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How to search for historical and military relics. Encyclopedia of radio electronics and electrical engineering

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The category of historical relics includes numerous items - traces of the life of our ancestors. It can be jewelry and crosses, and various household items - locks, keys, tools, knives, fish hooks, belt pads, buttons, weights, etc. Historical relics also include items associated with ancient wars and battles - arrowheads and spears, sabers, swords, daggers. Material traces of recent wars, apparently, should be called military relics or military souvenirs. These are helmets, firearms and their parts, flasks, soldier's canisters and tokens, awards, safes, tanks, planes, etc.

Unlike treasure hunting, which pursues the only goal - to get rich, the search for historical and military relics is mainly associated with replenishing one's collections with interesting ancient finds and military souvenirs, which often also have a high material value and are in great demand on the market.

How to search for historical and military relics
Rice. 39. Arrowheads XII-XIV centuries.

The technique of searching for historical relics differs from searching for coins only in that the work is usually carried out in the "All Metals" mode, since many iron finds are often of great interest.

However, one unpleasant feature should be noted when searching for historical relics - the ground in the search area is rarely flat and convenient for working with the device. You have to come to terms with this. In addition, during the search, mosquitoes, horseflies, ticks, snakes lie in wait for you, along with the often unfriendly manifestations of the inhabitants of the surrounding villages. Appropriate shoes and clothes, the ability to establish contacts with the local population are very important.

Another feature of the search for historical and military relics is that the search must be carried out in specific places where either people lived or battles and battles took place. This requires painstaking historical research in libraries and military archives.

When searching, if conditions permit (lack of tall grass, for example), it is recommended to use large coils (25-30 cm). Such coils catch small objects - buttons, crosses, bullets at a considerable depth. For reconnaissance, you can use special wide-width coils that allow you to quickly survey large areas. Having found a suitable site, further work is carried out with a standard coil, providing greater depth and easy detection of the exact location of the object in the ground.

It is recommended to use headphones with a volume control, setting the sound threshold of the device to the lowest level that you can still hear in the headphones. This helps to find small objects that lie deep enough.

When searching for historical relics, you should not rush. You should scan every square meter of the selected site methodically, carefully and completely, and in several directions.

If your instrument is manually adjusted from the pound, this operation must be carried out carefully. This allows you to work with the coil elevated above the ground, avoiding interference from grass and stones. Of course, keep in mind that the greatest depth of detection occurs when the coil is as close to the ground as possible, and as far as possible, try to do so. During operation, make sure that the position of the "ground balance" knob does not change. If this happens, for example, if the handle is accidentally dislodged by a sleeve or branches when you are pushing through the bushes, set it to its original position, otherwise the device will not work satisfactorily.

After extracting the find, always check the hole again with the device. It is not uncommon to find several items in one place.

Research is also needed in order to make sure that the place you are looking for is not a historical monument and is not prohibited from working on it. Unfortunately, many interesting places (fortifications, archaeological sites, etc.) are inaccessible for amateurs. However, in the course of your research, you will surely find places that are not yet known to archaeologists.

Promising places for the search for historical relics are the tracts, often marked on modern maps. A tract is a site that differs from the surrounding area (a forest in a field, a meadow in a forest) and bears the name of a settlement that once was there - a village, a farm, a monastery, etc. and is currently abandoned. As a rule, there are quite a lot of small finds. These are crosses, buckles, rings, coins, etc. In addition, there are possible finds of treasures.

It is advisable to get maps, both modern and old. And try to link objects that do not exist now - villages, churches, inns, estates, monasteries, chapels, mills, etc. to a modern map.

Having determined the coordinates of the tract on a modern map, using a GPS navigator, you can then easily find it in the real area. Arriving at the tract of interest to you, a beginner may be confused - all around is a plowed or overgrown field with tall grass, around which there is a dense forest. How to find out where the estate and other buildings were located?

How to search for historical and military relics
Rice. 40. Interesting finds can be found in such places

There are certain signs of a search for the site of a former settlement. So, if you see a clearing with Ivan-tea or nettles on an overgrown field, then perhaps these are places of former buildings or vegetable gardens. If the field is plowed up, which happens in spring or autumn, then the place of the settlement can be determined by the fragments of brick, fragments of glass, ceramics and porcelain, and the darker color of the soil.

It is more difficult to find a settlement in the forest, primarily because of limited visibility. Even in early spring, you can’t see anything further than 100-150 m in autumn, and even more so in summer, when everything is overgrown. However, it is thanks to plants that it is often possible to accurately determine the location of the settlement. If a person once settled in the forest and freed up space for himself, then a clearing turned out. After the departure of a person and the desolation of the settlement, the forest tries to regain its lost positions - the clearing begins to overgrow, first with shrubs, willow, bird cherry, then with tree species. The first to come to the vacant place (in central Russia) are birch, aspen, linden, then pine appears, jay spreads oak seeds - acorns.

Already under the canopy of an adult deciduous forest spruce sprouts. So, until the forest on the site of the abandoned settlement becomes equal to the untouched surrounding forest, it can take from 200 to 500 years. Trees and shrubs replace each other not at random, but in a certain order. And if you are good at distinguishing woody plants, then it will not be difficult for you to find out in a birch forest in the middle of a pine forest the place of an abandoned forest monastery or estate. All of the above concerns the natural processes occurring in nature. But man has always tried to change nature. Therefore, in the forest, you should always pay attention to unusual tree and shrub species. For example, in the forests of the Moscow region, trees such as larch, walnut, white poplar can only be planted artificially. Or, if you come across an unusual arrangement of trees, you should carefully check this place.

Trees growing in a row - this is already an alley, and if these are century-old lindens, then this is almost certainly a landowner's estate.

In the XNUMXth century even the smallest landowner tried to make his garden look like a regular park. Traces of such parks can be found in the most remote areas of the forests of Moscow and adjacent regions.

What tool might be needed? Well, firstly, increased requirements are placed on the shovel. It is understandable - the roots. This is not a meadow turf, here you can’t get by with one push of your foot on a shovel. And a sharpened shovel blade is no longer enough. Abroad, for such purposes, they produce special shovels with a sawtooth serrated hardened blade. Such a shovel can cost up to $ 50 there, but it deserves it. You will appreciate this when you see root trimmings up to 2 centimeters thick in a dug hole. The shovel cut through them without you noticing. For now, we have to look for such a shovel for a long time and without a guarantee of success. Maybe it will. It is clear that gardeners do not need this, for them a titanium shovel is the top of their dreams (light and the earth does not stick), and for artefact seekers, no one has yet thought of importing shovels on purpose. If there is no forest shovel, then you must definitely take a small sharp hatchet like a tourist one.

One of the main difficulties of searching in the forest is extracting finds. The roots you have encountered while working in the bush are nothing compared to the thick roots of the trees in the forest. Therefore, it must be borne in mind that most of the time during forest searches is spent on extracting finds.

In the forest, not every metal detector is suitable. A depth device like Pulse Star, SSP-2000ww 104-B will be practically useless. You can't turn around among the trees with a search frame 1x1 m in size. It's a little easier with Gemini-3, TM 808 two-frame depths. But you won't get through everywhere either. But with traditional devices - it's quite normal. Just do not need to attach a large coil for the same reasons, give preference to a standard coil or even a smaller one.

Naturally, working with a metal detector in the forest requires unique techniques and methods. If in a field or in a clearing you can swing the reel widely according to the principle of "swell your shoulder, swing your arm", then this will not work in the forest. It is impossible, as in an open place, to admire the surroundings, so briefly and with all your might to please the search coil into a tree, root or stump. The strokes should be shorter and stronger, you constantly need to look at the coil, and not around.

You have to come to terms with the fact that in the forest you will never check the entire surface. Somewhere a tree or a dense shrub grows, somewhere there is a stump. So be content with a partial survey. I witnessed how seekers in a fit of passion cut down shrubs and small trees, ripped off the forest floor with a rake in order to be closer to the ground in their search, but these are already extremes that only a very experienced and sophisticated searcher can go to in anticipation of a big and valuable booty.

Tall grass, which often grows on the sites of former settlements, can be trampled down or mowed with a sickle or scythe. If this fails, then it is better to leave the site until spring, when new grass has not yet grown.

The forest is growing. That is, it changes over time. It somehow disappears from the calculation of the seeker. One day, a typical case, we were approached by an elderly man, whose grandfather, in the late 20s. 500th century buried almost 70 gold coins in the forest behind his house. The amount is now considerable, but then it was not at all. Since it was in a hurry, before the arrest, he buried it all shallow. The forest was small, limited on all sides by the field, we thought about it and agreed to participate in the search. Why am I writing this? To the fact that, having come to the place, the heirs of the treasures were convinced that they should look under all the large fir trees. It didn't even occur to them that in XNUMX years the forest had changed, the small trees then grew up, and the big ones withered, fell and rotted or were cut down. So it turned out.

Or there was another case ... An underground millionaire, fearing arrest, in the early 80s. packed up his "gold reserve" in liter jars and buried it in the forest. Competently buried, according to all the rules, "10 steps west of the crooked oak" or something like that. He returned five or seven years later. I went to pick up my own, but it wasn’t there - he couldn’t find one jar. And the signs are in place, and everything seems to be like then, but there is no burial place. Psychic invited - no. When the author appeared with the device at this place, everything there looked like a battlefield: in the middle there was a large trench, even a dugout and the surface of the earth around in funnels.

The owner walked helplessly around this place of battle between man and nature and cursed. A good knowledge of forest ecology and the very thesis that the forest lives and changes helped. The crooked oak, from which the count was taken during the burial of the treasure, lay half-rotten about fifty meters away. Half of the oaks in that forest were crooked, with core rot, so they fell often and it would take a very long time to search there without an instrument and ingenuity.

So, when you go looking in the forest, remember: the land there protects its treasures more tenaciously than in a field or meadow, and gives them away only to the very stubborn and persistent, and more often just by chance, by luck.

Promising objects in the search for historical relics are wells, both active and backfilled. In a turbulent series of events, wells often turned out to be reliable repositories of various valuables that needed to be quickly hidden from prying eyes. In those places where battles took place during the Great Patriotic War, special brigades that collected war trophies often used wells as temporary storage facilities for weapons, documents, and other things, hoping to return for them later, which, however, was not always the case.

Even in ordinary wells, rings that have fallen from hands can lie at the bottom. So you should check with a metal detector the sludge raised from the bottom when cleaning the well.

Of particular interest are the monastery wells. Often they contain treasures or simply coins that pilgrims have been throwing into wells for centuries.

When searching for military relics and souvenirs, special precautions should be taken when working with a metal detector. In some places, there is still a lot of unexploded ordnance in the ground - cartridges, detonators, grenades, mines, shells, air bombs and other explosive objects.

How to search for historical and military relics
Rice. 41. Dangerous finds

Over a long period of stay in the ground, the properties of explosives change markedly. Military munitions scientists are investigating these changes, and their work is usually classified and the results are not available to ordinary people. However, it is known for sure that as a result of corrosion, many ammunition becomes unpredictably dangerous, especially when dried in the sun or near a fire.

According to official rules, searchers are forbidden to pick up and neutralize the found ammunition, and even more so to try to turn away the fuses of mines and shells. It is strictly forbidden to throw or hit the found explosive objects and put them in a fire.

By the way, the choice of a place for a fire should be given special attention. A bonfire in the military souvenir search area is almost always a source of increased danger. There are cases when a mine was found under the fire, which, having heated up, exploded after 2-3 hours, leaving the unlucky seekers without lunch at best.

Old fire pits can also be dangerous. There are cases when local war trophy hunters planted "gifts" in the fire - cartridges, detonators, mines - to ward off urban competitors. After leaving the fireplace, even for a few days, always check it afterwards with a probe or a metal detector.

Speaking about collecting war trophies, it should be said that this type of search is the most dangerous. Nevertheless, many young people start with it, dreaming of finding a serviceable weapon that, under certain conditions, remains in the ground. Therefore, if you are interested in searching on the battlefield, then it is recommended to do this as part of the search squads. The search movement is a public movement to preserve and perpetuate the memory of the defenders of the Fatherland who fell during the Second World War of 1939-1945. The prerequisite for the search movement were detachments of Red Pathfinders in the 50-70s, the All-Union action "Chronicle of the Great Patriotic War", joint campaigns of war veterans and youth in places of military glory. At first, these were scattered groups of enthusiasts who literally understood the words that war was not completed until the last soldier is buried. In the 80s. The Komsomol tried to unite these spontaneous search groups. The official date of the emergence of the search movement should be considered 1988, when the first All-Union gathering of search engines was held in Kaluga. In 1993, Russia adopted a law "On perpetuating the memory of those who died defending the Fatherland." According to this law, "carrying out search work in places where hostilities were conducted, as well as opening military graves as an amateur initiative, is prohibited."

The collapse of the USSR was also reflected in the search movement. The opportunity to get rich attracted to the battlefield seekers of weapons, explosives, Nazi "relics" and souvenirs - everything that could be turned into money - the so-called black trackers.

Black rangers, in their worst form, are marauders who are mainly engaged in excavating graves. At best, these are professional search engines who are well aware of what they can profitably sell from what they find.

White Pathfinders consider themselves professionals to whom the earth can give something to establish historical truth. They cooperate with similar international organizations, for example, with the International Red Cross or Western museums of military equipment.

In history, this division is clear. In real life, they are all mixed up, and most of the rangers turn gray. They have their own idea of ​​good and evil and are not averse to trading their trophies. The division into colors is conditional: whites can become black over time. People get to the battlefields in too many different ways. And too often, going on a search, the tracker cannot guess what he will be crowned with and what will become prey - a soldier's dog tag, a buried tea set or a bayonet-knife, and what color - white or black - the future trophy will paint him.

After going through the search for military relics, many begin to understand that in the vastness of their homeland, right under their feet, there are things that are not only less dangerous to look for, but even more interesting and profitable.

Author: Bulgak L.V.

See other articles Section metal detectors.

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