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Labor protection and safety. Cheat sheet: briefly, the most important

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Introduction to the course. Basic terms, course objectives

The legal framework for labor protection regulates: organization of work, planning and financing of events, structure of the service, supervision and control, types of responsibility, accounting for accidents. In labor legislation, much attention is paid to the provisions that regulate the regime of work and rest. In the socio-economic sphere, rational planning of preventive measures based on an analysis of the level of injuries and forecasting its trends, determining indicators of injuries and damage from it is of particular importance. Fire safety is closely related to labor protection, since fires destroy not only material values, but also threaten people's lives.

Under labor safety understand the state of working conditions, in which the impact on workers of dangerous and harmful production factors is excluded.

Occupational Safety and Health - this is the preservation of human health and performance in the process of labor, it includes legal, socio-economic, organizational, technical, hygienic and therapeutic and preventive measures. (Labor Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), Art. 209).

Purpose of labor protection - creation of safe working conditions at workplaces and reduction of injuries of workers.

Working conditions - a set of factors of the working environment and the labor process that affect the performance and health of the employee.

Health - the natural state of the body, characterized by harmony with the environment and the absence of pain.

Industrial sanitation - these are organizational measures and technical means by which it is possible to prevent the impact on working harmful factors.

Working conditions - Factors of the working environment that affect the health and performance of a person in the process of work. Requirements are established by legislative acts, normative and technical documentation, rules and instructions.

Production factors are divided into harmful and dangerous.

Hazardous production factor - a factor whose impact on an employee leads to a sharp deterioration in health.

Harmful production factor leads the worker to illness.

Production Equipment Safety - the property of the equipment to maintain a safe state when performing the specified functions under the conditions established by the regulatory and technical documentation.

Process safety - the ability to maintain compliance with labor safety requirements in the conditions established by regulatory and technical documentation.

Means of protection working - a means, the use of which prevents the impact of hazardous factors on workers.

Accident at work - a case of impact on a working hazardous factor in the performance of working duties.

Workplace - the location of the employee under the control of the employer.

harmful substance - a substance that, upon contact with the human body, in case of violation of safety requirements, causes industrial injuries, occupational diseases.

Harmful substances - these are mineral fertilizers, pesticides, toxic gases, dust, fuel and lubricants.

Maximum Permissible Concentration (MAC) of a harmful substance in the air of the working area - concentration (mg / m3), which, when working daily for 8 hours and not more than 40 hours a week during the entire working experience, should not cause deviations in the state of health.

Maximum Permissible Level of Exposure (MPL) of the production factor - this is the level that, when exposed to the human body during the entire working experience, will not cause any diseases.

Accident at work - an event that resulted in an injury to an employee. The consequences are observed from microtraumas that do not cause temporary disability to death.

Injury - damage to body tissues and disruption of its functions in case of accidents. They can be mechanical (fracture), thermal (burn, frostbite), chemical (chemical burn), electrical (electric burn), psychological (stress, fear).

Occupational Illness - a disease caused by exposure of an employee to occupational hazards specific to the profession, the diagnosis of which corresponds to the list of occupational diseases.

Occupational diseases cause temporary disability, disability, in severe cases - the death of an employee.

Employee - an individual who has entered into an employment relationship with an employer (Article 20 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Employer - an individual or legal entity (organization) that has entered into an employment relationship with an employee (Article 20 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

As a result of studying the discipline, the future specialist must learn: the issues of organizing labor protection; duties of officials and their responsibility for the creation of safe working conditions; methods of analysis of injuries and morbidity; ways to prevent the occurrence of dangerous and harmful production factors; means of collective and individual protection, providing harmless working conditions; basic safety requirements for the operation of various equipment; causes of fires, prevention and methods of their extinguishing.

Legal basis for life safety

The legal basis for life safety legislation is the Constitution of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Constitution), which sets out the rights of citizens to work, rest and health.

In our state, everyone has the right to work in conditions that meet the requirements of safety and hygiene. The Constitution also guarantees the right of people to rest. A person working under an employment contract is guaranteed the duration of working hours established by federal laws, weekends and holidays, and paid annual leave. In case of illness, disability, loss of a breadwinner, for the upbringing of children, as well as for age, social security is guaranteed.

An important document after the Constitution is the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Its purpose is defined in the first article: "The objectives of labor legislation are the establishment of state guarantees of labor rights and freedoms of citizens, the creation of favorable working conditions, the protection of the rights and interests of workers and employers."

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation was put into effect on February 1, 2002 and regulates the labor relations of people. The Code contains a detailed interpretation of labor protection legislation.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation considers: labor relations between employees and employers; conclusion, amendment and termination of an employment contract; regulation and remuneration of labor; regulation of working hours; labor discipline; ensuring labor protection; vacation time, etc.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes a unified procedure for regulating relations between employers and employees throughout the Russian Federation, regardless of ownership, sphere of economic activity, determines the functions of state supervision and control over compliance with labor protection, establishes the principles for the formation of an appropriate regulatory framework, etc.

The Code is aimed at creating working conditions that meet the requirements of preserving the life and health of workers in the course of their work.

Since 2000, the Federal Law "On Compulsory Social Insurance against Industrial Accidents and Occupational Diseases" has been in force in the country, which defines the basics of this type of insurance and establishes the procedure for compensation for harm caused to the life or health of an employee in the performance of his labor duties.

The basis for ensuring fire safety in the Russian Federation is determined by the Federal Law "On Fire Safety" adopted in 1994, and the Law "On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population" establishes sanitary and epidemiological requirements for working conditions, the procedure for passing medical examinations and provides for liability for violation of sanitary legislation.

Regulatory legal acts in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 937 of August 12, 1994 are divided into the following types:

state standards (GOST - before 1991 and GOST R - after 1991);

state and industry standards of the system of labor safety standards (GOST SSBT and OST SSBT), the system of environmental standards (GOST SSOP) and the complex of state standards for safety in emergency situations (GOST BChS);

sanitary rules (SP), sanitary standards (SN), hygienic standards (GN), sanitary rules and norms (SanPiN);

building codes and regulations (SNiP);

safety rules (PB), rules for design and safe operation (PUBE), safety instructions (IB);

rules on labor protection intersectoral (POT M) and sectoral (POT O);

intersectoral and sectoral organizational and methodological documents (regulations, guidelines, recommendations);

standard branch instructions on labor protection.

A set of sanitary and hygienic norms and rules (SP, SN, GN and SanPiN) determines the hygienic requirements for production equipment, the maximum permissible levels of physical impact on the environment (noise, vibration), sets the values ​​​​of the MPC of harmful substances and the size of the sanitary protection zone.

Building codes and regulations (SNiP) regulate all issues of construction of various buildings and structures (site selection, building materials and structures, provision of ventilation, heating and lighting, fire safety).

The law gives employees the right to work in conditions that meet labor protection requirements, prohibits the use of labor by women and persons under eighteen years of age, as well as persons with medical contraindications in heavy work and work with harmful or dangerous working conditions.

The obligations of employers to ensure healthy and safe working conditions are considered, the bodies of state and public control over compliance with labor protection legislation are named.

The liability of persons guilty of violation of labor protection requirements, failure to fulfill labor protection obligations specified in collective agreements and agreements is envisaged.

Organization of work on labor protection and life safety

At enterprises, labor protection work is managed by:

director and chief engineer - for the enterprise as a whole;

heads of departments - in departments, laboratories, production sites.

Heads of enterprises, engineering and technical personnel of enterprises provide: safety of equipment and technological processes, repair and replacement of failed safety equipment; compliance with current labor safety standards, rules and regulations on safety and industrial sanitation.

The department of labor protection, the sanitary laboratory of labor protection organizes and conducts work to ensure labor safety.

In order to ensure compliance with labor protection requirements (according to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On the Basics of Labor Protection in the Russian Federation") and to monitor their implementation in each organization with more than 100 employees that is engaged in production activities, a labor protection service is created.

In an organization where the number of employees is 100 or less, the employer decides to create a labor protection service or introduce the position of a labor protection specialist.

If the organization does not have a labor protection specialist, the employer concludes an agreement with organizations providing services in the field of labor protection.

The number of employees of the labor protection service in the organization is determined by the employer, taking into account the recommendations of the federal executive body.

The main task of the labor protection department - organization of work on labor protection at the enterprise and control over compliance with state standards, rules and regulations on safety and industrial sanitation.

The department develops current and long-term plans for the introduction of modern technical security equipment, works in contact with the commission on labor protection of the trade union committee of the enterprise, with public inspectors.

Employees of the department consider construction and reconstruction projects, and also participate in the acceptance of facilities for operation, train and instruct workers and engineering and technical personnel on industrial safety and labor protection, and systematically test their knowledge.

Rights of department employees:

in case of any threat to the life and health of workers, prohibit work in certain areas or on equipment;

seize equipment, tools that do not meet safety requirements;

take part in the investigation of accidents;

give instructions to the heads of departments to eliminate the detected deficiencies.

The enterprises carry out: training of workers, engineers and employees in the rules and regulations on labor protection to familiarize workers with new legislative and regulatory documents; the study of safety, industrial sanitation and fire safety.

The general management of the organization of training in labor protection is assigned to the director (chief engineer) of the enterprise, control of training - to the department of labor protection, responsibility for timely and high-quality training - to the head of the workshop, and in the areas - to the foreman.

Upon admission to work in accordance with the established procedure, workers of the main and auxiliary industries undergo various types of instruction.

Introductory briefing is carried out in the department of labor protection, primary briefing - at the workplace.

If changes are made to the technological process, job descriptions and production instructions, then an unscheduled briefing is carried out.

When a worker is sent in connection with a production need to perform one-time or temporary work, a special briefing is carried out.

Engineering and technical workers undergo an introductory briefing supervising all types of production maintenance work, an initial briefing at the workplace with the preparation and subsequent maintenance of a personal briefing card, an initial test in the factory commissions of technical knowledge and production skills for the right to work independently, a periodic test of knowledge of security rules labor.

Heads of enterprises, industries and their deputies undergo introductory briefing, primary and repeated testing of knowledge of safety rules.

The purpose of control is to ensure the safety of technical managers at all levels of production, increase the responsibility of administrative and technical personnel for creating healthy and safe working conditions at work, and also force workers and employees to strictly observe safety rules during work.

In accordance with the current legislation in the field of labor protection, at enterprises with more than 10 employees, employers create committees (commissions) for labor protection. They include representatives of employers and trade unions.

The committee (commission) organizes the development of a section of the collective agreement on labor protection, joint actions of the employer and employees to ensure labor protection requirements, prevent industrial injuries and occupational diseases, as well as conduct inspections of labor conditions and labor protection at workplaces and inform workers about the results of these inspections.

Obligations of the employer and employees to ensure labor safety at the enterprise

The employee and the employer conclude an employment contract, the employee performs certain work for a fee, and the employer, in accordance with Art. 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation must ensure appropriate safe working conditions.

Labor Relations - this is the equality of the parties, mutual interest, responsibility and obligations for the implementation of the employment contract.

The employer is obliged:

1) fulfill the terms of the employment contract;

2) ensure the safety of workers in the implementation of technological processes;

3) pay wages on time;

4) carry out compulsory social insurance;

5) to purchase and issue at their own expense special clothing, special footwear and provide other personal protective equipment;

6) provide training in safe methods and techniques for performing work, briefings on labor protection, internships at the workplace;

7) carry out certification of workplaces in terms of working conditions, followed by certification of work on labor protection in the organization;

8) in the course of labor activity, carry out, at their own expense, mandatory preliminary (upon employment) and periodic medical examinations of employees;

9) inform employees about the conditions and labor protection at the workplace, about the existing health risk and the compensations due to them, investigate and record in the prescribed manner industrial accidents and occupational diseases;

10) familiarize employees with labor protection requirements;

11) develop and approve, taking into account the opinion of the trade union body, instructions on labor protection for employees. The employer is obliged to suspend (Art. 76, Art. 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation):

employees in a state of alcoholic, narcotic or toxic intoxication;

workers who have not been trained, briefing on labor protection, internship, testing of knowledge and skills in the field of labor protection, medical examination.

During the period of suspension from work, wages are not accrued to the employee, with the exception of cases provided for by federal laws.

If an employee, through no fault of his own, has not completed training in the field of labor protection and a mandatory preliminary medical examination, he is paid for the entire time of suspension from work, as for a simple one (2/3 of the tariff rate or salary).

Employers bear personal responsibility (disciplinary, administrative and criminal) for failure to perform or improper performance of their duties.

Employee Responsibilities (in accordance with Article 214 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation):

1) comply with labor protection requirements;

2) correctly apply means of individual and collective protection;

3) undergo training in safe methods of performing work, providing first aid to victims at work, instructing in labor protection, internships at the workplace, testing knowledge of labor protection requirements;

4) notify their manager about a situation that threatens the life and health of people, about each accident that occurred at work, about the deterioration of their health, about the manifestation of signs of an acute occupational disease (poisoning);

5) undergo mandatory medical examinations at the direction of the employer in cases provided for by law.

If an employee performs organizational and administrative functions, i.e. is an official, he is obliged to comply with laws, labor protection rules, sanitary norms and rules, and other regulatory acts.

Employees engaged in production activities (workers) are required to comply with labor protection instructions developed for professions and types of work with which they were familiarized against signature. In this regard, special requirements are imposed on the quality of the development of these instructions.

Employers guilty of violating legislative acts on labor protection are liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Responsibility is divided into administrative, disciplinary, material and criminal.

Administrative Responsibility consists in imposing a fine on officials, deprivation of a license.

Disciplinary responsibility arises in case of gross violation by employees of labor protection regulations (including instructions) and consists in the imposition of penalties (remark, reprimand, severe reprimand, dismissal).

Material liability - Compensation for damage in the amount of average earnings.

Criminal liability arises if an official violated safety regulations, which led to a serious injury to an employee or death of the victim.

When investigating an accident, a worker can be blamed only if he violated a specific paragraph of the instruction, which he was familiarized with against signature. If there is no instruction for this type of work or it is of poor quality and does not contain the item that the worker violated, then the worker is not guilty. This is the important legal significance of labor protection instructions developed at enterprises.

Violation of the rules and regulations on labor protection leads to material damage to the enterprise.

Emergency and rescue formations of constant readiness

ESRC - Russian system of emergency situations. The main goal of creating the RSChS is to unite the efforts of central and regional bodies of representative and executive power, as well as organizations and institutions in the prevention and elimination of emergency situations (ES). The State Committee for Civil Defense and Emergencies under the President of the Russian Federation is the supreme governing body of the RSChS. The management of civil defense and emergency situations in Russia is entrusted to the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, who is the Head of the RSChS ex officio.

Permanent management bodies for civil defense and emergency situations:

at the federal level - the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters (MES);

at the regional level - regional centers;

at the local level - management bodies for civil defense and emergency situations;

at the facility level - departments for civil defense and emergency situations.

Bodies of day-to-day management of the RSChS - these are duty-dispatching services of permanent control bodies for civil defense and emergency situations.

The forces and means of the RSChS are divided into 2 groups:

1. Forces and means of observation and control, consisting of:

organizations that monitor the state of the environment, the situation at hazardous facilities and territories adjacent to them, and analyze the impact of harmful factors on public health;

formations of the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance;

Veterinary Service of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Russian Federation;

services for monitoring and laboratory quality control of raw materials and foodstuffs of the RF Committee for Trade and the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Russian Federation;

the Geophysical Service of the Russian Academy of Sciences, operational groups of constant readiness of the Federal Service of the Russian Federation for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring and subdivisions of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Atomic Energy;

institutions of the surveillance network and laboratory control of civil defense.

2. Forces and means of emergency response:

forces and means of the Civil Defense Troops of the Russian Federation;

civil organizations of civil defense;

firefighting, search, emergency rescue, emergency recovery, emergency technical formations of the federal executive authorities; formation and establishment of the All-Russian Service for Disaster Medicine; formation of the veterinary service and plant protection service of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Russian Federation;

emergency technical centers of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Atomic Energy;

search and rescue services for civil aviation flights of the Federal Aviation Service of Russia;

recovery and fire trains of the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation;

rescue services of the Federal Service of the Marine Fleet of Russia, the Federal Service of the River Fleet of Russia, and other federal executive bodies.

Formations (civilian civil defense organizations) - these are structures that are created according to the territorial production principle on the basis of organizations (regardless of their organizational and legal form). Civil organizations protect the population and organizations from emergency situations in peacetime and wartime.

For this formation, they organize and conduct on their own:

rescue operations;

fire fighting;

detection and designation of areas that have undergone radioactive, chemical, biological contamination;

special treatment of workers, employees and the population living nearby, as well as equipment and machinery;

urgent restoration of life support facilities for the population;

restoration of public order.

Formations are created in organizations that:

have potentially hazardous production facilities;

are of major defense or economic importance;

pose a high risk of emergency.

The number and type of formations in each organization is determined taking into account production activities, the availability of special equipment and equipment, the volume and nature of the tasks assigned to the formations by civil defense plans.

Formation types:



emergency technical;

radiation and chemical protection;


radiation, ion and chemical observation;

protection of public order;

public catering, trade.

The formations are completed with personnel at the expense of employees of the same organization, who will have to continue working during the period of mobilization and in wartime. Citizens of the Russian Federation are enrolled in the formations: men aged 18-60 years, women aged 18-55 years. Exceptions are those liable for military service, disabled people of groups 1, 2 and 3, pregnant women, women with children under 8 years old, as well as women with secondary or higher medical education who have children under 3 years old.

Due to the organization of the formation, they are equipped with equipment and property.

For prompt response to sudden emergencies in the structure of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, from among the forces and means of liquidating emergencies at the federal level, forces of constant readiness (rescue airborne units).

Certification of the state of civil defense engineering structures

In order to determine the compliance of workplaces, machines, technological processes, buildings and structures with the requirements of sanitary standards, SSBT, SNiP, safety and fire safety rules, enterprises are certified for compliance with labor protection requirements.

Certification is carried out by the head of the site and the engineer for labor protection annually in the autumn-winter period, when the effect of adverse factors is most actively manifested. The preparatory period for passportization includes the issuance of an order for passportization and the preparation of objects, then passportization is carried out.

Under engineering structure understand a complex engineering and technical complex, which includes power systems, equipment, automated systems, electronic equipment.

The passport is made in two copies, one is kept by the head of the shop, the second - in the department of labor protection of the enterprise. Responsibility for the correct and timely execution of the passport lies with the head of the workshop.

The passport for designed, reconstructed and expanding enterprises is filled in at the stage of development of the corresponding project. The data of the sanitary-technical passport serve as the basis for drawing up a collective agreement and comprehensive plans for improving conditions, labor protection and sanitary and recreational activities.

Enterprises that do not have sanitary laboratories and equipment necessary for certification conclude long-term contracts with sanitary and epidemiological stations (SES), departments of labor protection of universities for research work and relevant measurements.

Ecological passport (EP) - a regulatory and technical document that includes data on the use of resources by an enterprise and determines the impact of production on the environment.

To carry out certification, an enterprise needs to create and indicate a commission of specialists, the chairman of the trade union committee and the chief engineer by order.

ES is developed at the expense of the organization's own funds, is subject to agreement with the SES and territorial environmental authorities, is approved by the first head of the enterprise, and then registered with the territorial environmental authority.

The head who approved the ES is responsible for the correctness of its compilation, the reliability of the data contained in it, the timeliness of making adjustments that reflect the change in the nature of the use of natural resources, the impact on the environment.

The ES is not only an executive document of one of the forms of environmental control, but also serves as an information basis for the certification of territories.

In the passport of the sanitary and technical condition and the availability of labor protection equipment at the enterprise, the following is recorded: the composition of employees by factors and working conditions; the presence of sanitary facilities and devices, the condition of buildings and structures, equipment; means of labor protection; injuries and morbidity, etc.

The basis for the development of ES are: agreed and approved key indicators of construction, production and economic activities; permits for nature use; passports of installations, structures.

ES of the enterprise (GOST is a document that reflects information: what technologies are used at the enterprise; quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the material and energy resources used (raw materials, fuel); indicators of manufactured products; quantitative and qualitative characteristics of gas emissions, liquid discharges (effluents) and solid wastes; results of comparison of enterprise technologies with the best domestic and foreign analogues.

The information contained in the ES is intended to solve environmental problems:

assessing the impact of technologies and manufactured products on the biosphere, human health and determining the amount of payment for nature use, for environmental pollution; establishment of maximum allowable norms for emissions of pollutants into the biosphere for the enterprise;

planning by the enterprise of environmental protection measures and evaluating their effectiveness;

monitoring compliance by the enterprise with legislation in the field of environmental protection;

increasing the efficiency of the use of material and energy resources and waste recycling.

The EP is compiled on the basis of agreed and approved key production indicators, certificates of gas and water treatment equipment, data from state statistical reporting, an inventory of pollution sources, and projects.

When compiling an EP, it is necessary to adhere to its following structure:

1) general information about the enterprise;

2) natural and climatic characteristics of the area where the enterprise is located;

3) production facilities;

4) the consumption of raw materials and auxiliary material resources by type of product;

5) consumption of energy resources by types of products;

6) characteristics of emissions into the atmosphere;

7) enterprise transport;

8) payment for emissions, discharges of harmful substances, disposal of waste polluting the environment.

The concept of injury and occupational diseases, classification Injury (from Greek - wound) is damage to body tissues and violation of its functions in case of accidents, i.e. when exposed to hazardous and harmful production factors.

Certain situations when an employee is exposed to a hazardous production factor, accompanied by injury and disability, are considered by the legislation of the Russian Federation as industrial accidents. Injuries entail temporary or permanent disability.

Diseases are divided into general and occupational.

Common diseases caused by sharp fluctuations in temperature, drafts, contact with sick people.

Occupational Illness - violation of the health of the worker, caused by harmful working conditions characteristic of this profession, the diagnosis of which corresponds to the list of occupational diseases. The list was approved by the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of the Russian Federation of March 14, 1996 No. 90. If these conditions are not met, the disease is considered general, not professional. Occupational diseases cause temporary and permanent disability, disability, death of an employee.

Injuries are of the following types.

1. Production and non-production.

2. According to the nature of the injuries, injuries are divided into: mechanical (dislocation, fracture); thermal (thermal burn and frostbite); chemical (chemical burn); electrical (electrical burns); mental (fright, nervous shock); radiation (radiation burns).

3. According to the severity, they are divided into:

1) microtraumas - eliminated directly at the workplace. Loss of ability to work does not exceed one work shift;

2) lungs - temporary disability;

3) severe - complete loss of ability to work and transfer of the victim to disability; 3) fatal - lead to the death of the victim, which may occur at the time of the incident.

4. According to localization, injuries of the eyes, legs, head, torso, fingers are distinguished. Occupational diseases or poisoning occur as a result of exposure to industrial harmful factors.

Acute poisoning characterized by the ingestion of large amounts of harmful substances into the body during one work shift and vivid clinical manifestations at the time of the action of the poison or after a few hours (latent period).

Chronic occupational poisoning arise gradually with prolonged action of industrial poisons that penetrate the body in relatively small quantities. They occur after a single (no more than one work shift) exposure to high concentrations of chemicals contained in the air of the working area, as well as levels and doses of other adverse factors. A chronic occupational disease is possible with prolonged exposure to harmful or unfavorable working conditions on the human body. When making a diagnosis of occupational poisoning or illness, doctors are guided by a list of diseases that can be recognized as occupational: chronic dust bronchitis; infectious and parasitic diseases; homogeneous with the infection with which workers are in contact during work (brucellosis, tuberculosis, rabies, etc.); occupational neoplasms (skin tumors, lung cancer, etc.); acute and chronic skin diseases; chronic recurrent laryngitis.

The final diagnosis of chronic diseases is established in the centers of occupational pathology on the basis of clinical data on the state of health of the employee, an extract from the patient's medical record, information on the results of a preliminary medical examination, sanitary and hygienic characteristics of working conditions and a copy of the work book. Then the specialists of the center draw up a medical report and send appropriate notices to the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision body, the employer, the insurer, and the health care institution that referred the patient.

On standard all dangerous and harmful factors that arise in production conditions by the nature of the action are: physical, chemical, biological and psychophysiological.

Physical factors: moving machines, increased air pollution of the working area; increased noise level in the workplace; lack or lack of natural light; insufficient illumination of the working area; increased brightness of light; reduced contrast.

Chemical Factors according to the nature of the impact on the human body, they are divided into: toxic, irritating, carcinogenic, mutagenic, affecting reproductive function; along the way of penetration into the human body - penetrating through the respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, skin and mucous membranes.

Biological factors include pathogenic microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa) and their metabolic products.

Psychophysiological factors according to the nature of the action, they are divided into physical and neuropsychic overloads. Physical ones are divided into static and dynamic ones, and neuropsychic ones are divided into mental overstrain, overstrain of analyzers, overloads due to the monotony of work, emotional overloads.

The space in which workers are exposed to dangerous and harmful factors is called danger zone.

Industrial injuries, measures for its prevention

Safety - this is a state of conditions under which there is no industrial danger.

work injury - this is a sudden impact on the human body of any external factor.

Industrial injuries - the totality of industrial injuries for a certain period (during the year).

Accident - the case when an employee is exposed to a hazardous production factor leading to injury. Poisoning the body is considered as an injury.

Injuries are: mechanical (fractures), thermal (burns), electrical (respiratory arrest), radiation (radiation burns).

Causes of industrial injuries:




sanitary and hygienic;




Technical - imperfection of technological processes, zeroing or grounding of electrical installations; leakage of toxic liquids.

technological - violation of the technological process of production.

Organizational - improper organization of work; poor-quality briefing on labor protection; insufficient control over the fulfillment of labor protection requirements; failure to provide personal protective equipment; admission to work of persons with medical contraindications.

Psychophysiological reasons - this is fatigue, high labor intensity, discrepancy between the psychological characteristics of the body and working conditions, unsatisfactory conditions in the team, etc.

Subjective - lack of employee discipline, failure to comply with labor protection instructions, being at the workplace in a state of alcoholic intoxication.

Economic - insufficient allocation of funds for measures to improve working conditions, the desire of the employer and employees to ensure high output or wages with a disdainful attitude to labor protection issues.

Sanitary reasons - increased content of harmful substances in the air, high level of noise, vibrations, radiation, improper lighting, unsanitary workplaces.

Reduction of injuries is achieved by technical, treatment-and-prophylactic, organizational measures, a system of responsibility for violation of labor protection legislation, and legal regulation of labor protection issues.

Technical events include: the creation of safe equipment, the fencing of hazardous areas, the installation of safety devices that prevent a person from entering the danger zone or turning off the machine, lighting workplaces, the use of protective equipment, the use of overalls, safety shoes, gloves and other personal protective equipment (PPE) that protect the employee from hazardous production factors.

Prevention studies and analyzes injuries in several ways.

Statistical method allows you to characterize the level of injuries in the organization and compare it with the level in other organizations. With the help of this method, regularities in the distribution of accidents are revealed according to various characteristics: gender, age, profession, length of service, qualifications, duration of disability of the victims, etc.

Topographic method It consists in the distribution of accidents according to the place of their occurrence. On the master plan of the enterprise, the plan of the work site, the places where accidents occurred are marked with conventional signs. This visual picture serves as the basis for a thorough survey of those workplaces where the greatest number of injuries occurred, with the adoption of measures to eliminate and prevent them.

economic method consists in determining losses from industrial injuries and assessing the effectiveness of the cost of preventing industrial accidents in order to optimally allocate funds for labor protection measures.

group method based on the frequency of accidents, regardless of the severity of the consequences. The available materials of the investigation are divided into groups to identify accidents that occurred under the same conditions and recurring in the nature of the damage.

Method of expert assessments - identification of the characteristic causes of injuries with the help of independent experts. The method consists of three stages: selection of experts and compilation of questionnaires, examination, processing of information.

Monographic method is based on the study of technological processes and working conditions at a separate production site in order to identify possible causes of injuries.

Great attention in reducing injuries is given to organizational measures, each of which is dictated by the requirements of a regulatory legal act: a federal law, a government decree, an order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development.

Occupational Safety and Health - this is a complex of treatment-and-prophylactic and rehabilitation measures based on regulatory legal acts: conducting medical examinations, providing therapeutic and preventive nutrition, reducing the length of the working day, providing additional leave, providing benefits, paying sick leave for injury at a rate of 100% from first day of disability.

Industrial accidents

Accidents at work are investigated and recorded in accordance with the provisions of art. Art. 227-231 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. These articles establish the procedure for investigating and recording industrial accidents, which is mandatory for all organizations, regardless of their organizational and legal form, and individual entrepreneurs using hired labor.

Accidents that have occurred with employees and other persons participating in the production activities of the employer, in the performance of their labor duties or in the performance of any work on behalf of the employer, are subject to investigation and accounting.

Persons participating in the production activities of the employer, in addition to employees, and performing their duties under an employment contract, in particular, include:

employees and other persons undergoing vocational training or retraining in accordance with an apprenticeship agreement;

students and students of educational institutions of all types, undergoing industrial practice;

persons suffering from mental disorders participating in productive work at medical and industrial enterprises in the order of occupational therapy in accordance with medical recommendations;

persons sentenced to imprisonment and involved in labor;

persons involved in the prescribed manner in the performance of socially useful work;

members of production cooperatives and members of peasant (farm) households who take personal labor participation in their activities.

The following events are subject to investigation, as a result of which the victims received: bodily injuries (injuries), including those inflicted by another person; heatstroke; burn; frostbite; drowning; electric shock, lightning, radiation; bites and other bodily injuries caused by animals and insects; damage due to explosions, accidents, destruction of buildings, structures and structures, natural disasters and other emergencies, other damage to health caused by external factors, resulting in the need to transfer the victims to another job, temporary or permanent loss of their ability to work or death of the victims.

The victim must notify the head of work about each accident or deterioration in his health due to the manifestation of signs of acute poisoning, who is obliged to: immediately organize first aid and deliver the victim to a healthcare facility; take urgent measures to prevent the development of an emergency and the impact of a traumatic factor on other persons; prior to the investigation of the accident, maintain the situation as it was at the time of the accident (if it does not threaten the life and health of other people), immediately inform the relevant authorities and organizations about the accident, and also relatives about a severe or fatal accident victim, take other necessary measures to investigate the accident and prepare the materials of the investigation.

In the event of a group severe accident or fatality, the employer must send a notice within XNUMX hours in the prescribed form:

to the relevant state labor inspectorate;

to the prosecutor's office at the scene of the accident;

to the executive branch;

the employer who sent the worker;

to the territorial body of the relevant federal executive body exercising the functions of control and supervision in the established field of activity;

to the executive body of the insurer.

To investigate the accident, the employer forms a commission consisting of at least three people. The commission includes a labor protection specialist, representatives of the employer, representatives of the elected body of the trade union organization. The commission is headed by the employer, and in the cases provided for, by an official of the relevant executive authority exercising the functions of control and supervision in the established field of activity.

The investigation of an accident (including a group one), as a result of which one or more victims received minor health injuries, is carried out by the commission within three days. Investigation of an accident (including a group one), as a result of which one or more victims received severe health damage, or an accident (including a group one) with a fatal outcome is carried out by the commission within 15 days.

An accident that was not reported to the employer in a timely manner or as a result of which the victim’s incapacity for work did not occur immediately is investigated at the request of the victim or his authorized representative within one month from the date of receipt of the said application.

If necessary, the terms can be extended, but not more than 15 days. If the circumstances of the accident are subject to consideration in the organizations that carry out the examination, bodies of inquiry, bodies of investigation or in court, then the extension of the investigation period is made in agreement with them.

Fundamentals of the scientific organization of labor

Increasing the efficiency of modern machines, technological processes and industries is associated with the complexity of their design. This increases the requirements for the qualifications of the person who manages them. But the possibilities of complicating the design of machines, technological processes and industries are practically unlimited, and the ability of a person to manage them is limited by his professional knowledge and psychophysiological characteristics.

In recent years, there has been a need for a scientific approach to solving issues of human interaction with all elements of modern production. New sciences such as occupational health, engineering psychology, ergonomics, and the scientific organization of work have emerged. These sciences seek to solve the problem that has arisen, relying on the achievements of physics, mathematics, chemistry, and biology.

Occupational health, studying the "man - environment" system, develops measures to adapt the production environment to the capabilities of the human body and reduce occupational morbidity.

Engineering psychology, studying the "man - machine" system, establishes the objective laws of the processes of information interaction between man and technology. Engineering psychology develops the optimal characteristics of visual instruments, controls, acoustic and light indicators, anthropometric requirements for the control panel, etc.

Scientific developments in engineering psychology are aimed at increasing the productivity of the operator by reducing his fatigue. This increases the reliability of the "man-machine" system and reduces the likelihood of an emergency.

Ergonomics - a scientific discipline that studies the objective laws of the processes of interaction between a person, technology and the production environment, which arose at the intersection of technical sciences, psychology, physiology and occupational health; its goal is to create conditions in the "man - machine - environment" system, under which productivity would be the highest, and the well-being of a person would be the best, excluding injuries and occupational diseases.

Ergonomics is designed to solve the most important issues related to human labor activity, the main problem of which is the study of human interaction with a machine (machine) in a production environment. The rapid pace of development of production, the systematic improvement of equipment, and the intensive automation of technological processes are well known.

Despite the widespread introduction of various types of automated equipment into production, it is likely that various equipment will still be used for a long period of time, during the operation of which a person plays the role of one of the performers in the "man - machine - environment" system, where the production functions for the implementation of the technological process shared between man and machine.

When a person works in the "man - machine - environment" system, when the functions of control and adjustment remain with the person, psychological stresses acquire special significance. If their permissible limits are exceeded, a person will not be able to confidently perform his production functions for a long time. As a result, the efficiency of the equipment will decrease.

Various systems of technical means came to the aid of man, transmitting the necessary information in the form of a stream of coded signals. A discrepancy between the issuance and reception of information can lead to emergency operation or an accident of the installation, and, consequently, to an accident.

The influence of ergonomic research on some elements of the workplace can be seen in the designs of new technology.

In the future, they will create machines with full automatic regulation of working conditions.

In recent years, scientists and designers have begun to pay considerable attention to the adaptation of machines to the characteristics of the human body, and not only to the qualitative implementation of the technological process.

However, the introduction of scientific developments in ergonomics is not enough.

Occupational health, engineering psychology and ergonomics do not cover all factors that affect productivity and safety at work. In particular, they do not consider the issues of organization of labor and production, which play a significant role in improving productivity and labor safety. The whole complex of questions on increasing the efficiency of production is called upon to solve the scientific organization of labor (NOT). Improving the workflow at every workplace, taking into account the achievements of occupational health, engineering psychology and ergonomics, HOT pays great attention to the interconnections of technological processes and incentives that increase labor productivity.

NOT provides for such an organization of the labor process, in which industrial injuries and occupational diseases would be completely excluded while increasing labor productivity.

Modern achievements in occupational health, engineering psychology, ergonomics and scientific organization of labor make it possible to create such working conditions that completely exclude industrial injuries and diseases.

Occupational health and industrial sanitation

The system of organizational measures and technical means that prevents or reduces the impact on workers of harmful production factors is called industrial sanitation.

Industrial sanitation pays attention to protecting a person from exposure to industrial hazards that are transmitted through direct contact, its task is to create healthy and safe working conditions.

Occupational health studies human labor activity and the working environment from the point of view of their possible impact on the body, develops measures and hygienic standards aimed at improving working conditions and preventing occupational diseases.

Hazardous and harmful factors determine the working conditions in the workplace. A factor is considered harmful if it leads to illness in a worker under certain conditions.

According to the degree of harmfulness and danger harmful and dangerous working conditions are divided into four classes: optimal, permissible, harmful and dangerous.

Optimal working conditions (1st class) - these are the conditions created to maintain a high level of efficiency, under which the health of workers is maintained.

Optimal standards of production factors are established for microclimatic parameters and factors of the labor process.

Permissible working conditions (2nd class) are characterized by levels of environmental factors and the labor process that do not exceed the established hygienic standards for workplaces, and possible changes in the functional state of the body are restored during rest and should not have an adverse effect in the future period on the health of workers and their offspring . Permissible working conditions are conditionally classified as safe.

Harmful working conditions (3rd class) are characterized by the presence of harmful factors that exceed hygienic standards and have an adverse effect on the body of the worker, they are divided into four types according to the degree of harmfulness:

1st degree 3rd class (3.1) - working conditions with deviations from hygienic standards, which cause functional changes that are restored after a long interruption of contact with harmful factors, and increase the risk of health problems;

2st degree 3rd class (3.2) - levels of harmful factors leading to an increase in the frequency of work-related morbidity and the appearance of initial signs of occupational pathology that occur after prolonged exposure (15 years or more);

3st degree 3rd class (3.3) - working conditions, characterized by levels of harmful factors, under the influence of which during the period of employment there is the development of occupational pathology of mild and moderate severity (with loss of professional ability to work), as well as the growth of chronic general somatic pathology, including increased levels of morbidity with temporary disability;

4st degree 3rd class (3.4) - working conditions leading to severe forms of diseases (with loss of general ability to work), there is a significant increase in chronic pathology and high levels of morbidity with temporary disability.

Dangerous (extreme) working conditions (4th class) are characterized by levels of production factors, the impact of which during the work shift creates a threat to life.

Hygienic standards of working conditions (maximum permissible concentration (MPC) and maximum permissible level (MPL)) - the levels of harmful production factors that, during daily (except weekends) work, but not more than 40 hours a week during the entire working experience, do not should cause diseases or deviations in the state of health, detected by modern research methods in the long-term life of the present and subsequent generations. Compliance with hygienic standards does not exclude a violation of the state of health in persons with hypersensitivity.

The most important measure of industrial sanitation is a hygienic assessment of the conditions and nature of labor at workplaces, it is carried out in order to:

monitoring the working conditions of an employee for compliance with applicable sanitary rules, norms and hygienic standards;

establishing priorities in the implementation of recreational activities and evaluating their effectiveness;

certification of workplaces for working conditions and certification of work on labor protection in the organization;

application of measures of administrative influence in identifying sanitary offenses and bringing the perpetrators to disciplinary and criminal liability;

comparing the health status of an employee with his working conditions (when conducting periodic medical examinations, compiling a sanitary and hygienic characteristic);

investigation of cases of occupational diseases and poisoning;

establishing levels of occupational risk for the development of preventive measures and substantiation of social protection measures for workers.

Working in conditions of excess of hygienic standards is a violation of the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

Security requirements for the device and maintenance of enterprises

Work to ensure the safety of workers is the most important task of labor protection.

Remedies - these are various devices included and not included in the design of production equipment, excluding the possibility of injury to personnel.

The requirements for protective equipment are reduced to the ability to stop the operation of the equipment when the protective equipment is disabled. Means should work if there is a danger. Workplaces should be safe and comfortable for work.

Devices are blocking, safety, protective, anti-emergency.

Hazardous zone barriers protect operating personnel from injury by various moving and rotating parts and mechanisms from electromagnetic and thermal radiation arising during the operation of equipment, from flying particles of the processed material, gases, dust, aerosols, etc.

Means of protection must meet the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation.

Requirements for hazardous area enclosures:

structures should not interfere with normal operation and maintenance;

according to the type of execution, the design must correspond to the protected hazardous area and have an interlock with the most dangerous protected mechanisms;

hydraulically driven equipment that operates under pressure must be equipped with reliable screens to prevent the possibility of liquid being released into workplaces.

To protect workers, safety devices are provided in the form of mechanical and electrical interlocks, photoelectric and electronic protection, two-hand switching, alarm.

If there is a danger of accidents, overloads, breakdowns in relation to the equipment, then it is equipped with safety devices with automatic signaling or automatic shutdown.

To protect workers from electric shock in case of damage to the body of machines powered by electric current, the equipment must be grounded.

Brake devices are designed to reduce the speed and stop the machines, lowering the load. The brakes must be installed directly on the working body (drum, wheel), but the design is not compact, so the brakes are installed on the drive shaft.

Locking devices are designed to prevent injuries, they provide fixation of machine parts. Locking devices should prevent the wrong actions of the personnel and prevent the development of an emergency.

Safety devices exclude the possibility of injury to operating personnel, accidents and equipment breakdowns and protect workers from entering the danger zone during maintenance and operation.

On the territory of the enterprise it is necessary to ensure the safety of the movement of workers. At the intersection of roads and railways, special crossings are arranged, which are equipped with warning signs. The movement of vehicles on the territory of the enterprise is allowed at a speed of no more than 10 km/h.

The place for garbage and waste must be agreed with the bodies of the sanitary and epidemiological service.

The floors in the premises must be even and durable and must not allow ground water and harmful gases to pass through.

Signaling devices are designed to control, transmit and reproduce information to attract the attention of maintenance personnel and activate automatic means of preventing accidents and injuries.

It is necessary to pay great attention to the choice of production premises when the work process is performed outdoors. When designing, the following should be taken into account: the class of production according to sanitary standards, the category of production for fire and explosion hazard, the class of premises according to the degree of danger of electric shock.

In order to ensure fire safety at the enterprise, during its operation it is necessary to comply with the basic preventive requirements for the placement on the territory of industrial and auxiliary buildings, cable and air power lines, gas and water communications, fuel depots, roads, water tanks, fire extinguishing equipment, fire equipment.

During the construction of buildings, evacuation routes and exits should be provided for the rapid evacuation of people and to prevent exposure to harmful and dangerous fire factors.

Employers, owners of buildings and structures are obliged to monitor their technical condition, to carry out an examination of the condition of supports, ceilings, roofs, foundations, walls, and to carry out preventive repairs.

All production buildings as a whole or, if necessary, in parts (floors) by order of the head of the enterprise must be assigned to persons responsible for their proper operation, systematic monitoring and timely repairs.

Buildings must be inspected by the commission of the enterprise.

During the current inspection, the following is checked: the position of the main load-bearing structures; the condition of the roof; the state of operation of ventilation systems; no overload on building structures; absence of cracks in stone and concrete walls, spans, slabs.

Certification of workplaces according to working conditions. Certification

When carrying out attestation of workplaces, they are guided by the Procedure for attestation of workplaces in terms of working conditions (appendix to the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated August 31, 2007 No. 569).

Certification of workplaces in terms of working conditions is the assessment of workplaces for compliance with state regulatory requirements for occupational health and safety, ensuring safe working conditions. All workplaces available in the organization are subject to certification of workplaces in terms of working conditions. It involves an assessment of working conditions at workplaces in order to identify harmful and (or) dangerous production factors and take measures to bring working conditions in line with state regulatory requirements for labor protection.

Compliance with regulatory requirements is carried out on the basis of:

• hygienic assessment of working conditions;

• assessment of safety of workplaces;

• assessing the provision of workers with personal protective equipment (PPE);

• assessment of the actual state of working conditions at workplaces.

To organize and conduct certification of workplaces in terms of working conditions, an order is issued in the organization, in accordance with which an certification commission is created, its composition is determined, the chairman is approved, the terms and schedules for its implementation are determined.

The Certification Commission is created by the organization in which the certification of workplaces for working conditions is carried out, and the Certifying Organization on a parity basis in order to coordinate, methodological guidance and control over the work on certification of workplaces for working conditions.

The attestation commission is formed, as a rule, from specialists who have been trained in general issues of attestation of workplaces in terms of working conditions in organizations authorized for this type of training by the federal executive body responsible for developing state policy and legal regulation in the labor sphere.

It is recommended to include managers, lawyers, specialists of labor protection services, personnel specialists, specialists in labor and wages, representatives of laboratory units, chief specialists, medical workers, representatives of trade union organizations, representatives of committees (commissions) on labor protection, representatives of the accrediting organization.

It must be borne in mind that each workplace must be certified at least once every five years.

When attesting workplaces for working conditions, all harmful and dangerous production factors (physical, chemical and biological factors), severity and tension at the workplace are subject to assessment. The levels of harmful and dangerous production factors are determined on the basis of instrumental measurements during the conduct of production processes in accordance with the technological documentation with serviceable and effective means of collective protection.

The injury safety assessment of workplaces is carried out for compliance with their labor safety requirements, which exclude injury to workers under the conditions established by regulatory legal acts on labor protection.

The assessment of the provision of PPE workers is carried out by comparing the funds actually issued with the norms for the free issue of certified special clothing, special footwear, as well as flushing and neutralizing agents to workers and employees and the rules approved in the prescribed manner, as well as by checking compliance with the rules for providing PPE (availability of personal registration card filled in the prescribed manner).

The actual state of working conditions at the workplace is determined on the basis of assessments: by the class and degree of harmfulness and (or) danger of factors in the working environment and the labor process; according to the class of working conditions for injury safety; on the provision of workers with PPE.

The results of certification of workplaces in terms of working conditions are drawn up in the form of a package of documents containing:

1) an order to conduct certification of workplaces in terms of working conditions;

2) a list of workplaces of the organization subject to certification of workplaces for working conditions;

3) copies of documents for the right to carry out measurements and assessments of working conditions by the Certifying organization (if it is involved);

4) attestation cards of workplaces according to working conditions;

5) statements of workplaces of subdivisions and the results of their attestation of workplaces in terms of working conditions and a summary statement of workplaces of the organization and the results of their certification in terms of working conditions;

6) an action plan to improve and improve working conditions in the organization;

7) minutes of the meeting of the attestation commission based on the results of attestation of workplaces in terms of working conditions;

8) an order to complete the certification of workplaces and approve its results.

The normative basis for the certification of workplaces in terms of working conditions are:

Labor Code of the Russian Federation;

regulatory legal acts containing state regulatory requirements for labor protection, as well as other documents on labor protection;

systems of documents on labor protection, operating in certain types of economic activity.

The main harmful production factors of working conditions and their regulation

Dangerous and harmful factors that arise in production conditions are divided into physical, chemical, biological and psychophysiological.

Physical factors include: materials, products, collapsing structures, high or low temperatures of equipment surfaces, absence or lack of natural light and insufficient illumination of the working area; increased brightness of light and reduced contrast; the location of the workplace at a considerable height (relative to the floor or the ground), etc.

Chemical factors by the nature of the impact per person are divided into: toxic, irritant, sensitizing, carcinogenic, mutagenic; affecting reproductive function.

Chemical factors along the way of penetration into the body divided into: penetrating through the respiratory system, skin and mucous membranes.

Biological factors include bacteria, viruses, spirochetes, fungi, protozoa and their metabolic products, as well as macroorganisms - plants and animals.

Psychophysiological factors - these are physical overloads (static and dynamic) and neuropsychic overloads (mental overstrain, monotony of work, emotional overexcitation).

To protect people, animals and plants from harmful and dangerous factors, their level in the atmospheric air, soil and water is normalized.

The microclimate in the production room and at the workplace is characterized by the state of temperature, humidity and air mobility, and the intensity of radiation. The normalization of these parameters is based on acceptable norms.

Temperature, humidity and air velocity are normalized depending on the zone of the country and production conditions.

Air humidity affects the thermoregulation of the body.

Air mobility - movement of air flows under the influence of various stimulating forces.

Noise at workplaces is determined by acceptable sound pressure levels. Normalized sound pressure levels have different limiting spectra for different rooms where work of a different nature is performed (physical labor, mental work). The norms take into account the specifics of noise (tonal, constant, impulse) and the time of its impact.

Air pressure is evenly distributed throughout the body and is balanced by the pressure of gases contained in the blood, tissues, and various organs.

Atmospheric pressure can be increased or decreased: both are harmful if they go beyond acceptable limits.

Harmful substances contained in the air of industrial premises have an adverse effect on the human body; maximum permissible concentrations (MPC) of harmful substances are established for the air of the working area.

MPC - these are concentrations that, during daily (except weekends) work for 8 hours during the entire working experience, cannot cause diseases and deviations in the state of health detected by modern research methods.

MPCs are developed by research institutes of the healthcare system. The development process consists of three stages: justification of a safe exposure level (SLI); substantiation of MPC; correction of MPC.

The content of dusts in the air of the working area is normalized by their maximum permissible concentrations. The MPC lists indicate the permissible concentrations in aerosols of chemicals that have a predominantly toxic, irritating, allergic, and also fibrogenic effect. MPCs have also been established for a number of carcinogenic substances, pesticides and mineral fertilizers.

When determining the degree of toxicity of various substances for animals, indicators are used: threshold, toxic and lethal doses (concentrations), as well as the zone of toxic action of the substance.

Threshold dose (concentration) - a substance taken in the smallest amount, causing certain changes in the functional state of the body. There are no pathological consequences of intoxication from a threshold dose of a toxic substance.

Toxic dose (concentration) - this is the amount of a substance, under the action of which pathological changes occur in the body. There are minimally toxic and maximally tolerated doses (concentrations).

The intake of the smallest amount of a substance of a minimally toxic dose into the body causes the appearance of the first clinically significant signs of poisoning. The action of the substance in the maximum tolerated dose is accompanied by the development of severe poisoning, but without a fatal outcome. At the end of the action of the substance in the body, various functional and morphological disorders (complications) are established that do not pose a threat to life. Most often, this manifests itself in the form of the development of toxic hepatitis, neuroses, disorders of the function of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Lethal (lethal) dose - the amount of a substance that causes severe poisoning, ending in death.

Rationing of a number of hazards is carried out on the basis of maximum allowable doses (MPD), maximum allowable exposures (PDE), maximum allowable levels (MPL).

Safety basics

To prevent and reduce accidents and injuries, various modern technical safety equipment is used.

Technical means are constantly being improved, but it is not possible to completely eliminate the dangers for workers from the production process, since zero risk is possible in systems devoid of stored energy, as well as chemically or biologically active components.

Management tools - these are all systems involved in controlling the working bodies of machines and equipment (starters, buttons, levers, brake systems, steering, etc.).

Informative means serve to provide operators with all the information they need to work. Such means include indicators connected to converters (sensors), scoreboards, signaling means (horn, brake light, direction indicators), rear-view mirrors, windshield wipers.

Protective fences are designed to separate the danger zone from a person and prevent his contact with moving parts, current-carrying parts, moving raw materials, harmful substances and radiation, protect him from falling from a height, etc.

Guardrails (hood, gratings, covers, railings, barriers, screens, canopies) protect the operator from the mechanical effects of moving and rotating parts, high or low temperatures, radiation, aggressive chemicals, biological hazards and unnecessary information.

By installation method and features of operation of the fence are divided into removable, openable and sliding.

By operating time fences are divided into:

permanent, serving as integral parts of machines;

temporary, established for the period of performance of work of short duration at non-permanent workplaces.

Means of climate control (air conditioners, heaters, fans) maintain the required parameters of the air environment of the operator's working area.

Additional tools are used for maintenance. These tools include devices for setting safety clutches, cleaning working bodies, fire extinguishers, shovels, etc.

Energy limiters serve to prevent the appearance of an excessive amount of energy, which entails the development of extreme situations.

Types of limiters:

energy of liquids and gases - valves (safety, explosive, bypass), washers;

mechanical energy - safety clutches, shear keys, pins and studs, limit switches;

electrical energy - fuses, protective and disconnecting devices, grounding devices.

Safety devices are designed to automatically turn off the mechanism, change the mode of the workflow when the controlled parameter goes beyond the allowable limits.

Braking devices are designed to stop the equipment in case of an emergency, to keep the equipment stationary during shutdown or for repair work.

Automatic control and alarm devices are designed to control, transmit and reproduce information to attract the attention of workers and make decisions when a hazardous factor occurs.

Remote control devices are designed to remove the worker from the danger zone.

Electrical and electromechanical interlocks are installed on the entrance doors of especially dangerous premises and industries (laser or X-ray installations).

Signaling devices provide workers with information about the state of the work process, its quantitative and qualitative changes, the level of harmful substances contained in the working area; warn of the occurrence of malfunctions, emergency and traumatic situations.

Signaling devices can be manual or automatic.

Signal colors, signs and safety posters are used to warn workers of a possible danger, prescribe or permit certain actions. According to GOST R 12.4.026-2001, red, yellow, green and blue colors are used as signal colors.

Prohibition signs. It is forbidden to perform certain actions: "It is forbidden to smoke", "Access to strangers is prohibited", etc.

Prescriptive signs. Prescribed to perform certain actions: "Work in protective clothing", "Smoke here", etc.

Indicative signs. Indicate the location of the objects: "Drinking water", "Smoking place".

Evacuation signs. They show the escape routes: "Exit here (right-side)", "Open by moving towards yourself", etc.

Fire safety signs. Indicate the location of fire fighting equipment: "Fire extinguisher", "Fire ladder", etc.

Signs for medical and sanitary purposes. Indicate the location of medical facilities: "First aid kit", "Medical office", etc.

In places where staying is associated with a possible danger to workers, as well as on production equipment that is a source of danger, the installation of safety signs is mandatory. The signs installed on the gates and entrance doors extend their effect to the entire premises, and at the entrance to the object - to the entire object.

Requirements for protective equipment

To reduce the impact of hazardous and harmful production factors, protective equipment for workers is used.

Protective equipment must meet the requirements of technical aesthetics and ergonomics, provide a high degree of protective effectiveness and ease of use.

The choice of safety equipment in each individual case is carried out taking into account the safety requirements for this type of work. At work with harmful working conditions and produced in special temperature conditions, workers and employees are given free overalls, safety shoes and other personal protective equipment (PPE). Hand protection means are used to prevent mechanical damage, exposure to high or low temperatures.

Overalls, safety shoes and other PPE are designed to protect against mechanical impact, adverse weather conditions, dust, heat radiation, damage and are issued to workers in accordance with established standards and deadlines, while they must comply with the working conditions of workers and ensure labor safety.

Workwear is subject to requirements for thermal insulation, air, moisture and vapor permeability, wear resistance, and external aesthetic appearance.

Porous materials, cotton wool, batting, wool have thermal insulation properties, they also retain air better.

The thermal resistance of workwear depends on the thickness of its materials and the built-in electrical heating elements. Thermal insulation is reduced by the action of wind, which destroys the thermal insulation layer of air between clothing and the human body and sharply reduces thermal insulation.

The requirements that apply to overalls in terms of hygroscopicity depend on its purpose. When using overalls in hot conditions, hygroscopicity should be maximum, and in cold conditions - moderate. Underwear should have high hygroscopicity.

Light-colored workwear materials protect more reliably from solar radiation. Linen fabrics protect well from chemicals.

Respirators and gas masks protect against harmful vapors and gases.

Types of respirators:

antiaerosol - to protect the respiratory system from exposure to aerosols;

gas masks - for protection against vapors and gases by filtering the inhaled air through filter cartridges, which differ in the composition of the adsorbing material;

• universal - protect against aerosols and certain types of vapors and gases.

Gas masks are used to protect the respiratory organs, face, eyes from harmful substances that are contained in the air in the form of vapors and gases. Gas masks are filtering and insulating.

In filtering gas masks, the air is preliminarily cleaned of harmful vapors, gases and aerosols. Insulating ones are used when working in wells, during fires, when it is impossible to use respirators and filter gas masks.

The enterprise is obliged to replace PPE that has become unusable before the expiration of the established wear period for reasons beyond the control of the employee.

The administration of the enterprise monitors that workers use overalls and should not allow workers to work without the established protective equipment, as well as in faulty, unrepaired, contaminated overalls or with faulty PPE. The calendar terms for wearing overalls, special footwear and other PPE have been established, they are calculated from the day they are actually issued to workers and employees.

When issuing respirators and gas masks to workers, the administration instructs them on the rules for using and how to check the serviceability of these funds, as well as to ensure the care of workers' protective equipment, washing, and repairing PPE.

In the event of an infectious disease, the protective equipment used by the worker and the room in which they were stored must be disinfected.

Before installation and repair work, work clothes must be put in order. It is forbidden to work in light shoes (slippers, sandals).

If electric welding is performed near the workplace, then you need to install a shield (screen) to protect against ultraviolet rays and wear special safety glasses. In this case, you need to beware of possible burns.

When performing installation work near electrical wires and electrical installations, it is necessary to turn off the voltage for the duration of the work; if, according to production conditions, this is impossible to do, then dangerous places must be protected and work must be carried out in the presence of a foreman.

During electric welding, canvas gloves and special protective goggles (with blue glasses) are put on, and during work that generates dust, small chips, closed-type goggles.

Work on scaffolding and scaffolding is started only with the permission of the master and after a thorough inspection.

When working on emery wheels, protective screens are installed, in the absence of screens, they work in protective glasses.

Before starting work on lifting machines, check the availability and serviceability of overalls and protective equipment (safety glasses, rubber gloves, mittens).

When working with power tools, use rubber gloves and dielectric galoshes and rugs.

Classification of security equipment

Dangerous area - this is a space that is located around the machine, where there are constantly harmful production factors that are dangerous to human life.

All these areas have a risk of injury to persons who service the equipment. Hazardous areas should have protective barriers, warning labels, signs, signals against accidental entry of people into them. Great care must be taken when working near hazardous areas.

Security classification:

technical means: enclosing devices;

safety, brake, blocking, signaling devices;

automatic couplers;

remote control.

Enclosing devices are designed to separate the danger zone from a person, they prevent contact with moving parts, harmful substances and radiation, and protect against falling from a height. Fencing devices are stationary, removable and temporary.

Protective equipment are used to automatically turn off the mechanism, change the mode of the workflow when the controlled parameter goes beyond the allowable limits. These include: couplings; automatic devices, including emergency ventilation, if the air of the working area has an increased content of harmful substances; fuses that disconnect a damaged electrical installation from the network; grounding and neutralizing devices.

Brake devices designed for emergency shutdown of running machines.

Locking devices do not allow a person to enter the danger zone and are used to stop the process.

Interlocks are mechanical, electrical, hydraulic, photoelectric, electromechanical, combined, radio frequency, pneumatic. Electrical interlocks are installed on the entrance doors of especially dangerous premises.

Signaling devices provide employees with information about the state of the work process, the level of harmful substances contained in the working area; warn of emergencies.

Signal elements are visual (signal lights, illuminated panels with inscriptions), acoustic (sirens), odorization, which are perceived by smell.

Remote monitoring is carried out with the help of special sensors, television screens in cases where the direct presence of the operator in the working area for safety reasons is impossible, impractical.

To warn workers of a possible danger, signal colors, signs and safety posters are used. According to GOST R 12.4.026-2 001, red, yellow, green and blue are used as signal colors.

Red color means immediate danger, prohibition. It is used for prohibition signs, fire safety signs; disconnecting devices of machines; warning lights to warn of danger; fire fighting equipment, equipment and supplies.

Yellow is a warning. Used for warning signs; permanent and temporary fencing, which are installed at the boundaries of hazardous areas, at openings, pits, pits; railings of stairs, balconies, where a fall from a height is possible.

Green color means rescue and is used for evacuation safety signs, safety signs for medical and sanitary purposes, for light panels that inform about the normal operation of the equipment.

The blue color indicates information, an instruction to avoid danger. It is used for indicative and prescriptive signs.

Signal (orange) overalls are used by road workers.

Identification inscriptions applied to the bodies of machines: "Transportation of people is prohibited", "Flammable" - on containers with flammable substances.

Safety signs according to GOST 12.4.026-2001 are divided into groups.

Prohibition signs. It is forbidden to perform certain actions: "It is forbidden to smoke", "Access is prohibited". Made in the form of a circle, the color of the pattern is black with a red strikethrough stripe on a white background.

Warning signs. Hazard warning: "Explosive". Made in the form of a triangle, the color of the picture is black on a yellow background.

Prescriptive signs. They are ordered to perform certain actions: "Work in a protective helmet (helmet)", "Smoke here". Made in the form of a circle, the color of the pattern is white on a blue background.

Indicative signs. Indicate the location of the objects: "Drinking water", "Smoking place". Made in the form of a rectangle, the color of the picture is white on a blue background.

E vacuum signs. Show evacuation routes: "Direction to the evacuation exit to the left down." Made in the form of a rectangle, the color of the picture is white on a green background.

Fire safety signs. Indicate the location of fire fighting equipment: "Fire extinguisher", "Fire escape". Made in the form of a rectangle, the color of the picture is white on a red background.

Signs for medical and sanitary purposes to find medical objects: "First aid kit", "Medical office". Made in the form of a rectangle, the color of the picture is white on a green background.


A fire alarm is designed to detect the initial stage of a fire and notify the place and time of its occurrence, which provides control and operational management of work in case of fire. For fire communication and signaling, telephone, radio and electrical devices are used. Inside the enterprises, messages about fires can be transmitted with the help of beeps, bells, radio. Fire alarms are designed to quickly report a fire.

Fire communication is subdivided into: notification communication (timely reception of fire calls); dispatcher communication; fire connection.

Electrical fire alarm systems (EPS) detect the initial stage of a fire (ignition) and report the place of its occurrence. EPS are automatic and manual. The source of combustion can be detected by registering the optical radiation of the flame, changes in temperature and pressure. The sensors are divided into flame, smoke, heat, ionization, pressure and combined sensors, which record several parameters.

The fire alarm system consists of fire detectors that are connected to the signal line, they convert the manifestations of fire (heat, light, smoke) into an electrical signal of the receiving and control station, which receives the signal and turns on the light and sound alarms, as well as automatic fire extinguishing and smoke removal installations .

According to the method of connecting the detectors to the receiving station, beam (radial) and loop (ring) systems are distinguished.

Automatic fire detectors are divided as follows.

According to the reacting factor - thermal (react to temperature increase), smoke (control the appearance of smoke), light (react to a change in the light flux) and combined (react to heat and smoke).

According to the principle of action, they are divided into maximum, differential and maximum-differential. The maximum ones are triggered when a certain temperature is reached, the differential ones - at a certain rate of temperature rise, the maximum differential ones - from any prevailing temperature change.

By design, heat detectors are passive, in which the sensitive element changes its parameters under the influence of temperature, and active, in which the manifestations of the initial stage of a fire (smoke) cause a change in the parameters of the active zone - ionization, transparency.

Warehouses for flammable liquids are equipped with automatic fire alarms.

Automatic fire detector DTL is a passive detector of maximum action of a single operation and is intended for closed explosion-proof rooms. It works with any object control panel, electrical fire alarm station or centralized monitoring console.

Thermal fire detector IP-104-1 of maximum contact type issues an alarm signal when the ambient temperature rises above the established norm to the receiving and control station.

Automatic bimetallic maximum differential fire detector MDPI-028 consists of two bimetallic elements that deform when the ambient temperature rises and with their loose ends act on the contacts.

Thermal magnetic fire detector IP-105-2/1 - its action is based on the change in magnetic induction under the action of high temperature.

Intrinsically safe fire alarm detector type DPS-038 is differential and designed for operation in explosion-proof rooms. It is a thermopile, which consists of chromel-copel thermocouples connected in series; its action is based on the occurrence of thermoelectromotive force in thermocouples in the presence of a temperature difference between fast and inertial junctions.

Smoke detectors There are two types: point, signaling the appearance of smoke at their installation sites, and linear volumetric, which work on the principle of shading the light beam between the receiver and emitter.

IP 2 12-2 - point, based on the photoelectric effect;

DIP-1 - combined, reacting to smoke and heat as a result of a change in the conductivity of the semiconductors of single diodes with an increase in temperature.

Heat detectors operate in the event of the spread of heat from the source of the fire.

RID-1 and RID-6 - radiation, based on different air ionization in the presence of smoke;

DOP, IOP and QUART - volumetric, based on the shading of the infrared beam by combustion products.

Ultrasonic detectors (DUZ-4) react to fluctuating flames and moving objects.

Automatic combined detector type KI-1 reacts to heat and smoke. Works at a temperature of 60-80 °C.

The work of the light detector is based on the principle of registration of infrared radiation from the flame.

The most important characteristic of detectors is their inertia. The smallest inertia has a light detector, the largest - thermal. However, heat detectors are very simple and cheap compared to light and smoke detectors.

electrical safety

Electric current is very dangerous for humans. Passing through the body, the electric current produces thermal, electrolytic and biological effects.

Electric shock occurs when touching the open parts of electrical equipment, to the housings of electrical installations that are energized, with an unacceptable approach to the wires of overhead power lines (power lines). Many fatal injuries are associated with the theft of wires from power transmission poles, non-ferrous metal from transformer substations.

Thermal the action of the current manifests itself in the form of burns of individual parts of the body.

electrolytic the action is manifested in the decomposition of blood and other organic fluids, causing significant violations of their composition and properties.

Biological the action of the current leads to involuntary convulsive contractions of the muscles, as a result of which a complete cessation of the activity of the circulatory and respiratory organs can occur.

There are two main types of electric shock to a person - electrical injuries and electrical shocks.

electrical injury - These are clearly expressed local damage to body tissues.

There are the following electrical injuries: electrical burns, electrical signs, skin plating, electrophthalmia and mechanical damage.

Electric burn - It's an electric shock. There are two types of burns: current and arc.

electric shock - this is the excitation of living tissues by an electric current passing through the body, accompanied by convulsive muscle contraction. Electric shock leads to a complete cessation of activity, i.e. to the death of the body.

Clinical (imaginary) death begins from the moment of cessation of the activity of the heart and lungs and continues until the death of the cells of the cerebral cortex begins (lasts up to 7-8 minutes).

Biological (true) death - an irreversible phenomenon characterized by the cessation of biological processes in the cells and tissues of the body and the breakdown of protein structures; it occurs after the period of clinical death.

The human body is a conductor of electric current. To protect against electric shock, insulation of current-carrying parts, wires is used by applying a dielectric material (plastics, rubber, etc.) to them.

There are basic (working) insulation, double insulation, when additional insulation is provided in addition to working insulation in case of damage; reinforced insulation.

Electrical protective equipment is designed to protect people during maintenance of electrical installations. They are divided into:

insulating (basic and additional);



Insulating means serve to isolate a person from current-carrying parts and earth. The insulation withstands the full operating voltage of electrical installations.

The main insulating means in electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V include insulating rods, voltage indicators, insulating removable towers and ladders, platforms, etc.

Enclosing means (shields, cage-fences, insulating pads) are designed for temporary fencing of live parts.

Auxiliary means (safety belts, safety ropes, goggles, gloves, cloth suits) serve to protect against accidental falls from a height, as well as from light, thermal, mechanical and chemical effects of electric current.

electrical safety according to GOST 12.1.002-84, this is a system of organizational and technical measures and means that ensure the protection of people from the effects of electric current, electric arc, electromagnetic field and static electricity.

Electrical injury - a phenomenon characterized by a set of electrical injuries.

The main causes of electrical injury: touching live conductors; violation of electrical safety rules when working in the area of ​​power lines, when operating mobile machines at currents, when operating faulty welding transformers; lack of grounding of electrical equipment; violation of technologies for installation and dismantling of electrical installations; use of a faulty tool; replacement of electric lamps under voltage, etc. Therefore, they take protective measures that maximally exclude electrical injuries.

Such measures are provided for during the design, construction, installation of equipment in accordance with the requirements of GOST, Building Regulations or technical specifications, the Electrical Installation Rules (PUE), as well as during operation in accordance with the Rules for the Technical Operation of Consumer Electrical Installations (PTE) and the Safety Rules for Operation electrical installations of consumers (PTB).

The danger of electric shock in sick people (heart disease, nervous diseases) is higher than in healthy people. The state of intoxication reduces the electrical resistance of the body, increasing the danger of damage.

The working environment also affects electrical safety. In damp rooms, the conditions for ensuring electrical safety are unfavorable, since the best contact of a person with live parts is ensured.

Safety in the operation of vehicles and lifting equipment

The operation of lifting machines is regulated in the Rules for Construction and Safe Operation.

Persons at least 18 years of age who do not have medical contraindications, have undergone special training and have a certificate are allowed to service lifting equipment. They must be tested annually.

Women working on lifting equipment must keep their hair under their headgear and work in trousers. All personnel must be trained and tested.

By order of the enterprise, a responsible official for the safe operation of lifting and transport mechanisms is appointed, whose knowledge must be checked at least once every three years.

When operating vehicles, it is prohibited: to allow drivers in a state of alcoholic intoxication, in a sick state, as well as persons who do not have a certificate to drive.

Before leaving, drivers are required to check the serviceability of the technical condition of the transport, have a driver's license, registration documents, a waybill, documents for the cargo. In case of malfunctions, it is forbidden to operate the vehicle.

When working with lifting equipment, they are guided by the signals of the slinger. The "Stop" command, received from any employee who has noticed the danger, is carried out immediately.

When lifting a load, it is first lifted to a height of 200 mm, then stopped to check the correct slinging, the reliability of the crane brake.

Before lifting the load, the slinger must move away from it at a distance of at least 1,0 m.

It is impossible to lift a load of an unknown mass. The crane operator has no right to move the load over people. In bad weather conditions, the operation of the cranes is stopped. Do not lower or raise the load if there are people between it and the wall.

Incoming goods are stacked on racks, ensuring the stability of the stacks. The weight of the load must not exceed the design capacity of a standard pallet.

Not allowed stowage of goods in damaged containers, in packaging that does not ensure the stability of the package.

Stowage of goods should ensure their stability during storage and transportation, unloading of vehicles and dismantling of stacks, as well as the possibility of mechanized loading and unloading. De-stacking is carried out strictly from top to bottom.

In order to avoid falling loads when performing work with packaged and piece goods, it is necessary to use various types of containers, equipment and specialized lifting devices.

Cargoes in boxes and bags must be stacked and bandaged. Drums with flammable liquids must only be placed lying down, in one row, with the cap up. In order to avoid collapses when dismantling an adjacent stack, do not stack the stack close to the stack.

Before lifting and moving loads, their stability and correct slinging are checked. Slinging methods must exclude the possibility of falling loads. When manually slinging containers, special ladders are used to ensure the safety of workers. Slinging of bulky goods is carried out taking into account their mass and the location of the center of gravity.

When transporting, loading and unloading, storing and installing glass, precautions should be taken to ensure safe working conditions.

Transportation of goods is carried out by electric and motor vehicles with devices that exclude the possibility of their operation by unauthorized persons. It is possible to leave vehicles after completion and during breaks between works if measures are taken to prevent their spontaneous movement. On the truck, the lifted load must be lowered.

Transportation of long loads is carried out in open areas with a flat surface.

Cargo hand trucks must have removable or rigid attachments that provide stability to the loads. Trolleys for moving drums must be equipped with safety brackets at the ends of the handles and have devices for protecting hands in the event of a fall or displacement of goods from the trolley.

Transport cargo trolleys with a carrying capacity of up to 50 kg are used to move individual lightweight goods, and with a carrying capacity of 0,25 ... 1 t - to move individual goods in a container.

Requirements when performing loading and unloading operations and transporting goods manually: when unloading a vehicle, bridges, ladders should be used, the deflection of the flooring at maximum load should not exceed 20 mm.

Cargo hand trucks must be serviceable, stable and easy to control, and the speed of their movement must not exceed 5 km/h. When moving a load down a sloping floor, the worker must be at the back of the cart. When moving a load stacked in a high stack, a second worker should be involved to maintain the stack. The employee accompanying the cart should not be on the side of it.

Occupational safety in the operation of pressure vessels and equipment

Vessels that operate under pressure are manufactured in accordance with the requirements of GOST standards and technical specifications at enterprises that have permission for this from local bodies of Rostekhnadzor.

Pressure plants:

1) compressors;

2) concrete pumps;

3) mortar pumps;

4) cylinders with compressed gas;

5) gas generators.

Persons at least 18 years of age who have passed a medical examination, trained, licensed by Rostekhnadzor bodies are allowed to service the vessels. Individual training is prohibited.

Persons who have been trained, certified by the qualification commission and instructed in the safe maintenance of installations are allowed to work under pressure.

At the enterprise, the chief engineer must develop and approve instructions for the operation mode and safe maintenance of installations. Instructions are hung out at workplaces and issued against receipt to service personnel.

The employer must ensure that the vessels are kept in good condition and operated safely. To do this, the manager must appoint by order a specialist who has passed the knowledge test of the Rules, who will be responsible for the safe operation of the vessels (the number and date of the order are recorded in the vessel passport). The personnel serving the vessel must be subordinate to a specialist.

In a special book of accounting and certification of installations, kept by the person who supervised them in the organization, all installations are taken into account.

Technical examination - this is an internal inspection of installations and a hydraulic test.

In order to exclude overloading and injury of people by mechanisms and supplied materials during the operation of compressors, pumps, it is necessary to ensure their stable installation.

The base of the platform on which the compressor is located must comply with the requirements of the instructions, the platform must be fenced off, and the wheels must be fixed in a position that excludes spontaneous displacement.

Before starting work, it is necessary to carry out a hydraulic test of the system with a pressure one and a half times higher than the working pressure in order to avoid overloading.

All pressurized installations must be provided with automatic safety devices.

Pressure vessels, steam and hot water boilers, hot water steam pipelines are classified as hazardous production facilities. Their operation is associated with increased danger. Explosions of vessels, boilers, steam and hot water pipelines are very dangerous, as they cause great destruction, accidents (including fatalities) and cause great material damage.

Vessel - a container that is hermetically sealed and is intended for conducting thermal and chemical processes, as well as for storing and transporting gaseous, liquid and other substances. The boundary of the vessel is the inlet and outlet fittings.

Test pressure is the pressure at which the vessel is tested.

Working pressure - external pressure, occurs during the normal course of the working process.

Balloon - a vessel that has one or two necks for installing valves and is intended for the transportation, storage and use of compressed gases liquefied under pressure.

Barrel - this is a vessel having a cylindrical shape, rolled over and installed on the ends without additional supports, intended for storage and transportation of liquid substances.

Storage tank - a vessel that is intended for the storage of gaseous, liquid and other substances.

Fitting - an element for connecting pipelines and instrumentation to the vessel.

The rules for the design and safe operation of pressure vessels are called boiler supervision rules, and the objects to which they apply are objects of boiler supervision.

Control over compliance with the Boiler Supervision Rules is carried out by the bodies of Rostekhnadzor of the Russian Federation.

At enterprises, control over compliance with the Boiler Supervision Rules is carried out by boiler supervision inspectors who periodically conduct technical examinations and inspections of boiler supervision facilities. Inspectors have the right to suspend the work of boiler supervision facilities in case of violation of rules, norms and safety instructions, to impose fines on officials.

Control over compliance with the rules for the construction and safe operation of vessels is assigned to managers and specialists who supervise the technical condition and operation of vessels operating under excessive pressure.

Causes of vascular accidents:

violation of the technological process;

overheating of cylinders;

failure of safety devices;

overpressure due to faulty safety valves;

defects in the manufacture, installation and repair of vessels;

maintenance of vessels by unskilled specialists;

violation of the Rules.

Vessels that are in operation are examined at least once every 5 years, vessels filled with gases that are used for vehicles - at least once every 2 years. Periodic inspection is carried out at test stations.

Safety during the operation of the gas facilities of the enterprise

Some enterprises use gas-using installations that require special safety measures.

Gas hazardous work - this is work performed in the conditions of the occurrence of a sudden appearance of gas.

Ensuring security is the responsibility of the head of the enterprise. By order of the enterprise, a person is appointed responsible for the safe operation of the gas facilities.

Workers involved in the operation of gas pipelines, the installation and operation of ventilation and smoke ducts for the removal of combustion products, before being assigned to independent work, are trained in safe methods and techniques for performing work in the gas sector and pass an exam.

Before being allowed to perform gas-hazardous work, each employee must (after checking knowledge) undergo an internship under the supervision of an experienced employee during the first 10 work shifts. Admission to internship and independent work in the gas sector is issued by order of the enterprise.

Gas hazardous work is performed by at least two workers.

Premises in which gas pipelines are laid and gas-using units and fittings are installed must be accessible to service personnel.

Never occupy premises for warehouses, load gas pipelines and use them as supporting structures and grounding.

The operation of gas-using installations without switching on control and protection devices is prohibited. If, during the ignition of the burner, a separation, flashover or extinction of the flame occurs, the gas supply to the burner and the ignition device must be immediately stopped. After eliminating the cause of the malfunction, it is necessary to ventilate the furnace and gas ducts for the time specified in the production instructions, then it is allowed to start re-igniting.

Not allowed leave a working gas-using installation without constant supervision by service personnel.

It is not allowed to operate the installations without constant monitoring of their operation when the installations are equipped with an automation system that ensures trouble-free operation of gas equipment and emergency protection in case of malfunctions and malfunctions.

A signal about the gas contamination of the premises and equipment malfunction should be displayed at the control room.

Internal gas pipelines and gas equipment of installations must be subject to maintenance at least once a month, current repairs - at least once a year. Checking and cleaning of gas ducts should be carried out when repairing furnaces, boilers and other equipment, in case of violations of draft.

The gas supply to the installation must be immediately stopped when:

extinction of the controlled flame of the burners;

high or low gas pressure;

turning off fans, smoke exhausters;

interruption of power supply or loss of voltage on remote, automatic control devices and measuring instruments;

malfunctions of instrumentation, automation and signaling equipment;

failure of safety interlocks and loss of tightness of the stop valve;

burner malfunctions;

the appearance of gas pollution, the detection of gas leaks on gas equipment and internal gas pipelines;

explosion in the furnace space, explosion or ignition of combustible deposits in gas ducts.

In the event of an explosion and fire in the boiler room, the shut-off devices at the inlet of the gas pipeline must be immediately closed. The procedure for putting the gas-using installation into operation (after it has been stopped) must be determined by the production instruction, while the gas must be started only after the malfunctions have been eliminated.

The administration of the enterprise, before putting seasonal installations into operation, must ensure: verification of knowledge of the instructions by the maintenance personnel; maintenance of gas equipment and automation systems; gas duct cleaning. Removal of the plug and start-up of gas is allowed only if there are documents confirming the performance of the specified work.

Initial inspections of smoke extraction devices must be carried out by a specialized organization. Subsequent checks during operation may be carried out by the owner, who has trained personnel. The results of the checks are documented in an act.

Furnaces and gas ducts must be ventilated before starting boilers, furnaces. The start time of ventilation is set by the instruction, and the end time is determined using a gas indicator.

It is allowed to open the shut-off valves on the gas pipeline in front of the burner only after bringing a burning igniter to it.

To perform gas work (welding, cutting) are allowed persons at least 18 years of age, trained in the profession, having passed the exam, having the appropriate certificate. Once every 12 months they are tested knowledge.

The administration is obliged to inform the local authority of Gospromatomnadzor about each accident. Prior to the commencement of an investigation by the commission, the administration is obliged to ensure the safety of the entire situation of the accident, if this does not endanger people's lives and does not violate the order of operation of the gas facilities of the enterprise.

Fire safety requirements

Fire - this is burning outside a special focus, which is not controlled and causes material damage. Fires occur as a result of an incorrect assessment of the explosion and fire hazard category of production.

Fire hazard of the object - this is the state of the object, which consists in the possibility of a fire and its consequences.

Fire safety of the facility - this is the state of the object, in which the development of a fire and the impact on people of hazardous fire factors are excluded and the protection of material assets is ensured.

To ensure the fire safety of the enterprise, it is necessary during the design and operation to comply with the requirements for the placement on the territory of industrial and auxiliary buildings, air and cable lines, power supply lines, gas and water communications, fuel depots, roads, railways, sites for loading and unloading operations , water tanks, fire extinguishers, fire equipment, maintain proper order and cleanliness on the territory of the enterprise. These requirements are set out in building, fire and sanitary and hygienic standards.

Buildings of increased fire hazard with the release of harmful production factors are located in the zones of the territory of the enterprise, located on the leeward side of other zones.

The enterprises provide for the main zones:

administrative and economic;




Water and sewer networks, as well as reservoirs for fire extinguishing, are placed in special technical lanes.

The purpose of fire breaks is to limit the possibility of the spread of fire during a fire, its transition from one building to another. It is forbidden to redevelop without the consent of the local bodies of the State Fire Supervision, to line the surfaces of structures in corridors, on stairwells with combustible materials, to clean rooms using flammable combustible liquids.

Heating appliances must be fireproof. Air heaters and heaters should be located so that they have free access for inspection and cleaning.

All buildings must be freely accessible. On the territory of the enterprise highways and driveways should provide access for fire engines to bodies of water that can be used to extinguish a fire.

On the territory of enterprises, paved areas with a width of at least 12 m are provided, adjacent to the loading platform of the expedition and areas for collections of production waste and garbage with a capacity of no more than two days of accumulation, located no closer than 25 m from production buildings. The latter should be cleaned and disinfected daily.

In order to prevent the spread of fire from one part of the building to another, arrange fire fighting barriers in the form of partitions. Fire partitions are installed between separate rooms of the building. The minimum fire resistance of partitions must be at least 0,75 hours.

Fire walls - walls made of non-combustible material with a fire resistance of at least 2,5 hours, crossing all structural elements of the building along its longitudinal or transverse axis. To ensure stability in case of fire, fire walls must be placed on the foundation.

The wall is erected to the full height of the building, and its upper part should rise above the roof by 0,6 m, in buildings made of fire-retardant structures - protrude at least 0,3 m beyond the outer walls. If there are doorways or windows in these walls, they are covered with fire doors and windows.

fire zone - this is a part of the covering of a building with a width of at least 6 m, made of non-combustible structures and materials and designed to prevent the spread of fire along the roof. Inside the building, within the spans of the fire zone, there is an evacuation corridor with two exits from the building.

To increase the fire resistance of building structures, special processing is used. Combustible building structures are impregnated with flame retardants; walls, racks and partitions are plastered or lined; steel structures are lined, plastered or covered with screens made of slow-burning materials.

To prevent the destruction of the building during explosions, easily drop structures are provided in the premises. Being destroyed first, they reduce the pressure of explosive gases in the building and ensure the safety of its main building structures.

Evacuation of workers from premises in the event of a fire, it is one of the most important measures to prevent the impact of its dangerous factors on them.

To ensure evacuation in buildings, evacuation routes and evacuation exits must be provided. The efficiency of evacuation is estimated by the time during which people can leave the premises in case of forced movement.

The time from the start of a fire to the occurrence of a dangerous situation for people is called the critical duration of a fire.

Basics of fire prevention

The fire safety system is a set of organizational measures and technical means that are aimed at preventing a fire and the damage that it may entail.

Fire Prevention It consists of a set of organizational and technical measures aimed at protecting people, preventing fire, limiting its spread, and creating conditions for successful fire extinguishing.

In the task of fire prevention fire prevention is included. To prevent a fire, there is a system for the implementation of instructions on fire safety measures. At the same time, compliance with regime measures should be strictly monitored.

Some tasks are aimed at ensuring the safety of people and material values. This is achieved by limiting the spread of fire, as well as fulfilling all conditions for successful fire extinguishing. All these issues are solved at the enterprise by the fire protection system.

Fire protection system includes the use of fire extinguishing equipment and other types of fire equipment, alarm and fire extinguishing installations, the use of building materials that comply with fire safety indicators. In addition, the structures of various objects are impregnated with flame retardants and fire-retardant paints are applied to their surfaces. In the fire safety system, it is necessary to use devices that limit the spread of fire, as well as apply smoke protection systems.

To prevent the formation of a combustible environment, the following methods must be used:

limiting the mass and volume of combustible substances;

the use of non-combustible and slow-burning substances and materials;

isolation of combustible environment;

maintenance of temperature and pressure at which the spread of flame is excluded;

installation of fire hazardous equipment in isolated rooms or outdoor areas;

the use of various devices to protect production equipment with combustible substances from damage.

An ignition source in a combustible atmosphere can be prevented by:

operation of electrical equipment in accordance with GOST and the rules for the installation of electrical installations (PUE);

operation of machines that do not form sources of ignition;

the use of high-speed means of protective shutdown;

using a lightning protection device for buildings, structures and equipment;

control of temperature of heating of surfaces of devices;

elimination of conditions that can cause thermal or chemical spontaneous combustion;

compliance with all applicable building codes and standards.

For the safe placement of combustible substances, it is necessary: reduce the mass and volume of combustible substances by using an emergency drain; engage in periodic cleaning of premises, territories, communications, etc.

Limiting the spread of fire outside the focus is carried out using various devices of fire barriers. In addition, the following must be observed regulations: the enterprise should be provided with fire compartments, emergency shutdown and switching devices, use means that prevent or limit the spill and spread of liquids in case of fire.

When evacuating, you must:

1) create unhindered movement of people along evacuation routes;

2) in case of special need, so that there is no panic, it is possible to organize control over the movement of people (light indicators, sound and voice notification, etc.);

3) set the number, size of outlets.

Each enterprise should be provided with a system of timely notification of people and an alarm system about a fire in its initial stage.

The building must be provided with all important technical means (staircases, fire walls, elevators, external fire escapes, emergency hatches, etc.).

For the operation of fire equipment, it is necessary to ensure the following:

compliance with the speed and intensity of the supply of fire extinguishing agents;

sources and means of supplying fire extinguishing agents for fire extinguishing;

stock of fire extinguishing agents (powder, gas, etc.);

vehicle base and fire service;

safety requirements.

In general, the fire protection system is implemented by a whole range of technical, constructive, fire prevention measures. All of them are carried out using fire alarm systems, smoke removal, fire extinguishing.

In order to protect the enterprise and employees from fire, it is necessary to strictly follow all the requirements of state standards, building codes and regulations, documentation in the part that provides for fire safety at the design stage.

In this case, the entire responsibility for the development of a building for the organization, taking into account all regulatory technical documents, rests with the head of the enterprise. To ensure fire safety, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work and preventive measures. Most often, fire fighting methods are tested in practice. This helps to control the operation of technical equipment and the training of plant personnel in case a hazard arises. All information obtained in the course of prevention should be recorded in the regulatory documentation that is responsible for safety.

Classification of premises and buildings for fire safety

The classification of buildings according to the degree of fire resistance, constructive and functional fire hazard is regulated by SNiP 21-01-97. These norms came into effect on January 1, 1998. The class of constructive fire hazard of a building is determined by the degree of participation of building structures in the development of a fire and the formation of its dangerous factors. Building structures according to fire hazard are divided into classes: K0, K1, K2, K3 (GOST 30403-96 "Building structures. Method for determining fire hazard").

According to the functional fire hazard, the premises are divided into classes depending on the method of their use and on the extent to which the safety of people in them in the event of a fire is at risk (taking into account their age, physical condition, sleep or wakefulness, type of the main functional contingent and its quantity).

Buildings in which people permanently or temporarily live are to class F1, which includes:

F1.1 - nursing homes and disabled people, preschool institutions, hospitals, dormitories of boarding schools and children's institutions;

F1.2 - hotels, hostels, dormitories of sanatoriums and rest houses, boarding houses;

F1.3 - apartment buildings;

F1.4 - individual houses.

To class F2 include cultural and educational institutions, which include:

F2.1 - theaters, cinemas, concert halls, clubs, circuses, sports facilities;

F2.2 - museums, exhibitions, dance halls, libraries;

F2.3 - cinemas, clubs, concert halls, but located in the open air.

To class F3 public service companies include:

F3.1 - trade and public catering enterprises;

F3.2 - stations;

F3.3 - polyclinics and outpatient clinics;

F3.4 - premises for visitors to public utilities enterprises;

F3.5 - sports and recreation and sports training facilities without stands for spectators.

To class F4 include educational institutions, scientific and design organizations:

F4.1 - general education schools, secondary specialized educational institutions, vocational schools, out-of-school educational institutions;

F4.2 - higher educational institutions, advanced training institutions;

F4.3 - information and publishing organizations, banks, institutions of governing bodies, design organizations, offices, educational and research organizations.

To class F5 production and storage facilities include:

F5.1 - production and laboratory premises;

F5.2 - warehouses, parking lots without maintenance, book depositories and archives;

F5.3 - agricultural buildings.

Production and storage facilities, as well as laboratories and workshops in buildings of classes F1, F2, F3, F4 belong to class F5.

According to GOST 30244-94 "Building materials. Test methods for combustibility" building materials are divided into combustible (G) and non-combustible (NG). Determination of combustibility of building materials is carried out experimentally.

Finishing materials are characterized by the value of the critical surface heat flux density (KPPTP), at which stable flame combustion of the material occurs (GOST 30402-96).

All materials are divided into three flammability groups depending on the value of KPPTP:

B1 - KPPTP is equal to or greater than 35 kW per m2;

B2 - more than 20, but less than 35 kW per m2;

B3 - less than 20 kW per m2.

Fires are subdivided according to the scale of intensity into:

a fire that occurs in a separate building (structure) or in a small isolated group of buildings;

continuous fire, which is characterized by simultaneous intense burning of the predominant number of buildings and structures in a certain area of ​​development (more than 50%);

fire storm - a special form of a continuous continuous fire that is formed under conditions of an upward flow of heated combustion products and a significant amount of fresh air rapidly entering the center of the fire storm (wind at a speed of 50 km / h);

a massive fire that is formed when there is a combination of individual and continuous fires in the area.

The spread of fires and their transformation into continuous fires is determined by the building density of the site.

The rapid spread of fire is possible with the following combinations of the degree of fire resistance of buildings and structures with the building density:

for buildings of I and II degrees of fire resistance, the building density should be no more than 30%;

for buildings of III degree - 20%;

for buildings IV and V degree - no more than 10%.

The influence of three factors (building density, fire resistance of the building and wind speed) on the rate of fire spread:

1) at wind speeds up to 5 m/s in buildings of I and II fire resistance levels, the fire spread rate is approximately 120 m/h; in buildings of the IV degree of fire resistance - approximately 300 m / h, and in the case of a combustible roof - up to 900 m / h;

2) at wind speeds up to 15 m/s in buildings of I and II degrees of fire resistance, the fire spread speed reaches 360 m/s.

Physical and chemical bases of substance combustion

Combustion - a complex physico-chemical, fast-flowing process, which is accompanied by the release of a significant amount of heat and a bright glow.

Combustion occurs as a result of the oxidation of a substance capable of combustion (fuel) by an oxidizing agent (air oxygen, chlorine).

Types of ignition: flash, ignition, self-ignition, spontaneous combustion.

Combustion is a complex of interrelated chemical and physical processes.

The combustion property is the ability of the resulting flame to move throughout the combustible mixture by transferring heat from the combustion zone to the fresh mixture.

Sources of ignition are sparks, flames, incandescent objects, friction, impact.

The occurrence of the combustion process is characterized by the presence of critical conditions (by composition of the mixture, pressure, temperature, geometric dimensions of the system) for the emergence and propagation of the flame.

Combustion is characterized by three typical stages: initiation, propagation, and extinction of the flame.

Depending on the state of the fuel and oxidizer, three types of combustion are distinguished:

homogeneous combustion of gases in a gaseous oxidizer;

heterogeneous combustion of liquid b solid combustible substances in a gaseous oxidizer;

burning explosives.

The oxidizing agent is atmospheric oxygen. Oxidizing agents can be fluorine, bromine, sulfur, which, when heated, decompose with the release of oxygen.

Flash - rapid combustion of a mixture of gases with air, which can occur from contact of the mixture with a flame, spark, without transition to combustion. At the flash, combustion stops, since only vapors have time to burn out.

Ignition is a process in which a substance is heated to its boiling point and burns while the release of volatile hydrocarbons occurs.

Self-ignition - a process when a substance is heated from an external source of heat, constantly turning into self-heating.

Spontaneous combustion - the process of self-heating and subsequent ignition of a substance without exposure to an open source of ignition. The lower the temperature at which spontaneous combustion occurs, the more dangerous the substance. The process of spontaneous combustion can begin already at a temperature of 10-20 °C.

Spontaneously igniting substances are divided into three groups: spontaneously igniting from exposure to air (vegetable oils), causing combustion when exposed to water (calcium carbide), spontaneously igniting when interacting with other substances (upon contact of substances).

The fire and explosion hazard of gases is characterized by the following indicators: concentration limits of flame propagation, minimum ignition energy, combustion temperature and flame propagation speed.

There are two types of combustion: complete and incomplete.

Full burning occurs with an excess of oxygen and is accompanied by the formation of water vapor and carbon dioxide.

incomplete combustion very dangerous, as it occurs when there is a lack of oxygen, and toxic carbon monoxide is formed.

Two burning modes: the first mode, in which the combustible substance forms a homogeneous mixture with air before combustion begins, the second mode, in which the combustible substance and the oxidizer are initially separated, and combustion proceeds in the region of their mixing (diffusion combustion).

The heat flow that comes from the combustion zone to the solid fuel depends on the energy that is released during combustion and on the conditions of heat exchange between the combustion zone and the surface of the solid fuel. Under these conditions, the mode and rate of combustion may depend on the physical state of the combustible substance, its distribution in space, and the characteristics of the environment.

Depending on the speed of flame propagation, combustion can occur in the form of deflagration combustion, explosion and detonation.

Explosion - the process of rapid release of a large amount of energy. As a result of the explosion, the explosive mixture turns into a highly heated gas with high pressure, which acts on the environment with great force and causes the formation of a blast wave.

The destruction caused by the explosion is due to the action of the blast wave. As you move away from the explosion site, the mechanical effect of the blast wave weakens.

The speed of flame propagation during the explosion reaches hundreds of meters per second. As the flame propagation accelerates, the compression of the unburned gas increases, it propagates through the unburned gas in the form of successive shock waves, which combine into one powerful shock wave of highly compressed and heated gas. As a result, a stable mode of reaction propagation arises. A type of combustion that propagates at a speed exceeding the speed of sound is called detonation. It is characterized by a sharp pressure jump at the site of the explosion, which has a large destructive effect.

Liquids and solids form flammable mixtures when they are raised to a temperature at which, due to evaporation, gaseous products are formed in sufficient quantities. Explosive are mixtures of dust with air. Dust floating in the air can be in suspension and settle on walls and equipment.

Classification of premises and buildings for fire safety

Fire and explosion safety - This is the state of a residential building in which the possibility of a fire is excluded with a given degree of probability.

Emerging in case of a fire at enterprises, the circumstances depend on which combustible substances and materials are processed, transported and stored in separate buildings of different industries. To implement fire protection measures and ensure the safety of workers, the classification of industries according to fire and explosion hazards is used.

The design of industrial buildings, the choice of industrial equipment, electrical installations, ventilation and heating systems, fire breaks, evacuation routes for workers in case of fire and other issues related to ensuring fire safety are decided depending on the category of fire and explosion hazard.

Depending on the nature of the technological process, five categories of production are distinguished, of which two are explosive and fire hazardous (A, B), three are fire hazardous (C, D, D).

Category A (explosive) include premises in which there are solid substances that can explode and burn when exposed to air oxygen, water; associated with the use of dangerously large amounts of liquids with vapor flash points up to 28°C. Substances and materials that are capable of exploding and burning when interacting with water or with each other in such an amount that the calculated overpressure of the explosion in the room exceeds 5 kPa.

Category B (explosive) include premises in which there are combustible dusts with a lower explosive limit of more than 10% of the air volume; liquids, combustible dusts that can form explosive mixtures.

Category B include industries where they can be used: liquids with a vapor flash point above 61 ° C, combustible dusts that can burn when interacting with water, oxygen in the air; solid combustibles.

Category G include industries where non-combustible materials are processed, substances in a hot, incandescent and molten state, the processing of which is accompanied by the release of sparks, flames; combustible gases, liquids and solids that are disposed of as fuel.

Category D include rooms in which there are non-combustible substances and materials in a cold state.

Explosive area is considered to be a room where explosive mixtures can be formed. Explosive areas include those areas in which the volume of an explosive mixture exceeds 5% of the free volume of the room.

If there are no other sources of emission of these gases and liquids in the rest of the room, this part is considered non-explosive.

According to the explosion hazard, the zones are divided into six, and according to the fire hazard - into four classes.

Classification of hazardous areas

To class B-I include premises in which combustible gases or vapors are emitted in such quantity and with such properties that they can form explosive mixtures with air and other oxidizing agents both during emergency and during normal non-durable modes of operation (for example, during storage or transfusion of flammable and combustible liquids in open vessels).

To class B-Ia include premises in which, during normal operation, explosive mixtures of combustible gases with air are not formed, and the occurrence of mixtures is possible only as a result of accidents or malfunctions.

To class B-Ib include premises in which, during normal operation, explosive mixtures of combustible gases with air are not formed.

To class B-Ig include outdoor technological installations (outdoors) that contain explosive combustible gases or flammable liquids (flammable liquids).

To class B-II include areas located in rooms where combustible dust, passing into a suspended state, has the ability to form explosive mixtures with air during normal short operating modes.

To class B-IIa include premises in which dangerous phenomena are possible only as a result of an accident or malfunctions.

Signs of classes of fire hazardous zones

To class P-I include areas located in rooms in which combustible liquids with a flash point above 61 ° C are used and stored (mineral oil warehouses).

In zones class П-II combustible fibers and dust are released, which pass into a suspended state. This creates a fire (but not explosion) hazard, but no explosive concentrations are formed due to the properties of the dust (humidity).

To class P-IIa include areas located in production and storage facilities containing solid combustible substances (fabrics).

To class P-III include outdoor installations, they store flammable liquids and solids.

The fire safety of buildings, the conditions for the development and spread of fire in them depend on the flammability and fire resistance of the materials and structures used in their construction. The flammability and fire resistance of building materials and structures are important fire characteristics of industrial buildings of industrial enterprises.

Fire detection and extinguishing means

To detect the initial stage of a fire, there is an electrical fire alarm system (push-button or automatic).

Button (manual) system a person turns it on by pressing a button, providing opening (closing) of the alarm lines, but the disadvantage of such an alarm system is that a fire message can be transmitted by a person only after he detects a fire.

Automatic systems are triggered by the effects of manifestations of the initial stage of a fire: temperature, smoke, flame radiation.

Automatic systems consist of automatic detectors, communication lines, a receiving station and a power source.

According to the principle of operation, the detectors are divided into those that react to changes in temperature, the appearance of smoke, light, and combined.

Heat detectors are activated when the ambient temperature rises. These include detectors brands ATP-ZM, ATIP-3, DTL.

Smoke detectors include the IDF-1 brand detector.

Light detectors use the photoelectric effect. The photocell reacts to the ultraviolet part of the flame spectrum. These include detector brands SI-1, AIP-M.

Fire communication is divided into:

notification communication, which allows you to respond to fire signals in the shortest possible time and ensure the timely call of fire brigades;

dispatcher communications designed to control fire extinguishing equipment and communications on fire, providing guidance for the actions of fire departments directly when extinguishing a fire.

Thermal automatic fire detectors are divided according to the principle of operation into:



maximum differential.

To eliminate the fire that has arisen, it is necessary to stop the flow of air and combustible substances into the combustion zone or reduce their flow to values ​​at which combustion does not occur. In this case, the following conditions must be met: lower the temperature of the burning substance below the ignition temperature; dilute reactants with non-flammable substances; isolate combustible substances from the combustion zone.

К fire extinguishing agents include: water supplied to the combustion center in a continuous stream or in a sprayed state and providing a cooling effect; chemical and air-mechanical foams that have an insulating effect; inert gases (carbon dioxide and water vapor) that have a diluting effect; powder compositions with universal fire extinguishing properties.

The choice of fire extinguishing agents depends on the production technology and the physical and chemical properties of the raw materials used, intermediates and products; from the conditions that make it possible to exclude the occurrence of harmful side effects when the fire extinguishing agent reacts with the burning substance, as well as from the conditions of the combustion process and the technical capabilities used to extinguish the fire.

Extinguishing with water. Water is the cheapest remedy. It has a high heat capacity, high thermal stability. Water is used to extinguish burning solid combustible materials, create water curtains and cool objects located near the combustion source. Water is not used to extinguish burning installations and equipment under voltage.

Extinguishing with foam. The foam cover is a screen that prevents the heat of the combustion zone from affecting the surface of the substance and the release of liquid vapor into the combustion zone, providing an insulating effect. Foam (chemical and air-mechanical) is used to extinguish solid substances.

The fire-extinguishing properties of air-mechanical foam are determined by its multiplicity, durability and dispersion.

Foam ratio is the ratio of the foam volume to the volume of its liquid phase (or the volume of the solution from which it is formed). Foams are low expansion, medium expansion and high expansion.

High-expansion foam is used to extinguish fires in basements and other enclosed spaces, as well as to extinguish liquids spilled in small quantities.

Foam resistance characterized by its resistance to the destruction process and is estimated by the duration of the destruction of the foam. High expansion foams are less resistant.

Extinguishing with inert diluents. Inert diluents - water vapor, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, argon, flue gases and volatile inhibitors.

Quenching when the medium is diluted with inert diluents is associated with the loss of thermal energy for heating these diluents and a decrease in the process rate and the thermal effect of the reaction. Water vapor is used to extinguish fires in small rooms and to create steam-air curtains at open technological sites.

Extinguishing with powder compounds. These compositions have a high fire extinguishing efficiency, they are able to suppress the combustion of various compounds and substances that cannot be extinguished with water and foam (metals and organometallic compounds, etc.); they can be used to extinguish fires at sub-zero temperatures. Powders do not have a corrosive effect on the material.

The choice of means and methods fire extinguishing is reduced to ensuring reliable extinguishing in the shortest possible time at the lowest cost.

Environmental Safety

The environmental safety of engineering facilities in case of accidents and emergencies is determined by the probability of occurrence of damaging factors and the level of exposure to harmful substances that appear during operation. The level of danger and the principle of ensuring safety are related to the properties of the processed substances.

All hazards affect specific objects (objects of protection). The basic desired state of protected objects is safe. It is implemented in the complete absence of exposure to hazards. The state of safety is achieved under the condition that the hazards acting on the object of protection are reduced to the maximum permissible levels of exposure.

Security - the state of the object of protection, in which the impact on it of all flows of matter, energy and information does not exceed the maximum allowable values.

The term "safety" is often used to assess the quality of a hazard source, referring to the source's inability to generate hazards.

In order to constantly monitor the parameters of emissions and effluents, it is necessary to monitor the state of the environment for controlled harmful factors.

Monitoring - monitoring the state of the environment and warning about emerging negative situations.

The most important role in maintaining the health of the population is played by information about the dangers of the environment. This information should contain the values ​​and forecast of the value of the safety criteria and indicators of the negative nature of the environment both in industrial premises and in technosphere zones.

When working with neutral solid and liquid substances, vapors and gases, the equipment must provide: sanitary and hygienic standards in the working area of ​​​​the room in terms of temperature, dust content, water vapor content due to sealing when loading and unloading substances and during the technological process.

When operating equipment with flammable, flammable liquids and flammable gases, there is a high level of danger due to the possible fire or explosion of these substances. When working with these substances, the equipment must exclude: the formation of flammable and explosive concentrations of substances, the appearance of ignition sources, friction sparks or impact; self-ignition of the surrounding explosive mixture from heated surfaces; unregulated rise in temperature in case of violation of the conditions for carrying out exothermic reactions.

The danger of using harmful substances is increased, so the equipment must ensure the exclusion of chemical burns and toxic damage during transport operations, loading and unloading due to appropriate sealing.

The destruction of the building occurs from the impact of a shock wave that has arisen due to the emergency destruction (explosion) of any apparatus at the factory site. The consequences of the explosion are determined by the magnitude of the destruction of the engineering object and the mass of the release of harmful substances.

The assessment of the stability of buildings consists in determining the excess pressure of the shock wave, which causes various degrees of destruction of the building, depending on the type and design, type of building material, and the height of the building. In practice, an important point is the correct determination of the possible degree of destruction and damage in an accident.

At all stages of its development, man was closely connected with the outside world. The dangerous interference of man in nature has sharply intensified. For example, to ensure the fertility of the earth, man invented pesticides.

Pesticides constitute a group of artificially created substances that are used to control pests and plant diseases. Pesticides are divided into groups: insecticides - to combat harmful insects; fungicides and bactericides - to combat bacterial plant diseases; herbicides - against weeds. Pesticides, destroying pests, harm many beneficial organisms and undermine the health of biocenoses.

Ecobioprotective technology - devices, devices and systems designed to prevent air pollution, protect the purity of water, soil, protect against noise, electromagnetic pollution and radioactive waste. If with the help of technical systems it is not possible to ensure the maximum permissible impact on a person in the zone of his stay, then it is necessary to use eco-bioprotective equipment (dust collectors, water treatment devices, screens). Ecobioprotective equipment is created in the form of various fences, protective boxes.

In some enterprises, there are types of work or working conditions in which a worker can receive an injury that is dangerous to health. To protect a person, it is necessary to use personal protective equipment. Their use should ensure maximum safety.

All wastewater from the enterprise must be cleaned of harmful substances before being discharged into a reservoir. To meet these requirements, mechanical, chemical, biological, as well as combined cleaning methods are used. The system of treatment facilities is selected depending on the characteristics and quantity of wastewater entering the treatment, the required degree of purification, the method of using their sludge and other local conditions in accordance with SNiP II3274.

Production noise

Noise - a chaotic combination of sounds of different frequencies and intensities, one of the most harmful and unfavorable factors that leads to fatigue, a decrease in productivity by 10 ... 15%, an increase in the number of errors in the performance of labor process operations and an increased risk of injury.

Any sound that is undesirable for a person is noise, its effect on the human body adversely affects the course of nervous processes, contributes to changes in the cardiovascular system and the appearance of noise pathology, reduces hearing and can cause the gradual development of deafness. Sounds in the air cause airborne noise.

Noise sources: operating equipment such as: tanks, manual, mechanized and pneumatic tools, electrical machines, compressors; forging and pressing, lifting and transport, auxiliary equipment (ventilation units, air conditioners).

As a sound, a person perceives elastic vibrations that propagate in the form of waves in solid, liquid and gaseous media.

A complex sound can be decomposed into simple components, the graphic representation of which is called a spectrum. The noise spectrum can be different.

By the nature of the spectrum noise happens:

broadband - has a continuous spectrum with a width of more than one octave;

tonal - sound energy is distributed unevenly.

Distinguish noise according to the intervals between sounds, which make it up:

discrete (linear) - at large intervals;

solid - with infinitely small intervals;

mixed - characterized by separate discrete components against the background of a continuous spectrum.

Industrial noise has a mixed spectrum.

By frequency distinguish low-frequency noise (up to 300 Hz), mid-frequency (from 300 to 800 Hz) and high-frequency (more than 800 Hz).

By duration:

constant - the noise level for an eight-hour working day changes over time by no more than 5 dBA;

non-constant - the level continuously changes over time, the sound pressure changes by 5 dBA or more per shift.

Intermittent noise subdivided into:

oscillating - inconstant noise with a smooth change in sound level over time;

intermittent - the noise level, changing, drops sharply to the level of background noise;

pulse - has one or more sound signals, the duration of each of which is less than 1 s.

If familiar sounds suddenly disappear from the environment, then a person will experience inconvenience, excitement and a feeling of unreasonable fear: after all, people are born and live in the world of sounds.

Civilization has reached a high level of development due to the ability to communicate in the form of speech - one of the types of communication using sounds.

Oscillation amplitude determines the pressure and strength of the sound: the larger it is, the greater the sound pressure and the louder the sound.

The oscillation frequency affects the auditory perception and determines the pitch.

According to the source of formation, noise is divided into:

mechanical - is created as a result of the work of various mechanisms;

aerodynamic - occurs when air moves through pipelines, ventilation systems, as a result of stationary processes in gases;

electrodynamic - characterized by the action of magnetodynamic forces.

When developing measures to reduce the harmful effects of noise on workers, its classification is taken into account.

Determination of the source of noise and the development of appropriate measures aimed at reducing sound pressure contributes to an increase in the working capacity of people and a decrease in their morbidity. Determining the frequency spectrum of noise is important for occupational health and safety.

Low-frequency noise penetrates loose barriers and cannot be protected against by shielding, which is effective in combating the propagation of high-frequency noise.

Noise regulation - this is the main event in the fight against its harmful effects on the human body.

The purpose of noise regulation is to prevent illness, fatigue and reduced performance.

Noise regulation is carried out by two methods: by the limiting noise spectrum in dB; by integral indicator (sound level) in dB. The first method is used to normalize constant noise.

When developing plans for production facilities, equipment that is a source of noise should be located in separate rooms.

Noisy areas must be isolated from the area where people stay with fences, partitions, which reduce the noise level by 30-50 dB.

Soundproofing - this is the absorption of a significant fraction of sound energy by the materials of the barrier, as a result of which a smaller part of it enters the barrier.

Sound level meters and auxiliary devices are used to measure noise.

When performing work related to managerial, creative activities, lower noise levels are provided, not exceeding 50 dB. In workshops, a volume of about 100 dB is allowed. Loudness above 140 dB can cause pain.

As protection against noise and sound, sound absorbers, special mufflers of aerodynamic noise, personal protective equipment (headphones, ear plugs, anti-noise helmets) are used.

Industrial lighting

Rational lighting of the working area is one of the factors that determine favorable working conditions for normal human life. Illumination is controlled using devices - luxmeters.

Industrial lighting - This is an indicator of occupational health, it creates favorable working conditions. With properly performed lighting, the organs of vision of workers distinguish objects and tools well, which helps to reduce industrial injuries and occupational eye diseases.

Lighting requirements - compliance of illumination with the nature of visual work, a sufficiently uniform distribution of brightness so that the eyes do not have to readjust, the absence of sharp shadows on the working surface (reduces eye fatigue), the absence of brilliance (dazzling light), constancy of illumination over time, providing electrical - explosion and fire safety.

Lighting should be optimal in size. Lack of light reduces visual acuity. High illumination causes rapid eye fatigue. Illumination of objects in the working area should be sufficiently uniform.

Industrial lighting is of three types.

Daylight is created by the sun's rays, the light of the sky, penetrating through the light openings and is provided in rooms with a constant stay of people.

Artificial lighting can be general and combined, working and emergency, used in the dark, carried out with the help of incandescent lamps and gas discharge lamps.

Incandescent lamps give a continuous spectrum with yellow-red rays compared to natural light.

Discharge lamps come in low and high pressure, with the help of these lamps uniform illumination is created.

Combined lighting - this is lighting, in which natural lighting, which is insufficient according to the norms, is supplemented by artificial lighting.

Lighting can be side, top and combined.

Side lighting - this is lighting due to the fact that light penetrates through the light openings.

Top - lighting, when the light comes from the lanterns.

Combined - this is the presence of top and side lighting at the same time.

Disadvantages of natural light - low average brightness per unit area, dependence on weather conditions, distance to windows.

Artificial lighting It is used in workplaces under adverse weather conditions and at night.

Artificial lighting is divided into general, local, combined.

Common lighting is designed to illuminate the entire room and is divided into uniform and localized.

Uniform - is located independently of the equipment in the upper zone of the room. With uniform illumination, conditions are created for performing work anywhere in the illuminated space.

Localized - provides for the placement of fixtures in accordance with the location of the equipment.

Local - it is created with the help of lamps, so that the luminous flux hits exactly the workplaces. This is additional to the general lighting. Installation of one local lighting in industrial premises is prohibited.

Combined lighting - for the performance of work, the necessary uniform illumination is created, supplemented by local lighting. Such lighting is necessary when performing high-precision work.

By functional purpose artificial lighting is divided into:

1) work lighting - serves to ensure normal operation, the passage of people and traffic during the absence of natural light;

2) emergency - used in emergency situations to continue work;

3) evacuation - designed to evacuate people from the premises in case of emergency shutdown of working lighting, it must be provided in dangerous places, such as stairs, walkways;

4) security - provided at night along the borders of the territory;

5) duty - lighting, switched on during non-working hours, is installed with a two-shift operating mode;

6) special - used for sanitary and hygienic purposes.

Indicators characterizing light: luminous flux, illumination, luminous intensity, brightness.

Light flow (Ф) - is defined as the power of radiant energy, estimated by the light sensation that it produces on the human eye. The unit of measure is lumen [lm].

The power of light - spatial density of the light flux. The unit of measure is candela [cd].

Brightness (Я) - depends on the strength of the light.

Sanitary and hygienic requirements for industrial lighting: spectrum composition close to solar; illumination at workplaces must comply with standard values; exudation of excessive brightness of the working surface and brilliance. items; lack of shadows in the working area; the correct direction of the light flux.

The operation of lighting installations includes their acceptance from the installation company, replacement of lamps, cleaning of lamps, scheduled repairs and inspection of lamps.

Upon acceptance from the installation company, the compliance of the lighting installation with the working drawings of the project and the presence of insulation resistance measurement certificates are checked.

Industrial radiation

All radiation in the workplace is divided into two groups: non-ionizing and ionizing the environment.

Types of radiation: infrared, ultraviolet, laser, electromagnetic and radioactive.

ionizing radiation are X-rays, which are electromagnetic oscillations with an ultrashort wavelength.

Ionizing radiation is accompanied by the release of a certain amount of energy, has different penetrating power, so they have different effects on the body. The greatest danger to humans is radioactive radiation.

Ionizing radiation causes local and general damage. Local - in the form of burns, dermatitis, skin cancer may develop. The action of radiation on the lens of the eye is the cause of cataracts.

General lesions occur in the form of acute and chronic radiation sickness.

In production, work is carried out with sealed sources of radiation, they are sealed, more often these are steel ampoules containing a radioactive substance.

When ionizing radiation passes through living organisms, it transfers its energy to biological tissues and cells unevenly. As a result, despite the small amount of energy absorbed by tissues, some cells of living matter are significantly damaged.

Types of ionizing radiation. x-ray, у -radiation and but - и р -radiation. Radiation sources: control and measuring equipment; devices used in analysis (X-ray methods of research); radioisotope neutralizers of static electricity; equipment for radiation-chemical processes.

Radioactive substances are stored in isolated rooms, the walls of which must be of sufficient thickness.

To prevent overexposure of workers, dosimetric control using special devices is necessary. Dosimetric devices in the premises are equipped with light and sound alarms and warn personnel about an increase in the level of radiation. The signaling of three levels is provided: normal, pre-emergency, emergency.

К electromagnetic radiation include natural sources - atmospheric electricity, radio emissions from the Sun, the electric fields of the Earth.

Protection methods: increasing the distance between the radiation source and the workplace, installing a reflective screen, using personal protective equipment.

Laser radiation does not come from natural sources, it is artificially created by mankind and is used for welding and cutting metals, making holes. Laser radiation is electromagnetic radiation and is characterized by several parameters: radiation energy and momentum, radiation power and density, wavelength.

Laser - a technical device that emits electromagnetic radiation with a high energy density in the form of a directed beam.

During the operation of laser systems, the body of workers is affected by both dangerous and harmful production factors. The main danger is radiation (direct, diffuse and reflected). A reflected laser beam is just as dangerous as a direct one. The laser installation must have protective screens, the surfaces of the premises must be painted in dark colors to prevent the reflection of the laser beam.

The impact of laser radiation on the body can be thermal, energy, photochemical, mechanical.

Ultraviolet radiation is an electromagnetic wave. Sources: solar radiation, electric welding, plasma torches and gas discharge lamps. In moderate doses, it has a positive effect on the body, improves metabolism, enhances immunobiological resistance, stimulates the activity of the endocrine glands, and exhibits a bactericidal effect. With an excess of UV radiation, burns, headaches, and blurred vision appear.

Protection methods are shielding of radiation sources and workplaces, the use of overalls. Workplaces are fenced with screens, cabins 1,8-2 m high are installed, the walls of the cabins should not reach the floor by 25-30 cm for their best ventilation.

Infrared radiation characterized by electromagnetic waves. Sources: Sun, plasma treatment, welding, open flame. The impact on the body can be local and general. The main reaction of the body is a change in the temperature of the irradiated parts of the body.

Long-wave radiation increases the temperature of the body surface, and short-wave radiation increases the temperature of individual organs - the kidneys, the brain.

Short-wave radiation causes heat stroke, headache, increased heart rate, impaired coordination of movements, loss of consciousness may occur, infrared cataract develops.

Measures aimed at reducing the risk of exposure to infrared radiation: protective screens, the use of personal protective equipment (overalls, safety shoes, goggles with blue glass lenses, gloves and safety helmets). Sealing, heat-insulating means, means of ventilation, signaling and automatic control are used.

Ventilation and heating

Industrial ventilation A process in which polluted air is replaced with clean air. Ventilation is used to remove excess heat, moisture, dust from the premises at workplaces and create a microclimate and cleanliness in accordance with acceptable sanitary and hygienic standards.

Ventilation supplies fresh air to the working area, creates the necessary air mobility, and removes contaminants.

Air exchange is the rate at which air enters or leaves a room.

Ventilation is divided according to its purpose into working (to ensure the required air purity in the normal mode of the technological process) and emergency (performed in rooms where sudden emissions of harmful substances are possible).

There are natural ventilation (in which the movement of air is carried out due to the difference in the densities of cold and heated air and under the influence of wind pressure), artificial (carried out with the help of fans) and mixed.

By the principle of action ventilation can be supply, exhaust and supply and exhaust, combining supply and exhaust ventilation.

By coverage of jobs and zones - general exchange, local, combined.

According to the nature of the air distribution - compact and dispersed.

According to the method of inducing air - artificial, natural, mixed.

According to the method of air exchange - adjustable and unregulated.

Natural ventilation can be organized (aeration) and unorganized (infiltration).

Organized ventilation has devices that regulate the direction of air flow. With unorganized ventilation, air is supplied and removed from the room due to infiltration.

Mechanical ventilation is carried out by fans and duct systems, through which air is supplied and removed from any area of ​​the room.

Its advantages - the possibility of supplying air in large volumes, the disadvantage - is costly.

Mechanical ventilation can be supply, supply and exhaust, general and local.

Forced ventilation creates excessive pressure in the room and the polluted air comes out through doors, windows, air vents.

Exhaust ventilation creates a vacuum in the room, which is compensated by the influx of air from outside. This phenomenon leads to air mobility, the formation of drafts, especially near doors and windows, the cooling of the workshop in winter, the suction of harmful substances from other areas. Therefore, exhaust ventilation is arranged together with supply air.

With supply and exhaust ventilation, air is supplied to the room by supply ventilation, and exhaust air is removed.

Heating is designed to maintain normalized air temperature in industrial premises during the cold season.

Heating is used when the air temperature in the workplace is below the sanitary and hygienic standards or the requirements of the technological process.

Heating systems are central and local.

In central systems, the heat generator (boiler house, CHP) is located outside the heated premises, and the heat carrier from the generator to the places of consumption is supplied through a pipe system. The rooms of several buildings can be heated from one heat generator. Hot water, steam, air, electricity, gases are used as a heat carrier.

Radiators, ribbed tubes, convectors are used as heating devices. Heating devices are located under the light openings.

With water heating, water is heated in special heat exchangers (water heaters) using steam or hot water. Steam heating is installed in those premises where steam is used for industrial purposes.

Air heating is combined with supply ventilation. At the same time, the air temperature at the outlet of the air distributors is set at least 20% lower than the autoignition temperature of the gases, vapors, and aerosols released in the room.

In local systems, all heating elements are structurally combined into one device located inside the heated room. Local heating can be gas and electric.

In gas heating installations, heat is obtained by burning gas in special burners; these installations are used for local heating of workplaces in large rooms. When working in the air of the working area, gas combustion products enter, which requires reliable operation of the ventilation system and careful control of the concentration of harmful substances in the air. Of the heating electrical appliances of local heating systems, oil radiators, reflectors, and electric heaters have become widespread.

Types of heat carriers used in heating systems of industrial premises, their limiting temperature are established by SNiP 41-01-2003 depending on the categories of premises and the characteristics of dusts, aerosols, moisture, toxic substances released in them. Water temperature ranges from 110-150 °C, steam - 110-130 °C, surfaces of gas-heating and electrical appliances - 110-150 °C.

Protection in emergency situations

Emergency (ES) - this is a violation of the normal living conditions in a certain area, resulting from an accident, a dangerous natural phenomenon, a natural disaster that resulted in loss of life, damage to human health or the environment, material losses and violation of people's living conditions.

Catastrophe - this is an accident that ends in severe injuries or death of people, destruction and destruction of objects, causing damage to the environment.

Emergency zone This is an area in which an emergency situation has developed. Classification of emergencies:

• due to the occurrence - intentional and unintentional;

by origin - anthropogenic, natural and combined;

• according to the speed of development - explosive, sudden, fleeting and smooth;

• according to the scale of distribution of consequences - local (or private), facility, local, regional, national and global. For environmentally hazardous enterprises, the main emergencies are local, facility and local.

Local emergencies - these are situations, the action of which is limited to the production premises, occur in case of accidents associated with a violation of the sealing of individual nodes, with small leaks in the storage of hazardous substances (HV).

Object emergencies - these are situations on the territory of industrial facilities that arise in case of accidents in warehouses, rupture of technological lines.

Local emergencies - these are situations occurring on the territory of a city or region. The consequences of local emergencies go beyond the sanitary protection zone (FEZ) of the enterprise and create an environmental threat not only for the production personnel of the enterprise, but also for the population and the environment.

The cause of an emergency is human error, violation by personnel of any norms and requirements of governing documents and safety precautions.

Basic principles of public protection:

the principle of timely implementation of protection measures, since timely readiness for rescue from disaster is half the battle;

the principle of a differentiated approach in determining protection measures. This allows you to rationally take into account economic and natural opportunities, the characteristics of the territories, determine the degree of real danger of an emergency in a particular area;

the principle of the necessary sufficiency of protection measures. The volume and content of measures should be determined based on the maximum possible use of available forces and means;

the principle of self-liquidation of emergencies by the forces and means of organizations, self-government bodies, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on the territory of which an emergency has developed. Nationwide assistance should be provided in cases where the regions are unable to solve the problem on their own;

the principle of the complexity of carrying out protection measures.

The main methods of protection against emergencies are: sheltering people in protective structures, evacuation of personnel and the population outside the affected area, as well as the use of personal protective equipment.

The main protection measures in emergency situations are divided into three groups.

first group are preventive measures. These include measures: to prevent emergencies; planning the protection of economic facilities and the population from emergencies; creation of funds for means of protection, intelligence, prevention and disinfection; education of the population on protection measures in case of emergencies; training of forces and means to eliminate the consequences of emergencies.

second group constitute protective measures. These include: assessment of the situation in emergency situations; notification and shelter of personnel and the population in protective structures; evacuation of personnel and population; use of personal protective equipment; dosimetric and chemical control; medical-preventive and medical-evacuation measures; determination and observance of radiation and chemical protection regimes by personnel and the public; organization of public order protection in the emergency zone.

To the third group include emergency recovery work: on the localization of individual foci of destruction and increased danger; elimination of accidents and damages on the lines of communal and industrial communications; creation of the minimum necessary conditions for the life support of the population; organization of work on sanitary cleaning and disinfection of the territory.

The Unified Russian State System for the Prevention and Elimination of Natural Disasters and Emergencies (RSChS) has control bodies, forces and means to protect the population from the impact of catastrophes, accidents, environmental and natural disasters.

The characteristic conditions for the occurrence of environmental disasters and accidents are: the presence of potential sources of risk (harmful and radioactive substances and raw materials, high pressures, flammable and combustible materials); implementation and consequences of risk factors (explosions, gas emissions, fires); presence in the accident zone of people, food, water.

An emergency situation can also arise as a result of violation by citizens of the requirements of the norms of various laws and by-laws, for example, a criminal offense.

Means of collective and individual protection

The use of personal protective equipment for workers is of great importance in the system of measures aimed at ensuring safe and healthy working conditions. These means are used if the safety of work cannot be ensured by the design and placement of equipment, means of collective protection.

In accordance with Art. 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation at work with harmful working conditions (in special temperature conditions or associated with pollution), workers and employees are given free overalls, safety shoes and other personal protective equipment.

The administration of the enterprise, in agreement with the trade union committee, draws up a list of jobs and professions that give the right to free personal protective equipment on the basis of various instructions on the procedure for providing workers and employees with special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment.

Means of protection are divided into two categories: collective and individual protection.

Technical means of collective protection - these are products that are manufactured as separate structures and installed in industrial premises, buildings where there is a potential hazard to human health.

To reduce the risk of electric shock to people, to reduce the likelihood of mechanical injury, to normalize the illumination in the workplace, to protect against noise, vibration, ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, and it is necessary to use collective protection equipment.

Depending on the purpose, collective protective equipment is divided into classes:

normalization of the air environment of industrial premises and workplaces;

on the normalization of lighting of industrial premises and workplaces - light sources; lighting;

for protection against ionizing radiation - protective devices; devices for ventilation and air purification, devices for automatic control and signaling, remote control; safety signs;

for protection against infrared radiation - sealing devices;

for protection against ultraviolet radiation - protective devices; for air ventilation; alarms; remote control devices; safety signs;

for noise protection - soundproofing devices; noise silencers;

for protection against electric shock - insulating, protective grounding and grounding devices;

for protection against the effects of biological factors - equipment and preparations for disinfection, sterilization.

The means of collective protection include means that are structurally and functionally associated with the production process. These tools can be built into equipment, be components of buildings. The components of buildings are smoke exhaust systems, natural ventilation, natural lighting.

Means of information, signaling and collective protection do not always provide adequate protection for workers. When carrying out many works, the necessary degree of safety is achieved by using personal protective equipment.

Protective equipment that a person individually uses for their own safety, depending on the purpose, can be divided as follows: protective professional uniform (special clothing and footwear), head, hand, face, hearing, eye protection, and protective dermatological products.

Overalls and footwear are designed to reliably protect the body of each person from harmful and dangerous production factors and human performance.

Gas masks are used to protect the respiratory organs, eyes from harmful substances that are contained in the air in the form of gases and vapors. Gas masks are filtering and insulating.

Protective professional uniform - special clothes, uniforms.

Workwear items include jackets, overalls, raincoats, overalls and semi-overalls, trousers, vests, aprons.

Requirements for overalls: clothing must be hygienic, contribute to the normal thermoregulation of the body, be comfortable to put on and wear, and provide protection from harmful production factors during its service life.

Personal protective equipment, depending on the purpose, is divided into the following classes:

insulating suits - pneumosuits, insulating suits, space suits;

means of respiratory protection - gas masks, respirators, pneumohelmets, pneumomasks;

special clothing - overalls, semi-overalls, jackets, trousers, suits, dressing gowns, raincoats, sheepskin coats, sheepskin coats, aprons, vests, arm ruffles;

special footwear - boots, low boots, boots, low shoes, shoes, galoshes, boots, shoe covers;

hand protection equipment - mittens, gloves;

head protection means - helmets, helmets, balaclavas, hats, berets, hats;

face protection means - protective masks, protective shields;

hearing protection - anti-noise helmets, earmuffs, earmuffs;

eye protection - goggles;

safety devices - safety belts, dielectric mats, hand grips, manipulators, knee pads, shoulder pads;

protective dermatological products - detergents, pastes, creams, ointments.

Organization and means of first aid

In case of various injuries, the victims need immediate medical attention. Help can be provided by a paramedic, a doctor who is nearby, but when this is not possible, help should be provided by those who are near the victim.

First aid first aid - is the provision of necessary measures to save the health and life of an injured person.

The task of first aid is to prevent the dangerous consequences of injuries, bleeding, infections and shock.

When providing first aid, you must:

remove the victim from the scene and stop the impact of the traumatic factor;

treat damaged areas of the body and stop bleeding;

prevent traumatic shock;

provide transportation or deliver the victim to a medical facility.

First aid principles:

correctness and expediency;


decisiveness and calmness.

Victims can appear as a result of any emergency.

For the provision of first aid, available improvised means and first aid kits are used.

The places of storage and the composition of the first aid kit are determined by orders and instructions of the sectoral ministries and departments.

The list of medicines should be as follows:

painkillers, anti-inflammatory, anti-shock drugs - analgin, aspirin;

means for treating wounds and stopping bleeding - tourniquet, sterile bandage, bactericidal adhesive plaster, iodine solution, adhesive plaster, elastic bandage, cotton wool;

remedies for pain in the heart - nitroglycerin, validol;

remedy for helping with fainting - ammonia;

intoxicant - activated carbon;

a remedy for stressful situations - Corvalol;

blunt scissors.

In case of electrical injuries, improvised means are used to free the victim from the action of the current (axes, shovels, dry sticks, rakes), and for transportation, stretchers, shields, plywood, boards, belts, towels are used; external bleeding is stopped by applying a tourniquet (twisting from improvised means).

If the victim has no pulse, pallor appears, consciousness is lost, then to restore blood circulation, an external (indirect) heart massage is performed simultaneously with artificial respiration.

When bruised, ice and cold lotions are used.

In case of burns, it is forbidden to touch the burnt areas with your hands and lubricate the burn with petroleum jelly and ointments.

It is now the duty of every member of society to provide first aid to a trauma victim. Every citizen should know the principles, rules and sequence of first aid.

Properly rendered assistance reduces the time of special treatment and is a decisive moment in saving the life of the victim. First aid should be provided at the scene, quickly and skillfully, even before the arrival of a doctor or before transporting the victim to the hospital.

In this regard, first aid can be carried out in the form of self-help, mutual assistance and assistance from persons who have undergone special training.

The essence of first aid is to stop the further impact of traumatic factors, the implementation of the simplest measures and to ensure the speedy transportation of the victim to a medical institution.

In the first aid kit, there should also be a set of collars and splints that are easy to handle. Their use significantly reduces the risk of displacement of fractures at the stage of transportation of the victims. Subsequently, this contributes to a faster recovery and reduces the risk of disability.

First aid - this is a set of measures to preserve human life and health in the event of an accident, performed at the scene of the accident by the victim himself or by another person who is nearby. The sooner the help is done, the greater the hope for a successful outcome. Every person should know how to provide first aid.

Providing first aid is impossible without a set of dressings and medicines. To do this, all production sites, buses, cars must be provided with first-aid kits.

Harnesses, rubber tubes, ropes, a belt, a scarf, cloth, tires, artificial respiration apparatuses, medical, disinfectant preparations, dressings, poison neutralizers, personal hygiene products are used as first aid aids.

The quality of the provided first aid depends on the knowledge of the main signs of a violation of the vital functions of the human body and on the ability to provide first aid to the victim. The outcome of the injury depends on timely and competently rendered assistance.

Measures of the first (pre-medical) aid:

1) eliminate dangerous and harmful factors from the victim (for example, free the person from the effects of electric current);

2) perform rescue measures (for example, perform artificial respiration);

3) call an ambulance and organize the delivery of the victim to a medical institution.

Author: Buslaeva E.M.

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