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Instructions on labor protection for the lineman of railway tracks, artificial structures and the fitter of the track appointed for inspection

Occupational Safety and Health

Occupational Safety and Health / Standard instructions for labor protection

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Safe Operation

1. General requirements for labor protection

1.1. This Standard Instruction on labor protection for linemen of railway tracks, artificial structures and track fitters assigned for inspection (hereinafter referred to as the Instruction) establishes the basic safety requirements for the performance of work by linemen of railway tracks and artificial structures (hereinafter referred to as trackmen), as well as track fitters appointed to inspect the track (hereinafter referred to as track inspectors).

Safety requirements, taking into account local conditions, should be contained in the instructions for labor protection for linemen and track inspectors developed by the track distance administration.

1.2. Persons at least 18 years of age who have at least six months of experience in a position related to the movement of trains, who have passed a preliminary medical examination, introductory and primary briefing at the workplace, training ( including the range of duties of a signalman), internship and knowledge testing.

In the process of work, the lineman (inspector) of the track must undergo repeated (at least once every three months), unscheduled, targeted briefings, as well as periodic medical examinations in the prescribed manner.

When performing track work on the bypass section, the lineman, by order of the road foreman or the foreman of the track, may be included in the brigade as a signalman. In this case, the lineman must receive a briefing, including safety requirements, which is carried out with the signalman.

1.3. The crawler (inspector) of the path must know:

  • the impact on a person of dangerous and harmful production factors that arise during work;
  • requirements for industrial sanitation, electrical safety and fire safety;
  • visible and sound signals that ensure traffic safety, safety signs and the procedure for fencing the obstacle that has arisen and the place of work;
  • safe working practices;
  • methods of providing first aid;
  • location of medical kits.
  • Every tunnel crawler must know the rules for using and caring for a gas mask.

1.4. The path crawler (inspector) must:

  • perform only the work included in his official duties or assigned by the foreman (foreman) work;
  • apply safe work practices;
  • keep equipment, tools, inventory, as well as personal protective equipment in good condition and clean;
  • follow the signals and orders of the master (foreman) and follow his commands;
  • comply with the requirements of prohibition, warning and index signs, inscriptions, loudspeaker announcements, sound and light signals given by machinists, train compilers, vehicle drivers;
  • go to work and from work through the territory of railway stations along established routes, footpaths, tunnels, passages and crossings;
  • be extremely careful in places of traffic;
  • comply with the internal labor regulations;
  • comply with the requirements of work and rest regimes;
  • be able to provide first aid to the victim.

1.5. Linemen (inspectors) of the track, as a rule, perform the detour and work on the track and artificial structures in one person.

In particularly difficult sections according to the plan and profile, in conditions of poor visibility and hearing, in multi-track sections, bypass and inspection should be carried out in two persons. The list of such sections must be established by the head of the track distance. Schemes of such areas with an indication of the inspection route should be posted at the gathering places.

1.6. During work, the lineman (inspector) of the track can be affected by the following main dangerous and harmful production factors:

  • moving rolling stock and vehicles;
  • increased dust content and gas contamination of the working area;
  • low or high temperature, humidity and air mobility of the working area;
  • low or high temperature of the surfaces of equipment, inventory, tools and metal parts of the superstructure of the track;
  • insufficient illumination of the working area at night and when working in tunnels;
  • increased value of the voltage of the electrical circuit, the closure of which can occur through the human body;
  • increased level of ionizing radiation when working in areas of radiation contamination;
  • adverse weather conditions - fog, blizzard, downpour.

1.7. The walker must be provided with the following personal protective equipment:

  • cotton suit;
  • yuft boots with oil and petrol resistant soles;
  • a raincoat made of a raincoat or a raincoat made of rubberized fabric;
  • combined gloves;
  • goggles;
  • signal vest with reflective overlays.

In winter, additionally issued:

  • sheepskin coat;
  • jacket with insulating lining;
  • trousers with insulating lining;
  • felt boots;
  • galoshes on felt boots;
  • hat with earflaps with sound-conducting inserts;
  • cotton mittens.

When working in tunnels in non-electrified areas, the lineman should be given a gas mask, and when working on the way with dusty asbestos ballast - a respirator.

Depending on the conditions of work, other personal protective equipment may be issued.

Track inspectors are provided with overalls and safety shoes according to the standards of the track fitter.

1.8. Personal clothing and overalls must be stored separately in lockers in the dressing room. It is prohibited to take protective clothing outside the working area.

1.9. The lineman (inspector) of the track must monitor the serviceability of overalls and safety shoes, timely hand them in for washing and repair, and also keep the lockers clean and tidy.

1.10. The tracker (inspector) of the path must comply with the following fire safety requirements:

  • smoking only in designated and adapted places;
  • do not use open fire near the rolling stock;
  • do not use electric heaters in unspecified places;
  • know fire alarms and how to report a fire;
  • know and be able to use primary fire extinguishing equipment.

1.11. When leaving the premises at night, it is necessary to wait for some time until the eyes get used to the darkness and the visibility of surrounding objects is established.

1.12. When entering the track from premises or from structures that impair the visibility of the track, you must first make sure visually and aurally that there is no rolling stock moving along it.

1.13. In case of injury or illness, the lineman (inspector) of the track must stop work, notify the foreman (foreman) and seek help from the nearest medical institution.

In case of injury to other workers, as well as in case of violations of this Instruction or malfunctions of equipment, mechanisms, inventory, tools, protective devices, personal protective equipment and fire extinguishing equipment, the lineman (inspector) of the track must immediately inform the foreman (foreman) about this, and in his absence - to a higher manager.

1.14. Knowledge and fulfillment of the requirements of this Instruction by the lineman (inspector) of the track are his official duties, and their violation is a violation of labor discipline, which entails, depending on the consequences, disciplinary or other liability in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. Labor protection requirements before starting work

2.1. Before starting work, the lineman (inspector) of the track must put on the serviceable overalls, safety shoes, and orange signal vest that are due to him and put them in order:

  • button up the cuffs of the sleeves;
  • tuck the loose ends of the clothes so that they do not hang down.

The lineman (inspector) of the track should not remove overalls and safety shoes during the entire working time.

The personal protective equipment assigned to the employee must be selected according to size and height and not restrict movement during work. The headgear should not cover the ears tightly.

Track walkers (inspectors) who receive safety devices and other personal protective equipment (respirators, goggles, gas masks) should be instructed in the rules of use and the simplest ways to check the serviceability of these devices, as well as practically trained in how to use them.

2.2. The tracker (inspector) of the path must have a working tool.

3. Labor protection requirements during work

3.1. The lineman (inspector) of the path should, as a rule, go to work and return from work, away from the path or along the side of the subgrade. Following the railway track is allowed with special care, only if it is impossible to pass on the side of the track or along the side of the road and there is no other road.

On a double-track section, it is necessary to go towards the correct movement of trains, remembering the possibility of trains following in the wrong direction. You need to be especially vigilant on multi-track sections equipped with two-way automatic blocking; the direction of movement of trains is determined by the indications of traffic lights.

In the case of following the railway track at night or during the day with poor visibility (fog, blizzard, heavy rain, snowfall), as well as in tunnels, the lineman (inspector) of the track must have a signal lamp with a two-way signal indication.

3.2. Passage to and from work within the station must be carried out along the route of the service passage.

3.3. When passing along the tracks at the stations, you need to go along the inter-track or the side of the subgrade, without weakening attention to the movements of the rolling stock on adjacent tracks. At the same time, you need to look under your feet, given that there may be limit posts, trays, drainage ditches and other obstacles between the tracks.

3.4. The way at the stations should be crossed at a right angle, after making sure visually and by ear that there is no approaching rolling stock (locomotive, wagons, railcars).

3.5. It is forbidden to cross and cross the path in front of an approaching train or locomotive.

To cross the track occupied by wagons, you should use the transition platforms. It is allowed to bypass wagons standing on the way no closer than 5 m from the outermost wagon. It is forbidden to crawl under the wagons, cross over automatic couplers and between wagons standing at a distance of less than 10 m from each other.

When crossing the track in front of the train, it is necessary to remember about the possible setting of the train in motion, as well as about the movement of trains on the adjacent track.

3.6. When crossing the track, you must not step on the rail, stand between the frame rail and the switch point, the guardrail and the movable core of the cross, into the gutters of the turnout, as well as between the track rail and the counter rail on bridges.

3.7. When crossing the track in places where the snow removed from the track is piled with shafts, the lineman (inspector) of the track must hide in a niche by the time the train approaches.

3.8. When returning from work, the lineman (inspector) of the track must fulfill the same requirements as when going to work, and, taking into account fatigue, show increased attention when walking along the tracks.

3.9. During a crawl, the path crawler (inspector) must have:

  • red and yellow signal flags in covers;
  • signal horn;
  • firecrackers - one box (6 pieces) on single-track sections and two boxes (12 pieces) on double- and multi-track sections;
  • portable radio station (in areas equipped with this type of communication);
  • when working in the tunnel - a hand-held signal lamp with indications of red and transparent white lights, as well as a pocket flashlight.

During the detour of a section of the track, the tracker (inspector) of the track must have a detour schedule and an extract from the timetable for high-speed, passenger and commuter trains.

3.10. During a break in work, the lineman (inspector) of the track must leave the railway track. It is forbidden to sit on the rails, the ends of the sleepers, the ballast prism, inside the rail track, between the tracks, as well as on the racks of a kilometer stock of rails.

3.11. The lineman (inspector) of the track, in the performance of his duties, must meet the trains in the prescribed manner. At the same time, in sections with a set speed of up to 140 km / h, it must be at a distance of at least 2 m from the outer rail, and leave the track in advance at a distance of at least 400 m from the approaching train.

When passing trains moving at a speed of more than 140 km / h, you should leave the track 5 minutes before the passage of a high-speed train at a distance of at least 4 m from the outer rail - at a train speed of 141 - 160 km / h, and at least 5 m - at speeds 161 - 200 km/h.

In cases where a high-speed train has not run as scheduled, special vigilance must be exercised and, if possible, the time of its passage should be confirmed by radio, telephone or other available means.

When passing working track machines, the lineman (inspector) of the track must, 400 m from them, leave the railway track for a distance (measured from the outermost rail):

  • when operating an electric ballaster, snowplow, rail-grinding train and other heavy-duty machines - at least 5 m;
  • during the operation of the track plow - at least 10 m;
  • when operating machines equipped with crushed stone cleaning devices, double-track and rotary snowplows - 5 m in the direction opposite to the ejection of snow, ice or weeds; during the operation of single-track snowplows - 25 m.
  • When meeting trains, when asbestos ballast is dusted, when passing coal and ore routes, and in other cases when required, it is necessary to use goggles and respirators.

In the cold season, the lineman (inspector) of the track must wear warm clothes and shoes, and, if necessary, lubricate his face with a thin layer of dehydrated fat or a special ointment.

3.12. When inspecting the track and structures, linemen and track inspectors must move towards the movement of trains in the right direction, but do not forget that trains can move in the wrong direction. On sections with two-way automatic blocking, the direction of movement of trains should be determined by the indications of traffic lights.

Under unfavorable weather conditions (fog, blizzard, heavy rain, snowfall), the track inspector is allowed to make a track detour along the side of the subgrade and meet trains of both directions there.

When performing work, you should be facing the expected train. When a train appears or signals about its approach, including incomprehensible ones, you should stop working and get off the track. You can go out on the track for work or inspection only after making sure visually and by ear that there are no approaching trains, individual locomotives, railcars.

3.13. The lineman (inspector) of the track must use a serviceable tool with handles made of durable wood, cleanly planed, without burrs;

When tightening nuts, use a standard wrench; hitting the key with something, increasing its length, building it up with another key or some object, inserting gaskets between the nut and the jaws of the key, and also knocking down the nuts with a hammer is prohibited.

Checking the coincidence of holes in the lining and rails should be done only with a barb or bolt. When screwing or unscrewing the nuts, you must position yourself so that you turn the wrench towards you. When hammering crutches, you need to stand above the rail along the path.

3.14. To avoid being struck by lightning as a thunderstorm approaches, you must stop bypassing and get out of the way. You can not hide under trees, lean against their trunks, and also approach lightning rods or high single objects (poles, trees) at a distance of less than 10 m. It is dangerous to be in elevated places, open plains during a thunderstorm. It is recommended to take shelter in enclosed spaces, and at a distance from them - in small depressions on the slopes of hills or slopes of embankments or cuts.

During a thunderstorm, it is forbidden to keep or carry tools and other metal objects.

3.15. Firecrackers must always be in special boxes to ensure their safety.

Do not:

  • to solder springs and paws that have come off from them to firecrackers;
  • expose firecrackers to shocks and heat, as well as open them;
  • stand closer than 20 m from firecrackers installed on rails at the time of rolling stock collision with them;
  • store firecrackers near a fire or heating appliances;
  • use firecrackers if their expiration date has expired.

3.16. On sections of the track with asbestos ballast, when it is dusted, linemen and track inspectors must use respirators and goggles.

3.17. When inspecting and working in areas with radiation contamination, linemen and track inspectors must periodically receive information about the degree of contamination and, depending on it, determine the measures and personal protective equipment that are established by the head of the track distance in agreement with the state sanitary supervision authorities on railway transport. Inspection and work on the way must be carried out according to a work permit issued for a certain period.

3.18. Inspect the path and work on it after treatment with pesticides to destroy vegetation until the smell disappears completely, using respirators.

3.19. When bypassing and working on bridges up to 50 m long, the lineman (inspector) of the track must leave the bridge in advance before the train approaches, and if the bridge is more than 50 m long, take cover on special platforms with railings.

3.20. Inspection and cleaning of the bridge by the lineman must be carried out using, if necessary, viewing devices, specially arranged scaffolding and other devices.

3.21. When going around and working in tunnels up to 50 m long, it is necessary to calculate the time so that by the time the train passes, it is outside the tunnel.

With a tunnel length of 50 m or more, it is necessary to take cover in niches before the train passes. To improve visibility, niches should be painted white around the perimeter or framed with white tiles. Arrows on the walls of the tunnel indicate directions to the nearest niches.

3.22. You can leave the niche and start working after the passage of the train only after making sure (by the operation of the automatic warning signal, visually and by ear) that there are no trains on one or the other track.

3.23. In case of long-term non-disappearing gas contamination of the tunnel, as well as when working for a longer duration than is allowed with a certain gas contamination, it is necessary to use individual gas masks.

4. Labor protection requirements in emergency situations

4.1. During the inspection of the railway track and artificial structures, the following main emergencies may occur:

  • rolling stock derailment;
  • fire of rolling stock and artificial structures;
  • breakage of the contact wire;
  • spill or spillage of dangerous and harmful substances;
  • violation of the integrity of the superstructure of the track, which could lead to the derailment of the rolling stock.

4.2. In the event of an emergency, the lineman must stop work, immediately report the incident to the train dispatcher, energy dispatcher or station attendant, foreman (foreman) and take measures to prevent accidents or eliminate the emergency.

4.3. Railway workers who are nearby, upon an alarm given by a lineman (inspector) of the track or a locomotive, must immediately come to the scene and take part in providing first aid to the injured according to the recommendations set out in Ch. 5 of this Instruction, and the elimination of the emergency.

4.4. In case of derailment of the rolling stock, as well as in case of violation of the integrity of the superstructure of the track, which could lead to derailment of the rolling stock, the lineman (inspector) of the track must protect the accident site with stop signals and inform the station duty officer, foreman (foreman) about this.

On electrified sections, if there is a through transverse break in the rail, it is forbidden to touch the rail with your hands or any tools simultaneously on both sides of the break until the installation of longitudinal or transverse jumpers.

4.5. In the event of a fire in the rolling stock or on artificial structures, in the right of way, at unguarded crossings and a real threat to the movement of trains, the safety of others and railway workers, the lineman (inspector) of the track must:

  • immediately inform the station duty officer, the foreman (brigadier), and, if possible, the fire brigade, indicating the exact location of the fire, using the available means;
  • notify others and, if necessary, take them out of the danger zone;
  • if necessary, protect the place of fire with stop signals;
  • start extinguishing the fire using primary fire extinguishing means;
  • organize a meeting with the fire brigade.

4.6. When using foam (carbon dioxide, powder) fire extinguishers, do not direct the jet of foam (powder, carbon dioxide) at people. If foam gets on unprotected areas of the body, wipe it off with a handkerchief or other material and rinse with an aqueous solution of soda.

In case of electrical fires, use only carbon dioxide or powder fire extinguishers. When using a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher, do not grasp the fire extinguisher socket with your hand.

4.7. Internal fire hydrants must be used only by two people: one rolls out the sleeve from the faucet to the place of fire, the second, at the command of the unrolling sleeve, opens the faucet.

4.8. When extinguishing a flame with a felt mat, cover the flame with it so that the fire does not fall on the person extinguishing the fire.

4.9. When extinguishing a flame with a sand scoop, do not raise the shovel to eye level to avoid getting sand into them.

4.10. Extinguishing burning objects located at a distance of less than 2 m from the contact network is allowed only with carbon dioxide, aerosol or powder fire extinguishers. It is possible to extinguish burning objects with water, chemical, foam or air-foam fire extinguishers only at the direction of the head of work or another responsible person after removing the voltage from the contact network and grounding it.

4.11. Extinguishing burning objects located at a distance of more than 7 m from a live contact wire can be allowed without removing the voltage. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the jet of water or foam does not touch the contact network and other parts under voltage.

4.12. In the event of a break in the contact wire or overhead lines, as well as a fire occurring near the contact network, you should immediately inform the station duty officer and, if possible, the train dispatcher and energy dispatcher.

Before the arrival of the brigade of the area of ​​​​the contact network (electric networks), it is necessary to protect the place of the break and ensure that no one approaches the broken wire closer than 8 m. If the broken wires or other elements of the contact network and overhead lines go beyond the dimensions of the approach of buildings and can to be hurt when the train passes, it is necessary to protect this place with stop signals.

It is forbidden to come closer than 8 m to the broken wires of the contact network or overhead lines, as well as to touch anything to them and foreign objects located on them, regardless of whether they touch or do not touch the ground or grounded structures.

4.13. In the event of a spill or spillage of dangerous and harmful substances as a result of damage to the rolling stock, the lineman (inspector) of the track must inform the foreman (foreman) about this. It is possible to start emergency recovery work only with the permission of the chief state sanitary doctor on the railway (at the railway department, on the linear section of the railway), who determines personal protective equipment, working hours and other measures depending on the danger of working in the accident zone .

5. Providing first aid to the injured

5.1. The time from the moment of injury (poisoning) to the receipt of assistance should be as short as possible. The provider of assistance is obliged to act decisively, but deliberately and expediently.

First of all, it is necessary to take measures to stop the impact of damaging factors and correctly assess the condition of the victim. When examining the victim, they first establish whether he is alive or dead, then determine the severity of the lesion. In many cases, the victim loses consciousness. The caregiver must be able to distinguish loss of consciousness from death.

Signs of life:

  • the presence of palpitations of the pulse on large arteries (carotid, femoral, brachial);
  • the presence of independent breathing (established by the movement of the chest, by moistening the mirror attached to the mouth and nose of the victim);
  • pupil reaction to light (if the open eye of the victim is covered with a hand, and then quickly move the hand to the side, then pupil constriction is observed).

If minimal signs of life are found, it is necessary to immediately begin to provide first aid. It is necessary to identify, eliminate or weaken the life-threatening manifestations of the lesion - bleeding, respiratory and cardiac arrest, impaired airway patency, severe headache.

Assistance is meaningless with the following clear signs of death:

  • clouding and drying of the cornea of ​​\uXNUMXb\uXNUMXbthe eye;
  • cooling of the body, the appearance of cadaveric spots and rigor mortis;
  • constriction of the pupil ("cat's eye") when squeezing the eye from the sides.

In all cases, when providing first aid, it is necessary to take measures to deliver the victim to a medical institution. The call of a medical worker should not suspend the provision of first aid.

5.2. When receiving a mechanical injury, it is necessary to stop the bleeding. In case of venous bleeding from the wound (blood has a dark cherry color, flows out in a uniform stream), it is enough to apply a sterile bandage with a tight bandage (pressure bandage) or pull a cotton-gauze swab well to the wound with a sticky patch.

When arterial bleeding stops (the outflowing blood is bright red, beats with a strong pulsating stream), the artery is first pressed above the injury site to the bone to stop the flow of blood to the injury site, and then a standard or impromptu tourniquet is applied. A note must be placed under the tourniquet indicating the date, hour and minutes of its imposition. The maximum allowable time for compression with a tourniquet is 1,5 - 2 hours. In case of any bleeding of the damaged part of the body, an elevated position is given and peace is provided.

In case of fractures, in no case should you try to make bone fragments - to eliminate the curvature of the limb with a closed fracture or to set the bone that has come out with an open fracture. It is necessary to ensure the immobility of the damaged parts of the body with a splint (standard or made from improvised means) and a bandage. With an open fracture, the bleeding is stopped, a sterile bandage is applied, and only after that they begin immobilization (immobilize the damaged part of the body).

If the ligaments are sprained, it is necessary to apply a cold compress to the sprain, then a pressure bandage.

In case of dislocations or other injuries of the joints, the limb is fixed in a position that is most convenient for the victim and causes him less anxiety. You can not try to reduce the dislocation and use force to change the position of the limb.

5.3. In case of burns with boiling water (hot food), it is necessary to quickly remove clothing soaked in hot liquid. In this case, do not tear off areas of skin adhering to clothing, but carefully cut around the clothing with scissors, leaving adherent areas.

Burning clothing should also be removed or extinguished immediately. This is best done by wrapping it in a blanket or other dense fabric. Due to the cessation of air access, the flame dies out. In no case should you run in ignited clothing, shoot down the flame with unprotected hands. It is useful to irrigate the burn area with a jet of cold water for several minutes or apply cold objects to it. This helps to quickly prevent the effects of heat on the body and reduce pain. Then, a sterile, preferably cotton-gauze bandage should be applied to the burn surface. The material applied to the surface can be moistened with diluted alcohol or vodka, which, in addition to anesthesia, disinfects the skin.

It is absolutely contraindicated to perform any manipulations on the burn surface, to apply bandages with ointments, fats. coloring agents. The use of soda powder, starch, soap, raw eggs is also undesirable, since these agents, in addition to contamination, cause the formation of a film that is difficult to remove from the burn surface. In the event of an extensive burn, it is better to wrap the victim in a clean sheet and urgently deliver to a medical facility or call a medical professional.

To reduce pain, the victim is given an anesthetic - analgin and (or) others. If possible, it should be drunk with hot tea, coffee or alkaline mineral water. You can also dilute half a teaspoon of baking soda and one teaspoon of table salt in 1 liter of water and give to drink.

5.4. In case of eye injuries with sharp or piercing objects, as well as eye injuries with severe bruises, the victim should be urgently sent to a medical facility. Objects that have fallen into the eye should not be removed from the eye, so as not to further damage it. Apply a sterile bandage to the eye.

If dust or powder gets into the eyes, rinse with a gentle stream of running water.

In case of chemical burns, it is necessary to open the eyelids and rinse the eyes abundantly for 10-15 minutes with a weak stream of running water, after which the victim should be sent to a medical facility.

In case of eye burns with hot water (steam), eye rinsing is not recommended. The eyes are covered with a sterile bandage and the victim is sent to a medical facility.

5.5. In case of electric shock, first of all, it is necessary to immediately stop the effect of electric current on the victim. To do this, the current is turned off by a switch, turning the knife switch, unscrewing the plugs, breaking the wire. If this is not possible, then the wire is discarded with a dry stick or other object that does not conduct electricity. Do not touch the victim with bare hands while he is under the influence of current.

After that, the victim should be carefully examined. Apply a sterile dressing to local lesions. With mild lesions, accompanied by fainting, dizziness, headache, pain in the heart, short-term loss of consciousness, it is necessary to create peace and take measures to deliver the victim to a medical facility.

When providing first aid to the victim, it is important to give painkillers (analgin, sedalgin and others), sedatives (valerian tincture) and heart (valocardin, Zelenin drops and others) remedies.

In severe lesions, accompanied by respiratory arrest and a state of "imaginary death" (pale skin, pupils are wide, unresponsive to light, breathing and pulse are absent, signs of life are established only by carefully listening to heart sounds), the only effective measure of help is immediate artificial respiration, sometimes for hours on end. If cardiac arrest has not occurred, properly performed artificial respiration quickly leads to an improvement in the condition. The skin acquires a natural color, a pulse appears. The most effective artificial respiration is mouth-to-mouth (16-20 breaths per minute). Artificial respiration is controlled by fluctuations of the chest.

After the victim regains consciousness, he should be given water, tea, coffee (but not alcoholic beverages!) to drink and covered warmly.

In case of cardiac arrest, an external heart massage is performed simultaneously with artificial respiration with a frequency of 60-70 pressures per minute. The effectiveness of massage is judged by the appearance of a pulse on the carotid arteries.

With a combination of artificial respiration and indirect heart massage, for each blowing of air into the lungs of the victim, five or six pressures are applied to the region of the heart, mainly during the exhalation period. Artificial respiration and heart massage are done until they recover on their own, or until obvious signs of death appear.

The victim is transported to the hospital in the supine position.

5.6. In case of poisoning with poor-quality food products, it is necessary to induce artificial vomiting in the victim and rinse the stomach, letting him drink a large amount (up to 6 - 10 glasses) of warm water tinted with potassium permanganate, or a weak solution of baking soda, and then give milk to drink and let him drink one or two activated charcoal tablets.

In case of acid poisoning, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the stomach with water and give the victim enveloping agents: milk, raw eggs.

In case of gas poisoning, the victim must be taken out of the room to fresh air or a draft should be arranged in the room by opening windows and doors.

When breathing and cardiac activity stop, start artificial respiration and chest compressions (see the previous paragraph of this Instruction). In all cases of poisoning, the victim must be sent to a medical facility.

5.7. First aid for frostbite is to immediately warm the victim and especially the frostbitten part. For this, a person is brought or introduced into a warm room. The frostbitten part of the body is first rubbed with a dry cloth, then placed in a basin with warm water (30 - 32 ° C). For 20 - 30 minutes the water temperature is gradually brought to 40 - 45 °C. The limb is thoroughly washed from contamination. With shallow frostbite, you can warm the victim with a heating pad or even the warmth of the hands. After warming, the damaged part of the body is wiped dry, covered with a sterile bandage and warmly covered.

Frostbitten areas of the body should not be lubricated with fat or ointments. This makes it difficult to process them later. It is also impossible to rub the frostbitten parts of the body with snow, as this increases the cooling, and the ice injures the skin and contributes to infection.

You should also refrain from intense rubbing and massage of the chilled part. Such actions with deep frostbite can lead to damage to blood vessels.

With general cooling of the victim, it is necessary to cover warmly, give a warm drink (tea, coffee). Painkillers (analgin and (or) others) are taken to reduce pain. The fastest delivery of the victim to a medical institution is also a measure of first aid.

5.8. In order to prevent acute intestinal infections, it is necessary to observe:

  • personal hygiene rules - wash hands with soap before eating and after each visit to the toilet;
  • conditions and terms of storage of prepared food, as well as other food products.

If signs of an infectious disease appear, immediately consult a doctor and in no case go to work, so as not to be a source of infection for others.

6. Labor protection requirements at the end of work

6.1. At the end of the work, the tracker (inspector) of the path must:

  • inform the foreman (foreman) about all malfunctions and shortcomings noticed during work, and about the measures taken to eliminate them;
  • put tools, inventory and accessories in specially designed places or storerooms;
  • remove overalls and other personal protective equipment and put in a dressing room closet.

6.2. The lineman, if necessary, must hand over the contaminated and faulty overalls for washing, dry cleaning or repair.

6.3. After work, the lineman (inspector) of the path must wash the contaminated areas of the body with warm water and soap or take a shower.

6.4. To maintain the skin in a normal state after work, you can use various protective ointments and creams (boric vaseline, lanolin cream and other preparations).

It is not allowed to use kerosene or other toxic petroleum products to clean the skin and personal protective equipment.

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