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Instruction on labor protection for the elevator operator. Full document

Occupational Safety and Health

Occupational Safety and Health / Standard instructions for labor protection

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1. General provisions

1.1. The instructions apply to all departments of the enterprise.

1.2. The instruction was developed on the basis of DNAOP 0.00-8.03-93 "Procedure for the development and approval by the owner of labor protection regulations in force at the enterprise", DNAOP 0.00-4.15-98 "Regulations on the development of labor protection instructions", DNAOP 0.00-4.12-99 " Standard regulation on training on labor protection", DNAOP 0.00-1.02-99 "Rules for the design and safe operation of elevators".

1.3. According to these instructions, the lifter is instructed before starting work (initial briefing), and then every 3 months (re-instruction).

The results of the briefing are recorded in the "Journal of registration of briefings on labor protection issues". After passing the briefing, the log must contain the signatures of the instructor and the lifter.

1.4. The owner must insure the elevator operator against accidents and occupational diseases. In case of damage to the health of the lifter due to the fault of the owner, he (the lifter) has the right to compensation for the harm caused to him.

1.5. For non-compliance with this instruction, the lifter bears disciplinary, material, administrative and criminal liability.

1.6. Persons at least 18 years of age who have undergone special training in the construction and safe operation of elevators, have a certificate for the right to operate an elevator of the appropriate type, have passed a medical examination, introductory labor safety briefing, workplace briefing and fire safety briefing are allowed to work as elevator operators.

1.7. Re-testing the knowledge of the lifter is carried out by the qualification commission of the enterprise (organization) at least once every 12 months.

1.8. Extraordinary examination of knowledge is carried out:

1.8.1. When moving from one enterprise (organization) to another.

1.8.2. At the request of the Gosnadzorohrantruda inspector or the person responsible for organizing the maintenance and repair of elevators.

1.8.3. When transferring an elevator operator to service an elevator of a different design (for example, from electric to hydraulic, from an elevator that does not have an adjustable electric drive to an elevator with an adjustable electric drive, etc.).

1.9. Lifters must have an electrical safety qualification group of at least II.

1.10. The admission of the elevator operator to work is issued by order of the enterprise (organization).

1.11. Before the elevator operator is allowed to work, the owner of the elevator must hand over this instruction.

1.12. The lift operator admitted to independent work must:

1.12.1. Have a general understanding of the structure of serviced elevators.

1.12.2. Know the purpose of the control devices located in the elevator car and on the landing (loading) platforms, and be able to use them.

1.12.3. Know the purpose and location of the safety devices of the elevator; mine door locks, mine door and cabin door switches, cabin loading and overload switches, limit switches, speed limiter and safety devices.

1.12.4. Know the purpose and be able to use light and sound alarms and two-way intercom.

1.12.5. Be able to inspect the elevator and check the serviceability of the shaft door locks, shaft and cabin door switches, cabin loading and overload switches, light and sound alarms and two-way intercom.

1.12.6. Know the rules for using the elevator.

1.12.7. Know how to turn the elevator on and off.

1.12.8. Know how to safely evacuate passengers from a stalled cabin.

1.12.9. Comply with internal labor regulations.

1.12.10. Know how to provide first aid to victims of accidents.

1.12.11. Be familiar with the use of primary fire extinguishing equipment.

1.13. The lifter is prohibited from:

1.13.1. Allow unauthorized persons to enter the engine room, block room, and also leave these rooms not locked.

1.13.2. Store items not related to the maintenance of elevators in the machine and block rooms.

1.13.3. Exit to the roof of the cab.

1.13.4. Start the cabin from any devices that are not installed on the control panel.

1.13.5. Carry out the launch of the cabin from the landing (loading) platform through the open doors of the mine and the cabin.

1.13.6. Repair any malfunction or damage to the elevator yourself.

1.13.7. Leave the workplace, except in cases related to the maintenance of elevators.

1.14. When servicing an elevator, a person can be exposed to such dangerous and harmful production factors:

1.14.1. Moving parts of an elevator.

1.14.2. Lack or insufficiency of natural light.

1.14.3. Increased or decreased air temperature of the working area.

1.14.4. Increased air speed.

1.14.5. The monotony of work.

1.15. The lifter is provided with overalls or branded clothing in accordance with the collective agreement (agreement).

1.16. The management of a freight elevator with internal control, which is installed on the premises of the enterprise, in agreement with the bodies of the State Supervision Service of Labor Protection, is allowed to be entrusted to other employees of the enterprise. These workers should be subject to the same requirements as for lift operators (training, certification, briefings, medical examinations, periodic knowledge testing, etc.).

1.17. Management of passenger, freight elevators for self-use is carried out by persons who use these elevators.

1.18. The operation of a freight elevator with external control and a freight elevator equipped with control stations on more than one loading platform, as well as a freight elevator with mixed control equipped with a control switching device, with the exception of a freight elevator of self-use, is carried out by persons who use these elevators and who have passed the appropriate instruction and testing skills in operating the elevator.

1.19. The rules for using the elevator should contain short information about the procedure for using the elevator, taking into account its type and purpose.

The rules for using a passenger elevator for self-use, installed in a residential building, should provide for the prohibition of the use of an elevator by preschool children unaccompanied by adults, as well as the procedure for transporting infants in prams.

The rules for using a freight elevator with internal control and a freight elevator of independent use should provide for a ban on the simultaneous transportation of passengers and cargo.

The rules for using a freight elevator with external control must provide for the prohibition of transporting people.

1.20. Rules for using the elevator should be posted:

1.20.1. On the main landing (loading) platform - with mixed control.

1.20.2. In the cockpit - with internal control.

1.20.3. Near each control post - with external control.

1.21. At the main landing (loading) site, a sign indicating:

1.21.1. Names of the elevator (by appointment).

1.21.2. Carrying capacity (indicating the allowable number of passengers).

1.21.3. Registration number.

1.21.4. Telephone numbers for contacting service personnel or emergency services.

At the self-use elevator, the sign must also indicate the location of the service personnel.

On all doors of an elevator shaft with external control, inscriptions must be made about the carrying capacity of the elevator and about the prohibition of transporting people.

1.22. The use of an elevator whose service life specified in the passport has ended is not allowed.

2. Safety requirements before starting work

2.1. Read the records in the log about the technical condition of the elevator.

2.2. Switch on the main switch and lock the engine room door.

2.3. Verify:

2.3.1. The serviceability of the lighting of the shaft, cabin and platforms on all floors on which the cabin stops when the elevator is in operation.

2.3.2. The condition of the mine and cabin fencing.

2.3.3. Serviceability of automatic locks of the mine door, door switches and switches for loading and overloading the cabin, if this check is not assigned to the elevator electrician.

2.3.4. Serviceability of light and sound signaling.

2.3.5. Availability of rules for using the elevator.

2.3.6. Check the accuracy of the cabin stop on the floors.

2.3.7. Check the correct operation of the "Stop" button, "Busy" light signal, sound alarm, two-way intercom and signals on the control panel.

2.3.8. Check the availability of the "Rules for the use of the elevator", warning and indicating labels.

2.3.9. Make an entry in the shift acceptance log about the results of the check and sign for the shift acceptance.

2.4. When checking the operation of the shaft door and car door switches, make sure that when you press any button to start the elevator with any open door on the floor, the car remains motionless.

This check in elevators with internal control is done from the cab. In elevators with external control, the serviceability of the door contacts should be checked by two elevator operators, one of which is located near the control apparatus, and the second is near the door, the contacts of which are checked.

When checking the cabin door switches, the shaft doors must be closed. The serviceability of the switch of each leaf of the door is controlled in turn. To do this, leave the leaf open, the switch of which is checked, and a test run of the elevator is made.

The switches of each shaft door are checked in the same way, but the cabin door must be closed.

2.5. When checking the shaft door locks, it is necessary to make sure that if the cabin is above or below the floor level or is not on this floor, the shaft door does not open. To determine the malfunction of the cabin locks, it should be installed so that the cabin floor is at least 20 mm lower or higher than the floor level of the landing.

To determine the serviceability of the automatic locks of the shaft door in the passenger elevator, while in the cabin, remove the bolt of the non-automatic lock and try to open the door. To check the operation of non-automatic locks in these elevators, it is necessary to try to open the lock with a key or handle from outside the shaft.

The action of locks in freight elevators with a lifter is checked from the cab, and in freight elevators without a lifter and in small freight elevators - from outside the shaft, unlocking the lock by turning the key or handle.

The correct operation of the locks should be checked on all floors served by the elevator.

2.6. When checking the cabin loading and overload switches, make sure that the cabin cannot be called if there is a passenger in it.

The correct operation of the load switches should be checked by two elevator operators: one of them, while in the cab, rises half a floor above the level of the landing (loading) platform, and the second tries to call the cab by pressing the call button or key.

2.7. When checking the operation of the signaling of passenger elevators, make sure that the "BUSY" signal lamp is on if the shaft doors are open, and also if there is a passenger in the cabin when the shaft door is closed. In freight elevators without a lifter, as well as in small freight elevators, the "BUSY" signal lamp should turn on when the shaft door is opened and remain on until these doors are closed.

2.8. The results of the elevator inspection should be recorded in a log.

2.9. In case of malfunctions during the inspection and testing of the elevator, the elevator operator must de-energize the elevator, hang out on all the doors of the shaft that can be opened from the landing (loading) platforms by the passengers themselves, the poster "The elevator is not working" and inform the administration or electrician about the identified malfunctions.

Under no circumstances should an elevator operator be allowed to troubleshoot an elevator on their own.

2.10. Starting the operation of the elevator after troubleshooting the elevator operators can only do with the permission of the electrician of the elevators who eliminated the malfunction.

3. Safety requirements during work

3.1. The lifter of a passenger elevator during operation must:

3.1.1. Constantly located near the elevator on the floor where passengers entering the building are boarded, if they are not required to be accompanied, and monitor the observance by passengers of the Rules for Using the Elevator.

3.1.2. Do not overload the lift.

3.1.3. Accompany passengers at their request.

3.1.4. Do not call the cabin, and also prevent passengers from pressing the call button if the "BUSY" lamp is on.

3.1.5. Close the doors of the mine, not closed by passengers.

3.1.6. In case of an accidental stop of the cabin between floors, offer passengers to close the cabin door tightly and then press the button for the desired floor again; if the cabin continues to remain motionless - demand that passengers do not make independent attempts to get out of the cabin, then turn off the power to the elevator and call the elevator electrician.

3.2. The elevator operator of the passenger elevator must constantly accompany the passengers and prevent the elevator from being overloaded.

3.2.1. Do not allow the simultaneous transportation of goods and people, except for those accompanying the goods.

3.2.2. Do not allow unauthorized persons to operate the elevator.

3.2.3. On elevators, the cabins of which are equipped with a sliding lattice door, make sure that people in the cabin do not approach the door and do not hold on to them with their hands.

3.3. When operating a freight elevator, the following requirements must be met:

3.3.1. The lifter must not allow the cabin to be overloaded in excess of the established maximum load; if the lift operator is not sure that the mass of the load does not exceed the maximum load, they must obtain permission from the administration to transport such a load.

3.3.2. In elevators with external control, the elevator operator must not allow anyone to pass in the elevator car; inform the administration about all observed cases of people passing through; the cabin of such an elevator should be started only by a sound or light signal confirming the possibility of starting.

3.3.3. The elevator operator must ensure that when calling the cabin from the floors, no one pulls the shaft door handles and does not knock on the door; the lift operator must immediately report all violations to the administration.

3.3.4. If there is a barred sliding door in the cab, the elevator operator must ensure that people who are in the cab do not approach the door and do not hold on to them with their hands.

3.3.5. During the transportation of cargo, in addition to the elevator operator, only persons who accompany the cargo can be in the cabin.

Simultaneous transportation of cargo and passengers is not allowed.

3.4. The elevator lifter with lever control must:

3.4.1. Stop the cab in such a way that the distance between the levels of the cab floor and the landing (loading) platform does not exceed 50 mm, and in elevators into which carts are loaded - 15 mm.

3.4.2. While the cab is moving, do not move the lever from one position to another until the cab comes to a complete stop.

3.4.3. Notify the elevator electrician about a malfunction of the lever apparatus if the handle does not automatically return to the zero (middle) position after removing the hand from it.

3.5. The lifter must promptly replace burnt out lamps in the elevator cabin with new ones; if the new lamp does not light up, you should prohibit the use of the elevator and call the elevator electrician.

3.6. The machine room and block room, the room for accommodating the winch and blocks of a freight small elevator, as well as cabinets for accommodating equipment in the absence of a machine room, must be closed, and the approaches to the door of these rooms and cabinets must be free.

3.7. During the shift, the lifter is not allowed to leave his workplace; you can leave it only during the established breaks. In this case, the elevator must be de-energized.

3.8. The lifter is prohibited from:

3.8.1. Leave the elevator turned on unattended.

3.8.2. Go down to the pit and go out onto the roof of the cab, as well as store any items on the roof of the cab.

3.8.3. Launch the elevator from the landing (loading) platform through the open doors of the shaft and cabin.

3.8.4. Leave the engine room doors unlocked.

3.8.5. Store items that are not related to the operation of the elevator in the mine, machine and block rooms.

3.9. The lifter must:

3.9.1. In case of an accidental stop of the cabin between floors, warn passengers so that they do not take any action to exit the cabin on their own; turn off the elevator and inform the electrician or the emergency service of the organization servicing the elevator; the elevator operator in this case, it is necessary to call an electromechanic. If the specified personnel is on the staff of a specialized organization, they can independently take measures for the evacuation of passengers in the manner prescribed by this organization.

3.9.2. If any malfunctions of the elevator are detected during the shift, turn off the elevator, put up a poster "The elevator is not working" and report the malfunctions to the electrician or to the emergency service.

3.9.3. In the event of an accident or an accident, immediately turn off the elevator, inform the owner of the elevator, the electrician or the emergency service and take measures to preserve the circumstances of the accident or accident, if this does not endanger the safety, life and health of other passengers.

3.9.4. Keep the elevator car clean.

4. Safety requirements after finishing work

4.1. After the end of the elevator operation, the elevator operator must:

4.1.1. Lower the cab to the level of the platform of the floor from which he enters the cab at the beginning of work or from which he controls the elevator.

4.1.2. Make sure that the cabin is empty (leaving the cabin loaded after work is not allowed).

4.1.3. Turn off the lights in the cab if there is no automatic switch.

4.1.4. In cases where the non-automatic lock of the shaft door, opposite which the cabin is left, is unlocked by the handle, lock the shaft doors.

4.1.5. Turn off the main switch or machine and the light in the engine room.

4.1.6. Lock the engine room and hand over the keys in the prescribed manner.

4.2. If the elevator continues to work, make an entry in the shift acceptance log about all comments regarding the operation of the elevator during the shift, sign for the change and hand over the keys to the elevator rooms to the next shift.

4.3. If the next shift does not work, put the cabin on the main landing floor, lock the hinged doors with a special lock, turn off the elevator and make the necessary entries in the shift acceptance log.

4.4. Wash hands and face with warm soapy water; shower if possible.

4.5. Report any shortcomings that occurred during work to the manager.

5. Safety requirements in an emergency

5.1. If the car accidentally stops between floors due to a malfunction of the elevator, the elevator operator must give an emergency signal and wait for the arrival of the elevator electrician.

5.2. The lifter is obliged to stop using the elevator, turn it off and inform the administration or the electrician of the elevators about this in case of the following malfunctions:

5.2.1. If it is noticed that the cabin starts moving when the elevator is started with the shaft door open, and if there are people in the cabin, with the shaft or cabin door open.

5.2.2. The signal lamp has burnt out.

5.2.3. In elevators with a moving floor, the signal lamp goes out when there are passengers in the cabin, as well as when all passengers leave the cabin with the shaft door open.

5.2.4. The doors of the shaft open from the outside in the absence of a cabin on this floor.

5.2.5. There have been cases of arbitrary movement of the cab.

5.2.6. If the cabin instead of going up, goes down, or vice versa.

5.2.7. The cabin (with push-button control) does not automatically stop at the floor it was directed to.

5.2.8. The cab with lever control does not automatically stop at the outer floors.

5.2.9. When there is a smell of burning, smoke or fire from electric motors or ballasts and equipment, ignition of electrical wiring.

5.2.10. With a sharp heating of the electric motor, bearings.

5.2.11. With a significant decrease in the number of revolutions of the motor shaft, accompanied by a sharp heating of its body.

5.2.12. Sparks in the electric motor and electrical equipment.

5.2.13. When the electric motor is running in two phases (the motor is buzzing).

5.2.14. When the ground wire is broken.

5.2.15. When the power supply is interrupted.

5.2.16. When detecting malfunctions in the engine stop system, brake system, alarm and safety interlocks.

5.2.17. If any mechanism breaks down, unusual noise or vibration is detected for this engine.

5.2.18. In case of injury to service personnel.

5.2.19. If there are signs of a poor condition of the electrical insulation of the wiring or electrical equipment of the elevator ("it shocks" when touching the metal parts of the elevator, there is a smell of burnt insulation).

5.2.20. Faulty STOP button.

5.2.21. Any other malfunctions of the elevator are noticed: unusual noise, knocking, creaking, jerking or jolts during the movement of the cabin, rope breakage, counterweight coming off the guides, inaccuracy of stopping the cabin of the landing (loading) platforms, as well as a malfunction of the shaft fencing or its lighting, etc. P.

5.3. If the above reasons led to an accident, then the victim must be given first aid; if necessary, call an ambulance.

5.4. Providing first aid.

5.4.1. First aid for electric shock.

In case of electric shock, it is necessary to immediately release the victim from the action of electric current by disconnecting the electrical installation from the power source, and if it is impossible to disconnect it, pull it away from the conductive parts by clothing or using insulating material at hand.

If the victim has no breathing and pulse, it is necessary to give him artificial respiration and indirect (external) heart massage, paying attention to the pupils. Dilated pupils indicate a sharp deterioration in the blood circulation of the brain. In this state, the revival must begin immediately, and then call an "ambulance".

5.4.2. First aid for injury.

To provide first aid in case of injury, it is necessary to open an individual package, apply a sterile dressing material, which is placed in it, to the wound and tie it with a bandage.

If somehow the individual package was not found, then a clean handkerchief, a clean linen rag, etc. must be used for dressing. On a rag that is applied directly to the wound, it is advisable to drip a few drops of tincture of iodine to get a stain larger than the wound, and then apply the rag to the wound. It is especially important to apply the tincture of iodine in this way to contaminated wounds.

5.4.3. First aid for fractures, dislocations, shocks.

In case of fractures and dislocations of the limbs, it is necessary to strengthen the damaged limb with a splint, plywood plate, stick, cardboard or other similar object. The injured arm can also be hung with a bandage or handkerchief from the neck and bandaged to the torso.

In case of a skull fracture (unconsciousness after a blow to the head, bleeding from the ears or mouth), it is necessary to apply a cold object to the head (a heating pad with ice, snow or cold water) or make a cold lotion.

If a fracture of the spine is suspected, it is necessary to put the victim on the board, without lifting him, turn the victim on his stomach face down, while observing that the body does not bend, in order to avoid damage to the spinal cord.

In case of a fracture of the ribs, a sign of which is pain during breathing, coughing, sneezing, movements, it is necessary to tightly bandage the chest or pull it off with a towel during exhalation.

5.4.4. First aid for thermal burns.

In case of burns with fire, steam, hot objects, in no case should you open the formed blisters and bandage the burns with a bandage.

For first-degree burns (redness), the burned area is treated with cotton wool soaked in ethyl alcohol.

For second-degree burns (blisters), the burned area is treated with alcohol or a 3% manganese solution.

For third-degree burns (destruction of skin tissue), the wound is covered with a sterile dressing and a doctor is called.

5.4.5. First aid for bleeding.

In order to stop bleeding, you must:

  • raise the injured limb up;
  • close the bleeding wound with a dressing (from a bag) folded into a ball, press it from above, without touching the wound itself, hold for 4-5 minutes. If the bleeding stops without removing the applied material, put another pad from another bag or a piece of cotton on top of it and bandage the wounded area (with some pressure);
  • in case of severe bleeding that cannot be stopped with a bandage, compression of the blood vessels that feed the wounded area is applied by bending the limb at the joints, as well as with fingers, a tourniquet or a clamp. In case of heavy bleeding, you should immediately call a doctor.

5.5. If a fire occurs, start extinguishing with the available fire extinguishing equipment. If necessary, call the fire department.

5.6. Follow the instructions of the head of work to eliminate the emergency.

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