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Psychology of work. Cheat sheet: briefly, the most important

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Table of contents

  1. The concept of work. Pros and cons of work. The concept of unemployment
  2. The concept of labor psychology. Scope of application. The goals of labor psychology
  3. Tasks of labor psychology. The subject of labor psychology. The object of labor psychology. The subject of labor. Methods of labor psychology
  4. The time of formation and formation of labor psychology. Initial interests of work psychology
  5. Organizational psychology. Psychological service. The position of a psychologist in an organization
  6. Principles of personnel selection. Personnel policy. Employment Code of Conduct
  7. Methods of labor psychology
  8. Questionnaire method. Test method. Methods for assessing the effectiveness of an employee's work
  9. The concept of vocational guidance. Professional self-orientation and self-identification. Career Guidance Factors
  10. Professional education. A responsibility
  11. The concept of professional advice. Purpose of professional advice. Information about various specialties
  12. professional suitability. professional selection. Significant personality traits
  13. The concept of professional adaptation. Adaptive professional behavior. Maladaptive professional behavior
  14. Elements of professional self-identification. The concept of organizational development. Independent groups
  15. Commitment to the organization and factors of its formation. Types of organizational commitment. Formal and informal groups within an organization
  16. The concept of the workforce. Psychological features of labor activity
  17. The nature of human labor
  18. The concept of a corporation. Corporatism. Industrial ethics. Professional position
  19. Needs and abilities in the production team
  20. Job title. Position components. Psychology of management
  21. Leadership Ethics
  22. The concept of conflict. Psychological tension. Types of conflict
  23. Stages of conflict
  24. The concept of motivation. Theories of motivation. McClelland's theory of the need for achievement. A. Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory
  25. ERG theory. Two-factor theory of F. Herzberg (according to D. Schultz, S. Schultz, "Psychology and work")
  26. Job Characteristics Theory by J. R. Hackman and G. R. Oldham. Cognitive theories of labor motivation
  27. The concept of job satisfaction. Personal qualities that affect job satisfaction
  28. job satisfaction criteria. Motivation, job satisfaction and wages. Factors of involvement in the labor process
  29. The concept of labor mobility. Types of mobility. The concept of labor physiology. Work environment factors
  30. The history of the formation of labor physiology as an independent discipline. Fatigue. Aesthetics of production
  31. The role of color and music in the aestheticization of production. Extreme and necessary working conditions. Categories of work extremeness
  32. Organization location. Care for children and dependents of employees. Office and workplace design
  33. The nature of the work. The impact of external factors on employees
  34. The concept of safety. Factors affecting labor safety. Prevention of accidents. Occupational diseases
  35. The concept of ergonomics
  36. Reliability of a person as part of an ergonomic system. Workplace. working posture
  37. The monotony of work. Working conditions. Pros and cons of machines in production
  38. The concept of stress. Causes of work stress. Forms of manifestation of industrial stresses. Prevention of work stress
  39. The concept of rehabilitation. Legislative attitude towards people with disabilities. Social rehabilitation. Activities aimed at the rehabilitation of disabled people
  40. The concept of professionalization. Stages of professionalization
  41. The concept of deviation. Alcoholism
  42. Addiction
  43. The concept of consumer psychology. Research methods of consumer psychology. The nature and purpose of advertising
  44. Trademark identification. Studying the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. Personal factors affecting the consumer
  45. The relationship of labor psychology with other disciplines
  46. The main tasks of labor psychology
  47. Interview rules of conduct
  48. Staff Selection Principles
  49. Natural experiment and laboratory experiment
  50. Timing and "photo" of the working day
  51. Leadership styles
  52. Ways to resolve a professional conflict
  53. Physiological principles of labor rationalization
  54. Occupational Safety and Health
  55. Measures to combat monotony
  56. The concept of ergonomics and modern ergonomics

1. The concept of work. Pros and cons of work. The concept of unemployment

Work is a materially rewarded human activity aimed at creating certain benefits. The presence or absence of work affects the status characteristics of the individual, the possibility of realizing the potential of the employee. Work in a general sense is considered to be an activity aimed at achieving a certain result and implying a positive orientation.

Like any activity, work has its pros and cons. Work is a source of wealth:

1) livelihood - this includes such items as wages, subsidies, benefits provided by the enterprise to the employee; the possibility of self-realization - the possibility of a creative approach to work, the realization of one's ideas;

2) the acquisition of a certain status - career opportunities, financial position, professional authority;

3) the possibility of acquiring new skills and knowledge, professionalization - work experience in a particular specialty;

4) satisfaction of the need for self-identification with a certain group - identification with a certain group, defining oneself as a member of it;

5) the opportunity to acquire a new social circle - the acquisition of new acquaintances, a new social circle.

Work acts as a source of trouble:

1) fatigue - constant activity throughout the established working day, and as a result - physical and moral fatigue;

2) harm to health - the impact of working environment factors on the human body;

3) loss of time - the expenditure of time resources of the individual for the performance of labor tasks;

4) stress - the presence of many stress factors in the workplace;

5) dissatisfaction - the inability to realize the potential due to various reasons;

6) lack of growth prospects - career restrictions caused by certain reasons;

7) bad team - a discrepancy between the interests, norms and values ​​of the employee and the majority of members of the work team.

Unemployment refers to the absence of work for a certain period of time.

Protracted unemployment largely affects the moral and physical condition of the worker. Often, the unemployed expects help from other people, relies on other people's solutions, doubts his professional training, avoids solving professional problems, and perhaps even an underlying reluctance and fear of getting a job, adaptation to the lack of work and refusal to look for it. Another variant of the behavior of the unemployed is possible, which is characterized by an active position - a constant job search, possible retraining and active adaptation to working conditions, a new team.

2. The concept of labor psychology. Scope of application. The goals of labor psychology

Labor psychology refers to:

1) a branch of psychology that studies some aspects of labor activity, adaptation and integration processes of each subject of labor;

2) psychological mechanisms and patterns of formation of professional identity with the formation of skills, culture, characteristic of this profession.

Labor psychology at the moment is an independent branch of psychology that allows you to most effectively use human labor, take into account his personal characteristics and influence on production as a whole, predict the development of industrial relations, and much more.

The psychology of labor is primarily focused on the person and his interests, on minimizing production losses and optimizing labor activity for the employee.

The scope of the psychology of work is very wide, since work is the main activity of every person. Many professions provide a wide field for research in the field of labor psychology and are aimed at developing certain methods of working with people of various professions. At most enterprises, there are rates of a psychologist, whose duties include personnel selection, and conflict resolution in production, and much more.

Psychology at work allows not only working with people as employees of the company, but also contains in the context of solving the problems of employees outside the walls of the organization that affect productivity, for example, family problems. In addition, workplace planning, work to ensure labor safety, advertising, negotiation are also within the scope of interests of labor psychology.

The main goals of labor psychology are:

1) optimization of the psychological climate of the enterprise, that is, taking into account the psychological characteristics of each member of the enterprise and optimizing interactive processes within the organization;

2) forecasting the possible results of management decisions, tactics and management strategies, which implies a deep knowledge of production processes, taking into account the specifics of business negotiations, a well-organized advertising campaign and information collection.

To achieve these goals, the psychology of work uses various tools, which are reflected in the tasks and stem from the scope of its application. In many ways, the features of the methods of labor psychology depend on the profile and specifics of the production of the organization in which the organizational psychologist operates.

3. Tasks of labor psychology. The subject of labor psychology. The object of labor psychology. The subject of labor. Methods of labor psychology

The main tasks of labor psychology:

1) improvement of production relations and improvement of the quality of labor;

2) improving the living conditions of workers;

3) improvement of working conditions;

4) minimization of emergencies;

5) development of the most appropriate management method;

6) planning tactics and management strategies;

7) work with the norms, values ​​and corporate culture of production;

8) psychological assistance to employees of the enterprise;

9) preventive psychological work aimed at the formation of a healthy lifestyle;

10) development of the main criteria for hiring;

11) development of recommendations for improving the methods of training and retraining of employees;

12) rational restructuring and renewal of professions. The subject of labor psychology is the psychological characteristics of human activity in working conditions in such aspects as becoming a professional, professional orientation and self-determination, motivation of the labor process, the mechanism of labor experience, quality of labor, adaptation of a person to working conditions. The study of human activity in production conditions allows not only to enrich the theoretical base of labor psychology, but also to delve into the practical activities of the enterprise and make adjustments to the direct labor activity of employees.

The object of labor psychology is labor as a specific activity of a person who identifies himself with a certain professional community and produces the reproduction of skills, attitudes, knowledge in this type of activity.

The object of labor psychology is the activity of the individual in the conditions of production.

The subject of labor is considered to be every employee of the enterprise, directly involved in labor activity and having the possibility of proactive influence on the production process. It is precisely because of the subjectivity of work that an individual approach to each employee is necessary, the ability to notice a person in a team. The subject of labor can be considered both the employee as such and the enterprise as a whole.

In practice, labor psychology uses various methods to study the features of human functioning in working conditions. With the help of these methods, the selection of candidates for employment, the study of the psychological characteristics of employees and other aspects of a person's labor activity are carried out.

The main methods of labor psychology:

1) testing;

2) included and non-included observation;

3) conversation;

4) interviews and surveys;

5) trainings;

6) role-playing games;

7) analysis and synthesis of information.

4. Time of formation and development of labor psychology. Initial interests of work psychology

The psychology of labor took shape under the influence of medicine, physiology, psychology, technology, and sociology. Each of these disciplines added its own aspects, which was reflected in the formulation of the tasks of labor psychology. Initially, the prerequisite for providing a full-time position for specialists in this field were calculations confirming the need and economic benefits for organizing the activities of such an employee. Work psychology draws on many disciplines and can be considered a multidisciplinary branch of psychology. We can say that labor as an activity for the creation of material wealth was considered by Marx as the main developing factor in the development of a reasonable person.

The psychology of labor began to take shape in the late XIX - early XX centuries. in connection with the beginning of a scientific approach to the organization of labor, which in turn was caused by the growth of the production sector, the emergence of new types of labor activity and mass professions, and the complication of requirements for a person. The founder is W. D. Scott, who proposed the use of psychology in advertising and personnel selection. Then came G. Munsterberg's book "The Psychology of Efficient Production" (1913). G. Munsterberg considered testing to be the most effective method of personnel selection and proved it in his works. The works of I. M. Sechenov "Physiological criteria for setting the length of the working day" (1897), "Essay on the working movements of a person" (1901), the works of K. Marx and F. Engels had a great influence on the formation of labor psychology in Russia.

Psychotechnics as a science arose in the early twentieth century. Its tasks largely coincide with the tasks of labor psychology. Psychotechnics was of particular importance during the First World War as the science of the professional selection of people on the basis of certain criteria, in this case, in the interests of the army and military production. Questions of professional selection at first were the main task of labor psychology. The development of recruitment criteria, analysis of differences in labor productivity among workers with approximately the same knowledge, skills and abilities, but with different returns and involvement in the production process, is reflected in the concept of professional abilities.

The psychology of labor accumulated a theoretical and practical base, studied a person as a subject and object of labor activity, the characteristic features of an individual of labor, the culture and subculture of various professions, the reasons for professional choice, patterns and mechanisms for the implementation of labor activity.

5. Organizational psychology. Psychological service. The position of a psychologist in an organization

Organizational psychology, or labor psychology, is an applied science where practice is crucial. The main conductors of labor psychology are psychologists, personnel officers working at the enterprise. Constant improvement, change of labor processes is their duty; on the other hand, the collection of information about labor processes makes it possible to develop the theoretical basis of labor psychology.

The psychological service is a structural subdivision of the organization that uses psychological methods in work, on the basis of which employment is carried out, planning the strategy and tactics of the organization, and further development is predicted. The staff of the service includes specialists in the field of psychology of organizations, psychology of labor and psychology of the sphere in which the organization operates. The psychological service was introduced into the activities of organizations not so long ago, but has already shown its need for labor activity. A full-time psychologist not only monitors the life of the enterprise, but also takes into account the factors that affect the labor activity of employees, and seeks to reduce their negative impact and increase the positive one. To this end, the enterprise creates its own infrastructure, which includes medical care, cultural and leisure programs, the provision of tourist recreation centers for the employee and his family, which allows stimulating employees and forming attachment to the enterprise.

The position of a psychologist in an organization is provided to persons with a higher specialized education.

The presence of the position of a psychologist speaks of a developed, modern enterprise focused on innovation, caring for employees, focusing on modern working methods, and an adequate perception of the labor market.

The job responsibilities of an organizational psychologist include:

1) the study of the human factor in the labor activity of the enterprise; search and selection of personnel;

2) development of a selection tool - tests, questionnaires, interviews, etc.

3) monitoring the skills of employees;

4) assistance in organizing labor and workplace of employees;

5) participation in the development of product design;

6) development of the company's brand;

7) advertising of the organization's products;

8) conducting marketing research of the market, which receives the organization's products.

The activity of the psychologist is aimed at achieving the maximum efficiency of the work of employees, the quality, convenience and external attractiveness of the company's products and ensuring that the organization is recognizable and respected in the market.

6. Principles of personnel selection. Personnel policy. Employment Code of Conduct

The principles of personnel selection are divided into:

1) methods of recruiting;

2) advertisements on the Internet, newspapers - the most effective way of recruitment in modern conditions;

3) recommendations already working in the organization, acquaintances, relatives; direction of the employment service;

4) meetings with graduate students of the required specialty;

5) offers to transfer to work for employees of other organizations.

The personal qualities of a recruiter are of decisive importance, especially for those who first get a job.

Typically, candidate selection methods include:

1) testing;

2) survey;

3) personal interview.

In addition, the presence of letters of recommendation, work experience, compliance with the work profile is taken into account. Testing usually includes the SMIL test, the Luscher color test, the anxiety level test, and some other tests. Testing is designed to identify some of the personal characteristics of the candidate for compliance with professional requirements. The survey is aimed at identifying the candidate's biographical data, work experience and behavior in the previous job, reasons for dismissal, etc. A personal interview allows you to form a certain impression about the candidate.

Personnel policy should not be discriminatory. Discrimination - infringement of the interests of an employee on any grounds. Discrimination factors:

1) gender - women's work is usually less paid, and women, especially young women, are usually reluctant to hire because of the possible birth of a child and maternity leave;

2) age - employers tend to provide jobs to people from 25 to 45 years old, older or younger people usually find it difficult to find a job, because they either do not have experience or are considered unpromising (old) workers;

3) nationality (race);

4) place of residence and registration;

5) state of health - negative attitudes towards people who have health problems and therefore perform work duties not in full force;

6) sexual orientation;

7) external data;

8) religious beliefs.

Rules of conduct when hiring:

1) you need to arrive on time for the interview;

2) the dress code should correspond to the style of the interview (business, free form of dress);

3) accuracy, polite behavior, observance of the rules of conduct in a public place will help to make a favorable impression of you;

4) the availability of the required documents is an important point of the meeting;

5) constant visual contact with the interviewer is desirable;

6) for any outcome of the meeting, farewell should be polite.

7. Methods of labor psychology

Experiment. Non-included observation. Enabled surveillance. Method of surveys and interviews

The method is understood as a system of theoretical and practical actions, models for studying certain problems and practical activities of a psychologist. The most effective is the use of polymethodical work, since in this case many aspects of the work are visible from different positions and the labor return is the most optimal.

The experimental method involves conducting a strictly regulated study aimed at some aspect of the organization's work. In the process of conducting the experiment, the psychologist must select two groups: experimental and control. The experimental group is a group of workers directly in contact with the problem under study, the control group is a group of people not in contact with this problem. In other parameters, the groups must be identical.

According to the method of completing the experimental groups, the method of random sampling and selection according to the principle of correspondence are preferable. The most effective group is selected according to the principle of matching group members, but selection according to this principle is more expensive than the method of selecting respondents based on a random sample.

Non-involved observation method. The method is based on the real possibilities of a psychologist to observe people directly in the labor process, reveals real and urgent problem areas. But on the other hand, it is impossible to repeat the

observation as an experiment, as the conditions of observation change. The method of participant observation is based on the participation of a psychologist in the labor activity of the studied workers, and the main disadvantage of this method is its subjectivity and limited control over the course of its implementation.

The opinion poll method uses specific surveys or structured interviews.

The survey method often gives a high percentage of false answers, because the respondents want to seem more knowledgeable, wealthy or confident to the interviewer. Respondents are more sincere if they complete the questionnaire on their own. In the case of a telephone survey, respondents are often difficult to find, as people do not want to waste time and get irritated when answering the phone.

The interview method involves the participation in the study of qualified interviewers, the selection of which is carried out according to several criteria: appearance, communication skills, behavior. Factors such as age, gender, race, and the emotional attitude of the interviewer to the questionnaire questions can affect the results of the research.

8. Method of questioning. Test method. Methods for assessing the effectiveness of an employee's work

The questionnaire method is the cheapest method that can cover a large group of people and a large area. The main advantage is the margin of time provided to the respondent, the possibility of filling in alone and anonymity. The downside is a large number of questionnaires that are not returned by the respondents.

The testing method is based on the basic principles:

1) standardization (keeping the conditions of the testing procedure unchanged for all candidates);

2) objectivity in evaluating the results;

3) the validity of the test (correspondence of the test to its orientation, i.e., the test for the level of anxiety should measure the level of anxiety, and not some other parameter);

4) reliability of the test (fluctuation of test results within acceptable limits).

Ways of testing: individual and group, computer and paper.

Types of psychological tests:

1) tests of cognitive abilities (for the level of intelligence);

2) preference tests;

3) tests of special abilities;

4) psychomotor tests;

5) personality tests.

Methods for assessing the effectiveness of an employee's work:

1) analysis of the conformity of the quantity and quality of products produced by the employee;

2) electronic monitoring of the employee;

3) written characteristics of the manager.

Methods for evaluating the work of a manager:

1) survey of subordinates;

2) survey of colleagues at work;

3) survey of senior managers;

4) self-esteem.

Requirements for the results of organizational research:

1) objectivity;

2) control over the conduct of the study or careful observance of all conditions of the study - taking into account environmental factors, the state of the respondent, the amount of time that the respondent can devote to the study, etc.;

3) the validity of the results (reliability);

4) the possibility of checking the results;

5) the real need for research and the relevance of the problem under study.

9. The concept of vocational guidance. Professional self-orientation and self-identification. Career Guidance Factors

Career guidance is understood as a system of measures, the main purpose of which is to optimize the processes of conscious choice of profession and employment in accordance with the interests, capabilities and abilities of the individual. Vocational guidance includes information about a variety of professions and their hierarchy and specialization in any area.

Professional self-orientation - an individual's awareness of his own professional inclinations and interests and an adequate assessment of his capabilities and abilities within the framework of the chosen profession; the desire to identify oneself with a certain professional group and life planning in connection with the chosen direction of study and professionalization.

The choice of a profession by a person depends on many factors - marital status, personal interests, inclinations and opportunities, place of residence, biography. The study of the labor motivation of an individual makes it possible to predict his professional development and career growth. It is also important that a person is aware of the realities of the labor activity of the chosen profession, the criteria for suitability and remuneration. Entering the labor market can disrupt the idea of ​​the chosen profession and provoke an intrapersonal conflict, because at the time of education, professional training, a person was guided by the best, brightest representatives of the profession. To prevent such a phenomenon, there are centers for professional counseling, industrial practice for students.

Professional self-identification rebuilds the inner world of the individual, its system of values ​​and norms, and is the most important component of human life. The competitiveness of a specialist in the market largely depends on the realization of his abilities in line with his profession, education, work experience, adaptive abilities of the individual. Professional self-identification increases with the accumulation of practical experience, interest in work and status characteristics of the profession. Usually they talk about the characteristics of a professional group of people, for example, about the mentality of doctors or mathematicians, implying a certain image, the presence of certain personal qualities. The presence of a positive initial self-identification can change when confronted with practical activities.

10. Professional training. A responsibility

Vocational training is carried out on the basis of specialized educational institutions and aims to form an individual's professional outlook, skills, abilities and knowledge necessary for this profession. In the process of learning, a person goes through three crisis stages:

1 course - crisis of self-identification; 3 course - a crisis associated with doubts about the correct choice of profession; 5 course - the crisis associated with entering the labor market.

The task of an educational institution is to make its graduates competitive in the labor market, confident in their knowledge and skills, and form a respectful attitude towards the profession.

Education includes a set of specific subjects, a specific curriculum, practice in the specialty. The main goal of the internship is to integrate the student into the professional community, to allow them to see the realities of work activities and form their own worldview, to adapt to the working environment.

Practical training should maximally contribute to the assimilation of educational information by the student, the listener.

Factors affecting the acceleration of the learning process:

1) the optimal language for presenting information - information should be understandable, interesting and readable;

2) taking into account the knowledge and skills of the student - the discrepancy between the level of knowledge of the student reduces interest in learning, both in the case of excessive complexity of the information, and in the case when the teacher gives already known material;

3) providing feedback in the educational process - the presence of the student's own opinion indicates that the material has been carefully studied, classes in the dialogue mode allow you to better assimilate the educational material;

4) development of a system of motivation for learning;

5) the optimal mode of training and rest - both overload and insufficiency of the training load negatively affect the learning process;

6) the connection of training with practical activities - allows you to transfer theoretical knowledge into the field of practical activities.

Responsibility is manifested in the control of the subject of labor over the quality of the performance of certain duties, taking into account certain norms and rules established at the enterprise. In many ways, responsibility is based on work motivation, professional identification, acceptance of the culture, norms and values ​​of a certain professional community.

At many enterprises, the lives of other people, the safety of equipment and the safety of people living in the immediate vicinity of the enterprise depend on the personal responsibility of employees.

11. The concept of professional advice. Purpose of professional advice. Information about various specialties

Vocational counseling is mainly intended for young people for the purpose of vocational guidance, taking into account the characteristics, temperament, inclinations, interests, capabilities and needs of the individual. Professional consultation has an educational goal, allowing you to understand the essence of various professions, the content of the labor process, the requirements for employees and the prospects for the development of the industry as a whole, the status of the profession and the mechanisms for obtaining education within a particular work activity. In modern Russia, professional advice is necessary not only for young people, but also for people who have lost their jobs. The reorientation of the unemployed is an important aspect of professional counseling, as it allows the person to be reintegrated into the professional community.

The purpose of professional counseling is to optimize the possibilities, needs and interests of the individual within the framework of professional self-determination. Professional advice is especially important during the period of graduation from educational institutions. In addition, professional consulting provides information about the status characteristics of the profession, its opportunities and difficulties, and the compliance of certain data of the candidate with the requirements of the profession.

Information about various specialties is especially relevant during the period of graduation and career choice and is closely related to the concept of professional suitability, which includes:

1) information about educational institutions that train professionals in any specialty;

2) information about the demand for specialists of various professions in the labor market;

3) information about the realities of the activities of specialists in various professions;

4) information on the average salary of specialists;

5) information about the possibility of self-realization and career growth in the chosen profession.

Information about various specialties is usually provided by specialists from job centers or representatives of educational institutions. It is especially important that a person facing the choice of a future profession be aware of the chosen specialty in a complex of professional factors: his own professional suitability, interest in this profession, employment opportunities in the chosen specialty.

12. Professional suitability. professional selection. Significant personality traits

Professional suitability is the correspondence of moral qualities, psychophysiological indicators and interests to a certain type of labor activity. Professional suitability largely depends on the work motivation and inclinations of the individual to realize their potential and abilities in any industry.

With the accumulation of experience and its transformation into labor activity, we can talk about the formation of the professional suitability of an individual.

Occupational selection is the decision to hire an individual based on certain criteria for the employee's compliance with a certain type of activity (physical training, intellectual development, work experience, labor interest). It is carried out on the basis of psychological methods of testing a candidate for a position for compliance with future activities. The emphasis on any aspect (psychological, physical, etc.) is placed depending on the profession. In case of incomplete compliance, the candidate may be offered to take retraining courses. The main criterion is the effectiveness of the individual's activity in certain conditions, which, in turn, is based on the motivation of labor activity, which is reflected in many projective research methods.

Significant personality traits imply the definition of a set of professionally significant personality traits.

Within the framework of a certain production, certain criteria for hiring are formed, the main of which are the personal characteristics of the employee. It is possible to single out the main personality traits that are most in demand in modern conditions:

1) communication skills;

2) purposefulness;

3) responsibility;

4) high intellectual development and good learning ability;

5) compliance of psychological characteristics with the profile of work.

Of particular importance is the correspondence of psychological characteristics to the profile of work, since different professions put forward different requirements for psychological characteristics, for example, goodwill, the ability to listen and the desire to help people are important in social work; in military specialties - patriotism, responsibility, discipline and moral stamina.

To determine a set of professionally significant personality traits, there are certain methods both in educational institutions and in psychological services at work, they usually consist of passing tests and interviewing candidates. The most important quality of a person when applying for a job is responsibility.

13. The concept of professional adaptation. Adaptive professional behavior. Maladaptive professional behavior

Professional adaptation is usually understood as the "accustoming" of an employee to a new working environment for him, relationships in a team. Professional adaptation includes self-identification with a new role, status characteristics and acceptance of the culture and values ​​of the professional environment.

Adaptation is one of the important milestones in a person's life, through which he forms his worldview and development as a Personality.

The socialization (adaptation) of an employee in a new workplace depends on how well the person is accepted by the team, and the whole organization as a whole.

Resocialization - re-socialization associated with the transition to a new position or to another place of work while maintaining the same position.

Adaptive professional behavior includes:

1) functional behavior, i.e. corresponding to a given professional role and adequate in given conditions;

2) economic behavior, when the individual focuses on the optimal balance between the contribution to the labor process and the compensation of the invested efforts;

3) stratification behavior - orientation towards achieving certain status characteristics;

4) innovative behavior, which involves the introduction of innovations in labor activity;

5) conformal behavior, which is characterized by the adaptation of the individual to the attitudes and opinion of the majority in the team;

6) conventional behavior is based on the establishment of an agreement (explicit or latent) to maintain certain status-role positions;

7) ceremonial-subordinate behavior, which includes the observance of professional etiquette, the production and transportation of cultural patterns of the profession and professional traditions.

Maladaptive professional behavior is considered:

1) characterological behavior, which is understood as the projection of personal characteristics (mostly incongruent) on the working environment;

2) illegal behavior;

3) administrative and managerial behavior in excess of official and professional powers;

4) dysfunctional behavior, including professional incompetence;

5) individual-target behavior associated with the implementation of personal goals, regardless of the wishes of the team;

6) imitation behavior, manifested in the employee's pseudo-activity;

7) deviant behavior, characterized by antisocial habits and inclinations in professional activities.

Through labor behavior, a person not only adapts himself to the working environment, but also transforms it in accordance with his professional attitudes.

14. Elements of professional self-identification. The concept of organizational development. Independent groups

The main elements of professional self-identification are:

1) statuses and roles offered by society;

2) social groups and institutions within which professional self-identification is carried out;

3) values, social norms, knowledge, abilities, skills necessary for the formation and maintenance of professional status;

4) social technologies for the production, reproduction and transfer of norms, values ​​and cultural patterns of this profession to other people.

Professional adaptation, superimposed on the individual's existing attitudes, supplementing them, helps a person to socialize in a given status characteristic and manifests itself in the individual's attitude to work. The involvement of an individual in labor relations is an indicator of his professional self-identification and adaptation.

By the degree of an individual's involvement in labor relations, one can judge the prospects for his career and personal growth. Labor relations, in turn, are built on labor behavior. According to L. Sh. Krupenikova, labor behavior can be divided into adaptive and non-adaptive.

Organizational development - the desire of the organization to improve the style of leadership, correction of the plans of the organization.

Ways of organizational development:

1) sensitivity training;

2) monitoring of skills, competitions;

3) role-playing games;

4) group discussions;

5) feedback - an assessment of the feelings and attitudes of employees.

All these methods are aimed at achieving the most efficient production, updating the information base, striving to meet the criteria adopted in more advanced organizations.

When forming teams, the following points should be considered:

1)) human relations - the fairness of the assessment of the contribution of employees, the possibility of direct participation in decision-making forms the employee's commitment to the organization, increases self-esteem and self-esteem;

2) human resources: the number of employees, their knowledge, ideas, opportunities, creative proposals;

3) the degree of involvement in the work - greater independence allows you to delve deeper into the essence of the work task, at the same time, responsibility falls on the shoulders of the employee and forms independence and confidence.

D. Schultz, S. Schultz in the book "Psychology and Work" talk about some of the positive aspects of independent groups:

1) the level of individual responsibility is higher;

2) independent monitoring of labor activity and independent search for feedback;

3) labor productivity increases, since the employee himself makes adjustments to work actions;

4) help colleagues to improve product quality.

15. Commitment to the organization and the factors of its formation. Types of organizational commitment. Formal and informal groups within an organization

Factors of commitment to the organization, according to D. Schulz and S. Schulz:

1) enrichment of the content of the work;

2) autonomy of labor, that is, independence;

3) variety of labor;

4) positive attitude towards the team;

5) support and care of the organization for employees;

6) satisfaction with the leadership style;

7) heterogeneity of personnel.

D. Schultz and S. Schultz identify several types of commitment to the organization:

1) emotional - based on the employee's self-identification with the organization, acceptance of the values, attitudes and requirements of the organization;

2) behavioral commitment is based on the principle of the benefits of working in this organization;

3) normative commitment is based on a sense of duty that encourages you to stay with the enterprise.

informal groups within the organization. In the work of any organization, the formation of small groups is inevitable. As a result of joint work, the team begins to break up according to interests, age characteristics, place of residence and other characteristics. The larger the team, the greater the number of groups formed. Usually they talk about initiative groups, about a support group, about working groups.

The initiative group is focused on improving the labor process, introducing innovations, and establishing new contacts. This group has a creative approach to the labor process, is interested in work, and is attached to the team and the enterprise. It is this group that is the driving force of the team, usually the holidays are organized by this group.

The support group does not offer initiatives on its own, but always supports the initiative group, helps in the implementation of projects and programs.

Often, the enterprise also has groups of social dependents - people whose dismissal is difficult due to their experience or high status. Social dependency implies reduced work activity due to belonging to a certain group and the absence of individual responsibility for the production process. Usually social dependents demonstrate pseudo-active activity, not really doing anything.

An important factor in the formation of groups is cohesion. Group cohesion - the degree of closeness of group members. The group develops its own norms and values, gives a sense of psychological comfort, security. Influence on cohesion in the group is exerted by:

1) the number of group members;

2) lifestyle, interests of each member of the group;

3) working conditions of group members;

4) remuneration of members of the group;

5) external pressure on the group as a whole.

16. The concept of the labor collective. Psychological features of labor activity

Labor collective - a group of people united by one labor and professional activity, place of work or belonging to one enterprise, institution, organization. The labor process, status characteristics of the group as a whole, working conditions (both psychological and professional) depend on the composition of the team. The labor collective establishes intra-group norms, values ​​and produces a certain culture.

The labor collective is understood as a professional group of people working at the same enterprise or organization. The team consists of the entire staff of the organization and includes both management and ordinary employees. The team is divided into small teams within the enterprise - teams of departments, divisions, etc. The formation of comfortable psychological conditions and attachment to the enterprise depends on how close the team is and whether small teams oppose each other. Corporativeness in the team is one of the most important conditions for the successful functioning of the enterprise.

In practical work, a person goes through several psychological stages: professional choice, professional adaptation and self-identification, the formation of his own space in the workplace, building relationships with the team, and others. Each period has its own characteristics, and the task of an organizational psychologist is to reduce the negative aspects in the labor activity of each individual, to motivate and interest in work, to form positive attitudes in relation to the labor process and the organization as a whole. Coming to the enterprise, a person begins to form his own social circle, correct psychological attitudes towards the team based on the experience of communicating with team members, forms his own opinion and attitude towards the organization. When adapting, the employee enters a certain regime, and the main psychological problem in an established team is industrial conflicts, the solution of which determines the quality of work, the psychological state of workers, and the characteristics of labor activity. The peculiarities of labor activity mean not only conflict and adaptation, but also labor motivation and the formation of professional identification and corporatism. In many ways, these processes depend on working conditions, the composition of the team, and the personal characteristics of the employee.

17. The nature of human labor

Individual style of work activity. Invested labor. group dynamics

The nature of human labor. There are several criteria that affect the understanding of the need for labor activity by an employee, which characterize labor processes in production:

1) the purposeful nature of the work;

2) compliance of the work with the subjective requirements and needs of the employee;

3) tangible result of work;

4) reliable reinforcement (material, moral, psychological);

5) optimal load, complexity and intensity of labor;

6) completion of work.

Labor activity can be evaluated according to several criteria - efficiency, speed of production, involvement and interest of the employee, psychological compliance, individual characteristics of the employee, labor motivation of each individual. Employee stimulation is a necessary step in the development of production, the growth of its prestige and compliance with modern market requirements.

Invested labor is a psychological phenomenon consisting in a particularly careful attitude of the subject of labor to the moral, physical and material contribution to the labor process and the need to recognize the contribution as significant on the part of other subjects of labor. In the absence of recognition or insufficient assessment of the labor invested, the individual's labor productivity drops, motivation and interest in continuing activities at a certain level, creative activity disappear. During the working activity in a team or professional group, several stages of group interaction can be traced - group dynamics: the integration stage, the confrontation stage, the assimilation stage. Coming to a new team, a person begins to form a new social environment, including changing the existing one in the new workplace. At the stage of integration into a new society, a person tries to show the best qualities and looks closely at each member of the work team, analyzes the main characteristics of the workplace and the team. Making changes in the workplace, a person invariably acquires a certain amount of negative assessments and thereby provokes a kind of confrontational circle. After some time, this circle can disintegrate by itself or develop into persistent rejection if the norms, rules and values ​​of this circle are unacceptable to the new employee. If, after a certain period of time, a person accepts the values ​​of a working society or is able to adjust them in accordance with his own norms and values, groups can come to a consensus, and a person will successfully assimilate into a work team on an equal footing with other rights.

18. The concept of a corporation. Corporatism. Industrial ethics. Professional position

A corporation is an association based on certain professional interests and professional identification. It is based on the concept of corporatism, which is understood as identification with a certain group, functioning in its interests and observing and maintaining its status characteristics, norms and values. A corporation is a large organization that includes many small ones (for example, the McDonald's or Microsoft network), or a community abstracted from the concept of an organization, for example, doctors or the military, chemists or mathematicians.

Corporatism is understood as commonality, support by the professional community of the interests of each member of the community, work to improve the professional status of an enterprise or group, and activities in its interests. Corporatism implies the existence of norms, values, traditions of a given group of people. Typically, corporatism is attributed to a specific profession or organization: for example, the professional community of doctors and corporate ethics. The tradition of corporatism at the household level can be considered male solidarity, female solidarity, the community of neighbors of the same house, etc. Corporativeness involves supporting the ideas of the organization at every level, protecting the rights of each employee, constant communication and information exchange between management and ordinary employees. Typically, corporateness is based on the commitment of employees to their organization.

Production ethics implies the observance of certain moral norms and rules, the adoption of the culture and values ​​of the corporation. Ethical norms are accumulated and transformed taking into account the requirements of the labor market, compliance with state legislation, moral requirements and a responsible attitude towards the labor process and work colleagues. Compliance with the ethics of production increases the self-esteem of each employee and the status of the enterprise as a whole, makes the brand of the enterprise respected and contributes to the acquisition of regular customers and partners.

Professional position - a system of relations, the role and place of a specialist in the field of his professional activity. The professional position includes the attitudes of the individual, the system of its orientation in the labor market, internal expectations and assessment of one's own capabilities as a professional, understanding one's purpose. The basis of a professional position is the status of an educational institution, personal characteristics and the system of values ​​of an individual, his professional interests and priorities.

19. Needs and abilities in the production team

Needs and abilities in the production team.

A professional society imposes certain requirements on the employee and the team as a whole. Often, group methods of work are preferable to individual ones, which leaves an imprint on the psychological characteristics of the team as a whole - the ability to listen to others, a tolerant attitude towards others, the ability to resolve conflict situations, accept the point of view of others, and much more are required. First of all, the needs of the team should be higher than the needs of each individual employee, but one should not forget about individual needs either.

Abilities in group interaction also undergo a transformation, which manifests itself as an adaptation to group methods of work, the ability to recognize oneself as a leader in a group, or recognition of the leadership of another member of the group. Depending on the psychological warehouse of the employee, his abilities, leaders, outsiders and an intermediate comfortable group can be distinguished. In each of these types, a person’s abilities are manifested quite clearly - this is either the ability to manage people and organize work, or follow the instructions of the leader, or be a leader in some narrow area, for example, highly specialized mathematical modeling of the production cycle.

As a person adapts in the work team, the employee adapts the environment, taking into account his own interests and inclinations. The task of management personnel is not to limit the employee, but to promote his personal growth, creative approach to work, which has an impact on interest in work, financial and psychological returns, the formation of new ideas and the improvement of production methods. The development of the needs of the subject of labor directly depends on its status characteristics in production and on the needs of the production process as a whole. The formation of corporatism, the inclusion of an employee in the production environment gives each employee the opportunity to make adjustments to working conditions, the production process, improving production as a whole and raising the status of the organization's brand.

Activities within the framework of professional identification are characterized by a high degree of mastery of the subject of labor and are based on the frequent repetition of certain actions. Perceptual, intellectual and motor skills can be distinguished. Depending on the working conditions, labor motivation and the physical condition of the subject of labor, it can turn into automatism.

20. Position. Position components. Psychology of management

A position is a certain status characteristic of an employee, which corresponds to the load, degree of responsibility, work requirements and job responsibilities. Positions may be elected or appointed. Elective positions depend on the number of votes and are granted for a certain period of time, appointed positions can also be temporary, but most often have no time limits and depend on the education, experience and professional qualities of the employee. A position is a certain type of activity within the specialty of an employee, which is paid based on the status characteristics of the employee and the specifics of the job.

The position includes the following important components:

1) official duties - certain duties of an employee corresponding to the position held, and some requirements for his labor activity. This includes compliance with certain norms, criteria and performance, compliance with the rules of conduct and work schedule, representative functions and intellectual and behavioral compliance of the employee with the position held;

2) official privileges - a set of benefits and benefits provided to an employee. Depending on the status characteristics of the position, the set of privileges may vary.

Salary directly depends on the position held and the job responsibilities of the employee. The remuneration of employees may include certain bonuses, subsidies, material incentives for increased workload or the introduction of certain innovations in the work of the organization; Responsibility also depends on job duties and position held and usually correlates with salary.

For adequate personnel management, the manager needs knowledge of psychology. In order to be able to resolve industrial conflicts, properly distribute human resources, select personnel for appropriate positions and skillfully manage people, it is necessary to have a good understanding of human nature, be able to build a motivational policy, stimulate employees and maintain psychological comfort at the enterprise. Labor psychology deals with these components, and a good leader must be guided by the fundamental principles of labor psychology management, be able to use its methods and techniques. But it is necessary to rationally approach the methods of labor psychology so as not to cross the fine line between competent management and manipulation, although manipulation is possible as a technique, the main thing is that this method be used adequately to the situation.

21. Leadership Ethics

Moral and psychological qualities of the leader. The concept of leadership. Job position in the organization

The concept of "management" implies the organization and coordination of the labor activity of the organization by a certain person or group of people - specialists in this field of activity. Management includes many aspects, including the development of tactics and strategies for organizational policy, the ability to manage personnel, communicate with people, calculate and predict the introduction of new methods and forms of work at the enterprise, and more. There are several leadership styles. The main ones are democratic, authoritarian and liberal management styles. Liberal and democratic management styles are similar in many respects, but the liberal one assumes a deliberative approach to solving problems, while the democratic one allows all members of the team to solve problems together.

Under the labor post in the organization is understood a certain status, which carries a set of duties and privileges for the employee. Usually includes the concept of career growth - growth along the hierarchical ladder in production in the direction of increasing status characteristics. In many ways, the possibility of achieving a certain labor post depends on the responsibility of the individual, his personal characteristics, and the level of education.

The issues of personnel management in production for the most part depend on the leader, leadership style. The appearance of the leader determines the idea of ​​production as a whole. In the regulation of human resources, the psychological preparation of the leader, the ability to resolve conflict situations, find a way out of their difficult situations, and the ability to manage people are of particular importance. The ethics of the leader is based on the morality of the official, his responsibility, maintaining professional honor, self-identification with the professional group. The ethics of a leader is manifested in several aspects: understanding the goals, objectives, means of a person's activity as a leader, observing a culture of relations and a culture of behavior, and matching the personal characteristics of a manager's position.

Moral and psychological qualities of a leader:

1) tolerance for the weaknesses of workers;

2) the priority of a personal example in working with subordinates;

3) mutual respect;

4) reasonable attitude to criticism;

5) support for employee initiatives;

6) clear requirements and time limits for the work assignment;

7) an adequate assessment of the contribution of employees to the labor process.

The main tasks of the manager are to organize the optimal distribution of duties, organize training and retraining of employees, and form the priorities for the development of the organization.

22. The concept of conflict. Psychological tension. Types of conflict

At the moment, there is an independent branch of labor psychology that studies labor conflict as a constituent element of group dynamics. A conflict is understood as a clash of interests of an individual with an individual, group, or society. At the individual-individual level, the conflict is usually based on the discrepancy between individual psychological "maps" of perception of reality, competition for a specific goal; at the individual-group level, the conflict is often based on the individual qualities of the individual, the individual's low professional adaptability, weak communication ties, or inconsistency in professional training; at the level of the individual-society, for the most part, the individual introduces an illegal element into labor activity (including the violation of the norms and values ​​of this professional community).

At the same time, the conflict is an integral part of the labor process and shows the level of group development and patterns of joint activities.

At the moment, conflictology (the science of conflicts) offers ways out of conflict situations, conflict resolution models, trainings to increase the level of tolerance and communication skills, which significantly improves the quality of working conditions and the potential for the implementation of each subject of the labor process.

Psychological tension is understood as a mental state that reflects an increased level of anxiety, lack of psychological comfort in certain working conditions and, on the other hand, a willingness to act. The factors may be the transition to a new team, labor conflicts, personal problems of the individual. It has a strong influence on the efficiency of activities, the quality of work and performance in general. Types of conflict:

1) intrapersonal - discrepancy between internal expectations and claims to official duties or the status of an employee;

2) interpersonal - discrepancy between the norms, rules and values ​​of two employees, or competition of employees with the same indicators on any issue;

3) between the employee and the team - discrepancy between the norms, rules and values ​​of the employee and the norms and values ​​of the team or organization;

4) intergroup - a conflict between two or more groups due to competition, different norms, values, rules of conduct and personal characteristics of group members;

5) between the organization and the team - usually occurs due to a discrepancy between the requirements for employees and remuneration for the work performed or the rejection of management policy on any issue.

23. Stages of conflict

There are several stages of conflict:

1) latent - the stage of formation of discontent on any issue, the accumulation of negative moments in relation to a certain person or group of people;

2) acute - an "explosion" of negative emotions, an active showdown, a negative perception of a person or group, as well as the results of their work. Usually, at this stage, they resort to the intervention of higher authorities as arbitrators in this situation;

3) fading - the stage of conflict resolution, reducing the "heat" of the situation, searching for options for resolving the conflict or artificially resolving the conflict, possibly forming a chronic conflict.

In the conflict, several periods can be distinguished, including stages.

The first period, latent, includes the following stages:

1) awareness of an objective problem situation, when reality is perceived as a problem, there is a need;

2) the emergence of an objective problem situation. The conflict is born by defining an objective problem situation. The essence of such a situation lies in the fact that contradictions arise between the subjects, since there are still no conflict actions and contradictions, and that is why such a situation is usually called problematic;

3) understanding that a conflict situation may not always arise due to the opposition of the parties;

4) pre-conflict situation. A conflict situation, as a rule, is perceived as peace and security on one side of the conflict and insecurity on the other.

Second period, open:

1) an incident when the clash of the parties is just beginning to gain momentum and at the same time there is an attempt to prove one's case by force;

2) escalation - in this situation, there is an increase in the intensity of the confrontation between the parties. Escalation can be characterized by some signs: the growth of emotional tension, the transition from arguments to claims and personal attacks, the expansion of the boundaries of the conflict, etc.;

3) a balanced contradiction, when the parties to the contradiction continue to conflict, however, the intensity of the struggle decreases and the parties realize the meaninglessness of the conflict;

4) end of the conflict. It consists in the fact that the conflicting parties are looking for a solution to the conflict and stop conflicting for any reason.

Third period, post-conflict:

1) in this period, relations are partially normalized, but negative emotions have not yet disappeared;

2) there is a complete normalization of relations, the parties realize the importance of mutual cooperation.

24. The concept of motivation. Theories of motivation. McClelland's theory of the need for achievement. A. Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory

Motivation is a set of human needs that can stimulate him as a member of the work team to achieve certain results and influence his behavior. Motivation studies are very important for an enterprise, since not only the quality and quantity of products produced, but also the development strategy of the enterprise as a whole depends on the motivation of each employee. Attentiveness, responsibility in the workplace, that is, the safety of the worker and his environment, the ability to effectively correlate the actions of certain programs, creative approach to work, and the atmosphere in the team depend on motivation.

There are several theories of personal motivation. All theories are designed not only to systematically describe possible ways to improve a person's working capacity, to study the features of his behavior in working conditions, but also to increase the efficiency of the enterprise as a whole. Since labor is an integral part of human life, these theories can be considered in relation to the sphere of work. The most famous are theories of motivation by A. Maslow, the theory of need for achievements by D. McClelland, and the two-factor theory of motivation by F. Herzberg. D. Schultz and S. Schultz in the book "Psychology and work" consider some theories in relation to human labor activity.

Achievement need theory. Author D. McClelland McClelland believed that successful entrepreneurs have an increased need for achievement, and identified the psychological characteristics of people of this type:

1) prefer to take responsibility for themselves;

2) set realistic and achievable goals;

3) need recognition and feedback. For leaders of this type, a more respectful attitude towards subordinates is characteristic, and for middle-level workers, achievement motivation and promotion are positively correlated.

Theory of the hierarchy of needs. Author A. Maslow. According to this theory, the needs of people can be arranged in ascending order and presented in the form of a pyramid:

1) the base of the pyramid is physiological needs (food, air, sleep, water, sexual activity);

2) the next level is the need for security (the need to have housing, psychological comfort);

3) the need for communication with other people and love;

4) the need for self-respect;

5) the need for self-actualization, i.e., in the realization of one's own capabilities and abilities.

Needs must be met from the base of the pyramid to the top.

25. ERG theory. Two-factor theory of F. Herzberg (according to D. Schultz, S. Schultz, "Psychology and work")

ERG theory (existence - "existence", related-ness - "relationships", growth - "growth"), author K. Alderfer. The theory is based on the hierarchy of needs according to A. Maslow. The author considered the basic needs associated with existence, relationships with other people and growth.

To the needs associated with existence, he attributed those that are directly related to the survival of the individual: food, drink, shelter and security. Needs for relationships with other people can be met through work relationships, self-identification with a particular group, interactions in a particular environment, and outside of work through family and friends. The need for growth implies the fullest realization of one's professional potential. Needs can be met simultaneously.

Motivational-hygienic, or two-factor theory of motivation. Author F. Herzberg. F. Herzberg identified two types of needs: motivating needs responsible for job satisfaction, and hygiene needs responsible for job dissatisfaction.

Motivational needs include:

1) the nature of individual work assignments;

2) the level of responsibility of the employee;

3) the level of achievements of the employee;

4) level of recognition;

5) the level of promotion, development of his career;

6) the level of professional growth.

These needs can be met by work associated with a creative approach and some difficulties, in overcoming which the degree of professionalization of the employee is manifested. Hygiene needs are related to:

1) organizational policy;

2) leadership;

3) interpersonal relationships;

4) physical conditions at the workplace;

5) wages;

6) forms of encouragement.

Herzberg, like Maslow, considers the satisfaction of physiological needs to be primary, which in his theory he designates as hygienic.

Herzberg suggested reorganizing the work in such a way that the employee could meet the needs-motivators and suggested several provisions for managers that could help realize the potential of employees:

1) reduce control by management personnel, which will place greater responsibility on the employee himself and increase his self-esteem;

2) create conditions for the employee to see the result of their activities;

3) create a direct feedback on the quality of work and the efficiency of labor in general.

26. Job performance theory by J. R. Hackman and G. R. Oldham. Cognitive theories of labor motivation

Theory of performance characteristics. Authors: J. R. Hackman and G. R. Oldham. The theory is based on the correlation of some factors of work and the attitude of performers towards it.

The authors identified the main parameters of the work:

1) a variety of skills - the more skills and abilities are required for work, the more attractive it is for the performer;

2) completion of the work assignment - it is important to see the end result of the efforts;

3) the importance of work;

4) autonomy - independence increases the employee's self-esteem;

5) feedback - the need for feedback on the quality and efficiency of the employee's work.

For greater efficiency, the authors offer recommendations that are essentially identical to those of Herzberg:

1) the final stage of the worker's assignment should not be a detail, but the entire object;

2) the sequence of work operations should be logical and the result should be understandable and visual;

3) providing greater autonomy to employees (for example, access to clients);

4) providing employees with control and responsibility for the performance of tasks;

5) the principle of feedback.

Cognitive theories of labor motivation: The theory of general expectations. Author V. Vroom. The essence of the theory is that people make choices, expecting a certain reward. With regard to labor activity - the performance of official duties in such a way as to deserve the maximum wage. The level of expectation determines the readiness of the employee for certain efforts.

The theory of justice. Author J. S. Adams Motivation, according to Adams, directly depends on how the employee is treated in the organization, how much his assessment of his own contribution coincides with the assessment of his contribution by other people, and how fairly the employee's labor activity is paid.

Theory of goal setting. Author E. Lok. Motivation directly depends on the achievement of a specific goal. An employee who has a specific goal has a higher performance. Lock was based on the importance for each employee to achieve the goal.

He singled out the factors influencing the commitment to the goal:

1) external: the influence of people in power, comrades and remuneration received from outside;

2) interactive: willingness to achieve the goal, rivalry and the opportunity to participate in goal setting;

3) internal: rewards received from themselves, the expectation of success;

4) personal and situational: the need for achievement, endurance, aggressiveness and competitiveness, high self-esteem, success in achieving difficult goals.

27. The concept of job satisfaction. Personal qualities that affect job satisfaction

Satisfaction with work is a set of psychological attitudes in relation to the labor activity carried out by an employee in an organization. In the process of professional adaptation and self-identification, motivation for labor activity and job satisfaction play an important role. Labor motivation is the process of choosing a profession, a model of professional activity and justifying a person's participation in labor activity.

Satisfaction with work primarily depends on the correspondence of the result of labor to the internal needs of the individual.

F. Herzberg singled out two groups of factors influencing job satisfaction. The first is hygienic factors, including working and living conditions, organization of work, working hours, provision of benefits and housing. This group of factors influences industrial relations. The second group - motives include the satisfaction of internal needs, including the recognition of achievements in work, deep integration into the content of work, responsibility, initiative.

D. Schultz, S. Schultz in the book "Psychology and Work" highlight personal qualities that affect job satisfaction:

1) age - job satisfaction increases with age;

2) gender - often women's wages are lower than men's;

3) status - satisfaction with work is the higher, the higher the position of the employee;

4) race - discrimination on the basis of race primarily affects the status of candidates and financial situation;

5) cognitive abilities - the inconsistency of work activity with the level of intelligence leads to dissatisfaction with work, either due to unrealized opportunities, or due to the excessive complexity of the task;

6) work congruence - satisfaction depends on the correspondence of tasks to the abilities of the performer;

7) attitude towards the employee in the company - fair or unfair treatment in the opinion of the employee affects job satisfaction in general;

8) state of health;

9) work experience - job satisfaction increases with work experience;

10) emotional stability, adaptability - the higher the adaptability and emotional stability, the higher the job satisfaction;

11) organization of leisure - job satisfaction increases if there are corporate holidays, sections, etc.;

12) family and other extra-work interactions - the respectful attitude of the family towards the individual's work responsibilities increases satisfaction.

28. Job satisfaction criteria. Motivation, job satisfaction and wages. Factors of involvement in the labor process

The main criteria for employee job satisfaction are:

1) salary level - if the salary corresponds to individual financial needs and expectations;

2) the possibility of promotion - a real and objective opportunity for the growth of an employee;

3) the quality of leadership that satisfies the worker;

4) the nature of the work - the correspondence of the individual interests and inclinations of the employee to the profile of work;

5) assessment of the work team - the attitude of colleagues to the quality of the worker's work.

D. Schultz, S. Schultz in the book "Psychology and Work" consider the behavior of an employee in connection with job satisfaction and note the following points:

1) labor productivity is higher;

2) the employee is inclined to help other employees;

3) the level of absenteeism is lower;

4) staff turnover is lower.

The totality of all indicators can show how satisfied the employee is with work, management, team, etc. Based on the results of research on job satisfaction, the employer can adjust the work of the organization, develop new systems of interaction with the team, business partners and other interested parties.

Motivation, job satisfaction and wages correlate with each other. In many ways, motivation and satisfaction depend on the degree of involvement of the employee in the labor process. Work engagement is a measure of an employee's identification with their job.

Engagement is understood as the perception of work as the first important thing, acceptance and interest in the best results, the desire to improve and optimize the work process.

Motivation increases if a person is satisfied with work and wages correspond to his contribution to the labor process.

It is impossible not to take into account the personal factor of involvement in the work: personal interest in the performance of the work task, the degree of responsibility of the employee, his creative abilities and production skills, the labor contribution of the employee, material interest.

Personal factors of involvement in work:

1) age - older workers are usually more absorbed in work, as they have more opportunities and incentives for self-realization;

2) the need for professional growth and development;

3) belief in professional ethics.

Factors affecting job engagement:

1) the presence of incentives;

2) autonomy;

3) variety of work;

4) the ability to evaluate the final result of labor activity;

5) feedback;

6) acceptance of corporatism and corporate ethics;

7) desire for identification with the organization;

8) command methods of work;

9) participation in decision-making;

10) job satisfaction.

29. The concept of labor mobility. Types of mobility. The concept of labor physiology. Work environment factors

Labor mobility is understood as a change in professional status and role, which reflects the dynamics of professional growth. The elements of labor mobility are career, professional and qualification mobility. Career mobility involves job growth or loss of certain job characteristics by an employee. Professional mobility involves the formation of certain knowledge, skills and abilities by a professional, a change of specialization or its expansion.

Mobility can be horizontal and vertical. In turn, vertical mobility can be upward and downward. In the case of vertical downward mobility, one speaks of a loss of professional status, while in case of upward mobility, one speaks of an increase in status, which is characterized by a high adaptability of the individual and a more complete realization of his professional capabilities. Horizontal mobility reflects the movement of an individual without raising or lowering his status, as in the case of changing jobs, but maintaining the position.

Mobility and dynamism are the most striking characteristics of the individual's adaptive abilities.

Labor physiology is a branch of physiology that studies the mechanisms and patterns of human physiological processes in the production environment, the features of the perception and regulation of the labor process by a person. The physiology of labor is closer to medicine and the protection of human health in the workplace than to psychology directly, but still inseparable from it. Knowledge of human physiology is necessary in the design of machines, devices, which provide for human participation, taking into account individual characteristics in the location of control levers, scoreboards, etc. In addition, labor physiology gives an idea of ​​​​the perception of color, music, noise, temperature and other environmental indicators by a person which allows you to organize labor safety in a more efficient way.

Work environment factors:

1) electromagnetic;

2) the state of the air environment;

3) mechanical;

4) psychophysical (intensity, monotony of labor, rest regimens);

5) aesthetic.

Factors of the working environment affect the labor process as a whole and can both increase the efficiency of labor and lower it. In addition, the factors of the working environment affect the safety of work in general, develop a creative approach to work, form occupational diseases, etc. Factors of the working environment affect the amount of wages, working hours and the number of benefits provided to the employee.

30. The history of the formation of labor physiology as an independent discipline. Fatigue. Aesthetics of production

The origin of labor physiology is associated with the growth of production and the emergence of new activities and is attributed to the second half of the XNUMXth century. Such scientists as I. P. Pavlov, I. M. Sechenov, V. M. Bekhterev made a huge contribution to the study of human physiology, including in the conditions of labor activity.

The main tasks of labor physiology are writing recommendations on the organization of the workplace, the effective functioning of the employee and the development of measures that protect the person from the adverse effects of environmental factors.

Based on these tasks, the physiology of labor studies and makes recommendations on the design of the workplace, modes of work and rest, the intensity of labor activity, finds out the optimal and limiting capabilities of a person to perceive, process and issue information. The physiology of labor also predicts the state of the human body during labor activity, assumes certain time limits for maintaining working capacity, offers ways to reduce fatigue in production and methods for maintaining working capacity. In addition, it is the physiology of labor that makes it possible to predict the course and effectiveness of employee training.

At the moment, the main content of the labor process is the complex of mental activity and physical activity.

Fatigue is a subjective feeling of fatigue, confirmed by physiological indicators - pulse rate, respiration, body temperature, physical activity, level of attention.

The aesthetic characteristics of the work allow each employee to make adjustments to the organization of working conditions, develop new cultural norms and values ​​of the professional community, contribute to high efficiency and raising the tone of workers. In terms of production, aesthetics should carry an element not only of the "beautiful", but also of the "useful". In relation to the labor process, aesthetics - the science of the beauty of labor, the beauty of the usefulness of perception and the assessment by a person of the elements of the working environment and the aestheticization of the working environment - is an integral part of the labor process. Industrial aesthetics includes architectural design, music, light and color.

31. The role of color and music in the aestheticization of production. Extreme and necessary working conditions. Categories of work extremeness

According to their effect on the central nervous system, colors are divided into three groups:

1) exciting - red, yellow;

2) inhibitory - shades of blue;

3) neutral - white, green.

Dark tones in the color of industrial premises depress the psyche of workers and reduce efficiency, since the psychophysiological reactions of the body are of a reflex nature. But at the same time, colors in specific cases can change their functions - for example, cold colors in cold conditions do not refresh, but depress. The psychological task of the color scheme in production is to stimulate and support the emotional tone of the worker. But at the same time, the perception of color largely depends on the mood of the worker. Knowing the nature of the impact of color, you can thus choose the color scheme of the room in order to neutralize the negative factors of production.

In addition, the color factor is used in labor protection and industrial information media.

Music is not only a means of aestheticizing production, but also a factor in reducing the monotony of work, more functional recreation. But it is necessary to take into account the taste preferences of employees and select unobtrusive music, otherwise it will become an annoying and tiring factor.

Extreme and unusual working conditions mean a combination of physical, chemical, biological, socio-psychological and aesthetic environmental factors that differ from standard ones and are associated with greater labor intensity. Tension manifests itself in physical overload, lack of time to complete a work task, exposure to environmental factors, limited contacts with people, etc. For such industries, a preferential wage system, a special system of professional selection, medical commissions and training processes have been developed, which is primarily caused by labor safety considerations.

There are several categories of work in such conditions.

Category 1 - the optimal working environment with a favorable workload.

Category 2 - maximum permissible working conditions.

Category 3 - not quite favorable working conditions, provoking the deterioration of some psychophysiological indicators of the employee.

Category 4 - unfavorable working conditions that form pre-pathological conditions in an employee.

Category 5 - very unfavorable working conditions, leading to pathological changes in the worker's condition.

Category 6 - pathological changes already at the beginning of labor activity.

32. Location of the organization. Care for children and dependents of employees. Office and workplace design

The location of the organization determines not only the attitude of the employee to work, but also his mood, desire to work, interest in work and much more.

The location can be evaluated according to the following criteria:

1) proximity to the place of residence of the employee - the time required to get to the place of work;

2) proximity to the city center;

3) how convenient it is to get to work, including the convenience of parking, transport stops;

4) proximity to the place of work of urban infrastructure - the opportunity to purchase the necessary goods and services after work.

The care of children and dependents of employees is important, because if a person cannot fully concentrate on work responsibilities, work efficiency and safety suffer. Caring for employees and their families increases the prestige of the organization, forms corporatism and attachment to work.

The design of the office and workplace is very important and is considered in terms of several criteria:

1) Air ventilation - not only the physical health of the worker, but also the morale depends on the purity of the air. Polluted air, stuffy atmosphere at work provokes rapid fatigue, decreased activity, ability to work and attention, which is fraught with safety violations. Of particular importance is the location of the office on the shady or sunny side. Constant exposure to sunlight not only tires the eyes, heats up the air in the room, but also negatively affects office equipment, which leads to stress and a negative attitude towards work in general. If you can not open the windows, the situation is aggravated. Open windows - the possibility of ventilation, fresh air, which is especially important in spring and summer, since the smells of awakening nature increase the mood of workers and reduce fatigue.

2) Slow elevators or their absence in the organization - the lack of the possibility of rapid vertical movement forms a negative attitude towards work in the employee, the speed of task execution decreases, and fatigue increases. Slow elevators create a nervous atmosphere, a state of "lateness", which negatively affects the quality of work;

3) Small office space - lack of space for creativity, rigid framework, inability to change the interior "for oneself" form a person's attitude to work as temporary, lack of interest and deep understanding of the details of the labor process. In addition, in the case of a large number of people in the room, the employee increases fatigue, reduces attention and interest in work, since there is no way to concentrate on the work task.

33. The nature of the work. The impact of external factors on employees

The nature of the work can be assessed according to several criteria:

1) simplification of work, its fragmentation affects the physical and moral condition. When a person does not see the final stage of his work, the products of labor, his interest in work falls, and attention also decreases, which leads to production defects and safety violations;

2) boredom and monotony affect the employee's involvement in the labor process, fatigue and disinterest in the development of the organization;

3) fatigue is the main cause of injuries and defects in the workplace, in addition, a constant feeling of fatigue forms a negative attitude towards work in a person, morale becomes worse, aggressiveness and unwillingness to work increase;

4) discrimination forms a production conflict, worsens the moral state of a person, reduces his self-esteem and self-respect, and affects the quality of his work.

Illumination is considered in several aspects:

1) light intensity - too bright or too dim light provokes rapid fatigue, drowsiness or irritability in the worker;

2) distribution of light - unequal distribution of light, when one part of the office is lit better than the other, also increases the level of neuroticism of workers, forms rapid fatigue;

3) natural light - by the end of the working day or on a rainy day, the light intensity drops and workers have to strain their eyesight, which provokes headaches, fatigue, irritability.

Noise - there is the concept of "level of permissible noise", at each enterprise it is different. Noise includes the sound of a running computer, the voices of colleagues, the noise of traffic outside the window, the noise of machines in production, and so on. The totality of all these sounds is measured by the level of permissible noise. If the noise level exceeds the norm, it negatively affects the state of the employee, both moral and physical, increases fatigue, irritability, and forms some occupational diseases.

Color - the impact of color on a person is very high. Not only the efficiency of the employee's work, but also his moral and mental state depends on what colors prevail in the workplace.

Music - taste characteristics and intensity, volume of music are important. We can talk about the positive properties of music in the context of increasing labor efficiency and reducing fatigue.

Air temperature and humidity are important and largely depend on the presence of fans and heaters. Both cold and heat negatively affect a person and significantly reduce his performance, desire to work and increase fatigue, which is fraught with violations of safety rules at work.

34. The concept of safety. Factors affecting labor safety. Prevention of accidents. Occupational diseases

Safety measures - a set of measures and rules to ensure a decent level of labor safety, protection against industrial injuries increases labor productivity in general. Safety measures are based on certain requirements for the specifics of the enterprise, working conditions and the number of employees of the enterprise.

Factors affecting labor safety:

1) field of activity;

2) duration of the working day;

3) the time of day during which labor activity falls;

4) illumination;

5) air temperature;

6) design of the premises;

7) design of labor tools;

8) personal protective equipment;

9) protective devices at the enterprise;

10) social pressure on the employee;

11) human factor - state of health, emotional stability, alcohol or drug intoxication, fatigue, work experience, age, personal characteristics.

There is also a theory about the predisposition to emergencies, which consists in the fact that some people are more "tuned" to accidents than others.

Accident prevention:

1) accounting for errors. To do this, each accident at work is carefully analyzed according to several criteria:

a) the exact time and place of the accident;

b) the nature of the work and the number of performers;

c) the identity of the victim;

d) the nature of the accident and its causes;

e) the consequences of the accident, damage to the enterprise and the person;

2) changing the design of the workplace. These include:

a) equipping machines that are potentially dangerous to humans with special protective devices;

b) maintaining cleanliness in the premises;

c) adequate lighting of hazardous areas;

d) comfortable temperature;

e) convenient location and coloring of personal protective equipment;

f) arrangement of levers, devices adequate to the strength of the worker;

3) training of personnel in safe working methods, information on the location of personal protective equipment, how to use these means;

4) promotion of safety rules through booklets, posters, warning signs, competitions and training at the enterprise on safety rules.

Occupational disease statistics reflect the prevalence of certain diseases in each type of occupation. The impact of factors directly related to professional duties has a pathological effect on both the mental state and the health of the employee. In addition to constantly acting harmful factors, it is necessary to take into account industrial injuries. Most accidents are caused by human error, machine failure or environmental conditions.

35. The concept of ergonomics

The history of the formation of ergonomics as an independent discipline. Ergonomics subject. Methodological base of ergonomics. The Purpose of Ergonomics

Ergonomics (from the Greek ergon - "work", nomos - "law") - a group of sciences that study human behavior in working conditions and optimize working conditions. The emergence of ergonomics is associated with the scientific and technological revolution and the complication in this connection of technical means and production conditions, the expansion of human labor activity.

The formation of ergonomics as a science is associated with the beginning of the study of a person in a production environment in order to maximize the use of human resources and intensify labor and is attributed to the 20s. 50th century The active development and formation of ergonomics as an independent scientific discipline took place in the 20s. and contacts the organization of the Ergonomic Research Society of C. Marella. It is from this moment that the active development of ergonomics in many countries begins. In the USSR, the development of ergonomics is associated with the emergence and formation in the 30-XNUMXs. XNUMXth century scientific organization of labor. Many prominent scientists, such as V. M. Bekhterev, A. K. Gastev, P. M. Kerzhentsev and others, studied human labor activity. Soviet ergonomics focused not only on increasing production efficiency, but also on maintaining the health and development of the worker developing corporatism, the ideological component of production and the corresponding system of norms and values.

The subject of ergonomics is the study of the man-machine-environment system and its operation. Ergonomics considers the distribution of labor between a person and a machine, monitors compliance with labor safety when interacting with mechanisms, analyzes and distributes the duties of operators, develops the design of workplaces taking into account anthropometric data, including for people with disabilities. Ergonomics is based on psychology, sociology, physiology and medicine, occupational health, general systems theory, theories of management and organization of work, labor protection, some technical sciences and technical aesthetics.

The methodological basis of ergonomics is systems theory, which allows you to get a comprehensive picture of the production process and suggests ways to improve it, which includes taking into account the inclinations, the nature of each employee, job satisfaction, which undoubtedly affects the efficiency and quality of work.

The main goal of ergonomics is to study the patterns of labor processes, the role of human factors in labor activity and increase production efficiency while observing labor safety conditions.

36. Reliability of a person as part of an ergonomic system. Workplace. working posture

The reliability of a person is understood as the preservation of product quality and an adequate attitude to the work process of an employee. An error in the production activity of a person may be due to employee fatigue, making the wrong decision, not taking into account external factors in the labor process, or marriage in the mechanism with which the employee interacts.

The reliability of a person depends on the state of health, working conditions, age, work experience, work motivation, involvement in the labor process, etc.

Workplace - a part of the workspace, functionally organized for the performance of an employee or a team of production activities.

Job Requirements:

1) the availability of sufficient working space for the implementation of labor activities;

2) availability of main and auxiliary production equipment;

3) ensuring sufficient physical, visual and auditory connections between production employees;

4) availability of convenient approaches to the equipment;

5) compliance with safety regulations (availability of means of protection against hazardous production factors;

6) carrying out activities aimed at maintaining the tone of the employee;

7) compliance with the standards of the working environment (permissible noise level, air pollution, temperature conditions, etc.).

Distinguish between the workplace of managerial personnel, middle managers and key workers. The organization of the workplace depends on the working conditions, the organization of labor and production at the enterprise, the status characteristics of the employee. The workplace should correspond to the psychological type of the employee, contribute to its most efficient functioning, preserve its health and improve the personality of the employee, in connection with which the recommendations of the psychological service of the enterprise, the personal characteristics of the employee, factors for maintaining health and recommendations on occupational health, ethics and aesthetics should be taken into account organizations.

When assessing the intensity of work, an important role is played by the working posture. A normal working posture is one in which the worker does not have to bend over more than 10-15 degrees. and it is maintained by minimal muscle tension. It is believed that the sitting posture is more comfortable and more functional than the standing posture, but in some industries it is the standing posture that is necessary, since it gives more room for movement and allows you to more dynamically respond to the conditions of the labor process.

37. Monotony of work. Working conditions. Pros and cons of machines in production

Monotony - monotonous repetition of work operations. The danger of monotony lies in the reduction of attention to the production process, rapid fatigue and a decrease in interest in the labor process, which affects labor safety in general. This is of particular importance in complex industries or industries with harmful working conditions, where accuracy and attention are of decisive importance. Therefore, strict observance of labor safety regulations is of decisive importance.

Measures to combat monotony include:

1) rational organization of the labor process;

2) increasing the employee's interest in the work task;

3) ensuring visual productivity of labor for the employee;

4) attracting machines to facilitate the work of workers;

5) alternation of labor activity;

6) the possibility of aesthetic design of the workplace;

7) establishment of the optimal duration of labor;

8) development of a system of material and moral incentives.

One of the forms predisposing to the formation of monotony is automatism - an activity carried out without the direct participation of consciousness. It is formed as a result of several factors: many years of experience, routine work, lack of involvement in the labor process, imagination and creativity, physical overload. The study of the influence of working conditions began at the end of the XNUMXth century. and has been an integral part of the work process ever since. K. Marx and F. Engels studied the situation of the working class in England and drew conclusions about the dependence of labor efficiency on working conditions, the living conditions of the employee, the length of the working day, etc. , vacation regimes, surcharges for hazardous production, minimum wages. In addition, there are certain norms of production activity, which include certain dimensions of the workplace, compliance with hygiene requirements and comfort of the workplace.

Working conditions largely depend on the status of the worker, but should not be discriminatory. Machine advantages:

1) machines can perceive colors of the spectrum that are inaccessible to humans;

2) reliable monitoring over time;

3) fast execution of accurate calculations;

4) storage of a large amount of information;

5) great power;

6) long-term use with a certain level of efficiency.

Machine cons:

1) lack of flexibility;

2) the impossibility of independent corrections of the program;

3) lack of improvisation.

38. The concept of stress. Causes of work stress. Forms of manifestation of industrial stresses. Prevention of work stress

Stress is a violation of the psychological state as a result of traumatic circumstances, negative working conditions or other aspects of human activity. You can distinguish between deep stress, moderate stress and everyday or habitual stress. Everyday stress is understood as the cumulative features of the human psyche, especially working in difficult working conditions, unsatisfactory production or in a team that does not suit the employee. The psychology of occupational health deals with the reduction of stress factors, work with the consequences of stress. Psychology of occupational health is a branch of psychology that deals with the problems of protecting the health of employees and preventive work with members of the organization. Stress negatively affects human physiology, forms many psychosomatic diseases, which are difficult to cure, and therefore it is necessary to eliminate the primary cause - stress.

Causes of work stress:

1) overload or unloaded work;

2) organizational changes;

3) role uncertainty and role conflict;

4) an epidemic of psychogenic illness;

5) exhaustion of physical and spiritual forces;

6) workaholism.

Forms of manifestation of industrial stress can be:

1) depression;

2) aggressiveness towards colleagues;

3) unwillingness to go to work, absenteeism;

4) a large number of product defects;

5) excessive workload;

6) hyper-responsibility, and as a result - a conflict with subordinates, etc.

Prevention of stress and ways to deal with its consequences:

1) creation of a favorable organizational climate;

2) providing employees with the opportunity to organize their work themselves;

3) a clear definition of the duties of employees;

4) elimination of the causes leading to overload or underload of work;

5) social support;

6) psychological assistance at the enterprise;

7) general health programs. Individual approaches to prevention


1) training in relaxation techniques;

2) behavior modification;

3) biofeedback.

39. The concept of rehabilitation. Legislative attitude towards people with disabilities. Social rehabilitation. Activities aimed at the rehabilitation of disabled people

Rehabilitation is understood as the restoration of the status characteristics of people with health problems, or the replacement of these status characteristics with equal ones. Rehabilitation involves the restoration of physical characteristics, the stabilization of the psychological state and the provision of certain material subsidies. The best option for rehabilitation is the situation of the formation of the client's self-sufficiency, the ability to independently cope with the difficulties that have arisen, establish contacts and regulate their psychological state. An important stage in this process is the employment of the client in a position that corresponds to his capabilities and does not infringe on the dignity of a person with health problems.

The legislation of many countries provides for certain benefits for enterprises that provide jobs for people with disabilities. This includes special regimes of work and rest, payment and quota provision of jobs for this contingent. It also provides for the responsibility of the enterprise for employees who have received injuries, disabilities or occupational diseases as a result of work.

On the other hand, people with disabilities have largely retained their skills and abilities and can be actively involved in the labor process.

For this category of the population, it is important to be included in the labor process, to have opportunities for implementation, a certain circle of contacts, which affects the formation of their self-esteem.

Social rehabilitation is a set of measures aimed at restoring the status of a disabled person, ensuring the socialization of the individual.

The creation of employment centers largely does not take into account the special needs of disabled and sick people. The task of the state is to change such practices and involve people with disabilities in society. On the other hand, the involvement of people with disabilities in the production process can significantly reduce the problem of poverty and exclusion of this category, develop an active position of people with disabilities and increase the level of society's tolerance for people with special needs.

The implementation of programs to maintain and increase the level of employment of persons with disabilities includes the following activities:

1) psychological counseling of disabled people and their families;

2) assistance in professional self-determination, career guidance with subsequent training and retraining;

3) training in the skills of psychological self-regulation;

4) socio-psychological training in order to form professionally necessary qualities and increase chances for employment;

5) providing information about possible vacancies;

6) material subsidies for the period of training and retraining.

40. The concept of professionalization. Stages of professionalization

Professionalization is understood as the process of becoming an employee as a professional, that is, a person who is fluent in the skills, knowledge, and skills necessary for a certain type of activity. Professionalism is reflected in the authority of a person, the quality and efficiency of his work, the ability to transfer his experience to other people, the ability to cope with non-standard work situations. The process of becoming an employee as a professional depends on the personal abilities of the employee, working conditions, labor motivation and the interests of the employee himself. Professionalization depends on the experience of activity in this industry, on the education of a person and on the qualitative return of the employee.

There are several stages of professionalization:

1) primary formation - at this stage, the employee has sufficiently mastered the skills, knowledge, and abilities necessary for his professional activity. The quality of labor and the efficiency of labor activity are at a sufficiently high level, and the employee has sufficient experience;

2) the stage of experience - at this stage, the employee not only works effectively, but can already share experience with others and train younger specialists. At this stage, a person forms a certain opinion about some aspects of work, he makes adjustments to his work activity, and can introduce innovations into the work process.

3) stage of expertise - at this stage, a specialist is an authority in a certain area, he himself produces certain norms, values ​​of the profession, can build tactics and strategies for the development of the industry. As an element is the training of other specialists in the form of master classes, seminars, the expert creates new methods and programs of work in this area.

All stages of the formation of a person as a professional imply his continuous training and self-improvement as a professional and personality, since the formation of a professional is associated with the observance of certain moral positions, knowledge of production and professional ethics.

41. The concept of deviation. Alcoholism

Deviation is a violation of the norms, values, cultural traditions of the community in which the individual exists (works). Forms of deviations can be alcoholism, drug addiction, and theft, until these phenomena turn into delinquency - a direct legally fixed illegal act, usually falling under the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation.

Alcoholism is a serious disease that can develop as a result of drinking alcohol over a period of six months to several years. The most severe course of the disease is formed in women, and female alcoholism is difficult to cure. There are several stages and types of alcoholism.

Stages of alcoholism: initial (domestic drunkenness), medium and severe (pathological alcoholism). At the initial stage, a favorable outcome of treatment is possible, but in the severe stage it is difficult to talk about prognosis and usually the prognosis is unfavorable.

Types of alcoholism: beer, vodka, polyalcoholic. Beer alcoholism is most typical for Western countries, where this drink is more popular, although recently there has been a tendency for the formation of Russian beer alcoholism. The slowest and most inconspicuous addiction to alcohol and the formation of alcohol dependence are among consumers of beer products. Vodka - a typical Russian type of alcoholism, is formed faster than beer, and has a devastating effect on the body. Polyalcoholic alcoholism involves the use of different strength and taste and price characteristics of alcoholic beverages.

The main damage from alcoholism:

1) absenteeism;

2) being late;

3) mistakes and accidents;

4) low labor productivity;

5) labor inefficiency;

6) lost money for education. An alcoholic manager does much more harm than an alcoholic worker or foreman. The damage from his actions is often covered up by subordinates, but his actions no longer have clarity and clarity, labor management is violated, there is a possibility of large production losses. The main problem is a long period of time before the detection of the disease and, in connection with this, the difficulty of curing. In addition, the manager is more difficult to fire, but the damage from his actions is greater.

42. Drug addiction

Drug addiction is a huge problem of all mankind, formed in the twentieth century. The main harm of drug use is a violation of the health and degradation of the personality of a drug addict. Work under the influence of narcotic substances is hardly possible due to a violation of the addict's volitional sphere, lack of desire and motivation to work, a violation of his mental state and loss of professional skills.

Drug addiction develops faster than alcohol addiction and is less curable. The stages of drug addiction development depend on the use of certain drugs. Allocate an initial stage, average and heavy. At the initial stage, there is the possibility of a cure, but recently the point of view of those researchers who argue that one should not talk about a cure, but about a stable remission, since re-formation of addiction is still possible.

The duration of the formation of the stages of the disease depends on the drugs that the person uses - light or heavy. The light ones include hemp, "grass", some synthetic drugs, the heavy ones - heroin, its derivatives. Polydrug dependence is usually formed in the middle and severe stages, when an addicted person can use whatever he finds to relieve the withdrawal syndrome. The greatest mortality is not from the drugs themselves, but from low-quality fakes, surrogates and diseases transmitted through intravenous drug use.

A drug addict can pose a particular danger in the workplace in terms of non-compliance with safety precautions, hallucinatory phenomena and, therefore, the formation of an inadequate attitude towards colleagues and possible bodily harm to employees. In addition, in the case of drug addiction, a person may practice stealing as one of the ways to get money for drugs.

The impact on the effectiveness and quality of work of a drug addict is negative. One person can disrupt the production process and lead to irreversible changes in products, destroy the labor process.

Different drugs affect the behavior of an employee in different ways, but in general we can talk about the degradation of the individual.

Signs that define a drug addict:

1) a drug addict stops taking care of himself, his clothes and does not observe personal hygiene, i.e., he is sloppy;

2) emotional incontinence;

3) violation of logic;

4) lethargy in movements;

5) skin itching;

6) traces of injections;

7) theft as an opportunity to provide drugs.

43. The concept of consumer psychology. Research methods of consumer psychology. The nature and purpose of advertising

Consumer psychology is a branch of psychology that studies the characteristics of the consumer market, a person as a consumer, the subject and object of advertising. Consumer psychology studies not only the taste preferences of the buyer, the dynamics of supply and demand for various goods and services, but also the personality, characterological characteristics of the buyer. Based on the results of customer research, it is possible to develop effective advertising, predict a group of buyers of new goods and services, and fashion trends for a particular product.

Consumer psychology research methods:

1) observation;

2) public opinion polls;

3) focus groups.

Projective techniques allow you to find out the real attitude of the client to goods or services:

1) role-playing games - this technique involves getting used to the role of a service provider or consumer, depending on the objectives of the study, and assessing the quality of the product, its advantages and disadvantages over other products;

2) analogies - drawing a parallel between a real product and its possible analogue, presenting oneself in the form of a given product;

3) psychological portraits - drawing up a psychological portrait of the product, "humanizing" it, identifying any human qualities that consumers endow the product with;

4) personification - the presentation of a product as a person, personality and, on this basis, consideration of the possible optimization of its design, product characteristics; 5) obituaries - write an obituary about the impact of the product. A striking example is advertising of mosquito repellents, cockroach repellents, etc. The nature and purpose of advertising:

1) consumer notification - advertising aims to notify a certain group of new products, price changes, changes in the location of the organization, etc .;

2) product image - promotion of goods of a certain brand on the market, the formation of recognition of this particular brand and fashion for it;

3) institutional advertising - is aimed at forming a good attitude towards the manufacturing company, raising its rating, building respect for it. The main goal is to show the company as an element useful for society, which allows improving many processes or phenomena of human life;

4) informational advertising - usually informs the consumer about the quality of the product, the components of the product, the methods of its use and the date of manufacture and shelf life.

D. Schultz, S. Schultz in the book "Psychology and Labor" say that advertising makes some promises:

1) promises certain benefits;

2) trouble if the buyer does not purchase the advertised product;

3) the acquisition of love, friends, self-respect and self-realization;

4) superiority in something.

44. Trademark identification. Studying the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. Personal factors affecting the consumer

Brand identification and preference research is essential to ad development or continuation. The continuation and correction of the advertising campaign depends on how recognizable a certain brand is and whether advertising forms the preference of buyers for this particular brand.

Studying the effectiveness of advertising campaigns:

1) facilitating memories;

2) recognition;

3) physiological measurements;

4) study of the number of sales;

5) return coupons.

Studying television programming is important for placing promotional items at the most optimal time. D. Schultz, S. Schultz highlight such aspects as:

1) forecasting the audience reaction to new programs;

2) determination of the qualitative and quantitative composition of the audience.

Aspects of products that affect the consumer:

1) brand - recognition;

2) the image of the product - a reflection of ideas, thoughts and feelings associated with this particular product;

3) product packaging.

The effectiveness of advertising campaigns depends on several factors and can be considered in several aspects: effectiveness in the context of the volume of products produced by the enterprise, effectiveness in the context of recognition in the market and effectiveness in the context of the formation of a certain policy of the organization, production support and compliance with the advertising image. The effectiveness of advertising depends on many factors, such as the time of the show, on the TV channel, placement of advertising in print media, creative design of the advertisement, etc.

Much depends on the personal factors of the consumer products.

Personal factors affecting the consumer:

1) gender - according to statistics, in the majority of cases, women deal with acquisition issues in the family;

2) age - children can be active purchase intermediaries: attracted by bright packaging, children ask their parents, relatives to buy a toy or some kind of sweet, not focusing on the purchase price. Young people are the main buyer of fashionable clothes and youth accessories (for example, cell phones).

3) status - price characteristics mainly depend on which group the consumer belongs to;

4) education;

5) ethnicity is reflected in the acquisition of a certain set of products, taste preferences, in the choice of clothing, etc.;

6) time allotted for purchases - limited time unnerves the buyer, purchases are made for reasons of quick acquisition and attention is paid to products known to the buyer;

7) the purpose of shopping - can be not only the acquisition of necessary goods, but also an entertainment purpose.

45. The relationship of labor psychology with other disciplines

The concept of "labor" is considered by several scientific disciplines. Such as, for example, physiology of labor, organizational psychology, sociology of labor, economics, management, etc., consider labor activity only as a general object, while using specific methods and knowledge inherent in a particular discipline. All these disciplines consider labor activity to solve practical problems aimed at humanizing labor activity and increasing efficiency. As for the psychology of labor, the study of labor activity uses the entire system of data that only exists in modern psychology.

The psychology of work does not have clear boundaries with other disciplines. When studying the psychology of labor, several categories of sciences can be distinguished that are intertwined and interact to varying degrees with the psychology of labor. These are, firstly, the economics and sociology of labor, pedagogy, medicine (some of its sections), hygiene and labor protection. Secondly, this is practically the entire area of ​​biological knowledge about a person, a social system, and so on. Thirdly, technical disciplines that study the design of machines and instruments that are used by the worker in the labor process, that is, tools.

Let us consider in more detail the disciplines that have a relationship with the psychology of work:

1) philosophy and political economy consider in their teachings and research: the subject, the object, the tools of labor, the process, etc.;

2) the sociology of labor considers labor as a process of formation of a person and society, the functions of social labor, social factors in choosing a profession, labor in conditions of technological progress, attitudes towards labor, etc.;

3) labor economics considers labor resources, productive value, labor organization, regulation, payment, labor planning, etc.;

4) labor legislation considers and studies labor contracts, working hours, holidays, duties, rights, benefits of various categories of employees, labor dispute procedures, etc.;

5) physiology, occupational health, industrial sanitation in relation to the psychology of labor study the mode of work and rest, working capacity.

Thus, we can say that the relationship with other disciplines in the psychology of work is very extensive. Almost all existing sciences and disciplines cover or pay attention to the psychology of work in their teachings. Indeed, in almost all sciences there is a mention of the study of the human resource, namely, the human resource and everything connected with it underlies the study of labor psychology.

46. ​​The main tasks of labor psychology

The tasks of labor psychology can be divided into two groups: theoretical and applied. The first group will include tasks that are closely related to the psychological characteristics of a person (subject). The theoretical tasks include: the study and study of mental processes, the main psychological properties of the subject, (considering them in the context of labor efficiency and increasing efficiency); study of the characteristics of labor activity; study of socio-psychological factors affecting a person, social environment, psychological microclimate in an organization, job satisfaction; the study of the emotional sphere of the individual and volitional qualities that contribute to the regulation of labor activity; the study of the disclosure of the subject and his personality in the labor process and the pattern associated with this; study of the problem of motivation, analysis of ways to solve the problem of the motivational system; development of the most appropriate management method; planning tactics and management strategies; preventive psychological work aimed at the formation of a healthy lifestyle; improving the living conditions of workers; improvement of working conditions; development of basic recruitment criteria; development of recommendations for improving the methods of training and retraining of employees; rational restructuring and renewal of professions.

The second group of tasks, applied, which is mainly aimed at achieving the final practical result, will include the following tasks: development of norms, rules and procedures for safety; development of psychological means of motivation; development of optimal modes of work and rest time; development of theoretically substantiated effective procedures for certification and training; development of specific requirements and working conditions when introducing new technologies, taking into account personal capabilities; development of ways to solve the problem of labor orientation; optimization of procedures for professional training and adaptation of the individual; improving industrial relations and improving the quality of labor; minimization of emergencies; work with norms, values ​​and corporate culture of production, etc.

47. Rules of conduct at the interview

At the interview, an opportunity is provided to show oneself from the best side: to arrive on time, dressed appropriately, to show off the knowledge of good manners. In a situation where the head or recruiting manager of the organization you came for an interview was a little late and came to you at the wrong time, try not to show your displeasure and indignation, as you need to make a positive impression.

Before you go to an interview, try to determine what your goal is during your first meeting with a potential employer. Try to be like your interlocutor, be his equal. Present yourself as a successful, career- and personal-achieving employee. The initial opinion about a person consists of the following components: a neat hairstyle, clean shoes, business-style clothes, a pleasant smell should accompany you, nails should be well-groomed.

When meeting with the person who will conduct the interview, thank him for his time, shake his hand. Do not forget that you came to the interview, and after greeting and shaking hands, wait until your interlocutor invites you to sit down and indicates where. In order for the interview to go well and you do not lose face, follow the following rules:

1) try to sit straight in a chair, do not pinch, behave confidently;

2) do not take any objects from the table of your interlocutor, do not touch anything on the table at which your interlocutor is sitting;

3) do not look into his papers lying on the table;

4) Listen carefully and answer briefly. Try to pronounce all the words clearly; if you have problems with speech, then before the interview, it is better for you to practice in front of the mirror - this will allow you not only to behave more confidently, but also help you get rid of parasitic words to some extent;

5) try not to gesticulate strongly - this may not only not please your interlocutor, but also show you not from the best side. If your interlocutor behaves too relaxed and allows himself to emotionally gesticulate, raise his voice, etc., do not pay attention, as this can only be a provocation and a test for you, something like a test of reaction in a stressful situation;

6) at the end of the interview, in one sentence, emphasize your desire to work in this organization. Following these simple rules, you can perfectly present yourself to a future employer.

48. Principles of personnel selection

One of the important tasks in labor psychology is the development, substantiation and application of a system of professional psychological selection. Assessing the professionalism of a candidate for a vacant position or an already working employee and determining professional suitability - this is what professional selection is mainly aimed at. Research in this area has been going on for more than a hundred years, and they have brought positive results. It was found that individual psychological, physiological characteristics, professional training, and other characteristics are associated with indicators of productivity and labor safety.

G. Munsterberg introduced professional selection and made a huge contribution to its popularization. It cannot be said that it was G. Munsterberg who became the founder of professional selection, since many psychologists were engaged in it before him. But it was he who proved the advantage of the scientific experimental psychological approach in identifying the professionalism of employees in comparison with intuitive or worldly ideas. The followers of G. Munsterberg used somewhat different methods during the professional selection, namely: they studied professional selection using the methods of differential psychology, while only some functions were studied, for example, memory, attention. Studies of neuropsychic stress in the course of work were also actively used and experiments were carried out to study the candidate, etc.

The emergence of professional selection significantly reduced the time employers spent on incompetent employees, as it made it possible to overcome the inconsistency between the candidate and the position, profession, and the professional selection method helped to achieve high results in labor efficiency, while achieving maximum employee satisfaction in the performance of labor activity.

In this regard, it seems necessary to define professional selection. Vocational selection is understood as a set of measures that is aimed at a certain person to identify his health, psychological and physical characteristics, his level of education and degree of learning ability.

During the "examination" of a person, professional selection includes not only an analysis of his professionalism, but also medical, physiological and mental aspects.

Psychological professional selection can be called a specialized procedure that allows you to determine the degree of development of the totality of the psychological qualities of a person. The right approach to professional selection can largely reduce financial costs and staff turnover, which is important.

49. Natural experiment and laboratory experiment

A natural experiment is carried out only in natural, habitual working conditions for the subject, where his working day and labor activity usually take place. This can be a desktop in an office, a carriage compartment, a workshop, an institute auditorium, an office, a truck cab, etc. When using this method, the research subject may not know that some kind of research is currently being carried out. This is necessary for the purity of the experiment, because when a person does not know that he is being observed, he behaves naturally, relaxed and without embarrassment.

An example of a natural experiment is an artificially created fire situation in a hospital. So that under real circumstances, all hospital staff know how to behave and be able to provide the necessary assistance. The advantage of this method is that all actions take place in a familiar working environment, but the results obtained can be used to solve practical problems. But this method of experiment also has negative aspects: the presence of uncontrollable factors, control over which is simply impossible, as well as the fact that it is necessary to obtain information in the shortest possible time, otherwise the production process will be disrupted.

The laboratory experiment takes place in an artificially created situation, as close as possible to the professional activity of the subject. This model allows you to establish control over the course of observation, regulate actions, create the necessary conditions, and allows you to repeatedly reproduce this or that experiment in the same place under the same conditions. A laboratory experiment is most often used to simulate a situation or one aspect of work, thorough analysis and research.

In order to conduct a laboratory experiment in production, it is necessary that the psychologist carefully study the labor activity of the subject in the real conditions of his work. The psychologist needs to highlight the key points of the subject's work activity, identify its features, etc. To conduct an experiment, it is necessary to have accurate information, study all possible errors, the causes of these errors and solutions. Like a natural experiment, the laboratory one has its drawbacks. The difficulty lies in the fact that it is necessary to develop and artificially create a situation to the smallest detail, and the subject himself is in a new environment, he is lost, cannot concentrate, which significantly reduces the efficiency and rationality of the experiment.

50. Timing and "photo" of the working day

In the process of observation, the psychologist receives all the necessary information about the manifestations of labor behavior in various situations, about communication processes, about working conditions, etc. For a clearer, more objective and clearer picture, such methods of labor psychology as "photography" of the working day and timing.

Timing, as a rule, serves to determine and analyze labor standards and determine their duration. It is expedient to clock auxiliary technical and logical operations - both manual and machine-manual, related to the operational or preparatory-final period.

Timing is used to:

1) to determine, and sometimes establish the time standards that are necessary to perform labor operations. Basically, the time standards established for performing a certain type of operation depend on the degree of complexity of individual elements;

2) in order to check the already existing documented time standards and the degree of their implementation in labor activity;

3) to identify the reason for non-compliance with the established norms;

4) to determine labor costs when operations are too short and cannot be fixed by other methods.

For timekeeping, a regular or graphical form of a chronocard is used. Before conducting timing, the psychologist needs to inform the employee and talk about the tasks and goals of the upcoming timing, try to relieve stress from the employee.

The “photo” of a working day is a temporary registration of all labor actions performed by an employee during one working day: work schedule, rest time, forced stoppage of work, etc. For a more complete and most accurate observation, it should be performed in stages:

1) preparation for observation;

2) conducting observation;

3) processing of surveillance data;

4) analysis of the results and preparation of measures to improve the organization of labor or the establishment of norms and standards.

In preparation for observation, the following parameters are studied:

1) the technological process that is performed by the administrator in the performance of his labor functions;

2) organization of labor in the workplace;

3) maintenance procedure;

4) technical characteristics, modes of operation. All the data obtained are recorded in a special form, according to which a schedule is subsequently built, reflecting the alternation of work and rest during the working day, the ratio of functions and the time required to perform these functions.

51. Leadership styles

Management is a directed impact on employees, a team, as a result of which an increase in labor productivity is achieved. Leadership can be called a process in which the leader is given the right to power over subordinates.

The democratic style of management is characterized by the fact that decision-making is based on a discussion of the problem, while taking into account all the opinions and initiatives of employees. Control over the decision-making is carried out not only by the manager, but also by the employees themselves, i.e. this indicates the maximum possible democracy and freedom of self-realization, the manifestation of interest and goodwill towards the individual, the absence of discrimination. The democratic style of management is the most rational and effective. This is due to the fact that the probability of making the right decision with this style of leadership increases, as it is the most balanced and deliberate collectively. This style of management will be justified if the leader in the organization has a sufficiently high level of intellectual, organizational and communication skills.

The authoritarian style of management, it is also often called dictatorial, it is characterized by a tough one-man decision-making by the leader, he also exercises strict constant control over the implementation of the orders given to him, and in case of deviation from the norm, punishment follows, care for the individual is in last place or is completely absent, no interest in employees. Due to the fact that subordinates are constantly monitored, the results of work are always at the highest level (profit, productivity, product quality, and much more), but the big disadvantage of this management style is the high probability of erroneous decisions, suppression of initiative, slowing down innovation, stagnation, passivity of employees, etc. It is expedient and justified only when the organization is in critical condition and it needs time to "rehabilitate".

The liberal-anarchist style of management is characterized by the maximum possible democracy and minimal control over workers in the organization. Each employee can express his point of view and position, while not defending it. As a rule, with this leadership style, productivity is low, people are not satisfied with their work, work directions are made up of the preferences of the microgroup leader, etc.

In practice, few leaders adhere to one management style, as a rule, there is a mixture of two, and sometimes all three styles.

52. Ways to resolve a professional conflict

If the leader adheres to the following rules, then conflict situations between him and his subordinate will occur less frequently and, possibly, will disappear altogether.

Rule 1. It is necessary to give your subordinates specific tasks that can be completed. The order must be stated in an accessible language with precisely set tasks and goals, if necessary, repeat the order again or ask to state it to the employee to whom it was given.

Rule 2. All orders and orders given by the leader must be legal and not exceed official authority. The leader should never go against the law, but try to give only legally justified orders.

Rule 3. Criticize a subordinate not in the presence of other subordinates, but one on one with him. Also, when criticizing, it is impossible to point out the personality of the subordinate, it is necessary to focus on the actions or inactions that he committed. At the same time, if possible, it is necessary to indicate ways to resolve the situation.

Rule 4. Criticize only after you have praised your employee. That is, start a conversation with an employee from the positive moments and achievements of this employee, thereby you will positively set him up in relation to you. And after a portion of praise, point out the shortcomings in his work.

Rule 5. It is necessary to give a critical, negative assessment to a subordinate employee only in private, without attributing the entire social team (group) to the statement. Never indicate the nationality of an employee, his religion, do not give a negative description of the social group to which he belongs, that is, behave with a subordinate on an equal footing so that the subordinate does not have a feeling of discomfort.

Rule 6. Always be fair to subordinates, do not single out favorites, but honestly celebrate and encourage the merits of all subordinates.

Rule 7. Always monitor the execution of orders in the course of their execution. This will improve the quality of performance and, if necessary, correct the actions of the subordinate in time.

Rule 8. Never try to re-educate a subordinate who is objectionable to you in a short period of time.

Rule 9. Punish your subordinates as little as possible and help them as often as possible in carrying out orders, without indicating your superiority over them, giving the subordinate the opportunity to open up.

Rule 10. Never blame subordinates for your failures and mistakes.

53. Physiological principles of labor rationalization

As you know, any labor process can be divided into operations, techniques, actions, movements.

Labor processes are classified according to the following criteria:

1) by type:

a) grasping;

b) supporting;

c) moving;

d) liberation;

2) according to the method of performing the movement;

3) by accuracy:

a) free;

b) adaptive;

4) by functional purpose:

a) basic;

b) correction;

c) additional;

d) emergency;

d) wrong.

A labor action is a set of labor movements performed without interruption by one or more human organs, for example, take a pen or a part.

When optimizing the structure of labor actions, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of eliminating corrective and additional actions. Labor actions are classified according to two principles:

1) according to the principle of universality:

a) through (take, put, raise);

b) specific;

2) in accordance with their name:

a) moving;

b) connecting;

c) equipment management.

The design and rationalization of labor operations consist in organic merging into a single system according to the laws of production expediency and reflex self-regulation.

The rationalization of labor movements is an important reserve for the growth of labor productivity.

Any labor movement can be characterized from three sides:

1) mechanical, in which the movement is characterized by force, pace, speed, trajectory;

2) psychological, in which movement can be characterized on the basis of dividing them into basic, additional, emergency, superfluous, adaptive, etc.;

3) physiological - the labor movement is considered as a motor conditioned reflex, in which the labor operation is considered from the point of view of reflexes.

Motor action can be characterized as a set of interrelated components of motor reactions, which requires dynamic and static efforts.

Evaluation of the rationality of working movements takes into account their speed, ease of implementation and optimal energy consumption.

The rationalization of working movements is based on the following principles: the correct use of active and passive forces, smoothness, continuity and rhythm of movements, roundness or ovality of the trajectory of moving links, a moderate range of movements, a combination of both hands, elimination of unnecessary movements, limitation of static stresses, etc.

54. Labor protection

We must not forget while observing safety regulations and labor protection. Occupational safety is understood as a system of maintaining health and, most importantly, human life in the process of fulfilling his labor duties.

Every employee has the right to work at workplaces that are safe for his health. Also, within the framework of labor safety, the employee has the right to:

1) compulsory social insurance against accidents at work and occupational diseases in accordance with federal law; obtaining reliable information from the employer and the relevant state authorities about the conditions and labor protection at the workplace, about the existing risk and harm to health;

2) refusal to perform work in the event of a danger to his life and health due to violation of labor protection requirements, with the exception of cases provided for by federal laws, until such danger is eliminated;

3) provision of means of individual and collective protection in accordance with the requirements of labor protection at the expense of the employer; training in safe working methods and techniques at the expense of the employer;

4) professional retraining at the expense of the employer in case of liquidation of the workplace due to violation of labor protection requirements; a request for an inspection of labor conditions and labor protection at his workplace by federal executive authorities, employees who carry out state examination of working conditions, as well as trade union control bodies for compliance with labor and labor protection legislation;

5) appeal to state authorities of the Russian Federation, state authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments, to the employer, to associations of employers, as well as to trade unions, their associations and other representative bodies authorized by employees on labor protection issues;

6) personal participation or participation through their representatives in the consideration of issues related to ensuring safe working conditions at his workplace, and in the investigation of an accident at work or an occupational disease that happened to him;

7) an extraordinary medical examination (examination) in accordance with medical recommendations with the preservation of his place of work (position) and average earnings during the passage of the specified medical examination (examination); compensations established by law, the employment contract, if he is engaged in hard work and work with harmful and / or dangerous working conditions.

55. Measures to combat monotony

The best way to combat boredom is to expand the range of responsibilities, complicate the work or enrich it with such functions and responsibilities that can act as incentives for a particular employee. The manager needs to pay attention to the mode and schedule of work of employees, to social and physical working conditions:

1) pay attention to the noise level in the room where the main work takes place, since if the noise level in the room exceeds the norm, it is difficult for the employee to concentrate on the performance of his work duties, the noise in the room also leads to certain psychological consequences, such as lowering or hearing loss. It should be noted that sometimes a noisy environment is the cost of certain professions and there is no getting away from it. However, hearing loss in such cases is equated to an industrial injury, and the employer is obliged to pay compensation;

2) the color scheme of the room is also very important for working employees. Of course, the color of the walls does not affect the psychological microclimate in the team, the productivity of labor, the reduction in the level of marriage, the accident rate. But a certain color can add coziness to the interior of the room, give it a more pleasant working environment. The color of the walls also affects the perception of a person, an employee, and the size of the room. For example, painting walls in light colors visually makes the room more spacious, while dark-colored walls visually reduce the space.

Interior decorators say that reds and oranges are warm, while blues and greens are cool. And this means that if you just choose the wrong color tone for the walls, the efficiency of the team may decrease, and the manager will have to listen to complaints from employees instead of work; 3) Recently, many scientists have conducted research on the effect of lighting on human performance, and found that long-term engagement in small work or reading a book in dim lighting affects vision and significantly reduces it. Very bright, dazzling light or, conversely, dim lighting adversely affect productivity. And you can also pay attention to the rational organization of the labor process; increasing the employee's interest in the work task; ensuring visual productivity of work for the employee; attracting machines to facilitate the work of workers; alternation of work activity; establishing the optimal duration of work; development of a system of material and moral incentives.

56. The concept of ergonomics and modern ergonomics

Ergonomics (from the Greek ergon - "work", no-mos - "law" or "law of work") is a field of knowledge that comprehensively studies human labor activity in the "man - technology - environment" system in order to ensure efficiency, safety and comfort of work. Therefore, studies of ergonomics are based on determining the patterns of mental and physiological processes that underlie certain types of labor activity, studying the features of human interaction with tools and objects of labor.

The first prerequisites for the development of a new science of labor were laid in 1857 and based on the study of the regularities of the science of nature proposed by Voitekh Jastrzembowski.

The emergence of ergonomics was facilitated by the problems associated with the introduction and operation of new equipment and technologies in the twentieth century, namely the growth of injuries at work, staff turnover, etc., since scientific and technological progress began to gain momentum and this required a new unification of sciences with active involvement of psychology, hygiene and much more.

Modern ergonomics acts as an integral science of labor activity, which allows you to increase labor efficiency by optimizing working conditions and all processes associated with it. Under the efficiency of labor in this case is not only high labor productivity, but also a positive impact on the personality of the worker, satisfaction with his work. The data obtained with the help of ergonomics are used in the development of recommendations in the system of scientific organization of labor. Ergonomics solves the problems of optimizing labor activity, promotes labor protection, ensuring its hygiene and labor safety. And if labor hygiene in ergonomics is organized on the basis of the requirements of physiology and medicine, then the ergonomic aspect of labor safety is solved mainly with the direct intervention of psychology. It should be noted that ergonomics is concerned not only with the improvement of working conditions with existing equipment, but also with the development of recommendations for the design of new equipment and a new organization of labor from the standpoint of the requirements of this science. Based on the psychological, hygienic and other working conditions, it develops appropriate requirements for technology, including technical safety equipment.

Modern ergonomics explores not only the improvement of working conditions with the existing technical equipment, but also the development of recommendations for a new organization of labor from the standpoint of the requirements of this science.

Authors: Boronova G.Kh., Prusova N.V.

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