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The main dates and events of domestic and foreign history. Cheat sheet: briefly, the most important

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Collection of the main dates and events of the school course of domestic and foreign history from ancient times to the beginning of the XXI century

History of Russia from ancient times to the end of the XVI century. 6th grade

Eastern Slavs in antiquity

Mid I millennium BC. e. - the emergence of Greek city-states in the Northern Black Sea region.

XNUMXth century BC e. - XNUMXth century n. e. - the existence of the Bosporan state in the Northern Black Sea region. Formed by the union of Greek cities on the Kerch and Taman Peninsulas. From the end of the XNUMXth - the first half of the XNUMXth c. BC e. included the Lower Kuban region and the Eastern Sea of ​​\uXNUMXb\uXNUMXbAzov. The capital of Panti-kapey (modern Kerch). From the end of the XNUMXnd century BC e. - as part of the Pontic kingdom, then a vassal of Rome. Destroyed by the Huns.

XNUMXth century BC e. - second half of the XNUMXrd c. n. e. - the existence of the Scythian state. It united the peoples of the Northern Black Sea region. Under the blows of the Sarmatians (III century BC) moved to the Crimea. Destroyed by the Goths.

XNUMXth century - separation from a single Slavic community of the East Slavic branch (future Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian peoples).

VI - XNUMXth century - the formation of tribal unions of the Eastern Slavs: glades, Krivichi, Drevlyans, streets, Tivertsy, Vyatichi, Dregovichi, Volhynians, northerners, Radimichi, Ilmen Slavs.

VI - first half XNUMXth century - the existence of the Turkic Khaganate. Created by a tribal union of the Turks in the territory of Central Asia, Northern China, a significant part of Central Asia (up to the Amu Darya River).

Middle of the XNUMXth-XNUMXth centuries - the existence of the Khazar Khaganate (Lower Volga). It was formed after the collapse of the Turkic Khaganate. At the beginning of the 964th century included the territories of the North Caucasus, the Sea of ​​\u965b\uXNUMXbAzov, most of the Crimea, the Lower Volga region, steppe and forest-steppe territories up to the Dnieper. In XNUMX-XNUMX. defeated by Prince Svyatoslav Igorevich.

XNUMXth-XNUMXth centuries n. e. - the existence of Volga Bulgaria, or Volga-Kama Bulgaria - the state of the Bulgars of the Volga-Kama, Finno-Ugric and other peoples in

Middle Volga and Kama regions (modern Tatarstan). Until 965, it depended on the Khazar Khaganate. Conquered by the Mongol-Tatars (1241). In the XV century. Kazan Khanate was formed on its territory.

Russia in the IX-beginning of the XII century

Beginning of the XNUMXth century - the formation of the Old Russian state.

860 BC - a military campaign of the Rus (Varangians and Slavs) against Constantinople (Tsargrad), the conclusion of the first treaty of love and friendship with Byzantium.

862 BC - "calling of the Varangians".

862-879 - the reign of Rurik in Novgorod.

879-912 - reign of Oleg in Kyiv.

882 BC - the capture of Kyiv by Oleg, the unification of Novgorod (Northern Russia) and Kyiv (Southern Russia), the transfer of the capital to Kyiv.

907, 911 - Oleg's campaigns against Constantinople. 3 conclusion of trade agreements with Byzantium (exemption of Russian merchants from paying duties, the right to a monthly salary, living in the outskirts of Constantinople).

912-945 - reign of Igor in Kyiv.

941 BC - Igor's unsuccessful campaign against Constantinople, the conclusion of a new agreement with Byzantium (the Russians were deprived of the right to duty-free trade in Byzantium).

945 BC - the uprising of the Drevlyans and the murder of Prince Igor.

945-962 - reign in infancy of the son of Svyatoslav, Princess Olga. Establishment of "lessons" (a fixed amount of tribute) and "graveyards" (certain places for collecting taxes).

957 BC - Baptism of Princess Olga in Constantinople.

962-972 - reign of Svyatoslav.

964-972 years - Military campaigns of Prince Svyatoslav. The defeat of the Khazar Khaganate, the annexation of the Tmutarakan principality and the North Caucasian lands to Russia, the establishment of Kyiv's control over the trade routes along the Volga to the Caspian Sea. Campaigns in Danube Bulgaria and Byzantium. 980-1015 - the reign of Prince Vladimir I Svyatoslavich the Holy.

988 BC - the adoption of Christianity by Russia.

1019-1054 - the reign of Grand Duke Yaroslav Vladimirovich the Wise. He won the final victory over the Pechenegs, made the last campaign against Byzantium, contributed to the spread of Christianity and literacy.

About 1016 - adoption of the first part of the laws "Russian Truth".

1072 BC - completion of the second part of the code of laws of "Russian Pravda" - "Pravda of Yaroslavichs".

1097 BC - Congress of princes in Lyubech. The participants of the congress decided: "Let everyone keep his fatherland."

1113-1125 - the reign of Prince Vladimir Vsevolodovich Monomakh (limited the arbitrariness of usurers, defeated the Polovtsy, achieved an end to strife).

1125-1132 - the reign of Mstislav the Great, the eldest son of Vladimir Monomakh.

Russian lands and principalities in the XNUMXth - early XNUMXth centuries

Early XNUMXth century - the disintegration of Russia into independent principalities. Causes of feudal fragmentation: the dominance of subsistence farming and large-scale patrimonial land ownership; the fall of the role of Kyiv as a result of the decline of the trade route "from the Varangians to the Greeks"; the existence of a "ladder" system of succession to the throne.

1136 BC - Establishment of a republic in Novgorod.

1147 BC - the first annalistic mention of Moscow (Grand Duke Yuri Dolgoruky and Prince Svyatoslav of Novgorod-Seversky celebrated the victory over opponents at the border point - Moscow).

1157-1174 - the reign of Andrei Bogolyubsky in the Vladimir-Suzdal principality.

1176-1212 - the reign of Vsevolod the Big G nest in the Vladimir-Suzdal principality.

1223 May 31 - battle on the river Kalke with the Mongo-lo-Tatars, the defeat of the Russian and Polovtsian troops.

1237-1238 years - the invasion of the Mongol-Tatar troops of Batu Khan to North-Eastern Russia.

1238 March 4 - battle on the river City troops of the Grand Duke of Vladimir Yuri Vsevolodovich with the Mongol-Tatars. The defeat of the Russian army and the death of the Grand Duke.

1240 July 15 - the defeat of the Swedes by the Russian army under the leadership of Alexander Yaroslavich (Nevsky) in the battle on the Neva.

1240 BC - the capture and destruction of Kyiv by the Mongo-lo-Tatars, the ruin of Southern Russia. Establishment of the Mongol-Tatar yoke.

1242 April 5 - the battle of the troops of the Novgorod prince Alexander Nevsky at the head of the squad of Novgorodians and Suzdalians with the knights of the Livonian Order on the ice of Lake Peipus ("Battle on the Ice"). The victory of the Russian army.

1243 BC - Formation of the state of the Golden Horde.

1252-1263 - the reign of Alexander Nevsky on the grand princely throne of Vladimir.

1264 BC - the collapse of the Galicia-Volyn principality under the blows of the Horde.

1276 BC - formation of an independent Moscow principality.

1276-1303 - the reign of the first Moscow prince Daniil Alexandrovich, son of Alexander Nevsky.

1325-1340 - the reign in Moscow of Prince Ivan D. Anilovich Kalita (since 1328 - the Grand Duke of Vladimir).

1326 BC - transfer of the residence of the Metropolitan from Vladimir to Moscow, the transformation of Moscow into an all-Russian religious center.

1327 BC - uprising in Tver against the Golden Horde.

1359-1389 - the reign in Moscow of Prince (from 1362 - Grand Duke) Dmitry Ivanovich (after 138 - Donskoy).

1378 BC - victory on the river. Leader of the Russian army led by Dmitry Ivanovich over the Golden Horde army of Begich.

1380, 8 September - the battle on the Kulikovo field near the river. Nepryadvy Russian troops led by Grand Duke Dmitri Ivanovich with the army of Khan Mamai. Defeat of the Horde.

1382 BC - the ruin and burning of Moscow by the troops of Khan Tokhtamysh.

1425-1462 - the reign of the Grand Duke of Moscow Vasily II Vasilyevich (from 1446 - Dark) (with interruptions).

1425-1453 - feudal war between the sons and grandsons of Dmitry Donskoy, associated with the establishment of the order of succession to the throne in the Moscow principality (between supporters of centralization and supporters of maintaining the old appanage system, the final approval of the principle of inheritance of power in a direct descending line from father to son).

1439 BC - The Florentine Church Union on the unification of the Catholic and Orthodox churches under the leadership of the Pope. The act of union was signed by the Russian Metropolitan Isidore, for which he was deposed.

1448 BC - Election of Bishop of Ryazan Jonah as Russian Metropolitan. Establishment of autocephaly (independence) of the Russian Orthodox Church.

1453 BC - Fall of the Byzantine Empire.

1462-1505 - the reign of the Grand Duke of Moscow Ivan III Vasilyevich.

1471 BC - Ivan III's campaign against Novgorod, the defeat of the Novgorodians on the river. Sheloni (Novgorod pleaded subject to Moscow, the Moscow prince received the right to judge Novgorodians).

1478 BC - the final accession of Novgorod the Great to the Moscow Grand Duchy.

1480- campaign of Khan of the Great Horde Akhmat to Russia. "Standing on the river Ug of the Russian and Horde troops. The withdrawal of the Khan's troops without a fight. The fall of the Mongol-Tatar yoke.

1485 BC - the final accession of the Tver principality to the Muscovite state.

1497 BC - approval by Ivan III of the Sudebnik - the first set of laws of a centralized state. Establishment of uniform norms of criminal responsibility and judicial procedural norms for the whole country, restriction of the right of a peasant to move from one feudal lord to another - a week before and a week after November 26 (autumn St. George's day). Development of local system.

1503 BC - the beginning of a controversy between the hermit Nil Sorsky (preached the refusal of the church from all property) and hegumen Joseph Volotsky (a supporter of the preservation of church land ownership). Condemnation of the views of non-possessors at a church council.

1505-1533 - the great Moscow reign of Vasily III Ivanovich.

1514 BC - Accession of Smolensk to the Muscovite state during the Russian-Lithuanian war.

1521 BC - accession of the Ryazan and Seversk lands to Moscow.

Late XNUMXth - early XNUMXth century - the formation of the Russian centralized state.

Russian state in the XNUMXth century

1533-1584 - the great reign of Ivan IV Vasilyevich the Terrible (since 1547 - reign).

1533-1538 - Regency under the minor Ivan IV of the Grand Duchess Elena Glinskaya. 1535 BC - carrying out a monetary reform, which completed the creation of a unified monetary system in the country. The Moscow ruble becomes the main payment unit.

1538-1547 - the period of boyar rule, the struggle for power between noble families and clans, Shuisky and Belsky.

1547 January - wedding to the kingdom of Ivan IV (the ceremony of taking the royal title was developed by Metropolitan Macarius, confirmed the divine origin of royal power, strengthened the authority of the head of the Moscow state and the church). 1547, April 12 - June 26 - a fire and an uprising of townspeople in Moscow against the princes of Glinsky, who were accused of arson.

1549-1560 - Chosen Rada.

1549 BC - Convocation of the first Zemsky Sobor (decided to draw up a new Code of Laws, formulated a program of reforms in the middle of the XNUMXth century).

1550 BC - adoption of the Sudebnik of Ivan IV (limited the power of the governors, abolished the tax benefits of the monasteries, increased the "old" when the peasant moved from the landowner on St. George's Day; granted the nobles the right to judge their peasants).

1550 BC - the beginning of the military reform. Establishment of a permanent archery army. Restriction of localism in appointments to command positions in the army.

1551 BC - Stoglavy Cathedral of the Russian Orthodox Church. Ordering and unification of worship and rituals throughout the country; restriction of church land ownership (purchase of land or receiving it as a gift only with royal permission).

1552 BC - the capture of Kazan, the annexation of the Kazan Khanate to Russia.

1555 BC - Adoption of the "Regulations on the military service of nobles and boyar children" (establishing the procedure for the service of nobles and boyar children).

1556 BC - the capture of Astrakhan by Russian troops, the annexation of the Astrakhan Khanate to Russia.

1556 BC - reform of local government, the abolition of feeding.

1558-1583 - Livonian war of Russia for access to the Baltic Sea. It was caused by the need to establish close ties with Western Europe, the need to defend the western borders, the desire of the Russian nobility to acquire new economically developed lands in the west.

1561 BC - the collapse of the Livonian Order. The entry into the war against Russia of Poland and Sweden, under whose authority the lands of the order passed.

1565-1572 - oprichnina. The transition from a policy of reform to a policy of terror. It led to a crisis of power, the collapse of the entire system of values, the degradation and suppression of the Rurik dynasty. 1569 BC - the conclusion of the Union of Lublin on the unification of Poland with the Grand Duchy of Lithuania into one state - the Commonwealth. She completed the process of unification of both states that began with the Union of Krevo in 1385, confirmed the accession to the Polish crown of part of the territory of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, declared Livonia a common possession, and canceled mutual duties.

1571 BC - Campaign of the Crimean Khan Devlet Giray to Moscow. The inability of the oprichnina troops to repel the attack of the enemy became one of the reasons for the abolition of the oprichnina by Ivan IV.

1572 BC - Cancellation of the oprichnina.

1581 - the first mention of the "forbidden years" (temporary cancellation of St. George's Day).

1581 BC - the beginning of the campaign of the Russian Cossack squad led by ataman Yermak to Siberia, prepared and financed by merchants-entrepreneurs Stroganovs, the beginning of the conquest of Western Siberia.

1582 BC - the conclusion of the Yam-Zapolsky truce with Poland. Russia's refusal of all conquests in Livonia in exchange for the return of cities occupied by the Poles.

1583 BC - Plyusskoe truce between Russia and Sweden for 10 years. Russia's loss of the cities of Ivangorod, Koporye, Yam and Korela with counties preserved the mouth of the Neva.

Culture of Russia from antiquity to the end of the XNUMXth century

863 BC - the creation of Slavic writing by the Byzantine monks Cyril and Methodius.

989-996 years - construction under Prince Vladimir the Holy Tithes Church in Kyiv - the first stone Orthodox church of Ancient Russia.

1037 - construction of the Hagia Sophia in Kyiv.

1045-1050 - the construction of the Church of St. Sophia in Novgorod.

1049 BC - the creation of the "Word about the Law and Grace" by Metropolitan Hilarion.

1062 BC - the foundation of the Kiev Caves Monastery.

1077 BC - the construction of the Assumption Cathedral of the Kiev-Pechersky Monastery.

Early XNUMXth century - writing and horses of Our Lady of Vladimir.

Early XNUMXth century - creation of the chronicle "The Tale of Bygone Years".

1117 BC - writing "Instructions for children" by the Kyiv prince Vladimir Monomakh.

1119-1120 - construction of St. George's Cathedral of the Yurievsky Monastery in Novgorod.

1152-1157 - construction of the Transfiguration Cathedral in Pereyaslavl-Zalessky by order of Prince Yuri Dolgoruky.

1158-1160 - construction by order of Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky of the Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir, the main cathedral church of North-Eastern Russia.

1158-1165 - construction of the Golden Gate in Vladimir.

1158-1164 - Creation of a palace ensemble in Bogolyubovo.

1165 BC - construction of the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl. About 1185 - the creation of "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" (a story about the unsuccessful campaign of the Seversky princes, led by the Putivl prince Igor Svyatoslavich, against the Polovtsians).

1194-1197 - construction of the Demetrius Cathedral in Vladimir.

1234-1236 - construction of St. George's Cathedral in Yuryev-Polsky.

20-30s XNUMXth century - the creation of the "Prayer of Daniel the Sharpener".

Around 1321-1391 - the years of the life of Sergius of Radonezh, the founder and abbot of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery. The initiator of the introduction of the communal charter in Russian monasteries. He blessed Dmitry Donskoy for armed struggle against the Horde. Ranked among the saints of the Russian Orthodox Church. 1326 BC - the construction of the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin by order of Prince Ivan Kalita - the first stone church in Moscow, the place of the subsequent burial of all Russian metropolitans and patriarchs.

1329 BC - construction of the church of Ivan Lestvich-nik in the Moscow Kremlin.

1330 BC - construction of the Church of the Savior on Bor in the Moscow Kremlin, the oldest burial vault in Moscow for members of the princely family.

1333 BC - construction of the Archangel Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. Grand Duke of Moscow Ivan Kalita was the first to be buried under the arches of the Archangel Cathedral. Since then, the cathedral has been the tomb of the Grand Dukes of Moscow and their closest relatives - specific princes.

1338 BC - the foundation near Moscow of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery by Sergius of Radonezh. 1339-1340 - construction of oak walls of the Moscow Kremlin by order of Ivan Kalita.

40s XNUMXth century - painting of the temples of the Moscow Kremlin.

1360-1361 - Construction of the Church of Theodore Stratilat in Novgorod.

Around 1360-1370-1430 - years of life of Andrei Rublev, an outstanding Russian painter. Participated in the creation of murals and icons of the cathedrals of the Moscow Kremlin, the Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir, the Trinity Cathedral in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, the Spassky Cathedral of the Andronikov Monastery in Moscow, etc. Rublev's most famous icon, the Trinity, was painted for the Trinity Cathedral of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery.

1367 BC - construction of stone fortifications of the Moscow Kremlin by order of Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich.

70s XNUMXth century - creation of a fresco painting of the Novgorod church of Fyodor Stratilat.

1377 BC - compilation of the Laurentian Chronicle. Written by a group of scribes under the guidance of the monk Lavrenty on the instructions of the Suzdal-Nizhny Novgorod prince Dmitry Konstantinovich from the list of the beginning of the 1305th century. It began with the "Tale of Bygone Years" and brought to XNUMX.

Not later than 1393 - the creation of the poem "Zadonshchina", which tells about the Battle of Kulikovo in 1380. The author of "Zadonshchina" used the work of Zephanius Ryazants, as well as "The Tale of Igor's Campaign". The main idea of ​​the "Zadonshchina" is the struggle for the unity of the Russian principalities in the face of an external enemy, as well as opposing the disastrous outcome of events in the "Word" to the victorious one in the "Zadonshchina".

About 1400 - the creation by an unknown author of the "Tale of the Mamaev Battle" with a description of the Battle of Kulikovo.

1405 BC - the creation of frescoes in the Annunciation Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin by Andrei Rublev, Theophan the Greek and Prokhor-s-Gorodets.

1408 BC - the beginning of a new painting of the walls of the Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir by Andrei Rublev and Daniil Cherny.

Betweendo 1408 and 1425 - Creation by Andrey Rublev of the "Trinity" icon for the Trinity Cathedral of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery.

1420 BC - compilation of the "Ipatiev Chronicle".

1422-1423 - construction of the Trinity Cathedral of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery.

1422-1427 - the creation by Andrei Rublev of the murals of the main cathedral of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery.

1428-1430 - the creation of frescoes by Andrei Rublev in the Cathedral of the Spaso-Andronikov Monastery in Moscow.

1442 BC - writing by Pachomius Lagofet "Chronograph".

1469-1472 - a trip to India and Persia of the Tver merchant Athanasius Nikitin. Described in travel notes "Journey beyond three seas".

1475-1479 - construction of the stone Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin by the Italian architect Aristotle Fioravanti and Russian craftsmen on the site of the cathedral of the same name of the XIV century. It became the tomb of the Moscow metropolitans, and then the patriarchs of "All Russia", the place of the wedding of the Moscow tsars, the coronations of Russian emperors, etc.

1479 BC - the foundation of the Joseph-Volokolamsk monastery.

1479 BC - compilation of the Moscow annals.

80s XNUMXth century - the creation of frescoes and icons of the Cathedral of the Joseph-Volokolamsky Monastery by Dionysius and his sons Theodosius and Vladimir.

1485-1499 - construction of the walls and towers of the Moscow Kremlin by Italian masters Aristotle Fioravanti, Antonio Fresini, Mark Fryazin, Pietro Solari, Aleviz Fresini.

1487-1491 - construction of the Faceted Chamber of the Moscow Kremlin - the famous stone building of a secular purpose, created by Italian masters Mark Fryazin and Pietro Antonio Solari.

1500-1502 - Creation of the fresco painting of the Ferapontov Monastery by Dionysius and his sons Theodosius and Vladimir. 1503 BC - Creation by Theodosius of the murals of the Annunciation Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin.

1505-1508 - construction of the Archangel Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin by Alevi-z Novy on the site of the cathedral of the same name of the XIV century. Until the end of the XVIII century. was the tomb of the great princes and kings.

1505-1508 - the construction of the church-bell tower of Ivan Lestvichnik in the Moscow Kremlin.

1508-1516 - construction of fortifications around the Moscow Kremlin by Aleviz Novy.

1510-1511 - substantiation by the monk of one of the Pskov monasteries Philotheus in his letters to Vasily III of the ideological foundations for the existence of the Muscovite state as the "third Rome".

Around 1510-1583 - years of life of Ivan Fedorov, the founder of book printing in Russia and Ukraine. He is also known as a cannon master (he invented a multi-barreled mortar).

1512 BC - compilation of a new edition of the Russian "Chronograph".

1514 BC - construction of the Kremlin in Tula.

1518 BC - the beginning of the Moscow period of the life and work of Maxim Grek - publicist, theologian, translator, philologist. Canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church.

20s XNUMXth century - creation of the "Tale of the Princes of Vladimir". The "Tale" is based on legends about the origin of the great Russian princes from the Roman emperor Augustus and about the gift of royal regalia to Vladimir Monomakh by the Byzantine emperor Konstantin Monomakh.

1532 BC - the construction of the Church of the Ascension in the village of Kolomenskoye near Moscow.

1535-1538 - construction of the second line of the Kremlin's fortifications - the walls of Kitay-gorod (architect Petrok Malaya).

Late 40s. XNUMXth century - an appeal to Tsar Ivan IV with messages from Ivan Semenovich Peresvetov. He advocated the strengthening of the autocracy, the abolition of parochialism, military reform, the annexation of the Kazan Khanate, against the dominance of the boyars. Defended the interests of the unborn nobility.

Mid XNUMXth century - the creation of the "Face" annalistic code in 1 vol. Adashev.

Mid XNUMXth century - drawing up with the participation of priest Sylvester a set of everyday rules and instructions, a kind of encyclopedia of Russian patriarchal domestic life - "Domostroy". 1554 BC - the creation of a code of church literature "Great Menaion" by Metropolitan Macarius. Lives of Russian saints entered, arranged according to the months and days of commemoration.

1555-1561 - the construction of the Intercession Cathedral on Red Square (St. Basil's Cathedral) by architects Barma and Postnik. It was built in honor of the capture of Kazan by Ivan IV the Terrible in 1552.

60s XNUMXth century - Creation of the "History of the Kazan Khanate".

1561-1563 - Compilation of the "Book of Powerful Royal Genealogy" ("Book of Powers") by Archpriest Andrei of the Annunciation Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin.

1564 BC - the beginning of book printing in Russia. Publication of the first dated printed book "Apostle" by Russian printers Ivan Fedorov and Peter Mstislavets.

1564-1577 - polemical correspondence

Ivan the Terrible with Prince Andrei Kurbsky, who fled to Lithuania.

1585-1593 - the construction of the third line of stone fortifications of Moscow - the White City (master Fedor Kon).

1586 BC - the creation of the "Tsar Cannon" by foundry worker Andrei Chokhov.

1595-1602 - construction of the Smolensk Kremlin.

Russian history. End of the 7th-XNUMXth centuries XNUMXth grade

Russia at the end of the XVI-XVII centuries

1584-1598 - the reign of Fedor Ivanovich, the last king of the Rurik dynasty.

1589 BC - the establishment of the patriarchate in Russia. Election of the first Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Job.

1591 BC - the death of Tsarevich Dmitri in Ugl.

1597 BC - Decree of Fyodor Ivanovich on the establishment of a five-year term for the investigation of fugitive and forcibly exported peasants (decree on "lesson years").

1598-1605 - the reign of Boris Godunov, elected to the kingdom by the Zemsky Sobor.

1605-1606 - reign of False Dmitry I.

1606-1610 - the reign of Vasily Shuisky.

1606-1607 - an uprising led by I.I. Bolotnikov. Participants: serfs, peasants, townspeople, archers, Cossacks. Reason: strengthening of feudal oppression at the end of the 1597th century. and the formalization of serfdom (the growth of feudal landownership, the ruin of the peasantry as a result of the oprichnina, the establishment of "reserved years", the decree on a five-year term for the investigation of fugitives in XNUMX, the abolition of the right of bonded serfs to repay the debt until the death of their masters, etc.). Suppressed. I am an integral part of the "civil war" of the beginning of the XNUMXth century.

1607 BC - Decree of Vasily Shuisky on the establishment of a 15-year term for the investigation of fugitive peasants.

1607 BC - the emergence of a new impostor False Dmitry II.

1608 BC - the beginning of the campaign against Moscow of False Dmitry II at the head of the troops of the Don and Zaporozhye Cossacks, Polish-Lithuanian detachments, the remnants of the defeated troops of I.I. Bolotnikov. Approached Moscow, created in with. Tushino (hence the nickname "Tushinsky thief") fortified camp. He made an attempt to capture the capital. With the beginning of the campaign of the Polish king Sigismund III against Smolensk (1609), he fled to Kaluga, where he was killed in 1610.

1610-1613 - the rule of the "seven boyars".

1610 BC - the conclusion of an agreement with the Polish king Sigismund III on the calling to the Russian throne of the Polish prince Vladislav on the terms of his adoption of Orthodoxy, the preservation of the Moscow social and state-political structure.

1611 January - March - the formation of the first people's militia led by P. Lyapunov against the Polish invaders.

1611 autumn - the formation of the second militia under the leadership of K. Minin and D. Pozharsky in Nizhny Novgorod.

1612 October 26 - the liberation of Moscow from the Polish invaders by the second militia.

1613 February 21 - Election of Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov to reign by the Zemsky Sobor. The beginning of the reign of the Romanov dynasty (1613-1917).

1613-1645 - the reign of Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov.

1617 BC - the signing of the Stolbovsky "eternal" peace between Russia and Sweden. Return of Novgorod lands to Russia. The cities of Yam, Ivangorod, Koporye went to Sweden. Russia paid Sweden monetary compensation. Mutual trade resumed.

1618 BC - the conclusion of the Deulinsky truce between Russia and the Commonwealth. Smolensk, Chernigov and Novgorod-Seversky lands went to Poland.

1632-1634 - Smolensk war of Russia with the Commonwealth. Polyanovsky peace treaty. Smolensk remains with Poland. Renunciation of Prince Vladislav from claims to the Russian throne.

1645-1676 - the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov.

1648-1654 - the liberation war of the Ukrainian people against the Commonwealth under the leadership of B. Khmelnitsky.

1648 BC - "Salt riot" in Moscow, the defeat of the courts of the Moscow nobility, including the head of the tsarist government B.I. Morozov. By a special decree, the tsar postponed the collection of arrears, split the ranks of the rebels and cracked down on the most active participants in the uprising.

1649 BC - the adoption by the Zemsky Sobor of the Council Code of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich (privately owned, palace and state peasants were finally deprived of the right to peasant exit, “lesson summers” were canceled, a high fine was established for harboring fugitives. Landowners received the right to dispose of the property and personality of the peasant). Completion of registration of the state system of serfdom in Russia.

1653-1655 - Church reform of Patriarch Nikon (correction of Russian Orthodox books and church rites in accordance with Greek patterns and rites, unification of the norms of church life and the Orthodox Church). The beginning of the Russian church schism.

1654 January 8 - Pereyaslav Council. Accession of Ukraine to Russia.

1654-1667 - the war between Russia and the Commonwealth for Ukraine ended with the signing of the Andrusovo truce (1667).

1662 BC - "Copper Riot" in Moscow. The release (since 1654) of a large amount of copper money led to the depreciation of silver coins, to speculation in essentials, and the mass production of counterfeit money. Townspeople, part of the archers, serfs, and peasants took part in the uprising. Suppressed by archers. The minting of copper coins has been discontinued.

1666-1667 - the removal of Nikon from the patriarchate and the excommunication of the Old Believers from the church at the church council. 1667 BC - Andrusovsko truce with Rech Paspolita. The return of the Smolensk and Chernihiv lands to Russia, the recognition of the reunification with Russia of the Left-Bank Ukraine.

1667-1669 - "campaign for zipuns" of the Cossacks in the main lava with S.T. Razin to the Volga and the northern Caspian.

1668-1676 - Solovetsky uprising. The monks who did not accept the church reforms of Patriarch Nikon, peasants, townspeople, fugitive archers and soldiers, as well as participants in the uprising S.T. Razin. Brutally suppressed by the authorities.

1670-1671 - peasant war led by S.T. Razin. It was caused by the strengthening of feudal serf oppression and the spread of serfdom to the southern and southeastern regions of the country. Participants: peasants, Cossacks, serfs, townspeople, archers, non-Russian peoples of the Volga region. It started on the Don, spread to the Volga. Near Simbirsk, Razin was defeated, handed over to the government by wealthy Cossacks and executed in Moscow.

1676-1682 - the reign of Fedor Alekseevich Romanov.

1676-1681 - Russia's war with Turkey. The signing of the Bakhchisaray peace treaty (recognized the sovereignty of Russia over the Left-Bank Ukraine and Kyiv and the Russian citizenship of the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks).

1682 BC - abolition of locality. Equalizing the rights of all categories of feudal lords.

1682-1725 - the reign of Peter I, from 1682 to 1689 - under the regency of Sophia Alekseevna, until 1696, together with Ivan V.

1682, 1698 - Streltsy uprisings in Moscow.

1686 BC - the conclusion of the "Eternal Peace" between Russia and Poland (the sovereignty of Russia over the Left-Bank Ukraine, Kyiv and the Zaporozhian Sich was confirmed, Russia undertook to enter into a war with the Crimean Khanate together with Poland).

1687 BC - Opening of the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy.

1687, 1689 - Crimean campaigns of the Russian army under the command of Prince V.V. Golitsyn.

1689 BC - Nerchinsk treaty with China (determination of the border between Russia and China along the Argun and Gorbitsa rivers, establishment of diplomatic and trade relations).

1695, 1696 - Azov campaigns of Peter I. The capture of the Turkish fortress of Azov during the second campaign.

1697-1698 - The "Great Embassy" of Peter I to Western Europe (Courland, Prussia, Holland, England, the Holy Roman Empire) in order to form an anti-Turkish alliance, purchase weapons and invite specialists to the Russian service.

1699 BC - Decree on the transition from January 1, 1 to the reckoning from the Nativity of Christ.

Russia in the XNUMXth century

1700-1721 - The Northern War of Russia (as part of the Northern Alliance - Denmark, Poland and Saxony) with Sweden for access to the Baltic Sea.

1703 May 16 - the foundation of St. Petersburg.

1705-1706 - Astrakhan uprising. Archers, soldiers, townspeople and workers took part. It was caused by a sharp increase in taxes and duties, an increase in the arbitrariness of local authorities and garrison officers, and a decrease in monetary and grain salaries for soldiers. Suppressed by the royal troops.

1705 BC - introduction of mandatory recruitment.

1707-1708 - an uprising led by K. Bulavin. Covered the Don Army Region, the Russian Don region, part of the Volga region and partly the Zaporizhzhya Sich.

Reasons: the introduction of new heavy taxes, the attack of the state on the autonomy and self-government of the Don, the demand for the return of fugitive peasants. The main goal of the movement: the restoration of class privileges of the Cossacks. Suppressed by the royal troops.

1708-1710 - Reform of administrative management (introduction of provincial management).

1708 September 28 - the defeat at the village. Forest Swedish troops under the command of General Lewenhaupt.

1709 June 27 - Battle of Poltava. The defeat of the Swedes and the flight of Charles XII to Turkey.

1711 BC - Establishment of the Governing Senate (directed the work of all state institutions, dealt with the recruitment of the army, the development of trade and industry, controlled finances).

1711 BC - Prut campaign of Peter I. Russian troops led by Peter I are surrounded by superior Turkish forces on the river. Prut (Moldova). Under a peace treaty with Turkey, Russia was forced to abandon Azov.

1711-1765 - years of life of M.V. Lomonosov. 1714 BC - Decree of Peter I on single inheritance (equalized estates and estates).

1714 July 27 - the victory of the Russian fleet over the Swedish at Cape Gangut in the Baltic. It allowed the transfer of hostilities to Swedish territory, significantly strengthened the positions of Russian troops in Finland.

1718-1721 - Establishment instead of orders of collegiums. Carrying out judicial reform (depriving governors of judicial powers). Tax reform (introduction of a poll tax instead of household taxation).

1720 July 27 - the victory of the Russian fleet near Grengam Island in the Baltic. It made it possible for the Russian troops to strengthen in the region of the Aland Islands and accelerated the conclusion of the Nystadt peace.

1721 August 30 - the conclusion of the Nystadt peace treaty between Russia and Sweden. Russia received Livonia with Riga, Estonia with Revel and Narva, part of Karelia with Kexholm, Ingermanland (Izhora land), the islands of Ezel, Dago and other lands from Vyborg to the Kurland border. She returned to Sweden Finland, occupied by Russian troops, and paid her 2 million efimki as compensation.

1721 BC - Establishment of the Spirit of the Sheep College (the future Holy Synod). The abolition of the patriarchy.

1721 BC - the proclamation of Peter I the emperor, Russia - the empire.

1722 BC - publication of the "Table of Ranks" - a legislative act that determined the procedure for the service of officials.

1722 BC - publication of a decree on succession to the throne (the reigning emperor was given the right to arbitrarily appoint an heir).

1722-1723 - Caspian campaign. The purpose of the campaign: to ensure trade relations between Russia and the eastern countries, to assist the Transcaucasian peoples in liberation from Iranian domination and to prevent Turkish expansion in the Transcaucasus. It ended with the liberation of Dagestan and Azerbaijan and their annexation to Russia.

1724 BC - adoption of the Customs Tariff (introduction of a 75% duty on the import of foreign goods).

1725-1762 - the era of palace coups.

1725-1727 - reign of Catherine I.

1726 BC - Establishment of the Supreme Privy Council (the highest state institution in Russia for solving the most important state issues). Disbanded by Empress Anna Ioannovna.

1727-1730 - reign of Peter II.

1730-1740 - the reign of Anna Ioannovna. "Bironovshchina".

1740-1741 - the reign of Ivan Antonovich, the great-nephew of Anna Ioannov-na, under the regency, first Biron, then - the mother of Anna Leopoldovna.

1741-1761 - the reign of Elizabeth Petrovna.

1754 BC - Establishment of the Noble and Merchant Loan Banks. 1756-1763 - The Seven Years' War. It was fought by the Prussian King Frederick II in alliance with Great Britain and Portugal against Austria, Russia, France, Sweden, Spain and Saxony. Causes of the war: the aggravation of the Anglo-French struggle for colonies in North America and the East Indies and the clash of Prussian policy with the interests of Austria, France and Russia. The Russian government sought to stop the expansion of Prussia in the Baltic states, expand the territory towards Poland, and connect the trade routes of the Baltic and Black Seas. The victories of the Russian army near Gross-Egersdorf (1757), Kunersdorf (1759).

In 1761, Russian troops entered Berlin. It ended with the signing of the Paris Peace Treaty and the victory of Great Britain over France in the struggle for colonies and commercial superiority.

1761-1762 - the reign of Peter III Fedorovich, son of Anna Petrovna and Karl Friedrich.

1762 BC - the adoption by Peter III of the "Manifesto on the Liberty of the Nobility" (the release of the nobles from compulsory service to the state).

1762-1796 - reign of Catherine II.

1764 BC - the abolition of the hetman's rule in Ukraine. Transfer of control of the Left-Bank Ukraine to the Little Russian Collegium.

1764 BC - issuance of a decree on the secularization of church and monastery lands and the transfer of 2 million monastic peasants to the state category.

1767-1768 - activities of the Legislative Commission in order to develop a new set of laws. Disbanded by Catherine II after the start of the war with Turkey.

1768 BC - the creation of assignation banks that began issuing paper money.

1768-1774 - Russian-Turkish war. According to the Kyuchuk-Kainarji peace treaty, the Crimean Khanate passes under the protectorate of Russia. Russia receives the mouths of the Dnieper and the Southern Bug and part of the steppe between them, the cities of Azov, Kerch, Kinburn, the right to free navigation on the Black Sea and the passage of merchant ships through the Black Sea straits.

1772, 1793, 1795 - partitions of Poland - the first between Russia, Prussia and Austria, the second - between Russia and Prussia, the third - Russia, Prussia and Austria. Right-bank Ukraine and Belarus, the Southern Baltic States went to Russia.

1773-1775 - peasant war led by E. Pugachev. Participants: peasants, Cossacks, working people, national minorities. It covered the Orenburg Territory, the Urals, the Urals, Western Siberia, the Middle and Lower Volga regions. Causes of the war: the strengthening of serfdom and exploitation, the restriction of Cossack self-government, the introduction of army orders in the Cossack regiments. Has been defeated.

1775 BC - carrying out by Catherine II of the provincial reform (the abolition of the provinces, the separation of administrative, judicial and financial bodies at all levels). 1783 BC - the entry of Crimea into the Russian Empire.

1783 BC - Signing of the Treaty of St. George. The transition of Eastern Georgia under the protectorate of Russia.

1785 BC - publication of letters of commendation to the nobility and cities (fixing the class rights and privileges of the nobility, the class structure in cities, the creation of city governments).

1787-1791 - Russian-Turkish war.

Reasons: the aggravation of the Eastern Question in connection with the outbreak of the Greek uprising against Turkish rule in 1821, the desire of Turkey to return the Crimea and other territories that went to Russia during the Russian-Turkish war of 1768-1774. It ended with the Peace of Yassy (confirmed the annexation of the Crimea and Kuban to Russia and established the Russian-Turkish border along the Dniester River).

1796-1801 - reign of Paul I.

1797 BC - Cancellation of the order of succession to the throne established by Peter I. Restoration of succession to the throne by birthright in the male line.

1797 BC - the publication by Paul I of a manifesto on a three-day corvee and a ban on landlords to force peasants to work on Sundays and church holidays.

1799 April-August - Italian campaign of Russian troops under the command of A.V. Suvorov during the war of the second coalition (Great Britain, Austria, Russia, Turkey, the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies) against France. Liberation of Italy from French domination.

1799 September-October - Swiss campaign of Russian troops under the command of A. V. Suvorov during the war of the II coalition (Great Britain, Austria, Russia, Turkey, the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies) against France. Russia's exit from the war, the conclusion of an alliance with Napoleon, the break in relations with England.

1801 March 11 - Assassination of Paul I and enthronement of Alexander I.

Culture of Russia at the end of the XNUMXth-XNUMXth centuries

1600 BC - construction of the Ivan the Great Bell Tower in the Moscow Kremlin, height 81 m.

1617 BC - Creation of the second edition of the "Chronograph".

About 1625 - construction of the Cathedral of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God on Red Square in Moscow in honor of the liberation of the capital from the Polish-Lithuanian invaders.

1619-1620 - Creation by the cellarer of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery Avraamy Palitsyn "Tales" about the Time of Troubles ("History in memory of the previous family"), dedicated to the patriotic struggle of the Russian people against foreign invaders. The work is permeated with the theory of the divine origin of autocracy and the exaltation of the Romanov family, the idea of ​​the inviolability of the feudal system.

1626-1686 - years of life of the painter and graphic artist Simon Ushakov. Russian painting of the third quarter of the XNUMXth century. acted as a reformer. The author of the icons "Savior Not Made by Hands" and others, parsun (portraits) of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, his son Fyodor Alekseevich and M.V. Skopin-Shuisky, a treatise on painting.

1629-1680 - years of life of Simeon of Polotsk, public and church figure, educator, writer, preacher, poet, mentor of the royal children (Princess Sophia and Tsarevich Fedor).

1635-1636 - construction of the Terem Palace of the Moscow Kremlin (architects A. Konstantinov, B. Ogurtsov, T. Sharutin, L. Ushakov).

1636 BC - compilation of the "Siberian Chronicle" by clerk Savva Esipov.

Late 1630s - early 1640s - Cossack expeditions led by D. Kopylov and I. Moskvitin from Tomsk to the Pacific Ocean.

1640s - the appearance of the first consolidated geographical surveys of Siberia.

1643-1646 - Expedition of V. Poyarkov from Yakutsk to the Pacific Ocean, to the Amur and Aldan.

1648 BC - expedition of Semen Dezhnev and Fedor Popov from the mouth of the river. Kolyma to the Pacific Ocean.

1648 BC - opening S. Dezhnev Strait between Asia and America.

1649-1652 - Expedition of Yerofei Pavlovich Khabarov in the Amur region.

1653-1656 - construction of the Patriarchal Court in the Moscow Kremlin.

1667-1668 - the creation of the royal summer wooden palace in the village. Kolomenskoye (architects S. Petrov and I. Mikhailov). 1670s - the appearance in Moscow of the first printed historical book "Synopsis".

1672 BC - opening at the court on the initiative of A.S. Matveev theatre.

1672 BC - a map of Siberia was compiled.

1672-1675 - the creation of the first Russian autobiography "The Life of Archpriest Avvakum, written by himself." A story based on the example of his own life about the dramatic events of the Siberian exile and long imprisonment.

1689 BC - construction of stone chambers by V.V. Golitsyn in Moscow.

1692 BC - the beginning of the construction of the Sukharev Tower in Moscow.

1693-1694 - construction of the Church of the Intercession in Fili by order of L.K. Naryshkin.

1693-1756 - years of life of Andrey Konstantinovich Nartov, Russian mechanic and inventor, associate of Peter I. Invented and manufactured turning, screw-cutting and lathe-copying machines. He proposed new ways of casting cannons. He invented a rapid-fire battery of 44 mortars, an optical sight and much more.

1695-1697 - Expedition of Vladimir Atlasov to Kamchatka.

1700-1771 - years of life of Bartholomew Francesco Bartolomeo) Rastrelli, a Russian architect, an outstanding representative of the Baroque; the author of the Winter Palace, the Smolny Monastery, palace ensembles in Peterhof and Tsarskoye Selo, etc.

1701 BC - Creation of a school of mathematical and navigational sciences in Moscow.

1702 BC - Establishment in Moscow on Red Square by decree of Peter I, the first public theater in Russia.

1703 BC - the beginning of the publication of the first printed newspaper "Vedomosti".

1710-1714 - Construction of the Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul in the Peter and Paul Fortress, designed by D. Trezzini.

1711-1765 - years of life of Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov, Russian scientist-naturalist of world importance.

He formulated the principle of conservation of matter and motion, made many other scientific discoveries. The author of works on Russian history, criticized the Norman theory. He laid the foundations of the modern literary Russian language. He contributed to the revival of the art of mosaics and the production of smalt, under his leadership the historical panel "Poltava battle" was made. Initiator of the foundation of the first chemical laboratory in Russia (1748), Moscow University in 1755).

1714 BC - creation on the initiative of Peter I of the Kunstkamera, the first natural science museum in Russia.

1724 BC - Creation by Ivan Tikhonovich Pososhkov (1652-1736) of "The Book of Poverty and Wealth". He opposed extremely cruel forms of exploitation of serfs.

1725 BC - opening of the Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg.

1725-1729 - The first Kamchatka expedition of Vitus Bering. The purpose of the expedition is to resolve the issue of the presence of an isthmus or strait between Asia and America.

1735 BC - creation by the decree of Empress Anna Ivanovna by Russian masters I.F. and M.I. Motorins of the bronze "Tsar Bell".

1737-1799 - years of life of Vasily Ivanovich Bazhenov, architect, representative of classicism. The main creations are connected with Moscow (Pashkov's house in Moscow near the Kremlin (1784-1786). The palace in Tsaritsyno was destroyed by order of Catherine II).

1738-1812 - years of life of Matvey Fedorovich Kazakov, architect, representative of classicism; author of the Senate in the Kremlin, the Petrovsky Palace, the House of the Noble Assembly, the Golitsyn Hospital, the Demidov House, and others.

1744-1818 - years of life of Nikolai Ivanovich Novikov, writer, journalist, publisher, supporter of the ideas of the Enlightenment. He published satirical magazines "Truten", "Painter", "Purse". He opposed serfdom. By order of Catherine II, he was imprisoned for several years in the Shlisselburg Fortress.

1754-1762 - construction of the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg according to the project of V.V. Rastrelli.

1750 BC - F. G. Volkov opened the first professional drama theater in Russia in Yaroslavl.

1755 January 25 - Foundation of Moscow University.

1756 BC - the foundation in Moscow of the first Botanical Garden in Russia by the breeder Demidov.

1756 BC - Publication of the work of SP Krasheninnikov "Description of the Land of Kamchatka".

1757 BC - foundation in St. Petersburg of the Academy of Arts, the highest institution in the field of painting and plastic arts in Russia.

1763 BC - the creation of a universal steam engine by Ivan Ivanovich Polzunov (1728-1766), a Russian self-taught inventor.

1782 BC - staging a comedy by D.I. Fonvizin "Undergrowth".

1782 BC - Opening of the monument to Peter! in St. Petersburg sculptor E. Falcone ("The Bronze Horseman").

1790 BC - publication by A. N. Radishchev of the book "Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow".

1796 BC - Publication of the Great Atlas of the Russian Empire.

History of Russia in the 8th century. XNUMXth grade

Russia in the first half of the XNUMXth century

1801-1825 - reign of Alexander I. 1801-1804 - the entry of Eastern Georgia into Russia. 1801-1805 - The activities of the Private Committee under Alexander I for the preparation of draft reforms.

1802 BC - Establishment of ministries instead of collegiums. Expansion of the rights of the Senate to control the observance of the rule of law and govern the country.

1803 BC - the publication of a decree on "free cultivators" landowners received the right to release the peasants into the wild with the allocation of land on property rights for ransom).

1804-1813 - Russian-Persian war.

According to the Gulistan peace treaty (1813), Georgia and Azerbaijan finally became part of the empire, Russia received the exclusive right to maintain a navy in the Caspian.

1805 BC - creation of the third anti-French coalition consisting of England, Austria, Russia, Sweden.

1805 December - the defeat of the Russian and Austrian troops in the battle of Austerlitz.

1806-1812 - Russian-Turkish war. The purpose of the war: to ensure the security of the borders and maintain authority in the Balkans. Bessarabia and a number of regions of Transcaucasia went to Russia, the privileges of Moldavia, Wallachia, Serbia and the right of Russia to patronize Christians - citizens of Turkey were confirmed.

1807 BC - creation of the fourth anti-French coalition consisting of Austria, Russia, Prussia.

1807 BC - the defeat of the Russian-Prussian army near Friedland. The conclusion of the Tilsit peace between Alexander I and Napoleon Bonaparte, accession to the continental blockade of England, Russia's consent to the creation of the Duchy of Warsaw).

1808-1809 - Russian-Swedish war. Accession of Finland.

1809 BC - the project of political reform M.M. Speransky.

1810 BC - Establishment of the State Council - the highest legislative body. Members of the Council were appointed by the tsar from among the highest dignitaries.

1812 June - December - Russian Patriotic War against Napoleon.

1812 June 12 - Napoleon's invasion of Russia, the passage of French troops through the Neman.

1812 July 22 - connection of the 1st M.B. Bark-lay de Tolly and 2nd P.I. Bagration of the Russian armies near Smolensk.

1812 August 4-6 - defensive battle near Smolensk.

1812, August 8 - appointment of M.I. Kutuzov.

August 1812, 26 - Battle of Borodino.

1812 September 1 - military council in Fili (decision to leave Moscow without a fight in order to save the army).

1812 September 2 - the entry of French troops into Moscow. The beginning of the Moscow fire.

1812 September-October - Tarutinsky maneuver of the Russian army.

1812 October 6 - withdrawal of French troops from Moscow.

1812 October 12 - victory of the Russian army over the enemy near Maloyaroslavets.

1812 November 14-16 - the defeat of the French army at the river. Berezina.

1812 December 25 - publication of the manifesto of Alexander I on the expulsion of the enemy from Russia and the end of the war.

1813-1814 - foreign campaign of the Russian army.

1813 BC - "Battle of the Nations" near Leipzig.

1814 September - 1815 May - Vienna Congress of European States. Accession to Russia of the Duchy of Warsaw (Kingdom of Poland).

1815 BC - the creation of the Holy Alliance of Austria, Prussia, Russia, and later France to maintain the inviolability of post-war borders in Europe, to fight against revolutionary uprisings. Disintegrated in early 182 - ies. because of the contradictions between the European powers.

1815 BC - granting the Constitution to the Kingdom of Poland. Guaranteed the inviolability of the individual, freedom of the press, abolished punishment without a court decision, granting legislative power to the parliament (Sejm) and the emperor, represented in Poland by the governor.

1816-1819 - the abolition of serfdom in the Baltics.

1816-1817 - the activities of the secret noble opposition organization Union of Salvation.

1817-1864 - Caucasian war of mountain peoples against Russia. Caused by the colonial policy of tsarism. It ended with the accession of the peoples of the North Caucasus to Russia.

1818-1821 - the activities of the secret noble organization of the Union of Welfare.

1821-1822 - the formation of the Northern Society in St. Petersburg, the Southern Society in Ukraine.

1822 BC - adoption of the Charter on the management of foreigners.

1825 November 19 - death of Alexander I in Taganrog.

1825 December 14 - Performance of the Decembrists on the Senate Square in St. Petersburg.

1826 December 29 - January 3 - uprising of the Chernigov regiment in Ukraine.

1825-1855 - reign of Nicholas I.

1826-1828 - Russian-Persian war. According to the Turkmanchay peace treaty, the Erivan and Nakhichevan khanates went to Russia, the freedom of navigation of Russian merchant ships in the Caspian Sea and the exclusive right of Russia to have a navy in the Caspian were confirmed.

1828 - the formation of an imamate (a Muslim military-theocratic state of the mountain peoples).

1828-1829 - Russian-Turkish war. Under the Peace of Adrianople, Russia received the Danube Delta, the eastern coast of the Black Sea with the ports of Anapa and Poti, fortresses in the Caucasus; the Mediterranean straits were opened for the free passage of all merchant ships; Turkey recognized the autonomy of Greece as part of the Ottoman Empire and the autonomy of Serbia, Moldavia and Wallachia under the auspices of Russia.

1830 BC - publication of a 45-volume edition of the Complete Collection of Laws of the Russian Empire.

1830 November -1831 September - Polish uprising. Repeal of the Polish Constitution of 1815

1831-1839 - activities of the literary and philosophical circle of N.V. Stankevich.

1830s XNUMXth century - the beginning of the industrial revolution in Russia.

1834-1859 - the reign of Imam Shamil.

1837 BC - opening of the first railway in Russia between St. Petersburg and Tsarskoye Selo, 26 km long.

1837-1841 - conducting P.D. Kiselev reforms of local government of state peasants (introduction of peasant self-government, establishment of schools and hospitals, resettlement of peasants to free lands in the eastern regions of the country).

1839 BC - the beginning of the E.F. Kankri-nym monetary reform. The official currency is the silver ruble.

1839-1849 - construction of the Grand Kremlin Palace.

40-50s XNUMXth century - disputes between Slavophiles and Westernizers. Formation of the liberal and socialist directions of social thought.

1842 BC - the decree on "obliged peasants" peasants, with the consent of the landowners, received personal freedom without allotment of land, and for the use of the land they were obliged to fulfill the duties specified by the contract).

1845-1849 - activities of the secret circle of M.V. Butashevich-Petrashevsky.

1846 BC - formation of the Cyril and Methodius Society.

1849 BC - campaign of Russian troops to suppress the revolution in Hungary.

Russia in the second half of the XNUMXth century

1853-1856 - Eastern Crimean) war of Russia with Turkey, Great Britain, France (since February 1854), the Kingdom of Sardinia (since 1855). The Treaty of Paris ended with the Black Sea declared neutral, the Russian fleet reduced to a minimum, the fortresses destroyed; Russia was deprived of the mouth of the Danube, the southern part of Bessarabia, the fortress of Kars, the autonomy of Serbia and the Danubian principalities was confirmed).

1853 November 18 - Battle of Sinop during the Crimean War. The Russian squadron of Vice Admiral P.S. Nakhimova destroyed the Turkish squadron of Osman Pasha. The battle of Sinop is the last battle of the era of the sailing fleet.

1854 September - 1855 August - Defense of Sevastopol during the Crimean War.

1855-1881 - reign of Alexander II.

1855 BC - the signing of the Shimodsky Treaty between Russia and Japan on the recognition of the Kuriles as Russian territory and on the joint ownership of Sakhalin.

1857 BC - the beginning of the work of the Special Secret Committee on the development of a plan for the peasant reform.

1858 BC - the signing of the Aigun treaty between Russia and China, the border with China was established along the Amur before the confluence of the river. Ussuri; The Ussuri Territory was declared a joint Russian-Chinese possession).

1860 BC - Signing of the Beijing Treaty between Russia and China on the transfer of the Ussuri Territory to the ownership of Russia. Foundation of Vladivostok.

1861 February 19 - Signing by Alexander II of the "Regulations on the peasants who emerged from serfdom." The abolition of serfdom in Russia.

1861-1864 - activities of the first large organization of populists "Land and Freedom".

1863 January - 1864 April - Polish national uprising. Complete elimination of Poland's autonomy.

1862-1874 - military reforms (the abolition of cadet corps and the creation of special military schools and military gymnasiums, the replacement of recruitment with universal military service, the reduction of the term of service in the army from 25 to 6 years, the dependence of the term of service on the education received, the abolition of corporal punishment, the rearmament of the army and navy, the publication new military regulations).

1864 BC - judicial, zemstvo and school reforms (creation of local self-government bodies - zemstvos, approval of new judicial statutes, the Charter of gymnasiums and pro-gymnasiums, the creation of classical and real gymnasiums).

1864-1885 - Russian conquest of Central Asia.

1867 BC - sale of Alaska and the Aleutian Islands to the United States of America.

1868-1872 - the period of "railroad fever".

1870 BC - Carrying out urban reform (creation of elected, non-estate city dumas).

1870 BC - Russia's refusal from the obligations of the Paris Treaty of 1 (prohibition to have a navy and fortifications on the Black Sea).

1872 BC - strike at the Krenholm manufactory.

1873 BC - registration of the Union of three emperors - Russia, Germany and Austria-Hungary. It broke up in 1878 due to the aggravation of the Austro-German-Russian relations.

1874 BC - the introduction of universal military service.

1874-1875 - "going to the people" of various intellectuals.

1875 BC - Signing in St. Petersburg of the Russian-Japanese agreement on the division of possessions: Sakhalin retreated to Russia, the Kuril Islands - to Japan.

1876-1879 - activities of the populist organization "Land and Freedom".

1877-1878 - Russian-Turkish war. Causes of the war: Russia's desire to support the national liberation movement of the Balkan peoples against Turkish rule, to restore prestige and influence in the region, undermined as a result of the Crimean War of 1853-1856, to resolve the issue of freedom of navigation through the Bosphorus Strait.

1877 November 28 - the capture of Plevna by Russian troops during the Russian-Turkish war.

1878 February 19 - Signing of the San Stefano peace treaty.

1878 June - July - Congress of Berlin. The signing of the Berlin Treaty, Russia returned to Turkey lost as a result of the Crimean War of 1853-1856. southern part of Bessarabia, Batum and Kars region).

1879-1881 - the activities of the populist terrorist organization "Narodnaya Volya".

1879-1881 - activities of the populist organization "Black Redistribution".

Early 1880s - completion of the industrial revolution in the main industries.

February 1880 - Establishment of the Supreme Administrative Commission for the Preservation of State Order and Public Peace under the leadership of Count M.T. Loris-Melikov.

1881 March 1 - the assassination of Alexander II by Narodnaya Volya I.I. Grinevitsky.

1881-1894 - reign of Alexander III.

1881 August - publication of the "Regulations on Measures for the Preservation of State Order and Public Peace", which makes it possible to introduce a state of emergency in any region of the country.

1881 December - issuance of decrees on the reduction of redemption payments and on the mandatory redemption of peasant allotments. Termination of the temporarily obligated state of the peasants.

1882 May - issuance of a decree on the gradual replacement of the poll tax with other taxes. Establishment of the Peasant Land Bank.

1882 June - Adoption of a law on limiting the use of the labor of young children and women in industrial enterprises. Establishment of a factory inspectorate to oversee the implementation of factory legislation.

1882 August - Adoption of the "Temporary Rules on the Press" (granting the meeting of the Ministers of Internal Affairs, Justice, Public Education and the Chief Prosecutor of the Synod the right to close any publications and prohibit objectionable persons from engaging in journalistic activities).

1883 BC - the creation in Geneva of the Marxist group "Emancipation of Labor" headed by G.V. Plekhanov.

1884 BC - Approval of the new University Charter (liquidation of university autonomy, strengthening the power of trustees).

1885 BC - a strike at the Nikolskaya manufactory T.S. Morozov in Orekhovo-Zuevo.

1887 BC - the publication of a circular about "cook's children" (a ban on admission to the gymnasium of children from the lower classes).

1889 BC - publication of a law on zemstvo district chiefs (establishing state control over peasant self-government).

1890 BC - the adoption of the "Regulations on provincial and district zemstvo institutions" (strengthening of noble representation in zemstvos).

1891 BC - the signing of a military convention between Russia and France, the beginning of the formalization of the Franco-Russian alliance.

1892 BC - the adoption of the "City Regulations" (deprivation of voting rights of small traders and clerks, strengthening the control of the administration over the city self-government).

1893 December - Adoption of a law on the inalienability of peasant allotments (prohibition of peasants leaving the community without its consent).

Science and culture of Russia in the XNUMXth century

1801-1811 - construction of the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg according to the project of A.N. Voronikhin (1759-1814).

1802-1804 - education reform. The Ministry of Public Education was established, the country is divided into 6 educational districts. Petersburg, Kharkov and Kazan were added to the three existing universities (Moscow, Vilna, Derpt) in 1804. A number of institutions were opened that received the status of higher education: Tsarskoye Selo, Demidov and Richelieu lyceums, the Bezborodko Gymnasium of Higher Sciences in Nizhyn, the Higher School of Law. Gymnasiums were opened in provincial towns, and colleges in county towns.

One-year parochial schools became the lowest level of the education system. In the 1810s institutes begin to operate: Lesnoy, Technical School, Stroganov School, etc.

1803-1806 - the first Russian round-the-world expedition, carried out at the direction of Alexander! on the ships "Nadezhda" and "Neva". Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern and Yury Fedorovich Lisyansky headed it. During the voyage, the islands of the Pacific Ocean, China, Japan, Sakhalin and Kamchatka were studied. In 1826, based on the materials of the expedition, I. F. Kruzenshtern compiled the Atlas of the South Sea.

1804-1818 - construction of a monument to Minin and Pozharsky in Moscow by sculptor I.P. Martos (1754-1835).

1811 BC - opening of Alexander Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum.

1815 BC - creation of the first Russian steamer "Elizaveta".

1819-1821 - the second Russian round-the-world expedition under the command of Faddey Faddeevich Bellingshausen on the ships "Vostok" and "Mirny". Discovery on January 1, 6, 1 of the unknown continent of Antarctica.

1824 BC - A.S. Griboedov (1795-1829) completed the comedy Woe from Wit.

1825 BC - in Moscow, the building of the Bolshoi Theater was built according to the project of the architect O.I. Beauvais.

1826 BC - report on non-Euclidean geometry. Nikolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky 1792-1856) presented the manuscript of the work "Abbreviated presentation of the principles of geometry".

1831 BC - A.S. Pushkin finished work on the novel "Eugene Onegin".

1832 BC - creation of the world's first electric telegraph P.L. Schilling.

1833-1834 - construction of the world's first steam railway at the Nizhny Tagil plant, inventors father and son E.A. and M.E. Cherepanovs).

1834 BC - the invention of B.S. Jacobi 1804-1880) electric motor.

1836 BC - publication by P.Ya. Chaadaev the first of his Philosophical Letters.

1836 BC - premiere in St. Petersburg of the opera M.I. Glinka (1804-1857) "Life for the Tsar".

1836 BC - staged comedy N.V. Gogol's "Inspector".

1839-1849 - construction of the Grand Kremlin Palace in Moscow according to the project of K.A. Tona (1794-1881).

1840 BC - publication of the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time".

1844-1851 - construction of the Armory in Moscow according to the project of the architect K.A. tone.

1861 BC - development by Alexander Mikhailovich Butlerov (1828-1886) of the main provisions of the theory of chemical structure, which formed the basis of modern organic chemistry.

1862 BC - the formation of the "Mighty Handful" - an association of composers (M.A. Balakirev, Ts.A. Cui, M.P. Mussorgsky, N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov, A.P. Borodin).

1863-1869 - the creation of L.N. Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace".

1866 BC - the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment".

1869 BC - discovery by D.I. Mendeleev (1834-1907) Periodic law of chemical elements.

1870 BC - creation in St. Petersburg on the initiative of I.N. Kramskoy, G.G. Myasoedov, N.N. Ge, V.G. Perova of the Association of Traveling Art Exhibitions. It united realist artists. Protesting against academic art cut off from life, 1 artists left the Academy of Arts and founded their own art association. Guided by the principles of critical realism and nationality. Ideological leaders of the Wanderers I.N. Kramskoy and V.V. Stasov.

1873-1877 - the creation of L.N. Tolstoy's novel Anna Karenina.

1875-1881 - construction of the building of the Historical Museum according to the project of V.O. Sherwood (1833-1897).

1876 BC - creation of P.I. Tchaikovsky ballet "Swan Lake".

1876 BC - the invention of P.N. Yablochkov (1847-1894) of an electric arc lamp without a regulator ("Yablochkov's candle").

1877 BC - Opening of the Polytechnic Museum. Architects I.A. Monighetti and N.A. Shokhin. Built in eclectic style with pseudo-Russian elements.

1878 BC - The Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language by V.I. Dahl.

1878 BC - opening in St. Petersburg of the Higher Women's Courses Bestuzhevsky) - the first higher women's educational institution.

1880 BC - opening of the monument to A.S. Pushkin by A.M. Opekushina (1838-1923).

1881 BC - issuance of a patent for the invention of the aircraft to A. F. Mozhaysky.

1883 BC - opening of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow, designed by architect K.A. tone.

1889-1893 - construction of the Upper shopping malls in Moscow (GUM building) according to the project of A.N. Pomerantsev 1848-1918).

1894 BC - creation of A.A. Bakhrushin of the first private literary and theater museum in Moscow.

1895 BC - demonstration by A.S. Popov radio.

History of Russia XX - early XXI century. 9, 11 grades

Russia at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries

1894-1917 - reign of Nicholas II.

1895 autumn - the creation of the St. Petersburg Union of Struggle for the Emancipation of the Working Class.

1897 BC - the first general census of the population of Russia.

1897 BC - implementation of monetary reform by S.Yu. Witte (introduction of gold backing of the ruble).

1898 BC - holding the XNUMXst Congress of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party in Minsk.

1899 BC - The Hague Peace Conference of 26 powers on disarmament, convened on the initiative of Russia. The Convention on the Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes and on the Laws and Customs of War on Land was adopted.

1901 BC - strike of workers of the Obukhov steel plant in St. Petersburg "Obukhov defense").

1902 BC - the creation of the Party of Socialist-Revolutionary Socialist-Revolutionaries) on the basis of the merger of revolutionary radical groups.

1903 BC - II Congress of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party. Adoption of the program and charter of the party. The split of the party on the question of the nature and structure of the party organization into Bolsheviks (V.I. Lenin) and Mensheviks (G.V. Plekhanov).

1904 BC - the formation of the "Union of Liberation" - an illegal political association of the liberal intelligentsia.

1904 January - 1905 August - Russo-Japanese war. Causes of the war: the aggravation of contradictions between Russia and Japan for dominance in Northeast China and Korea.

1905, August 23 - Signing of the Portsmouth Peace Treaty (Russia ceded to Japan the southern part of Sakhalin, lease rights to the Liaodong Peninsula and the South Manchurian Railway, which connected Port Arthur with the Chinese Eastern Railway).

1905-1907 - the first revolution in Russia.

1905 January 9 - Bloody Sunday. The beginning of the first revolution in Russia.

1905, May, July - a general strike in Ivanovo-Voznesensk. Formation of the first Soviet of Workers' Deputies.

1905 June - the uprising of sailors on the battleship "Prince Potemkin-Tavrichesky". Unrest in Odessa.

1905 August - publication of the "Regulations" on the establishment of a legislative Duma, the procedure for elections to it on the basis of a property qualification ("Bulygin Duma").

1905 October - All-Russian October political strike.

1905 October 17 - publication of the Manifesto "On the improvement of the state order" (granting civil rights and freedoms, expanding the electoral right and creating a legislative State Duma).

1905 October - Creation of the "Constitutional Democratic Party" ("Party of People's Freedom", Cadets).

1905 November - creation of the party "Union of October 17" (Octobrists).

1905 December - armed uprising in Moscow.

1906 April-July - activity of the First State Duma.

1906 November 9 - Adoption of a decree on permitting the exit of peasants from the community to farms and cuts. The beginning of the agrarian reform P.A. Stolypin.

1907 February-June - activities of the II State Duma.

1907, 3 June - the dissolution of the II State Duma and the adoption of a new electoral law, the number of electors was redistributed in favor of landowners). End of the first Russian revolution.

1907-1912 - activities of the III State Duma.

1907 BC - Signing of the British-Russian agreement on the division of spheres of influence in Persia, Afghanistan and Tibet. Completion of the registration of the Entente - the Anglo-Russian-French alliance.

April 1912 - execution of workers at the Lena gold mines ("Lena execution").

1914 July - 1918 November - The First World War between two large coalitions of capitalist powers: the Entente states (Russia, Great Britain, France) and the Central Powers Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey). It ended with the defeat of Germany and its allies.

1914, July 19 (August 1, NS) - Germany's declaration of war on Russia.

1914 August - East Prussian operation of the Russian army against the German troops.

1914, August-September - Galician operation of the Russian army against the Austro-Hungarian troops.

1915, May-October - the retreat of the Russian army, the loss of Galicia, Poland, part of the Baltic states, Western Ukraine and Western Belarus).

1915 August - the creation of a "Progressive Bloc" of Progressives, Octobrists, Cadets, etc.).

1916 May - "Brusilovsky breakthrough" of Russian troops.

1917 February 23 - March 2 - February bourgeois-democratic revolution in Russia.

February 1917, 27 - the formation of the Provisional Committee of the State Duma and the Petrograd Soviet of Workers' Deputies, which was joined by elected representatives of the soldiers. The beginning of the formation of dual power.

1917 March 2 - Abdication of Nicholas II from the throne. Formation of the Provisional Government headed by G. Lvov.

April 1917 - mass anti-war demonstrations in Petrograd, Moscow and other cities. The first crisis of the Provisional Government.

1917 June - demonstration in Petrograd under the slogan "All power to the Soviets!". The Second Crisis of the Provisional Government.

1917 July 4 - dispersal of an armed anti-government demonstration. End of duality.

1917 August 25-31 - speech by General L.G. Kornilov. The third crisis of the Provisional Government.

Revolution of 1917 and Russian Civil War

1917 October 24-26 - armed uprising in Petrograd. Deposition of the Provisional Government. Beginning of the II All-Russian Congress of Soviets.

1917 October 26 - adoption by the Second Congress of Soviets of decrees on peace and land. The formation of the government - the Council of People's Commissars (Council of People's Commissars, SNK) chaired by V.I. Lenin; election of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee (VTsIK).

1918 January 5-6 - Opening of the Constituent Assembly and its dispersal.

1918 January 10-18 - III All-Russian Congress of Soviets of Workers', Soldiers' and Peasants' Deputies. Adoption of the Declaration of the Rights of the Working and Exploited People, the proclamation of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (RSFSR).

1918 January 15 - Decree of the Council of People's Commissars on the organization of the Red Army.

1918 March 3 - the signing of a peace treaty in Brest-Litovsk between Soviet Russia and Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey (Russia lost Poland, Lithuania, part of Latvia, Finland, Ukraine, part of Belarus, Kars, Ardagan and Batum). Canceled after the November Revolution of 1 in Germany.

March 1918 - the beginning of the Anglo-French-American intervention.

1918 May - 1920 December (another point of view - 1917-1922) - The Civil War in Russia.

1918 May - the beginning of the uprising of the Czechoslovak Corps.

1918 July 10 - Adoption of the first Constitution at the V All-Russian Congress of Soviets. It legislated the dictatorship of the proletariat in the form of a republic of Soviets, the transfer of the main means of production to the ownership of the people, the equality of nations, the federation as a form of organization, the fundamental freedoms and rights of workers. The supreme body of state power of the RSFSR - the All-Russian Congress of Soviets, the highest legislative, administrative and controlling body between congresses - the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, formed the government of the RSFSR - the Council of People's Commissars - SNK). Established a restriction on the rights of the "non-working" population.

1818, from 16 to 17 July - the execution of the royal family in Yekaterinburg.

1918-1921 - pursuing a policy of "war communism": the nationalization of all large and medium-sized industry and most of the small enterprises; food dictatorship, surplus appropriation, direct product exchange between town and countryside; replacement of private trade by state distribution of products on a class basis (card system); universal labor service; equality in wages; military command system for managing the entire life of society.

March 1919 - VIII Congress of the RCP (b). Adoption of a new program of the Bolsheviks.

March 1919 - the offensive of the army of Admiral A.V. Kolchak.

April 1919 - the beginning of the counter-offensive of the Red Army on the Eastern Front.

1919, May - June - the offensive of General N.N. Yudenich to Petrograd.

1919, May-June - the offensive of the Volunteer Army of General A.I. Denikin.

1919 October - the beginning of the counter-offensive of the Red Army on the Southern Front.

1920 April-October - Soviet-Polish war. 3 was completed by a peace treaty signed on March 18, 1921 in Riga, western Ukraine and western Belarus went to Poland).

1921 February-March - Kronstadt uprising of the garrison and the crews of the ships of the Baltic Fleet against the policy of "war communism".

March 1921 - X Congress of the RCP (b). Adoption of a resolution on the unity of the party prohibition of the creation in the RCP b) factions or groups that have a point of view that differs from the party leadership and defend it at all levels and by various methods). Transition to a new economic policy (NEP - replacement of food surplus with tax in kind, the existence of various forms of ownership and market relations, attraction of foreign capital in the form of concessions, the conversion of the ruble). By the beginning of the 30s. NEP collapsed.

1921 summer - anti-Bolshevik uprisings in the Tambov region, Ukraine, the Volga region, Western Siberia.

Soviet society in 1922-1941

1922 April-May - work of the international Genoa conference on economic and financial issues.

1922, April - the conclusion of the Rapallo separate treaty between the RSFSR and Germany on the restoration of diplomatic relations and economic contacts, the mutual waiver of claims.

1922 December 30 - I Congress of Soviets of the USSR, the formation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) as part of Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and the Transcaucasian Federation.

1924 January 21 - death of V.I. Lenin.

1924 January 31 - Adoption at the II All-Union Congress of Soviets of the first Constitution of the USSR.

1925 December - XIV Party Congress. The course for the industrialization of the country. Renaming the RCP(b) to the VKP(b) - All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks). Defeat of the "Trotskyist-Zinovievist" opposition.

1927 December - XV Congress of the CPSU (b). The course towards the collectivization of agriculture.

1928-1932 - the first five-year plan for the development of the national economy of the USSR.

1929 BC - the beginning of complete collectivization and the liquidation of the "kulaks". Completed by the end of 1932

1930 BC - completion of the construction of Turksib (railway connecting Turkestan and Siberia).

1932 BC - launch of the first blast furnace of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works, the Kuznetsk Iron and Steel Works, a hydroelectric power station on the Dnieper (Dneproges).

1933-1937 - the second five-year plan for the development of the national economy of the USSR.

1933 BC - restoration of diplomatic relations with the United States of America.

1934 BC - Admission of the USSR to the League of Nations.

1934 BC - First All-Union Congress of Writers: adoption of the Charter with a clause recognizing "socialist realism" as the main method of Soviet literature.

1934 December 1 - the murder of S.M. Kirov. The beginning of mass repressions.

1936 December 5 - adoption at the VIII Extraordinary Congress of Soviets of the USSR of a new Constitution of the USSR ("Constitution of victorious socialism", "Stalinist" Constitution).

Proclamation of a planned socialist system of economy and socialist property in the form of state and collective-farm-cooperative. Providing citizens with equal rights and freedoms: universal, equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot; the right to work, rest, material security in old age and illness, freedom of conscience, speech, press, meetings and rallies, inviolability of the person, secrecy of correspondence.

VKP b) - the governing body of state and public organizations. The highest legislative power is the bicameral Supreme Soviet of the USSR, in between its sessions - the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet. The Council of People's Commissars is the highest executive body, accountable to the Supreme Council and its Presidium.

USSR between world wars

1938 July-aAugust - an armed clash between Soviet and Japanese troops on the Soviet-Manchurian border in the area of ​​\uXNUMXb\uXNUMXbLake. Hasan.

1939, May-August - armed conflict between the USSR and Japan in the area of ​​the river. Khalkhin Gol in Mongolia.

1939 August 23 - signing in Moscow of the Soviet-German non-aggression pact and a secret protocol on the division of spheres of interest in Eastern Europe.

1939 September 1 - 1945 September 2 - The Second World War.

1939 September 17 - entry of the Red Army into the territory of Poland.

1939 November - 1940 March - Soviet-Finnish war ("Winter War"). The Karelian Isthmus and a number of islands in the Gulf of Finland went to the USSR.

1940 BC - Accession to the USSR of the Baltic States and Bessarabia.

USSR in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945

1941 June 22 - 1945 May 9 - The Great Patriotic War.

1941, June 22 - July 20 - defense of the Brest Fortress.

1941 June 30 - the formation of the State Defense Committee of the State Defense Committee) under the chairmanship of I.V. Stalin.

1941, July-September - Battle of Smolensk.

1941 September - 1944 January - Leningrad blockade.

1941 September 30 - the beginning of the battle for Moscow.

1941 December 5-6 - the beginning of the counter-offensive of the Red Army near Moscow.

1942 August - the beginning of the Battle of Stalingrad.

November 1942, 19 - February 1943, 2 - the offensive of the Red Army near Stalingrad. The beginning of a radical change during the Great Patriotic War.

1943, July-August - Battle of Kursk. The completion of a radical change in the course of the war.

1943 November - Tehran Conference

USSR (I.V. Stalin), USA (F. Roosevelt) and Great Britain W. Churchill). Declarations were adopted on joint actions in the war against Germany and post-war cooperation of the three powers, a decision to open a second front in Europe no later than May 1, 1944, on the post-war borders of Poland, etc. The USSR promised to declare war on Japan after the defeat of the German army. February 1945 - Crimean Yalta) Conference of the Heads of Government of the USSR (I.V. Stalin), the USA (F. Roosevelt) and Great Britain W. Churchill). Decisions were made on the creation in Germany of zones of occupation by the three powers and also France, if she consented) and an all-German control body of the allied powers, on the collection of reparations from Germany, the creation of the UN, etc.

The consent of the USSR to enter the war against Japan 2-3 months after the end of the war in Europe.

1945 January-February - Vistula-Oder operation.

1945 April 16-May 8 - Berlin operation.

1945 May 8 - surrender of Germany.

1945, July-August - Berlin Potsdam) conference of the heads of government of the victorious powers in World War II: USSR I.V. Stalin), USA G. Truman) and Great Britain W. Churchill, since July 28 K. Attlee). Decisions were adopted on the demilitarization and denazification of Germany, the destruction of German monopolies, on reparations, on the western border of Poland; the transfer of Konigsberg and the area adjacent to it to the USSR was confirmed, etc. 1945 August - entry of the USSR into the war with Japan.

1945 September - Signing of the act of surrender of Japan.

USSR in the post-war period (1945-1953)

1949 BC - the creation of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance of the CMEA) - an intergovernmental economic organization, which included: Albania (stopped participation in the work of the CMEA in 1961), Bulgaria, Hungary, Vietnam, East Germany (until 1990), Cuba, Mongolia, Poland, Romania, USSR, Czechoslovakia. In 1 ceased to exist.

1949 August - the first tests of the atomic bomb in the USSR. The period of the US nuclear monopoly is over.

1953 March 5 - death of I.V. Stalin.

USSR in 1953-1964

1953 September - 1964 October - the activities of N. S. Khrushchev as First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee.

March 1954 - the beginning of the development of virgin and fallow lands.

1954 BC - Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR "On the transfer of the Crimean region from the RSFSR to the Ukrainian SSR".

1955 BC - formation of the Warsaw Pact Organization (OVD). The treaty was signed by Albania, Bulgaria, Hungary, the GDR, Poland, Romania, the USSR and Czechoslovakia at the Warsaw Conference of European States on Ensuring Peace and Security in Europe. With the transformations in the USSR and other countries of Eastern Europe in February 1991, the member states of the Warsaw Treaty Organization abolished its military structures, on July 1, 1991 they signed the Protocol on the complete termination of the Treaty. February 1956 - XX Congress of the CPSU. Report

First Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU N.S. Khrushchev "On the cult of personality and its consequences" at a closed session of the congress. The beginning of the cleansing of the party and society from the ideology and practice of state terror, a broad process of releasing political prisoners and rehabilitating the repressed.

1956 October - entry of Soviet troops into the territory of Hungary.

1957 BC - reform of civil industry management (the abolition of sectoral ministries and the creation of territorial councils of the national economy - economic councils).

1957 BC - rehabilitation of some nationalities deported by I. Stalin (Chechens, Ingush, Balkars, Karachays and Kalmyks).

1959 BC - visit of N.S. Khrushchev in the USA.

1961 October - XXII Congress of the CPSU. Adoption of a new program and party charter.

1962 June - the suppression by the army units of a demonstration of workers in Novocherkassk against the reduction of wages and the increase in prices for meat and butter. Performances of workers in the Donbass, Kuzbass, and a number of other regions of the USSR.

1962 BC - The Caribbean "missile" crisis in relations between the USSR and the USA. It arose after the deployment of Soviet ballistic missiles in Cuba in response to the deployment of American missiles in Turkey and Italy and the threat of an invasion of American troops into Cuba. It ended with the dismantling and removal of Soviet nuclear missile ammunition from Cuba, the lifting of quarantine and the refusal of the US government to invade Cuba.

USSR in 1964-1985

1964 October - election of the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU L.I. Brezhnev, Chairman of the Council of Ministers - A.N. Kosygin.

Mid 1960s - the beginning of the formation of the dissident movement in the USSR.

1965 BC - the beginning of the economic reform of A. N. Kosygin.

1968 August - entry of troops of the Warsaw Pact countries into Czechoslovakia.

1975 BC - Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (Helsinki). Signing of the final act by representatives of 3 European states, the USA and

Canada: strengthening the principles of building international relations; non-use of force or threat of force; inviolability of borders; territorial integrity; peaceful settlement of disputes; non-interference in internal affairs; respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms; equality and the right of peoples to control their own destiny; cooperation between states; fulfillment of international legal obligations.

1977 BC - Adoption of the Constitution of "developed socialism". The basis of the economic system is socialist ownership of the means of production in two forms:

state nationwide) and collective-farm-cooperative. Official consolidation of the leading and guiding role of the CPSU. Expansion of the list of rights and freedoms of Soviet citizens. Strengthening the economic and political role of the union center at the expense of the corresponding rights of the republics.

1979 December - entry of Soviet troops into Afghanistan.

1982 BC - Adoption of the Food Program.

USSR in 1985-1991 perestroika

March 1985 - Election of MS Gorbachev as General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU.

April 1985 - Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU (advancing the task of "accelerating the socio-economic development of the country").

1986 April 26 - an accident at the 4th power unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

1987-1991 - the period of perestroika in the USSR.

1987 BC - carrying out economic reform (expanding the independence of enterprises on the principles of self-financing and self-financing; developing the cooperative movement; abandoning the monopoly of foreign trade; reducing the number of sectoral ministries and departments; closing unprofitable enterprises; creating commercial banks; developing rental relations in the countryside).

1988 BC - XIX Party Conference. Adoption of the main directions of the reform of the political system (redistribution of power from party structures to the Congress of People's Deputies and the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, acting on a permanent basis, formed at the Congress from among the deputies; holding elections on an alternative basis).

1988 BC - the beginning of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan.

1990 BC - election of M.S. Gorbachev as President of the USSR at the III Congress of People's Deputies.

June 1990, 12 - adoption of the Declaration on the sovereignty of the RSFSR.

Modern Russia (1991-2006)

1991 June 12 - Election of B.N. Yeltsin as the President of the RSFSR.

1991, 19-2August 2 - attempted coup d'état (creation of the State Emergency Committee). The political crisis was caused by an attempt by a group of members of the top leadership of the USSR to disrupt the process of signing a new Union Treaty. Suspension and prohibition of the activities of the Communist Party on the territory of the RSFSR.

24 of August USSR President M.S. Gorbachev announced his resignation from the post of General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU and appealed to the members of the Central Committee with a call for self-dissolution. Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia announced their withdrawal from the USSR. The August crisis accelerated the process of disintegration and the subsequent collapse of the USSR.

1991 December 8 - Belovezhskaya agreements on the dissolution of the USSR and the creation of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). Signed by the heads of state and government of the three Soviet republics - B. Yeltsin of the RSFSR), S. Shushkevich of Belarus, L. Kravchuk (Ukraine). On December 21, 1991, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan joined the agreement, in December 1993 - Georgia.

1992 BC - Economic reforms by E. T. Gaidar: price liberalization, development of competition between industries and enterprises, release from state control of domestic and foreign trade, privatization and corporatization of industrial and agricultural enterprises, tough antimonopoly policy. Outcomes: a market for labor and goods has been formed, a sharp drop in production, an increase in inflation, unemployment, an outflow of capital from Russia, a decrease in the living standards of the population, and an increase in social tension in society.

March 1992 - the signing of the Federal Treaty, the definition of relationships and borders between the Subjects of the Russian Federation).

1993 September - publication of the decree of President B.N. Yeltsin on the beginning of constitutional reform in Russia and the dissolution of the Congress of People's Deputies and the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation.

1993 October 3-4 - Armed clashes between supporters of the Supreme Council and government troops in Moscow, shelling of the White House.

1993 December 12 - Elections to the State Duma and the Federation Council. Adoption of the Constitution of the Russian Federation by an all-Russian referendum.

1994 BC - Accession of the Russian Federation to the NATO program "Partnership for Peace".

1994 December - entry of federal troops into the Chechen Republic.

1996 BC - admission of the Russian Federation to the Council of Europe.

1998 BC - admission of Russia to the GXNUMX.

1999 September - the beginning of the anti-terrorist operation in Chechnya.

March 2000 - election of V.V. Putin as President of the Russian Federation.

2003 December - Elections to the State Duma and the Federation Council.

March 2004 - re-election of V.V. Putin as President of the Russian Federation.

2005 BC - Establishment of the Public Chamber. The tasks of the Public Chamber include conducting an examination of draft federal laws and draft laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, public control over the activities of the Russian government, federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation and local governments, monitoring the observance of freedom of speech in the media and developing recommendations for these and other questions.

2006 BC - launch of a program of national projects in the field of agriculture, housing, health and education.

2006 July 15-17 - GXNUMX summit in St. Petersburg chaired by Russia (an unofficial annual forum of leaders of the world's leading industrialized countries - the USA, Canada, Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Russia, Japan and the European Union).

Science and culture of Russia in the XNUMXth - early XNUMXst century

1896 BC - the beginning of the systematic development of K.E. Tsiolkovsky theory of motion of jet vehicles.

1896 BC - transmission of the world's first radiogram during the demonstration by A.S. Popov transmitting signals over a distance of 250 m.

1898 BC - staging of the play by A.P. Chekhov "The Seagull".

1898 BC - the creation in St. Petersburg of the creative association "World of Art", which played an exceptionally important role in the history of Russian symbolism and modernity. Formed on the basis of a friendly circle (originally - A.N. Benois, V.F. Nouvel and D.V. Filosofov; then L.S. Bakst, E.E. Lansere, K.A. Somov and S.P. Diaghilev , who actually led the circle). The "World of Art" included many St. Petersburg and Moscow painters and graphic artists (I.Ya. Bilibin, A.Ya. Golovin, I.E. Grabar, K.A. Korovin, B.M. Kustodiev, N.K. Roerich, V.A. Serov and others).

1898-1904 - publication of the literary and artistic magazine "World of Arts". The main ideologists are A.N. Benois and S.P. Diaghilev. The leading core of the magazine included artists - V.A. Serov, L.S. Bakst and others, writers N. Minsky, D.S. Merezhkovsky, D. Filosofov, 3. Gippius and others. Symbolists spoke in the journal: Balmont, V. Bryusov, F. Sologub, V.V. Rozanov, Andrei Bely. Thanks to the magazine, symbolism took shape as an artistic trend in literature and fine arts.

1898 BC - Creation of the Moscow Art Theater (MKhAT). Founders - K.S. Stanislavsky and V.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko.

1898 BC - opening of the Russian Museum in the Mikhailovsky Palace, architect K.I. Rossi) in Petersburg.

1899 BC - construction of the world's first icebreaker "Ermak".

1902 BC - theatrical production of M. Gorky's play "At the Bottom".

1903 BC - justification K.E. Tsiolkovsky of the possibility of interplanetary communications in the article "Research of world spaces by jet devices".

1904 BC - awarding I.P. Pavlov (1849-1936), Russian physiologist, creator of the doctrine of higher nervous activity and conditioned reflexes, Nobel Prize for research in the field of physiology of blood circulation and digestion.

1908 BC - presentation of I.I. Mechnikov (1845-1916), Russian biologist, one of the founders of evolutionary embryology and immunology, Nobel Prize for the creation of the theory of the origin of multicellular organisms.

1904 BC - publication of the first book of poems by A.A. Blok (1880-1921) "Poems about the Beautiful Lady".

1904 BC - the beginning of the publication of the "Course of Russian History" by V.O. Klyuchevsky.

1907 BC - organization of the exhibition of artists "Blue Rose".

1907-1910 - activities of the association of Moscow artists "Blue Rose". Created under the auspices of the Golden Fleece magazine (M. Saryan, S. Sudeikin, P. Utkin, N. Feofilaktov). The program of the artists was close to the symbolism of the poets of the Silver Age.

1908 BC - the release of the first Russian feature film "Stenka Razin and the Princess" directed by V. Romashkov).

1909 BC - publication of the first collection "Milestones" with articles by N.A. Berdyaeva, S.N. Bulgakov, P.V. Struve and others about the Russian intelligentsia.

1910 BC - death of L.N. Tolstoy.

1910 BC - organization of the exhibition "Jack of Diamonds" in Moscow.

1910-1917 - activities of the creative association of Moscow artists "Jack of Diamonds" V. Bart, V. Burliuk, D. Burliuk, N. Goncharova, N. Konchalovsky, A. Kuprin, N. Kulbin, M. Larionov, A. Lentulov, K. Malevich, I. Mashkov, R. Falk and others). They created works in the style of post-impressionism, avant-garde ("Russian sezanism"). The "folk" art had a great influence on creativity.

Formally, the "Jack of Diamonds" broke up in 1917, in 1925 its founders created the association "Moscow Painters" (since 1928, the "Society of Moscow Artists").

1910 BC - the creation of S.V. Lebedev (1874-1934) of the first sample of synthetic rubber.

1910 BC - organization in Paris S.P. Diaghilev's performance of "The Firebird" by I. Stravinsky. The beginning of the triumphant success of the Russian ballet school.

1911 BC - Formation of the literary association "Workshop of poets". A. Akhmatova, N. Gumilyov, O. Mandelstam were included. 3 called the birth of acmeism as a reaction to symbolism.

1912 BC - publication of a collection of futurist works "Slap in the face of public taste", which became the program manifesto of the futurists (V. Mayakovsky, V. Khlebnikov, etc.).

1912 BC - Opening of the Museum of Fine Arts named after Emperor Alexander III (now the Museum of Fine Arts named after A.S. Pushkin).

1913 BC - creation of K.S. Malevich (1879-1935) the most famous of his paintings "Black Square".

1913 BC - demonstration in St. Petersburg of the first multi-engine aircraft "Russian Knight", designed by I.I. Sikorsky.

1918 BC - publication of the decree of the Council of People's Commissars on the separation of the church from the state and the school from the church.

1918 February 1 (February 14) - the introduction of the Gregorian calendar.

1918 BC - the works of A. Blok "Twelve", A. Bely "Christ is risen", V. Mayakovsky "Mystery-Buff", dedicated to the theme of the revolution, were published.

1919 BC - publication of the decree of the Council of People's Commissars on the elimination of illiteracy.

1920 BC - Creation of the All-Russian Association of Proletarian Writers (VAPP).

1921 BC - formation in Petrograd of the literary group "Serapion Brothers".

The members of the association were: L. Lunts, I. Gruzdev, M. Zoshchenko, V. Kaverin, N. Nikitin, M. Slonimsky, V. Shklovsky, Vl. Pevzner, E. Polonskaya, K. Fedin, N. Tikhonov, Vs. Ivanov. The members of the association, in opposition to the principles of proletarian literature, emphasized their apathy. Ceased to exist in 1926.

1921 BC - the release in Prague of a collection of works by Russian emigrants "Change of milestones", speaking from a position of support for the Bolsheviks in the interests of the revival of Russia.

1922 end of August - expulsion from Russia of 1 major figures of science and culture ("the ship of philosophers"). 1922 BC - Creation of the Main Directorate of Literary Affairs Glavlit). The introduction of censorship.

1925 BC - Creation of the Russian Association of Proletarian Writers. The RAPP was the most massive literary organization in the second half of the 20s. D.A. Furmanov, Yu.N. Libedinsky, V.M. Kirshon, A.A. Fadeev, V.P. Stavsky, critics L.L. Averbakh, V.V. Ermilov, A.P. Selivanovsky and others. 1925 BC - screening of S. Eisenstein's film "Battleship Potemkin".

1930 BC - construction of a granite mausoleum by V.I. Lenin (designed by A.V. Shchusev) on Red Square in Moscow.

1930 BC - Decree of the CEC and the Council of People's Commissars on compulsory universal primary education.

1932 BC - Decree of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks "On the restructuring of literary and artistic organizations." All existing creative organizations were disbanded, new unions were created in their place, controlled by the authorities and obliged to follow the principles of socialist realism: the Union of Writers, the Union of Architects, the Union of Composers.

1932-1933 - famine in Ukraine and the Volga region, largely provoked by massive requisitions of bread.

1933 BC - award to I.A. Bunin Nobel Prize in Literature.

1935 May - opening of the first stage of the Moscow Metro.

1936 BC - launch of the first cyclotron in Europe in Leningrad.

1940 BC - completion of M. Bulgakov's work on the novel "The Master and Margarita". The novel was first published in 1966.

1946 BC - Decree of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks "On the journals Zvezda and Leningrad", in which the work of M. Zoshchenko and A. Akhmatova was criticized.

1946 BC - launch of a nuclear reactor in the USSR - the first in Europe.

1947 December - a decree on the abolition of the card system for food and industrial goods and on monetary reform.

1948 BC - Decree of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks "On decadent phenomena in Soviet music."

1948 BC - holding a session of VASKhNIL. The defeat of geneticists and the victory of the "Michurin" direction, headed by T.D. Lysenko.

1949 BC - the beginning of a campaign against "cosmopolitanism" in literature, art, science, education.

1952 BC - Creation of the first Soviet computer. 1954 BC - launch of the world's first nuclear power plant.

1956 BC - award to the Soviet physicist and chemist N.N. Semenov Nobel Prize in Chemistry for research in the field of the mechanism of chemical reactions.

1957 October - launch of the world's first artificial earth satellite into space.

1957 BC - Launching of the world's first nuclear icebreaker "Lenin".

1957 BC - creation and launch of the world's most powerful elementary particle accelerator - the synchrophasotron.

1958 BC - awarding the Nobel Prize in Physics to P.A. Cherenkov, I.M. Frank and I.E. Tamm for the discovery and interpretation of the Cherenkov effect (the effect of radiation of a superluminal electron), which made it possible to advance research in the field of plasma physics, astrophysics, radio waves, and particle acceleration.

1958 BC - awarding the Nobel Prize in Literature to B.L. Pasternak "for significant achievements in modern lyric poetry, as well as for continuing the traditions of the great Russian epic novel." He was forced to refuse the award under the threat of expulsion from the country.

1958 BC - the introduction of compulsory 8-year education and the creation of a unified network of vocational schools.

1959 BC - Launch of the first multi-stage rocket towards the Moon.

April 1961, 12 - flight Yu.A. Gagarin in space.

1962 BC - awarding the Nobel Prize in Physics to L.D. Landau for the fundamental theories of condensed matter, especially liquid helium.

1962 December - visiting N.S. Khrushchev exhibition of Moscow artists in the Manege. Harsh criticism of abstract artists.

1964 BC - awarding the Nobel Prize in Physics to A.M. Prokhorov and N.G. Basov for fundamental research in the field of quantum radiophysics, which made it possible to create generators and amplifiers of a new type - masers and lasers.

1965 BC - awarding the Nobel Prize in Literature to M.A. Sholokhov for the novel Quiet Flows the Don.

1965 BC - the release of the film by S. Bondarchuk "War and Peace" on the screens of the country.

1970 BC - awarding the Nobel Prize in Literature to A.I. Solzhenitsyn.

1975 BC - awarding the Nobel Peace Prize to physicist A. D. Sakharov for "fearless support of the fundamental principles of peace between people" and for "courageous struggle against abuse of power and any form of suppression of human dignity."

1975 BC - awarding the Nobel Prize in Economics to L.V. Kantorovich "for his contribution to the theory of optimal resource allocation".

1975 BC - implementation of a joint Soviet-American space experiment under the Soyuz-Apollo program.

1978 BC - awarding the Nobel Prize in Physics to P.L. Kapitsa for fundamental research in the field of low temperature physics.

1990 BC - Mass media law. Release of the press from censorship.

1990 BC - awarding the Nobel Peace Prize to M.S. Gorbachev.

1997 BC - creation on the initiative of D.S. Likhachev State TV channel "Culture".

2000 BC - awarding the Nobel Prize in Physics to Zh.I. Alferov for fundamental research in the field of information and communication technologies and the development of semiconductor elements used in ultrafast computers and fiber optic communications.

2003 BC - awarding the Nobel Prize in Physics to A.A. Abrikosov and V.L. Ginzburg for his work in the field of quantum physics, in particular, for studies of superconductivity and superfluidity.

Ancient world history. 5th grade

The life of primitive people

About 4 million years ago - the appearance of humanoid creatures - "Australopithecines" ("southern monkeys").

2 million years ago - 10 thousand years ago - the Paleolithic era (ancient stone age). It is divided into the ancient (lower) Paleolithic - the time of the existence of ancient people, the middle and late (upper) Paleolithic - the time of the emergence of a modern type of person who used upholstered stone, wooden, bone tools, was engaged in hunting and gathering.

About 2 million years ago - the emergence of "handy man" (Homo habilis).

About 1,6-15 million years ago - the appearance of Homo erectus (Homo egestus).

About 700 thousand years ago - resettlement of the most ancient people on the territory of Russia - in the North Caucasus and in the region of the river. Kuban, during the ice age - on the territory of the Middle and Lower Volga.

40 thousand years ago - the formation of a reasonable person (Homo sapiens). The emergence of tribal communities, art and religious beliefs.

About 10-5 thousand. years ago (for Europe), 12-9 thousand years ago (for the Middle East) - the Mesolithic era, the Middle Stone Age, the era of transition from the Paleolithic to the Neolithic. The appearance of bows and arrows, microlithic (miniature) stone and bone tools, devices for fishing and hunting sea animals. During the transition from the Mesolithic to the Neolithic, the appearance of pottery, the domestication of the dog and some other animal species (pig, sheep, goat).

About VIII-III thousand BC e. - Neolithic, new stone age. "Neolithic Revolution" - the transition from appropriating economy (gathering, hunting) to producing (agriculture, cattle breeding). The emergence of spinning, weaving, new methods of processing tools (grinding, drilling). The development of a settled way of life, a sharp increase in the population, the formation of the most ancient class formations and states, the emergence of the first civilizations on the territory of Mesopotamia, Egypt, China and ancient America.

Around the VIII millennium BC. e. - the emergence of agriculture and animal husbandry.

Around the seventh millennium BC e. - the beginning of metal processing - the copper-stone age (Eneolithic).

About IV millennium BC. e. - beginning of the XNUMXst millennium BC e. (in some regions later) - the beginning of the Bronze Age. The emergence of nomadic pastoralism and irrigated agriculture, writing, slavery (the Middle East, China, South America, etc.).

About IV millennium BC. e. - the transition from the era of barbarism to the era of civilization. Signs of civilization: the presence of cities, states and writing.

Ancient East and Asia

End of IV millennium BC e. - the formation of the first states in Egypt and Mesopotamia.

Beginning of the XNUMXth millennium BC e. - the emergence of pi change-ness in Egypt; at the turn of IV-III millennia BC. e. - in Sumer (Mesopotamia).

Around I millennium BC. e. - Creation of the Phoenician alphabet. It contained 22 letters denoting consonant sounds on the letter, the text was written from right to left. On its basis, all the alphabets of the world are created.

XNUMXth century BC e. - the kingdom of David and Solomon in Palestine.

XNUMXth-XNUMXth centuries BC e. the power of Assyria. The state arose in the Northern Mesopotamia on the territory of modern Iraq), subjugated all of Asia Minor except Urartu) and Egypt. In 612 BC. e. the united army of the Babylonians and the Medes captured and burned the capital of Assyria, the city of Ninenia.

Around 3000 BC e. - the formation of a single state in Egypt along the Nile from the first threshold to the Mediterranean Sea). The capital is the city of Memphis. Around 2600 BC e. - the construction of the pyramid of Cheops in Egypt.

1792-1750 BC e. - the reign of Hammurabi in the Babylonian kingdom subjugated the territory of Assyria, the southern and middle parts of Mesopotamia, created the oldest written laws that have come down to us)

Around 1500 BC e. - conquests of Pharaoh Thutmose III (subjugation of Syria, Phenicia, Palestine, territories west of the Euphrates, Libya, Nubia).

1419-1400 BC e. - the reign of Pharaoh Amenhotep IV (Akhenaton - "useful to the Aten"). Carrying out a religious reform (prohibition of the cult of Amun, proclamation of a new state cult of the god Aten). The capital of the state is the city of Akhetaton (modern El-Amarna). After the death of Akhenaten under the pharaohs Tutankhamun and Horemheb, the priesthood and the nobility achieved the restoration of the old religion.

About 1400-1392 BC e. - the reign of the Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun from the XVIII dynasty (the era of the New Kingdom).

538 BC e. - the capture of Babylon by the Persians, led by King Cyrus.

525 BC e. - the capture of Egypt by the Persians, led by King Cambyses.

III millennium BC e. - the formation of the oldest cities in India in the valley of the river. Ind.

II millennium BC e. - the formation of the first states in China.

XNUMXth century BC e. - the emergence of Buddhism in ancient India. The founder is Siddhartha Gautama Shakyamuni, who was called the Buddha ("Enlightened One"). Buddhism denies sacrifices and division into castes. In the III century. BC e. became the state religion of India.

XNUMXrd century BC e. - the unification of India into a single state under King Ashoka. The borders of the state covered the territory of almost all of India and parts of modern Afghanistan and Pakistan. The spread of Buddhism, the development of Indian culture, architecture, the spread of writing.

Around 551 BC. e. - 479 BC e. - years of life of Confucius (Kung Tzu), an ancient Chinese thinker, founder of Confucianism. Confucianism is characterized by the absence of priesthood, mysticism, strict observance of rituals, the cult of ancestors, the deification of emperors, deference and respect for elders in age and position. In the second half of the II century. BC e. becomes the state religion of China.

221 BC e. - the unification of China by the ruler of Qin into a single state (Emperor Qin Shi Huang. The introduction of a unified system of writing, weights and measures, a monetary unit; the construction of the Great Wall of China, the persecution of supporters of Confucianism. The Qin Empire ceased to exist shortly after the death of Qin Shi Huang.

Ancient Greece

III millennium BC e. - middle of II millennium BC e. - existence on about. Minoan Crete (named after the legendary king Minos).

II millennium BC e. - the formation of the first city-states in Greece (Mycenae, Tiryns, Pylos, Athens).

XNUMXth century BC e. - the death of the Cretan kingdom as a result of a volcanic eruption on the island of Thera in the Aegean Sea. - Santorini).

According to recent studies, this happened between 166 and 1613. BC e.

Around 1200 BC e. - The Trojan War between Troy and a coalition of Achaean kings under the leadership of the king of Mycenae Agamemnon. The reason for the war: the rivalry between the Greek city-states and the Trojan kingdom for dominance in the Aegean and Asia Minor. Troy fell after a 1-year siege. The defeat of the Trojans facilitated the resettlement of part of the Achaeans to Asia Minor after they were ousted from Greece by the Dorians.

XNUMXth century BC e. - the creation of Homer's poems "Iliad" and "Odyssey".

XNUMXth century BC e. - Creation of the Greek alphabet. Consisted of 24 letters denoting consonants and vowels on the letter.

VIII-VXNUMXst century - mass colonization by the Greeks of the coast of the Mediterranean and Black Seas.

753 BC e. - Founding of Rome. According to Roman tradition, the founder of Rome and the first king was Romulus, the son of the vestal Rhea Sylvia and the god Mars.

753-509 BC e. - the royal period of the history of the Roman state. Kings: Romulus and Titus Tatsiy, Numa Pompilius, Tull Gosti-liy, Ankh Marcius and the Etruscan dynasty of Tarquinius - Tarquinius the Ancient, Servius Tullius, Tarquinius the Proud.

776 BC e. - the beginning of the Olympic Games in Greece (Greek reckoning was conducted from the first Olympic Games). settled down

in honor of the god 3evs in Olympia 1 time in 4 years. Passed within 5 days; the program of the games included chariot riding competitions, pentathlon running, javelin and discus throwing, long jumps, wrestling), fisticuffs, art competitions, etc. Canceled with the victory of Christianity by the Roman emperor Theodosius I in 394 AD. e.

594 BC e. - Solon's reforms in the Athenian state, the destruction of debt slavery, the redemption and return to their homeland of Athenians sold into slavery for debts, the annulment of land debts, the establishment of freedom of will, the introduction of new weights and measures, the division of citizens into 4 categories according to the amount of income from the land and endowing them with political rights and obligations in accordance with the size of property, strengthening the role of the people's assembly). The reforms of Solon contributed to the elimination of the remnants of the tribal system and the domination of the tribal aristocracy, laid the foundations of the Athenian slave-owning democracy.

509 BC e. - the establishment of a republic in Rome (power belongs to two annually elected consuls, the senate, the national assembly).

490 BC e. - Battle of Marathon during the Greco-Persian wars (500-449 BC) near the village of Marathon (northeast of Athens). The troops of the Athenian strategist Miltiades defeated the Persian army.

480 BC e. - Battle of Salamis (Greeks under the command of Themistocles defeated the Persian fleet). After the defeat, the Persian king Xerxes left Greece, leaving part of his land army in it.

Ancient Rome

443 BC e. - Election of Pericles as the first strategist (commander-in-chief). Pericles was at the head of the state from 443 to 429 BC. e. (except for 43). He carried out further democratization of the Athenian political system (the abolition of the property qualification and the replacement of voting by lot when electing the majority of officials, the introduction of payment to officials, the creation of a special fund for distributing money to poor citizens to visit the theater, the creation of military agricultural settlements on the territory of subordinate or allied states). Construction of the Parthenon, Propylei, Odeon. Expansion and strengthening of the Athenian maritime power.

390-387 years BC e. - the invasion of the Gauls on Rome; capture and fire of Rome.

338 BC e. - the battle of Chaeronea (the defeat of the Macedonian army of King Philip II of the allied forces of Athens and Boeotia). Establishment of Macedonian hegemony in Greece.

334-325 BC e. - Campaign of the Macedonian army led by Alexander the Great to the East. Creation of the empire of Alexander the Great. 280 BC e. - the beginning of the war of the Romans with the Epirus king Pyrrhus.

Middle of the XNUMXrd century BC e. - Establishment of Roman domination over Italy.

264-241 BC e. - the first war between Rome and Carthage (First Punic War) for dominance in the Mediterranean. It ended with the victory of Rome and the establishment of Roman domination in Sicily.

218-201 BC e. - the second war between Rome and Carthage (the Second Punic War). Establishment of Roman domination throughout the Mediterranean.

168 BC e. - Battle of Pydna between Roman and Macedonian troops. Destruction of the Macedonian kingdom.

146 BC e. - The destruction of Corinth by the Romans and the subjugation of Greece.

146 BC e. - the destruction of Carthage by Rome during the Third Punic War (149-146 BC).

133 BC e. - the land law of Tiberius Gracchus in Rome, the restriction of the use of state land, the withdrawal of surpluses for special remuneration and the transfer to poor citizens of small plots without the right to sell). The purpose of the reform: to stop the ruin of the Roman peasantry of the social and military foundation of the Roman state).

123-122 BC e. Tribunate of Gaius Gracchus. Restoration of the agrarian legislation of Tiberius Gracchus, resumption of the activities of the agrarian commission; carrying out democratic reforms. Gaius Gracchus proposed a law granting Italian allies the rights of Roman citizenship.

74-71 BC e. - slave uprising led by Spartacus.

59 BC e. - Election of Gaius Julius Caesar as consul.

58-56 BC e. Gaius Julius Caesar conquered Gaul.

49-31 BC e. - civil wars in the Roman state.

49-44 BC e. - Dictatorship of Gaius Julius Caesar in Rome years of life of Caesar - 100-44 years. BC e.). He had the powers of a lifelong dictator, censor, consular power, permanent power of a tribune, head of the Roman religion, prefect of morals, etc. He retained the Roman republican forms of government.

45 BC e. - calendar reform carried out by Gaius Julius Caesar.

31 BC e. - Battle of Cape Actium during the civil war in Rome. The result of the defeat of the fleet of Antony and the Egyptian queen Cleopatra was the establishment of the undivided rule of Octavian and the proclamation of the Roman Empire.

30 BC e. - 14 AD e. - the reign of Octavian Augustus in Rome, the principate of Augustus). Formal preservation of some republican institutions with the concentration of all power in the hands of the princeps.

30 BC e. - Roman conquest of Egypt and its transformation into a Roman province.

XNUMXst century n. e. - The emergence of Christianity.

54-68 years n. e. - reign of the Roman emperor Nero. He pursued a policy of repression and confiscations, burned most of Rome, and persecuted Christians. Committed suicide.

79 CE e. - the eruption of Mount Vesuvius, the destruction of the cities of Pompeii, Herculaneum and Stabia.

98-117 years n. e. - reign of the Roman emperor Trajan. The maximum expansion of the boundaries of the Roman Empire as a result of aggressive wars (Dacia, Arabia, Great Armenia, Mesopotamia were conquered).

284-305 years n. e. - the reign of the Roman emperor Diocletian. The establishment of the regime of unlimited monarchy - domination. The disappearance of the old republican institutions, the concentration of the administration of the empire in the hands of a few main departments. Carrying out reforms to stabilize the position of the empire. Increasing persecution of Christians.

306-337 years n. e. - reign of the Roman emperor Constantine the Great. Completion of the formation of the dominant regime, strengthening of imperial power.

313 CE e. - Decree of the Roman emperor Constantine on granting the citizens of the empire freedom of religion. Christianity becomes a "permissible religion".

330 CE e. - transfer of the capital of the Roman Empire to Constantinople (modern Istanbul).

395 CE e. The division of the Roman Empire into the Western Roman Empire and the Eastern Roman Empire.

410 CE e. - the capture of Rome by the Visigoths led by Alaric.

455 CE e. the capture of Rome by the Vandals.

476 CE e. - Fall of the Western Roman Empire. The end of the Ancient World and the beginning of the Middle Ages.

History of the Middle Ages, Grade 6

XNUMXth-XNUMXth centuries - The Great Migration of Peoples - the movement of Germans, Huns, Slavs and other tribes from the periphery of the Roman Empire to its territory). The creation by the Germans in the western part of the Roman Empire of "barbarian kingdoms", in the eastern part - the formation of the Byzantine Empire. The resettlement of the Germans and Slavs in the territory from Britain, Gaul and Spain to the Gulf of Finland, the Upper Volga and the Don.

481-511 - the reign of the king of the Franks Clovis from the Merovingian dynasty. Adoption of Christianity by the Franks. Creation of the "Salic Truth" - a record of customary law of the Salic Franks.

486 BC - the battle near the city of Soissons between the army of the leader of the Salian Franks Clovis and the troops of the former Roman governor Siagrius. The conquest of Gaul by the Franks is the initial stage in the formation of the Frankish state.

493-526 - the reign of the king of the Ostrogoths Theodoric the Great. Founding of the Ostrogothic state in Italy.

527-565 - the reign of the Byzantine emperor Justinian I. Codification of Roman law (Codex of Justinian). Strengthening the central government, the army, tax oppression. Persecution of heretics. The construction of military fortifications to defend against barbarian invasions, in Constantinople - the church of Hagia Sophia. The return of the regions of the Western Roman Empire captured by the barbarians (Northern Africa, Sardinia, Corsica, the Apennine Peninsula, Sicily, the southeastern part of the Iberian Peninsula).

532 BC - "Nika" uprising in Constantinople - the name from the cry-password of the rebels - "Nika!" ("Win!"). Caused by tax oppression and oppression of the authorities, the persecution of heretics and pagans. With the help of mercenary detachments, the Goths and the Heruli were suppressed.

560-796 - Avar Khaganate. Settled in Pannonia. He made raids on the Slavs, Franks, Lombards, Georgians and Byzantium. Destroyed by the Frankish king Charlemagne.

568 BC - Conquest of Italy by the Lombards. Formation of the Lombard Kingdom in Northern and Central Italy.

622 BC - Migration of Muhammad from Mecca to Medina Hijra). The beginning of the Muslim chronology.

XNUMXth century - The emergence of Islam. Creation of a single Muslim state in Arabia - the Arab Caliphate.

XNUMXth-XNUMXth centuries - the period of extensive Arab conquests. Accession to the Arab caliphate of Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Mesopotamia, Libya, Iran, the western part of North Africa, Spain, southern and southwestern regions of France.

681 BC - the emergence of the First Bulgarian kingdom.

715-741 - the board of the mayor of the Frankish state Charles Martell ("hammer"). Restored the political unity of the Frankish state. He put an end to the former procedure for donating land holdings to full ownership by the kings, gave out land for life use on the terms of mandatory royal military service - benefices. The land fund for the distribution of beneficiaries was created by confiscation of the possessions of recalcitrant magnates and the wide secularization of church lands.

718 BC - the battle of Christians with the Moors in the Covandoga Valley in Asturias (Spain). The beginning of the Reconquista (reconquest by the indigenous population of the Iberian Peninsula of territories occupied by the Arabs).

732 BC - The defeat of the Arabs by the Franks at Pou-attiers. The advance of the Arabs into Western Europe was stopped.

741-768 - the reign of the Frankish major house, and then King Pepin the Short. Founded the Carolingian dynasty. He united the whole country under his rule - from the English Channel to the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. Defeated the Lombards.

756 BC - the formation of a secular state of popes in the territory taken away by the Frankish king Pepin the Short from the Lombards.

768-814 - Reign of Charlemagne. Expanded the boundaries of the kingdom. He strove for the centralization of power (he controlled the activities of the counts with the help of "state envoys"). Encouraged the forced Christianization of the population of the conquered lands. Domestic policy contributed to the process of feudalization of Frankish society - the establishment of feudal land dependence of the peasantry and the growth of large land ownership.

800 BC - the formation of the empire of Charlemagne. Presentation of the imperial crown to Charlemagne in Rome.

843 BC - Treaty of Verdun. The division of the empire of Charlemagne between the grandchildren of Charlemagne: Lothair received the territory of Italy and lands along the Rhine and Rhone - later Lorraine, Charles the Bald - lands west of the Rhine, Louis the German - lands east of the Rhine.

XNUMXth century - educational activities of Cyril and Methodius. Creation of Slavic writing - Cyrillic.

955 BC - the defeat of the German army of Otto I of the Hungarians on the river. Lech. The Hungarians cease to make predatory raids, pass to a settled way of life and settle in Pannonia. At the end of the tenth century accept Christianity.

962 BC - the formation of the Holy Roman Empire, headed by the German Emperor Otto I. It included Germany, northern and a significant part of Central Italy, some Slavic lands, as well as part of southern and southeastern France.

987-996 - the reign of the French king Hugh Capet, the founder of the Capetian dynasty. Rules in France until 1792

1000 BC - Establishment of the Kingdom of Hungary.

About 1000 - Discovery of the northeast coast of North America by the Icelandic Viking Leif Eiriksson.

1054 BC - the division of the Christian Church into Western Roman Catholic and Eastern Greek Catholic (Orthodox).

1066 BC - Norman conquest of England. The defeat by the Normans, led by William the Conqueror, of the Anglo-Saxon King Harold II at the Battle of Hastings. Establishment of direct vassalage of all feudal lords from the king and the king's ownership of the land. The final subordination of the peasants to the seigneurial power. Contributed to the completion of the process of feudalization.

1077 BC - "walking to Canossa" by Emperor Henry IV. At the heart of the conflict between the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire and the Pope is the struggle for the right to inaugurate bishops (investiture).

1096 BC - Beginning of the Crusades. They were held under the slogan of the liberation of Christian shrines in Palestine from the rule of Muslims. Participants: chivalry, large seigneurs, peasantry, merchants.

The ideological inspirer and organizer of the campaigns was the Catholic Church.

1096-1099 - The First Crusade. Proclaimed by Pope Urban II in 1095. The first states of the crusaders were formed: the county of Edessa and the principality of Antioch.

1099 BC - Conquest of Jerusalem by the crusaders. The creation of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, in vassal dependence on it were the rest of the crusader states in the East.

XNUMXth century - the creation of the state and the NCs in South America.

1192 BC - Seizure of power in Japan by shoguns from the Minamoto samurai family (ruled until 1333).

1147-1149 - Second Crusade. Reason: the capture by the Seljuks in 1144 of the city of Edessa. The campaign was led by the French king Louis VII and the German king Conrad III, failed.

1154-1189 - the reign of the English king Henry II Plantagenet Henry of Anjou), the first of the Plantagenet dynasty. Carrying out reforms to strengthen royal power and limit the power of feudal lords.

1180-1223 - the reign of the French king Philip II Augustus. Pursuing a policy of centralization of the state, increasing the royal domain, limiting the independence of the feudal nobility). Return of Normandy and other areas in the north and south of the country that belonged to the English king.

1189-1192 - The Third Crusade, caused by the conquest of Jerusalem in 1187 by the Egyptian sultan Salah ad-din (Saladin). The campaign was led by the emperor of the "Holy Roman Empire" Frederick I Barbarossa, the French king Philip II Augustus and the English king Richard I the Lionheart. Jerusalem remained in Muslim hands.

1202-1204 - Fourth Crusade. Organized by Pope Innocent III. Conquest of the Christian cities of Zadar in Dalmatia and Constantinople. The creation of the largest crusader states on the territory of the Byzantine Empire - the Latin Empire).

1204 BC - the capture of Constantinople by the crusaders.

1206 BC - The election of Genghis Khan as the Great Khan of all Mongolia.

1212 BC -Children's Crusade.

1212 BC - Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa. The combined forces of Castile, Leon, Aragon and Navarre inflicted a crushing defeat on the Arab conquerors.

1215 BC - the signing of the "Magna Carta" by the English king John Landless is dedicated to the establishment of law, order and guarantees of the personal rights of the population). Subsequently, one of the main constitutional acts of Great Britain.

1217-1221 - The Fifth Crusade. Undertaken against Egypt by a combined army of crusaders led by the Austrian Duke Leopold VI and the Hungarian king Andras II. It ended with the conclusion of a truce with the Egyptian Sultan.

1219-1221 - the campaign of the Mongols led by Genghis Khan in Central Asia.

1226-1270 - Reign of Saint Louis IX. He carried out military, monetary and judicial reforms, established the rule of "40 days of the king" between the declaration of war and its beginning, concluded the Treaty of Paris (1259), according to which the English king renounced claims to Normandy, Maine and other French territories lost by England under John Landless , but kept Guyenne. He led the Seventh and Eighth Crusades, which suffered a complete collapse.

1228-1229 - Sixth Crusade.

The emperor of the "Holy Roman Empire" Frederick II headed. He concluded an agreement with the Egyptian Sultan on the return of Jerusalem to the Christians and the announcement of a 10-year truce. In 1244 the city was recaptured by the Muslims.

About 1230 - Foundation of the Inquisition.

1235 BC - Mongol conquest of northern China.

1241-1242 - the invasion of the Mongol-Tatars into the territory of a number of states of Eastern Europe (Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Dalmatia, Wallachia, Transylvania).

1248-1254, 1270 - Seventh and Eighth Crusades in Egypt and Tunisia, led by the French King Louis IX Saint.

1261 BC - the fall of the Latin Empire and the revival of the Byzantine Empire under the rule of Emperor Michael VIII, the founder of the Palaiologos dynasty.

1265 BC - convocation of parliament in England, registration of a class-representative monarchy.

1279 BC - Mongol conquest of southern China.

1285-1314 - the reign of the French king Philip IV the Handsome. Expanded the territory of the royal domain. Captured in 1300 Flanders, lost in 1302 as a result of an uprising of the Flemish cities. Made the papacy dependent on the French kings. Convened the first Estates General. Achieved from the pope the abolition in 1312 of the Knights Templar.

1289-1326 - the reign of the Turkish Sultan Osman I. The founder of the Ottoman dynasty, who ruled in Turkey until 1922

1291 BC - loss by Europeans of the last possessions in the East.

1302 BC - the convocation of the States General in France, the design of a class-representative monarchy.

1309-1377 - "Avignon captivity" - the forced (under pressure from the French kings) stay of the popes in the city of Avignon (Southern France), where (with a break in 1367-1370) the papal residence was located.

1337-1453 - Hundred Years War between England and France. Causes of the war: the desire of England to eliminate the vassal dependence of Guyenne on France and return Normandy, Anjou and other French territories lost under John the Landless, the struggle of both states for dominance over Flanders, the claims of the English kings, connected by kinship with the French Capetian dynasty, to the French throne; France sought to oust the British from Guyenne. England was defeated in the war, lost all its possessions in France except the port of Calais.

1356 BC - the signing of the "Golden Bull" by Charles IV (the election of the emperor by the college of electors, securing other privileges for them). Strengthening the political fragmentation of Germany. Active until 1806

1356 BC - Battle of Poitiers between the French and the British. The defeat of the French knights and the capture of the French king John II the Good. 1358 BC - "Jacquerie" in France. The peasant uprising was caused by the defeat of the French troops, economic ruin, and an increase in requisitions and taxes. Suppressed by the troops.

1368 BC - the expulsion of the Mongols from China. Beginning of the Ming Dynasty.

1378 BC - uprising "ciompi" in Florence. Hired workers, poor artisans ("chompies") demanded that they be given the right to participate in the management of the city.

After the suppression of the uprising in Florence, tyranny was established - the sole dictatorship of individual wealthy families. From 1434 to 1737 (with interruptions) the Medici family became the ruler of Florence.

1381 BC Wat Tyler's rebellion in England.

Contributed to the elimination of serfdom and the corvée system.

1385 BC - the conclusion of the Union of Kreva - a dynastic union between the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Poland (the Lithuanian Grand Duke Jagiello, marrying the Polish queen Jadwiga, became the Polish king). For the Polish nobility, the union meant the possibility of expanding their possessions east of the Western Bug and eliminating the danger of Poland being included in Hungary. Lithuania got the opportunity to focus its efforts on the fight against the Mongols-Tatars and push the borders of the state further to the east. Jagiello and his subjects were obliged to accept Catholicism, annex the lands of the principality to Poland and contribute to the return of the possessions lost by the Polish kingdom.

1389 BC - the battle on the Kosovo field between the united troops of the Serbs and Bosnians under the command of the Serbian prince Lazar and the Turkish army of Sultan Murad I.

The defeat of Serbia and the transformation into a vassal of the Ottoman Empire.

1396 BC - a crusade led by the Hungarian king Sigismund I against the Ottoman Turks. The defeat of the crusader troops in the battle of Nikopol from the Turkish army of Sultan Bayezid I the Lightning. Establishment of Turkish dominance in the Balkan Peninsula.

XIV-XV centuries. - Early Renaissance in Italy.

1402 BC - the defeat of the Ottoman Turks by Timur's army, led by Sultan Bayazid I the Lightning.

1410 July 15 - Victory over the Teutonic Order in the Battle of Grunwald by the combined troops of Russians, Lithuanians, Czechs and Poles. The aggression of the Teutons to the east was suspended.

1415 BC - condemnation and burning at the stake as a heretic of the leader of the movement for a national Czech church independent of Rome, professor of theology at the University of Prague, Jan Hus.

1415-1460 - organization by the Portuguese Prince Henry the Navigator of sea expeditions to the northwestern coast of Africa, which marked the beginning of the Portuguese expansion to this mainland.

1419-1437 - Hussite wars against the German nobility and the supreme power of the German emperor, which were religious in color. Crusades against the Hussites organized by Pope Martin V and Emperor Sigismund.

1439 BC - Decision of the Council of Florence to unite the Orthodox and Catholic churches.

1445 BC - the invention of printing Johannes Gutenberg published the first printed book).

1453 BC - the capture of Constantinople by the Ottoman Turks, led by Sultan Mehmed II the Conqueror. The death of the Byzantine Empire. Renaming Constantinople to Istanbul.

1455-1485 - War of the Scarlet and White Roses: internecine war of feudal families in England, which took the form of a struggle for the throne between two branches of the Plantagenet dynasty - the Lancasters in the coat of arms of a scarlet rose) and the Minks (in the coat of arms of a white rose). The death in the war of the main representatives of both dynasties and a significant part of the feudal nobility facilitated the establishment of Tudor absolutism.

1461-1483 - The reign of the French king Louis XI. He pursued a policy of centralization of power, suppressed feudal revolts. He annexed Anjou, Picardy and other territories to the royal domain.

1479 BC - the formation of a single Spanish state under the rule of Fernando and Isabella through the unification of Aragon and Castile.

New history (1500-1800). 7th grade

1487 BC - Expedition of the Portuguese Bartolomeu Dias. In search of a sea route to India, Europeans for the first time circumnavigated Africa from the south.

1492 BC - the capture by Christians of the Emirate of Granada, the last Arab state on the Iberian Peninsula). End of the Reconquista.

1492 BC - Discovery of America by Christopher Columbus. American lands entered the realm of geographical representations; there was a revision of the medieval worldview; the creation of colonial empires, the mass extermination of the indigenous population and the death of the civilizations of the peoples of America began.

1498 BC - Expedition of Vasco da Gama reached India, for the first time paving the sea route from Europe to the countries of South Asia.

1509-1547 reign of King Henry VIII of England. Carrying out the Reformation. Secularization of monastic lands, increased ruin of the peasants. Publication for the fight against vagabonds and beggars "Bloody legislation".

1517 BC - in Martin Luther's speech with "95 theses" the denial of the basic dogmas of the Catholic Church, the proclamation of the thesis of "justification by faith alone" and the authority of Holy Scripture, the idea of ​​independence of a secular state from the Catholic Church). Beginning of the Reformation in Germany.

1519-1521 - the first round-the-world trip of the Spanish expedition led by the Portuguese Ferdinand Magellan.

1519-1556 - the reign of the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V, from 1516 - the Spanish king (Carlos I).

Tried under the banner of Catholicism to implement a plan to create a "world Christian power." He waged wars with France and the Ottoman Empire. He was defeated in the fight against the German Protestant princes. After the conclusion of the Augsburg religious peace with them in 1555, he abdicated. 1520-1566 - the reign of the Turkish Sultan Suleiman I the Magnificent. The period of the highest political power of the Ottoman Empire. The conquest of part of the Kingdom of Hungary, Transcaucasia, Mesopotamia, Arabia, the territory of Tripoli and Algeria.

1524-1526 - Peasants' War in Germany. Suppressed by the troops.

1526 BC Founding of the Mughal Empire in India.

1534 BC The beginning of the Reformation in England. In response to the pope's refusal to allow the divorce of King Henry VIII from his first wife, Catherine of Aragon, the English Parliament freed the Church of England from subordination to Rome and proclaimed the King head of the Church by the "Act of Supremacy".

1534 BC - foundation of the Catholic monastic order "Society of Jesus" by Ignatius Loyola.

1555 BC - Peace of Augsburg between German Protestant princes and Emperor Charles V. Ended wars between Catholics and Protestants. Established the right of princes to determine the religion of their subjects on the principle of "whose country, that is the faith", recognized Lutheranism as the official religion (along with Catholicism). Contributed to the strengthening of the power of the princes.

1556-1598 - The reign of the Spanish King Philip II. Contributed to the strengthening of Spanish absolutism. Increased oppression in the Netherlands. Supported the Inquisition. He waged wars with England and France. Annexed to Spain in 1581 Portugal.

1558-1603 - the reign of the English Queen Elizabeth I Tudor. At the strengthening of absolutism, the restoration of the Anglican Church.

1562-1598 - religious wars in France between Catholics and Huguenots. With the actual accession to the French throne in 1594, Henry IV, hostilities basically ended. The Edict of Nantes (1598) ended the Wars of Religion.

1569 BC - the conclusion of the Union of Lublin. The unification of the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania into one state - the Commonwealth.

1572 August 24 - Bartholomew's Night: Massacre of Huguenots by Catholics in Paris, organized by Catherine de Medici and Guise.

1566-1609 - Dutch bourgeois revolution. It combined the anti-feudal struggle with the national liberation war against Spain, the dominance of which hampered the development of capitalist relations in the country. Passed under the banner of Calvinism. Milestones: popular Iconoclastic uprising of 1, general uprising of 566 in the northern provinces, uprising of 1572 in the southern provinces, creation of the Union of Utrecht (1).

The revolution ended with the liberation of the northern provinces from the Spanish domination of the territory of the modern state of the Netherlands) and the formation of the bourgeois Republic of the United Provinces of the Netherlands (the southern provinces were conquered by Spain in 1585). The bourgeoisie, merchants and new nobles came to power in the Dutch Republic, and the obstacles to the development of capitalism disappeared. Calvinism became the state religion.

1579 BC - Union of Utrecht. She formalized the union of the seven northern provinces of the Netherlands to fight against Spain and the internal feudal-Catholic reaction. She laid the foundations of the Republic of the United Provinces of the Netherlands.

1588 BC - Establishment of the Republic of the United Provinces of the Netherlands. Existed until 1795.

1588 BC - the death of the "Invincible Armada" the fleet fell into a storm, some of the ships crashed on the rocks, the other was defeated by the English fleet under the command of Admiral Francis Drake. The death of the armada undermined the military and political power of Spain. England becomes the "mistress of the seas".

1589 BC - the end of the Valois dynasty in France. Beginning of the Bourbon dynasty.

1589-1610 - the reign of the French king Henry IV (actually from 1594), the first of the Bourbon dynasty. Since 1 562, King Henry of Navarre of Navarre). During the religious wars, the head of the Huguenots. After the transition (1593) to Catholicism, Paris (1) recognized him as king. Issued the Edict of Nantes in 594. His policy contributed to the strengthening of absolutism. Killed by a Catholic fanatic.

1598 BC - the publication by the French king Henry IV of the Edict of Nantes: Catholicism remained the dominant religion, the Huguenots were given freedom of religion and worship in cities except Paris and some others); they received certain political rights. The edict was repealed partly in 1629, completely by Louis XIV in 1685.

1600 BC - Accusation of heresy and burning in Rome by the Inquisition of Giordano Bruno - Italian philosopher, astronomer and poet. He defended the concept of the infinity of the universe and the infinity of many worlds.

1600 BC - the foundation of the English East India Company, an organization for the management of English possessions in India and their exploitation.

1603-1867 - the reign of the Tokugawa shoguns in Japan.

1603 BC end of the Tudor dynasty in England. Beginning of the Stuart dynasty.

1607 BC - foundation of the first permanent English settlement in Virginia (North America).

1609 BC - Recognition of Dutch independence by Spain.

1618-1648 - Thirty Years' War (pan-European) between the Habsburg bloc (Spanish and Austrian Habsburgs, Catholic princes of Germany, supported by the papacy and the Commonwealth) and the anti-Habsburg coalition (German Protestant princes, France, Sweden, Denmark, supported by England, Holland and Russia). War periods: Czech (1618-1623), Danish (1625-1629), Swedish (163-1635), Franco-Swedish (1635-1648). It ended with the Peace of Westphalia in 1648. The reactionary plans of the Habsburgs to create a "world empire" collapsed, political hegemony passed to France.

1624-1642 - the reign of the first minister of the king of France, Cardinal Richelieu. He strengthened absolutism, deprived the Huguenots of political rights, and retained their freedom of religion. He supported the German Protestant princes, Holland, Denmark, Sweden (enemies of the Habsburgs). In 1635 he involved France in the Thirty Years' War.

30s XVXNUMXnd century - "closure" of Japan (prohibition for the Japanese to leave the borders of their country under the threat of the death penalty and build large ships suitable for long-distance voyages, for foreigners to visit Japan). Caused by the desire of the authorities to prevent the invasion of Japan by Europeans and the desire to keep intact the old traditions and feudal orders. 1640-1660 - English bourgeois revolution.

1640 BC - the convocation of the Long Parliament by the English king Charles I. Carrying out reforms (the destruction of the royal courts that persecuted dissidents, securing the right of Parliament to establish taxes, the adoption of a law on the dissolution of the House of Commons only with its consent, etc.). Beginning of the English bourgeois revolution.

1645 June - the Battle of Naseby: the defeat of the Parliamentarian army of the army of Charles I. The flight of the king (1646) to Scotland, his extradition to Parliament.

1642-1646 - the first civil war in England between the supporters of the Long Parliament and the royalists.

1643-1715 - The reign of the French king Louis XIV ("Sun King"). The apogee of French absolutism.

1644 BC - the establishment of the rule of the Manchus in China ruled until 1911).

1648 BC - Peace of Westphalia. He completed the Thirty Years' War 3-1618. Laid the foundations for new relations between states in Europe; consolidated the principle of generally recognized borders of states; proclaimed the principle of religious tolerance in Germany.

1648 BC - The second civil war in England between the supporters of the Long Parliament and the royalists.

1649 January 30 - Execution of Charles I Stuart.

1649 May 19 - declaration of England as a republic.

1649-1652 - The conquest of Ireland by the English army.

1652-1654 - Anglo-Dutch war. Launched by the Netherlands in response to the adoption of the "Navigation Act". The Westminster Peace Treaty ended with the recognition of the "Navigation Act").

1651 BC - the publication of the "Navigation Act" allowed the importation into England of foreign goods only on English ships or ships of those countries that produced imported goods).

1652-1654 - Anglo-Dutch war. Launched by the Netherlands in response to the adoption of the "Navigation Act". 3 ended with the Treaty of Westminster recognizing the "Navigation Act").

1653-1658 - Protectorate (military dictatorship) of Cromwell in England: divided the country into 11 military districts headed by lieutenant generals, suppressed the movements of equalizers, diggers, royalist uprisings, confirmed the laws of the Long Parliament, banned the Anglican Church, expanded colonial expansion.

1660 BC - Restoration of the Stuart dynasty. Proclamation of Charles II as king. The end of the revolution in England.

1688 BC - "glorious revolution" in England. Displacement of Jacob II Stuart from the throne, transfer of royal power to the Dutch stadtholder William III of Orange. The publication of the "Bill of Rights" (consolidated the supremacy of Parliament in the field of legislation). The establishment of a parliamentary monarchy in England.

1700-1721 - Northern War (see the course of the war in the history of Russia).

1701-1714 - the war for the Spanish inheritance of the Franco-Spanish coalition with a coalition of England, Austria (Holy Roman Emperor), Holland, Portugal, Prussia and a number of small states of Germany and Italy. Ended with the signing of Utrecht (1713) and Rastatt (1714) peace treaties. Strengthening of English naval and colonial power.

1707 BC - "Act of Unity" between England and Scotland. Creation of Great Britain.

1739 BC - the capture of Delhi by the troops of the Iranian Shah Nadir.

1751 BC - publication in France of the Encyclopedia of Sciences, Arts and Crafts.

1756-1763 - Seven Years' War between Austria, France, Russia, Spain, Saxony, Sweden and Prussia, Great Britain (in union with Hanover) and Portugal. It was caused by the aggravation of the Anglo-French struggle for colonies and the clash of the aggressive policy of Prussia with the interests of Austria, France and Russia. According to the Peace of Gubertusburg in 1763 with Austria and Saxony, Prussia secured Silesia for itself. Under the Paris Peace Treaty of 1763, Canada, East Louisiana, and most of the French possessions in India passed to Great Britain from France. 1757 BC - The victory of the English East India Company over the Bengal army in the battle of Plassey. Capture of Bengal. The beginning of the colonial conquest of India by Great Britain.

1757 BC - "closure" of China (closure of all ports, except Guangzhou, for foreign trade). It was caused by the desire to preserve the traditional foundations of society and protect the country from the colonial policy of Western countries.

1765 BC - the creation by the English weaver James Hargreaves of the mechanical spinning wheel "Jenny". The beginning of the industrial revolution.

1773 BC - The Boston Tea Party. The destruction of a large consignment of tea by the colonists, the closure of the Boston port, the prohibition of meetings of the townspeople and the quartering of English soldiers in the city. Aggravation of the conflict between the mother country and the colonies.

1775-1783 - the war for the independence of 13 British colonies in North America, the North American bourgeois revolution). Ended with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles 1783 BC British recognition of the independence and sovereignty of the United States).

1776 July 4 - Adoption of the US Declaration of Independence by the Continental Congress. It proclaimed the separation of the colonies from the mother country and the formation of an independent state - the USA July 4 is annually celebrated in the USA as Independence Day).

1784 BC - James Watt's invention of the steam engine. It played a huge role in the transition to machine production, accelerated the development of old industries (for example, textiles) and caused the emergence of new ones.

1787 BC - the adoption of the US Constitution - consolidated the republican system, turned the United States into a federation of states), provided for the separation of judicial, legislative and executive powers; at the head of the executive - the president (the first president elected J. Washington), the highest legislative body - the US Congress. The amended constitution is still in effect.

70-80s XNUMXth century - the beginning of the industrial revolution in England.

1789-1799 - The French Revolution.

1789 July 14 - Storming of the Bastille. Beginning of the French Revolution.

1789 August - the adoption by the Constituent Assembly of France of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen, the proclamation of the sovereignty of the nation, the rule of law and inalienable human rights: freedom of the individual, speech, conscience, equality of citizens before the law, the right to resist oppression, the inviolability of private property).

1791 September - The adoption by the Constituent Assembly of the first Constitution in the history of France, which limited the power of the king.

April 1792 France declares war on Austria. The beginning of the revolutionary wars.

1792 BC - Overthrow of the monarchy in France. Proclamation of the Republic (First Republic).

1793 BC - Execution of the French King Louis XVII.

1793 June 2 - 1794 July 27 - the period of the Jacobin dictatorship in France. It was established as a result of the popular uprising of May 31 - June 2, 1793. All legislative and executive power is concentrated in the Convention and its committees.

A decree on "suspicious" was adopted, banning workers' organizations, unions and strikes. Revolutionary terror established. She was overthrown as a result of the Thermidorian coup on July 27 (9 Thermidor of the II year of the Republic according to the revolutionary calendar).

1794 BC - Thermidorian coup in France. The abolition of the maximum prices, the beginning of the counter-revolutionary terror.

1795-1799 - board of the Directory (board of 5 directors) in the First French Republic. It expressed the interests of the big bourgeoisie and pursued an aggressive foreign policy. Deposed in a coup d'état on 18 Brumaire (November 9, 1799)

1796-1797 - Italian campaign of General Napoleon Bonaparte. It ended with the signing of the Peace of Campoformia (Austria ceded the territory of the Austrian Netherlands to France and recognized the formation of the Cisalpine Republic, which included Lombardy).

1798-1801 - the Egyptian campaign of the French expeditionary army of General Napoleon Bonaparte with the aim of conquering Egypt and preparing a base for an attack on British possessions in India. The defeat of the French fleet in August 1798 by Nelson's English squadron at Abukir. Flight of Napoleon to France in October 1799 Capitulation of French troops in 18

1799 BC 18 Brumaire coup in France. End of the French Revolution. Creation of a new provisional government led by Napoleon Bonaparte.

New history (1800-1913). Grade 8

1799-1804 - period of consulate in France. Napoleon Bonaparte - First Consul.

1802 BC - Napoleon Bonaparte - life consul of France.

1803-1804 - creation of the first car with a steam engine by the American engineer Evans.

1804 BC - Adoption of the title of emperor by Napoleon Bonaparte.

1804 BC - Publication of the Civil Code (Napoleon Code).

1804-1814 - The first empire in France. Expansion of the territory of the empire as a result of victorious wars.

1804 BC - Proclamation of the first independent state of Latin America - Haiti.

1805 October 21 - The defeat of the Franco-Spanish fleet by the English fleet of Admiral Horatio Nelson in the battle of Cape Trafalgar. With this victory, England consolidated its dominance at sea, making it difficult for France to communicate with the colonies and excluding the possibility of landing French troops on the British Isles.

1805 December 2 - Battle of Austerlitz. The defeat by the French army of Napoleon I of the Russian-Austrian army under the command of General M.I. Kutuzov. Withdrawal from the war of Austria.

1806 July - formation by Napoleon I of the Confederation of the Rhine 16 German states.

1806 October - The defeat of the Prussian troops in the battles of Jena and Auerstedt by the French army of Napoleon I. On the occupation of Prussia by the French.

1806 BC - Berlin Decree of Napoleon I on the continental blockade of Great Britain, prohibiting trade, postal and other relations with the British Isles for countries dependent on France or allied to her).

1807 BC - the conclusion of the Tilsit peace.

1808-1814 - Spanish-French war - the national liberation war of the Spanish people against the French invaders.

1812 BC - Napoleon Bonaparte's campaign in Russia.

1813 October 16-19 - the defeat of the army of Napoleon I by the allied Russian, Austrian, Prussian and Swedish troops in the Battle of Leipzig "Battle of the Nations"). The liberation of Germany and Holland, the collapse of the Confederation of the Rhine.

March 1814 - the entry of allied troops into Paris.

1814 BC - restoration of the Bourbons and Napoleon's exile on about. Elbe.

1814 September - 1815 June - Vienna Congress of European States (with the exception of Turkey). He ended the wars of the coalitions of the European powers with Napoleon I. Treaties were concluded aimed at restoring the feudal order and satisfying the territorial claims of the victorious powers, the borders of France were restored as of January 1, 1792, the territorial fragmentation of Germany and Italy was fixed; The Duchy of Warsaw is divided between Russia, Prussia and Austria.

1815 March 20 - June 22 - "Hundred Days" of Napoleon Bonaparte (second reign of Emperor Napoleon I in France after

his flight from Fr. Elbe).

1815 June 18 - the defeat of the French army of Napoleon I in the battle of Waterloo by the Anglo-Dutch army under the command of the English field marshal A.U. Wellington and the Prussian army, Field Marshal G.L. Blucher.

1815 BC - the creation of the Holy Alliance - the union of Austria, Prussia, Russia, France (since 1815). Great Britain participated in a number of acts.

1821-1829 - Greek War of Independence. Recognition of the autonomy of Greece by Turkey, since 183 Greece is an independent state.

1823 BC - proclamation of the Monroe Doctrine, the foreign policy program of the US government. Declared the principle of mutual non-interference of the countries of the American and European continents in each other's internal affairs; put forward the position according to which the growth of US power was made dependent on the annexation of new territories.

1825 BC - construction of the first railway in England by George Stephenson.

1830 BC - July Revolution in France. The overthrow of the Bourbon monarchy. Establishment of the July Monarchy.

1830 BC - Belgian bourgeois revolution in the Kingdom of the Netherlands against Dutch rule. Formation of an independent Belgian state.

1830-1848 - The July Monarchy in France - the period of the reign of King Louis Philippe, the dominance of the top of the commercial, industrial and banking bourgeoisie).

1831, 1834 - workers' uprisings in Lyon.

1832 BC - the first parliamentary electoral reform in England. The destruction of most of the "rotten towns", the transfer of vacant seats in parliament to industrial cities and densely populated areas, an increase in the number of voters.

1836-1848 the Chartist movement in England. The requirements of the people's charter: suffrage for all men over 21 years old, secret ballot, abolition of property qualification for deputies, equal constituencies, remuneration of deputies, one-year parliamentary term.

1837-1901 - the reign of Queen Victoria of England ("Victorian era").

1840-1842 - Anglo-Chinese first "opium") war. Capture by the British of a number of coastal cities of China, about. Xianggang Hong Kong), opening 5 Chinese ports for trade with England. The beginning of China's transformation into a semi-colony.

1846-1848 - Mexican-American War. Unleashed by the USA. US capture of more than half of Mexican territory.

1847 BC - Creation of the international communist organization "Union of Communists".

February 1848 - February Revolution in France. The overthrow of the monarchy and the proclamation of the Second Republic.

1848-1849 - bourgeois-democratic revolution in Austria. Suppressed by the imperial troops, a reactionary constitution was introduced, the elected Reichstag was dispersed.

1848-1849 - the bourgeois revolution in Hungary against the feudal serf system and the oppression of the Habsburgs. The suppression of the revolution by the Austrian and Russian troops.

1848-1849 - bourgeois-democratic revolution in Germany. Goal: the creation of a single German national state and the elimination of the feudal-absolutist order. Suppressed.

1848-1849 - Revolution in Italy. Suppressed by the forces of internal and external counter-revolution.

1850-1864 - Taiping peasant war in China. Directed against the feudal yoke, the Manchu Qing dynasty and foreign colonizers; led to the creation of the rebels of their state. Suppressed by foreign and Chinese troops.

1851 BC - The first World Industrial Exhibition in London.

1852 BC - Launching of the world's first propeller-driven steam vessel.

1852-1870 - reign of the French emperor Napoleon III Bonaparte. Second empire in France.

1853-1856 - Crimean War.

1854 BC - forced "discovery" of Japan.

1855 BC - World Industrial Exhibition in Paris.

1856-1860 - Anglo-French-Chinese (second "opium") war.

1857-1859 - Indian popular (sepoys) uprising against British colonial rule. Brutally suppressed. The control of India passed from the English East India Company to the English government.

1859-1869 - Construction of the Suez Canal connecting the Mediterranean and Red Seas.

1859 BC - armed uprising against slavery led by abolitionist John Brown in the United States. Suppressed.

1860 BC - liberation uprising in Sicily. Campaign "thousand" Garibaldi to help the rebels. The liberation of southern Italy from the rule of the Bourbons.

March 1861 - Proclamation of Victor Emmanuel II as the first king of a united Italy.

1861-1865 - The reign of Abraham Lincoln - the 16th President of the United States. One of the organizers of the Republican Party (1854), which opposed slavery. Killed by a planters agent.

1861-1865 - The American Civil War between the bourgeois North and the slave-owning South. North victory.

1863 January 1 - the abolition of slavery in the USA.

1864 BC - Creation of the International Association of Workers (I International), the first mass international organization of workers.

1864 BC - War of Prussia and Austria against Denmark. Defeated Denmark lost Schleswig, Holstein and the city of Lauenburg.

1866 BC - Austro-Prussian war. It ended with the victory of Prussia and the conclusion of the Prague Peace Treaty, Austria recognized the dissolution of the German Confederation, the future annexations of Prussia in northern Germany, agreed to the "new structure of Germany", without the participation of Austria).

1866 BC - the formation of the North German Union as part of 22 German states under the hegemony of Prussia.

1866 BC - Austro-Italian War - Italy's national liberation war against Austrian domination to complete the unification of the country. According to the Peace of Vienna, the Venetian region departed from Austria to the Italian kingdom.

1867 BC - the second parliamentary electoral reform in England, the reduction of the property qualification, the transfer of additional seats in parliament to large industrial centers).

1867 BC - the creation of Austria-Hungary - a dual monarchy headed by the Austrian emperor. Broken up in 1918

1867-1868 - "Meiji revolution" in Japan. The overthrow of the power of the shoguns from the house of To-kugawa and the restoration of the power of the emperors.

Carrying out agrarian, administrative, military, judicial reforms, education reforms. The destruction of estates, the liquidation of workshops and internal customs, the declaration of freedom of trade, entrepreneurial activity and freedom of movement.

1868 - creation of the British Congress of Trade Unions.

1870 July - 1871 February – Franco-Prussian War between France and Prussia The reason for the war: the desire of France to maintain its hegemony in Europe and prevent the unification of Germany. It ended with the Frankfurt Peace Treaty (Germany received Alsace, East Lorraine and an indemnity of 5 billion francs).

1870 September 2 - "Sedan catastrophe" (encirclement of the French army near the city of Sedan by German troops, capitulation of French troops led by Emperor Napoleon III).

1870 September 4 - Revolution in Paris. The fall of the Second Empire, the proclamation of the Third Republic.

1870 September - the entry of the troops of the King of Italy, Victor Emmanuel II, into Rome liberated from the French. Completion of the unification of Italy.

1871 January 18 - Establishment of the German Empire. Proclamation of Prussian King Wilhelm I as German Emperor. Completion of the unification of the country.

1871 March 18 - May 28 - The Paris Commune is the first attempt by the working class to establish the dictatorship of the proletariat and create a workers' government. Suppressed by government troops with the help of the Prussian invaders.

1875 BC - the creation of a single social democratic party in Germany.

1875 BC - Establishment of the Third Republic in France.

1878 BC - Adoption of an "exceptional law against socialists" ("Law against the harmful and dangerous aspirations of social democracy") in Germany.

1876 BC - Proclamation of Queen Victoria of England as Empress of India.

1880 BC - the invention of the incandescent lamp by the American inventor T. Edison.

1880 BC - Creation of the Workers' Party of France.

1882 BC - the conclusion of the Triple Alliance - the military-political bloc of Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy.

1884-1885 - the third parliamentary electoral reform in England (granting the right to vote to all homeowners and rural workers).

1885 BC - Foundation of the Indian National Congress, an all-India political organization.

1889 BC - Creation of the Second International.

1891-1917 - Creation of a Russian-French military-political alliance. It was formalized by the agreement of 1891 and the secret military convention of 1892, fixed by the Russian-French naval convention of 1912. Annulled by the Decree on Peace of 1917.

1894-1895 - Sino-Japanese war. The Shimonoseki Treaty of 1 established Korea's independence from China, but not from Japan (although China insisted on this); The Liaodong Peninsula, the islands of Taiwan and Penghuledao were transferred to Japan.

1895 BC Invention of cinema by the Lumiere brothers.

April 1896 - the first modern Olympic Games in Athens.

1898 BC - Spanish-American War. The United States supported the uprising of the Cuban and Filipino peoples against the Spanish colonial oppression, captured Puerto Rico, about. Guam, Philippines, occupied formally declared independent Cuba.

1898 BC - "Hundred days" of reforms of the Chinese Emperor Guangxu.

1899-1901 - Yihetuan uprising ("Boxer Rebellion") in China against foreign interference and the destruction of traditional society. Suppressed by the troops of Germany, Japan, Great Britain, USA, France, Russia, Italy and Austria-Hungary.

1899-1902 - Anglo-Boer War - the war of conquest by Great Britain against the Boer republics of South Africa of Orange and Transvaal). The transformation of republics into British colonies.

Modern history (XX - beginning of the XXI century). 1-9 grades

1900 BC - the formation in London of the Committee of Labor Representation in Parliament (since 1906 - the Labor Party).

1904 BC - Anglo-French agreement on the division of spheres of influence in Africa - a major step in the formation of the Entente.

1904-1905 - Russo-Japanese war.

1904-1908 - Herero and Hottentot uprising in South West Africa against German colonial rule.

1907 BC - an agreement between England and Russia on Iran, Afghanistan and Tibet. Registration of the Entente - the union of England, France and Russia.

1908 BC - Young Turk Revolution. The overthrow of the despotic regime of Sultan Abdul-Hamid II, the establishment of a constitutional monarchy. 1910-1917 - the bourgeois-democratic revolution in Mexico against feudal remnants, the terrorist regime of P. Diaz and the oppression of foreign monopolies. The beginning of democratic reforms in the country.

1911-1912 - Italo-Turkish (Tripolitan, or Libyan) war. According to the Peace of Lausanne in 1912, Turkey ceded to Italy its possessions in North Africa (Tripolitania and Cyrenaica).

1911-1913 - Xinhai Revolution in China. The overthrow of the Manchu Qing dynasty, the proclamation of the republic.

1912-1913 - First Balkan War between the Balkan Union (Bulgaria, Serbia, Greece, Montenegro) and Turkey. Under the London Peace Treaty of 1913, Turkey lost all its European possessions, except for Istanbul and a small part of Eastern Thrace.

1913, June-August - The Second Balkan War of Bulgaria against Greece, Serbia and Montenegro, joined by Romania and Turkey. Under the Bucharest Peace Treaty of 1, Bulgaria ceded South Dobruja to Romania, South Macedonia and part of Western Thrace to Greece, and almost all of North Macedonia to Serbia.

1914 BC - The adoption of the law on home rule - a program of autonomy for Ireland, which provided for the creation of an Irish parliament and national governments while maintaining the supreme power of Great Britain over Ireland.

1914 June 28 - the assassination in Sarajevo by a member of the Serbian terrorist organization G. Princip of the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne Franz Ferdinand and his wife.

1914 July 28 - 1918, November 11 - World War I.

1914 July 28 - Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia. The beginning of the First World War.

1914 August 1 - Germany declares war on Russia.

1914 August 3 - Germany declares war on France.

1914 August 4 - Great Britain declares war on Germany.

1914 August 6 - Austria-Hungary declares war on Russia.

1914 August 11 France declares war on Austria-Hungary.

1914 August 12 - Great Britain declares war on Austria-Hungary.

1914 August 23 - entry into the war on the side of the Entente of Japan.

1914, August-September - East Prussian operation of the Russian North-Western Front with the aim of capturing East Prussia. It ended with the defeat of the Russian troops and their withdrawal from East Prussia.

1914, August-September - Galician operation of the troops of the Russian South-Western Front. The offensive of the Austro-Hungarian armies in Galicia and Poland was stopped; created a bridgehead for the invasion of Russian troops in Hungary and Silesia.

1914 September - operation of the Anglo-French troops on the Marne. The German troops advancing towards Paris were stopped on the river. Marne and then forced to retreat. The German plan to quickly defeat France was thwarted. The beginning of a positional war.

1914 October - entry into the war on the side of the German bloc of Turkey.

1914 October-November - First Battle of Ypres. An attempt by the German armies to liquidate the Ypres ledge ended in failure.

1914 December - the defeat of the German squadron in the battle with the English near the Falkland Islands. The victory in the Battle of Falklands allowed the English fleet to concentrate all its forces on the main European theater of operations.

1914 December - 1915 January - the defeat of the Turkish army in Transcaucasia from the Russian army.

February 1915 - the beginning of the blockade of the British Isles by the German submarine fleet.

1915 April-May - the second battle at Ip-ra. The first use of chlorine chemical weapons by the German troops).

April 1915 - landing of Anglo-French troops in Turkey.

1915 May - entry into the war on the side of the Entente Italy.

1915, spring-summer - the offensive of German and Austrian troops on the Eastern Front. The defeat of Russian troops in Galicia, Poland and the Baltic states.

1915 October - entry into the war on the side of the German-Austrian bloc of Bulgaria.

1916 February-December - Verdun operation on the Western Front. An attempt by the German army to break through the front of the French troops in the Verdun area. The successful offensive of the Russian troops in early June on the Southwestern Front under the command of General A.A. Brusilov, active operations of the Anglo-French troops in July on the river. Somme, French counterattacks in August forced the German command to go on the defensive near Verdun. The Verdun operation became the largest operation of the First World War. In December 1916, French troops largely restored the situation.

1916 May 31 - June 1 - Battle of Jutland between the main forces of the English and German fleets. The English fleet retained its dominance at sea.

1916, June-August - the offensive of the Russian Southwestern Front (commander General A.A. Brusilov). Russian troops broke through the positional defense of the Austro-Hungarian armies and occupied a significant territory.

1916, July-November - battle on the river Somme between the Anglo-French troops and the German army. First use of tanks.

1916 August - entry into the war on the side of the Romanian Entente.

1917 February 1 - the beginning of Germany's unlimited submarine warfare.

April 1917, 6 - The US declares war on Germany.

1917 June - landing of American troops in France.

1917, July-November - The third battle of Ypres. The use of chemical weapons by German troops (mustard gas, which received the name "mustard gas" at the battlefield).

1917 October-December - the defeat of the Italian army in the Caporetto region from the German-Austrian troops. 1917, November 20 - December 6 - the battle of English and German troops at Cambrai in northern France. The use of a massive tank attack to break through the German positional defense.

1917 December 15 - signing of an armistice agreement with Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and Turkey by the Soviet government.

1918 March 3 - signing of the Brest-Litovsk peace treaty between Russia and Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, Turkey. The annexation by Germany of Poland, the Baltic States, parts of Belarus and Transcaucasia and the receipt of indemnities.

1918 March 21 - April 6 - March offensive of the Germans in Picardy.

1918, May-June - German offensive on the river. Ena and Oise. Breakthrough of the French defense in the area of ​​the river. Marne.

July 1918, 15 - August 4 - the second battle on the Marne ("Battle for peace"). Elimination of the threat of the capture of Paris by German troops during the counter-offensive of the Allies along the Entente.

1918 September 26 - the beginning of the general offensive of the allies on the Western Front.

1918 September 29 - Capitulation of Bulgaria.

1918 October 30 - conclusion of a truce between Turkey and Great Britain.

1918 November 3 - Capitulation of Austria-Hungary. The collapse of the country.

1918 November 3-9 - the beginning of the revolution in Germany. Abdication and flight to Holland of Kaiser Wilhelm II. The overthrow of the monarchy.

1918 November 11 - the conclusion of a truce in Compiègne. Cessation of hostilities on the fronts of the First World War.

1919 June 28 - signing of the Treaty of Versailles. He consolidated the redistribution of the world in favor of the victorious powers.

1919 BC - creation on the initiative of the leadership of the RCP b) the Communist International, an international organization that united the communist parties of various countries.

1919 BC - formation of the International Association of Trade Unions of the Amsterdam International).

1919 July - Adoption of the Weimar Constitution by the German Constituent National Assembly. Creation of a bourgeois-democratic parliamentary republic.

1919-1922 - civil disobedience campaign in India.

1920 June 12 - the official opening of the Panama Canal, the first ship passed through the canal in August 1914).

1923 November - Fascist "beer putsch" in Munich to overthrow the government of Bavaria. The arrest of the Fuhrer of the National Socialist Party, Adolf Hitler.

1920-1923 - liberation movement in Turkey. Proclamation of Turkey as a republic.

1921 December - the signing of the Anglo-Irish Treaty granting Ireland, with the exception of Northern Ireland, which remained under the rule of Great Britain) the status of a dominion, the proclamation of the Irish Free State).

1922 BC - Signing of the Rapallo Soviet-German Treaty on the restoration of diplomatic relations, mutual renunciation of claims, trade and economic relations.

1922 October 30 - the rise of the Nazis to power in Italy.

1923 BC - Formation of the Workers' Socialist International.

1925-1927 - bourgeois-democratic revolution in China against imperialist oppression and the domination of semi-feudal orders.

1927 April-July - Chiang Kai-shek comes to power in China.

1928 August - the Kellogg-Briand Pact (Paris Pact) on the rejection of war as an instrument of national policy; signed by 15 states. Later, 48 more states joined the pact.

1929, July-December - Soviet-Chinese conflict on the Chinese Eastern Railway.

1929-1933 - world economic crisis.

1931 BC - The overthrow of the monarchy and the establishment of a republic in Spain.

February 1932 - the formation by the Japanese militarists of the puppet state of Manchukuo in the territory of Northeast China.

1933 January 30 - Adolf Hitler's rise to power in Germany.

1933-1945 - Board of Franklin Delano Roosevelt - 32nd President of the United States. He carried out a number of reforms aimed at eliminating the economic crisis of 1929-1933. and softening the contradictions of American capitalism. In 1933, the Roosevelt government established diplomatic relations with the USSR. From the beginning of World War II, he spoke out for the support of Great Britain, France and the USSR in their fight against Nazi Germany. He made a significant contribution to the creation of the anti-Hitler coalition. He attached great importance to the creation of the UN and post-war international cooperation, including between the USA and the USSR.

February 1934 - an attempt to carry out a fascist coup in France.

1935 March 1 - accession to Germany following the results of the plebiscite of the Saarland.

1935-1936 - Italo-Ethiopian war. It ended with the annexation of Ethiopia by Italy.

1936-1939 - Spanish Civil War. It assumed the character of a national revolutionary war against the fascist rebels and the Italo-German interventionists. It ended with the establishment of the fascist dictatorship of General Franco.

March 1936 - the invasion of Nazi Germany into the Rhine demilitarized zone.

1936 October - Signing of the Berlin Agreement. Formation of the military-political alliance of Germany and Italy "Axis Berlin-Rome").

1936 November - The conclusion of the "Anti-Comintern Pact" between Germany and Japan.

1937 July - Invasion of Japanese troops in China; the capture of Beijing and Tianjin.

March 1938 - capture ("Anschluss") by Germany of Austria. Accession of Austria to Germany.

1938 September - the signing of the Munich Agreement between Great Britain (N. Chamberlain), France (E. Daladier), Germany A. Hitler) and Italy B. Mussolini). It provided for the separation from Czechoslovakia and the transfer of the Sudetenland to Germany, as well as the satisfaction of territorial claims to Czechoslovakia from Hungary and Poland.

Predetermined the capture of all of Czechoslovakia by Germany in 1939, contributed to the outbreak of the Second World War.

1938 October - German occupation of the Sudetenland.

April 1939 - Italian occupation of Albania.

1939 April-August - Anglo-French-Soviet negotiations.

1939 August 23 - the signing of the Soviet-German non-aggression pact ("Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact") with a secret appendix on the delimitation of "spheres of interest" of the parties.

1939 September 1 - German invasion of Poland. Beginning of World War II.

1939 September 1 - 1945 September 2 - The Second World War.

1939 September 3 - England and France declare war on Germany.

1939 September 5 - The US declared its neutrality in the European war.

1939 September 17 - Soviet invasion of Poland.

1939 September 28 - Partition of Poland between Germany and the USSR under a friendship and border treaty.

1939 November - 1940 March - Soviet-Finnish war.

April 1940, 9 - German invasion of Denmark and Norway.

May 1940, 10 - The invasion of German troops in Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg.

May 1940, 20 - the encirclement of a large group of Anglo-French-Belgian troops by German tank formations in Belgium and Northern France.

1940 June 4 - evacuation to England of Anglo-French-Belgian troops during the Dunkirk operation.

1940 June 10 - Italy declares war on Britain and France.

1940 June 14 - surrender without a fight of Paris to German troops.

1940 June 22 - Capitulation of France. Occupation by Germany of 2/XNUMX of French territory under the terms of the Armistice of Compiègne.

1940 August - 1941 May - the battle for England - the air attack of the German Air Force on England in order to force her to withdraw from the war.

1940 August - the capture by Italian troops of British Somalia, parts of Kenya and Sudan.

September 1940, 22 Japanese occupation of French Indochina.

1940 September 27 - Berlin pact on a military alliance between Germany, Italy and Japan. Later, the governments of a number of other states dependent on Germany joined.

1940 October - Italian invasion of Greece.

1940 November - Entry into the war on the side of the Axis powers Hungary and Romania.

1941 January - landing of British troops in Ethiopia.

1941 March 1 - Bulgaria enters the war on the side of the Axis powers.

1941 March 11 - the adoption by the US Congress of a law on lend-lease - a system for the transfer (on loan or lease) of weapons, ammunition, strategic raw materials, food, etc. to countries whose defense is important for US security.

April 1941, 6 - German invasion of Yugoslavia and Greece.

1941 July 7 - landing of American troops in Iceland.

1941 December 7 - Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. US entry into the war.

1941 December 23 Japanese occupation of Hong Kong.

1942 January 1 - signing by 26 states, including the USSR, the USA, Britain and China, of the United Nations Declaration on the pooling of military and economic resources to defeat the fascist bloc.

1942 March 13 - Japanese troops invade the Solomon Islands.

1942 May 7-8 - Battle of the Coral Sea - the first victory of the American fleet over the Japanese in World War II.

1942 June 4-6 - the battle near Midway Atoll of the forces of the US Pacific Fleet with the Japanese aircraft carrier strike force.

1942 November 2 - the defeat of the British troops of the Italo-German troops near El Alamein. Capitulation of German and Italian troops in North Africa.

1943 January - Casablanca conference of F. Roosevelt and W. Churchill. Deciding on the landing of allied troops in Sicily. The opening of a second front in northern France has been postponed.

1943 July 10 - landing of Anglo-American troops on about. Sicily.

1943 July - the fall of Mussolini's fascist dictatorship in Italy.

1943 September unconditional surrender of Italy. Occupation of northern and central Italy by German troops.

1943 November 22-26 - Cairo Conference of F. Roosevelt, W. Churchill and Chiang Kai-shek. Deciding to return to China all the territories seized from it by Japan and the liberation of all the Pacific islands occupied by Japan since the beginning of the First World War.

1943 November 28 - December 1 - Tehran Conference of the Heads of Government of the USSR I. Stalin), USA F. Roosevelt) and Great Britain W. Churchill). Adoption of the Declaration on joint action in the war against Germany and on the post-war cooperation of the three powers, the decision to open no later than May 1, 1944 a second front in Europe. The promise of the USSR delegation to declare war on Japan after the defeat of the German army.

1944 June 6 - the opening of a second front in Western Europe (the beginning of the landing of the Anglo-American expeditionary forces across the English Channel in Normandy).

1944 August 23 - The overthrow of the fascist regime in Romania.

1944 August 24 - Romania declares war on Germany.

1944 September 9 - the overthrow of the monarcho-fascist regime in Bulgaria. Bulgaria's declaration of war on Germany.

1944 December 16 - the beginning of the German counter-offensive in the Ardennes. The defeat of the allied forces. W. Churchill's appeal to I. Stalin with a request for help.

1945 February 4-11 - Crimean (Yalta) Conference of the Heads of Government of the USSR (I. Stalin), the USA (F. Roosevelt) and Great Britain (W. Churchill). Determination and coordination of the military plans of the allied powers and the basic principles of post-war policy.

1945 April 1 - June 21 - American invasion of Okinawa.

April 1945, 4 - completion of the liberation of Hungary by the Soviet Army.

April 1945, 25 - meeting of Soviet and American troops on the Elbe.

1945 April 25 - June 26 - United Nations conference in San Francisco, convened on behalf of the USSR, USA, Great Britain and China. Signing of the UN Charter by delegates of 5 countries.

April 1945, 29 - unconditional surrender of the German armies in Italy.

1945 May 8-9 - Signing in Karlshorst (Berlin) of the act of unconditional surrender of Germany.

July 1945, 16 - first test of an atomic weapon (Los Alamos).

1945, July 17 - August 2 - The Berlin (Potsdam) Conference of the Heads of Government of the USSR (I. Stalin), the USA (H. Truman) and Great Britain (W. Churchill, K. Attlee). Deciding on the demilitarization and denazification of Germany, the destruction of German monopolies, reparations, the western border of Poland; confirmation of the transfer of the city of Konigsberg and the area adjacent to it to the USSR.

1945, August 6,9 - Atomic bombing of the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by US aircraft.

1945 August 8 - Declaration of war on Japan by the Soviet government.

1945 September 2 - Signing of the act of surrender of Japan. End of World War II.

1945 September 2 - Proclamation of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam.

1945 September - 1954 July - the war of France against the peoples of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.

1945, November 20 - 1946, October 1 - The Nuremberg trials of the main Nazi war criminals.

March 1946 - W. Churchill's speech in Fulton, the beginning of the Cold War.

1946 July-October - Paris Peace Conference. Reviewed the draft peace treaties of the states of the anti-Hitler coalition with the former allies of Germany in Europe - Italy, Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania and Finland. Signing of peace treaties 10 February 1947

1946-1949 - A civil war in China between the Nationalists, led by Chiang Kai-shek, and the Communists, led by Mao Zedong.

1948 BC - Adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

1948 May - Proclamation of the State of Israel on part of the territory of Palestine. The first Arab-Israeli Palestinian war between the Arab states of Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Yemen and the state of Israel.

1949 January - Creation of the CMEA Council for Mutual Economic Assistance.

April 1949 - formation of the NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization, including the USA, Great Britain, France, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Portugal, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Canada.

1949 BC - Formation of the Federal Republic of Germany with its capital in Bonn.

1949 October 1 - Establishment of the People's Republic of China.

1949 October 7 - Establishment of the German Democratic Republic.

1950 January - Proclamation of the Republic of India.

1950 June - 1953 July - The Korean War between the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) and the Republic of Korea (South Korea).

1951 BC - creation of the Socialist International (Socintern) - an international non-governmental social democratic organization.

1952 July - revolution in Egypt. The liquidation of the monarchy, the implementation of socio-economic reforms.

1953 July - political crisis in the German Democratic Republic. Demonstrations and strikes against the hardline party leadership in all spheres, the Soviet model of socialism and industrialization, are suppressed by local police and Soviet troops.

1955 May - signing of the Warsaw Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance between Bulgaria, Hungary, East Germany, Poland, Romania, USSR, Czechoslovakia and Albania. Creation of the Warsaw Pact Organization (OVD).

1956 October - armed uprising and student demonstrations against the communist regime in Hungary.

March 1957 - Signing in Rome of an agreement on the establishment of the European Economic Community (EEC, "Common Market").

1959 January - the victory of the revolution in Cuba. The overthrow of the dictatorship of Ruben Fulgencio Batista.

1960 BC - Year of Africa. Declaration of independence of 17 states (completion of decolonization).

1961 September - the first conference of heads of non-aligned states in Belgrade.

1962 October 22 - November 21 - Caribbean crisis. Caused the threat of a thermonuclear conflict between the USSR and the USA.

1963 BC - Establishment of the Organization of African Unity.

1963 August - the signing in Moscow of the Treaty on the Ban on Nuclear Tests in three areas. 1964-1973 - the struggle of the Vietnamese people against US aggression.

1966 August - the beginning of the "cultural revolution" in China. Destruction of cultural monuments, persecution of the intelligentsia.

April 1967 - A coup d'état and the establishment of a military dictatorship in Greece.

1967 June 5-10 - Israel's "six-day war" against Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Iraq.

April 1968, 4 - death at the hands of racist Martin Luther King; the rise of racial unrest in the United States.

April 1968 - adoption of the Program of Action of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia. Beginning of the Prague Spring.

1968, May - June - student unrest and strikes in France.

1968 June 1 - under the signing of the USSR, the USA, Great Britain and other countries of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.

1968 August - entry of troops of the USSR, East Germany, Poland, Bulgaria, Hungary into Czechoslovakia; end of the Prague Spring.

1969 July - the first flight of American astronauts to the moon.

1970 September - Victory in the presidential elections in Chile, the representative of the block of Popular Unity Salvador Allende.

1972 May - the first ever visit of an American president to the USSR. Signing in Moscow by Richard Nixon and L.I. Brezhnev, the Treaty on the Limitation of Strategic Arms SALT-1) and the Treaty on the Limitation of ABM.

1972 December - the signing of the Treaty on Relations between the GDR and the FRG (the obligation to resolve disputed issues exclusively by peaceful means, to refrain from the threat of force or the use of force, to respect the territorial integrity of each other, the independence and autonomy of the other state in internal and external affairs).

1973, September 11-12 - military coup in Chile; the death of President Salvador Allende and the rise to power of General Augusto Pinochet.

1973 October - military conflict between Israel, Egypt and Syria.

April 1974 - Revolution in Portugal ("Red Carnation Revolution"). The overthrow of the fascist dictatorship. Beginning of democratic reforms.

1975 August 1 - signing of the Final Act of the Helsinki Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe.

1975 November - meeting of the leaders of the countries of the USA, Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Japan ("Big Six").

1976 July the unification of Vietnam. Proclamation of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

1978 September - the signing of the Camp David Accords between Israel, Egypt and the US witness). Granting Limited Self-Government to West Bank Palestinians Jordan and the Gaza Strip. They served as the basis for the signing of the Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty in 1979.

February 1979 - The overthrow of the Shah's regime in Iran. Proclamation of the Islamic Republic of Iran, headed by Ayatollah Khomeini.

1979 June - Signing by Jimmy Carter and L.I. Brezhnev of the SALT-2 Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty.

1979 July - victory of the Sandinista revolution in Nicaragua. The fall of the dictatorship of A. Somoza.

1979 December 25 - entry of Soviet troops into Afghanistan.

1980 BC - performances of workers in Poland. Formation of the trade union "Solidarity".

1987 December 8 - signing M.S. Gorbachev of the USSR) and R. Reagan of the USA) of the Treaty on the Elimination of Intermediate-Range and Shorter-Range Missiles.

1989 February 15 - completion of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan.

1989 June - victory of "Solidarity" in the parliamentary elections in Poland.

1989 September - Election of F. de Klerk as President of South Africa. The course towards the elimination of the apartheid regime.

1989 November-December - the fall of communist regimes in the GDR, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Romania.

1990 June - the abolition of racial segregation in South Africa.

1990 October 3 - Completion of the unification of Germany.

1990 November - Signing of the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe and the Charter of Paris for a New Europe.

1991-1992 - disintegration of Yugoslavia. The beginning of national clashes.

1991 June 28 - Dissolution of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance.

1991 July 1 dissolution of the Warsaw Pact.

1992-1995 - ethnic conflict in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

1992 BC - Declaration by Russia and the United States on the end of the Cold War.

1993 January 1 - the collapse of Czechoslovakia. Formation of the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic.

1993 January 3 - the signing in Moscow of the Treaty on the Reduction of Strategic Offensive Arms (START-2).

1994 August - completion of the withdrawal of Russian troops from Germany.

March 1999June - NATO military operation against the Republic of Yugoslavia in connection with the ethnic conflict in Kosovo.

September 2001, 11 - terrorist attacks on the American capitals of New York and Washington, carried out by members of the international extremist organization Al-Qaeda. The beginning of an anti-terrorist operation by an international coalition with the leading participation of the United States, first in Afghanistan and then in other regions of the world.

2003, March-May - US invasion of Iraq. The overthrow of Saddam Hussein's regime.

2003 November - Rose Revolution in Georgia. Resignation from the presidency of E. A. Shevardnadze.

2004 November - "orange revolution" in Ukraine. Election of Viktor Yushchenko as President of Ukraine.

2006 May - Partition of Serbia and Montenegro.

Author: Volkova K.V.

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Artificial leather for touch emulation 15.04.2024

In a modern technology world where distance is becoming increasingly commonplace, maintaining connection and a sense of closeness is important. Recent developments in artificial skin by German scientists from Saarland University represent a new era in virtual interactions. German researchers from Saarland University have developed ultra-thin films that can transmit the sensation of touch over a distance. This cutting-edge technology provides new opportunities for virtual communication, especially for those who find themselves far from their loved ones. The ultra-thin films developed by the researchers, just 50 micrometers thick, can be integrated into textiles and worn like a second skin. These films act as sensors that recognize tactile signals from mom or dad, and as actuators that transmit these movements to the baby. Parents' touch to the fabric activates sensors that react to pressure and deform the ultra-thin film. This ... >>

Petgugu Global cat litter 15.04.2024

Taking care of pets can often be a challenge, especially when it comes to keeping your home clean. A new interesting solution from the Petgugu Global startup has been presented, which will make life easier for cat owners and help them keep their home perfectly clean and tidy. Startup Petgugu Global has unveiled a unique cat toilet that can automatically flush feces, keeping your home clean and fresh. This innovative device is equipped with various smart sensors that monitor your pet's toilet activity and activate to automatically clean after use. The device connects to the sewer system and ensures efficient waste removal without the need for intervention from the owner. Additionally, the toilet has a large flushable storage capacity, making it ideal for multi-cat households. The Petgugu cat litter bowl is designed for use with water-soluble litters and offers a range of additional ... >>

The attractiveness of caring men 14.04.2024

The stereotype that women prefer "bad boys" has long been widespread. However, recent research conducted by British scientists from Monash University offers a new perspective on this issue. They looked at how women responded to men's emotional responsibility and willingness to help others. The study's findings could change our understanding of what makes men attractive to women. A study conducted by scientists from Monash University leads to new findings about men's attractiveness to women. In the experiment, women were shown photographs of men with brief stories about their behavior in various situations, including their reaction to an encounter with a homeless person. Some of the men ignored the homeless man, while others helped him, such as buying him food. A study found that men who showed empathy and kindness were more attractive to women compared to men who showed empathy and kindness. ... >>

Random news from the Archive

Gamma rays preserve wood 15.06.2003

French physicists have used radioactive irradiation to preserve fishing boats that are about six thousand years old.

Under water or in moist soil, wood can be stored for thousands of years, but when it comes into contact with air, it quickly collapses. Boats, the so-called odnoderevki, hollowed out of oak trunks 5-6 meters long, were found last year near the banks of the Seine near Paris.

First, the finds were soaked in special baths with synthetic resin - this took several months. Then they were placed for a day in a chamber with one and a half meter concrete walls, where a beam of gamma rays from a nuclear reactor was directed. Radiation, firstly, caused the polymerization of the resin, gluing the wood ready to crumble; secondly, it killed microbes and fungi that could cause decay.

Previously, the wooden parts of the Titanic, raised from the bottom of the Atlantic, underwent the same treatment. Now boats proving that Paris is 4000 years older than historians have thought so far are on display at the Paris History Museum.

News feed of science and technology, new electronics


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