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Instructions on labor protection for an employee cleaning tanks at oil product supply enterprises. Full Document

Occupational Safety and Health

Occupational Safety and Health / Standard instructions for labor protection

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1. General safety requirements

1.1. This instruction provides for the basic requirements for organizing the safe performance of tank cleaning operations at oil product supply enterprises.

1.2. In the course of cleaning operations, in addition to the requirements set forth in this manual, the requirements of the instructions for organizing the safe conduct of gas hazardous work must also be met.

1.3. Cleaning of tanks from oil products should be carried out by specially trained and trained workers admitted to this work by the medical commission.

Before starting cleaning work, employees must be instructed on labor safety measures in accordance with the instructions of the enterprise for this type of work. A note about the briefing is made in the personal briefing card and the work permit for the performance of work of increased danger (hereinafter referred to as the "work permit").

Persons under the age of 18 and women are not allowed to clean the tanks.

1.4. Members of the tank cleaning team must be provided with:

  • canvas suit;
  • tarpaulin boots;
  • tarpaulin mittens;

When cleaning tanks from leaded gasoline additionally:

  • underwear;
  • canvas apron.

For outdoor work in winter additionally:

  • a cotton jacket with an insulating lining;
  • cotton trousers with insulating lining.

1.5. By order of the enterprise, a responsible person from among the specialists is appointed, who determines the technology for cleaning the reservoir, taking into account local conditions and features of the work.

When cleaning work is carried out by an external organization, a person from this organization is appointed responsible for compliance with the requirements and safety instructions.

1.6. Cleaning of the tank is carried out only in the daytime.

1.7. The place of cleaning work must be provided with fire extinguishing equipment and personal protective equipment.

2. Safety requirements before starting work

2.1. Before cleaning the tanks, all preparatory measures specified in the work permit must be completed.

2.2. The composition of the cleaning team and the marks on the completion of the briefing are entered in the work permit (Appendix 1) by the person responsible for carrying out the cleaning work.

2.3. The team can start working inside the tank only after receiving a completed act of readiness of the tank for stripping work (Appendix 2), signed by a commission consisting of a chief engineer, a safety engineer, a representative of the commodity shop and a firefighter.

During the work, the presence of a responsible person for cleaning the tank is mandatory.

2.4. The tool used must be made of a material that does not spark when struck. Tools and fixtures must be checked and prepared for work. It is forbidden to work with faulty tools and devices.

2.5. To illuminate the tank, only portable rechargeable explosion-proof lights with a voltage of not more than 12 V are used. Turning them on and off should be done outside the tank bund.

2.6. The team cleaning leaded gasoline tanks must be provided with degassers: bleach, kerosene, hot water, soap, and a first aid kit.

3. Safety requirements during work

3.1. Work in the tank, as a rule, is carried out in a gas mask. Work without respiratory protective equipment is allowed by the chief engineer, provided that the volume fraction of oxygen inside the tank is at least 20%, and the content of harmful vapors and gases is less than the maximum allowable concentration (MPC). In this case, the possibility of harmful, explosive and explosive vapors and gases from outside entering the tank should be excluded.

3.2. Work in the tank is allowed when the air temperature in the tank is below 35°C and the relative humidity is not higher than 70%.

3.3. After removing the remaining oil product, the tank must be disconnected from all pipelines, except for the stripping one, by installing plugs with a tail indicator. Then the tank is steamed and washed with water for the time specified by the production instruction.

3.4. The installation and removal of plugs should be logged. Places for installing plugs must be brought to the attention of the workers in this area.

Information about the installation locations of the plugs is recorded in a special log.

3.5. During work to remove sediment, the tank is intensively ventilated and the content of harmful vapors and gases in it is monitored at least every 1 hour. The results of the analyzes are recorded in the "Analysis Log" (Appendix 3).

Control air analyzes are also carried out during breaks in stripping work for more than 1 hour, when signs of oil product vapors entering the tank are detected, or when the meteorological situation changes.

In the event of an increase in the concentration of harmful vapors above sanitary standards, cleaning work is immediately stopped, workers are removed from the danger zone.

3.6. Stripping can be continued only after identifying the reasons for the increase in the concentration of harmful vapors and taking measures to reduce their concentration to sanitary standards. The decrease in vapor concentration must be confirmed by air analysis.

The results of the analysis are documented in a certificate (Appendix 4).

3.7. When cleaning deposits with pyrophoric compounds, additional precautions must be taken - to prevent the deposits from drying out, to keep them moist.

Clean up removed dirt and deposits in a specially designated place.

It is forbidden to dump dirt and deposits into the sewer.

3.8. When entering the tank, the worker must be in overalls, safety shoes, a hose insulating gas mask, with a safety belt with cross-shaped straps and a signal rope. The end of the rope brought out of the hatch of the tank must have a length of at least 5 m. The serviceability of the rescue belt must be checked by the worker and the work manager each time before using it by external inspection.

The manhole hatch must have at least two observers in the same personal protective equipment. Supervisors must:

  • monitor the signal and behavior of the worker;
  • monitor the condition of the air hose of the gas mask and the location of the air intake device;
  • if necessary, evacuate the worker from the tank.

3.9. When cleaning tanks, hose gas masks are used to provide breathable clean air.

If it is necessary to carry out work at a distance of more than 10 m from the place of clean air intake, a hose gas mask with forced air supply should be used, with mandatory constant monitoring of the operation of the blower.

The gas mask must be in good condition and properly sized.

The use of filtering gas masks is prohibited. The entrance (admission) of the worker to the tank is allowed by those responsible for the stripping.

3.10. The duration of continuous work in a gas mask in the tank should not be more than 15 minutes, after which the employee should rest in the fresh air for at least 15 minutes.

3.11. Portable wooden ladders used to lower the worker into the tank, work inside it and rise from the tank must be in good working order and comply with safety conditions.

Checking the serviceability, stability and reliability of fixing the stairs at the place of work is carried out in the presence of the person responsible for the work.

3.12. The worker, when descending into the tank and when leaving it, should not hold any objects. All tools necessary for work must be fed into the tank in a way that prevents them from falling, sparking, and injuring workers.

3.13. It is forbidden to enter the tank during mechanized washing and degassing of the tank.

4. Safety requirements in emergency situations

4.1. When performing cleaning work in the tank, an emergency situation may occur due to an increase in gas content, fire and explosion inside the tank, etc.

Cleaning workers, in the event of an emergency, must immediately leave the tank, inform the fire brigade, and the management of the enterprise.

4.2. The procedure for the actions of the tank farm personnel in the event of an emergency should be determined in an extract from the emergency response plan developed at the enterprise.

4.3. Stripping work must be stopped at the request of the person responsible for stripping, the head of the workshop, a representative of the safety service, and representatives of inspecting authorities.

4.4. If a worker shows signs of poisoning, the person responsible for the stripping must instruct to immediately stop work, urgently evacuate the victim from the tank for first aid, and, if necessary, send him to a medical facility. Further cleaning work can be resumed only after the elimination of the causes that caused the poisoning of the worker.

5. Safety requirements at the end of work

5.1. After the completion of the stripping work, an act is drawn up for the performed stripping (Appendix 5) by the person responsible for the work.

5.2. Carefully inspect the space inside the tank and make sure that there are no objects left.

5.3. Wipe the working tool and fixtures and put them away in the place intended for them.

5.4. Clean the gas mask from dirt, wipe the inner and outer surfaces of the mask, glasses.

Put the gas mask in a bag and hand it over for storage.

5.5. After finishing work, change clothes, take a shower.

Appendix 1 is mandatory. Work permit for the performance of high-risk work

1.Issued to (to) _______________________________________________________________

position of the work manager (responsible for the execution of work), full name, date

2. For the performance of work __________________________________________________

the nature and content of the work, dangerous and harmful production factors are indicated

3. Place of work _____________________________________________

4. The composition of the brigade of performers (including understudies, observers)

(If there are a large number of members of the brigade, its composition and the required information are given in the attached list with a note about this in this paragraph)

№ p / p


Executable function

Qualification (rank, electrical safety group)

Familiarized with the working conditions, received instructions






Foreman (responsible, senior performer, foreman)


5. Planned time of work

Start _______________ time ______________ date

End ____________ time ______________ date

6. Safety measures ___________________________________

the organizational and technical security measures taken during the preparation of the facility for high-risk work and during their implementation, means of collective and individual protection, mode of operation are indicated

7. Required applications ________________________________________________

name of schemes, sketches of analyzes, PPR, etc.


8.Special conditions _________________________________________________________

including the presence of persons supervising the work


9. Order issued by ______________________________________________________________

position, full name, signature of the person who issued the order,



10. Agreed:

Fire brigade representative _______________ ________________ signature surname

"______" ______________ 19 ____

11. The object is prepared for work:

Responsible for the preparation of the object ________________

position, full name, ________________ signature

________________ date Time

Head of work ___________________________________________________ position, full name, signature

________________ date Time

12. I admit to the performance of work: _______________________________________ position, full name, signature

13. A mark on the daily admission to work, the end of the stage of work


Security measures according to clause 6 are fulfilled


Beginning of work



Time (h, min)

Authorizing Signature

Work manager's signature

Time (h, min)

Authorizing Signature


14. Work permit extended until _____________________________________________

date, time, signature of the issuer


15. The extension of the work permit is agreed:

Fire brigade representative ______________ _____________ signature name

"______" ______________ 19 ____

16. I allow ___________________ to perform work for the extension period


admitting position, full name, signature, date, time

17. Change in the composition of the team of performers

Introduced into the brigade

Removed from the brigade



Familiarized with the working conditions, instructed (signature)

Qualification, category, group

Executable function

Date Time


Date Time

Executable function



18. The work was completed in full, the workplaces were put in order, the tools and materials were removed, people were taken out, the work permit was closed ________


work supervisor, signature, date, time


shift leader (shift leader) at the place of work,


Full name, signature, date, time

Appendix 2



Business name


Director __________________ signature

"____" _________ 19


tank readiness No. for cleaning operations

"____" __________ 19 __ Enterprise


Object name

Composition Commission:


position, surname, name, patronymic



in the presence of a responsible person for cleaning up ______________________ position,


Full Name

made the present act as follows:

______________ we inspected and checked the readiness of the tank for


clean-up work _______________________________________________

name and

_____________________ from under _____________________________________________

number of the tank which oil product is stored

for _________________________________________________________________

specify the purpose and the required degree of stripping

During the inspection and verification, it was found that in preparation for work on

cleanup _____________________________________________________________

tank name and number

in accordance with the Labor Protection Rules and the Fire Safety Rules, the following has been done:

Name of events


Exemption of _____________________________ from petroleum products


Tank N


indicate the method of release and quantity


remaining oil product, m,


level, cm, characteristic of the residue

Disconnecting _________________ from all pipelines  
 Tank N  
by installing plugs (except for cleaning) ___________  
Steaming ___________________________________________  

start and end time of steaming,


steaming temperature, °C,


air temperature, °C

Exemption from liquefied residue ______________  

release method, amount of residue,


inflatable, m

The result of air analysis in ______________________  
 Tank N  

sampling time


name of the gas analyzer


for content:



Gas concentration, mg/l

Date and time of sampling

Analysis number and certificate issue date


Hydrogen sulfide      
Tetraethyl lead      

The following cleaning equipment has been prepared: ____________________ pumps,


pipelines, washing machines, ejectors and other equipment






Tank N ______ inspected and accepted for stripping

Remarks on the preparation of the tank N ______, communications and others

funds ________________________________________________________________

if yes, please indicate which

Responsible for cleaning the tank ____________________ surname, initials

____________________ signature

Appendix 3 is mandatory. Journal of accounting for the concentration of hydrocarbons and other gases in tanks and production facilities

_________________ An association Started ______________ 19 ___
_________________ Tank farm Finished ___________ 19 ___

Issued number certificate, selected sample and analysis

Date and clock sampling

Storage (pomewhere the sample was taken from

Sampling location from repositories

From under what oil product

Analysis results (vapour concentration), mg/l


hydrogen sulfide


Number of issued certificate, sample taken and analysis

Method of analysis, name and number of the device

Surname of the laboratory assistant who took the sample and performed the analysis

Painting laboratory assistant

Date, time of issuance of certificate

Position and surname of the recipient

The painting of the person who received the certificate


Appendix 4 is mandatory. Reference number of air analysis in the tank

"____" _________ 19 at ______ h _________ min

At the tank farm in tank No. __________________________________________

an air sample was taken from under ____________________ _____________

name of the oil product


sampling method, name and number of the device

the analysis of which showed the content of hydrocarbon vapors: according to the norm ______

mg/l, actually ______ mg/l; hydrogen sulfide: according to the norm ______ mg / l, in fact

______ mg/l; tetraethyl lead: according to the norm ______ mg/l, actually ______ mg/l.

The certificate was issued at ______ hours ______ minutes "____" ___________ 19 ___

Head of laboratory ____________________ _____________

surname, initials signature

Laboratory assistant _____________________ _____________

surname, initials signature

Annex 5 mandatory


Business name


Director _________________


"____" _________ 19


for the performed cleaning of the tank No.

"____" _________ 19 Oil depot (ps) __________________


Object name

Commission consisting of a representative of the tank farm (ps) __________________________


name, tank farm number, position, full name


responsible persons for cleaning up __________________________________________


position, full name

inspected _____________________________________________________________

tank name and number

after stripping from under __________________________________________________

tank name and number

for filling _______________________________________________________

name of the oil product

The quality of the cleaning performed __________________________________________


meets the requirements of GOST 1510-84 _________________________________


Reservoir passed ____________________ _____________

surname, initials signature

Reservoir received ____________________ _____________

surname, initials signature.

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