Finland, carried out by Tapani Alkula.

41. Salary as a method of staff motivation

Wages are part of the fund for the consumption of material goods and services received by employees in accordance with the quantity, quality and productivity of labor, both individual (the employee himself) and collective. Its main functions follow from the essence of wages: reproductive, motivating, accounting and production, social, regulatory.

The basis of labor organization - employee's consumer budget. As a consumer budget, we use the minimum consumer budget, which is the basis of the minimum wage, which sets a lower limit on the cost of unskilled labor in the form of monthly cash payments that employees receive for performing simple work under normal working conditions. Wages remain the main source of labor force reproduction. In addition to the tariff part of wages, which is regulated depending on its minimum level, wages include allowances and additional payments, bonuses and remuneration, payments not related to the results of work or labor contribution.

To ensure the stimulating role of wages in increasing labor productivity, it is necessary to reduce the gap between the average and minimum wages. In other countries, the minimum wage is about 40% of the average. In Russia today it is only 10%, which is clearly not enough. The amount of minimum earnings is a guideline for the level of minimum tariff rates, minimum tariff payments (pensions, disability benefits, etc.). State guarantees of payment at the minimum wage level are achieved by applying bankruptcy procedures to organizations that do not provide this level of payments, liquidation and reorganization.

The structure of remuneration for employees of an organization, compensating for their labor contribution, may include the following components: basic payment at tariff rates and salaries, which is established on the basis of tariff agreements, taking into account the severity, content, responsibility of working conditions, market conditions and other factors; additional payments and compensation for working conditions and severity; the market component, which reflects the equilibrium price for a given labor; allowances and bonuses for labor productivity; social payments; dividends. The first 3 components are of a fixed nature, determined by the employment contract, the rest are variable, since they depend on the capabilities of the company and its motivational policy.

42. Models and systems of wages

Exist tariff and non-tariff base wage models.

Distinguish two types of wages - piecework and time-based. With piecework, monetary compensation depends on the volume of work performed. With time-based work, the level of payment is associated with the time spent on work.

Based on these forms, various options and combinations of remuneration are created. Rate + bonus for high individual results (in the form of bonuses, commissions, etc.). Rate + allowance per group (for high performance of the team, workshop, department). Rate + bonus based on the performance of the entire firm (based on a corporate-wide criterion). Premium allowance in accordance with the merits of the employee (bonuses). It is calculated according to a single methodology (based on seniority or rating). Commission payments. Share in profits in accordance with the estimates of the financial performance of the firm.

Participatory management provides for the combination of motivational remuneration with participation in production management. The most common forms of participatory management are: participation of employees in profits and property and participation of employees in management.

Also, along with traditional ones, such payment systems as payment according to labor rating and cost of working life are used. When paying according to labor rating, the distribution coefficient - the employee's rating - is taken into account. In accordance with the sum of the ratings (coefficients) of all employees, the basic level of wages is determined, which is then adjusted by the coefficients. When distributing in accordance with the labor cost coefficient, the average hourly wage for the last months, cleared of all kinds of temporary additional payments, is taken into account. An employee’s business qualities are calculated by bringing the RKST to a whole number: it increases if the business qualities received a positive assessment, and decreases otherwise.

Recently, in the non-budgetary sector, wages on a commission basis, on the basis of labor remuneration rates, on the basis of floating salaries, have been increasingly used. When paying on a commission basis, a fixed share of income from the sale of products and services is established.

Labor remuneration used in companies specializing in the provision of service-type services, engaged in consulting or engineering. Rates are set at 35 - 40% of payments for services, depending on the quality of work performed and compliance with the service schedule. Floating salaries are formed by adjusting the current salary depending on the productivity and quality of the employee. The new form of remuneration is multi-skill wages. The level of payment is determined by the knowledge and skills of employees, the variety of their professional skills.

43. The most effective methods of motivating the labor activity of personnel

To influence the motivation of employees, the following system of measures is the most effective: punishments and incentives, including those including additional payments to wages to stimulate a healthy lifestyle of employees, special individual remuneration, the social policy of the organization as the most important tool for economic incentives in the following forms:

1) monetary forms: payments for the acquisition of property and property of the company; paid temporary leave from work; paid working hours with a shortened pre-holiday day; payment for employee training; payment and provision of study holidays to persons combining work with education in accordance with labor legislation; monetary remuneration provided in connection with personal celebrations, round dates of employment or holidays (money or gifts); additional compensation payments (for example, compensation for travel by rail during the next vacation); subsidies for meals in the canteens of the organization; payment of utility services in office housing; payment of mobile communications bills when connected at a corporate rate; payment for travel to the place of work and around the city; progressive seniority payments; payment of several official salaries upon retirement of an employee; corporate pensions;

2) material non-monetary forms: provision of a company car; use of social institutions of the organization; use of rest houses, children's health camps (for the children of employees) on preferential vouchers; granting preferential terms of places in preschool institutions; purchase of products manufactured by the organization at prices below the selling price; remuneration associated with changing the workplace, increasing the technical equipment and comfort of the workplace; providing recreational opportunities for employees;

3) intangible forms: improving the organization of work and management, promotion, empowerment, increasing power, providing a better seat at the table at the meeting and guaranteeing the safety of the workplace, concluding long-term employment contracts, providing the opportunity for direct communication with the top manager, holding company-wide events, providing rewards-acknowledgements , rewards associated with a high assessment of the status of an employee, written and oral rewards.

In addition to highly beneficial for the company and pleasant for employees, it is in a variety of corporate holidays, as well as in other corporate collective events, that it is possible to unite the employees of the organization, develop team spirit, and form a positive culture of the organization.

44. The concept and stages of a career

business career - this is the progressive promotion of a person in a certain area, a change in abilities, skills, qualifications and remuneration; moving forward along the once chosen path of activity, achieving fame, fame, enrichment. You can talk about a career as a kind of activity.

It is possible to single out intra-organizational and inter-organizational careers, specialized and non-specialized, vertical, horizontal, hidden, stepped.

Career intraorganizational assumes that an employee in the course of his professional activity goes through all stages of development from training to retirement successively within the walls of one organization.

Interorganizational career means that an employee in the process of working life goes through all stages of development sequentially, working in various positions in different organizations.

Specialized career characterized by the fact that the employee in the course of his working life bypasses various stages of his career. He can pass them sequentially both in one organization and in many organizations, but in a certain profession and field of activity in which he specializes.

Non-specialized career widely developed in Japan. In accordance with the Japanese model of personnel management, the manager must be a generalist capable of working in any part of the company. There it is considered normal if the head of the sales department changes places with the head of the supply department.

Vertical career - rise to a higher level in the hierarchical structure. This is the most common understanding of a career. Such an incarnation can be seen by others.

Horizontal career - moving to another functional area of ​​activity, for example, personnel rotation. This type of career can also be associated with the expansion or complexity of tasks in the previous position.

Hidden Career less obvious to others. This is the approach of the worker to the decision-making structures. Expressed in the invitation of the employee to meetings or informal meetings, where his opinion can matter and be taken into account when making decisions. It can also be the role of the so-called "gray cardinal", that is, a person who does not have official authority, but makes decisions in the organization, expressed in advice and instructions to the management, which gives them the status of orders and instructions.

Step career combines successively the stages of horizontal and vertical career.

45. Business Career Planning

Career planning - this is a direction of activity for personnel management of an organization, including the formation of a strategy and a program of measures to promote employees. This is the process of correlating the characteristics of an employee with the requirements of the company, the strategy and goals of its development, which is realized through a system of measures for professional and job growth.

A list of jobs and positions in the company (and outside it), fixing the optimal development of a professional to fill a leadership position in the company is career chart, a formalized path plan for an employee with the acquisition of the necessary knowledge and skills for successful work in a higher position.

Career planning at the enterprise is carried out by a specialist in the personnel management service, the employee himself, his boss (line manager). The employee himself, his immediate supervisor, and a specialist in the personnel service can also plan a career in an organization. At the same time, responsibilities for carrying out activities related to career planning are distributed between them. So, the choice of the profession itself, a specific organization and position depends on the employee. He evaluates his prospects and plans career growth, determines what knowledge related to the implementation of this growth, he needs to receive. A specialist in the personnel management service (manager) assesses a candidate when hiring him, determines a job for him, assesses the potential of employees, selects for a personnel reserve, sends employees for additional training, carries out document management related to the promotion of employees, plans a new career cycle . The immediate supervisor (line manager) conducts activities such as performance evaluation, motivation evaluation, organization of professional development. He makes proposals for stimulating the work of the employee and for his advancement through the ranks.

Promotion depends not only on the personal characteristics of the employee, but also on factors external to the employee, in particular, on the indicator of the number of vacancies at the next hierarchical level to the number of employees employed in those hierarchical positions where the specialist is located. Under the influence of internal and external factors, a promising or dead-end intra-organizational career can develop, an employee's career line can be very long or short.

Business Career Management - this is a set of measures carried out by the personnel department of an organization for planning, organizing, motivating, monitoring the career growth of an employee, based on his personal goals, capabilities, abilities, needs and inclinations, as well as based on the goals, needs, opportunities and socio-economic conditions organizations. Each employee is also responsible for managing their own business career.

46. ​​The essence and procedure for the formation of a personnel reserve

One of the elements of career management is the selection of specialists in the personnel reserve of management. This event gives employees the opportunity to feel that the management of the organization considers them candidates for vacant positions, and contributes to the emergence of a self-esteem motive. The most important direction of the company's personnel policy is the creation of a personnel reserve for the nomination of leaders of a new formation, receptive to innovation and offering non-standard solutions to emerging problems. The presence of a personnel reserve makes it possible to develop scientifically based training programs for candidates for the formed vacancies, purposefully develop specialists in the reserve, and effectively use them in the management system.

Personnel reserve for promotion - this is a contingent of employees from among line and functional managers, specialists who have passed professional selection and have (are undergoing) special managerial training or internships (for those who do not have sufficient managerial experience).

The talent pool should reflect all levels of management. Each employee enrolled in the reserve must know what position he is being prepared for. The reserve is considered optimal when there are at least 2 people for each position of the head.

The main selection criteria for the personnel reserve are: level of education, work experience, state of health, age, consent of the candidate to occupy a vacant position. In terms of its qualitative and quantitative composition, the structure of the reserve of managers should correspond to the current organizational structure and staffing, taking into account the development trends of the organization. The reserve is created for all managerial positions in which managerial functions are performed. The formation of the reserve is carried out on the basis of the conclusions of the attestation commissions, based on a comprehensive assessment of the various characteristics of candidates for managerial positions. Particular attention is paid to the level of training, leadership qualities and abilities for analysis, responsibility for work, the ability to justify and make independent, responsible decisions, and dedication.

The work on the formation of the reserve consists of the following stages: making a forecast of expected changes in the composition of the management personnel, assessing the business and personal qualities of candidates for the reserve for nomination, identifying candidates for the reserve, making a decision on inclusion in the reserve, coordinating the list of candidates included in the reserve with higher organizations. To carry out systematic systematic work with the personnel reserve, all organizations create permanent commissions for work with the reserve.

47. Types of staff release

Release of staff - this is a type of activity that provides a set of activities to comply with the law and support from management of employees upon dismissal. According to the specialized literature on labor resource management, the concepts of “release” and “dismissal” of employees are different. Liberation is a broader concept that contains, as mentioned above, a set of complex measures for a conflict-free radical change in the living conditions of individuals. Various types of dismissals can be divided into the following groups according to the degree of voluntariness of employees leaving the organization: dismissal at the initiative of the employee (in domestic terminology - at their own request); dismissal at the request of the employer (in domestic labor legislation - at the initiative of the administration) retirement; dismissal for reasons beyond the control of the parties.

Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation identifies the following grounds for termination of an employment contract: agreement of the parties, expiration of the employment contract, termination of the employment contract at the initiative of the employee, termination of the contract at the initiative of the administration, transfer of the employee to work with another employer or transfer to elective work, refusal of the employee to work in connection with the transfer of property rights to another person under the jurisdiction of the organization or its reorganization, the employee’s refusal to work due to a significant change in the conditions for the implementation of labor activity, included in the employment contract, the employee’s refusal to transfer to another job that is more appropriate for his state of health, confirmed by medical conclusion, the employee’s refusal to transfer due to the employer’s relocation to another locality, reasons beyond the control of the parties, violation of the principles of concluding an employment contract, if this violation makes it impossible to continue working.

Relatively indisputable from the point of view of the employer is the departure of the employee on his own initiative, since the need for support for this employee from the administration of the enterprise, as a rule, is small. Article 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that an employee can terminate an employment contract if he informs the administration of his enterprise about this in writing 2 weeks in advance. The personnel management service of an industrial enterprise can use the final interview as a tool that allows the employee and the enterprise to more carefully assess the ongoing event, name the true reasons for dismissal, evaluate various aspects of production activities, which include: the psychological climate, leadership style, growth prospects, objectivity of business assessment and remuneration, requirements for the workplace and working conditions on it, safety for health.

48. Programs of measures to prepare employees for retirement

Dismissal from an organization due to retirement differs significantly from the previously discussed types of dismissals.

1. Retirement, as a rule, is foreseen in advance and calculated quite accurately in time.

2. This event is associated with very unusual changes in his personal life.

3. Significant changes in the course of an employee's life are very noticeable to those around him. In addition, in assessing retirement, a person is characterized by inconsistency, some conflict with himself. Retirement, as well as a person’s finding a new social role, is the object of quite close attention in civilized countries. This issue is especially relevant for our country, since researchers have identified a change in the structure of the working population - a shift of the bulk of workers to older age groups. It has been established that after 60 years a person who has accumulated intellectual capital retains his intellectual performance and can use it.

Measures to prepare for the release of workers who have reached retirement age, as a rule, include two groups of work.

1. Retirement preparation courses that include learning about: legal rules and regulations related to retirement, further participation in the life of the organization, economic aspects of later life, medical issues and benefits, opportunities to build active leisure. The courses help employees work out the tasks associated with retirement, as well as introduce them to the characteristics of a new life stage. They can be held in the form of lectures, conversations, one-day and multi-day seminars, consultations.

2. "Sliding pension" is a set of works for the gradual transition from full-time employment to retirement, as well as a number of measures that ensure the involvement of a pensioner with working life. A distinctive feature of the sliding pension system is its fairly accurate time frame in relation to a particular employee. The effect of pension works starts from a certain date and ends with the onset of retirement age. These measures involve a gradual transition to part-time employment, changes in wages, and the establishment of a procedure for paying out pension insurance. In some cases, after dismissal due to retirement, an employee is invited as a consultant, an expert to solve emerging production problems, participate in meetings, mentor, and manage the adaptation of new employees.

49. The concept of "organizational culture"

The consideration of organizations as a cultural phenomenon has a relatively long history and goes back to the traditions of M. Weber, F. Selznick, K. Lewin, T. Parsons and especially C. Barnard and G. Simon (who anticipated the main features of the concept in the concept of "organizational morality" organizational culture"). The very introduction of the term “organizational culture” and its detailed elaboration date back to the late 70s of the twentieth century. New business conditions, dynamism and uncertainty of external conditions, an increase in the educational level of personnel, changes in motivation, and civic maturity of employees gave a powerful impetus to the development of organizational culture in all its diversity and required management to reconsider their attitude towards it. It is generally accepted that the starting point was the collision of the West with the so-called Japanese challenge - the success of the Japanese concept of organizing socio-economic life, based on a non-standard organizational culture based on traditions.

The higher the level of organizational culture, the less the staff needs directives, instructions, detailed diagrams and detailed instructions. Organizational culture is seen as a powerful strategic tool to orient all departments of the organization and individuals towards common goals, mobilize the initiative of employees, ensure loyalty, facilitate communication, as an element that predetermines the success of the company. Foreign and domestic research on the problems of organizational culture make it possible to single out a number of value principles that are characteristic of the culture of successful firms: orientation towards actions, achievement of goals; constant contact with consumers; independence and entrepreneurial spirit (encouragement of leaders, innovators); productivity from a person (ordinary personnel is considered as the main source of achievements in the field of quality and productivity); simplicity of management forms, small number of managerial staff; simultaneous combination of freedom and rigidity in management.

To date, no unified interpretation of the concept of “organizational culture” has been developed; however, we can dwell on the following definition, which summarizes the proposed options. Organizational culture (the terms “organizational culture”, “corporate culture”, “company culture”, “entrepreneurial culture” are also used) is a set of the most important provisions applied by members of the organization and expressed in the values ​​and norms declared by the organization, giving people guidelines for their behavior and actions. These value orientation tools are transmitted to employees through the “symbols” of the intraorganizational environment.

50. Content of organizational culture

An important aspect of organizational culture is that it is divided into a number of subcultures: there can be many subcultures in one organization. The criteria for analyzing organizational culture are the following indicators: "thickness" organizational culture - a relative value showing the share of the defining organizational culture of the enterprise in the total number of cultures recognized by the members of the organization; "separate views" - an indicator that characterizes the number of basic provisions, norms, value orientations, traditions, etc., absolutely accepted by all members of the organization; "latitude" organizational culture - a value that characterizes the quantitative ratio of members of the organization, for which this organizational culture is dominant, to the total number of members of the organization; конфликт organizational cultures - a situation in which not one organizational culture is decisive, but 2/3. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the conflict of organizational cultures can have not only a negative, but also a positive meaning, depending on the strategy of the enterprise. For a normally functioning enterprise, i.e., financially stable, having the necessary sales market, the conflict of organizational cultures becomes a necessary factor in development and expansion; "strength" organizational culture - the degree of manifestation of organizational culture and its influence on the behavior of personnel (weak organizational culture can be recognized on the basis of such signs as the lack of clear ideas about values ​​​​and common beliefs and about how success can be achieved in a certain business; the spread of helplessness, the search for salvation in setting short-term goals; lack of agreement between individual parts of the organization, etc.). Depending on the aspects of consideration in the literature, one can find various classifications of organizational culture: "job culture" and "social culture", extraverted and introverted, conservative and entrepreneurial, etc. Over time and under the influence of circumstances, organizational culture can undergo changes. Radical changes in the content of the organizational culture are made to achieve the required level of performance, when significant and dynamic adjustments to the "rules of the game" are appropriate, which include: a fundamental change in the mission of the organization; improving organizational efficiency and morale; important changes in the market; acquisition, merger, creation of joint ventures; significant technological changes; transition from family business to professional management; entry into foreign economic activity; rapid growth of the organization.

The leadership of an organization can influence the development of culture in two ways. The first is, as it were, an assessment from above, which should arouse enthusiasm among the majority of the members of the organization. The application of the second method starts from the lower levels of the organization.

51. The essence of organizational conflict

Public life is unthinkable without a clash of ideas, life positions, goals of both individuals and small and large groups, other communities. In conflict, as in any process, there are positive and negative sides. The well-known saying "truth is born in a dispute" can be applied with good reason to a conflict. There are two positions. The first one assumes that конфликт - this is a clash and struggle of various forces, people or positions, occurring due to incompatibility or opposition of interests. According to the second конфликт is a process of development of interaction and a system of relations between the parties involved in it. In our opinion, the following definition is optimal. Conflict is the existence of disagreements between several parties. They can be specific individuals, workers or groups of workers.

The following causes of conflicts in the organization are distinguished: reasons related to the distribution of resources (material, financial, human, etc.), differences in the goals facing employees, disagreements in the opinions of employees about the goals and mission of the company or about their status and level wages, unsatisfactory communications (vertical and horizontal) between employees in the organization, differences between people in the manner of behavior and in life experience (conflict at the household level), conflicts associated with differences in the values ​​of employees (belonging to various political or public associations, desire "convert to one's faith").

We have made an attempt to develop the existing classification of conflicts. We can distinguish economic, ideological, social, family, everyday, socio-psychological, emotional and neurogenic conflicts. According to the methods of conflict resolution, we distinguish antagonistic and compromise, by the nature of occurrence - social-organizational and emotional, by the direction of impact - vertical, horizontal, by degree of expression - open, hidden, potential, by the number of participants involved in the conflict - intrapersonal, interpersonal, intergroup. Until recently, the personnel management systems of organizations lacked conflict management workers, and the functions of management, prevention and conflict resolution were not included in the job descriptions of managers and specialists. Currently, the personnel management system of organizations includes subsystems that perform the functions of managing conflicts and stress, analyzing and regulating group and personal relationships, management relationships; management of industrial conflicts and stress; conducting socio-psychological diagnostics; compliance with ethical standards of relationships; management of interaction with trade unions.

52. Management of service and professional promotion of personnel

Service professional promotion is a series of progressive moves through various positions that contribute to the development of both the organization and the individual. The concepts of “service and professional advancement” and “career” are close, but not the same. The term “career-professional advancement” is the most common, since the term “career” was not actually used in our specialized literature and practice until recently. As a rule, the coincidence of an already planned path of career advancement and an actual career in practice occurs infrequently and is rather the exception than the rule. Service and professional promotion system - this is a set of means and methods of promotion of personnel used in various organizations. In general, in management practice, two types of promotion are distinguished: the promotion of a specialist and the promotion of a manager. The latter, in turn, has two directions: the promotion of functional managers and the promotion of line managers. For example, in our country, the promotion system for line managers, as a rule, includes five main stages.

The first stage is working with students from specialized institutes or those aimed at practice. The second stage is working with young specialists accepted into this organization. The third stage is working with line managers at the lower level of management. Line managers replace absent managers and take advanced training courses. Managers who successfully pass the second selection are offered for promotion to vacant positions of shop managers and their deputies. The fourth stage is working with mid-level line managers. Based on an analysis of the test results of a particular manager, proposals for further promotion are made. The fifth stage is working with senior line managers. The selection should be carried out by a special commission consisting of senior managers, specialists from human resources departments and independent experts involved, if necessary.

53. Managing Conflicts in an Organization

Phases of the conflict:

1) confrontational, or military; in this case, the parties seek to ensure their own interest by completely eliminating other people's interests by any possible means;

2) compromise, or political; the parties seek, if possible, to achieve their goals through negotiations, during which they change their personal interests to common ones that suit both parties;

3) communicative, or managerial; building certain communicative relationships, the parties reach an agreement based on the fact that the interests of opposite parties tend to complement each other;

4) in addition to these phases, they also distinguish crisis; overcoming the crisis, i.e., the continuation of the development of the conflict helps to relieve tension in the relations of the parties.

Conflict Management - this is the process of purposeful influence on the personnel of the organization in order to eliminate the causes that gave rise to the conflict, and bring the behavior of the participants in the conflict in line with the established norms of relationships.

Conflict management is associated with three kinds of activities.

1. Prevention of a conflict situation.

2. Resolution of the conflict situation.

3. Settlement of the conflict.

There are a number of conflict management methods that can be divided into several groups based on the behavior of the conflicting parties: intrapersonal, structural, interpersonal, negotiations, and aggressive response actions. Methods of conflict management are also subdivided on the basis of belonging to the direction of conflict management. Practice shows that there are three areas of conflict management: conflict avoidance, conflict suppression and conflict management itself. Each of these directions is implemented using special methods.

Let's start with the conflict avoidance method. Its variation is the idle method. With this method, the development of events is at the mercy of time, everything happens spontaneously.

The next variation of this method is concessions, or accommodation. Management agrees with the proposals of employees at the expense of their own requirements.

This also includes the smoothing method, which is used in organizations focused on the collective methods of the labor process. This approach is based on the belief that the differences between the conflicting parties are not so significant.

Conflict suppression, in turn, involves the use of various methods. For example, the method of covert action is used in cases where the combination of economic, political, social or psychological circumstances makes open conflict impossible; there is no desire to deal with an open conflict due to fear of loss of image, etc. A quick solution method may be effective. Its essence is that the decision on the problem that caused the conflict is made in the shortest possible time, almost by instant agreement.

54. Personnel audit

Personnel audit - this is a system of consulting support, analytical assessment and independent examination of the organization’s personnel potential, which, along with a financial and economic audit, allows us to identify the compliance of the organization’s personnel potential with its goals and development strategy; compliance of the activities of the personnel and management structures of the organization with the existing regulatory framework; the effectiveness of personnel work in solving the problems facing the personnel of the organization by its management and individual structural divisions; the causes of social problems (risks) arising in the organization and possible ways to resolve them or reduce their negative impact. A personnel audit is part of an organizational and personnel audit, which also involves an analysis of personnel processes and the structure of the organization. At the same time, the main, global goal of personnel audit is to assess the efficiency and productivity of personnel. In management practice, personnel audit is, on the one hand, a method of observation similar to a financial or accounting audit, and on the other, a management tool that allows you to solve a particular problem that arises in the field of labor relations.

Personnel audit object - the labor collective of the organization, various aspects of its production activities, the principles and methods of personnel management in the organization. An audit in the field of personnel should be carried out in the following areas: assessment of the organization's personnel potential, qualitative and quantitative characteristics of personnel; diagnostics of personnel processes and management procedures, evaluation of their effectiveness. The purpose of the audit of human resources is to identify whether the organization has the human resources necessary and sufficient for its functioning and development; whether the staff is able to work effectively and in accordance with the chosen strategy. Assessment of personnel potential should include: a study of the qualitative characteristics of the payroll for various indicators, attrition and its compliance with the organization; assessment of the staffing level in general and by management levels, including the assessment of the staffing of the technological process; assessment of the compliance of the educational and professional qualification level of the personnel, the degree of their preparedness with the requirements of production activities; analysis of the personnel structure for compliance with the requirements of technology and the job classifier; verification and analysis of data on the use of working time; assessment of staff turnover and absenteeism, the study of forms, dynamics, causes of labor movement, analysis of movement flows within the organization, the state of labor discipline; determining the dynamics of the number of workers employed in unskilled and low-skilled labor, heavy manual labor; study of social aspects of labor activity.

55. Planning and organization of work with a reserve of personnel

Work on the preparation of a reserve of personnel is purposeful, systematic and planned. The organization of this work is aimed at ensuring high-quality and intensive training of each specialist for independent activity at a new, higher level. Work with specialists included in the reserve is carried out according to a plan that provides for specific measures to acquire the necessary theoretical, economic and managerial knowledge, to deeply master the nature of the work, to develop the specialist’s leadership skills and skills at the level of modern requirements

Talent pool plans can be drawn up in the form of replacement schemes. They take various forms depending on the traditions of various enterprises. We can say that substitution schemes are options for the development of an organizational structure focused on specific individuals with different priorities.

Organizations have developed a certain procedure for selecting and enrolling in a personnel reserve group: the selection of candidates should be carried out on a competitive basis among specialists under the age of 35 who have positively proven themselves in practical work and have a higher education; the decision to include employees in the reserve groups is made by a special commission and approved by an organization order; for each employee (trainee), the head of the internship (main) and the head of each stage of the internship are approved, who draw up an individual plan for the internship at each stage; the leaders of the trainees included in the personnel reserve group receive material remuneration for the successful completion by the trainee of the stages of the system of service and professional advancement. All persons enrolled in the reserve are subject to registration in the personnel services. Attestation sheets, documents on advanced training, training at the IPK, at the FPC, reports on the results of internships, and characteristics are filed into the personal files of candidates for nomination. At the same time, an assessment is made of the performance of each employee enrolled in the reserve for the past year, a decision is made to exclude or leave him in the reserve.

56. Programs of measures for the release of workers in connection with the reduction of staff

Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation indicates cases of termination of an employment contract at the initiative of the administration. It is not allowed to dismiss at the initiative of the administration while the employee is on vacation or during a period of temporary disability.

Dismissal initiated by the administration due to staff reduction or closure of an enterprise is perceived most painfully by employees. The problem of conflict-free reduction of employees can be solved with the help of a comprehensive program of measures carried out when dismissing employees. This program of activities abroad is called “outplacement”, which means, firstly, support and assistance to an employee in a situation where he is under threat of losing his job, and secondly, the process of learning, adaptation, changing the psychology of a person who has lost a job or is looking for one , so that he is able to find employment for himself in a fairly short time or independently create a job for himself. In Russia, outplacement as a phenomenon appeared after the August 1998 default, when many companies were forced to make significant staff cuts. A professionally designed and implemented outplacement program makes it possible to: create and (or) maintain a positive image of the company; develop and strengthen corporate culture; maintain a high work spirit, create optimal motivation and maintain the productivity of remaining employees at the proper level, as well as maintain a loyal attitude on the part of former employees; provide an ethically acceptable approach to employees leaving the company, which would help minimize negative emotions and feelings, such as fear, helplessness, feelings of tension, uncertainty, resentment; provide professional assistance to those resigning so that they can psychologically cope with the new situation; maintain tact and delicacy in relationships; prepare managers for the unpleasant mission of delivering notice of dismissal to employees; through good organization of the process itself, reduce costs, especially in the event of dismissal of a large number of workers. Outplacement activities include: legal advice regarding emerging claims and compensation, assistance provided to future employers in the process of making inquiries about the employee, consultation and psychological support during organizational activities related to the dismissal of an employee, the formation of a new system of target aspirations, new professional and service schemes promotion. Through the targeted use of self-assessment methods, psychological testing or conversation with a consultant, the employee comes to rethink his professional and personal positions. Modern outplacement programs can also be implemented by specialized correspondence societies and recruitment agencies.

Author: Doskova L.S.

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