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Russian language. Final tests: briefly, the most important

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This manual presents the final test items for elementary school students. They are designed in accordance with the curriculum of elementary school. These works are supposed to be carried out when summarizing and repeating the studied material for the elementary school course. Part of the lesson or the whole lesson is allotted for testing. Children read the task on their own, comprehend it, choose the correct answer and write it on the tablet. And you can write down the number of the task on a sheet or in a notebook, and then the correct answer. Students are given a choice of several answers, among which there may be several correct ones. Testing is assessed by levels: excellent level - 95 - 100% of tasks are completed, good level - 80 - 94% of tasks are completed, average level - 51 - 79% of tasks are completed, low level - up to 50% of tasks are completed.

This manual will help schoolchildren to consolidate and repeat a variety of skills in the Russian language for the elementary school course.

Test 1

1. Choose the letter you want to put in the words

ob... zvat, obd... lyat, obm... ryat, obr... zat.

1) i 2) e 3) and

2. Choose the words that are misspelled.

1) friend

2) narrow

3) kluf

4) rare

5) beds

6) circle

3. Choose the words that match the pattern

root? suffix ? the ending.

1) road

2) color

3) cabbage

4) walk

5) nine

6) friend

4. In what cases is it necessary to write together?

1) (on) the river

2) (on) drew

3) (under) birch

4) (under) birch

5) (with) friends

6) (c) sculpt

5. Determine which words have more letters than sounds.

1) antenna

2) albatross

3) mirror

4) fair

5) rye

6) ulcerative

6. Determine which words have all the vowels of the 2nd row.

1) rulers

2) booties

3) herring

4) bakery

5) rubber bands

6) tap dance

7. Determine in which words the stress falls on the 1st syllable.

1) deck

2) hair

3) beef

4) dishes

5) turquoise

6) bulb

8. Which of these words are nouns?

1) greens

2) flies

3) building

4) turns green

5) pilot

6) build

9. What words end with the letter I?

1) from the middle ear

2) intoxicating .. th aroma

3) without a good friend

4) in the next entrance

5) near the red cat

6) with good eyesight

10. Find definitions.

1 2 3 4 5 6

Bright stars shine in the sky.

Test 2

1. Choose words with unstressed vowels that cannot be checked by stress.

1) potatoes

2) soldier

3) root

4) left-handed

5) swan

6) friend

2. Select the words where you want to insert a letter.

1) cabbage ... ny

2) terrible ... ny

3) dangerous ...

4) miraculous

5) sub ... ota

6) forest ... nice

3. Choose the words with the prefix CO-.

1) dog

2) falcon

3) fellow

4) co-author

5) advise

6) nightingale

4. Choose the words that are misspelled.

1) cast iron

2) red

3) boss

4) fluffy

5) clock

6) swifts

5. Determine which words have more sounds than letters.

1) frost

2) donkey

3) drinks

4) iris

5) tree

6) lighthouse

6. Determine which words have all the vowels of the 1nd row.

1) slowed down

2) rinse

3) photographer

4) cackle

5) camouflage

6) fluffy

7. Determine in which words the stress falls on the 3st syllable.

1) sink

2) mitt

3) outskirts

4) vacuum cleaner

5) caricature

6) dried apricots

8. Specify the nouns of the 2nd declension.

1) in the cradle

2) in bed

3) in the crib

4) in the barn

5) in a puddle

6) in the city

9. Which words end with the letter E?

1) in early childhood

2) about yesterday's walk

3) in a blooming garden

4) for good ... m health

5) under the winter coat

6) with today's youth

10. Indicate the numbers of incorrectly written word combinations.

Crossbills clean cones from husks and find edible seeds in them.

1) clean the bumps

2) crossbills clean

3) find in them

4) bumps from the husk

5) peel off the husk

6) find seeds

Test 3

1. Choose the words where you need to put the letter B.

1) alas...ka

2) pig ... b

3) snowy...

4) goo...ka

5) something ... something

6) script...

2. Choose the words where you need to put b.

1) watchman...

2) brooch...

3) lies...

4) violinist...

5) midnight...

6) barbel...

3. Choose the words where you need to put the letter E in the suffix.

1) drummer ... to

2) rain ... howl

3) red ... wadded

4) welcoming

5) albumch...k

6) living ... l

4. Select the word combinations with errors.

1) red poppy

2) white mushroom

3) Olga Vasilievna

4) Zhenya Somov

5) neighbor Vanya

6) Bark beetle

5. Determine in which words the letters E, E, Yu, I denote two sounds.

1) hedgehog

2) food

3) lily

4) name

5) hygiene

6) bath

6. Determine in which words the consonants represent soft consonants.

1) worms

2) funny people

3) liver

4) orange

5) hearts

6) piano

7. Determine in which words the stress falls on the 2st syllable.

1) treatment

2) mathematics

3) jupiter

4) satiety

5) girl

6) offend

8. Specify the nouns of the 3nd declension.

1) stump

2) shadow

3) king

4) lantern

5) locksmith

6) mole

9. Select the word combinations with errors.

1) from a smoldering ember

2) to unrestrained barking

3) from universal joy

4) on the stepfather's edge

5) by hot palm

6) without a bodrov march

10. Specify the number of words after which you need to put a comma.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

We chop down dead trees, saw them and chop them.

Test 4

1. Choose the words where you need to put the letter A.

1) m ... scale

2) nak ... solder

3) to ... slammed


5) mur ... vii


2. Choose the words where you need to put the letter T.

1) grapes...

2) pasture...bishche

3) ornament...

4) yago ... ka

5) fell ... ka

6) cops...tse

3. Choose the letter you want to put in the words

sluggish ... l, stro ... l, saying ... l, curtain ... l.

1) i 2) e 3) and

4. Select the word combinations with errors.

1) manual predator

2) sew a caftan

3) predatory pike

4) sister Tanechka

5) you can't walk

6) babysit a chick

5. Determine in which words the letters E, E, Yu, I represent one sound.

1) young man

2) birch

3) unit

4) opera

5) goose

6) bird cherry

6. Determine in which words all consonants are solid.

1) nightingale

2) nails

3) workpiece

4) slippers

5) threshing

6) dishwasher

7. Determine in which words the stress falls on the 4st syllable.

1) spend the night

2) sanatorium

3) veterinarian

4) cologne

5) raspberry

6) stopwatch

8. Choose the words ending with i.

1) from villages...

2) on (this) tree...

3) on (this) map...

4) at the mother ...

5) in horses ...

6) to the horse...

9. Which words end with the letter E?

1) nose ... t

2) warm ... t

3) vert...m

4) bre...m

5) swear ... sh

6) spread ... t

10. Indicate the numbers of those words that indicate the main members of the sentence.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Rare tree species rise along the edges of the alley.

Test 5

1. Choose the words where you need to put the letter F.

1) bula ... ka

2) fat...

3) telegram...

4) carrot ... ka

5) pugo ... ki

6) scale...

2. Select the words where you want to insert a letter.

1) holiday ... nickname

2) van ... a

3) dangerous ...

4) heart...

5) terrible ... ny

6) miraculous

3. Choose the words that match the pattern

console ? root? the ending.

1) lessons

2) track

3) drifts

4) kindergarten

5) girlfriends

6) transitions

4. Choose the words that are misspelled.

1) briefcase

2) lamplighter

3) power

4) chick

5) caftan

6) vegetable

5. Determine in which words the letters E, E, Yu, I represent two sounds.

1) storm

2) line

3) arena

4) apple

5) study

6) fuss

6. Determine in which words all consonants are deaf.

1) pack

2) chip

3) cassette

4) fir

5) braid

6) six

7. Determine which words cannot be transferred.

1) donkey

2) iris

3) step

4) piano

5) fan

6) marshmallow

8. What words in P. p. have an ending -I?

1) night

2) deer

3) cloth

4) horse

5) lilac

6) steel

9. What words end with the letter I?

1) gulf...m

2) demolition ... t

3) sow ... sh

4) care...t

5) overtaking ... those

6) burning ... t

10. Find definitions.

1 2 3 4 5 6

A sharp autumn wind blows over the forest.

Test 6

1. Choose words with unstressed vowels that cannot be checked by stress.

1) apple

2) heaven

3) birch

4) featherbed

5) excursion

6) singer

2. Choose the words where you need to put the letter Z.

1) shi... ka

2) boom ... ka

3) carpet ... ka

4) landscape...

5) rest...ka

6) at...

3. Choose the words with the suffix -IK.

1) ship...

2) eye...

3) shoe...

4) pancake...

5) sip...

6) beam...

4. Choose the words that are misspelled.

1) million

2) donkey

3) compressor

4) alley

5) group

6) spring

5. Determine which words have more sounds than letters.

1) lizards

2) humor

3) total

4) raisins

5) lampshade

6) can

6. Determine in which words all consonants are voiced.

1) stomach

2) mineral

3) nail

4) store

5) angler

6) reindeer breeder

7. Determine which words are mistranslated.

1) app-lication

2) bi-ven

3) wrestling

4) a-rachis

5) analysis

6) za-yka

8. What words end with the letter I?

1) to Dash...

2) to Siberia...

3) oh mouse...

4) on poplar...

5) in a notebook ...

6) about mouse...

9. Which words end with the letter E?

1) by early morning

2) before a hot lunch

3) in early autumn

4) with fresh ... frost

5) about the flowering alley

6) about fresh aroma

10. Specify the number of words after which you need to put a comma.

1 2 3 4 5 6

Birdies feed and teach chicks to look for

7 8 9 10 11 12

and find worms, bugs and spiders.

Test 7

1. Choose the words that are misspelled.

1) broad-shouldered

2) walked

3) shattered

4) dragged

5) fox

6) started

2. Choose the words where you need to put the letter C.

1) point ... ka

2) apricot...

3) arbu ...

4) beach ... ka

5) matro...

6) iri...ka

3. Choose the words where you need to put the letter E in the suffix.

1) melon ... howl

2) swamp ... swamp

3) cheerful ... nky

4) ram ... on

5) doctor ... wat

6) watermelon ... more

4. Choose the words that are misspelled.

1) fragrant

2) squeak

3) crack

4) hold

5) jackdaw

6) responsive

5. Determine in which words the letters E, E, Yu, I represent one sound.

1) task

2) language

3) messenger

4) ball

5) crumb

6) young

6. Determine in which words all consonants are voiced.

1) shovel

2) shark

3) support

4) arena

5) resentment

6) line

7. Determine which words cannot be transferred.

1) hole

2) quince

3) beehive

4) gadfly

5) glasses

6) hole

8. What words end with the letter I?

1) cherry fruit...

2) in a notebook ...

3) in the village...

4) on a horse...

5) to villages...

6) in a notebook ...

9. Which words end with the letter E?

1) with an annual plant

2) in front of the blue sea

3) about blooming ... youth,

4) from a prophetic dream

5) in a nearby village

6) raging ocean

10. Choose the word numbers that indicate the main members of the sentence.

1 2 3 4 5 6

Frost will freeze water and build fragile

+7 (8)9 10 11 XNUMX XNUMX

and dangerous footbridges across the rivers.

Test 8

1. Choose the words that are misspelled.

1) crucian

2) typo

3) etash

4) iron

5) accordion

6) bird

2. Select the words where you want to insert a letter.

1) group ... a

2) danger ... danger

3) miraculous

4) monthly

5) cabbage ... ny

6) terrible ... ny

3. Choose the words with the prefix na-.

1) pump

2) sticker

3) rider

4) burbot

5) people

6) drink

4. In what cases should you write together?

1) (from) speed

2) (from) sick

3) (without) stopping

4) (without) dangerous

5) (on) sail

6) (by) dress

5. Determine in which words the letters E, E, Yu, I represent one sound.

1) poetry

2) beef

3) skiff

4) hard worker

5) last name

6) iron

6. Determine in which words all consonants are deaf.

1) poster

2) aspen

3) era

4) sedge

5) luck

6) vegetables

7. Determine in which words the stress falls on the 1st syllable.

1) tape recorder

2) firstborn

3) passenger

4) technical school

5) frost

6) pepper

8. Choose the words where you need to put the letter E.

1) on the bed...

2) to the horse...

3) to the bed...

4) on a chain...

5) in a bottle...

6) bottled...

9. Select the word combinations with errors.

1) with devastating criticism

2) over a wide meadow

3) in the endless sea

4) about cat affection

5) with squeaky boots

6) about evening beauty

10. Find add-ons.

+1 (2)3 4 5 XNUMX XNUMX

A light breeze wrinkles the surface of the sea.

Test 9

1. In what words can an unstressed vowel in the root be checked by the word slide?

1) grieve

2) mustard

3) miner

4) mountainous

2. Choose the words where you need to put the letter T.

1) hobo...

2) candy...ka

3) horse ... ka

4) forget...ka

5) pay

6) concert...

3. Choose the words that match the pattern

root? the ending.

1) injections

2) fiction

3) lessons

4) friend

5) roads

6) landfill

4. Select the word combinations with errors.

1) bank of the Neva

2) Maria Petrovna

3) gloomy October

4) Uncle Vasya

5) Ivan Petrovich

6) Vasilyeva Ira

5. Determine which words have more letters than sounds.

1) disheveled

2) schnitzel

3) spruce forest

4) string bag

5) small

6) shampoo

6. Determine in which words all consonants are solid.

1) study

2) marshmallow

3) miracle

4) Saturday

5) chess

6) kayak

7. Determine in which words the stress falls on the 3st syllable.

1) subscriber

2) pickle

3) Monday

4) parchment

5) serpentine

6) watershed

8. Choose the words where you need to put the letter E.

1) about whip...

2) at the mother ...

3) by autumn...

4) to the performance ...

5) handful...

6) in mesh...

9. What words end with the letter I?

1) hold ... m

2) stele...m

3) dry ... sh

4) number ... m


6) oblep ... t

10. Indicate the numbers of incorrectly written word combinations.

At the end of the alley, an old professor sits on a bench under shady ash trees.

1) at the end of the alley

2) the professor is sitting

3) on a bench under the ash trees

4) sits on a bench

5) at the end on the bench

6) old professor

Test 10

1. Choose the words that miss the letter O.

1) sk...sleep

2) d...leko

3) pos...dil


5) forgot...lel

6) x ... lodny

2. Choose the words where you need to put b.

1) speech ...

2) wild...

3) brick...

4) crumb ...

5) small...

6) Muscovite...

3. Choose the words where you need to put the letter E in the suffix.

1) beige

2) potatoes ... on

3) gentle...nky

4) dance

5) apricot ... to

6) ice cream

4. Select the word combinations with errors.

1) at the bench Vanechka

2) Lyudochka's shoes

3) A bug in a trailer

4) lucky mushrooms

5) sit on a stump

6) sparkle with lights

5. Determine in which words the letters E, E, Yu, I denote two sounds.

1) lunch

2) study

3) mind

4) oats

5) fighter

6) punishment

6. Determine in which words the consonants represent soft consonants.

1) loop

2) screw

3) week

4) skullcaps

5) corduroy

6) lilac

7. Determine in which words the stress falls on the 2st syllable.

1) cranberries

2) corn

3) larch

4) strawberries

5) lentils

6) oleander

8. Choose the words where you need to put the letter I.

1) to the rally...

2) to the oven...

3) from pain...

4) about car...

5) on wood...

6) about mouse...

9. Which words end with the letter E?

1) feed ... sh

2) observe ... sh

3) otta...te

4) get in the way ... sh

5) open ... those

6) it is necessary ...

10. Find the circumstances.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Late autumn is coming into its own.

Test 11

1. Choose the words where you need to put the letter G.

1) sheep...

2) pow...

3) pyro...

4) eye...

5) ko...ty

6) kula...

2. Choose the words where you need to put a separating b.

1) about .. food


3) in ... juniors

4) in ... driving

5) explained ... clarified

6) cut...eaters

3. Name the letter to put in the words

la...l, ve...l, pochu...l, lele...l.

1) i 2) e 3) and

4. Choose the words that are misspelled.

1) territory

2) pine

3) hedgehog

4) red

5) early

6) ton

5. Determine which words have more letters than sounds.

1) teacher

2) more painful

3) mass

4) caramel

5) money

6) filming

6. Determine which words have all the vowels of the 1nd row.

1) cardboard

2) napkin

3) feeder

4) basket

5) light bulb

6) monkey

7. Determine in which words the stress falls on the 4st syllable.

1) for sure

2) talked

3) young

4) collar

5) shard

6) chocolate

8. Determine which words cannot be transferred.

1) clown

2) reception

3) yacht

4) three

5) cloth

6) April

8. Choose the words where you need to put the letter I.

1) to the reed...

2) to the cane...

3) in a notebook ...

4) in a notebook ...

5) to the bone...

6) about stuff...

9. Which words end with the letter E?

1) on a dilapidated roof

2) on the loose ... th coast

3) in front of the future wife

4) older brother

5) in a seething stream

6) to the spring ... sun

10. Find definitions.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

A full moon emerges into the low winter sky.

Test 12

1. Choose the words that are misspelled.

1) bookmark

2) scraper

3) closet

4) elevator

5) pie

6) drosh

2. Choose the words where you need to put b.

1) cake...

2) borscht...

3) bitter...

4) luxury...

5) night...

6) guard...

3. Choose the words with the suffix -EK.

1) vegetable garden...

2) lock...

3) tooth...

4) lamb...

5) emerald...

6) pocket...

4. Choose the words that are misspelled.

1) start

2) dacha

3) drag

4) promise

5) puny

6) weapons

5. Determine in which words the letters E, E, Yu, I represent one sound.

1) drawing

2) belt

3) deer

4) go

5) jacket

6) piano

6. Determine which words have all the vowels of the 2nd row.

1) pants

2) evil

3) vision

4) time

5) wheat

6) oath

7. Determine which words cannot be transferred.

1) jump

2) core

3) study

4) shoots

5) experience

6) spider

8. Choose the words where you need to put the letter I.

1) about beans...

2) on branch...

3) to daughter...

4) on branch...

5) to daughter...

6) about beans...

9. Which words end with the letter E?

1) with sincere joy

2) in a thorny bush

3) about the blooming view

4) in a dense forest ...

5) in a hot pan

6) to the spring ... sun

10. Specify the number of words after which you need to put a comma

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

We return from the forest, go out to the edge and rest.

Test 13

1. Select the words where you want to insert a letter.

1) forest ... nice

2) kilogram...

3) with ... nce

4) danger ... danger

5) holiday ... nickname

6) miraculous

2. Choose the words where you need to put the letter Z.

1) jump ... ki

2) raw ... ka

3) key

4) crew...

5) girlfriend

6) lava...

3. Choose the words that match the pattern

root? suffix ? the ending.

1) bee

2) coil

3) little animal

4) dance

5) mud

6) hands

4. Select the word combinations with errors.

1) switchman's daughter

2) bitter radish

3) rag fox

4) Lilechka's ring

5) toy pen

6) drummer's dream

5. Determine which words have more letters than sounds.

1) mouse

2) say

3) cashier

4) solder

5) go up

6) go

6. Determine which words have all the vowels of the 2nd row.

1) premium

2) reading

3) hastily

4) Slavs

5) tribe

6) scallop

7. Determine which words are mistranslated.

1) balloon

2) a-jour

3) pe-sk

4) in-dus

5) o-boo

6) shirt

8. Choose the words where you need to put the letter E.

1) about a speck of dust ...

2) about dust...

3) by carrots...

4) in a notebook ...

5) for carrots...

6) about little things...

9. Select the word combinations with errors.

1) to a clumsy baby

2) to fierce punishment

3) about a squealing dog

4) to sincere joy

5) from sinister darkness

6) with sticky tongue

10. Indicate the numbers of the words that indicate the main members of the sentence.

1 2 3 4 5 6

At dawn, the fog over the swamp disappears.

Test 14

1. Choose the words where you need to put the letter D.

1) eno...

2) re ... cue

3) convert...

4) people...

5) barkha...

6) marmela...

2. Choose the words that are misspelled.

1) announcement

2) ran over

3) ate

4) ate

5) loach

6) entry

3. Choose the words with the prefix O-.

1) ravine

2) run around

3) has lunch

4) protects

5) got rich

6) deer

4. In what cases is it necessary to write together?

1) (to) guess

2) (on) the head

3) (under) run

4) (under) a glass

5) (c) knit

6) (with) knitting

5. Determine in which words the letters E, E, Yu, I represent two sounds.

1) woodpecker

2) doggie

3) stall

4) solder

5) tube

6) jumble

6. Determine which words have all the vowels of the 1nd row.

1) cardboard

2) sneaky

3) old woman

4) hat

5) spring

6) lace

7. Determine in which words the stress falls on the 1st syllable.

1) marzipan

2) barley

3) affectionate

4) act

5) chest

6) mink

8. Which words end with the letter E?

1) about the magnet...

2) to coins...

3) oh baby...

4) without mower...

5) on the fir...

6) oh wisdom...

9. What words end with the letter I?

1) get ... those

2) drift ... t

3) wind...t

4) breathe...t

5) add ... t

6) buy...t

10. Indicate the numbers of the words that indicate the main members of the sentence.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Squirrels rushed along the fence of the old apiary in a friendly gang.

Test 15

1. Choose the words where you need to put the letter S.

1) mane...

2) plus ... ki

3) shorts

4) roma ... ka

5) shirt ... ki

6) fall...

2. Choose words with unpronounceable consonants.

1) beautiful ... but

2) pos... but

3) forest ... nice

4) whistle... zero

5) fresh

6) taste... but

3. Choose the words that match the pattern

root? suffix ? null ending.

1) worm

2) player

3) tailed

4) joker

5) whistle

6) signalman

4. Choose the words that are misspelled.

1) tea

2) awl

3) launch

4) typewriter

5) feeling

6) let go

5. Determine which words have more sounds than letters.

1) lunch

2) young

3) language

4) goes

5) fighter

6) study

6. Determine in which words the consonants represent soft consonants.

1) quail

2) barley

3) cups

4) summer residents

5) teapots

6) predators

7. Determine in which words the stress falls on the 3st syllable.

1) drummer

2) bell

3) small

4) additional

5) collar

6) snuffbox

8. Which words end with the letter E?

1) about breakfast...

2) by tow...

3) with sirens...

4) about an oval...

5) on a nut ...

6) without husks...

9. What words end with the letter I?

1) cut ... t

2) bed ... t

3) remember ... those

4) turn ... t

5) fit ... t

6) see ... sh

10. Specify the word number after which you want to put a comma.

1 2 3 4 5 6

The chicks walk along the grass path.

Test 16

1. Choose the words that miss the letter A.

1) pos...lil

2) n ... ch

3) pos...dil

4) d...leko

5) h...owl worker

6) g...kind

2. Choose the words where you need to put the letter C.

1) bite...


3) space...


5) hay...

6) gro... chik

3. Choose the words where you need to put the letter I in the suffix.

1) way... to

2) friendly

3) big ... howl

4) people ... shko

5) beggar ... nka

6) bear ...

4. Choose the words that are misspelled.

1) hockey

2) snowdrift

3) puddles

4) highway

5) bath

6) terrace

5. Determine in which words the letters E, E, Yu, I represent one sound.

1) baker

2) love

3) language

4) skirt

5) tent

6) single

6. Determine in which words all consonants are solid.

1) bottom

2) button

3) rose

4) boat

5) tower

6) flycatcher

7. Determine in which words the stress falls on the 2st syllable.

1) orchid

2) lily of the valley

3) buttercup

4) water lily

5) lily

6) snowdrop

8. Specify the nouns of the 2nd declension.

1) about the doctor ...

2) at the film ...

3) from rail...

4) according to newspapers...

5) about the loader...

6) near the lair...

9. Which words end with the letter E?

1) from the current day

2) to a dormant person

3) before the winter trip

4) over the raging ... ocean

5) in the middle ear

6) in a dense ... m forest

10. Indicate the numbers of incorrectly written word combinations.

On a long, shaggy branch of an old Christmas tree, an owl twirls its beak.

1) owl twirls

2) owl beak

3) twirls on a branch

4) on a tree branch

5) old Christmas tree

6) on a hairy branch

Test 17

1. Choose the words that are misspelled.

1) master

2) nails

3) lick

4) tree

5) mood

6) cheat

2. Choose the words where you need to put a separating b.

1) in ... south

2) volume ... eat

3) explained ... clarified

4) explained ... clarified

5) with ... rode

6) under ... led

3. Choose the words with the prefix OB-.

1) fry

2) blame

3) oblige

4) run around

5) doom

6) tie

4. Choose the words that are misspelled.

1) giraffe

2) farewell

3) animals

4) meeting

5) gloves

6) pin

5. Determine in which words the letters E, E, Yu, I represent two sounds.

1) tongue

2) frail

3) hedgehog

4) coal

5) tent

6) dry

6. Determine in which words all consonants are deaf.

1) shield

2) boiling water

3) pedestrian

4) captain

5) cockerel

6) helmet

7. Determine in which words the stress falls on the 4st syllable.

1) chameleon

2) wagtail

3) garbage chute

4) lark

5) lightning rod

6) ventilation

8. Which words end with the letter E?

1) to liver...

2) about the gate...

3) to the album...

4) along the kennel ...

5) About April...

6) on a wart...

9. What words end with the letter I?

1) to wolfish ... appetite

2) in front of a drifting ice floe

3) to the winter landscape

 4) on a centennial tree

5) about weeping willow

6) to the nearest village

10. Choose the words that indicate the main parts of the sentence.

1 2 3 4 5 6

Holes appeared on the white tablecloth.

Test 18

1. Choose the words where you need to put the letter P.

1) know...

2) tulu...

3) yu...ka

4) scream



2. Choose the words where you need to put b.

1) goulash...

2) hush...

3) thing...

4) tornado...

5) birth...

6) jumble...

3. Choose the words with the suffix -IK.

1) cornflower...

2) donkey...

3) vest...

4) peas...

5) bow...

6) lump...

4. Choose the words that are spelled together.

1) (c) carried

2) (by) worked

3) (c) forest

4) (c) nose

5) (for) work

6) (c) climbed

5. Determine which words have more letters than sounds.

1) leftovers

2) union

3) sweetie

4) sculpt

5) locksmith

6) thing

6. Determine in which words all consonants are voiced.

1) liana

2) idea

3) birch

4) raspberries

5) flora

6) paper

7. Determine which words cannot be transferred.

1) bright

2) lizard

3) other

4) hoop

5) boa constrictor

6) grip

8. What words end with the letter I?

1) on halibut...

2) by cab...

3) in a helicopter...

4) to the ladies ...

5) in the description...

6) about fraction...

9. Select the word combinations with errors.

1) with aromatic oil

2) for the Ussuri tiger

3) from a dazzling beam

4) on the lower floors

5) over paradise

6) from burning hatred

10. Indicate the numbers of incorrectly written word combinations.

At the water's edge near the remains of a wooden gazebo lie boats.

1) at the water's edge

2) gazebos lie

3) remnants of the gazebo

4) wooden gazebo

5) lie near the remains

6) boats lie

Test 19

1. Choose the letter you want to put in the words

l ... stva, floor ... hall, die ... die (friends), sleep ... sat (from the board).

1) f 2) and

2. Choose the words where you need to put a separating b.

1) in ... et

2) in ... south

3) under...drives

4) by ... trains

5) leave ... leave

6) approach ... drive

3. Choose the words that start with the letter S.

1) (h, s) Danice

2) (h, s) give

3) (h, s) blow

4) (h, s) say hello

5) (h, s) cheap

6) (h, s) deal

4. Choose the words that are misspelled.

1) yeast

2) monster

3) vest

4) reins

5) feel

6) area

5. Determine in which words the letters E, E, Yu, I represent one sound.

1) stall

2) spruce

3) five

4) wild

5) cornflower

6) draws

6. Determine in which words all consonants are voiced.

1) lake

2) street

3) berry

4) opera

5) sneak

6) cherry plum

7. Determine which words are mistranslated.

1) re-thread

2) naughty

3) some

4) saturday

5) storm-yang

6) boy

8. Which words end with the letter E?

1) in tasks...

2) by willow...

3) around the embankment...

4) about quadrille ...

5) about binoculars...

6) about tin...

9. What words end with the letter I?

1) reconciliation ... those

2) ma... those

3) tell ... those

4) hear ... m

5) theft ... those

6) be silent ... sh

10. Specify the number of words after which you need to put a comma.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

The end of snowdrifts and sleet and icicles has come.

Test 20

1. Select the words where you want to insert a letter.

1) terrible ... ny

2) with ... nce

3) miraculous

4) monthly

5) beautiful

6) holiday ... nickname

2. Choose words with unpronounceable consonants.

1) valiant ...

2) with ... nce

3) miraculous

4) kind ... ny

5) honest

6) heart...

3. Choose the words that are misspelled.

1) hippo

2) little thing

3) small town

4) umbrella

5) leaf

6) documentary

4. Choose the words that end with b.

1) burly...

2) youth...

3) cake...

4) draw...

5) lily of the valley ...

6) write...

5. Determine in which words the letters E, E, Yu, I represent two sounds.

1) breathing

2) manicure

3) tower

4) losing weight

5) polisher

6) raw

6. Determine in which words all consonants are deaf.

1) young man

2) fuss

3) face

4) science

5) conversation

6) watch

7. Determine which words have all the vowels of the 2nd row.

1) vermicelli

2) vertical

3) gratings

4) fan

5) secretary

6) fives

8. What words end with the letter I?

1) without crust...

2) by night...

3) about gazelles...

4) to spite ....

5) by region...

6) to the glutton...

9. Which words end with the letter E?

1) painted ... m

2) hover...m

3) regrind...t

4) ride ... m

5) rub...m

6) turn ... sh

10. Find the circumstances.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

The branches of trees and shrubs will soon be covered with leaves.

Test 21

1. Choose the words that are misspelled.

1) hut

2) garash

3) kluf

4) watchman

5) friend

6) factory

2. Choose the words where you need to put a separating b.

1) with ... shuddered

2) under ... eat

3) under ... shaft

4) in ... was driving

5) in ... south

6) leaf ... i

3. Choose the letter you want to put in the words

vykach ... l, heard ... l, heard ... l.

1) a 2) e 3) and

4. Select the word combinations with errors.

1) tall maple

2) friend Yura

3) the village of Nechaevo

4) warm May

5) Karbyshev Boulevard

6) Anna Pavlovna

5. Determine which words have more letters than sounds.

1) diet

2) guard

3) entry

4) profit

5) piano

6) blizzard

6. Determine in which words all consonants are solid.

1) distribution

2) dam

3) fringe

4) bandura

5) girlfriend

6) angular

7. Determine in which words the stress falls on the 1st syllable.

1) onion

2) print

3) hotel

4) numeric

5) fir

6) stepdaughter

8. Which words end with the letter E?

1) on the jacket...

2) in shoes...

3) on the rail...

4) about pink ...

5) about the neck...

6) by carrots...

9. What words end with the letter I?

1) red ... horse

2) to the next house

3) with brisk perch

4) at the morning meeting

5) about the dog concert

6) about evening frosts

10. Indicate the numbers of the words that indicate the main members of the sentence.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

From the edge of the grove along the path, traces of a large dog stretched in a chain.

Test 22

1. Choose the words where you need to put the letter O.

1) p ... yasok

2) floor ... ski (underwear)


4) h ... rhodeika

5) cotton cannon

6) t ... ynik

2. Choose the words that are misspelled.

1) shake

2) blood

3) berek

4) kluf

5) east

6) rosky

3. Choose the words that match the pattern

console ? root? null ending.

1) inscription

2) copse

3) painting

4) escape

5) accordionist

6) earpiece

4. Choose the words that are misspelled.

1) squint

2) grab

3) life

4) mshyu

5) hedgehogs

6) kettle

5. Determine in which words the letters E, E, Yu, I represent one sound.

1) new moon

2) willow

3) kitchen

4) tree

5) washes

6) cabin boy

6. Determine in which words the consonants represent soft consonants.

1) rivers

2) fives

3) invisible

4) student

5) tap dance

6) skullcaps

7. Determine in which words the stress falls on the 3st syllable.

1) pillowcase

2) bike race

3) messy

4) Beloruchka

5) nightingale

6) rival

8. What words end with the letter I?

1) on granite...

2) with Christmas trees...

3) by rags...

4) at the melons ...

5) with blackberry...

6) by area...

9. Which words end with the letter E?

1) from hot ... x dinners

2) on the flowering alley

3) along the loose shore

4) oh good ... m harvest

5) to good ... m people

6) at the wilted ... birch

10. Find add-ons.

1 2 3 4 5 6

A cat sits on the porch of a small hut.

Test 23

1. Select the words where you want to insert a letter.

1) forest ... nice

2) honest

3) clear ... clear

4) danger ... danger

5) participant ... nickname

6) furious ... ny

2. Choose the words where you need to put the letter Z.

1) vya ... cue

2) no ... cue

3) plant...

4) say...ka

5) show jumping...

6) drink ... ka

3. Choose the words where you need to put the letter E in the suffix.

1) melon ... howl

2) swamp ... swamp

3) cheerful ... nky

4) ram ... on

5) doctor ... wat

6) watermelon ... more

4. In what cases is it necessary to write together?

1) (to) guess

2) (on) the head

3) (under) run

4) (under) a glass

5) (c) knit

6) (with) knitting

5. Determine which words have more sounds than letters.

1) rides

2) hare

3) go

4) donkey

5) hoopoe

6) union

6. Determine which words have all the vowels of the 1nd row.

1) watermelon

2) fair

3) window

4) load

5) humpback

6) ditty

7. Determine in which words the stress falls on the 2st syllable.

1) forget-me-not

2) violet

3) aster

4) chamomile

5) dahlia

6) carnation

8. Which words end with the letter E?

1) to the fraction...

2) for cutlets ...

3) no gum...

4) by printing...

5) for trout...

6) according to pictures...

9. Select the word combinations with errors.

1) about early childhood

2) at the marble monument

3) from a boxing fist

4) about aching pain

5) about the weeping willow

6) to a teddy bear

10. Indicate the numbers of incorrectly written word combinations.

The wind passes in beautiful waves through the thickets of reeds.

1) the wind passes

2) waves through the thickets

3) through thickets of reeds

4) passes in waves

5) passes through the thickets

6) beautiful waves

Test 24

1. Choose the words where you want to put the letter B.

1) archi...

2) black grouse...

3) geogra...

4) neck...

5) autograph...

6) prunes...

2. Choose the letter you want to put in the words


1) i 2) e 3) and

3. Choose the words that match the pattern

console ? root? the ending.

1) check in

2) crawl

3) hiss

4) beardless

5) fright

6) hairless

4. Choose the words with the prefix PO-.

1) fire

2) late

3) cook

4) vertebra

5) half

6) whitewash

5. Determine in which words the letters E, E, Yu, I represent two sounds.

1) yurt

2) task

3) duckweed

4) drop

5) tape

6) loggia

6. Determine which words have all the vowels of the 2nd row.

1) ferocious

2) unit

3) conductor

4) perimeter

5) treatment

6) stallion

7. Determine in which words the stress falls on the 4st syllable.

1) plumbing

2) electricity

3) air conditioner

4) sink

5) tape recorder

6) boiler

8. Which words end with the letter E?

1) from oil...

2) on the embankment...

3) oh bunny...

4) out of the blue...

5) about drugs...

6) about braid...

9. What words end with the letter I?

1) hammer..m

2) cargo ... m

3) dry ... t

4) view ... m

5) coming ... those

6) you know

10. Find add-ons.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Tourists go to the birch grove across the wasteland.

Test 25

1. Choose the words where the letter E is missing.

1) h ... juice

2) in ... cherok

3) arrived ... sting

4) d...nek

5) pos ... nel

6) l...stock

2. Choose the words where the dividing b is missing.

1) (water)

2) sparrow ... and

3) rook...

4) from ... rode (from the mountain)

5) roll...

6) hush...

3. Choose the words where you need to put the letter I in the suffix.

1) way... to

2) friendly

3) big ... howl

4) people ... shko

5) beggar ... nka

6) bear ...

4. Choose the words that are misspelled.

1) buzzes

2) sensitivity

3) clockmaker

4) garages

5) look

6) beaches

5. Determine in which words the letters E, E, Yu, I represent one sound.

1) yacht

2) foam

3) core

4) heel

5) event

6) lightning

6. Determine which words have all the vowels of the 2nd row.

1) general

2) series

3) lollipop

4) mineral

5) teacher

6) Siberian

7. Determine which words cannot be transferred.

1) January

2) injury

3) raised

4) one

5th floor

6) whipped

8. Which words end with the letter E?

1) to the horizon ...

2) from ribbon...

3) to the new building...

4) about pastel...

5) seriousness...

6) about life...

9. What words end with the letter I?

1) task ... those

2) dry ... m

3) bevel ... those

4) soot ... those

5) turn ... sh

6) chill ... those

10. Specify the word number after which you want to put a comma.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

The guys from the village love to fish on the lake to catch crayfish here.

Test 26

1. Choose the words that are misspelled.

1) shoemaker

2) outfit

3) clove

4) pasture

5) pies

6) light

2. Choose the words where you need to put a separating b.


2) l...ut

3) for ... drove

4) with ... rode

5) announcement ... phenomenon

6) for ... phenomenon

3. Choose the words with the prefix FOR-.

1) smell

2) splinter

3) valve

4) hare

5) strings

6) glow

4. Choose the words that are spelled together.

1) (on) soaped

2) (on) soap

3) (under) ground

4) (under) ground

5) (under)window

6) (under) the window

5. Determine which words have more sounds than letters.

1) iron

2) solder

3) jupiter

4) spider

5) white

6) flutter

6. Determine which words have all the vowels of the 1nd row.

1) price

2) circus performer

3) sunshine

4) pistachios

5) mold

6) oriental

7. Determine in which words the consonants represent soft consonants.

1) less

2) meatballs

3) Christmas trees

4) can't

5) cells

6) tweezers

8. What words end with the letter I?

1) on honeysuckle...

2) about oil...

3) no gauze...

4) about grapes...

5) from pupae...

6) on a lemon ...

9. Which words end with the letter E?

1) about loud voices

2) on the top floor

3) from a blood-sucking insect

4) above the middle finger

5) in front of a red cat

6) under the blue sky

10. Indicate the numbers of the words that indicate the main members of the sentence.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

There is snow on the roofs of country houses and barns.

Test 27

1. Choose the words where you want to put the letter B.

1) polisher

2) gra...

3) any ... b

4) faith ... ka

5) bro...ka

6) procession

2. Choose the letter you want to put in the words

r ... bina, soften ... much, p ... so, straighten ... mite.

1) i 2) e 3) and

3. Choose the words that match the pattern

console ? root? suffix ? the ending.

1) underground

2) color

3) houses

4) transition

5) riddle

6) snowdrop

4. Choose the words where you need to put the letter I in the suffix.

1) enemy ... sky

2) gate ... now

3) acrobat ... ka

4) grapes...on

5) keychain ... to

6) ski ...

5. Determine which words have more letters than sounds.

1) brush

2) herring

3) shooting

4) minx

5) class

6) rise

6. Determine in which words the consonants represent soft consonants.

1) furniture

2) craftsman

3) stallion

4) knight

5) greens

6) quail

7. Determine which words are mistranslated.

1) ring

2) barrier

3) entrance

4) autumn

5) bunny

6) du-bnyak

8. What words end with the letter I?

1) for notes...

2) on the palm ...

3) from the extract ...

4) to green...

5) about buckwheat ...

6) on a bunk...

9. Which words end with the letter E?

1) in front of a mighty giant

2) near the ancient castle

3) prickly ... th bush

4) soft chairs

5) on the upper floors

6) with a poignant heart

10. Indicate the numbers of the words that indicate the main members of the sentence.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Birds roam the gardens in flocks.

Test 28

1. Choose words with unstressed vowels that are checked by stress.

1) breast

2) clearing

3) city

4) month

5) sweet

6) pepper

2. Choose the letter you want to put in the words

in ... rainier, well ... fly, to ... chalka.

1) a 2) o

3. Choose the letter you want to put in the words

se...l, rasta...l, hall...l, zate...l.

1) i 2) e 3) and

4. Select the word combinations with errors.

1) tiny cockroach

2) donuts in a vase

3) juicy tangerine

4) relax under the alder

5) fabulous predator

6) learn to write

5. Determine which words have more sounds than letters.

1) jumble

2) light

3) single

4) duckling

5) anniversary

6) losing weight

6. Determine in which words the letters E, E, Yu, I represent one sound.

1) April

2) nimble

3) campfire

4) label

5) cellar

6) prickly

7. Determine which words cannot be transferred.

1) goes

2) honey agarics

3) harp

4) perch

5) tree

6) knot

8. What words end with the letter I?

1) on the oil can ...

2) cufflink...

3) near the knee...

4) without beans...

5) in October...

6) about courage ...

9. Select the word combinations with errors.

1) across the endless sky

2) to the intoxicating aroma

3) about the shining moon

4) about melodious melody

5) about a sleeping baby

6) with crispy potatoes

10. Find add-ons.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

In the room above the fireplace hangs a picture in a frame.

Test 29

1. Choose words with unstressed vowels that cannot be checked by stress.

1) machine

2) pencil case

3) village

4) conquer

5) being late

6) bad

2. Choose the words where you need to put a separating b.

1) volume ... volume

2) friend ... I

3) with ... rode

4) in ... south


6) with ... able

3. Choose the words that match the pattern

root? suffix ? the ending.

1) evaporation

2) broad-shouldered

3) underwater

4) water

5) garden

6) clear

4. Choose the words that are misspelled.

1) concrete worker

2) dreamer

3) monstrous

4) instigator

5) dreamer

6) orange

5. Determine which words have more letters than sounds.

1) bedroom

2) bumblebee

3) wedding

4) reading

5) entrance

6) loach

6. Determine in which words all consonants are deaf.

1) pitching

2) jacket

3) folder

4) cap

5) kitchen

6) arable land

7. Determine which words have all the vowels of the 2nd row.

1) interest

2) tiger cub

3) cyclamen

4) oilman

5) bearish

6) million

8. Which words end with the letter E?

1) to Astrakhan...

2) from matryoshka...

3) to modesty...

4) for olives...

5) oh biscuit...

6) in a pencil case ...

9. What words end with the letter I?

1) funny ... those

2) kusha...m

3) unscrew ... t

4) spread ... those

5) bend...m

6) add ... t

10. Specify the number of words after which you want to put a comma.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

The air is filled with bird chirping and cheerful trills.

Test 30

1. Choose the letter you want to put in the words

pok ... rmil, under ... wandered, cash ... small, end ... start.

1) a 2) o

2. Choose the words where you need to put the letter Z.

1) carnies...

2) hint...ka

3) kara ... b

4) inscription ... b

5) point ... ka

6) comp...

3. Choose the words with the suffix -EK.

1) rain...

2) bracelet...

3) gift...

4) nail...

5) nut...

6) lump...

4. Choose the words that match the pattern

root? the ending.

1) owl

2) green

3) Georgian

4) book

5) leg

6) paper

5. Determine in which words the letters E, E, Yu, I represent two sounds.

1) rail

2) squirrel

3) portion

4) bright

5) salmon

6) assembly

6. Determine in which words all consonants are voiced.

1) iwashi

2) radio

3) diet

4) city hall

5) hyena

6) machine

7. Determine in which words the consonants represent soft consonants.

1) street

2) burdock

3) pour

4) deer

5) cutter

6) awl

8. Which words end with the letter E?

1) on fabric...

2) to the temple...

3) to the spinning wheel...

4) about a bumblebee...

5) about arrived...

6) for bread...

9. What words end with the letter I?

1) riddle ... t

2) hell...m

3) draw ... sew

4) corral ... t

5) exit ... sh

6) go out ... sh

10. Indicate the numbers of the words that indicate the main members of the sentence.

1 2 3 4 5 6

In the swamp, the voice of a bittern is sometimes heard.

Test 31

1. Choose the words where you need to put the letter P.

1) errors ... ka

2) sha ... ka

3) more ... ka

4) re...ka

5) shu...ka

6) go...ka

2. Choose the words where you need to put a separating b.

1) (water)

2) explained ... clarified

3) under...drives

4) with ... able

5) went ... rode

6) under ... rode

3. Choose the words that start with the letter S.

1) (h, s) give

2) (h, s) giving

3) (h, s) row

4) (h, s) here

5) (h, s) healthy

6) (h, s) burn

4. Choose the words that are spelled together.

1) (along) the coast

2) (along) the bank

3) (by) drag

4) (for) a corner

5) (by) paint

6) (by) paint

5. Determine which words have more sounds than letters.

1) stream

2) jeweler

3) tower

4) coal

5) fuselage

6) core

6. Determine in which words the letters E, E, Yu, I represent two sounds.

1) curb

2) coachman

3) caustic

4) golden eagle

5) campfire

6) amber

7. Determine in which words the stress falls on the 1st syllable.

1) scissors

2) wrinkle

3) furs

4) madam

5) tweezers

6) Friday

8. Which words end with the letter E?

1) about fairy tales...

2) in the hold...

3) about connection...

4) around tiles...

5) in style...

6) to the buttons...

9. What words end with the letter I?

1) with electric kettle

2) about faded fabric

3) from exhausting insomnia

4) from a weeping willow

5) in a bat

6) with blue sea

10. Find definitions.

+1 (2)3 4 5 XNUMX XNUMX

A rare downpour revives the drying herbs.

Test 32

1. Select the words where you want to insert a letter.

1) wet

2) terrible ... ny

3) sad ... ny

4) sail ...

5) non-nas...

6) ugly

2. Choose the letter you want to put in the words

respect ... reap, other ... znilka, in ... bed, well ... groves.

1) a 2) o

3. Choose the words that match the pattern

root? suffix ? null ending.

1) fanged

2) dancer

3) night light

4) whistle

5) predicted

6) bone

4. Select the word combinations with errors.

1) Alyosha's kitten

2) Sokolniki Park

3) Anino village

4) a tributary of the Volga

5) Serezha's father

6) delicious strawberries

5. Determine in which words the letters E, E, Yu, I represent one sound.

1) party

2) cores

3) plant

4) bungler

5) sympathy

6) leech

6. Determine in which words all consonants are deaf.

1) staff

2) pyramid

3) ax handle

4) groom

5) ottoman

6) detective

7. Determine in which words the stress falls on the 3st syllable.

1) charity

2) meat grinder

3) towel

4) flycatcher

5) invisible

6) sugar bowl

8. Which words end with the letter E?

1) on a strand ...

2) by traffic...

3) Oh plush...

4) to the fleet ...

5) on the square...

6) in the buckle...

9. What words end with the letter I?

1) about a long-standing illness

2) along the sucking swamp

3) from sharp ... x winds

4) dense ... th forest

5) winter sports

6) before an ominous storm

10. Specify the number of words after which you need to put a comma.

+1 (2)3 4 5 XNUMX XNUMX

Over rooftops trees groves thickets

+6 (7)8 9 10 XNUMX XNUMX

the sun rose over arable land and copses.

Test 33

1. Choose the words where you need to put the letter B.

1) oh ... ka

2) about ... ka

3) hawk...

4) scor...ka

5) hard ... cue

6) row ... chik

2. Choose the letter you want to put in the words

gl... det, spl... sat, m... sleep, nat... zero.

1) i 2) e 3) and

3. Choose the words that match the pattern

root? the ending.

1) cunning

2) flowers

3) bend

4) forest

5) kids

6) birch

4. Choose the words that are misspelled.

1) chestnut

2) reader

3) predatory

4) tangerine

5) sundress

6) dreamer

5. Determine which words have more letters than sounds.

1) can

2) pickle

3) brick

4) subbotnik

5) sunny

6) meditate

6. Determine in which words all consonants are solid.

1) terry

2) fishing rod

3) awful

4) herringbone

5) berry

6) couch

7. Determine which words have all the vowels of the 1nd row.

1) casket

2) panties

3) darning

4) dragon

5) vocabulary

6) hair

8. Which words end with the letter E?

1) in the slot ...

2) about beets...

3) without fairy tales...

4) near the bees ...

5) around the hole ...

6) about color...

9. Select the word combinations with errors.

1) on a wrinkled forehead

2) to a quick moment

3) about the decisive minute

4) in the middle ear

5) from general opinion

6) to strict views

10. Indicate the numbers of incorrectly written word combinations.

By autumn, a flower will appear on the cactus on a long stem.

1) by autumn on a cactus

2) a flower will appear

3) will appear on the stem

4) will appear on the cactus

5) will appear by autumn

6) a flower on a stem

Test 34

1. Choose the words where you need to put the letter G.

1) veni...

2) soft ... cue

3) re...

4) surgeon...

5) bulldo...

6) cry...

2. Choose the words where the dividing b is missing.

1) s ... ate (soup)

2) wood ... I

3) doctor...

4) l ... eet (rain)

5) raincoat...

6) night...

3. Choose the letter you want to put in the words

spoil ... l, measured ... l, glue ... l, finished ... l.

1) i 2) e 3) and

4. In what cases is it necessary to write together?

1) (pro) run

2) (for) me

3) (in) clothes

4) (pro) leg

5) (for) whistle

6) (c) pour

5. Determine which words have more sounds than letters.

1) egg

2) rise

3) hundred

4) monkey

5) yurt

6) greedy

6. Determine in which words the consonants represent soft consonants.

1) black grouse

2) downpour

3) kissel

4) swan

5) Siberian

6) darkness

7. Determine in which words the stress falls on the 2st syllable.

1) gladiolus

2) geranium

3) nasturtium

4) tulip

5) chrysanthemum

6) daisy

8. Which words end with the letter E?

1) oh pig...

2) from brackets...

3) about the organ grinder ...

4) about the healer ...

5) to surveillance...

6) on the bed...

9. What words end with the letter I?

1) drag ... t

2) hate ... m

3) look ... m

4) catch ... sh

5) light...m

6) redemption ... those

10. Indicate the numbers of the words that indicate the main members of the sentence.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

On the nightstand by the bed is a bouquet of irises in a vase.

Test 35

1. Choose the words that are misspelled.

1) factory

2) low

3) bed

4) jumping

5) beak

6) boots

2. Choose the letter you want to put in the words

in ... new, m ... gat, p ... satel, in ... angry.

1) i 2) e 3) and

3. Choose the words that match the pattern

console ? root? suffix ? null ending.

1) scribe

2) pepper box

3) satellite

4) whistle

5) defender

6) leaks

4. Choose the words that are misspelled.

1) swimming pool

2) neat

3) grammar

4) director

5) mettal

6) autumn

5. Determine which words have more letters than sounds.

1) two

2) comb

3) beet

4) quarrel

5) rakes

6) lead

6. Determine which words have all the vowels of the 1nd row.

1) cheese factory

2) chocolate

3) cracker

4) stool

5) pillowcase

6) purred

7. Determine in which words all consonants are solid.

1) pillow

2) shell

3) skid

4) fluff

5) gum

6) box

8. Determine in which words the stress falls on the 4st syllable.

1) electric shaver

2) player

3) pillowcase

4) TV

5) duvet cover

6) frying pan

9. Which words end with the letter E?

1) about the cabman ...

2) T-shirts...

3) due to mold...

4) without toys...

5) from putty...

6) by chandelier...

10. Find the circumstance.

1 2 3 4 5 6

The crimson of the sky was brightly reflected in the water.

Test 36

1. Find words with unstressed vowels checked by stress.

1) near

2) black

3) get fat

4) tomato

5) smooth

6) wardrobe

2. Choose the words where you need to put the letter S.

1) yo...



4) cake ... ka

5) bow ... ki

6) small...

3. Choose the words where you need to put the letter E in the suffix.

1) fish ... on

2) shower ... chka

3) pancake ... to

4) hot...nky

5) kind ... nka

6) ice cream

4. Choose the words that are misspelled.

1) lemon

2) tinsmith

3) pen

4) collector

5) mast

6) donut

5. Determine in which words the letters E, E, Yu, I represent one sound.

1. History

2) tiger cub

3) stroller

4) watercolor

5) echidna

6) herringbone

6. Determine which words have all the vowels of the 2nd row.

1) funny

2) drake

3) pension

4) tweezers

5) copse

6) meatballs

7. Determine which words cannot be transferred.

1) break

2) teach

3) sauce

4) shreds

5) ear

6) open

8. What words end with the letter I?

1) in raspberry...

2) about glaze...

3) in letters...

4) about the accountant...

5) near the buttons...

6) in a spiral...

9. Which words end with the letter E?

1) about an exciting conversation

2) about oppressive ... anxiety

3) in a New Year's gift

4) to exhausting heat

5) in a skinny cow

6) fizzy drink

10. Find definitions.

+1 (2)3 4 5 XNUMX XNUMX

The warm evening sun illuminates the wonderful

+6 (7)8 9 10 XNUMX XNUMX

the near valley and the distant mountains.

Test 37

1. Choose the words that are misspelled.

1) awkward

2) getting dirty

3) goat

4) pearl

5) sheep

6) scraper

2. Choose the words where you need to put b.

1) in ... south

2) friend ... I

3) voluminous ...

4) mouse...

5) hut...

6) roll...

3. Choose the words with the prefix NAD-.

1) break

2) hope

3) inscription

4) homeworker

5) superstructure

6) get bored

4. Choose the words that are spelled together.

1) (by) gold

2) (for) gold

3) (from) voice

4) (on) a candle

5) (pro) candle

6) (from) voice

5. Determine in which words the letters E, E, Yu, I represent two sounds.

1) skirt

2) terrible

3) nonsense

4) darkness

5) tape measure

6) hostess

6. Determine which words have all the vowels of the 2nd row.

1) clean

2) patience

3) engineer

4) inventory

5) sympathy

6) vigorous

7. Determine in which words all consonants are solid.

1) blot

2) cuckoo

3) little hand

4) lawn

5) guess

6) mermaid

8. Which words end with the letter E?

1) in a boarding school ...

2) on th...

3) by deck...

4) to lipstick...

5) in newspapers...

6) in the trough...

9. What words end with the letter I?

1) to the housewife

2) about enchanting sounds

3) for royal servants

4) neighboring entrance

5) to good ... m people

6) from hot sausage

10. Specify the number of words after which you need to put a comma.

+1 (2)3 4 5 XNUMX XNUMX

The flowers smiled at the bees and midges

6 7 8 9

frogs, mice and lizards.

Test 38

1. Choose words with unstressed vowels that cannot be checked by stress.

1) goddess

2) divination

3) sparrow

4) luggage

5) wave

6) magpie

2. Choose the words where you need to put a separating b.

1) went ... rode

2) taught ... taught

3) announced ... announced

4) appeared ... appeared

5) under...drives

6) under ... dark

3. Choose the words that match the pattern

root? null ending.

1) cook

2) rain

3) hike

4) hawk

5) iron

6) burbot

4. In what cases should you write together?

1) (in) circle

2) (from) mink

3) (of) draw

4) (from) crown

5) (from) shine

6) (in) fire

5. Determine which words have more sounds than letters.

1) skirt

2) yacht

3) bright

4) cherry

5) quince

6) chameleon

6. Determine which words have all the vowels of the 1nd row.

1) little mermaid

2) flycatcher

3) juicer

4) nightingale

5) mousetrap

6) dry food

7. Determine in which words the stress falls on the 1st syllable.

1) whatnot

2) reading room

3) fern

4) loop

5) chicks

6) refrigerator

8. What words end with the letter I?

1) from attacks...

2) to the husks...

3) in wheels...

4) to the mol...

5) about macaques...

6) around the alphabet ...

9. Select the word combinations with errors.

1) about one-way traffic

2) near small legs

3) in prickly bristles

4) about sharp sounds

5) about universal peace

6) to the Himalayan bear

10. Find definitions.

1 2 3 4 5 6

A misty haze lay in the green valley.

Test 39

1. Select the words where you want to insert a letter.

1) kind ... ny

2) chu...stvo

3) fresh

4) diamond ... ny

5) monthly

6) cabbage ... ny

2. Choose the letter you want to put in the words

sbl ... reap, n ... smo, podm ... bend, n ... sat.

1) i 2) e 3) and

3. Choose the words where you need to put the letter I in the suffix.

1) salad bowl

2) barmaid ... tsa

3) bell ... to

4) glazing ... to

5) talented

6) conn ... ca

4. Indicate the word, the structure of which corresponds to the scheme

console ? root? suffix ? the ending.

1) talked

2) field

3) arrive

3) on a hike

4) roadside

6) creeping

5. Determine in which words the letters E, E, Yu, I represent one sound.

1) tape measure

2) wick

3) brush

4) aunt

5) tea

6) spruce forest

6. Determine in which words the consonants represent soft consonants.

1) strainers

2) letter

3) nannies

4) clean

5) vermicelli

6) loops

7. Determine in which words all consonants are deaf.

1) package

2) peace

3) honor

4) arctic fox

5) flood

6) nickel

8. Which words end with the letter E?

1) about power...

2) near mice...

3) on tits ...,

4) on sinks...

5) in turmoil...

6) about the knight ...

9. What words end with the letter I?

1) strict ... sh

2) annoy...t

3) race ... sh

4) start ... you

5) trump ... t

6) bed ... sh

10. Find all personal pronouns.

1) I

2) but

3) we

4) he

5) in

6) him

Test 40

1. Choose words with unstressed vowels that are checked by stress.

1) book

2) cucumber

3) language

4) oats

5) crawl

6) throw

2. Choose words with unpronounceable consonants.

1) wordless ... ny

2) mustache

3) oblique ...

4) star ... ny

5) iron ...

6) holiday ... nickname

3. Choose the words that start with the letter B.

1) (v, f) lacon

2) (c, f) gardener

3) (c, f) write

4) (c, f) bite

5) (v, f) lux

6) (v, f) glue

4. Choose the words that match the pattern

console ? root? null ending.

1) smell

2) trim

3) bend

4) suburb

5) belt

6) exhaust

5. Determine which words have more sounds than letters.

1) efficient

2) lecture

3) vigorous

4) apple tree

5) desert

6) peat

6. Determine in which words all consonants are solid.

1) slingshot

2) dryer

3) sweatshirt

4) chamomile

5) son

6) butterfly

7. Determine in which words the stress falls on the 3st syllable.

1) shell

2) fox

3) commander

4) mitten

5) for sure

6) midshipman

8. What words end with the letter I?

1) no turtles...

2) on the steering wheel...

3) around rulers...

4) oh scarecrow...

5) about roll...

6) in jumble...

9. Which words end with the letter E?

1) learn ... t

2) draw ... those

3) hall...t

4) melt ... t

5) gulf...m

6) drum...t

10. Choose the words that indicate the main parts of the sentence.

+1 (2)3 4 5 XNUMX XNUMX

The bitter cold stung his reddened cheeks.

Test 41

1. Choose the words where you need to put the letter Y.

1) r...bin

2) tr...shield

3) m ... sleep

4) r ... dovoy

5) l... zhachiy

6) light...teel

2. Choose the words where you need to put b.

1) rise ... eat

2) in ... juniors

3) borscht...

4) small...

5) thing...

6) roll...

3. Choose the words that match the pattern

console ? root? suffix ? the ending.

1) baking

2) welding

3) stub

4) thoughtful

5) predicted

6) bookmark

4. Choose the words that are spelled together.

1) (under) glass

2) (under) water

3) (under) ear

4) (under) cup

5) (under) water

6) (under) ear

5. Determine which words have more letters than sounds.

1) tuber

2) inferior

3) opinion

4) sleek

5) youth

6) grind

6. Determine in which words all consonants are voiced.

1) rowan

2) homeland

3) comma

4) lizard

5) blackberry

6) gallery

7. Determine in which words the stress falls on the 2st syllable.

1) dragonfly

2) cricket

3) ant

4) grasshopper

5) butterfly

6) horsefly

8. Which words end with the letter E?

1) like around...

2) by lanes...

3) about motherland ...

4) without reed...

5) to the town hall...

6) oh dove...

9. What words end with the letter I?

1) on a shiny brooch

2) at crazy speed

3) in front of a jubilant crowd

4) about a distant ... explosion

5) whistling boy

6) good news

10. Find definitions.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

The last stars were dying out in the brightening firmament.

Test 42

1. Choose the words where you need to put the letter K.

1) plus...

2) tan...

3) prodro...

4) light ... cue

5) rabbits...

6) paportni...

2. Choose words with unpronounceable consonants.

1) safe...but

2) ugly

3) furious ... ny

4) sad

5) diamond

6) cabbage ... .ny

3. Choose the words with the prefix C-.

1) tearful

2) fresh

3) bundle

4) cricket

5) welder

6) landfill

4. Choose the words that are misspelled.

1) overseer

2) welder

3) dream

4) mast

5) postman

6) drummer

5. Determine which words have more sounds than letters.

1) fair

2) opening

3) comedian

4) barley

5) seamstress

6) stage

6. Determine in which words all consonants are deaf.

1) cock

2) salute

3) dead end

4) tailoring

5) bruise

6) cap

7. Determine in which words the stress falls on the 4st syllable.

1) salad bowl

2) blouse

3) economist

4) gateway

5) low shoes

6) car

8. What words end with the letter I?

1) to the huts...

2) in slit...

3) no dogs...

4) on spindles...

5) in a wig...

6) in autumn...

9. Which words end with the letter E?

1) about strong ... teeth

2) without giant ... x clouds

3) in a bear ... den

4) with autumn ... evenings

5) through the dense ... forest

6) with prickly hedgehogs

10. Indicate the numbers of the words that indicate the main members of the sentence.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

A sharp wind drives the dancing waves to the gently sloping shores.

Test 43

1. Choose words with unstressed vowels that cannot be checked by stress.

1) scatter

2) salute

3) dove

4) rocket

5) Moscow

6) head

2. Choose the words where you need to put b.

1) hoop...

2) birth...

3) daughter ....

4) raincoat...

5) thing...

6) garage...

3. Choose the letter you want to put in the words

hung ... l, saw ... l, hated ... l, resentment ... l.

1) i 2) e 3) and

4. Choose the words that are misspelled.

1) crystal

2) tennis

3) application

4) Rimma

5) thunder

6) grams

5. Determine which words have more sounds than letters.

1) January

2) berry

3) adopted

4) cotton

5) flock

6) yacht

6. Determine in which words all consonants are solid.

1) fontanel

2) chest

3) stockade

4) saxophone

5) cellophane

6) crimson

7. Determine which words cannot be transferred.

1) embed

2) fishing

3) hut

4) fell

5) young

6) Julia

8. Which words end with the letter E?

1) on Sarah...

2) about tusks...

3) in July...

4) on an oval...

5) into a lemon...

6) in notebooks ...

9. Select the word combinations with errors.

1) with loud voices

2) without bee honey

3) from scalding frost

4) with fine hearing

5) around a deserted place

6) by winter hat

10. Specify the number of words after which you need to put a comma.

1 2 3 4 5 6

On the lawn, a puppy runs among dandelions

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

buttercups and clover for butterflies and bees and moths.

Test 44

1. Choose the words that are misspelled.

1) boot

2) low

3) beak

4) reeds

5) storoshi

6) jumping

2. Choose words with unpronounceable consonants.

1) run ... nickname

2) non-nas...

3) heavenly

4) next ...

5) sail ...

6) lovely

3. Choose the words with the prefix iz-.

1) avoid

2) eternal

3) sorry

4) wrong side

5) emerald

6) graceful

4. Choose the words that are spelled together.

1) (on) construction

2) (on) construction

3) (turnkey)

4) (connect) connect

5) (from) the city

6) (from) fence

5. Determine which words have more sounds than letters.

1) echidna

2) relay race

3) cell

4) loggia

5) needles

6) Christmas trees

6. Determine in which words the consonants represent soft consonants.

1) monster

2) name day

3) kefir

4) Physics

5) brooms

6) singer

7. Determine in which words all consonants are voiced.

1) sable

2) week

3) knot

4) duck

5) diver

6) sleepwalker

8. Which words end with the letter E?

1) sea...

2) about water...

3) on the bed...

4) smooth...

5) in rooms...

6) in blankets...

9. What words end with the letter I?

1) kolysh ... t

2) notice ... sh

3) search ... t

4) underestimate ... t

5) prick ... sh

6) clean...m

10. Indicate the numbers of the words that indicate the main members of the sentence.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

A weather vane spins on a spire on the roof of the gazebo.

Test 45

1. Choose the words where you need to put the letter K.

1) languages...

2) yu...

3) sound...

4) but...ty

5) iron...

6) inside...

2. Choose the letter you want to put in the words

k... nyushnya, s... wreath, m... stitches, corner... lok.

1) a 2) o

3. Choose the words that match the pattern

console ? root? suffix ? null ending.

1) treat

2) list

3) plantain

4) assistant

5) takes off

6) under-mirror

4. Choose the words that are misspelled.

1) concrete worker

2) dreamer

3) monstrous

4) instigator

5) dreamer

6) orange

5. Determine in which words the letters E, E, Yu, I represent two sounds.

1) reproach

2) highlight

3) eclair

4) caustic

5) ladle

6) nimble

6. Determine which words have all the vowels of the 1nd row.

1) chores

2) jump

3) plasterer

4) outside

5) trumpeter

6) cracker

7. Determine in which words the stress falls on the 1st syllable.

1) relative

2) feel

3) edelweiss

4) hello

5) mother of pearl

6) rakes

8. What words end with the letter I?

1) on the path ...

2) about grandfathers ...

3) on wood...

4) about autumn...

5) in a snowdrift ...

6) in shoes...

9. Which words end with the letter E?

1) near a creaky tree

2) at the roaring river

3) about May beetles

4) groaning ... sick

5) to the inner pocket

6) behind a drifting ice floe

10. Indicate the numbers of incorrectly written word combinations.

Soon the bright scorching sun will reflect in small puddles.

1) in small puddles

2) soon in puddles

3) soon the sun

4) reflected in puddles

5) the sun will be reflected

6) scorching sun

Test 46

1. Choose words with unstressed vowels that are checked by stress.

1) fox

2) driver

3) frost

4) slightly

5) cheapness

6) fruity

2. Choose the words where you need to put b.

1) brother ... me

2) with ... huddled

3) sparrow ... and

4) mouse...

5) reeds...

6) borscht...

3. Choose the words with the prefix PERE.

1) transportation

2) reroll

3) pepper box

4) membrane

5) quail

6) dressing

4. Choose the words that are misspelled.

1) racer

2) housing

3) buoy man

4) read

5) predator

6) bath attendant

5. Determine which words have more letters than sounds.

1) mold

2) eat up

3) how much

4) to bother

5) loach

6) look

6. Determine which words have all the vowels of the 2nd row.

1) wick

2) midget

3) telephone

4) flight

5) mineral

6) northerner

7. Determine in which words all consonants are voiced.

1) shoes

2) temple

3) peanut

4) can

5) wagon

6) breathe

8. Which words end with the letter E?

1) without haste...

2) to the basement...

3) by feeder...

4) step by step...

5) in the beak ...

6) to branch...

9. Select the word combinations with errors.

1) in hot food

2) in front of today's youth

3) with good eyesight

4) from the grinding sound

5) to old pain

6) with homework

10. Specify the number of words after which you need to put a comma.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Winter in the village on a pasture in close

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

the grove and the whole valley covered with white snow.

Test 47

1. Choose words with unstressed vowels that cannot be checked by stress.

1) seal

2) plan

3) get sick

4) station

5) peas

6) yellow

2. Choose the letter you want to put in the words

measure ... ryat, master ... r, n ... petty, in ... gray.

1) i 2) e 3) and

3. Choose the words with the prefix PRO-.

1) program

2) jogging

3) problem

4) nimble

5) fell ill

6) fail

4. Choose the words that are misspelled.

1) clouds

2) commission

3) buzzing

4) Saturday

5) snowflakes

6) process

5. Determine which words have more sounds than letters.

1) skirt

2) clearing

3) wick

4) terrible

5) leech

6) apple

6. Determine in which words the consonants represent soft consonants.

1) snowstorm

2) wick

3) drink

4) belt

5) money

6) earrings

7. Determine in which words the stress falls on the 2st syllable.

1) lizard

2) flamingos

3) sparrow

4) crocodile

5) cuckoo

6) robin

8. What words end with the letter I?

1) on the table...

2) near the crack...

3) around the birches ...

4) to the greenhouse ...

5) at the tip...

6) furniture...

9. Which words end with the letter E?

1) kit...m

2) sweet...t

3) sample ... t

4) bumping ... those

5) kusha ... sh

6) dry...t

10. Indicate the numbers of the words that indicate the main members of the sentence.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

In a rage, the water beat against the stones of the pier

+8 (9)10 11 12 XNUMX XNUMX

and about the rocks on the coast.

Test 48

1. Choose the words that are misspelled.

1) eyes

2) closet

3) sleeve

4) low

5) outfit

6) garash

2. Choose the letter you want to put in the words

uk ... lot, evil ... tko, d ... chock, b ... rovik.

1) a 2) o

3. Choose the words that match the pattern

console ? root? suffix ? the ending.

1) inventor

2) flew in

3) sheepfold

4) pretty

5) putty

6) underwater

4. Choose the words that are misspelled.

1) kilogram

2) holidays

3) Saturday

4) terror

5) boat

6) trolley bus

5. Determine which words have more sounds than letters.

1) coachman

2) spruce forest

3) smart

4) figs

5) label

6) nimble

6. Determine in which words the letters E, E, Yu, I represent one sound.

1) bright

2) turkey

3) farmer

4) omelet

5) January

6) willow

7. Determine in which words all consonants are deaf.

1) pajamas

2) nonsense

3) thousand

4) boots

5) rocked

6) reluctantly

8. Determine which words cannot be transferred.

1) care

2) lighthouse

3) nail

4) harp

5) splash

6) selfishness

9. Which words end with the letter E?

1) to the globe...

2) about the plowman ...

3) about the volatility...

4) about the hairdresser...

5) on the palm ...

6) in pearl...

10. What words end with the letter I?

1) in deep ... m ravines

2) for sweet ... watermelons

3) to a growing branch

4) Orenburg ... th scarf

5) about a murmuring ... m stream

6) with the reigning ... dynasty

Test 49

1. Choose the words where you need to put the letter D.

1) naked...

2) feasts ... ka

3) pack...

4) garden...

5) no ... ka

6) couple...

2. In what words can an unstressed vowel in the root be checked by the word forest?

1) forester

2) stairs

3) forest

4) charm

3. Choose the words that are misspelled.

1) envelope

2) voice

3) whisk

4) rug

5) padlock

6) year

4. Name the words, the composition of which corresponds to the scheme

console ? root? the ending.

1) departures

2) inspection

3) lists

4) hiking

5) suburb

6) voiceless

5. Determine which words have more letters than sounds.

1) bedroom

2) scalpel

3) stamp

4) chairs

5) wash

6) film

6. Determine in which words all consonants are voiced.

1) lottery

2) mitt

3) sail

4) begonia

5) ballerina

6) boulder

7. Determine which words cannot be transferred.

1) cane

2) belt

3) autumn

4) cliff

5) gnaw

6) herring

8. What words end with the letter I?

1) to the sweet tooth...

2) April...

3) before running...

4) into the trolley...

5) about drops...

6) by flannel...

9. Which words end with the letter E?

1) about the spring flood

2) to a clumsy kitten

3) with evening news

4) on adhesive sheets

5) about fragrant flowers

6) to the younger sister

10. Find 3rd person pronouns.

1) you

2) you

3) you

4) we

5) you

6) him

Test 50

1. Choose words with unstressed vowels that cannot be checked by stress.

1) highway

2) prickly

3) everywhere

4) pencil

5) rook

6) roll

2. In what words can an unstressed vowel in the root be checked by the word water?

1) drive

2) watery

3) waterfall

4) conduct

3. Choose the words that match the pattern

root? null ending.

1) bypass

2) stove-maker

3) collapse

4) steppe

5) ocean

6) entry

4. Choose the words with the prefix POD-.

1) suspension

2) held

3) roasting

4) pillow

5) boletus

6) girlfriend

5. Determine which words have more sounds than letters.

1) highlight

2) rider

3) eclair

4) brush

5) turkey

6) offensive

6. Determine in which words all consonants are deaf.

1) focus

2) reeds

3) kefir

4) dance

5) ice rink

6) sash

7. Determine which words cannot be transferred.

1) pulse

2) advance

3) peony

4) search

5) bumblebee

6) seamstress

8. Which words end with the letter E?

1) oh sugar...

2) on a peach...

3) no shirts...

4) oh wisdom...

5) on the embankment...

6) in cage...

9. What words end with the letter I?

1) from crackling ... frost

2) with the finest pattern

3) in the deepest ... oceans

4) in the autumn puddle

5) about the mighty ... hero

6) near dried up rivers

10. Specify the number of words after which you need to put a comma.

1 2 3 4 5 6

Water squirts out of the spouts of watering cans

7 8 9 10

scatter droplets on the leaves

11 12 13 14 15 16

flows in tiny rivers among earthen lumps.


Test 1

1. 2

2. 1,3,5

3. 1,2,5

4. 2,3,6

5. 1,2,3,5

6. 1,2,5

7. 1,2,6

8. 1,3,5

9. 2,6

10. 1,5

Test 2

1. 1,2,6

2. 1,5,6

3. 3,4,5

4. 1,4,5

5. 5,6

6. 2,3,4

7. 2,4,6

8. 4,6

9. 1,2,6

10. 2,4

Test 3

1. 1,2,3,4

2. 2,3,5

3. 2,3,6

4. 1,2,6

5. 1,2,3, 5

6. 2,3

7. 1,3,5,

8. 2,6

9. 4,5,6

10. 2,5

Test 4

1. 2,3,5

2. 2,3,5,6

3. 3

4. 1,2,3,6

5. 2,4,5,6

6. 1,3,6

7. 1,3,4,6

8. 1,4,5

9. 2,4,5

10. 2,4

Test 5

1. 2,3,6

2. 1,2,4

3. 4,5,6

4. 1,4,5

5. 2,4,6

6. 1,2,3,4

7. 1,2

8. 1,3,5,6

9. 2,4,5

10. 1,2

Test 6

1. 1,3,5

2. 2,3,4,6

3. 1,2,6

4. 1,2,3,6

5. 1,2,6

6. 2,4,5,6

7. 1,3,4,6

8. 2,5. 6

9. 1,3,5

10. 5,9

Test 7

1. 3,5,6

2. 2,4,5,6

3. 1,3,5

4. 1,2,3,6

5. 3,4,5

6. 4,5,6

7. 3,4

8. 1,2,5

9. 3,4. 5

10. 1,2,5

Test 8

1. 3,4,5

2. 1,4,5

3. 1,2,3,6

4. 2,4,5

5. 2,4,6

6. 1,3,4

7. 2,4,5

8. 3,4,6

9. 2,4,5

10. 4,5

Test 9

1. 3,4

2. 1,2,5,6

3. 4,5

4. 3,4

5. 1,2,4,6

6. 4,5

7. 1,3,5

8. 1,4,6

9. 1,3,5,6

10. 2,5

Test 10

1. 1,5,6

2. 1,2,5

3. 1,3,4,6

4. 1,2,3,4

5. 5,6

6. 2,3,4,6

7. 1

8. 2,3,6

9. 2,3,4,5

10. 3,7

Test 11

1. 1,3,4,5

2. 1,2,4,6

3. 1

4. 3,4,5

5. 1,3,4,5

6. 1,3,5,6

7. 1,2,4

8. 1,4,6

9. 1,3,5,6

10. 2,3,6

Test 12

1. 1,2,5,6

2. 3,4,5

3. 2,3,4,6

4. 2,4,5,6

5. 3,5

6. 1,3,4

7. 1,3,5

8. 1,2,5

9. 1,5,6

10. 4

Test 13

1. 1,2,3,5

2. 1,2,4,5

3. 1,2,4,6

4. 3,4,5,6

5. 1,2,3,5

6. 1,2,5

7. 2,3,5,6

8. 1,4,5,6

9. 1,3,6

10. 3,6

Test 14

1. 2,4,6

2. 1,3,6

3. 2,4,5

4. 1,3,5

5. 4,6

6. 1,2,3,4

7. 2,3,6

8. 1,2,3

9. 4,6

10. 7,8

Test 15

1. 2,3,4,5

2. 2,3,4

3. 1,2,4,6

4. 1,4,5

5. 2,3,5

6. 2,5,6

7. 1,2,6

8. 1,4,5

9. 1,2,3,5,6

10. 4

Test 16

1. 3,4,5

2. 1,3,4,5

3. 1,4, 6

4. 1,2,3

5. 1,2,5

6. 1,2,6

7. 4,6

8. 1,5

9. 1,2,4,5,6

10. 1,2

Test 17

1. 1,3,5,6

2. 2,3,5

3. 1,2,5,6

4. 1,5,6

5. 1,2,3,6

6. 1,2,5,6

7. 1,5

8. 2,3,4,5,6

9. 3

10. 5,6

Test 18

1. 2,4,6

2. 2,3,5

3. 2,3,5

4. 1,2,6

5. 3,5,6

6. 1,3,4,6

7. 2,3,5

8. 5,6

9. 2,4,5

10. 2,6

Test 19

1. 2

2. 3,6

3. 2,3,6

4. 2,3,5

5. 1,3,5

6. 1,3,5

7. 1,2,4

8. 1,2,5,6

9. 3,4,5,6

10. 4,6

Test 20

1. 2,4,6

2. 1,2,5,6

3. 2,4

4. 2,4,6

5. 1,4,6

6. 2,6

7. 1,3,6

8. 1,2,3,4,5

9. 1

10. 5

Test 21

1. 2,3,6

2. 5,6

3. 1

4. 1,4,5

5. 2,4

6. 2,3,4,5

7. 1,2,5,6

8. 1,4,5

9. 1,3,6

10. 7,8

Test 22

1. 1,2,5

2. 1,3,4,6

3. 1,3,4

4. 2,3,4,6

5. 2,3

6. 1,4,6

7. 2,3,4

8. 2,3,4,5,6

9. 2,3,4,6

10. 1,2,4

Test 23

1. 1,2,5,6

2. 1,2,3,4

3. 1,3,5

4. 1,3,5

5. 1,2,6

6. 1,3,4,5,6

7. 2,4,6

8. 2,6

9. 1,2,4

10. 1,2

Test 24

1. 1,2,6

2. 2

3. 2,3,4,6

4. 1,3,6

5. 1,2,6

6. 3,4,5,6

7. 1,5

8. 3,4,5

9. 1,2,3,4,5

10. 1,3,4,5

Test 25

1. 2,3,4

2. 1,2,6

3. 1,4,6

4. 2,3,4,5

5. 2,4

6. 3,6

7. 2,4,5,6

8. 1,3

9. 2,3

10. 7

Test 26

1. 1,4,5,6

2. 4,5

3. 1,3,5

4. 1,4,5

5. 3,5,6

6. 3,5,6

7. 4,5

8. 1,2,3,5

9. 2,3,4

10. 8,9

Test 27

1. 1,3,4,5

2. 1

3. 1,5

4. 2,3,4. 6

5. 1,2,3,5

6. 1,4,5

7. 2,3,5,6

8. 1,2,3,4

9. 2

10. 6,7

Test 28

1. 2,6

2. 1

3. 1

4. 2,3,5

5. 1,3,5,6

6. 2,4,6

7. 1,2,5

8. 1,4,6

9. 3,4,6

10. 1,2,3,4,7,8

Test 29

1. 1,2,3

2. 1,3

3. 2,4,5

4. 1,4,6

5. 1,2,3

6. 1,2,3,4

7. 1,4,5

8. 4,5,6

9. 3,4

10. 4,5

Test 30

1. 2

2. 1,2

3. 1,3,5,6

4. 1,2,6

5. 3,4,6

6. 2,4,5

7. 2,3,4

8. 2,3,4,6

9. 2,4,5,6

10. 4,5

Test 31

1. 2,3,4

2. 2,3,6

3. 1,3,6

4. 1,3,5

5. 1,2,6

6. 2,3,6

7. 1,5,6

8. 1,2,5,6

9. 1,6

10. 1,4

Test 32

1. 1,3,5

2. 1

3. 2,3,4

4. 1,2,3,5,6

5. 3,4

6. 1,5,6

7. 2,3,4,5

8. 2,3,4,6

9. 3,4,5

10. 2,3,4,5

Test 33

1. 2,3,6

2. 1

3. 1,2,6

4. 1,3,4,5

5. 2,4,6

6. 3,5,6

7. 1,3,5

8. 2,6

9. 3,4,5,6

10. 1,2,3

Test 34

1. 2,4,5

2. 2,4,6

3. 3

4. 1,5,6

5. 1,5,6

6. 2,3,4,6

7. 2,3,4

8. 1,3,4,5

9. 1,2,3,4,5

10. 5,6

Test 35

1. 2,4,6

2. 3

3. 1,3,5

4. 2,3,4,5,6

5. 2,4,5,6

6. 2,5,6

7. 1,2,4,6

8. 1,5,6

9. 1,6

10. 3,5,6

Test 36

1. 1,3,6

2. 4,5,6

3. 2,3,4,6

4. 1,2,4,6

5. 2,3,4

6. 2,3,4,

7. 2,3,4,6

8. 2,5,6

9. 1,2,3,4,5

10. 1,2,5,6,9

Test 37

1. 2,3,6

2. 1,2,4

3. 1,3,5

4. -1,3,4

5. 1,2,3

6. 1,2,3

7. 1,2,5,6

8. 1,3,4,5,6

9. 2,3,4,5

10. 5,6

Test 38

1. 3,4,6

2. 3,5,6

3. 4,5,6

4. 1,3,5

5. 1,2,3

6. 1,2,3,4

7. 3,5

8. 1,4,6

9. 2,3,4,5

10. 1,5

Test 39

1. 2,5,6

2. 3

3. 1,2,3,4,5,6

4. 1,3,4

5. 1,2,4

6. 1,3,6

7. 1,3,4,5,6

8. 3,4,5,6

9. 2,3,6

10. 1,3,4,6

Test 40

1. 5,6

2. 2,3,4,6

3. 2,3,4,6

4. 1,3,4,6

5. 2,3,4

6. 1,2,4

7. 1,3,4

8. 1,3,5

9. 2,3,5

10. 2,3

Test 41

1. 1,3,4

2. 2,4,5

3. 1,2,4,6

4. 4,5,6

5. 1,4,5,6

6. 1,2,6

7. 2,4

8. 2,3,5,6

9. 5

10. 1,5,6

Test 42

1. 2,5,6

2. 3,4,6

3. 3,5,6

4. 2,3,5

5. 1,2,3,5,6

6. 1,3,6

7. 2,3,5,6

8. 2,3,6

9. 3,5

10. 2,3

Test 43

1. 2,4,5

2. 2,3,5

3. 2

4. 1,2,3,5

5. 2,3,4,5,6

6. 4,5

7. 2,4,5,6

8. 1,2,3,4,5

9. 1,3

10. 6,13

Test 44

1. 5,6

2. 1,2,4,6

3. 1,2,3

4. 2,4,6

5. 1,3,4,6

6. 1,4,5

7. 2,5

8. 1,2,5,6

9. 4,6

10. 6,7

Test 45

1. 1,3,6

2. 2

3. 2,3,4,6

4. 1,4,6

5. 4,6

6. 1,2,3,5,6

7. 1,2,4,6

8. 2,4,6

9. 1,2,5,6

10. 2,3,5

Test 46

1. 1,4,5,6

2. 1,3,4

3. 1,2,6

4. 1,3,5,6

5. 1,3,4,6

6. 1,4,6

7. 1,4,5

8. 2,3,4,5

9. 1,3,4,5

10. 3,5

Test 47

1. 4,5,6

2. 2

3. 2,5,6

4. 1,2,5

5. 1,4,5,6

6. 1,3,4,5,6

7. 2,3,5,6

8. 2,3,6

9. 1,3,4,5

10. 3,4

Test 48

1. 3,6,

2. 2

3. 4,5,6

4. 1,2,3,5,6

5. 1,3,5,6

6. 2,3,4,6

7. 2,3,6

8. 1,3,5

9. 1,2,4,6

10. 3,5,6

Test 49

1. 1,2,4,6

2. 1,3

3. 1,2,5,6

4. 1,4,6

5. 1,2,3,5,6

6. 1,4,5,6

7. 1,3,4,5,6

8. 3,6

9. 1,2,3,6

10. 6

Test 50

1. 1,4

2. 2,3

3. 4,5

4. 1,3,4,5

5. 2,4,6

6. 1,5,6

7. 1,2,5,6

8. 1,2,6

9. 2,3,6

10. 6,10

Authors: Nefedova E.A., Uzorova O.V.

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