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Advertising. Cheat sheet: briefly, the most important

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Table of contents

  1. The birth of advertising
  2. Written texts in advertising
  3. Artistic embodiment of advertising
  4. Advertising activity in Russia in the period of the XV-XVII centuries
  5. Advertising in the Russian press in the period of the XNUMXth - early XNUMXth centuries
  6. Advertising at the present stage
  7. Advertising policy. Development of an advertising plan
  8. Stages of the advertising process. Basic rules for creating advertising
  9. Creating an advertising message
  10. Advertising text writing technique
  11. Development of an advertising program
  12. Media Decisions
  13. Features of modern advertising
  14. Advertising agencies and their tasks
  15. Advertising agency work
  16. The relationship between an advertising agency and an advertiser
  17. The main payment schemes for advertising agency services
  18. Types of advertising and promotion. Information dissemination channels
  19. Indicators influencing the choice of advertising media
  20. Advertising in periodicals (newspapers, magazines, reference books)
  21. Printable advertisement
  22. Ways to distribute print advertising
  23. Varieties of television advertising
  24. Advertising at the point of sale
  25. The concept of media planning
  26. Media channel (advertising distribution channel)
  27. Media carrier (advertising medium)
  28. Factors affecting consumer behavior
  29. Strategy and tactics of advertising distribution channels
  30. The concept and essence of an advertising campaign
  31. Types of advertising campaigns
  32. Goals and opportunities of the advertising campaign
  33. Campaign Goals
  34. Functions of advertising campaign goals
  35. Planning a promotional event
  36. Advertising campaign plan
  37. Marketing strategies in an advertising campaign
  38. Advertising idea and strategy
  39. Factors influencing the choice of means of distribution of advertising information
  40. Tasks solved during the advertising campaign
  41. Advertising costs for a new product
  42. Additional means of distribution of advertising information
  43. Ad campaign chart types
  44. Evaluation of the effectiveness of an advertising campaign
  45. Factors to consider when creating an advertising budget
  46. The main items of the advertising budget
  47. Advertising budget calculation methods
  48. Varieties of methods for calculating the advertising budget
  49. Method for calculating the required number of contacts
  50. Conditions for the emergence of international advertising
  51. Reasons why single advertising is not possible
  52. The main reasons for conducting international advertising campaigns
  53. Adapting international advertising to local national conditions
  54. Strategy and tactics of international advertising
  55. Features of the use of advertising
  56. Practical aspects of international advertising campaign
  57. Methods of using national media in international advertising
  58. Main forms of serving international advertising
  59. Regulation of advertising activities
  60. Regulation of advertising activities in Russia
  61. Advertising Council of Russia (PCP)
  62. Advertising associations
  63. Types of advertising associations
  64. Federal Law "On Advertising"
  65. Integrated marketing communications and their features
  66. Tactics and strategy of integrated marketing communications
  67. Types of integrated marketing communications strategies
  68. Features of the work of integrated marketing communications systems
  69. Advertising in the system of integrated marketing communications
  70. Direct marketing as an integral part of integrated marketing communications


History of advertising - this is information about the means by which advertising texts were created, how the process of evolution of advertising took place in different countries and in different years.

The emergence of advertising is associated with the activity heralds. This position was available in various ancient states. The activities of these people consisted in the daily informing of large crowds of people in ancient cities.

Functions of heralds: they informed the population of generally significant information: about the honoring of famous commanders, about embassies coming to the city, about the distribution of bread or mass festivities. In such ads, generally valid information is closely intertwined with advertising.

Heralds were supposed to inform the population in a timely manner about the summoning of citizens to court, about the sentences passed and the upcoming executions.

During Antiquity and the Middle Ages oral advertising texts prevailed. The cries of merchants later emerged as a special genre. This area of ​​advertising included shouting barkers at points of sale of goods and services.

A set of advertising media consisted of oral-speech elements, various visual elements, including gestures and facial expressions, the process of organizing a spectacular action at the right time and place.

Advertising constantly expanded its capabilities due to the spheres of life that it covered, attracting various audiences, new sign, logical, material, technical methods and means. The origins of visual advertising are associated with the development of ornament, drawing, sculpture.

In ancient Greece there was a tradition to mark objects of pottery and art production with a brand name.

In the political advertising of antiquity, such a role was played by statues with laudatory inscriptions. (elegies) commanders, rulers, honorary citizens.


In the early stages of cultural development, advertising begins to appear in the form of a written text. This process develops with the invention of writing itself, which in various regions of the globe dates back to 8-6 thousand BC. e. Monumental inscriptions were combined with drawings. The practice of such a combination of text and drawing finds application in advertising activities up to the present.

Graffiti (from lat. graftio - scratch) - inscriptions scratched or inscribed with paint on the walls.

Advertising items in the ancient period: terms (antique baths), villas (houses), etc.

The main means of advertising in antiquity - verbal announcements. They are designed to penetrate the psyche of a potential consumer, riveting his attention, pushing him to actions that are beneficial for advertisers.

Advertising в medieval period

The period of the early Middle Ages (VX centuries) is characterized by subsistence farming, which does not involve the active development of advertising activities. The circulation of goods took place predominantly within the feudal communities and was based on interpersonal relations. During this period, religious advertising is most popular.

The advertising impact was especially brightly used in the activities of missionaries who converted the population to the Christian faith. In the life of medieval believers, a large place belonged to religious processions held during the holidays.

Oral speech influenced the masses of church ministers, representatives of the administration, merchants. The institute of heralds and messengers was also used in the Middle Ages. Heralds were used to serve various merchant guilds. In addition, there were royal and knightly heralds and city heralds who announced current administrative orders.


Medieval advertising used not only oral texts, but also the skill of engravers, artists, and sculptors.

Artistic symbolism found its expression in heraldry. This sign system takes shape in the XI-XII centuries. and is expressed in the image of coats of arms on the walls of city buildings and signs. In the Middle Ages, the marking of the products of masons, gunsmiths, potters, tanners, and paper makers is used.

The workshops of artists acquired their own signs, which were called signatures Early signatures often consist of a combination of monogram and mark. Art is also widely spread in Western Europe. engravings. Initially, it was a drawing carved on a wooden or stone plane, from which up to a hundred copies were then printed on separate sheets. The beginning of paper production contributed to the widespread use of engravings. The further development of engraving followed the path of an increasing semantic load of the verbal text.

Events It was a short handwritten notice, which was placed mainly on post offices and inns. The content of the posters included information about the time and place of the performance, as well as a list of numbers and their performers.

The growing public thirst for constant information contributed to the development information bureaus.

The Age of the Printed Word begins with the invention of the printing press by Johannes Gutenberg.

Printed flyers successfully combined graphics and text. During the second half of the XV century. printing businesses spread throughout Europe. A new genre of print advertising is emerging - catalog. After the invention of printing, printed leaflets of various contents were pasted on city walls throughout Europe.


At the end of the XVI century. with the beginning of book printing in Moscow, a place for the constant distribution of printed and handwritten books, flyers was created near the Spasskaya Tower, people gathered to exchange news.

Feature: for Russia XV-XVII centuries. characterized by the absence of regular mass information.

The information vacuum in medieval Russian cities was filled with rumor, which was carried by wanderers, holy fools, as well as storytellers who performed epics and historical songs.

Consequently, in Russian culture, too, a rich arsenal of means of ideological and emotional influence was developed, the integration of which is necessary for advertising activities.

A significant contribution to the development of advertising was made by folk pictures - popular prints. The first mention of them dates back to the beginning of the XNUMXth century. They are based on woodcuts - the art of creating woodcuts. Russian folk pictures were devoted to both serious - religious and political, and entertaining, "amusing" topics. They conveyed various information and ideas to a wide audience in an accessible form, embodied in bright and colorful images.

A synthesis of various means of advertising was carried out: the announcement was read out, in parallel its essence was displayed on the "picture" and replicated with a detailed explanation of what was happening.

During the reign of Peter I, the products of Moscow and St. Petersburg printing houses were increasingly distributed. In parallel with the publication of the Vedomosti newspaper, printed "flying sheets" were actively distributed. They were dedicated to royal decrees, manifestos, historical and calendar dates.

Peter's time is characterized by an abundance of iconic advertising options: oral speech, popular prints, printed texts and various advertising campaigns (manifestations, fireworks).


The Russian press was most developed during the reign of Peter I in the form newspaper "Vedomosti". It was a government publication and its relationship with private advertisers had not yet been formed. But the announcements appeared gradually.

In the middle of the XVIII century. the section of announcements on the volume was equal to the main informational part of the newspaper.

Over time, advertising in newspapers began to reflect the development of economic life more and more differentiated: notices were printed about bankruptcies, the collection of payments by creditors on bills, the forced sale of estates at auction, and private announcements appeared.

Feature: advertising in Russian journalism of the XNUMXth century. was predominantly in the nature of reference, business information, which is typical for the ad genre.

The main share of commercial news and commercial advertising was distributed by the organ of the Department of Foreign Trade "Kommercheskaya Gazeta" (1825-1860) and the private weekly "Kupets" (1832-1835). which was published in three languages ​​- Russian, German and French.

In the 60s. began to take shape news agencies a wide range, focused on the transfer of not only commercial and domestic, but also political news. An increasing share of the profits of periodicals received from the publication of advertising. By the 1870s this item of income in the most popular newspapers was up to 100 rubles daily Trend: advertising texts began to crowd out other publications.

Late XNUMXth and early XNUMXth centuries - the time of successful development of advertising in Russia. A large number of advertisements were placed in newspapers, which were distinguished by a laconic design and a fairly high quality of printing.

Outdoor advertising: in newspaper ads of that period it was proposed to place advertisements on fences, tram stops, railway stations.

Feature of advertisements: they were given a leisurely character and made as complete as possible in content. Advertisers tried to avoid aggressive elements in advertising.

The Soviet period

The planned distribution economy did not require such a way of influencing the consumer as advertising.

In the 30s. advertising primarily concerned shop windows and interiors.

Types of advertising during this period: promotional events at exhibitions and fairs, seminars and presentations, outdoor advertising (roof installations and political posters), window and interior advertising.

Soyuztorgadvertising и cooptradingadvertising engaged in advertising within the country, and foreign tradeadvertising ("Sovero") was focused on working with foreign clients in the USSR and foreign trade organizations abroad.


In the 1990s advertisements began to appear in newspapers. In 1991, television advertising began to air on the first commercial channel "2x2", and advertising appeared on the radio.

The prerequisite for this process was the transition to a market economy.

The first advertising agencies were created:

- "Sovero/ Young & Rubicam":

- "Premier SV";

- "Video International", etc.

Branches of international advertising agencies began to open, which brought modern experience and professional skills to Russian advertising.

At the first stage of the development of the Russian advertising market, advertising by foreign manufacturers dominated, but gradually Russian companies began to enter the advertising market, primarily banks and financial groups. The first commercials appeared on television.

Since 2002, Russia has been one of the top five countries whose residents watch TV ads more often than others.

Russian advertisers create commercials taking into account the national characteristics of the Russian consumer.

Key Points in the development of the advertising market are the adoption in 1995 of the Federal Law "On Advertising" and the establishment of relations with international advertising organizations.

The volume of the advertising market in 2003 amounted to 3,4 billion US dollars, and every year its gradual increase is predicted.

To modern types of advertising include advertising on the Internet, advertising on large-format liquid crystal displays on the streets, film advertising.

In the advertising market, the general principles of the advertising business are firmly established, according to which the entire world market operates.


Advertising policy of the company - these are actions to create and place advertisements and promotional events in order to create an image and attract customers to sell products.

Advertising policy - the way in which the company operates in order to achieve certain goals.

The essence of advertising policy is the choice of advertising strategy and tactics.

Advertising strategy - a general guiding line and attitudes towards the achievement of ultimate goals.

Advertising tactics - a set of means and techniques aimed at achieving the goal, a mode of action, a line of conduct.

Factors on which advertising policy depends: firm size; specific current advertising situation; budget; market targets; competitor behavior; position in the market.

Development of an advertising plan

The main stages of developing an advertising plan:

1) setting goals;

2) establishment of responsibility;

3) determination of the budget;

4) theme development;

5) choice of advertising media;

6) creation of advertisements:

7) timing of advertising;

8) analysis of joint efforts;

9) evaluation of the result (success / failure) Development of a promotional plan The main points to consider when planning advertising activities 1. Item position: in relation to the motives of the consumer; compared to competitors.

2. The purpose of advertising: degree of fame; desired image.

3. About the object of advertising: in which sector of the economy the product is located; size, company structure.

4. Advertisement content: concept (what is advertised).

5. Advertising media: way to implement advertising: through text, graphics.

6. Advertising budget.

7. Plan of promotional activities: advertising repetition frequency; its quality; profitability; placement of advertisements for specific advertising media.

8. Schedule of promotional events in time: timing of advertising campaigns.

9. Monitoring the effectiveness of advertising.


Stages of the ad creation process

1. A decision is made on the structure of the advertising message, an advertising argument is determined that informs about the most important properties and distinctive features of the product, and the form of its presentation.

2. After that, they begin to develop advertising material: the text and style are developed, suitable words are selected, color scheme and design solution are established.

Are engaged in the creation of advertising advertising agencies.

The tasks of an advertising agency include: development of an advertising plan, choice of topic, choice of means of distribution, time for the implementation of an advertising campaign, preparation of the advertising product itself.

Advantages of advertising agencies: an advertising agency will save time, help you make the right choice, and solve all organizational issues.

Basic rules for creating ads:

1. In memory, the information that was perceived consciously is retained longer.

2. Better remember the beginning and end of the message.

3. Diverse and unusual material is perceived and remembered better.

4. Information is better remembered if it does not contradict the formed opinions, concepts, views.

To successfully conduct an advertising campaign, you need to answer the following questions.

1. Who are the current and potential customers? It is necessary to segment the market in order to determine the target audience.

2. What goals need to be achieved: sales growth, introduction of a new product to the market, retention or gaining market shares?

3. When should an advertising campaign be carried out?

4. What is the specificity of the advertised product?

5. What media are more suitable for an advertising campaign?

6. What is the best advertising agency to contact?


To create an advertising message, it is necessary to determine what type of reward (rational, sensitive, social satisfaction or self-esteem satisfaction) buyers expect to receive.

Rules for creating an advertising message

1. The appeal should tell the consumer something desirable or interesting about the product that distinguishes this brand from others. It must be plausible and provable.

2. The appeal should attract the attention of the target audience.

3. When creating the text of a future announcement, it is necessary to determine the main points (tasks, content, argumentation). Then you should find the style, the necessary words, the tone and form of the incarnation of the appeal.

Basic styles of address

1. Emphasizing lifestyle. The focus is on a particular lifestyle.

2. Sketch from nature. The image of a prosperous family, satisfied with the offered goods, is most often used.

3. Use of a symbolic character. The use of a fictional character in an advertisement with which the product is associated.

4. Fantasy setting.

5. Emphasis on technical or professional experience. In advertising, reference is made to the opinions of experts in various fields.

6. Creating a mood or image.

5. Musical. Several characters sing a song about the product, create a semblance of a small performance.

6. Use of scientific data, various studies.

7. Use of evidence in favor of the goods. The ads show people who are happy with the product or service.

It is also necessary to develop an appropriate tone of appeal. Some companies appeal to a sense of humor, others - to the "solidity" of advertising.


The main elements of the advertising text

1. Title (together with a photograph or illustration) should grab the attention of the reader, viewer or listener. It can be one or more words. The headline is the basis of advertising and acts as the strongest message to the buyer. It must be clear in meaning.

2. Subtitle should be sent to the client. It is a kind of bridge between the heading and the body text.

3. Main text fulfills the promises of the headline: in it the client finds the details that should persuade him to buy.

Feature: most consumers never get to the main text - they lose interest in the ad after reading the headline, and some - even earlier. But those who have reached the main text are potential customers.

4. Used in advertising photographs and illustrations, captions and comments play an important role.

signatures explain what is shown in the photo or illustration, attract the eye of buyers, provide the opportunity to place a short, juicy text. In this regard, the content of the caption need not be limited to a simple explanation of what is depicted. The signature can contain additional information related to the sale.

Comments - fragments of text similar to signatures, connected with elements of a photograph or illustration using a line or arrow. Signatures and comments give the buyer the feeling that he can look at them without succumbing to advertising.

5. Advertising slogan - the verbal equivalent of the organization's logo. In a printed ad, it is placed next to the graphic sign of the company or the name of the enterprise; reflects the position of the organization. The slogan is effective in radio advertising, since it is impossible to use the logo or elements that identify the company.


1. Setting advertising objectives

Objectives can be based on previous decisions about target market selection, marketing positioning, and marketing mix. The marketing positioning strategy and approach to the formation of the marketing mix predetermine what exactly the advertisement should do as part of an integrated marketing program.

2. Budget development decisions Having defined the objectives of advertising, you can begin to develop an advertising budget for each individual product.

3. Decision on advertising appeal Having set the objectives of advertising and the advertising budget, it is necessary to decide on the nature of the advertising message.

The main stages of the decision on an advertising appeal:

1) the formation of the idea of ​​appeal. To create ideas designed to solve the problems assigned to advertising, creative workers use various methods. Many ideas come from conversations with customers, dealers, experts, and competitors;

2) assessment and selection of treatment options. The advertiser must evaluate possible appeals. The appeal should tell its recipient something desirable or interesting about the product, as well as something exceptional or special that is not inherent in other brands in this product category. The appeal must be plausible or provable;

3) execution of the appeal. The degree of impact of the appeal depends not only on what is said, but also on how it is said. The advertiser needs to present his appeal in such a way that it attracts the attention and interest of the target audience.

5. Evaluation of the advertising program

Advertising evaluation methods:

- measurements of communicative effectiveness show how effective communication is provided by the ad. This method is used both before the ad is placed, and after it is published or broadcast;

- measurements of trading efficiency - comparison of sales volume with advertising costs for the past period.


Selection process consists of the following stages:

1) making decisions about the breadth of coverage, frequency of appearance and strength of the impact of advertising;

2) selection of the main types of information dissemination media.

Characteristics, which should be taken into account when selecting the means of dissemination of information:

- commitment of the target audience to certain media;

- specifics of the goods;

- the specifics of the appeal. A major sale announcement requires the use of radio or newspapers. An appeal containing a large amount of technical information should preferably be placed in specialized journals:

- price. Television is the most expensive; newspaper advertising is cheap;

3) the choice of specific advertising media and the cost of advertising per 1000 people.

If the ad is to appear in magazines, the specialist must examine circulation data and pricing for ads of different sizes, colors, and locations, as well as magazine periodicity data. After that, it is necessary to evaluate the journals according to such indicators as reliability, prestige, the presence of regional and professional publications, the quality of printing reproduction, editorial policy, the duration of the order and the psychological impact on readers. Advertising cost per 1000 people: advertising media specialists deduce the cost of circulation in a particular medium per 1000 people;

4) making decisions on the schedule for the use of advertising media.

The advertiser must set the advertising cycle. Advertising Sequence - Uniform placement of ads within the time period.

Pulsating Graph - this is uneven placement of advertising within the same time period.


1. Relatively short period of active advertising. The most widespread advertising was in the mid-90s. every year more and more gaining momentum.

2. Widespread borrowing of promotional material. A large amount of advertising material is borrowed from others. Slightly altered and shown without attribution to the author or source ("advertising piracy").

3. Wide distribution of specific types of advertising. In Russia, advertising on the entrances of houses, poles, and bus stops is very popular. Used balloon advertising.

The main advertising media in Russia

1. Television. Nowadays, almost every channel uses advertising.

How to advertise: blocks; inserts: breaks (during the screening of feature films).

2. Radio. Most commercial FM radio stations use advertisements. Advertising is served mainly in blocks after 10-15 minutes of music or news. Most often these are independent advertising developments. The main audience of radio stations is young people and people under the age of 40, so most of the advertisements on the radio are targeted specifically at this category of radio listeners.

3. Periodicals. Newspapers and magazines are the most accessible advertising media compared to television and radio. Advertising in periodicals is very diverse: it can contain private ads in 2-3 lines or full-page ads of large companies.

4. Advertising in the subway. This is a relatively new type of Russian advertising, which has gained great popularity. Subway advertising is one of the most unobtrusive and effective types of Russian advertising.

5. Outdoor advertising. Outdoor advertising (as billboards) has become especially popular in large cities.


The development and creation of an advertising campaign is carried out either by advertising agencies or by the advertising department of the company itself.

Advantages of advertising agencies

- availability of highly qualified specialists:

- bring an outside perspective on the problems facing the firm, and also have a wealth of experience working with different clients and in different situations. The advertising agency must develop an advertising plan, choose a topic, decide on the means of distribution and the timing of the advertising campaign, etc.

The composition of the advertising agency - four departments:

1) a creative department that develops and produces ads;

2) department of advertising media, dealing with the selection of advertising media and placement of advertisements;

3) a research department that studies the characteristics and needs of the audience;

4) commercial department dealing with the commercial side of the agency's activities.

The work on the orders of each individual client is supervised by a responsible executor, and employees of specialized departments are entrusted with servicing the orders of one or more clients.

Advertising agencies are compensated in the form of commissions and sometimes royalties.

Most often, the agency receives a 15% discount on the cost of advertising media it purchases.

A brief (from the English brief - short, concise) is a document that gives the agency complete information about the advertiser's intentions regarding the planned promotion. It reveals the ideas of the client, his vision of the features of the upcoming work, specifies the requirements and gives advice. The brief is prepared by the client's marketing department and sent to the advertising agency when it is invited to participate in a competition or when the client wants to give it a specific task.


Preliminary work: attracting the attention of a potential client and persuading the need to use the services of a particular agency.

Ways to attract the attention of potential customers:

- participation in specialized exhibitions and competitions;

- participation in competitions (tenders) for receiving a separate order or the entire advertising budget;

- manifestation of own initiative and transfer to the advertiser of their proposals for solving specific advertising tasks;

- implementation of special presentations of the agency;

- opening a website on the Internet:

- production and distribution of promotional materials (brochures, catalogs, booklets, etc.) to the addresses of potential customers;

- personal contacts between the management of the agency and the advertiser or their managers Main stages of work:

1. Receiving an order for advertising services.

2. Signing the contract.

3. The advertiser becomes a client of the agency, and joint work begins.

4. The purpose and tasks of the work are determined.

5. The funds necessary for the work are established, the terms for the performance of the work and the amount of remuneration are stipulated.

Advertising agency employees and their features: one of the important roles belongs to the customer service department. This department employs employees who determine the nature of the relationship with the client. Based on the results of their activities, the client develops an opinion about the work of the agency as a whole. With a strong business relationship, cooperation between the agency and the client can last quite a long time, but if this does not happen, then the client seeks to find a new agency.


Relationship Rules advertiser and advertising agency:

- the implementation of constant and maximum advertising activity in work with the advertiser - the proposal of original ideas aimed at strengthening the client's advertising and promoting his goods on the market;

- understanding by the advertising agency of the client's corporate culture;

- implementation of strategic marketing campaigns for the client;

- receipt by the advertising agency of material satisfaction from the execution of customer orders;

- achievement of mutual understanding concerning the purposes of advertising;

- simple and quick decision-making by the client on the evaluation of the proposals submitted by the advertising agency;

- use of the latest databases on market research, consumers, competitors;

- confidence in the advertising agency on the part of the client, expressed in providing him with the necessary powers to carry out all responsibility for advertising activities:

- exclusion of manifestations of arrogance on the part of the advertiser's employees, the introduction of a spirit of partnership;

- implementation of annual joint, frank discussions of the results of advertising work;

- effective planning and procurement in the media, the creation of effective media strategies;

- formation of original creative developments;

- production of high-quality promotional products;

- conscientiousness of work;

- an advertising agency must have all the information about a competitor, consumer, which may be required to determine strategic advertising goals and creative ideas;

- the client must be honest with the agency;

- the client must respect the competence of the advertising agency in matters of advertising;

- an advertising agency must clearly understand what the client wants from him, what is expected from promotions;

- the advertising agency should be aware of the client's problems;

- the client gives the advertising agency the necessary information, research, sales data, so that it fully analyzes the intricacies of the client's business;

- The opinions of the client must always be taken into account, and the client must trust the specialists of the advertising agency on advertising issues.

Creative work: the agency always positively assesses the willingness of the client to support creative work. Such work must be bold and risky and fully consistent with the jointly developed strategy.


Payment for the services of an advertising agency can be carried out in the following ways.

1. Payment of commissions. The traditional commission rate is 15-20% of the bills for the purchase of advertising space in the media or other types of advertising media (for the press, radio, television, this is usually 15%, for cinema and outdoor advertising - up to 20%).

In recent years, due to great competition between agencies, this percentage tends to decrease.

Scheme of work: the agency provides the client with the full discounts that it receives from the owner of the distribution channel. For advertising services related to the printing of promotional materials, the production of souvenirs, the advertising agency receives a commission of 17,65%.

2. The client pays the agency remuneration in the form of a fee for the services rendered. The amount of the fee is set by both parties, taking into account the situation on the market and the level of relationship between the client and the agency. This form of payment is more common in the development of packaging design and corporate identity, the production of print advertising, commercials, the organization of sales promotion campaigns and advertising at the point of sale, etc.

3. The system of settlements between the client and the agency, based on the payment of remuneration in the form of commissions.

Disadvantages: it is possible to increase the amount of advertising bills, as this automatically leads to an increase in the cost of services. Therefore, many large advertisers have introduced hourly rates for their services. It is carried out for creative work: developing an advertising concept, writing a script, developing a corporate identity, etc.

4. Combined types of payments:

- a combination of commission and fee;

- hourly wages and commissions.

5. The client can encourage his agency for good work on the basis of the results obtained for the year - pay the agency at the end of the year additional commissions (bonuses), calculated as a percentage of the total advertising budget. Their value is negotiated by the parties at the stage of preparation of the contract and may be several times higher than the size of the usual commission.

Feature: many media outlets can also pay bonuses to the agency for large volumes of orders that the agency carries out through them. In this case, the size of the bonus is a certain percentage of the transactions of the media and the agency, which stimulates them to recommend "their" media to advertisers.


Paid advertising

1. Radio.

2. Television.

3. Printing: newspapers, magazines, price lists, "yellow pages", specialized directories (regional, seasonal, publications of chambers of commerce); seller business cards.

4. Signs.

5. "Direct mail" (direct mail): flyers with information about sales; letters; postal cards; notices; flyers (flyers with an invitation to attend an event); brochures; coupons.

6. Public relations: articles in newspapers and magazines, press release; open days; interview; sponsorship; business meetings; holding seminars; club memberships, etc.

7. Telemarketing: telephone marketing; questionnaires; service; responses to customer complaints; Special offers.

8. Personal selling: presentation material; personal letters; client offers; salesperson training.

9. Promotion (promotion): providing discounts; coupons (discounts); "three for the price of one" (profitable packaging).

10. Advertising on souvenirs: key chains, lighters, calendars, mugs; notebooks, organizers.

11. Advertising structures: advertising on signs, poles; information pages; registration and equipment of points of sale; illuminated advertising.

12. Other types of promotion: handouts; flyers; posters; Balloons; mobile displays.

Types of information dissemination channels: channels of personal and non-personal communication.

1. Channels of personal communication: personal meetings, telephone conversations, personal correspondence, communication with the audience on television and radio. Channel features: allow for feedback and provide an opportunity for personal appeal.

2. Channels of non-personal communication - means of disseminating information without the presence of personal contact and feedback.

Varieties: mass media; means of selective influence.


1. Coverage - an indicator that determines how many people in one contact will be able to get acquainted with an advertising message.

For television and radio is the total number of viewers (listeners) who encounter an advertising message.

For printed matter - circulation and degree of transmission (how many times each copy gets to a new reader). Feature: The transmission rate for magazines is much higher than for daily newspapers.

2. Frequency of occurrence - an indicator that determines how many times a representative of the target audience should face the appearance of advertising

The frequency of appearance is highest for newspapers, radio and television, where advertisements appear daily.

3. Force of influence advertising contact - an indicator that depends on the chosen distribution channel. Television has the highest degree of impact, as it combines sound, color, movement and other factors.

4. Sustainability messages - an indicator that shows how often this advertisement catches the eye and how much it is remembered.

5. Fullness - the number of advertisements contained in one program, one page, one publication, etc.

6. Deadline for submission - this is the period for which the information source can place an advertisement.

The submission deadline is shortest for newspapers and longest for magazines and telephone directories.

The length of the submission period indicates how many weeks or months a firm must plan ahead for its advertising campaign and whether it will face the possibility of getting the wrong messages in an ever-changing environment.


Key Features: accessibility to a wide range of readers; periodicity of publications: distribution for a fee.

Advertising form: ads; articles.

Advertisements should arouse interest among potential consumers and encourage them to request more detailed information about the advertised goods.

Types of advertisements

1. Classified Ads - these are short messages, selected according to the topic and paid at a reduced rate.

2. Commercial announcements give a detailed description of the product, the method of its use, the place of sale, the price, the company that manufactures it, and other information.

Articles - information promoting consumer goods. Features:

- prepared competently and objectively.

- contain hidden advertising and often achieve a greater effect than expensive advertisements.

Газеты due to their popularity, they are the most accessible for advertising.

Types of magazines: general and special.

General journals intended for the mass reader (business news magazines.

magazines for women, illustrated magazines, fashion magazines, general information magazines, etc.).

Special magazines are intended for a certain circle of readers (scientific, industry, engineering, technical and economic). Target audience - managers and engineering and technical workers.

Disadvantages: a long time gap between the purchase of advertising space and the appearance of advertising, the presence of useless circulation, the lack of a guarantee that the ad will be placed in the preferred place.

Directories (address, company, guides, theater programs, train schedules, aviation companies) also contain a significant part of the advertising material.


Printable advertisement published in print.

Feature: targeting a precisely defined and predetermined circle of consumers.

Disadvantages: high cost, overload with advertising, short duration of advertising contact, less selectivity of the audience.

Types of print advertising:

1. Catalogs include product descriptions of different models or different groups of products. The catalog usually contains a brief description, technical data, terms of sale.

2. Prospect - a publication containing brief information about the product of one model and its modifications. Information contained in the brochure: description of quality, design features, advantages over other similar products, method of operation. Sometimes the text is accompanied by drawings, drawings, photographs that allow you to better understand the essence of the product. For machines and equipment, the brochures contain information about accessories and tools, packaging, etc.

3. Flyer and booklet. They contain general information about the product, give an idea of ​​its quality, main advantages and appearance. Purpose: to arouse interest among potential consumers and encourage them to get more information about the advertised product or service.

4. Advertising letters (postcards) sent by mail to a certain circle of potential consumers. The sender gives the letter the character of a personal, intimate message. Addressing the addressee as a friend is used.

5. Advertising messages. Mailed order forms, postcards or postcards, calendars, letters in envelopes. Postal cards contain, as a rule, one advertising message.

6. Advertising inserts placed in purchases to encourage repeat purchases of the product or to offer other products.


There are the following ways to distribute print advertising:

- by mail:

- in showrooms:

- at exhibitions and fairs;

- at thematic conferences:

- hanging posters and posters in the interior of railway stations, hotels, restaurants, in classrooms;

- at personal meetings of business people;

- at special screenings of films:

- during commercial negotiations.

By mail. This method is called "direct mail" (directmail) - direct mail.

The bottom line: provides for the distribution of print advertising among a narrow circle of potential consumers.

For advertising by mail, all types of printed advertising are used, with the exception of posters and posters. The largest share falls on catalogs, brochures and leaflets.

Advantages: advertising is personal or selective.

Mail advertising sent to a home address is especially effective. Mailing lists - potential consumers are compiled either by advertising agencies that have their own mailing lists and address books, or by specialized firms, bureaus or advertising agencies that have extensive information about potential buyers.

Distribution of printed advertising in showrooms, as well as at exhibitions, fairs and conferences is carried out in the form of distribution of leaflets, design of appropriate stands with printed products. The advantage of such distribution is the maximum orientation to the target audience.

The distribution of printed advertising during personal meetings and during business negotiations is characterized by the fact that the recipient of information in most cases will definitely get acquainted with it.


Television advertising is the most expensive form of advertising. Types of television advertising:

1. Advertisements - short messages up to 10 seconds long (usually at the beginning of a TV show). TV viewers are introduced to new products, given brief information about the product, place of sale, method of use.

2. Commercial advertisements are usually transmitted between and in the middle of transmitted programs. Advertising messages are made in the form of sketches (short entertaining scenes with original situations) and are shown for 2-3 minutes.

3. Funded transfers (performances by famous singers, showing expensive performances). During such a transfer, the company - the manufacturer of the goods that finances the transfer - is advertised.

4. advertising reports, which are conducted from shopping centers, enterprises or fashion houses, showrooms, exhibitions in order to show the goods offered to the buyer. Sometimes such broadcasts include "impromptu" conversations with real customers who give feedback on the advertised product.

5. Transparencies or transparencies films usually shown during pauses for 5-10 seconds and accompanied by an announcer's text of 10-15 words. The advantage of filmstrips is that they are very cheap and can be easily made. The display of filmstrips is usually accompanied by musical accompaniment.

6. Film advertising. Advertising in cinema, depending on the methods of its implementation, is divided into -

- direct (clean);

- indirect (hidden)

Goal pure promotional films - convince the viewer of the high qualities and benefits of the advertised product and encourage him to make a purchase.

Hiden advertisment gives the audience an impression of impartiality and objectivity. In this regard, many large firms finance the creation of films.


Advertising at the point of sale carried out inside and outside the store, showroom, salon.

Types of advertising at the point of sale

- showcases;

- projection installations for displaying transparencies inside the store:

- outdoor sign;

- store layout

- posters and posters in the store and outside;

- display of goods in use in a store, showroom or showroom;

- advertising on the radio in the store.

Clothing advertising - providing consumers with free gifts, samples of goods, premiums.

The following are used as promotional gifts or souvenirs: notebooks, ashtrays, calendars, wallets, business card holders, fountain pens, lighters, badges, etc.

Feature: these items are marked with the name of the company, and sometimes also its address and the nature of its activities.

Role: the fact of giving a gift creates a favorable attitude towards the firm.

Award granted to retail customers for making a specific purchase or for a series of purchases for a specific amount, as well as for the sale of out-of-season goods.

Award options: household goods, cosmetics, food, toys, etc., and it is announced in advance which item is given out as a bonus when buying a particular product.

Samples provided to potential buyers for better familiarization with the advertised product.

Application: Sample distribution is most commonly used in the trade of cosmetics, perfumes, groceries, cigarettes, etc.

Advertising in product design - elements of direct packaging of goods (labels, boxes, bottles, packages).

Properly designed packaging is one of the active means of attracting the attention of a potential consumer.

Packing Features: contains a large amount of necessary information about the product: price, weight, expiration date, method of application or manufacture.

Advertising by showing the product in action. Demonstration of goods at fairs and exhibitions is a powerful persuasive means of advertising. It has an impact on the buyer, convincing him of the merits and advantages of the product. During the demonstration, the buyer can get information about the conditions of sale, prices, discounts, delivery times and product features.

prestige advertising - advertising not only the product, but also the manufacturer itself. The achievements of the manufacturer in scientific research, in innovative production methods and equipment with the latest equipment, in competent customer service are popularized.


media planning - the process of forming advertising distribution channels, i.e., delivering advertising messages to recipients. Tasks of media planning:

- optimization of the layout of advertising materials based on objective indicators:

- increasing the degree of coverage of the target audience or increasing the frequency of advertising contacts. Media planning programs allow you to:

- make estimates of the full degree of overlap of the relevant audience;

- to find indicators characterizing various advertising distribution channels;

- determine compromise solutions, taking into account the prices for placement, the degree of audience coverage, the frequency of advertising contacts, the size and color (for print advertising), the duration of commercials (for television and radio advertising);

- set calendar schedules and use different types of advertising campaigns.

The main stages of the media planning process.

1. The objectives of the marketing and advertising campaign of the advertiser are formulated.

2. The stage during which decisions are made on the degree of audience coverage and on the required number of advertising contacts. It is established which part of the audience should be covered by the advertising message.

Main indicators of media planning:

1. Coverage of the advertising carrier (media carrier) - the number of consumers (in percent) who had the opportunity to see an advertising message at least once.

2. Cumulative exposure frequency - the total number of contacts (three or more) of the target audience with the advertising medium per unit of time.

3. The frequency of exposure to advertising on the consumer - an indicator that determines which part of the target audience (in percent) and how many times contacted the carrier of the advertising message.


- there is a threshold frequency of advertising exposure, below which advertising is not perceived by the consumer (there is no reaction);

- with an increase in the frequency of exposure, a positive reaction occurs, which, with a further increase in frequency, reaches the maximum positive level;

- a further increase in the frequency of exposure to advertising reduces the level of positive consumer reaction, approaching zero (this happens if the advertisement is repeated too often). Critical frequency - the frequency at which a significant process of reducing the reaction to advertising begins. With a further increase in frequency, the reaction becomes brightly negative, and advertising becomes anti-advertising.

3. The stage during which the direct selection of the media channel and media carriers is carried out and a specific scheme for placing an advertising message is developed.


Media channel - a set of means of distribution of advertising, the same type in terms of the method of transmitting information and differing in the same type of perception by their consumers. For example, television, the press or the Internet.

Highlights of the media channel selection process: establishing marketing goals, advertising campaign goals, the nature of the audience and the existing restrictions that must be taken into account; selection of a base channel or channels for an advertising campaign: establishing possible combinations of a base channel with others that can be used (i.e. an integrated approach); taking into account the fact that the use of a particular media may be limited or completely prohibited for certain types of goods. This is possible due to insufficient advertising budget.

Media channel selection - an important point in the entire process of media planning, as a result, it affects the results of the entire advertising campaign. An incorrectly chosen media channel can fail the entire advertising campaign.

Channel selection criteria:

1. Correspondence of the channel to the target audience, which should be affected by advertising. It is necessary to collect data characterizing the audience of various media - lifestyle, socio-cultural characteristics.

2. Correspondence of the channel to the level of the advertised product. Some distribution channels are more suitable for advertising a particular type of product: specialized publications more suitable for advertising products used by a narrow circle of consumers; road shields - for advertising goods of mass demand; daytime television - for food products, various household, television and audio equipment.

3. Correspondence of the channel to the specifics of the distribution network of a particular product. Advertising of consumer goods, installed on billboards near supermarkets, is one of the best ways to advertise.

4. Analysis of the choice of channels by competitors. It is necessary in order to take it into account in further actions by choosing other basic channels, or the same ones, but using them differently (for example, by changing the frequency of advertising).

5. Correspondence of the channel to the nature of the advertising message. Print media is more suitable for rational advertising, which is directed to the mind, requires reflection, while radio, outdoor advertising, film and television are more suitable for emotional advertising.

6. Desired urgency of the response. The time elapsed between the perception of advertising and the response of the audience is different for different channels.

7. The time available for the company to carry out an advertising campaign, since the production of an advertising product for different channels is different. The production of a TV commercial requires a significant amount of time, and reservations for magazine space must be made several weeks before the release.


Media (or advertising medium) - this is a specific representative of the media channel where the advertising message is placed. Media carrier selection criteria:

1. The quality criteria of media carriers are applied in relation to individual, specific types of media.

When considering the possibilities of outdoor advertising, such media as billboards (boards 3x6 m) and city formats (1,2x1,8 m) are compared.

2. Quantitative characteristics of indicators of media carriers.

A. Press. Distribution scale (circulation) Real media circulation is the number of copies sold by subscription and retail, as well as distributed free of charge. Data on possible changes in circulation allow you to make forecast estimates. • Audience - this is the total set of people reading, watching, listening, passing by a billboard on the street. The calculation is necessary in quantitative and qualitative terms (demographic and socio-economic characteristics, lifestyle, etc.). • Frequency of advertising contacts The number of times a consumer has seen a particular advertisement. • Circulation ratio - the average number of persons accessing one copy of this publication. The total audience is usually larger than the number of buyers. Cost of advertising contact per 1 thousand people - the cost of an advertising unit placed in the media in terms of 1 thousand people.

B. Television. TV time rating - share (in %) of those viewers who watched a specific channel at a certain time, out of the potential number of viewers. The highest rating has peak television time (prime time). • Sum of all ratings (target rating) is the net useful reach multiplied by the contact frequency. • Potential and active audience is the total number of homes in the country with television satellites. • The cost of one general rating point - a measure that determines the effectiveness of a particular program. • Ad rating - the average rating of advertising time at a certain time of the day. • Transfer Rating is the share of the TV audience multiplied by the size of the active audience. • Frequency of advertising contacts - reveals how many times the consumer has seen a particular advertising message. The optimal frequency is 3-4 contacts within four weeks.

AT. Outdoor advertising. Frequency of advertising contacts - shows how many times the consumer has seen a particular advertising message. The optimal frequency of advertising contacts for outdoor advertising is 12 contacts per month. • Ability to see ads - an indicator that enables the consumer to see an advertising poster.


1. Competence. Advertisements must correspond to the level of competence that is associated with the main focus of the advertising medium in which the advertisement appears (specialized magazines on economics, tourism, computers, sports, etc.)

2. Kudos. The prestige of the media or any other media channel is always taken into account when planning product advertising. If the purpose of advertising is to create a high brand image, it is advisable to place its advertising in mass media with a high reputation.

3. Editorial Compliance Advertisements are much more effective when they appear in the context of editorials that talk about the same topic.

4. Emotional impression. The prestige of an advertising medium can be viewed from the point of view of the emotional impression that arises from its readers / viewers. Such prerequisites underlie the choice of magazines from the series of "thick, glossy" for advertising prestigious perfumes, expensive cars, designer clothes.

5. Open-mindedness. If the advertising campaign touches upon issues of a political or social nature, the position of the media may affect the effectiveness of the transmission of advertising information. Many advertisers seek to place their advertisements in publications.

respected. The appearance of advertisements in them will be perceived as confirmation of the authenticity of these advertisements.

6. The degree of audience interest.

Advertising media that in themselves attract attention from readers provide a more effective impact of advertising compared to those advertising media that do not arouse particular interest in the audience.


Distribution channel strategies

The essence of the strategy is to determine the amount that should be spent on the media during the advertising campaign and on other media channels.

There are many practices that are often used in determining the money allocated to advertising. The main approaches include a detailed specification of the problems that the advertiser is trying to solve advertising methods. After the implementation of this largely analytical work, the amount of money invested in advertising is finally determined.

Distribution channel tactics - this is a decision on which of the allocated funds of the advertising budget will be used for specific media channels (television, radio, press, etc.) and on which specific media the allocated funds will be spent.

Decisions about the placement of advertising in distribution channels and the planning of these means is one of the areas of advertising where the mathematical apparatus is used. At the same time, factors such as the type of media carrier and its comparability with the tasks of the audience targeted by the advertising campaign, the ability of the media to enhance the impact of advertising are analyzed.

The combination of advertising media should allow: to reach the maximum coverage of the persons that make up the target audience;

to achieve the optimal ratio of advertising costs and the effect of it - quantitative and qualitative.


Advertising campaign - a system of interrelated promotional activities in a specified period of time and providing for a set of advertising means to achieve a specific goal of marketing activities by the advertiser.

Feature: promotional activities in an advertising campaign should constitute an integral interconnected system.

Effective advertising is closely related to the creation of a favorable image of the product, which is used to create branding. Branding - activities to create a long-term preference for a product, organized on the cumulative impact on the buyer of packaging, trademark, advertising messages and other elements of advertising, united by a specific idea and the same design, distinguishing the product from others. The activity of creating a brand consists in the joint creative work of the advertiser, the marketing organization and the advertising agency. Such activity consists in creating and introducing a personalized brand image into the mind of the consumer. Brand image is an image of a certain trademark or product family based on marketing research.

The main objectives of the advertising campaign:

- introduction of new products to the market:

- promotion of sales of goods;

- switching demand from one product or service to another;

- creating a favorable image of organizations and goods.

Factors that determine the duration of the advertising campaign: the purpose of the advertising campaign, the features of the object of advertising, the scale of the campaign. Advertising campaign implementation plan:

1. Analysis of the marketing situation.

2. Definition of the purposes of advertising.

3. Definition of the target audience.

4. Drawing up a cost estimate.

5. Choice of means of distribution of advertising.

6. Drawing up an advertising message or text.


Advertising campaign - a set of promotional activities aimed at achieving a specific marketing goal of the advertiser.

Stages of an advertising campaign

At the first stage perform a psychological analysis of consumers in order to establish a relationship between their desires and behavioral motives.

On the second - a schematic model of the advertised product is formed, corresponding to these desires.

Types of advertising campaigns

1. According to the goals: product support creating a favorable image.

2. By territorial coverage: local, regional, national, global.

3. According to the intensity of the impact on the consumer:

- uniform - activities are carried out evenly in time - once a week, on a certain day, at certain intervals. Application: used in reminder advertising when the product is well known;

- growing - carried out according to the principle of increasing the impact on the audience. Application: used with a gradual increase in the volume of output of goods and its entry into the sale:

- descending - used when selling a limited amount of the advertised product; its intensity decreases with a decrease in the stock of the advertised product in warehouses.

4. According to the frequency of use:

salvo - begins with a period of high intensity of advertising, after which there is a period of its complete absence. It is used in cases when it is necessary to provide a quick or seasonal increase in memorability to the maximum level;

continuous - advertising messages are evenly distributed over the entire period of the advertising campaign;

impulse - continuous advertising campaign is periodically supplemented by volleys of intensive advertising.


Advertising campaign - this is a set of promotional activities with established goals, necessary for the implementation of the advertiser's marketing strategy by encouraging a certain range of consumers to act with the help of advertising messages.

Feature: the manufacturer before starting the production of goods must analyze the market and consumer needs.

Purpose of advertising - convince potential buyers of the usefulness of the product and lead to the idea of ​​the need to purchase it.

Types of advertising campaign goals

- creation of a name, prestige of the organization in order to subsequently win a certain market share;

- sale of goods;

Indicators that affect the nature of advertising company strategy, its size; market targets; specific advertising situation; competitor behavior; the position occupied by the firm in the market.

Goals of advertising campaigns

- promotion of sales of goods:

- Introduction to the market of new goods, services:

- switching demand from one product (service) to another;

- Creation of a favorable image of the enterprise (company) and goods.

Increasing sales (creating it from scratch, if we are talking about diversification) or maintaining it at the same level (if prices are planned to increase, etc.) is one of the main goals of an advertising campaign.

Advertising has an impact on sales through increasing the level of awareness of the product and organization and creating an image of the product and enterprise.

Advertising features: advertising can provide consumers' attention, interest, desire to buy, but the purchase is carried out if there is a product of the right quality at the right time, in the right place, at the right price.


1. Operational goals:

1) an increase in primary and secondary demand for goods. It should attract the attention of those who do not yet use this product; 2) establishing a trusting relationship with the consumer. In this case, the task of advertising is to increase the share of needs for a particular product among existing users. Such a task is feasible if the brand has real advantages that consumers are not yet aware of. Purpose of advertising - increasing the commitment of existing users, which reduces consumer sensitivity to price and makes it possible to set a higher price for the product.

When the level of repeat purchases is low, there is a high rate of brand wear. In order to reduce wear and tear, it is necessary to make efforts to reduce the outflow of consumers. To do this, use measures to stimulate sales; 3) increase in market share. Such a goal can be achieved by using the results of product positioning in an advertising campaign, a massive impact on the consumer, and incentives to stimulate sales of the distribution network.

2. Behavioral goals:

The purpose of advertising is to attract new consumers. In this case, you should convince the new consumer to make the first purchase. To do this, it is necessary to determine the number of attracted consumers by counting the return coupons placed in the advertisement.

3. Multiple targets:

Advertising aimed at maximizing the effectiveness of one goal is not always effective for other goals. In this regard, advertisers create additional types of advertising as part of the overall campaign. Therefore, with multiple goals, it is necessary to develop several advertising messages designed for a number of target groups.


1. The exact focus on the target segment of the advertised product. In a situation where advertising is aimed at the end consumer, the definition of the target market segment should be part of the marketing goals.

2. The most complete use of the main behavioral characteristics of the segment that will be affected by advertising. This allows you to direct the promotion to one of the following options:

- trial purchases of new consumers, retention of existing consumers;

- making a decision to visit the point of sale of goods;

3. Creation of brand awareness, formation of its image.

4. Linking the sensations of the consumer, his personality with the product.

Types of consumers: a consumer who does not use this product; a dedicated user of a particular brand; a lot of buying consumer; consumer committed to another brand.

Obstacles that arise when increasing sales volume

1. Advertising is one of several factors that affect sales, therefore, it is difficult to establish only its impact on the level of sales (the actions of competitors, price, distribution of goods among distributors, packaging quality, characteristics of the product itself, changes in consumer tastes play a big role).

2. Almost always, the effect of the influence of advertising does not appear immediately, but after a long period of time.

In the event that an advertising campaign is carried out continuously, its impact may only manifest itself after a long period of time. Therefore, there is a difficulty in determining the amount of advertising spending depending on changes in sales volumes caused by advertising, and the need to find such variables that would allow you to quickly determine the level of contribution of advertising to sales volumes.


The main directions of planning an advertising campaign:

- setting goals and identifying the target market (determination of the target group);

- development of a strategy and tactics of messages (directly to the advertising campaign itself);

- development of strategy and tactics for choosing advertising media.

The basis for developing an advertising campaign plan - the manufacturer's marketing program, which is based on a specific market situation.

Advertising Plan - this is an important component that is developed on the basis of a situational analysis, which is the basis of any advertising plan.

Situational analysis is carried out in relation to a company, product or a specific line of products.

The main components of a situational analysis

1. Analysis of the commodity market and its consumer. Components of the analysis: different segments of consumers, market size, seasonality and geographic location, consumer demand, the state of competition, stages of the product life cycle, etc.

Such data provide answers to the following questions: are buyers satisfied with popular brands; What benefit do buyers want to receive in the product category under consideration?

2. Analysis of competition. Advertising planning is influenced by the specific competitive situation faced by the advertiser.

Competition is a key factor in all phases of the advertising planning process. As a result of this work, it is established which market segments are suitable for brand positioning and the share of which competitors can increase in segments where the advertised product is present. The strengths and weaknesses of competitors are analyzed.

After the situational analysis is carried out, a marketing plan, an integral part of which is an advertising plan.


Step-by-step plan for the implementation of an advertising campaign:

1. The purpose of the advertising campaign is set, a clear answer is given to the question of why it is carried out.

2. The target audience is identified and studied. In some cases, the target audience includes representatives of contact audiences, intermediaries and reference groups (persons who influence decision-making).

3. The approximate amount of financial resources that are planned to be spent on the implementation of the advertising campaign is determined.

4. Employees responsible for the advertising campaign are appointed. A decision is made to involve advertising agencies.

5. The selected advertising agency is included in the work. An advertising idea is determined and, on its basis, the concept of an advertising campaign is developed.

6. Advertising media and optimal communication channels are selected to be used during the advertising campaign. The media plan and schedule for the implementation of the advertising campaign are approved:

7. Advertising messages and additional promotions related to the advertising campaign are being developed. These include:

- publication of brochures, catalogues, etc.

- sales promotion;

- advertising at the point of sale:

- participation in fairs and exhibitions:

- conducting public relations events, etc.

8. The cost estimate for the advertising campaign is finalized. Approval of the campaign budget required to achieve the intended goals.

9. A calendar schedule for all activities of the advertising campaign is established, indicating the deadlines for implementation and responsible persons.

10. The development and production of advertising, the purchase of space and time in the media and the rental of other necessary types of advertising media are being carried out.

11. Practical implementation of advertising campaign activities.

12. The effectiveness of the advertising campaign is determined. Control measures are being taken.


Marketing Strategies - the basis for determining the goals of an advertising campaign. The goals of the enterprise are achieved by the coordinated action of marketing tools. Marketing strategies determine how exactly the goal will be achieved:

1) through a long-term gradual increase in sales, corresponding to the growing productivity of the enterprise, or a powerful short-term surge in sales of commodity surpluses;

2) by attracting new dealers or providing advertising support to existing ones.

Advertising and sales of goods

One of the key goals of an advertising campaign is to increase sales (create it from scratch in case of diversification) or maintain it at a certain level (if prices are planned to increase, etc.).

Advertising influences sales by raising the level of awareness of the product and organization and creating an image of the product and organization.

The role of advertising: can provide consumers' attention, interest, desire to buy, but the purchase is realized if the goods of the right quality are available at the right time, in the right place, at an affordable price.

Relationship between advertising and marketing: in case of inconsistency in terms of advertising and distribution of goods, the advertised release of a new product or service generates demand, which remains unsatisfied, since the product is not available.

Comprehensive and consistent promotional activities, developed taking into account marketing strategies, are much more effective than separate, not related to a common goal and separated in time.

Pattern: the greater the role of advertising in the development of sales, the greater will be the size of the advertising budget.


Idea - this is the concept of the nature of the advertising impact, its content and direction.

advertising idea - Arguments and facts expressed in a certain artistic form, which are the core of the advertising message and the basis for the formation of the consumer's belief that a particular product can best satisfy his needs.

The idea materializes in the development of a script, on the basis of which an advertising message is created (text, photographs, musical accompaniment, etc.) and an advertising campaign program is formed.

Forms of embodiment of the idea

- literary (textual, verbal):

- artistic (pictorial, visual). The advertising idea determines the artistic way of implementing the strategy.

Forms of realization of the advertising idea: a well-remembered image, character, plot move, slogan. An advertising strategy sets the information essence of an advertising message, and an advertising idea wraps it in an interesting form. The advertising idea must be consistent with the advertising strategy.

The description of the advertising strategy should indicate the types of advertising media and how they will be used. Such a description should begin with the definition of the audience to which the advertising campaign is directed, highlight the main priorities in working with it; it is also necessary to indicate the specific planned levels of coverage, frequency and duration. It is necessary to determine the nature of the advertising message. A division should be provided for the various promotional media planned to be used during the advertising campaign period, the budget for each of them, the production costs and the necessary materials. It is necessary to indicate the planned volume and duration of the advertisement, technical possibilities, as well as possible budgetary restrictions.


At the stage of developing an advertising message, the following factors should be considered.

Frequency of occurrence - an indicator that determines how many times the average representative of the target audience should face the appearance of advertising. This figure is highest for newspapers, radio and television, where advertisements appear daily. Telephone directories, any outdoor advertising, magazines and direct mail have the lowest frequency. Feature: information in special telephone directories can be placed or changed only once a year.

Force of influence advertising contact depends on the chosen distribution channel. Television has the highest degree of impact, as it can combine sound, color, movement and other factors.

Coverage - an indicator that reflects how many people in one contact will be able to get acquainted with an advertising message.

For television and radio, this is the total number of viewers (listeners) who encounter an advertising message.

For printed matter, coverage includes two components - circulation and transmission rate (how many times each copy reaches a new reader).

Stability The message characterizes how often this advertisement catches the eye of the consumer and how well it is remembered. Thus, outdoor advertising, roadside announcements and telephone directories are seen by a large number of people, magazines are stored for a long time by the consumer, and radio and television announcements last an average of about 30 seconds.

Occupancy - the number of advertisements contained in one program, one page, one publication, etc.


1. Choice of means of distribution of advertising.

When placing advertisements for goods and services, each advertiser must select the necessary advertising media, choosing between newspapers, magazines, radio, television, outdoor advertising, advertising on transport, direct mail advertising, etc. The choice of media depends on specific requirements, the specific situation.

Questions to be answered when choosing advertising media: 1) what is the target audience; 2) where are potential consumers: 3) what is the appeal; 4) When is the best time to post ads?

Market segmentation is determined by identifying the most likely potential buyers in terms of demographics, social status, lifestyle, degree of product use, etc. After that, the advertising media that most closely matches the characteristics of the target market and reaches the largest number of potential buyers is selected.

2. Market research.

Background of market research. The advertiser must determine what he wants to achieve with advertising, which markets he plans to deliver his product to, how to make an appeal, what advertising media to use, when and how often to advertise, how much money to spend on it.

The main areas of research in advertising:

A. Consumer Research helps to discover groups of potential buyers. It allows you to find out exactly how consumers perceive the advertiser's products and competitors' products, helps to understand what result the consumer hopes for when making a purchase decision.

B. Product Analysis makes it easier for advertisers to create products that bring the expected satisfaction to the consumer, and also helps to discover the merits of the product, which should be talked about.

B. Market analysis. The advertiser must consider the market as a collection of separate markets that differ from each other. Purpose of market analysis - locate promising markets and assess their potential capacity for their products. With this information, the advertiser can distribute his efforts among different market areas in proportion to their potential capacity and achieve the maximum recovery of advertising costs.

3. Development of the advertising campaign budget. The organization must rationally use its finances for an advertising campaign; to do this, she decides on the size of the advertising budget.

4. Volume and size of the market.

The amount of the budget is set depending on how many people need to be covered.


A new product requires more intensive advertising. The cost of bringing a new brand to a highly competitive market can eat into the first year's gross margin. Building brand awareness, including a period of trial sales and setting up a retail distribution network, requires a large upfront investment in advertising and promotion. After successfully launching a new brand, i.e. after reaching or exceeding milestones in the field of sales volumes, gaining market share, cost recovery, etc., the organization chooses one of the following strategies: 1) a strategy for further growth; 2) a strategy for maintaining the achieved position; 3) a strategy for reaping the fruits of what has been achieved.

The strategy for further growth requires a significant expansion of advertising. This process is accompanied by a drop in income for the next period of time, but opens up opportunities for the product to gain a large market share.

For well-established brands in a fully mature market, the strategy of maintaining the achieved position requires to maintain approximately the same relative level of advertising from year to year.

The strategy of reaping the benefits is aimed at revenue growth over the next period of time and replenishment of funds through a reduction in advertising spending and a decrease in market share.

Relationship between advertising spending and brand awareness. If the product has unique advantages, the volume of advertising is less than in cases where there is no clear difference.

Feature: less frequent and shorter visits are cheaper, therefore, this has an impact on reducing the budget as a whole. But in the absence of visible differences between the products of competing brands, the budget should provide funds to create a promising long-term value of the advertising object in the form of a brand image.

The impact of advertising on branded products advertising increases the value of branded goods to consumers by allowing the seller to charge a higher price, which increases the advertising budget.

The relationship between advertising costs and financial resources. Advertising costs to enter the national market can only be afforded by large firms with large financial resources. Small firms with limited funds can start small and increase advertising spending gradually as sales grow.

Profit and sales volume. With a significant amount of profit - even if the sales volume is small - the advertiser has different options in determining the size of the advertising budget. A small profit per unit can be covered by a large sales volume.

Feature: branded products with large advertising budgets are more expensive than other brands in the same product category.


Billboards - such advertising contributes to the creation and memorization of the image of a product or company. The target audience is passers-by and passengers passing by in transport. A subspecies of such advertising are electronic displays, illuminated advertising such as a running line, placed in public places and on the streets.

Exhibitions - provide extensive opportunities for demonstrating your own product and for concluding transactions for the supply or sale of goods, as well as studying competitors. Exhibitions contribute to the advertising of any product and advertising of the company as a whole.

Advertising on transport - most effective for advertising consumer goods and services.

Subway advertising - includes billboards placed in lobbies and passages, sticky applications in subway cars. Radio advertising in the metro is effective for advertising stores, goods and individual services.

Direct mail advertising (mailing) - quite often carried out by mass "casting" into mailboxes in areas as close as possible to the zone of distribution of goods and services. It is most effective for industrial goods, as it is the most effective means of influencing potential buyers.

Advertising on consumer goods - advertising on packages, packages, etc. Most effective for advertising consumer goods or advertising for a company. Advertising on balloons and aerostats -

specific type of advertising. It is most popular during exhibitions, public events and holidays.

Word of mouth advertising - advertising goods or services in person or by phone.

Factors influencing the choice of advertising media:

- goals pursued by the company;

- the product being advertised;

- economic development of the region.


1. Consistent - the easiest schedule Ads are placed once a week for 52 weeks or once a month for 12 months.

2. Seasonal - The media is used most intensively during peak seasonal sales.

3. Pulse feed - The media are used periodically, at regular intervals.

4. Uneven impulses - Advertisements are placed at irregular intervals to change traditional consumer demand cycles.

5. Snatch - used for a powerful campaign start.

6. Directional impulse - used to support specific manufacturer products with a theme. so that the purchase of this product during the passage of this advertising schedule significantly increased compared to other periods

Pulsating is the go-to for almost all but the simplest charts, and the degree of continuity or periodicity is just one aspect of the strategy.

Features of determining the coverage, frequency and continuity of the submission of advertisements.

1. Continuity is necessary so that advertising is not forgotten by the audience. The implementation of continuity requires the investment of significant capital over a fairly long period of time.

2. As the number of times a single advertisement appears in the media increases, both the number of people who remember the advertisement and the period during which they will remember it increase.

3. An advertising explosion can cause a large circle of people to remember for a short period of time.

4. Fewer ad impressions among a large group provides a higher retention value to the actual audience than if the ad was shown more often, but to a limited audience.


An advertising campaign must be subject to careful analysis and control.

The most effective control is a process. during which specialists answering telephone calls or receiving clients must unobtrusively find out from where, from which and where the published advertisements learned about the company, product or service. Such data should be systematized and summarized at the end of the week or month. This allows you to find out how effectively this or that publication works, how correctly the advertising text is composed.

Feature: they turn to advertising publications when they are looking for something, and when they find the necessary information, they immediately call or come. Advertising in a general political or business newspaper or magazine makes you think, attracts attention, but the result may not appear immediately.

Actions required to evaluate the effectiveness of an advertising campaign:

1. It is necessary to establish control in such a way that it is possible to calculate how many people and for which advertising make a purchase.

2. An advertising campaign must have feedback that is analyzed, compared and leads to conclusions.

Methods for evaluating the effectiveness of an advertising campaign:

- the optimal means of monitoring the effectiveness of an advertising campaign - a survey of people who make up the audience of various publications;

ratings of consumer reviews, in which they indicate the level of exposure to the advertisement;

Recognition tests measure the impact of an advertisement on different market segments and compare a company's advertisements with those of its major competitors.


When drawing up an advertising budget, the following factors should be considered:

- increased advertising costs; justified when a new product enters the market;

- there is no direct proportional relationship between the advertiser's share in the market and the share of its advertising expenses;

- the value of the ratio "share of advertising costs / market share" for large companies is small, for small firms it should be greater, since they need to let consumers know about their existence;

- the effectiveness of the impact of an advertising message depends on the following factors: the brand of the product, the period of the promotion, the individual characteristics of potential consumers, the economic situation, and the advertising pressure of competitors.

Advertising can be regarded as the sole factor that determines sales only if all other factors, including the nature and extent of competitors, remain unchanged. But in real life, these conditions are not met.

Advertising elasticity index - the expected change in sales of goods (in percent) with an increase in advertising costs by 1%. Feature: It is recommended to increase the advertising budget until the increase in expenses exceeds the increase in income.

To form an advertising budget, it is necessary to solve the following questions:

1) choose the style of communication and campaigning (intensive, extensive);

2) set communication goals (increase in popularity, improve the image):

3) determine the audience of advertising messages (quantitatively and qualitatively);

4) evaluate media carriers;

5) calculate the costs necessary to successfully achieve the goals.


The main items of the advertising budget include:

1. Costs for preparing promotional materials - the cost of producing an advertising product: printing advertising materials, production and recording of film, radio and television commercials, publication of brochures and catalogs, etc.

2. Cost of media space - the cost of advertising in various communication channels: the cost of an advertising page in the media of airtime on radio and television, rental of advertising media in outdoor and interior advertising, etc.

3. Spending on secondary distribution channels - the cost of postal and electronic distribution (database, drafting of texts, delivery), participation in congresses, exhibitions, presentations.

4. Fees - expenses for market research, development of an advertising idea and other creative developments (logos, trademarks, etc.).

5. Expenses for checking the quality of campaigns - the cost of measures to control the conduct of an advertising campaign, the cost of advertising testing.

6. Administrative expenses - the cost of the advertising department, payroll and overhead.

The size of the advertising budget may vary depending on the stage of the product's life cycle.

1. The appearance of the product on the market.

When a new product appears on the market, it is necessary to make a large investment in advertising.

2. The leading position of the product in the market.

When consumer awareness of a product becomes high enough and its image positive, it is not necessary to continue advertising this brand in the same volume.

3. Decrease in sales volumes.

With a decrease in sales, the organization is forced to spend much more money on advertising.

4. Changing the position of the product on the market.

If an organization wants to change its position in the market, then it needs to significantly increase advertising spending.


1. Method "percentage of sales"

This method is most popular in the preparation of an advertising budget. Disadvantages of the method:

1) the method does not take into account the possibility of advertising to influence the sales volume of the goods, since the amount of advertising costs is determined by the actually achieved or projected sales volume. It is likely that too high advertising costs will be identified for brands that are already well known in the market, and vice versa: insufficient funds are allocated for new products;

2) the method does not take into account the position of the product in the market and the activities of the company associated with it.

To establish the value of the advertising budget when using this method, you need to determine the relationship between advertising costs and sales volume.

Ways to determine this dependency:

- conducting experiments in real market conditions, during which the change in advertising costs for various chains of stores, cities or regions is carried out and the results of such measurements are analyzed;

- conducting experiments using the method of multi-channel cable planning, which allows you to track the amount of advertising viewed by predetermined groups of consumers and the number of goods purchased by them. Such studies have a high degree of reliability, but also a high cost.

2. Residual principle method

Organizations with limited financial resources may determine that they will spend on advertising as much as they have left after all the costs of maintaining their livelihoods have been met.

The advantages of the method: allows you to ensure that advertising campaigns are not too active and the allocated money is not wasted. This approach is based on the assumption that sales volume is practically independent of advertising costs.


Method based on the analysis of marginal economic indicators (determination of the functional relationship between advertising costs and sales volume).

Disadvantages of the method: 1. The assumption that it is advertising that increases sales often turns out to be wrong. 2. Over time, the functional dependence changes due to the processes taking place in the market.

Competitive parity method is the comparability of advertising costs with the advertising budgets of competitors, since organizations operating in the same industry develop advertising budgets that are close enough to the optimal volume.

Feature: it is necessary to take into account the specific features of the development of the campaign.

Determining the share of the advertising market This is a variation of the competitive parity method. Using this method, it is necessary to establish the relative share that brand advertising occupies in the total advertising of similar brands in this category. To accomplish this task, long-term measurements (within one year) are made. This indicator is called share of the advertising market, it is close to the market share occupied by the product.

Features: leading companies often have this indicator slightly less than their market share (savings in advertising costs due to the growth of the scale of activities). In order for a new company to take the planned market share, it is necessary to have a share in the advertising market twice as much.

Method of goals and objectives most often used by large companies to calculate their advertising budget.


1) the main goal of advertising activity is clearly and specifically formulated;

2) specific tasks are detailed;

3) the cost of the practical implementation of such activities is determined, which ultimately amounts to the size of the advertising budget.

Regression method is the study of historical data on the functional relationship between sales and advertising spending levels: how sales have changed in the past with changes in advertising spending, either by region or by different media channels.

Advantage of the method: does not require large financial costs, since already existing data is used.

Multi-Step Regression Analysis allows you to predict the sales volume for a certain period of time using the following independent variables: sales volume for the previous period; • marketing factors related to the given trade mark, and also trade marks of competitors; • advertising expenses: in the current period, for the previous period; • quality indicator of the creative level of advertisements'


The value of the advertising budget can be determined on the basis of an analysis of the number of advertising exposures per consumer. This method is a modification of the method of determining the advertising budget based on the goals and objectives of marketing. The main problem of this method is related to the determination of the required number of advertising impacts. Most often, it is enough to provide three or four exposures during a single purchase cycle.

Factors to consider when deciding on optimal ad frequency:

- the degree of commitment of advertising consumers to the brand;

- the degree of maturity of the brand;

- the complexity of the presentation of information material;

- the nature of associations arising from advertising, etc.

The best option: three promotional exposures during the period between two consecutive purchases of the same brand of product are sufficient to achieve or maintain the desired level of awareness or other advertising campaign objectives.

The first advertising exposure causes a consumer reaction, expressed by the question "What is it?"

In the second impact, the evaluative reaction leads to a certain action on the part of the consumer.

The third advertising impact is a simple reminder: if the consumer has not yet taken any action in response to an advertising message, it can lead him to a certain action.

Advertising growth period shows how quickly the ad will have its initial impact. Exhaustion period occurs when the build-up no longer has a positive impact on the audience.


Prerequisites for the emergence of international advertising: arose due to the global processes of integration and specialization taking place in the world economy.

Reasons for the emergence of international advertising:

1. "Economic" reasons.

Increasing production volumes and expanding markets allow companies to produce and sell goods at a lower cost than those of a small-scale competitor. The higher the degree of standardization, the greater the potential savings in time and cost.


- reducing the cost of research, development and marketing;

- the sale of goods in new markets is easier and more profitable, since price competition between the largest brands increases in long-established markets, incomes decrease;

- reducing the cost of packaging the goods, since a standardized approach is widely used to create packaging with information printed in several languages;

- the destruction of economic and customs barriers through the creation of various regional economic organizations, in particular, the creation of the EEC with its own currency has led to the fact that now companies can combine their means of production. Consequently, there is increased attention to the creation of trademarks suitable for universal use.

2. "Advertising" reasons:

creation by large advertising agencies of their global networks;

the similarity of consumer tastes allows the manufacture, sale and advertising of trademarks on a global scale;

the possibility of reducing the cost of production and research of advertising markets; enhanced development of global media (CNN. "Euronews"), an increase in the mass media infrastructure and the wide spread of the Internet: the interpenetration of cultures of different countries, the introduction of common cultural standards.


The differences between countries in terms of the level of economic development, the conditions of competition in the market and the behavior of consumers are so strong that full standardization is impossible and unprofitable. In this regard, despite the ever-increasing convergence and interpenetration of markets, consumer strata and media channels. differences in advertising remain quite significant. This pushes companies to find a compromise between global goals and local conditions.

Reasons preventing the creation and implementation of a single advertising for all countries.

1. Differences in levels of economic development. Such differences help to understand why consumers in different countries show different attitudes to the same advertisement, why they have different ways of making a purchase decision, levels of interest in the same category of goods, different priorities.

2. Cultural and behavioral differences. For the widespread use of global (global) advertising campaigns, there are serious obstacles in the form of cultural and behavioral differences among consumers in different countries. Such differences are expressed in different habits, taste and color preferences. The consumption of food and drink is closely related to cultural traditions.

3. International advertising campaigns aimed simultaneously at a large number of markets have a number of disadvantages. This is due to the fact that advertising operates with alphabetic and symbolic designations of the properties of the product, which in different cultures can be interpreted differently.

4. Legislative differences and specific state regulation. For this reason, information opportunities in individual markets can vary significantly, especially between European and Asian countries.


The advantage of an international advertising campaign consists in the possibility of creating a single advertising idea and concept, which are then used in different countries of the world.

The main arguments in favor of conducting international advertising campaigns.

1. It is possible to use a single advertising approach for certain categories of products for women and men: there are significant differences, consumers around the world are becoming more similar to each other, and advertising agencies, in turn, carefully monitor these trends, taking them into account when developing their advertising campaigns .

As a result of these changes, the popularity of individual brands.

2. In recent years, tendencies towards convergence of tastes and inclinations of consumers have become most clearly manifested. First of all, this concerns young people, since they are more subject to global cultural influence, expressed in fashion for music, clothes, food, and sports. Consequently. in advertising distributed in many countries, intended for this category of consumers, uniform approaches are used.

3. In almost every country, you can find consumer groups that will be common to many countries. For example, a category of consumers with high incomes who tend to purchase only high-quality and expensive goods. Or consumers who are connected by common desires and needs: young mothers, computer scientists, athletes, etc. In each country, you can find several groups of consumers for whom common life indicators, such as data on their life goals, motivations and values, the level of financial situation , are the unifying factor for the development of advertising campaigns.


1. Activity at the national level

The main task of advertising agencies after the development of an advertising concept is to localize their activities, giving it a national flavor.

The advertising agency must adopt the standards in force in a particular country and adjust the advertising of goods in accordance with the tastes of consumers living in that country.

It has been established that advertising campaigns developed for some countries can in some cases be successfully carried out in the markets of other countries. This enables local branches of network advertising agencies to create adequate advertising campaigns for their countries.

2. Accounting for the characteristics of various categories of goods in the local market

Advertisers must take into account the peculiarities inherent in specific product categories in the local market. Standardized advertising is mainly used for high-tech goods and products (cars, computers), as well as for goods from the category of luxury goods, focused on emotional and figurative perception (perfume, clothing, jewelry).

Standardized strategies and advertising campaigns are more effective in cases where the product has a utilitarian purpose and its advertising is informative; or if the features of the product are closely interrelated with the features of the national character.

Food and drink advertising campaigns are difficult to standardize because eating habits are closely tied to national culture; it's much easier to standardize advertising for a new brand of cake than it is for an old and well-known one. The reason for this is the fact that in the markets the old brand is at different stages of its life cycle, which leads to incompatible advertising campaigns.


The advertising message strategy is formed on the basis of the selection of the reported benefits of the product, as well as the choice of positioning and segmentation in the local market.

When developing an international advertising campaign, it is much easier to standardize the positioning platform for a product, allowing for local variations.

If the need for a product exists everywhere, a single strategy for its advertising is possible.

In some cases, it becomes necessary to position the same product differently in different markets. The following factors contribute to this:

- economic differences affect the positioning of goods;

- features of consumers' attitude to goods, due to the specifics of traditions;

- the product is in different stages of its life cycle;

- different habits of the use of products of a certain category;

- the competitive position of the product in different markets is different, etc.

The tactics of advertising messages are closely related to the choice of tone and format for presenting advertising messages. It is necessary to answer the question which of the approaches should be emphasized - rational, emotional, comparative or based on humor, fear, etc. All these characteristics are closely related to the cultural differences of consumers in different countries.

Obstacle when creating global advertising campaigns: opposition of national advertising agencies in relation to network ones. To resolve this issue, many international advertising campaigns began to be developed with the participation of personnel with experience in a particular local market, or through the creation of international teams (management and creative). The concept of an advertising message, developed in the center, is always scrupulously checked on the spot to determine how suitable it is for implementation in specific conditions.


1. Most advertising agencies strive to bring advertising into line with the conditions of a particular national market. But it must be borne in mind that when using special moves, such as, for example, humor, one should take into account the differences in its perception that exist in different countries. 2. Tactical differences can also be caused by the availability of media and the cost of advertising on the air or in outdoor advertising. Thus, in Russia advertising on television is used by advertisers more often than in other European countries, since its comparative cost is lower. 3. Russians are more skeptical about advertising than Europeans. Japanese consumers pay little attention to advertising, but they are very receptive to it and allow themselves to be easily persuaded.

When choosing an expert or character to play the role of a product advocate in advertising, it may also require a change in tactics related to the characteristics of the local market, although in some cases it is recognizable everywhere, regardless of the country.

Many advertisers who create international advertising campaigns use the same themes and creative techniques in local markets. Unless there is a need for major changes, the same centrally produced TV commercials translated into the local language are used. Advertisements based on video images and music are easier to transfer to different markets than those that use hard-to-translate, flashy slogans or are text-heavy.


Activities of network advertising agencies is that they create ads for their global campaigns that will have the best chance of success in more markets. Work process:

1. Advertising agencies create video and music recordings and other promotional materials in one creative center and instruct their local offices to use them without fail in all kinds of situations. Changes must be agreed with the agency's headquarters.

2. The advertising message is translated into the local language, and then the necessary modification of the production of the advertising product is carried out, completing the full localization of the developed advertising message strategy for use in a particular country. The easiest way to adapt such adaptation is with advertising messages, in which information is presented with minimal use of text, which makes it easier to overcome the language barrier.

Features of advertising in foreign countries Japan. Advertising puts less pressure on the consumer than in other countries. It is much more filled with symbols, less saturated with information, more emotional, focused on the position of the consumer in society, on creating the image of a manufacturing company, and less comparative than in the United States.

England. Television advertising in England is less intrusive and more entertaining than in other countries.

Germany. Advertisements in this country are more informative than in other countries, quite straightforward and real in meaning.

America. Advertising in this country is not as informative as the European one. Compared to Russia, advertising in the United States is more prone to over-promising about the benefits that the advertised product can provide.


International media advertising strategy is to optimally allocate advertising budgets for different countries.

Feature: advertising spending will be the same across multiple countries if the buying cycles for a particular product category are similar.

Parameters that turn out to be different for different countries:

- the number of consumers covered by the media;

- absolute and relative costs of air advertising time and advertising space in the media;

- the level of distribution of certain categories of goods in the consumer environment.

These figures can significantly influence the change in the size of advertising allocations for different countries.

Tactics of international advertising in the media analyzes the placement of advertising budgets in media channels. Since the bulk of media is local and specific to each country, media planning and media deals are always carried out at the local level. The same media in different countries vary greatly in terms of the degree of coverage of the consumer audience. Decision-making on the media at the local level is very important due to the lack of press agencies in many countries that provide objective information about periodicals. Modern tendencies: In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the number of global channels (including satellite television) that allow advertising information to be transmitted directly to consumers' homes via satellite dishes or cable networks. This made it possible to enter into advertising contracts directly with multinational broadcasters.

Legislative regulation: media contracting rules vary from country to country. Sometimes the demonstration of commercials requires permission from local authorities.


A number of circumstances contributed to the activation of the creation of international networks of advertising agencies.

1. Global producers of goods and services have significantly expanded the range of their activities outside of domestic markets and began to intensively consolidate their advertising media that could represent the interests of the advertiser in most or all countries where their trademarks are distributed.

But many companies continue to place advertising orders with not one, but several advertising agencies, both in their home market and abroad.

2. Increasing advertising spending outside the US and Europe has led advertising agencies to move into new markets to get their clients' orders.

3. The reason for the centralization of the process of creating an advertising campaign is the significant difference in the levels of creative capabilities of a network agency and a local one.

As a prerequisite, large clients began to impose on advertising agencies the requirement of centralization of departments responsible for interaction with clients, when the advertiser deals with only one department from the advertising agency, which bears full responsibility for the creation, coordination and implementation of a global advertising campaign.

Many network agencies have senior staff who interact with the advertiser's staff. Such managers also cooperate with local managers working in agency branches and responsible for advertising campaigns in the local market. These companies interact with the customer's local representative to carry out the necessary advertising adaptation, planning and selection of local media channels.


State regulation of advertising activities is carried out through the creation of a legislative framework and the formation of a system of executive bodies exercising control.

The main objects of state regulation of advertising:

- advertising activity in general;

- advertising of goods that pose a potential danger to consumers;

- use of unsubstantiated claims:

- copyright protection for advertising ideas and solutions;

- legal protection of trademarks and other forms of intellectual property;

- misleading advertising and comparative advertising;

- advertising directed at children;

The essence of state regulation of advertising minimal state interference in advertising activities, with the exception of direct bans on certain types of advertising of tobacco products, alcohol and restrictions on the distribution of advertising aimed at children and with their participation.

Legislative acts in various countries only in two countries of the world, Spain and Russia, laws on advertising have been adopted (in Russia it came into force on July 18, 1995). In France, there is no one general law, but laws have been adopted on certain types of advertising, and part of the legislative norms on advertising is concentrated in the articles of other laws. In the US and England, priority is given to judicial precedents and self-regulation in advertising.

Self-regulation of advertising activities

Public self-regulation is the activity of public organizations created by advertisers and consumers.

The goal of many advertising associations - fight against unfair competition in the advertising business, the elimination of false advertising.

Associations work: in their activities, the associations make efforts to mitigate criticism of advertising from the general public and prevent government intervention in the problems of the industry.

From the point of view of the state, self-regulation is tempting, since it removes some of the responsibility and certain duties from its supervisory bodies. In addition, self-regulatory organizations can take over advising entrepreneurs on the compliance of their activities with advertising legislation.

Role of self-regulation

1. Self-regulatory bodies contribute to state control over compliance with advertising legislation;

2. Self-regulation involves the voluntary control of business organizations over advertising behavior based not only on the force of law, but also on rules established by the business community itself.


Regulation of advertising activities is carried out in two directions:

1) state regulation (detailed legislative regulation of advertising activities);

2) self-regulation (public control over compliance with the rules of conduct in the advertising business).

Regulatory components of the advertising business:

1. State regulation: documents defining the basic forms and rules of advertising activities - laws adopted by the State Duma, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation and individual ministries.

2. State organizations, supervising the execution of the adopted documents: the Ministry for Antimonopoly Policy and Entrepreneurship Support (MAP), sectoral ministries and departments.

3. Self-regulation: public and professional organizations of advertisers, consumers, advertisers, both individual and joint (Advertising Council of Russia, etc.).

Reasons for regulating advertising activities: it aims to protect the consumer against misleading or misleading advertising.

Regulation of advertising activities is necessary so that the consumer has the unconditional right to:

- safe use of the purchased goods:

- obtaining the necessary information about the product:

- Confirmation of the conformity of the real functionality of the product with the information obtained from advertising.

In Russia, there are more than ten public and professional organizations involved in the legal regulation of advertising activities.


History of creation: in 1995, the Public Council for Advertising was founded, which in 2000 was transformed into the Advertising Council of Russia (PCR) - a self-regulatory body for advertising activities.

Council members: leading all-Russian associations and unions of advertising agencies, advertisers, mass media, consumer societies and regional advertising self-regulation organizations.

Board structure: consists of committees for the development of ethical standards for advertising activities and for the consideration of appeals and the practice of imputing self-regulation and legislation.

The main activities of RSR:

- taking part in the work to improve advertising legislation;

- development of the advertising self-regulation system in Russia;

- preliminary examination of promotional materials; coordination of activities of regional advertising self-regulation organizations;

- consideration of appeals and precedents;

- pre-trial resolution of disputes and conflict situations in advertising;

- interaction with Russian and foreign settlement organizations and advertising associations.

In 2000, members of the Council developed and put into effect Russian advertising code.

It was based on the norms of the International Code of Advertising Activities of the International Chamber of Commerce, it took into account ethical norms and provisions that reflect the characteristics of the advertising market and the cultural and historical characteristics of Russia.

The Advertising Council of Russia took an active part in the development of the Federal Law "On Advertising" and other bills.

Regional self-regulation organizations exist in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Volgograd, Arkhangelsk, Krasnodar and other cities.


In the 90s. In the XNUMXth century, the first public organizations appeared in Russia, uniting the advertisers of the country.

The most authoritative Russian Association of Advertising Agencies (founded in 1993), representing the interests of the largest advertising agencies.

Association members - About a hundred advertising agencies.

Main activities

1) representation and protection of members of the association;

2) assistance in the development of advertising legislation, cooperation with international advertising organizations, etc.

In 2004 the association changed its name to Association of Communication Agencies of Russia (ACAR).

The name change had an impact on the qualitative composition of the association. Currently, its members can be not only advertising agencies, but also other agencies involved in the marketing communications system, such as PR agencies, marketing agencies, etc.

National Advertising Association (former Association of Advertising Workers of Russia) has been operating since 1996. Its area of ​​activity - development of advertising business in the country and improvement of advertising practice. It brings together about a hundred representatives of the advertising market - advertisers, advertisers, advertising producers.

International Confederation of Consumer Societies (ConfOP).

The organization unites national and regional consumer organizations of six countries - Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia. Turkmenistan. In 2000 it had 57 members.

Feature: it carefully monitors the development of advertising processes that help it protect consumers from unfair advertising.

The main tasks of the organization:

1) providing consumers with professional assistance from specialists;

2) representation and protection of the interests of consumers in their relations with business and the state.


Professional self-regulatory associations include:

1. Russian Direct Marketing Association (1995);

2. National network of television and radio broadcasters - HAT (1995);

3. Union of outdoor advertising professionals (1999):

4. Russian Association of Regional Television Companies (RART) 1995;

5. National Association of Publishers - NAI (1998);

6. Russian Association of Independent Broadcasting (1999);

7. Moscow Advertising Guild (1998):

8. Russian Media Union (2002). International non-governmental organizations.

These organizations have a great influence on the coordination of joint efforts, the unification of advertising requirements on the international market.

The most famous and influential advertising organizations: International Advertising Association International Public Relations Association, International Chamber of Commerce, International Union of Fairs, International Union of Advertisers, European Association of Direct Advertising Enterprises. European Association of Advertising Self-Regulatory Organizations (EASA).

International associations of advertisers.

The largest international association of advertisers - World Federation of Advertisers.

Main line of business - development of international standards for the purchase of media advertising space.

Research organizations associated with advertising activities.

At the present stage in Russia, a number of research organizations necessary for advertisers have been formed and are actively operating.

The goals of their activities:

- give an objective assessment of various media;

- study the characteristics of the target groups;

- Explore regional advertising markets. Some of them are branches of large international research firms. Organizations created by Russian specialists are independent and independent in their activities.


History of creation: On June 14, 1995, the State Duma of Russia adopted the Federal Law "On Advertising", which entered into force on July 18, 1995

Purpose of the Law: establishes responsibility for false advertising, the basic principles of advertising activities in the country; • promotes the regulation of legal relations arising in the process of creating, distributing and receiving advertising; • determines the rights and obligations of participants in the advertising process, as well as the mechanism of state regulation in the field of advertising.

The Law defines the concept of advertising, the main participants in the advertising process: advertiser, advertising producer, advertising distributor, advertising consumer, etc.

The main sections of the Law. 1. "General and special requirements for advertising"; 2. "Features of advertising"; 3. "Protection of minors in the production, placement and distribution of advertising"; 4. "Rights and obligations of advertisers, advertising producers and advertising distributors"; 5. "The powers of the federal antimonopoly body for state control in the field of advertising and the rights of self-regulatory bodies in the field of advertising"; 6. "Responsibility of the advertiser, advertising producer and advertising distributor".

The Law considers the features of certain types of advertising, as well as the features of advertising certain types of goods, such as alcohol, tobacco, medicines, etc.

There is a provision in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation providing for liability for deliberately false advertising.

Information contained in the Law:

1. The law grants certain rights to self-government bodies in the field of advertising to control advertising activities in Russia: they can remove unfair advertising, as well as bring to justice violators of the law.

2. The concepts of unreliable and unfair advertising are clearly and thoroughly set out in the Federal Law "On Advertising".

The main legislative acts of direct action that regulate advertising activities to varying degrees:

- Law of 1991 "On mass media";

- Federal Law of 1995 "On state regulation of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products";

- Law of 1992 "On Trademarks, Service Marks and Appellations of Origin";

- Federal Law of 1998 "On Medicines".


Integrated Marketing Communications is a concept that is based on the detailed coordinated planning of communication components (types of advertising, direct marketing, sales promotion and public relations activities - PR), as well as their joint use, taking into account a specific market situation, in order to ensure maximum communication impact on consumer.

The Importance of Integrated Marketing Communications:

1. Allows you to guarantee the consistency of appearance and uniformity of tone of all information about the product in all sources of advertising distribution: media ads, print advertising, direct marketing, PR events. All this contributes to the creation of a single image of the brand, and the consumer receives advertising messages in the same style.

2. The disadvantages inherent in one of the elements compensate for the advantages of the other.

Elements of marketing communications: advertising; direct marketing; product promotion; package; Exhibitions; PR.

Purpose of communications:

- strengthening brand awareness:

- creating or changing the image:

- providing a trial or re-purchase. Approaches to estimating the costs of conducting integrated marketing communications:

1. Costs are considered as investments that should pay off within a few years.

2. Costs are considered as current costs incurred simultaneously with the costs of organizing sales or establishing contact with the consumer.


The resolution of tactical and strategic tasks is a multi-stage process determined by the specifics of the instrument of influence on the consumer.

The basis of all tactical and strategic decisions - integration or full interaction of the components of the marketing communications system during the period of the promotion. Any targeted communication contact must be used to convey an appropriate advertising message and be accompanied by the receipt of responses to it.

Actions necessary to solve strategic and tactical tasks:

1) determining the degree of integration and coordination of various forms of communication;

2) determining the degree of consistency of produced advertising messages;

3) determination of temporal and spatial opportunities for interaction with consumers:

4) determination of the mode of use of the annals of distribution of advertising and communications;

5) determination of the general style of advertising messages;

6) setting ultimate goals;

Issues addressed in the process of strategic planning:

- what attitudes or behaviors of consumers are planned to be affected;

- what are the media channels used in the advertising process;

- what form of communication is needed in each particular case;

- what are the quantitative indicators of the goals;

- collection of information about the consumer;

- setting the required budget;

- Appointment of persons responsible for the implementation of programs.

Tactical tasks are solved based on the specifics of a particular product.


1. Intensive development strategy (consumer increase strategy).

Purpose of the strategy: used to increase secondary demand and contribute to:

- an increase in the intensity and frequency of purchases:

- an increase in the volume of consumption of goods;

- the emergence of new methods of using the product;

- Growth in popularity and demand for the product.

2. Extensive development strategy (strategy for increasing primary demand)

Purpose of the strategy: aimed at conquering new markets and new consumers.

Situations that determine the choice of ways to achieve the goal:

1) the market is far from saturation, but is in a state of stagnation. In such a market, there is potential primary demand, and consumer behavior can change at any time. The success of using integrated marketing communications depends on the stable position of the company in the market and changes in demand under the influence of advertising;

2) new market. The organization gains popularity in the market and a positive image in the eyes of consumers.

3. Competitive strategy.

The basis of this strategy is a thorough analysis of the competitive situation in the market for a particular product.

4. Strategy of trusting relationships. The goal of the strategy - retention of regular customers, which contribute to attracting new ones.

To do this, use:

advertising messages that match the lifestyle of potential buyers; maintaining the popularity of the product at the achieved level;

improving the image of the product through a constant reminder of its high quality: creating an idea of ​​the product that meets modern trends.


1. Use of a single communication service provider (advertising agency).

Advertising agencies can coordinate forms of customer communication over a long period of time. Communication actions are carried out by the agency itself, and it has the right to manage the entire communication budget of the client. At the same time, advertising agencies may have difficulty in integrating various advertising areas, and also face problems in incentivizing their staff to use a truly integrated approach to solving assigned problems.

2. Recourse to several specialized communication service providers. This allows you to choose the most successful solution to the issue from several. Large companies entrust the implementation of the necessary integration work to their staff. This scheme reduces competition among multiple vendors for the best advertising idea.

3. Scheme of work based on the opinion of the manufacturer's employees, who believe they themselves have the skills to develop and implement an integrated marketing communications program. But such actions lead to the fact that the various components of marketing communications are poorly coordinated with each other. The main directions for improving the work of integrated marketing communications:

1) optimization of the interaction of various functional departments in advertising agencies responsible for the implementation of tasks;

2) organization of joint work and training of employees of the client and the advertising agency;

3) optimization of communication and distribution of responsibilities for the fulfillment of established goals among the manufacturer's personnel.


Advertising is one of the elements of marketing communications.

The objectives of advertising within integrated marketing communications:

1) increasing the level of brand awareness among a specific target audience;

2) changing the image of an existing product, creating the image of a new one;

3) ensuring demand for goods during periods of falling demand;

4) attraction of new consumers;

Impact of integrated marketing communications on advertising: ensures greater consistency in the use of all forms of communication.

Specific features of advertising: advertising does not always prompt the consumer to take immediate action. By creating a favorable attitude towards the brand, it does not provide the necessary impetus for the formation of a request, a desire to try a product or make a purchase. Advertising is often followed by direct marketing and promotional activities.

Disadvantages of advertising: some consumers believe that advertising is biased, so they often do not trust it. In order to change the minds of consumers, the advertiser must place their advertisements in mass media that are trustworthy for the consumer.

Marketing communication plan.

In this regard, the various elements of communication complement each other. Planning of advertising activities is carried out within the framework of the integrated marketing communications plan. Advertising can be based on the positioning of a product in the market. It allows a potential buyer to make a choice in favor of a particular product.

The role of integrated marketing communications: the whole system of integrated marketing communications stimulates sales and, using advertising methods, informs the consumer about the product.


Direct marketing {direct marketing) - a form of communication that generates customer databases; influences certain segments of consumers; allows you to track and analyze consumer reactions to different offers Components of direct marketing:

- telemarketing (tele shops)

- direct mail advertising;

- direct response advertising on television, radio and other media. Direct marketing line of business: is aimed at generating a response in the form of sending coupons or phone calls.

Impact of Direct Marketing Ads: designed to create consumer confidence in information, contribute to the purchase.

Benefits of direct marketing:

1) registration of consumer response;

2) the possibility of an individual appeal to a specific consumer with a special, pre-prepared offer.

The response probability is calculated mathematically as a function of the scores:

1) frequencies - the number of purchases made by the client earlier;

2) novelty - time since the date of the last customer order;

3) the monetary equivalent of the volume of the order - the amount of money spent by the client on the goods of the company earlier.

Types of communication options:

1. Telemarketing - a type of direct marketing, which is in the nature of establishing primary contact;

2. Direct mail - sending advertising correspondence by regular and e-mail.

3. Direct responses (direct response)

- TV marketing (a TV viewer can order a product after seeing it on TV);

- online store. A consumer can order a product by seeing it on the store's website on the Internet.

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