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thermal procedures. Medical care for a child

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Thermal treatments, which can be done at home, allow not only to quickly recover from colds and other diseases, but also to prevent complications, prevent the development of the disease, and even refuse drug treatment.

How do thermal procedures work on a child's body? They have a vasodilating effect, which increases the blood circulation process and increases the body's defenses. Therefore, thermal procedures also play an important preventive role. But most often, thermal procedures are recommended for acute and protracted respiratory diseases, with hypothermia, as a distracting effect in case of difficulty breathing and coughing. Every parent should be able to fulfill them. Thermal procedures include baths, warm compresses, mustard plasters, wraps, plasters, poultices, applications with various substances.


It is impossible to carry out thermal procedures for a child at an elevated body temperature (above 37,5 ° C).

The mustard

Mustard plasters are sheets of paper coated on one side with a thin layer of defatted dry powder obtained from black mustard seeds. It is this powder that acts on the skin as an irritant and distraction. The active ingredient of mustard is essential mustard oil and volatile substances - phytoncides, which are released under the influence of water and the enzyme present in the mustard itself.

How mustard plasters work

Mustard plasters cause reddening of the skin and expansion of the vascular network, stimulating blood flow to the site of their application. At the same time, the excitability of the autonomic nervous system - sympathetic and parasympathetic - increases. As a result of a reflex increase in the tone of the nervous system and the accumulation of excitation products (adrenaline, norepinephrine) in the blood, the protective function of the child's body increases. It is on this principle that the use of mustard plasters as stimulants of the child's immunity during a cold is based. Therefore, mustard plasters are widely used for respiratory diseases in children.

A distracting effect is the creation of an additional focus of irritation with the help of mustard plaster, which weakens the blood supply to the diseased organ, thereby reducing its inflammation. For example, if a child is sick with stenosing laryngotracheitis, which is accompanied by difficulty breathing, a deep cough, and a hoarse voice. For a distracting effect, mustard plasters are placed on the calf areas of the legs. As a result of the redistribution of blood, the process of inflammation and swelling of the larynx decreases.

How to put mustard plasters

  • You will need:
  • mustard plasters;
  • a bowl of warm water;
  • two wide pieces of gauze;
  • towel;
  • warm sunflower oil;
  • petroleum jelly or moisturizing baby cream;
  • blanket.
Where to put mustard plasters

Before putting mustard plasters, consult a doctor which place on the skin is preferable. Mustard plasters are applied on the chest or on the back, the lateral and front surface of the chest, except for the heart area and the spine area. With tracheitis, mustard plasters are placed in the center of the chest from the jugular fossa (at the base of the neck) to the base of the sternum (1-2 pieces). For a distracting effect, mustard plasters are placed on the calves of the legs.


Mustard plasters should not be placed on the heart area and on the spine.

Preparing for the procedure

Examine the child's skin carefully. It should be even and smooth, without irritation, redness and rashes. In this case, before the procedure, consult your doctor. But even if there are no contraindications, mustard plasters will cause severe irritation and pain, so it is better to do without them. In addition, some children have very sensitive skin, which begins to redden and "burn" after 3-5 minutes. For others, this process is less painful, and the effect of mustard plasters begins only after 7-10 minutes. Therefore, if you are using mustard plasters for the first time, put 1-2 mustard plasters and see how the child reacts to them.


1. Moisten gauze with sunflower oil and apply it to the desired place (back, above the sternum, or in another place recommended by the doctor). Young children need to put mustard plasters through a napkin made of linen or cotton fabric.

2. Dip the mustard plaster in a bowl of warm water, moisten for a few seconds and attach to the gauze with the mustard side, then press firmly. So put all the mustard plasters.

3. Top mustard plasters with a towel and cover the child with a blanket.

4. After a few minutes, the child will feel warm, and sometimes burning.

5. Check the skin every 2-3 minutes (younger children should check the condition of the skin every 30-60 seconds). If pronounced redness appears, the mustard plaster must be removed immediately, and the reddened area should be washed with warm water. You can then lubricate the skin with sterile vaseline or vegetable oil.

6. Usually, after 5-10 minutes, the skin under mustard plasters acquires a persistent red color. At this time, mustard plasters are removed.

7. If a child cannot tolerate severe burning and pain, then he does not tolerate this procedure well. Remove mustard plasters, despite the fact that not enough time has passed.

8. Soak a piece of gauze in warm water and gently rub the skin to remove any remaining mustard powder.

9. Now wipe the skin dry with a towel and lubricate with petroleum jelly or baby cream.


It is impossible to keep mustard plasters for more than 10 minutes, so as not to get a skin burn.

Mustard plasters

In them, mustard is placed in special cells. They are more convenient than ordinary mustard plasters in that they do not have an excessive irritating effect on the skin, but they give a good warming effect. There are four cells in a standard mustard plaster package that can be cut off and used in a small limited area. The technique for setting mustard plasters is the same as for ordinary mustard plasters.

Contraindications for setting mustard plasters


Skin diseases.

mustard wraps

Mustard wraps are performed in cases where it is necessary to reduce blood flow to the internal organs. This procedure has a calming and diaphoretic effect. Mustard wraps can be local (for example, only on the chest) and general.

Mustard wraps can be repeated every other day, only 3-4 times during the period of acute respiratory infections.

How to make mustard wraps

1. Take 70-100 g of dry mustard and fill it with 2 liters of hot water (80°C). Mix thoroughly.

2. Cool the mixture for 3-5 minutes.

3. Then pour the liquid part into another bowl.

4. Soak a cotton sheet or diaper in the prepared solution and wring it out.

5. Wrap it around the child's chest from the collarbone to the navel. Small children can wrap the whole body up to the heels, while a diaper is placed in the perineum, and if the child has diaper rash, they are protected with gauze pads.

6. Close the diaper soaked with mustard solution on top with a flannel diaper and a woolen blanket. In such a wrapped form, the child should be at least 20-30 minutes. If the baby begins to worry earlier, and red spots appear on the skin, then the procedure should be completed earlier.

7. To increase sweating during the procedure, give the child sweet tea.

8. After the end of the procedure, remove the diaper, and pour or wipe the child with warm water. Then dry thoroughly and dress warmly.

9. Lay in a pre-warmed bed.

Medical banks

Medical banks used to be very widely used for respiratory diseases in school-age children. However, some complications of this procedure have now been identified, in particular: massive hemorrhages in the skin and subcutaneous tissue, as well as impaired microcirculation in the lung tissue.

However, controlling the condition of the skin, the use of cans is quite acceptable, but only in adolescents. Cupping massage is safer for young children.

Currently, medical banks are being actively developed and introduced into healthcare practice, which do not need to be placed using an ignited rod. These are the so-called medical pneumatic cups. They are made from special plastic. Cans are installed by compression or with the help of a special device without the use of fire. Pneumatic cans can be used as conventional medical cups and for cupping massage, they are very convenient in the treatment of young children.

Contraindications to cupping and cupping massage

Skin diseases, especially pustular.

Diseases of the blood.

Signs of increased bleeding.

High body temperature.

General exhaustion.

Excessive excitement of the child.

Cupping technique (children over 14 years old)

1. Choose a flat surface of the body, where there are no bony protrusions and depressions. These are the areas of the sides, under the shoulder blades, between the shoulder blades and the spine.

2. Lubricate the skin with petroleum jelly or warm vegetable sterile oil.

3. Wrap the cotton wool tightly on the end of the metal stick.

4. Dip the prepared rod with cotton wool in alcohol and wring it out slightly, pressing it against the edges of the vial. Immediately close the bottle tightly and set aside (so that it does not tip over and flare up).

5. Ignite the cotton wool moistened with alcohol by placing it on the rod.

6. Take the jar in your left hand, and quickly bring the flame inside the jar with your right hand and perform a slight circular motion without touching the walls of the jar. The flame in the jar should be held for 1-2 seconds so that the edges of the jar do not heat up and cause skin burns. When oxygen burns inside the jar, an air rarefaction (vacuum) is formed and due to this, it is sucked to the surface of the skin.

7. Pull out the burning rod.

8. Hold the jar firmly against your body.

9. In this way, place several cans, at a distance of 1-3 cm from one another.

10. Cover the baby over the jars with a blanket.

11. Keep jars should be 5-10 minutes.

12. Remove cans very carefully so as not to hurt the child. To do this, slightly tilt the jar to the side with your left hand, and lightly press the skin at the neck of the jar from the opposite side with the finger of your right hand. Air penetrates into the resulting gap, and the can easily lags behind. Intense coloration of the skin inside the jar before the specified period is a signal that it is time to remove the jars.

13. After removing the cans, wipe the skin with light movements with a soft towel.

14. After cans, the child should lie in bed for 1-2 hours.

15. If a strong bruise has formed, then it should be lubricated with troxevasin ointment and the jar should not be used anymore.

Cupping massage combines the influencing factors of cupping and massage. Do 5-7 procedures, you can carry them out daily or every other day.

Performing cupping massage

1. Lubricate the massaged surface with heated oil (vaseline, sunflower, etc.).

2. Take a prepared clean dry jar with a capacity of 100-200 ml.

3. Prepare a metal or glass rod with cotton wool tightly wound.

4. Dip the cotton on the rod in alcohol and wring it out on the edge of the dish with alcohol.

5. Light the rod.

6. Insert a rod with lit cotton wool into the jar for 1-2 seconds. Quickly remove it, and quickly attach the jar to the desired area of ​​​​the body (as with conventional medical cups).

7. With a suction jar, make sliding massage movements from the lower back to the cervical spine. Bank movements can be different - zigzag, circular, up and down.

8. Perform cupping massage for 5-15 minutes.

9. Remove the jar in the same way as a regular medical one.

10. After the end of the massage, wrap the child in a blanket, give him a glass of tea with lemon.


Poultices are used in local inflammatory processes for their faster resorption. The duration of the procedure is determined by the rate of cooling of the poultice. For poultices, flaxseed, oats, bran are used.

Poultice setting technique

1. Prepare two cotton bags a size slightly larger than the surface area on which you will apply the poultices.

2. Take dry seeds of plants or flowers (leaves, grass) and pour them into bags so that they become 2-3 cm thick.

3. Sew up the pouches.

4. Immerse the bags for 3-10 minutes in boiling water (if flowers are used, the boil time should be shorter).

5. Remove the bags from the water and wring out with a wooden spatula.

6. Wrap the bags in a clean linen or cloth and apply to the sore spot alternately. Place a wool scarf over the poultice.

Warming pepper patches

A warming (pepper) plaster is used for colds, neuralgia and other diseases. The procedure must be agreed with the doctor. The size of the patch and the place of application are also in most cases determined by the doctor. The duration of the procedure is from several hours to 2 days, depending on the degree of skin redness, burning sensation.

Heating patch technique

1. Lubricate the area of ​​​​the skin on which you will put the patch with an alcohol solution, then wipe it dry with a towel.

2. Remove the protective film from the patch.

3. Apply the adhesive side of the patch to the skin and press lightly to avoid air bubbles.

Paraffin applications

Paraffin has a high heat capacity and low thermal conductivity at a melting point of 52-55°C. It blocks the access of air to the skin, thus creating the effect of a mini-sauna - the skin temperature rises to 38 - 40°C. With paraffin applications, deep warming is achieved, tissue respiration improves, sweating is activated, the skin is freed from toxic metabolic products. This procedure is used for subacute and chronic inflammatory processes.

For paraffin applications, only special purified paraffin is used, and not candle. In some pharmacies, a special bath and mittens are additionally sold to it. The duration of the first procedure is 15-20 minutes, the subsequent ones - up to 30-40 minutes.

Technique of imposing paraffin applications

1. To melt paraffin, take two pans - a large one and a small one, which will fit in a large one.

2. Place a wooden rack in a large saucepan and pour water into the saucepan.

3. Dip the wax into the smaller saucepan.

4. Place the paraffin pot in a large pot with a wire rack and water.

5. Put both pans (one inside the other) on the stove and melt the paraffin in a water bath. Paraffin is sterilized at a temperature of 110-120°C for 2-3 minutes.

6. Then remove the pans from the stove and cool the paraffin to about 60-70°C.

7. Wipe the skin with alcohol or rinse well with water, and then wipe dry. Do not use petroleum jelly or other oils before waxing.

8. Pour the melted hardening paraffin into a small bowl. With a wide brush (you can use a shaving brush), quickly apply it in a thin layer on a piece of dense fabric. The size of the fabric should correspond to the size of the area on which the application is applied.

9. Very quickly, while the paraffin has not cooled down, wrap the treated tissue (paraffin to the skin) around the desired area of ​​the body.

10. Older children can apply heated paraffin directly to the skin. Before that, you need to check the temperature of the paraffin on the inside of the wrist - the paraffin should not be scalding, but warm and pleasant. When paraffin is applied, a thin paraffin film is quickly formed on the body, which protects the skin from the action of hotter paraffin applied in layers already on top of this film.

11. From above, the place of application should be wrapped with oilcloth, a warm scarf or a layer of cotton wool.

12. Cover the baby with a blanket.

13. After paraffin, the child should be in bed for at least 1-2 hours, so it is better to carry out the procedure one hour before bedtime.

Applications of ozocerite

Ozokerite is a mountain wax. The heat-retaining capacity of ozokerite is much higher than that of paraffin. Applications of ozokerite, as well as paraffin, are used for protracted and chronic diseases on the recommendation of the attending physician.

Ozokerite Application Technique

1. Heat the ozokerite in a saucepan in a water bath to a temperature of about 100 ° C, stirring continuously with a wooden spatula until the formation of foam stops.

2. To apply using the gauze napkin method, prepare two napkins from 10-15 layers of gauze or thin knitwear according to the size of the intended application area.

3. Soak the napkins with melted ozocerite, wring out evenly with hands in cotton gloves (to avoid burns) or with a wooden spatula.

4. Put the prepared napkin on plastic wrap or compress paper and apply to the sore spot with the side where the ozocerite is.

5. Before making an application, make sure that it is not very hot and will not burn the skin. To do this, attach the corner of the application to your back surface of the hand and determine whether the temperature of the ozocerite is suitable for the child. The temperature of a napkin with ozocerite adjacent to the skin should be 38-42°C.

6. Apply hotter ozocerite - 45-60°С on the second napkin. Put it on top of the first one.

7. Secure the appliqué with folded diapers or a sheet.

Cuvette-application method of ozocerite applications

1. Place a cloth-based oilcloth on the bottom of an enameled bowl. On oilcloth - molten ozocerite with a layer of 1-1,5 cm.

2. After a few minutes, it will cool down to 55-60 ° C and turn into a thick jelly.

3. Remove the oilcloth from the bath along with the ozocerite cake and apply it on the skin area.

4. Put a diaper over the oilcloth, wrap it with a layer of cotton wool and bandage it.

Duration of warming up: 20-40 minutes, depending on the tolerance of the procedure by the child.


Be sure to monitor how the child tolerates the procedure. If he cries, resists and cannot calm down for a long time after the procedure, then refuse to carry it out.

Healing baths

The choice of the type of therapeutic bath for a child should be agreed with the attending physician. Various medicinal substances and herbs, essential oils, sea salt in its pure form or with the addition of extracts of medicinal plants (eucalyptus, linden, calendula, lavender, etc.), as well as mustard are used for these baths. Mustard baths are used for respiratory diseases. Their duration is 3-7 minutes.

Carrying out a mustard bath

1. Pour 10 liters of water at 36°C into the bath.

2. Dilute 100 g of mustard in a bowl of warm water and pour into the bath.

3. Lay or seat your baby in the bath. You can put a cool compress on the child's head.

4. Gradually raise the water temperature to 38°C.

5. Monitor the skin and condition of the child. Excessive redness or blanching of the skin, increased heart rate and breathing should not be allowed.

6. After a hot bath, the child should be put to bed for 2-3 hours or take a bath in the evening before going to bed.

At home, you can use both general and hand and foot baths. Hand baths are used to treat and prevent colds.

The duration of the hand bath is 10 minutes. Foot baths are recommended as a distracting procedure for respiratory diseases, including an attack of bronchial asthma and stenosing laryngotracheitis. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes, the course is at least 5 baths daily or every other day.

Hand bath

1. Prepare a baby bath or basin.

2. Immerse the child's hands in warm water with a temperature of 36-37 ° C up to the elbow.

3. Increase the water temperature gradually to 40°C.

4. To enhance the irritating effect, you can add a little dry (1 des. Spoon per 1 liter of water) or ordinary mustard (10 g per 1 liter of water) to the water, provided that the child does not have hypersensitivity to it.

Foot bath

1. Have your child sit on a bed or in a chair, wrapped in a warm blanket or blanket.

2. Pour water with a temperature of 36-37°C into an enameled bucket or a deep basin.

3. Lower the child's legs (preferably up to the knees) into the basin and gradually add hot water, bringing the temperature to 40 ° C.

4. As with hand baths, mustard can be added if the child does not get more short of breath or laryngospasm from it.

5. After the mustard bath, rinse your feet with warm water and put on dry cotton socks. Put the child to bed.

Various oils can also be used for hot foot baths. Currently, in pharmacies you can buy an oil solution, which is called the "Warming Bath", which includes rosemary oil, mountain pine oil, red pepper extract, tocopherol. This remedy can be used for children over 3 years of age.

Warm compresses

A warm compress serves to retain the heat that is emitted by the body itself. Most often it is used for pain in the ear or throat.


You can not do to young children with pneumonia, rashes and pustular skin diseases.

Technique of the procedure

1. Prepare a warm compress with three layers: inner, middle and outer. The inner layer (wet) is a piece of clean, dense, but soft fabric (gauze napkin of 6-8 layers or linen). The middle layer of the compress (insulating) is usually made of special compress (waxed) paper, polyethylene film, thin oilcloth. As an outer (insulating) layer, a layer of cotton wool 2-3 cm thick or a woolen scarf, scarf, flannel is used. Each subsequent layer should be wider and longer than the previous one by 2 cm.

2. Moisten the inner layer of the compress with an alcohol solution (take 1 parts water for 2 part alcohol).

3. Apply it to the sore spot. On top of this layer, apply a medium oilcloth layer of a compress and cover with an outer warming layer of cotton wool. Bandage tightly or secure with a scarf.

4. For small children, keep the compress for 2-4 hours, for older children - 6-10 hours.

5. Then remove the two inner layers and leave only the top insulation layer for another 4-6 hours.


If the compress is applied correctly, its inner layer remains moist all the time. When the compress is not tightly applied, and also when the compress paper and cotton wool do not completely cover the wet layer of the compress, intense evaporation occurs, and instead of warming, the compress cools the body area.

Ear compresses

For a warm compress on the ear area, in the inner and middle layer of the compress, cut an elliptical hole for the auricle.


If local skin irritation occurs in the form of a rash or redness, re-use of the compress should be discarded.

In such a situation, then only dry heat is used (a bag of heated sterile sand or table salt), warming up with a blue lamp.

heating pads

The effect of a heating pad is to dilate blood vessels, resulting in reduced inflammation and reduced pain. But the use of a heating pad has a number of contraindications.

Contraindications for the use of heating pads


Acute inflammatory processes in the abdominal cavity.

The first 1-2 days after a bruise or injury.

Heating pad technique

1. The heating pad is half filled, then it is softer and better covers the heated surface. For local heating, water at a temperature of 40 ° C should be used. To warm the legs and bed, the water in the heating pad can be 60 ° C.

2. Before tightening the plug, you need to remove air from the heating pad by pressing it from the sides. After tightening the cork, turn the heating pad over and make sure that it is well closed.

3. In order to avoid burns, the heating pad must not be placed directly on the naked body, it must first be wrapped in a towel.

For newborns, a heating pad is placed at a distance of 5-6 cm from the outstretched legs of the child. It should be remembered that in seriously ill patients, due to a decrease in skin sensitivity, burns may occur, so they need to more often examine the condition of the skin at the point of contact with the heating pad.

Replacement rubber pads

Plastic or glass bottles filled with hot water.

Electric heating pad (can be used for older children, following the safety rules and not leaving it on at night).

Special plastic bags filled with inert gel. The same bags after cooling in the refrigerator are used as a cold compress.

Application of special gel packs

1. Heat the bag in the microwave oven or in hot water.

2. Wrap it with dry gauze or a thin towel.

3. Attach to the sore spot and secure with a bandage or scarf.

4. Keep on the body as long as the warming effect is maintained.

5. If necessary, reheat the bag and repeat the procedure.

Author: Basharova N.A.

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