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Fundamentals of social work. Cheat sheet: briefly, the most important

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Table of contents

  1. Social work as a science
  2. Basic principles of the theory of social
  3. Social work as a learning activity
  4. Conceptual and categorical apparatus of social work
  5. Main components of social work
  6. Objects of social work
  7. Subjects of social work
  8. Man as an object and subject of social work
  9. Social work as a system
  10. Main directions of social work
  11. The main directions of social policy in Russia
  12. Relationship between social policy and social work
  13. Social work as a type of social activity
  14. Periodization of the development of social work
  15. Social work as a process
  16. Pedagogical content of social work
  17. Pedagogical methods for solving problems of social work
  18. Pedagogical skills of a social worker
  19. Psychological principles and tasks of social work
  20. Psychological methods in social work
  21. Stages of formation of the state-legal foundations of social work in Russia
  22. The concept of social technologies
  23. Classification of social technologies
  24. Specificity of technologies in social work
  25. Functions of social work technologies
  26. Functions of socio-medical protection
  27. Objects of social and medical work
  28. Organization of medical and social work
  29. Healthy lifestyle as target parameters of social work
  30. The main tasks of the social
  31. Family social protection
  32. State policy in the field of employment
  33. Employment Services
  34. Objects and subjects of social protection of childhood
  35. Legal framework for social protection of childhood
  36. Material and economic base of child protection
  37. Social protection of the child
  38. Child accompaniment system
  39. Adoption. Guardianship. guardianship
  40. Social protection of children in the field of education
  41. Social protection and socialization of children from orphanages
  42. Legal protection of women mothers
  43. Social protection for women
  44. Legal basis for social protection of disabled people
  45. Medico-social aspects of the protection of persons with disabilities
  46. Managerial Aspects of Caring for the Disabled
  47. Social services and provision for the elderly
  48. Social care for the elderly
  49. Ways and methods of solving the problem of homelessness
  50. Structure and tasks of the social service for youth
  51. Sociological aspect of social work with migrants in Russia
  52. Legal aspects of social work with migrants
  53. Tasks of social work with migrants
  54. Measures to prevent and mitigate forms of deviant behavior
  55. Social protection of low-income segments of the population
  56. Concept and tasks of social work management
  57. Social management functions: pre-management
  58. Organization of social work
  59. Responsibilities of a social worker
  60. Functions of a social worker


Social work as a science is a sphere of human activity, the function of which is to develop and theoretically systematize objective knowledge about a certain reality - the social sphere and specific social activities. The latter can be specified as professional and social activities of state, public and private organizations, specialists and activists, aimed at solving social problems of individuals, families, groups and layers in society, changing their habitat.

Tasks social work as a scientific discipline: analysis of existing forms and methods of social work, development of optimal methods and technologies for solving social problems of these objects.

Being fundamentally a social science, social work is connected with both technical and (especially) natural sciences. The research carried out within its framework is often interdisciplinary in nature from the point of view of its relationships with the natural sciences (medicine, in particular), on the one hand, and with philosophy, sociology, psychology, pedagogy, jurisprudence and other social sciences, on the other. .

As a science, social work in our country is still in its infancy. In recent years, corresponding departments have been opened in dozens of universities in the country, since 1995 the Russian Journal of Social Work (now called the Domestic Journal of Social Work) has been published, and many textbooks and textbooks on the theory, history and methodology of social work have been prepared and published.

However, the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation has not yet recognized social work as a scientific discipline.

The peculiarity of social work as a scientific discipline is the unity of knowledge and skills. This is her founding principle.

The main laws of social work:

- the relationship of social processes in society, social policy and social work;

- the conditionality of the content, forms and methods of social work by the specific circumstances of the life of various groups, communities, individuals;

- solution of social problems through personal needs and interests of clients;

- the dependence of the effectiveness of social work on the professionalism and moral qualities of specialists, the possibilities of the social system of the state and society.


WORKS Basic principles of the theory of social work:

1) general philosophical principles: determinism, reflection, development;

2) general principles of social (social) sciences: historicism, social conditioning, social significance;

3) specific principles of social work: Informative. They include humanism, justice, altruism, harmonization of public, group and personal interests, self-sufficiency.

Psychological and pedagogical. These include modality, empathy (sympathy), attraction (attractiveness), trust.

Group methodological principles that make up a differentiated approach, continuity, consistency, continuity, competence.

Organizational principles that define universality, complexity, mediation, solidarity, subsidarity (assistance).

Some specific principles are formulated in legislative and other normative acts of the Russian Federation: observance of human and civil rights in the field of social services and ensuring their state guarantees; equal opportunities for citizens in receiving social services; voluntary consent of citizens to receive services; availability of social services; maintaining confidentiality at work; continuity of all types and forms of social services targeted; priority of assistance to citizens who are in a situation that threatens their health or life; preventive orientation; promotion of social rehabilitation and adaptation; interdepartmental and interdisciplinarity; activity approach; territorial organization of social service; state support for voluntary social activities to provide social services and assistance to the population.


With the introduction of a new profession in Russia in 1991 - a social work specialist - the basic course in the training of social workers for a certain time was the training course "Theory and Methods (Technology) of Social Work". Its main goal was to give students (listeners) a holistic understanding of the content of social work, its main directions, tools, technology (methodology) and organization, and teach them the methods of this work.

In connection with the development and adoption of the State standard for education in the field of social work, this training course was included in the cycle of general professional disciplines and is represented by several subjects at once: the theory of social work; the technology of social work; social work abroad; methods of social work research; management in social work, etc.

The training program for social workers also includes a cycle of special disciplines, which includes both subjects of social work itself and special sections of other disciplines studied by future social workers.

Since social work is a multidisciplinary activity, the training of specialists in this field is based on a set of subjects. The set of such disciplines varies from country to country. However, in most of them, students are required to study sociology, psychology, pedagogy, law, medicine, and management. In addition to these disciplines, an important role is given to the study of philosophy, economic theory, history, cultural studies, political science, foreign languages, information technology, social ecology, etc. At the same time, each of the academic disciplines somehow "works" for social work, deepening and supplementing its various sections and subsections.


The interdisciplinary nature of social work as a scientific and educational activity finds its expression in the conceptual and categorical apparatus used by specialists in this field.

Key concepts and categories

Social protection can be understood as a system of measures carried out by society and its various structures to ensure guaranteed minimum sufficient living conditions, maintain life support and the active existence of a person, the population as a whole.

Social assistance is a system of social measures in the form of assistance, support and services provided to individuals or groups of the population by a social service to overcome or mitigate life's difficulties, maintain their social status and full life, and adapt in society.

Social work can be considered as a kind of human activity, the purpose of which is to optimize the implementation of the subjective role of people in all spheres of society in the process of life support and active existence of the individual, family, social and other groups and strata in society. In a broad sense, social work can be defined as scientific, educational and practical activities aimed at the development and theoretical systematization of knowledge and skills, their transfer and assimilation in order to solve the problems of meeting socially guaranteed and personal needs and interests of various, primarily socially vulnerable, groups of the population. , creating conditions conducive to the restoration or improvement of the abilities of groups (and strata) or individuals for social functioning.

Social rehabilitation - the process of restoring the basic social functions of an individual, a public institution, a social group, their social role as a subject of the main spheres of society.

"Social guarantees" - a system of measures, regulatory guidelines and conditions aimed at satisfying a certain set of goods and services, the needs of maintaining life support and the active existence of people.

Social worker is a specialist in the field of social work; This is a profession, specialty, a set of specialties in the field of social work.


Social work as a social phenomenon and a special type of activity includes a number of components: object, subject, content, functions, means, goals and management. They are organically, closely interconnected, forming a kind of social system.

The most important component of social work is its content, which is determined by a variety of functions: informational, diagnostic, prognostic, organizational, psychological and pedagogical, managerial, as well as the function of providing practical assistance.

Social work is carried out through a variety of of (objects, tools, actions) that allow you to achieve the goal of this activity. The variety of means, including business connections, personal contacts, words, psychotherapy techniques, personal charm, as well as telephone, special accounting forms, etc., is due to the variety of functions of social work and its objects.

Management as a component of social work (primarily practical), it includes analysis and assessment of the state of the object, planning, development and decision-making, accounting and control, coordination, organizational and logistical support, selection, training and education of social workers.

The most important component of social work is its goal as meeting the needs and interests of customers. This general goal can be specified taking into account its constituent parts (sub-goals): strengthening the degree of independence of clients, their ability to control their lives and more effectively resolve emerging problems: creating conditions in which clients can maximize their capabilities and receive everything they are entitled to by law ; adaptation and rehabilitation of clients in society; creation of conditions under which a person, despite physical injury, mental breakdown or life crisis, can live with self-esteem and respect from others. Both the goal and other components of social work are determined by the specifics of those. to whom they are oriented (i.e. objects), and those who implement them (subjects).

The objects of social work are those who need help, support, social protection, and subjects - those who provide this assistance, support, protection.


Object can be interpreted as something opposing the subject in his subject-practical and cognitive activity. It is not only identical to objective reality, but also acts as such a part of it, which is in interaction with the subject.

If we consider social work as a science, then we are dealing with object-subject relations. In this case, the object is considered as a certain type of practical social reality. As an object of social work in its broad interpretation are all people, the entire population.

Groups of objects of social work - people who find themselves in a difficult life situation. When they talk about practical social work, they first of all mean the provision of assistance, support, and social protection for those groups of the population that find themselves in a difficult life situation.

Reasons for classifying such objects:

1. Health status, which does not allow a person or group to solve their life problems in full or at all.

2. Service and work in extreme social conditions (wars).

3. Elderly, retirement age people. This includes single elderly people and families consisting of only pensioners (due to age, disability, and other reasons).

4. Deviant behavior in its various forms and types.

5. Difficult, unfavorable situation of various categories of families: families with orphans and children left without parental care; low-income families; large families, etc.

6. The special situation of children (orphanhood, vagrancy, etc.).

7. Vagrancy, homelessness.

8. The position of women in the prenatal and postnatal state.

9. Legal (and therefore social) status of persons subjected to political repression and subsequently rehabilitated.

Various spheres of human life The spheres of life as objects of social work are very diverse. Among them, the most important are:

- sphere of production, industrial and social infrastructure;

- urban and rural, as well as intermediate forms of settlement;

- health care

- the sphere of education;

- the field of science;

- sphere of culture;

- cultural and leisure sphere;

- power structures of society

- penitentiary system;

- socio-ethnic environment;

- sphere of consumer services for the population.


The objects of social work are those who need help, support, social protection, and subjects - those who provide this assistance, support, protection.

The subjects of social work are:

1. Organizations, institutions, social institutions of society. These include:

- the state with its structures represented by the legislative, executive and judicial authorities of various levels;

- various kinds of social services: territorial centers for social assistance to families and children; social rehabilitation centers for minors; centers for helping children left without parental care, etc.;

- administrations of state enterprises, organizations, institutions, universities, etc. and their divisions.

2. Public, charitable and other organizations and institutions: trade unions, branches of the Children's Fund, Red Cross societies, private social services, organizations, etc.

3. People engaged in practical social work professionally or on a voluntary basis. In fact, they are representatives of the two subjects of social work mentioned above. At the same time, they can be divided into two groups: organizers-managers and performers, practical social workers who provide direct assistance, support to clients providing social protection, representatives of the objects of social work discussed above.

4. Teachers, as well as those who contribute to the consolidation of knowledge, skills and abilities. These include practice leaders, mentors, practical social workers and other workers who contribute to the internship of students (listeners) in various organizations, institutions, social enterprises.

5. social work researchers, who analyze the state of social work using various methods, develop scientific programs, record existing and emerging trends in this area, publish scientific reports, books, articles on social work issues.

In Russia, several research schools of social work have already been practically created: philosophical, sociological, psychological, etc.


The main object and at the same time the subject of social work is human. However, not always a person can be a subject, and the object is constantly acting. This is due to different stages of his age development: a child, a young man (girl), an adult, an elderly person. It is clear that at the first and last stages he acts primarily as an object of social work, although in a certain situation and at different stages of old age he can also be a subject (educator, assistant, organizer, adviser, etc.).

Already older children can also play the role of a subject (a member of any organizations that help older people and young children, an organizer of sports, health and other events, etc.). It is in the adult state, as a rule, that people can fulfill the role of a subject in the social sphere, which is predetermined by their maturity, education, the corresponding profession, specialty, participation in labor and social activities.

Man is an integral biosocial being, in which the biological (physiological and mental) and social are in dialectical unity, interaction and interpenetration. It is these aspects (quality components) of a person that determine his position both as an object and as a subject.

As an object, a person deals with social problems (employment, registration of pension and other matters, placement of the elderly in boarding schools, etc.). But he can solve them himself (in whole or in part), thereby acting as a subject. The role of the subject of social work is performed by a person as a parent in a family, a member of a work collective, an organization, etc.

The role of the subject or object of a person is predetermined by his "personality", i.e. a set of socially significant qualities. And here it should be taken into account that a person in general, as is known, is inherent in the dialectical unity of the general (universal, generic), special (formational, social-class) and individual (individual) modes of existence. And from how and under what conditions these modes of existence are realized, a person acts mainly as either an object or a subject, sometimes organically combining these two roles. In this case, the role of the subject can be professional or non-professional.


Social work can also be considered as a type of large systems, since it is possible to single out subsystems of a smaller level in it. How big is the system social work organically combines three components: a) social work as a science; b) social work as an educational activity; and c) social work as a type of practical activity.

In turn, each of these components can be characterized as a specific system. So, social work as a science acts as a system for a number of reasons. 1. Having an interdisciplinary nature, it combines knowledge of social, natural and technical sciences related to its main object - man as a biopsychosocial being. 2. Has the necessary characteristics of scientific disciplines (the presence of professional journals, organizations, educational departments, disciplinary textbooks, a system for training professional personnel). 3. Social work has inherent elements of science (patterns, principles, methods). 4. It is systemic in nature, since it contains all organically interconnected components: theoretical and applied (empirical).

Social work as a learning activity is designed to give a holistic view of the content of social work, its main directions, tools, technologies (methods), organization, to train students in the methods of this work.

Social work as a specific type of practical activity includes such interrelated elements as subject and object, content and means, management, functions and goals. In turn, each of these elements can also be interpreted as a system.

Social work is a system from the point of view of a combination of professional and non-professional activities. In modern society, professional activity dominates social work. Social work is also a type of information system, because without information it is impossible to realize its goals and objectives. Social work is, on the one hand, a static system (characterized by a certain constancy over some time), on the other hand, it is dynamic, because it sometimes undergoes rapid and qualitative changes.

As an open system, social work absorbs the properties of other systems (economic, political, environmental, etc.), is determined by them and influences them (under its influence, in particular, social, economic policy, etc. can change) .


Given the integrative, interdisciplinary nature of social work, it is possible to single out organically interconnected elements in it, often called directions: social diagnosis, social therapy, social rehabilitation, social prevention, social control, social insurance, social services in everyday life, social mediation, social guardianship, etc. Together, these areas represent social work as a whole, a system, acting as its structural elements (components).

In turn, each of them represents something complete, a subsystem of the whole - social work.

1. social diagnosis in social work means the study of social motives and causes of behavior of an individual, layer, group, community, their states (material, mental, spiritual), determination of forms and methods of working with them.

2. Social rehabilitation represents the implementation of a set of measures (medical, legal, social, psychological, pedagogical) aimed at restoring the basic social functions of an individual, a social group (health, social status, etc.), their social role as subjects of the main spheres of society.

3. social prevention can be defined as a system of measures to protect health, prolong life, provide conditions for the active participation of individuals, families, groups in the life of society, their performance of various social roles.

4. Social control in relation to social work, it is one of the social functions of civil society, which consists in supervising the observance of the rule of law by state economic, public organizations, observance of the rights of citizens, including in the field of their social support, protection and assistance.

5. Social insurance as one of the most important areas in social work means a system of socio-economic relations in which insurance funds are created at the expense of contributions from enterprises, organizations and the population, designed to compensate for damage from natural disasters and other adverse accidental phenomena, as well as to provide citizens or their families assistance in the event of certain events in their lives that are the subject of an insurance contract.


In the social policy of the state, two directions can be distinguished:

1. Accounting and effective implementation of the main types of social work: social diagnostics, social prevention, social supervision, social therapy, social adaptation, social rehabilitation, social security, social insurance, social guardianship, social assistance, social counseling, social expertise, social guardianship, social innovations, social mediation and asceticism.

2. Focus on the main social facilities:

- groups and strata in need of social protection, social assistance and support, such as the disabled; unemployed; participants of the Great Patriotic War; rear workers; lonely seniors and families; refugees; persons exposed to radiation; families with disabled children; large families; orphaned or left without parental care, etc.

- various spheres of life of a social nature: industrial and social infrastructure; urban, rural, as well as an intermediate form of settlement; healthcare; education; science; culture; cultural and leisure; socio-ethnic; household service. The state carries out (directly and indirectly) activities for socio-economic support, the provision of social, domestic, medical and social.

psychological, pedagogical, legal services, social adaptation and rehabilitation of citizens and families in difficult life situations, improvement of their environment.

The social policy of the state can have different dimensions: economic, organizational, legal, actually social, cultural, ecological, personal. Therefore, it is possible to quantitatively and qualitatively characterize the social policy pursued by the state.

Tasks of modern social policy

- mastering foreign experience in the field of social support for the population, while realizing the need to fully take into account the historical conditions and national characteristics of Russia:

- organization of targeted assistance to the most needy groups of the population (the elderly, the disabled, single, large families). In this regard, it is necessary to develop a baseline indicator of the level of poverty;

- the fight against unemployment:

- a balanced combination of monetary and non-monetary types of assistance;

- prevention of negative consequences in the behavior, in the life of individuals, groups, layers, i.e. preventive work.


Social policy and social work closely interconnected between themselves. Both are characterized by two interdependent sides: scientific-cognitive and practical-organizational.

Social work is a peculiar form, a way of implementing social policy, and social politics - the core, the landmark of social work. This is their unity and difference. The latter is manifested, in particular, in the fact that social policy is a broader concept, a defining aspect of social work. Social policy is a guideline not only for social work, but also for the development of the social sphere as a whole. Unlike social work, it is more sustainable and stable. Social work is more dynamic, mobile, and rich in content compared to social policy. At the same time, their unity is indissoluble. What is social policy, such is social work. The implementation of the content, forms and methods of the latter is entirely determined by social policy. At the same time, social work - activities for social protection, support and assistance of socially vulnerable layers and groups, individual citizens, and the population as a whole cannot but affect (ultimately) the guidelines of social policy, its directions, goals and objectives.

The projects implemented in Russia since 2005 concern the most socially sensitive spheres of people's life at the present stage of the country's development: agriculture, healthcare, education and housing and communal services. We are talking about the allocation of significant funds, strengthening the infrastructure of the material and technical base of these industries, greater accessibility of social benefits for people (at least for certain categories).


Social activity is an essential component of the formation and development of social relations and the social sphere, which has become an organic constant of the life of society as a whole, an individual, a group, society in particular.

The phrase "social activity" is ambiguous in its semantic content. In one context, it is used to denote the nature of activity in society as a whole, indicating that its sources, factors and results are determined by the interests of society, are of a societal nature. In another sense, the phrase "social activity" is often identified with the activities of people in the social sphere, within which the formation and development of the social structure, social institutions, and the social status of a person take place. But most often it corresponds with the concepts of "social policy", "social partnership", "social security", "social well-being", "social work", etc.

As a social phenomenon and concept, social work is one of the types and methods of social activity, which has its own specifics. The latter is expressed already in the name itself, in which the concept of “work” is synonymous with the concept of “activity”, and the concept of “social” emphasizes its focus and nature. Thus, this type of social activity is active in nature, its object and subject are people, and the main goal and means is to achieve a social result in the life of a person, the whole society.

Social work acts as a complex type of purposeful activity, the result of which is the formation of each person, group or society adequately to their state of concrete historical social well-being as its resulting outcome.

The object and purpose of social work as a type of activity is a person in various states and at various stages of his age development, and therefore its content should include the whole set (of course, socially positive orientation) of means, methods and forms of socialization or resocialization of a person, society, society .


The emergence, formation and development of social work is associated with the generic needs of society at every stage of its existence in the constant improvement of social relations. Charity and mercy act as one of the manifestations of sociality.

The roots of charity and mercy go back to the times of hoary antiquity, when mutual assistance and mutual assistance in the struggle for existence were first due mainly to the instincts of self-preservation and were of a spontaneous nature, and over time, as civilization developed, they took on an increasingly purposefully selective and stable character. as social phenomena charity (selfless help mainly from the rich to the poor people) and charity (compassionate attitude towards the weak and the poor, etc.) nevertheless took shape in later historical periods, when the necessary economic, social and spiritual prerequisites appeared.

In general, sociality began to take shape already in the conditions of the primitive communal system and the early periods of the ancient world, first spontaneously and then consciously, becoming over time one of the main imperatives of social life. People really helped each other in different situations, at first instinctively in the name of self-preservation and herd behavior. As the economy, social sphere, spiritual life and self-awareness develop, first elements are formed, and later a system of state and non-state measures aimed at socializing (i.e., consolidating, or rather, binding) the population with ideological, economic, political and specifically social means to the prevailing social order. Mercy and charity became important factors in public life to a large extent during the Middle Ages, and in modern and modern times they began to develop and took an authoritative position under the influence of the developing world humanistic consciousness.

As a social phenomenon, social work in this sense has a very long history. For many millennia, it developed spontaneously and was sporadic. Many of its elements (proto-elements) were developed in ancient times mainly by the ruling strata of the population in order to preserve their economic, political and spiritual position. Only from the second half of the XIX century. in Western Europe and the United States began to consciously and purposefully form some of the moments that became in the XX century. system of state social policy, as well as various types of humanistically oriented social activities (including charity) in this direction.

The periodization of the development of social work should be determined in close connection with the characteristics of civilizations, cultures and formations, mainly the social relations that dominate them.


social work wears event-dialogical character. During it, an event occurs - a “meeting” of people with different worldviews, mentalities, levels of education and forms of behavior, the characteristics of which cannot be ignored. Joint activities should be built on a dialogical basis.

Social work is a special kind of subject-object-subject communication between people.

An important principle is personal-activity approach, the result of which should be the formation (restoration) of an individual, group or society of a certain level of sociality and the associated freedom and responsibility in the process of activity, which occupies an attributive position in the system of social work.

It is necessary to treat a person as a person, and at each stage of social work not to miss the specific tasks of his identification, individualization and personalization.

Social work is a holistic hierarchy of the most diverse in scale and forms of types activities to create a specific social environment within which specific tasks can be solved.

In the course of social work, a special social the environment within which the corresponding tasks are solved.

Necessary moments design and construction is the formulation of a real diagnosis of the state of a person or group, that environment.

in which they gained and lost their sociality, identifying potential, determining realistically possible directions for development, choosing optimal technologies, and then implementing the developed project.

An optimal combination of different technologies, techniques, methods and means is needed. In the system of social work at any stage and at any time it is necessary to use understanding procedure. based on the ability of a social work specialist to penetrate into the inner world of a person and his relationship with the environment.

An important point in social work is the need to take into account the diversity of objects and subjects, situations that happen to them, etc.


Pedagogical principles express the patterns that operate in the educational process of personality development. The sources of pedagogical principles are ideology, epistemology, psychology, best practices of social work. Many pedagogical principles are objectively applied in social work. Although they are in organic connection, they can be divided into didactic and educational principles.

Social work can be represented as an educational process during which people study culture, master the skills of social behavior, are included in material and social relations, in the process of social learning. Although spontaneity is attributed to the social formation of the individual and the team, scientifically based social work makes it purposeful. This means that the leader in individual or group work forms the goals of production activity in such a way that employees understand what personal, social qualities they themselves must possess in order to successfully solve problems. labor tasks.

In the process of social learning, experienced social workers observe the principle of systematicity and consistency in the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities. Social learning is effective only in conditions of differentiation and individualization of educational and labor activity. Conducting briefing, organizing the study of technological documentation, the social worker achieves the activity of the client, encourages his independence. Following didactic principles such as visibility and practical orientation education, agitation, organization of labor and social life, social learning becomes more accessible and effective.

The above didactic principles are of great educational value. However, specific educational principles. Trust in people, in unity with verification and control carried out with pedagogical tact, is an expression of the principle humanism social work. Specialists always strive to rely on the positive, to follow in the education of staff optimistic hypothesis. Major social tasks are solved on the basis of collective activity.

An important pedagogical element of social work is the formation humanistic values.

A necessary pedagogical element of social work is the formation social actions, skills and abilities, the person is mastering the techniques self-help. The personal-activity approach in socio-pedagogical work involves the formation social feelings, conducive to study, work, communication.

Social work must ultimately lead the individual to self-education.


The effectiveness of social work methods is largely determined by their pedagogical characteristics. The most important are the methods of formation consciousness, individual and group, in their relationship. The social consciousness of the individual determines the motivation for educational and labor, social activities of people in groups. They are based on such techniques as showing the personal and group significance of labor tasks.

The success of any activity (work, teaching, communication) is determined by knowledge of the content and methods of activity. In this regard, the role of methods of formation mode of action in areas of life that have a social connotation.

When designing a social work system, the possibilities social learning. Its pedagogical essence lies in the personal-activity actualization of the elements of culture belonging to society, in mastering them in the process of communication and labor.

The pedagogical aspects of social work are embodied when using the method of formation social perspective. At rallies, in conversations, through individual briefings to workers, students, etc. the acquisitions that they will receive by mastering new personality traits, technological methods, and industrial knowledge are revealed.

Methods have a pedagogical character inclusion of the individual in collective activities. Their upbringing and educational essence in modern conditions is best manifested in the democratism of the organization of social work. The educational impact of social work is largely determined by the methods engaging in progressively more complex activities.

In any activity, a person correlates the process and results with an ideal formed in close connection with social relations. This purpose is served by methods approval and condemnation teaching, work, communication. The pedagogical effect of these methods is the higher, the deeper the worker understands the assessment.

A necessary part of the pedagogical subsystem of social work are methods consolidation of positive experience labor, educational, social activities. This purpose is served by methods pedagogical correction, characterized by the allocation of shortcomings in activities, behavior, and at the same time the strengths of the personality, professional training, relying on which a person can overcome these shortcomings.


The profession of a social worker is known throughout the civilized world. In Russia, it appeared during the Zemstvo reform of 1864, although it was not called that. The functions of social workers were performed by zemstvo commissioners for the care of blind, poor, neglected children, homeless and homeless elderly people. The success of this activity depended on the level of development of the pedagogical skills of these people.

In the XX century. there has always been a fairly large army of party and trade union workers. At the very beginning of this period, zemstvo courses for the training of social personnel entered the education system. And although there were no pedagogical skill courses in the curricula yet, the methodological foundations for their preparation were quite consistent with this problem. In the 1960s-1970s. in the scientific and educational literature, the skill of party and trade union workers was considered as a condition for the effective solution of the tasks facing them.

An integral part of the activities of teachers, educators in schools, orphanages, special institutions is social and pedagogical work. In the works of A.S. Makarenko, V.A. Sukhomlinsky posed and basically solved the problem of the skill of a social worker. The basis of its formation is the mastery of pedagogical technique.

The most important element of the skill of a social worker is the definition of the actual field of social activity. In today's situation, the identification of the contingent in need of social assistance, the prevention of alcoholism and drug addiction, the strengthening of the family, the prevention of unemployment, and the socialization of the labor market are of particular importance. The psychological and pedagogical aspect of this work is expressed, in particular, in the mobilization of the own activity of people in need of help.

The skill of a social worker depends on his culture, on the general and professional education he has received. Of particular importance is the theoretical and practical psychological and pedagogical training.


Based on the fact that psychology studies the influence of social environmental factors on mental health, their relationship with the prevalence, occurrence, manifestations and dynamics of emotional and behavioral disorders, as well as the possibility of social influences in therapy, rehabilitation and prevention of pathology, we formulate the following psychological principles of social work.

- psychology implies equality of opportunity for all members of society, including the mentally ill;

- psychology recognizes and studies the complex influence of social factors on mental health:

- the basis of socio-psychological assistance is the principle of solidarity with the client:

- the priority of the psychologist's activity is prevention and rehabilitation;

The subject of psychology is empirical research and therapeutic practice aimed at readaptation of the client and his integration into social reality.

Task classification, facing modern social work, based on a psychosocial approach:

- study of the influence of macrosocial and microsocial factors on the health of the population;

- study of age characteristics of the influence of social factors on mental health;

- comparative study of mental health and mental disorders in different ethnic groups and cultures;

studying the influence of environmental factors on mental health;

the study of mental health and mental disorders among representatives of various socio-professional groups of the population; study of the role of social factors in the formation and course of individual forms of disorders; study of the mechanisms of formation and dynamics of disorders caused by social stress;

study of the mental consequences of emergencies;

study of the role of social factors in the formation of destructive behavior; study of the role of social factors in the formation of deviant behavior; studying the social consequences of mental illness;

development of social support systems for clients with various disorders, programs for the protection and promotion of the mental health of the population;

studying the attitude of society towards clients with various disorders, developing programs for psycho-hygienic education of the population


Psychological methods in social work can be divided into two groups: research and practical.

Research methods include a set of scientific methods aimed at studying the influence of social factors on mental health and their role in the occurrence, course, prognosis, and outcome of mental disorders.

Types of research methods:

- epidemiological method, which determines the prevalence of psycho-emotional disorders, allows you to objectively and correctly assess the contribution of various social factors to the processes of formation and course of mental pathology, characterize the nature and frequency of disorders in individual populations, give numerous and often contradictory materials a reliable epidemiological basis, which is a criterion of representativeness and reliability;

- psychopathological method. Here the subject of study is disorders and their dependence on factors of the social environment. methods of sociological research, include a wide range of socio-demographic, sociometric, transcultural and a number of other methods aimed at clarifying the causal patterns of mental health and its disorders. The sources of information in sociological methods are various questionnaires, evaluation scales, and interviews.

various types of statistical and medical documentation.

The use of sociological methods in psychology requires the observance of a number of conditions.

1. The choice of the object of research, differentiated according to specific characteristics (according to professional, social, regional criteria, according to ethno-cultural characteristics).

2. The choice of sociological parameters adequate to the tasks of social psychology. One of the most significant are the concepts of "standard of living" and "quality of life". The standard of living is an objective criterion that reflects the real conditions for the coexistence of society and the individual.

К practical methods include practical forms of socio-psychological assistance to clients. Classification by L. Ciompi (2003):

a) social support and care for patients with the most severe forms of mental illness (schizophrenia, chronic depression, alcoholism, drug addiction, senile psychosis, etc.). Social support is provided by mobile multidisciplinary teams of specialists and involves work at the place of residence of the patient, in the family, at work;

b) preventive crisis intervention carried out on an outpatient, inpatient or semi-inpatient basis;

c) social и vocational rehabilitation of clients;

d) family therapy

e) different types of sociotherapy: therapy environment, psychodrama, social skills training, etc.


In its development, the state-legal foundations of social work in the new Russia have gone through several stages. The allocation of these stages should be based on two interrelated processes: a) social increase (decrease) in state assistance to the poor; b) state-legal institutionalization of social work.

First stage (1991-1994) The formation of the state legal foundations of social work began with the reforms of the government of B.N. Yeltsin - E.T. Gaidar still within the USSR, and then after its collapse. Along with the preparation of the institutional (regulatory, organizational, managerial, educational) foundations of social work, the social foundations of existence of a significant number of people were undermined, which was confirmed by the political crisis of 1993, and then by the fall of the ruble in 1994 (“Black Tuesday”). The government tried to maintain some social and legal guarantees, to partially mitigate the consequences of rising prices and the closure of enterprises (for example, the Law “On Employment”).

Second stage (1994-1998). Significant narrowing of the social base of the liberal forces. A significant social vacuum arose, as the former real socio-economic guarantees disappeared. The adoption of a number of legal normative acts on social work, including laws on social services, also belongs to this time. Graduates of social workers have already taken place in several universities, the state educational standard has been approved, and the experience of social work in foreign countries has been studied.

Third stage (September 1998-August 2004) began with attempts to overcome the consequences of the recession, to support the construction of a welfare state, to raise the prestige of a social worker. The established favorable external situation in the fuel and raw materials market made it possible to some extent improve the situation with pensions, salaries of state employees, including social workers, implement the norms of laws on social services for the population, social protection of the disabled.

The fourth stage The formation of the social state began in August-September 2004. The postponed, but extremely painful transformations in the social sphere, which were necessary for the reform strategy, were next. They relate to social benefits in the field of transport, housing and communal services, health care. The state seeks to free itself from part of the obligations to society given at the first, second and third stages.

The new stage shows that Russia is at a crossroads. And although the state of modern Russia has not yet acquired proper stability, this choice will be between the European type of a social legal state and the type of a "minimal social state", which is also very reduced in Russian conditions.


Management is a conscious, systematic, specially organized influence on society in order to streamline and improve its social and activity structure. Impact means ways, forms, techniques for solving both global and specific social problems. The purpose of the influence is to optimize the functioning of objects, subjects, phenomena, and social processes.

The technologization of social processes is necessary, which boils down to the following:

- delimitation, separation, dismemberment of the process into internally interconnected stages, phases, operations;

- coordination and phasing of actions aimed at achieving the desired result;

- unambiguous implementation of the procedures and operations included in the technology;

Social technologization is based on social technologies. Social technologies can be interpreted in two ways.

1) as ways of applying the theoretical conclusions of a particular science in solving practical problems. The social sciences deal primarily with practical tasks related to the functioning and improvement of social objects, which in this case should be understood not only as groups, layers of people, individual individuals, but also social phenomena and processes in various spheres of life;

2) as a set of techniques, methods and influences that are used to achieve the goals in the process of social development, to solve certain social problems.

In social technologies, there are two forms:

- programs containing procedures and operations (as methods and means of activity);

- the activity itself, built in accordance with such programs.

Social technologies are considered as ways of carrying out activities based on its rational division into procedures and operations with their subsequent coordination and synchronization and the choice of optimal means and methods for their implementation.

The term "social technologies" appeared in domestic social science relatively recently. However, this does not mean that the country did not deal with social technologies at all. Methods were developed for applying the theoretical conclusions of the social sciences to solve a wide range of social problems, various techniques, methods and influences were used to achieve the goals of the social development of society.

Stages of social technologies:

- theoretical justification:

- technological procedures;

- technological tools:

- criteria and methods;

- measuring results:

- humanitarian and economic support:

- stages of implementation.


Social technologies differ significantly from each other in their content.

Global social technologies stand out in terms of scale. They are connected with the solution of universal human problems. We are talking about such knowledge, methods, methods that contribute to the understanding of not only internal, but also global development trends, the connection between society and nature. The introduction of global technologies directly or indirectly affects the life and social security of people. Innovative social technologies are such methods and techniques of innovative activity that are aimed at implementing innovations in society, at implementing initiatives that cause qualitative changes in various areas of social life, leading to the rational use of material and other resources in society. Routine social technologies provide for such methods of influencing social processes that are characterized by low science intensity, reflect yesterday's social impact and do not stimulate the social object, the social system to change, change. regional social technologies are aimed at studying and implementing the regularities of the territorial organization of social life and its systematic change.

One of the varieties universal technologies is the technology of global modeling (research and solution of issues of preserving the world, nature, providing the population of the Earth with food, energy, material resources, etc.).

Informational social technologies cover the methods and techniques of optimizing the information process, its reproduction and functioning. Intellectual social technologies are aimed at developing the creative abilities of people. Historical technologies involve the technologization of historical knowledge as a condition for political, economic, spiritual and social diagnosis. Demographic technologies are aimed at studying the mechanism of population reproduction and developing ways to change its size, composition, distribution, etc. Political technologies as a type of social technologies are methods for solving political problems, developing policies, implementing them, and carrying out political activities. Administrative and managerial technologies among management technologies are of particular importance as ways of direct (direct) operational impact on a managed object.


Social technologies in relation to social work are interpreted as a set of techniques, methods and influences used by social services, individual social service institutions and social workers to achieve goals in the process of social work, to solve various social problems, to ensure the effectiveness of the implementation of the tasks of social protection of the population . If we consider social work as a science then social technologies are ways to apply theoretical conclusions and solutions to practical problems of social work. In this regard, it is important to emphasize the organic unity of knowledge and skills of social work as a science.

When it comes to social work as an educational process, the essence of social technologies is a holistic view of the content of social work, its main directions, tools, methods and organization, i.e. these technologies are mainly educational, informational in nature.

Considering social work as a special kind of practical activity, the essence of social technologies can be interpreted primarily as a set of techniques, methods and influences aimed at providing assistance, support, protection of all people, the optimal development of the social sphere as a whole and its structural components.

Directions (types) of social work with various groups of the population: social control and social prevention, social therapy and social rehabilitation, social assistance and protection, etc. These types of social work are its main technologies, which are usually called by common (applicable to all objects) and private (applicable only to some, for example guardianship, guardianship). They are very closely related to each other and at the same time relatively autonomous, specific in purpose and functional content.

There are technologies for working with socially vulnerable segments of the population; technologies of social protection of all segments of the population; technologies of a global nature affecting the process of functioning and development of society; technologies of social work in various spheres of life of social orientation. There are actually social technologies, socio-pedagogical, socio-psychological, socio-medical, etc.

Technologies in social work differ in their level: simple, accessible to non-specialists; complex, requiring the qualification of one specialist; complex, requiring the qualifications of specialists in different fields. Distinguish social technologies and the complexity of the subject of social work, in particular, social services of various levels and directions.


Functions of social work technologies diagnostic function - the study by a social worker of the characteristics of a group of people (or an individual), the degree of influence on them (or on him) of the microenvironment and the formulation of a "social diagnosis";

prognostic function - programming and forecasting the impact on the objects of social work of all social institutions of society, the development of a separate model of social behavior of these objects;

preventive-preventive (or socio-therapeutic) function - putting into action socio-legal, legal, psychological, socio-medical, pedagogical and other mechanisms for preventing and overcoming negative phenomena, organizing sociotherapeutic, social, psychological, pedagogical, medical, legal and other assistance to those in need, ensuring the protection of the rights of families, women, adolescents, children, youth: human rights function - the use of the entire complex of laws and legal norms aimed at providing assistance and support, protecting the population;

socio-pedagogical function - identifying the interests and needs of people in various types of activities and involving various institutions, organizations, public, creative and other unions, specialists, trainers, organizers of cultural and leisure activities, etc .;

socio-psychological function - various types of counseling and correction of interpersonal relationships, assistance in social adaptation and social rehabilitation to all those in need;

socio-medical function - organization of work on disease prevention, assistance in mastering the basics of first aid, food culture, sanitary and hygienic standards, organization of work on family planning, etc.;

social and domestic function - assistance in providing the necessary assistance to various categories of the population (disabled people, the elderly, young families, etc.), in improving their living conditions, organizing a normal life;

communicative function - establishing contacts with those in need of this or that help and support, organizing the exchange of information, facilitating the inclusion of various institutions of society in the activities of social services; advertising and propaganda function - organization of advertising of social services, promotion of ideas of social protection of a person; moral and humanistic function - giving social work high humanistic goals, creating conditions for the decent functioning of a person, groups and strata in society; organizational function - promoting the organization of social services at enterprises and institutions, as well as at the place of residence, involving the public in their work, the direction of social services.


The main role of social protection is to preserve the health and life of clients, which means that it is also a medical task.

Functions of social medicine specialists:

- studying the living conditions of the supervised population, identifying areas with an incomplete set of medical services, as well as risk groups associated with an increase in morbidity and social tension, establishing the scale of social and medical care necessary for these groups, ensuring the implementation of these scales, identifying and restoring lost social contacts between society and persons outside it;

- assistance in finding a place in life, support for social efforts aimed at improving the quality of life;

- prevention of social and mental tension;

- prevention of mental breakdowns, attacks of mental and somatic diseases;

- ensuring healthy leisure, family recreation, the formation of a healthy lifestyle for children and adolescents;

- prevention of injuries, and, if necessary, the provision of first and emergency aid to the injured and sick at the scene or in the event of an attack of illness;

- assistance in the medical insurance of the wards, in the provision of medicines, prostheses, household amenities, general care for the sick and the items of this care, distractions and measures;

teaching families the rules and skills of caring for the sick, the elderly, and children; organization of legal protection of supervised sections of the population, control of pension and material support;

opposition to the processes of dehumanization and demoralization of society, participation in the political life of the region (in the part that concerns professional tasks), in the social planning of development and organizational activities of the served region;

application of sanitary and hygienic measures to improve the territorial, housing and environmental conditions of the area in contact with the sanitary and epidemiological service, ZHREU, etc.;

posing before the bodies of the medical service, law enforcement services, local authorities, public organizations issues to ensure the medical and social well-being of the supervised population groups, speaking in the media on the problems of their work.


Socio-medical work is one of the important areas in the activities of social institutions and occupies a special place in practical health care.

Elderly people, families with disabled people and patients with severe chronic diseases, those affected by radioactive contamination of the environment, as well as single-parent families, families with many children, guardians, young, acutely needy, receiving a pension for the loss of a breadwinner and other low-income families need social and medical protection.

Protection and provision of various types of social assistance, strengthening and development of the family, assistance in providing favorable conditions for the family to perform its main functions are carried out in special centers "Family" or in the departments of medical and social assistance at territorial medical institutions.

Medico-social assistance consists in solving medical, social, psychological, legal issues. Provision of disabled people with medicines, food at reduced prices, execution and re-issuance of documents for referral of a patient for medical and social examination with persistent restrictions on life and work ability are also included in the scope of duties of a medical and social worker. Patients with disabilities should be employed using various forms of labor organization (home work, part-time work, etc.).

The competence of the medical and social worker includes issues related to the disability of patients referred to sanatoriums from hospitals after a surgical disease and surgery, participants in the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident, disabled people affected by radiation exposure, evacuated from settlements, etc.

A medically oriented social worker should supervise women after childbirth, especially from dysfunctional families, the birth of a child in an incomplete family, the birth of a second child, termination of pregnancy, continuation of studies or its termination due to the risk of pregnancy complications.

Timely identification of children from dysfunctional, asocial families, dispensary observation from the moment of birth, referral to a nursery, a kindergarten, if necessary, to the sanatorium "Mother and Child", tuberculosis sanatoriums, schools for the difficult to educate or mentally retarded allows you to avoid addictions and makes it possible to introduce into social life process elements of a healthy lifestyle.


The medical and social assistance service is staffed with specially trained workers, based on the tasks assigned to it. Approval of the corresponding positions of social workers with a medical orientation in medical institutions, their qualification characteristics, debugging the system of training personnel for work in practical healthcare - the basis for organizing medical and social services.

To provide full medical and social assistance to the population, a three-level system is needed, providing for the work of specialists with higher, secondary specialized education and personnel helping to care for the elderly, lonely, disabled, and seriously ill chronically ill.

The competence of a top-level specialist (a social worker with higher education - a socially oriented doctor) includes obtaining complete information about the social situation of the population, creating a data bank - a social map of the region.

The data bank should contain information not only about the total number of people served, but also about the number of families living in a given territory. From the total number of families, it is necessary to single out incomplete, large, low-income families, families that include a disabled person, a drug addict, a child with a disability since childhood.

It is important to determine the socio-economic situation in the region: its criminality, the incidence of socially dangerous diseases (sexually transmitted diseases, diphtheria, tuberculosis, etc.).

Such a social worker draws up and implements programs of medical and social assistance to the population of the region served, coordinates the activities of the medical and social service with related non-departmental organizations (teachers, psychologists, lawyers, etc.), directs and controls the implementation of social events by mid-level workers.

Main functions mid-level medical social worker is direct patronage work with families for the implementation of specific services: the provision of primary health care to the disabled; assistance in providing medicines, food through special shops at reduced prices; organization of advisory assistance to jurists, psychologists, teachers; sanitary and educational work, etc.

Socio-medical work third level is performed, as a rule, by volunteers who provide direct feasible physical, moral, psychological assistance to people in need of outside help (nurses for the seriously ill, lonely people, accompanying the blind, the disabled, etc.). One of the rational forms of organizing social assistance to the population are departments of medical and social assistance created at territorial polyclinics.


The ultimate goal of social workers is to protect the health and lives of those served. They must clearly understand that any social program should be based on hygiene recommendations - the science of health, ways to preserve and improve it, and a healthy lifestyle (HLS).

Every aspect of social work concerns and promotes health.

Social workers should have a clear understanding of the phenomenon of health and healthy lifestyles.

The target parameter, which the entire healthcare system and the formation of a healthy lifestyle of the population is guided by, has not yet been clearly defined. And the ambiguity of the goal always gives rise to methodological errors. Over the past decade, in general, preference has been given to disease prevention, the desire to create healthy living and working conditions, and to instill a healthy lifestyle in the population, but the effectiveness was clearly insufficient.

Health is a state of fairly broad functional capabilities of the body, necessary to neutralize the influence of harmful environmental factors. Functional capabilities are considered as physiological reserves, the volume of which can be reduced or increased depending on the degree of their fitness. The latter is created by a way of life as a complex of regime moments and attitudes that exclude or exacerbate the depletion of these reserves. It is advisable to start the development of a healthy lifestyle in childhood. In the future, only especially disordered and unhealthy living conditions can destroy the established system of habits. Healthy lifestyle is aimed at preventing not each disease individually, but all together. Therefore, it is especially rational, economical and desirable.

A healthy lifestyle is the only lifestyle capable of restoring, maintaining and improving the health of the population.

A healthy lifestyle is the development in people of a complex of interrelated skills and habits. It is necessary to ensure that a person automatically follows the rules in the field of everyday life and personal hygiene, without thinking about elementary actions and always adhering to the recommendations of hygienic science.

A healthy lifestyle also includes a culture of entertainment. A person has a physiologically justified need to receive pleasure. It is necessary to combine passive and active type of recreation. Of great importance is the education of a culture of interpersonal relations, here lies the key to the successful protection of the mental and physical health of the population.


PROTECTION The main tasks of social protection are:

1) the implementation of social rights and minimum social guarantees established by law for citizens, primarily in the field of pensions for social services, material support for families with children, etc.;

2) adaptation of the social protection system to changing socio-economic conditions, including the development of a network of social service institutions, expansion of the list of social services provided to the population, support for non-state forms of social assistance, training of social workers;

3) improving the organization of social protection based on the formation of complete social technologies, a differentiated approach to various categories of the population and types of families, targeted social assistance directly related to the specific needs of the recipient.

4) widespread use of active forms of social support for the population (social and psychological rehabilitation and adaptation of the population, promotion of self-realization and self-sufficiency, vocational guidance, etc.).


The most important criterion of the welfare state is the protection of motherhood, childhood, fatherhood, as well as assistance and protection of the family.

To date, there are four main forms of state assistance to families with children:

- cash payments to the family for children and in connection with the birth, maintenance and upbringing of children (allowances and pensions);

- labor, tax, housing, credit, medical and other benefits for families with children, parents and children;

- free distribution to families and children (baby food, medicines, clothes and shoes, food for pregnant women, etc.);

- social services for families (provision of specific psychological, legal, pedagogical assistance, counseling, etc.). The main principles of social work with the family are:

- priority of the rights and interests of the child, comprehensive development and respect for his human dignity;

- respect for the rights of parents, an objective and competent assessment of the situation in the family by social services;

- observance of confidentiality by social workers when working with families, provided that there is no risk of violence against children;

- reasonable use of power and control;

- taking into account adverse factors in the family, an approach from a risk position, etc.

Of great importance in the social protection of the family is the improvement of the relevant regulatory framework. The following laws have been developed and adopted: "On state benefits to citizens with children", "On compensation payments to families with children, students and other categories of persons", "On the state system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency, protection of their rights", etc.

The federal program "Children of Russia" was developed and adopted for implementation, which included six target programs: "Children with disabilities", "Orphans", "Children of Chernobyl", "Children of the North", "Development of the baby food industry", " Family planning".

Real help to the family can only be provided through a combination of social and psychological work. A social worker should be able to psychologically competently conduct a reception, conversation, negotiations, tactfully provide assistance and orient the client (family) to self-help, as well as provide primary psychological support to the client.


In the conditions of the formation of market relations, the state policy in the field of employment should be aimed at optimizing the labor market, promoting labor mobility, creating new jobs, training and retraining of personnel.

In general, the state employment policy is represented by two main directions:

1) assistance in employment of the unemployed population and assistance in vocational training and retraining;

2) stimulating the formation of a flexible labor market.

Laws and other normative acts of the Russian Federation provide for equal opportunities in the exercise of the right to work and its free choice to all citizens of Russia, regardless of nationality, gender, age, social status, political beliefs, attitude to religion.

The state, in accordance with the laws, should help to implement the labor and entrepreneurial initiatives of citizens, promote the development of their abilities for productive and creative work, promote compliance with the voluntary nature of labor, free will in choosing the type of employment, and provide social protection in the field of employment.

The state is called upon to pay special attention to those groups and strata of the population that, for one reason or another, do not fully or partially meet the requirements of the market: youth; women raising children of preschool age, children with disabilities, etc. The Law "On Employment in the Russian Federation" and other regulations provide for the creation of specialized enterprises for such groups of the population, the organization of additional jobs, a special working regime (part-time work week, shortened work day, home work).

The state program for ensuring employment of the population also provides for the decentralization of industry, its transfer to rural areas and small towns, the creation of small enterprises, the expansion of the service sector and other measures.

"Employment, - according to the specified Law, - this is the activity of citizens related to the satisfaction of personal and social needs, which does not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation and, as a rule, brings them earnings (labor income).


The Employment Service is headed and organized by the Federal Service for Labor and Employment. Employment services have been created in the regions, subordinate in their activities to the higher bodies of the employment service and the relevant executive authorities. They are funded by the Employment Fund.

Employment services in their activities are guided by conventions and recommendations developed and adopted by the International Labor Organization (ILO), established in 1919, and the relevant laws and regulations of the Russian Federation.

Employment centers decide the following main tasks:

- collection and dissemination of information on supply and demand in the local labor market;

- advising employees on issues of vocational training and employment;

- professional orientation of all population groups;

- payment of benefits for temporary unemployment;

- advising entrepreneurs on the problems of employment and the use of labor force;

- assistance in personnel planning of enterprises;

- organization of retraining of the labor force released from production;

- socio-psychological work with clients.

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation on Employment of the Population, the unemployed are able-bodied citizens who do not have work and earnings, registered with the employment service in order to find a suitable job and are ready to start it.

The employment service is obliged to make a decision on recognizing a citizen as unemployed no later than 11 days from the date of presentation of the relevant documents: passport, work book, professional qualification document, average earnings for the last two months at the last place of work.

The employment service cannot recognize the following categories of citizens as unemployed:

1) under 16 years of age;

2) persons who have been assigned a pension, excluding disabled persons of group III;

3) who refused within 10 days from the date of applying to the employment service from two options for a suitable job;

4) looking for a job for the first time, as well as those who do not have a profession in the event of two refusals to receive vocational training, from the proposed paid work (even temporary).

For those who lost their jobs due to structural changes in the economy, the closure or re-profiling of production, the law provides for the preservation of seniority and average earnings during the period of employment, but not more than three months.


Objects social protection are children - persons under 18 years of age. Different groups of children need different assistance and the same degree of social protection. The priority groups of children who primarily need social protection include: orphans; children left without parental care; children from deviant and educationally neglected families; children from foster families, large families, single-parent families; disabled children; children with disabilities in mental and physical development; children of unemployed citizens; child victims of armed conflicts, environmental and man-made disasters; children from refugee and internally displaced families; children who are registered with the internal affairs bodies for preventive purposes; children living in the Far North and equivalent areas.

Subjects social protection of children are all three branches of government: legislative, executive and judicial. Priority belongs to the state and the institutions it creates: they form social policy and legislation for children, ensure its implementation, and guarantee social security. The subjects also include political parties, public organizations, charitable unions, the church, the media, enterprises and institutions, children's and youth organizations, individuals involved in sponsorship or charity. A special role in the social protection of childhood is played by the family and the school, as well as special social work services: municipal services, a system of stationary institutions, orphanages, orphanages, boarding schools, institutions for additional education and development of children, specialized centers for psychological, medical, social and pedagogical support, counseling and rehabilitation services, etc. The subjects of social protection are social workers themselves, social educators and other specialists.


Legal framework social protection of childhood is built on three levels: international, federal and regional.

1. International level includes documents of international organizations (UN, UNICEF, WHO), as well as interstate agreements and programs for the protection of motherhood and childhood. Children as an object of special protection are highlighted in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted by the UN in 1948, as well as in the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, in documents of specialized UN agencies and international organizations dealing with issues children's well-being. In 1959, the UN adopted the Charter of Childhood and the Declaration of the Rights of the Child. Among the documents adopted at the end of the 1985th century, the Beijing Rules of 1989 (UN Standard Minimum Rules for the Administration of Juvenile Justice) should be noted; the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1992, since 20) should also be noted. the day of adoption of the Convention is November 1990, celebrated as World Children's Day) and the World Declaration on the Survival, Protection and Development of Children (1996). With the formation of the EU, the body of international documents was supplemented by the European Convention on the Protection of Children's Rights (XNUMX). These documents formulated the basic principles and norms of state policy towards children, requirements for the protection of childhood, outlined the sphere of responsibility of the state and society, and identified the basic rights of children that meet modern social conditions.

2. Federal level The legal protection of childhood is based on the Constitution of the Russian Federation (1993), the Family Code (1995) and the legislation on the family. Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" (1996), on the social protection of the population of Russia as a whole. Special legislation on the protection of children took shape in 1992-2005. on the basis of federal programs and decrees of the President of the Russian Federation.

In 1994, by Presidential Decree, the federal program "Children of Russia" was put into effect, which was subsequently divided into six target programs ("Children of the North", "Children of Chernobyl", "Disabled Children", "Orphans", "Development of the Children's Nutrition", "Family Planning"). In 1995, the National Action Plan for the Children of the Russian Federation was adopted. In 1997, these programs were expanded with the subprograms "Development of social services for families and children", "Gifted children", "Children of families of refugees and internally displaced persons", "Safe motherhood". All of them are united in a single target program "Children of Russia", designed for 2003-2006.

3. Regional level relies on the general federal legal framework, but specifies the conditions, goals and objectives of the implementation of laws and decrees of the President of the Russian Federation. It includes documents of the authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation and local authorities, public organizations, and regional programs.


The social protection of children and adolescents must be built on a serious material and economic base. It has decreased significantly in recent decades. Currently, it includes both the material part (residential and non-residential premises, buildings of institutions, equipment) and the financial part (funds necessary for payments and benefits, organizing and holding specific events, implementing special programs, as well as for salaries to employees).

A necessary element of the system of social protection of childhood is financial base, which includes:

- budgetary funds of the Russian Federation, subjects of the Russian Federation, municipalities;

- extra-budgetary funds of various funds of the Russian Federation, its subjects and municipalities;

- funds allocated by enterprises and institutions for the social protection of the children of their employees;

- Funds allocated by trade unions and other public organizations;

- funds allocated by sponsors and philanthropists;

- funds allocated by the Russian Orthodox Church;

- funds allocated by other religious organizations.

The most important direction in strengthening the material and economic protection of childhood is to improve the living standards of families, especially those with children. Problems arise not only in families with deviations (alcoholic families, families of drug addicts, persons prone to parasitism, etc.). but in quite prosperous families, faced with unemployment, underemployment, low wages ("working poor"). Targeted effective economic protection of children at the family level is required.

One of the directions in solving this problem can be the restoration of the number of pre-school child care institutions and kindergartens that are on mixed financing (budgetary funds, parents' payments, sponsorship contributions, the latter can be expressed not only in financial form, but also in the form of providing premises on a preferential basis , equipment, computers, office equipment, etc.).

An analysis of the legal and material and economic basis for the social protection of children shows the imperfection of the first and the insufficiency of the second. The imperfection of the legislation on the social protection of childhood lies in the fact that there is no really operating system of social guarantees for the implementation of those provisions that are written in the text of laws, decrees and resolutions, and the system of sanctions that secure their implementation is weak.

The expansion of funding for the social protection of childhood has a quite tangible effect, not only social, but also economic, meaning the formation of a prosperous living environment for all children, subsequently reducing the cost of combating child and juvenile delinquency, treating child alcoholism, in general, positively affects the upbringing of children .


Social protection of childhood is manifested in different spheres of life: in the field of family relations; in the field of education; ' in the child's environment.

Must be protected, first, certain child's standard of living (vital needs, physical and mental health), secondly, must be provided safety (physical economic, social), thirdly, the right to self-realization and development of their abilities and capabilities.

The rights of the child are outlined in the Family Code of the Russian Federation, the right to be brought up in a family, the right to protect and meet the needs of the child, to protect health, to live in the premises where his family lives, the right to preserve his individuality, the right to a name, to communicate with relatives, and also the right to property, alimony, pensions, benefits provided by law.

The state policy of social protection of childhood is carried out in accordance with the standards established by the legislation of the Russian Federation:

- guaranteed publicly available free primary, basic and secondary (complete) general education, and on a competitive basis - secondary and higher vocational education and upbringing in general educational institutions;

- free medical care for children, providing them with food in accordance with the minimum nutritional standards;

- Guaranteed provision of children, upon reaching the age of 15 years, with the right to professional orientation, choice of field of activity, employment, protection and remuneration;

- social services and social protection of children, including guaranteed material support through the payment of state benefits to citizens with children;

- social adaptation and social rehabilitation of children in difficult life situations:

- the right to housing in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

- organization of rehabilitation and recreation for children, including children living in extreme conditions, as well as in areas that are environmentally unfavorable;

- Organization of qualified legal assistance.

Social protection of children provides two levels: the first - in everyday life, in a normal life situation; the second - in an emergency, non-standard situation.

The first level of social protection related primarily to the protection of the family, as well as the protection of the child in the field of education. Second level - emergency, associated with the loss of parents, with social orphanhood, social and environmental disasters.

Social institutions that implement this program: municipal specialized centers, crisis centers for women and children, social hotels and shelters, psychological, pedagogical, legal counseling centers, etc.


In the last decade, a system of psychological, pedagogical and medical and social support has been developing, the main object of which is the child in his environment. There is a special culture of support and assistance to the child in the educational process. Variable support models are being developed, its infrastructure is being formed (psychological-pedagogical and medical-social centers, school support services, career guidance centers, psychological-medical-pedagogical commissions, trust offices, etc.).

The objective need for such centers (centers for psychological, medical and social support - CPMS) is due to the difficult social situation in society - the need to reform education and the entire social sphere as a whole.

The tracking system operates on client principle (individual treatment) and provides assistance to both children and families and teachers. The meaning and purpose of this system lies in the ability to help both children and families in a normal life situation, as well as in a situation of difficulties, conflict or the threat of family breakdown, as well as deviant families and adolescents.

Particular attention is paid to protecting the interests of children in divorcing families. The divorce rate in our country has increased in recent years - on average, two thirds of families go through this procedure. Conflicts in the family, psychological dramas, the very process of divorce, division of property, deciding the fate of a child - all this leaves a heavy mark on the lives of children. Legislation on establishing the origin of a child plays a certain role; this is important in determining the rights of the child and the responsibilities of parents.

In modern Russia, a large proportion are deviant families in which a child cannot live permanently. In this case, the question of limiting or even depriving parental rights may be raised. This extreme form of child protection is applied only in case of a threat to the physical existence of the child, a threat to his mental health and his future, and only by court order.


If a child is left without parental care for a long time or forever, the guardianship and guardianship authorities must decide on the permanent placement of the child.

The preferred form of device for children is adoption. However, a number of problems are encountered here: it is necessary to carefully check the adoptive parents, their personal characteristics, psychological characteristics, the ability to take on such responsibility, their financial situation. Biological parents in the event of adoption lose their rights once and for all.

An agreement on the transfer of children to a foster family is concluded for a specific period - usually until the age of majority, after which the agreement loses its force.

The maintenance of a child in a foster family is carried out mainly at the expense of state funds until the child reaches the age of 18 (monthly allowance, funds for the purchase of clothes, shoes, equipment, books, toys, etc.). Every month, the foster family must submit a report on the amounts spent. The foster family is provided with benefits related to rest, treatment, provision of vouchers to a sanatorium, a rest home for joint stay. For each child taken into foster care, parents receive wages, and if there are two or three such children, then the family can focus on raising children, not looking for additional income.

A common form of social protection for childhood is guardianship and guardianship. Guardianship is established over young children under the age of 14, and guardianship - for children aged 14 to 18 years. These two related institutions differ in the scope of duties and rights of guardians and trustees, and individuals (for example, close relatives), as well as children's upbringing and educational institutions, bodies and institutions of guardianship and guardianship can act as such. The rights of children under guardianship or guardianship, the duties of guardians and trustees, the conditions for protecting the material rights of children are legally defined. Guardianship activities are not paid, but the guardian receives monthly funds for the maintenance of the ward in the amount established in a particular region for the maintenance of children left without parental care.

In certain cases, guardianship or trusteeship may be interrupted due to objective circumstances (serious illness of the guardian or trustee), inadequate care of the child or evasion of duties, in some cases - if biological parents or close relatives protested the establishment guardianship. In all these cases, the issue is resolved by the guardianship authorities in accordance with the law and in the interests of the children.


A special system of social protection of children in the field of education is implemented in a general education school. Its subjects are social educators and social psychologists, who are now on the staff of most schools. However, the challenges these professionals face require special attention. Firstly, it is necessary to distinguish between education and upbringing (these processes are very closely related, but still not identical), each of them has its own goal that differs from the other and its own set of tasks. Secondly, the status of these professional workers in the education system is rather low.

In the Soviet period, the process of education was provided by the teaching staff with the greatest support of children's public organizations. Today, these organizations are either completely destroyed or reduced to nothing. Subject teachers often consider themselves free from educational functions. Class teachers have too many responsibilities, while students from pedagogically neglected and problematic families need serious increased attention. Any specialist who starts working in this area must have special professional knowledge of the relevant profile, have not only duties, but also rights, opportunities to influence the situation, must work in close connection with other subjects of social work (social protection agencies, centers and counseling centers , administrative and public organizations, etc.).

Today society needs such a favorable environment more than ever. The formation of such an environment is one of the most important tasks of social work.

Currently, this task is being implemented in club work, in the system of additional and developmental education, in the development of circles and public associations of interest.

With attention to children's problems, the socialization of schoolchildren takes place in more favorable conditions, the environmental basis for the social protection of childhood develops in close connection with families.


Today in Russia there are several main types of social institutions for orphans and children left without parental care:

1. Children's home (baby home) - an institution that accepts for the upbringing and care of children abandoned by their mothers in maternity hospitals after childbirth ("refuseniks"); children abandoned by mothers who found themselves in difficult life circumstances (until the onset of more favorable conditions for raising the child); “foundling” children and children whose mothers were deprived of parental rights before the child was three years old. The population of this institution is children under three years of age. Its main task is to provide favorable conditions for the physical and mental development of children.

2. The social shelter is intended for emergency assistance to children aged 3 to 18 years. This is an institution for temporary residence of children left without parental care.

The social shelter performs a number of functions:

- ensuring the safety of the child from external threats - ill-treatment of their parents or relatives, exploitation by adult criminal elements;

- protection of the legal rights and interests of the child related to his relationship with the parental family, adoption, guardianship, education, mastery of a profession;

- removal of the child's acuteness of mental stress or stressful state as a result of socio-psychological deprivation in the family;

- development of an individual program for the rehabilitation of the child;

- primary adaptation of a socially disadvantaged child to life in a socially healthy family:

- restoration or compensation of social ties of children.

3. Orphanage - a boarding educational institution for permanent residence of children aged 3 to 18 years. Their functions are similar to those of social shelters, with the difference that rehabilitation programs are longer-term, designed for a number of years, socialization and adaptation must be complete - graduates must become completely independent adults (acquire autonomy)

These institutions themselves can be general education type (for children of preschool and school age) or specialized depending on the special problems of future pupils (for children with speech disorders, deaf-blind or deaf-mute, for children with intellectual retardation, etc.).


In Russia, the legal norms related to the regulation of the position of women combining professional and family responsibilities are contained in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Labor Code of the Russian Federation) and relate both to protecting the health of mothers and providing them with certain benefits related to raising children.

The norms that ensure that the sphere of application of women's labor complies with the physical and physiological characteristics of their body include: restriction of women's work in hard work and work with harmful working conditions, in underground work; setting limits for lifting and moving weights; limiting the work of women at work at night; establishment of facilitated working conditions for pregnant women; granting maternity leave.

The following measures are aimed at creating conditions for women-mothers to combine work in social production with raising children: it is prohibited to involve women with children under 3 years of age in night work, overtime work, and work on weekends, as well as sending them on business trips without their written consent; this kind of work is limited to women with children aged 3 to 14 years (disabled children under 18 years old), and can only be permitted with the consent of the women themselves; at the request of a woman on maternity leave, she can work part-time or at home while maintaining the right to receive state social insurance benefits; additional breaks for feeding the child have been established, provided to mothers with children under the age of one and a half years; these breaks are included in working hours and are paid according to average earnings: at the request of women with children under 14 years of age, the administration is obliged to establish for them a part-time working day or a part-time working week: wages in these cases are made in proportion to the time worked or depending on output ; This type of work regime does not entail any restrictions regarding length of service and duration of leave. Women with children under 3 years of age, and single mothers with a child under 14 years of age, are provided with special guarantees when hiring and dismissing: it is prohibited to refuse to hire them and reduce their wages for reasons related to the presence of children.

Quotas are provided for hiring categories of the population in particular need of social protection, including women raising preschool children and disabled children.


In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On the Priority Tasks of State Policy towards Women" dated March 4, 1993, the implementation of an integral state policy to improve the status of women is recognized as one of the priority areas of the state's socio-economic policy. Successful implementation can be facilitated by:

- measures to create a different education system focused on increasing the competitiveness of the female labor force, attracting women to educational institutions in order to improve basic training, improve qualifications, and master new professions;

- a system of economic incentives, encouragement of enterprises of all forms of ownership that preserve and create jobs for women, including the realization of the opportunity to work part-time;

- creation of special consulting and legal services, centers for social and psychological adaptation, special data banks on jobs for women in employment services;

- Support for women's entrepreneurship through social and economic measures;

- organization and development of social services that allow women to combine parental responsibilities with work and social activities, including through the expansion of the network of child care institutions;

- development of the sphere of social services for the population.

Since November 1993, the Commission on Women, Family and Demography has been working under the President of Russia - a collegial advisory body for the formation and coordination of state policy aimed at achieving equal rights and opportunities for women and men, improving the status of women, supporting families, and solving demographic problems in Russia. The State Duma has formed a Committee on Women, Family and Youth Affairs.

Taking into account the recommendations of the World Conference on the Status of Women (Beijing, 1995), the Commission for the Advancement of the Status of Women operates under the Government of the Russian Federation on the principles of social partnership, the main task of which is to ensure coordinated actions of executive authorities at all levels.

A large coordination work on the formation and implementation of programs to improve the situation of the family, women and children is carried out by the relevant department of the Ministry of Health and Social Development.


The general rights of persons with disabilities are formulated in the UN Declaration "On the Rights of Persons with Disabilities". The Law "On Social Services for Elderly and Disabled Citizens" (1995) formulates the basic principles of social services for elderly and disabled citizens: observance of human and citizen's rights; provision of state guarantees in the field of social services; the responsibility of authorities at all levels for ensuring the rights of citizens in need of social services, etc. Social services are provided to all elderly and disabled citizens, regardless of personal characteristics and property status.

Social services are provided only with the consent of the people who need them. In these institutions, with the consent of those served, labor activity can also be organized on the terms of an employment contract.

The law provides for various forms of social service, including:

- social services at home;

- semi-stationary social services in departments of day (night) stay of citizens in social service institutions;

- stationary social services in boarding schools, boarding houses, etc.;

- urgent social services;

- social consulting assistance.

All social services included in the federal list of state-guaranteed services can be provided to citizens free of charge, as well as on the terms of partial or full payment, depending on the average income of a person.

The social service system is divided into two main sectors - state and non-state. Government sector form federal and municipal bodies of social service. Non-state sector social services unites institutions whose activities are based on forms of ownership that are not state or municipal, as well as persons engaged in private activities in the field of social services.

The Law "On the Social Protection of the Disabled in the Russian Federation" (1995) defines the powers of state authorities in the field of social protection of the disabled. It reveals the rights and obligations of the bodies of medical and social expertise, which determines the group of disability, determines the mode of work of working disabled people, develops individual and comprehensive programs for the rehabilitation of disabled people, gives medical and social conclusions, etc.

The law establishes the terms of payment for medical services provided to persons with disabilities, its relationship with the rehabilitation bodies of social protection of persons with disabilities.

Particular attention in this Law is given to ensuring the employment of persons with disabilities. In addition to federal laws, social workers need to know departmental documents that provide reasonable interpretations of the application of certain laws or their individual articles.


In the complex of measures for social care for the employment and life of the disabled, a significant place is given to the medical and social direction.

The guaranteed rights of this category of citizens come into force upon receipt of the official status of a disabled person, and therefore a social worker must know the procedure for sending citizens to a medical and social examination.

Medical and social expertise establishes the cause and group of disability, the degree of disability of citizens, determines the types, volume and terms of their rehabilitation and measures of social protection, gives recommendations on the employment of citizens. Citizens with signs of permanent disability and disability and in need of social protection are sent for medical and social examination.

The task of the medical and social specialist is to determine the degree of possibility of his participation in labor activity, assistance and adaptation to new conditions, determining the diet and the formation of an appropriate lifestyle.

When providing medical and social assistance to disabled people, the social worker is guided both by the requests of the disabled person himself and by the expediency and usefulness of the measures taken in the specific conditions of the patient's residence and stay (in a boarding house, in other institutions).

Medico-social services satisfy those needs of a disabled person that cannot be solved in reality, in the conditions of the economic crisis and the emerging market relations in our country. A social worker, providing medical and social assistance, eliminates the dissatisfaction of this category of the population with the activities of practical health care bodies and thereby creates a certain balance in matters of medical provision.

During patronage work, the social worker takes special care of families with disabled children. It is important not only to register a disabled child, but also to analyze the social situation in the family.

The social worker, together with the medical workers of the territorial polyclinic or dispensary, provides organizational assistance during medical and social rehabilitation in a hospital or at home, helps in organizing sanatorium and resort treatment, facilitates the acquisition of the necessary exercise equipment, vehicles, etc.


Social care for the employment and life of the disabled is impossible without the appropriate governing bodies. They exist at all levels of government. The State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation has several committees that deal with the problems of disabled people to a greater or lesser extent: the Committee on Labor and Social Policy, the Committee on Veterans Affairs. Committee on Health Protection, Committee on Women, Family and Youth Affairs.

In addition to state governing bodies, there are also departmental administrative units dealing with the affairs of persons with disabilities. Many polyclinics employ special doctors who give opinions and draw up documents for the presentation of citizens for disability to the social security authorities. In all administrations of districts and districts, special medical and social expert commissions (MSECs) have been created, which make the final decision on the disability of people, determine the groups of disability, write out documents that serve as a legal basis for processing disability.

The social security system has departments, departments, and sectors that assign disability pensions, monitor its indexation, recalculate amounts, transfer pensions to labor savings books or post offices, serve disabled people at home, etc. These are district, municipal, district departments.

Management functions for the affairs of the disabled are also performed by the bodies of the ministries of defense, internal affairs, security, foreign affairs, etc. There are all-Russian societies for the disabled, the deaf, the blind, which are headed by boards that have a vertical management structure up to specialized enterprises.

The modern system of registration of disability and disability cases needs a radical restructuring. It can be reduced to a minimum of institutions: a clinic (with MSEC) - municipal social security (with a set of social services) - a store (pharmacy, plant for the production of special instruments and devices). The principle of providing for disabled people should be a minimum of authorities, maximum concentration of functions in one place. Another managerial aspect is organizational work with people with disabilities. There is a need for sporting events with the participation of disabled people, festivals and exhibitions of creative works by disabled people. Carrying out such events is the field of application of the work of social workers.


Social services and provision of the elderly includes pensions and various benefits maintenance and services for the elderly and disabled in special institutions of the social protection authorities; prosthetics; benefits for the disabled; helping the homeless.

Social security is carried out by state bodies, enterprises, individuals at the expense of contributions (deductions from wages) of workers.

Consider the content of the work of the Center for Social Services (for the elderly and disabled). It usually includes several departments. AT day care unit catering, medical and cultural services are organized. Participation in feasible labor activity in special workshops or subsidiary farms is provided. Department of temporary stay carries out health-improving and rehabilitation measures, cultural and consumer services, meals in round-the-clock conditions. In the department social assistance at home permanent or temporary (up to 6 months) social services at home for pensioners and disabled people in need of outside help (free of charge or on a paid basis). Emergency Social Assistance Service provides for a wide range of services: one-time provision of free hot meals or food packages to those in need; provision of clothing, footwear and essentials; one-time provision of financial assistance; assistance in obtaining temporary housing; provision of emergency psychological assistance, including through the "hotline".

In the context of the crisis situation in Russia, the targeted social protection old people. First of all, it turns out to be the most needy: lonely pensioners, the disabled, the elderly over 80 years old.

Improving pension provision is one of the most important areas of social security in modern states. This problem is solved in different ways. In some countries, pensioners receive pensions and wages completely regardless of their size and in any sector of the national economy. In other countries, so-called deferred pensions are widespread, i.e. an increase in pensions by a certain percentage depending on the number of working years after retirement age. It has been practiced and practiced in our country. Voluntary old-age insurance (the right to an additional pension) also has a perspective.


Guardianship of the elderly is one of the main areas of social work in general. Guardianship is understood as a legal form of protection of personal and property rights and interests of citizens. In general, guardianship is established: 1) over minors aged 15 to 18 who are left without parental guardianship; 2) over adults who, due to health reasons, cannot independently exercise their rights and fulfill their duties;

The forms of guardianship are very diverse. The main form of social guardianship over older people who are unable to fully (or at all) exercise their rights and fulfill their obligations due to health reasons is the functioning of the system of boarding schools.

In addition, the activities of institutions of social and medical care for the elderly in semi-stationary conditions should be taken into account.

In boarding houses of a general type (that is, for the elderly and disabled), a lot of work is being done on the socio-psychological adaptation of older people to new conditions for them.

In nursing homes for the elderly and disabled, medical care is provided, a whole range of rehabilitation measures are carried out, in particular, occupational therapy and employment, and leisure activities. Employment is realized in medical and labor workshops or subsidiary farms.

Today, the practice of providing assistance at home to disabled citizens is expanding. Now, mostly people who have completely lost the ability to move and require constant care go to boarding schools. Home care allows older people to live longer in their own home, delaying their relocation to nursing homes. Home services guaranteed by the state, in recent years and in our country are becoming more diverse. This is catering and home delivery of groceries: assistance in purchasing medicines, essential goods; assistance in obtaining medical care and accompaniment to medical institutions; assistance in maintaining living conditions in accordance with hygiene requirements; assistance in the organization of ritual services and in the burial of the lonely dead; organization of various social services; assistance in the preparation of documents, including for the establishment of guardianship and guardianship, the exchange of housing, placement in stationary institutions of social protection bodies.


To solve the problem of refugees, it is necessary to take measures of a global, strategic nature. Their implementation depends on the level of development of society, morality, spiritual life in general, political culture, the degree of development of the social sphere, as well as on the state of its economy. It is necessary to develop a code of migration laws regulating all aspects of the territorial movements of the population in the new, not yet fully formalized conditions of statehood. We need joint decisions of all CIS states (or bilateral agreements between Russia and the former Soviet republics). Some of these agreements have already been concluded.

A long-term program "Migration" has been developed, in accordance with which refugees are settled in regions selected in advance, where a system for their settlement has been thought out in advance, an infrastructure for social protection has been created (housing, transport, medical care, cultural sphere, etc.). the required financial, material, technical and human resources have been calculated, the sources of their provision have been determined, including by attracting funds from the world community, governmental and non-governmental organizations.

Given the special situation of homeless refugees. The state employment policy of the Russian Federation provides for the creation of additional jobs for them.

To solve the housing problem, Russian economists consider it possible and necessary to attract funds from the population. There are three ways here.

1. The introduction of a new system of payment for apartments, an increase in rent in general and its close linkage with the size and quality of the occupied space, and the location of housing.

2. Expansion of housing and construction cooperation.

3. Promoting individual housing construction, obtaining housing through mortgages.

In addition to the planned and solved tasks of a promising, global nature, in Russia already now, today, they are providing concrete assistance to the homeless, such as opening night stays, shelters, boarding schools, temporarily resettling refugees in rest houses and boarding houses, in hostels of enterprises and organizations and etc.

The most important thing in solving the problem under consideration is to overcome the systemic crisis in the country, to pursue a social policy that would be aimed at ensuring normal living conditions for the majority of the population, especially the so-called vulnerable layers.


A social service is an enterprise, institution, organization and individual legal entities of various forms of ownership that provide social services, as well as citizens engaged in entrepreneurial activities in social services without forming a legal entity. Today, social services for youth carry out their activities in more than 30 areas.

The system of social protection of youth in the subjects of the Russian Federation has the following structure of social service institutions.

1. A mandatory minimum of institutions for each city, district, which includes:

a) social service center (departments of social assistance at home, day care, temporary stay, urgent social assistance):

b) Center for social assistance to families and children:

c) a social rehabilitation center for minors;

d) social hotel:

e) social shelter for children and teenagers.

2. Additional network in cities and regions, which includes:

a) a center for psychological and pedagogical assistance;

b) a center for emergency psychological assistance by telephone;

c) house of mercy;

d) rehabilitation centers for persons with disabilities (including for children and adolescents).

3. Republican, regional, regional, district, inter-district institutions, which include:

a) centers for helping children left without parental care;

b) boarding houses: children's, neuropsychiatric, special;

c) hostels for persons with disabilities.

The main areas of work of the youth social service bodies are:

- educational and preventive.

- rehabilitation;

- wellness;

- leisure;

- information and advisory.

- promotion of employment;

- social support for the younger generation Studying the real needs of young people for social services is a key element in the formation of a system of their social services. According to research, young people need, first of all, a labor exchange, points of legal protection and legal advice, “helplines”, sexological consultation, a center for helping young families, and a hostel-shelter for teenagers who find themselves in a conflict situation at home.


The social worker addresses the sociological aspects of migration. Content its activities may vary depending on the type of migration, the conditions of the migrant’s former and current stay, the motives and goals of migration, and the social structure of the flow of migrants. Forced migration or voluntary, legal or illegal, external or internal, labor or social, interregional, rural-urban, return and non-return - each of of affects people's lives in its own way, requiring the appropriate approach of a social worker.

Social work with forced migrants involves taking into account the degree and nature of their disintegration and the development of technologies to overcome this situation.

Most destructive disintegration, caused by danger to human life in case of emergency (natural disasters, wars, ethno-territorial conflicts). This is not without psychological trauma; reintegration is especially painful afterwards. In the 90s. XNUMXth century such migration has become a real mass disaster for the Balkans, the Caucasus, Transcaucasia. The wars in Afghanistan, the collapse of the USSR, the withdrawal of Russian troops from Eastern Europe, the Baltic states, and conflicts in Tajikistan also had an effect. Streams of refugees and forced migrants poured into various regions of Russia from North Ossetia, Ingushetia, the Chechen Republic, as well as Kazakhstan, Central Asia and the Baltic states. The government and social services were not ready for such a large-scale migration.

Forced migration and related to it in one way or another marginalization (especially during emergency migration) exacerbate health problems, causing severe stress conditions, often entail homelessness, unemployment, poverty, a state of hopelessness, which sometimes leads to suicide. Serious problems of a socio-cultural and socio-psychological nature arise when migrants adapt to a new environment, requiring the help of social workers.

Pretty big socio-economic migration (interregional and rural-urban). For the 1990s it was about 11 million people. Most of them moved from rural areas and small towns to large cities, from the regions of the Far North, the Far East, Siberia to the central and southern regions of the country. This is due to the curtailment of production, especially in rural areas, a reduction in housing construction, constant problems with the delivery of fuel and food to the North, a drop in the level of well-being and improvement in the North and East of the country. The flow of labor immigrants, especially seasonal ones, from the CIS countries (Ukraine, Moldova, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan), as well as China, Vietnam, North Korea and South Korea, is not decreasing.


A social worker needs to take into account the peculiarities of the legal status of forced migrants in Russia.

The reintegration of migrants involves taking into account a number of legal aspects when obtaining a visa, residence permit, registration of a place of stay and residence, registration of refugee or forced migrant status, and acquisition of citizenship. There are also Russian features. Beyond the legal status "refugee" after the collapse of the USSR, a specific legal status was introduced "forced migrant" which was explained by the consequences of the collapse of the USSR. The first status can be obtained by foreign citizens, the second - by citizens of Russia who are forced to move from one region of Russia to another or who are forced to return to it from a foreign state, as well as foreigners (stateless persons) who find themselves in a similar situation and living permanently in Russia. But for citizens of the former USSR and some other categories of migrants, according to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Citizenship of the Russian Federation” (1991), a simplified procedure for acquiring Russian citizenship was determined, by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 12, 1997, the rules for registration and deregistration of citizens of the Russian Federation according to place of stay and place of residence applied to citizens of the former USSR arriving from the CIS and the Baltics. The Federal Law “On Citizenship of the Russian Federation” (2002) removed simplified procedures, causing a lot of suffering to migrants who identified themselves with Russia.

The imperfection of the law led to the adoption of amendments in 2003-2005.

Many problems also arose in the application of the laws "On Refugees" and "On Forced Migrants", including those related to the infringement of the rights of immigrants, depending on the circumstances of moving from other countries. Russia needs able-bodied immigrants from the CIS, especially highly qualified, Russian-speaking and culturally close Russians. But if such an immigrant comes to Russia voluntarily, wishing to become its citizen, then he, unlike refugees and internally displaced persons, does not have the right to social assistance.

The legal aspect of the stay and reintegration of migrants affects objective and subjective aspects. The first is to ensure the legal regulatory framework for financing, material supplies, organization of services, training of social workers, and creation of the necessary infrastructure. The second is maintaining the dignity of a particular person who finds himself in difficult circumstances of marginalization and is trying to reintegrate into a new community.


The current Concept of the State Migration Policy of Russia defines a system of basic principles and priorities for the federal state authorities and state authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation in the field of regulation of migration processes and integration of migrants.

The theory and methodology of social work should take into account migration attractiveness, migration capacity, population capacity of the territory, ethno-social structure regions of Russia. Such accounting would make it possible, on a scientific basis, to calculate quotas for the reception of migrants, funds for working with them, work programs. Ignoring such indicators can cause certain social complications, including an increase in unemployment, criminalization, ethnic conflicts, "erosion" of national-state identity).

To be improved arrangements protection and protection of the rights of migrants. The Federal Program of Action in the field of human rights provides for material assistance to migrants, communication and information support (creation of societies, establishment of popular newspapers, coverage of the problem of population migration), as well as the implementation of social programs for legal training and retraining (with special emphasis on human rights) of social workers , employees of migration services. It is necessary to improve the legislative framework and gradually expand the institutions of social protection and social services specializing in socionoms to work with migrants.

It is necessary to take into account the ethnic and climatic features of the region to which migrants move. It is necessary to combine individual, family, group, ethno-oriented social work with social administrative planning.

Cooperation with migration services and employment services helps in matters of ideology, employment, vocational guidance, professional adaptation of migrants.

In the Federal Migration Program for 2006-2010. migration amnesties are envisaged, a more detailed account of the needs of the regions in the labor force, as well as the training and retraining of specialists in migration, including the study of the cultures of various migration contingents.


The scale of the spread of deviance in the country dictates the need to take appropriate measures. First of all, we are talking about those that would help limit or even eliminate the causes, factors discussed above.

In recent years, some attention has been paid to the problem of deviant behavior in Russia. A number of laws and regulations have been issued. In the work to prevent and mitigate forms of deviant behavior, a significant role can and should be played by social institutions of society as historically established stable forms of organizing the joint life of people. They perform the functions of controlling people's behavior in various areas of public life, including those related to deviant behavior. The role of such social institutions as the state, parties, public organizations and movements, and the court is especially important. family, education, culture.

Different social institutions influence people's consciousness and behavior in different ways. Some of them (established moral norms, habits, traditions, values, ideals, public opinion, etc.) act in a decisive manner, while others (the state, public organizations, schools and other educational institutions) act more actively, i.e. e. decisively influence the consciousness and behavior of people.

Among these institutions, in recent years, social services in the center and in the localities have begun to play a special role. In this activity, a more effective implementation of technologies already partially practiced on the ground is needed. Among them are the following:

- targeted preventive and other work;

- Improving the efficiency of the use of allocated funds:

- offensive, anticipatory nature of the work;

- strengthening control over children, adolescents who do not attend school, preventing the illegal exclusion of children from educational institutions, in particular;

- additional remuneration for the labor of specialists working with persons and groups of deviant behavior;

- development of social creativity as an alternative to antisocial manifestations;

- organization of generally healthy leisure of the population, especially children and youth, including at the place of residence.

One of the main areas of social control, the fight against crime and other negative forms of deviant behavior should be such socio-economic transformations that would provide all citizens with conditions for self-realization, an effective system of social assistance to outsiders, socially weak sections of the population.


Modern Russian society is extremely differentiated in terms of the level of financial situation of various strata and groups. Polarization has reached unprecedented proportions.

Among the poor, first of all, partially or completely disabled, many of whom do not have close relatives; pensioners, disabled people, large families, dysfunctional families, lonely elderly people.

Now the main methods of regulating the standard of living of the population are:

Indexing. As a mechanism for automatic income adjustment, it is designed to partially or fully offset the increased cost of living.

Foreign and domestic practice shows that indexation is carried out in two ways: 1) by increasing income by a certain percentage after a certain time (once a year, once a quarter); 2) by adjusting income as the price level rises by a predetermined percentage. As a rule, all types of monetary income of citizens are indexed. Property income is not subject to indexation.

Compensation. It means the reimbursement of expenses of certain strata and groups of the population by the authorities due to the upcoming or expected increase in prices, interethnic conflicts, disasters (earthquakes, floods, etc.). Unlike indexation, compensation does not provide for constant, systematic support for people. Executive bodies provide this kind of social assistance based on the availability of financial resources.

When providing financial assistance, it is also necessary to take into account the financial situation of the family. In each case it is required address approach to solving issues of social assistance.

Among the measures taken by the state for the social protection of low-income citizens, the most important are the following:

- preferential taxation:

- provision of free or preferential services (in health care, transport, public services, etc.);

- child and unemployment benefits, pensions, etc. Development of domestic charity in social support for the poor is of paramount importance. Various charitable organizations, foundations, industrial enterprises, commercial and non-profit structures allocate considerable funds to organize free meals for the poor, to provide them with clothes, shoes, vehicles, food, organize medical services, maintain homes for labor veterans, provide home assistance to pensioners, the sick , disabled people, etc.


Social work management - a necessary condition for the functioning of any social organization, whose activities are consciously coordinated to achieve their goals.

Management Objects in social work - social workers, employees, the whole system of relationships that develops between people in the process of social protection of the population. Subjects of management the heads of social services and the governing bodies formed by them, endowed with managerial functions, act.

In the management of social work, the following main content levels should be considered:

I. Organizational and structural. There are three levels of management: 1) upper, institutional - Russian Federation; 2) middle - region (social protection bodies of territories, regions, cities, districts, districts, etc.); 3) lower - social organizations, non-governmental, charitable, public organizations.

II. Functional - performing both general and specific functions. General functions, i.e. independent of the level of the subject, its competence, etc., forecasting, modeling, planning, organization, coordination, stimulation, accounting and control are considered. Specific functions are types of work in relation to a position (responsibilities and rights), division (functions of a division), enterprise, organization, institution (areas of activity).

III. Activities of leaders of different levels in the system of social protection, assistance.

IV. A process that includes a number of elements: 1) setting goals and objectives; 2) distribution of functions and formation of organizational structures, selection and placement of personnel; 3) compliance of goals, objectives and decisions with resources: time, information, labor, financial; 4) the use of various forms and methods of management, means that ensure the achievement of certain results; 5) use of feedback - accounting, control, verification of execution.

V. Type of professional activity, managerial work.

VI. Science and educational activities.

The process of managing social work should have a certain organizational structure, which is understood as a set of management levels and stable links between them, ensuring its integrity, the preservation of its basic properties during various internal and external changes. The organizational structure of management should contain a minimum number of links and levels of management, ensure a clear distribution of functions, stability, continuity, efficiency and flexibility of management.

social complex provides for: 1) specific social protection of certain categories of the population; 2) development of the system of medical care (including insurance medicine); 3) strengthening of law and order and the fight against crime; 4) development and implementation of programs for working with youth, for employment and employment of the population, etc.


At present, the process of social management is presented in the form function systems three-tier management:

- preliminary management (goal setting, forecasting, modeling);

•operational management (organization, coordination, leadership, motivation);

- final management (control, accounting, analysis). Goal setting - this is the initial moment of management (foresight), which sets management goals for a certain period and develops a mechanism for achieving these goals. Specific goals management of social work are formed on the basis of an analysis of the needs of all sectors of society in the social niche. The process of managing social work will only be complete, continuous and effective when it is presented in the interaction of immediate and long-term, tactical and strategic goals. Prediction social work is the development of a reasonable judgment, predictions about the forms, types, volumes and scales of it in the future, about possible options and terms for solving social problems of clients.

It is supposed to divide the forecasting of social work into search and normative. Search forecasting is a prediction of the possible future development of social work. Normative forecasting - this is the definition of ways for the development of social work and the resources that are necessary to achieve the goals. Forecasting methods are divided into qualitative and quantitative. Most Effective qualitative methods forecasting are methods of mass and specialized expert assessments. Quantitative Methods predictions give more reliable estimates.

When predicting social work, analytical, trend, regression and factorial can be used. models. Network models can be successfully used in normative forecasting.

The results of social forecasts are intended to reflect: 1) comparison of indicators of domestic and foreign achievements; 2) indicators of the effectiveness of social protection, support of the population; 3) expected indicators; 4) options for the distribution of social resources or their compensatory types: 5) assessment of social research, measures taken by the government, associations, administrative bodies, etc.; 6) evaluation of the effectiveness of invested funds and economic reforms; 7) assessment of the possibility of applying these methods in other areas of social practice; 8) possible amounts of financial resources for solving local social problems.

Modeling social processes allows you to determine the optimal size, predetermine the behavior of the system (for example, social protection of large families in market conditions).

The most common modeling methods are: development, analysis and research of a problem situation model, innovation models, heuristic models, special mathematical models.


The effectiveness of social services depends significantly on the type of organizational structure of management.

(OSU). The OSU of social work is understood as a set of elements of the governing body and stable links between them, ensuring its integrity, the preservation of its basic properties during various internal and external changes. Basic requirements to the OSU: the minimum number of links and levels of management, a clear distribution of functions, stability, continuity, efficiency and flexibility of management.

The main types of OSU: linear, functional, divisional, design and matrix. Linear structures, the simplest and most economical, can be used at the lower levels of management of the same type of activity. To manage different types of social work at the lower levels, functional organizational structures of management, on the top - divisional. Design it is expedient to use structures in the management of new or short-term types of social work. The most progressive are matrix OSU, which can be effectively used in the design and improvement of the organization of social protection bodies, research and design institutions.

The main state body in the field of social protection of the population in the Russian Federation is the Ministry of Health and Social Development, whose functions include:

- development of a federal policy provision for those in need of state assistance.

- analysis and forecasting of the living standards of various categories of the population;

- preparation of recommendations for the development of various regional programs on: organization of services and provision of benefits; social services; medical and social expertise, rehabilitation of the disabled; social assistance to the family, etc.

Management of social protection of the population through the legislature is carried out by the State Duma of the Russian Federation, regional dumas and dumas of autonomous republics, legislative assemblies at various local levels of self-government.

The executive bodies of social work management are:

- centers providing socio-economic, medico-social, legal assistance to the population;

- centers or departments providing social assistance at home, day care departments for the elderly and the disabled;

- centers providing social rehabilitation of minors;

- centers for helping children left without parents, social hotels, etc.


The job description for a social worker is as follows:

- identify families and individuals in need of socio-medical, legal, psychological, pedagogical, material and other assistance, in the protection of moral, physical and mental health;

- to establish the causes of their difficulties, conflict situations (at the place of work, study, in the family, etc.), to assist in resolving these difficulties and conflicts and social protection;

- assist in the joint activities of various public and state organizations and institutions to provide the necessary socio-economic assistance to needy groups of the population;

- provide assistance in family education, the conclusion of employment contracts for work at home for women, those with minor children, the disabled, pensioners;

- to conduct psychological, pedagogical and legal consultations on family and marriage issues, educational work with minor children with antisocial behavior;

- identify and provide assistance to children and adults in need of guardianship and guardianship, placement in medical and educational institutions, receiving material, social and other assistance;

organize public protection of juvenile delinquents, act (if necessary) as their public defender in court;

participate in the work on the creation of centers for social assistance to the family (adoption, guardianship and guardianship; social rehabilitation; shelters: youth, adolescent, children's and family centers; clubs and associations, interest groups, etc.);

organize and coordinate work on social adaptation and rehabilitation of persons who have returned from places of deprivation of liberty and special educational institutions.


The main function social worker: implementation diagnostic function involves the study by a social worker of the characteristics of a group, layer, individual, the degree and focus on them of the microenvironment and the formulation of a "social diagnosis". Predictive the function is implemented by programming and predicting the impact on the objects of social work of all social institutions of society, developing a certain model of social behavior of these objects. Preventive and preventive the function allows to foresee and put into action socio-legal, legal, psychological, socio-medical, pedagogical and other mechanisms for preventing and overcoming negative phenomena. Human rights function provides for the use of the whole complex of laws and legal norms aimed at providing assistance and support, protecting the population. In accordance with socio-pedagogical the function of a social worker is to identify the interests and needs of people in various activities and to involve various institutions, organizations, public, creative and other unions, specialists, trainers, etc. in working with them. Psychological the function involves various types of counseling and correction of interpersonal relationships, assistance in social rehabilitation to all those in need, designed to promote the social adaptation of the individual. When implementing socio-medical functions, a social worker is obliged to organize work on health prevention, help to master the basics of first aid, food culture, sanitary and hygienic standards, etc.

Training of national experts is as part of the implementation social and domestic functions of a social worker is obliged to contribute to the provision of necessary assistance and support to various categories of the population in improving their living conditions, organizing a normal life. Communicative the function is designed to establish contacts with those in need of this or that help and support, organize the exchange of information, promote the inclusion of various institutions of society in the activities of social services. Advertising and propaganda the function of social work is manifested in the organization of advertising of social services, in the promotion of ideas of social protection of a person. Moral-humanistic the function gives social work high humanistic goals, creates conditions for the decent functioning of a person, groups and strata in society. Implementation organizational function is to promote the organization of social services at enterprises and institutions, as well as at the place of residence, to involve the public in their work, to direct the activities of social services to provide various types of assistance and social services to the population.

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